Starbucks'Customer Brand Strategy: - From Customer Satisfaction To Customer Superiority
Starbucks'Customer Brand Strategy: - From Customer Satisfaction To Customer Superiority
Starbucks'Customer Brand Strategy: - From Customer Satisfaction To Customer Superiority
Since Starbucks entered the Chinese market, it has been deeply loved by consumers for its comfortable environment
and high-quality services. It has even become a model for competitors and other service industries to imitate. However,
the complaint of the consumer in the 'Middle Cup Incident' in 2016 and the voices on the Internet saying that they are
suffering the same experience reminded Starbucks that is focusing only on customer satisfaction is no longer in line
with the trend of the times. This report uses a research method that combines primary data (in-depth interviews) and
secondary data (data collection and analysis) to reveal the specific manifestations and causes of customer superiority,
which is the next stage of customer satisfaction. This study found that (1) Customer superiority is a psychological
enjoyment beyond satisfaction. (2) The formation of superiority is mainly due to the realization of vanity or customized
needs. (3) Improving business performance by shaping customer superiority is generally applicable to the luxury goods
industry or high-end-positioned catering and service business. Consumers will always pursue a higher level of pleasure,
and in recent years, customization has become more and more valued by consumers. This report has made a preliminary
conceptualization of customer superiority and hopes that future research can continue to enrich or refine the causes of
customer superiority and put forward more practical suggestions from the operational level.
Keywords: Starbucks marketing strategy, Customer satisfaction, Customer superiority
including China's mainstream media, People's Daily on attitude loyalty is greater than that on behavior
Public. Many Starbucks' customers expressed similar loyalty[6]. Now little attention has been focused on
dissatisfaction with receiving the same question. customer superiority, and the related research literature is
relatively scarce. However, the existing research can fall
The phenomenal incident provides rich insights:
First, customer satisfaction is no longer the ultimate into two categories. One is the definition and concept of
service objective and the metric to evaluate service customer superiority. Customer superiority refers to
quality. An increasing number of customers have been recognizing and promoting personal identity advantages
seeking a higher level of fulfilment: a perception of gained by customers through purchasing products or
customer superiority generated from differentiated and services [7]. The second is about the source of customer
customized service treatment. This is precisely what Mr. superiority. Shengwei Liang points out that customer
Lin was asking for: to be treated as a regular customer superiority mainly comes from five aspects: shaping the
with consuming preferences remembered. For companies convenience of users' life, creating the feeling of being
to obtain wider customer loyalty, it is time to endeavour superior to others, exceeding users' expectations,
on customer personalization and individualization. satisfying users' vanity, and satisfying users' personality
Second, although Starbucks has succeeded in cultivating psychology [8].
the sense of customer superiority, failure to explicitly
recognize customers' demands for individuality Literature on Starbucks Brand Strategy. As far as
disenables the company to maximize customer brand strategy is concerned, Starbucks has made many
satisfaction. Therefore, the conceptualization of efforts in building brand image and enhancing customer
customer superiority has a crucial impact on loyalty. One of Starbucks' main competitive strategies is
consolidating customer loyalty for businesses and communicating with customers in the coffee shop, with
provides direction for other companies' strategy-making. special emphasis on communication with customers [9].
What is the idea of customer superiority? What is "Huang Jiufen also pointed out that Starbucks has its
Starbucks' business strategy towards its customers that advantages in-store design, staff dress, product quality
cultivates this feeling? Compared with other companies, and emphasis on customer experience, thus successfully
what does Starbucks' customer orientation bring the establishing customers' brand trust in Starbucks[10].
competitive landscape? The text focuses on Starbucks as Starbucks has successfully met the needs of a number of
a study subject. It employs the qualitative analysis with customers through its brand image building and thus
second-hand surveys and journals to study the customer established a relatively solid relationship with customers.
strategy of Starbucks and its cultivation of customer Another noteworthy aspect of Starbucks is its unique
superiority. brand marketing method. Han Runrun pointed out that
Starbucks never does media advertising but shapes its
2. LITERATURE REVIEW brand and spreads its cultural connotation through the
ancient way of word of mouth [11]. They arouse
Literature on Customer Satisfaction and Superiority.
customers' curiosity through the initial indirect publicity
At present, lots of attempts have been made to customer
so that consumers know the brand inadvertently. Wang
satisfaction, and the research field is very extensive. And
Jingyi believes that Starbucks cleverly avoids the
these studies can be roughly classified into four types.
traditional advertising model, such as the overwhelming
The first type mainly focuses on the definition and
print or media advertising, which saves a huge amount of
concept of customer satisfaction. Giese and Cote believe
promotional advertising costs [9]. In this mode,
that customer satisfaction is an emotional response with
Starbucks fully trains its employees to make them have
different intensity [2]. The second type mainly focuses on
the ability to explain each coffee product's characteristics
the evaluation model and application of the customer
in detail to win customers' trust and reputation.
satisfaction index. The academic community mainly
divides its evaluation model into three models: Swedish Literature on the Correlation Between Customer
customer satisfaction barometer index (SCSB), Satisfaction and Brand Strategy. The research on the
American customer satisfaction index (ACSI), and correlation between customer satisfaction and brand
European customer satisfaction index (ECSI). The third strategy is divided into two fields. The first is whether the
type is the research on the influencing factors of customer brand strategy impacts customer satisfaction, and most of
satisfaction. Scholars point out that it is mainly affected the research has given a positive answer. According to
by personalized service, interactivity, product quality ACSI(American Customer Satisfaction Index), customer
assurance, convenience and price advantage, the display satisfaction is the final objective variable. In contrast,
and quality of goods, and so on[4][5]. The fourth type customer expectations, perceived quality, and perceived
mainly studies the relationship between customer value are the causal variables of customer satisfaction,
satisfaction and customer loyalty. Chunmei Gu notes that customer complaint, and customer loyalty are the
customer satisfaction directly impacts the four types of outcome variables of customer satisfaction[12].
customer loyalty, and the impact of customer satisfaction
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 178
Starbucks'customers tend to have high expectations. Its are also discovered in previous researches. Previous
products are more expensive than their competitors, so literature regarding customer behavior mostly focuses on
the company is always taking advantage of its brand the theme of 'customer satisfaction, whereas studies
positioning to enhance its perceived value. Although about the perception of 'customer superiority' are far from
Starbucks has never spent a dime on mass media adequate. Yet, with the increasing awareness of
advertising, word-of-mouth marketing is unique to distinguished customer identity, modern customers have
Starbucks advertising. By promoting the brand through exceeded the pursuit of satisfaction and aim for the
customer referrals, more and more consumers will higher-leveled customer superiority. Our study fills in the
recognize the value of the name - "Starbucks "[13]. blank space of previous literature and is deemed to have
a higher value for its reflection of on-the-day customer
The second type of research focuses on what specific mentality. Second, most previous researches study the
strategies can improve customer satisfaction. In recent concepts in general without a specific case study. While
years, customer experience has proven to be more the study results are widely applicable, they fail to
influential than price, advertising, and other factors in provide empirical understandings. Our study uses
customer satisfaction[14]. According to the analytic Starbucks' customer business strategy as a real-life case
hierarchy process, customer satisfaction indicators study to give a more comprehensive illustration of the
include five aspects: idea satisfaction, behavior idea of customer superiority and its effect on customer
satisfaction, audio-visual satisfaction, product business strategy.
satisfaction, and service satisfaction[12]. Coincidentally,
Starbucks'unique experience marketing could meet
almost all of these criteria. In order to achieve the ideal
satisfaction, Starbuck's most creative initiative is the
"Third space" construction. The idea behind the "Third 3.1 Strategic Objectives
space" is "Your neighborhood, an extension of the family
living room, a refreshing social setting, a third best place In general, the strategic objective of Starbucks
to be outside of work and home". When people buy experienced three major stages. At the initiation of its
coffee at Starbucks, they also buy a new way of life[15]. business, Starbucks positioned itself as a professional
To achieve audio-visual satisfaction, at Starbucks coffee provider that sold coffee beans, spices, and coffee
headquarters, there is a special group of experts, artists, mills. After Howard Schultz, Chairman of Starbucks
designers, and architects gathered to discuss the design acquired the company in 1987, the brand transferred its
and decoration of the Starbucks store, to create a rich positioning to "third place", aiming to provide the world
sensory experience for every store in the world, thus with a warm and welcoming third place, an escape from
satisfies the consumer on the audio-visual enjoyment. both home and workplace, to relax indulge themselves.
This strategy, known as "tie-in", is about connecting Its premium-based experiential retail strategy
customers and the image of the cafe. In terms of product accumulated initial business popularity and granted the
satisfaction, Starbucks has procurement experts who momentum for Starbucks to expand globally. After
Starbucks' entrance into the Chinese market, the
travel around the Arab region, the Pacific Rim, Latin
company has shifted the focus to localization, adjusting
America, carefully select the quality of coffee beans. The
the menu to suit the appetite of Chinese customers. Its
goal is to get people to drink the purest coffee. Starbucks
endeavours won profound business support, helped
also has strict standards for picking, transporting,
Starbucks to make deeper market penetration, and
roasting, and distributing coffee beans [16]. eventually established its supremacy in the Chinese
The overview of the literature. Although the previous coffee industry. With increasing customer loyalty,
research has put forward five aspects about the source of Starbucks established its VIP system and began to
superiority, there is no system between them which establish individualized services in 2011. However, due
to the emergence of e-commerce and online retail,
means there is no logic or progressive relationship
Starbucks China encountered fierce competition from
between points. Moreover, there is no research to explain
Luckin Coffee, which took cost leadership strategy and
the specific connotation of each aspect in the past, so it
used a technology-driven model integrating online and
can not reveal the psychological process of customer's
offline retail. Luckin’s affordability through "low prices"
feeling of superiority. Therefore, based on previous
and convenience through "super-speedy delivery"
research, this research has the following innovation enabled the aggressive expansion. Starbucks, in
points:(1) A new theoretical framework is proposed to response, launched an online retail program that aims to
generate customer superiority. (2) Analyze every aspect reach out to more customers.
in detail and fully demonstrates its logical relationship.
(3) Take Starbucks as a case to highlight the practicality.
Despite the huge literature endeavor, some deficiencies
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 178
3.2 Specific Strategy entered the Chinese market through cooperation with
Chinese companies and won the favor of customers by
1971-1987 Coffee Products-oriented
providing customized services and regional food.
In 1971, Starbucks opened its first store in Seattle,
mainly selling high-quality coffee beans and coffee
equipment. In the first ten years of its establishment, With the emergence of online e-commerce, Starbucks
Starbucks was only a local coffee bean retailer. Although China, which primarily focuses on in-store, encountered
the current CEO, Schultz, who was only a salesperson at fierce competition from Luckin Coffee, which
that time, proposed transforming Starbucks into an established a wider customer retail network with
Italian-style coffee chain, the founders declined the integrated online and offline channels. In response,
idea[17]. At this stage, Starbucks is the raw material Starbucks also made its own strategic advancement[19].
supplier of high-end coffee products and intends to In August 2018, Starbucks and Alibaba Group
transform into a high-end coffee chain store. announced a new comprehensive retail strategic
partnership in Shanghai; in July 2019, Starbucks
1987-1999 Third Place Positioning and Localization
officially opened its membership system with Ele. me,
In 1987, Schultz acquired Starbucks and refreshed the allowing customers to join the Starbucks Star Club on the
vision of Starbucks: "We are not the service provider that Ele. me Starbucks website page. Starbucks announced
sells coffee products, but coffee provider that sells the that it had implemented a coffee delivery service in 2,100
business." From then on, in-store services, instead of restaurants in 35 cities across China in terms of delivery
coffee itself, had become the central focus of Starbucks' service. The cooperation between Ele. me and Starbucks
strategy. It used plush interiors with orange-yellow have been given strategic value as a new retail
lighting, wooden tables, smoothing background music exploration in the coffee industry." It can be seen that
and Gothic-style portrait hung on the wall, creating a Starbucks increased its investment in digitalization
lively in-store life scene that gives every customer huge during this period, complying with the trend of The
refreshment. Compared with other brands, Starbucks Times and seizing the "fourth space" market[20].
never made media advertising but paid more attention to
At this stage, under the threat of competitors' Luckin
creating interactive between customers and waiters[18]. coffee, Starbucks put forward a higher concept-"the
In 1999, Starbucks teamed up with Beijing Meida fourth place". It integrates offline resources, conforms to
Starbucks Coffee Co., Ltd. to open the first Starbucks the trend of e-commerce and digitization, establishes a
store in China in Beijing, which marked Starbucks' membership system and online business system, and
entrance into the Chinese market. In 2000, Starbucks continues to occupy market share.
cooperated with Shanghai Uni-President Starbucks
3.3 Operational Outcomes in Different Stages
Coffee Co., Ltd. to enter the Shanghai market; In 2002, it
cooperated with Starbucks Coffee Catering Co., Ltd to At the beginning stage of its business, Starbucks only
enter Guangzhou and Shenzhen market. While Chinese own a small coffee products retailer with four stores in
customers lack coffee consumption, Starbucks adjusted the Seattle area. Ever since the transformation to an
its menu for local culture and launched many new Italian-styled coffee retailer, Starbucks chain stores have
products, including moon cakes during the mid-Autumn expanded from 11 to 190, and total annual revenue has
festival, Chinese tea, and Matcha Frappuccino[18]. It has soared from US$1.3 million to US$92 million. In 1992,
also opened the Asia- Pacific R&D Center to tailor-made Starbucks was listed on the Nasdaq as the first specialty
products specifically for Asian customers. coffee company. Since then, Starbucks stock has
maintained double-digit growth. Its stock price has
In 2011, Starbucks launched its VIP system and
increased 22 times in ten years, and its market value has
customer loyalty program to further cultivate brand
exceeded tens of billions of dollars. At the same time, its
recognition[18]. It promoted the Starbucks card, which brand image has gradually been recognized globally, and
can record in-store purchases as "Starbucks points," and it has been awarded the title of "Global 100 Best Brands"
then rewarded customers with premium or discounts for by the US "Business Week"[17].
a certain level of points.
Since 1999, Starbucks gradually established its
At this stage, Starbucks put forward the concept of
presence in larger and medium-sized cities such as
"the third place-a place between your home and
Beijing, Shanghai, Ningbo, Qingdao, Dalian, Chengdu,
workplace.". Therefore, Starbucks is mainly based on in-
and Chongqing. As of October 2006, Starbucks had
store service, including in-store decoration, staff service,
opened more than 190 direct-operated stores in 19 cities
and customer satisfaction, to win more customer
in mainland China in just one year. Subsequently, its
satisfaction and loyalty. At the same time, Starbucks has
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 178
expansion speed further accelerated. In the 2014 fiscal about creating customer feeling, and Starbucks China has
year, it was recorded that, on average, Starbucks opened taken corresponding marketing strategies in different
a new store every day. On September 27, 2015, Starbucks stages of brand strategy to enhance its customer feeling.
had 1,811 stores in China, including 1,026 directly-
The third is they are both from the buyer's object in
operated stores and 785 franchised-stores[17].
order to strengthen customer recognition of the brand.
3.4 Overall Strategic Shift The improvement of customer satisfaction mainly
depends on the continuous upgrading of personalized
Wholistically, Starbucks' customer strategy has service and commodity quality to obtain the recognition
evolved to be more and more customer-centric. It has and pursuit of customers for the brand. At the same time,
gradually shifted the orientation from products to the previous studies have concluded that customer
customer. Customers are not only the buyers of the satisfaction directly impacts customer loyalty, which has
products but the opinion leader of Starbucks' overall a positive impact on customer recognition of the brand.
strategy. Through this transformation, Starbucks Regarding the shaping of customers' sense of superiority,
cultivated a strong sense of customer loyalty towards its taking many five-star hotels as an example, they rely on
products and reinforced the idea that customers are big data analysis to get customers' habits and make
essential partners of the business, whose opinions and customers feel valued so as to improve their brand
feedback serve as a fundamental building block of the recognition. The ultimate goal of both is to strengthen the
overall strategy. In that sense, customers matter because recognition of the brand from the customer side.
of their individual opinions and feelings, not because of
their wholistic identity as a "customer" itself. 4.1.2 The differences between customer
satisfaction and customer superiority
CUSTOMER SUPERIORITY- Rather than saying that customer satisfaction and
INSPIRATION FROM STARBUCKS customer superiority are different, they are just different
levels of the same thing. It can also be said that customer
4.1 Comparative analysis of customer satisfaction is a prerequisite for customer superiority. The
satisfaction and customer superiority conditions for the formation of customer superiority are
extremely demanding, and its foundation is to meet all
4.1.1 The similarities between customer customer satisfaction indicators. Specifically, customers
satisfaction and customer superiority must be satisfied with brand positioning, audio-visual
experience, product quality, and service quality before
Based on the similarities of customer satisfaction achieving superiority. However, it is worth noting that
and customer superiority. We will summarize it in three they still may not bring customer superiority when these
aspects. indicators reach the extreme. For example, if a
restaurant's dishes are delicious enough and the service is
First, they all emphasize customer orientation. In the
perfect, customers will not necessarily feel superior
literature review of this paper, the definition and concept
because the price may be very low. Since the restaurant
of customer satisfaction and customer superiority are the
is positioned to be cheap and delicious, eating here can
important research direction of scholars. And in the
hardly become an experience for customers to 'show off.
research, customers are often regarded as the central
In other words, it cannot satisfy the vanity of some
object to study whether they are satisfied with the brand
customers. And whether to satisfy vanity is not the
or have superior feelings. Starbucks China's brand
traditional indicator used to measure customer
strategy is always customer-oriented and customer-
centered in different stages of its strategy focusing on
customer satisfaction and customer superiority. No In addition to the vanity, another emotion contained
matter its brand positioning of "the third place", or its in 'superiority' more than 'satisfaction' is whether the
excellent store decoration, environment construction, and customer feels that he is treated as an individual rather
personnel service, all aim to create more customer value. than just a customer. When this feeling is reflected in a
product or service, we call it customization. The practice
The second is to emphasize the improvement of
has proved that when customers can customize unique
customer experience in the study of the two definitions.
products or enjoy one-to-one services, they will have a
We find that customer satisfaction is considered as an
sense of superiority. This sense of superiority comes from
emotional response and a pleasant emotional state, and
the fact that the customer has a product that can meet all
customer superiority is considered as a higher feeling and
their needs and when the customer sees a special option
superior feeling to get rid of inferiority. Whether it is
in the customized scheme, he will also feel that his unique
customer satisfaction or customer superiority, its core is
habits and preferences are respected. In summary, in the
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 178
case of insufficient research on customer superiority, this Brand positioning. Starbucks' brand positioning -
report currently defines the difference between the two as the third space, is the best place to rest besides work and
customer superiority is the evolution of customer home. Explained in two more specific dimensions are a
satisfaction, which is manifested in the realization of high price and a good experience. In order to show how
vanity and customization. Starbucks has achieved such an image in the minds of
consumers, we start from the perspective of the
4.2 How Starbucks creates Customer marketing mix. In terms of products, Starbucks has
Superiority specialized procurement experts who travel around the
world all year round, carefully selecting quality coffee
4.2.1 Vanity beans. The purpose is to let people drink the purest coffee.
To further interpret the source of vanity, we divide From the picking, transportation, roasting, blending, and
it into three types of psychology: comparison, identity, sales of coffee beans, Starbucks has a set of strict
and hedonism. The psychology of comparison means that standards. However, Starbucks products are not just
consumers' demand for a certain product increases with coffee. At Starbucks headquarters, there is a special
the increase in the number of others consuming the same group of artists, designers, and architects gathered to
product, reflecting their desire to catch up with the trend. discuss the design and decoration of the Starbucks store
Identity refers to the consumer's belief that buying a to create a rich sensory experience for every store in the
product means that he belongs to a specific social class. world. Starbucks uses orange lighting tones with various
Hedonism means that consumers are keen to pursue wooden tables, chairs, and sofas to create a warm feeling.
immediate happiness. No matter which kind of The walls are hung with Gothic-style portraits that match
psychology is at work, the price is the last thing the artistic taste of white-collar workers. Here, customers
customers care about to satisfy their vanity. Vanity and can move tables and chairs freely, listen to soothing
superiority are derogatory terms to some extent, but it is music, smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and feel
undeniable that Starbucks is indeed selling vanity. Their the atmosphere of life through audio-visual experience so
specific measures are to make full use of the advantages that the "third space" can maximize its value. The third
of 'coffee culture' and 'brand positioning'. biggest selling point of Starbucks is service. General
employees can only provide services at Starbucks after
Coffee culture. In China, globalization has brought receiving professional training. The content of the
about economic and social changes and brought about training includes corporate culture, coffee blending
cultural flow subtly. In the beginning, some people think methods, and customer service skills. Here, Starbucks
that the western lifestyle is healthy and fashionable, so also provides customers with free services such as
the western diet should also be respectable. In this wireless Internet access, magazines, and music auditions.
context, coffee culture with a strong exotic feel has Simultaneously, the staff in the blending area will
gradually become popular in China. In the imported carefully explain coffee blending knowledge to
overseas film and television dramas, the lives of the customers. Starbucks realized the vision of spreading
social elites cannot do without a cup of coffee, which coffee culture and strengthened the interaction between
makes people naturally associate coffee with the elite employees and consumers. So far, when Starbucks'
class. Up to now, coffee culture has been fully recognized coffee, decoration, and service have become unmatched,
and has even become synonymous with a city. When the those hedonistic consumers will never choose other
city's economy is prosperous, the workplace atmosphere competitors. Starbucks' location and pricing strategy are
is strong, and the service industry develops to a certain also consistent with its brand positioning. Their coffee is
extent, the demand for cafes and coffee will increase. In much more expensive than similar products, and they are
recent years, the number of cafes in Shanghai has grown all located in department stores in high-end commercial
rapidly. The average annual consumption of 20 cups of districts. Starbucks' promotion strategy is unique. They
coffee per capita in Shanghai leads the country. Shanghai hardly spend money on mass advertising but believe in
is also the first choice for many international coffee the power of word of mouth. Starbucks is very good at
brands to enter China. In 2021, Shanghai opened a coffee content marketing. They understand that audiences who
culture week with the slogan "Because of coffee, so like different content will inevitably pay attention to
Shanghai". The "Salute to Shanghai" series of coffees are different product attributes. We found that in articles
the new creations of the international coffee giant published in four different online communities,
Starbucks dedicated to the city of Shanghai. In fact, not Starbucks was described as 'a drink that allows you to
just in Shanghai, most Chinese people think that being a experience British aristocracy', 'a drink that allows you to
regular Starbucks customer is equivalent to being among experience the aesthetics of life', 'A localized high-end
the elite. This is the so-called identity in vanity. drink that focuses on research and development', 'a drink
that makes selfies more stylish'. These articles have led
the fashion trend in various groups. What is fashion?
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 178
Fashion is that if someone else buys it, I want to buy it identified each customer's identity through customization,
too. This just fits the comparison psychology of vanity which is the sublimation from satisfaction to superiority.
consumers. In addition, saying that "Starbucks is suitable
for making selfies" also implies that others do the 5. DISCUSSION
communication for them. Those who like photography
After the preceding discussion, we come to the
and selfies will definitely take Starbucks' photos more
following conclusion: firstly, customer orientation in
beautiful than the real thing and then post them to the
Starbucks' business strategy has contributed to its
community to attract more people.
popularity and customer loyalty; secondly, customer
4.2.2 Customization superiority can be built upon two major aspects:
customization and vanity; lastly, compared to customer
When we discuss coffee customization in the area of satisfaction, customer superiority is a more nuanced
customer superiority, we are not discussing whether they metric to evaluate customers' feedback towards the brand,
can add milk or sugar. In other words, if these services which will provide more insights for companies to
are not available, they will not even be able to achieve improve their service quality and optimize their overall
customer satisfaction. We learned from Starbucks that business strategy.
only extreme customization can achieve customer
superiority. The extreme customization is first reflected 6. CONCLUSION
in the choice of coffee flavors. At Starbucks, customers
Several limitations can be discovered in this article.
can choose cup types including tall, grand, and venti,
Firstly, limited information resources diminished the
coffee types to choose from Expresso, Jamaican coffee,
comprehensiveness of the analysis. Since the theoretical
Americano, Blue mountain, Latte, Italian coffee, Mocha,
foundation for this topic is quite limited, the framework
French coffee, Cappuccino, Caramel macchiato, Flat
proposed in this article might lack adequate support.
white, Irish coffee, Vienna coffee, breve or Frappuccino,
Secondly, the application of the conclusion might be
and flavors to choose from Hazelnut, Vanilla, Caramel,
restrained. As we proposed in the article, the satisfaction
Toffee nut, Cinnamon, Raspberry, Peppermint, Cherry,
of vanity is an essential component to build up customer
Chocolate, Mango, Whipped cream, Dry, Wet, Skinny,
superiority. However, as different companies may have
Unleaded, Decaf or Extra and so on. At Starbucks, staff
different positioning, the metric of superiority might be
can make 87,000 different drinks according to different
incompatible and irrelevant to those who follow cost
customer needs, and they are still developing new options.
leadership strategy or pursue a deeper customer
Furthermore, a variety of "hidden menus" are also penetration. That is, while customer satisfaction can be
popular on the Internet. Customers like to follow these adopted universally, customer superiority might not be an
recipes officially launched by Starbucks or recommended absolutely good metric that applies in all situations. The
by fans to make their own drinks. When you receive a latter is supposed to be helpful mostly for high-end and
cup of coffee with your name written on it, it is a unique premium brands. But are there supposed to be other
coffee made for you and just for you. When a customer similar parameters in relation to companies with different
walks into Starbucks and says, "Hi, I want a triple decaf positioning? Is there any other factor that will contribute
shots grande peppermint soymilk caramel skinny to the sense of perceived customer superiority? More
Espresso Macchiato", he feels the double superiority of endeavor is expected to be made to strengthen the
his coffee taste and coffee knowledge. When developing framework and extend the scope of analysis.
online channels, Starbucks has not forgotten its strengths.
However, the article still makes profound
On Starbucks' own online ordering software and software
contributions on both theoretical and practical levels. It
that cooperates with other food delivery companies,
enriches the discussion for customer superiority at a
customers can also make the same customization as they
theoretical level by establishing a comprehensive
did in the store. When using "Starbucks Now", customers
framework for the components and origin of this
can design a secret sign by themselves as a password to
mentality. The conceptualization of superiority generates
pick up drinks in the store. The extreme customization of
great insights for future business strategy-making as this
Starbucks is also reflected in the service. For customers
parameter can guide companies, especially those
who are not very familiar with Starbucks, the staff will
positioned as relatively high-end, to develop a customer
make suggestions based on the customer's preferred
strategy in a more nuanced way. Lack of awareness on
temperature, taste, and even mood of the day. For regular
this issue might make the company overlook important
customers, the staff must remember their names and
aspects of customer mentality and fails to cater to
preferences. In this way, the customer will always feel
customers' precise needs. As what happened in the
that Starbucks is dedicated to serving himself. Coffee was
'Starbucks' Middle-Cup' incident, although Starbucks has
originally a homogenized product, but Starbucks has
cultivated strong customer superiority in its branding,
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