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Relación Anatómica 3D Jase 2018 - 1.2

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Which Cardiac Structure Lies

Nearby? Revisiting Two-Dimensional
Cross-Sectional Anatomy
Francesco F. Faletra, MD, Siew Yen Ho, PhD, Laura Anna Leo, MD, Vera Lucia Paiocchi, MD, Sunil Mankad, MD,
Mani Vannan, MBBS, and Tiziano Moccetti, MD, Lugano, Switzerland; London, United Kingdom;
Rochester, Minnesota; and Atlanta, Georgia

Two-dimensional (2D) transthoracic echocardiography is one of the most used diagnostic tools in clinical car-
diology. Similarly, 2D transesophageal echocardiography is considered an indispensable tool for cardiologists
and cardiac anesthesiologists worldwide. However, because of their tomographic nature, both techniques
display only thin cut planes of a given area of the heart, which are far from representing the ‘‘anatomic reality.’’
It is widely accepted that experienced echocardiographers are able to reconstruct mentally a three-
dimensional image of any cardiac structure on the basis of their interpretation of multiple tomographic slices.
However, this may not be the case with less experienced echocardiographers. In particular, the authors
noticed that less experienced echocardiographers are almost totally unaware of which structures lie ‘‘nearby’’
a given 2D tomographic plane, that is, what is adjacent in the elevation plane. In this article, the authors report
the use of three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic images to discover which structures are
located nearby (i.e., ‘‘behind’’ and ‘‘in front’’) the corresponding 2D cross-sections. The authors believe that
this novel use of three-dimensional echocardiography is a unique aid to disclose what cannot be seen in a
given 2D cross-section, thereby expanding our understanding of 2D echocardiographic anatomy. This may
be an effective method to encourage all to ‘‘think’’ in three dimensions, even when they use 2D echocardiog-
raphy. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2018;31:967-75.)

Keywords: 2D transesophageal echocardiography, 3D transesophageal echocardiography, Cross-sectional


Two-dimensional (2D) transthoracic echocardiography (2D TTE) ap- two subtle lines of valvular tissue, moving during the cardiac cycle
peared in the diagnostic arena several decades ago as the natural evo- and surrounded by a black background. Although this cross-section
lution of M-mode echocardiography,1 and today it is probably one of is very popular, it is far from representing the entire ‘‘anatomic re-
the most used diagnostic tools in clinical cardiology, second only to ality’’ of the mitral valve.
electrocardiography and chest radiography. Similarly, 2D transeso- The best imaging modality to comprehend the concept of a ‘‘thin’’
phageal echocardiography (TEE) has also evolved from its initial slice of tissue is probably the novel fluoroscopy-echocardiography
configuration of a transesophageal probe with a single crystal2 to fusion imaging. In this modality, 2D TEE is merged within the fluoro-
monoplane, biplane, and multiplane 2D TEE.3 Nowadays, multipla- scopic silhouette, and we can appreciate the real thinness of the cross-
nar 2D TEE is an indispensable tool for cardiologists, anesthesiologists, sectional 2D images4 (Figure 1, Video 1 available at www.onlinejase.
and interventionalists. com).
However, both 2D TTE and 2D TEE provide real-time images The development of the matrix-array transducer led to the ability to
displaying a thin cut plane of a given area of the heart. In the visualize the heart in three dimensions with ultrasound. For the first
‘‘classic’’ 2D transesophageal left ventricular outflow view at time, this transducer allowed the acquisition of three-dimensional (3D)
120 , for instance, leaflets of the mitral valve are visualized as images that were ‘‘intrinsically’’ 3D (i.e., without the need for offline
reconstruction of adjacent slices) and in ‘‘real time’’ (i.e., displaying mo-
From the Cardiology Department, Fondazione Cardiocentro Ticino, Lugano, tion as it happens). Miniaturization of electronic circuits has made it
Switzerland (F.F.F., L.A.L., V.L.P., T.M.); Cardiac Morphology, Royal Brompton possible to compact thousands of piezoelectric crystals into the tip of a
Hospital and Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (S.Y.H.); the transesophageal echocardiographic transducer, coupling the quality
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota (S.M.); and the Piedmont Heart Institute, of transesophageal imaging with a 3D display. As a result, most
Atlanta, Georgia (M.V.). structures of the heart are represented with anatomic details of unprec-
Conflicts of Interest: None. edented quality, faithfully mirroring the anatomical reality.5-8 As
Dr. Faletra has received speaking honoraria from Philips. 3D echocardiography became widely available (at present, most
Reprint requests: Francesco F. Faletra, MD, Division of Cardiology, Fondazione echocardiographic machines include 3D technology), it was
Cardiocentro Ticino, Via Tesserete 48, CH-6900 Lugano, Switzerland (E-mail: anticipated that 3D TTE and TEE would rapidly replace 2D TTE and
francesco.faletra@cardiocentro.org). TEE. On the contrary, after a decade, 3D echocardiography is not yet
0894-7317/$36.00 fully applied in routine clinical practice, and echocardiographers
Copyright 2018 by the American Society of Echocardiography. All rights reserved. are disinclined to use 3D echocardiography extensively. Most
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.echo.2018.04.014 laboratories perform complete 2D transthoracic or transesophageal
968 Faletra et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
September 2018

echocardiographic studies, followed chines, temporal resolution remains low, especially when a large vol-
by a focused 3D examination ume size or 3D color Doppler is used.
2D = Two-dimensional only in those patients in Third, there is a common belief that experienced echocardiog-
3D = Three-dimensional whom it is believed that 3D raphers are able to mentally reconstruct a 3D image of cardiac struc-
echocardiography could potentially ture on the basis of the interpretation of multiple 2D cross-sections,
AF = Atrial fibrillation provide additional data (e.g., 3D thus making 3D echocardiography an optional if not an unnecessary
LAA = Left atrial appendage TTE to more precisely quantify tool. Although we may agree that experienced echocardiographers
left ventricular size and function, may instinctively reconstruct mentally a 3D image derived from
LAI = Left atrial isthmus 3D TEE in patients with mitral multiple 2D sections, this may not be entirely true for less experi-
LVOT = Left ventricular prolapse or flail to better enced echocardiographers. In particular, we noticed that they are
outflow tract characterize the pathoanatomy almost totally unaware of which structures lie ‘‘nearby’’ (i.e., behind
of the valve and the likelihood and in front) a given 2D tomographic plane, that is, what is adjacent
TEE = Transesophageal
of valve repair).9 in the elevation plane. Because 2D echocardiography will remain
There are at least three rea- for many years the primary imaging modality, in this article we
TTE = Transthoracic sons that may explain this reluc- report the use of 3D images to disclose which structures are located
echocardiography tance to apply extensively this ‘‘nearby’’ the corresponding 2D cross-sections. Knowledge of what
TV = Tricuspid valve technology. structure lies nearby a given cut plane may help less experienced
First, over decades, echocardi- echocardiographers in properly maneuvering the transducer. For
ographers and clinical cardiologists were accustomed to analyze the instance, knowing that the tricuspid valve (TV) lies behind the bi-
shape and movement of these 2D thin cut planes. A wide array of caval cross-sectional view may clarify that to obtain a cross-
2D transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiographic cross- sectional plane that includes a perpendicular plane of the TV, the
sectional planes have been standardized, precisely describing the car- echocardiographer must rotate the transducer clockwise. We are
diac structures that are intersected by the ultrasound beam. A huge convinced that this educational use of 3D echocardiography is a
number of articles and books have illustrated 2D cross-sections of unique tool to expand our understanding of 2D echocardiographic
normal and pathologic cardiac valves and chambers. Angiography, anatomy discovering what we do not see in a given 2D cross-
surgical inspections, and anatomic specimens have confirmed the section. In this study, we exclusively used transesophageal images
diagnostic accuracy of these 2D cross-sections, making 2D echocardi- because of the clarity of anatomic details, but the same applies to
ography the most powerful noninvasive diagnostic technique. 3D TTE. Finally, among countless potential tomographic planes,
Second, the frame rate of 2D echocardiography (i.e., the number we chose those 2D transesophageal echocardiographic cross-
of images per second) and its spatial resolution (i.e., the number of sections ‘‘nearby’’ which there are relevant anatomic structures
lines per sector [line density]) are still superior to the volume rate (sometimes behind or in front a given cross-section, there is only
(i.e., the number of volumes per second) and spatial resolution (i.e., an atrial or a ventricular wall seen in the ‘‘en face’’ perspective). In
the number of sectors per volume [sector density]) of 3D echocardi- particular, we disclose those cardiac structures lying ‘‘nearby’’ the
ography. Despite the high likelihood that in the near future, technical following ‘‘classic’’ 2D transesophageal echocardiographic cross-
improvements may reduce or even abolish these gaps between the sections: midesophageal long-axis view of the left ventricular
two technologies, in the most used routine echocardiographic ma- outflow tract (LVOT), midesophageal long-axis view of the aorta,

Figure 1 (A) Fluoroscopic-echocardiographic fusion imaging in which the transesophageal echocardiographic long-axis view is visu-
alized within the fluoroscopic silhouette of the heart in anteroposterior projection. (B) The same magnified imaged without fluoros-
copy. The thinness of 2D cross-sections (arrows) can be appreciated.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Volume 31 Number 9 Faletra et al 969

The electrophysiologists refer to the posterior-inferior region of the

HIGHLIGHTS left atrium between the left lower pulmonary vein and the mitral
annulus as the LAI or mitral isthmus. By creating a linear ablation
 2D echocardiography provides thin cross-sections of a given line connecting the medial border of the left lower pulmonary vein
cardiac structure. and the vestibule in proximity to the lateral mitral commissure, elec-
 Experienced echocardiographers can reconstruct 3D images trophysiologists have been able to interrupt an arrhythmic circuit
around the mitral annulus, which becomes particularly important in
based on 2D cross-sections.
patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). From a strictly anatomic
 Less experienced echocardiographers are unaware of which
point of view, this region generally is characterized by a smooth endo-
structures lie ‘‘nearby’’. cardial surface without specific landmarks, although small crevices
 3D echocardiography can disclose what we do not see in a may be found along the line of ablation.13 The wall is thin, with an
given 2D cross-section. average transmural myocardial thickness ranging from 2.2 to
 3D echocardiography helps thinking in 3D even when 2D 5.5 mm, with the thinnest part near the mitral annulus (range,
echocardiography is used. 0.3–3.3 mm). The length of the LAI is highly variable, ranging from
2 to 5 cm. Both the left circumflex coronary artery and the coronary
sinus run in close proximity to the external aspect of LAI and may be
midesophageal four-chamber view, and midesophageal bicaval
injured during AF ablation.
The LAA has been extensively studied with 2D and 3D TEE and is
a source of systemic embolism in patients with AF. Imaging of the
LAA has therefore been primarily focused on the presence of thrombi
MIDESOPHAGEAL LONG-AXIS VIEW OF THE LVOT and sludge inside the LAA. More recently, catheter-delivered LAA
closure devices, which have the aim of excluding the LAA from the
The 2D transesophageal echocardiographic midesophageal long-axis systemic circulation, have been considered a reasonable alternative
view of the LVOT (110 –130 ) is one of the ‘‘classic’’ tomographic for patients with AF who are ineligible for, or are noncompliant
planes that allows visualization of the left atrial cavity, the central scal- with, anticoagulation therapy. In these patients, to ensure a stable
lops of the anterior and posterior mitral leaflets (A2 and P2), the left positioning of the occlusion device into the LAA, quantitative assess-
ventricle, the LVOT, the aortic leaflets, the aortic root, and a variable ment of LAA (i.e., size of orifice and landing zone, length of the main
extent of the tubular ascending aorta.11 This cross-section provides lobe) is crucial. Because of its complex morphology, it is likely that
diagnostic data for a large number of valvular diseases (such as mitral measurements taken from a 3D data set are more precise than those
prolapse and flail, aortic stenosis and regurgitation, aortic dilation and obtained with 2D TEE.14 Interestingly, in a deeper plane, two other
dissection, aortic and mitral endocarditis, myxoma, and congenital de- structures are relevant for electrophysiologists, namely, the left lateral
fects). More recently, this has been considered the most important ridge and the left upper pulmonary vein (Figure 4, Video 2 available at
view to guide the correct grasping of mitral leaflets during percuta- www.onlinejase.com). ‘‘In front’’ of this cut plane is located the left
neous edge-to-edge mitral valve repair.12 In this cross-section, the side of the interatrial septum (Figure 5).
left atrial cavity appears completely black. By using the equivalent
3D transesophageal echocardiographic volumetric data set, at least
two relevant structures are located behind the 2D plane, namely, MIDESOPHAGEAL LONG-AXIS VIEW OF THE AORTA
the left atrial isthmus (LAI) and the orifice of the left atrial appendage
(LAA; Figure 2). The transesophageal long-axis view of the aorta enables the visualiza-
Figure 3A illustrates the position of the LAI and LAA when viewed tion of the aortic root, including the sinuses of Valsalva, the sinotubu-
from an overhead perspective; Figures 3B, 3C, and 3D show the steps lar junction, and the noncoronary and right coronary leaflets. This
used to achieve the 3D perspective equivalent to the 2D long-axis view. view is particularly useful for evaluating leaflet motion and for

Figure 2 (A) The ‘‘classic’’ 2D transesophageal long-axis view at 120 to 130 . This cross-sectional plane shows the left atrium (LA),
the central segments of the anterior (A2) and posterior (P2) mitral leaflets, the left ventricle (LV), and the aorta (Ao). (B) The same image
in 3D. Behind the cross-sectional plane are visible the LAI and the orifice of LAA. (C) Corresponding anatomic specimen.
970 Faletra et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
September 2018

Figure 3 (A) Large pyramidal data set acquisition showing from an overhead perspective the mitral valve (MV), the TV, the aorta (Ao),
and the interatrial septum (IAS). The white asterisk denotes the LAA. The red asterisk denotes the LAI region. (B) The dotted line marks
the cropping plane. (C) The inferior half of the 3D volume data set has been removed. (D) The superior half of the 3D volume data set
shown in (C) is rotated around the x axis (curved arrow) to obtain a perspective equivalent to the 2D long-axis view.

Figure 4 Slight angulations and rotations from a 3D data set better show the anatomic relationship between the LAA, left lateral ridge
(LLR), left upper pulmonary vein (LUPV), aortic root (Ao), anterior mitral leaflet (AML), and lateral commissure (LC).
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Volume 31 Number 9 Faletra et al 971

Figure 5 (A) Same image as Figure 3. An asterisk marks the interatrial septum (IAS). (B) The image is rotated counterclockwise so that
the TV remains at the top of the image. The dotted line marks the cropping plane. (C) The inferior half of the 3D volume data set has
been removed. (D) The superior half of the 3D volume data set shown in (C) is rotated around the x axis (curved arrow) to obtain a 3D
perspective, which shows the left side of IAS as seen in an ‘‘en face view.’’ Ao, Aorta; MV, mitral valve.

obtaining the dimensions of the aortic root at different levels tom and atria at the top of the screen, with left-sided structures to
(Figure 6A). The equivalent 3D transesophageal perspective clearly the left and right-sided structures to the right of the patient).8 As
shows the structures lying behind this cross-sectional slice, namely, the corresponding transthoracic four-chamber view, this cross-
the left coronary leaflet and the interleaflet triangle between left cor- section is one of the most informative views, as it includes the right
onary leaflet and noncoronary leaflet (Figure 6B, Video 3 available at atrium, the septa, the mitral valve, and the TVs. The diagnostic process
www.onlinejase.com). of a large number of pathologies of the ventricles, atria, and atrioven-
The interleaflet triangles are the consequence of the coronet- tricular valves may take advantage of this cross-section. The right atrial
shaped attachments of the aortic leaflets on the aortic root and can cavity, limited by the atrial wall, interatrial septum, and TV, appears as
be defined as an extension of LVOT between the hinge lines of adja- an empty black chamber. Conversely, in the corresponding 3D trans-
cent semilunar leaflets. These triangles reach the sinotubular junction, esophageal four-chamber perspective, the right atrium includes
where the attachments of two adjacent leaflets form the commissure. several relevant anatomic structures lying in a plane deeper than
In particular, the triangle lying ‘‘behind’’ the 2D cross-section of the that of 2D four-chamber cross-plane, such as the cavotricuspid
long-axis view of the aorta between the left and noncoronary sinuses isthmus, the Eustachian valve, the coronary sinus ostium, and the
is made up by fibrous tissue that is in continuity with the mitral-aortic Thebesian valve6 (Figure 7, Video 4 available at www.onlinejase.
fibrous curtain. This triangle is the largest and separates the left ven- com).
tricular cavity from the transverse pericardial sinus. In small aortic Anatomically the cavotricuspid isthmus is a roughly quadrilateral
roots, the mitral-aortic continuity and the corresponding fibrous inter- endocardial region extending from the Eustachian valve to the hinge
leaflet triangle are the site for the enlargement of the aortic annulus line of the TV. This region is part of a macroreentrant circuit that sus-
(Figures 6C and 6D). tains typical atrial flutter. Thus, a linear ablation line from the middle
part of the Eustachian valve attachment to the middle part of the TV
hinge usually terminates the arrhythmia. However, anatomic variants
TRANSESOPHAGEAL FOUR-CHAMBER VIEW (i.e., deep pouch or length of the cavotricuspid isthmus) may prolong
the duration of an otherwise straightforward procedure. The LAA
The 2D transesophageal four-chamber view is usually displayed in an and right atrial appendage lie anteriorly (i.e., ‘‘in front’’) to this tomo-
‘‘anatomically correct’’ orientation (i.e., apex of the heart at the bot- graphic plane (Figure 8).
972 Faletra et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
September 2018

Figure 6 (A) ‘‘Classic’’ 2D TEE of the aorta in the long-axis view with the noncoronary leaflet (NCL) and right coronary leaflet (RCL). (B)
The same image in 3D. Behind the cross-sectional plane, the left coronary leaflet (LCL) is clearly visible. The arrow shows the inter-
leaflet triangle between the NCL and LCL (dotted line). This triangle is in connection with the mitral-aortic continuity. (C) shows the
aortic valve from an overhead perspective. The arrow points to the location of the interleaflet triangle (ILT) between the NCL and LCL.
(D) The 3D volumetric data set has been cropped and rotated to visualize ‘‘en face’’ the ILT and the mitral-aortic continuity (arrow).

Figure 7 (A) The classic 2D four-chamber view. This cross-section slice only shows the lateral wall (LW) of the right atrium (RA) and
the interatrial septum (IAS). (B) On the contrary, 3D TEE with the same perspective shows several important structures for electro-
physiologists, namely, the Eustachian valve (EV), coronary sinus ostium (CS), and cavotricuspid isthmus (CVTI). (C) Corresponding
anatomic specimen.

MIDESOPHAGEAL BICAVAL VIEW on the native annulus), this view is used for establishing the
superior-inferior location to guide septal puncture. Switching from
This cross-sectional view is used primarily for visualizing the fossa 2D to 3D, the TV is seen in the ‘‘en face’’ perspective in the deeper
ovalis and the septum secundum, crista terminals, and right atrial plane (Figure 9). This 3D perspective showing the tricuspid leaflets
appendage. For left heart percutaneous procedures (i.e., LAA ‘‘en face’’ is one of the perspectives used in a novel, off-label, trans-
closure, mitral clip, paravalvular leak closure, and, more recently, catheter edge-to-edge intervention for functional tricuspid regurgita-
valve-in-valve, valve-in-ring, and implantation of a mitral prosthesis tion using the mitral clip system (Figures 10A and 10B, Video 5
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Volume 31 Number 9 Faletra et al 973

Figure 8 (A) Large pyramidal data set acquisition showing from an overhead perspective the mitral valve (MV), the TV, and the aorta
(Ao). The dotted line indicates the cross-sectional plane that intersects structures visualized in the 2D TEE four-chamber view. (B–D)
Steps to obtain what lies ‘‘in front.’’ Thus, while behind the 2D four-chamber view, we see the cavotricuspid isthmus and surrounding
structures (Figure 7), ‘‘in front’’ of the same cut plane are located both the LAA and right atrial appendage (RAA).

Figure 9 (A) A ‘‘classic’’ 2D transesophageal bicaval view with the superior vena cava (SVC) in its long-axis orientation. (B) The same
image in 3D. In a deeper plane, the orifice of TV in diastolic phase is visible in an ‘‘en face’’ perspective. (C) The corresponding
anatomic specimen. CT, Crista terminalis; FO, fossa ovalis; LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium; RAA, right atrial appendage.

available at www.onlinejase.com). In this perspective, the anterior chamber view. Figure 11 and Video 6 (available at www.onlinejase.
leaflet is on the right with the commissure between septal and ante- com) show the several steps to obtain the four-chamber starting
rior leaflet close to the aorta, while the posterior leaflet is on the left from a bicaval view.
and the septal leaflet is on the near field (close to the atrial septum).
Hahn15 suggested to standardize the imaging display of the en face
view of the TV with the interatrial septum (and then septal leaflet) CONCLUSION
placed inferiorly (6 o’clock position) regardless of the position of
other structures. Notably, the septal leaflet should be located inferi- Anatomy with 2D echocardiography is described, showing dozens of
orly in order to visualize the TV in the operating room with the standardized cross-sections and labeling only those structures that
anterior and posterior leaflets on the left and right side respectively appear in such sections. Cardiac structures that lie in the elevation
(Figures 10C and 10D). It is not surprising that the 3D data set, ob- plane adjacent to any given cross-section, being ‘‘invisible’’ on 2D
tained from the 2D midesophageal bicaval view, includes the four- TEE, are usually neglected.
974 Faletra et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
September 2018

Figure 10 (A) Three-dimensional transesophageal bicaval perspective. This perspective shows the anterior (A), posterior (P), and
septal (S) leaflets in ‘‘en face’’ perspective in (A) systole and (B) mid-diastole. (C,D) Surgical view (see text). Ao, Aorta.

Figure 11 Three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic imaging of various steps of postprocessing shown in Video 6
(available at www.onlinejase.com). (A) Bicaval view showing the superior vena cava (SVC), the inferior vena cava (IVC), the Eustachian
valve (EV), the fossa ovalis (FO), and the right atrial (RA) and left atrial (LA) cavities. (B) Image obtained after right-to-left rotation
around the y axis (curved arrow). The arrow shows the action of resetting cropping to obtain the full pyramidal data set shown in
(C). (D) Same image of (C). The violet plane crops the 3D data set through the elevational direction (arrow) to obtain a 3D image equiv-
alent to the 2D transesophageal echocardiographic four-chamber view. (F) A slight rotation around the y axis (curved arrow) shows a
medial aspect with the orifice of coronary sinus (CS). CVTI, Cavotricuspid isthmus; TV, tricuspid valve.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Volume 31 Number 9 Faletra et al 975

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