Andersson 2005
Andersson 2005
Andersson 2005
The corrosion was investigated on a superheater test coil in a crest. The nickel-based Alloy 65 was preferentially attacked di-
CFB waste boiler. The alloys ranged from ferritic steel T22 to ni- rectly under the crest of the deposit while the other alloys were pre-
ckel-based Alloy 65 and the metal temperatures were between 460 ferentially attacked at the edge. The corrosion rate increased with
and 540 8C. The thickness of the deposit was alloy and temperature temperature for X20, Alloy 304L, Alloy 310 and Alloy 825; de-
dependent. The low-alloyed steels developed thick deposits at all creased on Alloy 65; and was bell shaped on T22 and Alloy 28.
temperatures while the deposit thickness increased with the tem- Alloy 310 suffered from severe pitting corrosion in a line following
perature on the high-alloyed steels and the nickel-based alloy. the edge of the deposit crest. The best overall corrosion resistant
The corrosion attack was alloy dependent and related to the deposit alloy was Alloy 28.
F 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/maco.200403852
450 Andersson and Norell Materials and Corrosion 2005, 56, No. 7
tive information about the corrosion in the boiler. Since they 2 Experimental
are tested at normal tube positions the flue gas flow pattern,
conditions for deposit build up and other factors are charac- 2.1 Field test
teristic for the boiler. Whatever test method, the reported cor-
rosion rates are often limited to the deepest thickness reduc- The field test was conducted for 738 h in a CFB-boiler at
tion. This can be sufficient to classify the alloys, but it only Korstaverket in Sundsvall, Sweden. The boiler consists of the
gives a moderate description of the corrosion attack. For in- fluidized bed, followed by a cyclone that separates the parti-
stance, the most severe corrosion on superheater tubes is nor- cles and reintroduces them into the bed. After the cyclone lies
mally expected at the edge of the deposit crests, but there are the upper draw with superheater tubes. The boiler was built in
only few systematic quantitative examinations whether this is 1984 and external systems were modified in 1995. In normal
the case [4, 14]. operation, the boiler is burning a mixture of 60% RDF and
Candidate alloys for waste boiler superheaters range from 40% woodchips. During the field test, the boiler was burning
ferritic and martensitic steels to austenitic steel and advanced RDF only. The boiler capacity is 5.5 ton RDF per hour pro-
nickel-based alloys. Extensive field tests of different alloys ducing 28 ton steam at 33 bar/ 285 8C. The fuel was shredded
have been done in Japan during the last years, especially and samples were collected throughout the test. These col-
by Kawahara and co-authors [15 – 17]. They have found lected samples were blended and 0.5 kg of the blended fuel
that the corrosion resistance increases with the sum of the sample was analysed. A detailed analysis of the flue gas com-
Cr, Ni and Mo contents. The effect of alloying was stronger position in the furnace is found in the paper about the corro-
the more corrosive was the environment. Probe tests in diffe- sion in the waterwall [19].
rent boilers showed that a CrþNi content of approximately The test coil was inserted in the upper draw at the top of the
80% gave the best corrosion resistance [15]. Latter field tests back pass, on candidate, but not ordinary, superheater posi-
gave the best performance for Ni-base alloys with high tions. A schematic view of the coil is shown in Fig. 1. The
amounts of Mo (19%) in the most corrosive locations (high superheater test coil constituted a separate steam circuit.
Cl-content in the deposits at 550 8C). However, besides being The coil consisted of two layers. The top layer served primar-
costly, such alloys are not a universal solution to the corrosion ily to heat up the steam to a higher temperature than in the
problems in waste combustion. For instance, Alloy 600 ordinary superheater of the boiler. This layer was also in-
(72Ni16Cr) may suffer from severe pitting [18]. In the present tended to shield the test tubes from the direct impact of
study, it will be shown that a Mo-containing Ni-base alloy cor- flue gases and particles. The test tubes were situated in the
roded more then less alloyed materials, especially at lower lower layer. Prior to the field test it was observed that the de-
temperatures. Many of the alloys studied here were tested posit formation was very limited in one quarter of the section
as composite tubes combining a ferritic core and a high-alloy where the coil should be inserted. This was probably related to
outer layer. This gives a possibility for favourable combina- the flue gas flow pattern in the boiler. Aiming to expose the
tion of creep strength, weldability and corrosion resistance, test tubes to as equal conditions as possible no test tubes were
etc. Field experience regarding composite tubes has been re- mounted in this region. A soot blower was situated in the
ported in the literature [4]. upper draw. However, it was mounted at least 1.5 m above
In this study, a field test was done in a Circulating Fluidised the test coil so it is not expected to have had any major influ-
Bed (CFB) burning RDF. The aim was to investigate the cor- ence on the deposit formation, nor on the corrosion.
rosion of different alloys in a realistic flue gas flow and in a The alloys were tested in a metal temperature gradient ran-
temperature range (460 – 540 8C) that was higher than normal ging from 460 8C to 540 8C. The metal temperatures of the
in waste boiler superheaters today, but relevant for the future. tubes were monitored by four thermocouples that were sol-
For this purpose, a test coil was inserted in the top of the back dered in the tube wall on the outer side, c.f. Fig. 1. Linear in-
pass. Alloys ranging from ferritic to nickel-base were tested ter- and extrapolations were used to estimate the metal tem-
for one month. Also, the corrosion in the waterwall was ex- peratures of individual test tubes. All alloys were tested at
amined in the field test. Results from that study have been
published previously [19].
The paper is divided in two parts. This paper, part 1, con-
centrates on the metal loss of all seven alloys tested. In order
to get a detailed picture of how the corrosion attack differed
between the alloys the thickness reduction was measured both
around and along the test tubes. The attack was correlated to
the position of the deposit crest and the tube temperature. The
test tubes were also long enough (380 mm) to get representa-
tive data not only from the thickness reduction but also from
the weight loss. Furthermore, the amount of deposit formed
was estimated to see how it related to the temperature or com-
position of the alloys as well as to the corrosion.
The second part of this paper will present an in-depth de-
scription of the corrosion of four selected alloys from the test
with significantly different corrosion behaviour. The deposits
and oxides formed on these alloys have been characterised.
That paper will attempt to analyse more in detail what factors
or reactions that determined the attack of the alloys.
Fig. 1. Schematic view of the superheater test coil in the upper
draw. The metal temperature and test tube positions are indicated.
Thermocouple locations are indicated T
Materials and Corrosion 2005, 56, No. 7 Superheater corrosion in a CFB waste boiler 451
Table 1. Chemical composition (wt-%) of the tested alloys according to melt analyses. Fe is balance.
Alloy C Cr Ni Mo Si Mn Others
Table 2. Content of some elements in the previously dried fuel sample. The sample humidity was 6.3 wt-%
Element wt-% Element wt-% Element wt-% Element wt-% Element mg/kg Element mg/kg
Ash 15.4 S 0.16 Ba 0.02 P 0.13 Pb 133 Cu 225
Al 1.35 Mn 0.03 Na 0.93 Cl 0.42 Cd 1.6 Ni 35
Si 3.70 Mg 0.25 K 0.43 F 0.01 Co 10 V 9
Fe 0.38 Ca 1.99 Ti 0.14 Br < 0.01 Cr 55 Zn 425
Refuse Derived Fuel is very inhomogeneous. Therefore, posit height varied between the test tubes from a few milli-
though the fuel was shredded and samples were collected metres to several centimetres. The changes were incremental
throughout, the analysis, c.f. Tab. 2, only gives an indication were the tubes were joined. Fig. 3 shows the height of the de-
of the fuel composition. posit crests as measured on tube sections. Though there is sub-
Collected samples of the deposits were analysed by means stantial scatter in the data, two trends can be observed. First,
of XRD. Independent of the alloy or the temperature the bulk the deposit thickness increased with the temperature, at least
of the deposits consisted mainly of alkali chlorides and calci- for the high-alloyed materials. Secondly, thicker deposits
um sulphate. This is in agreement with a previous analysis of were formed on the ferritic/martensitic steels than on the
these deposits [20]. The composition of the deposits will be high-alloyed materials.
discussed a bit more in detail in part two of this paper.
At the visual inspection of the test coil, it was strikingly
clear that the deposit formation was alloy dependent. The de- 3.2 Metal loss
3.2.1 General
The corrosion rates were very high for all alloys. The poor-
est tube would probably have been broken if the test had lasted
one or two weeks more. The rates ranged from 1.8 mm/year
for high-alloyed austenitic steel Alloy 28 at 462 8C to 34 mm/
year for the ferritic steel T22 at 516 8C. The corrosion rates are
summarised in Figs. 4 and 5. They are presented in mm/year
though this does not imply that the rate should be linear for so
long times. Fig. 4 shows the rates according to the thickness
reduction in the deepest sector and the deepest point as well as
the weight loss per length unit. For a better comparison of the
influence of the temperature Fig. 5 shows the rate in the dee-
pest point versus the metal temperature. The wall thickness of
unexposed tubes of X20 was uneven since the inner and outer
diameters were eccentric. This complicated the evaluation of
the thickness reduction. Therefore, the data for the tubes kept
at 478 8C and 534 8C is only indicative. Only the weight loss is
shown for the tube at 510 8C. The thickness data for Alloy
304L are somewhat uncertain for similar reasons.
The corrosion attack of the individual alloys will be pre-
Fig. 3. The height of the deposit crests on the test tubes sented below but first some general trends will be pointed
Fig. 6. The water-jet cleaned surface of T22 at 516 8C. The deposit Fig. 8. The water-jet cleaned surface of X20 at 534 8C. The deposit
crest was located in the center crest was located in the centre
454 Andersson and Norell Materials and Corrosion 2005, 56, No. 7
alloy. The oxide was not completely removed by the water-jet 3.2.5 The austenitic steel Alloy 310 (Fe25Cr21Ni)
cleaning. Since the unexposed tube had uneven wall thickness
no diagram with thickness reduction around the tubes is This alloy suffered from severe pitting in a manner different
shown. from all other alloys in the test. The pits were formed at all
temperatures following a narrow line about 308 from the de-
posit crest, c.f. Fig. 10. The number and size of the pits in-
3.2.4 The austenitic steel Alloy 304L (Fe18Cr10Ni) creased with increasing temperature. At the two higher tem-
peratures the pits actually penetrated the outer alloy down to
The attack of 304L was correlated to the deposit crest. This the ferritic core of this composite tube. The core was made in
can be clearly seen for the tube at 536 8C in Fig. 9. The thick- the ferritic steel T22. At the interface to the core tube the pits
ness reductions in the sectors at both 3008 and 30 – 908 are had flattened and spread a bit along the interface. In fact, it
deeper than at 3308. This corresponds to an attack that is dee- appears as if their growth in depth almost stopped at the inter-
per at the edges of the deposit than right under its crest. Also face. Few pits were actually deeper than the thickness of the
the tubes at 478 8C and 510 8C have corroded more on the edge outer alloy. This can also explain why the deepest points were
of the deposit than under the crest. Though this only occurred almost equally deep at 508 8C and 532 8C. The pitting attack
on one side at these temperatures, it should be remembered was observed mainly on one side of the deposit, a conse-
that the flue gas flow was not symmetric around the test tubes. quence of the top coil and the resulting difference in gas
The general corrosion of this alloy increased with the tem- flow, c.f. Fig. 11. The general corrosion rate increased with
perature. On the other hand, the pitting was less pronounced the temperature, but in view of the pitting attack this is of mi-
than on the ferritic/martensitic steels and also less temperature nor importance.
Fig. 10. The water-jet cleaned surface of Alloy 310 at 508 8C. The
pits are located at 308 on the side of where the deposit crest was Fig. 12. The average thickness reduction around tubes of Alloy 28.
located The highest deposit crests were located at the top
Materials and Corrosion 2005, 56, No. 7 Superheater corrosion in a CFB waste boiler 455
4 Discussion
First of all it should be remembered that the test was in- with increasing CrþNiþMo content from left to right. It is
tended to examine the corrosion at high temperatures for fu- clear that a major step in corrosion resistance prevails between
ture applications. Therefore, the outgoing steam temperature the austenitic steel Alloy 310 and Alloy 28. These two alloys
from the test coil was more than 200 8C higher than the steam are both austenitic with about equal Cr-contents but Alloy 28
produced during ordinary operation in this boiler. It is also contains about 10 wt-% more Ni (30.4 vs. 21.1) and 3.3 wt-%
known that the corrosion rate in waste combustion decreases Mo versus 0.1% for Alloy 310. The highest corrosion rates
with decreasing flue gas temperature [21, 22]. The test coil occurred on the ferritic and martensitic steels. Nevertheless,
was installed after the upper draw. In later boiler designs considering their higher alloying content the severe pitting of
the superheaters are placed further away from the cyclones Alloy 310 and the corrosion of Alloy 65 at the lowest tempera-
where the flue gas temperature is lower. Unfortunately, no ture were less expected.
thermocouple was available to measure the flue gas tempera- The corrosion rates generally increased with the tempera-
ture close to the test coil so the parameter is not known for this ture though in some cases the corrosion decreased with in-
test. Concerning the boiler, it should also be kept in mind that creasing temperature. For the ferritic steel T22 there was a
it usually burns a fuel with 60% RDF and not 100% as it was maximum in the corrosion rate at the two middle tempera-
during the test. The increased metal temperature and the fuel tures. The thickness reductions also differed. At the highest
composition were intentional choices to create a severely cor- and lowest temperatures the most severe attack occurred at
rosive environment for the test. the edge of the deposit crests, but at the middle temperatures
The severe corrosion in waste combustion is often attribu- the deepest sectors were found further away from the crests.
ted to the presence of Zn and Pb in the deposits [4 – 8]. These This suggests that a different corrosion mechanism has oc-
may contribute to the formation of eutectic chloride melts curred at the middle temperatures. When the deposit thick-
with low melting points. However, it is unlikely that such a ness, c.f. Fig. 3, is compared to the corrosion rates it is
mechanism played an important role in this test. Only minor seen that thinner deposits are formed on T22 at the middle
amounts of these elements were encountered in the deposits. temperatures were the highest corrosion rates occurred.
The analyses of the deposits and scales will be further treated This is an interesting observation since it is obvious that
in part two of this paper. the corrosion rates relate to the deposit thickness for all alloys.
The flue gas flow was not perpendicular to the test coil, A closer comparison of the ferritic steel T22 and the mar-
which resulted in the formation of two deposit crests on tensitic steel X20 shows that the corrosion rates were higher
many tubes. It can also be expected that the flow rate and con- for the martensitic steel at the higher and lower temperatures,
sequently the flue gas impact were more severe on one side of despite its higher Cr-content. However, also laboratory experi-
the tube. It has been shown that the corrosion rate increases ments simulating Cl-containing combustion gases have shown
with the flue gas flow rate [14]. Thus, the flue gas flow pattern that X20 can corrode faster than T22 at 450 8C [25]. Other
can explain that the preferential attacks were mainly observed experiments have shown that nickel free iron-chromium al-
on one side of the deposit crest. loys do not form protective Cr2O3 in waste combustion atmo-
Most alloys were preferentially attacked at the edges of the spheres but mixed oxides corresponding to the alloy composi-
deposit crest. The most obvious example was the austenitic tion [26].
steel Alloy 310 with pits restricted to a narrow band where In the literature it is often stated that nickel-based alloys
severe corrosion occurred. The reason for this is not known, with about 60 wt-% Ni and 8 – 18 wt-% Mo are the most sui-
but it is clear that a very specific combination of conditions table in waste boilers if the environment is severely corrosive
have triggered the mechanism. There were only two excep- [17, 27]. Although Alloy 65 has a composition within this ran-
tions. First, at the two middle temperatures the severely cor- ge, it did not perform well at the lowest temperature, 474 8C,
roded tubes of the ferritic steel T22 were preferentially at- where it actually had the highest corrosion rate of all alloys.
tacked further away from the deposit crest at 908. Secondly, However, it has been observed that the addition of nickel,
Alloy 65 was preferentially attacked right under the deposit chromium, and molybdenum can increase the corrosion resist-
crest. The preferential attack at the edge of the deposit has ance significantly in waste boilers at 550 8C but that alloying
previously been observed on tubes of Alloy 28 that had content may be less important at 450 8C [15]. Generally, over
been exposed for 5400 h at 340 8C in a waste boiler [4]. Similar the examined temperature range the corrosion resistance in-
observations have been reported for Alloy 310 [14]. Deposit creased with the alloying content. However, the corrosion be-
induced corrosion is a complex corrosion mechanism but it haviour of Alloy 65 was different from that of the other alloys.
involves several reactions between alkali chlorides, sulphates, Its corrosion rate decreased with the temperature and the
H2O, O2, Cl2, HCl, metal chlorides and oxides in different thickness reduction was highest directly under the deposit
layers of the scale and deposits [23]. The suggested mechan- crest. This indicates that the most severe corrosion of this al-
isms rely on the existence of these layers, different activities loy occurs under other conditions than for the other alloys.
for the reactants within them and the transport between them. It Deposit induced corrosion, where the deposit is providing
is therefore not surprising if rapid corrosion occurs where these chlorine gas to the metal surface, is still a possible mechanism.
layers exist but still are thin. Laboratory exposures with cou- However, directly under the deposit crest the oxygen activity
pons of Alloy 310 and Alloy 28 embedded in KCl-tablets have can be lower than under thinner deposits. Thus, protective oxi-
shown that the most severe attack can occur at a critical deposit des will form less easily.
thickness that was 1 – 2 mm in that study [24]. The high-alloyed austenitic steel Alloy 28 had a slightly
Comparing the corrosion rates, c.f. Figs. 4 and 5, it is seen decreased corrosion rate at the highest temperature. Such de-
that the alloys with the best overall corrosion resistance were creasing corrosion rates for high-alloyed austenitic steels and
the high-alloyed austenitic steel Alloy 28 and the nickel-based nickel-based alloys in waste incinerator systems have been
Alloy 825. At the lowest temperature the ferritic steel T22 ac- reported previously, though that was for the Alloys 310 and
tually performed quite well whereas the nickel-based Alloy 65 Alloy 825 [2]. The effect was attributed to the formation of
was about equally resistant as Alloy 28 and Alloy 825 at me- thicker and more protective oxides at higher temperatures.
dium and high temperatures. In Fig. 4 the alloys are ordered
Materials and Corrosion 2005, 56, No. 7 Superheater corrosion in a CFB waste boiler 457
The pitting attack observed on Alloy 310 was obstructed at l The deposit amount was alloy dependent. The low-alloyed
the inner tube where it spread out under the outer alloy. This steels formed thick deposits at all temperatures while this
implies that the composite structure has protected the tubes thickness increased with the temperature on the high-al-
from being penetrated by pitting corrosion. loyed austenitic steels and the nickel-based alloy.
The size of the test coil allows for a thorough evaluation of l The alloys, except Alloy 65, were preferentially attacked at
the corrosion of the test tubes. Nevertheless, due to the size of the edge of the deposit crest.
the coil it needs to be considered whether the corrosive envir- l Alloy 28 and Alloy 825 had the best overall corrosion re-
onment differed between the test tube positions. In practice, it sistance over the temperature range of all alloys in the test.
is barely impossible to answer that question. Instead, the dis- The attack on both alloys was uniform and no pitting was
tribution of the corrosion rates across the test coil can be as- observed.
sessed in relation to some striking results. The nickel-based l The corrosion rate on the ferritic steel T22 was bell-shaped
alloy Alloy 65 corroded more than any other alloy at the low- with the highest rate at 516 8C. At 460 8C was the corrosion
est temperatures. It could be argued that this was related to e.g. rate of the same order as for the more alloyed steels and
variations in the flue gas flow pattern. The tube was positioned lower than for the nickel-based alloy Alloy 65. The fastest
next to the quarter of the coil where the deposit formation was attack took place at 908 angle from the deposit crest.
limited. Nevertheless, the other alloys tested in the same area l The austenitic steel Alloy 310 was severely attacked by pit-
were less attacked. Another observation concerns the bell- ting in a narrow band along the edge of the deposits.
shaped corrosion of the steel T22. The two most corroded l The corrosion on the nickel-based alloy Alloy 65 differed
tubes of this alloy were also positioned in the vicinity of significantly from the other alloy. The attack was preferen-
the quarter with limited deposit formation. Yet in the same tial under the deposit crest. Furthermore, the corrosion rate
manner, positioned next to the most corroded tube, at decreased with increasing temperature.
516 8C, was the tube of the nickel-based Alloy 825 that
was the least corroded at this temperature. A final example
is that the corrosion rates of the austenitic steel Alloy 310
and the nickel-based Alloy 65 showed opposite temperature 6 Acknowledgements
dependencies. Still, these tubes were consistently positioned
next to each other so the result can hardly be related to differ- The Swedish High-Temperature Corrosion Centre at Chal-
ing corrosive conditions across the test coil. The possible in- mers University of Technology is acknowledged for financial
fluence of the flue gas flow pattern on the corrosion rate can support. Kvaerner Power and AB Sandvik Steel are acknowl-
never be entirely ruled out. However, it is concluded that the edged for a fruitful cooperation.
test tube temperature was the most important factor affecting
the corrosion rate of the test tubes.
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