5K3 XP Datasheet
5K3 XP Datasheet
5K3 XP Datasheet
Modules Expandibility HV Mode: Max 16 Modules in Series with Single HV Box = One HV Cluster
Max 10 HV Clusters composed by maximum 16 modules in serial
connection each
Expected Life Cycles @ STC > 8000 (25°C/80%DoD >75% residual capacity )
Features Pre-Charge+Fuse LV+ Fuse HV+ Auto Contactor + Dual BMS+ Multi BMS FW management
Applicable for Low Voltage and High Voltage systems, Four protection levels for HV Box, Real time balancing, Adaptive
charge/discharge CAN logic, Three step adaptive charging logic, 2xDI/DO programmable ports, Mobile APP for monitoring, control,
debugging, firmware update and historical information.
Notes *- Module net usable energy is managed by the BMS control logic to 100Ah
**-See Warranty Terms and the Standard Test Conditions ’’STC’’ and the operative temperature
All data subject to the change without prior notice, no part of this document can be copied or reproduced without written permission of WeCo
5K3 –XP Is designed to operate indoor or in Outdoor Cabinet approved by WeCo
WeCo 5K3, Datasheet referred to the modules in production from June 2022
(Recommended) 160 240 320 400 640
Humidity 5% ~ 95%
Design life
10 Years (25°C)
*- Module net usable energy is managed by the BMS control logic to 100Ah, when more than 1 module it is calculated as 5.2kWh Nominal capacity
**-See Warranty Terms and the Standard Test Conditions ’’STC’’ and the operative temperature
Recomended Voltage (V) min 200 max 232 min 250 max 290 min 300 max 348 min 350 max 406 min 400 max 464 min 800 max 928
Expected Life Cycles @ STC** > 8000 (25°C/80%DoD >75% residual capacity )
*- Module net usable energy is managed by the BMS control logic set to 100Ah
**-See Warranty Terms and the Standard Test Conditions ’’STC’’ and the operative temperature
***- HV BIX is compulsory when the 5K3 XP is used in HV configuration
RAKEZ Business Centre
V2.0 3KJ22