Aktu Envrn Comp23
Aktu Envrn Comp23
Aktu Envrn Comp23
lsok esa]
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,oa O;olkf;d laLFkkuA
d`Ik;k mi;qZDr fo’k; ds lac/a k esa voxr djkuk gS fd lfpo] fo”ofo|ky; vuqnku vk;ksx] ubZ fnYyh ds i=
la[;k% D.O.No.2-21/2023(CPP-II) II) fnukad 08 ebZ] 2023 ¼i= layXu½ }kjk eq[; :Ik ls fuEuor lwfpr fd;k x;k
The Higher Education Institutions are requested to disseminate information about
National Students Paryavaran Competition ¼NSPC½ and requested Students for maximum
participation in the Competition scheduled from 01st July, 2023 to 21st August, 2023. The
participation is free for all Students. There is no commercial activity involved in this
awareness campaign. A copy of the detailed program of the Competition is enclosed.”
vr% d`Ik;k mDr ls voxr gksrs gq, fo”ofo|ky; vuqnku vk;ksx ds i= esa mfYyf[kr O;oLFkkuqlkj dk;Zokgh
djus dk d’VV djsa] lkFk gh ;g Hkh voxr djkuk gS fd NSPC-2023 2023 ds jftLVªs”ku gsrq fyad%
https://ecomitram.app/nspc23 dk iz;ksx djsa] ,oa vius laLFkku ds vf/kd ls vf/kd Nk=@Nk=kvksa dks izfrHkkx djus
gsrq izkRlkfgr
Rs lkfgr djus dk d’V djsaA
layXud% ;FkksDrA
izfrfyfi% fuEufyf[kr dks lwpukFkZ izsf’krA
1- mi dqylfpo] ,0ds0Vh0;w0] y[kuÅA
2- tu lEidZ vf/kdkjh] ,0ds0Vh0;w0] y[kuÅA
3- LVkQ vkfQlj] dqyifr dk;kZy; dks ek0 dqyifr egksn; ds lwpukFkZA
¼th0 ih0 flag½
q323 INDIA
.r?&rrr F5f,t
fuqfrqrfr qcn wrftr
cr. qRs t det s?qm n{rd
Universily Gronls (ommirsion
(Frerr {ildq, qna nr+n)
Prof. Manish R. Joshi (Ministry of tducotion, Gor. of lndio)
Respected Madam/Sir,
As you are aware, Climate control is the top agenda under the leadership of our
Hon'ble Prime Minister. It is now a well-established fact worldwide that concerted efforts are
required for climate control to avoid further degeneration which may result in irreversible
consequences. The Ministry of Environment, Foresl & Climate Change has organized
National students Paryavaran competition (NSPC) under the aegis of Paryavaran Sanrakshan
Gatividhi, which is scheduled from 0lst July, 2023 to 2lst August, 2023. The objective of
this program is to succeed in creating awareness amongst students to comprehend in depth
the complexity of the looming dangers ofuncontrolled climate devaslation.
Yours sincerely,
(Manish Joshi)
The Vice-Chancellors of all Universities
The Principals of all Colleges/Institutes
OxE EAIIH . oIE alrllLY . Ol{E TUIUaE
cEgrrr€ cs't qrt, ;r{ ftd-t toooz I Bohodur Shoh 2olor llorg, t{ew Delhi-l l0(N)2
Ph.' 0l l-23236288/23239337 | tor, 0l l-2323 8858 | f-moil : sery.u0(@ni(.in
,ti". ,'i,.
Paryavarn Sanrakshan Gatividihi (PSG)
National Students Paryavaran Competition
(NSPC) ili.i!1ry ol Envlronmcnt. Fo..5t
zftcIm & Clkhat! Chlogo
"Ej. ?ed flesh ke lo{aarr-l"
Dear Sir/Madam
Climate change is increasingty becoming a global challenge and already the wodd has slarted
seeing calasl.rophic results in various forms such as increased lrequencies ol cyclones, floods,
cloud bursts, forest fires, etc. As per UN data, Climatic changes have al.eady caused over 15O,OOO
deaths annually world over- ll is now well compreheoded by all lhe Nationsthat unless emphasis is
made and actions are taken lo control the climate degeneralion, theworld will face irreversible
cataslrophic damage.
ln order to address this buming issue, another on line competition is being held by NSPC
as per following schedule: -
r Dates for Quiz Competition (For all Groups): From 156 July-20231o
21"t August 2023
2. To acquire knowledge on lhe iob skills, competency & atlitude lo confront the
environmental challenges & their mitigation.
To ensure maximum participalion from our future leaders and beloved students, we arc
organizing a National StudenG Paryavaran Competition on matters related to env:ronmental
concems E their possible solutions.
ln case you are already a member of PSG then you are requested to motivate and
coordinate with:-
1. Participation:
A Group: From Class 1"tto Class 5b
B. Group: From Class 6thto Class 8!h
C. Group: From Class gt\o Class 12.h
D. Group: From UG PG & Research Scholar
3. Registration Process
4. Registration fee. Please Sow 10 seeds of any planl at your home and Upload the
' photos on the Link httDb://eclmilram.aoc/nsoc25
5. Rewards:
Thanking You
Warm Regards
Sande€p Balyan
Member Central Team
Parayvaran Sanrakshan Gatividhi
The Commissioner
Navodava Vidyalava Sa m ; ti,
B- 15, lnstitutional .Arca,
Sector-62, Noida,
G.B.Nagar, U.P.-2O1309.
Madam/ Sir,
I am directcd to fonvard hercwith a copy of a letter received from Shri
Sandeep Balyan, Paryavaran Ssnrakshan Gatividhi, regarding participation
of Government-aided schools including those under CBSE, KVS and NVS in All
lndia School Paryavaran Competidon'
2. The online compcLition is for students of Class I't to 12 and participation is
free. The datcs for registration of schools are from 04.12.2021 lo 24.12-2021.
Detarls of the competition are cnclosed along rvith tlle aforementioned letter.
3. You are rcquested to encourage the students of your schools to ParticiPate in
rhc com;:ctition. Action taken in this regard may be intimatcd to thie Departmcnt-
Yours faithfully,
\ -l
(sreekala P. VenugoPal)
Deputy Secretary to the Govl. o[ lndia
Encl: As ebove