Debate Speaker 1 Final Exam
Debate Speaker 1 Final Exam
Debate Speaker 1 Final Exam
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the use of As the first speaker, I will explain
“computers and machines to mimic the why expanded use of artificial
problem-solving and decision-making intelligence will be NOT good for
capabilities of the human mind,”. humanity.
And the second speaker will explain
McCarthy defined artificial intelligence as about the impact if expanded use of
“the science and engineering of making artificial intelligence will be NOT good
intelligent machines.” He later created the for humanity.
computer programming language LISP (which
is still used in AI), hosted computer chess let's move to my argument
games against human Russian opponents, and
developed the first computer with ”hand-eye” Argument 1 :
A: I disagree with this motion. AI becomes a
In 1958, Frank Rosenblatt invented the big disaster for humans if it is not controlled
Perceptron, which he claimed was “the first properly.
machine which is capable of having an original
idea.” Though the machine was hounded by R: AI apps automate most of the boring and
skeptics, it was later praised as the repetitive tasks. Since we don't have to
“foundations for all of this artificial memorize things or solve puzzles to complete
intelligence.” a job, we tend to use our brains less and less.
So far, we only think about the good side of AI
Setiawan defined Artificial Intelligence (AI) is (Artificial Intelligence) without paying
intelligence that is added by humans into a attention to the bad side that could happen.
technological system, regulated and developed
in a scientific context, the formation of the (Artificial Intelligence) can be a big disaster for
intelligence of existing scientific entities. humans if not controlled properly. How many
dangers will humans face in the future against
Team Split: AI (Artificial Intelligence). One of them is
activities that have the potential to threaten
As the first speaker, I will explain digital security such as AI for hacking, drone
why expanded use of artificial control, eliminating privacy, profile forgery.
intelligence will be good for humanity. Violations of privacy and security breaches
And the second speaker will explain will be more prevalent. The worst possibility of
about the impact if expanded use of artificial intelligence technology is that if it is
artificial intelligence will be good for not controlled properly against the world,
humanity. robots can kill without human intervention.
let's move to my argument E: Rumors circulate that automatic killer
robots have been created and used in Israel and
Argument 1 : South Korea. The robot is named SGR-A1,
similar to a surveillance camera but has a high-
A: Artificial Intelligence has enormous powered machine gun. Even the SGR-A1 can
potential to serve society, bringing even fire bullets automatically towards the target.
more radical innovations to humanity in the Facebook has even stopped artificial
future. intelligence experiments when two robots
named Alice and Bob started talking to each
R: Recently, advances in the limits and speed other in a language scientists couldn't
of computer storage have opened up new understand. Hawking, Elon Musk boss of Tesla
avenues for Artificial Intelligence research and SpaceX also said the same thing. He
and implementation, such as aiding in instead thinks that AI is far more dangerous
scientific research and forging new paths in than nuclear. Musk expressed his fear of AI
medicine for patient diagnosis, robotic surgery, because he felt he was close enough to the
and drug development. world of AI to realize the danger.
Today, Artificial Intelligence enables L: so, in conclusion is I totally disagree
businesses, governments and communities to if expanded use of artificial intelligence will
create high-performance ecosystems that can be good for humanity. Artificial intelligence
serve the entire planet. It has a significant that can adapt is considered scary because it
impact on human life. As well as its ability to can reach the stage where they no longer need
reduce the boredom involved in multiple work humans as their masters. In other words,
tasks. machines with intelligence can ignore
commands or controls given by humans and
And, artificial intelligence is used for a variety
run according to their own will.Artificial
of everyday implementations including facial
intelligence that can adapt is considered scary
recognition software, online shopping
because it can reach the stage where they no
algorithms, search engines, translation
longer need humans as their masters. In other
services, automated security functions in cars,
words, machines with intelligence can ignore
cybersecurity, airport body scan security,
commands or controls given by humans and
poker strategy and combating disinformation
run according to their own will.
in social media as well as a platform for
listening to music and watching movies.