Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission: Advertisement No. 6/5-2023 Dated: 18 May, 2023
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission: Advertisement No. 6/5-2023 Dated: 18 May, 2023
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission: Advertisement No. 6/5-2023 Dated: 18 May, 2023
Advertisement No. 6/5-2023 Dated: 18th May, 2023 NOTICE INVITING TENDERS INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)
The Executive Engineer, Karchham Division, H.P.P.W.D. Bhabanagar The Executive Engineer, Bhawarna Division, HPPWD Bhawarna
Online Recruitment Applications (ORA*) are invited from District Kinnaur Pin-172115 invite Item rate tenders in sealed cover on the on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh, invites the item rate
desirous and eligible candidates for recruitment to the following prescribed forms from the eligible Contractors on 01.06.2023 and shall be bids, in electronic tendering system from the eligible class of contractors
posts to be filled up on the basis of Himachal Pradesh opened on the same day at 11:00 Hrs. in the presence of intending registered with HPPWD for the works as detailed below
Administrative Service Competitive Examination – 2023 through contractors or their authorized representatives who wish to be present at
Sr. No. 1 Name of work Construction of Additional accommodation
Online Webportal, which shall be available on the Commission’s the time.
Sr. No 1 Name of work C/o jeepable road from Gurubale to Upper
of Govt. Sen. Sec. School at Marhoon Tehsil Dheera Distt Kangra
website www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc upto 14th June, 2023 till Kangos Km 0/00 to 0/300 (Sub Head:- ROFD at Km 0/300 to 0/330, C/o (HP) (SH:- Balance work of ground floor i/c W.S & S.I & C/o Septic
11.59 P.M. (IST) thereafter link will be disabled. R/wall at RD 0/257 to 0/270 and backfilling behind R/wall at RD 0/330 to tank). Estimated Cost (Rs.) 27,60,202/- Starting date for
Sr. No. 1 Name of Department Personnel Name of posts 0/355) Under TASP Estimated cost Rs. 413428 Earnest money Rs. downloading Bid 20/05/2023 Earnest Money (Rs.) 55,200/- Deadline
/ Pay Scale H.P. Administrative Service, Class-I (Gazetted) in 8300 Time Two months Cost of form Rs. 350/- for Submission of Bid 27/05/2023
the Pay Band Level-18 (Rs.56100-177500) Category wise detail Sr. No 2 Name of work M/T on link road from Nanspo to Upper The bidders are advised to note other details of tenders from the
of posts Tranda Km 0/00 to 3/500 ( Sub Head:- P/L Kharnja stone soling on Km department website www.hptenders.gov.in.
1/210 to 1/360, 1/405 to 1/760 and 1/930 to 2/105) Under TASP Estimated 0695/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
Total = 09 posts (Unreserved = 05, Scheduled Caste of cost Rs. 491081 Earnest money Rs. 9900 Time Two months Cost of
H.P.=01, Scheduled Tribe of H.P.=01, OBC of H.P. =01 & form Rs. 350/
Economically Weaker Section of H.P.=01) Sr. No 3 Name of work C/o jeepable road to village Bai Km 0/00 to Himachal Pradesh Jal Shakti Vibhag
Sr. No. 2 Name of Department Home Name of posts / 5/00 (Sub Head:- F/C 3/5 mtr wide road between Km 2/087 to 2/205) NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER
Pay Scale Himachal Pradesh Police Services, Class-I (Gazetted) Under TASP Estimated cost Rs. 415882 Earnest money Rs. 8400 Time
On line bids on item rate basis are re-invited by the Executive
Two months Cost of form Rs. 350/
in the Pay Band Level-18 (Rs.56100-177500) Category wise Engineer, Jal Shakti Division Arki on behalf of Governor of Himachal
Sr. No 4 Name of work A/R & M/O Chittkul Dumti road Km 0/00 to
detail of posts 20/750 (Sub Head:-Removal of land slide slip/boulder at RD 16/00 to 16/ Pradesh, in electronic tendering system in two covers for the under
Total= 02 posts (Scheduled Caste of H.P.=01& & O.B.C. of 510, 17/150 to 17/450 and 18/200 to 19/250) Estimated cost Rs. 437774 mentioned works from the contractor/Firms of appropriate class enlisted
H.P.=01) Earnest money Rs. 8800 Time Two months Cost of form Rs. 350/ with HP I&PH Department/ Jal Shakti Vibhag. Tender document and
The desirous/ eligible candidates may apply online through Sr. No 5 Name of work A/R & M/O KSC road Km 0/00 to 41/500 ( other instruction shall be downloaded or viewed online from the portal
official website of the Commission’s i.e. http:// Sub Head:- C/o R/wall at RD 19/750 to 19/780) Estimated cost Rs. http://hptenders.gov.in by the firms/individual registered on the website
478909 Earnest money Rs. 9600 Time Two months Cost of form Rs. which is free of cost.
www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc. Applications received through any Sr. No. 1. Description of work R/M of Sewerage scheme to Arki
other mode will not be accepted and will be rejected straightway. Sr. No 6 Name of work C/o Chagoan to Chagoan Sarring road Km Town in Tehsil Arki Distt. Solan (HP) (SH:- Providing, fixing, testing &
Essential qualification(s), eligibility conditions, examination fees 0/00 to 8/00 ( Sub Head:-F/C 5/7 mtr wide road at RD 6/840 to 7/360) commissioning of ST Multi Parameter Indicator & transmitter of COD,
and scheme of examination(s) etc., have been mentioned in the Under TASP Estimated cost Rs. 426182 Earnest money Rs. 8500 Time BOD, TSS, pH, Turbidity, TDS, TU, Chlorine, etc. with screen and Server
detailed advertisement and instructions for filling up online Two months Cost of form Rs. 350/ Connectivity to HP Pollution Control Board at Sewerage Treatment Plants,
recruitment applications are available on the above referred Sr. No 7 Name of work A/R & M/O Kuppa to Kamroo road Km 0/ Arki with one year Defect Liability Period, complete in all respects).
00 to 1/500 (Sub Head:- C/O B/wall at RD 0/250 to 0/285) Estimated Estimated cost Rs. 27,12,834/- Earnest Money Rs. 48,200/- Time
cost Rs. 231910 Earnest money Rs. 4700 Time Two months Cost of One Month Cost of form Rs. 400/-
For detail, please visit website of H.P. Public Service form Rs. 350/ Sr. No. 2. Description of work R/M of Sewerage scheme to Arki
Commission i.e. http://www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc. Sr. No 8 Name of work A/R & M/O KSC road Km 0/00 to 41/500 ( Town in Tehsil Arki Distt. Solan (HP) (SH:- Designing, providing, fixing,
Sd/- (Devinder Kumar Rattan) IAS, Sub Head:- C/o R/wall at RD 22/780 to 22/805) Estimated cost Rs.
testing, commissioning & maintenance of gaseous type full vacuum
Secretary, 214882 Earnest money Rs. 4300 Time Two months Cost of form Rs.
chlorination system for disinfection of sewerage / waste water at
H.P. Public Service Commission. 350/-
Sewerage Treatment Plant, Arki (0.70 MLD capacity) and supply of
Sr. No 9 Name of work C/o Police building at Sangla Distt. Kinnaur
Tel. No. 0177-2624313. chlorine gas for a period of one year complete in all respects & all other
( Sub Head:- C/o B/wall at back side of building) Under TASP Estimated
cost Rs. 391552 Earnest money Rs. 7800 Time Two months Cost of works contingent there to at Arki). Estimated cost Rs.
HIMACHAL PRADESH JAL SHAKTI VIBHAG form Rs. 350/ 16,11,237/- Earnest Money Rs. 31,700/- Time One Month Cost of
form Rs. 400/-
SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sr. No 10 Name of work C/o link road to helipad Bonning Sarring Km
Sr. No. 3. Description of work R/M of Sewerage system to Kunihar
0/00 to 1/00 (Sub Head:- C/o protection wall at RD 0/105 to 0/155) Under
Sealed item rate tender on form No.6&8 are called by the area in Tehsil Arki, Distt. Solan (HP) (SH:- Providing, fixing, testing &
TASP Estimated cost Rs. 452652 Earnest money Rs. 9100 Time Two
Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Division Nerwa for the following works months Cost of form Rs. 350/ commissioning of ST Multi Parameter Indicator & transmitter of COD,
from approved and eligible contractors enlisted with Jal Shakti Vibhag Sr. No 11 Name of work A/R & M/O KSC road Km 0/00 to 41/500 ( BOD, TSS, PH, Turbidity, TDS, TU, Chlorine, etc. with screen and
so as to reach in this office on or before 24-05-2023 up to 11.00 Sub Head:- C/o R/wall at RD 3/550 to 3/555 and R/wall in wire crate at RD Server Connectivity to HP Pollution Control Board at Sewerage Treatment
AM and will be opened on the same day at 11.30 AM in the presence 3/555 to 3/560) Estimated cost Rs. 199769 Earnest money Rs. 4000 Plants, Kunihar with one year Defect Liability Period, complete in all
of intending contractors or their authorized representatives if any. Time Two months Cost of form Rs. 350/ respects). Estimated cost Rs. 27,12,834/- Earnest Money Rs. 48,200/
The tender forms can be had from this office against cash payment Sr. No 12 Name of work A/R & M/O Kuppa to Kamroo road Km 0/ - Time One Month Cost of form Rs. 400/-
(Non-refundable) on any working day up to 23-05-2023 till 03.00 00 to 1/500 (Sub Head:- C/O R/wall at RD 0/690 to 0/735) Estimated Sr. No. 4. Description of work R/M of Sewerage system to Kunhar
PM. and tender form will be issued till 23-05-2023 upto 5.00 PM, cost Rs. 480374 Earnest money Rs. 9600 Time Two months Cost of Area in Tehsil Arki, Distt. Solan (HP) (SH:- Designing, providing, fixing,
form Rs. 350/ testing, commissioning & maintenance of gaseous type full vacuum
The form can also be downloaded from Departmental web site
Sr. No 13 Name of work C/O Ralli to Mebar (Kayanto) Km. 0/0 to 2/ chlorination system for disinfection of sewerage / waste water at
www.hpiph.org. Opening of tenders shall be considered as next 300 (SH:- F/C 5/7 mtr. Wide roadform RD1/030 to 1/045, C/O R/wall uin
working day if any holiday on above specified date. Sewerage Treatment Plant, Kunihar (0.90 MLD capacity) and supply of
wire crate at Rd 1/030 to 1/045 ) Under TASP Estimated cost Rs. 391649 chlorine gas for a period of one year complete in all respects & all other
The earnest money in the shape of FDR in any of Nationalized Earnest money Rs. 7900 Time Two months Cost of form Rs. 350/
works contingent there to at Kunihar). Estimated cost Rs.
Bank duly pledged in favour of Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Division TERMS AND CONDITIONS:-
16,11,237/- Earnest Money Rs. 31,700/- Time One Month Cost of
Nerwa. Conditional tenders and the tenders received without earnest The Earnest Money shown against each work must accompany with
form Rs. 400/-
money will summarily be rejected. The Executive Engineer reserves each tender in the shape of National Saving Certificate/Time Deposit
Account/Post Office Saving Bank Account of any of the Post Offices duly 2. Key Dates:-
the right to reject the tenders without assigning any reason. The I Date of online publication. 17-05-2023 at 10:00 AM.
contractors are advised to see site and read the conditions carefully pledged in the name of XEN. The application of each tender alongwith
following documents must reach in this office on 30.05.2023 upto 12:15 II Bid submission Start date and time. From 17-05-2023 at 10:00
before tendering. The offer of the tender shall be kept open for 120 AM.
P.M. and issued on same day.
days. Rate be quoted both in words and figures. (i) Each application alongwith attested copy of the proof of enlistment III Bid Submission end date and time. Up to 27-05-2023 at 11:00
Sr No.1 Name of work Providing GWSS Nerwa C-Kiar in GP in the appropriate Class and its renewal. AM
Nerwa Tehsil Nerwa Distt Shimla (SH;- Laying jointing and testing of (ii) Permanent Account Number (PAN) IV Earnest Money and Cost of tender document submitted online.
GI pipes at Degree Collage /Collage Ground) E/Cost (in Rs) (iii) EPF No and GST. 27-05-2023 at 11:00 AM
130035/- E/ Money.(in Rs) 2601/- Time 2 months Cost of form Rs. (iv) Exemption Letter for payment of earnest money from competent V Date of opening Bid i.e. eligibility criteria & Technical Bid. 27-05-
250/- authority if any. 2023 at 11:30 AM
Sr No.2 Name of work R/M of LWSS Bandal Kaflah in GP The contractor enlisted in a particulars class shall be eligible to tender VI Date of opening of financial bid. Date and time be notified
Bandal Kaflah Tehsil Kupvi (SH:- Repair of Storage tank at 1st Stage for his own class and one step below. The tender rates must be quoted separately
in words and figures by the tenderer. The conditional tenders or the tenders Last date of filling/uploading the tender through e-tendering 27-05-
&2nd stage) E/Cost (in Rs) 163161/- E/ Money.(in Rs) 3263/- Time
without earnest money shall be rejected. The Executive Engineer reserves 2023 up-to 11.00 AM and will be opened on 27-05-2023 at 11.30 AM.
2 months Cost of form Rs. 250/- the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. In case
TERMS AND CONDITIONS:- The tender forms and other detailed conditions can be obtained from
there happens to be a holiday on the date of opening of the tenders the the website www.hptenders.gov.in
1 The contractor should submit documents with application i.e. same shall be opened on the next working day. The offer of the tender 0699/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
Registration HP Jal Shakti Vibhag and latest renewal cost of tender shall remain valid upto 90days from the opening of the tenders.
form, Earnest Money in shape of FDR, PAN Number & GST No. 0704/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
2 The tender form will be issued only to those contractors who
HP Public Works Department
will submit the proof the required documents Himachal Pradesh Jal Shakti Vibhag INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)
3 The tender received without above documents will be rejected. Inviting Online Bids The Executive Engineer H.P.P.W.D., Theog Division on behalf
4 The income tax, GST and L/cess shall be deducted according The Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division Larji invites Online of Governor of H.P. invites the percentage rate basis, in electronic
to instruction issued by Govt. time to time. tenders on short time basis on behalf of Government or Himachal tendering system from the eligible class of contractors registered
5 Telegraphic / conditional tenders shall not be accepted. Pradesh from approved eligible contractors for the following works with H.P.P.W.D., for the works as detailed below
0693/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark through e-tendering process: Sr. No. 1 Name of work A/R & O Matiana Baragon road
Job. No. 1. Name of Work Providing water Supply scheme to km. 0/0 to 25/0 (SH:- Repair of Damages tarred surface including
HIMACHAL PRADESH JAL SHAKTI VIBHAG Palgi, Dhallan, Muhan, Garsa, Railla-Rote, Bhallan, Dhara, Talara, P.L G-III between km. 4/0 to 14/0) Estimated cost Rs. 66,40,103
Ronal-Donal, Kashadhi, Dari, Phallana, Kothi Chehani, Khadagad, Earnest money Rs. 1,33,000 Time allowed Two months Cost
NOTICE INVITING E-TENDERS Seri, Balagad, Tandi, Chethar, Pekhari, Sarchi, Laida, Tilroo, Thatibir,
The Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Division Rampur invited of form Rs. 2000
Ratwah etc in Tehsil Banjar, Distt. Kullu H.P (SH:- C/O Head weir Sr. No. 2 Name of work Annual repair and maintenance
tenders on behalf of the Governor of Himachal Pradesh from , Intake structure , Filter bed 162 Sqm . Pump house , Sump well
approved eligible contractors for the following works(s) through e- of various road Sainj Sub-Division ( Deha Section) ( S:- Repair
64500 ltrs , CWT 128500 ltrs,, Main Storage tank 260000 ltrs ,
tendering process:- of Pot Holes in various RDs in various road) Estimated cost
sector storage tank of various capacity , Thrust block for rising
Job No 1 Name of Work Providing Sewerage Scheme to Rs. 12,56,789 Earnest money Rs. 25,200 Time allowed One
main, Fencing panel around the civil structure , B.P tank , Nallha
Taklech in Tehsil Rampur Distt. Shimla HP (SH:- Site Development crossing , Retaining wall, Breast wall , to WSS to Palgi, Dhallan, month Cost of form Rs. 500
for C/O STP, C/O Sewage Treatment Plant of 0.50 MLD, C/O Mahun Garsa, etc Under Jal Shakti Sub Division Bajaura ) Job Sr. No. 3 Name of work RR damages on Srion Bhalech
Approach Road for STP and Providing & Fixing fencing panel around No. 4 Estimated Cost Rs. 3,55,61,598/- EMD Cost of Tender Rs. Jadeog Gawai road km. 0/0 to 3/330 (SH:- C/O R/wall in PCC
STP & C/O Boundary wall) JOB NO. 1 Estd. Cost Rs. 47362300/ 3,88,116/- Time of completion (months) 9 Months Cost of form at RD 3/200 to 3/215) Estimated cost Rs. 4,86,249 Earnest
- Earnest Money Rs. 506123/- Cost of form Rs. 2500/- Time One Rs. 2500/- money Rs. 10,000 Time allowed One month Cost of form
Year Last date submission of tender :-26-05-2023 upto 5:00 PM and Rs. 350
Last date of filing/uploading the tender through e-tendering opened on 27-05-2023 up to 11:30 AM. Starting date for downloading bid 23/05/2023 17:00 Hrs
26.05.2023 upto 5.00 PM and the same will be opened on The tender forms/NIT and other detailed conditions can be Deadline for submission of bid 31/05/202317:00 Hrs.
27.05.2023 at 10.00 AM. The tender forms and other detailed downloaded from the website www.hpiph.org or from office of the The bidders are advised to note other details of tenders
conditions can be obtained from the website www.hptenders.gov.in Executive Engineer upto date specified above. from the department website www.hptenders.gov.in
0708/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 0705/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 0702/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
(II) fxfjjkt lkIrkfgd] 24 & 30 ebZ 2023
Sealed item rates tender is hereby invited on Form No. IPH
6 & 8 by the Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Dharamshala
RE-INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) The Executive Engineer, Dharampur Division,
on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from approved eligible 1.The Executive Engineer Electrical Division No-II, HPPWD Dharampur , Distt: Mandi (H.P) on behalf
contractors / Firms enlisted in the appropriate class with HP Jal HPPWD Shimla-1 on behalf of Governor of H.P Re-invites the
of Governor of H.P invites the item rate bids, in
Shakti Vibhag for the following work through offline tendering online bids on item rate, in electronic tendering system, in 2
process, so as to reach in the office of the EE, Jal Shakti Division, Cover System for the under mentioned work from the eligible electronic tendering systems from the eligible class
Dharamshala on or before 27.05.2023 to 11.00 A.M. And opened and approved contractors/Firms. Eligible bidders are the of contractors registered with HPPWD for the work
on the same day at 11.30 A.M. The applications for issue of Principal manufacturer or the authorized agency/firm of the as detailed below.
tender (s) form (s) shall be received on or before 26.05.2023 up Principal Manufacturer. The bidder shall have to fulfil the criteria
to 11:00 A.M. and form/ forms shall be issued on 26.05.2023 up
S. No 1 Name of Work Periodical Maintenance
as specified in Technical Qualification Criteria (TQC) contained of Haylog to Pehad road km 0/0 to 10/0 ( SH:- {/L
to 12:00 P.M. against cash payment (Non refundable). The tender
in Form 8 page 147 available online in tender document.
forms and other detailed conditions can be shown in the office
S. No 1 Name of work SITC and replacement of essential
30 mm thick bituminous concrete in 4/0 to 5/0)
of the XEN up to date specified above.
1) Name of Work: Providing house to house connectivity parts with accessories, control panel & motors of 4Nos.Johnsons Estimated Cost (In Rs.) 15,43,000/- Starting Date
under sewerage system to Dharamshala Town in Tehsil Lifts operating from ground floor to 12th floor (i.e.13 stop’s) for downloading Bid 01.06.2023 Earnest Money
Dharamshala Distt Kangra (H.P)(Sub Head:Relaying , jointing and Stretcher lift at New OPD block at IGMC Shimla. Estimated ( in Rs.) 31000/- Deadline for submission of Bid
testing of DI k-7 pipe 150 mm dia & C/o RCC manhole cost Rs. 56,30,976 Earnest money Rs. 112620 Time 1 months 06.06..2023 Time Two months
chamber 6 Nos alongwith Charan khad from RD 0-125 mtr Cost of form Rs. 1500/-NR
Bhagsu to Gamru Mela ground Dharamshala)Estimated cost:- The bidders are advised to note other details
2. Availability of Bid Document and mode of
290768/- Earnest Money:-5820/-, Time limits:-3 months, Cost of submission: The Bid document is available online and bid of tender from the department website
tender form:250/- www.hptenders.gov.in
should be submitted in online mode on website https://
2) Name of Work: Providing house to house connectivity
under sewerage system to Dharamshala Town in Tehsil hptenders.gov.in. 0711/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
Dharamshala Distt Kangra (H.P)(Sub Head:Relaying , jointing and Bidder would be required to register in the web-site which
testing of DI k-7 pipe 150 mm dia & C/o RCC manhole is free of cost. For submission of bids, the bidder is required HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT
chamber 6 Nos alongwith Charan khad from RD 125-250 mtr to have Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from one of the CORRIGENDUM
Bhagsu to Gamru Mela ground Dharamshala)Estimated cost:- authorized Certifying Authorities (CA). “Aspiring bidders who The tenders called vide this office letter No. PW-SKT-CB-Tender/
301155/- Earnest Money:-6025/-, Time limits:-3 months, Cost of 2023-24 1699-1701 dated- 09.05.2023 proposed to be opened on
have not obtained the user ID and password for participating 20.05.2023 are here amended to the following extent due to administrative
tender form:250/- in e-tendering in HPPWD may obtain the same from the website: reason.
3) Name of Work: Providing house to house connectivity https://hptenders.gov.in. Digital signature is mandatory to 1. Date of Application - 24.05.2023 Instead of 18.05.2023 up to
under sewerage system to Dharamshala Town in Tehsil 4:00PM
participate in the e-tendering. Bidders already possessing the
Dharamshala Distt Kangra (H.P)(Sub Head:Relaying , jointing and 2. Date of sale of tender - 25.05.2023 instead of 19.05.2023 up to
testing of DI k-7 pipe 150 mm dia & C/o RCC manhole digital signature issued from authorized CAs can use the same
4:00 PM
chamber 7 Nos alongwith Charan khad from RD 250-375 mtr in this tender 3. Date of opening - 26.05.2023 at 11:30AM
Bhagsu to Gamru Mela ground Dharamshala)Estimated cost:- 3. Key Dates: Other terms and conditions will remain unchanged.
274696/- Earnest Money:-5495/-, Time limits:-3 months, Cost of 1. Date of Online Publication 19.05.2023 17:00 HRS Sd/- Executive Engineer,
tender form:250/- 2. Document Download Start and End Date 19.05.2023 B&R Division HP.PWD
4) A/R & M/ O sewerage system to Dharamshala Town in Sarkaghat.
17:30 HRS up to 27.05.2023 17:00 HRS 0713/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
Tehsil Dharamshala Distt Kangra (Sub Head: C/o 11 Nos 3. Bid Submission Start and End Date 19.05.2023 17:30
Rccmanhole chamber ,providing ,Laying ,jointing & testing of HRS up to 27.05.2023 17.00 HRS
PVC pipe 150 mm dia near Bhagsu temple/guest house /
4. Physical Submission of EMD and Cost of Tender
Houses at Bhagsu) Estimated cost:-371343/- Earnest Money:- CORRIGENDUM
7430/-, Time limits:- 3 months, Cost of tender form:250/- Document 29.05.2023 up to 11:00 HRS
The Tender invited vide this office letter No. PW/KNR-E-Tender/637-
0703/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 5. Date of Technical Bid opening, Evaluation of Technical
50 dated 27-04-2023, published in E-Hindustan Times Chandigarh and
Bid followed by Opening of Financial Bid. 29.05.2023 11:30 Jalandhar, H.Aapka faisla Hamirpur, H. Divya Himachal all Editions, Weekly
HIMACHAL PRADESH JAL SHAKTI VIBHAG HRS Giriraj Shimla vide R.O. No. 0370/2023-2024 (Classified) dated 28-04-
4. Tender details: 2023 is hereby postponed due to Administrative/Technical reasons. The
NOTICE INVITING E-TENDERS The Tender Documents shall be uploaded online in 2 Cover: new date of sale & Opening of the Tender is amended as below:-
The Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Division Rampur invited 1. Date of sale of tender:- 30-05-2023 upto 4.00 P.M. instead of 20-
Cover 1: shall contain scanned copies of all “Technical
tenders on behalf of the Governor of Himachal Pradesh from 05-2023 upto 4.00 P.M.
approved eligible contractors for the following works(s) through e- Documents/ Eligibility Information”. 2 Date of opening of Tender:- 31-05-2023 at 11.00 A.M. instead of
tendering process:- Cover2: shall contain “BOQ/Financial Bid”, where contractor 23-05-2023 at 11.00 A.M.
Job No 1 Name of Work Augumentation of WSS to newely will quote his offer for each item. Other terms and conditions of the Tender shall remain un-changed.
created wards No 6& 7 under MC Rampur Tehsil Rampur Distt. 5. Submission of original documents: The bidders are Sd/- Executive Engineer,
Shimla HP (SH:- Providing ,laying, jointing & testing of Rising Main Kalpa Division,
required to submit (a) original demand draft towards the cost H.P. PWD. Kalpa.
200 mm dia Galvanised HFW mild steel pipes conforming to IS of bid document and (b) original bid security/Earnest Money 0712/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
3183-2012, C/O Pump House, Providing & Installation of Pumping
Deposit (EMD) and other Technical Documents in O/o
machinery, C/O Thrust Block for Rising main , C/O Main Storage
Tank/ Delivery Tank 310000ltr cap., Site development for civil works Executive Engineer Electrical Division No-II, HPPWD Shimla- HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT
& operation repair and maintenance of all the components for a 1 as specified in Key dates under Sr. No. 3 on Tender Opening E-Procurement Notice
period of 5 years) JOB NO 2. Estd. Cost Rs. 33732595/- Earnest Date, failing which the bids will be declared non-responsive.
Money Rs. 369826/- Cost of form Rs. 2500/- Time One Year 6. Bid opening details: The bids shall be opened on
1. The Executive Engineer HP.PWD Rohru Distt. Shimla H.P on behalf of
construction period +5 years O & M period after successful completion 29.05.2023 at 11:30 Hrs in the office Executive Engineer Governor of H.P invites the online bids on item rates, in electronic tendering
of the work Electrical Division No-II, HPPWD Shimla-1 by the authorised system, in 2 cover system for the under mentioned work from the eligible and
Job No 2 Name of Work Augumentation of WSS to newely officer. In their interest the tenderer are advised to be present approved contractors/firms registered with HP.PWD Department.
created wards No 6& 7 under MC Rampur Tehsil Rampur Distt. Sr. No 1 Name of work A/R & M/O RCD Road Km. 0/0 to 21/195
along with original documents at the time of opening of tenders (SH:- P/F W-Beam Crash Barrier at Rd. 13/830 to 14/130 Estimated cost
Shimla HP (SH:-Site development for Storage tank, C/O Sector
Storage Tank of 2.5 lakh ltrs capacity 1 No., 1.35 lakh capacity 1 7. If it happens to be holiday on the date of opening of the Rs. 960002/- E/Money Rs. 19200/-
bids as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working Sr. No 2 Name of work A/R & M/O Narkanda Baggi Khadrala Sungri
No. ,80k ltrs capacity 2 Nos, Providing & installation of Fire Fighting
Rohru road Km. 0/0 to 67/00 (SH:- Providing and laying patch work
system, Laying, Jointing & testing of GI pipe of various dia in day at the same time and venue and no separate notice will between Km. at Rd. 61/00 to 67/00 Estimated cost Rs. 1210362/- E/Money
Distribution System, Operation, repair & maintenance of all the be given in this regard. Rs. 24300/-
components for a period of 5 years ) JOB NO 3. Estd. Cost Rs. 8. The bids for the work shall remain valid for acceptance Sr. No 3 Name of work A/R & M/O RCD road KM . 0/0 to 2/165 (SH:-
28988320/- Earnest Money Rs. 322383/- Cost of form Rs. 2500/ for a period not less than 120 days after the deadline date for Providing and laying patch work between Km. 0/0 to 2/165 ) Estimated cost
- Time One year construction period + Five year O & M period after Rs. 1445186/- E/Money Rs. 28900/-
bid submission. Sr. No 4 Name of work A/R & M/O Kanewara kenchi Bhamnallah
successful completion of the work
Last date of filing/uploading the tender through e-tendering 9. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. Kothal Khashkandi road KM. 0/0 to 0/500 (SH:- Providing and laying
The officer-inviting tender shall not be held liable for any delays patch work between Km. 0/0 to 1/0) Estimated cost Rs. 1107867/- E/Money
25.05.2023 upto 5.00 PM and the same will be opened on 26.05.2023 Rs. 22000/-
at 10.00 AM. The tender forms and other detailed conditions can be due to system failure beyond its control. Even though the system Sr. No 5 Name of work Providing periodical maintenance on Sheel Brall
obtained from the website www.hptenders.gov.in will attempt to notify the bidders of any bid updates, the Jharag Nakrari road Km. 0/0 to 7/0 (SH: Providing & laying
0709/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark Employer shall not be liable for any information not received by wearing G-III Km. at Rd. 0/0 to 5/00) Estimated cost Rs. 3226608/- E/
Money Rs. 64600/-
the bidder. It is the bidder’s responsibility to verify the website
Shimla Jal Prabandhan Nigam Limited for the latest information related to the tender.
Starling Date for downloading BID 05.06.2023
Deadline for submission of BID 11.06.2023
(A Joint Venture of GoHP and Shimla Municipal 10. The competent authority on behalf of Governor of H.P The bidders are advised to note other details of tenders and letter No.PWD
Corporation) reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders received
(B)A(3) 1/2020 dated 12.01.2023 issued by secretary PW) to the Govt. of
himachal Pradesh public works department from the department website
CIN No.U74999HP2018SGC007069 without assigning any reason. www.hptenders.gov.in. and any corrigendum will be uploaded on the website
NOTICE INVITING TENDER 11. Registration with HP Sales Tax is essential. If the bidder only.
0714/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
Online bids are invitedby the Additional General Manager (Sewerage), Shimla has not registered and found to be the lowest bidder he is
JalPrabandhan Nigam Limited Shimla-171001 on behalf of the Managing Director,
SJPNL, and Shimla-171001for the under mentioned Work from the qualified and
supposed to register him on award of work. He shall submit
experienced contractors/firm of appropriate class enlisted with Government the sales tax paper to the employer, before any payment is HP HOUSING & URBAN DEV. AUTHORITY
Undertaking/ Organizations of state and Central Government Corporation. made to him. DIVISION SHIMLA, KASUMPTI, SHIMLA-171 009
Sr. No 1 Description of work Performance based contract Annual Repair
Running and Maintenance of Sewage Network under STP Summerhill Zone, STP
0706/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER
Snowdone and STP Dhalli for three year (2023-24, 2024-25, 2025-26) Complete 1. The Executive Engineer, HIMUDA, Division Shimla, Kasumpti,
as direction of Er-in-charge. Estimated cost Rs. 2,00,94,000/- Earnest Money HIMACHAL PRADESH JAL SHAKTI VIBHAG Shimla-171 009 (HP) on behalf of Chairman, HIMUDA re-invites item
Rs. 2,33,440/- Time 36 Months Cost of Tender form Rs. 5000/-
Sr. No 2 Description of work Performance based contract Annual Repair
NOTICE INVITING E-TENDERS rate tender from the eligible and approved Contractors/ Firms enlisted
Running and Maintenance of Sewage Network under STP North Disposal Zone for The Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Division Rampur re-invites with HPPWD/HIMUDA in appropriate class for following works:-
three year (2023-24, 2024-25, 2025-26) Complete as direction of Er.-in-charge. tenders on behalf of the Governor of Himachal Pradesh from However, the successful bidders must get registered in HIMUDA, in
Estimated cost Rs. 1,95,25,525/- Earnest Money Rs. 2,27,800/- Time 36 Months approved eligible contractors for the following works(s) through e- appropriate class before signing the contract, (As per HIMUDA
Cost of Tender form Rs. 5000/-
tendering process:- Enlistment Rules,2018)
The Key dates for e-tender are as under: Sr. No. 1. Name of Work Self Financing Scheme at Ph-II, New
a Date of Publication 17.05.2023 at 5:00 PM Job No 1 Name of Work Operation , Repair & Maintance of
Rampur, Distt. Shimla, HP(SH:- Development of 49Nos. Plots providing
b Downloading of e-tender documents 17.05.2023 at 5:00 PM Up-to Sewerage Scheme Rampur Town Tehsil Rampur Distt Shimla H.P. and lying External Water supply, Sewerage System& STP) Estimated
30.05.2023 at 11:00 AM ( S.H. :- Operation, Repair & Maintance of 1.00 MLD STP at
c Date of submission of e- tender 17.05.2023 at 5:00 PM Up-to 30.05.2023 Cost. Rs. 42,58,724/- Earnest Money. Rs. 85,174/- Time limit. 120
at 11:00 AM
Khopri , 0.50 MLD STP at Chuhabag , 3Nos septic tanks of 50000 days Cost of form. Rs. 1000/-(Non refundable)+GST & 18%=Total Rs.
e The Submission of EMD cost of tender form and eligibility documents Ltrs,. cap. each complete sewer net work & sewer Net work 1180/- Class of contractor “D” Class & one step above.
17.05.2023 at 5:00 PM Up-to 30.05.2023 at 11:00 AM including Man hole etc. Complete in all respect for a period of Please visit our web site www.gov.himuda.com to know further
f Date of opening of bids:- 3 years. Estd. Cost Rs.14900643/- Earnest Money Rs.181506/- details & bid/tender submission procedure w.e.f. 19.05.2023 17.00 Hrs.
(i) Cover-1 Eligibility Criteria 30.05.2023 at 11:30 AM The Bid document will be published online on website https:/
(ii) Cover-2 Financial Bid Shall be intimated separately
Cost of form Rs. 1500/- Time Three Year
Last date of filing/uploading the tender through e-tendering hptenders.gov.in on 19.05.2023 16.00 Hrs. Bid submission start &
The tender forms and other detailed conditions can be downloaded from the
website https:hptenders.gov.in 25.05.2023 upto 5.00 PM and the same will be opened on end date 19.05.2023 17.00 Hrs. upto 26.05.2023.
Sd/- Additional General Manager Sd/- (Er. Rajesh Thakur)
26.05.2023 at 10.00 AM. The tender forms and other detailed
Sewage Division US Club Executive Engineer,
SJPNL Shimla-1 conditions can be obtained from the website www.hptenders.gov.in Phone No. 0177-2621702
0173/2023-24 (Others) Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 0710/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 0183/2023-24 (Others) Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
fxfjjkt lkIrkfgd] 24 & 30 ebZ 2023 (III)
The Executive Engineer, B&R Division, HPPWD Nahan, District INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) The Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Division Katrain invites tenders
Sirmaur, H.P. on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh invites the The Executive Engineer, Shimla, Division No. I, HPPWD, Shimla-3, H.P on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from approved eligible
item/percentage rates bids, in electronic tendering system from the on behalf of Governor of H.P invites the Percentage rate bids, in electronic contractors for the following work(s) through e-tendering process: -
eligible class of Contractors registered with HPPWD for the works detailed tendering system from the eligible class of contractors registered with HPPWD Sr. No 1 NAME OF WORK A/R & M/O WSS Dohlu Nallah,
below for the works as detailed below. WSS Shirar & WSS Gharan Trisadi in Tehsil & Distt. Kullu (SH:-
Sr. No. 1 Name of Work C/o Dr. Y. S. Parmar Govt. PG College Sr. No. 1 Name of Work A/R & M/O to various roads under Junga Sub Operation, running, repair & maintenance of WSS from source to
Division (SH:- Repair of pot Holes in various roads in various RDs). Estimated
Nahan, Sirmaur (HP) (SH:- C/o Bathrooms, Toilets and work of Rain tail for period of six month) Estimated Cost Rs. 6,19,438/- Earnest
Cost. Rs. 20,00,115/- Earnest Money Rs. 40000/- Time Allowed 30 days
Water Harvesting System in College Campus) Estimated Cost (Rs.) Sr. No. 2 Name of Work Restoration of road digging for laying of water Money Rs. 12389/- Time Limit Six Months Cost of tender Form
20,47,294/- only Earnest Money (Rs.) 38,500/- only pipe line in Elysium to Devidhar road km. 0/00 to 16/300 (SH;- Repair of pot Rs. 250/-
Sr. No. 2 Name of Work Restoration of Rain Damages to Various holes on Devidhar road between RD. 0/00 to 4/500). Estimated Cost. Rs. Last date of filing/ uploading the tender through e-tendering 29-
Roads under Nahan Sub-Division (SH:- Hiring of Excavator-cum-Loader 1019783/- Earnest Money Rs. 20400/- Time Allowed 30 days 05-2023 up to 11.00 AM. The tender forms and other detailed
for Removal of Slips for ensuing Monsoon Season in various Roads Sr. No. 3 Name of Work Estimate for repair and maintenance of the roof conditions can be obtained from the website https://hptenders.gov.in
under HPPWD Sub-Division Nahan) Estimated Cost (Rs.) 10,50,000/ of oofice Chamber of Director HIPA, Fair Lawn Shimla-12 (HP) (SH;- Repair
and maintenance of the roof of office Chamber of Director HIPA, Fair Lawn).
0723/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
- only Earnest Money (Rs.) 21,000/- only
Sr. No. 3 Name of Work Restoration of Rain Damages to Various Estimated Cost. Rs. 763002/- Earnest Money Rs. 15300/- Time Allowed 30
Roads under Dadahu Sub-Division (SH:- Hiring of Excavator-cum-Loader days HIMACHAL PRADESH JAL SHAKTI VIBHAG
Sr. No. 4 Name of Work Construction of Govt. Sr Secondary School at
for Removal of Slips for ensuing Monsoon Season in various Roads Kiar koti (SH;- C/O Third floor including Class room, Commerce room , Biology
under HPPWD Sub-Division Dadahu) Estimated Cost (Rs.) 8,50,000/ Room and WC). Estimated Cost. Rs. 1408087/- Earnest Money Rs. 28200/ Online bids on item rate basis are invited by the Executive Engineer
- only Earnest Money (Rs.) 17,000/- only - Time Allowed 60 days Jal Shakti Division Sunder Nagar on behalf of the Governor of Himachal
Starting Date for Downloading Bid:- 01.06.2023 Sr. No. 5 Name of Work C/O Dumi to Karechi road km. 0/00 to 10/165 Pradesh, in electronic tendering system in Two covers for the under
Deadline for Submission of Bid:- 12.06.2023 up to 10:00 AM (SH;- Formation Cutting 5/7 meter in km. 1/00 to 1/165). Estimated Cost. Rs. mentioned work from the contractors/firms of an appropriate class enlisted
NOTE:- Interested Bidders are advised to submit their bids as per 694909/- Earnest Money Rs. 113900/- Time Allowed 30 days with HP Jal Shakti Vibhag.
instructions issued by the Engineer-in-Chief, HPPWD Shimla vide his Starting date for downloading Bid 20-05-2023 Sr.No 1 Name of work Up-gradatipon of Sewerage Treatment Plant
office letter No. PW/CTR/32-20/Genl. Inst. CPWD/2020-19111-210 dated Deadline for submission of Bid 29-05-2023 Sunder Nagar & Providing Sewerage Connectivity to left out area under
25.10.2021 and even file letter No. 37996-38095 dated 13.03.2023 in The bidders are advised to note other details of tenders from the
MC Sunder Nagar Town Distt. Mandi (H.P) (SH:-C/O Over Head Storage
department website www.hptenders.gov.in
compliance of the Principal Secretary (PW) to the Government of Tank 40,000 Ltr. Cap. at Sewerage Plant Chandpur ) Estimated Cost
The Executive Engineer reserves the right to accept/reject any tender/
Himachal Pradesh guidelines dated 07.10.2021. The bidders are also application or all tenders without assigning any reason. Rs. 17,49,848/- Earnest Money Rs. 34,000/- Cost of tender form
advised to note other details of tenders from the department website 0718/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 400/- Time Three Months
www.hptenders.gov.in. Schedule of tendering:-
0715/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark HIMACHAL PRADESH JAL SHAKTI VIBHAG 1 Bid submission start date 18.05.2023 5:00 PM
2 Bid submission end date and time 25.05.2023 5:00 PM
HIMACHAL PRADESH JAL SHAKTI VIBHAG The Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Division Bilaspur invites tenders on
4 Opening of Cover 1 26.05.2023 11:30 AM
5 Opening of Financial bid Date and place to be notified
NOTICE INVITING TENDERS behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from approved eligible contractors for
Sealed item rate tender on PWD. Form 8 for the following works are hereby the following work(s) through e-tendering process: -
Sr. No. 1 Name of Work A/R&M/O of various LWSS schemes under JS Terms and Conditions:-
invited by the Executive Engineer , IPH Division Dalhousie Distt. Chamba (H.P.) on
the behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from the approved contractors so as to Section Malokhar in Tehsil Sadar District Bilaspur (SH: Supply of manpower for Tender documents, Term and conditions and other instruction can
reach in this office on or before 27 -05-2023 up to 3.00 PM and the same shall operating pumping machinery and rising main for one year) (Six Hours). be downloaded or viewed online from the portal https://hptenders.gov.in
be opened on the same day at 3.30 PM in the presence of intending contractors. The Estimated Cost Rs. 1964400/- EMD Cost of Tender Rs. 37000/- Time of 0724/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
contractors or their authorized agents who wish to be present may attend the office completion One Year Cost of form Rs. 400/-
of the XEN on the date and time mentioned above. The tender form can be had from Sr. No. 2 Name of Work A/R & M/O LWSS Solag Jurasi in Tehsil Sadar
the office of the XEN up to 26-05-2023 at 5.00 PM. The earnest money shall District Bilaspur (SH: Supply of manpower of distribution system for six months. HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT
accompany the tender in shape of NSC or time deposit at call. The XEN also reserve
the right to reject the tender without assigning any reason.
(six hours). Estimated Cost Rs. 805700/- EMD Cost of Tender Rs. 16115/-
Time of completion Six months Cost of form Rs. 250/-
Sr. No 1 Name of work/ Sub Head Augmentation of water supply Scheme Hatli
Rohni in GP nainikhad in tehsil Bhattiyat Distt. Chamba (HP) Estimated Cost Rs.
Sr. No. 3 Name of Work A/R & M/O LWSS Kuthera Bhel Bhagot new and The Executive Engineer, Palampur Division, HPPWD,
old in Tehsil Sadar District Bilaspur (SH: Supply of manpower for pumping
109994/- Earnest money Rs. 2200/- Cost of form Rs. 250/- Time 2 Month
machinery for one year) (six hours) Estimated Cost Rs. 661400/- EMD Cost Palampur on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh,
Sr. No 2 Name of work/ Sub Head A/R & M/O Water Supply Scheme Dalhousie
Town in tehsil Dalhousie Distt. Chamba (HP) Estimated Cost Rs. 193674/- Earnest
of Tender Rs. 13230/- Time of completion One Year Cost of form Rs. 250/ invites the item rate bids, in electronic tendering system
money Rs. 3873/- Cost of form Rs. 250/- Time 2 Month
Sr. No. 4 Name of Work Providing manpower for operation and maintenance from the eligible class of contractors registered with
Sr. No 3 Name of work/ Sub Head A/R & M/O to Flow irrigation Scheme
Khadiyanu Phase-II in GP bathri in tehsil Dalhousie Distt. Chamba (HP) Estimated of LWSS Namhol, LWSS Luharda and LWSS Sosan under JSV Section Namhol HPPWD for the works as detailed below
Cost Rs. 110196/- Earnest money Rs. 2204/- Cost of form Rs. 250/- Time 2 in Tehsil Sadar District Bilaspur for one year. (Six Hours). Estimated Cost Rs.
Month 1303100/- EMD Cost of Tender Rs. 26065/- Time of completion One Year
Sr. No.1 Name of work Restoration of rain damage
Sr. No 4 Name of work/ Sub Head A/R & M/O WSS Dalhousie Town in tehsil Cost of form Rs. 400/- on Arth to Ree Gidda Km 0/00 to 3/990 (SW:- c/o
Dalhousie Distt. Chamba (HP) Estimated Cost Rs. 163190/- Earnest money Rs. Sr. No. 5 Name of Work Providing drinking water facility to Harizan Basti
3264/- Cost of form Rs. 250/- Time 1 Month Dabat Majari in GP Dabat from LWSS Dabat in Tehsil Sh. Naina Devi Ji District
Retaining Wall at Km 2/800 to 2/840) Estimated Cost
Sr. No 5 Name of work/ Sub Head A/R & M/O WSS Tarwar Malaid in tehsil Bilaspur (SH: Laying jointing and testing of GI pipe of various dia (Under SCSP Rs 12,98,056/- Starting date for downloading Bid
Bhattiyat Distt. Chamba (HP) Estimated Cost Rs. 199600/- Earnest money Rs. Demand No.32). Estimated Cost Rs. 1323941/- EMD Cost of Tender Rs.
3992/- Cost of form Rs. 250/- Time 1 Month 26500/- Time of completion Two Months Cost of form Rs. 400/-
26.05.2023 Earnest Money Rs 26,000/- Deadline For
Sr. No 6 Name of work/ Sub Head Remodeling and Augmentation of water Last date of filing/ uploading the tender through e-tendering 29/05/2023 submission of bid 01.06.2023
supply scheme Koona Chatlooni Bit Balera in tehsil Dalhousie Distt. Chamba (Hp)
up to 11.00 AM
Estimated Cost Rs. 116430/- Earnest money Rs. 2329/- Cost of form Rs. 250/-
The tender forms and other detailed conditions can be obtained from the
The bidders are advised to note other details of
Time 2 Month
Sr. No 7 Name of work/ Sub Head Remodeling and Augmentation of water website https://hptenders.gov.in tenders from the department website www.hptenders.gov.in
supply scheme Koona Chatlooni Bit Balera in GP balera in tehsil Dalhousie Distt. 0719/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 0726/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
Chamba (HP Estimated Cost Rs. 116430/- Earnest money Rs. 2329/- Cost of
form Rs. 250/- Time 2 Month Himachal Pradesh Jal Shakti Vibhag
Sr. No 8 Name of work/ Sub Head A/R & M/O Water Supply Scheme for
village Ulher Kallar Kaniyarka Phatti in GP Dhalog in tehsil Dalhousie Distt. Chamba
(HP) Estimated Cost Rs. 153744/- Earnest money Rs. 3075/- Cost of form Rs. The Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Dalhousie INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)
250/- Time 2 Month
invites tenders on behalf of the Governor of Himachal Pradesh The Executive Engineer Division HPPWD Tanda at Nagrota
Sr. No 9 Name of work/ Sub Head A/R & M/O to water Supply Scheme for Bagwan Distt Kangra H.P on behalf of Governor of H.P invites the
village Bannu Bassa Garh in GP Sudli in tehsil Dalhousie Distt. Chamba (HP) from approved eligible contractors for the following work(s)
Estimated Cost Rs. 172452/- Earnest money Rs. 3449/- Cost of form Rs. 250/ Percentage rate bids, in electronic tendering system from the eligible
through e-tendering process. class of contractors registered with HP PWD for the works as detailed
- Time 2 Month
Sr. No 10 Name of work/ Sub Head A/R & M/O Water Supply Scheme for Sr. No.1. Name of Work Engineering, Procurement, in the table. The cost of tender & earnest money will be excepted
village bannu Bassa Garh in GP Sudli in tehsil Dalhousie Distt. Chamba (Hp) Construction, Testing, Commissioning, Trial Run of various only online mode.
Estimated Cost Rs. 161187/- Earnest money Rs. 3224/- Cost of form Rs. 250/-
Time 2 Month
Components of Remodelling & Augumentation of WSS Hatli Sr. No 1. Name of Work Construction of School of Architecture
Sr. No 11 Name of work/ Sub Head Aug. of water supply scheme hatli Rohni Gola in GP Hatli, Gola&Balana in Tehsil Bhattiyat District Chamba Building in Rajiv Gandhi Govt. Engineering College at Nagrota
in GP Gadana/Tunuhatti in tehsil Bhattiyat Distt. Chamba (Hp) Estimated Cost Rs. (H.P) for ultimate capacity of bringing 0.35 MLD Treated water Bagwan in Distt Kangra (HP) (SH:-Balance work of retaining wall
136994/- Earnest money Rs. 2740/- Cost of form Rs. 250/- Time 2 Month
(16 hours of pumping) from the source BharahalKhad for 07 along with Nallah at RD 0/000 to 0/098 and right side at RD 0/098
Sr. No 12 Name of work/ Sub Head Augmentation of water supply scheme to 0/136). Estimated Cost Rs. 6296314/- Earnest Money Rs.
Hatli Rohni in GP gadana/Tunuhatti in tehsil Bhattiyat Distt. Chamba (HP) Estimated villages of Bhattiyat Block in single package on “turn-key job
Cost Rs. 136994/- Earnest money Rs. 2740/- Cost of form Rs. 250/- Time 2 basis” including testing run, defect and liability period as 03
Month Sr. No 2. Name of Work Construction of Rajeev Gandhi Govt.
Sr. No 13 Name of work/ Sub Head Aug. of water supply scheme Hatli Rohni months after physical completion of all components of the Engineering College at Nagrota Bagwan in District Kangra (HP)(SH:-
in GP Gadana/Tunuhatti in tehsil Dalhousie Distt. Chamba (HP Estimated Cost Rs. scheme as certified by Engineer-in-Charge of the entire scheme. Balance work of Boundary wall along Mechanical Engineering Block,
199987/- Earnest money Rs. 4000/- Cost of form Rs. 250/- Time 2 Month Estimated Cost Rupees 3,38,74,203/- Earnest money Rupees
Sr. No 14 Name of work/ Sub Head A/R & M/O of WSS Karlnu Siya Gutri in
workshop Block, Library Cum Computer centre & trainee hostel
tehsil Dalhousie Distt. Chamba (HP) Estimated Cost Rs. 199600/- Earnest money 3,71,242/- Time Limit 2 Years (including all seasons but Block) Estimated Cost Rs. 3517629/- Earnest Money Rs. 70400/
Rs. 3992/- Cost of form Rs. 250/- Time 1 Month excluding trial run period of 03 months) Cost of form Rupees -
Sr. No 15 Name of work/ Sub Head A/R & M/O WSS Lahad Khaddi Samliyata 2500/- Start and Last date for uploading the tender through Sr. No 3. Name of Work Construction of Rajiv Gandhi Govt.
in tehsil Bhattiyat Distt. Chamba (HP) Mandir, Lahad near culvert). Estimated Cost Engineering College Kangra at Nagrota Bagwan in District Kangra
Rs. 199600/- Earnest money Rs. 3992/- Cost of form Rs. 250/- Time 1 Month e-tendering 19.05.2023 to 01.06.2023
(HP) Deposit work (SH;-Providing and laying interlocking paver block
0716/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark The bidders are advised to note other details of tender
in parking area and road in staff only. Estimated Cost Rs. 6490108/
from the departmental website https://hptenders.gov.in. The - Earnest Money Rs. 129850/-
HIMACHAL PRADESH JAL SHAKTI VIBHAAG Executive Engineer, reserves the right to reject/cancel any or Starting date for downloading Bid 19.05.2023
NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING all the bids without assigning any reason(s). Deadline for submission of Bid 29.05.2023
The Executive Engineer JSV Division Jubbal invites tenders on behalf 0721/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark The bidders are advised to note other details of tenders from
of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from approved eligible contractors for the department website www.hptenders.gov.in.
the following work(s) through e-tendering process :- 0728/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
SN 1) Name of Work Providing Sewerage scheme to Kotkhai Town
(SH: Improvement of Sewerage Scheme to Kotkhai Town) Est Cost Rs. Inviting Online Bids DIRECTORATE OF AGRICULTURE,
15,29,605 EMD Rs. 30,450 Time 3 M The Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division Larji invites Online tenders
SN 2) Name of Work Providing Sewerage scheme to Kotkhai Town on short time basis on behalf of Government or Himachal Pradesh from
(SH: Improvement of Sewerage Scheme to Kotkhai Town) Zone 2nd Est approved eligible contractors for the following works through e-tendering SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDERS
Cost Rs. 7,00,932 EMD Rs. 14,050 Time 3 M process:
Last date of uploading tenders :- 11:00 AM of 26/05/2023
Sealed tenders are invited by the Director of Agriculture,
Job. No. 1. Name of Work: Providing lift Irrigation Scheme Bhami H.P. Shimla-5 for running the canteen in Directorate of Agriculture,
Date of opening of tenders :- On dated 26/05/2023 (11.30 AM) Nallah in GP Naraish , Hurla,Diyar in Tehsil Bhunter Distt kullu HP (SH:-
onwards Complex Shimla-5 from the interested persons having experience
Providing laying of rising main and thrust Block )(Balance work ) Estimated
BOQ and tender related conditions can be downloaded from the website of running canteen preferably in govt. offices, latest by 31st May
Cost Rs. 1,93,73,514/- EMD Cost of Tender Rs.2,26,235/- Time of
www.hptenders.gov.in 2023 at 12.00 A.M. for the period of one year which shall be
0731/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark completion (months) 9 Months Cost of form Rs. 2500/-
Last date submission of tender :-27-05-2023 upto 5:00 PM and opened opened on the same day i.e. 31.5.2023 at 3.00 P.M. in the
HIMACHAL PRADESH JAL SHAKTI VIBHAG on 29-05-2023 up to 11:30 AM. presence of Tenderers. The tender shall be accompanied with
The tender forms/NIT and other detailed conditions can be downloaded tender fee of Rs. 300/- (in the shape of bank draft) and earnest
NOTICE INVITING TENDER from the website www.hpiph.org or from office of the Executive Engineer
The Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Division, Baggi invites money security of Rs. 10,000/- only in favour of Director
upto date specified above.
tenders on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from Agriculture Shimla-5 in the shape of FDR (returnable) payable
0717/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
approved eligible contractors for the following works(s) through at Shimla branch of any nationalized bank. The tenders received
e- tending process :- without tender document fee and earnest money will not be
Job No. 1 E/Cost Rs. 3,44,32,586/- Earnest Money Rs. 3,77,000/
Sr. No 1 Name of work Remodelling & Improvement of accepted. Tender Form, other terms & conditions and list of
- Time limit Six Months
LWSS Dev Bhangroh in Tehsil Chachiot Distt.Mandi (H.P). items to be served in the canteen can be downloaded online
Last date of filling/uploading the tender through e-tendering:
(SH:- C/O Retaining wall ( site development), C/O Dome type 29/05/2023 upto 05.00PM. from the Departmental website www.hpagriculture.com from
Sump well/ Clear water tank i.e. 4,44,500 ltrs cap., 31,500 ltrs The tender form and other detail and condition can be 20.05.2023 onwards. Right to reject any or whole of tenders
cap. 1,20,000 ltrs cap.,C/O RCC Sector S/Tank i.e., 35,000 ltrs obtained from the website https://hptenders.gov.in or from office without assigning any reasons is reserved with Director of
cap., 30000 Ltrs,250000 Ltrs cap( 14 Nos), C/O Pump house (2 of Jal Shakti Division Baggi upto the date specified above. Agriculture, H.P. Shimla-05.
Nos.), C/O Barbed wire fencing around civil structure, C/O WTP 0733/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 0729/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
(0.932 MLD) and C/O Gaseous chlorination ) (Under NABARD).
(IV) fxfjjkt lkIrkfgd] 24 & 30 ebZ 2023
HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1 The bids can be deposited in electronic format on web site https:/ HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT
/hptenders.gov.in/ , before time specified in table below and e-receipt for
e -Procurement Notice Cost of the Document in the form of a Non-refundable document fee and
INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) earnest money deposit in favour of Executive Engineer (NH) Division The Executive Engineer, HPPWD Division Sunder Nagar,
The Executive Engineer (NH) Division HPPWD Nahan Distt. HPPWD Nahan for the work shall be accepted through online mode as Distt. Mandi (HP) on behalf of Governor of H.P invites the
Sirmaur(H.P) on behalf of Governor of H.P invites the online bids on per the provisions of the Principal Secretary (Finance) to the Government percentage rate bids, in electronic tendering system from the
percentage rate, in electronic tendering system, in 2 Cover System for the of Himachal Pradesh notification No. Fin-A-C(2)-14/2019 dated 05.08.2019 eligible class of contractors registered with HPPWD for the works
under mentioned works from the eligible and approved contractors/Firms and letter No. TAL-SEDC0B15L(ITWB)4/2018 (5311)-4447 dated 10.02.2020. detailed below
registered with PWD Department. The System Generated Receipt in this regard may be uploaded as .pdf Sr.No 1 Name of Work Balance work of C/o 156.00 mtr
Sr. No. 1 Name of Work Ordinary repair to Kala Amb Paonta Sahib Document . Before submission of on-line bids, bidders must ensure that
span motorable bridge over Satluj river connecting Slapper
Dehradun road NH-72 (New NH-07) Km 46/00 to 103/00 (SH:- Providing the scanned copy of all the necessary documents have been attached
with bid. The detail of cost of documents and bid Security specified in
Tattapani road with Slapper (Slapper Harnoda) in Tehsil
and laying Granular Sub Base and Wet Mix Macadam (Plant Mix Method)
at km 82/700 Length 200 mtr). Estimated Cost (in Rs.) 5,71,958/- EMD tender documents should be the same as submitted on-line ( Scanned Sundernagar, Distt. Mandi (HP) (SH: C/o sub structure, Super
(in Rs.) 11450/- Cost of Tender (in Rs.) 350/- Eligible class of Contractor Copy) otherwise bid will summarily be rejected The department does not structure, protection work, construction of approaches, R/wall,
“C” & ‘D” Time Allowed 1 Months take any responsibility for the delay caused due to non-availability of M/T of approaches and parapets) BBMB Deposit. Estimated
Sr. No. 2 Name of Work Ordinary repair to Kala Amb Paonta Sahib internet connection or network , traffic jam etc., for on-line bids Cost Rs.9,92,94,550/- only Starting date for downloading Bid
Dehradun road NH-72 (New NH-07) Km 46/00 to 103/00 (SH:- Construction 2. Availability of Bid Document and mode of submission: The 24.05.2023 Earnest Money Rs.19,86,000/- only Deadline for
of PCC Retaining wall at RD 82/300 to 82/320 and 82/250 to 82/275) Bid document is available online and bid should be submitted in online submission of Bid 06.06.2023
Estimated Cost (in Rs.) 14,28,699/- EMD (in Rs.) 28580/- Cost of Tender mode on website https://hptenders.gov.in/ .Bidder would be required to The bidders are advised to note other details of tenders
(in Rs.) 500/- Eligible class of Contractor “C” & ‘D” Time Allowed 2 register in the web-site which is free of cost. For submission of bids, the
from the department website www.hptenders.gov.in.
Months bidder is required to have Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from one of
0740/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
Sr. No. 3 Name of Work Ordinary repair to Kala Amb Paonta Sahib the authorized Certifying Authorities (CA). “Aspiring bidders who have not
Dehradun road on NH 72 (New NH 07) Km 46/00 to 103/00 (SH:- Providing obtained the user ID and password for participating in e-tendering in HPPWD
white washing from RD 46/00 to 60/00 & 72/00 to 83/00). Estimated Cost may obtain the same from the website: https://hptenders.gov.in/. Digital
(in Rs.) 1,47,116/- EMD (in Rs.) 2900/- Cost of Tender (in Rs.) 350/- signature is mandatory to participate in the e-tendering. Bidders already HIMACHAL PRADESH JAL SHAKTI VIBHAG
Eligible class of Contractor “C” & ‘D” Time Allowed 2 Months possessing the digital signature issued from authorized CAs can use the
Sr. No. 4 Name of Work Ordinary repair to NH 73A (New NH 907) same in this tender. NOTICE INVITING TENDERS
on Jagadhari Chachroli Khizrabad Batta Chowk road Km 45/880 to 53/300 3. Key Dates: 1. Online bids on item rate basis are invited by the Executive
(SH:- Cutting/ trimming of Shrubs from both sides of road between 45/880 1. Date of Online Publication 25.05.2023 at 1100 HRS Engineer Jal Shakti Division Padhar Himachal Pradesh on the
to 53/300 & white washing at various points). Estimated Cost (in Rs.) 2. Document Download Start and End Date 25.05.2023 at 1130 HRS behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh, in electronic tendering
75,444/- EMD (in Rs.) 1550/- Cost of Tender (in Rs.) 500/- Eligible class to 05.06.2023 up to 1100 HRS system in two covers for the under mentioned work from contractors/
of Contractor “C” & ‘D” Time Allowed 2 Months 3. Bid Submission Start and End Date firms of an appropriate class enlisted with Jal Shakti Vibhag.
Sr. No. 5 Name of Work Ordinary repair to Kala Amb Paonta Sahib 25.05.2023 at 1130 HRS to 05.06.2023 up to 1100 HRS Sr. No.1. Name of work Providing Balance FHTC in GP Tarswan
Dehradun road on NH 72 (New NH 07) Km 46/00 to 103/00 (SH:- 4. Date of Technical Bid opening. 05.06.2023 up to 1130 HRS & Silhbudhani in Tehsil Padhar Distt. Mandi (HP). (SH:- C/O Intake
Construction of RCC U Shape drain at RD 95/00 to 95/150 (RHS). 4. TENDER DETAILS: Chamber 1 No., C/O RCC Sedimentation tank 13000 liter capacity,
Estimated Cost (in Rs.) 3,89,953/- EMD (in Rs.) 7800/- Cost of Tender The Tender Documents shall be uploaded online in 2 Cover: C/O Filter bed 25.50 m2 unit and C/O RCC Storage Tank 10,000
(in Rs.) 350/- Eligible class of Contractor “C” & ‘D” Time Allowed 1 Cover 1: shall contain scanned copies of all “Technical Documents/ liter Capacity) UNDER JJM Estimated Cost Rs. 8,76,131/- Earnest
Months Eligibility Information”. Money Rs. 17,550/- Cost of Tender Form Rs. 250/- Time Three
Sr. No. 6 Name of Work Ordinary repair to Kala Amb Paonta Sahib Cover2: shall contain “BOQ/Financial Bid”, where contractor will quote Month
Dehradun road NH 72 (New No. 07) Km 46/00 to 103/00 (SH:- Providing his offer. 1. Last date of filling/ uploading the tender is 29/05/2023 upto
and laying RCC Hume pipe 600mm dia at RD 100/340 to 100/380, RCC 5. BID OPENING DETAILS: The bids shall be opened on 05.06.2023 5.00PM which shall be opened on dated 30/05/2023 at 11.30 AM.
1200 mm dia pipe for crossing at Vishkarma Chowk at RD 101/740 & at 1130 HRS in the office of Executive, Engineer HPPWD NH Division 2. Tender Documents and other detail instruction can be
Construction of V-shape drain & RCC Hume pipe 300mm dia in Km 96/ Nahan H.P. by the authorised officers. In their interest the tenderer are downloaded or view online from the petrol http://hptenders.gov.in by
480 to 96/580 (RHS) Estimated Cost (in Rs.) 7,11,161/- EMD (in Rs.) advised to be present along with original documents at the time of opening the firm/contractor individual.
14,250/- Cost of Tender (in Rs.) 350/- Eligible class of Contractor “C” of tenders. If the office happens to be closed on the date of opening of the 0742/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
& ‘D” Time Allowed 2 Months bids as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the
Sr. No. 7 Name of Work Ordinary repair to Kala Amb Paonta Sahib same time and venue. HP STATE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT
Dehradun road NH-07 Km 46/00 to 103/00 & NH-73A from Km 45/880 to 6. The bids for the work shall remain valid for acceptance for a period CORPORATION LTD
53/300 (SH:- Hiring of Excavator cum loader and Tractor with Hydraulic not less than 120 days after the deadline date for bid submission.
Mehatpur, Distt. Una (HP) Tel. No 01975-232108
system Trolly for Removal of slips in Km 46/00 to 103/00 & NH-73A from
Km 45/880 to 53/300 for ensuing monsoon season 2023-24. Estimated 7 Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. The officer Regd. Office:-New Himrus Building, Circular Road,
Cost (in Rs.) 5,35,500/- EMD (in Rs.) 10,800/- Cost of Tender (in Rs.) inviting tender shall not be held liable for any delays due to system failure Shimla-171001(HP)
350/- Eligible class of Contractor “C” & ‘D” Time Allowed 3 Months beyond its control. Even though the system will attempt to notify the bidders CIN: - U70109HP1966SGC 002683, GSTN:
Sr. No. 8 Name of Work Ordinary repair to Nahan Do Sarka Sarahan of any bid updates, the Employer shall not be liable for any information not
Kumarhatti road on NH 907A Km 0/00 to 78/00 (SH:- Hiring of excavator received by the bidder. It is the bidders’ responsibility to verify the website 02AACCT0331N1ZO Tel No.0177-2621426/2624751/
cum loader and Tractor with Hydraulic system trolly for Removal of slips for the latest information related to the tender. 2625339 Fax: 0177-262427
in Km 0/00 to 40/00 for ensuing monsoon season in 2023-24). Estimated 8 All rates quoted by contractors shall be inclusive of all modes of E-mail: sidc-hp@nic.in Visit us at : www.hpsidc.org
Cost (in Rs.) 5,35,500/- EMD (in Rs.) 10,800/- Cost of Tender (in Rs.) leads, lifts & heights and also taxes/levies unless specified to the contrary Notice Inviting Tenders
350/- Eligible class of Contractor “C” & ‘D” Time Allowed 3 Months including service tax as applicable w.e.f. 1st April, 2015 as per Government
of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) Notification No. 6/ Sealed item rate tenders on prescribed form 7/8 for under mentioned
Sr. No. 9 Name of Work Ordinary repair to Nahan Do Sarka Sarahan
works are hereby invited in separate envelop for each work from contractors
Kumarhatti road on NH 907A Km 0/00 to 78/00 (SH:- Hiring of excavator 2015-Service tax dated 1st March, 2015. All the excavated/surplus earth/
having current enlistment in the appropriate class with HPPWD,CPWD,I&PH &
cum loader and Tractor with Hydraulic system trolly for Removal of slips dismantle material/waste etc. shall be dumped at the site to be arranged HIMUDA. The tender form Job No. 1 & 2 should reach in the office of XEN up
in Km 40/00 to 78/00 for ensuing monsoon season in 2023-24). Estimated by the contractor unless otherwise specified to the contrary and to the to 12.00 Noon or before 06.06.2023 and will be opened on the same day at
Cost (in Rs.) 5,35,500/- EMD (in Rs.) 10,800/- Cost of Tender (in Rs.) satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge. 12.30 pm in presence of intending contractors or their authorized representatives
350/- Eligible class of Contractor “C” & ‘D” Time Allowed 3 Months 0737/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark who may like to be present. The rates should be quoted both in words and
figures. If it happened to be holiday on the day of opening of tenders the same
will be opened on next working day on the same time.
HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT The tender forms can be had on production of GST registration, income tax
INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) clearance certificate and detail of works executed/under execution of similar
type of works from the office of the undersigned on any working day against
1. The Executive Engineer , Shimla Division No-III, HPPWD , The Executive Engineer HP PWD Paonta Sahib, Distt. Sirmour cash payment as indicated against each of them (Non refundable) up to 05/06/
Shimla-3 on behalf of Governor of H.P invites the percentage rate HP on behalf of Governor of HP invites the Item rate bids, in 2023 (5.00 PM).The application should be accompanied with the requisite earnest
bids, in electronic tendering system, from the eligible class of electronic tendering system from the eligible class of contractors money in shape of bank draft only in the favour of Executive Engineer, H.P.SIDC
contractors registered with HP.PWD., for the work as detailed below registered with HP PWD for the works as detailed below Limited Mehatpur (H.P).The application not accompanied by the Earnest Money
Sr. No 1 Name of Work A/R & M/O to IGMC Shimla (SH:- Sr. No.1. Name of Work Widening & strengthening of road shall not be considered. The earnest money deposited by the un-successful
Renovation of Psychiatry OPD room No. 411-A, B,C, for MS office). bidder will be released without interest by cheque only. The successful
from Badripur to Puruwala via Santoshgarh including bridge over contractor shall have to fulfill the requirement of RPFC and Labour act
Estimated Cost Rs. 10,07,961/- EMD Rs. 20,160/- Cost of Tender
Jamboo Khala Km. 0/0 to 3/805. ( SH:- Widening of 5/7 metres to .The drawings and specifications can be seen in the office of undersigned on
Rs. 500/- Time Allowed One Month
10/12 metre wide road in Km. 1/840 to 3/805, extension of existing any working day from 11.00 A.M to 4.00 P.M. The undersigned reserves the
Sr. No 2 Name of Work Special repair ot residential building right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason. The bidders
culverts cross drainage work, metalling & tarring to double lane
under Shimla division No. III (SH:- Repair of M.S. Jafri, MS tank are advised to quote rates inclusive of GST as applicable. GST shall not be
stand, MS railing in stairs main entrance, RR Masonary and dry rubble standard, side drains, C/O essential parapets & providing road
paid extra.
masonary edge eall repair of siffits, painting and distempering etc in furniture’s etc. in Km. 0/0 to 3/805 ) . (Including five year Routine Sr. No.1. Name of work SRMO Veterinary Hospital and C/o Additional
park-7 (seven) building at Nigam vihar Shimla-2. Estimated Cost Rs. maintenance). Estimated Cost Rs. 7,92,02,840/ Starting Date for space at Daulatpur Chowk Distt Una (H.P) Estimated cost Rs. 3,15,733.00
6,05,319/- EMD Rs. 12,110/- Cost of Tender Rs. 350/- Time downloading Bid 23.05.2023 16:30 HRS Earnest Money Rs. Earnest Money Rs. 6300.00 Time Limit Three Months. Cost of tender form
15,84,000/- Deadline for submission of Bid 07.06.2023 10:30 Rs. 590.00 Class C&D
Allowed One Month
HRS Sr. No.2. Name of work Providing and fixing ceiling, Minor repair and
Sr. No 3 Name of Work A/R & M/O to various non residential Distempering, painting to Sericulture Office &SRMO Chowkidar/Mail room at
building under Shimla Division No.-III (SH:- Repair of Cup board in CR The bidders are advised to note other details of Tenders from Sericulture Centre Nadaun Distt Hamirpur (H.P) Estimated cost Rs. 3,41,563.00
Cell, in room No. G-15,G-16 CTR branch, in Romm No. 604 and the department website www.hptenders.gov.in. Earnest Money Rs. 6831.00 Time Limit Three Months. Cost of tender form
branch No.322 block –D (Legal &Library) of Engineer-in-Chief office 0722/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark Rs. 590.00 Class C&D
Nirman Bhawan at Nigam Vihar Shimla). Estimated Cost Rs. 8,87,314/ 0179/2023-24 (Others) Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
- EMD Rs. 17,750/- Cost of Tender Rs. 350/- Time Allowed One
Sr. No 4 Name of Work Repair / renovation to Ellerslie main “INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)”
Sealed item rate bids for the 15 Nos. Re-surfacing Works are hereby
building at HP Sectt. Shimla. (SH:- Renovation of room No. A313B
invited by the undersigned on behalf of Commissioner M.C. Shimla from the The Tender ( Online mode) invited (vide this office letter No. PW/
and A313D). Estimated Cost Rs.6,49,983/- EMD Rs. 13000/- Cost of KNR-E-Tender/2023-831-40 dated 03-05-2023, published in E.The Tribune
Tender Rs. 350/- Time Allowed One Month contractors/firms of an appropriate class enlisted with HPPWD as per his/her
class of enlistment should be allowed. The bidders are advised to note other all Editions, H.Divya Himachal Dastak, Kangar and Shimla, Weekly Giriraj
Sr. No 5 Name of Work Repair/ renovation to Ellerslie main Shimla vide R/O No. 0512/2023-2024 (Classified) dated 09-05-2023, which
details of tender from the M.C. Website i.e. shimlamc.hp.gov.in. The bid
building at HP Sectt. Shimla-2.(SH:- Renovation of office of Chairman are to be opened online on dated 29-05-2023, in which Job No. 8 & 9 are
should be submitted in online mode on the portal https:// hptenders.gov.in.
Tourisum (Room No. E-331) in Ellerslie main building at HP Sectt. The department has right to extend or cancel the bids without declaring any hereby cancelled due to Administrative/Technical reasons and following
Shimla). Estimated Cost Rs. 10,05,610/- EMD Rs. 20,112/- Cost of reasons thereof. The date of online publication is 19.05.2023 at 5.00 PM. tenders may kindly be read as under instead of the same printed/published
Tender Rs. 500/- Time Allowed One Month Sd/- Executive Engineer earlier:-
Starting date of downloading Bid 23-05-2023 (R&B) M.C. Shimla Sr. No. 1 Job No. 4 Nam of work M/T on Jeepable road to Duni
Deadline for submission of Bid 01-06-2023 0178/2023-24 (Others) Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark Kanda (Chungling Chowk to Gonidor) Km. 0/00 to 6/550 (SH:- ROFD at
The bidders are advised to note other details, of tenders from the various RD’s, P/L WBM G-III 20mm thick premix carpet with seal coat at
RD. 1/00 to 3/00) Estimated cost Rs. 63,69,183/- Earnest Money Rs.
department website /-,www.hptenders.gov.in.
The Executive Engineer reserves the right to accept/reject any MUNICIPAL CORPORATION SHIMLA 1,28,000/- Time Six Months
Sr. No. 2 Job No. 5 Nam of work C/O Jeepable road to Khawangi
tender/application without assigning any reason. “INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)” Kanda Km 0/100 to 2/500 (SH:- ROFD, P/L soling, M/T from Km. 0/00
0738/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark Sealed item rate bids for the 2 Nos. civil works are hereby invited by the to 2/500) Estimated cost Rs. 75,12,099/- Earnest Money Rs. 1,75,500/
undersigned on behalf of Commissioner M.C. Shimla from the contractors/ - Time Six Months
OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL THEOG, firms of an appropriate class enlisted with HPPWD as per his/her class of Sr. No. 3 Job No. 6 Nam of work C/O Jeepable road from Change
DISTT SHIMLA (H.P) enlistment should be allowed. The bidders are advised to note other details of to Japroden-Panva Milisti Village Khawangi (Portion Khawangi to Milisti)
tender from the M.C. Website i.e. shimlamc.hp.gov.in. The bid should be Km. 0/00 to 0/365 and Japroden to Tale Km. 0/00 to 2/00 in District
SHORT TERM NOTICE INVITING TENDER submitted in online mode on the portal https:// hptenders.gov.in. The department Kinnaur HP (SH:- ROFD, P/L Soling, M/T from Km. 0/00 to 2/365)
Sealed tenders notice on percentage/item rate from the approved has right to extend or cancel the bids without declaring any reasons thereof. Estimated cost Rs. 77,95,929/- Earnest Money Rs. 1,56,000/- Time Six
contractors are invited for the under mentioned work. The tender form can The date of online publication is 20.05.2023 at 5.00 PM. Months
be had from the office of MC Theog working days in cash payment Rs 500/ Sd/- Executive Engineer Sr. No. 4 Job No. 7 Nam of work C/O Jeepable road from Chungling
- upto 30 /05/2023 upto 4:00 PM each (non refundable). The tenders will be (R&B) M.C. Shimla Chowk to Kothi Kanda Km. 0/00 to 2/000 (SH:- ROFD, M/T from Km.
received by the undersigned in the office of the MC Theog till 31/05/2023 0184/2023-24 (Others) Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 0/00 to 2/00) Estimated cost Rs. 59,05,626/- Earnest Money Rs. 1,18,500/
upto 11:00AM and will be opened on same day at Municipal office in the - Time Six Months
presence of contractors who wish to be present at 11:30 AM. The drawing Time Limit 2 months Other Terms and conditions shall remain unchanged.
and estimate can be seen in the office of the undersigned on any working Note: for more detail visit in mc theog official site(mctheog.in) Sd/- Executive Engineer,
day by the qualified contractor for under mentioned tender. Sd/- Executive Officer Kalpa Division,
Job.no 1. Name of Tender C/O water storage tank below prem public Municipal Council Theog H.P. PWD. Kalpa.
school; ward 3 Estimated Cost Rs. 146956/- Earnest Money Rs.3000/- 0187/2023-24 (Others) Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 0743/2023-24 (Others) Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
fxfjjkt lkIrkfgd] 24 & 30 ebZ 2023 (I)
HP OFFICE OF THE TEMPLE OFFICER, Directorate of Fisheries Himachal Pradesh. HP PUBLIC WORKS
1. The Director cum-Warden of Fisheries Himachal Pradesh, Bilaspur invites online bids, in electronic tendering The tender for the following
Publication of Notice Inviting Tender. system, in two covers, on item- wise rates for the supply of fish seed from the eligible principal suppliers/Producers. works were invited by the Executive
Sealed item rates tender are hereby invited by the Tentative Tender Value Rs. 95.00 Lac only Engineer, B&R Division HPPWD
Sr. Particulars Size 70 mm & Approximate Size 100 mm or Approxima Approximat Karsog on behalf of Governor of
undersigned on behalf of the Commissioner, (D.C.Bilaspur)
No. above Quantity (In 10gm te Quantity e Quantity Himachal Pradesh vide this office
Temple Trust Shri Naina Devi Ji, for the following works from NIT No. 834-40 dated 10.05.2023
Lakh) (In Lakh) (In Lakh)
eligible and approved contractors/firms registered with HPPWD (4+6) which were published on weekly
&HPJSV Department so as to reach in the office of the Assistant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Giriraj Shimla and other news paper
Engineer Office, Temple Trust Shri Naina Devi Ji, District Bilaspur 1. Rohu 70 mm & above 2.68 100 mm or 10gm 1.5 4.18 are hereby amended as under:
(HP) on or before 06.06.20223 up to 2:30PM. The tender will be 2. Mrigla 70 mm & above 1.52 100 mm or 10gm 1.00 2.52 Sr. No 1. Name of Work
opened on same day at 3.00 PM in the presence of contractors 3. Pure Catla 70 mm & above 2.68 100 mm or 10gm 0.15 2.83 Periodical Maintenance on Karsog
4. Silver Carp 70 mm & above 2.77 100 mm or 10gm 3.5 6.27 to Kao road VR No HP0806
or their authorized representatives who may be present. The
5. Grass Carp 70 mm & above 1.10 100 mm or 10gm 1.00 2.10 VR003929305 to VR No HP0806
tender form can be had from the office of the Assistant Engineer VR003929307, Nehra to Badharnu
6. Common Carp 70 mm & above 0 100 mm or 10gm 1.35 1.35
Office, Matri Anchal, Temple Trust Shri Naina Devi Ji, District road VR No HP0806
7. IMC 70 mm & above 0.20 100 mm or 10gm 0 0.20
Bilaspur,(H.P.) up to 03-06-2023 till 3.00 P.M. Total:- ----- 10.95 8.5 19.45 VR004529302 to VR No HP0806
Cost of Tender forms will be non refundable. Earnest money The committee will compare and decide the rates quoted by the firms on item-wise. VR004529303 (SH- Providing and
and cost of tender forms as shown below will be deposited by Total quantity of all varity of fish seed is 19.45 Lakhs which may increase or decrease depending upon rate of fish laying 30mm bituminous concrete,
RTGS in Temple Trust account no 36488121207 IFSC code variety or size of fish seed. thermoplastic paint in Km. 4/000
In Govind Sagar Reservoir, proposed size of seed to be stocked is above 100 mm or 10 gm, whereas in to 7/000, 1/000 tom 2/570
SBIN 0002487 State Bank of India Branch Shri Naina Devi
other reservoirs it is above 70 mm respectively). Estimated Cost Rs.
Ji,Distt. Bilaspur, (HP). Tender shall be accompanied with the 7369746.46 EMD Rs. 1,47,500/-
1. Availability of Bid Document and mode of submission : The Bid document is available online and bid
cost of tender form & earnest money in the shape of Accounts should be submitted in online mode on website https://hptenders.gov.in Time Four Months Cost of Tender
payees, Bank Draft in the name of Temple Officer, Temple Trust Bidder would be required to register in the web-site which is free of cost. For submission of bids, the bidder Rs. 2,000/- Eligible class of
Shri Naina Devi Ji, District Bilaspur (HP). Proof/Receipt cost of is required to have Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from one of the authorized Certifying Authorities (CA). Contractor A , B & C
Tender form & earnest money deposit (EMD) and or cost of “Aspiring bidders who have not obtained the user ID and password for participating in e-tendering in this Department Sr. No 2 Name of Work
tender forms payment proof along with application then tender may obtain the same from the website : https://hptenders.gov.in Digital signature is mandatory to participate in Periodical Maintenance on Koltlu
the e-tendering. Bidders already possessing the digital signature issued from authorized CAs can use the same Nainj road HP0806 VR00442930
forms will be issued.
in this tender. to HP0836 VR 004429305 (SH-
Sr. No 1. Name of Work Annual painting on walls and Providing and laying 30mm
2. Key dates:-
railing along pedestrian path leading from Parking near Guffa to 1. Date of Online Publication. 03-06.2023 bituminous concrete, thermoplastic
Temple belonging to Temple Trust Sh. Naina Devi Ji, Distt. 2. Document Download Start and End date(s). 12-05.2023 from 17:15 hrs. up to 03-06.2023 at 11:00 hrs. paint in Km. 0/000 to 5/000).
Bilaspur, (H P) Estimated cost Rs. 1,71,268/- Earnest money 3. Bid submission start and end date(s). 12-05.2023 from 17:15 hrs. up to 03-06.2023 at 11:00 hrs. Estimated Cost Rs. 6770177.26
Rs. 3,500/- Cost of Tender Form Rs. 350/- Time Limit (02) 4. Physical submission of EMD & cost of tender document. 03-06-2023 at 11:00 hrs. EMD Rs. 1,35,000/- Time Four
Two Months 5. Date of Technical Bid Opening. 03-06-2023 at 11:00 hrs. Months Cost of Tender Rs. 2,000/
6. Date of opening of financial bid. Will be announced on 03-06-2023. - Eligible class of Contractor A ,
Sr. No 2. Name of Work Renovation of Langer Complex
building (P/F MS door frame and shutter to Langer store) for Sr. No 3 Name of Work
The tender documents shall be uploaded online in 2 covers :-
Temple Trust Sh. Naina Devi Ji, District Bilaspur, (H P) Estimated i) Cover-1: shall contain scanned copies of all ‘Technical Documents/Eligibility information. Periodical Maintenance on Shimla
cost Rs. 1,11,781/- Earnest money Rs. 2,300/- Cost of Tender ii) Cover-2 : shall contain ‘BOQ/Financial Bid’, where supplier will quote his offer for each item. Mandi road HP0806
Form Rs. 350/- Time Limit (02) Two Months 5. SUBMISSION OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS : The bidders are required to submit (a) original demand draft MDR07629363, HP0806
Sr. No 3. Name of Work Realignment of G.I. pipe line towards the cost of bid document and (b) original bid security/earnest money deposit (EMD) and other technical MDR07629369, HP0806
connecting kallan wala toba Sarovar, water storage tank, toilet documents in the office of Director cum-Warden of Fisheries Himachal Pradesh, Bilaspur, as specified in key dates MDR07629370, HP0806
at Sr.No.3 above on tender opening date, failing which the bids will be declared non-responsive. MDR07629371, HP0806
complex & providing drinking water facility at kallan wala Toba
6. BID OPENING DETAILS ;- The bids shall be opened on 03-06-2023 at 11:30 hrs. in the office of Director MDR07629384 and to HP0806
to pilgrims ) for Temple Trust Sh. Naina Devi Ji, District Bilaspur, MDR07629385 (SH- Providing and
cum-Warden of Fisheries Himachal Pradesh, Bilaspur, by the tender opening committee. In their interest the
(H P ) Estimated cost Rs. 374189/- Earnest money Rs. tenderers are advised to be present along with original documents at the time of opening of tenders. If the office laying 30mm bituminous concrete,
7,500/- Cost of Tender Form Rs. 350/- Time Limit (03) Three happens to be closed on the date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working thermoplastic paint in Km. 62/0000
Months day at the same time and venue. to 63/000, 68/000 to 71/000 and
TERMS AND CONDTIONS: 7. The bids shall remain valid for acceptance for a period not less than 60 days after the deadline date for 83/000 to 85/000). Estimated Cost
1. The bidders shall furnish photo copy of Income Tax and bid submission. Rs. 9627883.94 EMD Rs. 1,92,700/
8. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. The officer inviting tender shall not be held liable for - Time Four Months Cost of Tender
PAN/TIN No., Clearance certificate and sale tax registration/
any delays due to system failure beyond its control. Even though the system will attempt to notify the bidders of Rs. 5,000/- Eligible class of
GST under HP State sale tax act, 1968 etc. from the competent Contractor A , B & C
any bid updates. The employer shall not be liable for any information not received by the bidder. It is the bidders
authority along with tender application. responsibility to verify the website for the latest information related to the tender. Sr. No 4 Name of Work
2. The Contractor will have to deposit the Cost of tender FOR FUTHER ENQUIRY IN THIS REGARD PLEASE CONTACT DIRECTOR- cum-WARDEN OF FISHERIES Periodical Maintenance on Shimla
forms & earnest money with tender application for this work. HIMACHAL PRADESH DIRECTORATE OF FISHERIES, BILASPUR, HIMACHAL PRADESH-174001, TELEPHONE Mandi road HP0806 MDR07629395,
3. Tender forms shall only be issued on the presentation of NOS.01978-224068 & 223212, FAX NO.01978-224068 AND ALSO VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://hptenders.gov.in HP0806 MDR07629401, HP0806
registration renewal /enlistment of proof. Email :- fisheries-hp@nic.in MDR07629402, (SH: Providing and
0623/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark laying 30mm bituminous concrete,
4. No claim on account of rising of price due to any reason
thermoplastic paint in Km. 94/000
shall be entertained. HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT to 95/000, 100/0000 to 101/000,
5. Tender specification will not be issued to firms with whom E-PROCUREMENT NOTICE INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) 101/000 to 102/000). Estimated
business dealing had been suspended, black listed and debarred 1. The Executive Engineer, Nerchowk Division, H.P.PWD., Nerchowk H.P on behalf of Governor of H.P Re- Cost Rs. 4328445.01 EMD Rs.
firms by Temple Trust Shri Naina Devi Ji. invites/recall & First Call for the online bids on percentage rate in electronic tendering system in 2 cover system 86,600/- Time Four Months Cost of
6. No water supply and electricity will be supplied by the for the following work from the eligible and approved Contractors/Firms registered with H.P.PWD., Department. Tender Rs. 2,000/- Eligible class
Temple Trust Shri Naina Devi Ji. The contractor will have to Sr. Name of Work Estimated EMD Cost of Eligible Time of Contractor B , C & D
No Cost tender Class of limit The other terms & conditions
arrange all material of standard specified good quality at his
Contractor shall remain unchanged.
own sources. 1 AMP for the year 2023-24 on Chakkar Chandyal road Rs.18,88,166/- Rs.38,000/- Rs.500 “D& Above” One 0619/2023-24 Him Suchna
7. The Contractor, if awarded the work, cannot sublet it to Km. 0/00 to 1/200. (HP0810VR010231100) (SH:- Month Avam Jan Sampark
another contractor. Providing and Laying Bituminous Concrete in Km. 0/00
to 1/200).
8. The rates should be quoted in both figures and words. 2 AMP for the year 2023-24 on Galma Majhyali road Rs.31,29,837/- Rs.62,600/- “D& Above” One HP PUBLIC WORKS
9. Proof/Receipt cost of Tender form & earnest money deposit Km. 0/00 to 9/00. (HP0810VR007531100) (SH:- Rs.1500 Month
Providing and Laying Bituminous Concrete in Km. 7/00
(EMD) and other technical documents along with application
them issue of Tender. The tender shall remain valid for 45 days 3
to 9/00).
AMP for the year 2023-24 on Chowki Chandrahan Rs.31,62,728/- Rs.63,500/- “D& Above” One
from the date of opening of the tender form. Kothi Gehri road Km. 0/00 to 13/00. Rs.1500 Month BIDS (IFB)
(HP0810MRL08931405) (SH:-Providing and Laying
10. The Contractor having two awarded works in hand in Bituminous Concrete in Km. 4/00 to 6/00).Under The Executive
the Temple Trust he will not eligible to participate in the works PMGSY Engineer Bilaspur Division
4 AMP for the year 2023-24 on Chari School to Dehri Rs.34,83,155/- Rs.69,700/- “D& Above” One
tendering process. If any firm /contractor /agency having two Galoo via Trambi road Km. 0/00 to 2/200 Rs.1500 Month No.2, HP-PWD, Bilaspur
awarded work in hand participate in tendering process then its (HP0810VR012831104) (SH:-Providing and Laying on behalf of Governor of
tender will be cancelled. Bituminous Concrete in Km. 0/00 to 2/200).
5 AMP for the year 2023-24 on Mandi Gagal Chailchowk Rs.1,20,00,671/- “C& Above” One H.P invites the item rate
11. The Cement will be procured by the Contractor /Firm Jenjehli Chhatri Rana Ka Bag Nagan road Km. 0/00 to Rs.2,40,500 Rs.5000 Month
himself from the H.P. State Civil Supply Corporation Temple 16/190 (HP0810MDR02431400) (SH:-Providing & /-
bids, in electronic tendering
Trust will issue the permit for the procurement of Cement. Laying Bituminous Concrete in Km. 8/00 to 14/00) system, from the eligible
Under MDR-24 road).
12. The undersigned reserve the right to accept or reject 6 Construction of link road from Chandyal to Chhatru via Rs.16,80,705/- Rs.33,700/- Rs.500 “D & C” One
class of contractors
any or all tenders without assigning any reason. Sihal Trambi Sihan road km 0/0 to 6/600 Under SCSP. Month registered with HPPWD for
(SH:- Balance work for 10.00 mtr. span slab culvert via
Sd/- Temple Officer Sihal Trambi Sihan road at RD 0/085). the works as detailed
Temple Trust Sh. Naina Devi Ji, 2. Availability of Bid Document and mode of submission: The bid document is available online and bid below
District Bilaspur, (HP). should be submitted online on website http://hptenders.gov.in bidder would be required to register in the website Sr. No 1 Name of
No. Const. (Temple) 16(03)/05-2023—— Dated:- May, 2023 which is free of cost. For submission of bids, the bidder is required to have Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from
one of the authorized Certifying Authorities (CA). “Aspiring bidders who have not obtained the user ID and password Work Construction of Play
for participating in e-tendering in HPPWD may obtain the same from the website: http://hptenders.gov.in Digital ground at GMS Lakhala
MUNICIPAL CORPORATION SHIMLA signature is mandatory to participate in the e-tendering. Bidders already possessing the digital signature issued from Tehsil Sh. Naina Devi Ji
“INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)” authorized CAs can use the same in this tender.
Distt. Bilaspur (HP) (SH:-
3. Key dates:-
Sealed item rate bids for the 8 Nos. civil works are hereby invited by the C/o R/wall in left side at
1 Date of online publication 16-05-2023 at 11:30 A.M.
undersigned on behalf of Commissioner M.C. Shimla from the contractors/firms
of an appropriate class enlisted with HPPWD as per his/her class of enlistment
2 Document download start and end date 16-05-2023 at 11:30 A.M. up to 25-05-2023 at 10:30A.M. RD 0/0 to 0/045 and C/o
should be allowed. The bidders are advised to note other details of tender from 3 Bid submission start and end date 16-05-2023 at 11:30 A.M. up to 25-05-2023 at 10:30A.M. R/wall in right side at RD
the M.C. Website i.e. shimlamc.hp.gov.in. The bid should be submitted in online 4 Date of technical bid opening 25-05-2023 at 11:30 A.M.
4. Tender Details:- 0/0 to 0/030) Deposit work
mode on the portal https:// hptenders.gov.in. The department has right to extend
or cancel the bids without declaring any reasons thereof. The date of online The tender documents shall be uploaded on line in 2 cover. Estimated cost Rs.
publication is 15.05.2023 at 5.00 PM. i) Cover 1: shall contain scanned copies of all “Technical Documents Eligibility” information. 14,89,384/- Starting Date
ii) Cover 2: shall contain “BOQ/Financial bid” where contractor will quote his offer for each item.
Sd/- Executive Engineer
5. Submission of Original Documents: The bidders are required to submit (a) original demand draft towards
for dow nloading Bid
(R&B) M.C. Shimla
0156/2023-24 (Others) Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark the cost of bid document and (b) original bid security/Earnest money Deposit (EMD) and other Technical Documents 19.05.2023 Earnest
with this office as specified in key dates at Sr.No.5.failing which the bids will be declared nonresponsive. money Rs. 30,000/-
6. Bid opening Detail: The bid shall be opened on 25-05-2023 at 11:30 HRs in the office of Executive
HP JAL SHAKTI DEPARTMENT Deadline for submission
Engineer, Nerchowk Division HP.PWD., Nerchowk. If the office happens to be closed on the date of opening of
Notice Inviting Tender the bid as specified the bid will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. of Bid 25.05.2023 Time
Sealed item rate offline tenders on form 6 & 8 are hereby 7. The bid for the work shall remain valid for acceptance for a period not less than 90 days after the deadline Period Three Month
date for bid submission. The bidders are
invited by the Executive Engineer, JSV Division, Thural on behalf
8. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. The officer inviting tender shall not be held liable for
of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from approved eligible any delays due to system failure beyond its control. Even though the system will attempt to notify the bidders of advised to note other
registered Contractors in Jal Shakti Vibhag of appropriate class any bid updates, the Employer shall not be liable for any information not received by the bidder. It is the bidders’ details of tenders from the
for 07 No works. Detail i.e. name of works terms and conditions responsibility to verify the website for the latest information related to the tender. department website
are available on website. www.hpiph.org. 9. As per Govt. Notification No.PBW (B)A(3)1/2020-I dated 07.10.2021, in case the tendered amount of the
lowest bidder comes more than 5% in 1st call the negotiation can be conducted with him but the negotiated amount
The tender forms can be had from this office against cash 0642/2023-24 Him
should remain within 5% of the amount put to tender (on market rate) and tendered amount below 30% of the
payments (Non Refundable) up to 26.05.2023 till 4:30 P.M. estimated cost will be summarily rejected. Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
0628/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 0626/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
(II) fxfjjkt lkIrkfgd] 24 & 30 ebZ 2023
The Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Division Sarkahat on behalf INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) INVITING FOR BIDS (IFB).
of Governor of Himachal Pradesh Re-invites the Lump Sum rate The Executive Engineer HP PWD Division Nalagarh Distt. Solan HP The Executive Engineer, Kullu Division HP. PWD, Kullu on behalf of
bids in electronic tendering system and in 2 cover system for the on behalf of Governor of HP invites the online bids on persantage rate, in Governor of Himachal Pradesh invites the online bids on item rates, in
following works from eligible Government Contractors/Firms registered electronic/ nic tendering system,in 2 cover system for the under mentioned electronic tendering system, in 2 cover System for the under mentioned work
with Jal Shakti Vibhag. The detail of work is as under:- work from the eligible and approved contractors.Firms registered with HPPWD from the eligible and approved contractors/Firm registered with HP,PWD,
Name of Work :- Annual Running and Maintenance of Sewerage Department.
Job No. 1 Name of Work Annual repair and periodical maintenance for Sr. No. 1 Name of work Construction of Ambulance road from Bhutti
Scheme to Sarkaghat Town Zone – C in Tehsil Sarkaghat Distt. Chowk to Chamunda Naggar Km. 0/0 to 0/570 (SH:- Dismantling of Breast
Mandi (SH:- Repair and maintenance of complete sewer net work the year 2023-24 on Sitalpur to Nanowal road km 0/0 to 18/400 (P/L 30mm
wall, C/O PCC Retaining wall, B/wall, stone masonry R/wall and cement
manholes flushing tanks and STP 1.67 MLD for 3 years period ) B.C along with thermoplastic paint strips in km 9/00 to 10/00). Estimated
concrete pavement). Name of Division Kullu Division HP.PWD Kullu.
Cost Rs. 17,47,670/- Earnest Money Rs. 33,800/- Time Allowed Three
Estimated Cost: - Rs. 77,91,596/- Earnest Money Rs. 1,10,416/ Estimated cost of the Work Rs. 1923440 Bid Security /EMD Rs. 38500
Month Cost of Form Rs. 500/- Eligibility of Contractor B,C,D
- Cost of tender document Rs. 800/- Time limit: - 3 years. Cost of Document Rs. 500/- Period of Completion Six months
Job No. 2 Name of Work C/O RSN road to Podidhar Village Saneda
Tender documents and other instructions can be downloaded or Sr. No. 2 Name of work Annual Maintenance Plan for the year 2023-
Luhana Nichli and to Village Baned road km 0/0 to 1/500 (SH:- C/O road
viewed online from the portal http://hptenders.gov.in by the firms/ 2024 on Extension of Dohranallah Kharihar upto village Kamand road Km.
side V- shape drain & Interlocking tiles at RD 0/0 to 0/200). Estimated Cost
0/0 to 10/020 (SH:- Providing and laying renewal coat with BC Km. 8/370 to
individual registered contractors on the website. Rs. 11,62,119/- Earnest Money Rs. 23,242/- Time Allowed Six Month Cost
10/020 and 2.5mm thick (10cm wide) thermoplastic paint). Name of Division
2. Since the bids are to be submitted online and are required of Form Rs. 500/- Eligibility of Contractor C,D
Kullu Division HP.PWD Kullu. Estimated cost of the Work Rs. 2145722 Bid
to be encrypted and digitally signed, the bidders are advised to Job No. 3 Name of Work A/R &M/O Gabarmod to Dharmana road on
Security /EMD Rs. 43000 Cost of Document Rs. 500/- Period of
obtain Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from suitable venders or km 0/0 to 9/160 & katal to Dharmana 0/0 to 2/800 (SH:- Patch work with
Completion Two months
20mm thick in km Gabarmod to Dharmana 4/00 to 7/00 and katal to Dharmana
from any authorized agency at the earliest. Sr. No. 3 Name of work Annual Maintenance Plan for the year 2023-
0/0 to 2/800 Estimated Cost Rs. 6,76,318/- Earnest Money Rs. 13,526/- 2024 (PMGSY incentive) on Binsu Bai to Shourd Shikari Bhullang road Km.
Schedule of tendering:- Time Allowed Three Month Cost of Form Rs. 350/- Eligibility of Contractor
1. Site Visit From 16.05.2023 to 21.05.2023 during working 0/0 to 11/020 (SH:- Providing and laying renewal coat with BC Km. 0/0 to
B,C,D 3/0 and 2.5mm thick (10cm wide) thermoplastic paint). Name of Division
hours from 11:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M. except holidays. Job No. 4 Name of Work C/O Katli to Luns km 0/0 to 0/800 (SH:- P/ Kullu Division HP.PWD Kullu. Estimated cost of the Work Rs. 3971318 Bid
Bid submission start date From 12.05.2023 at 05:00 P.M. L Gr-I, Gr-II, Gr-III, V-shape drain at RD 0/200 to 0/800, Interlocking tile at Security /EMD Rs. 79500 Cost of Document Rs. 1,500/- Period of
3. Bid submission end date From at 24.05.2023 up to 5:00 RD 0/200 to 0/380 & mixed seal surfacing at RD 0/380 to 0/800, CD work Completion Two months
P.M. at RD 0/410 & 0/690). Estimated Cost Rs. 23,60,862/- Earnest Money Rs. Sr. No. 4 Name of work Annual Maintenance Plan for the year 2023-
4. No Physical submission of documents, except original bid 47,300/- Time Allowed Nine Month Cost of Form Rs. 500/- Eligibility of 2024 on Ratocha Dhara road Km. 0/00 to 5/00 (SH:- Providing and laying
Contractor C & D renewal coat with BC Km. 0/00 to 3/00 and 2.5mm thick (10 cm wide)
security /bid cost deposited through off line mode, will be allowed
Job No. 5 Name of Work C/O Paned ji Jodi to Devraj mandir km 0/ Thermoplastic paint). Name of Division Kullu Division HP.PWD Kullu.
Upto 11:00 A.M. on dated 25.05.2023 0 to 0/640 (SH:- P/L Gr-II & 20mm thick mixed seal surfacing work at RD Estimated cost of the Work Rs. 4422788 Bid Security /EMD Rs. 89000
5. Opening of Technical bid At 11:30 A.M. on dated 25.05.2023 0/0 to 0/640). Estimated Cost Rs. 10,13,558/-/- Earnest Money Rs. 20,300/ Cost of Document Rs. 2,000/- Period of Completion Two months
in the office of Executive Engineer, JSV Division Sarkaghat (H.P.) - Time Allowed Nine Month Cost of Form Rs. 500/- Eligibility of Sr. No. 5 Name of work Restoration of rain damages due to laying
6. Opening of Financial bid Date and place to be notified Contractor C & D underground OFC by reliance Jio and Airtel on Shamshi Seribehar road Km.
separately. Job No. 6 Name of Work C/O SAKB road km 70/00 to 79/00 (SH:-C/ 0/0 to 1/180 (SH:- Providing M/T work in Km. 0/0 to 1/180). Name of
Bidding documents can be down loaded from the Website O P/L wire crate at RD 74/640 to 74/655 and C/O 1500mm dia HPC at RD Division Kullu Division HP.PWD Kullu. Estimated cost of the Work Rs.
http://hptenders.gov.in. the document downloaded from the site should 72/544). Estimated Cost Rs. 7,88,650/- Earnest Money Rs. 15,800/- Time 1664305 Bid Security /EMD Rs. 34000 Cost of Document Rs. 500/-
Allowed Three Month Cost of Form Rs. 350/- Eligibility of Contractor C Period of Completion Three months
not be tempered and if any such tempering is detected before or
& D 6 Starting date of downloading Bid. 23.05.2023
after the opening of bids, the bidder shall be penalized and Job No. 7 Name of Work R/O rain damages on link road to Village 7 Deadline for submission of Bid. 24.05.2023
blacklisted. Other terms and condition shall remain same as given Jhandia km 0/0 to 0/700 (SH:- C/O Protection wall at RD 0/390 to 0/410). Bidders documents can be downloaded from the website http:/
in the bid document which can be seen on the website. The Executive Estimated Cost Rs. 2,54,291/- Earnest Money Rs. 5100/- Time Allowed hptenders.gov.in. The documents downloaded from the site should not be
Engineer reserves the right to reject any tender or all tenders without Three Month Cost of Form Rs. 350/- Eligibility of Contractor C & D tempered, and if any such tempering is detected before or after the opening
assigning any reasons. Job No. 8 Name of Work A/R &M/O Residence quarter HPPWD Sub of bids, the bidder shall be penalized and black listed. Other terms and
0621/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark Division Ramshehar (SH:- S/R of quarter Type-III) Ground Floor Estimated condition shall remain same as given in the bid document.
Cost Rs. 2,91,835/- Earnest Money Rs. 5850/- Time Allowed Three Month Terms & Conditions:-
Cost of Form Rs. 350/- Eligibility of Contractor C & D Scanned copy of Registration/Enlistment with H.P.P.W.D. Deptt.
HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No. 9 Name of Work C/O tile work of Bagwania Salera road near Scanned copy of PAN/TIN & Income Tax clearance certificate .
“E-Procurement Notice” House of Raj Kumar & Devi Ram Village Nalka Tehsil Baddi Distt. Solan HP Scanned copy of work done certificate of similar nature of work and
(SH:- P/L Interlock tiles). authentication of ownership of machinery required for above works such as
Invitation for Bids (IFB) Estimated Cost Rs. 1,51,105/- Earnest Money Rs. 3500/- Time paver, Hot mix plant etc.
The Executive Engineer, Electrical Division, HPPWD Palampur, Distt. Allowed Two Month Cost of Form Rs. 350/- Eligibility of Contractor C Scanned copy of Earnest Money and Cost of Form.
Kangra, HP on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh invites the item & D Scanned copy of Affidavit regarding genuineness and correctness of
rate bids in Two Covers system in Electronic Tendering System from Job No. 10 Name of Work C/O link road to Village Baddu km 0/0 to document attached.
approved and eligible contractors/firms registered with HPPWD (E) fulfilling 2/120) (SH:- P/L WBM, Grade-I and Interlocking pawer block km 0/600 to 0/ 0640/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
the qualifying criteria along with the documents for the works as detailed 900). Estimated Cost Rs. 9,85,581/- Earnest Money Rs. 20,000/- Time
below below: Allowed Six Month Cost of Form Rs. 350/- Eligibility of Contractor C &
Sr. No 1 Name of Work Replacement of E.I. and switchgear system D
into new one in T.V. Ward at Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru Government Medical Job No. 11 Name of Work C/O link road Ramshehar police Station INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)
College & Hospital Chamba in Tehsil & Distt. Chamba (HP). Estimated Mado Ki Babudi Surag Diwari mandir to Ambpani Mehdood to Gaushala The Executive Engineer, Chowari Division, HPPWD, Chowari HP on
Cost Rs. 952600/- Earnest Money Rs. 19100/- Time Limit Six Months Guru Kund Km 0/0 to 2/300 (SH:- F.C km 0/0 to 0/500 and C/O 900mm dia behalf of Governor of HP. Tender the item rate bids, in electronic tendering
Cost of bid document Rs. 350/- RCC pipe culvert at RD 0/030) Under MNP Estimated Cost Rs. 5,86,880/ system from the eligible class of contractor registered with HP PWD for
Sr. No 2 Name of Work Providing Surge Protection system for the - Earnest Money Rs. 11,800/- Time Allowed Three Month Cost of Form the following works as detailed below
UPS, Main Tower and Main Control Panel of Special Research Unit at Moti Rs. 350/- Eligibility of Contractor C & D S. No. 1. Name of work Repair of pot holes of various roads under
Tiba in Tehsil Dalhousie and Distt. Chamba (HP). Estimated Cost Rs. Job No. 12 Name of Work C/O Link road from Goyla Panner Badoghat HPPWD Sub Division Sihunta under Chowari Division (Repair of pot holes,
688000/- Earnest Money Rs. 13800/- Time Limit Three Months Cost Goyla to Mudharighat Nichli Tirli Baneda nalagarh Division Km 0/) to 3/500
of bid document Rs. 350/- providing and laying WBM-III). Estimated cost Rs. 7,69,299/- Earnest
(SH:- C/O pipe culvert at Km 0/550, 1/250, 1/770 , 2/370 and Gr-I km 0/0 Money Rs. 15386/- Cost of tender form Rs. 350/- Time limit Three
Sr. No 3 Name of Work Providing Advanced Lightning Protection to 1/00 Estimated Cost Rs. 9,70,655/- Earnest Money Rs. 19500/- Time
system for the Main Tower and Main Control Panel of Special Research Month Eligible Class. C & D
Allowed Three Month Cost of Form Rs. 350/- Eligibility of Contractor C
Unit at Moti Tiba in Tehsil Dalhousie and District Chamba (HP). Estimated S. No. 2. Name of work Repair of pot holes of various roads under
& D
Cost Rs. 733400/- Earnest Money Rs. 14700/- Time Limit Three Months HPPWD Sub Division Chowari under Chowari Division (Repair of pot holes,
Job No. 13 Name of Work C/O link road from Chikni to Bukharighat
Cost of bid document Rs. 350/- Alyon road km 0/0 to 3/500 (SH:- R.O.F.D and C/O 900mm dia RCC pipe
providing and laying WBM-III). Estimated cost Rs. 7,64,086/- Earnest
Sr. No 4 Name of Work C/O Govt. Degree College at Matour in Tehsil culvert at RD 0/190, 0/440, 0/780 and 0/930) Under SCCP Estimated Cost Money Rs. 15282/- Cost of tender form Rs. 350/- Time limit Three
and Distt. Kangra (H.P)(SH:- Providing E.I. in Basement, Block-C and Rs. 13,45,445/- Earnest Money Rs. 27,000/- Time Allowed Six Month Cost Month Eligible Class. C & D
Networking System in Block-A,B & C therein). Estimated Cost Rs. of Form Rs. 500/- Eligibility of Contractor C & D S. No. 3. Name of work Repair of pot holes of various roads under
2770453/- Earnest Money Rs. 49100/- Time Limit Two Year Cost of bid Job No. 14 Name of Work C/O link road to Village Kolimajra Gram HPPWD Sub Division Kerkira under Chowari Division (Repair of pot holes,
document Rs. 500/- Panchyat Lehi (SH:- P/L 80mm tile in km 0/700 to 1/00). Estimated Cost providing and laying WBM-III). Estimated cost Rs. 7,62,301/- Earnest
Sr. No 5 Name of Work Providing road side street lighting in the Rs. 14,04,244/- Earnest Money Rs. 28,100/- Time Allowed Four Month Money Rs. 15246/- Cost of tender form Rs. 350/- Time limit Three
campus of NIFT Kangra at Chheb in Distt. Kangra(H.P)(SH:- Providing Cost of Form Rs. 500/- Eligibility of Contractor C & D Month Eligible Class. C & D
internal pathway lighting and balance work thereof) Estimated Cost Rs. Job No. 15 Name of Work C/O link road to Village Dhar Mamla to KEY DATES:-
1762349/- Earnest Money Rs. 34000/- Time Limit Six Months Cost of Mahunag GP Dhar Ghat and Serla ( Vidhan Sabha Doon ) Km 0/0 to 1/ 1. Starting Date for downloading 23/05/2023 at 11.00 AM
bid document Rs. 500/- 500 (SH:- C/O 900mm dia RCC hume pipe culvert at RD 0/090 and 0/355, 2. Deadline for submission of bid 30/05/2023 at 11.00 AM
Sr. No 6 Name of Work C/O Additional Accommodation for Govt. 0/590 and 0/810). Estimated Cost Rs. 7,23,094/- Earnest Money Rs. 14,500/ 3. The date of Technical bid opening 31/05/2023 11.30 AM
Degree College at Baroh in Tehsil Baroh, Distt. Kangra (HP) (SH: Providing - Time Allowed Six Month Cost of Form Rs. 350/- Eligibility of Contractor 4. The XEN has right to extent or cancel the bids without declaring
E.I. therein). Estimated Cost Rs. 2996051/- Earnest Money Rs. 52500/
C & D any reasons thereof.
- Time Limit Two years Cost of bid document Rs. 1500/-
Availability of Bid Document and mode of submission: The Bid 5. The bidders are advised to not other detail of tender form the
Sr. No 7 Name of Work C/O Govt. Arya Degree College at Nurpur
document is available online and bid should be submitted in online mode on department website www.hptenders.gov.in
Distt. Kangra (HP) (SH: Providing E.I. therein) (SH: Supplying and laying
website https://hptenders.gov.in. Bidder would be requird to register in the 0622/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
Conduit pipe in Second floor therein). Estimated Cost Rs. 536573/-
web-site which is free of cost. For submission of bids, the bidder is required
Earnest Money Rs. 10800/- Time Limit Six Months Cost of bid document
to have Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from one of the authorized certifying
Rs. 350/-
authorities (CA) “Aspiring bidders who have not obtained the user ID and HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT
Sr. No 8 Name of Work Annual repair and Maintenance of 01 No.
250 kVA DG Set allied Equipment installed in Civil Hospital Nurpur Distt.
password for participating in e-tendering in HPPWD may obtain the same (INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)
from the website: https://hptenders.gov.in. Digital signature is mandatory to
Kangra (HP) for three years 2023-24. Estimated Cost Rs. 525194/-
participate in the e-tendering. Bidders already possessing the digital signature (e-Procurement Module)
Earnest Money Rs. 10600/- Time Limit Three years Cost of bid document
Rs. 500/-
issued from authorized CAs can use the same in this tender. The Executive Engineer, Chamba Division, HPPWD Chamba
2. Key dates. H.P. on behalf of Governor of H.P. invites the item rate bids,
Sr. No 9 Name of Work Repair and Comprehensive maintenance of
01 No. Electric Traction 13 Passengers without machine room elevator to 1. Date of Online Publication 18-05-2023 10:00 AM in electronic tendering system, from the eligible class of
Mini Sectt. Building Dehra Tehsil Dehra Distt. Kangra w.e.f. 2023-24 to 2. Document Download Start Date 18-05-2023 11:00 AM
3. Bid Submission Start and End Date 18-05-2023 at 11:00 AM to 29-
contractors registered with HPPWD for the works as detailed
2025-26 (Sh: Revised estimate thereof). Estimated Cost Rs. 435731/- below
Earnest Money Rs. 8800/- Time Limit Three Years Cost of bid document 05-2023 at 10:00 AM
Rs. 350/- 4. Physical Submission of receipt of EMD and cost of tender Document Sr. No.1 Name of work Widening and strengthening of
Key/Critical Dates: and other document 29-05-2023 at 10:30 AM Chamba Khajjiar road Km. 0/0 to 19/0 (MDR-49)Under CRF for
1 Publish Date/Time 18-05-2023 5.00 PM 5 Date of Opening of Bid 29-05-2023 at 11:00 AM the year 2018-19 Job No CRF-HP-2018- 19-157 (SH:-
2 Document Download Start Date/Time 18-05-2023 5.00 PM The bidders are advised to note other details of tenders from the
department website www.hptenders.gov.in.
Construction of Balance work) Estimated Cost (Rs.)
3 Bid Submission Start Date/Time 18-05-2023 5.00 PM
0620/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 8,15,20,168/- Earnest Money (Rs.) 16,31,000/ Cost of tender
4 Bid Submission End Date/Time 26-05-2023 11.00 AM
5 Bid Opening Date/Time 26-05-2023 11.30 AM form (Rs.) 5,000/- Class A Completion period Eighteen Months
The bidders are advised to note other details and terms & conditions HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2. KEY DATES:
of tenders from the departmental website www.hptenders.gov.in.
INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) 1. Starting Date for downloading 18-05-2023 at 10.00 AM
0641/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 2. Deadline for submission of Bid 27-05-2023 at 5.00 PM
The Superintending Engineer HPPWD 9th Circle Nurpur H.P.
3. Date of Technical bid opening 29-05-2023 at 11.30 AM
HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT on behalf of Governor of H.P. invites the items rate bids, in the
The XEN has right to extend or cancel the bids without
“CORRIGENDUM” electronic tendering system from the eligible class of contractors
registered with HPPWD for the works as detailed below declaring any reasons there-of.
The item rate e-tender for the works appearing at Sr. No.8 & 9 published The Bidders are advised to note other details of tenders
in Giriraj weekly invited on behalf of the Governor of H.P. vide this office letter Sr. No. 1. Name of work. Construction of Swana to Gulangra
No. PW/EDP/CB/TA/NIT/2023-24/691-95 dated 27.04.2023 are hereby Km. 0/0 to 3/115 in District Kangra (HP) (SH:- Improvement, from the department website www.hptenders.qov.in
postponed due to Administrative/Technical reasons. Next dates shall be as Passing place, C/O Retaining Walls, Cross Drainage work, GSB, 0638/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
WBM-II, WBM-III, CC Pavement, Tarring work and parapets etc.
Tender Schedule:
1. Publish date and time: 17.05.2023 at 17.00 PM. including five years routine maintenance) under NABARD RIDF- XXVIII. Estimated Cost (In Rs.). 1,38,43,895/- Earnest Money
2. Bid submission start date/time: 17.05.2023 at 17.00 PM XXVIII. Estimated Cost (In Rs.). 2,11,94,095/- Earnest Money (In Lacs). 2.77 Eligible Contractor. ‘B’ & ‘C’ Class.
3. Bid submission end date/time: 25.05.2023 at 10.00 AM (In Lacs). 4.24 Eligible Contractor. ‘A’ & ‘B’ Class. Starting date for downloading Bid 19-05-2023 10.00 AM.
4. Bid opening date/time (cover-1): 25.05.2023 at 11.30 AM Sr. No. 2. Name of work. C/O link road from Peerbad to Deadline for submission of Bid 26-05-2023 (5.00 PM)
All other terms and conditions of TQC shall remain unchanged.
Farred Km. 0/0 to 1/830 in District Kangra (HP) (SH: Formation The bidders are advised to note other details of tender from
Sd/- Executive Engineer
Electrical Division Cutting, C/O Retaining walls, Cross Drainage work, GSB, WBM- the department website www.hptenders.gov in. Date of opening
HP.PWD. Palampur II, WBM-III, CC Pavement, tarring work and parapets etc. of tender is 27-05-2023 at 11.00 AM.
0644/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark including Five years routine maintenance) under NABARD RIDF- 0647/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
fxfjjkt lkIrkfgd] 24 & 30 ebZ 2023 (III)
4. Key Dates:-
1. Date of online publication 26.05.2023 5 -00 PM
BILASPUR, (H.P) 2. Documents download start and end date 26.05.2023 to NOTICE INVITING TENDER
Publication of e-Procurement Notice. 02.06.2023 5-00PM Sealed item rate tender is hereby invited for the following
INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) 3. Bid submission start and end date 26.05.2023 to 02.06.2023 works from the contractor/firms of appropriate class registered
5-00 PM with Jal shakti Vibhag or HPPWD Dept. So as to reach in the
The Temple officer, Temple Trust Shri Naina Devi Ji, District
4. Physical submission of EMD and cost of Form & tender office of the undersigned on 30/05/2023 up to 3 :00PM and
Bilaspur, (HP) on behalf of the Commissioner Temple Trust Shri
documents 03.06.2023 1-00 PM the same shall be opened by the undersigned on 30/05/2023 at
Naina Devi Ji cum (D.C. Bilaspur) invites the online bids on item
5. The Technical bids shall be opened 05.06.2023 11.30 AM 3:30PM in the presence of the Contractor/firms or their authorized
rates, in electronic tendering system for the, below mentioned
6. Date of opening of financial Bid 06.06.2023 11-30AM representative if present any The tender form can be obtained
works from the eligible and approved contractors/firms registered
5. TENDER DETAILS: - The Tender documents shall be from this office against cash payment non refundable during the
with HPPWD &HPJSV Department. These works will be executed
uploading online in 2 cover. working hours on 30/05/2023 from 11:00 AM up to 1:00 PM
under Temple Trust funds.
(i) Cover 1:- shall contain scanned copies of all “Technical and no tender form shall be issued by post. The earnest money
Sr. No 1. Name of Work Painting on walls, and railing along
Document/ eligibility information shall be deposited in the shape of cash payment or in the
pedestrian path from Bus Stand Shri Naina Devi to Temple
(ii) Cover 2:- shall contain “BOQ/ financial bid “where contractor shape of National saving certificate, DAC, Term Deposit Account
belonging to Temple Trust Sh. Naina Devi Ji, Distt. Bilaspur, (H
will quote his offer for each item. in any Nationalize Bank duly pledge in the name of Secretary
P) Estimated Cost Rs. 6,78,030/- Earnest money Rs. 13,600/
6. SUBMISSION OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS:- SUBMISSION Nagar Panchayat Anni .The conditional tender will be rejected.
- Cost of Tender Form Rs. 350/- Time Limit 4 (Four Months)
OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS:- The bidders are required to upload If holiday declared by the Govt. on the above date to any reason
Eligible Class of contractor Class C & D
:- Proof/Receipt cost of Bid from bid document & earnest money then shall be counted as next working day.
Sr. No 2. Name of Work P/laying red sand stone on pedestrian
deposit (EMD) and other technical documents. Form no 7/8 duly Sr No 1 Name of Work C/O path in ward no 1 from house
path from parking near Matri Sadan to Temple from R.D. 0/0 to
signed by contractor with bid document as per provisions of general of Sh.Hari Prasad to House of Sh. Chape Ram. Estimated
0/100 mt. belonging to Temple Trust Shri Naina Devi Ji, District
rules No 27 in office of Assistant Engineer, Temple Trust Sh. cost Rs. 1,95,000/- Earnest money Rs. 5850/- Time limit
Bilaspur,(HP). Estimated Cost Rs. 5,83,474/- Earnest money
Naina Devi Ji, District Bilaspur (HP) on or before 03.06.2023 at Two Months Cost of form Rs. 300/-
Rs. 12000/- Cost of Tender Form Rs. 350/- Time Limit 6 (Six
1.00 P.M... Sr No 2 Name of Work C/O path in ward no 1 Hukum
Months) Eligible Class of contractor Class C & D
7. The site for the work is available. Chand to krishan Thakur Estimated cost Rs. 1,41,000/-
Sr. No 3 Name of Work Providing and fixing railing at valley
8. BID OPENING DETAIL:-The Technical bids shall be opened Earnest money Rs. 5880/- Time limit Two Months Cost of
side at pedestrian path from Matri Sadan and extension of space
on 05.06.2023 at 11.30 AM in the Office of the Assistant Engineer form Rs. 300/-
for good Venders towards valley side for Temple Trust Shri Naina
in Matri Anchal Office, Temple Trust Sh. Naina Devi Ji, District Sr No 3 Name of Work C/o retaining wall near house of
Devi Ji, District Bilaspur, (HP). Estimated Cost Rs. 6,80,723/-
Bilaspur (HP) by the authorised officer. Only online submission of sh. Anoop Ram Estimated cost Rs. 97,000/- Earnest money
Earnest money Rs. 13,700/- Cost of Tender Form Rs. 350/-
bids is permitted, therefore bids must be submitted online on Rs. 2910/- Time limit Two Months Cost of form Rs. 300/-
Time Limit 6 (Six Months) Eligible Class of contractor Class C
website http://hptenders.gov.in . Participants in tendering process Sr No 4 Name of Work C/O RR Wall in ward no 1 near
& D
are advised to be present along with original documents at the house of Smt Neena Thakur . Estimated cost Rs. 1,41,000/
Sr. No 4 Name of Work Special repair of canopy in out
time of opening of tenders. If the office happens to be closed on - Earnest money Rs. 4230/- Time limit Two Months Cost of
portions R.D. 0/169 to 0/174 and 0/192 to 0/197 and re-alignment
the date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be form Rs. 300/-
of columns at outer edge from Guffa to Temple for Temple Trust
opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. Sr No 4 Name of Work C/o CC Retaining wall in ward no
Shri Naina Devi Ji, District Bilaspur,(HP). Sub Head: - R.D.0/155
9. The bids for the work shall remain valid for acceptance for 2 near old bus stand . Estimated cost Rs. 1,95,000/- Earnest
to 0/220 mtr. Estimated Cost Rs. 6,23,157/- Earnest money
a period not less than 45 days after the deadline date for bid money Rs. 5850/- Time limit Two Months Cost of form Rs.
Rs. 12,500/- Cost of Tender Form Rs. 350/- Time Limit 6 (Six
submission. 300/-
Months) Eligible Class of contractor Class C & D
10.The other details can be seen in the bidding documents. Sr No 5 Name of Work c/o rain shelter in ward no 3.
2. Cost of Bid forms Rs. 350 ( Three hundred fifty) each
The officer inviting tender shall not be held liable for any delays Estimated cost Rs. 1,93,000/- Earnest money Rs. 5790/-
(non-refundable ) and earnest money as shown above will be
due to system failure beyond its control. Even though the system Time limit Two Months Cost of form Rs. 300/-
deposited by RTGS in Temple Trust account No 36488121207
will attempt to notify the bid updates, the employer shall not be Sr No 6 Name of Work M/T Ambulance road in ward no 4
IFSC code SBIN 0002487 State Bank of India Branch Shri Naina
liable for any information not received by the bidder. It is the near filed of Sh. Raj Kumar . Estimated cost Rs. 2,65,000/
Devi Ji, Distt. Bilaspur,(HP) or the bid shall be accompanied with
bidder responsibility to verify the website for the latest information - Earnest money Rs. 5820/- Time limit Two Months Cost of
the cost of tender documents & earnest money in the shape of
related to the tender. form Rs. 300/-
Accounts payees, Bank Draft in the name of Temple Officer,Temple
11. The Contractor having two awarded works in hand in the Sr No 7 Name of Work c/o path/ Drain in ward no 5 near
Trust Shri Naina Devi Ji, District Bilaspur (HP). The cost of BOQ
Temple Trust he will not eligible to participate in the works tendering house of Sh. Prem paul Estimated cost Rs. 1,93,500/-
will be non refundable.
process. If any firm /contractor /agency having two awarded work Earnest money Rs. 5805/- Time limit Two Months Cost of
3. Availability of Bid Document and mode of submission:-
in hand participate in tendering process their technical bid will not form Rs. 300/-
The bid document is available online and bid should be
be entertained. Sr No 8 Name of Work c/o path in ward no 6 Divyalok
submitted online on website: http://hptenders.gov.in Bidder would
12.The Cement will be procured by the Contractor /Firm himself School to house of Sh. Ramesh NP Anni . Estimated cost
be required to register in the web-site which is free of cost. For
from the H.P. State Civil Supply Corporation Temple Trust will Rs. 1,94,500/- Earnest money Rs. 5835/- Time limit Two
submission of bids, the bidder is required to have Digital Signature
issue the permit for the procurement of Cement. Months Cost of form Rs. 300/-
Certificate (DSC) from one of the authorized Certifying Authorities
13.The undersigned reserve the right to accept or reject any Sr No 9 Name of Work c/o path in ward no 6 House of Sh.
(CA). “Aspiring bidders who have not obtained the user ID and
or all tenders without assigning any reason. Khem Prakash upto house of Smt. Pingla . Estimated cost
password for participating in e-tendering in TTND may obtain the
Sd/- Temple Officer Rs. 1,94,000/- Earnest money Rs. 8730/- Time limit Two
same from the website: http://hptenders.gov. In Digital signature
Temple Trust Sh. Naina Devi Ji, Months Cost of form Rs. 300/-
is mandatory to participate in the e-tendering. Bidders already
District Bilaspur, (HP). Sr No 10 Name of Work Metlling of road in ward no 7near
possessing the digital signature issued from authorized CAs can
No.TTND Const-e-Procurement Notice- Dated:- 13.04.2023 prince guest house. Estimated cost Rs. 1,96,000/- Earnest
money Rs. 8520/- Time limit Two Months Cost of form Rs.
dk;kZy; uxj ifj"kn uxjksVk cxoka dk¡xM+k ¼fg-ç-½ NOTICE INVITING TENDER
Sr No 11 Name of Work Repair of foot over bridge in ward
bZ&esy%&municipalcouncilnb@yahoo.com nwjHkk"k& 01892&252284 The Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Division, Baggi invites tenders on no 1 near new Sabjee Mandi . Estimated cost Rs. 49,000/
E-Procurement Notice behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from approved eligible - Earnest money Rs. 1470/- Time limit Two Months Cost of
contractors for the following works(s) through off line process :-
The Executive Officer, Municipal Council, Nagrota Bagwan do Sr. No 1 Name of work Providing LWSS to PC habitation Batahan
form Rs. 300/-
hereby invites online bids on item rate, in electronic tendering & its adjoining villages in GP Kothi Gehri, Dusra Khabu & Sardhwar Sr No 12 Name of Work Repair of entrance road of parking
system in two cover system on the website: https://hptenders.gov.in Tehsil Balh Distt. Mandi (HP). (Under JJM) (SH:-C/O RCC Storage tank in ward no 2 Estimated cost Rs. 60,000/- Earnest money
from the approved eligible contractors of appropriate class of 14000 ltrs capacity at Reur near Temple of Sh. Dev Bala Kameshwer) Rs. 1800/- Time limit Two Months Cost of form Rs. 300/-
registered with HPPWD/CPWD/Housing Board only. and Boundry Wall at Pump house Nagan. E/Cost Rs. 373193/- Earnest Sr No 13 Name of Work C/O crate wall in ward no 7 near
Money Rs. 7500/- Time limit Three Months house of Sh. Radhe Shyam . Estimated cost Rs. 2,95,000/
Sr. No 1. Description Construction of Children park Near
Sr. No 2 Name of work Utility Shifting of Mandi Rewalsar Kalkhar - Earnest money Rs. 8850/- Time limit Two Months Cost of
petrol pump in ward no 04 Nagrota Bagwan Road from Chainage 11+500 to 29+400 i.e. from Randhara to Kalkhar
Sr. No 2 Description Construction of Children park Near (SH: Laying, jointing, testing and carriage of GI pipe (Light Grade) Gravity
form Rs. 300/-
Shiva Temple in ward no 03 Nagrota Bagwan Main and Distribution system of system of various dia at various locations). Sr No 14 Name of Work C/O crate wall in ward no 7 near
Sr. No 3 Description Construction of Children park opposite (Job No. 1). E/Cost Rs. 239952/- Earnest Money Rs. 4800/- Time limit house of sh. Shyam Sunder. Estimated cost Rs. 2,96,000/-
Siva Temple in ward no 06 Nagrota Bagwan Three Months Earnest money Rs. 8880/- Time limit Two Months Cost of
Sr. No 4 Description Construction of Children park opposite Sr. No 3 Name of work Utility Shifting of Mandi Rewalsar Kalkhar form Rs. 300/-
Balkrupi land in ward no 05 Nagrota Bagwan Road from Chainage 11+500 to 29+400 i.e. from Randhara to Kalkhar Sd/- Secretary ,
(SH: Laying, jointing, testing and carriage of GI pipe (Light Grade) Gravity Nagar panchayat Anni
Sr. No 5 Description Providing and laying interlocked tiles
Main and Distribution system of system of various dia at various locations).
from Himandri Soni house towards Deepak house in ward No 01 (Job No. 2). E/Cost Rs. 483349/- Earnest Money Rs. 9700/- Time limit
No.NP/Anni/-74-75 Dated: 11 / 05 /2022
Nagrota Bagwan. Three Months
Sr. No 6 Description Providing and laying interlocked tiles Sr. No 4 Name of work A/R & M/O GWSS Luhakhar Tarwai in GP HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT
from Baldhar road towards Sanjeev Kaistha house in ward No 02 Luhakhar in Tehsil Balh Distt. Mandi (HP). (SH:-Operation, running, repair
Nagrota Bagwan. and maintenance of the complete scheme for six months). E/Cost Rs.
Sr. No 7 Description C/o path along with side drain from 481100/-/- Earnest Money Rs. 9700/- Time limit Six Months (e-Procurement Module)
Modern Nursery Public School towards Suresh Choudhary house Sr. No 5 Name of work A/R & M/O GWSS Dhar Ghadyater in GP The Executive Engineer, Chamba Division, HPPWD Chamba H.P.
Luhakhar in Tehsil Balh Distt. Mandi (HP). (SH:-Operation, running, repair on behalf of Governor of H.P. invites the item rate bids, in electronic
in ward No 03 Nagrota Bagwan.
and maintenance of the complete scheme for six months). E/Cost Rs. tendering system, from the eligible class of contractors registered with
Sr. No 8. Description Providing and laying interlocked tiles 301300/- Earnest Money Rs. 6100/- Time limit Six Months HPPWD for the works as detailed below.
from Shiva temple towards Manoj Mehta house in ward No 04 Sr. No 6 Name of work A/R & M/O LWSS Tanda Mandar in GP Sr. No. 1 Name of work Construction of Poultry Hatchery Building
Nagrota Bagwan Dhaban in Tehsil Balh Distt. Mandi (HP). (SH:-Operation & running of at Sarol District Chamba (SH:- Construction of Building portion WS &
Sr. No 9. Description Providing and laying interlocked tiles scheme for nine months). E/Cost Rs. 451920/- Earnest Money Rs. 9100/ SI Construction of Septic Tank and Site development ). Estimated
from main road towards K.C.C. Bank ward No 05 Nagrota Bagwan - Time limit Nine Months Cost (Rs.) 1,53,83,079/- Earnest Money (Rs.) 3,07,700/- Cost of
Sr. No 10 Description Providing and laying interlocked tiles Sr. No 7 Name of work A/R & M/O LWSS Kangaroo Seri Lohardi tender form (Rs.) 5,000/- Class C & B Completion period Twelve
from Sudershan Bassi house towards Ajay house in ward No 06 in GP Baggi in Tehsil Balh Distt. Mandi (HP). (SH:-Operation & running Months
Nagrota Bagwan. of scheme for nine months). E/Cost Rs. 451920/- Earnest Money Rs. Sr. No. 2 Name of work Construction of storage of EVMs &
9100/- Time limit Nine Months VVPATs Ware House at Baloo (SH:- Construction of PCC Retaining
Sr. No 11. Description Providing and laying interlocked tiles
Sr. No 8 Name of work Utility Shifting of Mandi Rewalsar Kalkhar wall for protection of shootings stones) Estimated Cost (Rs.)
from Bassi house towards Chotu Babu house in ward No 07 Road from Chainage 11+500 to 29+400 i.e. from Randhara to Kalkhar 35,91,861/- Earnest Money (Rs.) 72,000/- Cost of tender form (Rs.)
Nagrota Bagwan. (SH: Laying, jointing, testing and carriage of GI pipe (Light Grade) Gravity 1,500/- Class D & C Completion period Three Months
Tender Download start Date 03/06/2023 from 10:00 AM Main and Distribution system of system of various dia at various locations). Sr. No. 3 Name of work Construction of Type-V Quarter at
Tender Download End Date 10/06/2023 Up to 5:00 PM (Job No. 3). E/Cost Rs. 453161/- Earnest Money Rs. 9100/- Time limit Millennium Polytechnic Chamba (SH:- Construction of Boundary Wall)
Tender opening date 14/06/2023 at 11:00 AM onwards Three Months Estimated Cost (Rs.) 4,46,856/- Earnest Money (Rs.) 9,000/- Cost
General Instructions:- Sr. No 9 Name of work Providing Sewerage scheme for Gohar, of tender form (Rs.) 350/- Class D & C Completion period One
Detailed Notice Inviting Tender Document & other related Bassa and Chailchowk in Tehsil Chachiot Distt. Mandi H.P. (SH: Detail Month
Survey and Prepration of DPR for Gohar, Bassa & Chail Chowk). E/ 2.KEY DATES:
documents, terms and conditions can be downloaded from the
Cost Rs. 495600/- Earnest Money Rs. 10000/- Time limit Two Months 1. Starting Date for downloading 19-05-2023 at 10.00 AM
website of Himachal Government :- https://hptenders.gov.in or Last date of submission of tender: 25/05/2023 upto 11.00 AM. 2. Deadline for submission of Bid 29-05-2023 at 5.00 PM
can be seen at any working day in the office of Municipal Council Last date sale of tender from the division office: 24/05/2023 upto 3. Date of Technical bid opening 30-05-2023 at 11.30 AM
Nagrota Bagwan during working hours. 5.00 PM The XEN has right to extend or cancel the bids without declaring
Sd/—- Executive Officer, The tender detailed conditions can be obtained from the website any reasons there-of.
Municipal Council, www.hpiph.org and tender form from office of Executive Engineer, JS The Bidders are advised to note other details of tenders from the
Nagrota Bagwan Division Baggi upto date specified above. department website www.hptenders.gov.in
No: 428 Date:-16/05/2023 0656/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 0655/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
(IV) fxfjjkt lkIrkfgd] 24 & 30 ebZ 2023
Office of the Nagar Panchayat Baijnath HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Limit Two months Cost of tender 350/-.
Work No.10:- C/O Link road from Bohar Kawaloo to Malahru
Paprola, Distt: Kangra (H.P.) NOTICE INVITING TENDER road km.0/0 to 3/00 (SH: - Formation cutting from RD.0/720 to 1/00)
SHORT TERM NOTICE INVITING TENDERS Sealed item rate tenders on form 6 & 8 are invited by the (Under MNP) Estimated cost: Rs. 368321/- Earnest Money Rs. 7400/
Executive Engineer, Division, HP: PWD, Kangra on behalf of the - Time Limit Two months Cost of tender 350/-.
Sealed item rate tenders are hereby invited by the Secretary Governor of Himachal Pradesh from the approved and eligible Work No.11:- Repair of existing foot bridge over Baner Khad on
on behalf of Nagar Panchayat Baijnath Paprola from Govt. contractors/firms enlisted in HPPWD in the appropriate class for the Kangra Haridwar to Village Tarsuh (SH: - Painting over steel work to
approved and eligible contactors registered in appropriate class work mentioned below on 29.5.2023 up to 10-45 A.M. and will be bridge) Estimated cost: Rs. 402556/- Earnest Money Rs. 8100/- Time
for the following work so as to reach in this office on or before opened on the same day at 11-00 A.M. in the presence of intending Limit Two months Cost of tender 350/-.
24.05.2023 up to 3:00 PM and the same will be opened on contractors or their authorized representatives. The tender forms can Work No.12:- Repair/Renovation for Sr. Judge Residence at Old
24.05.2023 at 3:30 PM in the presence of contractors or their be obtained from his office on cash payment (non refundable) on any Kangra (SH: - C/O Tiles flooring, Aluminium work, painting work, wood
representatives who may wish to be present. The tender forms working day from 26.5.2023 to 27.5.2023. The applications for the work etc.) Estimated cost: Rs. 277688/- Earnest Money Rs. 5600/-
may be had from this office against cash payment (non issue of tender forms will be received latest by 26.5.2023 up to Time Limit Two months Cost of tender 350/-.
12.00PM. The applications for issue of tender forms accompanied Work No.13:- Restoration of rain damage on Gaggal Tiara Lunj
refundable) on any working day up to 23.05.2023 upto 12:00
with enlistment letter/or renewal letter and the earnest money in the Nagrota Surian road km.0/0 to 28/0 (SH: - Repair of pot hole at
PM. The estimate may be seen in this office on any working shape of National Saving Certificates/Saving Account/Time deposit
day. various RD in between km.24/0 to 28/0) Estimated cost: Rs. 351566/
Account in any of the Post Office in Himachal Pradesh duly pledged - Earnest Money Rs. 7050/- Time Limit One month Cost of tender
S.No 1. Name of work Covering of drain with steel grating in favour of Executive Engineer, Kangra Division, HPPWD, Kangra. 350/-.
near H/O Thothi Ram, ward no-1, Np Baijnath Paprola. Estimated The conditional tenders and the tenders received without earnest Work No.14:- Rait Salol road km.7/445 to 11/600 (SH: - C/O
cost Rs. 56346 Earnest money Rs. 1150 Time allowed 3 money will summarily be rejected. The offer of the tender shall be Retaining wall in C.C. 1:4:8) Estimated cost: Rs. 407815/- Earnest
Months Cost of tender form Rs. 350 kept open for 120 days. Money Rs. 8200/- Time Limit Two months Cost of tender 350/-.
S.No 2. Name of work Improvement of road From NH Work No.1:- Balance work for C/O Type-II quarter (6 Nos.) with Work No.15:- Rait Salol road km/7/445 to 11/600 (SH: - C/P
Towards House of Nirmal Mehra Ward no : 2 NP Baijnath Parking for Revenue Colony at Kangra (HP) (SH: - C/O Approach G.S.B, G-II cement concrete pavement) Estimated cost: Rs. 495712/
Paprola. Estimated cost Rs. 234322 Earnest money Rs. 4700 path L = 110RMT.) Estimated cost: Rs. 487755/- Earnest Money Rs. - Earnest Money Rs. 9950/- Time Limit Two months Cost of tender
Time allowed 3 Months Cost of tender form Rs. 350 9800/- Time Limit One month Cost of tender 350/-. 350/-.
S.No 3. Name of work Improvement of road From House Work No.2:- RO/RD link road Kangari to Harizan Basti Nandrool Work No.16:- Special repair of building Sub Centre at Gahlian
km.0/0 to 2/185 (SH: - P/L Cement concrete pavement RD.0/0 to 0/ (SH: - Distempering, painting, false ceiling, floor tiles, C/O Boundary
of Vinod Sood Toward Sanjay Prasher House Ward no : 2 NP
110 (Parth from Pucca road to Capt. Trilok Singh House and Munshi wall in brick masonry around the building, plastering distempering
Baijnath Paprola. Estimated cost Rs. 96288 Earnest money
Ram House) Estimated cost: Rs. 399795/- Earnest Money Rs. 8000/ etc.) (Deposit work) Estimated cost: Rs. 377174/- Earnest Money Rs.
Rs. 1950 Time allowed 3 Months Cost of tender form Rs. - Time Limit Two months Cost of tender 350/-.
350 7550/- Time Limit Two months Cost of tender 350/-.
Work No.3:- C/O Link road Rahar Basti in Tika Pantehar G.P. Work No.17:- C/O Link road Bohar Kawaloo to Kallari Pathiar
S.No 4. Name of work Renovation of Nagar Panchayat Gahlian road km.0/0 to /350 (SH: -Formation cutting from RD.0/840 Joginder Singh Freedom Fighter House (SH: - C/O 3.00 mtr span
Office Floor, at Mini Secretariat building Third floor, NP Baijnath to 1/350) (SCSP) Estimated cost: Rs. 499981/- Earnest Money Rs. RCC slab culvert at RD.0/250 & both side approaches) (Under MNP)
Paprola. Estimated cost Rs. 107660 Earnest money Rs. 2200 10000/- Time Limit Two months Cost of tender 350/-. Estimated cost: Rs. 436684/- Earnest Money Rs. 7000/- Time Limit
Time allowed 3 Months Cost of tender form Rs. 350 Work No.4:- C/O Link road Rahar Basti in Tika Pantehar G.P. Three months Cost of tender 350/-.
S.No 5. Name of work Constuction of Retaining Wall Near Gahlian road km.0/0 to /350 (SH: -C/O Hume pipe culvert 900mm dia TERMS & CONDITIONS:-
Tharu Mela Ground ward no. 11 NP Baijnath Paprola. Estimated with approaches i.e. various RD.0/770 and 0/685) (MNP) Estimated 1. The contractors/firms should be registered as or/dealer under
cost Rs. 275191 Earnest money Rs. 5500 Time allowed 3 cost: Rs. 310907/- Earnest Money Rs. 6250/- Time Limit Three months GST Act 2017.
Months Cost of tender form Rs. 350 Cost of tender 350/-. 2. The intending contractors/firms shall have to produce the copy
S.No 6. Name of work C/O footpath from Sh. Kirpa ram Work No.5:- Restoration of rain damages on Darwah Shamirpur of latest enlistment and renewal enlisted in HPPWD.
road km.0/0 to 6/0 (SH: - C/O R/Wall at RD.4/270 to 4/280) Estimated 3. The contractors is required to submit an affidavit for not having
house to Sh. Sharawan kumar house, ward no-11 Estimated
cost: Rs. 410095/- Earnest Money Rs. 8200/- Time Limit Two months more than two works in hand in the shape of affidavit duly attested
cost Rs. 97473 Earnest money Rs. 2000 Time allowed 3
Cost of tender 350/-. by the competent authority.
Months Cost of tender form Rs. 350 Work No.6:- C/O road from Tiara via Shamirpur to Kangra km.0/
S.No 7. Name of work Improvement of path and drain from 4. If any of the date mentioned above happened to be Gazetted
0 to 5/0 (SH: - C/O U-shape drain at RD.3/110 to 3/220 (Left side) Holiday the same shall be processed on next working day.
H/O Desraj Towards Bhadharghar, ward no. 5 NP Baijnath Estimated cost: Rs. 173739/- Earnest Money Rs. 3500/- Time Limit 5. The contractor should quoted the rates of all the items in the
Paprola Estimated cost Rs. 148000 Earnest money Rs. 3000 Two months Cost of tender 350/-. tender both in figures and in words failing which tender is likely to be
Time allowed 3 Months Cost of tender form Rs. 350 Work No.7:- Restoration of rain damages link road Shamirpur rejected.
S.No 8. Name of work Improvement of path from H/O Sh via Dehrian km.0/0 to 3/960 (SH: - C/O Hume pipe culvert 900mm 6. The copy of Employees Provident Funds (EPF Number) should
Jagdish to H/O Sh Kanshi Ram ward no. 5 NP Baijnath dia with approaches at RD.2/420) (D.C. Deposit) Estimated cost: Rs. be attached with the application.
Paprola Estimated cost Rs. 81526 Earnest money Rs. 1700 256821/- Earnest Money Rs. 5150/- Time Limit Two months Cost of 7. Minimum one similar work done of amount not less than 40%
Time allowed 3 Months Cost of tender form Rs. 350 tender 350/-. (forty percent) of the estimated cost (without Liquidated Damage or
1. The earnest money in shape of FDR in favour of Work No.8:- C/O link road from the House of Freedom Fighter compensation) in last five years).
Secretary, Nagar Panchayat Baijnath Paprola. Saran Singh Padda to Ghar (Sand) Bohar Kawaloo (SH: - Formation 8. The Earnest Money for the above works should be required at
cutting from RD.0/500 to 1/00) (Under MNP) Estimated cost: Rs. the time of sale of tender forms.
2. If the date of opening of tenders happens to be holiday,
480106/- Earnest Money Rs. 9600/- Time Limit Two months Cost of 9. All the required document should be submitted with the
the tenders will be opened on the next working day. tender 350/-.
3. Contractor must have submit EPF, G.S.T. Number, PAN application otherwise single application may be rejected.
Work No.9:- C/O link road from Bohar Kawaloo to Malahru road 10. The Executive Engineer reserves the right to accept/reject
number. km.0/0 to 3/00(SH: - Formation cutting from RD.0/0 to 0/660) (Under any tender/application or all tenders without assigning any reason.
4. Contractor must have submit latest renewal/enlistment in MNP) Estimated cost: Rs. 450000/- Earnest Money Rs. 9000/- Time 0660/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
HPPWD department./IPH
5. The offer will remain valid up to as per the time allowed HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 0/0 and Gagret Oel Ispur road at RD 0/240) Estimated Cost Rs.
from the date of award letter. 168407.00 Earnest money Rs. 3400.00 Time Limit One month Cost of
6. The contractor shall not be paid any escalation claim on NOTICE INVITING TENDER.
Form Rs. 350-
labour and material etc. Sealed percentage rate tender on form 6 & 7 are hereby invited by
Sr. No. 8 Name of Work C/o Helipad at Sanghnai, Tehsil Ghanari,
the Executive Engineer Daulatpur Chowk Division, HPPWD, Daulatpur
7. All applicable taxes shall be deducted from the bill. Distt. Una HP (SH: C/o of balance work of approach road i.e. metalling
Chowk on behalf of Governor of HP from the approved/eligible contractors
8. This office reserves the right to accept /reject any/ all enlisted in HPPWD for the following works, so as to reach in this office
& tarring etc.). Deposit Work Estimated Cost Rs. 471768.00 Earnest
tenders without assigning any reason for the same. money Rs. 9500.00 Time Limit Three Month Cost of Form Rs. 350-
on 29.05.2023 up to 10.30 AM and same will be opened on the same day
Sd/- Secretary, Sr. No. 9 Name of Work A/R & M/O Non-residential building HPPWD
at 11.00 AM in presence of the interested contractors or their authorized
Nagar Panchayat Baijnath Paprola Rest House at Gagret Tehsil Ghanari , Distt. Una HP (SH: Painting &
representative. The applications will be received in this office on or before
Distempering to Rest House building) Estimated Cost Rs. 361792.00
Distt. Kangra (H.P.) 26.05.2023 up to 05.00 PM and tender form can be had from this office
Earnest money Rs. 7300.00 Time Limit Two Month Cost of Form Rs.
No.NPBP/Works/2023/ Dated on cash payment (Non-refundable) on 27.05.2023 from 2.00 PM to 5.00
PM. The application must be accompanied with earnest money in shape
Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and of NSD/ FDR/ Time deposit etc. of any post office of HP or Nationalized
Sr. No. 10 Name of Work Construction of 4 Nos. bridge over Mawa
Forestry Nauni, Solan (Himachal Pradesh) 173 230 Sindhian, Sanghnai, Ghanari and Amboa Khad on Gagret Oel Ispur road
Bank duly pledged in the name of Executive Engineer Daulatpur Chowk
(SH: Painting to Sanghnai and Amboa Khad bridge) Estimated Cost Rs.
(Construction Division) Division, HPPWD, Daulatpur Chowk cash order will not be entertained, it
275638.00 Earnest money Rs. 5600.00 Time Limit Two Month Cost of
e-Procurement Notice may be ensure that the earnest money shall have to be prepared work
Form Rs. 350-
wise otherwise forms will not be issued. The offer of tender shall be kept
Re-INVITATION FOR Bids open for 90 days. The conditional tender or tender received by post will
Sr. No. 11 Name of Work R/R damages on Link Athmah Harijan
Basti Karluhi Athmah Km. 0/0 to 2/0 (SH:C/o RCC slab over existing
The Executive Engineer (Design) UHF Nauni on behalf of also be rejected. The XEN reserves the right to reject any or all tenders
Nallah at Km. 0/215 LHS, 0/245 LHS, 0/315 LHS, R/wall in Nallah culvert
Vice-Chancellor of this University re-invites online bids on item without assigning any reason.
approaches at RD 0/078 to 0/090). Deposit Estimated Cost Rs. 388558.00
rate in electronic tendering system in 2 cover system for the The draft NIT and other specifications and conditions of the tender
Earnest money Rs. 7800.00 Time Limit Two Month Cost of Form Rs.
under mentioned work from the eligible and approved contractors/ can be seen by the contractors in the office of the undersigned on any
working day during the office hours.
firms registered with HPPWD, CPWD, MES, UT and railway Sr. No. 12 Name of Work A/R & M/O Link road to village Kadh Km.
Sr. No. 1 Name of Work NDF/2022/15, R/O (Repair Of) Restoration
(Civil wing) of appropriate class. of rain Damages on Gagret Daulatpur Road to Adarsh Colony Km 00 to
0/0 to 3/0 (SH: Repair of Pot Holes) Estimated Cost Rs. 380086.00
Sr. No 1. Name of Work Construction of Demonstration Earnest money Rs. 7700.00 Time Limit One month Cost of Form Rs.
2/600 (SH: Construction of U-Shape Drain at RD 1/400 to 1/500 LHS, 1/
Unit (Cow Shed) at Krishi Vigyan Kentra Kandaghat- Solan. 350-
550 to 1/600 RHS Mohal: Mawa Kaholan. (DC Deposit-NDRF) Estimated
Estimate cost Rs. 7,66,761/- Earnest money Rs. 15,500/- Sr. No. 13 Name of Work Link road to village Gondpur Banehra on
Cost Rs. 463223.00 Earnest money Rs. 9300.00 Time Limit Two
NMT road VR0074. (SH: C/o U-shape drain between RD. 1/780 to 2/0)
Cost of tender form Rs. 1,000/- Eligible Class of contractor Month Cost of Form Rs. 350-
RHS under AMP 2023-24 Estimated Cost Rs. 273524.00 Earnest money
Class “C” & Class “D” Period allowed for completion of work Sr. No. 2 Name of Work NDF/2022/14, R/O (Repair of) Restoration
Rs. 5500.00 Time Limit One month Cost of Form Rs. 350-
Five Months of rain Damages on Link Road to Village Chalet Km 0/0 to 6/030 (SH:
Sr. No. 14 Name of Work C/o 4 No. bridge over Mawa Sindhian,
1. Availability of Bid Document and mode of submission Construction of Retaining wall at RD 5/055 to 5/065, 5/090 to 5/100 and
Sanghnai, Ghanari and Amboa khad on Una Gagret road (SH: Balance
: The bid document is available online and bid should be U-Shape Drain between RD 5/045 to 5/135 (80 mtr. length). Mohal: Chalet
work i.e. P/L GSB, WMM in approaches of bridge over Mawa Sindhian
(DC Deposit-NDRF) Estimated Cost Rs. 384122.00 Earnest money Rs.
submitted in online mode on website https://hptenders.gov.in khad at RD. 5/670) under MNP Estimated Cost Rs. 406484.00 Earnest
7700.00 Time Limit Two Month Cost of Form Rs. 350-
Bidder would be required to register in the website which is Sr. No. 3 Name of Work NDF/2022/19, R/O (Repair Of) Restoration
money Rs. 8200.00 Time Limit Two Month Cost of Form Rs. 350-
free of cost. For submission of bid, the bidder is required to Sr. No. 15 Name of Work C/o 4 No. bridge over Mawa Sindhian,
of Rain Damages on Link road to village Dhawali Km 0/0 to 6/955 SH C/
have Digital signature Certificate (DSC) from one of the authorized Sanghnai, Ghanari and Amboa khad on Una Gagret road (SH: Balance
o Crossing at RD 0/450 and U-Shape Drain at RD 0/150 to 0/250, 0/450
Certifying Authorities (CA) “Aspiring bidders who have not work i.e. P/L Bitumen Mastic & Railing on bridge over Mawa Sindhian
to 0/550 Mohal: Ambota. (DC Deposit-NDRF) Estimated Cost Rs.
khad at RD. 5/670) under MNP Estimated Cost Rs. 466091.00 Earnest
obtained the user ID and password for participating in e-tendering 384801.00 Earnest money Rs. 7700.00 Time Limit Two Month Cost of
money Rs. 9400.00 Time Limit Two Month Cost of Form Rs. 350-
in HPPWD may obtain the same from the website : http.// Form Rs. 350-
hptender.gov.in. Digital Signature is mandatory to participate in Sr. No. 4 Name of Work NDF/2022/16, R/O (Repair Of) Restoration
1. The contractor should produce a copy of enlistment/renewal letter
the e-tendering bidders already possessing the digital signature of Rain Damages on Gagret Daulatpur Road Km 0/0 to 13/000 (SH:
at the time of application.
Construction of Retaining wall in culvert approaches at RD 11/050 BHS.
issued by authorized CAs can use the same in this tender. 2. The contractor/firm shall have his registration and GST No. and
Mohal:Amboa. (DC Deposit-NDRF) Estimated Cost Rs. 153830.00
2. Key Dates : Earnest money Rs. 3100.00 Time Limit One month Cost of Form Rs.
copy of the same be attached with the application.
Date of online publication : 16-05-2023(05:00 PM) 350-
3. The earnest money shall be deposited duly pledged in favour of
Document download start and End date : 16-05-2023(05.30 Executive Engineer, Daulatpur chowk division, HPPWD Daulatpur chowk
Sr. No. 5 Name of Work A/R & M/O Link road Jadla Prtham to Nara
PM) upto 30-05-2023(10.00 AM) and cost of the tender form should be submitted with the application for
Duki upto HP Boundary road Km. 0/0 to 8/0 (SH: C/o Wire crate wall at
Bid submission start and end date : 16-05-2023(05.30 PM) the purchase of tender forms. The application received without earnest
existing causeway U/S & D/S) Estimated Cost Rs. 146199.00 Earnest
money and cost of tender form shall be similarly rejected.
upto 30-05-2023(10.00 AM) money Rs. 3000.00 Time Limit One Month Cost of Form Rs. 350-
4. The contractor/firms are required to insert the rate in words as
Physical submission of EMD and cost of tender document Sr. No. 6 Name of Work NDF/2022/13, R/O (Repair of) Restoration
well as in figures failing which Executive Engineer reserves the right to
(Cover 1): 30-05-2023(11.00AM) of rain Damages on Link Road Pirthipur to Joh Km 0/0 to 5/000 (SH: C/
accept/rejects any or all tenders.
Date of Technical bid opening, evaluation of technical bid o U-shape Drain between RD 1/300 to 1/450 (195mtr) RHS Mohal:Pirthipur.
5. The tender forms shall be issued to only those contractor/firms
(DC Deposit-NDRF) Estimated Cost Rs. 355366.00 Earnest money Rs.
followed by opening of financial bid : 30-05-2023(11.10AM) who are found eligible suitable and competent.
7200.00 Time Limit Two Month Cost of Form Rs. 350-
Sd/- Sr. No. 7 Name of Work Repair & maintenance on Gagret Oel Ispur
6. If any of the date mentioned above happens to be Local/Gazetted
Executive Engineer (Design) Holidays the same shall be process on next date.
Road Km. 0/0 to 13/400 and Gagret Daulatpur road Km. 0/0 to 12/600
No. UHF/Const.-1/Partfile/2023/344 Dated: 16/05/2023 0663/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
(SH: Repair & maintenance of road crossing drain at Gagret Chowk Km.
fxfjjkt lkIrkfgd] 24 & 30 ebZ 2023 (I)
E-Procurement Notice e-Procurement Notice NOTICE INVITING TENDER
Sealed item rate tenders on the form 6&8 are invited by the Executive
1. The Executive Engineer, HPPWD Kotkhai, Distt. Shimla, H.P. on behalf
Engineer Fatehpur Division HPPWD., Fatehpur on behalf of the Governor of HP
1.The Executive Engineer Electrical Division No-II, HPPWD Shimla-1 on behalf of Governor of H.P for the following works from the approved and eligible contractors enlisted in
of Governor of H.P. invites the online bids on item rate, in electronic tendering invites the online bids on item rate, in electronic tendering system, in 2 Cover System for the under mentioned
system, in 2 Cover System of the under mentioned work from the eligible and work from the eligible and approved contractors/Firms. Eligible bidders are the Principal manufacturer or the HPPWD.
approved contractors / firms registered with HPPWD Department. authorized agency/firm of the Principal Manufacturer. The bidder shall have to fulfil the criteria as specified TENDER SCHEDULE:
Sr. No.1. Name of Work C/o Govt. Senior Secondary School Joney (SH:- in Technical Qualification Criteria (TQC) contained in Form 8 page 147 available online in tender document. 1. Date and time of receipt of application for tender form: 23.05.2023 upto
S. No 1 Name of work Repair of 4Nos. Johnsons Lifts operation from ground floor to 12th floor(i.e.13
Balance work of Building portion, Protection work, W.S & S.I, Septic Tank & Soak stops)stretcher lifts at New OPD block at IGMC Shimla Estimated cost Rs. 56,30,976 Earnest money
1.30 PM
Pit) Estimated Cost Rs. 51,54,563/- EMD Rs. 84,100/- Cost of Tender Rs. Rs. 112620 Time 1 months Cost of form Rs. 1500/-NR 2. Date and time of issue of tender form: 24.05.2023 upto 5.00 PM
2000/- Time 9 Months Eligible class of contractor Class C & B 2. Availability of Bid Document and mode of submission: The Bid document is available online and 3 Date and time of receipt of tenders: 25.05.2023 upto 11.00AM
bid should be submitted in online mode on website https://hptenders.gov.in.
Sr. No.2. Name of Work C/o Langar Bhawan for Durga Mata Temple at 4 Date and time of opening of tenders: 25.05.2023 at 11.30 AM
Bidder would be required to register in the web-site which is free of cost. For submission of bids, the
Pujali in G.P. Bag Dumehar Kotkhai, Distt. Shimla, H.P. (SH:- C/o RCC Frame bidder is required to have Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from one of the authorized Certifying Authorities The tenders form will be issued against cash payment (non refundable).
Structure of Building) Estimated Cost Rs. 99,00,372/- EMD Rs. 1,31,600/- Cost (CA). “Aspiring bidders who have not obtained the user ID and password for participating in e-tendering in The earnest money in the shape of NSC/FDR/Deposit at call of any of Post
of Tender Rs. 2000/- Time 12 Months Eligible class of contractor Class C & HPPWD may obtain the same from the website: https://hptenders.gov.in. Digital signature is mandatory to Office/Bank in H.P duly pledged in the name of the Executive Engineer, Fatehpur
B participate in the e-tendering. Bidders already possessing the digital signature issued from authorized CAs
can use the same in this tender Division HPPWD Fatehpur must accompany with each tender.
Tender document and other instruction scan be downloaded or viewed online 3. Key Dates: Job No. 1 Name of work A/R & M/O MTN Gholi Bridge to Paplah Khas
from the portal https://hptenders.gov.in by the firm / individual registered on the 1. Date of Online Publication 17.05.2023 17:00 HRS road km 0/0 to 8/870 (SH:-Providing patch work on pot holes at various RDs
website which is free of cost. 2. Document Download Start and End Date 17.05.2023 17:30 HRS up to 24.05.2023 17:00 HRS
between km 4/0 to 7/500) Estimated cost Rs.495510/- Earnest money
NOTE:- 3. Bid Submission Start and End Date 17.05.2023 17:30 HRS up to 24.05.2023 17.00 HRS
4. Physical Submission of EMD and Cost of Tender Document 25.05.2023 up to 11:00 HRS Rs.10000/- Time limit One month Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible class of
1. Interested Contractor / Firm Should have experience of similar nature of 5. Date of Technical Bid opening, Evaluation of Technical Bid followed by Opening of Financial Bid. Contractor Class D&C
work. 25.05.2023 11:30 HRS
Job No. 2 Name of work Restoration of road damages due to laying of
Key Dates:- 4. Tender details:
1. Date of Online Publication 20-05-2023 1100 HRS The Tender Documents shall be uploaded online in 2 Cover: OFC on Fatehpur Deothi road (SH:- Providing patch work on pot holes at
2. Document Download Start and End Date 20-05-2023 1130 HRS upto 29- Cover 1: shall contain scanned copies of all “Technical Documents/ Eligibility Information”. various RDs 8/00 to 9/00) Estimated cost Rs.495510/- Earnest money
Cover2: shall contain “BOQ/Financial Bid”, where contractor will quote his offer for each item. Rs.10000/- Time limit One month Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible class of
05-2023 1730 HRS 5. Submission of original documents: The bidders are required to submit (a) original demand draft
3. Bid Submission Start and End Date 20-05-2023 1130 HRS upto 29-05- towards the cost of bid document and (b) original bid security/Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and other Contractor Class D&C
2023 1800 HRS Technical Documents in O/o Executive Engineer Electrical Division No-II, HPPWD Shimla-1 as specified Job No. 3 Name of work Restoration of road damages due to OFC on
4. Physical Submission of EMD and Cost of Tender Document 30-05-2023 in Key dates under Sr. No. 3 on Tender Opening Date, failing which the bids will be declared non-responsive. Fatehpur Deothi road (SH:- Providing patch work on pot holes at various RDs
6. Bid opening details: The bids shall be opened on 25.05.2023 at 11:30 Hrs in the office Executive
upto 1030 HRS Engineer Electrical Division No-II, HPPWD Shimla-2 by the authorised officer. In their interest the tenderer
at R.D. 9/00 to 10/00) Estimated cost Rs.495510/- Earnest money Rs.10000/
5. Date of Technical Bid Opening 30-05-2023 1100 HRS are advised to be present along with original documents at the time of opening of tenders - Time limit One month Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible class of Contractor
6. Evaluation of Technical Bid flowed by Opening of Financial Bid. Date to 7. If it happens to be holiday on the date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened Class D&C
be announced. on the next working day at the same time and venue and no separate notice will be given in this regard.
Job No. 4 Name of work Construction of Moch to Chatta via Kut Fatehpur
8. The bids for the work shall remain valid for acceptance for a period not less than 120 days after the
0658/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark deadline date for bid submission. Chowki Pardah Manoh Sihal Jagnoli road (SH:- Providing and laying cement
9. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. The officer-inviting tender shall not be held liable concrete pavement at R.D.0/900 to 1/120) Estimated cost Rs.482170/- Earnest
for any delays due to system failure beyond its control. Even though the system will attempt to notify the money Rs.9700/- Time limit Two months Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible
HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT bidders of any bid updates, the Employer shall not be liable for any information not received by the bidder.
It is the bidder’s responsibility to verify the website for the latest information related to the tender. class of Contractor Class D&C
Job No. 5. Name of work Construction of Gharoli to Bhola KaTallu via
INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) 10. The competent authority on behalf of Governor of H.P reserves the right to reject any or all the
tenders received without assigning any reason. Parduhi road km 0/0 to 3/090 (SH:- Painting of railing ,Wheel guard and parapets
1. The Executive Engineer , Shimla Division No-III, HPPWD , Shimla- 11. Registration with HP Sales Tax is essential. If the bidder has not registered and found to be the
lowest bidder he is supposed to register him on award of work. He shall submit the sales tax paper to the
of Parduhi bridge and lettering on road sign boards and Km. stones etc. )
3 on behalf of Governor of H.P invites the percentage rate bids, in electronic employer, before any payment is made to him. Estimated cost Rs.199586/- Earnest money Rs.4000/- Time limit One month
tendering system, from the eligible class of contractors registered with 0651/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible class of Contractor Class D&C
HP.PWD., for the work as detailed below Job No. 6. Name of work A/R & M/O various roads under HPPWD Sub
Sr. No 1 Name of Work Restoration to fire Damages on New OPD Division Fatehpur (SH:- Painting, Lettering on road sign Boards and Km stones
HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT etc. Manufacturing and supplying village boards and informatory sign board )
building at IGMC Shimla (SH:- Repair of damaged portion at attic in new
OPD building at IGMC Shimla). Estimated Cost Rs. 53,47,333/- EMD Rs. INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) Estimated cost Rs.227679/- Earnest money Rs.4600/- Time limit One month
1,06,950/- Cost of Tender Rs. 2000/- Time Allowed Three Months The Executive Engineer, HPPWD Kangra Distt. Kangra H.P. on Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible class of Contractor Class D&C
Job No. 7. Name of work A/R & M/O various road under HPPWD Sub
Sr. No 2 Name of Work Repair / renovation to various residential behalf of Governor of H.P. invites the item rate bids, in electronic
Division Rehan (SH:- Painting, Lettering on road sign Boards and Kms stone
buildings under division No.III Shimla. (SH:- Providing and laying floor tile, tendering system from the eligible class of contractors registered with etc. Manufacturing and supplying village boards and informatory sign board )
wall tiles, panelling, polishing etc in M.H. No.1 under Benmore Sub-Division). HPPWD for the works as detailed below. Estimated cost Rs.227679/- Earnest money Rs.4600/- Time limit One month
Estimated Cost Rs. 5,16,192/- EMD Rs. 10,324/- Cost of Tender Rs. Sr. No. 1 Name of work Balance work for construction of National Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible class of Contractor Class D&C
350/- Time Allowed One Month Institute of Fashion Technology at Kangra (SH C/O Boundary wall Job No. 8. Name of work A/R & M/O Aghar Luthiyal Kaith Chalal road Km.
Sr. No 3 Name of Work Restoration of rain damages on road from around the campus) (Deposit work) Estimated cost Rs. 1,97,87,120/ 0/0 to 4/500 (SH:- Providing patch work on pot holes between R.D. 0/00
Navbhar to Hollylodge Km 0/00 to 2/670 (SH:- C/O retaining wall at 0/164 - Earnest Money Rs. 2,30,400/- Time Limit Twelve Months to 3/500) Estimated cost Rs.495510/- Earnest money Rs.10000/- Time limit
to 0/186) Estimated Cost Rs. 10,99,990/- EMD Rs. 22,000/- Cost of One month Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible class of Contractor Class D&C
Sr. No. 2 Name of work Construction of 6 Nos. Type-II Residential
Tender Rs. 500/- Time Allowed One Month Job No. 9. Name of work R/O (Repair of) Aghar Luthiyal Kaith Chalal road
Quarters for Staff of Fire Brigade at Kangra (SH C/O Building portion Km. 0/00 to 7/500 (SH:- Providing patch work on pot holes at various R.Ds from
Sr. No 4 Name of Work Repair & renovation of old judges residence
at Harvington Estate Shimla. (SH:- Renovation of Nanglow No. 1 Phase-
including water supply and sanitary installation, C/O Septic Tank and Km. 3/500 to 5/00 (Deposit Work) Estimated cost Rs.495510/- Earnest money
II). Estimated Cost Rs. 9,16,184/- EMD Rs. 18,330/- Cost of Tender C/O rain water harvesting system) Estimated cost Rs. 1,96,58,848/ Rs.10000/- Time limit One month Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible class of
Rs. 350/- Time Allowed One Month - Earnest Money Rs. 2,29,100/- Time Limit Twelve Months Contractor Class D&C
Starting date for downloading Bid.20.5.2023 Job No. 10. Name of work R/O (Repair of) Kodu Bela to Ludharchain road
Sr. No 5 Name of Work A/R & M/O to various residential buildings
Deadline for submission of Bid 29.5.2023 Km. 0/00 to 4/330 (SH:- Providing patch work on pot holes at various R.Ds
under Division no.III Shimla. (SH:- Repair/ providing miscellaneous head in between 0/00 to 4/330) Deposit work Estimated cost Rs.495510/- Earnest
Yates Cottage at Benmore Shimla). Estimated Cost Rs. 5,98,564/- EMD The bidders are advised to note other details/Terms and conditions
money Rs.10000/- Time limit One month Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible
Rs.11,971/- Cost of Tender Rs. 350/- Time Allowed One Month of tender from the department website www.hptenders.gov.in class of Contractor Class D&C
Sr. No 6 Name of Work S/R to residential accommodation under The contractors/firms should be submit the hard copy of document Job No. 11. Name of work R/O (Repair of) Pollian Harizan Basti road Km.
CMO at DDU Hospital Shimla. H.P. (SH:- Providing and fixing tiles, shutters, as required in the bid of the above mentioned works. The contractors/ 0/00 to 1/500 (SH:- Providing patch work on pot holes at various R.Ds between
gutter & painting & distempering etc set occupied Smt. Kamlesh jinta M/ firms should be submit all the documents a/w original FDR & Demand 0/00 to 1/500) Deposit work Estimated cost Rs.495510/- Earnest money
W at Dai block) at DDU Hospital Shimla. Estimated Cost Rs. 12,08,762/ Draft before opening the technical bid, otherwise no document will be Rs.10000/- Time limit One month Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible class of
- EMD Rs. 24,200/- Cost of Tender Rs. 500/- Time Allowed One Month entertained after opening the technical Bid, So that the same can be Contractor Class D&C
Starting date of downloading Bid.17-05-2023 Job No. 12. Name of work Restoration of road damages due to laying
open well in time
Deadline for submission of Bid 26-05-2023 of OFC on Fatehpur Deothi road (SH:- Providing patch work on pot holes at
Please Note - The XEN has right to extend or cancel the bids R.D. 10/00 to 12/00) Estimated cost Rs.495510/- Earnest money Rs.10000/
The bidders are advised to note other details, of tenders from the without declaring any reasons thereof.
department website /-www.hptenders.gov.in. - Time limit One month Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible class of Contractor
0659/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark Class D&C
The Executive Engineer reserves the right to accept/reject any tender/
Job No. 13. Name of work Improvement & Widening of Jawalamukhi
application without assigning any reason. Dehra Jawali Raja kaTalab Road (SH:- Construction of 1.00 Mtr. span Culvert
0649/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark HIMACHAL PRADESH JAL SHAKTI VIBHAG at R.D. 80/817) Deposit work. Estimated cost Rs.167284/- Earnest money
NOTICE INVITING TENDER Rs.3300/- Time limit Two months Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible class of
Contractor Class D&C
HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT The Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Division, Baggi invites tenders Job No. 14. Name of work Improvement & Widening of Jawalamukhi
INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from approved eligible Dehra Jawali Raja ka Talab Road Km.79/000 to 81/600 (SH:- Providing and
The Executive Engineer NH Division, HPPWD Solan, H.P. contractors for the following works(s) through e- tending process :- Laying Metalling Tarring in earthen shoulder between R.D. 80/480 to 80/630)
Sr. No 1 Name of work Remodeling & Improvement of LWSS Deposit work. Estimated cost Rs.227506/- Earnest money Rs.4600/- Time
on behalf of Governor of H.P. invites the percentage based limit O ne month Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible class of Contractor Class
Nandi Chhaprahan and its adjoining villages in Tehsil Chachiot
bids, in electronic tendering system from the eligible class of D&C
Distt.Mandi (H.P) . (SH:- C/O Retaining wall ( site development), C/
contractors registered with HPPWD for the works detailed below Job No. 15. Name of work Repair of Dadwala Sakri Road Km. 0/00 to 5/
O Sedimentation tank 50,000 ltrs cap. at Node B, C/O RCC slow 500 (SH:- Construction of Retaining Wall at R.D. 3/663 to 3/703) Deposit Work.
S. No.1 Name of work Maintenance of existing road sand Filter bed of 74 Sqm. in two units at Node B, C/O RCC Estimated cost Rs.272376/- Earnest money Rs.5400/- Time limit Two months
(Kaithlighat to Dhalli section) of NH-05 from Km 131/000 to Km circular sump well of 25,000 ltrs. cap (2 No’s) at Node B & C, C/ Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible class of Contractor Class D&C
145/100, Km 0/000 to 24/250 and Km 153/180 to 56/500 for G- O RCC circular Main S/Tank of 40,000 ltrs. cap. at Node D, C/O Job No. 16. Name of work Repair of link Road Gharoli to BholakaTallu via
20 visit (SH:- Routine maintenance, Cutting of Grass and bushes, RCC Circular Sector S/Tank of 40,000 ltrs cap. at Node E-8, C/O Parduhi Road Km. 0/00 to 3/500 (SH:- Construction of U-shape Drain with Edge
Prov.& applying White washing , Clearance of chowk drains RCC circular Sector storage Tank of 25,000 ltrs. cap (4 No’s), C/O Wall at R.D. 0/470 to 0/575) Deposit work Estimated cost Rs.274504/- Earnest
and removal of slips ,Supplying of sand, Maintenance of earthen money Rs.5500/- Time limit Two months Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible
Pump House cum attendant room (2 No’s), C/O Toilet for Pump class of Contractor Class D&C
shoulder, Hiring of Excavator cum loader ,Finishing with Epoxy House (2 No’s) including Electric installation for Pump House & Job No. 17. Name of work Repair of Chhatter to Pandora Road Km. 0/
paint, Hiring of Mahindra Pick Up or equivalent for local shifting toilet (2 No’s), C/O Boundary wall). Under NABARD E/Cost Rs. 00 to 1/500 (SH:- Providing and laying Interlocking Paver block at R.D. 1/150
of labour in Km 131/000 to 145/100 and 0/000 to 13/00 on 1,12,32,853/- Earnest Money Rs. 1,44,900/- Time limit Six Months to 1/187) Deposit Work. Estimated cost Rs.113062/- Earnest money Rs.2300/
Shimla Bye Pass calender year 2023) Estimated cost (Rs) Sr. No 2 Name of work Providing LWSS to various villages in - Time limit One month Cost of form (Rs) 350/- Eligible class of Contractor
GP Sainj and Nandi Tehsil Chachiot Distt. Mandi (H.P). (SH:- Class D&C
6395503/- Starting Date for downloading bid 18/5/2023 at 1. The contractors/firms should possess the following documents
5:00 PM Earnest Money Rs. 128000/- Deadline for submission Dismentalling of existing/ damaged sedimentation tank and RCC (Photocopy to be attached):
of bid 29/5/2023 at 10:30 AM Time/Completion period 1 year storage tank of 1,00,000 liters capacity each, C/O Dome type sump i. The contractor/Firms should be enlisted with the HPPWD.
The bidders are advised to note other details of tenders well/ clear water tank of 1,00,000 liter capacity, C/O RCC ii. PAN (Permanent Account No.)
from the department website www.hptenders.gov.in Sedimentation tank of 1,00,000 liter capacity and C/O retaining wall iii. Registration under GST
to protect civil structures i.e. Sed. tank, filter bed, clear water tank iv. Ambiguous/telegraphic/conditional tenders or tender by Fax/E-mail shall
0627/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark not be entertained /considered in any case.
and pump house). Under JJM E/Cost Rs. 30,05,167/- Earnest
v. The Executive Engineer reserves the right to reject/cancel any or all the
Money Rs. 52,600/- Time limit Six Months tenders without assigning any reason(s).
Himachal Pradesh Jal Shakti Department Last date of filling/uploading the tender through e-tendering: 25/ vi. Only two tenders shall be issued to each contractor.
05/2023 upto 05.00PM. vii. The tender will not be issued to those contractors who have already two
CORRIGENDUM The tender form and other detail and condition can be obtained or more works in hand in HPPWD. The contractor will give an affidavit along
The online Short Term Notice Inviting e-Tender called by the Executive with application that he has not more than two works in hand in HPPWD for
from the website https://hptenders.gov.in or from office of Jal Shakti
Engineer, JSV, Flood Protection Division, Gagret vide Short Term Notice execution, failing which the application for issuing the tender forms shall not be
Inviting e-Tender No. JSV/FPDG/CB/EA-I/NIe-Tender File/2023-24-544-83 Division Baggi upto the date specified above.
dated 08.05.2023 and due for opening on 18.05.2023 at 12.30 PM, 0662/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark viii. Special care should be taken to write the rates both in figures and in
accordingly published in news papers, E. The Tribune All Editions, H. words, failing which the case likely to be rejected.
Dainik Bhaskar Shimla and Chandigarh, H. Himachal Dastak Kangra & HIMACHAL PRADESH JAl SHAKTI VIBHAG ix. Job No.1,2,3,8,9,10,10,11,12 &14 will be issued to such contractors
Shimla and Weekly Giriraj Shimla w.e.f. 09.05.2023 to 15.05.2023 are who have paver and finisher.
hereby postponed due to administrative reasons and next date of down
NOTICE INVITING TENDERS 0645/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
loading/submission and opening of tender shall be as under:- The Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Division Thanakalan invites
Key Dated:- tender on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from approved MUNICIPAL CORPORATION SHIMLA
I Date of downloading e-tender document (s) Upto 25.05.2023 at eligible contractors for the following work through e-tendering process. “INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)”
11.00 A.M. Sr. No.1 Impro Name of work Providing Water Supply Scheme Sealed item rate bids for the 18 Nos. Re-surfacing Works are hereby
II Date submission of bid (s) both Cover-1 and Cover-2 Upto to Murrah Caste Buffalo from in village Barnoh under Rashtriya invited by the undersigned on behalf of Commissioner M.C. Shimla from the
25.05.2023 at 11.00 A.M. Gokul Mission in Distt Una (HP) (SH:- Construction of OHSR 50000 contractors/firms of an appropriate class enlisted with HPPWD as per his/her
III Date in case of offline mode of payments, physical submission of Ltrs Capacity with 15 mtrs Staging Height) Estimated Cost. Rs. class of enlistment should be allowed. The bidders are advised to note other
Original Demand Draft in respect of cost of tender document(s), Earnest 15,62,829/- Earnest Money Rs. 30,942/- Time of Completion Three details of tender from the M.C. Website i.e. shimlamc.hp.gov.in. The bid should
Money Deposit in shape of NSC/Saving Account/Time Deposit Receipt/ Months Last dated of filling uploading the tender through e- be submitted in online mode on the portal https:// hptenders.gov.in. The
FDR. On or before 25.05.2023 upto 12:00 PM. department has right to extend or cancel the bids without declaring any reasons
tendering 25-05-2023 upto 05:00 PM
IV Date of opening of Cover-I (Eligibility information) of the bid (s) thereof. The date of online publication is 18.05.2023 at 5.00 PM.
The tender from and other detailed conditions can be obtained Sd/- Executive Engineer
25.05.2023 at 12:30 P.M.
from the website www.hpiph.org. (R&B) M.C. Shimla
All other Terms and Conditions shall remain un-changed.
0666/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 0669/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 0171/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
(II) fxfjjkt lkIrkfgd] 24 & 30 ebZ 2023
dk;kZy; efUnj vf/kdkjh] U;kl ckck ckyd ukFk efUnj fn;ksVfl)] ftyk gehjiqj ¼fg0iz0½ HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT
,rn~ }kjk lEcfU/kr fufonkrkvksa dks lwfpr fd;k tkrk gS fd Jh fl) ckck ckyd ukFk efUnj U;kl fn;ksVfl) ftyk The Executive Engineer, Division, HP.PWD. 2. Document Download Start and End Date.
25.05.2023 at 4.00 PM upto 06.03.2023 05.00PM
gehjiqj ¼fg0iz0½ ds dk;kZy; }kjk efUnj ifjlj esa ( A.C ) yxok;s tkus gS] ftlds fy, fufonk;sa vkefU=r gSAa fufonk;s Jaisinghpur 176095 on behalf of Governor of
Himachal Pradesh invites the online bids on item 3. Bid submission start and end date 25.05.2023
fnukad 25&5&2023 dks v/kksgLRkk{kjh dk;kZy; esa lk;a 2-00 cts rd iagqp tkuh pkfg, A ftUgsa mlh fnu 4 ots -dks at 4.00 PM upto 03.06.2023 05.00PM
rate, electronic tendering system, in 2 Cover System
desVh o fufonknkrk@izfrfuf/k ds le{k v/kksgLrk{kjh ds dk;kZy; esa [kksyk tk;sxk A for the under mentioned work from the eligible and 4 Physical Submission of EMD And Cost of
fufonkvksa dh vU; “krZs fuEu izd kj ls gSa] approved Contractors/ Firms registered with Tender document 05.06.2023 upto 10.30 HRS
HPPWD, Department. 5 Date of Technical Bid opening ,Evaluation of
1- fufonk;sa lhy cUn fyQkQs esa gksuh pkfg, rFkk fyQkQs ds ckgj fufonk ( A.C ) vafdr gksuk pkfg, A technical Bid 05.06.2023 11.00 HRS
Sr. No. 1 Name of work C/o Govt I.T.I building
2] njsa ,d o’kZ ds fy, ekU; gksaxh A at Talwar at Lahru Tehsil Jaisinghpur Distt. Kangra 6 Date of Financial Bid Opening 08.06.2023
3] ;fn QeZ }kjk dksbZ vU; VSDl fy;k tkuk gks rks mldk mYys[k Li’V gksuk pkfg, A (HP) (SH:- C/o fencing of G.I link chain for boundary 11.30 HRS
wall , C/o front gate with brick boundary wall, 4 TENDER DETAILS.
4] lQy QeZ dks ,d c’kZ rd lkeku lIykbZ djuk gksxk A The Tender documents shall be uploaded online
Providing and laying paver block, CC work, steel
5] “krsZ okyh fufonk ekU; ugha gksxh rFkk njsa ,Q0vks0vkj0 fn;ksVfl) gksaxh A work for Ramp, C/o R/wall and edge wall) in 2 Cover.
6] v/kksgLrk{kjh ,d vFkok leLr fufonkvksa dk jnn djus dk vf/kdkj lqjf{kr j[krs gSa A Estimated Cost Rs. 29,25,337.00 EMD (In Rs.) i) Cover1: Shall contain scanned copes of all
58600 Time limit Two Month Cost of Bidding “Technical Documents/Eligibility information”.
7 is'kxh jk'kh 10000@ ds #i esa tek djokuh gskxh rFkk iSu- u]th-,l- Vh- dh dkih lkFk layXu djsa ii) Cover 2: Shall contain “BOQ/Financial Bid”
Documents Rs.1500/-
SR Name Of Item s with Specification Quantity Rates including Sr. No. 2 Name of work RRD pf Bhawarana where contractor will quote his offer for each item
No With 18% GST Khera alampur road Km. 0/0 to 16/330(SH:- C/o 5. Submission of Original Documents:- The
Toe wall U/S & D/S of Peirs , bed flooring and C/ Bidders are required to submit (a) original demand
1 LG Dual Sprit 1.5Tons Hot and cold Air 1 Nos
o Gabion structure i.e protection wall Alampur draft towards the cost of bid document and (b)
and Shivnagar side (U/S) of existing bridge over original bid security/Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
2 Steplizer 5KVA 1Nos and other technical documents in the o/o
Bandel Khad at RD 0/100 near Shivnagar Chowk).
3 Installation/Fixing/ Drilling etc 1 Nos Executive Engineer HPPWD Division Jaisinghpur
Estimated Cost Rs. 12,63,747.00 EMD (In Rs.)
4 Copper Pipe Per Mtr 25300 Time limit Two Month Cost of Bidding as specified in Key dates Sr.No.4 on Tender Opening
5 Wire 10 mm with Pvc conduit Per Mtr Documents Rs. 500/ Date, failing which the bids will be declared non-
6 Wire 6 mm with Pvc conduit Per Mtr Sr. No. 3 Name of work Providing Way Side responsive.
7 Wire 4 mm with Pvc conduit Per Mtr Amenities on Dharamshala Dadh Palampur Holta 6.BID OPENING DETAILS: The bid shall be
8 Wire 2.5 mm with Pvc conduit Per Mtr Chadhiar Sandhole road at Tinbad RD 55/295 (SH:- opened on 05.06.2023 at 11.00 HRS in the office
Rain Shelter) Estimated Cost Rs. 8,19,440.00 EMD of the Executive Engineer, Jaisinghpur Division HP
9 Industrial socket /swich Per piece
(In Rs.) 16400 Time limit Two Month Cost of PWD Jaisinghpur HP. By the authorized officer. In
10 Isolator 63amp Per piece their interest the tenders are advised to be present
Bidding Documents Rs. 350/-
11 MCB 32 amp Per piece along with original documents at the time of opening
2.Availability of Bid Document and mode of
12 MCB box 12 way Per piece submission: - The bid document is available online of tenders. If the office happens to be closed on
13 Bus bar 3 phase 100 amp Per piece and bid should be submitted in online mode on the date of opening of the bids as specified, the
14 3 Phase cutoff 100(SFU) Per piece website https://hptenders.gov.in Bidder would be bids will be opened on the next working day at the
15 Change over 100amp Per piece required to register in website which is free of cost. same time and venue.
For submission of bids , the bidder is required to 7. The bids for the work shall remain valid for
16 Roofing Shed (Tin/Angle Iron and stand ) for Per Nos
have Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from acceptance for a period not less than 90 days after
outdoor unit
one of the authorized Certifying Authorities (CA). the deadline date for bid submission.
17 Chemical Earthing with electrode and BF Per Nos 8. Other details can be seen in the bidding
compound Aspiring bidders who have not obtained the user ID
and password for participating in e-tendering in documents. The officer inviting tender shall not be
18 Cooper Wire Per Kg HPPWD. May obtain the same from the website:- held liable for any delays due to system failure
19 Laying/ installation and fixing charrge (Roofing 1 Job https://hptenders.gov.in . Digital Signature is beyond its control. Even though the system will
shed electrical works and chemical earthing) mandatory to participate in the e-tendering. Bidders attempt to notify the bidders of any bid updates,
already possessing the digital signature issued from the Employer shall not be liable for any information
gLrk@& efUnj vf/kdkjh] authorized Case can use the same in this tender. not received by the bidder. It is the bidders
ckck ckyd ukFk efUnj U;kl fn;ksVfl) 3.Key Dates. responsibility to verify the website for the latest
1. Date of Online Publication. 25.05.2023 information related to the tender.
ft yk gehjiqjA 0668/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
Providing, supplying and fixing of retro reflectorised JJM informatory plate
“NOTICE INVITING E-TENDER” made of ACP sheet over both side of existing 2 Nos. Cantilever type tubular NOTICE INVITING TENDERS
The Executive Engineer JSV Division Hamirpur invites following tenders MS overhead Gantry support Activity Head IEC) Estimated cost Rs.499696/ Sealed item rates tender is hereby invited on Form No. IPH 6
on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from approved eligible contractors - Earnest Money Rs. 10000/- Time of completion 1 months & 8 by the Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Dharamshala on
for the following work(s) through e- tendering Process:- 16. Name of work Remodelling of LIS Amter in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from approved eligible
1. Name of work Restoration of Rain damages to LWSS Baleta Kallan Hamirpur (SH:-Excavation, laying, jointing and testing of HDPE pipe of 280mm contractors / Firms enlisted in the appropriate class with HP Jal
& Khurd in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Hamirpur (SH:- Replacement of Filter Media dia from OL4-OL-16)Job No.4 Estimated cost Rs.320100/- Earnest Money Shakti Vibhag for the following work through offline tendering process,
for Unit No. 2) Estimated cost Rs.251248/- Earnest Money Rs. 5025/- Rs. 6402/- Time of completion 3 months so as to reach in the office of the EE, Jal Shakti Division,
Time of completion 3 months 17. Name of work Remodelling of LIS Amter in Tehsil Nadaun Distt.
2. Name of work Providingi Har Ghar Nal se Jal under JJM in Bhoranj Dharamshala on or before 26.05.2023 to 11.00 A.M. And opened on
Hamirpur (SH:-Excavation, laying, jointing and testing of HDPE pipe of various
Constituency in Tehsil Touni Devi Distt. Hamirpur (SH:- Fencing around dia from L1-17-OL20, OL17-OL21, OL16-OL22, OL16-OL23 & Construction the same day at 11.30 A.M. The applications for issue of tender (s)
underground tank at Kakriyar tank under section Bari Mandir) Estimated of 4 No outlet 20,21,22,23) Job No.5 Estimated cost Rs.390250/- Earnest form (s) shall be received on or before 25.05.2023 up to 11:00 A.M.
cost Rs. 160201/- Earnest Money Rs. 3204/- Time of completion 3 Money Rs. 7805/- Time of completion 3 months and form/ forms shall be issued on 25.05.2023 up to 12:00 P.M.
months 18. Name of work Remodelling of LIS Amter in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. against cash payment (Non refundable). The tender forms and other
3. Name of work Providing water supply Scheme for Dr. Radha Hamirpur (SH:-Construciton of outlet (Repair of old outlet) OL5, OL11, OL12, detailed conditions can be shown in the office of the XEN up to date
Krishnan Medical College Distt. Hamirpur (HP) (SH:-Shifting of distribution OL17 Excavation, laying and testing of HDPE pipe of various dia OL NO. 1- specified above.
line of Rangas market from construction site of Medical college Jol Sappar) 13) Job-6 Estimated cost Rs.133699/- Earnest Money Rs. 2674/- Time of 1) Name of Work: WQM(Sub Head:Providing and deputing of
Estimated cost Rs. 224023/- Earnest Money Rs. 4480/- Time of completion completion 3 months staff in public health laboratory, Dharamshala fo Jal Shakti Vibhag)
3 months 19. Name of work Remodelling of LIS Bhou in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Estimated cost:-276305/- Earnest Money:-5530/-, Time limits:-one
4. Name of work A/R & M/O of LWSS Dugha Panjali & LWSS Kallar Hamripur (SH:-Excavation,lyaing,jointing and testing of HDPE pipe from J-10
Katochian Kallar Purothian in Tehsil and Distt. Hamirpur (SH:-Making byepass year, Cost of tender form:250/-
to OL-11, J-10-J-11, J-11to OL12, J-11 to J-12 to OL13,J-12, J-12 to OL-
arrangement by cutting welding of distribution line of various dia under Jal 2) Name of Work: Stock Storage (Providing and deputing of
13,J-12-J13, J-12-J13 to J-14, J-14 to OL-14, J-14 to OL-15, J-13 to J-15
Shakti Section Mattansidh) Estimated cost Rs.405448/- Earnest Money J-15 to OL-16, J-15 to J-16 Construction of 7 No. outlet No. Ol-11, 12,13,15,16 1 No Surveyor and 2 Nos work Superwiser in Jal Shakti Sewerage
Rs. 8109/- Time of completion 3 months & 17 construction of 7 No outlet No.) Job No.1 Estimated cost Rs.421464/ Sub Division Dharamshala)Estimated cost:-359820/- Earnest
5. Name of work Repair of various hand pumps under Jal Shakti Sub- - Earnest Money Rs. 8429/- Time of completion 3 months Money:-7200/-, Time limits:- one year, Cost of tender form:250/-
Division Nadaun in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Hamirpur (SH:-Repair o& flushing 20. Name of work Remodelling of LIS Bhou in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. 3) Name of Work:Providing water facility to EWS colony near
of various hand pump mark-II & III) Estimated cost Rs.294182/- Earnest Hamripur (SH:-Excavation,lyaing,jointing and testing of HDPE pipe from J-16 Charan khad Dharamshala Distt Kangra (HP)(Sub Head:Providing
Money Rs. 5884/- Time of completion 3 months to Ol-17, J-16 to J-17, J-17 to OL-18, J-17 to J-18, J-18 to OL-19, J-18 to panel fencing work around the existing the pump house
6. Name of work C/O Inspection Hut and IPH Colony at Salsasi in J-19, J-19 to Ol-20, J-19 to J-20, J-20 to Ol-21, J-20 to J-21, J-21 to to (Deposit work) Scheme code D2021-306-1668 Estimated cost:-
Tehsil & Distt. Hamirpur (SH:-Painting and other repair work in Inspection Ol22, J21 to OL23, D Tank to J-22, J-22, J-22 to J23, J23 to Ol24, J23 to 217649/- Earnest Money:-4355/-, Time limits:- Three months, Cost
hut at Salsai Job-I) Estimated cost Rs.462449/- Earnest Money Rs. 9249/ Ol25, J22 to J24, J24 to J25 Construction of 8 No. outlet No. OL- of tender form:250/-
- Time of completion 3 months 18,19,20,21,22,23,24 & 25) Job No.2 Estimated cost Rs.487597/- Earnest
7. Name of work Repair of various hand pumps under Jal Shakti Sub- 4) Name of Work A/R & M/ O of water Supply Scheme
Money Rs. 9752/- Time of completion 3 months
Division Dhaneta in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Hamirpur (SH:-Repair o& flushing 21. Name of work Remodelling of LIS Bhou in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Harizen Basti Yol in Tehsil Dharamshala and Distt Kangra (H.P)(Sub
of various hand pump mark-II & III) Estimated cost Rs.277162/- Earnest Hamripur (SH:-Excavation,lyaing,jointing and testing of HDPE pipe from J-30 Head: Deployment of 1 No beldar and 1 no Supervisor for
Money Rs. 5543/- Time of completion 3 months to OL31, J-30 to J31, J31 to OL32, J31 to J32, J32 to OL33, J32 to J33, running and operate of water supply scheme for 1 year) Estimated
8. Name of work CAD & WM activities (CAD & WM) in respect of LIS J33 to J34, J-34 to Ol34, J34 to J-35, J-35 to Ol35, J35 to Ol36, J-33 to cost:-446395/- Earnest Money:-8930/-, Time limits:- one year, Cost
Chhalbari under development block Nadaun under JSV Division Hamirpur in Ol37, J-28 to J36, J-36 to Ol38 Construction of 8 No outlet No. OL-21, of tender form:250/-
Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Hamirpur (SH:-Excavatation, laying, jointing and testing 22,23,24,25,36,37 & 38) Job No.3 Estimated cost Rs.423026/- Earnest 5) Name of Work A/R & M/ O of water Supply Scheme
of HDPE pipe of various dia in distribution network and construction of 1- Money Rs. 8461/- Time of completion 3 months Harizen Basti Yol in Tehsil Dharamshala and Distt Kangra (H.P)(Sub
10 Nos outlet chambers, in Phase-II) Job No.I Estimated cost Rs.403728/ 22. Name of work Remodelling of LIS Bhou in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Head: Deployment of 2 Nos pump attendant for running and
- Earnest Money Rs. 8075/- Time of completion 3 months Hamripur (SH:-Excavation,lyaing,jointing and testing of HDPE pipe from J-36 operate of water supply scheme 1 year) Estimated cost:-419020/
9. Name of work CAD & WM activities (CAD & WM) in respect of LIS to J37, J37 to J38, J38 to Ol39, J39 to J39, J39 to OL40, J39 to OL40, J40
Chhalbari under development block Nadaun under JSV Division Hamirpur in - Earnest Money:-8390/-, Time limits:- one year, Cost of tender
to Ol41 and construction of 3 No. Chamber No. 39,40 & 41) Job No.4
Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Hamirpur (SH:-Excavatation, laying, jointing and testing form:250/-
Estimated cost Rs.217794/- Earnest Money Rs. 4356/- Time of completion
of HDPE pipe of various dia in distribution network and construction of 11- 3 months 6) Name of Work A/R & M/ O of water Supply Scheme
23 Nos outlet chambers, in Phase-II) Job No.II Estimated cost Rs.455898/ 23. Name of work Remodelling of LIS Bhou in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Harizen Basti Yol in Tehsil Dharamshala and Distt Kangra (H.P)(Sub
- Earnest Money Rs. 9118/- Time of completion 3 months Hamripur (SH:-Fixing of fencing panel) Job No. 5) Estimated cost Rs.257462/ Head: Deployment of 2 Nos pump attendant for running and
10. Name of work CAD & WM activities (CAD & WM) in respect of LIS - Earnest Money Rs. 5149/- Time of completion 3 months operate of water supply scheme 1 year) Estimated cost:-419020/
Chhalbari under development block Nadaun under JSV Division Hamirpur in 24. Name of work A/R & M/O of LIS Majhiar Sera Pakhrol Phae 1st & - Earnest Money:-8390/-, Time limits:- one year, Cost of tender
Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Hamirpur (SH:-Excavatation, laying, jointing and testing 2nd in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Hamirpur (SH:-Repair of pump housek, headworks form:250/-
of HDPE pipe of various dia in distribution network and construction of 10 & bush cutting near pump house campus under LIS Majhiar Sera and Pakhrol 7) Name of Work A/R & M/ O of water Supply Scheme
Nos outlet chambers No. 24-33 and construction of pressure break chamber Phase 1st & 2nd) Estimated cost Rs.242930/- Earnest Money Rs. 4859/- Harizen Basti Yol in Tehsil Dharamshala and Distt Kangra (H.P)(Sub
of 5000 liter capacity in Phase-II) Job No.3 Estimated cost Rs.469589/- Time of completion 3 months Head: Deployment of 1 No electrecian for running and operate
Earnest Money Rs. 9392/- Time of completion 3 months 25. Name of work C/O various tanks for irrigation purpose in various
11. Name of work CAD & WM activities (CAD & WM) in respect of LIS of pumping machinery of 1 year) Estimated cost:-236885/- Earnest
villages under LIS Majhiar Sera Pakhrol in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Hamripur
Chhalbari under development block Nadaun under JSV Division Hamirpur in (SH:-Providing and fixing CCTV Cameras in pump hosue compound) Money:-4740/-, Time limits:- one year, Cost of tender form:250/-
Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Hamirpur (SH:-Excavatation, laying, jointing and testing Estimated cost Rs.121260/- Earnest Money Rs. 2425/- Time of completion 0686/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
of HDPE pipe of various dia in distribution network and Construction of 10 3 months
Nos outlet chambers No.34-43 in Phase-II) Job No.4 Estimated cost 26. Name of work Running and opeeation of various LWSS under JSV HP JAL SHAKTI VIBHAG
Rs.408078/- Earnest Money Rs. 8162/- Time of completion 3 months Section Store in Sub-Division Hamirpur in Tehsil and Distt. Hamirpur (SH:-
12. Name of work Remodelling of LIS Amter in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Deployment of 3 Nos Beldar/Helper for six months) Job No. 3 Estimated
Hamirpur (SH:-Excavation, laying, jointing and testing of HDPE pipe of various cost Rs.301752/- Earnest Money Rs. 6035/- Time of completion 3 m The Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Division, Baggi invites tenders
dia from OL-5-OL6, OL6-OL7 & construction of 2 No outlet 6,7) Job No.1 onths on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from approved eligible
Estimated cost Rs.311081/- Earnest Money Rs. 6222/- Time of completion 27. Name of work Retoration of rain damages to LWSS Baleta Kallan contractors for the following works(s) through e- tending process :-
3 months & Khrud in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Hamirpur (SH:-Replacement of Filter Media Sr. No 1 Name of work Remodelling & Improvement of LWSS
13. Name of work Remodelling of LIS Amter in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. for Unit No. 1) Estimated cost Rs.251248/- Earnest Money Rs. 5025/- Dev Bhangroh in Tehsil Chachyot Distt. Mandi (HP) ( SH:- Supplying
Hamirpur (SH:-Excavation, laying, jointing and testing of HDPE pipe of various Time of completion 3 months & Erection of Pumping Machinery, Replacement of Pumping
dia from OL-6-OL8, OL3-OL9, OL2-OL10 & construction of 3 No outlet 28. Name of work Retoration of rain damages to LWSS Kangoo Jassai Machinery and Providing, Laying, Jointing, testing and carriage of
8,9,10) Job No.2 Estimated cost Rs.329358/- Earnest Money Rs. 6587/- in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. Hamirpur (SH:-Replacement of Filter Media for Unit MSERW pipe , Laying, Jointing, testing and carriage of GMS pipe
Time of completion 3 months No. 2) Estimated cost Rs.161381/- Earnest Money Rs. 3228/- Time of for Rising Main). Under NABARD E/Cost Rs. 1,67,00,920/- Earnest
14. Name of work Remodelling of LIS Amter in Tehsil Nadaun Distt. completion 3 months Money Rs. 1,99,500/- Time limit Six Months
Hamirpur (SH:-Excavation, laying, jointing and testing of HDPE pipe of various Last date of sale of tender from divisional office 24.05.2023 upto 3.00 Sr. No 2 Name of work Remodelling & Improvement of LWSS
dia from ST to OL-13-OL14, OL14-OL15 & construction of 3 No outlet PM.The tender forms and other detailed conditions can be downloaded Nandi Chhaprahan & its adjoining Villages in Tehsil Chachyot Distt.
13,14,15) Job No.3 Estimated cost Rs.292258/- Earnest Money Rs. 5845/ from the website :- www.hpiph.org or from office of Executive Engineer IPH Mandi (HP) (SH:-Supplying & Erection of Pumping Machinery,
- Time of completion 3 months Division Hamirpur upto date specified above. Replacement of Pumping Machinery and Providing, Laying, Jointing,
15. Name of work Annual Action Plan Regarding Procurement of material 0685/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark testing of MSERW pipe of Rising Main, Laying, Jointing, testing of
HP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT GMS pipe). E/Cost Rs. 79,52,329/- Earnest Money Rs. 1,12,100/
350/- - Time limit Six Months
NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sr No. 2. Name of work. Repair/ restoration on Bharwain Last date of filling/uploading the tender through e-tendering: 26/
Sealed tenders on item rates basis are hereby invited on behalf Chintpurni Talwara road km 0/0 to 15/310 (SH: C/O Retaining wall 2023 upto 05.00PM.
of Governor of Himachal Pradesh by the Executive Engineer Bharwain at RD 14/280 to 14/300 LHS) Estimated cost. Rs. 389000/- Earnest The tender form and other detail and condition can be obtained
Division, HPPWD, Bharwain Tehsil Amb District Una (HP) from the Money Rs. 7800/- Time Limit One month Form No. PWD-8 Cost from the website https://hptenders.gov.in or from office of Jal Shakti
experienced contractors/ firms enlisted in appropriate class with of Form. Rs. 350/- Division Baggi upto the date specified above.
Himachal Pradesh PWD for the following works. The tender shall be Sr No. 3. Name of work. Repair/ restoration on Bharwain 0678/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
received in his office on or before 07.06.2023 up to 10.30 A.M and Chintpurni Talwara road km 0/0 to 15/310 (SH: C/O Retaining wall
shall be opened on the same day at 11.00 A. M in the presence of at RD 10/326 to 10/336 LHS) Estimated cost. Rs. 225000/- Earnest
contractors / firms or their authorized representatives , who wish to Money Rs. 4500/- Time Limit One Month Form No. PWD-8 Cost Himachal Pradesh Jal Shakti Vibhag
be present at the time of opening of tenders. The tender applications of Form. Rs. 350/- Notice Inviting e-Tender
shall be entertained and tender form shall be sold up to two days Sr No. 4. Name of work. Repair/ restoration on Bharwain
Chintpurni Talwara road km 0/0 to 15/310 (SH: C/O Retaining wall
The Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Paonta Sahib
before the date of opening of tender i.e 05.06.2023 up to 12.00
at RD 13/393.70 to 13/395.70 & 13/401.80 to 13/408) Estimated invites online bids on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh
Noon. Draft Notice Inviting Tenders/ Drawing/ Specifications can be
seen in the office of the Executive Engineer on any working day cost. Rs. 363559/- Earnest Money Rs. 7300/ Time Limit One from approved eligible contractors for the following work(s)
between 11.00 A. M to 4.00P. M. Ambiguous / Telegraphic / month Form No. PWD-8 Cost of Form. Rs. 350/- through e-tendering process: -
Conditional tenders or tender by Fax shall not be entertained/ Sr No. 5. Name of work. Restoration of rain damages of JOB No. 1 Name of Work:- C/O 12 Nos (9 Nos) T/well
considered in any case. The earnest money in the shape of National various roads under Bharwain Sub Divn. (Chintpurni Section) (SH: in Paonta area for Village Dharmkot, Taruwala, Gondpur,
Saving Certificate / Time Deposit Account / FDR in any of the Post Maintenance work for various items like earthen shoulders unlined Shubhkhera in Tehsil Paonta Sahib Distt. Sirmour (HP) (SH:-
Office in H.P./ Nationalized Bank duly pledged in favour of drain & removal of land slide etc.) Estimated cost. Rs. 498592/-
C/O 4 Nos Pump House at Village Dharmkot, Taruwala,
Executive Engineer must be accompanied with the application. Earnest Money Rs. 10000/- Time Limit One month Form No. PWD-
8 Cost of Form. Rs. 350/-
Gondpur & Shubhkhera). Estimated Cost: - Rs. 12,27,363/
Conditional tenders and the tenders received without earnest money
Sr No. 6. Name of work. C/O link road to Mohalla Talap km - Earnest Money: - Rs. 18,370/- Cost of Tender:- Rs. 250/
will out rightly be rejected. The contractor shall accompany his
enlistment/ renewal orders with his application for obtaining the tender 0/0 to 1/500 (SH: Providing service on/ out sources bases of one - Time of completion: - Three (3) Months Last date of filing/
documents. The Executive Engineer reserves the right to reject the No. Draughtsman for period 15 May 2023 to 30 November 2023) uploading the tender through e-tendering 27/05/2023 up to
tender without assigning any reasons. The work will be completed under MNP Estimated cost. Rs. 168810/- Earnest Money Rs. 3400/ 11:00 AM.
by the contractor within the stipulated period. The contractor will - Time Limit Six months Form No. PWD-8 Cost of Form. Rs. 350/ JOB No. 2 Name of Work:- Repair & Maintenance of
have to submit his registration under the H. P General Sale Tax Act - various LIS/LWSS Schemes to Rajban Section in Tehsil Paonta
1968 and also labour license under contract Act 1970 from the Sr No. 7. Name of work. C/O link road Kamta Sidh to Radhey Sahib Distt. Sirmour (HP) (SH:- Deployment of staff for O &
competent authority. The contractors/ firms are requested to insert Shayam Mandir Thanikpura km 0/0 to 1/250) MNP Estimated cost.
M for Six Months) Estimated Cost: - Rs. 6,30,192/- Earnest
the rate of each item in words as well as figures, failing which XEN Rs. 446943/- Earnest Money Rs. 9000/- Time Limit One month
Form No. PWD-8 Cost of Form. Rs. 350/- Money: - Rs. 12,610/- Cost of Tender:- Rs. 250/- Time of
reserves the right to accept/ reject any or overall tenders. The
tender shall only be issued to those contractors/ firms, who are Sr No. 8 Name of work. Repair/ restoration of link road completion: - Six (6) Months Last date of filing/ uploading the
found eligible/ suitable and competent as per the above conditions. Daulatpur Chintpurni km 0/0 to 14/870 (SH: P/L 40mm thick bitumen tender through e-tendering 27/05/2023 up to 11:00 AM.
The offer shall remain valid up to 45 days after the opening of mastic wearing course on Badmana Bridge & painting at RD 10/ JOB No. 3 Name of Work:- Operation & Maintenance of
tender. If any of the date mentioned above happens to be Local / 030) Estimated cost. Rs. 175155/- Earnest Money Rs. 3600/- Time LIS Badhana Kalatha in Tehsil Paonta Sahib Distt. Sirmour
Gazetted Holidays the same shall be process on next date. The Limit One month Form No. PWD-8 Cost of Form. Rs. 350/- (HP) (SH:- Deployment of staff for O & M of LIS Badhana
contractor should be registered as dealer under GST Act, Valid Sr No. 9 Name of work. Repair/ restoration of link road from Kalatha 1st & 2nd stage for One Year). Estimated Cost: - Rs.
copy of Registration as required, copy of PAN Card, EPF failing Channi Devi to Amba Da Padhar km 0/0 to 3/800 (SH: P/L 40mm
5,26,390/- Earnest Money: - Rs. 10,600/- Cost of Tender:-
which no tender form will be issued to him. thick bitumen mastic wearing course on Lohara Khad Bridge &
painting at RD 2/850) Estimated cost. Rs. 175155/- Earnest Money Rs. 250/- Time of completion: - One (1) Year Last date of
Sr No. 1 Name of work. Repair/ restoration of link road
Bhatehar to Baret km 0/0 to 2/600 (SH: C/O Retaining wall at RD Rs. 3600/- Time Limit One month Form No. PWD-8 Cost of filing/ uploading the tender through e-tendering 27/05/2023
0/910 to 0/920) Estimated cost. Rs. 319000/- Earnest Money Rs. Form. Rs. 350/- up to 11:00 AM.
6400/- Time Limit One month Form No. PWD-8 Cost of Form. Rs. 0691/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark 0692/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
(IV) fxfjjkt lkIrkfgd] 24 & 30 ebZ 2023
OFFICE OF MUNICIPAL COUNCIL NER CHOWK, Money Rs. 10,000.00 Time 3months Tender form cost Rs. 2. Conditional and incomplete tenders shall be rejected.
DISTT MANDI, H.P. 500.00 3. Undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject the
TENDER NOTICE S. No. 10 Name of Work Construction of pedestrian tenders with out any reason.
path near HPSEB Office at Ner Chowk Estimated Cost Rs. 4. If the bid price offered by the lowest bidder is up to
Sealed Item rate tenders are here by invited on behalf
4,98,182.00 Earnest Money Rs. 10,000.00 Time 3 months 10% below the amount put to tender, no additional
of Municipal Council Nerchowk for the works as given
Tender form cost Rs. 500.00 performance security is required expect for any particular
below in Nerchowk Town from the approved and eligible
S. No. 11 Name of Work Construction of pedestrian absurdly low rated item quoted by him quoted, which the
contractors/ Firm of appropriate class, duly supported with
path near market area at Ner Chowk Estimated Cost Rs. competent authority feels necessary for taking additional
documentary proof. so as to reach in this office on or before
4,98,182.00 Earnest Money Rs. 10,000.00 Time 3 months performance security.
23.05.2023 up to 12.00 Pm and will be opened on
Tender form cost Rs. 500.00 5. If the bid price offered by the lower then 10% but up
24.05.2023 day at 12.30 Pm, in the presence of interesting
S. No. 12 Name of Work C/O Path at Ner II Ward no. to 20% of the amount put to tender, then the additional
Contractors /Firm or their authorized representatives. Tender
4 Estimated Cost Rs. 4,81,702.00 Earnest Money Rs. performance security shall be calculate @ 20 % of the
form can be had from this office against Cash Payment
10,000.00 Time 3months Tender form cost Rs. 500.00 difference in the bid price offered by the lowest bidder. Project
shown against the works on any working days from10 Am
S. No. 13 Name of Work C/O road ,road & Drain near cost as per working estimate -10% of the project cost as per
to 5 Pm. No Tender from will issued to any contractor after
house Murari Lal at Dhangu I ward no-1 Estimated Cost working estimate and (b) the bid price office by the lowest
3.00 Pm on dated.
Rs. 4,90,565.00 Earnest Money Rs. 10,000.00 Time 3months bidder.
S. No. 1 Name of Work C/O Road Near Samshan Ghat
Tender form cost Rs. 500.00 6. If the bid price offered by the lowest bidder is lower
at ward no. 7 Majethal II phase 1 Estimated Cost Rs.
S. No. 14 Name of Work C/O road , Path & darin near than 20% but up to 30% of the amount put to tender, then
4,747,21.00 Earnest Money Rs. 10,000.00 Time 3 months
Satsang ghar Dhagu ad adjoining area at Dhangu I ward no- the additional performance security shall be calculate @ 30
Tender form cost Rs. 500.00
1 Estimated Cost Rs. 4,77,698.00 Earnest Money Rs. % of the difference in the
S. No. 2 Name of Work C/O Road Near SamshanGhat
10,000.00 Time 3months Tender form cost Rs. 500.00 (a)Project cost as per working estimate -10% of the project
at ward no. 7 Majethal II phase 2 Estimated Cost Rs.
S. No. 15 Name of Work C/O culvert drain near electrical cost as per working estimate and (b) the bid price offered by
4,74,721.00 Earnest Money Rs. 10,000.00 Time 3 months
office Nerchowk at MC area Estimated Cost Rs. 4,71,699.00 the lowest bidder.
Tender form cost Rs. 500.00
Earnest Money Rs. 10,000.00 Time 3months Tender form 1 If the bid price offered by the lowest bidder is lower
S. No. 3 Name of Work Construction of pedestrian path
cost Rs. 500.00 then 30% of the amount put to tender, will be not be
both sides of NH near M. C Office at Ner Chowk Estimated
S. No. 16 Name of Work Balance works of road near entertained and be rejected .
Cost Rs. 4,98,182.00 Earnest Money Rs. 10,000.00 Time
Kartar Trader Ner 1 ward no. 3 Estimated Cost Rs. 2. The bid price offered by the lowest bidder more than
3 months Tender form cost Rs. 500.00
3,18,399.00 Earnest Money Rs. 6500.00 Time 3months 5% of the amount put to tender be not be entertained and
S. No. 4 Name of Work Construction of pedestrian path
Tender form cost Rs. 500.00 be rejected.
opposite sides of NH near M. C Office at Ner Chowk
The Tender must be accompanied with earnest money 3 The lowest bidder has to deposit additional performance
Estimated Cost Rs. 4,58,509.00 Earnest Money Rs.
as mentioned against the aforesaid works. This should be in security in the shape of bank guarantee of FDR duly pledged
10,000.00 Time 3months Tender form cost Rs. 500.00
the shape of cash, National saving certificate/ demand draft in the of Executed Officer Municipal Council Ner Chowk before
S. No. 5 Name of Work Construction of pedestrian path
/ banker cheque / saving bank account of any post office in awarded of work.
near Mahindra agency at Ner Chowk Estimated Cost Rs.
(H.P) , duly pledged in the favor of Executive Officer, Municipal Sd/- Executive Officer,
4,98,182.00 Earnest Money Rs. 10,000.00 Time 3 months
Council Nerchowk. Telephonic as well as conditional tenders Municipal Council,
Tender form cost Rs. 500.00
without earnest money will not be entertained. Undersigned Ner Chowk (H.P.)
S. No. 6 Name of Work Construction of pedestrian path
reserves the right to accept /reject any/ all the tenders without No. MC-Nerchowk/2023-1611 Dated: - 12.05.2023
BHangrotu near Mahindra show room at Ner Chowk
assigning any reason. The offer of the tenders will remain
Estimated Cost Rs. 4,98,182.00 Earnest Money Rs.
valid for 90 days from the opening of tender. All the
10,000.00 Time 3 months Tender form cost Rs. 500.00 OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL
contractors will have to bring their attested/ renewal copy of
S. No. 7 Name of Work Construction of pedestrian path
their enlistments .The eligible contractors are liable to pay RAMPUR BUSHAHR DISTT. SHIMLA H.P.
Dadour at Ner Chowk Estimated Cost Rs. 4,98,182.00
ESIC, GST & E.P.F. as per Miscellaneous Provisions Act. (E-PROCUREMENT NOTICE)
Earnest Money Rs. 10,000.00 Time 3 months Tender form
cost Rs. 500.00
Conditions :- The tender documents shall be issued only NOTICE INVITING TENDER/INVITATION FOR
S. No. 8 Name of Work Drain at Diwan Colony Ner II BIDS (IFB)
those contractors who fulfill the special conditions as
ward no. 4 Estimated Cost Rs. 4,98,182.00 Earnest Money
mentioned below The Executive Office on behalf of Municipal Council Rampur
Rs. 10,000.00 Time 3months Tender form cost Rs. 500.00
1. The contractors/Firm will have to produce his / her invites online bids item rates in electronic Tendering system, in
S. No. 9 Name of Work Channelization of Nallah at Ner
enlistment of Electrical Contractor, at the time of submitting 2 covers system for under mentioned works from the eligible
II ward no. 4 Estimated Cost Rs. 4,98,182.00 Earnest
applications for issuance of tender forms. and Govt. approved contractor/firms registered under Society
Registration Act.
Moisture less than 12% Sr. No. 1. Name of Work i) Door to door garbage collection
Directorate of Fisheries Himachal Pradesh. III. Pellet 0.8 mm Crude Protein Min-52% or above 1000-00Kg
Crude Fat Min-11-12% in segregated manner i.e. wet waste separate & dry waste
e-Procurement Notice. Crude Fiber 1-2%
Moisture less than 12% separate in Residential* Commercial & Others establishments
INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) IV Pre-Starter-I (1.2mm) Crude Protein Min-48% 1600-00Kg
as per provisions of SW M Rules 2016 (i.e collection,
1. The Director cum-Warden of Fisheries Himachal Pradesh, Bilaspur invites Crude Fat Min-16%
online bids, in electronic tendering system, in two covers, on item- wise rates
Crude Fiber Max -2% transportation, processing and disposal) in all 09 wards of MC
Moisture Max.-12%
for supply of “Trout Fish Feed Ingredients, carp fish feed ingredients and V Pre-Starter–II (1.8mm) Crude Protein Min-48% 1400-00Kg Rampur area in MC Rampur
Crude Fat Min-16%
Fish Feed” from the eligible Agencies/ Firms/ Suppliers :- Crude Fiber Max -2%
ii) Sanitation like cleanliness, sweeping of roads, drains,
Name of ingredients Quality criteria Tentative
Quantity (in KG)
VI Production feed (3-6mm)
Moisture Max.-12%
Crude Protein Min-45% 4200-00Kg
streets etc,, bush cutting in all 09 wards i.e disposal of all the
Tentative tender value = 141.00 lacs
Crude Fat Min-18% waste generated from these daily activities to specific site/spot
Crude Fiber Max. -2.0%
1. Fish Meal
i) Crude Protein >58-60% Moisture Max.-12% fixed and plastic waste (SCF) to the fixed spot by MC authorities
ii) Crude Fat
iii) Sand Silica
44608 Kg
(Good quality std. nylon sacs of 50
VII Brooder feed (6-8mm) Crude Protein Min-45%
Crude Fat Min-18%
for scientific disposal .Also removal & disposal of dead animals
IV)Salt (NaCl)
V) Moisture
Kg each)
Crude Fiber Max.-2.0% of the town in hygienic manners. Men also be engaged at SWM
Moisture Max.-12%
Vi) Total Volatile
<0.2% plant for pit composting segregation if required, keeping of SWM
Vii) Antioxidant 200 PPM sprayed in liquid form. Fish Meal project site in hygienic way i.e. as per rules of SWM Rules
should be finely grounded with particle size 2. Availability of Bid Document and mode of submission : The Bid
2. Whole wheat
less than 0.25mm.
-- 7825 Kg (std Nylon sacs of 50Kg document is available online and bid should be submitted in online mode on
3. De-Oiled Soya cake
10592 Kg (Std. Nylon sacs of 50 website https://hptenders.gov.in Total 70 No. of Safai Karamcharis for the cleaning of Ranipur
I) Protein >48% Kg. each) Bidder would be required to register in the web-site which is free of cost. town with Supervisor and computer operator
ii) Fat <2%
iii) Sand/ Silica <2.5% For submission of bids, the bidder is required to have Digital Signature Certificate 2. Sanitation material i.e. Lime Powder, Bleeching Powder,
4 Lin Seed Oil
i) Peroxide value <5meq/Kg
3014 Kg (Pvc container of std.
volume 200 Kg. each)
(DSC) from one of the authorized Certifying Authorities (CA). “Aspiring bidders Phenyl, Gloves, Mask, Gum Boots, Body Gowns, Sanitizers,
ii) Anisdine value <10meq/Kg who have not obtained the user ID and password for participating in e-tendering
iii) Nitrogen <1%
in this Department may obtain the same from the website: https://
Brooms, Farvi, Garbage Cart, Sufdi .safai karamcharis I-card
Iv) Colour
v) Antioxidant
Absolutely fresh golden yellow.
500ppm hptenders.gov.in Digital signature is mandatory to participate in the e-tendering. etc
vi) Moisture
2508 Kg (Four seasons standard Bidders already possessing the digital signature issued from authorized CAs Estimated Cost Rs. 10,80,000 per month. (As per 375
i) Crude protein
ii) Fat
packing) can use the same in this tender. rupees daily wages and including all other tax.) Earnest Money
iii) Moisture <8% 3. Key dates: Rs. 1.00,000/- Cost of Tender From Rs. 1500/- Time One year
iv) Crude Fibre <6%
1. Date of Online Publication. 17-05-2023
Choline Chloride
Vitamine-C stay C (coated)
60% cereal based
126 Kg (Standard packing) 2. Document Download Start and End date(s). 17-05-2023, 17:30 Hrs.
Eligible class of contractor Having labour license
8 Mineral Mixture
i) Calcium 30%
690 Kg
upto 14-06-2023, 10:30 Hrs. 2. keys dates:
ii) Copper 0.05% 3. Bid submission start and end date(s). 17-05-2023, 17:30 Hrs. upto 1 Date of online publication 16-5-2023 At 09.00 AM
iii) Zn 0.04%
iv) Magnesium 0.04% 14-06-2023, 10:30 Hrs. 2 Documents download start date 17-5-2023 At 09.00 AM
v) Cobalt 0.09% 4. Physical submission of EMD & cost of tender document. 14-06-2023, 3 Bid submission start date 17-5-2023 At 09.00 AM
vi) Iron 0.40%
vii) Iodine 0.02% 11:00 Hrs.
viii) Manganese 0.40%
5. Date of Technical Bid Opening. 14-06-2023, 11:30 Hrs. 4 Documents download close date 28-5-2023 At 12.00PM
ix) BHT (Antioxidant) 0.07%
x) Phosphorous 9% 6. Date of opening of financial bid. To be announced on 5 Bid submission close date 29-5-2023 At 1.00PM
D.L Methionine
Indomix BE
141Kg (standard packing)
201 Kg 14-06-2023 6 Physical submission of EMD and Cost of tender document
11 Indomix AB2D3K -- 43 Kg 4. TENDER DETAIL date 29-5-2023 Up to 3.00PM
12 Vitamin E 50% with selenium carrier 91 Kg
13 Vitamin H(Biotin) -- 113 Kg The tender documents shall be uploaded online in 2 covers :- 7 Date of opening of technical and financial Bid 30-5-2023
14 Inositol Food grade 31 Kg
i) Cover-1: shall contain scanned copies of all ‘Technical Documents/
15 Folic Acid
Fish Oil -crude
Food grade 0.5 Kg
Eligibility information. At 11.00AM on wards
16 i) n-3Poly-unsaturated
fatty acids
ii) Cover-2 : shall contain ‘BOQ/Financial Bid’, where supplier will quote The bid documents are available online and bid should be
ii) Peroxide value
iii) Anisidine value
<5 meq/ Kg
<10meq/ Kg 525Kg
his offer for each item. submitted in online mode on website https: hptenders .gov .in
iv) Moisture <1% 5. SUBMISSION OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS : The bidders are required 3. The tenders are required to upload and submit their e-
(Standard packaging of 200Kg)
v) Iodine Value >135 to submit (a) original demand draft towards the cost of bid document and (b)
vi) Free Fatty Acid <5% tender for the above works through online only. The bidders are
vii) Nitrogen <1% original bid security/earnest money deposit (EMD) and other technical documents
viii) Anti oxidant 500ppm
in the office of Director cum-Warden of Fisheries Himachal Pradesh, Bilaspur, advised to obtain Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from the
ix) Total pesticides <0.4ppm
x) PCBs <0.6ppm as specified in key dates at Sr.No.3 above on tender opening date, failing which suitable vendors or any authorized agency. All amendments,
17 De-oiled Rice Bran -- 8930 KG
18 De-oiled Mustard Cake -- 8191KG the bids will be declared non-responsive. time extension, clarification etc .will be uploaded on the website
19 Maize -- 8402 KG 6. BID OPENING DETAILS ;- The bids shall be opened on 14-06-2023 at only and will not be uploaded in the News Papers. The tenders
20 DDGS (Distilled Dried Grain -- 350 KG
11:30 AM. in the office of Director cum-Warden of Fisheries Himachal Pradesh,
and Soluble)
Grade/ size of floating Carp Fish Composition Tentative quantity should regularly visit the website to keep themselves updated.
Bilaspur, by the tender opening committee. In their interest the tenderers are
21 i) Pre-Starter-I Crude Protein Min. -50% 2150-00KG advised to be present along with original documents at the time of opening of Tender Details:-
(200micron) Crude Fat Min. - 8%
Fiber Max. -3% tenders. If the office happens to be closed on the date of opening of the bids Cover 1: Shall contain scanned copies of all: Technical
ii) Pre-Starter-II
Moisture Max. -11%
Crude Protein Min. -36%
as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time Documents/Eligibility information.”
(1.2mm) Crude Fat Min. - 5% 10550-00 Kg and venue. Cover 2: Shall contain “BOQ/Financial Bid” where contractor
Fiber Max. -4%
7. The bids shall remain valid for acceptance for a period not less than 60
iii) Starter(2mm)
Moisture Max. -11%
Crude Protein Min. -32% days after the deadline date for bid submission.
will quote his offer for each item.
Crude Fat Min. - 5% 7100-00 Kg
8. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. The officer inviting 3. SUBMISSION OF ORIGINAL DOUCMENTS: - The bidders
Fiber Max. -5.5%
Moisture Max. -11% tender shall not be held liable for any delays due to system failure beyond its are required to submit (a) original demand draft towards the
iv) Grower(3mm) Crude Protein Min. -28%
Crude Fat Min. - 4% 12000-00Kg control. Even though the system will attempt to notify the bidders of any bid cost of bid documents and (b) original bid security /Earnest
Fiber Max. -6.5% updates. The employer shall not be liable for any information not received by Money Deposit (EMD) and other Technical Documents in O/o
Moisture Max. -11%
the bidder. It is the bidders responsibility to verify the website for the latest
v) Grower(4mm) Crude Protein Min. -24%
Crude Fat Min. - 3% 19300-00Kg
information related to the tender.
Executive Officer MC Rampur as specified in Key Dates Sr.
Fiber Max. -7.5%
Moisture Max. -11% FOR FUTHER ENQUIRY IN THIS REGARD PLEASE CONTACT No.vi, failing which the bid will be declared Non responsive.
Grade/ size of floating Trout Fish
Composition Tentative quantity
22 I. Granulates 0.3mm Crude Protein Min-52% or above
Crude Fat Min-11-12%
Crude Fiber 1-2% TELEPHONE NOS.01978-224068 & 223212, FAX NO.01978-224068 AND ALSO Executive Officer,
Moisture less than 12%
VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://hptenders.gov.in Email :- fisheries-hp@nic.in
II. Pellet 0.5 mm Crude Protein Min-52% or above
Crude Fat Min-11-12%
0701/2023-24 Him Suchna Avam Jan Sampark
Municipal Council Rampur Bushahr
Crude Fiber 1-2% No 5392 Dated 16.05.2023
Moisture less than 12%
III. Pellet 0.8 mm Crude Protein Min-52% or above 1000-00Kg