Shavuot Prayer
Shavuot Prayer
Shavuot Prayer
This prayer can be recited at any time, in any number of repetitions. The more repetitions
the better. It is good to recite it on the night of Shavuot when we celebrate the Giving of
the Torah. It can be recited at other times as well. This prayer is an original formulation
in English and I give my blessings and permission for it to be translated for personal use
into any language of one's choosing.
"Ribbono Shel Olam, (Master of the Universe), Creator of All,
I give thanks before You that I am Your creation, formed in
Your Image and guided by Your Hand.
May it be Your Will that You enlighten me and align me with the
Image of Your Holy Sefirot within me.
Master of the Universe, behold, You are the Source of all. All
is in You and You are in all. Enlighten me so that I may see and
experience Your Unity, enable me to live in harmony with Your
Unity and to be guided by it and to flow within it at every
moment and in every place.
May this Holy Name shine Your Holy Light here on earth and
bring to us all peace. Behold I call upon: