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Bio 2023 Mock

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Pre-Leaving Certiϐicate Examination, 2023

Biology (Option A)
Section A and Section B
Higher Level
Time: 3 Hours (Sections A, B and C)
160 marks

SecƟon C is supplied separately

You must return this examinaƟon booklet with the answerbook
used to answer the quesƟons in SecƟon C


Write your details in the box on the front cover.

Write your answers in blue or black pen. You may use pencil for graphs and diagrams only.

There are three sec ons in this examina on.

Sec on A and Sec on B are in this examina on booklet.
Sec on C is in a separate ques on paper.

It is recommended that you spend not more than 30 minutes on Sec on A and 30 minutes on
Sec on B, leaving 120 minutes for Sec on C.

Sec on A Answer any five ques ons from this sec on.
Each ques on carries 20 marks.
Write your answers in the spaces provided in this examinaƟon booklet.

Sec on B Answer any two ques ons from this sec on.
Each ques on carries 30 marks.
Write your answers in the spaces provided in this examinaƟon booklet.

You must return this examinaƟon booklet with the answerbook used to answer the quesƟons
in SecƟon C.

Section A
Answer any ϐive questions.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.

1. Answer any five of the following parts (a) to (f):

(a) Define biology.

(b) Define the concept of life.

(c) Explain the term characterisƟcs of life.

(d) In terms of organisa on, name the basic unit present in all living organisms.

(e) What term is used to describe the wide variety of organisms that exist on earth?

(f) State the importance of reproduc on to all living organisms.

3 [OVER]
2. (a) Name the type of metabolic reac on that is responsible for the release of energy.

(b) Give one example of a structural role of a named protein.



(c) Name the chemical used to demonstrate the presence of glucose in a food sample.

(d) How do plants obtain the minerals they require?

(e) State the approximate percentage of water, by mass, in a human cell.

(f) Name the metallic element in:

1. Haemoglobin.

2. Chlorophyll.

3. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false by placing a ck () in the
appropriate box in each case.

True False

(a) There are no limita ons to the scien fic method.

(b) Vitamin C is water-soluble.

(c) At the end of mitosis in an animal cell a cleavage furrow forms.

(d) Bacteria are examples of eukaryo c organisms.

(e) Osmosis is a passive process.

(f) Glycogen is stored in the liver.

(g) Fer lisa on in a flowering plant results in the produc on of a

diploid endosperm nucleus.

4. The diagram shows a plant cell.

cell wall
cell membrane

(a) Is a plant cell an example of a prokaryo c or eukaryo c cell?

Explain your answer.

(b) Name the type of microscope required to provide the level of detail in the above diagram.

(c) Apart from the presence of the cell wall, state two other features of the above cell
which indicate it’s a plant cell.



(d) Name both components of cell membranes.



(e) Compare the cell wall and cell membrane in terms of permeability.

5 [OVER]
5. The diagram shows the female reproduc ve system.

(a) Using the numbers 1 and 2, indicate clearly on the diagram the loca on of:
1. Meiosis.
2. Fer lisa on.

(b) Name the hormone secreted by the Graafian follicle.

(c) Define the term implantaƟon.

(d) Name the two different ssues from which the placenta is formed.



(e) Iden fy the hormone responsible for the secre on of breast milk.

(f) State the type of immunity the baby receives by consuming breast milk.

6. (a) (i) What is meant by the term DNA profiling?

(ii) During the process of DNA profiling, the DNA strands are cut into smaller
fragments. How does this fragmenta on occur?

(iii) State one applica on of DNA profiling.

(b) (i) Name the process during which genes are manipulated, thus altering the genotype.

(ii) Transforma on and expression are both involved in the above process. Explain
what occurs during each step.

Transforma on:


(iii) Give one applica on of this process in a plant.

7 [OVER]
7. The skin is an example of an excretory organ.

(a) Explain the underlined term.

(b) Name one excretory organ present in plants.

(c) From which germ layer is skin produced?

(d) Iden fy the non-living layer present in skin.

(e) Iden fy two structures present in skin that are involved in temperature regula on.



(f) What term is used to describe organisms that cannot regulate their body temperature?

Section B
Answer any two questions.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Part (a) carries 6 marks and part (b) carries 24 marks in each question in this section.

8. (a) (i) What is the purpose of the scien fic method?

(ii) Explain what is meant by a control group, as used in scien fic experimenta on.

(b) Answer the following in rela on to inves ga ons you carried out.
(i) When preparing a sample of cells on a microscope slide, suggest two advantages
of using a coverslip.



(ii) Name the molecules whose presence in a specimen of food can be tested for by

1. Using either Sudan III or brown paper

2. Using iodine.

(iii) When isola ng DNA from a plant ssue, state one reason for each of the

1. Chopping the ssue

2. Hea ng the mixture to 60°C for exactly 15 minutes

3. The above step must only last 15 minutes

4. If ethanol at room temperature is added a er the mixture is filtered, no DNA

appears in the solu on.

9 [OVER]
9. (a) (i) With reference to enzymes, explain the term specificity.

(ii) Name the part of the enzyme responsible for its specificity.

(b) During the course of your prac cal ac vi es, you inves gated the effect of both pH and
temperature on the rate of enzyme ac on.

(i) Name the enzyme you used during these inves ga ons.

(ii) State:

1. The substrate of this enzyme.

2. The end product(s) of the reac on.

(iii) Name the type of solu on used to maintain a constant pH during the
inves ga ons.

(iv) Explain why the use of an incorrect pH reduces enzyme ac vity.

(v) When inves ga ng the effect of temperature on rate of enzyme ac on, state the
temperature at which op mal ac vity occurred.

(vi) Describe how you measured enzyme ac vity in the case of the enzyme named in
part (i) above.

(vii) Label the axes and sketch a graph to show the effect of temperature on enzyme
ac vity.

11 [OVER]

10. (a) (i) What is a seed?

(ii) Suggest one reason a period of dormancy may be of benefit to seeds before they
start to germinate.

(b) When inves ga ng the condi ons necessary for germina on:

(i) What is the purpose of se ng up a test tube without any seeds?

(ii) How did you deprive the seeds of:

1. Correct temperature.

2. Water.

(c) When inves ga ng diges ve ac vity during germina on, explain the purpose of the
following procedures:

1. Soaking the seeds for 24 hours prior to star ng the inves ga on.

2. Adding starch (or protein) to the agar.

3. Placing the seeds open side down on the agar.

(d) When inves ga ng the growth of leaf yeast using agar plates:

1. Name the control you used.

2. Describe how you disposed of the plates at the end of the inves ga on.


Pre-Leaving Certiϐicate Examination, 2023

Biology (Option A)
Section C
Higher Level
Time: 3 Hours (Sections A, B and C)
240 marks

SecƟons A and B are supplied in a separate examinaƟon booklet.

You must return the examinaƟon booklet for SecƟons A and B
with the answerbook used to answer the quesƟons in SecƟon C.

There are three sec ons in this examina on.

Sec on A and Sec on B are in a separate examina on booklet.
Sec on C is in this ques on paper.

This examina on carries 400 marks in total.

It is recommended that you spend not more than 30 minutes on SecƟon A

and 30 minutes on SecƟon B, leaving 120 minutes for SecƟon C.

Sec on C: Answer any four ques ons from this sec on.
Each ques on carries 60 marks.
Do not write your answers to Sec on C on this ques on paper.

Write your answers in blue or black pen. You may use pencil for graphs and diagrams only.

You must return the examinaƟon booklet for SecƟons A and B with the answerbook used to
answer the quesƟons in SecƟon C.

Section C
Answer any four questions.
Write your answers in the answer book.

11. (a) (i) Explain nutrient recycling.

(ii) State two ways by which carbon dioxide is returned to the atmosphere. (9)

(b) (i) Define the following terms, as used in ecology.

1. Ecosystem
2. Community
3. Popula on.
(ii) What is meant by a quanƟtaƟve survey? Explain why this type of survey is
considered the most useful from the point of view of ecologists.
(iii) The distribu on of organisms within a habitat is influenced by a number of
different environmental factors, including bio c and edaphic factors.
1. Explain the underlined terms.
2. List two bio c factors.
3. Name one environmental factor that is specific to aqua c environments only.

(c) Pteridium aquilinum is a deciduous fern, more commonly referred to as bracken. It is

found all over Ireland and grows in all sorts of habitats. It is a large fern: fronds o en
grow to 2 metres or more. The fronds die off a er the first frost of winter, and new
fronds emerge again the following spring. The young shoots and leaves are covered
in a downy, silvery hair and brown scales that gradually fall away as the young frond
unfurls. Bracken is a well-adapted pioneer species that colonises quickly by means of
its wind-borne spores. Once established, it expands rapidly via a creeping underground
network of rhizomes. This can result in large colonies of bracken that completely
dominate the immediate landscape. It is a domina on assisted by an impressive array
of complex chemical compounds that allow bracken to inhibit the growth of compe ng
plants, discourage grazing animals and disrupt the growth pa erns of insect pests. The
fronds have been used as packaging material, animal bedding, roofing thatch, green
manure and fuel. In the Middle Ages, bracken was considered so valuable that it was
some mes used to pay rents.
(Adapted from Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum), Jones, C., 2011)

(i) What informa on included in the text suggests that Pteridium aquilinum belongs
to the Plant Kingdom?
(ii) Suggest two reasons that bracken is a successful pioneer species.
(iii) Indicate one structural adapta on exhibited by young bracken. Explain the
importance of the adapta on you have chosen.
(iv) Explain why bracken spreads rapidly once it is established in a habitat.
(v) Are farmers likely to encourage the growth of bracken in their fields? Explain.
(vi) Explain why bracken is unlikely to be damaged by insects. (24)

3 [OVER]
12. (a) (i) Define the term cell conƟnuity.
(ii) What term is used to describe the por on of the cell cycle during which no cell
division is taking place? (9)

(b) Protein synthesis is a complex process in which proteins are produced using the gene c
code contained in DNA molecules.
(i) Deoxyribose is a component of DNA. Name the biomolecule to which it belongs.
(ii) Where in the DNA molecule does hydrogen bonding occur?
(iii) The first stage of protein synthesis involves transcrip on.
1. Where in the cell does transcrip on occur?
2. Name the molecule produced as a result of this process.
(iv) Describe the process of transla on.
(v) The newly formed protein now takes on a 3D shape by folding. Why is this step
necessary? (27)

(c) (i) Explain the following terms used in gene cs:

1. Gene expression
2. Sex linkage
3. Dominance.
(ii) State Mendel’s Law of Segrega on.
(iii) In the fruit fly Drosophila, eye colour can be either red or white, while body
colour can be either grey or black. When a fly with red eyes and a grey body is
crossed with a fly with white eyes and a black body, all the offspring have red
eyes and grey bodies.
1. Indicate the dominant allele for both eye colour and body colour.
2. Write out the genotypes of the offspring. (24)

13. (a) (i) Name the process by which organisms maintain a constant internal environment.
(ii) Body temperature must be maintained within a narrow range. Suggest one
reason for this.
(iii) Name one other factor that organisms must keep constant. (9)

(b) (i) State the loca on of the kidneys in an adult human.

(ii) Indicate the exact loca on within the nephron where the following processes
1. Filtra on.
2. Reabsorp on of useful substances such as glucose.
(iii) Blood enters the kidney via the renal artery.
1. Name the arteriole that enters Bowman’s capsule.
2. State one structural feature of this arteriole that is different from the
arteriole that leaves Bowman’s capsule.
3. Explain the significance of this difference in structure.
(iv) Give one reason the glomerular filtrate contains amino acids but not proteins.
(v) Suggest one reason why prolonged strenuous exercise would lead to the
produc on of an -diure c hormone (ADH). Name the part of the nephron which
is under the influence of ADH. (27)

(c) (i) Define excreƟon. Name two gases excreted by the body.
(ii) Comment on the role of the brain in the control of breathing.
(iii) Exhala on is a passive process. Define the underlined term.
(iv) Explain how the intercostal muscles cause the thorax to expand during the
process of inhala on.
(v) Name one breathing disorder.
For this disorder, give:
1. A possible cause.
2. A method of treatment. (24)

5 [OVER]
14. (a) The spinal cord is covered by a number of layers of ssue, collec vely called the meninges.
(i) How many layers of ssue make up the meninges?
(ii) What is the func on of the meninges?
(iii) Name one other loca on in the body where the meninges are also present. (9)

(b) (i) Describe the peripheral nervous system.

(ii) Explain the difference between the grey and white ma er found in the spinal cord.
(iii) Dis nguish between dorsal and ventral roots of spinal nerves.
(iv) Apart from the presence of the meninges, state one other way in which the
nerves within the spinal cord are protected.
(v) The diagram shows part of a neuron, damaged as a result of the inflammatory
condi on mul ple sclerosis.

Normal nerve

Exposed fiber

Nerve affected
by MS

Damaged myelin

1. Name the part of the neuron responsible for the produc on of the myelin
2. What influence will damage to the myelin sheath have on the rate of
transmission of a nerve impulse?
(vi) Explain the func on of interneurons.
(vii) Describe the role played by ions, neurotransmi ers and enzymes in the
transmission of a nerve impulse. (27)

(c) Tropic responses in plants are controlled by growth regulators.

(i) What term is used to describe the growth response of a plant to:
1. Chemicals.
2. Touch.
(ii) Name the region of the plant responsible for the secre on of growth regulators.
Name one part of a plant in which such a region is located.
(iii) What is the role of the vascular system in tropic responses?
(iv) In the case of any one named tropic response, describe the mechanism by which
a posi ve response to this s mulus occurs. (24)

15. (a) (i) Explain one difference in terms of func on between incisors and canine teeth.
(ii) Name the type of waste removed from the body by the process of eges on. (9)

(b) The diagram shows the movement of a bolus of food along the alimentary canal.

(i) Name the process shown in the diagram.

(ii) Name the type of diges on that is aided by the process named in part (i) above.
(iii) Iden fy the part of the alimentary canal in which the process shown above is
taking place.
(iv) Name one other part of the alimentary canal in which this process occurs.
(v) State two func ons of the hydrochloric acid found in the stomach.
(vi) Explain why the presence of mucus is necessary to protect the stomach wall.
(vii) Indicate the pH of the liquid that enters the duodenum.
(viii) Name the stage of nutri on that takes place predominantly in the duodenum.

(c) (i) Describe any two features of the small intes ne and indicate how each of the
features you have named aid the process of absorp on.
(ii) Name the blood vessel which carries carbon dioxide away from the liver.
(iii) Deamina on occurs in the liver.
1. Iden fy the end-product of diges on that undergoes deamina on.
2. Name one enzyme responsible for the produc on of the end-product you
have named above.
3. Iden fy the waste product produced as a result of deamina on.
(iv) Which part of the alimentary canal has an endocrine func on?
(v) Iden fy the part of the alimentary canal in which most water is absorbed. (24)

7 [OVER]
16. Answer any two of (a), (b), (c), (d) (30, 30)

(a) Answer the following ques ons in rela on to the human circulatory system.
(i) What term is used to describe a circulatory system that begins and ends in
capillaries? Name one vein that has capillaries at both ends.
(ii) The diagram shows a longitudinal sec on through a vein.
Name two features shown in the diagram that aid the movement of blood
through veins.

Outer layer


Smooth muscle

(iii) State two ways in which the structure of a red blood cell differs from that of
other human cells.
(iv) White blood cells are classified into two different groups depending on their
func on.
Name both groups.
(v) State one func on of each of the following:
1. Pacemaker.
2. Sino-atrial (SA) node.

(b) The graph shows the absorp on spectrum of various pigments present in leaves.
Amount of light absorbed


chlorophyll a

chlorophyll b

Wavelength of light (nm)

(i) Why would the presence of carotenoid pigments be advantageous to a plant?

(ii) If light containing wavelengths of 400 – 600nm only was provided to plants, what
effect would this have on the rate of photosynthesis? Explain your answer.
(iii) During the conversion of light energy to chemical energy, electrons are released.
Name the molecule from which the electrons are released.
(iv) Once released, explain the role played by these electrons in the produc on of ATP.
(v) Describe the role played by NADPH in photosynthesis.

(c) (i) All living organisms are divided into five kingdoms. Plants and animals are two
such kingdoms.
1. Name any two other kingdoms.
2. In the case of one of the kingdoms you have named, give one example from
that kingdom.
(ii) With regard to nutri on, bacteria can be classified into two groups, autotrophs
and heterotrophs.
1. In the case of autotrophs, name the two sources of energy they can use.
2. Heterotrophs are classified as either saprophytes or parasites. State one
advantage of each of these types of bacteria.
(iii) Explain the term symbiosis. Name one loca on in the human body where
symbio c bacteria are found.
(iv) Bacteria are o en produced by means of batch processing. Outline this

(d) Respira on is a two-stage process.

(i) Name the stage that is common to both anaerobic and aerobic respira on.
(ii) Iden fy the cellular loca on of the stage you have named in part (i) above.
(iii) How many carbon atoms are present in the end-product of this stage?
(iv) Comment on the amount of energy produced during this stage.
(v) Under what environmental condi ons will the end-product named in part (iii)
above enter the second stage?
(vi) Name the part of the mitochondria where the electron transport system takes
(vii) Describe the series of reac ons in the electron transport system that result in the
produc on of ATP.
(viii) Suggest one reason fat cells contain very few mitochondria.

9 [OVER]
17. Answer any two of (a), (b), (c), (d) (30, 30)

(a) Answer the following ques ons from your knowledge of flowering plants.
(i) Name the three cons tuent parts of the carpel.
(ii) Outline the role of meiosis in the produc on of the female gametes.
(iii) List the contents of a mature pollen grain.
(iv) Outline the process of double fer lisa on. In what part of the plant does this
process occur?
(v) State the func ons of the following parts of the seed:
1. Testa.
2. Cotyledon.

(b) The diagram shows a sec on of the vertebral column.


(i) To which part of the skeleton do the vertebrae belong? Name one other
component of this part of the skeleton.
(ii) State the number of vertebrae present in the sacrum.
(iii) Name the biomolecule from which the vertebral disc is formed. Comment on the
range of movement possible between vertebrae.
(iv) Outline the role played by the cells shown in the diagram in bone development.
Which of the cells shown is influenced by physical ac vity?

Osteoclast Osteoblast

(v) Given the absence of a skeleton to provide support, state two features of plants
which provide support.

(c) Write notes on three of the following topics:
(i) Role of vaccines in preven ng infec ous diseases.
(ii) Immobilised enzymes.
(iii) Feedback mechanism in the hormonal system.
(iv) Evolu on.
(v) Tissue culture.

(d) (i) Some plants reproduce by means of both sexual and asexual reproduc on
(vegeta ve propaga on). State two differences between these types of
reproduc on.
(ii) Name the type of cell division involved in vegeta ve propaga on.
(iii) Indicate one reason sexual reproduc on may be an advantage to a plant in
(iv) Name two methods by which plants can reproduce by means of vegeta ve
propaga on. In the case of each method you have named:
1. Name a plant that uses this type of propaga on,
2. Iden fy which part of the plant is used in the process.
(v) Indicate one disadvantage of reproduc on by means of vegeta ve propaga on to
a plant in the wild.
(vi) Give one example of a method that may be used in hor culture to ar ficially
propagate plants.
(vii) Suggest two reasons hor culturists may choose to propagate plants in this way.


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