Post Delivery
Post Delivery
Post Delivery
on the sitting of chair of obstetrics and
gynecology №1 of UMSA
(protocol №8 from 28. 08. 20)
for the independent work of students for preparation to practical lesson
Poltava – 2020
Definition. Рuerperal pyrexia is a fever 38°C or more (determined orally)
on 2 individual times at 24 hours apart within first 10 days after delivery.
Postpartum septic diseases are directly related to pregnancy and labor, have
developed in the period from 2-3 days after delivery up to the end of the 6 th week and
are caused by bacterial and viral infection.
Classification of the postpartum septic diseases
I. Puerperal septic diseases occurred with penetration of bacteria through a
labor wound surface:
Puerperal endometritis
Puerperal metroendometritis
Pelvic cellulitis
Infection of cesarean section wound
II. Extragenital puerperal infections:
Puerperal mastitis
Puerperal cystitis
Puerperal pyelonephritis
Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis
III. Intercurrent infectious diseases:
Pulmonary infection
Atelectasis pneumonia
Influenza virus infection
IV. General septic diseases.
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)
Sever e sepsis
Septic shock
Puerperal infectious diseases are caused by opportunistic pathogenic microbes
that that are commonly spread by sex.
Vaginal normal flora in late pregnancy consists of the following organisms:
Lactobacillus not less than 70%, Candida albicans 20 -25%, Staphylococcus albus or
aureus, Streptococcus—anaerobic common E. coli Bacteroides group. In
uncomplicated labor in aseptic conditions, the above microorganisms do not cause
an inflammatory response
Pathogenic microbes responsible for puerperal pyrexia: Aerobic -
Streptococcus hemolyticus Group A. Streptococcus hemolyticus Group B.
Staphylococcus pyogenes, aureus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Proteus, Chlamydia
trachomatis . Anaerobic - Streptococcus, Peptococcus, Bacteroides and Clostridia.
There are also associations with 2-3-microbes, which can enhance each other’s
properties. Most often the biotope of the birth canal is inhabited by a mixed flora
(aerobes and anaerobes in equal measure).
Factors of rick postpartum sepstic diseases
Antepartum factors:
Preterm labor
Premature rupture of the membranes,
Prolonged rupture of membrane > 18 hours.
Intrapartum factors:
Frequent vaginal examinations
Injury of soft tissues in labor
Obstetric surgery
Obstetric bleeding
Delayed parts of the placenta in the uterus
Complete placenta previa
The lacerations on the birth canal are often infected by the organisms due to the
presence of blood clots or dead space. The wounds become red, swollen and there is
associated seropurulent discharge. There may be disruption of the wound if repaired
before control of infection.
The course of the inflammatory process depends on the virulence and reactivity
of the microorganism. The reaction of the body to infection occurs at the local and
systemic level:
• activation of neutrophils and monocytes;
• the release of mediators of inflammation;
• diffuse vasodilation and increased permeability of the endothelium;
• activation of the blood clotting factors.
Ways of spreading the infection
The placental area of the endometrium, the wound surface of the cervix,
vagina and perineum are the site of primary infection. The growth of pathogenic
microorganisms is facilitated by the separation from the wound, blood clots, surgical
interventions. Local postpartum infection (endometritis) becomes widespread
(metritis or parametritis).
Pelvic cellulitis (parametritis) is an inflammation of the pelvic fat that is
caused by the spread of infection by intracanital or lymphatic or hematogenous
pathways. Infiltration with subsequent exudation of the pelvic fat is usually one-
sided. The uterus is displaced in the opposite direction (see fig. ).
Subinvolution of uterus
Definition. Subinvolution of uterus is the involution, which is impaired or
retarded. As it is the most accessible organ to be measured per abdomen, the uterine
involution is considered clinically as an index to assess subinvolution (see fig.).
Fig.. Involution of the uterus after delivery
Predisposing factors :
multiple pregnancy
cesarean section,
prolapse of the uterus,
uterine fibroid.
retained products of conception,
uterine sepsis (endometritis).
Clinical picture:
abnormal lochial discharge excessive or prolonged,
irregular or at times excessive uterine bleeding,
irregular cramp like pain in cases of retained products or rise of temperature in
the uterine height is greater than the normal for the particular day of
The size of the uterus can be ignored, if there aren’t excessive lochia, duplicate
bleeding, remains of the fetal egg in the uterus cavity, clinic of uterine sepsis.
Appropriate therapy is to be instituted only when subinvolution is found to be a mere
sign of some local pathology: antibiotics in endometritis, eploration of the uterus in
retained products, pessary in prolapse or retroversion.
Puerperal peritonitis
The severe purulent inflammation of the peritoneum, caused by the spread of
infection from the uterus. Peritonitis occurs more often when the infection spread on
the peritoneum in the inability of the sutures on the uterus after cesarean section or
burst of pustules of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Noteworthy, the highest degree of
risk for peritonitis development is after cesarean section. The onset of the disease
starts early, sometimes within 2-3 days after delivery (cesarean section). The
symptoms are fever, rapid pulse, pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, stool and
gas retention. Facial expression of the patient is sardonic. Tongue and lips are dry,
covered with fur, distended painful abdomen, anteroventral muscles are tense,
positive Schotkin-Blumberg’s symptom.
At the beginning peristalsis of the intestine is slowed down and then
completely stops. Alterations of the cardiovascular system occur. Pulse is 100
beats/min and more, weak, can be arrhythmic. Decreased blood pressure. Breathing is
hurried and shallow. Abdomen respiration is limited.
Serous, serofibrinous, putulent and hemorrhagic exudate can be found in the
abdominal cavity.
Subinvolution of the uterus is noted, absence of its contours on palpation and
tenderness along the ribs. Lochia are bloody or muddy.
Vaginal examination shows effusion into the uterorectal pouch (protuberance,
overhang of the posterior vaginal vault).
The complete blood count shows significant leukocytosis, eosino-lympho-
monocytopenia. Blood culture is almost sterile.
Treatment of peritonitis includes:
antibacterial therapy,
detoxication therapy,
medications that eliminate enteroparesis,
elimination of hypoproteinemia.
In the failed conservative therapy operative treatment is indicated. The purpose
of the surgery in the obstetric peritonitis is to remove the source of the infection, i.e.,
the infected uterus and drainage of the abdominal cavity. The uterus must be removed
together with fallopian tubes. Oophorectomy is justified only in the presence of pyo-
ovarium or tubo-ovarian purulent abscess.
Puerperal thrombophlebitis
Definition. Puerperal thrombophlebitis is inflammation of the wall of the
vein with the subsequent formation of a blood clot in this area that is fully or partially
closes the lumen of the vessel. Sometimes thrombophlebitis is preceded with aseptic
thrombosis. Depending on localization the puerperal is divided into uterine veins
thrombophlebitis, pelvic veins thrombophlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the
deep veins of the lower extremities.
doppler ultrasound and venous ultrasonography
magnetic resonance imaging
Metrothrombophlebitis is a complication of metroendometritis. Local
thrombophlebitis of the uterine veins is difficult to diagnose. The overall state of
patient’s health is usually satisfactory. Body temperature is within 37-38,5оС, rapid
pulse and does not correspond to the temperature. Sometimes single-time chills
occur. The complete blood count shows minor leukocytosis, moderate left shift
leukogram, relatively insignificant increase in ESR. Subinvolution of the uterus is
marked, prolonged and bloody uterine discharge.
Bimanual examination shows that the surface of the uterus resembles facet on
palpation. If the process extends to the pelvic veins, then the enlarged uterus and
painful flexuous fibrotic folds (inflamed veins) are palpated. Metrothrombophlebitis
develops in the first 6-13 days postpartum period, and thrombophlebitis of pelvic
deep veins develops not earlier than 2 weeks postpartum. The signs of pelvic veins
thrombophlebitis are fever, chills, rapid pulse, sometimes pain in the area of the
uterus, vomiting (due to irritation of the peritoneum). On palpation veins are first as
flexuous dense cords (“earthworms”), and then as painful infiltrates.
Thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities develops
within the 2-3 weeks postpartum. The symptoms are severe pain in the lower
extremities, chills, fever. After 1-2 days swelling and coldness of the extremity is
noted. The first symptom of the femoral vein thrombophlebitis is the effacement of
the inguinal fold, soreness in the area of the femoral triangle, and thickened vessels
are palpated in its depth (see fig).
2.Rise in temperature up to 39С was registered the next day after a woman
had labor. Fetal membranes rupture took place 36 hours prior to labors. The
examination of the bacterial flora of cervix uteri revealed the following: haemolytic
streptococcus of group A. The uterus tissue is soft, tender. Discharges are bloody,
with mixing of pus. Establish the most probable postnatal complication.
A. metroendometritis
B. thrombophlebitis of veins of the pelvis
C. infected hematoma
D. infective contamination of the urinary system
E. apostatis of stitches after the episiotomy
3.On the first day after labour a woman had the rise of temperature up to
$39^oC$. Rupture of fetal membranes took place 36 hours before labour.
Examination of the bacterial flora of cervix of the uterus revealed hemocatheretic
streptococcus of A group. The uterus body is soft, tender. Discharges are bloody,
with admixtures of pus. Specify the most probable postnatal complication:
A. metroendometritis
B. thrombophlebitis of veins of the pelvis
C. infectious hematoma
D. infective contamination of the urinary system
E. apostasis of sutures after the episiotomy
5.A woman had the rise of temperature up to 39^0С on the first day after
labour. The rupture of fetal membranes took place 36 hours before labour. The
investigation of the bacterial flora of cervix of the uterus revealed hemocatheretic
streptococcus of group A. The uterus body is soft, tender. Discharges are bloody,
mixed with pus. Specify the most probable postnatal complication:
A. metroendometritis
B. thrombophlebitis of pelvic veins
C. infected hematoma
D. infection of the urinary system
E. apostatis of junctures after the episiotomy
7.A woman consulted a doctor on the 14th day after labour about sudden
pain, hyperemy and induration of the left mammary gland, body temperature rise up
to 39 C, headache, indisposition. Objectively: fissure of nipple, enlargement of the
left mammary gland, pain on palpation. What pathology would you think about in
this case?
A. lactational mastitis
B. lacteal cyst with suppuration
C. fibrous adenoma of the left mammary gland
D. breast cancer
E. phlegmon of mammary gland
8.On the tenth day after discharge from the maternity house a 2-year-old
patient consulted a doctor about body temperature rise up to $39^oC$, pain in the
right breast. Objectively: the mammary gland is enlarged, there is a hyperemized area
in the upper external quadrant, in the same place there is an ill-defined induration,
lactostasis, fluctuation is absent. Lymph nodes of the right axillary region are
enlarged and painful. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. lactational mastitis
B. abscess
C. erysipelas
D. dermatitis
E. tumour
3.A 32-year-old G2P2 develops fever and uterine tenderness 2 days after
cesarean delivery for nonreassuring fetal heart tones. She is placed on intravenous
penicillin and gentamicin for her infection. After 48 hours of antibiotics she remains
febrile, and on examination she continues to have uterine tenderness. Which of the
bacteria is resistant to these antibiotics and is most likely to be responsible for this
woman’s infection?
4.A 23-year-old G2P2 requires a cesarean delivery for arrest of active phase.
During labor she develops chorioamnionitis and is started on ampicillin and
gentamicin. The antibiotics are continued after the cesarean delivery. On
postoperative day 3, the patient remains febrile and symptomatic with uterine fundal
tenderness. No masses are appreciated by pelvic examination. She is successfully
breast-feeding and her breast examination is normal. Which antibiotic should be
initiated to provide better coverage?
5.A 28-year-old G2P2 presents to the hospital 2 weeks after vaginal delivery
with the complaint of heavy vaginal bleeding that soaks a sanitary napkin every hour.
Her pulse is 89 beats per minute, blood pressure 120/76 mm Hg, and temperature
37.1°C. Her abdomen is nontender and her fundus is located above the symphysis
pubis. On pelvic examination, her vagina contained small blood clots and no active
bleeding is noted from the cervix. Her uterus is about 12 to 14 weeks size and
nontender. Her cervix is closed. An ultrasound reveals an 8-mm endometrial stripe.
Her hemoglobin is 10.9, unchanged from the one at her vaginal delivery. β-hCG is
negative. Which potential treatments would be contraindicated?