Chapter Ii: Review of Related Literature
Chapter Ii: Review of Related Literature
Chapter Ii: Review of Related Literature
BSIT- C432
Marquez, Joshua S. CP1N32C
Sarto, John Michael Dr. Earl Marquez Albina
Games and other similar application has been used as a tool to support learning, but is
difficult when showing them to someone new to it. This study aims to help introduce this
genre to non-computer related education courses main Biomedical laboratory Science
Education. Using a gamified app for learning phlebotomy which is name StikkApp. This
study aims to evaluate Stikkapp through experimental means and its uses on mobile
devices as a web application and also understanding the possible challenges of BLS
Frøland, T. H., Heldal, I., Sjøholt, G., & Ersvær, E. (2020, April 5). Games on mobiles
via web or virtual reality technologies: How to support learning for biomedical laboratory
science education. MDPI. Retrieved November 6, 2022, from
2. Evaluation of the Create@School Game-Based Learning–Teaching Approach
- A constructivist method called “learning through digital game making” enables students
to learn by creating their own games, boosting their creativity and problem-solving
abilities. In this context, two tools-the Create@school app and the Project Management
Dashboard (PMD) were created to allow students from various nations to adapt their
course material by creating games for their academic subjects and incorporating the game
mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics into the academic curriculum.
Gaeta, E., Beltrán-Jaunsaras, M. E., Cea, G., Spieler, B., Burton, A., García-Betances, R.
I., Cabrera-Umpiérrez, M. F., Brown, D., Boulton, H., & Arredondo Waldmeyer, M. T.
(2019, July 24). Evaluation of the create@school game-based learning-teaching approach.
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). Retrieved November 8, 2022, from
The effectiveness of the use of technology to support education and training is now
universally recognized. In this context, the storytelling could be useful since it is very
appreciated by the children, Quiziz is similar in a way that with a game-based learning,
the students will be more active in terms on participation since it includes different
variety of games that individual especially the children can relate and enjoy.
Berardina De Carolis, Francesca D’Errico, Veronica Rossano, "Pepper as a Storyteller:
Exploring the Effect of Human vs. Robot Voice on Children’s Emotional Experience",
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2021, vol.12933, pp.471, 2021.
- Some of the most effective instructional apps were developed as a supplementary tool for
students enrolled in more formally scheduled courses, programs. Our project intends to
give independent learners choices for playing games while learning. Students may use the
proposed application to ask and respond to inquiries; addressing an increasing number of
inquiries will require students to achieve higher levels and be awarded some honors.
5. Developing a Platform for using Game-Based Learning in Vocational Education
and Training
- Game-based learning for student learning is now being recognized as highly beneficial
for engagement, creativity and motivation. Our project aims to create a platform that
supports educational professionals to understand and practice theoretical and practical
aspects of GBL, its goal is to have the teachers design and implement GBL activities in
their quizzes and activities.
North, B., Diab, M., Lameras, P., Zaraik, J., Philippe, S., Muller, J., & Fischer, H. (2021).
Developing a platform for using game-based learning in vocational education and training.
2021 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON).
- Teaching cybersecurity is probably one of the most intimidating tasks for most of the
students and it's probably why there is a shortage of cybersecurity professionals. Not only
that but cybersecurity keeps on evolving, making it harder to teach. In this research, it
addresses the issue by proposing a game-based learning platform to enhance
cybersecurity education. Having a huge impact on students on what is cybersecurity and
why it is important. We would also conduct the same things but ours will focus on
activities to make it more engaging. Khan,
Khan, M. A., Merabet, A., Alkaabi, S., & Sayed, H. E. (2022, January 15). Game-Based
Learning Platform to enhance cybersecurity education - education and Information
Technologies. SpringerLink. Retrieved November 6, 2022, from
- This study was made to test whether or not digital game based learning can capture the
interest of students of rural populace. The system was made mainly for the android
platform to make it portable and easily shareable, for an easier way to incorporate
academic curriculum. The web application can provide enjoyment, passion, involvement,
structures, motivation, ego gratification, creativity, interaction and emotion to make it
more exciting.
(PDF) design and development of digital game- based learning software ... (n.d.).
Retrieved November 8, 2022, from
- Having to prepare fresh graduates to work in a software engineering industry has got to
be challenging and needs effective learning frameworks and methodologies. In order to
teach programming languages and paradigms, one has to have innovative educational
tools that is why it is a very complex task. The main focus of this paper is eLiza, which
was initially developed as a Moodle-based web application because it is an educational
eLearning platform that was once used at the University of Valladolid. The paper
discusses the description and mechanics of eLiza and how it became useful. During the
year of 2017-2018 and 2018-2019, the majority of the students, approximately 75%,
considered that the use of the eLiza game-based educational tool was positive and how it
made the teaching and learning process of the topics covered by the courses better M.
Anton-Rodriquez, et al. (2020)
- According to the presented work of Steinmaurer et al. sCool is a mul-ti platform game
that encourages individuals especially the children to acquire knowledge in
computational thinking and coding in Python. Its content is highly adaptable, meaning
educators can create their own courses for the needs of the students. The course has its
own concept-learning and a practice mode. The same goes for Quiziz, professors are the
one setting the preferred set of details of the game. Steinmaurer, A., Pirker, J. & Gütl, C.
Steinmaurer, A., Pirker, J., & Gütl, C. (2019, April 15). Scool – game-based learning in
computer science class: A case study in secondary education. sCool – Game-Based
Learning in Computer Science Class: A Case Study in Secondary Education - Learning &
Technology Library (LearnTechLib). Retrieved November 6, 2022, from
- Computer Science has been widespread in our society today. As CS education becomes
largely known, Educators are challenged to help these students to accurately understand
topics regarding CS. Researchers have gained evidence that shows the difficulties faced
by students in learning the basics of programming. In today’s age of technology,
gamification has become a wide known method to increase motivation and engagement
There are platforms that helps educator to use game-based technology to create a fun
learning environment for students and the increase in their attitude towards programming
have been positively affected but the student’s academic performance was not affected at
a very significant level.
- This study analyzed and compared the positive effects of game-based learning and the
ordinary e-learning material for topics such as Newton’s Law of Motion for
students.Physiological signals and different techniques were used to assess the learning
states of students. After learning from the two different methods, a post test was
conducted to see the difference from the two learning methods. The result has shown that
game-based learning has shown greater results in terms of positive emotion and
engagement compared to the latter. It clearly shows that increase in engagement and
positive attitudes towards game-based learning is one of its key advantages.
Wu, C.-H., Tzeng, Y.-L., & Huang, Y.-M. (2020, May 20). Measuring performance in
learning process of digital game-based learning and static E-learning - educational
technology research and development. SpringerLink. Retrieved November 6, 2022, from
12. A Technique to Measure Students’ Mental Approach using Web and Game Based
E-Learning Application
- With the emergence of E-Learning, various educational tools have been developed and
most of these are game-based applications. Most of these developed tools are largely
available throughout the internet, but only a few of these learning applications were
effectively used. These learning applications use various elements of multimedia that
help students visualize learning materials easily. To study the impact of game-based
learning, students from three schools were experimented on and the result of this research
was that game-based learning was more effective compared to the traditional way of
Jumani, A. K., Memon, M. A., & Kartio, M. A. (2020, February 18). A technique to
measure students' mental approach using web and game based E-Learning Application.
SSRN. Retrieved November 6, 2022, from
13. Gamification Based assessment: A Test Anxiety Reduction through Game Elements
in Quizizz Platform.
- Having test anxiety and the thought of failing are one of the reasons that students are
afraid of taking exams. The use of game-based assessment is one of the methods that
educators would use to tackle that problem. This study is a way to investigate students'
test anxiety and understand their preferred game element from Quizziz. This would be a
case study to gather data through interviews, observations, etc. The result of this case
study has shown that students' decrease in anxiety towards Quizziz is highly effective and
students highly prefer point-based games with other elements such as leaderboard, time
restrictions, and memes. The outcome of this study showed that Quizziz is highly
effective in reducing the anxiety of test examiners.
Pitoyo, M. D., Sumardi, & Asib, A. (2018, November 30). Gamification Based
Assessment: A test anxiety reduction through game elements in Quizizz platform.
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching. Retrieved November 6, 2022,
14. Evaluating cognitive and affective outcomes of a digital game-based math test
- Game-based learning is widely known in the field of education, but only a few have a
keen understanding regarding the usefulness of game-based assessment. This paper’s
main goal is to see whether a game-based math test could provide usefulness into
Mathematics education. This research would be focusing on using the Semideus Exam
and on conceptual fraction knowledge. Students’ test anxiety and game experience were
measured to study the outcome of this research. The results that were gathered showed
that game-based test score correlates with traditional test score, the result also showed
that game-based assessment lowered test anxiety and increased engagement which was
probably because of the decrease in anxiety.
Kiili, K., & Ketamo, H. (2018). Evaluating cognitive and affective outcomes of a digital
game-based math test. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 11(2), 255–263.
15. Impact of online flexible games on students' attitude towards mathematics
- This study aims to use online flexible educational games and their engagement towards
mathematics compared to traditional learning methods. The study assesses how effective
the educational game and students' engagement is. 79 students were randomly assigned
and participated in this study and four teachers. The game was customized and used as an
additional learning method for students. The result of this study has shown that gender
did not influence the positive impacts and engagement of students towards the game. The
results show that adding games, along with traditional learning method could bring great
effects into teaching
Mavridis, A., Katmada, A., & Tsiatsos, T. (2017, April 7). Impact of online flexible games
on students' attitude towards mathematics - educational technology research and
development. SpringerLink. Retrieved November 6, 2022, from
16. Analyzing the efficacy of the testing effect using KahootTM on student performance
High-stakes exam scores are being observed in a first-year psychology class. The purpose
of this research was to help students to prepare for high-stakes examination and also find
alternative teaching methods to overcome underwhelming high stakes scores. This
problem was accomplished by using Kahoot, an online quiz platform that brings a game-
show like appearance. The result shows a large difference in scores between those who
took the high stake exam in kahoot and those who did not.. This study shows that making
a fun environment for student is beneficial for their learning phase
TAITANO, E. J., & VUONG, K. (2017). Analyzing the efficacy of the testing effect
using KAHOOTTM on student performance. Turkish Online Journal of Distance
Education, 80–80.
- This study was made to check and see the combined results of the experimental
studies conducted in the year 2000-2018 examining the effect of Game-based
learning methods on the achievement of different students. According to the
findings of this research, game-based learning affects in a wide-ranging effect. It
shows that the effect of GBL on the academic achievers doesn’t differ on the
regular level of school and how it was teached.
Karakoç, B., Eryılmaz, K., Turan Özpolat, E., & Yıldırım, İbrahim. (2020,
September 10). The effect of game-based learning on student achievement: A
Meta-Analysis Study - technology, knowledge and learning. SpringerLink.
Retrieved November 6, 2022, from
Coleman, T. E., & Money, A. G. (2019, July 19). Student-centred digital game–based
learning: A conceptual framework and survey of the state of the art - higher education.
SpringerLink. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from
19. Revealing the theoretical basis of gamification: A systematic review and analysis of
theory in research on gamification, serious games and game-based learning
Due to the abundance of resources that explains how gamification affects the engagement
and positive attitude towards it. There are still very little theoretical understanding on the
psychological effects of gamification. Other research has tried to tackle this topic but not
completely. The research has examined the theoretical foundation implemented in gamification
through different perspective such as observational and explanatory. These games that were
examined consist of various games, ranging from serious games and game-based learning games.
The overview of this study shows that gamification can visualize goals and helps users
throughout guided paths. It gives users immediate feedback and reinforces good performance
while making learning contents easy to digest.
Krath, J., Schürmann, L., & Korflesch, H. F. O. von. (2021, August 2). Revealing the
theoretical basis of gamification: A systematic review and analysis of theory in research
on gamification, serious games and game-based learning. Computers in Human Behavior.
Retrieved November 6, 2022, from
Troussas, C., Krouska, A., & Sgouropoulou, C. (2019, September 12). Collaboration and
fuzzy-modeled personalization for mobile game-based learning in higher education.
Computers & Education. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from
The ability to design compelling and successful learning experiences is a characteristic quality of a
game-based learning environment. Recent developments in sensor-based technologies, such as gaze
tracking and facial expression analysis have opened up the possibility of using multimodal data streams
for learning analytics.
Emerson, A., Cloude, E. B., Azevedo, R., & Lester, J. (2020). Multimodal Learning Analytics for
game‐based learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(5), 1505–1526.
This meta-analysis looked at how arithmetic achievement in preK-12th grade pupils was
affected by studying video games as opposed to conventional classroom education. The
findings from the 24 research combined shown variation in effect sizes, both in terms of
magnitude and direction.
Tokac, U., Novak, E., & Thompson, C. G. (2019). Effects of game‐based learning on
students' mathematics achievement: A meta‐analysis. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning,
35(3), 407–420.
A cutting edge method of instruction that can boost motivation, emotional engagement, and
enjoyment in students is game-based learning. The usefulness of game-based learning in the
design of education is examined in our study. We specifically investigate how gamification
affects how planning students view learning, engagement, and teamwork.
Hartt, M., Hosseini, H., & Mostafapour, M. (2020). Game on: Exploring the effectiveness
of game-based learning. Planning Practice & Research, 35(5), 589–604.
24. The agency effect: The impact of student agency on learning, emotions, and
problem-solving behaviors in a game-based learning environment
- In this study, researchers have investigated and compared the effectiveness of
digital game-based learning and static e-learning material for students. As a result,
the game-based learning displayed a greater variance in positive emotion and
attention than static e-learning during the learning process. Cognitive load and
physiological signals are some of the things measured to see the difference. This
study shows the effectiveness of game-based learning and what is its advantage.
The advantage of DGBL based on the study is that emotional well-being and
increased attention are the key advantages compared to traditional e-learning.
Wu, C.-H., Tzeng, Y.-L., & Huang, Y.-M. (2020, May 20). Measuring
performance in the learning process of digital game-based learning and static E-
learning - educational technology research and development. SpringerLink.
Retrieved November 6, 2022, from
26. Promoting game-based e-Learning through urban tourism scenario game from the
evaluation of knowledge-attitude-usability effectiveness
In this study, groups of undergraduate student participants rate the usability of the gaming
platform, the knowledge enrichment, and the effectiveness of the game in terms of
knowledge enrichment and attitudinal changes. Most people agree that the game is
effective overall. The users have significantly improved modifications in the knowledge
dimension, according to the results of the paired-sample t-test.
Chan, C.-S., Yat-Hang, C., & Tsz Heung Agnes, F. (2021). Promoting game-based e-
learning through urban tourism scenario game from the evaluation of knowledge-attitude-
usability effectiveness. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 32(1), 16–35.
- Learning with a part of fun and games makes and helps the learning process much
more engaging with students and it makes the learning process interesting. Where
learner motivation and engagement level are not easy to monitor, it is required to
implement mechanisms that can improve their intrinsic motivation and make them
self motivated. With Quiziz, monitoring the student will be much easier as it will
show the data in a Data Visualization making it easier for the educators to gather
the score and identify what part of the exam his/her student finds hard.
Chelawat, A., & Sant, S. (1970, January 1). Learner motivation through
gamification in e-learning: A study on game-based formative assessment in e-
learning. IGI Global. Retrieved November 6, 2022, from https://www.igi-
28. A Development of a Game-Based Supplementary E-Learning Program for "English
for Veterinary Profession
- This research focuses on the role of education at the tertiary level for teaching and
learning of English for the veterinary profession. It was made to develop an
effective game-based supplementary e-learning program for an alternative
pedagogy adaptable for Net. Gen. It focuses on improving students' listening and
speaking skills in the veterinary field. It can be compared to Quiziz at it aims to
improve a student’s focus when it comes to taking quizzes and activities but
Quiziz will not just focus on a specific course or field. It can be used by a variety
of students with different fields.
30. How are the emotions of students with autism spectrum disorders in game-based e-
learning associated with distinct patterns of physiological signals and facial
One of the main characteristics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which can seriously
inhibit learning, is emotional impairment. The purpose of this study was to determine
whether ASD-specific emotions in game-based e-learning could be recognized and
categorized based on their physiological and facial expression parameters in order to help
students with ASD.
Chu, H.-C., Chen, Y.-M., Liao, M.-J., & Yang, C. (2019, July 10). How are the emotions of
students with autism spectrum disorders in game-based e-learning associated with distinct
patterns of physiological signals and facial expressions? How are the emotions of students
with autism spectrum disorders in game-based e-learning associated with distinct patterns
of physiological signals and facial expressions? - Learning & Technology Library
(LearnTechLib). Retrieved November 8, 2022, from