ECENG Curriculum IOT Hawassa University
ECENG Curriculum IOT Hawassa University
ECENG Curriculum IOT Hawassa University
9. Bachelor Thesis
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut Lab. Hour.
GEng-1111 Introduction to Engineering Skills 2 2 1 - 2
CEng-1201 Engineering Mechanics I(Statics) 5 3 2 3 -
MEng-1001 Engineering Drawing 5 3 2 - 3
Math-233 Applied Mathematics-I 6 4 3 3 -
FLEn-201 Sophomore English 4 3 2 3 -
Phil-201 Logic (Reasoning Skill) 3 3 3 - -
CEEd-201 Civic and Ethical Education-I 2 2 2 - -
Total 27 20 15 9 5 29
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut Lab. Hour.
ECEg-1302 Fundamental of Circuits 7 4 2 3 3
FLEn-211 Technical Report Writing 3 1 - 3 -
MEng-202 Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics) 5 3 2 3 -
Math-234 Applied Mathematics-II 6 4 3 3 -
Econ-201 Introduction to Economics 4 3 3 - -
Total 25 15 10 12 3 25
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-2301 Applied Modern Physics 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-2303 Applied Electronics-I 7 4 2 3 3
ECEg-2305 Electrical Workshop Practice-I 3 1 - - 3
ECEg-2307 Fundamentals of Programming 5 3 2 - 3
Math-331 Applied Mathematics-III 7 4 3 3 -
MEng-201 Engineering Thermodynamics 5 3 2 3 -
Total 32 18 11 12 9 32
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-2202 Computational Methods 6 3 2 - 3
ECEg-2302 Signals and Systems Analysis 6 4 3 3 -
ECEg-2304 Applied Electronic-II 7 4 2 3 3
ECEg-2306 Electrical Workshop Practice-II 5 2 - - 6
ECEg-2308 Electromagnetic Fields 7 4 3 3 -
Total 31 17 10 9 12 31
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-3201 Probability & Random Processes 6 3 2 3 -
ECEg-3701 Digital Logic Design 7 4 2 3 3
ECEg-3301 Introduction to Electrical Machines 7 4 2 3 3
ECEg-3303 Electrical Materials and Technology 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-3305 Network Analysis & Synthesis 6 4 3 3 -
Total 31 18 11 15 6 32
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-3702 Computer Architecture & Organization 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-3704 Object Oriented Programming 5 3 2 - 3
ECEg-3602 Introduction to Control Engineering 7 4 2 3 3
ECEg-3402 Introduction to Communication Systems 7 4 2 3 3
ECEg-3404 Digital Signal Processing 6 3 2 - 3
Total 30 17 10 9 12 31
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4401 Communication Systems 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4403 EM Waves and Guide Structures 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4405 Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation 6 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4701 Microcomputers and Interfacing 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4703 Data Comunication and Computer Networks 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4407 Advanced Digital Communication 5 3 2 3 -
Total 31 18 12 14 4 30
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4102 Research Methods and Presentation 2 1 - 3 -
ECEg-4402 Telecommunication Networks 6 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4404 Microwave Devices and Systems 6 4 3 3 -
ECEg-4406 Optics and Optical Communication 6 4 3 3 -
MEng-401 Quality Management 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4802 Semester Project 4 2 - - 5
Total 29 17 10 15 5 30
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5801 6-Month Industry Internship 30 P/F - - - -
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5402 Wireless and Mobile Communication 6 3 2 3 -
ECEg-5404 Switching and Intelligent Networks 6 3 2 3 -
Industrial Management and Engineering
MEng-402 Economy 4 3 2 2 -
Mgmt-414 Enterpreneurship 4 3 2 2 -
ECEg-5902 BSc Thesis 12 6 - - 18
Total 32 18 8 10 18 36
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4501 Electrical Installation 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4503 Electrical Machines 5 3 2 - 3
ECEg-4505 Power Systems-I 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4507 Energy Conversion and Rural Rectification 6 4 3 3 -
ECEg-4601 Modern Control Systems 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4509 Power Electronics and Electrical Drives 5 3 2 3 -
Total 31 19 13 15 3 31
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4102 Research Methods and Presentation 2 1 - 3 -
ECEg-4502 Advanced Power Electronics 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4504 Hydropower Engineering 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4506 Power Systems-II 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4508 Power Systems Planning and Operation 5 3 2 3 -
MEng-401 Quality Management 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4802 Semester Project 4 2 - - 5
Total 31 18 10 16 7 33
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5801 6-Month Industry Internship 30 P/F - - - -
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5502 Power System Protection and Control 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-5504 Computer Applications in Power Systems 5 3 2 3 -
Industrial Management and Engineering
MEng-402 Economy 4 3 2 2 -
Mgmt-414 Enterpreneurship 4 3 2 2 -
ECEg-5902 BSc Thesis 12 6 - - 18
Total 30 18 8 10 18 36
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4501 Electrical Installation 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4503 Electrical Machines 5 3 2 - 3
ECEg-4505 Power Systems-I 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4509 Power Electronics and Electrical Drives 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4601 Modern Control Systems 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4701 Microcomputers and Interfacing 5 3 2 1 2
Total 30 18 12 13 5 30
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4102 Research Methods and Presentation 2 1 - 3 -
ECEg-4602 Process Control Fundamentals 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4604 Instrumentation Engineering 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4606 Advanced Control Systems 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4608 Digital Control Systems 5 3 2 1 2
MEng-401 Quality Management 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4802 Semester Project 4 2 - - 5
Total 31 18 10 14 9 33
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5801 6-Month Industry Internship 30 P/F - - - -
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5702 Embeded Systems 5 3 2 3 -
Introduction to Robotics and Industrial
ECEg-5602 Automation 6 3 2 3 -
Industrial Management and Engineering
MEng-402 Economy 4 3 2 2 -
Mgmt-414 Enterpreneurship 4 3 2 2 -
ECEg-5902 BSc Thesis 12 6 - - 18
Total 31 18 8 10 18 36
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4701 Microcomputers and Interfacing 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4703 Data Comunication and Computer Networks 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4705 Data Structures 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4707 Database Systems 5 3 2 1 2
ECEg-4709 VLSI Design 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4711 Artificial Intelligence 5 3 2 3 -
Total 30 18 12 10 8 30
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-4102 Research Methods and Presentation 2 1 - 3 -
ECEg-4702 Algorithms and Analysis Design 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4704 Software Engineering 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4706 Programming Languages 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4708 Operating Systems 5 3 2 3 -
MEng-401 Quality Management 5 3 2 3 -
ECEg-4802 Semester Project 4 2 - - 5
Total 31 18 10 18 5 33
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5801 6-Month Industry Internship 30 P/F - - - -
Co. Code Course Title ECTS Cr. Lec. Tut. Lab. Hour.
ECEg-5702 Embeded Systems 5 3 2 3 -
Introduction to Robotics and Industrial
ECEg-5602 Automation 6 3 2 3 -
Industrial Management and Engineering
MEng-402 Economy 4 3 2 2 -
Mgmt-414 Enterpreneurship 4 3 2 2 -
ECEg-5902 BSc Thesis 12 6 - - 18
Total 31 18 8 10 18 36
Appendix 1 - Module Handbook
Pre-requisites None
Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture (50 %), Paper presentation and discussion by individual or
group of students in class (50%)
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments (three)…..………………… 15%
System Mid-term Examination …………………. 35%
Final Examination ……………………….50%
Attendance Requirements Minimum of 85% attendance during lecture hours
Literature Text book:
John Langan, College Writing Skills with Readings: Text &
Student CD, 2005 - Student Edition. Joseph F. Trimmer, Writing
With a Purpose, Jul 13, 2005. Jeff Coghill and Stacy Magedanz,
English Grammar (Cliffs Study Solver), Jun 27, 2003.
National Writing Project and Carl Nagin, Because Writing
Matters: Improving Student Writing in Our Schools, Feb 10, 2006.
Getachew Seyoum, A Manual of Report Writing for College
Students. Jimma University. IV – Discourse types, 1991. Thomas
E. Tyner, College Writing Basics: A Progressive Approach, Jul
Stegberg C. Norman, An introductory English Grammar, New
York. MC Graw Hill Book Company, 1981.
Pre-requisites None
Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Gaped lectures, Project work and field work, Discussion and Role
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Project work………….10%
System Presentation…………..10%
Mid Exam…………… 30%
Final Exam……………50%
Attendance Requirements 75% class attendance
Literature Reference:
What Is Democracy? by Touraine, Alain
Globalizing Democracy: Power, Legitimacy, and the
Interpretation of Democratic Ideas by Fierlbeck, Katherine
Humanity and Communication
Pre-requisites None
Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures and Drills
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading System Assignment………..70%
Final Exam……………30%
Attendance Requirements 75% class attendance
Literature None
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Pre-requisites No pre-requisite
Semester X
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures and Drills
Assessment/Evaluation & Project………………......…..40%
Grading System Final Exam…………….……60%
Attendance Requirements 75% class attendance
Literature Reference:
Entrepreneurship by David H. Holt
Pre-requisites None
Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures and Drills
Assessment/Evaluation & Assignments…………… (30%)
Grading System Mid Exam…………….... (20%)
Final Exam……………... (50%)
Attendance Requirements Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours; and
100% attendance during practical work sessions.
Literature Textbook:
French, Thomas; Engineering Drawing and Graphic
Technology, 1993
Giseck, Frederick E; Technical Drawing; 2005
Jensen, Cecil; Engineering Drawing and Design; McGraw-
Hill; 5th edition; 1996
Voland G.S., Modern Engineering Graphics and Design; 1999
Luzzader, Warren J.;Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing,
Prentice Hall; 11th edition; 1983
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Pre-requisites None
Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by tutorials, and Assignments
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75%
Literature Textbook:
Calculus with analytic Geometry: 6th Edition, 2002. R. Ellis and
D. Gulick
Ron Larson, Robert P. Hostetler, and Bruce H. Edwards, Calculus
with analytic Geometry, 8th ed, 2005. C. Henry
Edwards and David E. Penney, Calculus with analytic Geometry:
5th Edition, 1993
Understand vector and scalar treatment of coplanar and non coplanar force
Understand resultants, equilibrium, friction, second moments of areas, principal
second moments of area, radius of gyration, internal forces, shear and bending
moment diagrams.
Particle and rigid body kinematics, Newton's laws of motion, kinetics of plane
motion, rigid body problems using work-energy, linear, and angular impulse-
momentum principles, vibrations.
Pre-requisites None
Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by tutorials, and Assignments
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment.……….…..10%
System Mid Exam……………..30%
Final Exam……….……60%
Attendance Requirements 75%
Literature Text Book:
Meriam, J. L., Engineering Mechanics -Static, 6th ed., 2003.
Hibbler, Russell M., Engineering Mechanics – Static,10th ed.,
Beer, F. P., Johnston, R.E. Jr., and et al. (2006), Vector Mechanics
for Engineers, Dynamics, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill
Engineering Science and Mathematics
Semester IV
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments…………… (10%)
System Mid Exam…………….... (30%)
Final Exam……………... (60%)
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Literature Textbook:
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Robert Boylestad, Louis
Electronic Devices and Circuits , Theodore F. Bogart
Electronic Principles, Malvino
Microelectronics- Digital and Analog Circuits and Systems,
Jacob Millman
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Semester V
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignments, Demonstrations.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignments…………… (10%)
System Mid Exam…………….... (30%)
Final Exam……………... (60%)
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab
Literature Textbook:
Theory and performance of Electrical Machines, J.B.Gubta,
millennium ed.
J. Hindmarsh: Electrical Machines and their Applications
G. Mullisa: Introduction to Electrical Machines
Kosow: Electric Machinery and Control, Prentice-Hall
Siskind: Electrical Machines, McGraw-Hill
Chapman: Electric Machinery Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill
Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley, & S. D.Umans: Electric Machinery
M.G. Say: Alternating Current machines
Core Electrical
Core Electrical
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures supported by tutorials and class exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment………….......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance
Advanced Digital Communications: Systems and Signal
Processing by Kamilo Feher (Hardcover - 1997)
Electronic advanced communication, by Robert J.schoenbeck.
B.P.lath, advanced communication systems.
Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Noise Reduction by
Saeed V. Vaseghi (Kindle Edition - Jan 11, 2006) - Kindle
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Electrical Power
Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Text Book:
C. L. Wadhwa, Electrical Power Systems, New Age International
Publishers, 2004.
Syed Nasar, Electrical Power Systems (Schaum‘s Outline Series),
McGraw-hill Publishing Company, 2004.
I. J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari, Power System Engineering, Tata
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1994.
Dr. George G. Karady, Dr. Keith E. Holbert, Electrical Energy
Conversion and Transport: An Interactive Computer-Based
Approach, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2005.
J. D. Glover and M. S. Sarma, Power System Analysis and
Design, Brooks/Cole, Third Edition.
Allen J. Wood and B.F. Wollenberg, Power Generation,
Operation and Control, 2nd Edition, John Wiley, 1996
Electrical Power
Electrical Power
Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial and assignments.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…………......…...10%
System Mid Exam………………..… 30%
Final Exam…………….….…60%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
Theory and performance of Electrical Machines, J.B.Gubta,
millennium ed.
J. Hindmarsh: Electrical Machines and their Applications
G. Mullisa: Introduction to Electrical Machines
Kosow: Electric Machinery and Control, Prentice-Hall
Siskind: Electrical Machines, McGraw-Hill
Chapman: Electric Machinery Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill
Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley, & S. D.Umans: Electric Machinery
M.G. Say: Alternating Current machines
Electrical Power
Electric Drive by Jacob Feinberg, Mir Publishers, 1978
Industrial Brushless servos by Peter Moreton, Newnes, 2000.
Vedam Subrahmanyam: Electric Drives Concepts and
applications by, McGraw-Hill 1996
Power Electronics Design : A Practitioner's Guide
by: Keith H. Sueker
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Industrial Control
Feedback Control system analysis and synthesis by John J. D‘
Azzo and Houpis,
Control System Engineering by I.J. Nagrath and Gopal
Modern Control Engineering by K. Ogata
Norman S. Nise: Control Systems Engineering
Industrial Control
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
Semester VII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment…….……......…...20%
System Mid Exam………………..…..30%
Final Exam…………….….….50%
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Textbook:
William Stallings: Data & Computer Communications
Andrew S. Tanenbaum: Computer Networks,
Fred Halsall: Data Communications, Computer Networks and
Open Systems
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
Semester VIII
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Grading Assignment (20%),
System Mid-semester Examination (30%),
Final examination (50%)
Attendance Requirements 75% lecture attendance
Literature Text book:
Haugeland, John (1985) , Artificial intelligence
Bar-Yam, Yeneer (2003), Dynamics of complex systems.
Bhadeshia H.K.D.H (1992), Neural networks in material
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hawassa University, Faculty of Technology
Course Description/Course Engineering and industrial problems in the area of power, control,
Contents communication, microelectronics and computer are solved
individually by the student.
The report has to be defended and is evaluated inform of an
Official Departmental Committee