Em 1questions Bank
Em 1questions Bank
Em 1questions Bank
Sr. Questions
1 Explain the working of 1 phase transformer. Also drive its EMF equations.
2 State the regulation of a transformer.
3 Developed equivalent circuit of transformer. Draw the pharos diagram of
no- load and on- load condition.
4 Discuss the test to find out the iron loss and copper loss in transformer
with justifications.
5 Describe an auto transformer including its point such as definition,
comparison with two winding transformer, applications.
6 Explain the two tests used for determining the losses in single phase
7 Explain the various losses taking place in a transformer and drive the
equations for its maximum efficiency. Also define the all day efficiency.
8 Explain how 3-phase supply can be converted in to two phase supply
using scott connection?
9 Explain the conditions for parallel operations of three phase transformers.
10 Discuss the open delta connections of three phase transformer with
necessary circuit and vector diagrams.
11 Compare conventional and instrument transformer.
12 Describe different parts of D.C. machine with the help of neat diagram.
13 Differentiate between self- excited and separately excited D.C. machine.
Draw the load characteristic of shunt, series, and compound generators.
14 State electromechanical energy conversation
15 Explain the following characteristic of separately excited D.C. generator.
1. No-load saturation characteristic 2. Internal and external characteristic.
16 Explain the various types of losses occurring in D.C. generator.
17 Explain the external and internal characteristic of D.C. shunt generator.
18 Explain construction and working principle of D.C. machine.
19 Explain the phenomenon of armature reaction in D.C. machine. Explain
the different method of neutralize the effect of armature reaction.
20 Discuss the load characteristic of D.C. shunt, series, and compound
motors. Also state their applications.
21 Explain armature reaction of the D.C. machine. Give its remedies also.
22 Explain in brief various methods of speed control of D.C. shunt motors.
23 Explain the working principle of D.C. motor. Drive the conditions for
maximum power.
24 What are commutations? Give its reedits for commutation.
25 Compare field control and armature voltage control method of speed
control of a D.C. motor.
26 Explain the phenomena of armature reaction in D.C. machine. State its
27 Explain the different method of speed control of D.C. series motor.
28 Explain the Swinburne test of D.C. machine for finding losses with
necessary diagram.
29 Explain the term ‘back emf’ in respect to D.C. motor.