MEGARes is a curated database of antibiotic, metal, and biocide resistance genes compiled from published sequences. It contains over 8,700 gene accessions classified into four drug classes, 59 mechanisms of resistance, and 1,448 gene groups. MEGARes allows large-scale metagenomic sequence analysis of resistance at the population level and integrates with the AMR++ bioinformatics pipeline for resistome classification.
MEGARes is a curated database of antibiotic, metal, and biocide resistance genes compiled from published sequences. It contains over 8,700 gene accessions classified into four drug classes, 59 mechanisms of resistance, and 1,448 gene groups. MEGARes allows large-scale metagenomic sequence analysis of resistance at the population level and integrates with the AMR++ bioinformatics pipeline for resistome classification.
MEGARes is a curated database of antibiotic, metal, and biocide resistance genes compiled from published sequences. It contains over 8,700 gene accessions classified into four drug classes, 59 mechanisms of resistance, and 1,448 gene groups. MEGARes allows large-scale metagenomic sequence analysis of resistance at the population level and integrates with the AMR++ bioinformatics pipeline for resistome classification.
MEGARes is a curated database of antibiotic, metal, and biocide resistance genes compiled from published sequences. It contains over 8,700 gene accessions classified into four drug classes, 59 mechanisms of resistance, and 1,448 gene groups. MEGARes allows large-scale metagenomic sequence analysis of resistance at the population level and integrates with the AMR++ bioinformatics pipeline for resistome classification.
MEGARes is a hand-curated antibiotic resistance database which
incorporates previously published resistance sequences for MEGARes antimicrobial drugs, while also expanding to include published Content sequences for metal and biocide resistance determinants. In Description MEGARes is an MEGARes 3.0, the nodes of the acyclic hierarchical ontology antimicrobial include four antimicrobial compound types, 59 classes, 223 resistance mechanisms of resistance, and 1,448 gene groups that classify the database made 8,733 gene accessions. [1][2][3] This works in conjunction with the AMR++ bioinformatics pipelin (version 3.0) to classify resistome for high sequences directly from FASTA. throughput sequencing The database focuses on the analysis of large-scale, ecological based at sequence datasets with an annotation structure that allows for the collaborating development of high throughput acyclical classifiers and centers hierarchical statistical analysis of big data. MEGARes annotation consists of three hierarchical levels when looking at AMR genes: Data types Antimicrobial drug class, mechanism, and group. The comprehensive captured resistance genes MEGARes content was compiled from all published sequences and phenotypes included various other databases: Resfinder, ARG-ANNOT, Organisms Bacteria Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD), and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Lahey Contact Clinic beta-lactamase archive. Research center Texas A&M University, MEGARes allows users to analyze antimicrobial resistance on a University of population-level, similar to a microbiome analysis, from a FASTA Minnesota, sequence. Furthermore, users can access AMR++, a University of bioiinformatics pipeline for resistome analysis of metagenomic datasets that can be integrated with the MEGARes database. Florida, Colorado State Uninversity See also Primary citation PMID 27899569 Antimicrobial Resistance databases (https://pubmed. 27899569) References Access 1. Lakin SM, Dean C, Noyes NR, Dettenwanger A, Ross Website AS, Doster E, Rovira P, Abdo Z, Jones KL, Ruiz J, Belk (http://meglab.or KE, Morley PS, Boucher C. MEGARes: an antimicrobial resistance database for high throughput sequencing. g) Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 Jan 4;45(D1):D574-D580. Download URL Download (http s://megares.meg 2. Doster E, Lakin SM, Dean CJ, Wolfe C, Young JG, Boucher C, Belk KE, Noyes NR, Morley PS. MEGARes d/index.php) 2.0: a database for classification of antimicrobial drug, biocide and metal resistance determinants in Miscellaneous metagenomic sequence data. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 Jan 8;48(D1):D561-D569. Bookmarkable yes entities 3. Bonin N, Doster E, Worley H, Pinnell LJ, Bravo J, Ferm P, Marini S, Prosperi M, Noyes NR, Morley PS, Boucher C. MEGARes and AMR++, v3.0: An updated comprehensive database of antimicrobial resistance determinants and an improved software pipeline for classification using high-throughput sequencing. Nucleic Acids Res 2022 gkac1047.
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