CMC Presentation1
CMC Presentation1
CMC Presentation1
Legal Page
Confidentiality Agreement
This agreement is to acknowledge that the information provided by CMC
Management Solutions, LLC is unique to this business and confidential. Therefore,
anyone reading this plan agrees not to disclose any of the information in this
business plan without the express written permission of CMC Management
Confidentiality Agreement
Solutions, LLC‘s management team.
It is also acknowledged by the reader of this business plan that exposing the
information furnished in this business plan, other than information that is in the
public domain, may cause serious harm or damage to CMC Management Solutions,
LLC and, as such, should be kept in the strictest confidence.
Upon written request, this document should be returned within 72 hours to CMC
Management Solutions, LL’s head office.
Executive Summary
CMC Management Solutions, LLC is a certified women-owned,
full-service environmental management company that will be
located in - Los Angeles, United States.
Mission Statement
CMC MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS, LLC is committed to providing
sustainable environmental solutions that meet specific customer
needs and are consistent with the long-term interests of the
environment. We will achieve this by employing or partnering with
highly professional team members who will assist with in-depth
research, proactive design, effective implementation, and long-term
support for all of our clients' land use needs.
Vision Statement
We believe that in time this company will become one of the most
well-respected environmental consulting firms in Los Angeles. CMC
MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS, LLC will achieve this by utilizing the
core principles that consist of timely client responsiveness, scientific
technical expertise, land planning with an ecological and cost-
effective approach, continuing education, and team-building
Core Values
At CMC Management Solutions, LLC, our shared expectations and
beliefs bind us. Our culture and values are critical to our success as an
employer, a service provider and corporate citizen.
We are:
Committed to providing a professional and personalized
environmental service.
The staff of CMC MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS, LLC has experience, expertise, and specific skill sets
that enable us to accept client projects in the following service areas:
Commitment to Affordability
Commitment to Excellence
Management Team
CMC Management Solutions, LLC is led by Christine
Constantino. A strong management team is vital to any
organization. In most cases, the management
team's vision, talents, beliefs, and commitment
Christine understands how to balance business demands determine the company's success more than the
with compliance regulation. She has a background in both experience and education of individuals. We
public and private sectors where she has worked in believe our management team is dedicated,
Aerospace, Cal/OSHA Enforcement, and private EHS experienced, talented, and armed with the
Consulting. resources necessary to take on your project and
Christine holds a B.S. in Public Health from CUNY Brooklyn guide it to success.
College and a M.S. in Environmental & Occupational Health Below is the business structure that we will build
Science from the CUNY School of Public Health. CMC Management Solutions, LLC on;
Chief Executive Officer/Lead Consultant
Our experienced team of professionals is certified
with a variety of environmental degrees and Environmental Management Consultant
designations. With the expertise of our team and Legal Secretary
affiliates, we deliver high-quality services and
projects quickly and economically. Admin and HR Manager
Business Developer (Marketing and Sales Executive
CMC MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS, LLC will also be Accountant
partnering with highly respected teams of internal
and external natural resource professionals to
meet diverse client needs. Customer Service Executive
• Strengths are the CMC Management Solutions, LLC’s Weaknesses are the areas, capabilities, skills or
capabilities and resources that it can leverage to build a resources in which CMC Management Solutions, LLC
sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. that may limit the ability of the firm to build a
sustainable competitive advantage.
• High level of customer satisfaction – the company
with its dedicated customer relationship • CMC Management Solutions, LLC business
management department will be able to achieve a model can be easily replicated even with the
number of patents and copyrights the company
high level of satisfaction and good brand equity
among the potential customers. possess. The intellectual property rights are very
difficult to implement in the industry that CMC
• Robust Domestic Market that CMC Management Management Solutions, LLC operates in.
Solutions, LLC Operates in - The domestic market in • As a new environmental consulting firm, it
which CMC Management Solutions, LLC will be might take some time for our organization to
operating will be a source of strength to the growth break into the market and work for some high
and innovation of the company. profile and high paying clients; that is perhaps
our major weakness.
• Diverse Product Portfolio of CMC Management
Solutions, LLC – The products and brand portfolio of • Tough competition from big industry
CMC Management Solutions, LLC will enable it to consultants as well as other knowledge
target various segments in the domestic market at consulting agencies
the same time.
Opportunities are macro environment factors and Threats are macro environment factors and developments that
developments that CMC Management Solutions, LLC can can derail business model of CMC Management Solutions, LLC.
leverage either to consolidate existing market position Threats can emerge from various factors such as - political
or use them for further expansion. Opportunities can developments & policy changes, technological innovations,
emerge from various factors such as - increase in economic growth, increase in consumer disposable income,
consumer disposable income, changes in consumer and changes in consumer preferences.
preferences, technological innovations, economic
growth, and political developments & policy changes.
• Government Regulations and Bureaucracy – CMC
• Reducing Cost of Market Entry and Marketing into Management Solutions, LLC will keep a close eye on the
International Markets –Globalization along with fast-changing government regulations under the growing
boom in digital marketing and social media has pressure from protest groups and non-government
considerably reduced the risks of market entry and organization especially regarding to environmental and
marketing in international market. labor safety aspects.
• Social Media Oriented Business Models –Social media • Fluctuations in currencies affects international projects.
growth can help CMC Management Solutions, LLC to
reduce the cost of entering new market and reaching
to customers at a significantly lower marketing
$63.03 billion
2021 - 2022
The environmental consulting services market is expected
to reach $93.61 billion in 2026 at a CAGR of 10.4%.
$56.39 billion
Market Analysis
Major Drive
According to The Business Research Company’s research report on the As an environmentally-friendly business, the industry is
environmental consulting services market, countries globally are collaborating for growing because of the increasing emphasis on the
cooperative efforts to tackle global warming and climate change, which is environment and the impact of human activities on the
expected to drive the demand for environmental consulting services during the environment. As a result, the industry is experiencing an
forecast period. unprecedented level of growth.
The environmental consulting industry has seen strong growth due to rising CAGR
private investment and increased concern about the environment. In addition,
the increasing number of natural disasters has boosted the demand for
environmental consultants. These are needed to handle emergency site Increase of
remediation. In the long term, the EPA budget is expected to increase its 2.9% from 2021
spending, leading to increased competition. The market is also projected to
grow in the years to come.
01 02 03
Healthcare and social assistance Professional/scientific/technical Other services (e.g., hair and nail
(including child day care and home services (including lawyers, salons and pet care businesses)
healthcare services) accounted for bookkeepers, architects, public accounted for 22% of all women-
15% of all women-owned businesses relations firms and consultants) owned businesses (2.8 million
(1.9 million firms). accounted for 13% of all women- firms).
owned businesses (1.6 million firms)
Market Research
8 key statistics about women-owned businesses:
• Gender bias
• The lack of sole source authority
• Poor understanding of the WOSB Procurement Program
• The lack of qualifications needed by women entrepreneurs to win contracts
Federal contracts are a source that can enhance the success of WOSBs. In 1994,
Congress established the WOSB Procurement Program with the goal of awarding at
least 5% of federal contracts to these businesses. Female small business owners
have not taken advantage of this opportunity. The general business problem is that
a variety of factors have prevented WOSBs from obtaining federal contracts. The
specific business problem is that some female small business owners lack the
capabilities needed to win federal contracts.
Market Research
Challenges Female Small Business Owners Face Within
The Context of Winning Government contracts
The annual report, based on U.S. Census Bureau data adjusted by Gross Domestic
Product data, found that women-owned businesses continue to trend above all
businesses. Over the past five years:
Federal Contracts
Government Contracting: Opportunities and Facts
Less than 5% of the businesses in the United States do business with the U.S. Government.
The federal government signs over 11 million contracts a year.
Companies are winning and are awarded new contracts daily. About 95% of federal contracts are awarded to
small- and medium-sized business vendors.
A Small Business Set-Aside Program (SBSA) was developed to help assure that small businesses are awarded a
fair proportion of government contracts by reserving certain government purchases exclusively for
participation by small business concerns. Any contract that has an anticipated dollar value between $2,500 and
$100,000 in value is reserved for small, small disadvantaged, woman-owned, and small veteran-owned
Historically, female business owners have had limited access to these contracts, often solely through
Ability to Adapt Ability to Seek Organization Help or Guidance
02 04
Willingness to network.
Networking is one of the most important keys to successful contract procurement. Networking does not just
involve our efforts to socialize with individuals who can help us foster organizational success; it also involve
ensuring that the individuals with whom we regularly interact with are supportive of our success,
CMC Management Solutions understands the value of networking and social capital, and we are ready to use both
to our advantage.
Strong Work Ethic
CMC Management Solutions' strong work ethic will be built upon a positive outlook, self-starter mentality, and
willingness to work on dreams for the long haul. We will not be dissuaded by the effort our goals require, nor
expect instant success. We seek long-term success over instant gratification. Knowing fully that procuring
federal contracts could be difficult. We will be determined, focused, and not easily discouraged by obstacles.
Even when faced with obstacles or disappointments, the work ethic of CMC Management Solutions is colored
by grit and determination, which will help us to persist when things don’t work out as planned.
Ability to Adapt
Adaptability is a quality of entrepreneurial orientation. In addition to determination and strong work ethic, another
trait CMC Management Solutions will adopt is the ability to adapt and maximize opportunities for success. We are
ready to demonstrate the grit and tenacity needed to adapt our business to survive, thrive, and win federal
Federal Contracts
What capabilities do CMC Management Solution need to win
federal contracts?
Awareness of Limitations
We are able to recognize and hone in on our business weaknesses–which is essential to creating plans to address
those weaknesses and move forward to procure government contracts especially when we lack the resources and
manpower to provide service required by some of the larger contracts.
Understanding our limitations and weaknesses reflect a sharp level of self-awareness, humility, and desire to
Although CMC Management Solutions, LLC will initially serve small to medium sized businesses, from new ventures
to well established businesses, but that does not in any way stop us from growing to be able to compete with the
leading environmental consulting firms in the United States. We hope to someday merge or acquire other smaller
environmental consulting firms and expand our services beyond the shores of the United States of America.
02 Integrity
05 Continuous development
Financial Projection
Pro Forma - 3 Year Financial Forecast
The Company has fully developed this financial plan to cover the
next three years in business. The purpose of the financial plan is
to survey solid growth through the exciting business model
punctuated by a healthy relation between continually increasing
revenues, and diligent monitoring of an optimum cost structure.
Office Space 900/month, 10800.00
Equipment and 1000.00
Communications 150.00
Utilities 1200.00
Licenses and 2500.00
Financial Projection Insurance 2500.00
Lawyer and 1000.00
Start-up Summary/Use of Funds Accountant
Part-time 80000.00
Employee Salaries
Full-time 80000.00
Employee Salaries
Advertising and 1500.00
Market Research 550.00
Printed Marketing 1000.00
Making a Website 1500.00
Total $183700.00
Projected Income and Expense Statement
Amount in $ Amount in $ Amount in $
Financial Projection Particular Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Revenue From Operations 270,000.00 283,500.00 303,345.00
Other Income - - -
Total Income (A) 270,000.00 283,500.00 303,345.00
Profit & Loss Statement Rental 10,800.00 11,340.00 12,474.00
Equipment and Supplies 1,000.00 1,050.00 1,155.00
The projected Profit & Loss Statement for Communication Expense 150.00 157.50 173.25
CMC Management Solutions, LLC highlights Utilities 1,200.00 1,260.00 1,386.00
the relation between the sales forecast and
License and Permit Fees 2,500.00 2,625.00 2,887.50
the operating expenses. These figures are
based on the experience in the industry and Insurance Expense 2,500.00 2,625.00 2,887.50
the projected sales for the next three years. Lawyer and Accountant Charges 1,000.00 1,050.00 1,155.00
Please note: The Company makes every
Salaries (Part time and Full time) 160,000.00 168,000.00 184,800.00
attempt to present conservative projections
with incremental growth. Marketing Expense 4,550.00 4,777.50 5,255.25
Total Direct Costs (B) 183,700.00 192,885.00 212,173.50
Less :- Taxes - - -
Profit After Tax Transfer to Reserve and Surplus 86,300.00 90,615.00 91,171.50
Financial Projection
Profit & Loss Statement
Third Fiscal Year
Second Fiscal Year
First Fiscal Year
Profit Income
Financial Projection
Balance Sheet
The projected Balance Sheet for CMC Management Solutions, LLC highlights total assets,
total liabilities, and owners’ equity. The salient feature of the projected Balance Sheet is that
it demonstrates the relationship between what the Company will own in assets and the way
this is balanced by equity investment funds and owners’ existing equity.
Owner’s Equity - - -
Paid-in Capital 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00
Reserves and Surplus 86,300.00 176,915.00 268,086.50
Owner’s Equity 111,300.00 201,915.00 293,086.50
Total Liabilities 111,300.00 201,915.00 293,086.50
CMC Management Solutions, LLC
Company believes the business will take in and what Cash generated from operation 86,300 90,615 91,172
it will spend. Cash flow will be crucial to the survival Income Tax - - -
of the business. The Company is confident that the Cash flow before extra ordinary item 86,300 90,615 91,172
Company will have ample cash on hand to ensure that Income Tax Provision for earlier years - - -
investors can be paid on time. The Company offers Prior Period Item - - -
Application for business license and permit: Completed Creating Awareness for the business
(Business PR): In Progress
Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
Health and Safety and Fire Safety
Qualification for Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB): In Progress Arrangement: In Progress
Qualification for Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Business Establishing business relationship with key
(EDWOSB): In Progress players in the industry: In Progress
Generating part of the startup capital from the founder: Completed
Applications for Loan from our Bankers: In Progress