Alzheimer Report
Alzheimer Report
Alzheimer Report
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive and irreversible brain condition. The two most
common symptoms of the condition are confusion and memory loss. Alzheimer's disease
slowly causes thinking and memory to deteriorate to the point that even simple tasks become
difficult or impossible. Alzheimer's disease is named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906.
getting lost, Trouble recognizing family and friends, Problems remembering events, time, and
abnormal build-up of certain types of proteins. As the abnormal build-up of proteins lead to
tau tangles and amyloid plaques, previously healthy neurons stop functioning, the three
defining characteristics of the disease are neurofibrillary tangles, amyloid plaques, and
neuron loss. Stages of Alzheimer's disease Early Stage during this early stage of the disease,
people begin to experience mild symptoms but often still function and live independently,
Middle Stage this stage of the disease is usually the longest. During this time, symptoms
Stage during the late stages of the disease, mental function declines to the point that it has a
serious impact on physical functioning. At this point, people lose the ability to converse and
carry out movements. They require around-the-clock care and assistance. Diagnosis through
Brain imaging: Computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and
positron emission tomography (PET), Lumbar puncture, Mental status tests. Risk Factors are
Age, Being overweight, Family history, Lifestyle factors. Treatment, there is no cure for
Alzheimer's but there are treatments that can help slow the progression of the disease and
make living with the condition more manageable those medicines are Donepezil (Aricept),
Pinel, J. P., & Barnes, S. J. (2014). Introduction to biopsychology. Pearson Education.
What Is Alzheimer’s Disease? (2020). Verywell Mind.