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Statistical Motor Rating

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Institute and Faculty of Actuaries


Author(s): M. J. Brockman and T. S. Wright
Source: Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (1886-1994), Vol. 119, No. 3 (DECEMBER 1992),
pp. 457-543
Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Institute and Faculty of
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/41141077
Accessed: 08-09-2016 13:20 UTC

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J.I. A. 119,111,457-543



By M. J. Brockman, B.Sc, F.I.A. and T. S. Wright, M.A., F.S.S., M.I.S.

[Presented to the Institute of Actuaries, 27 April 1992]


The paper gives details of statistical modelling techniques which can be used to e
office premiums from past claims data. The methods described allow premiums to
any combinaton of rating factors, and produce standard errors of the risk premi
package GLIM is used for analysing claims experience, and GLIM terminology is u
thoughout the paper.
Arguments are put forward for modelling frequency and severity separately fo
types. Fitted values can be used to estimate risk premiums, and the incorporation
for the estimation of office premiums. Particular attention is given to the treat
The paper also discusses possible uses of the modelled premiums. These include the construction of
'standardised' one way tables and the analysis of experience by postal code and model of vehicle. Also
discussed is the possibility of using the results for assessing the impact of competition, and for finding
'niche' markets in which an insurer can operate both competitively and profitably.


General Insurance; Motor; Pricing; Statistical Analysis


1.1.1 There have been a large number of papers written on motor insurance
which make use of statistical modelling. Many of these papers were published
well over twenty years ago (Aimer, 1957; Bailey & Simon, 1960; Jung, 1966).
Further progress was made during the 1970s with papers by Johnson & Hey
(1971) and Bennett (1978) and more recently papers by Baxter, Coutts & Ross
(1980) and Coutts (1984). These papers are reviewed in more detail in Section 1 .7.
It is rather surprising, therefore, that actuaries have not established themselves
more firmly or been more widely accepted by the market as having an essential
role to play in the pricing process of motor business. Surely motor insurance, the
largest single class of personal lines business in the U.K., is one line of business
where the talents of actuaries should be utilised to the full.
1.1.2 Current practice and methodology in the U.K. market can be consi-
dered, on the whole, statistically unsophisticated. The authors believe that a full
statistical analysis of a company's data is essential in the pricing decision-making
process, where it can be combined with careful underwriting control to help

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458 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
improve profitability. Recent developments in micro computer technology have
meant that detailed statistical analyses can now be carried out quickly and
efficiently on a micro computer, and that there is no longer any need for extensive
mainframe processing. For very large accounts, the mainframe need only be used
for the initial data processing stages. A data transfer to a micro based database
can provide the flexibility required for statistical analysis.
1.1.3 Profit margins in the U.K. motor market over the period 1984-1990
have been extremely small. During this period, the average return after
investment income has amounted to little more than 2% of premiums before tax.
It is doubtful whether this level of profitability can justify the substantial amount
of capital which is required to support the business. In order to provide an
acceptable return on capital, a company must now aim to be a consistent above-
average performer.
1 . 1 .4 This paper outlines a statistical approach which, we believe, can help a
company achieve improved profitability. Our approach requires substantial data
analysis, in which statistical modelling techniques help unravel the trends and
patterns in the data. We have found that such an exercise can provide the
underwriter with much additional information on all the relevant factors which
are driving the claims experience of the account. It is essential to get the theory
right, and, unavoidably, this paper is rather more theoretical than some might
hope. However, it is important not to lose sight of reality and that the theoretical
results are capable of practical application. Also, the methodology must be
capable of adapting to the constant changes in market practice. These points
were firmly in our minds when we developed the theory in this paper.

1.2 The Two Main Aspects of Premium Rating

1.2.1 There are two main aspects of premium rating. First, the relative
premium levels need to be determined; for example, it is important to charge the
correct premium for old drivers relative to young drivers, new cars relative to old
cars, or high car groups relative to low car groups. Secondly, the overall premium
levels must be adequate in order to meet particular profit objectives.
1.2.2 It is this first aspect which we address in this paper, indeed we do not
believe that the second can be tackled effectively using a statistical analysis of
past claims data. All that is required for the second aspect is to adjust the overall
level of premiums to meet a particular profit objective, taking into account short-
term economic effects and other external factors. If the broad structure of rates is
correct, then the second aspect, that of determining the overall level of premium
rates, becomes much easier.

1.3 The Importance of Getting the Rating Structure Right

1.3.1 We emphasised in the previous section the importance of getting the
broad rating structure right. There are two reasons for this. First, the motor
market is highly competitive. If a company does not broadly charge the correct
premium rate in a particular part of its portfolio, it will be selected against.

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 459
Secondly, it allows a company to operate profitably in particular 'niches' of the
1.3.2 It is essential that a company minimises the possibility of adverse
selection, since it could otherwise lead to a spiral of unstable pricing action.
Suppose a company charges too little for low car groups and too much for high
car groups. Over the whole portfolio the premiums may be deemed to be at the
correct level. However, eventually the company will tend to gain low car group
policies and lose high car group policies. The overall profitability of the portfolio
will begin to deteriorate, since low car groups are undercharged. If, in future, an
overall premium increase is applied in order to address the deterioration in
profitability the situation will be further aggravated, and the profitability will
continue to deteriorate. Unless the root cause is corrected, and premiums are
increased for low car groups relative to high car groups, the portfolio will not be
profitable or produce stable results. If the broad structure of premium rates is
right, then overall premium increases can be applied with more confidence and a
more stable pattern of premium increase can be achieved. It is usually sufficient to
concentrate on the primary rating factors if selection is to be minimised. These
are usually considered to be cover, vehicle group, vehicle age, policyholder age,
district, no claims discount (NCD), and vehicle use. However, we have found
that the sex of policyholder and voluntary driving restrictions also have an
important influence.
1.3.3 There has been much recent comment on the 'search for the niche' and
'niche underwriting'. Much of the comment has focused on hunches and market
'feel'. We believe that, if the techniques advocated in this paper are followed, it
will help an underwriter to use his own data to identify the combination of rating
factors which will enable him to operate both profitably and competitively. We
have no doubt that an underwriter's 'gut feeling' will always be important in the
pricing decision; however it is one thing to think you know, another to know you
know. Even in the current extremely competitive market there are clear segments
where companies could improve their profitability considerably.

1 .4 The Multif actor Approach

1.4.1 This paper outlines a multifactor approach to premium rating. The
historical claims experience is analysed on a multi-way rating factor basis. That
is, for every possible combination of rating factors or 'cell', the historical claims
experience is used to calculate a claim frequency and an average cost. Statistical
models are fitted to the raw claim frequency and raw average costs, and the
results are used to calculate an expected frequency and average cost for each cell.
Separate models are chosen for each type of claim: for example, windscreen,
accidental damage, third party property damage, third party bodily injury, fire,
theft and zero claims. The expected claim frequencies and average costs for each
type of claim are combined to produce theoretical premium rates for each cell.
1 .4.2 It is worth considering at this point the size of the estimation problem.
Suppose we limit the analysis to the seven principal rating factors mentioned in

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460 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
Section 1.3. The cells are constructed by defining a number of levels for each of
the rating factors. One possibility is shown in Table 1.4.2.

Table 1.4.2. Multif actor breakdown of data

Cover Vehicle Vehicle Policyholder District NCD Vehicle
group age age use
Comprehensive 1 0-1 17-19 A 0 SDP
Non-comprehensive 2 2-3 20-22 B 30 Class 1
3 4-6 23-25 C 40 Class 2/3
4 7-9 26-30 D 50
5 10+ 31-35 E 60
6 36-45 F Protected
7+ 46-60
61 +

This produces over 60,0

problem appears immens
factors analysed: a second
this seriously reduces the
underwriter needs to know
detail. Recently the ABI ha
trend is likely to continu
underwriter with the rel
order to achieve this it
carefully, so that sensible
each cell. In particular, i
relationships between ad
experience from age to age
1.4.3 We have included
because both claim frequ
levels for most claim ty
explanatory variable in the
However, the fitted model
loss between levels of the
existing percentage disco
level are changed to corr
parameters of the fitted m
other rating factors. Th
necessarily be round perc
relationship between NCD
For this reason, we belie
explanatory variable in pra
true and existing percent
material, a change to the

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 461
1.5 Why Fit Statistical Models?
There will be many patterns which will 'fit' the claims data. Some will fit better
than others, although none of them will be 'right'. Amongst these will be the
underwriter's current rating structure. The statistical model will attempt, in
engineering terminology, to separate the signal from the noise: in other words,
extract the underlying pattern from the actual claims experience. The parameters
of the model can help in understanding the patterns in the data. The relative
importance of the underwriting factors can be tested statistically, as can the
existence of 'interaction' effects between underwriting factors. There will always
be a trade off between finding the simplest model and the model which fits the
data closest. The aim of statistical modelling is to find the best compromise
between these two objectives. We believe that the methods outlined in this paper
go a long way towards achieving this aim.

1.6 One-Way Tables

1 .6. 1 Most companies regularly produce underwriting factor summary tables
from their statistical databases. These generally show the key underwriting
statistics for each underwriting factor on a one-way basis. Hence statistics such as
claim frequency, average cost, risk premium and loss ratio are monitored, for
each underwriting factor and level within each underwriting factor.
1.6.2 These 'one-way' tables are a useful means of monitoring the relative
profitability of the levels within each underwriting factor, but will not give an
accurate indication of the relative profitability between levels. Indeed, they can
often be misleading and result in incorrect rating action.
1.6.3 The first problem is that there may be important 'interactions' between
different underwriting factors, which will produce misleading results if presented
on a one-way basis. This can be overcome by analysing the underwriting statistics
on a multi-dimensional basis. Provided that the dimensions do not exceed about
three, this should be manageable. For example, if the relative claims experience
of males and females varies by policy holder age, then separate one-way tables for
policyholder age can be produced for males and females. However this assumes a
priori knowledge that there is an 'interaction effect' between sex and policyholder
L6.4 The second problem is that the distribution of business is not identical
within each level of each underwriting factor. For instance, the claims experience
on a one-way basis may show that young females are more profitable than young
males. However, a further inspection of the data may reveal that young females
tend to drive vehicles in lower classified groups. Hence the apparent improved
profitability may well be intrinsically related to the relative profitability of vehicle
groups. There may well be no difference in the relative profitability between
young males and young females insuring the same type of vehicle.
1.6.5 This problem is more difficult to overcome. The traditional actuarial
solution to this problem is to 'standardise' the claims experience in an attempt to

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462 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
eliminate the distorting effects of the uneven distribution of business within each
level of each underwriting factor, so that valid comparisons of the claims
experience can be made on a one-way basis. The standardisation approach
requires careful application; we discuss this issue further in Section 9.
1.6.6 The modelling approach, as advocated in this paper, deals with both
these problems automatically. If the approach is integrated with a system of
careful control using both traditional one-way tables and standardised one-way
tables, an effective underwriting control system can be developed.

1.7 Review of Previous Papers

1 .7. 1 The early papers on statistical modelling in motor insurance focused on
claim numbers with little consideration of the size of claims. The debate centred
mainly on whether an additive or multiplicative model should be used in relating
claim frequency to rating factors. Aimer (1957) suggested a multiplicative model
and this was taken up and developed by a series of subsequent authors, notably
Jung ( 1 968), whereas Johnson & Hey ( 1 97 1 ) in an influential paper, advocated an
additive model. These early papers were very well summarised by Bennett (1978),
who compared the various fitting methods which had been proposed at that time
for both the additive and multiplicative models. Bennett came down in favour of
the additive model, largely on the grounds that it could be fitted relatively simply.
1 .7.2 These early papers might now be considered statistically unsophisticated
(which perhaps accounts for the plethora of estimation methods which evolved).
Baxter, Coutts & Ross (1980) attempted to remedy this. They advocated a
statistically more rigorous approach in which assumptions concerning the
structure of the random variation are explicitly stated, fitting is carried out in
accordance with those assumptions, and the assumptions are critically examined
after fitting by means of a residual analysis. They used the Royal Statistical
Society's computer package GLIM (first released in 1977) to implement this
approach, which they applied to both claim numbers and claim sizes.
1.7.3 For claim numbers Baxter et al. carried out an empirical comparison of
several models using a single data-set. In our opinion, such an investigation
cannot be conclusive and should not lead to any general recommendations,
because the findings may depend on peculiarities of the particular data-set used.
We think that the use of a small number of levels for each rating factor in their
analysis renders generalisations particularly unsafe. However, Baxter et al.
finished by recommending a method called OWLS (for which GLIM was not
used) on the grounds that, for their single data-set, it gave results in close
agreement with those from other models fitted using GLIM, but was computa-
tionally simpler than the GLIM models. The matter of computational simplicity
was important in 1980 largely because of the limits on computer memory space.
Today, with increased memory space, the GLIM models (which Baxter et al.
implicitly accepted as technically superior to the OWLS approach) are
computationally very simple, as we will show. For claim sizes, Baxter et al. used

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 463
an additive model, but failed to find a satisfactory error structure (a fact clear
from their paper, but only later made explicit by Coutts (1984)).
1 .7.4 Coutts (1984) continued with the OWLS model recommended in Baxter
et al for claim frequency. For claim sizes he accepted that the model of Baxter et
al. was not satisfactory, and tried to formulate a model based on a suggestion by
Neider. This was unsuccessful and he settled for an additive model, again fitted
using his own OWLS technique. One area in which Coutts (1984) made
significant progress was in the calculation of office premiums (from the results of
the component frequency and severity models) for input to a final modelling
stage to produce a 'smooth' structure, which can easily be compared with the
existing rate book, or with theoretical rates obtained using different assumptions.

1.8 GLIM
1.8.1 We make extensive use of GLIM in motor-rating analyses in pr
The problems encountered in motor-rating are of precisely the type for w
GLIM was designed. Models which would appear complex if tackled ma
or using ad hoc computer programs can be fitted quickly and simply using
This allows models to be selected solely on the basis of their technical suita
GLIM code is used throughout Sections 2-8 as a concise means of describing
models. A brief outline of GLIM, covering only what is necessary fo
understanding of this paper, is given in Appendix A. Appendix A also show
the claim frequency models described by Bennett (1978) can be fitted very
using GLIM. We strongly recommend that readers unfamiliar with GLIM s
Appendix A before proceeding to Section 2. Apart from the papers by Baxt
al. and Coutts mentioned above, there have been several other papers advoc
the use of GLIM in actuarial work, for example Haberman & Renshaw
and Renshaw (1991). The theory behind GLIM is very general, and the prog
is used widely outside the actuarial world. A good example is Little (198
paper includes a lucid account of the underlying ideas. A more compre
account of the theory, with example applications, is given by McCul
Neider (1989). For the details of how to use the software, reference sh
made obviously to the GLIM manual (NAG, 1985), but we also recomm
Aitkin et al. (1989) and Healy (1988).

1.9 Summary of Later Sections

1.9.1 The particular models which we advocate in this paper hav
selected mainly on theoretical grounds, but are supported by em
experience. For claim frequency we advocate the use of Bennett's model C,
is, the multiplicative model with a Poisson error structure (See Appendix A
is also one of the models considered by Baxter et al. (1980): they used
illustrate GLIM in their appendix. Our reasons for favouring this mod
given in Section 2 and Appendices B and C. For claim sizes, we fa
multiplicative model with a Gamma error structure (i.e. V(/¿) = /¿2: see Ap

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464 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
A). This is the error structure suggested by Neider (see McCullagh & Neider
(1983, 1989)), which Coutts (1984) tried and found to be unsatisfactory. Full
details on this model, including prior reasons for favouring it, are given in
Section 3, whilst Appendices E and F give details of techniques which can be used
to check its validity.
1.9.2 By using these models for frequency and severity we have been able to
introduce a number of innovations to the modelling process, which increase the
reliability of estimated risk and office premiums, and which give significant
practical advantages. These are dealt with in Sections 4, 5 and 6. Having obtained
estimated office premiums (Section 7), we follow Coutts (1984) in carrying out a
final stage of modelling to smooth these into a simple structure (Section 8). Our
methodology for this stage is, however, very different from that used by Coutts,
because we allow for the fact that the distribution of policies over NCD levels
may be different for each cell defined by the other rating factors. We consider two

(i) the structure of the NCD scale is to remain unchanged, but the percentage
discounts for each level of the scale are to be changed to reflect the true
relationship with loss as indicated by the data, and
(ii) both the structure of the NCD system and the percentage discounts for each
level of the scale are to remain unchanged.

The former possibility is the simpler. It can be tackled by having NCD level as an
explanatory variable in both the frequency and severity models. The second
option, which is often required in practice (for the reasons outlined in § 1.4.3),
cannot be handled in the same way (this is proved in Appendix J). Rather than
including NCD level as an explanatory variable, we propose a separate model to
estimate the average NCD within each cell (Section 7.2 and Appendix H). The
numerical examples in the paper all relate to an analysis of type (ii).
1 .9.3 In Section 9 we show how the results from the modelling can be used to
build an effective standard table, which can also be used to investigate the
importance of the underwriting factors not included in the modelling process. We
also discuss how the standard table can be used to investigate the appropriateness
of postal code to district classifications, and make/models to vehicle group
1.9.4 Finally, in Section 10 we show how the results of the modelling can be
used in conjunction with an analysis of competitors' rates to test how far a
company can move its existing rating structure to that indicated by the
theoretical analysis. The objective is to improve profitability by identifying areas
of the market where profit margins are likely to be larger, and by increasing
exposure in these more profitable areas.
1.9.5 Although the paper deals specifically with motor insurance rating, the
methods may be applied more generally, for example to health and household
insurance, where the premium rates depend on several factors.

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 465


2.1 The Case for a Multiplicative Model

2.1.1 In the past there has been much debate over whether an additive or
multiplicative model should be used in relating claim frequency to rating factors:
a brief history is given in Section 1.7. We believe that there are clear and
substantive reasons for preferring a multiplicative model. First, it should be
noted that an additive model can give rise to negative fitted values for the claim
frequency, whereas a multiplicative model cannot. However, this is merely a
symptom of the inappropriateness of the additive model: we attempt to explain
our reasoning in the remainder of this sub-section.
2.1.2 Car age is now widely recognised as an important risk factor: risk
generally decreases quite substantially with car age. The reason is probably a
negative association between car age and annual mileage. (Clearly it would be
preferable to use annual mileage directly as the rating factor, but this is not
common practice, owing to the difficulty in obtaining a reliable and objective
forecast. If annual mileage were used as the rating factor, it would strengthen the
argument given here.) Focus attention on car group and car age: suppose all
other factors are held constant. Suppose that for car group 1 the claim frequency
is 005 for cars aged 10 years, and 010 for cars aged 1 year. Now consider car
group 6 and suppose that the claim frequency isO-10 for cars aged 1 0 years. What
should we expect the frequency to be for cars aged 1 year? Under the additive
assumption the figure would be 0- 1 5, whereas under the multiplicative assump-
tion it would be 0-20. Given the belief that car age is a surrogate for annual
mileage, the multiplicative model is clearly more plausible (the explanation is
that 10-year-old cars cover about half the mileage of 1 -year-old cars, for each car
2.1.3 Of course car age is a special case (in that it is believed to be highly
associated with the exposure in terms of annual mileage), so the above argument
in favour of the multiplicative model does not generalise directly to other rating
factors. However, consider policyholder age and car group. For policyholder age
30, suppose we have claim frequencies of 005 for car group 1 and 010 for car
group 6, and suppose that for policyholder age 17 we have a claim frequency of
0-20 for car group 1 . For car group 6 the additive assumption gives a frequency of
0-25, whilst the multiplicative assumption gives 0-40. We find it much more
plausible a priori that 'a car in group 6 has twice the risk of a car in group 1
whatever the drivers age' than that 'a car in group 6 is likely to have one more
accident every 20 years than a car in group 1 regardless of the safety of the driver'.
The same argument applies to any other combination of rating factors.
2. 1 .4 On these grounds it should be expected that an additive model may need
interaction terms to provide a good fit (in the example, we need a policyholder
age 1 7 x car group 6 interaction of 0- 1 5 in order to give the figure expected under
the multiplicative model). An empirical investigation of these points is described
in Appendix B. As mentioned in Section 1.5, modelling is always a matter of

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466 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
finding the best compromise between accuracy and simplicity. In the present
context, the multiplicative model is superior to the additive model in this respect:
simplicity can be achieved (fewer interaction terms) without a major sacrifice in

2.2 The Case for a Poisson Error Structure

2.2. 1 The Poisson model for the incidence of claims (in any type of insurance)
is so well known that there is no need to discuss it in full detail here. Chapter 2 of
Beard et al (1984) gives a comprehensive account. Given the suitability and
general acceptance of the Poisson model, it is somewhat puzzling that it has not
often been invoked when attempting to relate claim frequency to rating factors in
motor insurance. Johnson & Hey (1971) is a case in point: in most sections of the
paper they implicitly assume that the claims arising from each policy follow a
Poisson process, but in the section which deals with a model relating claim
frequency to rating factors, the Poisson assumption is dropped, and the model
fitted on the basis that the number of claims on each policy has constant variance
rather than a variance equal to the mean.
2.2.2 Of course, there are problems with the Poisson assumption, and these
are discussed below, but initially an idealised situation will be considered. We
suppose, for the purpose of this discussion, that there are two rating factors and
their levels are indexed by i and / Each particular combination of i and j is
referred to as a rating cell (for example, all those policyholders aged 20-25 and
driving cars in group 4). We use the following notation:

Xij ■= exposure in rating cell (/,/) (this could be the number of vehicle years for
example), and
/i//= number of claims arising from the xtj units of exposure in cell (/,/).

2.2.3 In an idealised situation, the rating factors are selected so that we have
perfect homogeneity throughout each cell: that is, each unit of exposure in cell
(/,/) has the same chance of yielding 1, 2, 3, etc. claims as any other unit of
exposure in the same cell. Further, the distribution of the number of claims from
a single unit of exposure is an exact Poisson distribution, and so has a variance
equal to its mean. Thus, if/¡7 denotes the mean of this Poisson distribution for cell
(if), and niijk denotes the number of claims arising from the fcth unit of exposure
in this cell then we have:

E(miJk)=fij and Var(mijk)=fij.

Now, riij is the sum of the m^ for all xy units in cell (i,j), so, if we further assume
that these units are mutually independent, we can apply elementary results on the
mean and variance of a sum of independent random variables to obtain:

E(/i/y) = Xij -fj and Var(«,7) = xtj -fj

(and in fact, n¡¡ is exactly Poisson distributed).

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 467
Dividing by jc/7 and writing rz7 for the observed claim frequency in cell (ij)
(r/7 = «/7/x/7)wehave:

E(rij)=fij and Var(r,7) =fijlxij.

Thus, apart from the divisor xij9 which is a known quantity, the variance of the
data Tij is equal to the mean. In the terminology of generalised linear models, r/7
has a Poisson error structure with prior weights x¡j and scale parameter 0 = 1 (see
Appendix A).
2.2.4 We aim to discover the relationship between the mean claim frequency
and the levels / and y of the two rating factors. For the intuitive reasons given in
Section 2.1, this is usually best done using a multiplicative model, which can be
expressed as:

fu = exp(cci+ßj).
If the data r/7 and x¡j have been read into vectors R and X, and corresponding
levels of the rating-factors have been named A and B, then this model can be
fitted in GLIM using:
SYVAR R ! claim-frequency data R to be the y- variate
SERROR P ! Poisson error structure
SLINK L ! log link function gives multiplicative model
SWEIGHTS X ! exposure data X to be prior weights
$FIT A + B ! estimate main effect of each rating factor
(Note that when SERROR P is declared, GLIM automatically assume
0=1 for the scale parameter.)
2.2.5 In practice, none of the assumptions made above is likely to hold
Most importantly, we will not be able to find rating factors such that
perfect homogeneity of risk within each cell. It is well known th
heterogeneity of risks follows a Gamma distribution (also known as Pea
III), then the total number of claims {ntj above) is negative-binomially d
(see for example Johnson & Hey (1971) or Beard et al (1984)). This result
in Appendix C to show that within-cell heterogeneity can be largely tak
account simply by allowing for over dispersion (that is by allowing 0 >
achieved in GLIM by inserting the command SSCALE 0 before the fit co
This makes no difference to the parameter estimates given by GLI
increases their standard errors. The GLIM code given above remain
investigating the relationship between the mean claim frequency and th
factors. Note, however, that it is desirable to select rating factors which
within-cell heterogeneity, as this will maximise the explanatory pow
model. Further discussion on this point is given in Appendix D.
2.2.6 The assumption that each unit of exposure generates claims accor
a Poisson process is violated in reality, because the risk intensity tends
for a period after an accident: the vehicle may be out of service for repa
driver, sobered by the experience, may drive more carefully for a w

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468 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
shown in Appendix C that these effects will merely tend to decrease the scale
parameter, and that the decrease cannot possibly be substantial.
2.2.7 The assumption that the incidence of claims is mutually independent for
the units within a cell is violated, because each vehicle covered is at risk from
other vehicles covered by the same insurer and in the same rating cell: that is two
or more of the vehicles may be involved in the same accident. It is shown in
Appendix C that this tends to increase the scale parameter. However, the data
will usually cover only a small proportion of the vehicles on the road, and the
effect will be extremely slight. Note that effects such as weather conditions, which
tend to increase claim frequencies for all units simultaneously, are not relevant
here: such effects increase the mean claim frequencies /¡j, but we are concerned
here with the question of mutual independence of the random variations about
these means.

2.3 Model Testing in GLIM

2.3.1 The GLIM commands given in Section 2.2.4 will cause the main effects
of the factors A and B to be estimated. In general, there may be more than two
rating factors, and we may be interested in testing the significance of interaction
terms, or in testing the suitability of other models such as those described in
Section 6. For all these alternatives, it is the $FIT command which varies: the
arguments given in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 continue to apply, so the other parts of
the model specification should remain unchanged.
GLIM estimates the parameters of the linear predictor specified in the $FIT
command by minimising an objective function known as the deviance. It then
displays the minimised value of the deviance, together with the number of
degrees of freedom (this is the number of data points less the number of
parameters in the linear predictor). These quantities can be used to compare the
quality of fit obtained using different linear predictors and hence to find the
model which is in closest agreement with the data.
2.3.2 In this paper, the minimised deviance is denoted Q and the correspond-
ing number of degrees of freedom D. In the idealised situation described in
Section 2.2, if the linear predictor includes all those terms which genuinely
influence claim frequency, then Q is approximately from the chi-squared
distribution with D degrees of freedom. The quality of this approximation
depends on the number of claims in each rating cell: if these are all sufficiently
large, the approximation is good. In such a case, the value of Q could be used to
test whether all terms which genuinely influence claim frequency have been
included in the linear predictor: a value which is in the extreme right tail of the
chi-squared distribution is evidence against this hypothesis. In other words, a
large value of the deviance Q indicates that a significant amount of variation in
the data is not explained by the current model. However, this test is not valid in
practice for two reasons:

(1) We may not have a large enough number of claims in each cell for the chi-

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 469
squared approximation to be valid. This is particularly likely if we do not use
broad categories for levels of the rating factors, but instead have a larger
number of smaller categories (we advocate this in Section 6). It is well known
that in such cases the deviance tends to be reduced. Thus, a value which is
small compared to the chi-squared distribution would not necessarily imply a
good fit, but a large value could still be taken as indicative of a poor fit.
(2) For the reasons given in Section 2.2. (the main one being within-cell
heterogeneity) we are likely to have random errors which are over-dispersed
relative to the idealised situation. This implies that the deviance will be
increased by some unknown scale factor <j> > 1 .

These two effects work in opposite directions, so when they both apply (as is
likely in practice), nothing can be deduced about the quality of fit of a single
model regardless of whether the deviance is large or small compared to the chi-
squared distribution.
2.3.3 However, there is an alternative to the chi-squared test, namely the F-
test. This is much more robust, and will be reasonably reliable despite the effects
mentioned in the previous paragraph. It cannot be used to test objectively
whether a particular model taken in isolation provides a good fit, but only to
compare two models, one of which is a simplified version of the other. This is not
a problem in practice, for we can usually start with a model which contains so
many terms in the linear predictor that we are quite confident that all those
genuinely affecting claim frequency have been included, so the fit will be good.
Let Q' and D' be the minimised deviance and the degrees of freedom for such a
model, and let Q2 and D2 be the values obtained by fitting a simplified version of
the model (terms may be removed from the linear predictor, or levels of one of the
rating factors may be combined, for example). Note that we necessarily have
Qi>Q' and D2>D'. The F-statistic is given by:


This should be compared to values from the theoretical F-distribution with

(D2 - D') and D' degrees of freedom. If the F-statistic appears unreasonably
large in this comparison, then we would conclude that the simplified model is not
valid: the increase in the minimised deviance is so large that it must partly be
attributed to a significant loss of fit (i.e. the terms removed from the linear
predictor are, in fact, significant in explaining the variation in claim frequency).
On the other hand, if the F-statistic appears to be consistent with the theoretical
F-distribution, then the simplified model can be accepted. Q2 and D2 can then be
renamed as Q' and D' and further simplifications to the model investigated. Note
that the quantity Q'/D' in the denominator of the F-statistic is an estimate of the
scale parameter </>, but a more reliable estimate when some claim numbers are
small is the mean square of the standardised residuals (defined below).

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470 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
2.3 .4 When a model has been selected using a sequence of F-tests as described
above, the assumptions it relies on can be checked by examining the standardised
residuals. This is a standard procedure in good statistical practice, and is stressed
by Baxter, Coutts & Ross (1980). They state that the standardised residuals
should be approximately normally distributed. However, we believe that this is
not necessarily true if many cells have a small number of claims. When allowance
is made for over-dispersion (Appendix C) the model (§2.2.3) becomes:

E(rij)=fij and Var(r,7) = </)/„/ x¡j

This implies that the quantity e¡j defined by:


E(e//) = 0 and Var(é>,7) = (/>.

After fitting, these quantities e¿J can be estimated by using the estimated mean
claim frequencies obtained from the model in place of the unknown true values
fij. The resulting values are known as standardised residuals and, if the model is
good, their mean and variance are approximately 0 and <'>. Since the variance
does not depend on the levels / andy of the rating factors, we should see an evenly
spread scatter of values around the mean value of zero in any plot of the
standardised residuals (but the distribution is not necessarily Normal, and with
small claim numbers, we would expect it to be skewed). We have always found
these residual plots to be satisfactory in applications of this model.

2.4 Numerical Example

2.4.1 The data used for this and later examples are for own-damage claims
arising from about 17,000 comprehensive policies over the three-year period
1986 to 1988, and have been chosen for illustrative purposes only. The rating
factors are: district (DI), policyholder age (PA), car age (CA) and car group
(CG). The levels of these factors are given in Table 2.4.1.

Table 2.4.1. Rating factor levels

1 A 17-18 0-3 1
2 B 19-21 4-5 2
3 C 22-24 6-7 3
4 D 25-29 8-9 4
5 E 30-34 10+ 5
6 F 35-44 6
7 G 45-54 7
8 N 55+ 8

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 471
Districts A to G are areas of the mainland U.K. categorised in order of
increasing risk, as assessed by the insurer. Similarly, car-groups 1 to 8 contain
models of car sorted in order of increasing risk. District N is Northern Ireland.
The total number of rating cells is 8x8x5x8 = 2,560, but there is no exposure
in 670 of these cells over the period concerned, so there are only 1 ,890 data points
for the claim frequency analysis. Each data point consists of six items: the level of
each of the four rating factors, the exposure x (the number of policy years) and
the number n of own-damage claims.
2.4.2 Table 2.4.2 gives some results of fitting multiplicative Poisson models to
the observed claims frequency r = n/x, using the GLIM commands given in
§ 2.2.4. Several models have been fitted by including different terms in the $FIT
command: first the main effects only ($FIT DI + PA + CA + CG), then the main
effects plus each two-factor interaction in turn.

Table 2.4.2. Analysis of deviance

Model D Q F
DI + PA + CA + CG 1864 18921
DI + PA + CA + CG + DI-CG 1815 18288 128
DI + PA + CA + CG + PACG 1815 18482 0 88
DI + PA + CA + CG + CACG 1836 1861-8 107
DI + PA + CA + CG + DI-CA 1836 18573 123
DI + PA + CA + CG + PACA 1836 1850-5 1 46
DI + PA + CA + CG + DIPA 1815 1834-3 117

Using the minimised deviance Q and the residual degrees

F-statistic has been calculated to compare the model with onl
each of the other models. For example:

(18921 -1828-8)/(1864- 1815)


The most significant interaction term on this basis is PA •

the F-value of 1-46 corresponds to a probability of just
interaction terms make a fitted model considerably more diff
prefer not to include them unless the probability is less than
factor interactions is significant on this basis.
It would be more satisfactory to start by fitting a model w
interactions present simultaneously (and perhaps some th
tions), and to test the significance of the interaction terms b
in turn and carrying out an F-test as described in §2.3.3
sometimes impractical when there is a large number of facto
2.4.3 The standardised residuals of the model with mai
plotted against fitted claim frequencies in Figure 2.4a, and ag
2.4b. These plots show no evidence of heteroscedasticity, nor
the residuals against the other rating-factors. The plots

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472 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data

Figure 2.4a.

Figure 2.4b.

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 473
positive skewness in the data: this is quite consistent with the modelling
N.B. These plots and all other residual plots in this paper show the residuals
for only one of the 8 districts. This is because of technical problems in
reproducing the complete plots. We have tried to select a typical district for each
residual plot.
The parameter estimates from the model with main effects only are given in
Table 2.4.3.

Table 2.4.3. Parameter estimates

Factor Estimate Standard error
1 - 1 816 01216

DI(2) 00812 00424

DI(3) 01515 00443
DI(4) 0-2102 00437
DI(5) 00836 0-2274
DI(6) 0-4095 00721
DI(7) 0-4869 00701
DI(8) -0-2041 00892
PA(2) -0-3957 01308
PA(3) -0-4808 01207
PA(4) -0-3587 01148
PA(5) -0-4566 01214
PA(6) -0-5678 01162
PA(7) -0-6068 01161
PA(8) -0-8150 01148
CA(2) -01090 00335
CA(3) -0-2862 00439
CA(4) -0-3287 00609
CA(5) -0-5391 00753
CG(2) 00433 00580
CG(3) 00704 00546
CG(4) 00529 00564
CG(5) 0-2096 00571
CG(6) 01252 00606
CG(7) 0-2050 00617
CG(8) 0-5737 00811

The first parameter is for the cell with each fac

PA = 17-18, CA = 0-3, CG= 1. The estimated cla
year in this cell is exp(- 1-8 16) = 01 63. The rema
claim frequency in other cells relative to this fir
natural logarithms of the multiplicative relati
quency is higher in a cell with DI at level 2 tha
a factor exp(00812)= 1085. Similarly, claim fre
(19-21) than PA level 1 by a factor exp(- 0-395

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474 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
2.4.4 Levels 1 to 7 of DI represent areas of the mainland U.K. in order of
ascending risk, as assessed by the insurer. However, the results indicate a
decrease in claim frequency between DI levels 4 and 5, by a factor exp(00836-
0-2102) = 0-881. This unexpected decrease is explained by the large standard
error of the estimate for level 5 of DI. The estimate 00836 is very unreliable: the
reason is that the data contain only a small sample of policies for level 5 of DI. It
may be better to pool the data for levels 5 and 6 of DI, on the grounds of a prior
belief that the claim frequency should not vary much between these two levels.
This can easily be done in GLIM as follows:

$ASS XDI = 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7 ! new levels of the district factor

corresponding to previous levels 1 to 8
$FAC DI7 7 ! new factor DI7 to have 7 levels
$CAL DI7 = XDI(DI) ! calculation of new factor DI7

Similarly, the results indicate a decrease in claim frequency between car group
3 to 4 and 5 to 6. These decreases appear to be insignificant (they are sm
compared to the standard errors) and, as they contradict prior beliefs, it may
better to pool the data for car groups 3 and 4 and for car groups 5 and 6 instead
attempting to estimate a separate parameter for each car group. This can be do

Table 2.4.5. Parameter estimates

Factor Estimate Standard error
1 - 1 819 01217

DI7(2) 00814 00424

DI7(3) 01521 00443
DI7(4) 0-2114 00437
DI7(5) 0-3814 00700
DI7(6) 0-4866 00702
DI7(7) -0-2035 00892
PA(2) -0-3906 01308
PA(3) -0-4760 01207
PA(4) -0-3557 01149
PA(5) -0-4557 01215
PA(6) -0-5673 01162
PA(7) -0-6065 01162
PA(8) -0-8128 01149
CA(2) -01100 00335
CA(3) -0-2882 00438
CA(4) -0-3305 00608
CA(5) -0-5401 00753
CG6(2) 00433 00580
CG6(3) 00628 00503
CG6(4) 01731 00522
CG6(5) 0-2057 00617
CG6(6) 0-5751 00812

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 475
by creating a new car group factor with only 6 levels to replace the original 8 level

$ASSXCG = 1,2, 3, 3,4,4, 5, 6

$FAC CG6 6
2.4.5 The new main effects model $FIT DI7 + PA + CA + CG6, gives a
minimum deviance of 1896-8: an increase of 4-7. There are 3 fewer parameters
than in the original main effects model, so the F-statistic for comparing the
present model with the original is 1 -54, on 3 and 1 864 degrees of freedom. This is
insignificant, confirming that the pooling of districts and car groups is consistent
with the data. The parameter estimates are given in Table 2.4.5.
There remains an unexpected increase in estimated claim frequency between
PA levels 3 and 4. The construction of factor levels such that the parameter
estimates increase or decrease in a manner consistent with prior beliefs is
somewhat arbitrary: more satisfactory models are introduced in Section 6.


3.1 The Model: Multiplicative with Gamma Error Structure

3.1.1 The reasons for preferring a multiplicative model to an additive model
for claim numbers (given in Section 2.1) apply equally to claim severity. For
example, if own damage claims made by young policyholders tend to be z- times
as expensive for cars in group 8 as for cars in group 1, it seems plausible that the
same car group factor will apply for older drivers also. In the same way as for
claim frequency, empirical comfirmation that the multiplicative model is suitable
is provided by the lack of significance of interactions between rating factors.
3.1.2 The question of what error structure to assume for the claim severity
model needs more care. Baxter, Coutts & Ross (1980) assumed that the
distribution of individual claim sizes had the same variance for all rating cells
They fitted a model on the basis of this assumption, and then examined residuals
in the usual way to check the assumption. They concluded that the residuals did
not conflict with the assumption. However, Coutts (1984) refers to the analysis in
Baxter et al. saying that, in fact, there was clear evidence that the variance of the
residuals increased with the mean claim size. Thus, it appears that in cells where
the mean claim size is large the variance of the individual claim sizes is
correspondingly large.
We think that this makes intuitive sense, and that one can reasonably go
further on intuitive grounds to postulate the nature of the relationship between
mean and variance of the claim sizes. Suppose we know that, in a certain rating
cell, the mean claim size is £1,000 and the standard deviation of the claim sizes is
£800. If, in another cell, claims tend to be twice as severe so that the mean size is
£2,000, then we would expect to find a proportionate standard deviation of about
£1 ,600. Thus, it seems plausible to assume that the variance is proportional to the

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476 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
mean squared, in other words that the coefficient of variation rather than the
variance is constant across cells. Neider has also advocated this assumption for
the size of motor claims (McCullagh & Neider 1989). We have empirically
investigated the assumption and found that it provides a good starting point for
severity models (see Section 3.3 and Appendices E and F). In GLIM, such an
assumption is implemented by specifying a Gamma error structure, using the
command SERROR G. As mentioned in Appendix A, this does not necessarily
imply a belief that claim sizes follow a Gamma distribution.
3.1.3 We are now in a position to formulate our claim severity model in detail.
As in Section 2.2, we suppose for simplicity that we have only two rating factors,
and these are indexed by / and/ The data consist of:
n¡j= number of claims arising from cell (i9j), and

Yij= total amount of the «/7 claims in cell (ij).

If Zijk denotes the size of the fcth claim in cell (ij) and w/7 denotes the mean
claim size, then by the assumption of constant coefficient of variation we have:

E(Zijk) = mij and V?iv{Zijk) = a2'rnfj

for some constant a (the coefficient of the variation).
Now Yij is the sum of the Zijk for all n¡j claims in cell (/,/), so if we further
assume that these claim sizes are mutually independent, we can apply elementary
results on the mean and variance of a sum of independent random variables to

E( Yij) = riij my and Var( Yij) = ntj a2 mfj .

Dividing by n¡j and writing S¡j for the observed mean claim size in cell (/,/):

E(Sij) = ntij and Var(S,7) = a2 mfj ¡n^

Thus the data Sy have a Gamma error structure with weights ntj and scale
parameter </> = <72 (see Appendix A).
3. 1 .4 We aim to discover the relationship between the mean claim size and the
levels i and y of the two rating factors. As in Section 2.2, this is best done using a
multiplicative model, which can be expressed as:

If the data Sy and ntj have been read into vectors S and N, and corresponding
levels of the rating factors have been named A and B, then this model can be fitted
in GLIM using:

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 417
GLIM will give both the parameter estimates (with standard errors) and an
estimate of the scale parameter, which, for this model, is the square of the wi thin-
cell coefficient of variation of individual claim sizes. In any application, the best
form for the linear predictor can be found by using a sequence of F-tests in the
standard way as described in Section 2.3 for the claim frequency model. This is
considered further in Section 6.

3.2 Testing the Assumptions

3.2.1 Coutts (1984) pointed out that the claim severity model of Baxter et al.
(1980) was suspect, because the scale parameter given by GLIM (which for their
model was an estimate of the within-cell variance of claim sizes, assumed
constant) was about twice as large as a direct estimate of the within-cell variance
obtained from data on individual claim sizes. This is not surprising in view of the
intuitive argument given in Section 3.1 that the within-cell variance cannot, in
fact, be constant (thus the two problems mentioned by Coutts in relation to the
model of Baxter et al. are intimately related).
However, for our model, we should attempt to verify that the scale parameter
given by GLIM agrees with a direct estimate of the within-cell coefficient of
variation obtained from data of individual claim sizes. A direct estimate can be
obtained as described in Appendix E. We have never found a substantial
discrepancy between these two estimates of the within-cell coefficient of
variation. See §3.3.2 for example.
3.2.2 The only assumption of our claim severity model, other than that claims
are mutually independent, is that the coefficient of variation g is the same for all
cells. In any application of the model, this assumption can and should be checked
by examining plots of the standardised residuals. From the model of Section 3.1 :

E(Sij) = mij and Var(5'/7) = cr2-m^/«/7

we define

e¡j = (Sij - niij) • yjnij/mij.

The standardised residuals are obtained by replacing the unknowns m¡j by

their fitted values. We should then find E(e/7) = 0 and Var(e/7) = o1 approximately.
Thus, the variance should not depend on the values of the rating factors, and
should appear constant in any plot. Any significant variation in the variance
(heteroscedasticity) implies that the assumption of constant coefficient of
variation is false. In such a case, it is necessary to model the variation of a2 across
cells in order that the assumption can be modified. This is not as straightforward
as it may appear at first sight. We could use the individual claim size data to
calculate for each cell the observed mean and sample standard deviation, and
hence an estimate of the within-cell coefficient of variation. However, in view of
the small number of claims likely in some cells and the large amount of variation
in individual claim sizes, a great deal of between-cell random variation in this
estimate should be expected, and it would be extremely difficult to judge whether

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478 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
or not the observed variation were significant. Thus such an exercise would not
be conclusive.
3.2.3 In Appendix F we give a formal statistical test of the hypothesis that the
within-cell coefficient of variation is constant. The techniques described there
also allow the coefficient of variation to be modelled, giving estimates 07/. If these
are read into a GLIM variate V the statement SWEIGHTS N should be replaced
by $ WEIGHTS N/V, when fitting the severity model as in §3.1.4.
There is a general technique for fitting generalised linear models whilst allowing
for the possibility that the scale parameter may depend on the explanatory
variables. Details are given in Chapter 10 of McCullagh & Neider (1989). This
general technique can always be applied in fitting claim severity models; the
method given in Appendix F is a relatively simple alternative applicable in cases
where claim sizes are approximately log-Normally distributed.

3.3 Numerical Example

3.3.1 The data are the own-damage claim amounts corresponding to the claim
numbers used in Section 2.4. Out of the 1,890 cells with non-zero exposure, 736
yielded no claims over the three-year period 1986 to 1988. There are, therefore,
1,154 data points for the claim severity analysis. Each data point consists of six
items: the level of each of the four rating factors, the number n of own-damage
claims, and the total amount Y of these claims. Estimates of amounts
outstanding were included in the individual claim amounts. These, along with all
part payments, were totalled to give a single figure for each claim. For each claim
originating in 1986 or 1987, this figure was inflated using factors 1.10 and 1.21
respectively (to put the amounts in the same terms as the 1988 claims), before
calculating the total Y for each cell.
3.3.2 Multiplicative models with a Gamma error structure have been fitted to
the observed mean claim sizes S= Y/n using the GLIM commands given in
§3.1.4. As for claim frequency, none of the two-factor interactions are
significant. The main effects model gives a minimised deviance of 1 3 14. 1 on 1 128
degrees of freedom. The scale parameter (estimated by GLIM as the deviance per
degree of freedom) is therefore 1165. Taking the square-root gives an estimate
for the coefficient of variation of individual claim amounts within each cell of
108. This is reasonably close to the direct estimate of 119 obtained using the
method described in Appendix E. (The discrepancy is much smaller than that
noted by Coutts, discussed in §3.2.1.)
3.3.3 Table 3.3.3 gives the parameter estimates for the main effects model
($FIT DI + PA + CA + CG).
These results suggest that there is no significant difference in own-damage
claim severity between levels 2 to 5 of DI, or between levels 1 to 3 of CG. This
could be tested by defining a new DI factor with only 5 levels (level 2
corresponding to districts B to E), and a new CG factor with 6 levels (level 1 being
for car groups 1 to 3 combined) and refitting the model in the same way as was
done for claim frequency (Section 2.4).

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 479
Table 3.3.3. Parameter estimates
Factor Estimate Standard error
1 6-33 01301

DI(2) -00315 00452

DI(3) -00258 00472
DI(4) -00305 00465
DI(5) -00469 0-2445
DI(6) 00453 00770
DI(7) 01635 00746
DI(8) 0-6521 00946
PA(2) 0-3123 01395
PA(3) 0-2497 01289
PA(4) 01693 01227
PA(5) 01542 01296
PA(6) 01181 01241
PA(7) 00868 01240
PA(8) -00012 01228
CA(2) -00392 00357
CA(3) -00617 00467
CA(4) -01890 00643
CA(5) -0-2928 00796
CG(2) -00095 00616
CG(3) -00041 00581
CG(4) 00873 00600
CG(5) 0-2262 00608
CG(6) 0-3543 00644
CG(7) 0-5679 00658
CG(8) 0-7812 00867

Own-damage severity appears to increase monotonica

group 3 onwards) and decreases steadily with car ag
higher for level 2 than for level 1 of PA by a factor
higher values of PA the mean severity decreases mo
could be investigated further using the methods of Se
feature of the DI relativities is that the severity is
Ireland (level 8) than elsewhere.
3.3.4 Figure 3.3a shows the standardised resid
estimated severity for each cell. This shows no clear e
city: the coefficient of variation does not appear to
size. This confirms that the Gamma variance function
data set. However, a plot of the same residuals ag
suggests that the variance decreases with car age. This
of variation of individual claims is not, in fact, c
decreases with car age. A detailed analysis confirms
the effect on the parameter estimates of allowing for
Appendix F.

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480 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data

Figure 3.3a.

Figure 3.3b.

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 481


4.1 Theory
4.1.1 In selecting the data to be used for a premium rating analysis, there are
two conflicting criteria: the volume of data should be large to reduce random
variation in the estimates, but the data should all relate to exposure periods that
are sufficiently recent that future claims experience can be expected to be similar.
Usually a reasonable compromise is achieved by using data covering the most
recent three- or four-year period. It is often argued that very recent claim severity
data should not be used in premium calculations, because many claims will not be
finalised. However, this is not a problem when the methods proposed in this
paper are used, provided the severity data comprise both amounts paid and case
estimates of amounts outstanding. The theory of Section 3 is hardly affected if
Zijk denotes the incurred amount (i.e. paid plus estimated outstanding), rather
than the fully developed paid amount, for an individual claim.
4.1.2 It is desirable to allow for time as an explanatory variable when
modelling the data for two reasons:
(1) As premiums should be based on a forecast of future levels of claims, it is
desirable to identify and quantify any current trends. A trend will usually
exist in the size of claims because of inflation, but the magnitude of this
cannot be assumed the same as for inflation in the RPI, earnings, or claims in
some other class of insurance. If the latest claim-size data contain substantial
estimated components on claims outstanding, then the trend may not give a
good indication of true claims inflation: it will indicate the combined effect of
inflation and any bias in case estimates (which will affect the most recent data
most). There may also be a trend or seasonal variation in claim frequency.
(2) If a time effect has been accompanied by a change in the mix of business, the
rating-cell relativities could be distorted. Fdr example, suppose we have data
for three consecutive past years, the last of which had many more claims than
the other two owing to bad weather. Consider two rating-cells Cl and C2,
and suppose that the claim frequency has remained constantly twice as high
for C2 as for Cl (it is this relativity which we aim to estimate). Suppose that
over the three years concerned, exposure (number of policies) increased in
cell C2 but decreased in cell Cl . Thus, perhaps 40% of the total exposure in
C2 relates to the most recent year, whereas the figure for Cl may be only
30%. If the dependence of the claim frequency on time is not taken into
account, the relativity of cell C2 to cell Cl will appear to be greater than the
true value of two.

The basic models proposed in Sections 2 and 3 can easily be enhanced to allow
for dependence on time. This eliminates the problems mentioned above. In
particular, the level of claims inflation can be estimated directly from the claim-
size data at the same time as estimating the relativities: there is no need to attempt
to remove inflation from the claim-size data by making prior adjustments.

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482 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
4. 1 .3 Suppose we have data for three years, indexed by t = 1 , 2, 3. Each claim is
assigned to the year in which the accident occurred. Claim frequency will be
considered first. The basic model (Section 2) is:
E(r,7) =fij and Var (/¡j) = </> -fij/xij.
The main effects /y = exp(<x/+/?y) can be fitted in GLIM using: $YVAR R
SERROR P SLINK L SWEIGHTS X $FIT A + B. The possibility that claim
frequency may depend on time in a multiplicative manner across all cells (a
reasonable assumption for the effects of weather, petrol prices, road conditions,
economic activity, etc.) can be expressed as/7/ = exp(a, + /?,+ y,). To fit this model
we need data rijt and xijt for each (i,j,t) combination: it is assumed that these are
read into vectors R and X as before. We also need an additional vector T holding
the corresponding values of t (T must be a 'factor' in GLIM terminology). The
GLIM commands are as above, except $FIT A + B is replaced by $FIT
A + B + T. This will give estimates of the parameters (a,, j8y, yt). Of these, the a, and
ßj give the required rating-cell relativities.
The yt describe the relative experience of past years. Usually there is no clear
trend in claim frequency and these parameter estimates are of little value in
themselves: the underwriter's judgement on the overall level of claim incidence in
future years cannot be dispensed with. The primary reason for including these
time parameters in the frequency model is to ensure that the rating factor
estimates a, and ßj are not distorted by any change in the mix of business as
described in §4.1.2 (see also §7.1.2).
4. 1 .4 Now, consider claim severity. The basic model (Section 3) is:

E(Sij) = niij and Var(S//) = o2 • mf-j/ny.

The main effects W// = exp(a/ + /?/) can be fitted in GLIM using: SYVAR S
$ERROR G $LINK L SWEIGHTS N $FIT A + B. A time factor can be
introduced exactly as described above for claim frequency. For each claim, t
total of paid amounts plus estimates of amounts outstanding is assigned to
year of accident. However, in the case of severity we may expect to find a tren
(corresponding to inflation) in the estimated parameters y', 72, 73- For example
the values 007, 015, 0-21, would suggest that the force of claims inflation h
been about 007 p.a. This hypothesis can be tested and, if true, a more accur
estimate of the constant force of inflation obtained by redeclaring T to b
variate (rather than a factor). This has the effect of fitting the model m/y = e
(<x/+ ßj+t-y) instead of /w//-=exp(a/+/f/+yf). That is, instead of estimating thr
separate parameters yt we estimate a single parameter y, representing the averag
force of inflation per annum. The latter model is a restricted case of the former,
can be tested using an F-test in the usual way. Whichever model is accepted, th
estimates of a, and ßj give the required rating cell relativities free from an
distortion which might have been caused by a change in the mix of business wi
4. 1 .5 In the above, it was assumed that time was indexed by the calendar year

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 483
of accidents. The same modelling techniques could, of course, be used with a finer
time scale, using quarters perhaps. However, any changes in the mix of business
over periods of less than a year will usually be so slight that they can reasonably
be ignored. Also, we have found that inflation can be reliably estimated using
claim severity data spanning three consecutive years indexed by the year only.
Every further subdivision of the time scale increases the volume of data
substantially, and computer-memory limitations may be exceeded. For these
reasons, we recommend the use of a yearly scale.
4. 1 .6 If very recent data are included in the analysis, the coefficient of variation
o for the claim severities may vary with the time index: later claim amounts may be
subject to greater random variation, because there are larger estimated
components on average than the more fully developed claim amounts for earlier
exposure intervals. This should be monitored by plotting the standardised
residuals against the time index. If this plot suggests that the variance increases
with time, this can be formally tested and allowed for using the methods of
Appendix F.


5.1 Practical Aspects

5.1.1 A motor claim can give rise to multiple claim types such as fire, the
vehicle own damage, third party vehicle damage and third party bodily inju
Fundamental to the successful application of our methodology is the se
treatment of each identifiable claim type. The theory discussed in Sections 2
applies equally to each claim type. Not only are there strong statistical r
for following this approach, but there are strong practical reasons.
5.1.2 The parameters from the models applied to each claim type pr
valuable help in the interpretation of the patterns and trends within the dat
gives the underwriter a much deeper insight into the factors driving the c
experience. In particular, the time parameter, as discussed in Section 4
provide useful information on the claims inflation for each claim type and
trends in claim frequency for each claim type. Recently the industry has s
rapid rise in theft frequency. The modelling approach will accurately reflec
trend, independent of any changes in mix of business during the investigat
5.1.3 The handling of large claims is simplified since these are mainly for
bodily injury. We have found that the average cost of bodily injury claims does
not usually vary significantly with the various underwriting factors. Indeed, we
have found generally that it is only policyholder age and vehicle group which
have an important influence. In practice, however, it is usually sensible to cap
bodily injury claims at an appropriate level. The capping level will depend on the
size of portfolio, although for a medium sized portfolio in the U.K. (excluding
Northern Ireland), a capping level of about £25,000 in 1990 money is likely to be
reasonable. The cost of the excess claims will be important only in the assessment

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484 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
of the overall level of premiums, and will not affect the relative premiums
between cells.
5.1.4 Changing 'knock-for-knock' agreements can significantly distort the
relative claim costs between different cells. However, the distortion will be limited
to vehicle damage costs which are relatively short tailed. Hence the statistical
analysis can be linked to the period since the last major change in agreements.
5.1.5 Finally, a thorough understanding of the factors which are driving the
claims experience of each claim type is invaluable to the actuary/statistician when
carrying out a statistical review of the company's claim reserves.

5.2 Statistical Aspects

5.2.1 Consider the following categories of claims, all of which are usually
covered by a comprehensive policy:
(i) fire and theft,
(ii) damage to the windscreen of the policyholder's vehicle not caused by a third
(iii) other damage to the policyholder's own vehicle arising from incidents not
involving a third party,
(iv) damage to property of both the policyholder and the third party, arising
from incidents involving a third party, and
(v) bodily injury.
5.2.2 In general, the relativities may differ for each of these types of claim. For
example, claims of types (ii) and (iii) may be more frequent in rural districts than
urban districts (because speeds are often greater), whereas claims of type (iv) may
be more frequent in urban areas than rural areas (because traffic is denser). If the
average claim size were the same for all these types of claim (but varying across
rating cells), this would not be important: risk premium relativities could be
obtained by multiplying the average claim size for each cell by the total frequency
for all types of claim combined, with no regard to how this total frequency breaks
5.2.3 However, the average claim size generally differs for each of these types
of incident. Furthermore, the between-cell relativities for claim size may also
differ. For example, the severity of bodily injury claims does not depend greatly
on car age, whereas the severity of material damage claims does. Therefore, to
obtain reliable risk premium relativities, it is advisable to apply the basic models
for claim frequency and claim severity to each identifiable class of claims
separately. The claim frequency model should also be applied to nil claims (i.e.
claims for which the severity is zero), because these involve an expense to the
5.2.4 If there is any doubt a priori about whether either the frequency or
severity for two types of claim is likely to differ, it is advisable to assume initially
that they may differ, and to obtain separate data sets for the two claim types. It is
then possible to test formally the hypotheses that the relativities and the overall

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 485
level are the same for both types (this can be done for both frequency and severity

5.3 Implementation in GLIM

5.3.1 Subscript t will be used to denote the claim type, t=l, 2, etc. For
simplicity of presentation, it is assumed that the data cover a single time period or
(equivalently) that the data for all time periods have been aggregated. In
principle, there is no reason why the methods described here should not be
applied to data indexed also by time, as described in Section 4, but in practice,
computing limitations are likely to militate against this approach.
5.3.2 Initially the frequency and severity models are fitted separately for each
type of claim. For frequency the following GLIM commands are used:

and for severity:


5.3.3 Suppose that, for two claim types, the frequency relativities for one of
the rating factors, factor A say, appear to be similar. That is the estimates an
close to the estimates a/2 (the second subscript here is for claim type /= 1, 2).
wish to test the hypothesis that these two sets of relativities are in fact ident
and if so, to obtain a single set of estimates from both data sets. The first step is
concatenate the data vectors for the two claim types to give a single large data s
R, X, A and B. An extra data-vector T must then be created holding values 1 an
2 to indicate the claim type of each entry in R, X, A and B (and T must be decla
to be a factor in GLIM). The separate frequency models for each claim type can
then be fitted simultaneously for both claim types using:


The command SFIT T*(A + B) allows interactions between the claim type
and the factors A and B: this is essentially the same as allowing the A and
parameters complete freedom to differ for each level of T. This comman
equivalent to SFIT T + A + B + T-A + T-B. The hypothesis that the factor
relativities are the same for both claim types is represented by SF
T + A + B + T-B (the interaction T-A has been removed). The hypothesis c
therefore be tested using an F-test in the usual way, after fitting both th
models. If the hypothesis is accepted, the parameter estimates given by S
T + A + B + T-B will include the best estimates for a, obtained from both d
sets simultaneously. One can then go on to test whether the factor B relativiti
are also the same for both claim types by using SFIT T + A + B.
5.3.4 In § 5.3.3 we considered testing the equality of frequency relativities fo
two claim types. The same techniques can be used for testing equalities of severit
relativities, and also for comparing more than two claim types simultaneously,
computer memory space permitting. Particularly when looking at severity, the

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486 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
hypothesis that the overall level of the dependent variable (claim size) is the same
for two claim types may also be of interest. This can be tested by using the usual
F-test to compare $FIT A + B with JFIT T + A + B.
5.3.5 It might be asked why we are interested in testing the equality of
parameters for different claim types. Why not be satisfied with separate models
for each type of claim, as this would give reasonable estimates whether or not two
of the claim types are similar in some way? The reason is the principle of
parsimony: unnecessary parameters should not be included in a model. The more
parameters in a model, the less reliably each of them is estimated. For each
genuinely different set of relativities we should seek estimates based on the largest
possible amount of data, by combining data for different claim types if possible.


6. 1 Practical Aspects
6.1.1 To be useful to an underwriter the statistical analysis should aim to
provide premium relativities in as much detail as possible.
An underwriter is generally not interested to know the relative premium
between a group of policyholders aged 17-20 compared to a group aged 21-2
The underwriter requires the premium relativities for individual ages, at le
over the age ranges where the risk is likely to vary most. Similar consideration
will apply to vehicle age, as indeed they will to all the underwriting factors.
6.1.2 It may be thought, in the first instance, that this not unreasonabl
request will produce immense statistical difficulties, owing to the limite
exposures which arise in many of the cells.
We define below the statistical problem and discuss how this apparent conflic
can be resolved routinely within the analysis.

6.2 Statistical Aspects

6.2 A In previous sections, the rating factors have been treated, in GLI
terms, as factors rather than variâtes. This means that separate parameters are
estimated for each of a number of levels of each rating factor. This approach h
also been adopted in all previous papers on quantitative motor rating metho
known to us. For example, Bennett (1978) treats policyholder age as having
levels: 17-22, 23-26, 27-65 and 66-80, and estimates a separate frequency lev
for each of these. The other rating factors used by Bennett: car age and level o
NCD, have 4 and 3 levels respectively, giving a total of 48 rating cells.
6.2.2 There are difficulties with this approach, as can be appreciated by
considering the following points:
(i) Each level of each factor should cover a range sufficiently narrow that
have approximate homogeneity of risk among the units of each cell,
(ii) The ranges for each level of each factor should be narrow also, becau
information is lost by aggregation of data.

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 487
20 30 40 50 60

p/h age

-0.2 '





0.5 0.20

04 I

0.1 I
I A I B C D I A | | B C
Car Group District

Figure 6.1. Claim frequency resul

multiplicative relativity).

(iii) The number of exposure unit

level of each rating factor sh
reliable estimation of the param
(iv) The total number of rating c
computer memory limitations.

Clearly, objectives (i) and (ii) ar

unless we have a vast volume of
some sort of compromise is neces
6.2.3 However there is an alter
analysis of Baxter et al. (1980). Am
et al. used the model advocated in
effects model (i.e. no interactions
group and district, each with 4 le
estimates of the paper, we have r
graphs of Figure 6.1 shows a set o
plotted against the corresponding
6.2.4 The claim frequency plots c
case of both policyholder age and
claim severity shows that a relati

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488 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
age. It should be noted that, in common with all models in which the explanatory
variables are factors, no assumption was made in either case of any relationship
between the parameters; they were free to take any values relative to each other,
and the obvious patterns displayed are purely reflections of the data.
6.2.5 These relationships should not be surprising. The very fact that
contiguous ages are grouped to form the levels of factors: policyholder age and
car age, implies a prior belief of continuous relationships with risk. The age
bands provide a discrete approximation to what is really a continuous
relationship. The situation is much the same for district and car group; in reality
there is almost a continuous spectrum of neighbourhoods/car models, from
those with the lowest risk to those with the highest risk. This spectrum is
approximated by placing each neighbourhood/car model into one of a small
number of categories.
6.2.6 Given these reasons for expecting continuous relationships between the
rating factors and risk, it seems reasonable to model the relativities using
continuous functions. This approach has substantial advantages:
point (i) of §6.2.2 no longer applies: we propose fitting a continuous curve
rather than approximating a continuous curve with a step function,
point (iii) no longer applies: we no longer wish to estimate a separate
parameter for each level of each rating factor, so there is no problem in having
a small volume of data for some levels, and
we may be able to fit a more parsimonious model: if the number of parameters
needed to specify a continuous function is less than the number using a
conventional model, then the parameters will be more reliably estimated.
Points (ii) and (iv) of § 6.2.2 continue to apply, so there is still a conflict, but this
is relatively easy to resolve: we should simply choose the number of rating cells to
make full use of the available memory space.
Section 6.3 describes how the fitting of continuous relationships between risk
and rating-factors can be implemented in GLIM, and how to test formally
whether such models do indeed fit the data better than the conventional type of

6.3 Implementation in GLIM

6.3. 1 To simplify the presentation, attention is restricted to the case of a single
claim type, with only two rating factors, and no time index. The techniques can
easily be used more generally.
As usual, the levels of the two rating factors are assumed to be held in GLIM
factors A and B. If there is no significant interaction between the factors (as is
usually the case) the basic frequency model is:

Wij)=fij and Var(rij) = <l>-fijlxij

where fy=exp(a, +/},). This is fitted in GLIM using the commands: JYVAR R

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 489
6.3.2 Suppose factor A is policyholder age, and that the parameter estimates
for the different levels of A when plotted against policyholder age give a plot
similar to that in Figure 6.1. In such a case we would wish to try a straight line

oci=n + oca

where a is the mean policyholder age (in years) corresponding to the ith level of
factor A (for example, for i = 1 the age range may be 17-20, in which case the first
value of a would be about 19), and 'i and a are the unknown parameters to be
estimated from the data: a is the slope of the straight line.
6.3.3 To fit this model in GLIM, the factor A must be replaced by a variate VA
say, holding the values for a (e.g. 19, 23-2, 32-7, 58-8

levels 1, 2, 3, 4. ... This is achieved using the follow

$ASSXA=19, 23-2, 32-7, 58-8
$CAL VA = XA(A) (see GLIM manual for explanation)
The straight line model for factor A can then be fitted using $FIT VA + B (the
other commands remaining as before). Since the straight line model is a restricted
case of the original model (the az parameters are restricted to lie on a straight line)
the quality of fit can be tested using the usual F-test: if the F-statistic is not too
large the straight line model should be accepted. Note that, since the linear
predictor is the log of the mean claim frequency (because we are using a
multiplicative model), the straight line model corresponds to an exponential
model for the claim frequencies. For example, if GLIM gives an estimate of
- 002 for the slope parameter a of the straight line, this implies that the mean
claim frequency decreases by a factor of just over 0*98 for each 1 year increase in
policyholder age.
6.3.4 Although a straight line model fits well in some cases, much more
flexibility is introduced by using a quadratic relationship. This allows for a fitted
curve which is either strictly increasing or decreasing (with varying slope), or
which has a minimum or a maximum at some value of the rating factor. To fit a
quadratic in GLIM, it is necessary first to calculate a new variate holding the
squares of the rating factor values a2:

The quadratic model can then be fitted using $FIT VA + VA2 + B (t

commands remaining as before). Since the straight line model is a r
version of the quadratic model, the quality of fit of the straight line mod
compared to that of the quadratic model using the usual F-test: if the F-s
not too large, then the quadratic term VA2 is not needed. Thus, the best
is first to fit the model with A as a factor, then fit the quadratic model, and
acceptable, try the straight line model. In some cases, a cubic and perhap
order terms may be needed.
6.3.5 In general, the effect of any number of factors may be modelled

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490 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
way, so we may have models such as XFIT VA + VA2 + VB + VB2 + VC for
example. Interactions between rating factors can be included in such models, if
necessary, by defining variâtes such as VAB = VA*VB for inclusion in the linear
predictor. In a case where one of the rating factors cannot be modelled using a
curve, so we have a factor such as D in the linear predictor, an interaction
between this and another rating factor which is modelled using a curve is
achieved by including a term such as VA • D in the linear predictor. This allows
the straight line parameter of rating-factor A to take a different value for each
level of rating factor D.
6.3.6 If the ranges of values for the original rating factors are broad (e.g. 17-
24, 25-44, 45+ for policyholder age) then the mean values for use in the
corresponding variate may be very approximate (values of about 21, 35, 58 may
be appropriate). However, if continuous relationships are to be used, point (iii) of
§6.1.2 does not apply, so, subject to computer memory limitations, the width of
the ranges can be reduced. As well as using more of the available information, the
use of a larger number of narrower ranges allows more accurate estimation of the
mean value for each range (needed to create the variâtes such as VA).
6.3.7 Although we have considered only the claim frequency model in this
section, the same modelling techniques can be used just as easily for claim severity:
we simply have to replace R by S, X by N, and JERROR P by SERROR G.


7.1 Calculation of Risk and Office Premiums

7.1.1 After fitting a model as described in Section 6 to each of frequency an
severity for each claim type as described in Section 5, it is a simple matte
calculate the risk premium for any combination of rating factors. The r
premium for rating cell (ij) is given simply by:

Pu = Té fut • mut

where fijt is the fitted value obtained from the claim frequency model for claim
type t, and mijt is the fitted value obtained from the claim severity model for claim
type t.
For each rating cell (ij), the estimates fijt and mijt are all asymptotically
unbiased, and mutually independent (this is shown in Appendix G). Since each of
the component models invariably has many degrees of freedom per estimated
parameter, asymptotic results can be expected to give good approximations.
Therefore, the estimate Py obtained in this way is unbiased, that is, it is the
expected total loss per policy in cell (/,/) (or 'risk premium' in other words).
7.1.2 In using Pu to find the relativities for future premiums, the following
assumptions are made:
the relativities of both frequency and severity will be similar in the near future
to their values in the recent past, for each claim type, and

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 491
the relative volumes of the different claim types will be similar in the future and
the past.

The plausibility of this second assumption can be checked by examining trends in

the time parameter of the frequency models (see §4.1.3). If trends seem to differ
between claim types, a suitable adjustment could be made in calculating Ptj from
the component models.
7.1.3 The risk premiums P¡j must next be converted to office premiums by
including expenses. As described by Coutts (1984, Section 4), some expenses
relate to each claim made, while others relate to each policy written. The latter
type of expense can be either additive (new business, lapse, renewal and
endorsement expenses) or multiplicative (commission). If ex' denotes the total
per claim expense, ex2 denotes the total additive per policy expense, and w
denotes the commission, then the net office premium is given by:

Oij = (Pij + ex2 + ex' • £//;/)/ 0 - w).

Values for ex', ex2 and w have to be obtained from supplementary data: as
indicated by the absence of subscripts, they do not usually depend on the rating
Other formulae for 0/y may sometimes be appropriate. For example, expenses
might depend on claim size also.
7.1.4 In addition to giving estimates of the parameters for each component
model, GLIM also gives standard errors for the estimates. Just as the fitted values
fijt and mijt can be calculated for any rating cell using the parameter estimates, the
standard errors of these fitted values can be calculated using the standard errors
supplied by GLIM. These, in turn, can be used to calculate the standard errors of
Pij and Oij : it can be very useful in interpreting these values to know how reliably
they have been estimated. The standard error could also be used as the basis of
safety loadings: the pure risk premium could be augmented by some multiple of
its standard error. The necessary calculations are outlined in Appendix G.
7.1.5 The remaining steps of the analysis depend on which of the two options
for the treatment of NCD is being used (see § 1.9.2).
If the percentage discounts are being reviewed (option (i) of § 1 .9.2), then NCD
level / will be an explanatory variable for each of the estimates fijlu mißt, so
estimates Piß and O iß can be calculated for each NCD level / within each
combination of the other rating factors /,/ It is highly unlikely that the
dependence of Oiß on NCD level will be purely multiplicative, because the
dependence on NCD level will be different for each component ßß and m^.
Therefore, in order to obtain new percentage discounts for the NCD scale, the
best estimates of the office premiums Oiß obtained above must be approximated
in such a way that the dependence on NCD level is multiplicative, and has no
interactions with the other rating factors. This can be achieved using a final stage
of modelling as described in Section 8.

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492 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
If the percentage discounts are to remain unchanged (option (ii) of § 1.9.2),
then the rating cells used in each component model should not be broken down
by NCD level. (It is shown in Appendix J that this would not give the correct
relativities unless the existing NCD percentages are exactly right, or the
distribution of policies over NCD levels is the same for all rating factor
combinations.) In this case, each estimate Pi} (or Oij) is the average over all NCD
levels of the expected loss per policy in rating cell (ij). In other words, they are
average 'net premiums', that is, average premiums after deduction of NCDs. To
convert these to gross premiums (to which the existing percentage NCD can be
applied for each individual policy), it is necessary to estimate the average NCD in
each rating cell. This is described in Section 7.2.

7.2 Calculation of Gross Office Premium from Average Net Office Premium
7.2.1 By 'gross office premium' we mean the rate book premium applicable to
all policyholders with identical rating factor values before deduction of
individual NCDs: this is denoted Gtj for rating cell (/,/). The remainder of this
section describes how to convert the net office premium O y (given in §7.1.2) to
Gij, in cases where NCD level is not an explanatory variable in the component
models, because the existing NCD percentages are to remain unchanged.
7.2.2 As in earlier sections, xtj denotes the number of policy years in rating cell
(/,/). Thus, the total premium necessary to cover pure risk and expenses for the
cell is Xij-Oij, where O/7 is the average net office premium calculated as described
in §7.1.2.
If Cijk denotes the NCD for the A:th policyholder in cell (/,/) and xijk denotes the
exposure for this policyholder, then the net premium for this individual is
(1 - CijkYxijk'Gij. (djk may be 20% or 30% for example, xijk= 1 in most cases,
but is often less than 1 .)
Gij is given by equating premium income to expected loss (pure risk plus
expenses) for each cell:

£(1 - C^x^Gtj = XiPtj


since Yéxtjk = xw

This gives Gij = - - iJ-

i c/7

where Cu = ( 'k
J k
= exposure weighted mean NCD, in c
However, if cells are small (in terms of total exposure
will be very variable, both between cells and over time, so

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 493
to be suitable for the future, it is better to use expected values of the Qj rather
than the observed exposure-weighted means, in converting O/7 to G/7. Appendix
H describes a method for estimating these expected values from the observed
value Cijk.
7.2.3 Coutts (1984), does not include NCD level as an explanatory variable in
frequency and severity models, and does not attempt any conversion of net office
premium to gross office premium: he suggests basing the rating structure on
relativities of the quantities we have denoted O/y. Thus, he makes an implicit
assumption that the mean NCD Cy does not vary between rating cells. We have
found in practice, using the model of Appendix H, that there is significant
variation in the C/y between cells, and that this variation is quite substantial, so it
should not be ignored.

7.3 Numerical Example: Standard Errors of Risk Premiums

7.3. 1 To illustrate orders of magnitude of the standard errors in risk premiums
and office premiums, the calculations of Appendix G have been carried out using
the 17,000 comprehensive policies over 1986-1988 used in previous examples.
Some of the results are given in Table 7.3. 1 . For the previous examples, only own-
damage claims data were used: the figures given here incorporate the results of

Table 7.3.1. Estimated theoretical premiums

Risk Net office
DI PA CA CG premium SE premium
1 180 1-5 1 351-39 30-39 487-73
1 180 1-5 2 360-22 30-21 501-45
1 180 1-5 3 382-69 31-41 532-75
1 180 1-5 4 402-97 33-31 55710
1 180 1-5 5 452-46 3812 618-85
1 180 Í-5 6 514-90 44-32 695-99
1 180 1-5 7 638-66 5905 844-58
1 180 1-5 8 959-59 100-62 1242-72

1 27-5 1-5 1 206-66 9-73 299-36

1 27-5 1-5 2 21205 911 30802
1 27-5 1-5 3 225-40 8-83 327-23
1 27-5 1-5 4 237-69 912 341-98
1 27-5 1-5 5 270-38 9-99 382-75
1 27-5 1-5 6 309-50 1 1 26 431-61
1 27-5 1-5 7 382-97 17-62 519-87
1 27-5 1-5 8 594-47 38-51 783-26

1 27-5 50 1 180-07 8-55 264-49

1 27-5 50 2 185-29 806 272-73
1 27-5 50 3 197-31 7-86 289-99
1 27-5 50 4 207-54 8-09 302-29
1 27-5 50 5 234-62 8-76 336-12
1 27-5 50 6 26700 9-78 376-68
1 27-5 50 7 329-59 15-44 451-89
1 27-5 50 8 508-92 33-69 675-42

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494 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
modelling all claim types covered by the comprehensive policy. The units of the
risk premium, its standard error, and the net office premium are 1988 pounds.
The standard error is quite high for the combination PA= 18 and CA= 1-5,
particularly for the higher car groups. This is the combined effect of low exposure
in this region (a small volume of data) and high variability of the claim amounts
for some types of claim (see Appendix F).


8.1 Theory
8.1.1 It is possible, using the techniques described in this paper, to calculate
premiums for any combination of rating factors, with each rating factor being
measured on a continuous scale. We could, for example, calculate the gross office
premium for a driver aged exactly 34 in a two-and-a-half-year-old car in group 3,
and also the standard error of this premium (Appendix G). In principle, there is
no need to proceed any further. When a judgement has been made on the overall
levels of claim frequency and severity likely for the coming year, values of the
rating factors could be typed into a computer program holding the estimated
relativity parameters for all the component models, to calculate the appropriate
premium. However, there are four reasons why a further stage of modelling (to
approximate the 'best estimates' obtained in Section 7 by some 'smoothed'
structure) may be necessary in practice:

If the NCD percentages are to be reviewed (case (i) of § 1.9.2), then NCD level
will have been included as an explanatory variable in each of the component
models. The resulting office premiums 0¡j¡ (obtained from the component
models as described in Section 7.1) will depend on NCD level / in a complex
way. The dependence is very unlikely to be purely multiplicative: that is, there
will be interactions with other rating factors. To obtain new percentage
discounts, a purely multiplicative dependence on NCD level is required.
A simplified rating structure may be necessary in order to simplify the rate
book for brokers. This requirement is likely to diminish with the increasing use
of quotation systems and the trend towards direct selling.
To facilitate comparison of the new estimated relativities with the existing
relativities of the current rate book, the new estimates can be forced into the
same overall structure, which may be, for example, a purely multiplicative
structure (i.e. multiplicative with no interactions).
To build a standard table which, under certain circumstances, can be used to
further refine the relativities produced by the modelling process. This is
discussed further in Section 9.

Coutts (1984, Section 4) also advocated a final stage of modelling in order to

approximate the 'best estimates' using a simple structure.
8.1.2 The 'data' are either estimated office premiums O/7/ for each NCD level /

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 495
(see §7.1.3) or estimated gross office premiums Gy obtained as described in
Section 7.2. Y/y/will be used for both possibilities. If the rating factors are treated
as continuous variâtes as proposed in Section 6, we can generate as many 'data
points' as we wish. Intuitively, it seems that a good approximation will be
obtained by having the density of these data points proportional to actual
exposure: in this way, the discrepancy between the smoothed surface and the best
estimates Y^ will be smallest where it matters most, i.e. where exposure is high.
Equivalently, and more simply, one 'data point' can be used to represent each of
the existing rating cells, and these weighted by exposure in fitting the simplified
structure. It is not correct to use the inverse of the squared standard errors
(Appendix G) for weights, because the Y^ are not mutually independent.
8.1.3 Each data point for this final stage of modelling consists of:
the dependent variable Yijh and
independent variables, being the values of the rating factors used to calculate
the Yiji.

If the independent variables are denoted A, B, etc., as in previous sections, the

smoothing can be carried out in GLIM using:

The Gamma error structure is appropriate if we wish the percent

discrepancy between best estimates Y iß and the fitted surface to depend only
exposure (as specified by the SWEIGHTS command) and not on the magni
of Yiji (all else being equal). The use of a log-link function gives a multiplicati
approximating structure. An identity link would given an additive structure:
is unlikely to give such a good approximation to the best estimates Y^ bec
the component models are multiplicative.
8.1.4 Conventional F-tests are not valid for determining which terms
include in the linear predictor: the 'data' are actually values obtained from
fitted values of other models so contain no mutually independent rand
components. The terms to be included, along with the link function, sho
depend mainly on the purpose of the model: if we wish to compare estim
values to rate book premiums which have an additive structure and no
interactions, than we should use SLINK I and $FIT A + B + C + D. For the
purpose of obtaining a multiplicative approximation to the dependence on NCD
level, we should use SLINK L SFIT NCD + XXX where XXX represents any
combination of terms involving the rating-factors other than NCD.


9.1 Standardisation Techniques

9.1.1 We briefly discussed in Section 1.6 how 'one-way' tables are generally
used to summarise the relative claims experience of the levels within each
underwriting factor. We commented that these tables can be misleading, since the

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496 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
distribution of business is not identical within each level of each underwriting
9. 1 .2 A number of standardisation techniques have been developed in the past
to cater for this specific problem. Most of these techniques are based around a
standard table, which sets out the perceived relativities between the various
underwriting factors and levels within underwriting factors. If there is no prior
knowledge of an appropriate initial standard table, the starting point is often
taken to be the relativities derived from the current underwriting guide or that of
a competitor.
9.1.3 The standard table is updated to take into account the emerging claims
experience. The updated standard table can then be used to obtain the relative
claims experience of the levels within each underwriting factor, independent of
the distribution of business within each level.
9.1.4 The structure of the standard table will determine the approach which
can be taken in order to update the table.
In principle, the standard table could be multiplicative, additive or perhaps
mixed, with or without interactions. Assuming that the structure is multiplica-
tive, the risk premiums in each cell can be multiplied by appropriate scaling
factors (or relativities) which represent the relative difference in risk premium to a
defined standard risk. The scaling factors are derived from the standard table.
Standardised one-way tables can then be constructed for each underwriting
factor, which will then provide an updated set of relativities. This procedure can
be carried out iteratively until the relativities converge. The updated relativities
can then be used to define a revised standard table. If the standard table allows
for per policy expenses, then the above approach would be applied to the office
premiums for each cell.
9.1.5 One of the problems with the standardisation approach is that a
structure is being imposed on the data. The statistical modelling approach, as
described in this paper, attempts to extract the structure from the data. This is
important, since the failure to identify an important interaction effect can result
in an underwriting opportunity missed. Further, if the underlying structure of the
standard table is wrong, for example an important interaction effect is omitted,
then the relativities derived are likely to be unstable and they may not converge.
It may also be difficult to identify and understand the cause of sudden changes in
claims experience. A good example is the recent rapid increase in the frequency of
theft claims, which will affect some parts of the portfolio to a greater extent than
others. Furthermore, the standard table approach will not provide any measure
of the reliability of the estimates produced or quantify the relative importance of
each rating factor.
9.1.6 However, the standard table approach does have some useful merits,
since the relativities can be continually updated without the need for extensive
statistical analysis. This will provide management with valuable additional
We have found in practice that, if the standard table approach is combined

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 497
with the results of the statistical modelling approach, then the above criticisms
can be overcome. Such a standard table can then form part of an effective pricing
and underwriting control system.

9.2 Developing A Standard Table

9.2.1 The results of smoothing the estimated office premiums, as described in
Section 8, can be used to build an effective standard table. The parameters
derived from the modelling of the office premiums can be used as the starting
relativities for an initial standard table. If important interaction effects had been
identified in the data, these would be included in the standard table. The iterative
procedure as described in § 9. 1 .4, can be carried out in order to 'refine' the initial
relativities produced from the modelling of the office premiums.
9.2.2 For a large account, where all the major rating factors had been included
in the modelling process, it would be expected that very few, if any, iterations
would be required for convergence. This would be particularly true if the
procedures of Section 6 had been carried out, where the initial standard table
would include relativities for individual policyholder ages and vehicle ages. The
standard table derived can then be used to update the relativities as the new
claims experience emerges over time. This will also allow the consistency of the
relativities to be monitored.
9.2.3 For a smaller account, where it has not been possible to include all the
underwriting factors in the modelling, or where the data have been grouped in
some way before the modelling has been carried out, a number of iterations may
be required before the relativities converge. However, the initial standard table,
being based on the results of the modelling, will provide reasonably accurate
relativities of the factors included in the modelling. This will be particularly true
if the mix of business of the factors not included in the modelling is evenly spread
throughout the portfolio. It would, therefore, be expected that few iterations
would be needed for the relativities to converge. The final standard table derived
provides the 'refined' relativities of the underwriting factors included in the
modelling. In addition, the relativities of the underwriting factors which were not
included in the modelling can be estimated.
9.2.4 Whilst the standardisation approach provides a useful means of
monitoring and updating the relativities as new claims experience emerges, we do
not believe the approach should be used as a substitute for the more rigorous
statistical modelling approach. The statistical approach entails detailed data
analysis, which provides invaluable information on the factors which are driving
the claims experience. In particular, any changing trends in the claims experience
which can potentially affect the rating structure can be identified as quickly as
possible, to enable appropriate rating action to be taken.

9.3 Postal Code and Make/ Model Analyses

9.3. 1 The analyses of the underwriting factors, district and vehicle group, give
rise to special problems, since the district or vehicle group classifications have

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498 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
been compiled from the allocation of individual postal codes or make/models.
The objective is to classify individual postal codes or make/models to a
manageable number of reasonably homogeneous risk groups. An underwriter
may be satisfied with the existing classifications, and will be interested only in the
adjustments required to the relativities for district or vehicle group. Alterna-
tively, the underwriter may require to appraise the reasonableness of the existing
classifications, indeed he may believe that further risk groups or classifications
should be created.
9.3.2 The standard table, as derived in Section 9.2, can be used for an analysis
of the claims experience of individual postal code or make/models. The analysis
requires particular care since there are approximately 1,300,000 separate postal
codes (e.g. KT19 8HB), 2,700 postal districts (e.g. KT19), and on many
companies' systems over 7,000 different make/models. In the case of make/
models however, the claims experience tends to be heavily concentrated in the
popular vehicles.
9.3.3 Standardised office premiums can be calculated for each postal code (at
postal district level) or make/model. This enables a valid comparison of the
claims experience of each postal code or make/model, allowing for any
differences in mix of business between risks. Ideally, these should be calculated
for each of the last three years together with the average standardised office
premium over the period. It is also advisable to calculate the vehicle year
exposure, standardised claim frequency and loss ratio for each year, to be used as
supporting underwriting information. For most companies there will be little
exposure in many of the risk groups, and this will result in a high degree of
statistical variation between years. It is, therefore, sensible to apply a fairly low
capping level to the bodily injury claims for the calculation of the office
premiums. We have found, in practice, that for a medium sized insurer a capping
level of about £5,000 is reasonable. It is possible that a higher capping level for
the make/model analysis can be justified, since the average bodily cost tends to
increase with vehicle group.
9.3.4 If the underwriter wishes to assess the reasonableness of the existing
classifications, then the average standardised office premiums can be sorted by
size within each of the existing classifications. Those postal codes or make/
models with relatively good or bad experience during the investigation period
can be identified. It is important in the selection of the good or bad risks to choose
those risks which have been consistently good or bad during the period. The
underwriter can then decide to which new classification to allocate the risk.
In reaching his decision the underwriter can also take into account the
supporting underwriting information described above.
9.3.5 The statistical analysis of postal codes and make/models is not an exact
science, and much underwriting judgement is required. There will always be the
problem of where to allocate new make/models or postal codes where there is
little or no exposure. For the postal code analysis, we have found that the results
of the statistical analysis is most usefully presented on mapping software which

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 499
can be purchased very cheaply. The good or bad postal codes can be colour
coded, so that geographical trends can be easily identified. Local knowledge can
normally be an invaluable aid to interpreting the trends.
9.3.6 Since the standardised office premiums of different risks are all
comparable, the analysis can be used to assess the impact of large scale
reclassifications, such as those currently being recommended for vehicle groups
by the ABI.


10.1 Comparing with the Existing Rate Book

10.1.1 The object of this paper has been to develop an approach to mo
premium rating which can extract as much information as possible from the d
such that underwriters can clearly and easily assimilate the patterns and trends
the data, thereby helping them make better decisions. This is particula
important for companies with small portfolios, and companies which a
planning to expand the size of their account.
10.1.2 Table 10.1.2 shows how the results of the modelling can be used
assess the reasonableness of a company's existing rating structure. We have ta
as an example the analysis of premiums by vehicle age.
Table 10.1.2 gives for each vehicle age band the vehicle year exposure,
theoretical relative premiums based on the company's own data, the rela
premiums currently being charged, and the theoretical premium adjustm
necessary to move the existing structure to the rating structure implied by t
theory. Although in this example we have shown the results for small bands o
vehicle ages, our methodology produces relative premiums for each indiv
vehicle age, if required.
For simplicity, the above example gives the premium adjustments which
required to produce an unchanged amount of premium income assuming that
mix of business by vehicle age remains unaltered. Alternative calculations cou
be made incorporating further assumptions or alternative mix of busin
10.1.3 Table 10.1.2 shows that, on the basis of the company's past claims

Table 10.1.2. Analysis of vehicle age loadings I discounts

Vehicle Exposure Relative premium Adjustment
age (%) Theoretical Actual (%)
0-1 201 1060 1000 7-4
2-3 27-5 1000 1000 1-3
4-5 251 0-934 0-950 -0-4
6-7 13 5 0-863 0-900 -2-9
8-9 70 0-789 0-850 -60
10+ 6-8 0-641 0-800 -18-9
Total: 1000

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500 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
experience, its current rating structure is unbalanced. There are substantial cross
subsidies between vehicles of different ages. In general older vehicles, and in
particular 10+ year-old vehicles, are subsidising the newer vehicles.
Profitability could be significantly improved if the company could increase
premium rates for new vehicles, and in particular 0-1 year-old vehicles, without
significant loss of business volume. Similarly, profitability could be improved if
an increase in business volume were obtainable for older vehicles following a
small reduction in premium rates for these risks.
10. 1 .4 These decisions cannot be made without knowledge of the competitive-
ness of premium rates within the market for a variety of different risks. If it were
possible to obtain a sample of premium quotations for different combinations of
risks, then the financial implications of the theoretical recommendations above
could be assessed.

10.2 Assessing the Effect of Competition

10.2.1 There are a number of premium quotation services available in the
market, and these services can be used by companies to great advantage. Table
10.2. 1 shows how the results of the statistical analysis can be used in conjunction
with the output from one of the many quotation services available. In this
example we have compared the premium rates from 35 different companies for a
typical comprehensive policy. In each case we have selected a quotation for six
different vehicle ages, all other rating factors remaining unchanged. In practice, a
much larger number of quotations would be required to produce an effective

Table 10.2.1. Assessing the impact of competition

Vehicle Current New New
age premium Ranking premium ranking
(£) (f)
0 181 26 195 29
2 181 26 183 27
4 171 28 170 27
6 164 28 159 26
8 156 29 147 23
11 149 26 121 12

Table 10.2. 1 shows the cu

show the competitive ran
a 0-year-old car is £181, a
companies. We also show
recommended premium
together with the revised
10.2.2 Clearly, this com
quotation. Furthermore
premiums will not signific

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 501
cars a significant improvement in competitiveness is achievable. In practice, one
would also look at the size of the proposed premium adjustment compared with
the degree of change in competitive position.

10.3 The Contribution towards Profit

10.3.1 It is worth considering, at this stage, the current levels of profitability
achievable. Table 10.3.1 shows the contribution towards profits of the company,
assuming that its portfolio consists of the above policies with a mix of business
similar to Table 10.1.2.

Table 10.3.1. Analysis of profit

Vehicle Current Expected
age Exposure premium cost Profit
(£) (£) (£)
0 201 181 195 -2,734
2 275 181 183 -666
4 251 171 170 174
6 135 164 159 648
8 70 156 147 658
11 68 149 121 1,918
Overall: 1,000 172 172 0

10.3.2 Significant losses are bein

being made on the older vehicles
company's profitability is, therefor
towards new vehicles. Given the c
would appear unlikely, although t
10.3.3 To improve profitability
vehicles could be increased by up to
does not seriously affect the com
sizeable amount of business will
premiums can be made for the olde
years. This would significantly imp
these risks, with the opportunit
remembered that, provided the th
per policy expenses, it is more i
maintained than it is to ensure that
10.3.4 A similar analysis can be car
the analysis. The object will be to
profitability and competitivenes
combinations of rating factors,
profitable 'niches'. We have foun
uniformly competitive, some areas
rate changes than others. The compe
constantly changing, hence close m

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502 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
profits are not thrown away unnecessarily, and a balance must be struck between
the business volumes achievable in different sectors of market and the achievable
profit per policy.

10.4 The Practical Advantages of the Approach

10.4.1 Having discussed how the results of the detailed statistical approach
which we have advocated in this paper can be used to help the underwriter in
practice, it is worth reconsidering some of the advantages of our proposed
Our analysis, being based on the company's own data, will:
(1) allow for the company's individual underwriting standards,
(2) allow for the company's method of distribution,
(3) allow for the 'knock-for-knock' agreements in operation,
(4) allow for the treatment of per policy expenses, and
(5) enable the company to use a flexible design of rating structure.
10.4.2 The method of distribution has a significant effect on the amount of
operational expenses. It is important that expenses are correctly allowed for in
the analysis. For example, home service offices tend to pay lower rates of
commission to their agents than those paid to brokers, but also tend to have
higher overhead costs than the offices which obtain their business through
brokers. Direct selling companies will have no commission, but relatively high
fixed costs. It is important to build these expenses into the premium structure in a
sensible manner, since it can affect the relative structure of premium rates.
10.4.3 For all the reasons mentioned above, a 'niche' for one company may
not necessarily be a 'niche' for another. We believe that a true 'niche' can be only
identified with confidence by applying a sophisticated statistical analysis to a
company's own data.


Peter Lee prepared the data and carried out some of the GLIM runs for
numerical examples. Ian Cook wrote computer programs for the calculat
described in Section 7. Andrew Smith made an important contribution
Appendix G.
We are also grateful to the many people who commented on earlier drafts of
this paper, in particular, Professor John Neider, Dr Pat Altham, Graham Ross
and Kjell Andersson.


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Bailey, R. A. & Simon, L. (1960). Two Studies in Automobile Insurance Ratemaking. ASTIN
Bulletin, 1, 192.
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504 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data



A.I Theory
A. 1 . 1 . Suppose we have a set of data values F, for /= 1 , 2,

context Y i would be either the actual number of claims p

the actual mean claim size, for the ith combination o
deals with models of the form:

E( Yd = ¡a and Var( 7,) = 0 • VQa,)/ w,


the mean /¿, has the form /Xi = h(rjt) where h{ ) is some known monotonie
function and rj¡ is a linear function of the unknown parameters of the model (*/,-
is called the linear predictor),
V{ ) is a known function (called the variance function),
the quantities w¡ (called the prior weights) are known, and
the constant factor </> is not necessarily known (it is called the scale parameter).

The random components of the data points Y¡ for i= 1 ... n must be mutually
A. 1.2 In the motor rating context, there is generally one data point for each
combination of several rating factors: if we have three rating factors (A, B and C
say) the data may be represented as y^. The linear predictor can then be
expressed as:
*//;* = «i+ft+y*.

This is a linear function of the unknown parameters a,-, ßj and y*.

(In general there may also be interaction terms, but this is not important at this
stage.) The parameter a, is regarded as the effect of having rating factor A at its ith
level, and similarly for the other two rating factors B and C. When the model has
been specified in GLIM, the programme will use the data to estimate values of the
parameters a„ ßj, y¿.
A. 1 .3 All the user has to do to fit his chosen model is to specify the following:

the data vector to be used as the y- variate,

the form of the variance function V( ),
the form of the function h{ ),
the data- vector to be used as the weights w, and
the terms to be included in the linear predictor.

The above five stages of model specification are done respectively using the
following GLIM commands: $YVAR, «ERROR, SLINK, «WEIGHTS, $FIT

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 505
(all GLIM commands begin with a $). Some examples are given below, but first
some additional comments are necessary regarding specification of the functions
V{ ) and *( ).
A. 1.4 The inverse of h{ ) is known as the link function, and it is this which is
specified using the SLINK command. For example, if we wish to have
h(r¡) = exp(7/) we must specify the link function to be the log to base e. It is simply a
matter of convention that h( ) is specified by way of its inverse and is of no
consequence. Note, that since the mean 'i of the data is given by 'i = h(rj) and rj is a
linear function, a log-link function corresponds to a multiplicative model for ¡x.
A. 1.5 The variance function V(fi) is specified in GLIM by naming an error
distribution, e.g. Normal, Poisson or Gamma. These mean respectively: V(fi) = 1,
V(fi) = fi, and V(fi) = ¡x2. It is for technical and historical reasons that the variance
function is specified in this way, and is of no real consequence. In particular, it is
not necessary for the random variation in the data actually to follow the type of
distribution specified in the SERROR command: GLIM will give conventional
maximum-likelihood estimates if this is the case, but in other cases the parameter
estimates remain optimal in a sense (see Wedderburn (1974) for more details on
this point).

A. 2 Examples
A.2. 1 To illustrate the simplicity of model fitting using GLIM, we show below
the GLIM commands needed to fit some of the claim frequency models described
by Bennett (1978). These should be compared to the mass of equations given in
Bennett's paper (as these would form the basis of an ad hoc computer program).
It is assumed that the data have previously been read into variâtes named R and
X. These are respectively: the actual number of claims per unit of exposure for
each rating factor combination, and the exposure for each rating factor
combination. The corresponding levels of the rating factors (policyholder age,
car age and level of NCD) are assumed to have been read into factors named PA,
CA and NC respectively. Explanatory comments are given to the right of the
GLIM commands after the ! sign.
A.2.2 Bennett's model A is the additive model used by Johnson & Hey (1971)
and can be fitted in GLIM as follows:

SYVAR R ! claim frequency data R to be the y-variate Yijk

SERROR N ! Normal => V(jAijk) = 1 so Var( Y^) = </>/wiJk
SLINK I ! identity link function gives additive model
SWEIGHTS X ! exposure data X to be the weights wijk
$FIT PA + CA + NC ! linear predictor to include one parameter for each
level of each of the three rating factors
A.2.3 Bennett's model D differs from this only in that the mean claim
frequency is multiplicative. This is achieved in GLIM by specifying a log link
function; thus the code is as above, but with SLINK I replaced by SLINK L.
A.2.4 Bennett's model B is the additive model, but with the weights inversely

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506 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
proportional to fitted values as advocated by Bailey & Simon (1960). In other
words, the variances are assumed to be proportional to the fitted values. This is
achieved in GLIM by specifying a Poisson error structure, so the code is as for
model A, but with SERROR N replaced by SERROR P. GLIM will give
parameter estimates slightly different from those obtained by Bennett, because
he used minimum chi-squared estimation, whereas GLIM uses minimum
deviance estimation, and these differ for non-Normal error structures.
A.2.5 Bennett's model C is the multiplicative model of Bailey & Simon (1960),
but with the chi-squared function (to be minimised) adjusted as described by
Jung (1968), so that the one-way marginal totals of claim numbers are equal for
both actual and fitted. This is equivalent to minimum deviance estimation, so
GLIM will reproduce Bennett's results exactly using the above code with
A.2.6 The distinction between a variate and a factor is important in GLIM.
Sections 4 and 6 of the paper give examples of this distinction: the GLIM manual
(NAG 1985) gives full details.

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B.I We wish to compare the following models for claim frequency:

1. Multiplicative model SYVAR R
SLINK L ! log link function

2. Additive model SYVAR R

SLINK I ! identity link function

The Poisson error structure, with the exposure X as weights, is used in both
models for the reasons given in Section 2.2 and Appendix C.
B.2 As explained in Section 2.1, we expect interaction terms to be mo
significant under the additive model than under the multiplicative mode
general. To investigate this, we could first include all two-factor interactions:
SFIT A + B + C + BC + CA + A-B

and then include the main effects only:


The conventional F-statistic could then be calculated as described in §2.3.3 for

both the additive and multiplicative models. This should indicate whether the
interactions are more significant under the additive model or the multiplicative
model. Unfortunately, this type of analysis cannot be carried out using many
datasets, because the additive model usually gives some negative fitted values
unless several two-factor interactions are included. (This is itself a point in favour
of the multiplicative model.) However, the relatively small claim frequency
datasets of Baxter et al (1980) and of Coutts (1984) do allow the models to be
compared in this way.
B.3 There are three rating factors in the data from Baxter (1980), each with 4
levels: _,. . /T^TX
district _,. . (DI) /T^TX
car group (CG)
policyholder age (PA).
The minimised déviances for:

(1) the multiplicative model, and

(2) the additive model,

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508 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
are given here:

Residual Deviance
Model terms degrees of freedom 1 2
DI + CG + PA + CGPA + PA-DI-CG 27 27 3 28 0
DI + CG + PA 54 514 518

The deviance is slightly lower fo

model (whether or not the two f
gives a slightly better fit. Ho
insignificant under both models
being 0-88 for the multiplicativ
B.4 There are four rating fact
cover (CO) with 2 levels
car age (CA) with 3 levels
car group (CG) with 4 levels
policyholder age (PA) with 5 levels.
Fitting main effects only, the multiplicative model gives a much better fit than
the additive model, the minimised déviances being 115 and 135 respectively.
However, under both models, some interaction terms are significant. Starting
with all two-factor interactions, and removing insignificant ones in a step wise
fashion, leaves three two-factor interactions in each case. These are shown in
lines B and C of the next table.

Residual Deviance
Model terms degrees of freedom 1 2
A Main effects + all 2-factor interactions 74 48 53
B Main effects + CA • CO + PA CA + CA- CG 93 68 76
C Main effects + CA • CO + PA CA + CO -CG 96 74 69
D Main effects + CA • CO + PA • CA 99 78 79
E Main effects only 109 115 135

Model C appears to be best under the additive as

than under the multiplicative assumption (69 < 74
best under the multiplicative assumption, fit
additive assumption (68 < 76). Models with both
or both excluded, all fit better under the multipl
B.5 Although these results are not conclusive, they support the belief that the
multiplicative assumption is generally better.

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C.I In Section 2.2 the case of just two rating factors indexed by /
considered, with data denoted x/7, «/7.
In this appendix we first relax the assumption (made in §2.2.3) of
homogeneity of risks within each cell, so we now have m^ ~ Poisson (/¡7
Poisson rate depends on k).
If the fijk for k= 1 . . . . jc/y are from a Gamma distribution with:

Wijk)=fij and Var(fijk)=fif/hu (*)

for some parameters fy and A/,-, then the number of claims m^ of
chosen at random from cell (ij) is Negative Binomial with:

E(mijk) =fij and Var(ra,7*) = ( 1 +/7/Ai7) fu.

That is (dropping subscripts i and j) the same distribution as th
failures before success number A in independent trials each with pro
success where p = h/(h+f) (Beard et ai, 38-40).
Hence the data ntj are Negative Binomial with:

E(/i/;) = Xijfij and Var(/i/y) = ( 1 +/7/A,7) xy/y

and if rij=nij/xij (as in §2.2.3):
E(ru) =fu and Var(r/7) = ( 1 +fij/hiJ)fij/xij = fajfijlxij
From (*) we see that l/y/h is the wi thin-cell coefficient of variati
Poisson rates. We advocate (Section 6) the use of as many rating cells
in modelling. One effect of this is that A is unlikely to be less than 1 ,
typical value is about 2. We also advocate (Section 5) the fitting
frequency models for different types of claim. This tends to kee
typically varying across cells in the range 002 to 016. Using these
and A, we have (j) varying across cells in the range 1 01 to 1 08: a diff
than 7%. This is dwarfed by the between-cell variation in the oth
Var(r/7). Thus we can reasonably work on the basis that <f> is constan
can use a Poisson error structure with weights x/7.
C.2 We next relax the assumption of a Poisson claim process for
risk: as mentioned in §2.2.5, the risk intensity is not constant as req
Poisson process, but tends to decrease for a period after each claim. T
and magnitude of the consequences of this can be determined by con
extreme case in which the risk reduces to zero after the first claim an
zero for the remainder of the year. In this case mijk is either 0
n¡j~ Binomial (xij9fij).

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510 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data

E(r//) =fij and Var(r/7) = ( 1 -/¡j) fa/x^

So, in this extreme case the scale parameter is decreased by a factor (1 -/7). In
reality the factor will be much closer to 1 (it would be (1 - f¡j/ 12) if it were possible
to make no more than one claim each month), and, of course, the variation of
such a factor with / andy is very slight, so again the assumption of a constant scale
parameter (j> remains reasonable.
C.3 Finally, we relax the assumption of mutual independence of the risk-units
within each cell. The possibility of two policyholders in the same cell being
involved in the same accident means:

co'(mjjk, my) > 0 for all k and /.




Var(w//*) = </> fu implies Var(«/7) > <'> xu ßj

so the scale parameter for ru ( = /i/y/jc/y) is increased, but the effect is obvi

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 511



D.I Theory
DA A Suppose we have mutually independent Poisson processes for th
incidence on each policy (so of the three assumptions considered in Sec
and Appendix C, the last two hold). It is shown in Appendix C that if the
rates are Gamma distributed within each cell, with coefficient of variation 1
then the observed mean claim frequency rtj has:

Wij)=fu and V*r(rij) = (t)ijfij/xij


fij is the mean Poisson-rate (i.e. the mean of the Gamma distributio

In this appendix we consider the question of how much of the heterogen

claim frequency is accounted for by the model. Johnson & Hey (197
investigated this question: we base our analysis on the same equation a
D.I. 2 Although the range of Poisson parameters is continuous, it c
approximated arbitrarily closely by a finite sequence of values, Xk s
Pijk = proportion of all exposure which is in cell (ij) and has Poisson rate X
claim frequency. Then:

Y^Pijk = proportion of exposure in cell (/,/)



This is denoted pu.

Since pijki pi j for k = 1 , 2

cell ij (it is a discrete approximation to the Gamma dist

Z (PijklPij)h =fij i.e. X Pijkh = Pi j fu- ( 1 )

k k

The me

V = Y

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512 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
From (1) we have

H = %P,jf,j- (2)
Now consider the overall variance of the Poisson-rate:

V = Z^(A*-/i)2. (3)

It is straightforward to show that this can be expressed as:

V = 5>**(A*
+ %ptJ{f,j - fi)2. (4)
These two terms
variance' respectiv
D.I. 3 Johnson &
(i) they calculated
fitted values from
(ii) they calculat
(iii) the within
equation (4).
They carried out
all cells combined
Binomial distrib
combined) they w
and hence its variance V.
This approach suffers from difficulties over the handling of incomplete policy
years (as Johnson & Hey acknowledged). For our model, there is an alternative
approximate method for estimating the within-cell variance, which does not
suffer from these difficulties. This is to use the residual variation in the observed
mean frequencies r/y.
D. 1 .4 From the assumption of a Gamma distribution of Poisson-rates within
each cell we have:


(each side is the variance of the Poisson-rate within cell ij).

Therefore, 'within-cell variance' can be expressed:

ijk U

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 513
The estimate of the scale parameter given by GLIM when frequency is
modelled as proposed in this paper is an estimate of </>/, made on the assumption
that <f>ij is the same for all cells. There may in fact be some slight variation in <£/y
(see Appendix C) but the GLIM estimate </> can be regarded as an average value.
Approximately, we have therefore:

within-cell variance = YjPufiÁ^ ~ 1)


= M (<t> - 1). (5)

A value for fi can, of course, be obtained
frequency model. Note that the approximatio
to 1 as is usual.

D.2 Example
D.2. 1 These calculations have been carried out after fitting a model of the type
described in Section 6 to the own-damage data used in Section 2.4. The mean
own-damage claim frequency over all cells, calculated from equation (2) using
the fitted values/, is 01043. The between cell variance, the second term of
equation (4) calculated using the fitted values/, is 0001005. The estimate <j)
calculated as the mean deviance, is 191 1-7/1879= 10174. The approximate
within-cell variance, calculated from equation (5), is therefore 000 18.
D.2.2 Although this result is very approximate, it suggests that a substantial
proportion of the variation in accident proneness between individuals is not
explained by the available information on the rating factors DI, PA, CA and CG.
Possible explanations are:
(i) The bands of the available rating factors were too broad: the use of smaller
cells would increase the between-cell variance and decrease the within-cell
(ii) Other rating factors are also important, for example, sex of policyholder and
class of vehicle use.
(iii) The accident proneness of individuals, and their readiness to claim, depends
on other factors which cannot be measured by an insurer, e.g. drinking
habits, and the psychological make-up of the policyholder.
D.2.3 NCD systems attempt to take account of the factors mentioned under
(iii). Johnson & Hey (1971) included NCD level as an explanatory variable in
their model for claim frequency for all claim types combined, but still found:
between-cell variance ~00025
within-cell variance £¿0-0055.

However, it would be wrong to conclude that the NCD system is poor at

allowing for unmeasurable risk factors, because points (i) and (ii) apply to
Johnson & Hey's analysis.

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514 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data




E. 1 In this appendix we consider the question of whether th

given by GLIM, when the model of Section 3. 1 is used, agrees
cell coefficient of variation.
The model is:

E(Zijk) = my and Var(Z/,*) = o2mfj .

If ¿ijk = Zijk/mij we have E(Z,,*) = 1 and Var(Z^) = a2.
Values for Z/7* can be obtained by dividing individual claim data Zijk by the
fitted values m¡j obtained using the GLIM model. A direct estimate of a2 (for
comparison with the GLIM estimate) can then be obtained as the sample
variance of the Z/#.
That is:

à2 = W
/ 'ijk /
where n = total number of claims in all cells,

n = £ n,j.

The fitted values m(j necessarily satisfy:

ij U

so we have:

E Ztjk = n

and hence:

à2 ='ijk

If q¡j denotes the sum of squares of claims in cell ij:

% = Z zi%

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then this can be expressed:

à2 = (ïiijl»$)l»-1
so the only additional data required for this direct estimate of a1 are the
quantities #,;.

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516 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data



F.I Theory
F.I.I In the notation of Section 3 we have:

E(Zijk) = ntij and Var(Z/y*) = atj m ,j .

The only assumption of the basic claim severity model, other than that th
claim sizes Zijk are mutually independent, is that the coefficient of variation g¡j is
the same for all cells. A formal test of this hypothesis, based on data for
individual claims, can be formulated by assuming that claim sizes are log-
Normally distributed. This is a common assumption for claim sizes, and is
probably a good enough approximation for the present purpose. Thus, if
L,7* = loge (Zijk) we have:

£/,*~N(/l/7, Tij) for some kih Ttj .

Using standard results for the log-Normal distribution:

niij = exp(A//+i7;3)
a* =exp(T,j)-'
so we wish to test the hypothesis that T¡j is the same for all ij.
F.I. 2 Using individual claim size data, the sample variance of the log of the
claim size can be calculated for each cell:

tu = Yé(Lijh - Lij^/faj - 1) where LfJ is the mean of the Lijk.


This has a scaled chi-squared distribution:

from which we have:

E(tij) = Ttj and Var(i,7) = 27* /(«,,- 1)

that is the sample variances tu have a Gamma error structure with weights
(riij- 1) and scale parameter <j> = 2 (Appendix A).
Therefore, the dependence of T¡j on the levels ij of the rating factors can be
investigated in GLIM using:


where T is a vector containing the sample variances Uj and A, B contain the

corresponding levels of the rating factors.

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F.2 Example
F.2.1 In the example of Section 3.3, plots of residuals against rating-factors
appeared to show some heteroscedasticity. The above analysis was carried out
using all four rating factors:

district with 8 levels (DI)

p/h age with 8 levels (PA)
car age with 5 levels (CA)
car group with 8 levels (CG).
F.2.2 In recognition of the fact that the log-Normal assumption is only an
approximation, sample variances t were calculated only for those cells with n ^ 6
(299 cells out of the 1 890 cells with non-zero exposure). A sequence of F-tests was
used in the usual way to examine the significance of the main effects and two
factor interactions leading to the model: $FIT DI + PA + CA + CG + PA-CG
+ DI*PA. The scale-parameter corresponding to this model was estimated as
0 = 207. The closeness of this to the theoretical value of 2 suggests that the log-
Normal approximation is adequate for the present purpose. The significant
variation in T2 is summarised below:

higher by a factor of about 2-5 for NI compared to other districts,

decreases with car age, by factor of 0-6 for cars aged 10+ compared to cars
aged 0-3 years, and
increases with car group by factor of 1 -4 for cars in group 7-8 compared to cars
in group 1 .

F.2.3 Fitted values TlJ were calculated using this final model and transformed
to estimates of the within-cell coefficient of variation using atj =exp (Ttj ) - 1.
These were used to adjust the weights of the severity model: SWEIGHTS N
replaced by SWEIGHTS N/V where V is a vector holding the estimates a(j. The
residual plots were then satisfactory. Some of the severity relativities were
significantly affected by correcting the weights in this way. For example, the
model with SWEIGHTS N gave car group relativities (by fitting a quadratic
curve) of:
100 0-99 102 109 1-22 1-43 1-74 2-20

After correcting the weights these became:

100 103 108 116 1-27 1-43 1-64 1-93.

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518 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data



G. 1 In § 7. 1 . 1 we propose calculating risk premiums Ptj f

the component frequency and severity models as follows:

(the symbol indicating an estimate was omitted in § 7. 1 . 1).

By the asymptotic theory of generalised linear models, each item on the right of
this equation is approximately unbiased. It is shown in Section G.2 that within
each rating cell (/,/) these items are also asymptotically independent. These
results imply that each Py is approximately unbiased.
Asymptotic approximations will be good, because there are typically very
many individual claims per estimated parameter for each of the component
G.2 In this section, we show that for each rating cell (ij fixed), the estimates/,,
and ihijt are asymptotically mutually independent. Mutual independence is
obvious between different claim types t9 because the models for different claim
types are based on mutually disjoint data sets, each consisting of a sample of
independent claims.
We need to consider each pair// and rhit in the same cell / and claim type t. (To
simplify the presentation, rating cells are indexed using a single subscript instead
of the pair ij used in § 7. 1 . 1 and § G. 1 .)
For each (i9t):f¡t is estimated from the data rjt = njt/xjt; and mit is estimated from
the data sjt=yjt/njt (where j varies over all rating cells).
The appearance of the same random numbers n¿ in both data sets leads to
stochastic dependence between/, and mit. However,/, and mit are asymptotically
independent (for each fixed i and t) as the following argument shows.
In Sections 2 to 6 we propose the following steps for each claim type t:

(i) use assumptions about the distribution of the data r, to estimate/ (where
both i and y vary over all rating cells), and
(ii) use assumptions about the conditional distribution of sfa to estimate w,.
The assumptions for step (i) are given in Section 2. Estimation is carried out by
maximising the likelihood of rj9 corresponding to a Poisson distribution for claim
numbers. This likelihood is denoted Pa(r), where a represents the parameters of
the model/. If the distribution of claim number is not exactly Poisson, then Pa(r)
is a quasi-likelihood, and the estimates & obtained in this way retain all the
desirable properties of maximum likelihood estimates, see Wedderburn (1974).
The assumptions for step (ii) are given in Section 3 . Estimation is carried out by

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 519
maximising the likelihood of sfa corresponding to a Gamma distribution for
claim sizes. If ß represents the parameters of the model for mi9 this likelihood can
be denoted Pß(s'r). The same comments apply on the efficacy of estimates ß
obtained in this way when the claim size distribution is not, in fact, a Gamma
distribution (Wedderburn, 1974).
An alternative to this two stage procedure would be to estimate a and ß
simultaneously by maximising the joint likelihood of r and s. By definition of the
conditional distribution of s'r, the joint likelihood P(r,s) is given by:

P(r,s) = Pa(r)P/Ks|r). (1)

As a appears only in the first factor, and ß only the
maximisation of P(r,s) is equivalent to the two sta
Applying the general theory of maximum likelihood estimation to the joint
estimation procedure: the estimates (â, ß) are asymptotically normal with
variance-covariance matrix V given by:

~dtäß dß2/
where D is the deviance, which is defined as -21n (likelihood).
From (1) we have D = - 21n(Pa(r)) - 21n(P/?(s|r)), from which <32D/3adj3 is
trivially zero.
Hence V is block diagonal, that is ì and ß are asymptotically uncorrelated, and
by asymptotic normality they are asymptotically independent. Since / is a
function of & and ra, is a function of /?,/ and m, are asymptotically independent,
for each cell i.
G.3 Since, for each cell (/,/), the quantities/,,, mijt (t = 1 , 2 . . .) are all mutually
independent (to a good approximation) the variance of the risk premium P is
given by:

Var(P) = £Var(/,/ft,)

= BVar(/)w,2 + Var(m,)y;2 + Var(/) Var(w()} (2)

and a standard error for P can be obtained by replacing mt by rht and/, by/, in this
(Subscripts ij have been dropped for simplicity.)
Since we have a multiplicative model for both frequency/, and severity mt, we
can use ¡i as a generic symbol for any of these, and we have a model of the form:

¿¿ = exp (uT-b)

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520 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
u - known vector of rating factor levels, and
b = model parameters.

GLIM gives estimates b together with a standard error matrix V satisfying

approximately b ~ Normal (by).
i/rg~N(i/r-Z>, «r-V-i#) = N(A, a2) say.
fi = exp(uT-b-U2). (3)
Using standard results for the log-Normal distribu

E(¡i) = ex = ti and Var(/l) = e2'1 (e*2-

Replacing a2 by a2 in expression (3) for fi, allows f
for substitution in formula (2).
In practice a2 is invariably very small compared to
(3) makes virtually no difference: fitted values ca

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H.I In this appendix, the notation of Section 7.2 is simplifie

single subscript i to index rating cells (regardless of how many ra
may be). We assume for simplicity that only complete policy yea
this analysis, that is x¡k = 1 for all policyholders k. The model eas
include fractional policy years.
Cik = NCD of policyholder k in rating cell /, and
Xik = exposure of policyholder k in rating cell i.

Within each rating cell the Cik can be regarded as independent identically
distributed random variables taking values in the set {0, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%,
60%} or similar.
We wish to estimate the mean NCD, C, of this distribution for use in
converting net office premium to gross.
H.2 If Cmax denotes the maximum NCD? allowed (e.g. Cmax = 60%) and we
define Cik = CVCmax, then, for fixed i, the Cik are independent and identically
distributed, taking values {0,1, some intermediate values}.
Thus, the distribution of the (Cik) can reasonably be modelled as a scaled
binomial distribution:

for some parameters mhpl.
This implies:

E(Cik)=pi and Var(ClVt) =/?, ( 1 -/?/)/w,.

Hence, if y¡ denotes the total of the Ok-

yi = (licik'cmax
we have:

E(y¡) =Pi n¡ and Var( >>,) =p¡ n¡(' -p¡)/mi

where n¡ is the number of policies observed in cell i, that is:

This is a scaledbinomial error structure for yh the scale parameter being l/m¡.
Note that ^/=«/C//Cmax where C¡= sample mean NCD for the ith cell.
It seems reasonable to assume that m, does not depend on the rating cell /,

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522 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
because m¡ will be related to the number of levels of the NCD scale, and this is
usually the same for all cells.
H.3 The data y¡ can thus be modelled in GLIM using:

where N holds the data n¡ (this is the binomial denominator: see GLIM manu
for details). The command $SCALE$ allows a scale parameter </> ^ 1 which i
necessary because the model has </>=l/m. Various linear predictors can be
compared using $FIT A + B, etc., followed by F-tests, where A, B hold the rating
factor levels as usual. When the best model has been found, fitted values of the
mean NCD are given by:

H.4 Although no direct investigations have been carried out as to whether the
distribution of within-cell NCD levels can be adequately approximated by
binomial distribution (or some other distribution with a similar variance
function), the model described here seems to work:

residual plots are generally satisfactory,

the scale parameter given by GLIM is consistent with </>= 1/ra, and
the fitted values look plausible.

Also, the binomial distribution can approximate quite closely the steady-state
distribution of a Markov process, which is the model used by Johnson & He

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 523




J.I In this appendix, it is shown that if the NCD perce

unchanged (option (ii), of §1.9.2) then the inclusion of NCD level as an
explanatory variable in the component models does not yield correct relativities
for the other rating factors in general. (The 'correct' relativities are taken to be
those which give no cross-subsidisation between the rating cells defined by the
other rating factors.)
Without loss of generality, the cells defined by the other rating factors are
indexed using the single subscript /.
J.2 Initially, to clarify presentation, a simple case is considered. Later it is
shown that the same conclusions apply in more realistic scenarios. The
simplifying assumptions are:

(i) NCD scale has just two levels j = 0, corresponding to no discount on gross
premium, andy= 1 for which a proportion c of gross premium applies (e.g.
c = 70%, discount =l-c = 30%).
(ii) Only one claim type, that is a single frequency model and a single severity
(iii) No interaction between NCD and other rating factors in determining either
frequency or severity. That is, the effect of NCD level is purely multiplicative
in both cases, and we have:
Expected claim frequency fij=fi a,-
Expected claim size m¡j = m¡ ßj
where ao = /?o=l, so ai, ß' are the 'discount factors' for policies at NCD
level 1, for each of frequency and severity,
(iv) No expenses.

Since we have only one claim type, the risk premium for policies in cell i at NCD
level j is given by:

Pij =fij ntij =fi m¡ dj where dj = a, ßj

hence do = 1 and d' (denoted d below) is the 'true' discount factor.

Consider the quantities Pio. They are the true risk premiums for policies with
no no-claims-discount (NCD levely = 0), for each rating cell /. However, they do
not in general give the correct relativities for the gross risk premiums. This can be
seen as follows:

Suppose we have x¡ policies in cell /, of which a proportion q¡ are on NCD level

j= 1, so have discount factor c.

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524 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
If the quantities Pio are used for the gross premium then:

total premium for cell i = x¡ Pio[(l - q¡) + q¡c]

however, the true expected loss for cell i = xÉ Pio[{' - qi) + qld'.

^ ^ , 1 - q¡ ; + dqi
^ The ratio of ^ these , is: 0, =
1 - ft + cq,
For the Pio to give correct relativities, we must have </>/ constant. This is true
only if either:

c = d i.e. existing NCD scale is correct,


q¡ is constant i.e. the same distribution of policies over NCD levels

all rating cells.

J.3 More generally, one can relax assumptions (i) and (ii):

(i) several NCD levels j =0, 1,2

with c/= proportion of gross premium app

(ii) several claim types t= 1, 2, 3 . . . .

We have separate models for each claim ty

fut =fu oLjt and miß = mit ßj

for some a,,, ßjt with ao/ = ßOt = 1 •

The true risk premium is given by:

pu = Tjfut mijt

= Y,fitmitdJt

where djt = oijt ß,, = true discount factor for NCD level./ for claims of type t.
The 'true' discount factor for NCD level j in cell i is defined by:

Dij = PtJ/Pto

Té Pit ^t

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 525
where: a, =fitmit

= risk premium for policies on NCD level 0, cell i, type t.

Now suppose qij represents the distribution of policies in cell / over the NCD

X qtJ = 1 for all i.


Consider the use of the quantities Pio as gross premiums:

total premium from cell i (given qtj) = x, Pio I £ % Cj )

'J )

expected loss from cell i (given qh) = x¡ Pio

'j )
Hence the correction factor to
relativities for gross premiums is:

Note that this is a function of the distribution qy.

If the factors 0/ could be estimated, estimates Pio obtained by fitting the
models could be corrected to give the required relativities.
Estimates Ay could be obtained from the fitted models, and the distribution qtj
of policies over NCD levels in each cell is known. However, for small cells, this
distribution will be subject to a great deal of random variation both between
cells, and over time. Therefore, for useful relativities, we require Eq (0/ (#//)).
This would be extremely difficult to estimate reliably. A first approximation
could be obtained by using the model of Appendix H to find the expected values
of the numerator and denominator of </>/ in turn, but the reliability would be very
In practice, the situation would be further complicated because assumptions
(iii) and (iv) might not apply.
J.4 Our method overcomes these problems as follows:
we use data for all NCD levels combined, for each claim type.
This has:

expected frequency fit = Yßufijt


expected severity mit = £ qiJ mijt.


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526 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data

Note that the q¡j on the right side of these equations are expected values, so there
is no problem with random variation.
Hence risk premium for cell i:

P¡ - Yufit mit-

We then use the model of appendix H to estimate the expected value of the
within-cell mean NCD level:

For gross premium we use:

Pio = PilC,
We then have:

expected total premium received from cell i = x¡ Pio I X % cj )

'j /

= xiPi

= expected total lo

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 527


Mr M. C. Bennett (opening the discussion): If we wish to maintain and develo

insurance account, then it is at our peril if we fail to take adequate account in the
the variation in risk within the portfolio. The paper addresses this topic of va
clearly is far from trivial in view of the large number of factors which are
determining the premium to be charged. Anyone seeking quotations for a part
know that premiums for identical cover vary widely from one insurer to another
at least as great today as at any time since the early 1970s, the last time mot
subject of an Institute paper. Much of this variation is because the structure of th
much among the companies writing motor business in the United Kingdom, r
different levels of generosity in claim settlement or different profit margins
attention, once again, to ways to avoid writing business which will produce a loss
a step to improving the profitability of individual motor accounts and, more g
a somewhat more orderly market for motor insurance. While a free market an
are, in themselves, to be applauded, the remarkably wide variations in premium
which are to a major extent a consequence of inadequate risk assessment, lead
policies and undue competitive pressures in the motor insurance market.
The authors refer to past papers on modelling a motor insurance portfolio, i
advocate simple additive models with parameter values which are relatively ea
limited computer capacity. Such additive models have given a reasonable fit o
values for many, but not all, sections of a private motor portfolio, in particul
extreme risks for which there is always the greatest uncertainty in risk assess
have been successful as a means of standardising results, that is, making adju
relativities to allow for the varying mix of business by the rating factors
investigation. By using any simple model, additive or multiplicative, one can k
ratios of claims plus expenses to earned premiums in one-way and broad two-
small adjustments to the rating structure from time to time, based on the standa
authors describe, to bring the premiums more closely into line with the exper
simple additive model will permit the monitoring and development of
multiplicative form and contains some interaction terms involving more than
Given that so much can be achieved by simple models, it remains a matter for
extent to which more elaborate modelling, as described by the authors, can b
significantly more satisfactory premium relativities than are possible using a sim
important practical uncertainties to which I refer later.
The authors make use of the statistical package, GLIM, a remarkable 'black bo
to in various places, but whose practical scope has been set out more clearly in thi
us have seen before. Given the much larger capacity computers and the much fast
that are available today, there seems to be no strong argument against using
power and flexibility.
The authors advocate the use of a multiplicative form of the basic model, an
Sections 2 and 3 to support this form of model. I am not convinced by their argu
example, the multiplicative form of risk relativities for different combinations o
and car group, and I grow much more doubtful when all the other rating fact
and geographical area are added. In Section 3 the authors use a similar illustration
use of a multiplicative form of model to represent average claim amount. Ag
theoretical argument particularly convincing. In the absence of any other suf
reasonably intuitive form of model, we may indeed find ourselves using a simple
supplemented by such interaction terms as we judge to be appropriate, althou
best model may well be of some intermediate form between additive and multi
does the precise form of model matter very much? I suspect not, and certain
standardisation technique described later in the paper. What does matter cruc
some model, and that we understand the strengths and limitations of whateve

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528 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
In §4.1.1 the authors refer to the conflict between using sufficiently recent data and using a
sufficient volume of data. This conflict has always been a serious one in rating motor insurance. For a
reasonably sized account it is true that, for most claim types, the claims analysis can be confined to the
most recent few years of claims. For bodily injury claims a much longer time span than the 3 or 4 years
indicated by the authors is, I suggest, preferable: because the data are sparse and of exceptionally high
variance; because there are intrinsic uncertainties in claim amount at the early stages of development
of a claim; and because the magnitude of such claims can tend to be underestimated at early
durations, and such understatement could easily distort the assessment of risk relativities.
The authors propose that certain claim types, such as those in § 5.2. 1, be analysed separately in the
modelling, as regards both frequency and amount of claim. This appears to be a sound approach,
since trends can vary from one type of claim to another. The authors remark that judgement is needed
regarding future trends in frequency of each claim type, but once those judgements have been made
the modelling can be carried out. It would be particularly useful to do separate modelling for
windscreen and theft claims and claims involving bodily injury. Having examined various claim types
separately, it makes good sense to use the principle of parsimony, as the authors suggest, to combine
data for different claim types where possible, and consequently avoid unnecessary parameters in the
model. I suspect, incidentally, that the traditional forms of simple model could readily be extended to
treat the main claim types separately.
The authors refer, in § 5. 1 .4, to distortions from changing knock-for-knock agreements. This is on
the assumption that we are seeking to rate the business in line with the claims experience observed
with knock-for-knock agreements in force. This will, for example, understate the claim costs properly
attributable to business with non-comprehensive cover and high-risk business with comprehensive
cover. This approach to rating is fine, so long as all companies adopt the same approach. However,
there are now some insurers writing mainly low-risk business who are understood not to have knock-
for-knock agreements, and for whom such agreements would be disadvantageous. In order to
compete with them, it may be necessary for other insurers to rate on the basis of the relativities which
would apply in the absence of knock-for-knock. There is clearly some considerable uncertainty as to
what these relativities would be, and this provides one illustration of why we cannot hope to achieve
precision in rating, however sophisticated our analysis of the data.
In Section 5, the authors appear rather dismissive of the problem of very large claims. They suggest
a capping level of £25,000 for bodily injury claims in a medium-sized portfolio. This may be necessary
to increase the stability of the model, but a substantial proportion of claim cost relates to amounts in
excess of £25,000. 1 believe that the underlying risk relativities by age of policyholder, in particular,
may be somewhat different if one caps at £25,000 rather than taking the total claim cost. A large
volume of data is needed to investigate, but some research has been presented on this topic [Bennett,
M.C. & Johnson, P.D. (1984). The treatment of large claims when deciding on a premium structure
and on the relationships between the premiums for different groups. Proceedings of the Four
Countries ASTIN Symposium, Akersloot], and there is scope for some updating of the results.
Section 6 relates to curve fitting, and I am uneasy about some aspects of this. There is a danger that
a curve fitted to blocks of ages of policyholder, say, will give an inappropriate result at the extremes,
for example at ages 17 and 18.1 can imagine circumstances in which curve fitting gave a risk relativity
for age 17 which pointed to a reduction in premiums at that age, whereas age 17 policyholders have
produced consistently high claim ratios in recent years as a result of the age rating being too low. I
suggest that we should not regard curve fitting as a panacea for dealing with grouped data, and this
points us once again in the direction of a standardisation approach.
Sections 7 and 8 include a detailed analysis of the allowance to be made for No Claims Discount
(NCD). Premium discount has tended to be earned in a true sense at a slower rate by younger and less
experienced policyholders than by others. As a result, no simple NCD system can be right for the
whole portfolio. If the proportion of young policyholders has changed or will change, as is often the
case, the relative profitability of certain sections of the portfolio will also change, added to which
the overall profitability of the portfolio will be changed also.
I suggest that we need to acknowledge the existence and significance of the various elements of
uncertainty, including those to which I have referred. Their combined effect may well outweigh the
statistical advantages of using one form of model rather than another.

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 529
Section 9 considers the use of a standard table. An insurer which does not include some process of
standardisation as part of its data analysis will be very poorly placed to improve its rating structure.
In Section 9.3 the authors very reasonably propose a standardisation approach for analysing by
postcode grouping and individual car models. As they remark in §9.3.5, with some understatement,
such analysis is not an exact science.
Section 10 considers how, after the modelling work is done, the premium structure might be
modified. In Section 10.2 the effect of competition is assessed. The competitive position is expressed in
terms of ranking, although, depending partly on the means by which the insurer obtains business,
ranking may be an insufficient expression of competitiveness. Some concise measures of differences
in, and the general spread of, premiums across the market may be particularly called for. The last
sentence of § 10.3.3 indicates that there are circumstances in which, after making necessary changes in
premium relativities, maintaining volume of business is more important than maintaining premium
income. Observation of claim cost trends and insurers' rating structures suggest that many insurers
are still liable to be writing some significant sections of their motor business at such unprofitable rates
that they would be best not written at all at these rates, whatever assumptions are made about the
spreading of fixed expenses.
The authors refer to the scope for discovering what they describe as profitable 'niches', although I
prefer to avoid the term 'niche underwriting' when referring to the continuing process of premium
adjustment which the authors describe. In particular, we need to be cautious in believing that we have
identified a section of the business where there is scope for substantial profitable growth, since it can
often be the case that a large volume of new business that we have encouraged turns out to be of
poorer quality than its earlier counterpart.
In the U.K. motor market it is certainly the case, as the authors indicate, that insurers need to
model their portfolio and to look at how the premium relativities should be changed. They also need
to judge how changes in premiums might best be achieved, given the pattern of competitors' rates,
how advantage might be taken if there is to some extent an imperfect market as regards premium
relativities, and how a particular insurer might justify a shading of premium relativities to take
account of features of that insurer's operations.
However, I suggest that the authors overstate their case in the very last sentence of Section 10
where, in spite of the practical uncertainties that abound in motor insurance rating, they seem to
imply that a particular modelling technique applied to an insurer's own data is a necessary and
sufficient condition for stealing a march on the competition.

Mr P. S. Carroll: About 10 years ago some actuaries discovered GLIM and one or two were
enthusiastic about it. However, it seemed that the people working on motor insurance came to a
negative conclusion about it. It is, perhaps, interesting to look back and think why they did so, and
why the situation is somewhat different now:

(1) Computers, 10 years ago, were of limited space and capacity and computational power; GLIM
was a large program and the data sets for motor insurance, the policy files, were enormous. So
when you put this large program and the large data file on your computer you did not have much
space left. Now there is much more computer capacity, so the picture is different.
(2) The GLIM literature was hard to read, hard to find, and dispersed. In § 1.8, the paper does a
useful job in summarising some of the literature. It does not mention GLIM Newsletters, which
were relatively easy to read, but quite hard to find, and not many people knew about them or were
aware that these were worth discovering.
(3) There was disagreement about the presentation of the results. One leading professor said it was
important to interpret the parameters; another that there were so many parameters in these
models that it was impossible to interpret them. Some experts said it was important to plot many
graphs and look at residuals; others said it was not. The authors have given a better perspective on

I have tried to teach this subject, and it is difficult to give a clear, concise, intellectually satisfactory
explanation of what these not very obvious formulae and distributions are. Whey are these GLIM
functions recommended? Why are these peculiar error functions recommended? I found sufficient

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530 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
statistics were a useful concept. It is because of the mathematics producing different sufficient
statistics in different cases that we have these different GLIM functions and error distributions, as
I have some minor criticisms of the paper in the area of overfitting. When you have this nice
program the temptation is to overfit, to exploit the chance variations in the data, and get a good fit
and a nice model. However, the next set of data will not fit nearly as well. The authors are well aware
that we are not measuring some of the things that we might measure in motor insurance. We do not
know how many miles per year cars are travelling; we do not know how the teenage and young adult
children are using the motor car. To try to explain everything with what we do measure in terms of the
measured variables is leading to over-fitting. In § B.3 the authors err in that direction when they say,
"The deviance is slightly lower for the multiplicative model than for the additive model". In fact, the
deviance is much the same, and I support the opener's opinion that considerations of simplicity tend
to favour additive models rather than multiplicative ones.

Mr P. D. England: I read the paper as a user of GLIM in other areas of interest to actuaries. The
methodology is of practical benefit to the actuarial profession, and has wider application in other
areas of general insurance - for example, household insurance. My comments are of a technical
nature and may be helpful to the authors and others intending to use the techniques. The plots shown
in the paper look highly unsatisfactory, because investigation has revealed that the plots shown use
standardised residuals. In contrast to the authors' statement in §2.3.4 that "We have always found
these residual plots to be satisfactory", I have never found these residual plots to be satisfactory for
anything other than Normal models. The authors quite correctly state that we would expect the
distribution of standardised residuals to be skewed. For this reason, standardised residuals are not
usually used for non-Normal models, and deviance residuals are used instead, since they give more
informative plots. The deviance residual is the signed square root of the contribution which each unit
makes to the deviance, and is explained within the first 40 pages of the text by McCullagh & Neider
( 1 989), referenced in the paper. I believe that if the authors use deviance residuals for both the Poisson
model for frequency and the Gamma model for severity, the plots will look far more satisfactory. It is
usual to plot deviance residuals against the linear predictor rather than fitted values. Furthermore, a
histogram of deviance residuals should show a distribution whose mean and variance are
approximately zero and <j> (using the notation of §2.3.4).
The authors make several references to limitations on computer memory space available. The
solution to this problem is to buy more memory and, if need be, a better computer. For a DOS-based
computer, the user is still limited by the amount of RAM and the version of GLIM supplied. For a
computer running under the UNIX operating system, GLIM is supplied together with the
FORTRAN source code and instructions on how to modify the source code to increase the allocated
memory space. It is therefore possible to adapt GLIM to fit models using very large data sets.
The authors mention briefly the difficulties of fitting Poisson models with the identity link function
(in other words the additive model). The problems can be alleviated to some extent by specifying the
same model using the OWN directives, as explained in the GLIM manual. This procedure is more
flexible than directly specifying a Poisson error with the identity link. The use of the identity link with
a Poisson error structure is uncommon and is intuitively unappealing. I agree with the authors that it
is better to use a multiplicative model, purely from a model fitting point of view. The additive model
should only be used if there is good empirical evidence for doing so; for example, if it produces a much
lower deviance than a model using the logarithmic link, implying a much better fit. It is also possible
to use what is called the power link, whereby it is possible to fit a model which is in between an additive
and a multiplicative model, which may be, say, on a square root scale of the linear predictor.

Professor J. A. Neider (a visitor): I hope that the paper will encourage others to look at the possibility
of analysis of their own data. I have the following comments:
Generalised Linear Models (GLMs) give rise to two definitions of residuals: one is the signed square
root of the contribution to the Pearson x2 statistic; and the other is the deviance residual which uses

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 531
the signed square root of the contribution to the deviance. For Normal errors these definitions are
identical, but for other distributions of errors they are not. Pierce & Shafer [Residuals in generalized
linear models (1986) J. Am. Statistical Association, 81, 977] have shown that the deviance
transformation is close to the optimum Normalising transformation for the GLM distributions, and
thus we may expect that deviance residuals will look very much like a set of residuals from a Normal
model, even when the error distribution of the model is not Normal. By contrast, Pearson residuals
have a skew distribution for non-Normal errors, as is clearly shown in Figure 3. 1 confidently predict
that the skewness would effectively disappear had deviance residuals been used in place of the Pearson
kind. If deviance residuals are used, you have access to the Normal and the half-Normal plot for
looking at ordered residuals; it is also easier to see if the variance function is correctly chosen if the
distribution of residuals is symmetrical. I strongly recommend the use of deviance residuals as a
standard technique.

Transformation to additivity
The link function in a GLM defines the scale on which the effects of the terms in the linear predictor
are assumed to be additive. For their models with gamma errors, the authors have assumed a log-link
function. An alternative, which has some statistical advantage, is to use the inverse scale. This is
equivalent to modelling the number of claims that can be covered by a fixed sum rather than analysing
the average sum. In the example on motor insurance in our book (McCullagh & Neider, 1989) we
found that the inverse scale gave a slightly better fit than the log. It would be interesting to know
whether this is true more generally.

Model checking
Recent advances in model checking have fundamentally changed the way that we model data. Instead
of choosing a model class a priori, fitting the model, summarising in terms of parameters and their
standard errors and then stopping, we now introduce a loop into the process, whereby, after fitting
the current model we check for its internal consistency. If these checks fail, we go back and have
further thoughts about the model class, and then try again. As always, the introduction of a feedback
loop into a system fundamentally changes the behaviour of that system. No analysis should be
accepted today if standard model-checking techniques have not been applied.

The calculations of quantities like risk premiums constitute the prediction phase that follows the
analysis; and Lane & I in a paper in 1982 (Analysis of co variance and standardization as instances of
prediction, Biometrics, 38, 613) showed that many of the techniques of standardisation, the analysis
of covariance and calibration can best be thought of as instances of prediction, which we defined as
the calculation of derived quantities that answer questions of the what-if kind. A typical question
from demography would be 'what would the incidence of the disease in city X be if its population
structure were that of the country as a whole?'.

Two established software packages have GLMs built in: GLIM and Genstat. Their capabilities for
fitting GLMs are virtually the same. However, Genstat has some facilities that GLIM lacks, which
might be useful in the analysis of motor insurance data. These include the manipulation of multi- way
tables as a built-in data structure, matrix arithmetic for model extensions, colour bit-mapped
graphics for displaying the results pictorially, and a very powerful storage and retrieval system for
complex data structures. It also includes the PREDICT directive, which implements the prediction
methods which I have described above.

Dr S. M. Courts: This is a very important time for the motor insurance industry. Underwriting is
under pressure, and so is the actuarial profession in so far that it can assist the underwriter. I have
worked with GLMs for over 15 years, and find myself in agreement with most of the technical
arguments for the use of GLMs. However, there are some significant omissions in the paper on the
practical application of the statistical theory and on other matters.

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532 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
From practical experience, the data base to perform a GLIM analysis is not always available in
companies. This is normally because the data bases constructed are transaction based, and do not
lend themselves to statistical analysis. Many companies contribute to the ABI motor statistical data
base, and this data base is usually sufficient. If companies do not supply information to the ABI it
could take up to 6 months to obtain sufficient control data for any statistical analysis.
A significant problem mentioned briefly before is that GLIM is not a user-friendly language. The
Royal Statistical Society, through NAG, is trying to address this problem, and certainly the latest
version is more friendly. However, the unfriendliness must be considered a drawback. Also, the
authors do not address the interface problem of a large data base with GLIM. Professor Neider has
mentioned it, and it is a very important problem. A third alternative to Genstat and GLIM is SAS.
The authors managed to criticise work published by Baxter et al. (1979) and Coutts (1984). They
were able to do so because these papers included the data. However, it is impossible to comment on
the models or analysis made by the authors, since they did not supply their data. Baxter et al.
commented on the fact that the profession does not help itself by hiding behind non-disclosure. I find
that such a large data base is unnecessary. It would have been better to publish a smaller one, so that
professional criticism of the analysis could have been performed, and I believe that all the conclusions
made by the authors could have been made using a small data base. For example, in Section 3.3 the
authors claim that the within cell variance in their data set is reasonably close to the model's estimate,
and they claim that this is contrary to Coutts (1984). Without access to the data I am not in a position
to verify or otherwise their views.
The most startling omission from the paper is the role of the underwriter, who is mentioned as a
floating technician; but it is not clear how he interrelates with the actuary. The authors say that their
models work in practice, so what is the underwriter's role? In my experience, where the actuary takes
over the role of the underwriter the account usually makes a loss. The profession has to come to terms
with the different roles of the actuary and the underwriter. My experience is that the actuary is part of
a team, with the underwriter as the decision maker. For example, the actuary has to explain the
GLIM model as part of explaining technically difficult statistics to non-statisticians. The actuary
needs to market himself or herself.
On the marketing side, I do not believe that Section 10.2 is helpful. One-way tables are not the way
forward. There is no mention of lapses and new business analysis by multiway factors. The way
forward is to use a detailed multiway business plan which brings together marketing and profitability.

Professor S. Haberman: My colleagues and I at City University would like to think that we have
pioneered the use of GLIM in solving real actuarial problems. We are currently engaged on a project
investigating a statistical approach to motor rating for a very large portfolio - considerably larger
than the case studies given in this paper, and it is comforting to find support for the approaches that
we are currently adopting, for example, Poisson modelling of the claim frequency and Gamma
modelling of claim severity. We are using GLIM in a UNIX context on a powerful SUN
microcomputer, and we have thus circumvented the difficulties with memory limitations to which the
authors allude.
In Section 4, 1 would like to hear the authors' views on forecasting the calendar year effect- just as
a forward estimate of future inflation would need to be incorporated in a final premium formula.
Section 6 looks at curve fitting, and here I believe the approach is too restrictive. It would be useful
to investigate: a transformation of the age scale, for example, prior to curve fitting; and perhaps more
promisingly, the use of splines or break-point predictors should be considered, rather than just
polynomials, straight lines, quadratics and cubics. I think this latter point would deal with the
opener's argument about extreme ages.
I found Section 10 disappointing. I was expecting to see an attempt to present a model of the
market itself, along the lines of the recent paper by Daykin & Hey {J.I. A. Ill, 173). I suspect that
using rankings, as is advocated in Section 10.2, would be too crude a device in reality, since both the
company's relative position and its absolute position in the market are important, and the use of
ranks and one-way tables throw away too much valuable information.
I was surprised at the literature review, in Section 1 , which only goes as far as 1984. There are more

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 533
recent papers that have been published in actuarial journals; for instance by Stroinski (I.M.E. 8, 35)
and by Taylor (ASTIN Bulletin, 19, 91), on the subject of motor premium rating.
On Appendix C, I have a technical comment. It is possible to use exactly the negative Binomial
distribution in GLIM without resort to approximations by the Poisson (Users' Guide, 112).

Mr N. Shah: I believe that the amount of space devoted to NCD is out of proportion to its importance
in rating because:
(1) For a mature portfolio with protected NCD, I would expect well over 80% of policyholders to be
on a maximum rate, and of the rest 50% have not been driving long enough to be on maximum
(2) The interrelationship between NCD and excess is an important point which needs to
(3) Lapse and new business rates are important to assess the population. There is some evidence to
suggest that the policyholder who leaves had an accident.
In Section 6.3 the authors advocate a method for obtaining more detailed results for the
underwriter. The method shown is appropriate for interpolating, but in practice, the requirement for
detail is at the ends of the factor ranges, and thus we need to extrapolate. Curve fitting methods do not
generally help, as it is in these areas that the trend levels change. Therefore in practice, more analysis
and discussion with the underwriter is needed.
Apart from a simple example, the paper does not discuss the possibility of parameters not behaving
in a logical way, and I would have liked to see some more discussion on the interpretation of such
estimates. In practice with small data sets, and in particular for claim cost-models, there are usually
some outliers which need to be looked at. This aspect, again, was not fully discussed. There is also
much work to be done on choosing the number of cells to use for a model.
It is not clear to me what is achieved by Appendix E. Surely, all that is required is the calculation of
the sample variance for each of the cells. The total claim amount, the number of observations and the
sum of the squares of the individual claim amounts are sufficient for this.
Mutual independence between different claim types is stated as being obvious in Appendix G.2. To
my mind this is an assumption, since in practice there is some relationship between claim types; for
example, a bodily injury claim normally occurs in conjunction with accidental damage or third party
property damage claims.

Mr H. E. Clarke: The paper describes fully the mathematical approach to the detailed analysis of
motor insurance data. I do not wish to discuss the actual statistical analysis, but how you would
present the results of any analysis to the underwriter.
If you talk to underwriters, you find that they do not know how it is possible to take all the millions
of cells and carry out an analysis that makes sense of them. The paper describes how to carry out that
analysis; that is, how to extract the information from the data. The actuary will be part of a team,
probably also consisting of the underwriter, claims person and a marketing person. These people will
be relying on the actuary to analyse the data and extract as much information as possible from them.
They will then be relying on the actuary to present the results of his or her analysis in such a way that
the rest of the team can use them in the remainder of their analysis. In our experience, most companies
have the relevant data somewhere in their computer systems. The difficulty that a number of them
have is summarising them into a form in which they can be analysed, and then analysing them and
presenting the results in a way which is intelligible to a non-actuary. I have found that the best way to
present the results of analyses is to produce tables for each rating factor showing the following items:
- summary of the data,
- premium relativities calculated from the one-way data without any statistical analysis, and
- premium relativities from the full statistical analysis.

In the calculation of the premiums I would allow for NCD and expenses.

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534 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
Dr Coutts stated earlier that he thinks that the final part of the paper is incomplete as, in his
opinion, a detailed multiway model incorporating lapse and new business assumptions, etc., is
required in order to decide on the final level of premiums to be charged. In the current state of
development of the U.K. motor market this is oversophisticated. The problem that most
underwriters have is getting the structure of the rates right, rather than deciding on the increase to
apply once they have achieved this. The paper describes how to get the structure right, with the
starting point being the production of a structure that is equally profitable in each cell. Against such a
background, the overall level of rates can then be determined without the need to worry about being
selected against. Thus, I do not consider that currently detailed models are required to decide on the
overall rate increases to be applied.
A number of speakers have commented that the solution to some of the computational problems
described in the paper is just to obtain one of the more powerful computers that are now available.
This merely reflects the speed at which computers are developing. When the paper was being written
the most powerful PCs then available were being used for the analysis.

Professor A. D. Wilkie: I have no direct experience of statistical motor rating, nor have I ever used
GLIM. I have, however, had many years' experience in calculating credit scoring systems for banks
and other institutions that do personal lending. Credit scoring has many similarities with motor
insurance premium rating.
When you apply for a credit card or a bank personal loan or a hire purchase contract, you are
probably asked to fill in a form which has quite a lot of straightforward questions in it: name, address,
telephone number, etc. Also included are questions like: 'How long have you lived at your address?'
'How many years have you been in your present job?' 'Are you paid weekly or monthly?' 'How many
dependent children do you have?' There are also some boxes down the right hand side of the form,
which are used by the lender to give points for particular factors: for example, four points for monthly
paid; no points for weekly paid. Ten or a dozen factors may be used. The points scored for all the
factors are added up, and if the score is high enough, you pass and are granted the loan. If the score is
too low, your application will be rejected. The bank may seek additional information for marginal
cases. There are plenty of features of credit scoring which make it different from motor rating, but the
important point is the similarity. In each case, there are a number of potential scoring factors, and
within each factor a number of levels, which in some cases are ordered and in others are not. The
response variable may be simpler than in motor insurance: it is usually just a question of whether the
loan at some time runs into arrears, perhaps 2 or 3 months. This is equivalent to a claim. The amount
of claim could be taken into account, but I do not think that it usually is.
The purpose of motor rating is to obtain a numerical premium. The purpose of credit scoring is
simply to classify cases into accept or reject; banks usually do not vary the interest rate in this class of
business according to the perceived riskiness of the borrower.
Although the points obtained are just added, the statistical model used is not necessarily an
additive one in the authors' sense; it could just as well be multiplicative, where the logarithms of the
relevant factors are being added. Indeed, since the response is strictly a Binomial variable, as the loan
either defaults in the defined sense or it does not, a logistic transformation is logically the most
appropriate, since this transforms the probability of response into something between 0 and 1 .
Indeed, since it is conventional to give a high score to good features and a low score to bad features,
and the points are usually just small integers, the statistical scores have to be transformed by changing
their sign and rescaling them, so that the range of the total score is something like 0-100.
Like motor rating, credit scoring is entirely suitable for applying GLIM, or rather it would be if
there were not a problem of scale. In the authors' example, they use 4 rating factors, with a total of 21
levels and 2,560 potential rating cells. This provides GLIM with no problems. However, it would not
be difficult for a motor rating system or a credit scoring system to use, say, 12 factors, averaging
perhaps 10 levels in each, or 120 levels in all, and 1012 individual cells. These, of course, would mostly
be empty, and so it has to be considered whether the data should be turned round and each loan or
each policy be used as an individual cell. In the authors' example, they have 17,000 policies, which
again is not too many, but some of the files I have dealt with have over one million loans, and I
imagine that the larger motor insurance companies would have over one million policies.

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 535
One way of dealing with a large number of policies is to take a sample. All the loans that default, or
all the policies on which there is a claim are included, and then an equal-sized sample from the
successful loans or non-claiming policies is chosen. This sample can just be chosen randomly. I am
not sure about the precise statistical effect of sampling the non-claims. For some models at least, it
would give unbiased estimates of the factors, but the standard errors of the parameter estimates
would be increased. If the sample of non-claimants is the same size as the population of claimants,
then the standard errors of the estimates are increased roughly by the factor yj2.
Another approach is to model using only first order effects. GLIM wants to know the contents of
every possible cell, because it is able to calculate all possible interaction terms. For some purposes this
is interesting, but it is not of practical use in our two cases. It is sufficient for a straightforward
additive or multiplicative model to use only first order effects. In order to do this for an additive
model, all that is needed is the square table showing the number of cases that combine each level of
each factor with each other level of each factor, only taking pairs of factors. In my example, with 12
factors and 10 levels each, or 1 20 levels, this means a square table of 120 x 1 20 or 14,400 cells, which is
quite manageable. Even in some of my preliminary analyses I would use 30 factors, with about 400
levels in all, which requires a square table with 160,000 cells, again quite manageable.
This approach leads one to the method described by Grimes in 'Claim Frequency Analysis in
Motor Insurance' (J.S.S., 19, 147). Grimes's approach allows the constant 'i to be the overall mean,
rather than the value in the cell with levels 1,1,1, etc. The scores found for each cell are then relative to
the overall mean. Grimes includes an extra constraint for each factor to ensure that this is so. Whether
Grimes's techniques can be used for a multiplicative model, I am not sure; but it should be possible to
use a correspondingly simple method for a multiplicative model.
In some cases interaction between two factors is important, and needs to be brought into the
model. Here is a simple example, though perhaps not one that can be readily used in practice. Sex and
marital status are two single factors: sex with two levels (male and female) and marital status with two
main levels (single and married) and possibly others that usually have quite small numbers in them
and often have to be combined, either with single or married. Both for personal loans and, I expect,
for motor insurance, there is likely to be a quite strong interaction term: single females have a good
experience, single males a bad one; and married people of either sex much the same. This can be dealt
with by combining the two factors into a single factor with more levels: single males, single females,
married males, married females; and then the interaction appears as a first order effect. This of course
increases the number of primary levels, but I have seldom found that this is a serious problem.
A problem relevant both to motor insurance rating and to credit scoring is in the sub-division of
variables like address and type of car on the one hand, or purpose of loan on the other. The authors
mention this in §9.3.2. One approach to rating districts used by at least some lenders is to use one of
the commercial systems such as ACORN or MOSAIC, which classify individual post codes into a
district type. This is certainly useful for credit scoring; it might be useful for motor rating.
Those who are experts in credit scoring have much to learn from those who know about motor
rating, and vice-versa. I recommend Credit Scoring and Credit Control, edited by Thomas, Crook &
Edelman, published by Clarendon Press, Oxford, in 1992, which gives the proceedings of a conference
on credit scoring held in Edinburgh in 1989.

Mr C. G. Lewin: A great deal of work is clearly going into looking at the experience of an individual
office. What the office is really interested in is the statistics of the market as a whole, and whether it can
carve out niches in that particular market which will be profitable. Looking only at your own
experience may tell you a certain amount about whether you are making profits or losses on
particular classes of business, but does not tell you very much about what you might be able to do. I
was wondering, therefore, what the present state is of the ABI data that Dr Coutts made reference to,
and whether it is going to become as useful as the Continuous Mortality Investigation data is for long-
term business.

Mr M. J. Brockman: I do not hold much faith in the usefulness of the ABI Motor Risk Statistics
Bureau analysis: there are serious weaknesses in the methodology; the data are always at least 2 years
out of date when received; and it is not easy to fit in the correct expense loadings, which we advocated

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536 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
you need to do if you are to get the rating structure right. Perhaps if the companies could get together,
and bring the methodology much more up to date, they will find they have a much greater use of the
If you change your mix of business you do have to keep close control over the expenses, and that is
why in the paper we commented that, in some respects, it is more important to make sure that the
business volume is maintained rather than premium income, provided that you make sensible
allowance for fixed costs.

Miss S. L. Dixon: I would like to pick up the point of heterogeneity of the within-cell coefficient of
variation. I have been doing some research on implementing Appendix F, which addresses this
question. I am currently in the middle of this research, and so do not have any final results. However,
so far, using my data set, I have been unable to obtain a scale paramater close to the theoretical value
of 2 mentioned in §F. 1.1, the nearest being approximately 3-5. This throws serious doubt on the
validity of the log-normal assumption for claim sizes within the cells of this data set; an assumption on
which Appendix F relies. Instead, for such data sets, if 'fine-tuning' of the method of the paper is
desired - although I am not entirely convinced that the improvement is worth the added
complications and computer time - then I would recommend the method suggested by Professor
Neider, of fitting a second linear model for some measure of dispersion. Basically, a model for the
mean and a model for dispersion are fitted iteratively, the dispersion model being used to calculate
weights for the mean model, and the next dispersion statistic being calculated using fitted values from
that mean model. I have found that this refinement produces better residual plots - although the
extra fits require substantial computer time, which has been one of my main problems and which may
render this approach impractical.

Dr A. E. Renshaw (a visitor): I wish to express much interest in Miss Dixon's comments suggesting the
use of joint modelling techniques for mean and dispersion in order to generate weights for use in
fitting claims data. I have recently applied these techniques to allow for the effects of duplicate policies
in the graduation of mortality data based on policy counts, the results of which appear in J.I. A. 119,
69. The joint modelling technique is readily facilitated in GLIM, through the aid of a user-defined
switching macro which allows the modelling process to alternate between the two stages. One
particularly interesting feature to be addressed in applying such techniques concerned the selection of
the predictor-link for the dispersion GLM. It is suggested that the authors will need to search for
relevant patterns in the data to establish these. It should, perhaps, be emphasised that the application
of such joint modelling techniques would represent a refinement of the primary mean claims
modelling process.

Ms G. Vera (a visitor): Conceptually, one of the objectives of premium rating is to define the
underlying risk structure of past claims data. The foundations of such a structure are each and every
one of the individual risk factors. Hence, adequate definition and analysis of all rating factors are
fundamental to the soundness of the final risk premium structure.
To some extent, the analysis of individual rating factors is outside the scope of GLIM. The
assumption of continuity between rating factor relativities is quite reasonable, but the approach for
dealing with discontinuities, suggested in the paper, is only adequate for measurable rating factors,
such as car or property age, policyholder age, mileage, etc. Parameters such as district, NCD, car
group and type of property have features that lend themselves to a fuller analysis if defined
differently. NCD is basically a stochastic problem, and the spacial relationship between postal codes
and the availability of demographic statistics and/or geographical data bases, provide an excellent
basis for full cluster analysis.
Interaction between rating factors is normally significant, particularly between all the income-
related parameters and sex and age. Hence, the models used to develop the rating scales ought to
include interaction terms, to remove the effect of other factors from the scale.

Mr T. G. Clarke (closing the discussion): Unfortunately, in the U.K., the involvement of actuaries in

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 537
the rating or premium setting process is not as great as it is for claims reserving, nor for that matter as
great as the involvement in premium rating by members of the actuarial profession in the U.S.A. I
hope that this paper, together with the discussion, has demonstrated that the profession has much to
offer in this area, but is extremely important that we present our capabilities in a clear and practical
way, under-pinned by sound statistical theory.
With the general insurance market currently unprofitable, with the trends of frequency and levels
of court awards making it difficult to take the appropriate action on the level of premium rates,
members of the profession will not have a better opportunity to display their capabilities to those
responsible for the underwriting accounts, especially the personal lines of motor and household
insurance. I was pleased to hear that Mr England feels that the methodology can be used in household
insurance. This is very important, given the differing levels of premium for a category of risk as the
opener mentioned, which can lead to an increase in lapse rates and thus expenses.
Some speakers have indicated an omission, in that the paper has concentrated on the use of the data
rather than on the quality of the data. For those insurance companies who are members of the ABI
Motor Risk Statistics Bureau, the quality of the data is likely to be good, but the experience of that
organisation during the early years of development highlights the difficulties of obtaining reliable
statistical data on which to carry out the statistical techniques discussed in the paper. Dr Coutts
emphasised this point. Actuaries have the appropriate skills in this area to help companies improve
the statistical data base as well as perform the analysis. Historically the companies were not good at
using the data.
We have had some discussion regarding the types of mathematical models - the opener queried
whether it was really necessary to use multiplicative models. He was not convinced by the example. It
would appear that there is no real consensus of opinion on which form of model is preferred.
The problems of bodily injury were highlighted by the opener, including the capping of claims. The
problem of large claims related to age was raised.
As the opener stated, whichever model is appropriate, it is important that the underwriters or
management to whom actuaries are communicating their results understand the limitations of the
analysis and the conclusions drawn therefrom. It is unusual for the actuary to be responsible for
setting the rates - certainly, if I understood Dr Coutts, he would not allow it. The actuary is an
adviser, and the recipient of the advice should understand the limitations if he is to make the
appropriate decisions and, in the longer term, have confidence in the actuarial advice, especially when
the future experience does not conform exactly with 'expected values'. As Mr Clarke said, the
important fact is that the structure of rating is required. The fact that there is much more computer
capacity now has certainly been helpful in the development and use of the methods, as Mr Carroll
The subject of whether to include NCD as a parameter or not was raised. It is clear that it is
important to know the exact purpose of the investigation, as was well stated in the paper. Mr Shah
also mentioned the relationship between excess and NCD. The opener correctly raised the whole
subject of knock-for-knock, and the type of analysis which was required.
The sections on calculation of premiums are important, as this is the stage where the results of
statistical analysis are put into practice. Given the purpose of the paper, it is understandable that the
subject of expenses was only briefly referred to. I believe that this is an important area, and probably
requires further analysis and refinement. I hope it will not be too long before we have a further
opportunity to discuss this important subject.
Section 10, on the competitive market, is important. It makes the statement that a 'niche' market
for one company may not necessarily be a 'niche' for another. This is an important message, and
should not be lost on those companies that actuaries are advising, although the opener queried this,
especially if the expanded portfolio actually displays a worse experience.
One message should come out of this meeting loud and clear, and that is that actuaries do have
something to offer to underwriters in premium rating, especially personal lines. It is important that
there is good statistical information, but, from the profession's point of view, we need to explain
clearly what we can offer, and then provide practical solutions which the underwriters and
management of general insurers fully understand. Mr Clarke and Dr Coutts also made the point. We
should be team members. Time and time again we come back to the subject of communication in

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538 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
every section of actuarial work. For general insurance it is doubly important, because we frequently
talk to people who have not been exposed to actuarial thinking before, and understandably are
reticent about involving actuaries, based on the perceived image they have of us.

The President (Mr H. H. Scurfield): I am glad that at this, my last sessional meeting as President, there
is a paper on general insurance. My earliest involvement as a Fellow with the Institute related to
motor insurance rating, and in 1968 I wrote a paper on the subject for the then Students' Society
(J.S.S. 18, 207). There has been increasing activity amongst the profession on general insurance, as
the numbers of those who have attended the annual General Insurance Study Group Conventions
attest: 34 in 1974 increasing to 140 in 1991.
However, I share the authors' disappointment that actuaries have not established themselves more
firmly in the market place. In some other countries non-life reserves have to be certified by an
actuary - and in Canada they are moving ahead with a scheme to have an Appointed Actuary for
each general insurance company - a theme which needs to be followed up here.
I believe that we have been too shy in this country in putting forward the very significant benefits
which we can offer general insurance. Of all the professionals involved we alone can offer expertise in
all of:

analysis of risk,
economics, and

When I began to be involved in general insurance there were two omissions and both these have
now been corrected:

(1) General insurance is now one of our examination subjects, and we have a variety of published
material available - both theoretical and practical.
(2) Very importantly, we now have a sufficient supply of experienced actuaries to be able to certify
the reserves of all general business companies in this country.

Other professions can offer some of what we can, and collectively they could provide it all, but none
can provide the complete service which actuaries can.
I suggest that both the complexities and the speed of change of general business are such that the
disciplines which would come from actuarial certification of reserves could be of significant benefit.
Furthermore, with the growing length of the tail of the claims reserves and the greater importance of
investment, the value of an Appointed Actuary system becomes evident. The value of the disciplines
of analysis and the balancing of risks on the two sides of the balance sheet are becoming increasingly
We, alone of the professions, can bring all these issues together in a single report which would, I
suggest, be of great value to the directors of the insurance company and to the supervisor. Such an
objective report could bring out very much better information than pages of detailed statistics, such
as are contained in the current DTI returns. I hope that the profession will be pressing the case in the
months ahead.
As a profession we must, however, remember the need to communicate really well; that has not
been one of our strongest points. We must do better. This paper communicates well, and we should
congratulate the authors on their thorough explanation - and indeed on bringing the whole subject
forward. It moves the profession ahead.
I ask you to show your thanks in the usual way to Mr Brockman and to Mr Wright.

Mr T. S. Wright (replying): Dr Coutts suggested that our approach to the role of the statistical
analysis in pricing sought to exclude the underwriter from the process. The closer stressed that the
actuary is one part of a team, and should ensure that the limitations of any statistical analysis are

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 539
understood by the others involved. We recognise that there will always be other considerations in the
pricing than the risk premiums estimated from recent past claims data. Dr Coutts' perception of our
position is, therefore, mistaken. The methods we have described allow standard errors of the
estimated risk premiums to be calculated. The calculations are based on assumptions which can be
checked from the data themselves by using diagnostic techniques such as residual plots. If the
assumptions are validated in this way, the standard errors give a realistic and objective assessment of
the reliability of the estimated risk premiums. The standard errors reflect both the volume and
variability of data used in the analysis. They therefore allow the statistical analysis to be given its due
weight in relation to other considerations in the pricing process.
Mr Shah commented that, as a single incident may give rise to more than one type of claim, the
estimates for the different claim types are not mutually independent, as stated in Section G.2. 1 think
that this comment is the result of a misunderstanding. We should, perhaps, have used the term
'incident types' instead of 'claim types' throughout Section 5. The incidents are classified into a
number of mutually exclusive and exhaustive types, and a separate frequency and severity model is
fitted for each type. For example, those incidents giving rise to both an own damage and a third party
claim are treated quite separately from those giving rise to an own damage claim only.
Miss Dixon said that she has applied the methods we propose in Appendix F to analyse the
variation of claim amounts, and for one data set has found that the scale parameter for the variance of
the logs was about 3.5. This casts doubt on the adequacy of the log-Normal assumption for this
purpose, so that the alternative approach mentioned in §3.2.2 might be preferable. She has been
investigating this alternative, but omitted to mention that it suffers from considerable difficulties in
testing which explanatory variables should be included in the model for claim severity. However, it
may well prove to be a more appropriate method for some data sets.
On SAS, it is important to recognise the distinction between 'Generalised Linear Models' and
'General Linear Models' which are the special case of Generalised Linear Models with an identity link
function. When I last looked at SAS, about a year ago, it was very good on General Linear Models,
but to fit a Generalised Linear Model it would have been necessary to write special code in much the
same way as if one were using a general programming language such as FORTRAN.


The authors subsequently wrote: The opener's main thesis was that, in view
uncertainties' that exist in motor-rating, it is difficult to justify the use of st
elaborate as those suggested in the paper. First it must be asked: in what sense
suggest 'elaborate'? It is not that they are more difficult to fit. The basic mode
frequency is in fact identical to model C of Bennett (1978), and we show in the p
and § 2.2.4) how easily this can be fitted using GLIM. Our basic claim severity mo
fit (see §3.1.4). The only sense in which our models are more elaborate is in
(Appendices B to F). The objective function to be minimised (the deviance) is, in
from verifiable assumptions about the random component of the data. This
additional benefits of allowing the influence of rating factors to be objectively a
statistical tests, and of allowing standard errors of the final results to be calculat
are verified through residual analysis. In some earlier papers, models were fitted
objective function chosen purely on intuitive grounds. The authors were apparen
implicit assumptions involved, and so did not carry out any checks of these ass
that there may be 'practical uncertainties' which have to be considered in premiu
seem to us to justify a lack of rigour in the statistical modelling.
One of the practical uncertainties to which the opener referred concerned NC
simple NCD system can be right for the whole portfolio'. We agree with this st
treatment does not depend on the NCD system being right. The likelihood th
precisely why we treat NCD in the unconventional way that we do. We assume

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540 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
(1) the structure of the system is to remain unchanged, but discounts within the structure are to be
updated, or
(2) both the structure and the discounts are to remain unchanged.
As Ms Vera implied, investigating the correctness or efficiency of NCD systems is a separate
problem on which much work could be done; we did not address that problem in the paper. Mr Shah
expressed his belief that there would normally be no need to allow for variation in average NCD levels
between cells, because most drivers would be on the maximum discount. The model described in
Appendix H indicates whether or not there is any significant variation between cells, so renders
judgement on the matter unnecessary. We have invariably found that there is significant and material
variation between cells.
The opener also drew attention to the problem of large claims, and we accept that this is a difficult
problem, about which much more could be said. Simple capping at a constant level could affect the
relativities. More refined methods with which we are experimenting are briefly:

(1) to cap at a constant level, but use a separate frequency model of capped claims to apportion the
excess, and
(2) to make the capping level a multiple of the fitted mean (this involves iterative fitting).

Another of the opener's 'practical uncertainties' concerned the severity of bodily injury claims. He
gave two reasons for collecting data over a longer time span than for other claim types:

( 1 ) that they are sparse and have a high variance, and

(2) that they tend to take longer to settle, so the total amounts of recent claims will contain large
estimated components.
The first we accept, but the second is only a problem if case estimates are biased. If they are
unbiased, the estimation will merely increase the magnitude of random variation, and this is allowed
for in the calculations of standard errors. It should also be borne in mind that the arguments for using
recent data are stronger for bodily injury than for other claim types: changes in levels of
compensation awarded by the courts can quickly decrease the relevance of past data.
The debate over whether additive or multiplicative models should be used continues! In reply to the
opener's point that the best model may often be some intermediate form between a purely additive
and a purely multiplicative model, we would point out that this possibility is accommodated by
allowing interaction terms in either an additive or a multiplicative model. We prefer the multiplicative
form at present, because we suspect it will usually need fewer interaction terms. Mr Carroll cites
simplicity in favour of the additive model. It would be slightly simpler to calculate standard errors of
risk premiums from an additive model, but otherwise we cannot see any simplification. We agree with
Mr England's comment that the additive model should only be used if there is good empirical
evidence supporting it. Mr England also suggested the use of a power link function, whilst Professor
Neider suggested the inverse link function for claim severity models. Although such link functions
might improve the fit, this would be unfortunate, because it would complicate both the calculation of
standard errors for the fitted values and the interpretation of the models. This is discussed further
More generally, Professor Neider stressed the importance of model checking. The model checking
described in the paper is confined to residual plots, and the methods described in Appendices E and F,
to check the variance assumptions. On the subject of residual plots, several contributors commented
that deviance residuals would be less skewed than the Pearson residuals we have used. We have no
doubt that this is true, but think it is unimportant. The purpose of residual plots is to check the
modelling assumptions. Our assumptions concern only the mean and the variance of the data, not
higher moments, so only the mean and the variance of the residuals are of interest. Standardised
residuals (whether Pearson or deviance residuals) should have zero mean and constant variance, and
this is all we are concerned about. So a Normal plot of the deviance residuals (for example), would tell
us nothing about the validity or otherwise of our assumptions. [If we were making full distributional
assumptions, then of course such techniques would be useful. For example, if we had assumed that
claim sizes were Gamma distributed, then the result quoted by Professor Neider (that the deviance

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 541
transformation is close to the optimum Normalising transformation) would be relevant: deviance
residuals which were not consistent with a Normal sample would cast doubt on the Gamma
assumption.] It is important to note that the use of a 'Gamma variance function' in GLIM, does not
imply an assumption that the data are Gamma distributed. GLIM is unfortunately misleading in this
respect. Wedderburn (1974) showed that second moment assumptions are sufficient for minimum
deviance estimates to be asymptotically unbiased, efficient and Normally distributed. Having said all
this, we do accept Professor Nelder's point that it is easier to judge whether a residual plot is
homoscedastic if the distribution is symmetrical. However, making judgements by eye about residual
plots becomes unnecessary if a second model for the squared residuals is used (see §3.2.3, and the
comments by Miss Dixon and Dr Renshaw). Such a model, for which the ^-variate can be either the
squared deviance residual or the squared Pearson residual, allows the use of formal statistical tests to
determine whether or not there is any significant heteroscedasticity. Details are given in Chapter 10 of
McCullagh & Neider.
Other model checking techniques for generalised linear models are described in Chapter 12 of
McCullagh & Neider (1989). One can attempt to check the link function, the variance function, the
scale of explanatory variables, and the influence of individual data points (outliers). However, the
results often depend on the order in which such checks are carried out, so it is necessary to apply them
in many different combinations and permutations before the results can be interpreted with much
confidence (to quote from McCullagh & Neider "model checking remains almost as much art as
science"). In our view, it is impractical to attempt thorough checking for every model, bearing in
mind that in each application we have two models for each claim type. A more realistic approach is to
carry out thorough model checking for a few typical data sets, and then to use the same link and
variance functions for others. In a thorough analysis of the claim severity data set from Baxter et al.
(1980), McCullagh & Neider (§ 12.8.3) found the Gamma variance function and the log-link to lie in a
95% confidence region for these two components of the model. However, this is only one data set;
more work is needed in this area. We think that the investigation of link functions should be given the
highest priority; small deviations from the assumed variance function can be accommodated by
making adjustments to the prior weights, using either the method described in Appendix F, or a
second model for the squared residuals. Two additional factors must be taken into account in
choosing the link function:

(1) its effect on the calculation of standard errors of the fitted values, and
(2) the interpretability of the model.

The second factor is often crucial; many underwriters will be reluctant to accept findings from a
statistical model which does not have a simple intuitive interpretation. For this reason, we think it is
reasonable to use a relatively simple link function which lies in a 95% confidence region around the
optimum, rather than the optimum itself. On the question of outliers, we think that the typically large
number of data points makes a thorough analysis impractical, and (fortunately!), unnecessary
(provided some sort of capping is used for claim severities). The residual plots will draw attention to
any dangerously extreme points. High leverage may be a problem if curve-fitting is used when there
are a few claims at very extreme values of a rating factor (e.g. policyholder age 80-85): this is dealt
with under curve fitting below.
We were pleased with the interest shown in Section 6 on curve fitting. The opener expressed
concern, citing the possibility of poor fitted values at the extreme values of rating factors. Mr Shah
also drew attention to the danger of extrapolating a fitted curve beyond the range of the available
data. We accept that great caution should be exercised with extrapolation, and we prefer to avoid it as
far as possible. This is partly why we advocate the use of as many cells as computer memory will
permit; by having separate data-points for age ranges 60-65, 65-70, 70-75, 75-80, rather than a single
point for the age range 60-80, less extrapolation is necessary to obtain fitted values up to age 80. Note
that some extrapolation is necessary whether curves or the more conventional 'steps' are fitted. One
simple technique which we use to test for poor fitted values at an extreme (or for high leverage), is to
test the significance of a 'dummy variable' (a 'factor' in GLIM terms), which introduces a separate
parameter for age 17 only (for example) on top of the fitted curve. Professor Haberman made some
other promising suggestions. Partial residual plots should help with transformation of the

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542 Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data
measurement scales; see § 12.6.4 of McCullagh & Neider. However, such transformations might
again lead to problems with interpreting the models to underwriters.
The criticism of Baxter et al. (1979) to which Dr Coutts referred, was taken from § 7.5. 1 of his own
paper (1984), which states that 'two major errors were made by Baxter et al. . . .'. Baxter et al.
assumed that the within cell variance of claim severities was the same for all cells (i.e. SERROR N in
GLIM), and the two problems referred to by Coutts (1984) were:

(1) heteroscedasticity: the variance of standardised residuals was an increasing function of the fitted
value, and
(2) the scale parameter estimated as the mean residual deviance was about twice as large as a direct
estimate of the within cell variance.

Coutts (1984) did not solve these problems, but said: "some work establishing the error
distribution by cell is necessary so that reasonable models can be used". This is what we have done;
the two problems mentioned do not exist for the severity model described in our paper. Appendix E
deals with the second issue. Our modelling assumption is that the within cell coefficient of variation
(not the variance) is the same for all cells. Appendix E describes how this coefficient of variation can
be estimated directly for comparison with the scale parameter given by GLIM. Mr Shah suggested
that the sample variance for each cell could be used for this purpose. We cannot see how, and in any
case, with the small cells which we advocate, the sample variance for an individual cell is usually
highly unreliable.
Both Dr Coutts and Professor Haberman expressed disappointment in Section 10 and the opener
questioned the use of ranking to assess competitiveness. We accept that there are other measures of
competitiveness, and agree that much more useful work could be done on modelling lapses, renewals,
and the market as a whole. The analysis of ranks, described in Section 10.2, is useful, because it is
easily carried out and easily understood.
Professor Haberman asked for our views on forecasting the calendar year effect. What we have to
say here is also relevant in reply to Dr Coutts' query about the role of the underwriter. One reason for
considering premium rating to consist of the two aspects described in Section 1 .2 is that the statistical
analysis of past data deals with the first aspect (the relativities) much more completely than the second
(the absolute level of future premiums). This is because there are frequent influences which cause
discontinuous or rapid changes in the absolute level, for example: changes in the law (e.g. for seat-
belts, MOT standards); in road conditions (e.g. government decision to change the level of
maintenance); in traffic volumes (caused by, for example, a change in oil prices, or rail fares); and in
claim settlement procedures. Because of these influences, it would be foolish to use the statistical
analysis alone to project the absolute level for next year. Underwriting judgement must be combined
with the results of the statistical analysis. This could perhaps be formalised using a Bayesian
procedure to combine the estimates and standard errors from the statistical analysis with the
judgements of the underwriter on the likely effects of the various short-term influences.
On Appendix C, Professor Haberman commented that it is possible to use a negative Binomial
variance function exactly in GLIM, rather than approximating with an over-dispersed Poisson
structure. This would be achieved by using the SOWN directive. In Section C. 1 we have:

Var(nJ) = ('+fiJ/hu)fijlxu.
First, it is interesting to note that the negative Binomial distribution could have exactly an over-
dispersed Poisson error structure: this occurs if fy/hy is constant across cells. From equation (*) of
Appendix C this is equivalent to having the variance proportional to the mean in the (Gamma)
distributions of within-cell risk-proneness. However, this seems less appealing than the possibility
that the coefficient of variation of these distributions is approximately constant: this is equivalent to
hij approximately constant. If the values of h¡j were known, the SOWN directive could be used to
specify the above error structure in GLIM, as Professor Haberman suggested. However, these values
are not known a priori, so it would be necessary to proceed iteratively; using the scale parameter and
fitted values /7 from one fit to estimate the hy for use in specifying the error structure in the next fit.
The other major violation of the simple Poisson assumption is that the risk intensity for each
policyholder is likely to decrease after a claim. It is interesting to examine whether this too could be

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Statistical Motor Rating: Making Effective Use of Your Data 543
accommodated more exactly. We argue, in Section C.2, that the effect is approximately to introduce a
further factor of the form (1 -/¡//a,;/) into the variance function. The product of this and the factor
(1 +fijlh¡j), considered above, is obviously of the same form (to a good approximation), so iterative
fitting with the SOWN directive could be carried out in the same way. This would considerably
complicate the fitting of frequency models, and, we suspect, would not greatly affect the results. It
would be useful, however, to examine this empirically.
Mr Carroll expressed concern about the danger of over-fitting. It seems to us that this strikes at the
heart of statistical theory and practice. The raison d'être of statistical tests is to prevent over-fitting. In
fact, the accepted practice of including explanatory variables only if there is strong evidence (by using
5% or 10% significance levels) causes a tendency towards under-fitting. If one concentrates on
checking the assumptions underlying the statistical tests (via residual analyses and so on), then over-
fitting will not be a problem.
Mr Shah would have liked some comment on the possibility of 'parameters not behaving in a
logical way'. We have not found this to be a serious problem using the models described in the paper.
The estimated parameters can always be compared to their standard errors; this usually shows that
any unexpected behaviour is insignificant (this is illustrated in Section 2.4). In other cases, discussion
with the underwriter sheds light on the matter. If this did become a serious problem we would try to
find better models.
Ms Vera drew attention to the problem of definition of the rating factors. Like NCD, this is a whole
new can of worms, but we think it can be regarded as quite separate from the main problem addressed
in our paper (although Section 9.3 does touch on it). The main purpose of the methods we have
described is to find the best premium structure based on the existing rating factors, on the assumption
that the definition of these factors will remain unchanged, regardless of whether the definition is good
or bad. Having said that, the basic models could be used to compare a number of alternative
definitions of a rating factor. For example, one could compare the ACORN categories suggested by
Professor Wilkie to the insurers' existing geographical categories, by first fitting a model with both
included as explanatory variables, and then excluding each in turn. The F- tests would indicate which
of the two alternatives had greater explanatory power. Incidentally, we suspect that the ACORN
categories would be more appropriate for household than motor insurance.
We think Ms Vera's comment about the interaction between rating factors is mistaken. The
correlation between wealth and age of policyholders affects the exposure (e.g., the combination of
young policyholder, new car and high car group, contains relatively little exposure), but the exposure
is not what we are attempting to model; the actual values for each cell are known and are used in the
Professor Wilkie's discussion of credit scoring was interesting. Generalised linear models would
probably be as useful there as they have proved to be in so many other areas of actuarial work.

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