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Fredrick The Great

9. Is the most extensively used, and the most

CRIMINOLOGISTS Licensure Examination effective means of police patrol, considering
Afternoon Session 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. its speed and mobility.
------------------------------------------------- A. bicycle patrol
B. motorcycle patrol
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each D. mobile patrol
of the following questions. Mark only the answer
for each item by shading the box corresponding 10. Who may administer the qualifying entrance
to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet and promotional examinations for the officers
provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. and members of the Philippine National Police?
1. The term POLITIA is derived from
A. Greek 11. Which of the following is the most ideally
B. German suited in evacuation and search-and-rescue
C. French duties?
D. Roman A. Motorcycle
B. Patrol car
2. Known as Napoleon’s eye, he conducted C. Helicopter
counter-intelligence against spies, who D. Bicycle
utilized deceit and blackmail to gain
information. 12. It is the central receiving entity for any
A. Karl Schulmeister citizen’s complaint against the members and
B. Wilhelm Stieber officers of the PNP?
C. Alfred Redl A. DILG
3. those who gives information through D. IAS
telephone with the hope that the informant
cannot be identified 13. The act of temporarily denying an officer
A. Confidential Informant the privilege of performing his police duties
B. Anonymous Informant in consequence of an offense and violation of
C. Voluntary Informant rules and regulations.
D. Special Informant A. Dismissal
B. Restriction
4. A person who is selected cultivated and C. Suspension
developed into a continuous source of info D. Reprimand
A. Incidental Informant
B. Spontaneous informant 14. Eliminating or removing the risk totally
C. Criminal Informant from the business, government, or industrial
D. Recruited informant environment for which the risk manager has
5. The basic load of ammunition per unit of duly A. Risk Reduction
licensed firearm shall no exceed: B. Risk Spreading
A. 20 loads C. Risk Avoidance
B. 30 loads D. Risk Self-assumption
C. 25 loads
D. 50 loads 15. Refers to distinctive physical device of
metal and ribbon, which constitute the tangible
6. It is the total number of police officers evidence of an award.
assigned in patrol duties. A. Medal
A. Mandatory strength B. Awards
B. Effective strength C. Decorations
C. Physical strength D. Ribbons
D. None of the foregoing
16. Is carried out in face-to-face interaction
7. One of the following exercises control and with the people who are to be affected. It also
supervision over the PNP units during elections include field surveys and interpersonal
A. DILG dialogue marked by a process of mutual learning
B. NBI is called
C. COMELEC A. Transactive Planning
D. Ombudsman B. Incremental Planning
C. Advocacy Planning
8. The father of military espionage was; D. Radical Planning
A. Akbar
B. Genghis Khan 17. It is responsible for all matters relating
C. Alexander The Great to training within Hong Kong Police except
internal security, auxiliary and marine police D. was able to eliminate the subject
training. Training provided by the Police
College includes recruit and continuation 26. What is the covert observation of an area, a
training. Crime investigation training, police building or stationary object in order to get
driver training and weapon tactics training. information?
A. Hong Kong Police College A. Penetration
B. Hong Kong Police Training school B. Surveillance
C. Hong Kong Police School C. Casing
D. Hong Kong School of Police D. Undercover work

18. What is that approach that concludes a long 27. The most effective type of filing
range and comprehensive planning are not only A. Pigeon hole
too difficult but inherently bad? B. Record management
A. Incremental planning C. Chain of custody
B. Synoptic planning D. Record file
C. Transactive planning
D. Radical planning 28. The highest police official in the city.
A. Mayor
19. Whatever the method of grouping internal B. Chief of Police
activities, all bureaucratic agencies segregate C. City Police
the function of line, staff, and auxiliary D. Governor
personnel. Which of the following is a line
function? 29. Following a person
A. Patrol activities A. Surveillance
B. Records keeping B. Undercover
C. Planning and research C. Shadowing
D. Logistical operations D. Decoy

20. Among the following, which one best define 30. The PNP Headquarters was name after the first
the doctrine of maximum tolerance? chief of the Philippine Constabulary.
A. Crying policeman A. Director General Ceasar Nazareno
B. Anger should be minimized at the heat of a B. Brigadier General Rafael Crame
public chaos C. Captain Henry T. Allen
C. Force is necessary when properly ordered D. Colonel Marcus Elis Jones
D. No warning shot during police interventions
31. The following conducts the promotional
21. During public assembly, it is considered as examination for the PNP
the highest degree of restraint that the police, A. DILG
military and other peace keeping authorities B. Commissioned on Appointment
shall observe during a public assembly or in the C. CSC
dispersal of the same. D. NAPOLCOM
A. Tolerance
B. High tolerance 32. The Philippine Center on Transnational
C. Maximum tolerance Crimes is under the office of the President and
D. Frustration tolerance also under the general supervision of?
(Executive Order No. 35 dated April 11, 2011)
22. It is the willingness to be patient towards A. National Security Adviser
people whose opinions were different from B. DFA
others. C. DILG
A. rules of engagement D. DND
B. dispersal of crowd
C. maximum tolerance 33. What type of pilferer is one who steals due
D. operational procedures to his inability to resist the unexpected
opportunity and has little fear of detection is
23. The former first Filipino President of no plan or premeditation and he is usually a
INTERPOL in 1980 to 1984 “loner” on the job?
A. Jolly R. Bugarin A. Casual pilferer
B. Teuodolo C. Natividad B. Systematic pilferer
C. Johann Schober C. Alcoholic/Addict
D. Oscar Dressler D. Hero type

24. The following are the 3 Bureaus under the 34. What is the PC/INP integration act?
A. PNP B. RA 8551
B. BJMP C. RA 4864
C. BFP D. PD 1184
35. Is the conferring of an amount of authority
25. When an undercover man is burnt out, he – by a superior onto a lower-level position?
A. recorded the information A. Delegation of Authority
B. was being compromised B. Unity of command
C. has escaped from a shoot out C. Ranking officer
D. Superior strength 45. An authenticated list of personnel given to
security allowing entry to compound or
36. Subdivision of a bureau installation or part thereof.
A. Post A. duress code
B. Bureau B. ID
C. Division C. access list
D. Section D. pass system

37. It is defined as system of barriers placed 46. What is the equivalent rank of the Chief PNP
between the matters protected and the potentials in Singapore?
intruder. A. Commissioner of Police
A. Physical Security B. Inspector General of Police
B. Personnel Security C. Inspector General
C. Document Security D. General
D. Computer Security
47. If you are a security officer what type of
38. What is the system of natural or man-made fence would you suggest to avoid personal view
barriers placed between the potential intruder on the establishment?
and the objects, persons and matters being A. Solid fence
protected? B. Full-view fence
A. document security C. Windows and Grills
B. physical security D. Top guard
C. communications security
D. personnel security 48. If the information or documents are produced
openly without regard as to whether the subject
39. Under physical security, what should be of the investigation becomes knowledgeable of
placed between the prospective intruder and the purpose/s for which it is being gathered.
target installation? A. Overt operation
A. Hazard B. Evaluation
B. Risk C. Covert operation
C. Net D. Interpretation
D. Barrier
49. The following are the appropriate
40. The heart identification system. eligibilities for Police Officer 1, except:
A. DNA A. Honor Graduates pursuant to P.D. 907
B. Type blood B. Licensed Criminologists pursuant to R.A.
C. Fingerprint card 6506
D. Photograph C. Bar and PRC Board Passers pursuant to R.A.
41. PO1 Toni was assigned to have a surveillance D. Holder of a Master's Degree pursuant to CHED
of an event to ensure that when they visit the Memorandum Order
occasion they are in the proper uniform. What
did PO1 Toni conducted? 50. Implies that system of varied functions
A. Surveillance arrange into a workable pattern?
B. Casing A. Functional type
C. None of these B. Functional principle
D. Roping C. Line and staff
D. Functional arrangement
42. In stationary surveillance, the following
must be observed, EXCEPT 51. A single uninterrupted line of authority-
A. never meet subject face to face often represented by boxes lines of
B. avoid eye contact organizational chart should run in order by rank
C. recognized fellow agent from top command to the level of the
D. if burnt out, drop subject organization.
A. organizational control
43. Vigilat ut Quiescant means B. scalar chain
A. He sleeps that they may watch C. administrative control
B. He Watches while so he may sleep D. span of control
C. He watches that they may not sleep
D. He watches that they may sleep 52. The observation of places or areas from a
fixed point.
44. The graduates of the PNPA shall be A. Stakeout
automatically appointed to the initial rank of B. Surveillance
______. C. Observation
A. Not less than SPO4 but not more than D. Conference
B. Inspector 53. A __________ is usually for the purpose of
C. Senior inspector waiting for the anticipated arrival of a suspect
D. Defending upon from your merits/awards who is either wanted for investigation or who
is expected to commit a crime at a certain
A. stake out
B. follow up D. Inspections
C. cops and robbers game
D. surveillance 63. Surety bond required in creating a security
agency with 200-499 security guards.
54. In 1945 He became the chief of the MPD when A. 100,000
it was reconstituted and placed under the B. 150,000
control of the America. C. 500,000
A. Captain Henry T. Allen D. 1,000,000
B. Colonel Marcus Elis Jones
C. General McArthur 64. They are any persons who offer or render
D. William Taft personal service to watch or secure either
residential or business establishment.
55. What law created the Philippine Constabulary A. company guard
(PC)? B. government security
A. PD 605 C. security guards
B. Act 175 D. private detective
C. PD 101
D. RA 6975 65. It is any person who performed detective work
for hire, reward or commission.
56. The principle in which an employee should be A. company guard
under the direct control one and only immediate B. government security
supervisor is known as____. C. security guard
A. Scalar principle D. private detectives
B. Command Responsibility
C. Unity of Command 66. What type of security is given to the
D. Span of Control businessman who inspects a compound or
57. It is the process of providing clear cut A. VIP security
channels of authority, which is very important B. Personnel security
in maintaining high working morale and esprit C. Industrial security
d’ corps. D. Official security
A. unity of command
B. span of control 67. The operation by the Special Action Force
C. division of work was intended to capture or kill wanted Malaysian
D. personnel development terrorist and bombmaker Zulkifli Abdhir
(MARWAN) and other Malaysian terrorists and/or
58. Under this principle, each group reports to high-ranking members of the BIFF.
an individual who is part of a supervisory group A. Oplan Wolverine
that answers to a higher supervisor and so on B. Oplan Exodus
until a group of administrators report to the C. Oplan ISO
chief executive. D. Oplan SANDUGO
A. unity of command
B. scalar principle 68. Natural hazards like storms, earthquake and
C. span of control floods could reduce the disastrous effects of
D. aggregation principle these phenomena.
A. Disaster Plan
59. Who is qualified to apply for age waiver? B. Industrial Plan
A. an applicant who is 21 years old C. Extra-departmental plan
B. an applicant who is not below 20 years old D. Risk reduction plan
nor more than 35 years old
C. an applicant who is below 21 years old nor 69. Measures to safeguard factories,
more than 30 years old manufacturing establishment, etc.
D. an applicant who is not below 30 years old A. Factory Security
nor more than 40 years old B. Communication Security
C. Industrial Security
60. The formal relationship among superiors and D. Business Security
subordinates in any given organization.
A. Hierarchy 70. Who possesses the height qualification?
B. Authority A. An applicant who is at least 1.62m in height
C. Command for male and 1.57m for female
D. Control B. An applicant who is at least 1.57m in height
for male and 1.52m for female
61. Listed below are all types of patrol, EXCEPT C. An applicant who is at least 1.52m in height
A. Horse patrol for male and 1.57m for female
B. Highway patrol D. An applicant who is at least 1.57m in height
C. Foot patrol for male and 1.62m for female
D. Motorcycle patrol
71. He exercise the power to revoke, for cause,
62. It is the weakest link in the security chain. licenses issued to the security guards.
A. Managers A. Chief PNP
B. Barriers B. Secretary, DILG
C. Personnel C. Undersecretary for Peace and Order
D. Chairman, NAPOLCOM considered as the most different investigative
activity, yet the most rewarding.
72. It is the type of intelligence activity which A. casing
deals with defending of the organization against B. penetration
its criminal activities. C. undercover operation
A. Counter intelligence D. surveillance
B. Military intelligence
C. Military information 81. The work program of a line unit which must
D. Strategic intelligence be analyzed according to the nature, time and
place of the tasks and measured in terms of
resource requirements is called ____.
73. Intelligence activity that is concerned A. Procedural plan
principally with the defending of the police B. Management plan
organization against penetration by individual C. Tactical plan
and various groups. D. Operational plan
A. strategic intelligence
B. line intelligence 82. Are those plans designed to give guidance
C. counter-intelligence and direction to personnel in the performance
D. police intelligence of the normal police activities.
A. tactical plan
74. Perimeter barriers, protective lighting and B. procedural plan
guarding system are classified as___. C. operational plan
A. Protection security D. auxiliary plan
B. Assets protection
C. Personnel security 83. Are those plans relating to standard
D. Physical security operating procedures, and are useful as guides
to personnel, these plans must be reviewed from
75. A medium of structure which defines the time to time to increase operational efficiency.
physical limits of an installations or areas to A. tactical plan
restrict or impede access thereto. B. procedural plan
A. natural barrier C. operational plan
B. perimeter barrier D. auxiliary plan
C. man-made barrier
D. physical security
84. What form of intelligence is involved when
76. It is the broadest branch of security which isinformation is obtained of the person against
concerned with the physical measures to preventwhom the information or document may be used,
unauthorized access. or the information is clandestinely acquired?
A. operational security A. Covert
B. physical security B. Overt
C. industrial security C. Active
D. special types D. Underground

77. This type of surveillance is one which the

surveillant follows or observes a person on 85. When one procures information about subject
occasions, such as after work for a few hours surety; he is performing _________ collection
to see if the subject is planning a robbery for method.
the evening. A. routine
A. Closed surveillance B. active
B. Loose surveillance C. overt
C. Open surveillance D. covert
D. Decoy surveillance
86. Is the maximum number of subordinates at a
78. Police personnel may be effectively given position that superior can supervise
distributed according to any of the following effectively?
classification, EXCEPT A. Span of control (span of attention)
A. by time B. Scalar principle
B. by area C. Unity of command
C. by function D. Command responsibility
D. by gender
87. What is the principle of organization
79. The insertion of an action agent to the suggesting that communication should ordinarily
target organization in an undercover project is go upward and downward through establish
called – channels in the hierarchy?
A. Penetration A. Chain of Command
B. Infiltration B. Span of Control
C. Recruitment C. Unity of Command
D. Access to information D. Delegation of Authority

80. The type of undercover operation wherein 88. Public information can be gathered in what
techniques are applied for a longer time and is sources?
A. public general
B. newspaper that they are still around and would therefore
C. library refrain from committing an offense. This is
D. all of these commonly called
A. Psychology of crime
89. who is the appointing the director of BJMP B. Anatomy of police patrol and crime
A. Chief BJMP prevention
B. DILG C. Theory of police omnipresence
C. Under Secretary D. Resistance to crime formula
D. President of the Philippines
99. Officers in their police uniform and marked
police vehicles refers to:
90. In history of our police force, who was the A. High visibility patrol
first Director General of the Philippine B. Low visibility patrol
National Police (PNP)? C. Decoy patrol
A. Gen. Cesar Nazareno D. Blending patrol
B. Gen. Raul Imperial
C. Gen. Umberto Rodriquez 100. What percent (%) of monthly salary is
D. Gen. Recaredo Sarmiento given as longevity pay to a PNP uniformed
personnel every five (5) years?
91. Involves good selection and processing of A. 5%
reliable and well-trained personnel B. 20%
A. Staffing C. 15%
B. Reporting D. 10%
C. Budgeting
D. Directing
92. This theory of police service discounts the *** END OF SET 1 ***
need for community participation.
A. home rule
B. modern
C. continental
D. old

93. The Body of Civil Law is under of what code?

A. Hammurabi code
B. Justinian code
C. Kalantiao Code
D. Code of Draco

94. In this concept of the police services they

are just a suppressive machinery.
A. Continental
B. Old
C. Home rule
D. Modern

95. What is the theory and concept of police

service is observe in the Philippines?
A. Continental theory
B. Home and old theory
C. Home and Modern theory
D. Old and modern theory

96. The concept of police service measures

police efficiency by the absence of the crime.
A. Continental
B. Old
C. Home rule
D. Modern

97. In 1852, it took over the peace keeping

duties in the island under a Royal Decree.
A. Guardrileros
B. Guardia civil
C. Safe guard
D. Manpowers

98. It is a crime repression activity of the

police which is accomplished by making their
presence known in such a way that even if they
are longer present in a certain location, would
be criminals would still have the impression

(SET 1)

1.D 26.C 51.B 76.B

2.A 27.A 52.A 77.B
3.B 28.B 53.A 78.D
4.D 29.C 54.B 79.B
5.D 30.B 55.B 80.C
6.A 31.D 56.C 81.D
7.C 32.C 57.A 82.C
8.D 33.A 58.A 83.B
9.D 34.A 59.B 84.A
10.A 35.A 60.A 85.D
11.C 36.C 61.B 86.A
12.C 37.A 62.C 87.A
13.C 38.B 63.A 88.B
14.C 39.D 64.C 89.D
15.A 40.C 65.D 90.A
16.A 41.D 66.A 91.A
17.A 42.C 67.B 92.C
18.A 43.D 68.A 93.B
19.A 44.B 69.C 94.B
20.B 45.C 70.A 95.C
21.C 46.A 71.A 96.D
22.C 47.A 72.A 97.B
23.A 48.A 73.C 98.C
24.D 49.D 74.D 99.A
25.B 50.C 75.B 100.D

The answer keys provided here are mere suggestions. It is strongly advised to seek other information 
for proper verification of the answers. If there are still unintended errors it is due to myopia of the Editor. 

Any corrections are greatly appreciated and if there would be correction please send your inquiries or 
contact us at “What Criminologist Knows? Charlemagne James P. Ramos” (Facebook Fan‐page) or E‐mail us at 
Charlemagnejamesrms@gmail.com and in return we will send an UPDATED and FREE Version of this book. 


                                   Charlemagne James P. Ramos 
Founder, What Criminologist Knows? 

CRIMINOLOGISTS Licensure Examination

Afternoon Session 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only the answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.


1. Operational plans are _____ of line divisions which should be correlated with
the nature and extent of the workload and the availability of police resources.
A. crime prevention plans
B. work programs
C. administrative plans
D. manpower plan

2. Line units such as the patrol section or investigation section in police

stations prepare their work programs in which areas are called.
A. budget
B. operational plans
C. management
D. tactical plan

3. In the selection of an action agent for police operations, the most important
to consider from among the following, is
A. the location of prospective agent with respect to the target
B. access or the capability of a prospective agent to obtain the desired
C. contact with agencies, local and national
D. integrity

4. An agent whom false information is leaked to the enemy.

A. Agent in place
B. Double agent
C. Expendable agent
D. Penetration agent

5. An inspector in charge of shift or platoon. What is referred to this?

A. Staff Supervisor
B. Field Supervisor
C. Disposition Officer
D. Deskman

6. Functional unit within a division that is necessary for specialization

A. Post
B. Bureau
C. Division
D. Section

7. Which of the following accomplishments qualifies a police officer to a special

meritorious promotion?
A. Executive
B. Procedural
C. Operational
D. Administrative

8. Area of management concerned with human relations in the police organization.

A. Police Personnel Management
B. Police Personnel Administration
C. Police Organization
D. Administration

9. It is the police function which serves as the Backbone of the police service.
In all types of police situations, there is a specific unit assigned to undertake
this function in view of its importance.
A. vice control
B. Traffic enforcement
C. criminal investigation
D. patrol

10. The term police is derived from the word

A. Politiea
B. Politia
C. Polis
D. Polizei

11. In the history of law enforcement, which one is considered the earliest
codified law?
A. Code of King Hammurabi
B. 12 Tabulae
C. The Sumerian Code
D. Code of Kalantiao

12. Law enforcement in ancient China is carried out by ________

A. Prefects
B. Jet Li
C. Chua Li
D. Yhuan Li

13. An ancient police system.

A. Keepers of the peace
B. Ephori
C. Praetorian Guard
D. Vigiles

14. He is the father of modern policing system.

A. Sir. Evelyn Ruggles Brise
B. August Vollmer
C. Sir. Robert Peel
D. Edmond Loccard

15. He watches that they may sleep.

A. Vigilat ut Quiescant
B. Ut Quiscant Sleepante
C. Nighte Vigilantes
D. Vigiles Nocte Et

16. It is consider as the old policing system in the Philippines?

A. Chieftains
B. Datu
C. Pueblo
D. Incunmendo

17. It is the employment of beautiful women in intelligence work.

A. Drone drop
B. Dead Drop
C. Honey Drop
D. None of these

18. The examination of raw information to determine intelligence value, pertinence

of the information, reliability of the source and agency, and its credibility or
truth of information is called
A. Recording
B. Analysis
C. Evaluation
D. Collection

19. Liza was underweight according to her age, under the waiver program how many
months will be given to her to comply with the weight requirement?
A. 6 months
B. 3 months
C. 8 months
D. 12 months

20. Designed to outline a series of related operations to accomplice a common

objective normally within a given period of time.
A. Contingency plan
B. Strategic plan
C. Supporting plan
D. Campaign plan

21. PO1 Gaffud, after the tour of his duty boarded a bus, while in transit, 3
suspects announced a heist; because of vigilance, courage and exceptional skill
he was able to neutralize and kill all of the suspects. But unfortunately he died
as a consequence. He instill is qualified for promotion. What kind of promotion
was given?
A. Posthumous promotion
B. Promotion by virtue of position
C. Regular promotion
D. Meritorious or special promotion

22. Decisions of the Internal Affair Service (IAS) may be appealed with the
A. National Appellate Board
B. Regional Appellate Board
C. Inspection, Monitoring and Investigation Service
D. Legal Affairs Service

23. What police plans refer to actions to be taken at a designated location and
under specific circumstances?
A. management plans
B. operating plans
C. tactical plans
D. procedural plans

24. A regular license to operate is issued to PSA once it is qualified of having

adequate guards or more license security guard in its employ duly posted. Regular
license is renewable every ?
A. 1 year
B. 2 years
C. 3 years
D. 4 years

25. What is the evaluation of an information which is “completely reliable source-

probably true?”
A. A-5
B. A-1
C. A-2
D. A-4

26. He became the first Chief of the Philippine Constabulary in 1901?

A. Director General Ceasar Nazareno
B. Brigadier General Rafael Crame
C. Captain Henry T. Allen
D. Colonel Marcus Elis Jones

27. Company owned alarm systems with a unit in the nearest police station so that
in case of need, direct call is possible.
A. Central Station System
B. Proprietary System
C. Local alarm system
D. Auxiliary alarm

28. What is the rank of Brigadier General in PNP?

A. Chief Superintendent
B. Senior Superintendent
C. Inspector General
D. Director general

29. What is the time-in-grade for PO1 to PO2

A. 1 year
B. 2 years
C. 3 years
D. 4 years

30. Which of the following refers to the long range planning?

A. Intermediate
B. Strategic
C. Medium
D. Short

31. Which of the following do not belong to the “Blue Army”?

A. Government security guards
B. Body guards
C. Company guards
D. Agency guards

32. What is the equivalent rank of Technical Sergeant of AFP to PNP


33. A crew which is assigned to a mobile car usually consists of

A. a driver and intelligence agent
B. a driver and traffic man
C. a driver and a recorder
D. a driver, recorder and supervisor

34. If Sir. Robert Peel is the Father of modern policing system, August Vollmer
is the father of _________
A. Police Organization
B. Law Enforcement
C. Professionalism
D. Police Patrol

35. It is the product resulting from the collection evaluation analysis integration
and interpretation of criminal activity and which is immediately or potentially
significant to police planning.
A. Investigation
B. Data
C. Information
D. Intelligence

36. It is an evaluated material of every description, including those derived from

observations, reports, rumors, imagery, and other sources from which intelligence
is derived.
A. intelligence
B. military intelligence
C. police intelligence
D. information

37. The detection, prevention and neutralization of any activity inimical to the
best interest of the organization.
A. Intelligence
B. Counter-Intelligence
C. Line Intelligence
D. Subversive Intelligence

38. What is the INTERPOLs supreme governing body that meets annually and comprises
delegates appointed by each member country?
A. Assembly Meeting
B. General Assembly
C. Consultative Meeting
D. Meeting de Avance

39. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not to fear the results of
hundred battles, if you know yourself and not the enemy, for every victory, you
are a fool who will meet defeat in every battle.” This is stated by whom?
A. Sun Yat Sen
B. Budda
C. Sun tzu
D. Mao Tze tung

40. A type of patrol is characterized by case and speed of moving around it has
the ability to maneuver through traffic and access areas not accessible by patrol
A. Bicycle patrol
B. Mobile patrol
C. Motorcycle patrol
D. Horse patrol

41. It is primary used for traffic control and enforcement, their speed and
maneuverability make them indispensable police vehicle.
A. bicycle patrol
B. helicopter patrol
C. motorcycle patrol
D. mobile patrol

42. ____ is the separation of a whole into its parts to allow an examination and
interpretation of the information. It typically involves certain methods and
techniques, some of which are statistical, others which are not, which reveal
patterns and trends that often reveal the probability of conclusions.
A. Evaluation procedures
B. Analysis
C. Reporting
D. Testing

43. Confidentiality of classified information against unauthorized disclosure is

A. Security clearance
B. Document security
C. Document control
D. Document analysis

44. Protection of classified document concerning their preparation,

classification, reproduction, handling, transmission, disposal and destruction.
A. document security
B. physical security
C. operational security
D. organizational security

45. Newly admitted member of the Cambodian Police commenced with the rank
of -
A. Police Officer 1
B. Detective
C. Officer Constable
D. Aide de camps

46. Gathering anything of intelligence interest and for use as leads in the
solicitation of crime under investigation.
A. Report preparation
B. Collection
C. Analysis
D. Dissemination

47. This system consists of ringing up a visual or audible alarm system near the
subject to be protected.
A. Central Station System
B. Proprietary System
C. Local alarm system
D. Auxiliary alarm

48. It is a house-like structure above the perimeter barrier.

A. Tower
B. Top guard
C. Protective house
D. Guard control station

49. It is an additional overhang barbed wire placed on vertical perimeter fences

facing upward and outward with a 45 degrees angle with three to four strand of
barbed wire.
A. topping
B. all of the above
C. top guard
D. of the above

50. A clear zone of ___ feet or more should exist between the perimeter barrier
and exterior structure, parking areas and natural or man-made barriers.
A. 40
B. 30
C. 20
D. 50

51. Any structure or physical device capable of restricting, deterring or delaying

illegal access to an installation is called ______
A. Barrier
B. Fence
C. Hazard
D. Wall

52. The National Public Safety Commission exercises administrative supervision

over the national police agency of _____
A. Singapore
B. Malaysia
C. Japan
D. Indonesia

53. Act or condition affecting the safe operation of the facility caused by human
action, accidental or intentional. It includes sabotage espionage, pilferage and
theft, disloyalty, disaffection and subversive activities.
A. human hazard
B. natural hazard
C. artificial hazard
D. electronic hazard

54. Are those caused by natural phenomena which caused damage, disturbance and
problems of the normal functioning of human activities, including security?
A. security hazards
B. natural hazard
C. man-made hazard
D. all of the above

55. Plans can be change to meet future requirements which were not considered
during the planning stages. This indicates ________________ in planning.
A. Responsiveness
B. Flexibility
C. Efficiency
D. Effectiveness

56. Like the Thailand national police, the _____ is under the ministry of interior.
A. Indonesian national police
B. Australian federal police
C. Cambodian national police
D. Royal Malaysia police

57. Firearms of security agency should be covered with firearms license issued by
the PNP through its Firearms Explosive Division under the Civil Security Group,
renewable every-
A. One year
B. Two years
C. Three years
D. Four years

58. Intelligence is under what type of police function?

A. Primary
B. Auxiliary
C. Administrative
D. Secondary

59. These are work programs of line division which related to the nature and extend
of the ______ workload and the availability of resource.
A. administrative plan
B. operational plan
C. strategic plan
D. tactical plan

60. Bicycle patrol has the combined advantage of ______________ since they can be
operated very quietly and without attracting attention.
A. Reduced speed and greater area of coverage
B. Mobility and wide area coverage
C. Shorter time travel
D. Mobility and stealth

61. An evaluated and interpreted information concerning an actual or possible

enemy or threat of operations, including weather and terrain, together with
conclusions drawn therefrom.
A. Line intelligence
B. strategic intelligence
C. military intelligence
D. covert operation

62. What is referred to as the knowledge pertaining to capabilities,

vulnerabilities and probable course of actions of foreign nations?
A. combat intelligence
B. police intelligence
C. national intelligence
D. strategic intelligence

63. Disguise or secret observation of places, persons or vehicles for purpose of

obtaining information.
A. Evaluation
B. Elicitation
C. Surveillance
D. Infiltration

64. a biographical data through fictional that will portray the personality of the
agent he assumed, a scenario to cover up the operation
A. Cover
B. Cover story
C. Cover support
D. Undercover

65. an enemy agent who has been captured, turned around and sent back where he
came from as an agent of his captors
A. Double agent
B. Agent in place
C. Penetration agent
D. Expandable agent

66. It is an individual who are employed by two friendly intelligence collection

agencies, with one of whom are aware of his dual functions.
A. dual agent
B. spy
C. double agent
D. informant

67. Individuals who are simultaneously employed by two opposing intelligence

agencies with one of the agencies aware of his dual role.
A. dual agents
B. undercover agents
C. double agents
D. informants

68. Which of the following is the most common reason why an informer gives
information to the police?
A. wants to be known to the police
B. monetary reward
C. as good citizen
D. revenge

69. It is classified according to the source of information that is reported by

DPA or Resident Agent.
A. T
B. V
C. U
D. W

70. A system that manipulate one, two, or three characters at a time or a code or
secret message which takes the form of an innocent text.
A. Code
B. Cipher
C. Decipher
D. Concealment

71. How are coded messages converted to intelligible language?

A. encoding
B. labeling
C. processing
D. decoding

72. A person or object used by the subject in an attempt to elude the surveillant?
A. Convoy
B. Decoy
C. Agent
D. Contact

73. A type of surveillance that uses devices such as electronics, wire-tapping,

bugging and others.
A. Technical surveillance
B. Intermittent surveillance
C. Overt surveillance
D. Undercover surveillance

74. The oversight body of the prefectural police in Japan is the:

A. National Police Agency
B. National police Bureau
C. National Police Safety Commission
D. National Police Commission

75. The informal, unwritten code of organized crime which demands silence and
loyalty, among other things, of family members, is known as
A. Omerta
B. Omnibus
C. Guillotine
D. Expatriate

76. INTERPOL means?

A. International Criminal Police Organization
B. International Police
C. Inter-police Organizational Network
D. International Policing System
77. INTERPOL is the world’s largest international police organization, with ______
member countries.
A. 188
B. 180
C. 200
D. 198

78. Of the following, the best method to use in firing a handgun

A. Right eye open
B. Left eye open
C. Both eyes open
D. Both eyes close

79. The Philippine National Police shall, through information gathering and
performance of its ordinary police functions, ________ the Armed Forces of the
Philippines on matters involving suppression of insurgency, except in cases where
the President shall call on the PNP to _______ the AFP in combat operations.
A. Support, Support
B. Support, Assist
C. Support, Contact
D. Support, Call

80. Japan highest rank is

A. Commissioner General
B. Superintendent General
C. Superintendent Supervisor
D. Keishi
81. Kind of appointment in the PNP which the applicant is under waiver program due
to education and weight requirement under sec. 17 RA 8551.
A. Meritorious
B. Probationary
C. Temporary
D. Permanent

82. Barangay Jurisdiction covers the offenses having a penalty of ______

A. 1 year below
B. 6 months below
C. 6 years below
D. 3 years below

83. Industrial establishments must establish the first line of physical defense, it
refers to:
A. Perimeter barriers
B. Door, lock s, window barriers
C. The building itself
D. Entry points where security guards are located

84. Under R.A. 8551, who among the following meets the educational qualification
for appointment to the police service?
A. Rodrigo who has 72 college units
B. Ben who is a graduate of Baccalaureate degree in accountancy
C. Amado who is a high school graduate
D. Romeo who is a graduate of associate in Criminology

85. Which of the following is the most obvious disadvantage of foot patrol method
over the other types of patrol?
A. Low mobility resulting to limited coverage of the patrol area.
B. Low response time to telephone complaints.
C. Foot patrol method involves a large number of personnel, since officers are
assigned on small areas of jurisdiction called posts and beats.
D. All of the above

86. The _____ does not get paid for the information he gives to the police
intelligence officer.
A. informer
B. aide
C. asset
D. informant

87. The exterior and interior parallel area near the perimeter barrier of an
industrial compound to afford better observation and patrol movement is known as
A. Protective zone
B. Clear zone
C. Twilight zone
D. patrol lane zone

88. The minimum age requirement for Security Manager or Operator of a security
agency is :
A. 40 yrs old
B. 30 yrs old
C. 25 yrs old
D. 35 yrs old

89. This type of alarm system utilizes a station located outside the compound.
A. local alarm system
B. Proprietary system
C. Central alarm system
D. Auxiliary system

90. The rank of a PO2 in PNP is equivalent to the rank of ______ in the
Malaysian Police.
A. Constable
B. Corporal
C. Lance Corporal
D. Captain
91. A temporary license is issued by the PNP thru Civil Security Group directorate
after the applicant/licensee should have complied with all the requirements if
has less than ______ guards?
A. 200
B. 300
C. 100
D. 400

92. It is the minimum required number of security guards for issuance of regular
A. 200
B. 300
C. 100
D. 400

93. They are charge with directing the work and observing the behavior and
performance of the men under his unit.
A. security supervisor
B. security expert
C. security officer
D. security consultant

94. It is the minimum height requirement of perimeter barrier, excluding top guard.
A. eight feet
B. seven feet
C. six feet
D. ten feet

95. A type of code system so that security personnel when forced by armed men to
enter an installation can give alarm by the use of certain words in casual
A. doppler effect
B. Peterman
C. duress code
D. fail safe

96. It is a physical phenomenon that causes frequency shift if an object moves in

an area permeated by radio frequency signals.
A. doppler effect
B. Peterman
C. duress code
D. fail safe

97. They are hired directly under the payroll of an employer to protect the
employer’s property, and they are also being called as “in-house guards.”
A. company security guards
B. private security agency
C. government security unit
D. private detective

98. The best factor in selecting informants or assets

A. Integrity
B. Access
C. Intelligence
D. educational attainment

99. Mr. Rolly Garte wants to apply for a licensee to become a security guard.
Where will he file his application for license?
A. Philippine national Police
B. National police commission
C. Department of Interior and Local government
D. Professional regulation commission

100. The localization of the recruitment of policemen shall ensure that they are
familiar with the ___ of the patrol beats.
A. projects
B. personnel
C. terrain
D. size
*** END OF SET 2 ***

(SET 2)

1.B 26.C 51.A 76.A

2.B 27.D 52.C 77.C
3.B 28.A 53.A 78.C
4.C 29.B 54.B 79.B
5.A 30.B 55.B 80.A
6.D 31.B 56.C 81.C
7.C 32.C 57.A 82.A
8.A 33.D 58.A 83.A
9.D 34.B 59.B 84.B
10.A 35.D 60.D 85.D
11.A 36.D 61.A 86.D
12.A 37.B 62.D 87.B
13.B 38.B 63.C 88.C
14.C 39.C 64.B 89.C
15.A 40.C 65.A 90.C
16.A 41.C 66.C 91.A
17.C 42.B 67.C 92.A
18.C 43.B 68.B 93.A
19.A 44.A 69.C 94.A
20.B 45.B 70.B 95.C
21.A 46.B 71.D 96.A
22.A 47.C 72.A 97.A
23.C 48.A 73.A 98.B
24.B 49.C 74.A 99.A
25.C 50.C 75.A 100.C

The  answer  keys  provided  here  are  mere  suggestions.  It  is  strongly  advised  to 
seek  other  information  for  proper  verification  of  the  answers.  If  there  are  still 
unintended errors it is due to myopia of the Editor. 

Any corrections are greatly appreciated and if there would be correction please 
send your inquiries or contact us at “What Criminologist Knows? Charlemagne James P. 
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return we will send an UPDATED and FREE Version of this book. 


                       Charlemagne James P. Ramos 
Founder, What Criminologist Knows? 

CRIMINOLOGISTS Licensure Examination

Afternoon Session 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only the answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.


1. What is the other term for scalar principle?

A. Line of authority
B. Chain of command
C. Unity of command
D. Unity of direction

2. Length of streets designated for patrol purposes. It is also called “LINE

A. Bureau
B. Beat
C. Patrol
D. Route

3. Which of the following should not be done by a beat patrolman?

A. Issue police clearance
B. Arrest criminals
C. Direct traffic
D. Protect the crime scene

4. It is the old system of police patrol activity which consists of continuously

driving around the area of patrol waiting for something to happen and to react
accordingly in case something does happen.
A. Proactive patrol
B. Crocodile patrolling
C. Foot patrol
D. Reactive patrol

5. When police patrols are increased beyond normal levels, this is called
A. reactive patrol
B. citizen patrol
C. directed deterrent patrol
D. proactive patrol

6. Before a PNP member can join the Internal Affairs Service, one must have a
five (5) year law enforcement experience and no derogatory records. Application
for appointment is _____.
A. Voluntary
B. Mandatory
C. Optional
D. Compulsory

7. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was created under the US National
Security Act of 1947 and took over the functions of the____.
A. National Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS)
B. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
C. Office of Strategic services (OSS)
D. US Navy/Communication Intelligence Service (USNCIS)

8. The principal responsibility for maintaining an appropriate level of

discipline in a unit rests with the:
A. Immediate line supervisor
B. First line senior police officers (sergeants)
C. Middle-level supervisor
D. Chief of Police
9. It is the heart of any police records system and the basis for an analysis of
offenses and the methods by which they are committed.
A. Case Records
B. Investigation
C. Communication
D. Record

10. Headed by a director with the rank of chief superintendent, the __________
shall perform all police functions over the Philippine territorial waters and
A. Communications unit
B. Aviation security unit
C. Maritime police unit
D. Civil relations unit

11. In the Philippines national police, the heart of the organization is

investigation, while the nervous?
A. Operation
B. Administration
C. Intelligence
D. Communication

12. It is an aural or visual signal given by tie annunciator to security when

intruder actuates device in an protected area. An annunciator is a visual or
audible signaling device which initiates conditions of assisted circuit.
A. Floodlights
B. Lock
C. Alarm
D. Alert

13. Who should be dispatched be dispatched by the police to the crime scene to
search for physical evidence?
A. evidence technician
B. criminal investigator
C. legal officer
D. foot patrol

14. Which of the following is inseparable from the principle of delegation?

A. Training
B. Development of Subordinate
C. Role Modeling
D. Order Giving

15. The coordination of the efforts of patrol officers on several beats on the
same shift is called ___
A. Coordination of the platoon
B. Coordination of geographical units
C. Coordination of functional units
D. Coordination of the force

16. Which of the following is NOT a patrol function?

A. Suppression of criminal activity
B. Prevention of crime
C. Apprehension of criminals
D. Fingerprint identification

17. In Intelligence work, an information is evaluated to determine its___

A. Reliability
B. Effectiveness
C. Feasibility
D. Efficiency

18. What shall private security personnel with the strikers in their establishment?
A. Assist management in smuggling scabs
B. Avoid direct contact
C. Prevent strikers from conducting peaceful pickets
D. Confront the strikers directly

19. The following statements are on employee morale. Which one is the most correct?
I.Praising an employee for my job done is important
II.Morale depends on personal relationships and working conditions
III.A fair and impartial supervisor is a positive impetus toward high morale
A. Statements I and II
B. Statements I and III
C. Statements II and III
D. All statements

20. Which of the following is the least considered in determining patrol

A. Arrests made
B. Fund support
C. Crimes committed
D. Complaints logged

21. A patrol officer must employ what technique in order to recall events which
happened while he was patrolling his beat.
A. He communicate events to his buddy
B. He memorizes and mentally records events
C. He records events in his notebook
D. He telephones events to dispatcher

22. While searching for a suspect in a house during the night, how should your
flashlight be held?
A. Close to the weapon as possible
B. Close to the body as possible
C. Away from your body and preferably with your weak hand
D. Away from your body and preferably with your strong hand

23. The “Blue Army” that is being referred to are the ___.
A. SWAT personnel of the PNP
B. Boys Scouts of the Philippines
C. Government security guards
D. Private security guards

24. After recognizing the need to plan, a police officer must identify and
formulate the _______.
A. financial requirement of the plan
B. objectives of the plan
C. manpower requirements of the plan
D. linkages and coordinating units

25. No person shall be licensed as Security Officer unless he has the following
I. Filipino citizen;
II. Holder of a Baccalaureate Degree;
III. Physically and mentally fit; and
IV. Has graduated from a Security Officer Training Course or its equivalent.
B. II, and III
C. I and II, III
D. I and IV

26. No person shall be licensed as security guard unless he possesses the following
I. Filipino citizen
II. High school graduate
III. Physically and mentally fit
IV. Not less than eighteen (18) years of age nor more than fifty (50) years of age
(for new applicants and SGs in non-supervisory position)
V. Has undergone a pre-licensing training course or its equivalent.
B. I, and IV
C. I, II, III, IV, V
D. I, and II

27. Which of the following ensures that patrol officers are on their beats?
A. Have an effective patrol supervision
B. Have greater police authority
C. Deploy 50% more patrol officers
D. Require them to present a report after duty
28. When the subject identifies or obtains knowledge that the investigator is
conducting a surveillance on him, the latter is:
A. get out
B. burnt out
C. sold out
D. cut out

29. A surveillant becomes an ___ when he/she discards his/her identity, changes
his/her name and/or his/her appearance and gets into contact with his subject.
A. Undercover agent
B. Informer
C. Informant
D. Asset

30. To what rank are graduates of the Philippine National Police Academy appointed
A. Inspector
B. Senior Inspector
C. Superintendent
D. Senior Superintendent

31. The fitness and potential of an applicant to the PNP is determined by:
A. Recruitment and appointment system
B. Personnel management system
C. Appointment and performance system
D. Recruitment and selection system

32. Which of the following is NOT a staff function?

A. planning
B. personnel management
C. criminal investigation
D. inspection

33. Mr. Pedro de mesa was born on June 6, 1985 and wants to enter the police
service before the end of 2010. Considering his age, can he be appointed as police
officer I?
A. No, he is too young to be a police officer
B. No, his age exceeded the age requirement
C. Yes, he will file an age waiver
D. Yes, his age is within the age requirement

34. The ___ of the plan must be considered thus the need to look into the personal
competence, morale, interest and enthusiasm; leadership quality and style;
availability of resources.
A. responsiveness
B. cost-efficiency
C. effectiveness
D. functionality

35. Search Warrant is an order signed by a ___ and directed to a peace officer.
A. Arresting Officer
B. Judge
C. Prosecutor
D. Chief of Police

36. Responsibility for developing implementing plans (IMPLANS) shall be left to

the team assigned to undertake the activity. This policy, in general, results in
planning which is:
A. More effective, the plans developed shall be more adequate
B. Less effective, the plans developed will not benefit the whole police force
C. Less effective, there will be no coordination among various units
D. More effective, there will be fewer misinterpretations in execution and there
will be greater will to succeed

37. General statements and/or understandings which guide or channel thinking and
action of subordinate is called
A. Objectives
B. Policies
C. Program
D. Decisions
38. The process of preparing an intelligence agent for a specific mission including
a good description of the target area.
A. De-briefing
B. Briefing
C. Orientation
D. Demonstrating

39. Collection agents should give consideration to the ______ of the information
they are gathering.
A. Credibility and adequacy
B. Reliability and availability
C. Reliability and adequacy
D. Reliability and credibility

40. What is the oral method of collecting information wherein the suspect is
subject to intense questioning?
A. interview
B. elicitation
C. interrogation
D. inspection

41. The campaign to decrease the number of drug user or deter the would-be drug
user is called_____
A. Demand reduction
B. Drug Control
C. Supply reduction
D. Drug Prevention

42. When frisking a suspect, it is considered most important that the Police
Officer should keep his eyes on the:
A. Suspect’s accomplices
B. Suspect’s head
C. Suspect’s hands
D. Suspect’s legs

43. What security program provides ways and means by which all personnel and
employees are trained to make them security conscious and disciplined?
A. security promotion
B. security induction
C. security check
D. security education

44. New employees should be briefed on security rules and regulations of the
organization and the importance of observing them. This process is called:
A. security information
B. security orientation
C. security reminders
D. security investigation

45. It is the exposure and teaching of employees on security and its relevance to
their work.
A. security education
B. security training
C. security indoctrination
D. security awareness

46. A person’s suitability to be given a security clearance is determined through

a process called __________.
A. security training
B. security promotion
C. security education
D. security investigation

47. In the Intelligence process, evaluation is a critical appraisal of information

as a basis for the subsequent interpretation regarding the following, EXCEPT___
A. Accuracy of information
B. Reliability of source
C. Manner of dissemination
D. None of these
48. Money Laundering has two (2) processes, that is the concealment of money and
the ___ of that money.
A. cleaning
B. profiting
C. investing
D. depositing

49. Aggressive police patrol with full citizen support and cooperation can reduce
the incidence of ___.
A. crimes against the state
B. Crimes against property
C. organized crime
D. white collar crimes

50. The 2003 Memorandum of Understanding between the government of Australia and
the Philippines provides for cooperation in the prevention and investigation of
transnational crimes, including the following EXCEPT:
A. Trafficking in persons and human smuggling
B. Inciting to Rebellion
C. Terrorism in all its forms
D. Piracy in the high seas

51. A valid warrant of arrest issued by a competent authority is required EXCEPT

in ___.
A. reasonable force
B. citizen’s arrest
C. habeas corpus
D. self defense

52. The investigator is ___ when the subject identifies or obtains knowledge that
said investigator is conducting surveillance on him.
A. Sold out
B. Cut out
C. Burnt out
D. Get out

53. IN the Philippine National Police, the Directorate for ____ exercises command,
control, direction, coordination and supervision of all PNP operation, including
the deployment and employment of personnel.
A. Operations
B. Integrated Police Operations
C. Police-community relations
D. None

54. Effective helicopter surveillance requires coordinated effort and teamwork

between ____ observers and those in the helicopter.
A. Road
B. Ground
C. Station
D. Sea

55. It is the safest type of search, and the purpose is to place the subject in
an off-balance position.
A. kneeling search
B. wall search
C. standing search
D. prone search

56. The type of plan that requires action and assistance from a person or agencies
outside the police organization is called ____.
A. Extra-departmental plan
B. Procedural plan
C. Management plan
D. Tactical plan

57. What shall be done immediately by the Chief Security Officer/Detachment

Commander upon declaration of strike or upon establishment of a picket line or
mass action at the vicinity of the establishment?
I. Collect firearm of company guard force who are about to have direct
confrontation with the crowd
II. Deposit all collected firearms in the vault
III. Call up the police for assistance
IV. Deploy all the company guards near the picket line
A. I and II
B. IV and I
C. III and IV
D. II and III

58. A police officer who operates on a “leave things alone” basis falls under the
____ style of leadership.
A. Democratic
B. Participative
C. Authoritarian
D. Laissez-faire

59. The greatest advantage of foot patrol over motorized patrol is ____
A. The greater police authority in job performance
B. The quicker response time
C. The increased police-citizen interaction
D. The more resources utilized in the job

60. What is the process of collecting and analyzing data on patrol activities for
the purpose of more efficient scheduling and deployment of manpower?
A. Workload analysis
B. Staffing analysis
C. Manpower analysis
D. Shift analysis

61. The latest investigative technique now adopted in Metro Manila and urban cities
is to bring the forensic experts to the crime scene. This is known as:
A. Crime Scene Collection
B. Scene of Crime Collection
C. Scene of Crime Operation
D. Crime Scene search

62. The information cycle consists of five (5) stages, namely: creation, use,
storage and retrieval, transfer and ____.
A. disposition
B. deactivation
C. development
D. duplication

63. In planning in arrest, the following elements should be considered, EXCEPT

A. protection of bystanders
B. Resources to be used
C. Cost of operation
D. Possible resistance of offender

64. Which of the following is not a responsibility of a patrol officer?

A. Observe and check suspicious people, structure/buildings and compounds
B. Check suspicious vehicles along the highways in the course of his/her patrol
C. Evaluate the items recovered in the crime scene from the result of interrogation
of suspects and interview of witnesses
D. Conduct home visitations when circumstances warrants

65. A respondent police officer pleaded guilty of the charges filed against him
before the People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB). The PLEB shall now determine
his/her ______.
A. Nature of offense and his/her accomplice
B. Degree of responsibility and the appropriate penalty to be imposed
C. Penalty to be imposed upon the respondent
D. Sincerity of the admission of guilt

66. The Police force shall be organized to ensure:

A. Global Competitiveness
B. Police Integrity
C. Efficiency in the police service
D. Economic police operations

67. With whom does the public make majority of contacts and interactions?
A. investigator
B. vice control
C. patrol officer
D. detective

68. Reliability rating of an intelligence is A to F. If A is very reliable, B is

A. Unreliable
B. Fairly Reliable
C. Not usually reliable
D. Usually Reliable

69. Policing is most effective when

A. Community members participate in ride-along programs
B. Officers stay in the same beat
C. Officers are regularly assigned in new beats
D. Community members play decision making roles

70. A close surveillance is being conducted when:

A. There is constant observation of the subject, regardless of whether or not the
target becomes aware that he is being followed
B. There is a randomized observation of the movements of the target personality
C. There is an off-and-on observation of the target and periodic schedules of
D. There is a long running time of observation followed by a short respite

71. The subject is kept under constant surveillance, the aim is not to lose the
subject even at the risk of being made.
A. close surveillance
B. loose surveillance
C. open surveillance
D. mustard plaster

72. What philosophy integrates police and community interests and relationships
so as to produce the desired objective of peace and order?
A. Police – community program
B. Community-oriented policing
C. Problem-oriented policing
D. Team policing

73. Fences, walls, grills, doors, or screens are examples of:

A. natural barrier
B. human barrier
C. structural barrier
D. animal barrier

74. The 2003 Philippine-Australia Memorandum of Understanding provides for the

cooperation in the prevention and investigation of transnational crimes, including
the following, EXCEPT:
A. Inciting to rebellion
B. Terrorism in all its forms
C. Piracy in the high seas
D. Trafficking in persons and human smuggling

75. An information that is “fairly reliable source-information confirmed from

other sources” is evaluated as ____.
A. A-1
B. A-2
C. B-1
D. C-1

76. What is the formal surrender of a fugitive by one state to another?

A. Extradition
B. Deportation
C. Reconduction
D. Negotiation

77. What is the fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned such as
designated work, office or spot?
A. Beat
B. Route
C. Post
D. Sector

78. The first to be considered in decision making is ____.

A. Budget
B. Problem
C. Personnel
D. Experience

79. Police marks and signs at the side of police cars are not advantageous as
A. Enhance police image and support
B. Increase the suppressive value of patrol
C. Foster community support and participation
D. Promote police authority on the streets

80. SPO Ricardo Tulito is the patrol supervisor for the morning shift. He has few
men to cover all the patrol beats. Which of the following is best recommended for
him to implement?
A. Assign all patrol officers to roving mobile patrols
B. Assign foot patrol in busy and congested areas and roving patrol to cover the
other beats
C. Maintain all patrol officers at the station and just wait for calls for police
D. Assign mobile patrol in busy areas and leave the rest of the patrol officers
at the station

81. The most important factor in formulating an effective patrol strategy is ____.
A. Rank of patrol supervisor
B. Training of patrol officers and members
C. Salary rates of patrol officers
D. Adequacy of resources of the police station

82. It deals with all things which should be known in advance before initiating a
course of action
A. Crime research
B. Crime investigation
C. Information
D. Intelligence

83. Plans to cope with strikes and pickets fall under the category of:
A. Procedural plan
B. Operational plan
C. Tactical plan
D. Management plan

84. Which of the following are grounds for the cancellation of security guard
I. Assisting or protecting a criminal during off or on duty status
II. Providing confidential information to an authorized person
III. Found drunk or drinking intoxicating liquor while on duty
IV. Loitering away from his/her assigned post
A. I and II
B. IV and I
C. II and III
D. III and IV

85. What is referred to as the protection of high ranking company officials

especially against harm, kidnap and other illegal acts?
A. Official security
B. VIP security
C. Personnel security
D. Industrial security

86. If the PNP member is a mohammedan, the award for compensation benefits to the
beneficiaries shall be made in accordance with provisions of ____.
A. Act creating the Autonomous Muslim Mindanao Region
B. Presidential Decree no. 1184
C. Code of Muslim Personal Law of the Philippines
D. Presidential Decree no. 448

87. Which of the following are pre-licensing training programs?

I. Basic security guard course
II. Security training officer course
III. Private security training trainors course
IV. Basic security supervisory course
V. Security supervisor development course
A. I, II, and III
B. V, I, and II
C. II, III, and IV
D. IV, V, and I

88. What test are conducted by the UN selection assistance team for PNP applicants
who passed the initial screening process conducted by the PNP selection Committee?
I. English test
II. Weapon handling and proficiency test
III. Driving test
IV. Intelligence quotient (IQ) test
A. I, II and III
B. III, IV, and I
C. IV, I and II
D. II, III and IV

89. PO1 randy Surial saw Lolo Andoy, a senile old man from the neighborhood, seated
outside the Jollibee restaurant counting so many US Dollar bills. PO1 Surial would
be most helpful if he would tell the old man to:
A. Keep the money inside his pocket and walk back home with him
B. Call a friend or a relative to bring him home
C. Go inside the restaurant and continue counting his money
D. Give him the money and they go to the station

90. Which of the following police units can best handle a call concerning an “in-
progress crime incident”?
A. Unit with police officers and who are most experience with the type of crime
B. Unit closest to the place of incident
C. Unit with the most number of personnel
D. Unit with the highest ranking officer

91. Mr. Alvin Sand is a security guard assigned to the night shift. He reported
for a duty as scheduled and was wearing denim pants and red t-shirt. He is properly
covered with a duty detail order signed by the chief security officer is he
authorized to carry firearm?
A. Yes, he is a duty officer assigned
B. No, he is not in uniform
C. Yes, he has a duty detail order
D. No, firearm is not needed during the night shifts

92. What type of police leader is one who tells his/her subordinates what to do,
allowing no discussion?
A. Command presence leader
B. Free-rein leader
C. Democratic leader
D. Autocratic leader

93. Police Intelligence Operations involved a number of tasks. Below is an

enumeration of these tasks EXCEPT:
A. Custodial investigation
B. Clipping services
C. Discovery and identification activity
D. Surveillance

94. Pedro de la Cuesta is the security officer of the Bodegan Industries. The
general manager wants him to implement a security program for the industry’s
protection. What shall pedro do?
A. Surveil the establishment incognito
B. Conduct a security survey of the establishment
C. Ask the management what it wants for security
D. Copy the security system of the neighbor establishment

95. An example of a natural barrier is _____

A. River
B. Building
C. Dam
D. Fence

96. It comprises all documents, reports and all recorded information that pertains
to a single personality or subject. Contained in a folder for storage convenience
A. Document
B. File
C. Information
D. Dossier

97. The concern of the security guards regarding the directives given by most
companies to its security personnel is
A. To impose disciplinary action to company employees who violate regulations
B. To ignore and impose rules of their own
C. To report all known violations to their supervisor
D. To make recommendation for better security control

98. A safe that weighs less than 750 pounds (lbs) should be ____
A. Resistant to fire
B. Anchored to building fixed structure
C. Guarded at all times
D. Used only for small cash/valuables

99. The Hongkong police has the Commissioner of police while the Philippine
National Police has the _____
A. Police Director
B. Director General
C. Deputy Director General
D. Commission Vice Chairman

100. The first-line patrol supervisor is the key to the success of the patrol
function. This statement is generally _____
A. False, since he/she is no better than subordinates
B. False, since he/she cannot be in all places to supervise
C. True, since the public air their complaints to him/her
D. True, since he/she ensures that patrol is performed properly

*** END OF SET 3 ***


(SET 3)

1.A 26.C 51.B 76.A

2.D 27.A 52.C 77.C
3.A 28.B 53.A 78.B
4.D 29.A 54.B 79.B
5.A 30.A 55.B 80.B
6.A 31.D 56.A 81.D
7.C 32.C 57.C 82.C
8.A 33.D 58.D 83.C
9.A 34.C 59.C 84.B
10.C 35.B 60.A 85.B
11.C 36.D 61.C 86.C
12.C 37.B 62.A 87.A
13.A 38.B 63.C 88.C
14.D 39.D 64.C 89.A
15.B 40.C 65.B 90.B
16.D 41.A 66.C 91.B
17.A 42.C 67.C 92.D
18.B 43.D 68.D 93.B
19.C 44.B 69.A 94.B
20.B 45.A 70.A 95.A
21.C 46.D 71.A 96.D
22.C 47.C 72.D 97.C
23.D 48.A 73.C 98.B
24.B 49.B 74.A 99.B
25.A 50.B 75.D 100.D

The  answer  keys  provided  here  are  mere  suggestions.  It  is  strongly  advised  to 
seek  other  information  for  proper  verification  of  the  answers.  If  there  are  still 
unintended errors it is due to myopia of the Editor. 

Any corrections are greatly appreciated and if there would be correction please 
send your inquiries or contact us at “What Criminologist Knows? Charlemagne James P. 
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return we will send an UPDATED and FREE Version of this book. 


                       Charlemagne James P. Ramos 
Founder, What Criminologist Knows? 

CRIMINOLOGISTS Licensure Examination

Afternoon Session 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only the answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.


1. When casing a suspect , it is an improper technique to:

A. Undertake necessary precautions
B. Familiarize himself with the area
C. Resort to extreme facial disguises
D. Avoid being detected

2. The coordination of the units of police manpower is called:

A. Coordination of platoons
B. Coordination of functional units
C. Coordination of geographic units
D. Coordination of the force

3. An effective patrol strategy hinges on the following, except _____

A. Adequacy of the resources of police station
B. Training of patrol officers
C. Commitment of patrol officers
D. Qualifications of the patrol supervisor

4. What is referred to as the number of officers on actual duty at a given time?

A. Authorize strength
B. Mandatory strength
C. Actual strength
D. Effective strength

5. In counter intelligence, the operational file that contains the list of persons
who are known to be friendly with the intelligence forces is known as
A. Tactical list
B. Black list
C. White list
D. CI list

6. In the intelligence functions, the black list includes __________ forces.

A. unwanted
B. neutral
C. friendly
D. unfriendly

7. What is the mechanical device strategically located in an installation or

street where a fire hose is connected so that water with pressure will be available
to extinguish fire.
A. Fire alarm
B. Fire pump
C. Fire extinguisher
D. Fire hydrants

8. One method of organizing a complex organization is to subdivide the work into

small units, with each staff specializing in one phase of the operation. Which of
the following is a likely disadvantage of this subdivision of work?
A. More difficult coordination of work
B. More costly operation
C. More training requirements
D. Poorer quality of work

9. A criticism against mobile patrol is that police officers ride by streets and
have become strangers to the public. Which of the following can effectively
resolve the problem?
A. Convince the public that the mobile patrol covers a wider and response faster
B. Eliminate mobile patrol and undertake foot patrol
C. Expand police community relation program
D. Mobile patrol officers park their car and walk their seat from time to time

10. Under which type of leadership would morals, Discipline, efficiency and
productivity begin to deteriorate?
A. Laisses-faire leader
B. Autocratic leader
C. Hands-on leader
D. Democratic leader

11. What is the process of searching for people who fill vacant positions in an
A. Recruitment
B. Appointment
C. Promotion
D. Designation

12. Police Norberto Iso works as intelligence officer and he has a civilian friend
who gives him information without any monetary reward. What is his friend called?
A. Ally
B. Informer
C. Informant
D. Asset

13. Electronic device or hardware is an example of:

A. Natural barrier
B. Human barrier
C. Structural barrier
D. Energy barrier

14. The act of extracting from an agent the maximum amount of pertinent and useful
information which he obtained in the collection mission.
A. Briefing
B. Debriefing
C. Penetration
D. Infiltration

15. It is the administrative function concerned with the creation, protection,

retention, retrieval, and preservation of records?
A. Records development
B. Records management
C. Records administration
D. Records system

16. Police _____ comes from the people, their laws and instructions
A. Authority
B. Work
C. Command
D. Responsibility

17. The Indonesian National Police is under the ____

A. Ministry of homeland Security
B. Ministry of Defense
C. Office of the president
D. Ministry of interior

18. The following are factors in designating patrol beats EXCEPT _____
A. Number of patrol officers to be assigned at one time
B. Types of reports to be prepared
C. Size of the area to be covered
D. Natural and man-made barriers

19. The process of combining elements which are isolated through analysis and
other known information to form a logical theory is called _____
A. Collection
B. Integration
C. Deduction
D. Evaluation
20. The formulation of conclusions from the theory developed, tested and considered
valid as a result of interpretation is called.
A. collection
B. evaluation
C. integration
D. deduction

21. The police must be able to let the residents feel that they are secure in
their homes and process of work and that the police are readily available to
respond to their calls for assistance is called _____
A. Police omnipresence
B. Police authority
C. Police responses
D. Police discretion

22. What is an agent doing when he discards his identity changes his name and/or
his appearance and gets into contact with the subject.
A. Casing
B. Undercover
C. Surveillance
D. Penetration

23. Which is NOT a first line of defense in physical security?

A. Gate guard
B. Perimeter fence
C. Grills
D. Steel cabinets

24. Supervision is:

A. Seeing to it that someone is responsible for a particular task
B. Giving the right commands to a subordinate
C. Seeing to it that a job is done properly in accordance with the direction
D. All of these

25. Two cardinal principles of _____ are 1: the police should get there first and
2: they should be in sufficient force.
A. Decisive police action
B. Crowd control
C. Preparedness
D. Positive police action

26. In industrial security, “clear zone” means _____

A. Guarded area
B. Perimeter area
C. Lighted area
D. Unobstructed area

27. An unobstructed area maintained on both sides of the perimeter barrier.

A. clear zone
B. building wall
C. bodies of water
D. wire fence

28. The process of screening out undesirable and unqualified candidate and
appointing the best qualified is:
A. Selection
B. Appointment
C. Recruitment
D. Enlistment

29. When the operational plan is formulated by the assigned team, the success of
its implementation is greater in view of _____
A. Effective linkage of other agencies
B. More adequate resources shall be given to the plan
C. Adequate number of personnel involved
D. Effective consideration of all aspects of the operations and each team member
feels ownership of the plan

30. In small police stations, a patrol officer must be trained as _____.

A. Generalist
B. Traffic enforcer
C. Specialist
D. Investigator

31. What is the process of directing and controlling the resources of an

A. Organization
B. Supervision
C. Planning
D. Management

32. Police intelligence is the gathering of information on the activities of

criminals and law violators while the procuring of information pertaining to the
security of the state is called _____ intelligence.
A. Counter
B. Military
C. Overt
D. Covert

33. Which of the following calibers of firearms are authorized to be used by a

security agency?
A. All of these
B. Pistol or revolver, cal. 38
C. Rifle or revolver, cal 22
D. 12 guage shotgun

34. The basic objective of conducting background investigation on applicants is

A. Check party affiliation, if any
B. Determine the suitability of applicants for employment or promotion
C. Examine competence and skills
D. Test personality and social relations

35. The minimum age requirement for Police Officer 1 appointees in the PNP is 21
years old while it s over _____ years old in the Austrian Federal Police (AFP).
A. 20
B. 18
C. 25
D. 21

36. It is the process of directing and controlling people and things so that
organizational objectives can be accomplished.
A. Intervention
B. Assessment
C. Management
D. Recruitment

37. Task of making decisions and embodying them in specific and instructions and
serving as the leader of the enterprise?
A. Directing
B. Boss
C. Leader
D. Management

38. In a patrol section or unit, plans for responding to major accidents or

disaster is classified as ______.
A. Tactical plan
B. Management plan
C. Procedural plan
D. Extra-departmental plan

39. It serves as reference for arrest and complaint numbers as well as give to
supervisors easily read portrayal of the day’s activities.
A. Operational report
B. Crime report
C. Daily bulletin
D. Incident report

40. In counter intelligence, surveillance is categorized according to intensity

and sensitivity. When there is intermittent observation varying in occasions,
this surveillance is called _____
A. Discreet
B. Closed
C. Loose
D. Open

41. Which type of patrol is best recommended for adaptation in busy and thickly
populated streets and places like divisoria and baclaran.
A. Foot
B. Bicycle
C. Mobile
D. Horse

42. Which of the following should be done to ensure basic security consciousness
of personnel?
A. Guards go round and check on personnel
B. Visiting person are not allowed inside
C. Wearing of ID’s to be ordered
D. Personnel are forewarned about security checks and trained on security measures

43. A PNP member who is permanently incapacitated in line of duty is entitled to

a gratuity equivalent to one (1) year salary and lifetime pension equivalent to
______ % of his/her last salary.
A. 50
B. 20
C. 80
D. 30

44. What are the three (3) basic parts of an alarm system?
I. Sensor
II. Circuits
III. Annunciator
IV. Activator
A. I, II and III
B. IV, I and II
C. III, IV and I
D. II, III, and IV

45. Natural hazards like storms, earthquake and floods occur in any area thus
affecting operations of different industrial plants. As the security officer of
industry “A” what should you do to reduce the disastrous effects of these natural
A. Rely on press releases of TV stations
B. Prepare a disaster or emergency plan for the implementation of Industry “A”
C. Alert your guards to call you up when any of the hazards occur
D. Call PAGASA and inquire when these hazards occur

46. How is the time elapsed between the receipt of civilian call for assistance
and the time of arrival of the police at the scene called?
A. Critical time
B. Crime reporting time
C. Proximate time
D. Response time

47. Which of the following is considered an auxillary police function?

A. Intelligence
B. Traffic investigation
C. Patrol
D. Crime laboratory services

48. The decision of the Philippine Government to participate in UN peace operations

considers which of the following factors?
I. National capabilities
II. Domestic peace and order situation
III. National interest and goals
IV. The domestic economic environment
A. I,II, and III
B. IV, I and II
C. III,IV and I
D. II, III, and IV

49. Accepting gratuities and bribes is a form of police _____

A. Indiscretion
B. Corruption
C. Protection
D. Conflict

50. Which of the following type of training consolidates, deepens and broadens
skills and knowledge for a particular task function or aspect of personnel’s work?
A. Refresher
B. Retraining
C. Upgrading
D. Specialization

51. What do you call the list of persons which are required by the guards at the
malacanang palace to determine who should be permitted to enter the malacanang
A. Security list
B. Gate pass
C. Secret list
D. Access list

52. A police station must have a _____ plan which includes every process and step
that have been outlined and officially adopted as the standard method of action
to be followed by members of the PNP.
A. Operational
B. Tactical
C. Procedural
D. Management

53. The complete uniform of a private security personnel must bear their name and
_____ visible above the breast pockets of the shirt.
A. Serial number
B. Rank
C. License number
D. Agency’s name

54. A peace and Order Council is organized in every city/municipality by virtue

A. Executive Order 386
B. Executive Order 1012
C. Executive Order 309
D. Presidential Degree 118

55. When may the president extend the tour of duty of the chief of the PNP?
A. If the present Chief PNP is not yet 56 years old
B. If in times of police reorganization approved by Congress
C. If the incumbent PNP chief is performing very satisfactorily
D. In times of war or other national emergency

56. The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) is ______ the department of the
interior and Local Government (DILG) for policy and program coordination
A. Attached to
B. Under
C. Connected to
D. Equal to

57. The National Police Commission is attached to the Department of the Interior
and Local Government (DILG) for __________.
A. administrative control
B. operational supervision
C. administration and control
D. policy and program coordination

58. The application letter of the claimant for death benefits shall be in writing,
under oath, in triplicate copies and shall be addressed to the ____ concerned.
A. PNP Regional Director
B. DILG Regional director
C. DBM Regional Director
D. Napolcom Regional Director

59. Official designated by NAPOLCOM to investigate application for benefits claims

A. Hearing officer
B. NAPOLCOM investigation
C. Claim officer
D. Investigator

60. Senior Superintendent Jaime Salang was charged administratively for grave
misconduct before the inspection, monitoring and investigation service of the
National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) which pre-charge evaluation report
indicated that there is prima facie case against him. Can the NAPOLCOM conduct
formal investigation immediately?
A. Yes, because there is a probable cause
B. No, a presidential clearance is still needed before formal investigation
C. No, the case has to be endorsed to the chief PNP
D. Yes, NAPOLCOM is an administrative disciplinary authority

61. Which of the following composed the PNP under its creation on R.A 6975?
A. member of the INP
B. members of the PC
C. jail guards
D. all of them

62. What is the rank of the Chief Directorial Staff?

A. Deputy Dir General
B. Police Director
C. Police Chief Superintendent
D. Police Senior Superintendent

63. How many deputies do the PNP has?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

64. The staff directorate in charge of providing the necessary supplies and
materials to all PNP units is the
A. Research Development Office
B. Logistics Office
C. Plans
D. Comptrollership

65. PNP in-service training programs are under the responsibility of the;
A. PNP Directorate for Plans
B. PNP Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development
C. PNP Directorate for Personnel and Records Management
D. PNP Directorate for Comptrollership

66. PO IV Ram Edgar is assigned to collect available information concerning the

activities of Blue Sagittarius Group. He is in what unit of the police?
A. Criminal investigation
B. Patrol
C. Intelligence
D. Women’s Desk

67. It enforces all traffic laws and regulations to ensure the safety of motorists
and pedestrians and attain an orderly traffic.
A. Civil relation unit
B. Traffic operation center
C. Traffic management command
D. Aviation security command

68. The actual strength of the police by cities and municipalities shall be
determined by the following factors, EXCEPT:
A. Population density
B. Number of establishments
C. State of peace and order
D. Actual demands of service

69. Republic Act No. 6975 provides that on the average nationwide, the manning
levels of the PNP shall be approximately in accordance with a police to population
ratio of;
A. one (1) policeman for every seven hundred (700) inhabitants
B. one (1) policeman for every one thousand five hundred (1500) inhabitants
C. one (1) policeman for every five hundred (500) inhabitants
D. one (1) policeman for every one thousand (1000) inhabitants

70. Gerano Delman was born in 1982. Considering the Age requirement. Can he be
appointed as Police Officer 1 during the 2010 recruitment?
A. Yes, He meets the age requirement
B. Yes, he meets the minimum age requirement
C. No, he does not meet the maximum age requirement
D. No, he does not meet the minimum age requirement

71. A police applicant can apply for an age waiver if he/she is:
A. Not below twenty-five (25) nor over thirty-five (35) years of age
B. Not below twenty (20) nor over thirty-five (35) years of age
C. Not below twenty-one (21) nor over thirty-one (31) years of age
D. Not below eighteen (18) nor over thirty (30) years of age

72. Under the waiver program of R.A. no. 8551, the qualification requirements for
appointment to the police service shall be waiver in the following order: _____
A. Weight, Height, education, age
B. Height, Weight, age, education
C. Education, age, height, weight
D. Age, height, weight, education

73. R.A. No. 8551 provides that the following shall be covered by the field
training program of police recruits:
A. Intelligence, patrol and traffic
B. Patrol, traffic and criminal investigation
C. Traffic, criminal, investigation and intelligence
D. Patrol,investigation,traffic

74. Andrew Sebastian was appointed as Police officer 1 on July 1, 2015 how is he
A. Regular employee
B. Contractual employee
C. Casual employee
D. Probationary employee

75. From what rank can the Chief of the PNP be selected?
A. Deputy Director General only
B. Chief inspector and above
C. Chief superintendent and above
D. Secretary general and above

76. The cadetship program for the police, fire and jail service is conducted at:
A. Napolcom
B. PNP Directorate for Human Resources and doctrine Development
C. Philippine National Police Academy
D. PNP Training Command

77. It is the premier institution for the police, fire, and jail personnel.
A. Philippine Military Academy (PMA)
B. Development Academy of the Philippines
C. Philippine College of Criminology (PCCR)
D. Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC)

78. MNSA or Master’s in National Security in Administration is offered and

administered by this institution.
C. Department of Interior and Local Government
D. National Defense College

79. PO1 to SPO4 shall be appointed by ________, except those who will be assigned
in the office of the PNP for national headquarters who will be appointed by the
chief, PNP
A. Provincial director
B. Chief, PNP
C. Chief of Police
D. Regional Director
80. Inspector to superintendent shall be appointed by_________ and recommended by
their immediate superiors and attested by the CSC.
B. Chief, PNP
C. President

81. Highly qualified and technical professionals such as doctors, dentists, nurses
may apply and be appointed to the officers rank of the PNP through _____
A. Promotion
B. Attrition
C. Lateral entry
D. Commissionship

82. All original appointments of commissioned officers commence with the rank of:
A. Senior Police Officer I
B. Police Officer III
C. Inspector
D. Senior Inspector

83. Leonila Aberton is a licensed physician and applied through the lateral entry
of the PNP. If she is found to be qualified what would be her rank?
A. P/Senior Inspector
B. P/Superintendent
C. P/Inspector
D. P/Chief Inspector

84. A criminologist maybe appointed to the rank of P/Inspector through lateral

entry. On the other hand a medical doctor may be appointed the PNP in the rank of
A. P/Superintendent
B. P/Chief Inspector
C. P/Inspector
D. P/Senior Inspector

85. A personnel evaluation system will not relatively be effective unless _____
A. The ratee is willing to listen and hear the rater’s suggestions
B. The form is simple and easy to accomplish
C. The ratee understand the form
D. The rater is trained on how to rate a subordinate

86. The maximum tenure of office of a Police Regional Director is

A. three years
B. five years
C. four years
D. six years

87. Under the law, the NAPOLCOM shall establish a system of promotion for uniformed
and non-uniformed member of the PNP on the basis of, except one
A. Seniority
B. Merit
C. Responsibility of police officer
D. Availability of vacant position

88. PO3 Venerasion, after his tour of duty boarded a bus, while in transit, 3
suspects announced a heist because of vigilance, courage and exceptional skill he
was able to neutralize and kill all of the suspects. Is qualified for promotion
wanting eligibility and training?
A. Yes
B. No
C. It defends
D. Maybe

89. In the Civil Service System, merit and fitness are the primary consideration
in the ________.
A. two-party system
B. promotional system
C. evaluation system
D. tools system

90. The attestation function over police appointment is vested in the:

A. Civil Service Commission
B. National Police Commission
C. Professional Regulations Commission
D. Department of Interior and Local Government

91. Who among the following have summary disciplinary powers over errant police
A. Provincial Director
B. District Director
C. Chief PNP
D. Chief of Police

92. In the police disciplinary system, a _____ refers to an act of omission not
involving moral turpitude but affecting the internal discipline of the PNP.
A. Negligence
B. Minor offense
C. Major offense
D. Grave misconduct

93. Planning is a formal process of choosing the following, EXCEPT

A. Purpose for which the organization performs
B. An organizational mission and overall objectives for both the short and long
C. Strategies to achieve the objectives
D. Divisional, departmental and individual objective based on organizational

94. It is the formal process of choosing the organizational mission and overall
objective both the short and long term as well as the divisional and individual
objectives based on the organizational objectives.
A. planning
B. directing
C. organizing
D. managerial decision-making

95. Police Officer must develop the _________________ of recording the facts as
they are learned and as the evidence is obtained:
A. obligation
B. perspective
C. habit
D. Duty

96. An industrial complex must established its first line of physical defense. It
must have;
A. The building itself
B. Communication barrier
C. Perimeter barriers
D. Window barriers

97. It is the circumspect inspection of a place to determine its suitability for

particular operational purposes.
A. Inspection
B. Survey
C. Surveillance
D. Casing

98. Which of these statements is correct?

A. Conduction is heat transfer through combustion
B. Conduction is heat transfer through solid materials
C. Conduction is heat transfer through air motion
D. Conduction is heat transfer through electromagnetic waves

99. The transfer of heat from one material to another by direct contact is called
A. oxidation
B. conduction
C. convection
D. radiation

100. When heat is transmitted by a circulating medium, the method is called

A. radiation
B. convection
C. oxidation
D. conduction

*** END OF SET 4 ***


(SET 4)

1.C 26.D 51.D 76.C

2.D 27.A 52.C 77.D
3.B 28.A 53.D 78.D
4.C 29.D 54.C 79.D
5.C 30.A 55.D 80.B
6.D 31.D 56.A 81.C
7.D 32.B 57.D 82.C
8.A 33.A 58.D 83.A
9.C 34.D 59.A 84.D
10.A 35.A 60.D 85.A
11.A 36.C 61.D 86.D
12.C 37.A 62.A 87.C
13.D 38.D 63.B 88.A
14.B 39.B 64.B 89.B
15.B 40.C 65.B 90.A
16.A 41.A 66.C 91.C
17.C 42.D 67.C 92.B
18.D 43.C 68.B 93.A
19.B 44.A 69.C 94.A
20.D 45.B 70.A 95.C
21.C 46.A 71.B 96.C
22.B 47.D 72.D 97.D
23.D 48.A 73.D 98.B
24.D 49.B 74.D 99.B
25.B 50.D 75.C 100.B

The  answer  keys  provided  here  are  mere  suggestions.  It  is  strongly  advised  to 
seek  other  information  for  proper  verification  of  the  answers.  If  there  are  still 
unintended errors it is due to myopia of the Editor. 

Any corrections are greatly appreciated and if there would be correction please 
send your inquiries or contact us at “What Criminologist Knows? Charlemagne James P. 
Ramos” (Facebook Fan‐page) or E‐mail us at Charlemagnejamesrms@gmail.com and in 
return we will send an UPDATED and FREE Version of this book. 


                       Charlemagne James P. Ramos 
Founder, What Criminologist Knows? 

CRIMINOLOGISTS Licensure Examination

Afternoon Session 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only the answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.


1. In the de-briefing, the intelligence agent is asked to discuss which of the

A. His education profile and schools attended
B. His personal circumstances such as his age, religion, affiliation, address,
C. His political inclination and/or party affiliation
D. His observations and experiences in the intelligence function

2. Private security agencies has to be registered with the ____________.

A. Security and exchange commission
B. Department of interior and local government
C. Napolcom
D. National bureau of investigation

3. It is natural and man-made structure or physical device which is capable of

restricting, determining or delaying illegal access to an installation.
A. Fence
B. Barrier
C. Wall
D. Hazard

4. It provides means and ways by which all persons and employees are trained to
make them security conscious and disciplined.
A. Security check
B. Security investigation
C. Security education
D. Security promotion

5. Which of the following is the most important characteristics of a good

operational plan?
A. Only one officer is reasonable for his execution
B. Need for on-the-operation modification and amplification is minimized
C. Present objectives and allocation of resources but not the methodology
D. All the details of the plans are properly identified and evaluated and such
details are known by the implementers.

6. Your fire station received a call that the department store “a” is burning.
Considering the huge facility and merchandise of said department store, there is
a need to?
A. Study the problem in advance and formulate method of attack
B. Wait for further information about progress of incident
C. Proceed to the area and start putting off the fire
D. Organize the committee to direct fire fighting

7. In disaster control operation, there is a need to establish a ______________

where telephone or other means of communication shall ensure public lines of
A. Command post
B. Field room
C. Operation center
D. Safe house

8. This is particularly important during disaster activities operations.

A. disaster relief and rescue evacuation
B. provision for emergency transportation
C. activation of early disaster warning
D. establishment of command post with communication

9. The budget is ___________ in terms of expenditure requirements.

A. Tactical plan
B. Work plan
C. Financial plan
D. Control plan

10. The term used for the object of surveillance is subject while the investigator
conducting the surveillance is:
A. Rabbit
B. Decoy
C. Surveillant
D. Target

11. Two or more persons forming an organization must identify first the reason for
establishing such organizations. They must identify the organizations
A. Strategy
B. Vision
C. Objective
D. Mission

12. Which of the following strategies is false?

A. Patrol officers are assigned to the new cops on the block
B. Foot patrol places the patrol officers to greater danger than mobile patrol
C. Helicopter patrol is of no use in search and rescue operation
D. The pnp does employ foot patrol

13. Which of the following best reflects the first step, logically and to some
extent chronologically, in planning the budget for an operating unit of the police
A. Forecast of workload
B. Find out how much money was given last
C. Establish a priority for each task or activity
D. All of the above

14. Which of the statement is true?

A. In a small police station, the need for a full time records officer is
B. As police stations increases its size, routine desk officer is not able to
hand them all.
C. Police records are not that important in police administration.
D. In large departments, the desk officer devote full time exclusively to record

15. Direction that is provided on a one-on-one basis is called?

A. Administration
B. Supervision
C. Management
D. Organization

16. You are the patrol supervisor for morning shift, you don’t have enough men to
cover all the patrol beats. Which of the following will you implement?
A. Assign roving patrol with no foot patrol
B. Assign mobile patrol only in strategic place
C. Maintain your patrolmen in the station and just wait for calls for police
D. Assign foot patrol in congested and busy patrol beats but assign a roving
mobile patrol to cover beats which are not covered by foot patrol.

17. _________________ plan relates to the problem of equipping, staffing and

preparing the police station to do job rather than the actual operation of the
A. Tactical plan
B. Management plan
C. Procedural plan
D. Operational plan

18. It is the importance of the firm or installation in relation to national

A. Relative necessity
B. Relative vulnerability
C. Relative security
D. Relative criticality

19. In undertaking a long range program directly toward simplification of the

police records, the first step should be a study of:
A. Mechanic in which the current systems operate
B. Utilization of existing record system
C. Administrative structure of the organization
D. Record system of similar organization

20. These procedure relates to the assignment and method of performance of police
task away from headquarters.
A. Field procedures
B. Staff procedure
C. Headquarters procedure
D. System procedure

21. If a high winds has an extinguishing effect on the fire, the most probable
extinguishing method is?
A. Smothering
B. Fuel removal
C. Cooling
D. Allusion

22. Upon arrival at his assigned beat, the patrol officer must immediately report
to the ________.
A. Desk officer
B. Commander
C. Unit supervisor
D. Supervisor

23. In surveillance, the following are done to hide the appearance of the
surveillance vehicle except.
A. Changing license plate of surveillance vehicle
B. Putting on and removing hats, coats and sunglasses
C. Change of setting arrangement within the surveillance vehicle
D. Keep the cars behind the subjects car

24. To some other person within the organization.

A. Budgeting
B. Delegation
C. Inspection
D. Evaluation

25. Fredrick the great is known as the;

A. Father of military espionage
B. Intelligence father
C. Great intelligence father
D. Father of criminology

26. Protective lightning, perimeter barriers and _______________ systems are known
in industrial security as physical security.
A. Relieving
B. Reporting
C. Accounting
D. Guarding

27. What administrative support unit conducts investigation and evaluation of

physical evidences related to crimes, with emphasis on their medical, chemical,
biological and physical nature.
A. Logistics service
B. Crime laboratory
C. Communication and electronics service
D. Finance center

28. Responsible for the direct accomplishment of the objectives.

A. Law enforcement
B. Line
C. Staff
D. Investigator

29. Responsible for support, advisory, or facilitative capacity?

A. Law enforcement
B. Staff
C. Logistic
D. Line

30. Those who are charge with actual fulfillments of agency’s mission are__________
A. Staff
B. Management
C. Supervision
D. Line

31. Which of the following is contained in the heading of an intelligence report?

A. Reporting unit
B. Conclusion
C. Signature of the director
D. Assessment of the operation

32. Licenses of private security guards are processed and issued by the;
A. Philippine national police
B. National police commission
C. Department of interior and local government
D. Security and exchange commission

33. A fire hydrant should be carefully opened when in use in order to -

A. Prevent water runner
B. To ensure that the drip valve is all the way closed
C. Close the coupling
D. Reduce vibration of the hydrant

34. Some of the instruction in foot surveillance are the following, except
A. Stop quickly, look behind
B. Drop paper, never mind what happens to the paper
C. Window shop, watch reflections
D. Retraces steps

35. On many occasions, the bulk of the most information comes from?
A. Business world
B. An underworld
C. News clippings
D. Communications media

36. Highly qualified police applicants such as engineers, nurses, and graduates
of forensic science enter the police service as officers through;
A. Regular promotion
B. Lateral entry
C. Commissionship
D. Attrition

37. The first step a dispatcher must take when a felony-in-progress call has been
received through telephone or by direct alarm signal is to?
A. Assign an investigator to investigate the witness
B. Clear the air for emergency broadcast
C. Call the investigators to report to crime scene
D. Send augmentation force

38. The number of subordinates that can be supervised directly by one person tends
A. Increase as the physical distance between supervisor and subordinate as well
as the individual subordinate increases
B. Decrease with an increase in the knowledge and experience of the subordinate
C. Decrease as the duties of subordinates increase in difficulty and complexity
D. Increase as the level of supervision progresses for the first-line supervisory
level and management level.

39. Police inspector juan dela cruz is the chief of police of a municipality. He
wants his subordinates be drawn closer to the people in the different barangays.
He should adopt which of the following projects?
A. Oplan Dlampasigan
B. Oplan bakal
C. Oplan sandugo
D. Oplan pagbabago/COPS on the Block

40. A plan with a time horizon of 5 to 10 years is called;

A. Annual plan
B. Long-term plan
C. Strategic plan
D. Midterm plan

41. What should be undertaken by a security officer before he can prepare a

comprehensive security program for his industrial plan?
A. Security conference
B. Security survey
C. Security check
D. Security education

42. It is a fact finding probe to determine a plant’s adequacy and deficiency in

all aspects of security, with the corresponding recommendations.
A. security inspections
B. special survey
C. security survey
D. supplemental survey

43. Before a security expert can recommend what type of security will be needed
by an industrial establishment, there is a need for him to undertake a:
A. security training
B. security survey
C. security check
D. security education

44. A method of collecting information wherein the investigator merely uses his
different senses.
A. Observation
B. Research
C. Casing
D. Interrogation

45. In cutting a roof to ventilate, the firefighter should avoid

A. Cutting a very large hole
B. Cutting several small holes
C. Cutting roof boards near the beams
D. Making openings near the fire

46. Pedro is a thief who is eyeing at the handbag of

Maria. PO1 Santos Reyes is standing a few meters from Maria. The thief’s desire
to steal is not diminished by the presence of the policed officer but the
________________ for successful theft is.
A. Ambition
B. Intention
C. Feeling
D. Opportunity

47. In intelligence evaluation, the evaluation rating of a-4 means;

A. Completely reliable source - doubtfully true information
B. Usually reliable source – probably true information
C. Fairly reliable source - probably true information
D. Usually reliable source – probably true information

48. In case of special anti-crime squad, it should be used during normal times to
intensify patrol in crime prone areas and it be restricted to ____________ and be
given missions to accomplish.
A. An area corresponding to two (2) beats
B. Any area in the barangay
C. Specific areas
D. General patrol area

49. A plan for coping up an attack against building equipped with alarm system is
an example of?
A. Extra-departmental plan
B. Procedural plan
C. Management plan
D. Tactical plan

50. These are the procedures for coping with specific situations at known locations
such as plans for dealing with an attack against buildings, attack against the
PNP headquarters by lawless elements.
A. Procedural Plan
B. Reactive Plan
C. Proactive Plan
D. Tactical Plan

51. The random and unpredictable character of patrol, cultivation of feeling of

police omnipresence, high hazard areas, adequacy of the number of man to meet the
need, likelihood of criminal apprehension, and safety of control officers
A. Patrol coverage and deployment
B. Degree of police-community relations
C. Type of weapon to be used
D. Deployment of intelligence agent

52. Before the objective of a plan can be formulated, the following must be
A. What resources are necessary to carry out the plan
B. Who will implement the plan
C. When will be it implemented
D. The need to plan

53. One way of extending the power of observation is to get information from
persons within the vicinity. In police work, this is called:
A. Data gathering
B. Interrogation
C. Field inquiry
D. Interview

54. The presence of a uniformed patrol officer and observant of the persons and
things around, deters the desire and destroys the _________________ for one to
commit crime.
A. Opportunity
B. Need
C. Intention
D. Ambition

55. Dogs have an acute sense of ____________ thus, their utilization in tracking
down lost persons or illegal drugs.
A. Smell
B. Eating
C. Hearing
D. Drinking

56. Which of these statements is true?

A. Radiation is heat transfer through combustion
B. Radiation is heat transfer through solid materials
C. Radiation is heat transfer through air motion
D. Radiation is heat transfer through electromagnetic waves

57. Which cause the greatest number of fires?

A. Spontaneous ignition
B. Electrical wiring
C. Leaking gas pipes
D. Smoking and matches

58. Intelligence on ______________ makes heavy usage of geographic information

because law enforcement officials must know exact location to interdict the flow
of drugs.
A. Logistics
B. Narcotics trafficking
C. Human cargo trafficking
D. Economic resources
59. It requires the use of flashing light and siren and may violate traffic laws.
A. Roll call
B. Exit call
C. Emergency call
D. None of the above

60. It is the combination of analyzed data to form a logical picture.

A. Integration
B. Infiltration
C. Elicitation
D. Deception

61. The information is obtained through direct communication in which the other
party is unaware of the specific purpose of the conversation.
A. Integration
B. Infiltration
C. Elicitation
D. Deception

62. JO1 Bantay, and JO2 Tagatingin are prison guards who escorted Escapo in
attending a court hearing in Malabon City. Arriving too early in the court room,JO1
Bantay and went to a nearby restaurant to have a cup of coffee. When Escapo was
being watched by jO2 Tagatingin only. Escapo and his cohorts succeeded in
escaping. The said prison guards can be held liable for what crime?
A. Conniving with prisoner
B. Consenting to evasion
C. Illegal break time
D. Evasion through negligence

63. The conduct of operation is coupled with counter intelligence measures such
as window shopping, use of convoys and decoys.
A. Counter surveillance
B. Counter insurgency
C. Counter casing
D. Counter operation

64. This is observation of place usually book stall, a gambling joint, a residence
where illegal activities are going on fixed position.
A. Observation
B. Technical
C. Moving
D. Stationary

65. It is conducted when the subject is moving from one place to another.
A. Casing
B. Lost
C. Made
D. Shadowing

66. MOSSAD Is For Israel, CIA Is For What?

A. Philippines
B. Great Britain

67. In Intelligence, What Is Meant By C.B.I?

A. Complete Background Investigation
B. Complete Background Investigator
C. Complete Back Draft Investigation
D. Competent Background Investigator

68. A Uniformed Pnp Personnel Who Is Permanently Disabled In His Performance Of

His Duties Can Receive ______ Of Basic Salary Retirement.
A. 70%
B. 80%
C. 90%
D. 60%
69. Under sec. 57 of R.A. 8551 when administrative complaint is filed with police
disciplinary authority, such PLEB, no other case involving the same cause of
action shall be filed with any disciplinary authority.
A. Internal affairs
B. Forum shopping
C. Summary procedure
D. Customer service

70. All of the following are members of the People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB),
A. A Barangay Captain of the city/municipality chosen by the association of
barangay captains
B. Three (3) members chosen by the Peace and Order Council among respected members
of the community
C. A Bar member chosen by the Integrated Bar of the Philippines
D. Any member of the sanguniang panglungsod/pambayan

71. Withholding of privileges, suspension or forfeiture of salary or any

combination of these maybe imposed by the People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
on a PNP member guilty of less grave offense for a minimum period of:
A. 16 to 30 days
B. 45 to 60 days
C. 40 to 60 days
D. 31 to 45 days

72. A prisoner under the custody of PO3 Delfin Agas was able to escape. PO3 Agas
may be charged before the People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB) with:
A. Gross incompetency
B. Serious irregularity in the performance of duty
C. Dishonesty
D. Serious Neglect of duty

73. Decisions of the People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)may be appealed with the
A. National Appellate Board
B. Regional Appellate Board
C. Inspection, Monitoring and Investigation Service
D. Legal Affairs Service

74. Decision of the Chief, PNP in administrative cases where the penalty is
dismissal, demotion and forced resignation may be appealed before the
A. Regional Appellate Body
B. Office of the President
C. National Appellate Board
D. Chairman, NAPOLCOM

75. An appeal filed with the Napolcom Regional Appellate Board shall be decided
within _____ days from receipt of the notion of appeal.
A. fifty (50)
B. thirty (30)
C. twenty (20)
D. sixty (60)

76. The National Appellate Board and Regional Appellate Boards are the __________
of the Philippine National Police.
A. appellate body
B. juridical authorities
C. disciplinary machinery
D. central receiving entity

77. Before a PNP member can join the Internal Affairs Service, one must have a
five(5) year law enforcement experience and no derogatory records. Application
for appointment is _____.
A. Voluntary
B. Mandatory
C. Optional
D. Compulsory

78. Which of the following administers and attends to cases involving crimes
against chastity?
C. Women’s Desk
D. Homicide Division

79. The annual reservation percentage quota for women in the PNP recruitment is
A. 25%
B. 5%
C. 10%
D. 20%

80. Under R.A. no. 6975, who has the power to choose the Chief of Police in his/her
A. Napolcom Commisioner
B. Governor
C. DILG secretary
D. Mayor

81. The utilization of units or elements, of the PNP for the purpose of protection
of lives and properties, enforcement of laws and maintenance of peace and order.
A. employment
B. deployment
C. assignment
D. designation

82. The provincial governors shall choose the provincial Director from a list of
______ eligible recommended by the PNP Director, preferable from the same
province, city, or municipality.
A. six (6)
B. Three (3)
C. five (5)
D. four (4)

83. The Mayor shall choose from the list of how many recommendees submitted by the
Police Provincial Director prior designation of Chief of Police.
A. 10
B. 5
C. 3
D. 7

84. The head of a local peace and order council is the __.
A. judge
B. chief of police
C. mayor
D. governor

85. They are automatically deputized as NAPOLCOM representatives to exercise

supervision and control over PNP units.
A. Chief of Police
B. Judges
C. Local Government Executives
D. Fiscals

86. The City Mayor did NOT choose a Police City Director from a list of five (5)
eligible submitted by the PNP Regional director. This was done three (3) times
already by the City Mayor who prefers the incumbent Officer-In-Charge. What should
the Police Regional Director do?
A. Request authority from the COMELEC to designate OIC-city director
B. Request authority for C,PNP to designate an OIC
C. Relieve the incumbent OIC and designate an OIC
D. Report the matter to NAPOLCOM and request authority to designate a qualified
senior officer to be designated as OIC-city director

87. There is no Chief of Police in Municipality “B”. The Mayor did not choose one
among the five(5)police officers recommended by the provincial police director to
the Chief of Police. Inspector Martin L. Nueva was designated Officer-In-Charge.
How long shall P/Insp.Nueva stay as Officer-In-Charge?
A. At least sixty (60) days
B. Not less than sixty (60) days
C. Not more than thirty (30) days
D. At least thirty (30) days
88. It is the LOWEST medal given to a PNP officer.
A. Medalya ng mabuting asal
B. Medalya ng papuri
C. Medalya ng karunungan
D. Medalya ng kasanayan

89. PO1 Andres Buyos was appointed in 2009. In 2012, he is three (3) years in the
service and is entitled to a fix amount to buy uniforms and accessories. This
allowance is known as:
A. Replacement clothing allowance
B. Incentive clothing allowance
C. Reimbursable clothing allowance
D. Repair clothing allowance

90. How much is the longevity pay of PNP uniformed personnel?

A. 10 % of the basic monthly salary for every 3 years of service
B. 10 % of the basic monthly salary for every 5 years of service
C. 5 % of the basic monthly salary for every 5 years of service
D. 5 % of the basic monthly salary for every 3 years of service

91. Are leave credits for absences incurred (approved leave with pay) by reason
of service-connected ailment/injury restored under the permanent disability
benefit system?
A. No
B. Partially
C. Sometimes
D. Yes

92. The lifetime pension guaranteed under the permanent total disability benefits
under R.A. no. 4864 as amended by PD nos. 649 and 1184 is ______ of the police
member’s basic monthly salary.
A. 85 %
B. 50%
C. 90%
D. 80%

93. A PNP member who comes permanently disabled receives a monthly pension as
authorized under ____.
A. Repulic Act 6975
B. Presidential Decree No. 1184
C. Republic Act No. 8551 (sec. 35 amended sec. 73)
D. Presidential Decree No. 448

94. A uniformed personnel and or his heir shall entitled to all benefits relative
to demise or permanent incapacity of said personnel
A. Early retirement program
B. Permanent physical disability
C. Death and disability benefits
D. Retirement benefits

95. The following are grounds for non-compensabilty of the death benefits of police
members, EXCEPT:
A. Only one (1) year of service
B. Willful intention to kill oneself
C. Notorious negligence
D. Intoxication or drunkenness

96. How many years of satisfactory service must a PNP member renders before he can
apply for optional retirement?
A. 10 years
B. 20 years
C. 15 years
D. 25 years

97. A PNP member for the purposes of pay, is retired to the next higher rank
provided he or she has served for at least ____ of service in permanent status.
A. Three (3)
B. Two (2)
C. Five (5)
D. One (1)
98. The process of determining the problem of the organization and coming up with
proposed resolutions and finding the best solution is called –
A. Staffing
B. Organizing
C. Planning
D. Coordinating

99. It is working out in broad outline the thing that needs to accomplish for the
A. planning
B. staffing
C. organizing
D. directing

100. Is an organized schedule or sequence by methodical activities intended to

attain a goal and objectives for the accomplishments of mission or objectives.
A. Procedure
B. Plan
C. Strategy
D. Alternative

*** END OF SET 5 ***


(SET 5)

1.D 26.D 51.A 76.C

2.A 27.B 52.D 77.A
3.B 28.B 53.C 78.C
4.C 29.B 54.A 79.C
5.D 30.D 55.A 80.D
6.C 31.A 56.D 81.A
7.A 32.A 57.B 82.B
8.D 33.D 58.B 83.B
9.C 34.B 59.C 84.C
10.C 35.C 60.A 85.C
11.D 36.B 61.C 86.D
12.C 37.B 62.D 87.C
13.C 38.D 63.A 88.B
14.D 39.D 64.D 89.B
15.B 40.C 65.D 90.B
16.D 41.B 66.D 91.D
17.B 42.C 67.A 92.D
18.D 43.B 68.B 93.C
19.A 44.A 69.B 94.C
20.A 45.D 70.C 95.A
21.A 46.D 71.D 96.B
22.C 47.A 72.B 97.D
23.B 48.C 73.B 98.C
24.B 49.A 74.C 99.A
25.A 50.D 75.D 100.B

The  answer  keys  provided  here  are  mere  suggestions.  It  is  strongly  advised  to 
seek  other  information  for  proper  verification  of  the  answers.  If  there  are  still 
unintended errors it is due to myopia of the Editor. 

Any corrections are greatly appreciated and if there would be correction please 
send your inquiries or contact us at “What Criminologist Knows? Charlemagne James P. 
Ramos” (Facebook Fan‐page) or E‐mail us at Charlemagnejamesrms@gmail.com and in 
return we will send an UPDATED and FREE Version of this book. 


                       Charlemagne James P. Ramos 
Founder, What Criminologist Knows? 

CRIMINOLOGISTS Licensure Examination

Afternoon Session 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only the answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.


1. This study suggests that when special attention is paid to employees by

management, productivity is likely to increase regardless of changes in working
conditions. This phenomenon was labeled as?
A. Hawthorne effect
B. Scientific management
C. Bureaucratic management
D. Administrative management

2. The rational comprehensive approach is the dominant tradition in planning. It

is also the point of departure for most other planning approaches. This model is
based on a problem-oriented approach to planning especially appropriate for police
agencies. It relies heavily on the problem identification and analysis of the
planning process. It can assist police administrators in formulating goals and
priorities in terms that are focused on specific problems and solutions that often
confront law enforcement. This statement is referring to
A. Transactive Planning
B. Incremental Planning
C. Advocacy Planning
D. Sypnoptic Planning

3. Beneficial aspects of this approach include a greater sensitivity to the

unintended and negative side effects of plans.
A. Transactive Planning
B. Incremental Planning
C. Advocacy Planning
D. Radical Planning

4. The first mainstream involves collective actions to achieve concrete results

in the immediate future. The second mainstream is critical of large-scale social
processes and how they permeate the character of social and economic life at all
levels, which, in turn, determine the structure and evolution of social problems.
A. Transactive Planning
B. Incremental Planning
C. Advocacy Planning
D. Radical Planning

5. In planning, preparation for the BOARD EXAMINATION is what kind of plan?

A. Strategic
B. Intermediate
C. Operational
D. Short Range

6. This is the type of police plan according to range, and which has a life span
of three years or more.
A. short term
B. long term
C. medium term
D. strategic plan

7. It is the backbone of police organization.

A. patrol
B. investigation
C. traffic
D. intelligence

8. It is the police function which serves as the _____ of the police service. In
all types of police situations, there is a specific unit assigned to undertake
this function in view of its importance.
A. Heart
B. Mind
C. Backbone
D. Nerve

9. The best reason why patrol service is being considered backbone of the police
department is;
A. Patrol force provides service to a greater number of people at any time.
B. Patrol function is largely preventive in nature
C. Patrol function is very wide in scope
D. Patrol is the only service that carries out the basic police jobs

10. It refers to a repeated circuit of in regarding, primarily to prevent the

commission of crimes and maintain the peace and order situation in a particular
A. Patrol
B. Surveillance
C. Investigation
D. Apprehension

11. That member of the law enforcement agency to be involved in practically every
incident calling for police action
A. Patrol Officer
B. Traffic Officer
C. Investigation Officer
D. Police Officer

12. Majority of contacts between the public and police occurs between the citizen
A. Patrolman
B. Criminal investigation
C. Traffic officer
D. Police supervisor

13. That unit in the police force best suited and is primarily responsible for
taking direct action when crime is committed is:
A. Patrol Division
B. Investigation Division
C. Criminalistic Division
D. Inspection Division

14. Ideal manning level of the Philippine National Police in relation to the
population is required to the National Capital Region?
A. 1:1000
B. 1:1500
C. 1:500
D. 1:250

15. For maximum effectiveness, a member of the police force who is generalist or
“all around man “should be assigned to:
A. Patrol duty
B. Criminal investigation duty
C. Community relations job
D. Traffic enforcement duty

16. It refers to the core mission of police patrol operations.

A. Crime prevention
B. Law enforcement
C. Order maintenance
D. Criminal apprehension

17. When the police officers are not bent on waiting for something to happen and
respond but instead utilizes some other means to effect crime prevention, the
focus is said to be a type of what kind of patrolling?
A. Reactive patrol
B. Pro-active patrol
C. Police patrol
D. foot patrol

18. This is a patrol program designed to ensure law abiding citizens feeling of
security but the reaction of fear for would be violators.
A. Low visibility patrol
B. High visibility patrol
C. Police Omnipresence
D. all of the above

19. When patrol officers saturates a given area with additional units, walking
beats to increase the aura of the police omnipresence, what particular patrol
operational tactics do they employ?
A. High visibility patrol
B. Low visibility patrol
C. Directed deterrent patrol
D. Split patrol

20. It designed to increase the rate of apprehension of persons engaged in selected

types of crimes
A. High visibility Patrol
B. Low visibility Patrol
C. Directed deterrent patrol
D. Split force patrol

21. This patrol method utilizes disguise deception and lying in wait rather than
upon high visibility patrol techniques?
A. decoy patrol
B. directed patrol
C. high visibility patrol
D. low visibility patrol

22. It refers to a patrol activity wherein police personnel drives around a

particular area or waits at the station for any call requiring police assistance.
A. Patrol
B. Reactive Patrol
C. Proactive patrol
D. Police patrol

23. It is an alternative patrol system which means the fielding of the field units
in their respective area of responsibility with prescribed objectives and
verifiable tasks schedule of the day.
A. proactive
B. mobile patrol
C. reactive
D. beat patrol

24. In 2008, there are 200,450 crimes reported to the Police Station of
Municipality A. If the population of municipality A is 5 Million, What is the
crime rate?
A. 3509
B. 4010
C. 4250
D. 4009

25. In 2008, physical injuries numbered 12,500 out of total crime volume of 60,500.
What percent of the total crime volume is attributed to physical injuries?
A. 18.7%
B. 20.7%
C. 25.7%
D. 4.8%

26. In 2008, murder accounted for 10% of all index crimes. If the total index
crime was 25,000, how many were murder incidents?
A. 250
B. 2,500
C. 500
D. 5,000
27. Community Oriented Policing System widely applied in Metro Manila aims to
establish teamwork among the police and persons residing in the community, it is
a concept which bent on accomplishing what particular goal?
A. Prevention of criminal and Delinquent Behavior
B. Repression of crimes
C. Participative Law Enforcement
D. All of the above

28. An impression of police ______ is created by a frequent and conspicuous patrol

at every hour in all sections of the community.
A. Efficiency
B. Responsiveness
C. Effectiveness
D. Omnipresence

29. The patrol officer to be seen alert and constant patrolling so as to establish
a highly visible police presence, hence, to make his presence psychologically be
felt in spite of his physical absence, and this is called.
A. atmosphere of omni-presence
B. enhanced police visibility
C. extensive crime prevention and control
D. elimination of the elements of crime

30. The observation of patrol personnel must be keenly aimed at this, because it
is the sources of hazard.
A. criminal elements
B. attractive nuisances
C. patrol hazard
D. persons and things

31. This patrol method utilizes disguise, deception and lying in wait rather than
upon high-visibility patrol techniques.
A. low-visibility patrol
B. directed deterrent patrol
C. decoy patrol
D. high visibility

32. It has been considered as the most effective and efficient means of in guarding
in terms of increasing community support and cooperation?
A. Foot patrol
B. Automobile patrol
C. Helicopter and fixed wing aircraft patrol
D. Motorcycle patrol

33. It refers to a fixed point or location to which and officer is assigned for
A. Post
B. Route
C. Beat
D. Line Beat

34. Small alleys like those in the squatter’s area of Tondo can be best penetrated
by the police through;
A. foot patrol
B. mobile Patrol
C. highway patrol
D. helicopter patrol

35. Provides the fastest response to police assistance.

A. canine patrol
B. bicycle patrol
C. foot patrol
D. mobile patrol

36. Which type of patrol would enable the police officer to have the advantage
of stealth and at the same time the element of surprise?
A. Motorcycle
B. Automobile patrol
C. Bicycle patrol
D. Foot patrol
37. In areas wherein the terrain is said to be rough, what would be an appropriate
means or type of patrol, which may be utilized?
A. Bicycle patrol
B. foot patrol
C. Automobile patrol
D. Horse patrol

38. Search and rescue operations can be best undertaken through the use of _____
A. Patrol car
B. Helicopter
C. Bicycle
D. dog

39. Development of patrol personnel is normally done according to some measure of

the need for police service. Of the following which one is the least valid factor
than can be used as, or included in, a measure of perceived need.
A. Number of complaints
B. Number of arrests
C. Number of crimes committed.
D. Peso value of property losses

40. What is the new concept, police strategy which integrates the police and the
community interests into a working relationship so as to produce the desired
organizational objectives of peacemaking?
A. Preventive Patrol
B. Community Relation
C. Team Policing
D. Directed Patrol

41. A person, thing or situation which possesses a high potential for criminal
attack or for creating a clamor for police service is considered as:
A. Patrol hazards
B. Police discretion
C. Patrol effort
D. None of these

42. This term is frequently used to describe a specific condition or place that
requires the patrol officer’s special attention.
A. attractive nuisances
B. all of the above
C. patrol hazard
D. none of the above

43. Its methods consist of the fixed post, line beat, and random patrol, and it
is the most expensive type of patrol.
A. mobile patrol
B. helicopter patrol
C. air patrol
D. foot patrol

44. The PNP has a program which ensures the deployment of policemen in busy and
crime prone areas. This is called
A. patrol deployment program
B. roving patrol program
C. patrol and visibility program
D. police visibility program

45. It is the physical presence of uniformed police personnel and marked police
vehicles in the place where crimes are usually taking place.
A. police patrol
B. omni-presence
C. police visibility
D. police operation

46. What it is the minimum response time?

A. 10 minutes
B. As soon as Possible
C. 5 minutes
D. 3 minutes
47. The amount and nature of the demands of the police service are not the same
on all the three (3) shifts. It is therefore necessary to make available maximum
manpower at the time the police service is of greatest demand. This is organization
by ____
A. Purpose
B. Process
C. Clientele
D. Time

48. In the study of police communication systems, the hand held radio (HHR) an
important equipment for patrol officer. It is sometimes called radio transceiver
or jargonly called
A. Talk and talk
B. Walkie Talkie
C. Walk and talk
D. Handyman

49. In Cambodia, military police are also known as -

A. Private
B. Gendarmerie
C. Police officer
D. Constable Patrol

50. For purposes of understanding the Malaysian police, RMP stands for -
A. Royal Mounted Police
B. Royal Malaysian Police
C. Royale de Malay Polizei
D. Royal Military Police

51. The observation of a person, place or thing, generally—but not necessarily—in

an unobtrusive manner.
A. casing
B. undercover operation
C. surveillance
D. cover operation

52. Surveillance involving the use of scientific device to enhance hearing or

seeing the subject’s activities.
A. close surveillance
B. loose surveillance
C. open surveillance
D. technical surveillance

53. What is the method of collection information wherein the investigator tails
or shadows the persons or vehicles?
A. Research
B. casing
C. surveillance
D. photography

54. A method of collection of information wherein the investigator tails the person
or vehicle.
A. Investigation
B. Casing
C. Undercover Operation
D. surveillance

55. This is an investigation of an individual made upon the basis of written

information supplied by him on an official inquiry.
A. local agency check
B. national agency check
C. partial background investigation
D. complete background investigation

56. This letter represents that the source of intelligence information is from
tactical interrogation of captured enemy.
A. U
B. W
C. V
D. X
57. The intelligence operatives are being asked about his personal experiences and
observations while conducting intelligence operations.
A. news clipping
B. de-briefing
C. liaison activities
D. counter-intelligence

58. It is an important method of gathering intelligence data, and this is an

excellent source of highly valuable material.
A. news clipping
B. de-briefing
C. liaison activities
D. counter-intelligence

59. It is the permanent official chronological record of the operations of the

intelligence section, unit or agency.
A. intelligence journal
B. situation map
C. intelligence workbook
D. intelligence file

60. It is one of the principal activities of police intelligence operations, and

limited activities on this will usually produce a limited intelligence product.
A. news clipping
B. de-briefing
C. liaison activities
D. counter-intelligence

61. It is in this phase of intelligence cycle in which information becomes

A. dissemination
B. processing
C. collection
D. direction

62. Are any person, things or actions from which information about the criminals
and subversives are derived.
A. collection agency
B. pertinence factor
C. sources of information
D. pertinence consideration

63. The reliability of the source is “highly reliable” and the accuracy of
information is “confirmed information’ what is the evaluation rating of the
A. A-1
B. C-3
C. B-2
D. D-4

64. It is the granting of access to classified document or information.

A. compartmentation
B. cleared individual
C. need-to-know
D. security officer

65. It is the term given to the requirement to those persons whose official duty
requires knowledge or possession of information or intelligence.
A. compartmentation
B. cleared individual
C. need-to-know
D. security officer

66. A properly trained and cleared individual who assist the head of the department
in discharging the responsibilities of safeguarding classified documents and
A. intelligence operative
B. security officer
C. undercover agent
D. confidential agents
67. It is an information or material in which the unauthorized disclosure of which
would cause administrative embarrassment or unwarranted injury.
A. restricted
B. secret
C. confidential
D. top secret

68. It is not usually a major factor in prompting an individual to furnish

information, but it can be potent at times.
A. civic duty
B. self-serving reasons
C. gratitude
D. emotions

69. It is an individual who openly of secretly obtained or assist in obtaining

information for intelligence and counter-intelligence purposes in exchange for
some recompense, monetary or otherwise.
A. informants
B. confidential agents
C. informer
D. sources of information

70. It is a repetitive process in which intelligence are produced from information.

A. intelligence cycle
B. collection
C. processing
D. phase of intelligence

71. These are the purpose of intelligence activity, EXCEPT:

A. to fill the void often existing in decision making
B. to increase the probability of accuracy
C. to reduce the probability of error
D. to observe the cycle of intelligence

72. These are the members of the PLEB, EXCEPT:

A. member of the Sanguniang Panglungsod/Bayan
B. member of the Association of Barangay Captain
C. three other members of known probity and integrity
D. member of the Peace and Order and Council

73. This is the particular provision of the New Philippine Constitution of 1987,
which mandated the establishment of a police which is civilian in character and
national in scope.
A. Sec. 12, Art. III
B. Sec. 16, Art. VI
C. Sec. 6, Art. XVI
D. Sec 3, Art. XII

74. The __________ and __________ of the Philippine National Police was vested
upon to the Chief, PNP.
A. leadership
B. command and direction
C. command responsibility
D. management

75. It is the organized and physical movement of all units and elements of the
Philippine National Police for purposes of crime prevention and control.
A. deployment
B. employ
C. employment
D. deploy

76. It is given to the uniformed members of the DILG for every five years of
satisfactory active service, and it is corresponding to ten percent of their
monthly basic salary.
A. hazardous pay
B. expertise pay
C. longevity pay
D. living allowance pay
77. It is the compulsory retirement age for officers and members of the Philippine
National Police.
A. 50
B. 60
C. 55
D. 56

78. How many percent is the retirement benefit of the officers and members of the
Philippine National Police who have availed of the optional retirement.
A. 96%
B. 2.5%
C. 50%
D. 10%

79. The members of the commission shall be appointed by the President, one of whom
must came from the law enforcement sector, and the three others are from civilian
sector and one of whom must came from:
A. military sector
B. woman sector
C. government sector
D. non-gov’t. organizations

80. As provided under RA 8551, the following were given summary dismissal powers
upon due notice and summary hearing, EXCEPT:
B. Chief, PNP
D. Regional Director

81. In ensuring gender sensitivity in the Philippine National Police, how many
percent will be given to female in terms of recruitment, training and promotion.
A. 15%
B. 20%
C. 10%
D. 5%

82. From among the two (2) deputy chiefs who is the second in command in the
Philippine National Police.
A. Dep. for Administration
B. Dep. for Operation C.
C. Chief, Directorial Staff
D. all of the above

83. The Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local Government shall be at
the same time the __________ of the NAPOLCOM.
A. Ex-officio member
B. Ex-Officio Chairperson
C. Commissioner
D. Chairman

84. It is otherwise known as the Police Professionalization Act of 1966, by virtue

of which NAPOLCOM was created.
A. RA 6975
B. RA 4864
C. RA 8551
D. PD 765

85. It is otherwise known as the Private Security Agency Law of the Philippines.
A. RA 5487
B. RA 8551
C. RA 4864
D. RA 6975

86. It is the primary purpose of patrol.

A. elimination of actual opportunity
B. diminishment of desire and capability
C. development of omni-presence
D. prevention and control of crimes
87. This is done by patrolling the streets within the perimeter of the beats, not
at random, but with a definite target location where he knows his presence is
A. clockwise pattern
B. criss-cross patterns
C. counter-clockwise pattern
D. free-wheeling pattern

88. It suggest little more than inspectional activity, whether carried out on
foot, mobile or some other way.
A. patrol
B. patroullier
C. police
D. constable

89. A plan to be effectively carried out must be accepted by persons concerned at

the appropriate level of the plans development, and that is.
A. evaluation of the plan
B. selling the plan
C. execution of the plan
D. selecting alternatives

90. It is authorized and it shall be established only in conjunction with on-going

operations/situations, or when there is a need to arrest a criminal or fugitive
from justice.
A. hot pursuit operation
B. choke point operation
C. follow-up operation
D. mobile checkpoint

91. City “A” recorded a total of 75 murder cases for a period of 93 days, what
is the crime clock of the particular crime.
A. 29 hours, 54 minutes, and 26 seconds
B. 92 hours, 45 minutes, and 36 seconds
C. 92 hours, 54 minutes, and 26 seconds
D. 29 hours, 45 minutes, and 36 seconds

92. City “A” has a total population of 255,000, and for the period covering January
to June 2004 it has recorded a total crime volume of 180. What is the average
monthly crime rate in the City “A.”
A. 11.67
B. 78.11
C. 87.11
D. 11.76

93. It includes precluding unauthorized entry and facilitating authorized

personnel to enter specific areas.
A. visitor, property movement and vehicle control
B. identification and control
C. operation of intrusion alarm system
D. security communications system

94. A conference or dialogue between the survey team and management officials of
plant before security survey is conducted.
A. security survey
B. entrance conference
C. special survey
D. exit conference

95. It is a practical test of exercise of a plan or any activity to test its

validity, and it is also an operational readiness exercise.
A. dry run
B. controlling
C. run through
D. fire drill

96. These are the major courses of action that the organization plans to take in
order to achieve its objectives.
A. procedures
B. plans
C. strategies
D. objectives

97. In this form of authority, personnel do not give orders but they offer advice.
Frequently this advice is based on the high level of expertise, but the advice
carries no formal requirement of acceptance.
A. democracy
B. line authority
C. functional authority
D. staff authority

98. The __________ means controlling the direction and flow of decisions thorough
unity of command from top to bottom organization.
A. audit
B. monitoring
C. coordination
D. authority

99. Intelligence can and should do nothing more than.

A. promote better police–citizen interaction
B. enhance the probability of accuracy in report writing
C. improve administrative efficiency particularly in recruitment and selection
D. increase the number of arrests of criminal syndicate members

100. PO III Juan Tupaz submitted an intelligence report evaluated as B-5. What
does that mean?
A. information is usually from a reliable source and is possibly true
B. information is usually from a reliable source and is improbable
C. information is usually from a reliable source and is probably true
D. information is usually from a reliable source and is doubtfully true

*** END OF SET 6 ***


(SET 6)

1.A 26.B 51.C 76.C

2.D 27.D 52.D 77.D
3.C 28.D 53.C 78.C
4.D 29.A 54.D 79.B
5.A 30.D 55.B 80.A
6.B 31.A 56.B 81.C
7.A 32.A 57.B 82.A
8.C 33.A 58.A 83.B
9.D 34.A 59.A 84.B
10.A 35.D 60.C 85.A
11.A 36.D 61.B 86.A
12.A 37.D 62.C 87.D
13.A 38.B 63.A 88.A
14.A 39.D 64.A 89.B
15.A 40.C 65.C 90.B
16.A 41.A 66.B 91.D
17.B 42.C 67.C 92.D
18.B 43.D 68.C 93.A
19.A 44.D 69.C 94.B
20.B 45.C 70.A 95.A
21.D 46.C 71.D 96.B
22.B 47.D 72.D 97.B
23.A 48.B 73.C 98.D
24.D 49.B 74.B 99.D
25.B 50.B 75.A 100.B

The  answer  keys  provided  here  are  mere  suggestions.  It  is  strongly  advised  to 
seek  other  information  for  proper  verification  of  the  answers.  If  there  are  still 
unintended errors it is due to myopia of the Editor. 

Any corrections are greatly appreciated and if there would be correction please 
send your inquiries or contact us at “What Criminologist Knows? Charlemagne James P. 
Ramos” (Facebook Fan‐page) or E‐mail us at Charlemagnejamesrms@gmail.com and in 
return we will send an UPDATED and FREE Version of this book. 


                       Charlemagne James P. Ramos 
Founder, What Criminologist Knows? 

CRIMINOLOGISTS Licensure Examination

Afternoon Session 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only the answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.


1. The Neighborhood Team Policing exhibit the following organizational features,

A. unified delivery of services
B. low-level flexibility in decision making
C. combined investigation and patrol functions
D. unity of direction

2. Who may be automatically granted height waiver, as provided under Section 15

of Republic Act No. 8551?
A. police retirables requesting for extension of service
B. member of the cultural minorities duly certified by the appropriate government
C. government employees wishing to transfer to the PNP
D. graduates of Criminology

3. Intelligence on the enemy and the characteristics of operation used in the

planning and conduct of tactical operations.
A. military intelligence
B. combat intelligence
C. strategic intelligence
D. counter-intelligence

4. Developing security consciousness among policemen forms part of enhancing

A. line intelligence
B. counter intelligence
C. strategic intelligence
D. artificial intelligence

5. The effectiveness and efficiency of the pattern function can be enhanced if

there is a detailed and up-to date information about crime and criminals. This
calls for the establishment of:
A. patrol base headquarters
B. crime information center
C. management information center
D. public information office

6. Planning cannot be undertaken without referring to _______ on the entire police

organization, community, crime, equipment inventories, personal data, etc.
A. costs
B. plans
C. data
D. statement

7. The first step in the planning process is to recognize the need to plan. Which
of the following is NOT a way to discovering the need to plan?
A. conduct of research
B. conduct of inspection
C. conduct of training
D. conduct of management audit

8. The special formations used in crowd control include the wedge, diagonal and
deployed line. When a crowd is small enough not to require a squad, then the
formation is:
A. diagonal
B. deployed line
C. wedge
D. clockwise

9. Under this principle, the chief executive directly controls two to ten
subordinates, who then control two to ten subordinates each and so on until the
bottom of the organization is reached
A. scalar principle
B. unity of command
C. exception principle
D. span of control

10. A police officer who manages a police station must use all of the following
skills, EXCEPT
A. conceptual
B. interpersonal
C. technical
D. communication

11. The __________ shift is usually the busiest of all patrol shifts, often
accounting for 40% to 50% of all calls for service.
A. morning shift
B. midday shift
C. afternoon shift
D. night shift

12. This type of patrol performs certain specific, predetermined preventive

strategies in a regular and systematic basis.
A. apprehension-oriented patrol
B. low visibility patrol
C. split-force patrol
D. directed deterrent patrol

13. The following changes must be made in police operating procedures if the
investigative skills of patrol personnel are to be employed to their fullest
advantage, EXCEPT
A. patrol supervisor should insist that patrol officers simply make a brief
report and return to patrol duties’ rather than complete their investigations
B. patrol officers should be better trained and equipped to conduct routine
C. patrol officers should be encouraged to devote more time to the
investigation of crimes to which they respond
D. the patrol supervision should be able to provide the patrol officer with
assistance in determining whether case has sufficient merit to warrant
immediate follow-up investigation by the patrol officer

14. The more complex the organization, the more highly specialized the division
of work, the greater the need for:
A. clearer delineation of functions
B. coordinating authority
C. strictly line discipline
D. finer division of supervision

15. PO III Serafin B. Alta frequents clubs, places of amusement and entertainment
known to be habitually visited by his subject and his subject’s associates. PO
III Alta’s undercover assignment is called.
A. multiple assignment
B. work assignment
C. social assignment
D. dwelling assignment

16. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. classified information must not be discussed by one friends and members of the
B. classified information should be known only by one person
C. Cabinets with classified documents must be secured with padlocks and security
measures at all times.
D. all classified documents must be safeguarded

17. These regulations establish the specifications of uniform and the manner in
which they are to be worn:
A. personnel transaction regulations
B. firearms regulations
C. uniform regulations
D. equipment regulations

18. Assessing organizational strengths and witnesses is usually known as:

A. force field analysis
B. simulation model
C. delphi techniques
D. forecasting

19. Police visibility in strategic and crime prone areas projects __________ thus,
an effective crime prevention strategy.
A. police omnipresence
B. police discretion
C. police effectiveness
D. police authority

20. Which of the following trait or ability is most important for a police officer?
A. personal integrity and honesty
B. physical stamina and bearing
C. courageous
D. high intelligence

21. The advantages of a strong patrol are more than make up for slightly inferior
performance. More patrolmen are then made available for emergency and the more
active and widespread the patrol, the more apparent is their presence, thus,
promoting the impression of __________.
A. suspenseness
B. omnipresence
C. effectiveness
D. efficiency

22. Selling security within the organization sets and maintains a climate of
__________ and appreciation of the department’s objectives.
A. participation
B. understanding
C. clear
D. collaboration

23. Mr. Jaime del S. Rio was born on May 1, 1975. Does he meet the age requirement
for entry to the police service in June 2002?
A. No, he has exceeded the minimum age requirement
B. Yes, he is only 27 years old and is within the age requirement
C. No, but he can apply for age waiver
D. Yes, he meets the maximum education requirement

24. Patrol officers are useful in crime solution if they are properly trained in
criminal investigation. Which of the following cannot be undertaken by them?
A. He can locate and question the suspect if he apprehends
B. He can identify available evidences
C. He can take note of statements of the suspect
D. He can issue the treasury checks to fellow policemen

25. It is ongoing process which ensures that new risks are recognized and that
established deterrents remain necessary and cost effective.
A. inspection
B. risk analysis
C. interrogation
D. evaluation

26. A patrol beat refers to a:

A. number of crimes to be solved
B. number of residents to be protected
C. location of police headquarters
D. geographical area to be patrolled

27. As much as possible, the preparation of the overall development plan of the
police organization should be participated in by the heads of all staff service,
operational and administrative support units. This policy is:
A. desirable; offices can be properly trained in planning
B. undesirable; the presence of too many officers will create confusion
C. undesirable; there will be problems of credits grabbing after plan is
D. desirable; the officers will know the organization better and a sense
of ownership of the plan is promoted

28. The following questions are tests for accuracy of information, EXCEPT:
A. Does the report agree or disagree with available and related intelligence?
B. Is the reported fact or event known in advance
C. Is it the same or consistent with known modus operandi?
D. Is the information about the target or area of the operation?

29. Natural hazards such as storms, earthquakes, floods or lahar cannot be

prevented from occurring. To minimize the disastrous effects of these phenomena,
the security officer must prepare a:
A. guard deployment plan
B. civil defense plan
C. security education plan
D. disaster or emergency plan

30. It involves segregation or deviants into isolated geographic areas so that

they can easily be controlled.
A. coercion
B. conversion
C. quarantine
D. containment

31. Which of the following is NOT patrol pattern?

A. clockwise
B. criss-cross
C. zigzag
D. stationary

32. To what unit do policeman in plainclothes belong when they infiltrate and
gather information about criminal syndicates?
A. budget
B. Intelligence
C. planning
D. Patrol

33. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. Performance evaluation measures credibility of the police personnel.
B. Performance evaluation is not a basis for salary increases of promotion.
C. Performance evaluation is done once a year among police personnel.
D. Performance evaluation is implemented to determine the quality of work
performance or personnel.

34. As Security Director of Company B, you should know how many beds, are normally
available in a multiple injury situation and how many __________ patients can be
processed at a single time.
A. wounded
B. female
C. emergency
D. male

35. What type of organization consciously coordinates the activities of two or

more persons towards a given objective?
A. flexible organization
B. informal organization
C. formal organization
D. non-flexible organization

36. If a fire in a warehouse is about to involve barrels of bleaching powder, the

greatest danger would be from:
A. fast-burning flare-up that could not be controlled
B. an explosion
C. the impossibility of using water on the fire
D. a toxic and irritant gas

37. Which of the following is not included in the patrol function?

A. Response to citizen calls
B. Investigation of crimes
C. Routine preventive patrol
D. Inspection of identified hazards

38. Disaster preparedness and control plans should include __________ so that
people who are directly involved should know the extent of the incident.
A. evacuation services
B. counseling services
C. identification services
D. public information services

39. An intelligence report classified as A-2 means __________

A. the information comes from a completely reliable source and is doubtfully
B. the information comes from a completely reliable source and is probably
C. the information comes from a usually reliable source and is probably true
D. the information comes from a usually reliable source and is possibly true

40. It ensures the question “what is to be accomplished by the plan?”

A. objectives
B. problem
C. planning assumptions
D. planning environment

41. P/C Insp. Pedro D. Gayco was assigned to prepare the work program of his
division which must be analyzed from the point of view of the nature, time and
place of the tasks, and measured in terms of resource requirements?
A. Tactical plan
B. Procedural plan
C. Management plan
D. Operational plan

42. It is a mechanical means depicting by an arrangement of symbols the

relationship which exist between individuals, groups and functions.
A. organizational structure
B. structure
C. organization
D. staffing pattern

43. Are those serious crimes that are readily reported and that occur with
sufficient regularity and frequency so as to be used as an index of the actual
level of criminality?
A. index crimes
B. indictable crimes
C. non-index crimes
D. non-indictable crimes

44. A ____________ plan relates to the problems of equipping, staffing and

preparing the police station to do the job rather than the actual operation of
the organization.
A. management plan
B. tactical plan
C. procedural plan
D. operational plan

45. It is the degree of difference that exists among the structures, tasks and
managerial orientations of various departments.
A. decentralization
B. integration
C. centralization
D. differentiation

46. To improve delegation, the following must be done, EXCEPT:

A. establish objectives and standards
B. count the number of supervisors
C. require completed work
D. define authority and responsibility

47. What test are conducted assistance team for PNP applicants who passed the
initial screening process conducted by the PNP selection Committee?
I. English test by the UN selection
II. Weapon handling and proficiency test
III. Driving test
IV. Intelligence quotient (IQ) test
A. I, II and III
B. III, IV, and I
C. IV, I and II
D. II, III and IV

48. The importance of the firm or installation with reference to the national
economy or security:
A. relative security
B. relative criticality
C. relative necessity
D. relative vulnerability

49. PO III Peter Factor is assigned to collect available information concerning

the activities of the Red Scorpion Group (RSG). He is with what unit of the
A. anti-juvenile delinquency
B. criminal investigation
C. intelligence operations
D. patrol activities

50. Plans which require action or assistance from persons or agencies outside the
police organization.
A. management plans
B. tactical plans
C. operational plans
D. extra-departmental plan

51. What plans require action or assistance from persons or agencies outside the
police organization?
A. tactical plan
B. management plan
C. extra department plan
D. all of these

52. How is one classified if he steals primarily because of irresistible urge due
to unexpected opportunity and little chance of detection?
A. systematic pilferer
B. casual pilferer
C. ordinary pilferer
D. unusual pilferer

53. What is meant by an evaluation of C-1?

A. information comes from an unreliable source and is probably true
B. information comes from a fairly reliable source and is confirmed from other
C. information come an unreliable source and is improbable
D. information comes from fairly reliable source and is doubtfully true

54. Mr. Jun de las Alas was born on June 1, 1975. Does he meet the age requirement
for entry to the police service in June 1999?
A. No, but he can apply for age waiver
B. Yes, he is only 24 years old and is within the age requirement
C. Yes, he meets the maximum education requirement
D. No, he has exceeded the maximum age requirement

55. The planning process generally consists of five (5) steps in sequential order.
Which is the first step?
A. formulation of details of the plan
B. recognition of the need to plan
C. setting up planning objectives
D. gathering and analysis of data

56. These are barbed wires placed above a vertical fence in order to increase
physical protection of establishments or installations
A. top tower
B. cellar guard
C. top guard
D. tower guard house
57. What is the next planning step after the need to plan is recognized?
A. evaluate alternatives
B. execute the plan
C. formulate the objective
D. analyze the data

58. Among the following applicants for appointment to the police service, who may
be automatically granted height waiver?
A. government employees wishing to transfer to the PNP
B. members of cultural minorities duly certified by the appropriate government
C. police retirables requesting for extension of service
D. graduates of criminology

59. The __________ differs from routine patrol methods in that patrol officers
perform certain specific, predetermined preventive strategies on a regular and
systematic basis.
A. low-visibility patrol
B. directed Deterrent Patrol
C. split Force Patrol
D. apprehension-oriented Patrol

60. PO II Carlo Y. Alba and PO I Angelo S. Suba report only to one (1) supervisor.
This is the principle of ________________.
A. unity of command
B. span of control
C. delegation of authority
D. chain of command

61. In 2001, there were 200,450 crimes reported to the Police Station of
Municipality A. If the population of Municipality A is 5 Million, what is the
crime rate?
A. 3509
B. 4250
C. 4010
D. 4009

62. If a complaint or incident is NOT fully disposed of as a result of the first

investigation, a __________ report should be submitted
A. investigation report
B. follow-up report
C. case disposition report
D. crime report

63. What is the importance of a firm or installation in relation to national

security referred to?
A. relative security
B. relative criticality
C. relative necessity
D. relative vulnerability

64. The ____________ list includes and citizens who are cleared to attend meeting
in Malacañang.
A. white list
B. target list
C. black list
D. access list

65. What is the evaluation of an intelligence report which is “the information

comes from a completely reliable source and is probably true”?
A. B-2
B. A-3
C. A-2
D. B 1

66. In 2001, physical injuries numbered 12,500 out of a total crime volume of
60,500. What percent of the total crime volume is attributed to physical injuries?
A. 18.7%
B. 25.7%
C. 20.7%
D. 4.8%

67. SPO I Edna E. Castro evaluated the information gathered as “completely

reliable, source probably true”. What is the type of evaluation?
A. A-5
B. A-4
C. A-1
D. A-2

68. What type of patrol performs certain specific, predetermined preventive

strategies on a regular and systematic basis?
A. split-force patrol
B. apprehension-oriented
C. low visibility patrol
D. directed deterrent patrol

69. It is the importance or installation in relation to national security.

A. relative criticality
B. relative security
C. relative indispensability
D. relative vulnerability

70. How is the crew complement of a Mobile Patrol Division organized into shifts
for each turn of duty?
A. daily four-shift
B. one-shift daily
C. daily five-shift
D. daily three-shift

71. In 2001, murder accounted for 10% of all index crimes. If the total index
crimes were 25,000, how many were murder incidents?
A. 250
B. 500
C. 2,500
D. 5,000

72. What management principle provides that only one officer be in direct command
or supervision of each officer.
A. span of control
B. chain of command
C. unity of command
D. line of authority

73. What is referred to as total number of police officers assigned to patrol

A. effective strength
B. actual strength
C. mandatory strength
D. authorized strength

74. Who among the following meets the age qualification for appointment to the
police service?
A. Rey who is 20 years old
B. Dennis who is 17 years old
C. John who is 22 years old
D. Santi who is 35 years old

75. The cover observation of an area, a building or stationary object in order to

gain information is called:
A. undercover works
B. casing
C. penetration
D. surveillance

76. It is the visual inspection of an area, installation or building to determine

its suitability for intelligence operational activities.
A. surveillance
B. stake out
C. casing
D. mustard plaster
77. It is refers to the number of persons an individual can supervise effectively,
it is also known as span of attention.
A. unity of command
B. span of control
C. division of work
D. personnel development

78. It is the premier institution responsible for the education, training, and
human resource development of all the uniformed officers and members of the

79. It decide cases on appeal, based on the decision made by officers other than
the C, PNP, the mayor, and the PLEB.

80. It is the continuous task of making decisions, embodying in them in specific

general order and serving as the leader of the enterprise.
A. planning
B. staffing
C. organizing
D. directing

81. It is the central receiving entity of the citizens complaints filed against
erring officers and members of the Philippine National Police.

82. In general, the initial appointment of the commissioned officers in the PNP
shall commence with the rank of:
A. Inspector
B. Police Officer I
C. Senior Inspector
D. PNPA Cadet

83. It is the ideal police-to-population ratio as provided by the PNP Law of 1990.
A. 1:1,000
B. 1:500
C. 1:1,500
D. 1:750

84. He is the father of organized military espionage.

A. Alfred d’ Great
B. Akbar
C. Frederick d’ Great
D. Genghis Khan

85. It is an authenticated list of personnel given to security allowing entry to

a compound or installation thereof.
A. controlling
B. exclusion area
C. access list
D. controlled area

86. It is originated from the Greek word “Politeia” meaning government of a city,
and it is applies to civil officers and not necessarily policeman.
A. patrol
B. patroullier
C. police
D. constable

87. It is being used in many countries as a simple and inexpensive means of patrol
because of its mobility and stealth.
A. bicycle patrol
B. helicopter patrol
C. motorcycle patrol
D. mobile patrol

88. It is useful for rescue, medical evacuation, and emergency transportation.

A. bicycle
B. helicopter
C. motorcycle
D. mobile

89. It is a physical security applied to business groups engaged in industries,

like manufacturing, and assembling.
A. operational security
B. physical security
C. industrial security
D. special types

90. It is the importance of the firm with reference to the national economy and
A. relative criticality
B. all of the above
C. relative vulnerability
D. none of the above

91. Who may issue or revoke licenses of Private Security Agency and Private
Security Guards.
A. Chief, Philippine National Police
B. Security Agency and Guard Supervisory Division
C. Securities and Exchange Commission
D. Department of Trade and Industry

92. Private Security Agencies and Private Detective Agencies must be registered
at the __________.
A. Chief, Philippine National Police
B. Security Agency and Guard Supervisory Division
C. Securities and Exchange Commission
D. Department of Trade and Industry

93. It is the requirement age for the managers and/or owners of Private Security
Agencies or Private Detective Agencies.
A. 25
B. 20
C. 30
D. 35

94. He exercises the power to revoke for cause, licenses issued to security guards.
A. Chief, PNP
B. Undersecretary for Peace and Order
C. Secretary, DILG
D. Chairman, NAPOLCOM

95. In counterintelligence, surveillance is categorized according to intensity and

sensitivity. When there is intermittent observation, varying in occasions, then
this surveillance is called.
A. loose
B. open
C. discreet
D. close

96. The amount and nature of the demands of the police service are not the same
on all of the three (3) shifts. It is therefore necessary to make available
maximum manpower at the time the police service is of greatest demand. This
organization is by:
A. clientele
B. purpose
C. time
D. process

97. Planning is the formal process of choosing the following, EXCEPT.

A. purposes in which the organization performs
B. organizational mission in overall objectives for both the short run and the
long run
C. strategies to achieve the objectives
D. divisional, departmental and individual objectives based on organizational

98. In busy thickly populated commercial streets like those in Divisoria, police
patrol is very necessary. Since there are several types of patrol, which of the
following will you recommend?
A. horse patrol
B. mobile patrol
C. foot patrol
D. helicopter patrol

99. It is the product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis,

integration and interpretation of all available information which concerns one or
more aspects of criminal activity and which is immediately or potentially from
significant to police planning.
A. investigation
B. military intelligence
C. operational plan
D. police intelligence

100. These are work programs line divisions which related to the nature and
extent of the workload and the availability of resources.
A. administrative plan
B. operational plan
C. strategic plan
D. tactical plan

*** END OF SET 7 ***


(SET 7)

1.B 26.D 51.C 76.C

2.B 27.D 52.B 77.B
3.D 28.C 53.B 78.A
4.B 29.D 54.B 79.C
5.B 30.C 55.B 80.A
6.C 31.D 56.C 81.D
7.C 32.B 57.C 82.A
8.B 33.D 58.B 83.B
9.C 34.A 59.B 84.C
10.A 35.C 60.A 85.C
11.B 36.B 61.D 86.C
12.D 37.B 62.B 87.A
13.A 38.D 63.B 88.B
14.A 39.B 64.D 89.C
15.C 40.A 65.C 90.A
16.B 41.D 66.C 91.A
17.C 42.A 67.D 92.C
18.D 43.A 68.D 93.A
19.A 44.A 69.A 94.A
20.A 45.D 70.D 95.A
21.B 46.B 71.C 96.C
22.B 47.C 72.C 97.A
23.B 48.B 73.C 98.C
24.D 49.C 74.C 99.D
25.B 50.D 75.B 100.B

The  answer  keys  provided  here  are  mere  suggestions.  It  is  strongly  advised  to 
seek  other  information  for  proper  verification  of  the  answers.  If  there  are  still 
unintended errors it is due to myopia of the Editor. 

Any corrections are greatly appreciated and if there would be correction please 
send your inquiries or contact us at “What Criminologist Knows? Charlemagne James P. 
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return we will send an UPDATED and FREE Version of this book. 


                       Charlemagne James P. Ramos 
Founder, What Criminologist Knows? 

CRIMINOLOGISTS Licensure Examination

Afternoon Session 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only the answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.


1. It is the premier educational institution for the police, fire and jail
A. Philippine Military Academy (PMA)
B. Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP)
C. Philippine College of Criminology (PCCr)
D. Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC)

2. Police officers must develop the __________ of recording the facts as they are
learned and as the evidence is obtained.
A. obligation
B. habit
C. respective
D. duty

3. An industrial complex must establish its first line of physical defense. It

must have.
A. the building itself
B. perimeter barriers
C. communication barriers
D. window barriers

4. It is the circumspect inspection of a place to determine its suitability for

a particular operational purposes.
A. Inspection
B. Surveillance
C. Survey
D. Casing

5. In the civil service system, merit and fitness are the primary considerations
in the __________.
A. two-party system
B. evaluation system
C. promotional system
D. rating system

6. It is natural or man-made structure or physical device which is capable of

restricting, deterring or delaying illegal access to an installation.
A. fence
B. wall
C. barrier
D. hazard

7. It provides means and ways by which all personnel and employees are trained
to make them security conscious and discipline.
A. security check
B. security education
C. security investigation
D. security information

8. A single uninterrupted line of authority often presented by boxes and lines

in organizational chart which should run in order by rank to command to the lowest
level of organization.
A. organizational control
B. administrative control
C. scalar chain
D. span of control
9. What form of intelligence is involved when information is obtained without the
knowledge of the person against whom the information or documents may be used, or
if the information is clandestinely acquired.
A. covert
B. overt
C. active
D. underground

10. The Provincial Governor shall choose the Provincial Director from a list of
__________ eligible recommended by the Regional Director, preferably from the
same province, city or municipality.
A. six (6)
B. three (3)
C. five (5)
D. four (4)

11. Which of the following is the most important characteristic of a good operation
A. only one officer is responsible for its execution
B. need for on-the-operation modification or amplification is minimized
C. presents objectives and allocation of resources but not the methodology
D. all the details of the plan are properly identified and evaluated and such
details are known by implementers

12. Your fire station received a call that Department Store “A” is burning.
Considering the huge facility and merchandise of the said department store, there
is a need to:
A. study the problem in advance and formulate methods of controlling the fire
B. wait for further information about progress of incident
C. proceed to the area and start putting off the fire
D. organize a committee to direct firefighting

13. In disaster control operations, there is a need to establish a __________

where telephones or any means of communication shall ensure open lines of
A. command post
B. operations center
C. field room
D. safe house

14. Registration of a security agency must be done at the _________.

A. Securities and Exchange Commission
B. National Police Commission
C. Department of National Defense
D. PNP Criminal Investigation Group

15. Bicycle patrol have the combined advantage of _____________ since they can be
operated very quietly and without attracting attention.
A. reduced speed and greater area covered
B. mobility and wide area coverage
C. shorter travel time and faster response
D. mobility and stealth

16. It is a police function which serves as the backbone of the police service.
In all types of police stations, there is a specific unit assigned to undertake
this function in view of its importance.
A. vice control
B. criminal investigation
C. traffic enforcement
D. patrol

17. It is an evaluated material of every description including those derived from

observation, reports, rumors, imagery and other sources from which intelligence
is derived.
A. intelligence
B. military intelligence
C. police intelligence
D. information
18. What particular provision of the Philippine Constitution which provides for
the establishment of a police which is civilian in character and national in
A. Sec 6, Art XVI
B. Sec 9, Art VI
C. Sec 16, Art VI
D. Sec 61, Art XVI

19. This is the Police Act of 1966, by virtue of which National Police Commission
was created.
A. RA 8464
B. RA 4846
C. RA 4864
D. RA 8446

20. It is defined as the process of directing and controlling people and things
so that organizational objectives can be accomplished.
A. police management
B. police supervision
C. management function
D. police leadership

21. Direction that is provided on a one-to-one basis is called __________.

A. Administration
B. Management
C. Supervision
D. Organization

22. You are the patrol supervisor for the morning shift. You don’t have enough men
to cover all the patrol beats. Which of the following will you implement?
A. assign roving mobile patrol with no foot patrol
B. assign mobile patrol only in strategic places
C. maintain your patrolmen at the station and just wait for calls for police
D. assign foot patrol in congested and busy patrol beats but assign a roving
mobile patrol to cover beats which are not covered by foot patrol

23. In undertaking program directed towards simplification of the police records,

the first step should be the study of:
A. mechanics in which the current records systems operated
B. utilization of existing record system
C. administrative structure of the organization
D. records system of similar organization

24. These procedures relate to the assignment and method of performance of police
tasks away from headquarters.
A. field procedures
B. headquarters procedures
C. staff procedures
D. systems procedures

25. The father of organized military espionage was:

A. Akbar
B. Alexander the Great
C. Genghis Khan
D. Fredrick the Great

26. If a high wind has an extinguishing effect on a fire, the most probable
extinguishing method is ___________.
A. smothering
B. cooling
C. fuel removal
D. dilution

27. In surveillance, the following are done, to alter the appearance of the
surveillance vehicle.
A. changing license plates of surveillance vehicle
B. putting on and removing hats, coats and sunglasses
C. change of seating arrangement within the vehicle
D. keep three cars behind the subject’s car
28. 61. Protective lightning, perimeter barriers and __________ systems are known
in industrial security as physical security.
A. relieving
B. accounting
C. reporting
D. guarding

29. What administrative support unit of the PNP that conducts identification and
evaluation of physical evidences related to crimes, with emphasis on their
medical, chemical, biological and physical nature.
A. Logistic Service
B. Crime Laboratory
C. Communication and Electronic Service
D. Finance Center

30. Those who are charged with the actual fulfillment of the agency’s mission are
__________ personnel.
A. staff
B. supervision
C. management
D. line

31. Small alleys like those in squatter’s area of Tondo can be best penetrated by
the police through:
A. foot patrol
B. mobile patrol
C. highway patrol
D. helicopter patrol

32. Some of the instructions in foot surveillance are the following, EXCEPT:
A. stop quickly, look behind
B. drop paper, never minds what happens to the paper
C. window shop, watch reflection
D. retrace steps

33. On many occasions, the bulk of the most valuable information comes from:
A. business world
B. newspaper clippings
C. an underworld informant
D. communications media

34. Highly qualified police applicants such as engineers, nurses and graduates of
forensic sciences can enter the police service by ways of:
A. regular promotion
B. commissionship
C. lateral entry
D. attrition

35. The first step a dispatcher must take when a felony-in-progress call has been
receive-either by telephone or by alarm signal-is to:
A. assign an investigator to investigate witnesses
B. clear the air for emergency broadcast
C. call for investigators to report to crime scene
D. send augmentation force

36. This patrol method utilizes disguise, deception and lying in wait, rather than
upon high-visibility patrol techniques.
A. low-visibility patrol
B. directed deterrent patrol
C. decoy patrol
D. high-visibility patrol

37. A method of collecting information wherein the investigator mere uses his
different sense.
A. observation
B. casing
C. research
D. interrogation

38. Plans can be changed to meet future requirements which were not considered
during the planning stages. This indicates __________ in planning.
A. responsiveness
B. flexibility
C. efficiency
D. effectiveness

39. Pedro is a thief who is eyeing at the handbag of Maria. PO1 Reyes is standing
a few meters, the thief’s desire to steal is not diminished, but the __________
for successful theft is.
A. ambition
B. feeling
C. intention
D. opportunity

40. It includes every procedure that has been outlined an officially adopted as
the standard method of action to be followed by members of the police organization.
A. progress plan
B. procedural plan
C. operational plan
D. tactical plan

41. Graduates of the Philippine National Police Academy are automatically

appointed to the rank of:
A. Senior Superintendent
B. Inspector
C. Senior Police Officer I
D. Superintendent

42. A plan of coping up an attack against a building equipped with alarm system
is an example of:
A. extra-departmental plan
B. management plan
C. procedural plan
D. tactical plan

43. The random and unpredictable character of patrol, cultivation of the feeling
of omni-presence, high hazard areas, adequacy of the number of men to meet the
needs, likelihood of criminal apprehension, and safety of patrol officers
A. patrol coverage and deployment
B. degree of police-community relations
C. types of weapons to be used
D. deployment of intelligence agents

44. Before the objectives of a plan can be formulated, the following must be
A. what resources are necessary to carry out the plan
B. who will implement the plan
C. when will the plan be implemented
D. the need to plan

45. One way of extending the power of police observation is to get information
from persons within the vicinity. In police work, this is called:
A. data gathering
B. field inquiry
C. interrogation
D. interview

46. The presence of a uniformed patrol officer, alert and observant of the persons
and things, deters the desire and destroys the __________ for one to commit crime.
A. opportunity
B. intention
C. need
D. ambition

47. Dogs have an accurate sense of __________, thus their utilization is very
useful in tracking down lost persons or illegal drugs.
A. smell
B. hearing
C. eating
D. drinking
48. Which causes the greatest number of fires?
A. spontaneous ignition
B. leaking gas pipe
C. electrical wiring
D. smoking and matches

49. Intelligence on __________ makes heavy use of geographic information because

law enforcement officials must know exact locations to interdict the flow of
A. logistics
B. human cargo trafficking
C. narcotics trafficking
D. economic resources

50. Which of the following is most ideally suited to evacuations and search-and-
rescue duties?
A. motorcycle
B. helicopter
C. patrol car
D. bicycle

51. A method of collection of information wherein the investigators tails or follow

the person on vehicle.
A. research
B. undercover operation
C. casing
D. tail gaiting

52. Of the following types of plans, one is as those procedures for coping with
specific situations at known locations, such as plans for dealing with the attack
against buildings with the alarm systems and attack against Headquarters of the
A. Tactical Plans
B. Extra-office plans
C. Management plans
D. Operational plans

53. Of the following types of plans, one which deals with the active participation
individual citizens is so vital to the success of the PNP to continue to motivate,
promote, and maintain an active concern in its affairs.
A. Management plans
B. Extra- office plans
C. operational plans
D. characteristics of plans

54. Of the following of plans, one which includes the mapping out in advance all
operations involved in the organization, management of personnel and material and
in the procurement and disbursement of money, etc.
A. Management plans
B. Extra-office plans
C. operational plans
D. characteristics of plans

55. Of the following steps in planning, one calls for identification of the
problem, understanding both records and its possible solution; a situation must
exist for which something must can be done.
A. Frame of reference
B. Clarifying the problems
C. collecting all pertinent facts
D. analyzing the facts

56. Of the following steps in planning, one which states that no attempt shall be
made to develop a plan unit facts relating to it have been gathered.
A. Collecting all pertinent facts
B. Analyzing the facts
C. developing alternative plans
D. selecting the most appropriate alternatives

57. Of the following steps in planning, one which after all data have been
gathered, a careful study and evaluation shall be made; this provides the basis
from which a plan or plans are evolved.
A. Development alternative plans
B. Analyzing the fact
C. selecting the most appropriate alternatives
D. selling the plan

58. Of the steps in the planning, in which the initial phases of plan development,
several alternatives measures shall appear to be logically comparable to the needs
a situation.
A. Development alternative plans
B. Analyzing the fact
C. Selling most appropriate alternative
D. Selecting the most appropriate alternative

59. One of the steps in planning, which a careful consideration of all facts
usually leads to the selection of a best alternative
A. Analyzing the facts
B. Selecting the most appropriate alternative
C. Selling the plan
D. Arranging for the execution of the plan

60. One step in planning, which a plan to be effectively carried out, must be
accepted by persons concerned at the appropriate level of the plans development.
A. Selecting the most appropriate alternative
B. Selling the plan
C. Arranging for the execution of the plan
D. Evaluating the effectiveness of the plan

61. One step in planning, such that the execution of a plan requirements the
issuance of orders and directives to units and personnel concerned, the
establishment of a schedule, and the provision of manpower and equipment for
carrying out the plan.
A. Selling the plan
B. Arranging for the execution
C. evaluating the effectiveness of the plan
D. selecting the most appropriate alternative

62. One step in planning, that such is necessary in order to know whether a correct
alternative was chose, whether or not the plan is correct, which is phase was
poorly implemented, and whether additional planning may be necessary.
A. evaluating the effectives of the plan
B. arranging for the execution of the plan
C. Selecting the most appropriate alternative
D. Selling the plan

63. This activity requires the duty of a superior officer of any unit of the PNP
and its unit subordinates to establish rapport or good relationship with other
law enforcement agencies of the government.
A. Police Executive Training
B. Coordinates and Cooperation
C. Business-like activity
D. Socialization

64. Police operation is a continuing activity; hence, it must be based on valid

and practical plans that are constantly made current. Therefore, every operation
shall be followed by a critique and rendition of an after-operation shall be
A. Coordinated
B. Properly evaluated
C. Analyzed
D. Reviewed

65. _____ are products of police operational planning adopted by the police
organization to guide the police officers in the conduct of their duties and
functions, especially during field operations.
B. Police security service package
C. Manual
D. Policy

66. It shall be the determined stand of the PNP in the control of vices to treat
vice offenses as they shall do to any violation, and to exert efforts to eliminate
them, as there attempt to eliminate robbery, theft, and public disturbance.
Control of vice, shall be based on law rather than on moral precepts, and intensive
operations shall be directed toward their elimination.
A. Traffic Control
B. Vice control
C. Juvenile Delinquency Patrol
D. Standard Operating Procedures

67. Police control of streets or highways, vehicles, and people shall facilitate
the safe and rapid movement of vehicles and pedestrians. To this end, the
inconvenience, dangers and economic losses that arise from this moment,
congestion, delays, stopping and parking of vehicles must be lessened.
A. Traffic Control
B. Vice control
C. Juvenile Delinquency Patrol
D. Standard Operating Procedures

68. _________ shall be directed by the police commander and the subordinate
commanders and the same shall be aimed at the accomplishment of the following
primary tasks more effectively and economically.
A. Field Operations
B. Standard Operating Procedures
C. Policies
D. Duty Manuals

69. The following are considerations in the management plans:

I. Budget Planning
II. Accounting procedures
III. Specifications and Purchasing Procedures
IV. Personnel
V. Organization
A. I,II,III and IV C. 1 and III only
B. I, II, III, IV, V D. I, II and IV only

70. Policy and Procedural Plans to be properly achieve the administrative planning
responsibility within in the unit, the Commander shall develop unit plans relating
I. Policies or procedure
II. Tactics
III. Operations
IV. Extra-office activities
V. Management
A. I,II,III and IV C. 1 and III only
B. I, II, III, IV, V D. I, II and IV only

71. These operating divisions or units shall have specific plans to meet current
needs. The manpower shall be distributed throughout the hours of operation and
throughout the area of jurisdiction in proportion to need. Assignments schedules
shall be prepared that integrate such factors as relief days, lunch periods,
hours, nature, and location of regular work.
A. Meeting unusual needs
B. Extra-office plans
C. Regular Operating Procedure
D. Standard operating procedure

72. May arise in any field of police activity and is nearly always met in the
detective, vice, and juvenile divisions by temporary readjustment of regular
A. Meeting unusual needs
B. Extra-office plans
C. Regular Operating Procedure
D. Standard operating procedure

73. The active interest and the participation of individual citizen is so vital
to the success of the PNP programs that the PNP shall continuously seek to
motivate, promote, and maintain an active public concern in its affairs.
A. Meeting unusual needs
B. Extra-office plans
C. Regular Operating Procedure
D. Standard operating procedure
74. One of the management plans which the procedures shall be established and
expenditure reports be provided to assist in making administrative decisions and
in holding expenditures within the appropriations.
A. Budget Planning
B. Accounting Procedures
C. Specification and Purchasing Procedure
D. All of the above

75. Present and future money needs for personnel, equipment, and capital
investments must be estimated. Plans for supporting budget request must be made
if needed appropriations are to be obtained.
A. Budget Planning
B. Accounting Procedures
C. Specification and Purchasing Procedure
D. All of the above

76. The following are included in the Field operations:

I. Patrol
II. Investigation
III. Traffic Patrol
IV. Vice control
V. Juvenile Delinquency
A. I, II, III C. I and II only
B. I, II, III, IV D. I, II, III, IV, V

77. Are concerned with a specific purpose and conclude when an objective is
accomplished or a problem is solved. Specific police programs or projects such as
drug crackdown, crime prevention program, and neighborhood clean-up campaign are
good examples of
A. Standing Plans
B. Functional Plans
C. Operational-efficiency
D. Time-specific Plans

78. Effectiveness, and productivity plans are essentially the measures or

comparisons to be used to assess police activities and behavior (outputs) and
results (outcomes). If one of the goals of the police department is to reduce the
crime rate, any change that occurs can be compared to past crime rates in the
same community or crime in other communities, a state, or the nation. If the crime
rates were reduced while holding or reducing costs, it would reflect an
improvement not only in effectiveness but also in departmental productivity.
A. Standing Plans
B. Functional Plans
C. Operational-efficiency
D. Time-specific Plans

79. Provide the basic framework for responding to organizational problems. The
organizational vision and values, strategic statement, policies, procedures, and
rules and regulations. Also include guidelines for responding to different types
of incidents; for example, a civil disturbance, hostage situation, crime in
progress, and felony car stops.
A. Standing Plans
B. Functional Plans
C. Operational-efficiency
D. Time-specific Plans

80. Include the framework for the operation of the major functional units in the
organization, such as patrol and investigations. It also includes the design of
the structure, how different functions and units are to relate and coordinate
activities, and how resources are to be allocated.
A. Standing Plans
B. Functional Plans
C. Operational-efficiency
D. Time-specific Plans

81. Are designed to meet the long-range, overall goals of the organization. Such
plans allow the department to adapt to anticipated changes or develop a new
philosophy or model of policing (e.g. community policing). One of the most
important aspects is to focus on external environmental factors that affect the
goals and objectives of the department and how they will be achieved. Important
environmental factors include personnel needs, population trends, technological
innovations, business trends and demand, crime problems, and community attitudes.
A. Visionary Plans
B. Operational Plans
C. Strategic Plans
D. All of the above

82. Are essential statements that identify the role of the police in the community
and a future condition or state to which the department can aspire. A vision may
also include a statement of values to be used to guide the decision making process
in the department.
A. Reactive Plans
B. Proactive Plans
C. Visionary Plans
D. Standing Plans

83. Are developed as a result of crisis. A particular problem may occur for which
the department has no plan and must quickly develop one, sometimes without careful
A. Reactive Plans
B. Proactive Plans
C. Visionary Plans
D. Standing Plans

84. Are developed in anticipation of problems. Although not all police problems
are predictable, many are, and it is possible for a police department to prepare
a response in advance.
A. Reactive Plans
B. Proactive Plans
C. Visionary Plans
D. Standing Plans

85. Refers to the production of plans, which determine the schedule of special
activity and are applicable from one week or less than year duration. Plan that
addresses immediate need which are specific and how it can be accomplished on
time with available allocated resources.
A. Operational Planning
B. Intermediate Planning
C. Strategic Planning
D. All of the above

86. It relates to plans, which determine quantity and quality efforts and
accomplishments. It refers to the process of determining the contribution on
efforts that can make or provide with allocated resources.
A. Short range planning
B. Medium range planning
C. Long range planning
D. All of the above

87. It relates to plans which are strategic or long range in application, and it
determine the organization’s original goals and strategy.
A. Operational Planning
B. Intermediate Planning
C. Strategic Planning
D. All of the above

88. Police Action Plan on the Strategy DREAMS and Program P-O-L-I-C-E 2000 is an
example of _______
A. Short range planning
B. Medium range planning
C. Long range planning
D. All of the above

89. The 6 Master Plans are example of ______

A. Operational Planning
B. Intermediate Planning
C. Strategic Planning
D. All of the above
90. OPLAN BANTAY DALAMPASIGAN that sets forth the operational guidelines on the
heightened security measures and sea borne security patrols is an example of
A. Short range planning
B. Medium range planning
C. Long range planning
D. All of the above

91. Plans within police precincts, sub-stations, and stations are

A. Local
B. Regional
C. National
D. All of the above

92. The rational comprehensive approach is the dominant tradition in planning. It

is also the point of departure for most other planning approaches. This model is
based on a problem-oriented approach to planning especially appropriate for police
agencies. It relies heavily on the problem identification and analysis of the
planning process. It can assist police administrators in formulating goals and
priorities in terms that are focused on specific problems and solutions that often
confront law enforcement. This statement is referring to
A. Transactive Planning
B. Incremental Planning
C. Advocacy Planning
D. Sypnoptic Planning

93. Beneficial aspects of this approach include a greater sensitivity to the

unintended and negative side effects of plans.
A. Transactive Planning
B. Incremental Planning
C. Advocacy Planning
D. Radical Planning

94. It concludes that long range and comprehensive planning are not only too
difficult, but inherently bad. The problems are seen as too difficult when they
are grouped together and easier to solve when they are taken one at a time and
broken down into gradual adjustments over time.
A. Transactive Planning
B. Incremental Planning
C. Advocacy Planning
D. Radical Planning

95. ____________ Is carried out in face-to-face interaction with the people who
are to be affected by the plan and not to an anonymous target community of
beneficiaries. Techniques include field surveys and interpersonal dialogue marked
by a process of mutual learning.
A. Transactive Planning
B. Incremental Planning
C. Advocacy Planning
D. Radical Planning

96. The first mainstream involves collective actions to achieve concrete results
in the immediate future. The second mainstream is critical of large-scale social
processes and how they permeate the character of social and economic life at all
levels, which, in turn, determine the structure and evolution of social problems.
A. Transactive Planning
B. Incremental Planning
C. Advocacy Planning
D. Radical Planning

97. Are the basic principles in planning, organization and management of the PNP
in support of the overall pursuits of the PNP Vision, mission and strategic action
plan of the attainment of the national objectives.
A. Operational Doctrines
B. Functional Doctrines
C. Fundamental Doctrines
D. Complimentary Doctrines

98. These provide guidance for specialized activities of the PNP in the broad
field of interest such as personnel, intelligence, operations, logistics,
planning, etc.
A. Operational Doctrines
B. Functional Doctrines
C. Fundamental Doctrines
D. Complimentary Doctrines

99. These are the principles and rules governing the planning, organization and
direction and employment of the PNP forces in the accomplishment of basic security
operational mission in the maintenance of peace and order, crime prevention and
suppression, internal security and public safety operation.
A. Operational Doctrines
B. Functional Doctrines
C. Fundamental Doctrines
D. Complimentary Doctrines

100. Formulated jointly by two or more bureaus in order to effect a certain

operation with regard to public safety and peace and order.
A. Operational Doctrines
B. Functional Doctrines
C. Fundamental Doctrines
D. Complimentary Doctrines

*** END OF SET 8 ***


(SET 8)

1.D 26.A 51.D 76.D

2.B 27.A 52.A 77.D
3.B 28.D 53.B 78.C
4.D 29.B 54.A 79.A
5.C 30.D 55.B 80.B
6.C 31.A 56.A 81.C
7.B 32.B 57.B 82.C
8.C 33.B 58.A 83.A
9.A 34.C 59.B 84.B
10.B 35.B 60.B 85.A
11.D 36.A 61.B 86.B
12.C 37.B 62.A 87.C
13.A 38.B 63.B 88.C
14.A 39.D 64.D 89.B
15.B 40.B 65.A 90.A
16.D 41.B 66.B 91.A
17.A 42.D 67.A 92.D
18.A 43.A 68.A 93.C
19.C 44.D 69.B 94.B
20.A 45.B 70.B 95.A
21.C 46.A 71.C 96.D
22.D 47.A 72.A 97.C
23.A 48.C 73.B 98.B
24.A 49.C 74.B 99.A
25.D 50.B 75.A 100.

The  answer  keys  provided  here  are  mere  suggestions.  It  is  strongly  advised  to 
seek  other  information  for  proper  verification  of  the  answers.  If  there  are  still 
unintended errors it is due to myopia of the Editor. 

Any corrections are greatly appreciated and if there would be correction please 
send your inquiries or contact us at “What Criminologist Knows? Charlemagne James P. 
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                       Charlemagne James P. Ramos 
Founder, What Criminologist Knows? 

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