SOTYD Proposal 2020
SOTYD Proposal 2020
SOTYD Proposal 2020
Best Version Youth Competition
Prepared by:
Branch: Alberton
The top 20 finalists attended a bootcamp from the 8th to the 10th October 2019 at Petra
Lodge in Edenvale and the pitches were on the 11th. The announcement the winners
was on the very same day (11th October). As we are a Non-Profit Company we are
doing this purely for the greater good of our countries’ future. We would like this
competition to be bi-annually and nationally covering all 9 provinces. We urge
sponsorship/ donation from private and public sector in a form of resources, skills or
money to ensure that we touch as many lives as possible. We are currently funded by
Silicon Valley Community Foundation from the United States of America.
We would like to extend our appreciation for the support and assistance in advance.
This is an opportunity to empower young people and create tomorrow’s leaders.
Stakeholder benefit:
School drop-outs – The youth that did not complete their grade 12
She has a few months experience working for Stars of Tomorrow Youth Development
as a volunteer and now sits on the board as a secretary. The opportunity to be involved
in the Best Version Youth Competition and Bootcamp has helped her increased her
experience in working in a team setting, gain knowledge and skills by maintaining high
performance standards. She has gain confidence that she can make a difference in an
organisation if given an opportunity.
She has had the opportunity to study several entrepreneurial and business
management courses with the Richard Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship where she
had the opportunity to be mentored by many other successful entrepreneurs in South
Africa and internationally. The knowledge she gained while being a part of the centre
enables her to run a successful and profitable business and allow her to build on this
knowledge and share business knowledge and skills with others.
She has 4-years working experience in the financial sector with Standard Bank as a
Sales consultant, Change and Communication consultant, Mentor and Coach,
Customer care consultant and Administration clerk and this background has helped
shape her experience with working in the Customer Service industry, working in a team
and gaining knowledge of the Financial industry.
Dumisani “Scotch” Madhlophe – Entrepreneurship
Self-Development Skills
1. Time Management
2. Motivation and Goal Setting
3. Self-Image and Assertiveness
4. Obtaining employment
5. Basic presentation skills
Morning exercises lead by Mbali Ngema Outside learning for a comfable experience Self-Mastery presentation
Judges: Phuthi Mojela Faith Njilo & Rebo Nhleko From supporting organisations: Paulos Ngwenya & Mdu Magagula
Judge: Faith Njilo (SM Tax) Judge: Phuthi Mojela (NYDA) Judge: Rebo Nhleko
All the top 20 finalists received certificates for attending the bootcamp and being part of
the top 20 finalists. The top 3 winners were also announced where the second place
runner up received a cash prize of R2500 towards their passion and a laptop donated
by HP South Africa to the value of R6000, the first place runner up received a cash prize
of R5000 towards their passion and a laptop donated by HP South Africa to the value of
R14000 and the overall winner received a cash prize of R10000 towards their passion
and a laptop donated by HP South Africa to the value of R14000. The top 3 also got a
chance to write their own cheques as this is an experience of projecting the future, they
were also given two copies each of one of the members of Stars of Tomorrow’s books.
Stars of Tomorrow Youth Development utilised the grant received from Silicon Valley
Community Foundation in the most efficient manner. The money recived was R75 600
and thanks to other organisations such as Pentagon Productions, Petra Lodge,
Ghettowood Films, Africa’s Leading Ladies and HP South Africa they were able to
donate and volunteering skills, knowledge, time, equipments, money, catering,
accommodation and other resources.
only there to destroy me. I have created a new vision boards that show’s my life for next
year and the other board show’s my life after 5 years starting from today. My vision
boards and my Confessions boards they are big in size, because I need to keep on
reminding myself about what I want in future and about what my future should look like
as a young entrepreneur. With what I have I decided to start designing posters, logos,
wedding cards, websites and etc. for people, because I can never underestimate the
small business that I will run or the other people’s business. I currently helped 3 kids
who were depressed and my words helped them a lot, by just talking about my past.
Telling them that what they going through it’s not only them who are going through that
some people just took a step to go beyond that problems some decided to stay with
them, What I told them is that the is a season for everything. I have started looking
myself as one of the best Young entrepreneur with better version and goals driven.
Sesotho sere kgomo haenye boloko kaofela, Till we meet again, Thank you... I AM THE
From the day I received an sms that says I am one of the top 20
finalists, you guys made me feel like a winner, till today. Day1 in the
boot camp was like day20, everyone was very open to tell his/her
personal story without fear or shame due to the way the facilitators
teaching and skills made us felt at home. I learned a lot about myself
and entrepreneurship which makes me feel like I can conquer the
world and become the best version of myself (Simphiwe Molefe).
I wrote this letter to thank you, for the boot camp (best version of
myself) that was held at Petra Lodge on 8-11 October 2019. This
was the best thing to have happened to me in a long time. Being
on the camp has helped me tremendously because it has shaped
the cause of my destiny and it has also helped me to align myself
in terms of my views in business and how I related to myself and
other's (Xolani Saliso).
The 2020 Best Version Youth Competition will be rolled out for a period of 6 months;
from the 16th of June 2020 (i.e. Public Holiday: Youth Day) to the 16th of December 2020
being the last day for winners to receive their prizes. The entry stage will start from the
16th of June to 16th of July 2020 with the top 100 finalists being announced on the 30th of
July 2020. The top 100 finalists will be entered into a programme (with an emphasis on
rural or township based black, females and disabled youth) between the ages of 16 to
35. The programme will be targeted participants from all 9 provinces in South Africa.
Stars of Tomorrow will host an online bootcamp for a period of 3 months tackling a
series of topics that address societal factors. The sessions will be for a maximum of 2
hours per day with a minimum of 2 sessions per week. The manner in which participants
enter the competition will still be submission of a CV and a 1 minute video. After the
bootcamp, the finalists will pitch to a panel of judges on Skype or Zoom and the top 10
winners will be announced on the 20 of November 2020 during Global Entrepreneurship
Week. The prices will then be delivered by the Stars of Tomorrow team until the 16th of
December 2020.
The bootcamp will be online this year due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we want to
ensure that finalists are safe in the comfort of their homes. This year the youth need a
programme of this magnitude more than ever because there’s so much uncentainity
about the future with so many people being tested positive for COVID-19. The 2020
Best Version Youth Competition will help the youth deal with anxiety and deprecession
and the fact that the unemployment rate is rising so much will require motivation and
strategy for the youth on how they can start their own businesses. In 2020 we want to
touch the youth in every corner of South Africa, access to information is the most crucial
aspect of the programme to ensure that we build the best young South Africans.
Stars of Tomorrow has designed the poster for the 2020 edition of the competition and
will be distributed on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp and
Facebook. The previous finalists have also been encouraged to share their experiences
on short video clips that will be share from time to time on Stars of Tomorrow’s social
media pages to pull in numbers of new entries. Sponsored ads will be paid for in order
to have as many entries as possible.
We aim to reduce the illiteracy level, unemployment level as well as the level of
uneconomical youths in our country. We want to build self-confident and self-sustaining
adults and ultimately stars of tomorrow. We request that any individual or organisation
interested in partially or fully sponsoring us to contact us for discussions. Our
programme aims to create an environment that is positive, supportive and fun. We will
encourage the youth to use resources at their disposal such as smartphones, tablets,
computers and laptops, we will give each finalist 1GB per week to access the
workshops. The competition will be advertised on digital platforms.
Objectives of the 2020 edition:
The 2020 edition of the Best Version Youth Competition will be targeting individuals
between the ages of 16 – 35 years. The nature of the competition this year will require
entrants to have access to devices that can connect to the internet e.g. smartphones,
tablets or computers. The entry stage requires entrants to submit video which
demonstrates the importants of such gargets.
School drop-outs – The youth that did not complete their grade 12
Note: We welcome partial sponsorship and we are open to other forms of sponsorship.