IBM 6400 IPDS Progr Ref
IBM 6400 IPDS Progr Ref
IBM 6400 IPDS Progr Ref
6400 Line Matrix Printers
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices”.
Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
About IPDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Capabilities of IPDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Printing a Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Using Overlays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Using Page Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Using Images and Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
IM Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Using Bar Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
iv 6400 IPDS
Set Inline Margin (SIM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Set Intercharacter Adjustment (SIA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Set Text Color (STC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Set Text Orientation (STO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Set Variable Space Increment (SVI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Temporary Baseline Move (TBM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Transparent Data (TRN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Underscore (USC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
IM Image Command Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Write Image Control (WIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Write Image (WI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
End (END) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Graphics Command Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
The Drawing Order Coordinate System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
The Graphics Medium Presentation Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
The Graphics Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
The Graphics Object Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Positioning the Graphics Window in the Graphics Object Area . . . . . . . . 85
Write Graphics Control (WGC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Graphics Area Position Control (GAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Graphics Output Control (GOC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Graphics Data Descriptor (GDD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Area Mapping Control Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
GDD Initial Graphics Defaults Self-Describing Instructions . . . . . . . . . 94
Graphics Drawing Order Defaults and Masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Write Graphics (WG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Write Graphics Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Begin Segment Introducer (BSI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Drawing Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Begin Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Begin Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Begin Image at Current Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Character String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Character String at Current Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
End Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
End Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
End Prologue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
End Segment Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Fillet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Fillet at Current Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Full Arc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Full Arc at Current Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Image Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Line at Current Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Marker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Marker at Current Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
No Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Relative Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Relative Line at Current Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Segment Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Set Arc Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Set Background Mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Contents v
Set Character Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Set Character Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Set Character Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Set Character Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Set Character Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Set Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Set Current Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Set Extended Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Set Fractional Line Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Set Line Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Set Line Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Set Marker Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Set Marker Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Set Marker Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Set Mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Set Pattern Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Set Pattern Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Bar Code Command Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Write Bar Code Control (WBCC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Bar Code Area Position (BCAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Bar Code Output Control (BCOC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Bar Code Data Descriptor (BCDD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Bar Code Type, Name, and Modifier Description and Values . . . . . . 128
Write Bar Code (WBC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Code 128 Character Set (EBCDIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Overlay Command Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Begin Overlay (BO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Delete Overlay (DO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Include Overlay (IO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Page Segment Command Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Begin Page Segment (BPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Include Page Segment (IPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Delete Page Segment (DPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Delete Font (DF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
vi 6400 IPDS
Data Stream Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
LU-1 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
DSC Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
IPDS Application in LU-1 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Determining IPDS Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Inbound Structured Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Selecting and Terminating IPDS Mode of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Implicit Termination of IPDS Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Copy Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Error Recovery in LU-1 IPDS Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
IPDS ACK/NACK Sequence in LU-1 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Recommended ACK/NACK Sequence in LU-1 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Other Asynchronous/Synchronous Sequences in LU-1 Mode . . . . . . 176
IPDS Application in DSC Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Determining IPDS Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Inbound Structured Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Selecting and Terminating IPDS Mode of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Implicit Termination of IPDS Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Abnormal Termination of Printer Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Copy Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Chaining and Error Recovery in 3270 IPDS Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
IPDS ACK/NACK Sequence in DSC Mode (Channel-Attached) . . . . . . 183
Not Recommended NACK Sequence for Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Recommended NACK Sequence for Printers in DSC Mode
(Channel-Attached) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Other Asynchronous/Synchronous Sequences in DSC
(Channel-Attached) Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
IPDS ACK/NACK Sequence in DSC Mode (BSC-Attached) . . . . . . . . . 188
Not Recommended NACK Sequence for Printers in DSC Mode
(BSC-Attached) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Recommended NACK Sequence for Printers in DSC Mode
(BSC-Attached) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Other Asynchronous/Synchronous Sequences in DSC (BSC-Attached)
Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Structured Field Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
LU-1 (SNA) Structured Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
DSC (Non-SNA) Structured Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Data Chain Structured Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Select IPDS Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Data Chaining Query Reply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
3270 IPDS Query Reply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Programming Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
BSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
MVS/CICS with VTAM in LU-1 Mode (Remote 3X74 Attachment) . . . . . 195
MVS/CICS with VTAM in DSC Mode (Local 3X74 Attachment) . . . . . . . 196
Related Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Contents vii
viii 6400 IPDS
1. Conventional Letter Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. IPDS Letter Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. Using Overlays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4. Using Page Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5. Graphic Material Created by Image and Graphics Commands . . . . . . . 6
6. Bar Codes From The Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
7. Configuration Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
8. IPDS Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
9. Using the Logical Page Descriptor Command to Specify the Logical Page 41
10. Using the Logical Page Position Command to Position the Logical Page 42
11. Using the Set Media Size Command to Specify the Physical Medium . . 52
12. The Graphics X and Y Coordinate System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
13. The Graphics Medium Presentation Space and Its Limits . . . . . . . . . 83
14. The Graphics Window within the Graphics Medium Presentation Space . 84
15. The Graphics Object Area on the Physical Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
16. Graphics Object Area Position Control and the Graphics Object Area . . 87
17. Graphics Output Control and the Graphics Object Area . . . . . . . . . . 89
18. Graphics Data Descriptor and the Graphics Medium Presentation Space 91
19. Scale-to-Fit Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
20. Center-and-Trim Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
21. Position-and-Trim Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
22. Specifying the Bar Code Object Using the Bar Code . . . . . . . . . . . 122
23. Specifying the Bar Code Object Size Using the Bar Code Output Control 124
24. Code 128 Character Set (EBCDIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
25. An Example of Overlay Nesting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
26. LU-1 Data Stream Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
27. Reporting IPDS Errors Using the ACK Reply Structured Field in LU-1
Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
28. Synchronous ACK/NACK Reporting of IPDS Errors in LU-1 Mode . . . 176
29. Asynchronous NACK in LU-1 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
30. Asynchronous NACK in LU-1 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
31. Asynchronous NACK in LU-1 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
32. Synchronous ACK/NACK in LU-1 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
33. Synchronous ACK/NACK in LU-1 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
34. Synchronous NACK in LU-1 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
35. DSC Data Stream Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
36. Reporting IPDS Errors with ACK Reply Structured Field in DSC Mode 184
37. Asynchronous NACK in DSC (Channel-Attached) Mode . . . . . . . . . 185
38. Asynchronous NACK in DSC (Channel-Attached) Mode . . . . . . . . . 187
39. Synchronous ACK/NACK in DSC (Channel-Attached) Mode . . . . . . 188
40. Reporting IPDS Errors in DSC (BSC-Attached) Mode . . . . . . . . . . 190
41. Asynchronous NACK in DSC (BSC-Attached) Mode . . . . . . . . . . . 191
42. Synchronous ACK/NACK in DSC (BSC-Attached) Mode . . . . . . . . . 192
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in
this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to
these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to the IBM Director of
Commercial Relations, IBM Corporation, Purchase, NY, U.S.A. 10577
Communications Statements
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the
equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause
harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the
interference at his own expense.
Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used in order to
meet FCC emission limits. IBM is not responsible for any radio or television
interference caused by using other than recommended cables and connectors or by
unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or
modifications could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
This equipment does not exceed Class A limits per radio noise emissions for digital
apparatus, set out in the Radio Interference Regulation of the Canadian
Department of Communications. Operation in a residential area may cause
unacceptable interference to radio and TV reception requiring the owner or operator
to take whatever steps are necessary to correct the interference.
Japanese VCCI
The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or
other countries or both:
This manual also contains a glossary, which defines the special terms and
abbreviations used in this book, and an index.
Related Publications
The following publications contain additional reference information:
6400 Operator's Guide, S246-0115. Includes step-by-step instructions for daily
printer operations.
6400 Setup Guide, S246-0116. Provides information on installing and
configuring the printer.
IBM Data Stream and Object Architectures, Bar Code Object Content
Architecture (BCOCA) Reference, S544-3766.
IBM Data Stream and Object Architectures, Font Object Content Architecture
(FOCA) Reference, S544-3285.
Notices xiii
xiv 6400 IPDS
Capabilities of IPDS
Chapter 1. Introduction
This chapter introduces the Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) and describes
some of the capabilities of IPDS when used with this printer.
About IPDS
IPDS lets you print pages containing an unlimited mix of different types of data:
high-quality text, images, vector graphics, and bar codes.
You can send IPDS data to printers attached to the IBM Application System/400
(AS/400) intelligent work stations, local area networks, IBM 3270-family controllers,
and spooled systems. In some of these environments, you can create applications
to directly control IPDS printers such as this printer. For more information about
IPDS as a component of printing subsystems, refer to Intelligent Printer Data
Stream Reference, S544-3417.
IBM provides a variety of host software products with components that generate
IPDS commands for this printer or other IPDS printers. These software products
vary in their use of IPDS functions. Contact your IBM representative for information
about software products that support these printers.
Capabilities of IPDS
A printer controlled by IPDS has a number of advantages over conventional
printers. With IPDS you can:
Use the printer's all-points-addressable printing to print text, graphics, images,
or bar codes at any point on a page.
Print text in a variety of type styles and switch fonts within a printed page.
Use both images and vector graphics (explained later in this chapter) to print
line drawings, pie charts, bar charts, graphics, logos, tables, and signatures.
Combine text with images and graphics on the same page (creating what is
known as a composite document).
Electronically store and later print forms and letterheads that are always printed
in the same predetermined type style.
Electronically store and later print text where the type style printed is the same
as that used in the rest of the text.
Print any of 16 different kinds of bar codes in many sizes and with a number of
Print either portrait (upright, letter orientation) or landscape (printing “on the
side,” with the page wider than it is tall).
Printing a Letter
IPDS lets you print a letter in just one step. In conventional printing (Figure 1), you
must load letterhead paper into your printer, print the text of your letter, and then
manually sign the letter.
T h e E n erg y g s h jh h j k ly t b
Com pany s d f fg fd g ff g t b e rt rt
T h e E n erg y g s h jh h j k ly t b
Com pany s d f fg fd g ff g t b e rt rt
rth fg h fg h
s fg g h g h g h d h
fd fg g h h rtg g e d g
jlf s l jf o iu h e u r iu g b fu h v w e g fu h c v h h rh u h e ru h u
iu h s d f u h fg h u fh p u ih fh j ih 0 u d h h ¢ o iu g y e h p h g u = e u t h f- d h
iu h s r fh p io u h h ih ¢ 8 ¢ u y jf h g d jb h g fg d f u h f a h f h jk h n v
k v j ¢ ifo u g j¢ if a 0 r i jf g o h g 0 t ito o o p o tu it ¢ t h p ig h r
k c d p io h fg jj k t m g s m .= - r t , p s g jt ig jb 0 rt 's d j w j w o i s f g w
lk jd f o u r jh b o h
, m c ik jf ; k lv
jf ; jk h v
m n c n b f b v h a r k j. m b s ljk n f g lk s g jh g
Using IPDS (Figure 2), you can temporarily store your letterhead and signature in
the printer's memory and then merge the letterhead, text, and signature with
additional data to form a complete letter. You can also include graphics, such as a
line chart or bar chart, in your letter, creating a composite document.
2 6400 IPDS
Capabilities of IPDS
T h e E n e r g y g s h j h h j k l y t b
s d f f g f d g f f g t b e r t r t
C o m p a n y
r e r t r t e t y e y u y u r y i r i k t i o 6 8 o o t h d t y j r u k
r g w e y e r t u e u e t y u r i u i o h i k r y u r u
a r g e j t y u u k i l
g a e r g h h j r y j r
q w w
a s d
s d d
a s d
a s d
w e r
0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7
An IPDS-driven printer offers flexibility. For example, you can highlight a list of
items by printing the list in a different type style from the rest of the text; or you can
print your letterhead in one font and your text in another font.
You can electronically store your letterhead so it is always printed in the same type
style. This printing concept is discussed in “Using Overlays” on page 4.
You can store your printed signature block so it is printed in the type style used in
the rest of the letter or memo. That way the signature block's type style matches
the letter in which it appears, no matter how many different fonts you use for
different kinds of letters. This printing concept is discussed in “Using Page
Segments” on page 5.
You can include bar charts or line graphs in your letter. Such graphic material can
be generated through either the Image function or the Graphics function. See
“Using Images and Graphics” on page 6.
Chapter 1. Introduction 3
Using Overlays
Using Overlays
Overlays are stored constructs (text, graphics, images, and bar codes), often in
complex configurations, with all the instructions needed to print. An overlay always
prints in the type style used when it was stored and can be positioned anywhere on
the page.
Overlays are useful for letterheads and for forms, as shown below in Figure 3.
E le c tr o n ic a lly S to r e d F o r m O v e r la y V a ria b le P a g e D a ta
N a m e - S e rv ic e A d d r e s s S e r v ic e P e rio d
F ro m 1 0 /0 2 /8 5
Joh n Jon es
1 2 2 5 S to n e S tre et 1 1 /0 1 /8 5
T o
A n t Tow n , S ta te
6 5 4 3 2
A cco u n t N o .
0 1 3 0 -7 8 1 7 -2
R a te M e t e r R e a d in g s M u lt. K .W .H . A m o u n t
U se d
P r e s e n t P r e v io u s
10 1 05 4 1 9 4 4 10 1 :1 0 0 6 1 .8 5
C ity S ta te F r a n c h is e T o ta l T a x
2 .2 7 .1 2 2 .4 9
6 4 .3 5
M e rg e
F in is h e d P r o d u c t
N a m e - S e r v ic e A d d r e s s S e r v ic e P e r io d
F ro m 1 0 /0 2 /8 5
Joh n Jon es
1 2 2 5 S to n e S tre et 1 1 /0 1 /8 5
T o
A n t Tow n , S ta te
6 5 4 3 2
A cco u n t N o .
0 1 3 0 -7 8 1 7 -2
R a te M e t e r R e a d in g s M u lt. K .W .H . A m o u n t
U se d
P r e s e n t P r e v io u s
10 1 05 4 1 9 4 4 10 1 :1 0 0 6 1 .8 5
C ity S ta te F r a n c h is e T o ta l T a x
2 .2 7 .1 2 2 .4 9
6 4 .3 5
4 6400 IPDS
Using Page Segments
V a ria b le P a g e D a ta
T O : J . D . S W I F T
S to re d P a g e S e g m e n t S T E A D Y I N C R E A S E I N S A L E S
L E T ' S G E T T O G E T H E R A N D
D I S C U S S S O M E S T R A T E G Y .
A N A P P O I N T M E N T .
F r o m :
T o : A l l E m p l o y e e s
B e g i n n i n g t h i s F r i d a y
o u r w o r k w e e k w il l e n d
a t 3 p m . E n j o y t h i s
e x t r a l e i s u r e t i m e .
Chapter 1. Introduction 5
Using Images and Graphics
IM Images
Images are figures on the page created by explicitly specifying each pel in the
figure. There is one bit of image data per pel, so a large quantity of data is needed
to create an image.
Graphics are line drawings created from separate lines, arcs, and markers. With
vector graphics, only control information such as the end points of a line are sent to
the printer. This process lets you create complex figures with a minimum of data.
Figure 5 illustrates how Vector Graphics (the space shuttle) and Image (the sailing
ship) commands can be used to generate graphic material. For details about these
commands, see Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference, S544-3417. For details
on graphics commands, see IBM Data Stream and Object Architectures Graphics
Object Content Architecture (GOCA) Reference, SC31-6804.
Rastor Image
Vector Graphic
Figure 5. Graphic Material Created by Image and Graphics Commands
6 6400 IPDS
Using Bar Codes
Chapter 1. Introduction 7
Using Bar Codes
8 6400 IPDS
Installation and Configuration
Each of the above steps is described in this section. Also, you will need access to
information about your host system and applicable host applications. Where
appropriate, references are made to a host documentation you will need to review.
For instance, you will need a copy of the PSF/MVS Systems Programming Guide,
S544-3672, when configuring PSF/MVS and this printer.
If you are not familiar with physical and logical unit types, review “Summary of
Physical and Logical Unit Types” on page 16 for descriptions of commonly used
physical and logical units.
Note: Throughout the following examples, this printer is referred to as the 6400.
10 6400 IPDS
Installation and Configuration
The following entry should be placed in the VTAM MODE TABLE specified above
or another of your choice. Alternatively, you may utilize the IBM provided entry
PSERVIC=X' 14 1 1 '
Review “Configuring IPDS from the Printer Operator Panel” on page 17 and the
6400 Setup Guide, S246-0116 for information on setting printer configuration
12 6400 IPDS
Installation and Configuration
Review “Configuring IPDS from the Printer Operator Panel” on page 17 and the
6400 Setup Guide, S246-0116 for information on setting printer configuration
4. Select the options on the printer that are appropriate for the environment.
The following entry should be placed in the VTAM MODE TABLE specified above
or another of your choice.
PSERVIC=X' 1 1E1 '
Refer to the PSF/MVS Systems Programming Guide, S544-3672 for further details.
Review “Configuring IPDS from the Printer Operator Panel” on page 17 and the
6400 Setup Guide, S246-0116 for information on setting printer configuration
14 6400 IPDS
Installation and Configuration
Review “Configuring IPDS from the Printer Operator Panel” on page 17 and the
6400 Setup Guide, S246-0116 for information on setting printer configuration
The PU defines the type of communications relationship that the HOST VTAM has
with a communications controller such as a 3174 control unit or a controller inside a
printer such as a 3820 or 3935. Alternatively, it can describe the relationship that
one host VTAM has to another host VTAM or equivalent such as AS/400.
PU type 2: The PU type 2 is the physical unit type that is required for an LU type
0, type 1, or type 3 (see LU type description following). Examples of PU type 2 are
3174 or 3274 control units.
PU type 2.1: The PU type 2.1 is the physical unit type that is required for an LU
6.2 Examples of PU type 2.1 is an IBM 3820, IBM 3935, or PSF/2.
16 6400 IPDS
Installation and Configuration
LU type 1 is the basic logical unit type for SCS and IPDS printing. The type of
connection is determined by the application that will be driving the printer. The
selection is made by changes in the VTAM logmode entry that is used for the
logical unit. See the examples for the type of connection desired.
You can select IPDS parameters directly from the operator panel as explained in
this chapter, or by control codes as explained in Chapter 3, “IPDS Commands
Reference” on page 23.
Before you reconfigure the IPDS feature, print a configuration sheet to see all of the
current settings. Refer to the 6400 Setup Guide, S246-0116.
The IPDS parameters are described in “IPDS Configuration Menu” on page 19.
Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) indicate the default value. The printer must
be not ready to enter the configuration structure.
Enter and exit the IPDS configuration menu according to the steps outlined in the
6400 Setup Guide, S246-0116.
18 6400 IPDS
Installation and Configuration
The following pages contain information you can use to configure the printer for the
above items.
Override Host
Override Host determines if the operator panel overrides the IPDS application
commands for the following IPDS menu values:
1. Graphics Quality
2. Bar Code Quality
3. Image Quality.
Note: No other IPDS menu values or printer operator panels are affected by
Override Host. Only the three values listed above are affected.
Graphics Quality
Determines the quality for graphics printing. Override Host must be enabled to use
these settings. Here are the supported resolutions in pels:
High Vertical is 180; horizontal is 144
Medium (Default) Vertical is 120; horizontal is 144
Low Vertical is 60; horizontal is 72
The higher the resolution you select, the slower the print speed. So when selecting
a resolution, try to balance the resolution quality your application requires with how
fast you want the print job to print.
The higher the resolution you select, the slower the print speed. So when selecting
a resolution, try to balance the resolution quality your application requires with how
fast you want the print job to print.
Image Quality
Determines the quality for image printing. Override Host must be enabled to use
Image Quality. If Override Host is disabled, then the image is assumed to be 144
by 144 and the image is printed at 120 by 144.
High Accepts images with 120 by 144 and prints images 120 by
144. With this setting, the image is printed as is and requires
no conversion. Because no conversion is required, there is
more fidelity between the original image and the printed
20 6400 IPDS
Installation and Configuration
Low (Default) Accepts images with 144 by 144 and prints images at 120 by
144. With this setting, the image is converted from 144 by
144 to 120 by 144. Since there is some conversion required,
there may be some differences between the original image
and the printed image. Review the note below for more
Note: There is one bit of image data per pel. If your print job contains an image
created to print 144 by 144, which is very common for IBM 4234 printers, some bits
of data will be dropped out to support the best fit resolution, which is 120 by 144.
When printing jobs with images created for an IBM 4234 printer, you will want to
print a few samples to ensure the results are satisfactory.
22 6400 IPDS
IPDS Initialization Defaults
The following information describes how IPDS commands function when you are
using this printer to emulate a 4234 printer.
Note: These commands also apply to this printer when you are not emulating a
4234 printer and have selected 6408 under IPDS Emulation Mode. There are some
exceptions to how the IPDS commands function when you select 6408. These
differences are described in Chapter 4, “IPDS Command Differences” on
page 137.
1. Text printing on the first line requires an initial Y-displacement value of 00A0.
2. The printer default font is Courier for DP Text and NLQ print quality. To
determine the current values for CPI (characters per inch), language and
quality, refer to Setup Guide.
3. When Local Font ID equals FF is used, the latest inline sequence established
in either “Set Text Orientation (STO)” on page 75 or “Logical Page Descriptor
(LPD)” on page 39 determines whether to print in a left-to-right or right-to-left
sequence. The default when the printer is powered on is the left-to-right
24 6400 IPDS
Configuration Values
Configuration Values
This printer allows flexibility in selecting various configuration values to support a
wide range of functions. For example, the printer uses these values to format the
page and to control forms movement. The configuration values also allow the
operator to select the printer address, language, print mode, and compatibility
options, and to turn the alarm on or off.
An operator can choose to set configuration values from the operator panel or
through an IPDS application, such as PSF/MVS. However, the operator panel
cannot be used to override most configuration values set by an IPDS application.
The only exceptions are those values controlled by the Override Host function.
Any new value selection made at the operator panel becomes the new parameter
value immediately upon selection. If this configuration is saved by the operator,
this value remains as the new parameter value and the power on set matches the
“save-set,” even after the printer power switch is turned Off (O). (See the Setup
Guide for information on saving printer configuration sets.)
The operator can select the following values at the operator panel. Some values
that can be selected from the operator panel are not supported by IPDS. These
exceptions are noted below:
Characters per inch (CPI).
– IPDS does not support 20 CPI.
Lines per inch (LPI).
– IPDS does not support 3, 4, and 10.3 LPI.
Forms width.
– IPDS supports forms width up to 13.2 inches. Some printer models support
forms width up to 13.6 inches. Make sure your forms width is not greater
than 13.2 inches when using IPDS.
Maximum print position (MPP)
Maximum page length (MPL)
Print quality
– IPDS does not support NLQ Sans Serif, OCR A, and OCR B print qualities.
Graphics, bar code, and image quality
1. The address configuration option applies only to the twinax attachment.
2. An MPL setting that results in a page length less than 762 mm (3 in.) causes a
throughput reduction. A maximum reduction of about 50 percent occurs at an
MPL setting of one line per page.
3. The application program, such as PSF/MVS, can override any of the parameter
values, except for changing the address selection. If no program command
has specified the value, the printer uses the current parameter value.
Command Format
All the printer commands use the following format:
26 6400 IPDS
Command Format
1. Bit numbering follows the EBCDIC convention with bit zero being the most
significant bit.
2. If the Correlation ID field is not present (byte 4, bit 1 is zero), the data field
starts at byte 5 instead of byte 7.
3. Negative values are in twos-complement form.
4. Some bits or bytes in the data fields are Reserved. The printer does not
always check the contents of these fields. However, IBM recommends that
such fields equal the specified value (if one exists) or zero.
5. The printer will not detect a condition where the specified command length
(bytes 0 through 1) exceeds the actual number of bytes received. If this
occurs, the printer will not process the command until the printer receives the
specified number of bytes.
6. If the host wants to request a continuation of an acknowledgement, the request
must be the next command following the request for the first buffer of an
acknowledgment. However, it is not required that the host request the second
buffer of an acknowledgment.
Notation Conventions
Some field values (or ranges of values) are specified assuming a unit of measure
of 14400 L-units per 10 inches. To determine supported values for a unit of
measure of 2400 L-units per 10 inches use the following steps.
1. Convert the specified value from hex (2's compliment) to decimal.
2. Divide the + or - decimal number by 6.
3. Round to the nearest integer.
4. Convert the + or - decimal value back to hex (2's compliment).
For example, if the specified value is X'8000' the following steps are performed.
1. 8000(H) = -32768(D)
2. -32768/6 = -5461.333
3. -5461(D) = EAAB(H)
Text Orientation
The combination of the inline sequence direction (the direction which characters are
added to a line) and the baseline sequence direction (the direction which lines are
added to a page or overlay) identify the text orientation for a logical page. The
inline sequence direction can be either 0 or 180 degrees. The baseline sequence
direction is always 90 degrees. Therefore, there are two text orientations for
printing pages or overlays. This printer only prints from top to bottom with
reference to the feed direction.
Command Sets
Command sets divide the printer commands into various categories. Each
command set provides all the necessary controls for its functional area. These
command sets are:
Device Control Command Set
Presentation Text Command set
IM Image Command set
Graphics command set
Bar Code Command Set
Overlay Command Set
Page Segment Command Set
Device-Control Commands are processed by the printer for controlling basic device
operations, error reporting and recovery, constructing logical pages on the physical
medium, and managing the Acknowledge protocol.
Before the host program sends the Begin Page command to begin defining a page
to be printed, it should establish the printing environment in which the page is to be
printed. The commands with which the host program controls printing include the
28 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
The following pages describe the device control command set commands in detail.
The printer uses the Acknowledge Reply to return device status, sense information,
and any additionally requested information back to the host application program.
The application program uses the Acknowledge data to maintain control of the
printing application and to begin error recovery actions when necessary.
If the printer can identify the command and the command has a correlation ID, the
Acknowledge Reply contains a correlation ID that matches the command.
However, sometimes the printer will not return a correlation ID, even if every
command has a correlation ID.
30 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
X'00' None
X'01' Sense Type and Model
X'04' Request Resource List
X'06' Obtain Printer Characteristics
X'80' Sense Bytes
1–2 X'0000' - X'FFFF' Stacked Page Counter. See Note 1.
3–4 X'0000' Stacked Copy Counter. See Note 1.
5–n Byte: This area contains zero or more bytes of
additional data as requested by the host program
defined by the Acknowledgement Type. Also see
note 2.
1. Page (or Copy) Counters - This field identifies how many stacked pages (Begin
Page ... End Page) have been successfully completed.
2. Special Data (SD) - Depending on the acknowledgment type (byte 0), this field
either is omitted or contains the requested data or the sense data. The value
in the two byte length field in the Acknowledge Reply header determines the
amount of data this command returns to the host.
This command is valid only in the home state and causes the printer to enter the
page state. The printer ignores the contents of the data field for this command.
However, the data field must contain four bytes of data.
Deactivate Font
This command transmits one to six bytes of data to effect the deactivation of one or
more coded fonts.
End (END)
This command is the ending control for a graphics object, image object, or bar code
object state. This command completes a series of write image, write graphics, or
write bar code commands. This command does not transmit any data. At the
completion of this command, the printer leaves the object state and returns to the
page, overlay, or page segment state.
This command causes the printer to return to the home state from the page, page
segment, or overlay state. If the printer is in the page state, the printer completes
any deferred printing for the current page and advances the forms to the top of the
next page.
Zero or more bytes of data may be transmitted with this command but are ignored.
The Load Copy Control command controls the production of output from
subsequently received input logical pages. A copy control record 2 to 36 bytes
long specifies how the printer is to modify and print logical pages in one copy group
definition. The copy group definition can be from 2 to 36 bytes long (divisible by 2).
The maximum number of key-words that the host program can specify in a copy
group definition is:
X'C1nn' specify 1 time
X'D1nn' specify 1 to 17 times
32 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
Simplex Printing is printing on only one side of the document. This is the only
type of printing the IBM 64XX Line Matrix Printers can perform.
Suppression ID allows the later suppression of text data. The first byte of the
keyword, D1, specifies this keyword as suppression. The second byte of the
keyword specifies a suppression identifier. Valid suppression ID values are 01 to
FF. Print suppression occurs as follows:
1. The LCC command specifies one or more suppression ID values. (Each ID
must begin with the keyword - D1.)
2. The printer receives a Begin Suppression control (inside a Write Text
command) with a suppression ID that matches a value in the LCC command.
3. All subsequent text data does not print (text suppression), until the printer
receives an End Suppression control (inside a Write Text command) with the
same ID.
4. All text data received after the End Suppression control prints normally.
Overlay ID allows later processing of specified overlays. The first byte of the
keyword, E1, specifies this keyword as overlay. The second byte of the keyword
specifies an overlay identifier. Valid overlay ID values are 01 to FE. An overlay
processes as follows:
1. The LCC command specifies one or more overlay ID values. (Each ID must
begin with the keyword - E1.)
2. The previously stored overlay with this specified identifier merges onto the
current page or current overlay at its reference corner.
The Load Font Equivalence command maps the local font identifiers to coded font
host-assigned IDs (HAIDs) and activates the font by supplying a non-zero Global
Resource Identifier (GRID).
In the home state, this command creates a new font equivalence record that
completely replaces the current LFE record. In the page state:
The font equivalence entries in this command add to the current LFE entries, or
If identical local font identifiers (byte 1) exist, this command overlays the current
LFE entries.
In the page segment or overlay state, a received LFE is stored as part of the page
segment or overlay, and it does not process until the Include Page Segment or
Include Overlay command is received.
The font equivalence record is a list of 0–254 font equivalence entries (each entry
is 16 bytes). The font equivalence record permits the host program to equate a
Local-Font ID (specified in text control “Set Coded Font Local (SCFL)” on page 73,
graphics order “Set Character Set” on page 114, or Write Bar Code Control “Bar
Code Data Descriptor (BCDD)” on page 124) with a Font Host Assigned ID (HAID)
and a Global Resource ID (GRID). The GRID is made up of the following
GCSGID Graphic Character Set Global ID (Ignored)
CPGID Code Page Global ID
FGID Font Global ID
FW Font width in 1/1440 inch units. (Ignored)
The printer ignores GCSGID and FW so the LFE effectively binds the three
components, LID, HAID and Resident Font (described as a CPGID, FGID
combination). The set of supported CPGID-FGID combinations is described in
“Code Page ID Values” on page 36. The Host may use the OPC Resident
Symbol-Set Support SDF to determine which combinations are supported.
Exception X'021D..02' is reported if the code page is not available in a requested
CPGID-FGID combination. If the CPGID-FGID combination is not supported but
the requested code page is present, the printer performs a font substitution using
the requested code page.
34 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
The font equivalences for a given page are those that are in effect when the Begin
Page command processes plus those added in the page state. A maximum of 254
different font ID-print quality combinations may be defined in home or page state.
Page segments use the font equivalence tables active at the time the Include Page
Segment command processes. In addition, the LFEs that were stored as part of
the page segment add to the font equivalence tables during the include page
segment process up to a maximum of 254 loaded font ID-print quality combinations.
Each Begin Overlay command starts the overlay with the font IDs currently defined
and will add its LFE entries during the overlay’s definition up to a maximum of 254
loaded font ID or print quality combinations total.
1. Additional font equivalence entries, each 16 bytes long, can follow this entry,
using the same format.
2. Use the same Loaded Font ID when using the same Font ID and Code Page
ID for several Local IDs. This saves storage space and font allocation time in
the printer.
3. Local ID byte 0 may use any value 1 to FE. A value of FF is supported for
compatibility, but is not recommended. See “Set Character Set” on page 114
and “Logical Page Descriptor (LPD)” on page 39 for more information regarding
Local IDs equal to FF.
4. A double high font can be printed only on a page that is unordered. See
“Logical Page Descriptor (LPD)” on page 39 for more information.
Note: GCSGIDs are listed for information only. GCSGID is IGNORED in the LFE GRID and character set
selection occurs as a result of CPGID activation.
36 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
Table 13 (Page 1 of 2). Font and Print Quality Combinations (Compressed Fonts)
Font Global ID Font Style Pitch (CPI) Print Quality
(FGID) Name
0033 Gothic 10 Draft, DP
004A Gothic 12 Draft, DP
00CD Gothic 13.3 Draft, DP (Courier NLQ)
00E8 Gothic 15 Draft, DP
012C Gothic 16.7 Draft, DP (Courier NLQ)
0103 Gothic 18 Daft, DP (Courier NLQ)
Table 13 (Page 2 of 2). Font and Print Quality Combinations (Compressed Fonts)
Font Global ID Font Style Pitch (CPI) Print Quality
(FGID) Name
0034 Courier 10 NLQ
004B Courier 12 NLQ
00E9 Courier 15 NLQ
009A Essay PSM NLQ
1. The Graphic Character Set Global ID (GCSGID) portion of the Global Font ID is ignored by the 64XX
2. All combinations of CPGID and FGID are valid with the following exceptions:
OCR-A code pages and FGID 0013 are only valid in combination together.
OCR-B code pages and FGID 0003 are only valid in combination together.
The following Code Pages are not available with FGID X'00A0' (PSM)
– Code Page 290 Katakana
– Code Page 293 APL (4224)
– Code Page 310 APL
– Code Page 340 OCR A/B
– Code Page 420 Arabic
– Code Page 423 Greek Old
– Code Page 424 Hebrew
– Code Page 803 Hebrew Old
– Code Page 838 Thai
– Code Page 870 Latin-2
– Code Page 875 Greek
– Code Page 880 Cyrillic
– Code Page 890 Yugoslav
– Code Page 892 OCR-A
– Code Page 893 OCR-B
– Code Page 905 Turkish - old
– Code Page 1002 DCF Compatibility
– Code Page 1025 Cyrillic Multinational
– Code Page 1026 Turkish
– Code Page 1097 Farsi
All code pages are Version 1 wherever versions apply.
3. Compressed fonts are not used for 8 lines per inch (LPI). Instead, standard fonts that work for 6 and
8 LPI are substituted for compressed FGIDS.
38 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
This command establishes the print characteristics for the logical page. The
Logical Page Descriptor command is only valid in the home state. See “XOH Set
Media Size (SMS)” on page 51 for physical medium size information.
The format of the data field (DATA) for this command is:
Before the printer can present a page of data it must know the following:
The units in which distances have been measured
The boundaries of the logical page
Initialization values for control parameters (margins, line spacing, and so on)
The LPD command is valid with 24, 28, 34, 36, 38, 40, 41 or 43 bytes. The 64XX
accept the LPD command using any of these valid lengths.
1. The LPD command accepts logical page values from X'0001' to X'7FFF'.
However, attempts to print outside the intersection of the physical medium (as
defined by the Set Media Size command) and the logical page result in an
2. If the Ordered Data Flag is on, this indicates to the printer that subsequent data
is in order and can print as it is received. If page data is unordered, printing is
deferred (buffered), because the printer must place the received data in the
proper sequence.
3. The high-order 9 bits of the two byte fields 24-25 and 26-27 are interpreted as
a 9-bit binary value that describes the orientation of the X and Y axes.
4. If bytes 28-29 and bytes 32-33 are all 0, each line begins at the leftmost print
position for 0, 90 orientation and rightmost print position for 180, 90 orientation.
5. The IBM 64XX Line Matrix Printers can print right-to-left by selecting a 180, 90
degree orientation within the Logical Page Descriptor command or within the
Set Text Orientation control sequence. The IBM 64XX Line Matrix Printers
40 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
force an inline sequence of 180 degrees for the default font to maintain upright
printing when right-to-left printing is selected.
Figure 9 shows how the Logical Page Descriptor command defines the logical
W id th o f P a g e
B y te s 7 -9
X - D is p .
B y te s 2 8 -2 9
In te r c h a r a c te r
In c r e m e n t Y -D is p .
L e ft M a r g in
B y te s
B y te s 3 2 -3 3
3 0 -3 1
A B a s e lin e L e n g th o f P a g e
A In c r e m e n t B y te s 1 1 -1 3
G 0 0 7 4 0 0 4
Figure 9. Using the Logical Page Descriptor Command to Specify the Logical Page
This command positions the upper left corner of the logical page (defined by the
Logical Page Descriptor control) with respect to the physical medium. The Logical
Page Position command is only valid in the home state.
Figure 10 on page 42 shows the LPP command positioning the logical page on the
physical medium.
P h y s ic a l M e d iu m
L o g ic a l P a g e
R e fe re n c e C o rn e r L o g ic a l P a g e
( D e fin e d b y
L P P C o m m a n d )
Figure 10. Using the Logical Page Position Command to Position the Logical Page
The physical medium dimensions do not change. The X and Y coordinates of the
LPP command specify the location of the Logical Page Reference Corner relative to
the corresponding corner of the physical medium. These coordinates are
expressed in terms of the units in effect at the time the LPP command is received.
Only positive values are valid for the data field. The format of the data field (DATA)
for this command is:
No Operation (NOP)
An NOP command is valid in any printer state. The printer does not perform any
operation as a result of receiving this command. The printer ignores any data in
this command.
42 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
This command is valid in any state. The Sense Type and Model command
requests the printer to respond with the printer's type and model information and
the functions it supports. The printer returns this information to the host application
program in the Special Data (SD) portion of the Acknowledge Reply to the STM
command (see “Acknowledge Reply (ACK)” on page 29).
This command is effectively a NOP if the ARQ bit is not on in the command
The format of the data field returned with the Acknowledge Reply is:
acknowledgment type, page or copy counters, and 6 bytes of general information,
followed by a sequence of command set vectors identifying the functions supported
by this printer. The following chart shows the Data field:
Byte Description
0 01 (Acknowledgment Type)
1-4 Page/Copy Counters
5 FF (System/370 Convention)
6-7 Printer Product Number 4234.
8 Printer Model Number (See Note)
9-10 0000 (Reserved)
11-36 Device Control Command Set Vector
37-50 Text Command Set Vector
51-62 Image Command Set Vector
63-74 Graphics Command Set Vector
75-80 Page Segment Command Set Vector
81-88 Overlay Command Set Vector
89-94 Reserved
95-106 Bar Code Command Set Vector
Note: The format for byte 8, the printer model number, is:
11 - Model CTA NDS
12 - Model CTA AS/400
Command set vectors contain information relating to each specific command set.
The format of each command set vector group follows:
44 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
Note: See “Bar Code Type, Name, and Modifier Description and Values” on
page 128 for a list of Bar Code Types supported by the 64XX printers.
Note: The printer reports the LF2 subset in the STM, but do not accept
downloaded symbol sets or the LSS command.
This command is valid in any state. When the printer receives the Set Home State
command, the current page ends, all buffered data prints, and the printer returns to
the home state. If the printer receives this command while already in the home
state, the printer treats this command as a No Operation command.
Subcommand Subcommand
The Execute Order Any State command identifies a set of subcommands (orders)
that take effect immediately, regardless of the current printer command state. This
command is valid in any state.
46 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
Each data field contains a two byte order (subcommand), followed by a zero or
more bytes of parameters for that order. There is only one subcommand for a
single XOA command.
Order Description
F200 Discard Buffered Data (DBD)
F400 Request Resource List (RRL)
F600 Exception Handling Control (EHC)
F800 Print Quality Control (PQC)
This order causes the Resource List (see “Acknowledge Reply for Request
Resource List” on page 48) to be placed in the Special Data Area of the
Acknowledge Reply (see “Acknowledge Reply (ACK)” on page 29) requested with
this order. If the ARQ flag was not set for this XOA subcommand, it is treated as a
A Resource List Reply may consist of multiple entries. If the Resource List Reply
contains an entry that does not fit in the space available in the Special Data Area of
Acknowledge Reply, 64XX follows either the acknowledge continuation method or
the RRL-continuation method, depending on the host.
1. The printer does not support multiple-entry queries. Byte 5 indicates the length
of the command.
2. If the entire resource list does not fit in the Special Data area of the
Acknowledge Reply, continuation is necessary which the printer indicates using
the acknowledgement continuation bit in the flag byte of the Acknowledgment
Reply. If the host requests Acknowledgement continuation by sending a
command with ARQ bit and the Continuation bit set, the printer completes the
RRL reply using Acknowledgement continuation. If the host requests RRL
continuation (by sending an RRL command with non-zero value in bytes 3 and
4) the printer uses conventional RRL continuation to finish the reply. If the host
requests both RRL and ACK continuation, the printer defaults to RRL
3. Bytes 8 and 9 are ignored when the resource type is ALL.
4. Exception ID 0291..02 in bytes 6 and 7 are for invalid values. If either value is
unsupported, then the query is not understood and the reply is a single entry
that sets the resource type to zero, echos other values, and sets the resource
size to zero (not present).
The format of the resource list returned with the Acknowledge Reply is as follows:
48 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
1. Bytes 2-6 repeat for each resource type.
2. The RRL reply is limited to 80 resource entries (maximum). See “Code Page
ID Values” on page 36 for a complete set of supported CPGID/FGID
The PQC affects only the presentation of page data, and it has no effect in either of
the following cases:
When the default font (defined by the offline operator panel selection) is in use.
When downloading resources such as overlays or page segments.
1. The lowest value of each Print Quality range of values is used in the XOH OPC
Print Quality Support SDF (see “Print Quality Support Self-Defining Field” on
page 60).
2. The printer implements fixed association between some FGIDs and Print
Qualities. The printer changes FGIDs to satisfy quality selections for all
supported code pages except OCR (340), OCR-A (892), or OCR-B (893). It
does not change the selected code page to provide a requested quality.
50 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
Subcommand Subcommand
The Execute Order Home State command identifies a set of subcommands (orders)
for formatting physical mediums of data, printing groups of physical mediums, and
managing the fonts, page segments, and overlays. This command is only valid
while the printer is in the home state.
The data field contains a two byte order, called the subcommand, and a
subcommand data field. There is only one subcommand for a single XOH
command. The subcommand data field contains parameters for that order.
The valid orders for the XOH command for the IBM 64XX Line Matrix Printers are:
Order Description
0100 Print Buffered Data (PBD)
0500 Erase Residual Print Data (ERPD)
1700 Set Media Size (SMS)
F300 Obtain Printer Characteristics (OPC)
Refer to IBM 6412–CTA Line Matrix Printer Maintenance Information Manual for
information on setting operator media size input.
W id th
(B y te s 5 -6 )
P h y s ic a l M e d iu m
L e n g th
(B y te s 7 -8 )
G 0 0 7 4 0 0 6
Figure 11. Using the Set Media Size Command to Specify the Physical Medium
The data field for the Set Media Size subcommand has the following format:
52 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
to (bit 0 and bit 2 equals 1) X'A0', the subsequent buffer is returned until all data
is sent.
The self-defining fields contain specific information about the printer characteristics.
Printable Area Self-Defining Field: Page extents are set at initialization time to
reflect the operator panel settings. The Set Media Size command can change the
page extents.
54 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
56 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
1. Compressed fonts are not required for 8 lpi (as with the 4234). Compressed
FGIDs are substituted with standard fonts which work for 6 and 8 lpi.
2. The printer accepts LFE activation of the Bold and Italic FGIDs listed, however
the actual bold or italic attribute will be generated internally.
Table 37 (Page 1 of 3). NLS and APL Code Page Support Self-Defining Field
Special Data Value Description
Byte 128 X'70' Total Length of Code Page or Font ID
Repeating Group
Byte 129 X'01' Code Page Support ID
Byte 130 X'24' Length of Code Page List
Byte 131 X'02' Length of Code Page Repeating Group
Bytes 132-133 X'0122' Code Page 290, Japanese/Katakana (DP
& NLQ only)
Table 37 (Page 2 of 3). NLS and APL Code Page Support Self-Defining Field
Special Data Value Description
Bytes 134-135 X'0125' Code Page 293, APL 4234 Compatibility
(DP & NLQ only)
Bytes 136-137 X'0136' Code Page 310, APL (DP & NLQ only)
Bytes 138-139 X'01A4' Code Page 420, Arabic (DP & NLQ only)
Bytes 140-141 X'01A7' Code Page 423, Greek Old (DP & NLQ
Bytes 142-143 X'01A8' Code Page 424, Hebrew
Bytes 144-145 X'0323' Code Page 803, Hebrew
Bytes 146-147 X'0346' Code Page 838, Thai (DP & NLQ only)
Bytes 148-149 X'0366' Code Page 870, Latin 2/ROECE (DP &
NLQ only)
Bytes 150-151 X'036B' Code Page 875, Greek (DP & NLQ only)
Bytes 152-153 X'0370' Code Page 880, Cyrillic (DP & NLQ only)
Bytes 154-155 X'037A' Code Page 890, Yugoslav (DP & NLQ
Bytes 156-157 X'0389' Code Page 905, Turkish - old (DP & NLQ
Bytes 158-159 X'03EA' Code Page 1002, DCF (Release 2) DP &
NLQ only
Bytes 160-161 X'0401' Code Page 1025, Cyrillic Multinational
(DP & NLQ only)
Bytes 162-163 X'0402' Code Page 1026, Turkish (DP & NLQ
Bytes 164-165 X'0449' Code Page 1097, Farsi (DP & NLQ only)
Byte 166 X'4A' Length of Font ID List
Byte 167 X'02' Length of Font ID Repeating Group Entry
Bytes 168-169 X'001A' 10 CPI Gothic (Draft and DP)
Bytes 170-171 X'001C' 10 CPI Gothic Bold (Draft and DP)
Bytes 172-173 X'013A' 10 CPI Gothic Italic (Draft and DP)
Bytes 174-175 X'000B' 10 CPI Courier (NLQ)
Bytes 176-177 X'002E' 10 CPI Courier Bold (NLQ)
Bytes 178-179 X'0012' 10 CPI Courier Italic (NLQ)
Bytes 180-181 X'0057' 12 CPI Gothic (Draft and DP)
Bytes 182-183 X'006E' 12 CPI Gothic Bold (Draft and DP)
Bytes 184-185 X'006D' 12 CPI Gothic Italic (Draft and DP)
Bytes 186-187 X'0055' 12 CPI Courier (NLQ)
Bytes 188-189 X'006C' 12 CPI Courier Bold (NLQ)
Bytes 190-191 X'005C' 12 CPI Courier Italic (NLQ)
Bytes 192-193 X'00CC' 13.3 CPI Gothic (Draft, DP) and Courier
58 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
Table 37 (Page 3 of 3). NLS and APL Code Page Support Self-Defining Field
Special Data Value Description
Bytes 194-195 X'00CF' 13.3 CPI Gothic Bold (Draft, DP) and
Courier (NLQ)
Bytes 196-197 X'00D0' 13.3 CPI Gothic Italic (Draft, DP) and
Courier (NLQ)
Bytes 198-199 X'00DE' 15 CPI Gothic (Draft and DP)
Bytes 200-201 X'00DC' 15 CPI Gothic Bold (Draft and DP)
Bytes 202-203 X'00D9' 15 CPI Gothic Italic (Draft and DP)
Bytes 204-205 X'00DF' 15 CPI Courier (NLQ)
Bytes 206-207 X'00D6' 15 CPI Courier Bold (NLQ)
Bytes 208-209 X'00D7' 15 CPI Courier Italic (NLQ)
Bytes 210-211 X'0190' 16.7 CPI Gothic (Draft, DP) and Courier
Bytes 212-213 X'0194' 16.7 CPI Gothic Bold (Draft, DP) and
Courier (NLQ)
Bytes 214-215 X'0198' 16.7 CPI Gothic Italic (Draft, DP) and
Courier (NLQ)
Bytes 216-217 X'0102' 18 CPI Gothic (Draft, DP) and Courier
Bytes 218-219 X'0127' 18 CPI Gothic Bold (Draft, DP) and
Courier (NLQ)
Bytes 220-221 X'0128' 18 CPI Gothic Italic (Draft, DP) and
Courier (NLQ)
Bytes 222-223 X'0033' 10 CPI Compressed Gothic (Draft and
Bytes 224-225 X'0034' 10 CPI Compressed Courier (NLQ)
Bytes 226-227 X'004A' 12 CPI Matrix Gothic (Draft and DP)
Bytes 228-229 X'004B' 12 CPI Compressed Courier (NLQ)
Bytes 230-231 X'00CD' 13.3 CPI Compressed Gothic (Draft, DP)
and Courier (NLQ)
Bytes 232-233 X'00E8' 15 CPI Compressed Gothic (Draft and
Bytes 234-235 X'00E9' 15 CPI, 8 LPI Courier (NLQ)
Bytes 236-237 X'012C' 16.7 CPI Compressed Gothic (Draft, DP)
and Courier (NLQ)
Bytes 238-239 X'0103' 18 CPI Compressed Gothic (Draft, DP)
and Courier (NLQ)
Table 40. OCR-A/B (4234 Compatibility) Code Pages Support Self-Defining Field
Byte Value Description
260 X'0C' Total Length of Code Page and Font ID
Repeating Group
261 X'01' Code Page Support ID
262 X'04' Length of Code Page List
263 X'02' Length of Code Page Repeating Group
264–265 X'0154' Code Page 340, OCR A/B (4234
266 X'06' Length of Font ID List
267 X'02' Length of Font ID Repeating Group Entry
268–269 X'0013' OCR-A
270–271 X'0003' OCR-B
60 6400 IPDS
Device Control Command Set
Note: See “Bar Code Type, Name, and Modifier Description and Values” on
page 128 for all Bar-Codes supported by the printer.
Table 44 (Page 1 of 2). 4234 Emulation Product Identifier Self Defining Field ID
Special Data Value Description
Bytes 0–1 X'0007' Length of this Self Defining Field
Bytes 2–3 X'0013' Vital Products Data Self Defining Field
Byte 4 X'03' Length of Self Defining Product ID
Table 44 (Page 2 of 2). 4234 Emulation Product Identifier Self Defining Field ID
Special Data Value Description
Bytes 5–6 X'0000' 4234 with Page Counter Fix Product ID
This command permits Begin and End suppression controls imbedded in data
stored within the printer to reference different external values. For example,
internal suppression values of 06, 07, and 09 (from a Begin Suppression control)
62 6400 IPDS
Presentation Text Command Set
can map to an external value of 02 from a Load Copy Control command, if the
printer previously has received an appropriate Load Equivalence command. Thus,
the printer can use a single Load Copy Control suppression pair for more than one
suppression value (see “Begin Suppression (BSU)” on page 67).
If a Load Copy Control command refers to a suppression identifier that has not
been specified as an external value in an LE command, the identifier (external
value) maps to itself. This is the only case where the identifier maps to itself
unless specified.
This mapping remains in effect until the printer receives another Load Equivalence
command, at which time its values totally replaces this mapping.
1. Additional entries, each four bytes long, can follow this entry, using the same
format as bytes 2 through 5.
2. The mapping of one internal ID to more than one external ID is an error.
3. If more than 127 LE entries are specified, exception X'0202..02' is reported.
The Write Text command writes text presentation data to the printer. This
command is only valid if the printer is in the overlay, page, or page segment state.
The DATA field in this command can contain one or more text controls and text
characters. A text control begins with the text control escape sequence introducer,
2BD3. The format for this control is:
The length field of each text control is a one-byte value that gives the number of
bytes in the text control. This length value includes the length field itself but
excludes the 2BD3 introducer. Multiple text controls without intervening character
data can chain together. Bit 7 (the least significant, or rightmost bit) of the control
field is the chain bit. If this bit is on, the following text control is chained to the
previous control. That is, chaining allows one escape sequence introducer for
multiple text controls. With chaining, the first text control contains the X'2BD3'
introducer, and each subsequent text control starts with its own length field,
followed by its control field and any parameters for that control. The last text
control in the chain must have the chain bit off.
A Write Text command can span to another Write Text command. That is, if a
Write Text command ends after the control sequence has begun (the 2B has been
received), and before all of the control sequence parameters have been received,
this Write Text command spans to the next Write Text command. Spanning also
occurs if a Write Text command ends between chained controls. Between the
spanned Write Text commands, only STM, XOA, and NOP commands are valid.
All other commands received at this time result in an error. The printer uses the
following controls with the Write Text command:
64 6400 IPDS
Presentation Text Command Set
In this Write Text description, references made to pages also apply to overlays and
page segments.
The print data is a string of 1-byte code points. The printer uses the code point to
identify the character metrics obtained from the Font Local ID (See “Load Font
Equivalence (LFE)” on page 34) to determine the character raster pattern.
When the printer processes a Begin Page, it uses the values from the existing
Logical Page Descriptor (see “Logical Page Descriptor (LPD)” on page 39) or
Initialization Default (see “IPDS Initialization Defaults” on page 23) until it
processes one of the following text controls
Draw B-Axis Rule
Draw I-Axis Rule
Set Baseline Increment
Set Coded Font Local
Set Inline Margin
Set Intercharacter Adjustment
Set Text Color
Set Text Orientation
Set Variable Space Character Increment
Temporary Baseline Move
The text control value supersedes the Logical Page Descriptor or Initialization
Default value and it remains in effect until it is changed by another text control or
an End Page is received.
1. Values as large as X'7FFF' are valid but might be off the page.
2. Several Absolute Move Inline controls used in a single line reduce throughput.
If possible, replace Absolute Move Inline controls with spaces, or combine
multiple sequential Absolute Move Inline controls into a single Absolute Move
Inline control.
66 6400 IPDS
Presentation Text Command Set
Suppression of the text output occurs only when activated by a Load Copy Control
with a matching suppression ID.
If the length or width is zero, no line is drawn. If the width is the null indicator
(FFFFFF) or is omitted, the rule drawn is one dot wide.
68 6400 IPDS
Presentation Text Command Set
If the length or width is zero, no line is drawn. If the width is the null indicator
(FFFFFF), or is omitted, the rule drawn is one dot wide.
No Operation (NOP)
This control specifies a string of bytes that the printer ignores. The printer ignores
all parameter data. The data field can be a maximum of 253 bytes.
Overstrike (OVS)
This control identifies text that the printer overstrikes with a specified character.
The overstrike character prints using the font and character set that is active when
the printer receives the Overstrike command.
Note: If bit 7 is on, the printer treats all other bits in byte 4 as zeros, regardless of
their values.
70 6400 IPDS
Presentation Text Command Set
1. Values as large as X'FFFF' are valid but might be off the page
2. Several Relative Move Inline controls used in a single line reduce throughput.
If possible, replace Relative Move Inline controls with spaces, or combine
multiple sequential Relative Move Inline controls into a single Relative Move
Inline control.
72 6400 IPDS
Presentation Text Command Set
74 6400 IPDS
Presentation Text Command Set
The permitted combinations are those where the difference between the I-axis
orientation and the B-axis orientation are 90 degrees. The 64XX can print only
from top to bottom with relation to the feed direction.
Inline-Direction Baseline-Direction
0 deg. rotation 90 deg. rotation
180 deg. rotation -90 deg. rotation
76 6400 IPDS
Presentation Text Command Set
Underscore (USC)
This control identifies text the printer underscores at the baseline of the current line.
The underscore prints using the same print quality as the text.
In the page state, the printer checks all the Write Image Control command
parameter values for validity. If the parameters are not within the valid ranges, an
exception condition exists.
An image cannot print outside the page without an error. If any part of the image
extends beyond the physical or logical page, no image prints and an exception
The Write Image Control command is the first command in the sequence to send
raster image data to the printer. Several Write Image commands may be required
to a complete raster image. The DATA field bytes have the following meaning for
this command:
78 6400 IPDS
IM Image Command Set
If byte 16 equals X'00', the printer uses the absolute values of I and B, as
specified in bytes 17 through 19 and bytes 21 through 23 of this command. These
values are the text inline and text baseline coordinates, respectively.
If byte 16 equals X'20', the printer uses the absolute value of I and the relative
value of B. The absolute I value is the text inline coordinate (bytes 17 through 19
of this command); the relative B value is the sum of the current text baseline
coordinate and the value specified in bytes 21 through 23 of this command.
If byte 16 equals X'40', the printer uses the relative value of I and the absolute
value of B. The relative I value is the sum of the current text inline coordinate and
bytes 17 through 19 of this command; the absolute B value is the text baseline
coordinate, specified in bytes 21 through 23 of this command.
If byte 16 equals X'60', the printer uses the relative value of I and the relative
value of B. The relative I value is the sum of the current text inline coordinate and
bytes 17 through 19 of this command; the relative B value is the sum of the current
text baseline coordinate and bytes 21 through 23 of this command.
If byte 16 equals X'A0', the current logical page X and Y coordinates determine
the origin. When the object is within a page, WIC bytes 17 through 19 and 21
through 23 specify the offset from the X-coordinate and Y-coordinate origin
specified in a previously-received LPP command (or from the printer default
coordinates if no LPP command is received). When the object is within an overlay
that is invoked using an LCC command, WIC bytes 17 through 19 and 21 through
23 specify the offset from the Xm-coordinate and Ym-coordinate origin. When the
object is within an overlay that is invoked using an IO command, WIC bytes 17
through 19 and 21 through 23 specify the offset from the X-coordinate and
Y-coordinate origin specified in the IO command.
Bytes 12 through 13 must equal 0 degrees scan line direction and bytes 14 through
15 must equal 90 degrees scan line sequence direction. Byte 16 is not used to
modify the image direction.
The total number of bits of image is equal to the product of the number of source
scan lines and the number of bits on each scan line. Thus, the number of bytes
sent is:
Bytes 4 through 5 x bytes 6 through 7 of the WIC command divided by 8
Note: If this calculation yields a fractional remainder, round the result to the next
whole number. The DATA parameter bytes contain the image bit string.
The data is a binary representation of the raster image. In binary data, a 1-bit
represents a colored pel and a 0-bit represents a pel left unchanged in the page
map. If a pel is set black by another object on the page (for example, text), it is not
reset to white if it is written with a 0-bit in the image object. Several Write Image
commands may be required to a complete raster image.
An error occurs if the host program sends the End command and the total number
of bytes of image data is a different number than specified in the image control
80 6400 IPDS
IM Image Command Set
End (END)
For a description of the End control, see “End (END)” on page 32.
Graphics is a data type the printer uses to present line art picture drawings in a
graphics object area on a page. A sequence of drawing orders produce arcs,
lines, fillets, character strings, markers, and other elements that define the drawing.
These orders, grouped into one or more segments, present the picture.
The control unit sends a Write Graphics Control command to the printer to establish
the control parameters and initial drawing conditions for presenting the picture data.
The picture segments themselves are sent to the printer as data in one or more
Write Graphics commands.
82 6400 IPDS
Graphics Command Set
All coordinates are in coordinate units, called drawing units that are the same as
units in the Graphics Data Descriptor (GDD) structured fields. Figure 12 shows the
Graphics X and Y coordinate system.
Y -A x is
X - A x is
(0 ,0 )
Figure 12. The Graphics X and Y Coordinate System
Y m M a x im u m
( 3 2 , 7 6 7 U n its )
X m M in im u m X m M a x im u m
( - 3 2 , 7 6 8 U n its ) ( + 3 2 , 7 6 7 U n its )
(0 ,0 )
Y m M in im u m
( - 3 2 , 7 6 8 U n its )
Figure 13. The Graphics Medium Presentation Space and Its Limits
G r a p h ic
G r a p h ic P re s e n ta tio n
W in d o w S p a c e
Figure 14. The Graphics Window within the Graphics Medium Presentation Space
The graphics object area can overlap other output (such as text or images)
specified earlier for the same page. Likewise, subsequent output specified by other
commands for the same page can overlap the graphics object area. Figure 15 on
page 85 shows the graphics object area and its relationship to the physical
84 6400 IPDS
Graphics Command Set
P h y s ic a l M e d iu m
L o g ic a l P a g e
G r a p h ic
O b je c t
A r e a
G 0 0 7 4 0 5 0
The term mapping refers to the transformation of an abstract space into its size
and position on the physical medium. There are three ways to map the abstract
space. They are scale-to-fit, center-and-trim, and position-and-trim mapping.
These mapping methods are described in detail in “Area Mapping Control Options”
on page 91.
The Write Graphics Control command causes the printer to enter the graphics
object area state. The parameters of this command define the size, placement,
and orientation of the graphics object area and establish the initial conditions for
interpreting the graphics data. Receiving the End command in the graphics object
area state terminates the processing of the graphics data.
The Write Graphics Control data consists of three consecutive structured fields:
The Graphics Area Position control defines the position of the graphics picture
on the page.
The Graphics Output Control (GOC) defines the size of this picture on the
The Graphics Data Descriptor (GDD) defines the size of the graphics window
and the default characteristics of the graphics picture.
Each structured field contains a two byte length field, then a two byte structured
field ID, and finally a data field.
The Graphics Area Position Control structured field is the first structured field in the
DATA portion of the Write Graphics Control command. This field defines the
position and orientation of the graphics object area. The top left corner of the
graphics object area is defined relative to the reference coordinate system.
86 6400 IPDS
Graphics Command Set
Figure 16 shows the Graphics Object Area Position control specifying the top left
reference point for the graphics object area.
P h y s ic a l M e d iu m
To p L e ft C o rn e r
o f th e G r a p h ic
O b je c t A r e a
( S p e c ifie d b y B y te s
4, 5, 6, and 7
o f th e G A P )
L o g ic a l P a g e
Figure 16. Graphics Object Area Position Control and the Graphics Object Area
Byte 10 of the GAP specifies the reference coordinate system. The reference
coordinate system used for determining the top left corner of the graphics object
area can be either the media X,Y or the I,B coordinate system.
If byte 10 equals X'00', the absolute I and B coordinates determine the top left
corner. GAP bytes 4 and 5 specify the text inline coordinate. GAP bytes 6 and 7
specify the text baseline coordinate.
If byte 10 equals X'20', the absolute I and relative B coordinates determine the top
left corner. GAP bytes 4 and 5 specify the text inline coordinate. GAP bytes 6 and
7 add to the last text baseline coordinate position used prior to graphics.
If byte 10 equals X'40', the relative I and absolute B coordinates determine the top
left corner. GAP bytes 4 and 5 add to the last text inline coordinate position used
prior to graphics. GAP bytes 6 and 7 specify the text baseline coordinate.
If byte 10 equals X'60', the relative I and B coordinates determine the top left
corner. GAP bytes 4 and 5 add to the last text inline coordinate position used prior
to graphics. GAP bytes 6 and 7 add to the last text baseline coordinate position
used prior to graphics.
If byte 10 equals X'A0', the current logical page X and Y coordinates determine
the origin. When the object is within a page, GAP bytes 4 through 7 specify the
offset from the X-coordinate and Y-coordinate origin specified in a previously
received LPP command (or from the printer default coordinates if no LPP command
was received). When the object is within an overlay that is invoked using an LCC
command, GAP bytes 4 through 7 specify the offset from the Xm-coordinate and
Ym-coordinate origin. When the object is within an overlay that is invoked using an
IO command, GAP bytes 4 through 7 specify the offset from the X-coordinate and
Y-coordinate origin specified in the IO command.
When you use the X,Y coordinate system or the I,B coordinate system with the
inline orientation equal to 0 degrees, you must use the 0 degree orientation for
When you use the I,B reference system and the inline orientation is 180 degrees,
you must use the 180 degree orientation for graphics.
The Graphics Output Control structured field is the second structured field in the
DATA portion of the Write Graphics Control command. This field specifies the size
of the graphics object area and a mapping option for placing the graphics window
into the graphics object area. This field is optional and does not need to be in the
Write Graphics Control command. If the GOC field is not present, the printer uses:
The mapping option X'30' (where offset equals zero)
X offset and Y offset equals zero
Graphics object size equals the graphics medium presentation space window
size defined in the GDD self-defining field.
Figure 17 shows the Graphics Output Control parameters specifying the size of the
graphics object area.
88 6400 IPDS
Graphics Command Set
1. The Graphics Output Control Self Defining Field is optional and may be omitted
from the WGC command. If the GOC is omitted the printer uses the following:
Mapping Control Option X'30' (Position and Trim)
X Offset = 0
Y Offset = 0
Graphics Object Area size equals the Graphics Presentation Space
Window size which is defined in the Graphics Data Descriptor (GDD) Self
Defining Field (See “Graphics Data Descriptor (GDD)” on page 90).
2. See “Area Mapping Control Options” on page 91 for a description of
scale-to-fit, center-and-trim, and position-and-trim.
3. The printer ignores the X and Y offset fields unless byte B equals X'30'.
These values are the offset of the top left corner of the graphics window
relative to the top left corner of the graphics object area.
T o p L e ft C o rn e r
o f th e G r a p h ic O b je c t
P h y s ic a l M e d iu m
A r e a
G r a p h ic H e ig h t
O b je c t (B y te s
A r e a 9 ,A )
W id th
(B y te s
G 0 0 7 4 0 5 2
7 ,8 )
Figure 17. Graphics Output Control and the Graphics Object Area
The Graphics Data Descriptor is the last structured field in the DATA portion of the
Write Graphics Control command. This field specifies the parameters for the
graphics window in the graphics medium presentation space (GPS) and sets the
drawing default conditions. The graphics window limits define the range of drawing
order coordinate values that map to the graphics object area.
Without causing an error, the drawing orders can specify GPS coordinates in the
X'8000' to X'7FFF' range. The specified GDD graphics window limits select the
part of the drawing order’s picture to consider for mapping to the output area.
90 6400 IPDS
Graphics Command Set
X-Left X-Right Presentation
(Bytes 14-15) (Bytes 16-17) Space
(Bytes 18-19)
Graphic Window
Y Range of
Graphic Y
in Graphic
Center Point of
Y-Bottom Graphic Window
(Bytes 20-21)
X Range of
Graphic X coordinates
in Graphic Window
Figure 18. Graphics Data Descriptor and the Graphics Medium Presentation Space
Scale to Fit Mapping: The center of the graphics window is mapped to the center
of the graphics object area and the graphics data is scaled by the printer (to a
printer-supported unit per unit base) so that the picture within the graphics window
fits entirely within the output area at the closest maximum scale.
Figure 19 shows the result of scale-to-fit mapping. For this example, the graphics
window is shown larger than the graphics object area. The parameters in the
Graphics Data Descriptor specify the size of the graphics window (in GPS
coordinate units). The parameters in the Graphics Area Position and the Graphics
Output Control specify the size and location of the graphics object area on the
physical medium.
If the graphics object area is smaller than the graphics window, as shown in this
example, the graphics window is proportionally reduced to fit in the graphics object
area. That is, the entire graphics drawing contained within the graphics window
appears in the graphics object area, reduced in size to fit in the graphics object
area. This size reduction is done to scale, keeping the same proportions as the
original graphics drawing.
1. The printer will not rescale graphics image data. If the image data does not fit
within the output area, clipping of the image data occurs.
2. Graphics markers are not scaled; they are always 3 mm (0.12 in. [17/144-in.])
square. If markers are drawn close to the boundary of a page and the page is
then scaled down, the center points of the markers are scaled closer to the
boundary of the page but the marker size is still the same. The markers may
be clipped from the page if the scaling factor scales the centers of the markers
too close to the edge.
G r a p h ic s P r e s e n ta tio n S p a c e
( x g = + 3 2 ,7 6 7 , y g = + 3 2 ,7 6 7 )
+ Y g A x is
-X A x is + X A x is
g g
L o g ic a l P a g e
-Y g
A x is
G r a p h ic s
( x g
= + 3 2 ,7 6 8 , y g = + 3 2 ,7 6 8 )
P re s e n ta tio n
S p a c e W in d o w
X o a
S p e c ifie d
in th e G r a p h ic s
D a ta D e s c rip to r
(G D D )
S c a le - to - fit
M a p p in g S p e c ifie d
in th e G r a p h ic s
Y o a
O u tp u t C o n tro l (G O C )
G r a p h ic s O b je c t A r e a
G 0074 054
Center and Trim Mapping: The center of the graphics window is mapped to the
center of the graphics object area and the graphics data is presented at the
specified scale. Any portion of the picture that goes outside the graphics object
area is clipped to the graphics object area boundary. Figure 20 shows the result of
center-and-trim mapping. For this example, the graphics window is shown smaller
than a previously defined graphics picture. This picture is to be placed on the
physical medium. The parameters in the Graphics Data Descriptor specify the size
of the graphics window (in graphic medium presentation space (GPS) units). The
parameters in the Graphics Area Position and the Graphics Output Control specify
the size and location of the graphics object area on the physical medium.
If the graphics object area is smaller than the graphics window, as shown in this
example, a portion of the graphics picture is eliminated. The centers of the
graphics window and the graphics object area coincide, and the boundaries of the
92 6400 IPDS
Graphics Command Set
graphics object area determine the limits of the graphics picture. Any portion of the
graphics picture extending beyond the graphics object area is not drawn on the
G r a p h ic s P r e s e n ta tio n S p a c e
(x g = + 3 2 ,7 6 7 , y g = + 3 2 ,7 6 7 )
+ Y g A x is
-X g
A x is + X g
A x is
L o g ic a l P a g e
-Y g A x is
G r a p h ic s
(x g = + 3 2 ,7 6 8 , y g = + 3 2 ,7 6 8 )
P re s e n ta tio n
S p a c e W in d o w
X o a
S p e c ifie d
in th e G r a p h ic s
D a ta D e s c rip to r
(G D D )
S c a le - to - fit
M a p p in g S p e c ifie d
in th e G r a p h ic s
Y o a
O u tp u t C o n tro l (G O C )
G r a p h ic s O b je c t A r e a
G 0074055
Figure 20. Center-and-Trim Mapping
Position and Trim Mapping: The upper left-hand corner of the graphics window
is mapped to the graphics object area using the specified offset and presented at
the specified scale. Any portion of the picture that goes outside the graphics object
area is clipped to the area boundary. Figure 21 shows the result of
position-and-trim mapping. For this example, the graphics window is shown smaller
than a previously defined graphics picture. This picture is to be placed on the
physical medium. The parameters in the Graphics Data Descriptor specify the size
of the graphics window. The parameters in the Graphics Area Position and the
Graphics Output Control specify the size and location of the graphics object area
on the physical medium.
If the graphics object area is smaller than the graphics window, a portion of the
graphics picture is eliminated. The top-left corner of the graphics window is either
coincident with the top left corner of the graphics object area, or it is offset from the
top left corner of the graphics object area by a distance specified in the Graphics
Output Control. Only the portion of the picture contained within the overlapping
areas of the graphics window and the graphic object area will be drawn. The
printer trims (eliminates) the portion of the graphics picture outside this area.
G r a p h ic s P r e s e n ta tio n S p a c e
( x g
= + 3 2 , 7 6 7 , y g
= + 3 2 , 7 6 7 )
+ Y g A x i s
- X A x is + X A x i s
g g
L o g ic a l P a g e
- Y A x is
Y o a
o ffs e t
G r a p h ic s s p e c ifie d
( x = + 3 2 , 7 6 8 , y g
= + 3 2 , 7 6 8 )
P r e s e n ta tio n in G O C
S p a c e W in d o w
S p e c ifie d
in th e G r a p h ic s X o a
D a ta D e s c r ip to r
(G D D )
S c a le - to - fit
M a p p in g S p e c ifie d
in th e G r a p h ic s
Y o a
O u tp u t C o n tr o l ( G O C )
G r a p h ic s O b je c t A r e a
05 4
X o a
o ffs e t
G 00 00 77 44 0
s p e c ifie d in G O C
Figure 21. Position-and-Trim Mapping
The first byte, 21, indicates that the following parameter is a Set Current Defaults
The Length byte is the length of the following data. If this value equals 4, the
printer uses the standard default values.
The Set byte indicates the type of attribute or parameter this instruction is
The bits 0 through 15 in the Mask bytes correspond to attribute items within the
indicated set. The individual set descriptions explain the meanings of these bits.
When a mask bit equals one, the value of the default byte selects one of two
options. See the default byte description for details. When a mask bit equals zero,
the default does not change and the data does not include the value for the
corresponding attribute.
94 6400 IPDS
Graphics Command Set
The Default byte has a value of either 0F or 8F. A value of 0F sets all indicated
items to their standard default values. A value of 8F and a mask bit equal to one
requires the appropriate data for a new default to be defined in the data field for the
corresponding attribute. Unreferenced data bytes not addressed by the mask field
are ignored.
The Data bytes contain immediate data that specifies values for the attributes in
this instruction. If the Default byte is 0F, these Data bytes are not present.
96 6400 IPDS
Graphics Command Set
The Write Graphics command transmits graphics data to the printer. The data in
this command consists of picture segments that contain the drawing orders that
define the picture in the graphics medium presentation space. Also see “Begin
Segment Introducer (BSI)” on page 98 for more information. Any number of Write
Graphics commands may follow the Write Graphics Control command.
The Write Graphics command has a data length restriction of 32K. Within this
data-length limit, the Write Graphics command can transmit partial segments, full
segments, multiple segments, or any combination of these. Segments and drawing
orders must be transmitted in the order in which they are to take effect.
When the printer encounters a partial segment, the printer expects the next
graphics data to be the remainder of the segment. This condition is called graphics
spanning. For a spanned segment, the segment length is the length of the entire
segment before spanning. The Write Graphics command length is the actual
number of bytes being transmitted in the current command.
All segments are run in deferred mode; drawing orders are included in the picture
as they are received. The printer does not retain or store the segments. Receipt
of the first segment starts the drawing process.
The Begin Segment Introducer precedes all of the drawing orders that are together
in the graphics segment. The following chart shows the format of the BSI:
98 6400 IPDS
Graphics Command Set
If bit 3 of byte 7 is on, a prologue is the first sequence of drawing orders in a new
segment. The prologue, if present, is always at the beginning of a new segment’s
data and ends by an End Prologue order within the same segment.
If bits 5 and 6 of byte 7 are zero, the drawing attributes are re-initialized to the
current default values. If bits 5 and 6 of byte 7 are equal to 11, this segment
appends to the previous segment and the current drawing attributes do not
Drawing Orders
The printer supports all DR2 Drawing Orders and valid data values listed in this
section. One or more drawing orders follow each Begin Segment Introducer. The
format of a drawing order is:
Order Code
The order code specifies the type of graphics to print or the assigned drawing
The Length field, if present, is a one byte value that specifies the length of the
drawing order following this byte. See the specific drawing orders for information
about the length field.
The parameter bytes contain the specific characteristics for the drawing order. For
information about the parameters, see the specific drawing orders, following this
The following list contains all the drawing orders for this printer:
Code Drawing Order Code Drawing Order
68 Begin Area A1 Relative Line at Current Position
D1 Begin Image 04 Segment Characteristics
91 Begin Image at Current Position 22 Set Arc Parameters
C3 Character String 0D Set Background Mix
83 Character String at Current Position 34 Set Character Angle
01 Comment 33 Set Character Cell
60 End Area 3A Set Character Direction
93 End Image 39 Set Character Precision
3E End Prologue 38 Set Character Set
71 End Segment (Treated as a No-op) 0A Set Color (Graphics)
C5 Fillet 21 Set Current Position
85 Fillet at Current Position 26 Set Extended Color
C7 Full Arc 11 Set Fractional Line Width
87 Full Arc at Current Position 18 Set Line Type
92 Image Data 19 Set Line Width
C1 Line 3B Set Marker Precision
81 Line at Current Position 3C Set Marker Set
C2 Marker 29 Set Marker Symbol
82 Marker at Current Position 0C Set Mix
00 No Operation 08 Set Pattern Set
E1 Relative Line 28 Set Pattern Symbol
Begin Area
68 P1
Description: This order indicates the beginning of the boundary of an area that
the printer shades. The area definition must terminate with an End Area order.
The area boundaries consist of one or more closed figures. Each closed figure is
made up of a continuous set of straight lines, full arcs, and fillets defined using the
Line at Current Position, Fillet at Current Position, and Full Arc at Current Position
orders. The pattern symbol and the shading color for the area are the attribute
values that are current prior to the Begin Area order. Only the following orders are
valid between a Begin Area and an End Area order:
Line or Relative Line
Line at Current Position
Relative Line at Current Position
Set Arc Parameters
Full Arc at Current Position
Full Arc or Fillet
Fillet at Current Position
Set Color or Set Extended Color (see note)
Set Line Type, Set Line Width, or Set Fractional Line Width (see note)
Set Current Position.
Note: When used between Begin Area and End Area drawing orders, the orders
Set Color, Set Extended Color, Set Line Type, Set Line Width, and Set Fractional
Line Width update the values of their respective current attributes only for the Area
boundary, if drawn. These orders do not update their respective current values for
the area fill pattern after an area has begun.
Use of the Line, Relative Line, Full Arc, and Fillet in the non At Current Position
form can cause the printer to arbitrarily close the area figure. The recommended
orders to use within an area definition are those in the At Current Position form.
The printer cannot nest Area orders. The Begin Area order does not change any
other graphics drawing attributes. However, orders between a Begin Area/End
Area pair can update the current position.
Parameter P1 is a flag byte that specifies whether boundary lines are to be drawn,
as shown:
Bit 0 Reserved
Bit 1 0 = Do Not Draw Boundary Lines
1 = Draw Boundary Lines
Bit 2 Inside
Bits 3-7 Reserved
The printer uses the current values of color, mix, background mix, pattern, and
pattern set when shading the area. If boundary lines are drawn, the printer uses
the current values of graphics color, line type, and line width. The printer shades
any commented region with an odd number of line crossings from infinity. This
shading uses the current values of pattern symbol, color, mix, and background mix
from the Begin Area order. The printer will not shade regions with an even number
of line crossings from infinity. The printer counts all coincident boundary lines when
counting line crossings.
The current position is the last coordinate value of the preceding drawing order.
The Set Current Position order can move the current position to any drawing order
coordinate within the limits of the GDD defined medium presentation space window.
Note: When filled areas are drawn such that some boundaries coincide, it is
recommended that they be drawn with the same value for Parameter P1 so that the
area boundary is drawn properly.
Begin Image
D1 0A P1-P10
Parameters P1 and P2 form a two byte value that specifies the X coordinate for the
start of the image. Parameters P3 and P4 form a two byte value that specifies the
Y coordinate for the start of the image. Parameters P1 to P4 define the location
of the top left corner of the image. Parameters P5 and P6 are always zero for this
order. Parameters P7 and P8 form a two byte value that specifies the width of the
image in increments of 1/144 in. Parameters P9 and P10 form a two byte value
that specifies the height of the image in increments of 1/144 in.
The printer draws the image in the current values of color and mix.
This order updates the current graphics position to the coordinates of the image
(parameters P1 to P4).
1. The Begin Image at Current Position order always specifies the width and
height of the image in increments of 1/144 in., not in drawing units.
2. By sending the image ordered (immediate) instead of unordered (deferred), the
printer uses less storage.
Description: This order defines an image, with the top left corner of the image at
the current graphics position. An image consists of a rectangular region with a
resolution of one pel, defined in increments of 0.18 mm (0.007 in. [1/144 in.]).
Each pel, therefore, represents one dot in the printed image. One or more Image
Data orders follow the Begin Image at Current Position order. The Image Data
orders contain the image data itself. The Begin Image at Current Position order
introduces a graphics image. Only Image Data, Comment, or No-op orders are
valid between Begin Image and End Image orders.
Parameters P1 and P2 are always zero for this order. Parameters P3 and P4 form
a two byte value that specifies the width of the image in increments of 0.18 mm
(0.007 in. [1/144 in.]). Parameters P5 and P6 form a two byte value that specifies
the height of the image in increments of 0.18 mm (0.007 in. [1/144 in.]).
The printer uses the current values of color and mix when drawing the image.
Note: The Begin Image at Current Position order always specifies the width and
height of the image in increments of 0.18 mm (0.007 in. [1/144 in.]), not in drawing
Character String
C3 L1 P1-Pn
Description: This order draws a character string starting at the specified location.
A previous Set Character Set order specifies the font to use for drawing the
character string. If no previous Set Character Set order was processed, the printer
uses the drawing default character set.
The printer places the character cell of the first character in the string at the
specified graphics position. The Set Character Cell, Set Character Angle, and Set
Character Direction orders determine the character size, character angle, and
character direction, respectively. The printer uses the current values of color, mix,
background mix, and character precision when drawing the string.
L1 is a one-byte value that specifies the length of the parameter field that follows.
L1 must be greater than or equal to four. If L1 equals four, the printer does not
draw the character string, but the printer updates the graphics current position to
the point specified by parameters P1 to P4.
Parameters P1 and P2 form a two byte value that specifies the X coordinate of the
starting location. Parameters P3 and P4 form a two byte value that specifies the Y
coordinate of the starting location. Parameters P5 to Pn, if present, are one-byte
values that specify the code points of the character string, using the currently active
character set.
This order updates the current graphics position to the coordinates of the last point.
Description: This order draws a character string, starting at the current graphics
position. A previous Set Character Set order specifies the font to use for drawing
the character string. If no previous Set Character Set order has been processed,
the printer uses the drawing default character set.
The printer uses the current values of color, mix, background mix, and character
precision when drawing the string. The Set Character Cell, Set Character Angle,
and Set Character Direction orders determine the character size, character angle,
and character direction, respectively.
Parameters P1 to Pn, the character string, are one-byte values that specify the
code points (characters) of the character string to be drawn, using the currently
active character set.
01 L1 P1...Pn
L1 is the length byte. This byte is a value between 1 and 255 and specifies the
number of data bytes that follow. Parameters P1 to Pn are the data bytes. The
printer ignores the data within the order. However, there must be at least one data
byte within this order.
End Area
60 L1 P1-Pn
Description: This order indicates the end of the boundary of an area specified
with a Begin Area order. This order does not change any other graphics drawing
attributes. However, orders between a Begin Area/End Area pair can update the
current position.
L1 is the length of the data, P1 to Pn. If no data is present, the length is zero.
Within the area boundaries, one or more closed figures can exist. A figure ends
either by an End Area order or by a order specifying a coordinate that implies the
start of a new closed figure. These orders include a Line, Relative Line, Arc, Full
Arc, Fillet, or Set Current Position order.
Each closed figure should close properly; its start and end points should be
identical. If not, the figure closes arbitrarily with a straight line connecting the start
and end points.
End Image
93 L1 P1-Pn
Description: This order defines the end of an image. A Begin Image order and
zero or more Image Data orders must precede the End Image order.
L1, the length, is a one-byte value that specifies the number of parameter bytes
that follow. If no parameter bytes follow, L1 is zero.
Parameters P1 to Pn are optional. The printer does not use these parameters; if
they are present, the printer discards them.
End Prologue
3E 00
Description: This order ends the prologue section of a segment. It is only valid if
the prologue flag bit is on in the Begin Segment Introducer (BSI). When the BSI
prologue flag bit is on, only the following orders are valid before the End Prologue
No Operation
Segment Characteristics
All Set Attribute type orders.
C5 L1 P1-Pn
Description: This order specifies a curved line, which the printer draws tangential
to a specified set of connected, imaginary, straight lines.
The printer joins the points specified in the order by imaginary straight lines. The
printer then fits a curve to the lines. The curve is tangent to the first line at the
start point and is tangent to the last line at its end point. If there are intermediate
lines, the curve is tangent to these lines at their center points.
Parameters P1 and P2 form a two byte value that specifies the X coordinate of the
first point. Parameters P3 and P4 form a two byte value that specifies the Y
coordinate of the first point. Parameters P5 to Pn, if present, form two byte values
that specify the corresponding coordinate values for additional points. If only two
points are specified, the printer draws a straight line.
The printer uses the current values of color, mix, line type, and line width when
drawing the fillet.
This order updates the current graphics position to the coordinates of the last point.
Description: This order specifies a curved line that the printer draws tangential to
a specified set of connected, imaginary, straight lines. The printer uses the current
graphics position for the first point and the parameter (or parameters) specifies
additional points to use.
The printer joins the points specified by imaginary straight lines. The printer then
fits a curve to the lines, as follows:
The curve is tangent to the first line at the start point and to the last line at its
end point.
If there are intermediate lines, the curve is tangent to these lines at their center
L1 specifies the length of the parameter (or parameters) in this order. The value of
L1 must be a multiple of four. A value of zero for L1 is invalid.
The first end point for the imaginary line specifying the fillet is the graphics current
position. Parameters P1 to Pn form two byte values that specify additional X and Y
coordinates. These coordinates are additional, sequential end points of the
imaginary lines specifying the fillet.
The printer uses the current values of color, mix, line type, and line width when
drawing the fillet.
This order updates the current graphics position to the coordinates of the last point.
Full Arc
C7 L1 P1-P6
Description: This order specifies a full arc (circle or ellipse) with the center at the
specified point. A previous Set Arc Parameters order determines the shape and
orientation of the arc. If no previous Set Arc Parameters order was processed, the
printer draws the arc using the graphics default arc parameters.
Parameters P1 and P2 form a two byte value that specifies the X coordinate for the
center of the arc. Parameters P3 and P4 form a two byte value that specifies the Y
coordinate for the center of the arc. Parameters P5 and P6 form a two byte,
unsigned, floating point value that specifies the scale. P5 specifies the integer
portion of the scale; P6 specifies the fractional portion of the scale. There is an
implied decimal point between P5 and P6. Byte P6 represents the fraction given by
the value of P6 divided by 256 (see “Full Arc at Current Position” on page 107).
The scale value acts as a multiplier for the arc parameters, as follows:
For a circle: The radius is P5P6 x r. A previous Set Arc Parameters order
specifies the value of r. For an ellipse: The major axis is P5P6 x a and the minor
axis is P5P6 x b.
A previous Set Arc Parameters order specifies the values for a and b. The printer
uses the current values of color, mix, line type, and line width when drawing the
Description: This order specifies a full arc (circle or ellipse) with the center at the
current graphics position. A previous Set Arc Parameters order determines the
shape and orientation of the arc. If no Set Arc Parameters order has been
received, then the printer draws an arc using the default values of the arc
Parameters P1 and P2 form a two byte value that specifies the scale. P1 specifies
the integer portion of the scale; P2 specifies the fractional portion of the scale (P2
divided by 256). For example, if P2 equals X'40', the decimal value of P2 is 64.
This value (64) divided by 256 equals the fraction one-fourth.
The scale value acts as a multiplier for the arc parameters. For a circle, the radius
is P1P2 x r. A previous Set Arc Parameters order specifies the value of r.
For an ellipse: The major axis is P1P2 x a, the minor axis is P1P2 x b, and a
previous Set Arc Parameters order specifies the values for a and b.
The printer uses the current values of color, mix, line type, and line width when
drawing the arc.
Image Data
92 L1 P1-Pn
Description: This order specifies the image data for all or part of an image
introduced by a Begin Image order. A Begin Image order must precede an Image
Data order.
L1 is a one-byte value that specifies the length (in bytes) of the image data that
follows. Valid values for L1 are X'00' through X'FF'.
Parameters P1 to Pn are values that specify the image dot data, a zero indicating
the absence of a dot, a one indicating the presence of a dot. The dots are 0.18
mm (0.007 in. [1/144 in.]) apart horizontally and vertically.
The image data is in the form of horizontal scan lines (rows), left to right. Each
Image Data order specifies only one scan line (row) of the image. Therefore, the
number of Image Data orders following a Begin Image order must be equal to the
value specified in parameters P5 and P6 (the image height) of the Begin Image
Each of the parameters, P1 to Pn, of the Image Data order specifies eight dots.
Therefore, parameter L1 of the Image Data order must equal the image width
divided by eight. Parameters P3 and P4 of the Begin Image order specify the
image width. If the image width is not a multiple of eight, the printer ignores any
extra dots specified by bits in the last parameter, Pn.
Note: The image data specified in the Image Data Orders between a Begin Image
and End Image pair must exactly fill the area specified by the width and height of
the Begin Image order.
C1 L1 P1-Pn
L1 is a one-byte value that specifies the length of the parameter field that follows.
The value of L1 must be a multiple of four and cannot be zero. If L1 equals four,
no line is drawn, but the printer updates the graphics current position to the points
specified by parameters P1 to P4.
Parameters P1 and P2 form a two byte value that specifies the first X coordinate
point. Parameters P3 and P4 form a two byte value that specifies the first
Y coordinate point. Parameters P5 to P8, if present, specify the second X and Y
coordinate points. The printer draws a line from the point specified by the first pair
of coordinates to the point specified by the second pair of coordinates. If additional
coordinate pairs are present, the printer draws additional lines from the previous
end point to the next coordinate pair.
This order uses the current values of color, mix, line type, and line width.
Following this order, the printer updates the graphics current position to the last end
point specified in the order.
Description: This order specifies one or more connected lines. The printer draws
a line from the current graphics position to the points specified by the first set of X
and Y coordinates in the parameters. The printer then draws additional lines from
the previous end point to the next coordinate pair, if additional coordinates are
The printer uses the current attributes for color, mix, line type, and line width in
drawing the lines.
L1, the length, specifies the number of bytes following this byte. The value of L1
must be a multiple of four. If L1 is zero, no line is drawn.
Parameters P1 to Pn, if present, form two byte values that specify the X and Y
coordinates of the end points for a series of connected lines. This order updates
the current graphics position to the last line end point. If the order does not specify
any points, the current graphics position does not change. P1 and P2 form a two
byte sequence that specifies the X coordinate of the second end point. P3 and P4
form a two byte sequence that specifies the Y coordinate of the second end point.
C2 L1 P1-Pn
Description: This order specifies one or more marker symbols to place at the
points specified by pairs of coordinates. The specified location is the center of the
A previously specified Set Marker Symbol order determines the marker symbol the
printer uses. If no previous Set Marker Symbol order was processed, the printer
uses the current graphics default marker symbol. The printer uses the current
values of color, mix, background mix, marker precision, marker set, and marker
symbol when drawing the markers.
L1 is a one-byte value that specifies the length of the parameter field that follows.
The value of L1 must be a multiple of four. If L1 equals zero, the printer does not
draw a marker.
Parameters P1 and P2 form a two byte value that specifies the X coordinate point
for the first marker. Parameters P3 and P4 form a two byte value that specifies the
Y coordinate point for the first marker. Parameters P5 to Pn, if present, specify the
X and Y coordinate points for additional markers.
This order updates the current graphics position to the coordinates of the last end
Note: The marker cell size is constant 3 mm (0.12 in. [17/144 in.]). The scaling
factor used in defining a graphics area does not affect the size of the marker. If
markers are used near the edge of a defined graphics area, scaling the graphics
may result in the markers being clipped from the printable graphics area.
Description: This order specifies one or more marker symbols, which the printer
places at the points specified by a pair of X and Y coordinates, beginning with the
current graphics position. The Set Marker Symbol order determines the marker
that prints.
L1, the length, specifies the number of bytes following this byte. The value of L1
must be a multiple of four. A value of zero for L1 is valid and results in only one
marker symbol being drawn at the current graphics position.
Parameters P1 to Pn, if present, form two byte values that specify the X and Y
coordinates for each additional marker symbol. The printer draws the first marker
symbol at the current graphics position. P1 and P2 form a two byte value that
specifies the second X coordinate. P3 and P4 form a two byte value that specifies
the second Y coordinate. Any remaining parameters specify additional coordinate
values for additional markers, using the same format.
The printer uses the current values of color, mix, background mix, marker, precision
marker set, and marker symbol for drawing the marker.
This order updates the current graphics position to the value of the last point
coordinates. If this order does not specify any points, the current graphics position
will not change.
Note: The marker cell size is constant 3 mm (0.12 in. [17/144 in.]). The scaling
factor used in defining a graphics area does not affect the size of the marker. If
markers are used near the edge of a defined graphics area, scaling the graphics
may result in the markers being clipped from the printable graphics area.
No Operation
Relative Line
E1 L1 P1-Pn
Description: This order specifies one or more connected straight lines, like the
Line order, except that the end point of each line is an offset from the previous end
L1 is a one-byte value that specifies the length of the parameter field that follows.
A value of zero for L1 is invalid; L1 must be a multiple of 2. If the value of L1 is
two, the printer does not draw the line. However, the printer does update the
graphics current position to the point specified by P1 and P2.
The printer draws the line in the current values of color, mix, line type, and line
This order updates the current graphics position to the coordinates of the last offset
point. If there are no offset points with this order, the current graphics position
does not change.
Description: This order specifies one or more connected straight lines, like the
Line at Current Position order. With this order, the end point of each line is an
offset from the previous end point, rather than an absolute coordinate pair.
L1 is a one-byte value that specifies the length of the parameter field. L1 must be
a multiple of two. The printer will not draw a line if L1 is zero.
The printer uses the current values of color, mix, line type, and line width when
drawing the line.
This order updates the current graphics position to the coordinates of the last end
point. If there are no offsets in this order, the current graphics position does not
Segment Characteristics
04 L1 P1...Pn
Description: This order specifies the parameters for a full arc (circle or ellipse),
which the Full Arc orders use.
The center of this circle or ellipse is the origin (coordinate 0,0). The circle or ellipse
is drawn in a counterclockwise direction. Parameters P1 to P8 form four two byte
values that specify the coordinates of the major and minor axis ends, as follows:
P1P2 - The X coordinate of the major axis end
P3P4 - The Y coordinate of the minor axis end
P5P6 - The X coordinate of the minor axis end
P7P8 - The Y coordinate of the major axis end.
For an ellipse:
(P1P2) x (P5P6) + (P3P4) x (P7P8) = 0
For a circle of radius r, the parameters are:
P1P2 = P3P4 = r, P5P6 = P7P8 = 0
For an ellipse with major axis a and minor axis b, the parameters are:
Description: This order sets the value of the background mix. The background
mix controls the way the printer combines the color of the background with the
color of the graphics medium presentation space. Parameter byte P1 contains the
value of the current mix attribute. The only valid values for this byte are:
Description: This order specifies the angle of the baseline of graphics character
strings that print using subsequent character string orders. The non-graphics (for
example, text) character angle does not change with this order. Angles of 0, 90,
180, and 270 degrees are valid. This order does not change any other graphics
drawing order attributes.
Parameters P1 and P2 form a two byte value that specifies the X coordinate.
Parameters P3 and P4 form a two byte value that specifies the Y coordinate. To
meet the requirement that the angle be 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees, either the X or
the Y coordinate must equal zero, as follows:
33 L1 P1-P8
Description: This order specifies the size of the character cell for output
characters with subsequent Character String orders. The character cell size for
non-graphics (for example, text) does not change with this order. The Set
Character Cell order does not change any other graphics drawing attributes.
There are two types of formats with this order. The first format has a length of 4
and has four parameter bytes. The second format has a length of 8 and has eight
parameter bytes.
For both formats, parameters P1P2 form a two byte value that specifies the width
of the character in drawing units. Parameters P3P4 form a two byte value that
specifies the height of the character in drawing units.
For the second format, the width and height of the character cell contain both
integer and fractional values. Parameters P5P6 form a two byte value that
specifies the fractional portion of the width of the character in drawing units.
Parameters P7P8 form a two byte value that specifies the fractional portion of the
height of the character in drawing units. There is an implied decimal point between
P1P2 and P5P6, and between P3P4 and P7P8.
The printer pads the standard graphics character cell with spaces to achieve the
desired spacing. The printer also adjusts the character size within the specified cell
in integer multiples of the standard size graphics character. The minimum
character image (resulting from graphics mapping) is the standard size graphics
character, even though the scaled character cell may be smaller. In this case,
overlapping of characters may occur.
Note: The printer clips the expanded graphics representation of the last vertical
column of a downloaded NLQ character (see Load Symbol Sets).
Description: This order sets the value of the character direction attribute.
Subsequent strings that print using the Character String order will print in the
direction specified relative to the character baseline angle. See “Set Character
Angle” on page 112. The character direction for non-graphics (text) does not
change with this order. This order does not change any other graphics drawing
Description: This order sets the value of the current character precision attribute.
Parameter P1 specifies the type of precision.
Description: This order sets the value of the current character set attribute. The
character set specified by this command must use an NLQ font if printing
high-density graphics or a DP font if printing low-density graphics.
Parameter P1 specifies the local character set identifier. This local ID is mapped to
a global font ID by the Load Font Equivalence command. See “Load Font
Equivalence (LFE)” on page 34.
Set Color
0A P1
Description: This order sets the value of the current graphics color attribute. The
color for non-graphics (for example, text) does not change with this order. The
color attribute applies to all following graphics drawing orders until another Set
Color order or Set Extended Color order occurs or until a new graphics segment
initializes the graphics attributes. This order does not change any other graphics
drawing attributes.
If the color requested is not available, the printer uses black. If this occurs, the
Exception Handling Control determines whether to report this condition. The EHC
also determines whether to continue with the Write Graphics command.
For all color selections except the color of the medium, graphics prints in black.
These selections overpaints previous graphics (if of a different color) by changing
the color of the dots to print. For a color of medium selection, following graphics
overpaints previous graphics by deleting (erasing) the dots to print.
Description: This order sets the current graphics position for a subsequent
drawing order. The position for non-graphics (for example, text) does not change.
Parameters P1 and P2 form a two byte value that specifies the X coordinate in
drawing units. Parameters P3 and P4 form a two byte value that specifies the Y
coordinate in drawing units. The printer resolves the coordinates to the nearest
increment of 0.18 mm (0.007 in. [1/144 in.]).
Description: This order functions the same as the Set Color order except that it
specifies a length field and the color parameter contains two bytes. The color for
non-graphics (for example, text) does not change with this order. This order does
not change any other graphics drawing attributes.
Parameters P1 and P2 form a two byte value that specifies the color, as follows:
For all color selections except the color of the medium, graphics prints in the
selected color. These selections overpaint previous graphics (if of a different color)
by changing the color of the dots to be printed. For a color of medium selection,
following graphics overpaints previous graphics by deleting (erasing) the dots to
Description: The Set Fractional Line Width order sets the line width attribute.
This order changes only the line width attribute. The printer uses the last line width
received, no matter which order, Fractional Line Width Order or Set Line Width,
sets the line width. Parameters P1 and P2 form a two byte sequence that specifies
the line width, as follows:
This order aids graphics interchange capability. See also “Set Line Width” on
page 117.
Description: The Set Line Type order sets the value of the current line type
attribute. This order does not change any other graphics drawing order attributes.
Parameter P1 specifies the type of line for the graphics output. The following
values are valid for P1:
Description: The Set Line Width order specifies the line width for subsequent
graphics. This order changes the fractional line width attribute only. The printer
uses the last line width received, no matter which order, Set Fractional Line Width
Order or Set Line Width, sets the line width. Parameter P1 specifies the width of
the line for the graphics output. The following values are valid for P1:
Description: This order sets the value of the current marker precision attribute.
Parameter P1 specifies the type of precision. Precision 2 (character precision) is
the only valid type of precision for this printer. P1 must equal 01 or 02.
Description: This order sets the value of the current marker symbol set attribute.
Parameter P1 specifies the local character set identifier. This printer only uses the
default marker set. Thus, P1 must equal 00.
Description: This order sets the value of the current marker symbol attribute for
subsequent markers. See “Marker” on page 109 and “Marker at Current Position”
on page 109 orders.
Parameter P1 specifies the marker symbol attribute value. This value determines
which marker from the marker symbol set the printer uses for subsequent orders.
The following are the marker symbol values:
Set Mix
0C P1
Description: This order sets the value of the current mix attribute. The mix
controls the way that the printer combines the color of the foreground with the color
of the medium presentation space. Parameter byte P1 contains the value of the
current mix attribute. The only valid values for this byte are:
Description: This order sets the shading pattern attribute for subsequent area
shading. For additional information, see “Begin Area” on page 101 and “End Area”
on page 3-132.
Description: This order sets the value of the current shading pattern attribute for
subsequent area shading. For additional information, see “Begin Area” on
page 101 and “End Area” on page 3-132.
Parameter P1 specifies the pattern attribute value. This value determines which
particular pattern from the pattern symbol set the printer uses to shade (fill) the
interior of subsequent areas. The pattern attribute values are:
The Write Bar Code Control command causes the printer to enter the bar code
object state in the current page, overlay, or page segment state. The parameters
of this command define the size, placement, and orientation of the bar code object.
Parameters in this command also establish the initial conditions for interpreting the
bar code data.
Note: The quality of the bar code output is affected by the graphics and bar code
density parameter values selected at the operator panel. For configuration settings,
refer to your Setup Guide.
A bar code object contains one or more bar code symbols with or without human
readable interpretation of the bar encoded information. Because an important
application of bar code printing is printing bar code symbols on labels, means are
provided in the command set to repeat symbols. The repeated symbols must be of
the same type, but the length and content of the variable data can be different.
General parameters applying to all the repeated symbols are in a single Write Bar
Code Control command. Parameters that always change or can change from
symbol to symbol are in the Write Bar Code command. A separate Write Bar Code
command must be used with the variable bar code data for each symbol.
Upon receiving the Write Bar Code Control command, the printer enters the
appropriate bar code object state. The printer then initializes control for processing
bar code symbols in subsequent Write Bar Code commands. Receiving the End
Code in the bar code object state terminates the processing of bar code data.
The Write Bar Code Control command data contains either two or three
consecutive structured fields:
Bar Code Area Position (BCAP)
Bar Code Output Control (BCOC) (Optional)
Length ID Data
The Bar Code Area Position Control structured field is the first structured field in the
DATA portion of the Write Bar Code Control command. This field defines the origin
and orientation of the bar code object relative to the reference coordinate system.
The format of the BCAP field is:
Figure 22 shows the BCAP field specifying the top left reference point, or origin, for
the bar code object, relative to the logical page. The figure shows 0-degree and
90-degree rotations; the printers also support 180-degree and 270-degree rotations.
P h y s ic a l M e d iu m
L o g ic a l P a g e
F o r 0 ˚ R o ta tio n : F o r 9 0 ˚ R o ta tio n :
To p L e ft C o rn e r To p L e ft C o rn e r
o f th e B a r C o d e A re a o f th e B a r
( S p e c ifie d b y B y te s C o d e A re a
4, 5, 6, and 7 ( S p e c ifie d b y B y te s
o f th e B C A P ) 4, 5, 6, and 7
o f th e B C A P )
0 ˚ R o ta tio n 9 0 ˚ R o ta tio n
Byte 10 of the BCAP specifies the reference coordinate system. The reference
coordinate system for determining the top left corner of the bar code area can be
either the X,Y or the I,B coordinate system.
If byte 10 equals X'00', the absolute I and B coordinates determine the top left
corner. BCAP bytes 4 and 5 specify the text inline coordinate. BCAP bytes 6 and
7 specify the text baseline coordinate.
If byte 10 equals X'20', the absolute I and relative B coordinates determine the top
left corner. BCAP bytes 4 and 5 specify the text inline coordinate. BCAP bytes 6
and 7 add to the last text baseline coordinate position prior to bar codes.
If byte 10 equals X'40', the relative I and absolute B coordinates determine the top
left corner. BCAP bytes 4 and 5 add to the last text inline coordinate position prior
to bar codes. BCAP bytes 6 and 7 specify the text baseline coordinate.
If byte 10 equals X'60', the relative I and B coordinates determine the top left
corner. BCAP bytes 4 and 5 add to the last text inline coordinate position prior to
bar codes. BCAP bytes 6 and 7 add to the last text baseline coordinate position
prior to bar codes.
If byte 10 equals X'A0', the current logical page X and Y coordinates determine
the origin. When the object is within a page, BCAP bytes 4-7 specify the offset
from the X-coordinate and Y-coordinate origin specified in a previously received
LPP command (or from the printer default coordinates if no LPP command
received). When the object is within an overlay that is invoked using an LCC
command, BCAP bytes 4-7 specify the offset from the Xm-coordinate and
Ym-coordinate origin. When the object is within an overlay that is invoked using an
IO command, BCAP bytes 4-7 specify the offset from the X-coordinate and
Y-coordinate origin specified in the IO command.
Length ID Data
The Bar Code Output Control structured field is the second structured field in the
DATA portion of the Write Bar Code Control command. This structured field
specifies the mapping option for the bar code object. This structured field is
optional and may not be present in the Write Bar Code Control command. The
format of the BCOC field is:
Figure 23 shows the BCOC field specifying the size of the bar code object on the
logical page.
P h y s ic a l M e d iu m
L o g ic a l P a g e
T o p L e ft C o rn e r
o f th e B a r C o d e A re a
( s p e c ifie d b y B y te s
B a r C o d e
4, 5, 6, and 7
A r e a S iz e
H e ig h t
o f th e B C A P )
(B y te s
( S p e c ifie d
9, 10)
by B C O C
B y te s 7 , 8 , 9 , 1 0 )
W id th
G 0 0 7 4 0 0 2
(B y te s 7 -8 )
Figure 23. Specifying the Bar Code Object Size Using the Bar Code Output Control
Length ID Data
The Bar Code Data Descriptor structured field is the last structured field in the Data
portion of the Write Bar Code Control command. This field specifies the
parameters that define the bar code symbols that prints. The format of the BCDD
field is:
1. The Font Local ID specified in BCDD Byte 18 should be OCR-A, OCR-B or
Code 128 dependent on the Bar Code Type specified in BCDD Byte 16. The
default Font Local ID and Bar Code Type relationships are as follows:
2. Error code X'0406..00' is specified for BCDD Byte 21 (Unit Module Width) only
for selections which are not listed in the support table in “Unit Module Sizes for
Normal (Non-Rotated) Bar Codes.” UMW does not apply to Postnet.
3. Wide-to-Narrow Ratio (BCDD Bytes 25-26) is only valid for the following Bar
Code Types:
X'01' 3 of 9
X'02' MSI
X'0A' 2 of 5 Industrial
X'0B' 2 of 5 Matrix
X'0C' Interleaved 2 of 5
X'0D' Codabar
4. WE|NE ratios given in the description are the requested values. See “Unit
Module Sizes for Normal (Non-Rotated) Bar Codes” for the actual value granted
by the printer.
5. Default wide-to-narrow ratio for the affected bar code is the smallest unit
module width valid for the pel density being used.
Table 100. Unit Module Sizes for 90-degree and 270-degree orientation Bar Codes
Unit Narrow Wide Wide-to-NarrowContrast
Module Element Element Ratio
Width Width Width
17 17.36 38.19 2.20 H
17 17.36 45.17 2.60 HL
17 17.36 52.08 3.00 HL
35 31.24 69.67 2.33 HL
35 31.24 86.85 2.78 HL
49 45.12 100.62 2.14 HL
49 45.12 100.62 2.23 HL
49 45.12 100.62 2.43 HL
49 45.12 114.60 2.71 L
49 45.12 121.37 2.71 H
63 59.01 142.21 2.23 L
63 59.01 142.21 2.23 H
Table 101. Unit Module Sizes for 0-degree and 180-degree orientation UPC type Bar
Unit 1x 2x 3x 4x Contrast Rotation
17 16.67 33.33 50.00 66.67 LH 0, 180
25 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 H 0, 180
21 20.82 41.64 62.46 83.28 HL 90, 270
1. The meaning of byte 17 (modifier byte) is dependent upon the bar code type.
For the meaning of this byte, see “Bar Code Type, Name, and Modifier
Description and Values” on page 128.
2. BCDD bytes 18 and 21–26 and WBC command byte 0 are not applicable to
Postnet. The Postnet specification defines values for these parameters.
3. H=120H x 72V PQC setting and L=60H x 72V PQC setting.
Table 102 (Page 1 of 2). Bar Code Type and Modifier Description and Values
Bar Code Bar Code Name Bar Code Description
Type Modifier
(BCDD (Byte 17)
Byte 16)
X'01' 3 of 9 Code, AIM X'01' Print Bar Code with no Printer-Generated Check
USS-39 Character.
X'04' First check digit NCR Modulus 11. Check digit equals
remainder. Check digit of 10 equals error.
X'05' First check digit IBM Modulus 11. Check digit equals
remainder. Check digit of 10 equals error.
X'06' First check digit NCR Modulus 11. Check digit equals 11
minus remainder. Check digit of 10 equals zero.
X'07' First check digit IBM Modulus 11. Check digit equals 11
minus remainder. Check digit of 10 equals error.
X'08' First check digit NCR Modulus 11. Check digit equals 11
minus remainder. Check digit of 10 equals error.
X'09' First check digit IBM Modulus 11. Check digit equals 11
minus remainder. Check digit of 10 equals error.
X'03' UPC/CGPC X'00' Generate check digit and Print standard symbol.
Version A
X'05' UPC/CGPC X'00' Print bar code. Six digits are encoded.
Version E
X'06' UPC 2-Character X'00' Print the 2 supplemental digits (bar/space pattern and HRI)
Supplemental above the symbol.
X'07' UPC 5-Character X'00' Print the 5 supplemental digits (bar and space pattern and
Supplemental HRI) above the symbol.
X'08' EAN-8 (JAN X'00' Print bar code symbol. Input variable data is 7 digits (2 flag
Short) and 5 article ID digits).
X'09' EAN-13 (JAN X'00' Print bar code symbol. Input variable data is 12 digits (2 flag
Standard) and 10 article ID digits).
Table 102 (Page 2 of 2). Bar Code Type and Modifier Description and Values
Bar Code Bar Code Name Bar Code Description
Type Modifier
(BCDD (Byte 17)
Byte 16)
X'0A' 2 of 5 Industrial X'01' Print bar code with no printer-generated check character.
The Write Bar Code command transmits data that is processed into a bar code
symbol and then outputs the symbol. This command contains parameters that
locate the symbol reference point within the bar code object area. The WBC
command also contains the variable bar code data for printing as bar/space
patterns and information about printing the code in human readable form.
The HRI code prints in the OCR-A or the OCR-B font, depending on the bar code
type. The following bar codes print the HRI in OCR-A:
Code 3 of 9
2 of 5 Industrial
2 of 5 Matrix
2 of 5 Interleaved
The Data field for the WBC command has the following format:
1. If bar codes with human readable interpretation (HRI) are placed too close to
the page edges, the human readable characters may fall outside the physical
medium boundaries. If the HRI falls outside the physical medium boundaries,
the characters may not print.
To ensure that the human-readable characters print, choose X and Y
parameter values that allow sufficient space for the characters to print. Some
guidelines are:
For bar code types UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, and EAN-13, choose X and Y
coordinates that place the bar code at least 1/6-inch. from both the top and
left edges of the page.
For bar code types UPC Two Digit Add-On and UPC Five Digit Add-On,
choose a Y coordinate that places the bar code at least 1/6-inch. from the
top edge of the page.
For Codabar bar codes, the data must include the START and STOP
For Code 128 bar codes, the table on the following page should be used to
determine the hex value of the desired character.
2. The symbol reference point must be inside the bar code medium presentation
space and must lie within the logical page.
Note: All START, STOP, SHIFT, and CODE characters are generated by the
printer in order to produce the shortest bar code possible from the given data.
The overlay is contained between the Begin Overlay (BO) command and the End
Page (EP) command and cannot contain itself. Overlays can be nested; that is,
overlays can contain other overlays. The depth of the overlay nesting cannot
exceed five levels.
The following commands are the overlay command set: The following pages
describe the overlay command set commands.
1. 64XX does not support Secure Overlay (value X'01' in byte 2 of Include
Overlay is not supported).
2. See “Notation Conventions” on page 27 regarding the notation convention for
Include Overlay bytes 3–5 and 7–9.
The Begin Overlay command causes the printer to leave the home state and enter
the overlay state. This command defines data that the printer saves for later use
within an overlay. The printer later merges the stored overlay with ordinary printed
pages by using the Include Overlay command or the Load Copy Control command.
The current Logical Page Description, Load Font Equivalence, and Load
Equivalence records, if any, become part of the definition of the overlay. The
definition of the overlay terminates by an End Page command. The overlay itself is
between the Begin Overlay and the End Page commands.
The Data field is one byte and it specifies the overlay ID. Valid values for this byte
are decimal 1 through 254 (X'1' through X'FE'). If this value specifies an overlay
identifier already loaded in the printer, an exception occurs.
Note: Because overlays use more than the normal amount of printer storage, use
overlays only when data needs to be kept.
The Delete Overlay command deletes (clears) either a single overlay or all overlays
from the printer memory.
The DATA field is one byte in length and can be any value between 0 and 254
(X'00' to X'FE'). This value is the overlay identifier, and it specifies the overlay to
be deleted. If this value is zero, all overlays are deleted.
The following pages describe the page segment command set commands.
The Begin Page Segment command causes the printer to enter the page segment
state. This command is only valid in the home state. Receipt of an End Page
command while in the page segment state causes the printer to return to the home
The Page Segment command defines a segment of page data to save within the
printer for later printing. This printer later includes this segment when it receives
the Include Page Segment command.
The DATA field is two bytes in length and can be any value between
X'01' and X'7F'. This value is the page segment identifier. If this value
specifies a page segment identifier already loaded in the printer, an exception
Note: Because page segments use more than the normal amount of printer
storage, use page segments only when data needs to be kept.
The Include Page Segment command causes a previously stored set of commands
to process in the input data stream as though they were just received from the
host. The printer places the segment at the current presentation position and
updates the presentation position as a result of this command.
The DATA field is two bytes in length and can be any value between X'01' and
X'7F'. This value is the page segment identifier, and it specifies the page
segment to include. A value specifying a page segment identifier that is not
defined in the printer causes an exception to occur.
The Delete Page Segment command deletes (clears) either a single page segment
or all page segments from the printer memory.
The DATA field is two bytes in length and can be any value between X'00' and
X'7F'. This value is the page segment identifier, and it specifies the page
segment to delete. A value of zero deletes all segments.
The Delete Font command provides a means for the control unit to delete one or
more fonts from the printer. The DATA field contains the following information:
For detailed information on all IPDS commands, please read Chapter 3, “IPDS
Commands Reference” on page 23.
Bytes 9 - 10 X'xxxx' FGID X'021D..02'
Bytes 11 - 12 X'0000' Reserved
Byte 13 X'00' Reserved
Byte 14 Bit 0 0/1 FONT ATTRIBUTES
Bit 1 00 Symbol Set Font present in Printer = 1
Bit 2 00 Reserved
Bit 3 0/1 Double High = 1
Bit 4 0/1 Italicized = 1
Bit 5 0/1 Double Strike = 1
Bit 6 0/1 Bold = 1
Bit 7 0/1 Double Wide = 1
Byte 15 X'00' Reserved
Bytes 16-n Additional LFE ENTRIES X'023A..02'
Data Check: Indicates that the printer detects a data error when receiving a
logical unit from the application program or that the printer detects a data error
while printing the page.
Condition Requiring Host Notification: Indicates that the printer has detected an
error or condition that should be reported to the host computer.
1. The command code is not recognized. A error length on a previous command
may have caused the current data to be processed as a command.
2. The command is not supported.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Cancel Print key was pressed while the printer was receiving
IPDS data.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. There was a permanent hardware error.
2. The microcode detected an unrecoverable logic error.
3. The microcode detected a condition that should not have occurred.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. An undefined character code has been detected in Write Text data.
2. An undefined overstrike character code has been detected.
3. A character has been detected in Write Text Command data which is undefined
at the quality level specified by the XOA-PQC command.
4. An undefined character code has been detected in Write Bar Code data.
Alternate Exception Action: For reasons 1-3, print the default character. For
reason 4, there is no alternate exception action.
1. The print position cannot be represented within the printer.
2. The result of the calculation cannot be represented in the printer. This may
result from the WGC GDD window limits being very close together.
3. There was a coordinate overflow while scaling.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: An attempt was made to print outside the valid printable area.
Alternate Exception Action: All physical printing outside the valid printable area
is suppressed. All data and controls continue processing. The printer continues to
print within the valid printable area to the greatest possible extent. For text, this
may mean truncating text lines at the character boundary closest to the edge of the
intersection. For graphics, this may mean truncating graphics pictures at the pel
closest to the boundary. For image, this may mean truncating scan lines at the pel
closest to the boundary, or alternatively, not printing any of the image if any part of
the image falls outside the valid printable area.
Explanation: The bar code type requested in the Write Bar Code Data Descriptor
field is not supported.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The type style/font requested in the Write Bar Code Data Descriptor
field is not supported.
Alternate Exception Action: Use printer default.
Explanation: The color requested in the Write Bar Code Data Descriptor field is
not supported.
Alternate Exception Action: Use printer default color.
Explanation: The unit/module width specified in the Write Bar Code Data
Descriptor field is not supported.
Alternate Exception Action: Use closest smaller width supported or the device
default for those devices with only one fixed default value.
Explanation: The element height specified in the Write Bar Code Data Descriptor
field is not supported.
Alternate Exception Action: Use closest height supported.
Explanation: The height multiplier specified in the Write Bar Code Data Descriptor
field is not supported.
Alternate Exception Action: Use closest multiplier supported.
Explanation: The wide/narrow ratio specified in the Write Bar Code Data
Descriptor field is not supported.
Alternate Exception Action: Use the printer default wide element width. The
default wide element width and the specified or default unit/module width should be
such that a wide/narrow ratio of 2.50 or 3.00 results.
Explanation: The symbol reference point given in the Write Bar Code command
is not a valid or supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The bar code modifier, byte 17 of the Bar Code Data Descriptor
structured field, is not a valid or supported value for the bar code type specified by
byte 16 of the same structured field.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The length of the variable data (as given in bytes 5-n of the Write
Bar Code command) to be bar-encoded/printed, plus any printer-generated check
digits to be coded/printed, is not a valid or supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: HRI location specified in the FLAGS byte of the WBC command is
not a supported location.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. A portion of the bar code presentation space, as mapped into the object,
extends outside the bar code object boundaries, or a portion of the bar code
object extends outside of the logical page (or current overlay).
2. An attempt is made to print a bar code symbol or HRI outside the physical
3. The symbol reference point lies outside the bar code object, presentation
space, or logical page (or current overlay).
Alternate Exception Action: None
1. An attempt was made to execute an unallocated order code that is reserved for
future use.
2. An attempt was made to execute an unallocated command code that is
reserved for future use.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. A reserved byte in the graphic order is not set to zero.
2. The Set Current Defaults instruction attempts, in byte 2, to set an invalid or
unsupported attribute.
3. An invalid default byte value was received in the GDD.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: An attribute value for a graphic order or for a WGC Set Current
Default instruction is invalid.
Alternate Exception Action: Use the standard default value for that attribute.
Explanation: An order has been requested that is not a complete order. This
order is one of the following:
1. A fixed 2-byte order and the second byte is not in the segment.
2. A long order and the length byte is not in the segment.
3. A long order and the number of bytes following the byte containing the length
count to the end of the segment is less than the value of the length count.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: A supported order that is not valid within a prologue was found in a
The end of a segment was reached without an End Prologue order.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: An attribute value for a graphic order or for a WGC Set Current
Default instruction is not supported.
Alternate Exception Action: Use the standard default value for that attribute.
Explanation: An End Area order has been executed without a Begin Area order
having previously been executed.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: Begin Area order received while Begin Area is already in progress.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: A Begin Area order has been executed in a segment, and the end
of the segment is reached without an End Area order being executed. Area fill
implementation results are printer dependent.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The symbol set identified by the current Pattern Set is not available.
Alternate Exception Action: Use the standard default pattern symbol set.
Explanation: The current pattern symbol is undefined in the pattern symbol set.
Alternate Exception Action: Use the standard default pattern symbol.
Explanation: An Begin Image order was not executed before the Image Data
order in this segment.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: There are insufficient or too many bytes of data in the Image Data
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The number of Image Data orders between the Begin Image and
End Image orders is not equal to the number of rows in the image (as given by the
value of height in the Begin Image order).
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The symbol set identified by the current Marker Set attribute is not
Alternate Exception Action: Use the standard default marker symbol set.
Explanation: A marker code point is undefined in the current marker symbol set.
Alternate Exception Action: Use the standard default marker symbol.
1. The symbol set identified by the current Character Set is not available.
2. The current character set specified in the Set Character Set order does not
have the proper attributes to be printed in graphics mode.
Alternate Exception Action: Use the standard default character symbol set.
Explanation: A Begin Image order has been executed in a segment, and the end
of the segment is reached without an End Image order having been executed.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: A Begin Image order has been executed in a segment, and an order
other than a Comment, Image Data, or End Image order is executed.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The value specified for the graphic image format parameter is not
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Width value specified in the Begin Image order exceeds the
maximum image width supported by the product.
Alternate Exception Action: The image width is truncated at the maximum width
Explanation: The Height value specified in the Begin Image order exceeds the
maximum image height supported by the product.
Alternate Exception Action: The image height is truncated at the maximum
height supported.
Explanation: The relative line starts inside the drawing order coordinate space but
goes outside.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The active Begin Suppression ID within the current page, overlay, or
page segment is not the same as that specified in the ES control.
There is no active suppression ID.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The length for a command is not within the allowed range.
The length of a Request Resource List entry is not a valid or supported value.
The length specified for a Request Resource List entry does not match the number
of bytes received.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The End Page control was encountered before a text suppression
Alternate Exception Action: Process the object as if the corresponding End
Suppression control sequence appeared at the end of the object. That is, all of the
data following the Begin Suppression control sequence in the object is processed
and suppressed.
Explanation: The reference system specified in the Area Position structured field
of the WGC or WBCC command is not a valid or supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. The units specified in the Output Control or the Data Descriptor structured field
of the WGC or WBCC command is not a valid or supported value.
2. The result of the calculation cannot be represented in the printer. This may
result from the WGC GDD window limits being very close together.
3. Coordinate overflow while scaling graphics. Possible if scaling coordinates
require multiplication by a value greater than 1.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The axis offsets specified in the Output Control structured field of
the WGC or WBCC command are not valid or supported values.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. The value of the intercharacter adjustment is not a valid or supported value.
2. The intercharacter adjustment direction is not a valid or supported value.
Alternate Exception Action:
1. Ignore the control sequence and continue presentation with the parameter
values according to the hierarchy (the hierarchy is the last valid value received
or if none received then use the LPD value).
2. Use direction = zero.
Note: In an LPD command, no Alternate Exception Action occurs.
Explanation: The single byte font specified by the Delete Font command is not in
the machine.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Loaded Font Identifier field is required in the Delete Font
command; however, it is not present or its value is not a valid or supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. The two-byte Font Identifier on a Load Symbol Set or Load Font Equivalence
command is not a valid or supported value.
2. The one-byte Font Identifier value on the Load Font Equivalence command is
not a valid or supported value.
3. A font is referenced on a Set Font control, a Load Page Description, a Load
Symbol Set, a Write Graphics, or Write Bar Code command, but the font has
not been previously identified by the Load Font Equivalence command.
4. The font or symbol set referenced in a Load Page Description, Write Text, or
Write Graphics command is defined within the current Load Font Equivalence
but is not loaded in the printer.
Alternate Exception Action:
1. None.
2. None.
3. Substitute the active font for the specified local font and continue processing.
4. Substitute the active coded font for the specified local font and continue
Explanation: The Repeat String target string length is not a valid or supported
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The one-byte Local Identifier value in the Load Font Equivalence
command has been used more than once, making the Two-Byte Font Identifier
reference ambiguous.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: A text control sequence contains a code other than X'D3' following
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: One or more of the following font parameters listed in the LFE or
their combination is not valid or supported: Character Set ID, Code Page ID,
Uniform Character Increment, and Proportional Increment Coefficient Table.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. The combination of parameters specified in LFE are not supported together
with the quality indicated by XOA Print Quality Control.
2. The Font (Style) ID specified in the LFE is invalid or unsupported or is not valid
with the other font parameters.
Alternate Exception Action: Choose “Best Fit” font.
Note: This error will be flagged when an attempt to present the font is processed.
Explanation: Repeat String control on a Write Text command has non-zero fill
count but zero string length.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: Two fonts have been assigned the same two-byte Loaded Font ID
by the LFE command, but one or more of the following attributes differ: Character
Set ID, Code Page ID, Font (Style) ID, Uniform Character Increment, Proportional
Increment Coefficient Table.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Number of Copies value specified on the Load Copy Control
command is not a valid or supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: Proceed as though the number of copies field stated
1. The number of bytes in Load Copy Control group is not a multiple of two byte
2. The number of bytes in Load Copy Control group is not a valid or supported
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. The font inline sequence in Load Font Equivalence command is not supported
or not supported with the current Text Orientation.
2. The Font Index specified in a Load Font Equivalence command called out by a
Set Coded Font Local text control is not loaded.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Target or Source Pel Count value on the Write Image Control
command is less than 1.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Target or Source Pel Count value on the Write Image Control
command is greater than the valid or supported maximum.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Target or Source Scan Count value on the Write Image Control
command is less than 1.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Target or Source Scan Count value on the Write Image Control
command is greater than the valid or supported maximum.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. The Compression Algorithm value (Byte 8) is not a valid or supported value.
2. The (Pel) Data Format value (Byte 9) in the Write Image Control command is
not X'00'.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. The Pel Count Scale Factor value on the Write Image Control command is not
a valid or supported value.
2. The Scan Count Scale Factor value on the Write Image Control command does
not equal the Pel Count Scale Factor.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Scan Line Direction parameter value on the Write Image
Control command is not a valid or supported value
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Scan Line Sequence Direction value specified on the Write
Image Control command is not plus ninety degrees from the Scan Line Direction
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Note: Plus ninety from 270, (X'8700') must be X'0000'.
1. The Coordinate Definition value on the Write Image Control command is not a
valid or supported value.
2. The First Pel Location (X or I Direction) value on the Write Image Control
command is not a valid or supported value.
3. The First Pel Location (Y or B Direction) value on the Write Image Control
command is not a valid or supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Color value of the WIC command is not a valid or supported
Alternate Exception Action: Use printer default value
1. The text color is not a valid or supported value.
2. The text color precision is not a valid or supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: If the attribute value is not valid, ignore the control
and continue presentation with the value that was in effect prior to this control
sequence. If the attribute value is valid but unsupported for this printer, use the
printer default color.
Explanation: On the Load Page Description command, the X units per unit-base
value is not a valid or supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. On the Load Page Description command, the Y units per unit-base value is not
a valid or supported value.
2. On the Set Media Size command, the units per unit-base value is not a valid or
supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: On the Load Page Description command, the X-Extent is not a valid
or supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: On the Load Page Description command, the Y-Extent is not a valid
or supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: On the Load Page Description command, the unit-base is not a valid
or supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The number of source image bytes received < the number implied in
the Write Image Control command.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The number of source image bytes received > the number implied in
the Write Image Control command.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: On the Set Media Size command, the X-extent is not a valid or
supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: On the Set Media Size command, the Y-extent is not a valid or
supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: On the Set Media Size command, the unit-base is not a valid or
supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The Overlay Identifier on the Delete Overlay command is not a valid
or supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. The Overlay Identifier on the Begin Overlay command is not a valid or
supported value.
2. The Overlay Identifier on the Include Overlay command is not a valid or
supported value.
3. The Overlay Identifier on a Load Copy Control command is not a valid or
supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The host attempted to download an overlay from the Begin Overlay
command that already exists in the printer.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. The Requested Ordering parameter of a Request Resource List order is not a
valid or supported value.
2. The Entry Index parameter of a Request Resource List order is not a valid or
supported value.
Explanation: An infinite nesting loop has occurred with the Include Overlay
command (for example, an overlay has included itself)
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. The Page Segment Identifier on the Include Page Segment command is not a
valid or supported value.
2. The Page Segment Identifier on the Begin Page Segment command is not a
valid or supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The host attempted to download a page segment that already exists
in the printer.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The page segment identified by the Page Segment Identifier on the
Include Page Segment or Delete Page Segment command was not loaded or was
already deleted prior to its attempted use.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. On a Write Text command, the Begin Suppression number value is not a valid
or supported value.
2. In a LCC command, the suppression number value is not a valid or supported
Alternate Exception Action:
1. Ignore the control sequence.
2. None.
1. The temporary baseline increment is not a valid or supported value.
2. The temporary baseline move direction is not a valid or supported value.
3. The temporary baseline move precision is not a valid or supported value.
4. Unsupported multiple offset temporary baseline move.
5. Unable to support temporary baseline move by printing full size characters.
Alternate Exception Action:
1. None for reasons 1 through 4.
2. For reason 5, present according to the substitution method.
Explanation: The X Coordinate value on the Load Page Position command is not
a valid or supported value.
The Y Coordinate value on the Load Page Position command is not a valid or
supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. The X-Coordinate value on the Include Overlay command is not a valid or
supported value.
2. The Y-Coordinate value on the Include Overlay command is not a valid or
supported value.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: More than one simplex operation keyword has been specified in an
LCC command copy group.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The first two bytes of two or more list entries on the Load
Equivalence command are not unique. Setting both external values to the same
value will not prevent the error.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
1. The size of the media in one or more of the installed input media sources was
2. The input media source ID of one or more of the installed input media sources
was changed.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Note: Not reported in 4234 Emulation Mode.
System Attachment
This printer can operate with both SNA and non-SNA control units. For SNA
control units, IPDS is only valid in LU-1 mode. For non-SNA control units, IPDS is
only valid in DSC mode.
LU-1 Mode
FM Header Type 1, subset 4
This header contains a data stream profile (DSP) code. A DSP code of X'0D'
selects IPDS mode of operation.
Data Stream Query Reply structured field
This query reply indicates the valid data streams for the printer. A data stream
indicator code of X'02' indicates that IPDS is valid in LU-1 mode. It is
recommended that the programmer ask for a definite response when issuing an
End-of-Chain (EOC) or an End-of-Bracket (EOB) command.
DSC Mode
Data Chain structured field
This structured field (0F21) defines the data chaining function.
Select IPDS Mode structured field
This structured field (0F83) defines the selection of IPDS mode.
Data Chaining Query Reply structured field
This query reply structured field (with a Q code of 98) indicates data chaining is
valid in DSC mode.
The printer returns a data stream query reply structured field containing a data
stream identifier indicating IPDS (X'02'). This IPDS identifier is in addition to (and
following) the base data stream identifier of SCS (X'00').
Both the read partition query (or query list) structured field and the query reply
structured field are sent in a chain that begins with a function management header
(FMH) of one. This header contains a destination select of Begin/End (DESSEL
equals BEDS) along with a data stream profile of Structured Fields (DSP equals
An FMH-1 that precedes a read partition query or query list has the following
When the printer is in LU-1 mode with IPDS, an IPDS acknowledge reply is the
only structured field sent inbound. This field that the printer sends without an FMH
can be a STM, an OPC, an ACK, or a NACK.
After the IPDS mode selection, IPDS structured fields in single or multi-element
chains must not have the FMH-1.
An FMH BDS is valid only when the printer is not in IPDS mode. If the printer is in
IPDS mode and receives a BDS, the response to the FMH order is:
Order Complete
Sense Data X'1008'
Invalid FM Header.
Terminating IPDS mode causes LU-1 to return to its default data stream of SCS.
An FMH EDS is valid only when the printer is in IPDS mode. If the printer is not in
IPDS mode and receives an EDS, the response to the FMH order is:
Order Complete
Sense Data X'1008'
Invalid FM Header.
Figure 26 on page 174 shows the LU-1 data stream modes.
H ost (D e fa u lt) (A lte r n a te )
B in d ( L U - 1 )
F M D (S C S )
(F M H -1 : B E D S , S F )
(F M H -1 : B D S , IP D S ) F M D (IP D S )
F M D (F M H -1 E D S , IP D S )
E n d B ra c k e t
C le a r
P o w e r-O n -R e s e t
Copy Considerations
Because an End Bracket is also an implicit termination of IPDS mode,
between-bracket printer sharing can be used for either operator-initiated or
host-initiated copy operations.
For improved throughput, the recommended procedure is to include the entire page
within a chain.
Figure 27 shows the recommended IPDS error reporting sequence in LU-1 mode.
( R e c o m m e n d e d )
H ost P r in te r
D a ta
N A C K /A C K d e te c te d
C h a n g e D ir e c tio n
N A C K /A C K
Figure 27. Reporting IPDS Errors Using the ACK Reply Structured Field in LU-1 Mode
If the ACK or NACK shown above is synchronous (ARQ equals 1), the host could
send a Change Direction in the same transmission as the IPDS data (see
Figure 28). This eliminates the need for the Signal from the printer.
(R e c o m m e n d e d )
Host P r in te r
D a ta
(A R Q = 1 ) , C h a n g e D ire c tio n N A C K /A C K d e te c te d
S ig n a l
Figure 28. Synchronous ACK/NACK Reporting of IPDS Errors in LU-1 Mode. Recommended sequence.
(N O T R e c o m m e n d e d )
Host P rin te r
D a ta
N A C K d e te c te d
M o re D ATA
D a ta s e n t is ig n o re d
N o rm a l R e s p o n s e
C h a n g e D ir e c tio n
Figure 29. Asynchronous NACK in LU-1 Mode. Change Direction not issued immediately after signal.
In Figure 30, the host issues an End Destination Select and no Change Direction.
(N O T R e c o m m e n d e d )
H o st P rin te r
D a ta
N A C K d e te c te d
E n d D e s tin a tio n S e le c t
(E D S )
E x c e p tio n R e s p o n s e
X ‘1 0 0 5 ’
Figure 30. Asynchronous NACK in LU-1 Mode. EDS issued after Signal.
Note: At the end of this sequence, the printer is no longer in IPDS mode nor does
the host read the NACK.
In Figure 31, the host issues an End Bracket with no EDS. The host issues no
Change Direction.
(N O T R e c o m m e n d e d )
Host P rin te r
D a ta
N A C K d e te c te d
E n d B ra ck e t n o E D S
N o rm a l R e s p o n s e
Figure 31. Asynchronous NACK in LU-1 Mode. End Bracket issued after Signal.
1. At the end of this sequence, the printer is no longer in IPDS mode nor does the
host read the NACK.
2. If the printer generates an Intervention Required (IR) or Equipment Check (EC)
NACK, the printer sends the IR or EC status to the host in the next
transmission. The IR or EC replaces the normal response transmission from
the printer shown in Figure 31 above.
(N O T R e c o m m e n d e d )
Host P rin te r
D a ta
(A R Q = 1 ) N A C K /A C K d e te c te d
M o re D ATA
D a ta is p ro c e s s e d
N o rm a l R e s p o n s e
C h a n g e D ir e c tio n
N A C K /A C K
Figure 32. Synchronous ACK/NACK in LU-1 Mode. Change Direction not issued immediately after Signal.
1. The printer processes the data sent by the host after the Signal.
2. After the host sends a Change Direction to the printer, the printer sends the
ACK/NACK detected before the Signal.
In Figure 33, the host sends an End Destination Select (EDS) after the Signal sent
by the printer. The host sends no Change Direction.
(N O T R e c o m m e n d e d )
Host P rin te r
D a ta
(A R Q = 1 ) N A C K /A C K d e te c te d
E n d D e s tin a tio n S e le c t
(E D S )
N o rm a l R e s p o n s e
Figure 33. Synchronous ACK/NACK in LU-1 Mode. EDS issued after Signal.
Note: At the end of this sequence, the printer is no longer in IPDS mode nor does
the host read the ACK/NACK.
In Figure 34 the host sends an End Bracket with no EDS. The host issues no
Change Direction.
(N O T R e c o m m e n d e d )
Host P rin te r
D a ta
(A R Q = 1 ) N A C K d e te c te d
E n d B ra c k e t n o E D S
N o rm a l R e s p o n s e
Figure 34. Synchronous NACK in LU-1 Mode. End Bracket issued after Signal.
Note: At the end of this sequence, the printer is no longer in IPDS mode nor does
the host read the ACK/NACK.
The printer returns a 3270 IPDS query reply and a data chaining query reply.
In DSC mode, all outbound data streams containing structured fields are sent using
the Write Structured Field (WSF) command. All inbound data streams containing
structured fields begin with the AID code of X'88'.
When the printer is in DSC mode with IPDS, Select IPDS Mode and IPDS
acknowledge reply are the only structured fields sent inbound. The printer can only
send a Select IPDS Mode structured field inbound if it has previously received an
outbound IPDS structured field, and a reply is required with the acknowledge reply
structured field. This field can be a STM, an OPC, an ACK, or a NACK.
The IPDS mode terminates at the end of the transmission containing the select
IPDS mode structured field unless data chaining is in effect.
If the select IPDS mode structured field is preceded by a data chain structured field
indicating Begin, then the IPDS mode remains in effect until the end of a
transmission containing a data chain structured field indicating End is received.
When IPDS mode terminates, the application returns to the base data stream of
Note: For BSC-attached control units, a transmission is defined as the data
delimited by Select and EOT. For channel-attached control units, a transmission is
defined as the data transferred by a WSF command (that is, a CCW). Figure 35
shows the DSC data stream modes.
Host 3270 IP D S
(D e fa u lt) (A lte rn a te )
R eset
W /E W /E W A C M D
W S F C M D (S IM )
W S F C M D (D C , S IM )
(D C O n ly, S I M )
(D C B e g in , S IM ) W SF CM D (D C C o n tin u e )
W S F C M D (D C E n d )
BSC Copy
EW C M D (W C C = R e s e t)
E W A C M D (W C C = R e s e t)
P. O . R .
Copy Considerations
The printer is not available for an operator-initiated copy operation when in IPDS
If a BSC Copy command is received when in IPDS mode, IPDS mode terminates
and the BSC Copy operation occurs.
Note: It is required that an unordered page be contained within a chain.
To make certain that all deferred printing completes, a chain of IPDS structured
fields should end in the home state. The printer forces IPDS into the home state, if
necessary, to force deferred printing to occur when a chain terminates.
If chaining is not used, each transmission should end in the home state. If
necessary, the printer forces entry into the home state.
(N O T R ec o m m e n d e d )
H o st P rin te r
NACK/ACK detected
Read Modified
Erase/Write W CC = Reset
(DE) (CE)
Figure 36. Reporting IPDS Errors with ACK Reply Structured Field in DSC Mode
(Recomm ended)
NACK/ACK detected
Data is ignored
W S F n + 1 w ith IP D S + A R Q
Data is ignored
Read Modified
1. At the end of this sequence, the printer remains in IPDS mode if no
End-of-Chain structured field has been received.
2. Zero or more WSF with IPDS data sequences may occur before the WSF with
IPDS + ARQ flag is sent. Data is ignored and ATTENTION is repeated on
these transmissions. The Read Modify occurs after the last command.
3. If the printer generates an Intervention Required (IR) or Equipment Check (EC)
NACK, the (CE) (DE) transmission sent after the WSF n+2 command contains
the IR or EC status.
In Figure 38, the host sends data after receiving an Attention from the printer.
(NOT Recommended)
Host Printer
NACK/ACK detected
Re ad Mod ifi ed
E r a s e / Wr i t e W C C = R e s e t
(DE) (CE)
Figure 38. Asynchronous NACK in DSC (Channel-Attached) Mode. Not recommended sequence.
1. At the end of this sequence, the printer is no longer in IPDS mode.
2. If the printer generates an Intervention Required (IR) or Equipment Check (EC)
NACK, the (DC) (CE) transmission sent after the Erase/Write WCC equals
Reset command contains the IR or EC status.
In Figure 39 on page 188, the host does not issue a Read Modified after receiving
an Attention from the printer.
(NOT Recommended)
Host P rinter
W SF with IPDS
(ARQ = 1)
C h a n n e l E n d (C E )
NACK/ACK detected
D ev ic e E n d (D E )
W SF with IPDS
(DE) (CE)
Note: At the end of this sequence, the printer is still in IPDS mode. The printer
does not send the ACK/NACK to the host.
The first NACK sequence discussed below for use with printer is not desirable.
The second NACK sequence for use with printer is recommended.
(R e c o m m e n d e d )
( 1 ) T E X T ( D L E , S T X , E S C , W S F,
S IM S F, I P D S S F ' s , D L E , E T X )
N A C K /A C K d e te c te d
T E X T (S O H , R , S T X , A 1 ,
A 2 , X ‘C 2 4 0 ’, E X T ) D E
A C K 1
T E X T (D L E , S T X , A ID , S IM S F,
N A C K /A C K , D L E , E X T ) A ID = X ‘8 8 ’
(N A C K "P E R S IS T " F L A G O N)
( 2 ) T E X T ( D L E , S T X , E S C , W S F, S I M , S F ,
IP D S S F, ( A R Q = 1 N o t e - 2 ) , D L E , E T X )
IP D S d a ta is ig n o r e d
T E X T (S O H , R , S T X , A 1 ,
A 2 , X ‘C 2 4 0 ’, E T X ) D E
A C K 1
T E X T (D L E , S T X , A ID , S IM S F,
N A C K /A C K , D L E , E T X ) A ID = X ‘8 8 ’
1. At the end of this sequence, the printer remains in IPDS mode if no
End-of-Chain structured field has been received.
2. Zero or more command sequences may occur without the ARQ flag being sent.
These sequences repeat as in command sequence (1) except all data is
ignored. After the ARQ flag is received, the NACK is sent a final time with the
Persist bit off. This completes the NACK reply sequence.
3. If the printer generates an Intervention Required (IR) or Equipment Check (EC)
NACK, the IR or EC status is returned in response to the next 3270 command.
(NOT Recommended)
Host Printer
Note: If the first text section is the end-of-chain, and the host does not read the
NACK before sending more text, then the printer loses the pending NACK and
processes the second text section, as illustrated in Figure 41. If the first text
section is not end-of-chain, the printer ignores the second text section sent by the
host and resends the NACK.
(NOT Recommended)
Host Printer
Note: At the end of this sequence, the printer does not send the ACK/NACK to
the host, and the ACK/NACK is lost.
This query reply indicates the valid data streams for the printer. The structured
field is an inbound field only.
Programming Dependencies
The use of IPDS requires the following programming support outside of the 3174
and 3274 Control Unit.
The Write Structured Field (WSF) command sends IPDS data from the application
program to the printer. This data (contained within structured fields) does not
include a WCC. In IPDS mode, the start of printing depends on the content of the
data stream and conditions within the printer.
Transmissions to a printer in IPDS mode can therefore receive either an ACK reply
or a WACK reply from the control unit. The WACK reply is the only positive
indication that BSC sense/status indicating device end subsequently is sent by the
control unit.
Reference name for this TCT entry
As defined by NCP
TRMTYPE is set to SCSPRT to describe the type of terminal used.
FEATURE is set to EXTDS to allow the use of FMH’s with a TRMTYPE of
LOGMODE is set to PRTIPDS1 (or any valid name) to point to the
MODEENT entry of the Logon Mode table.
MODEENT entries for the Logon Mode Table in VTAM LU-1 Mode:
COMPROT describes to VTAM the LU protocol that is used for the logon
mode session. The value of X'7080' allows the use of FM-1 headers.
In conjunction with the above table entries, FMH-1 entries to begin and end IPDS
are required. The FMH-1 to begin IPDS is placed before the IPDS data stream and
the FMH-1 to end IPDS is placed after the IPDS data stream as shown below:
Reference name for this TCT entry
As defined by VTAM local table
The EDATS parameter allows the use of structured fields.
DLOGMOD is set to PRTIPDS2 (or any valid name) to point to the
MODEENT entry of the Logon Mode table.
MODEENT entries for the Logon Mode table in VTAM in DSC Mode:
COMPROT describes to VTAM the LU protocol that is used for this logon
mode session. The value X'2000' allows the use of structured fields.
In addition to the above table entries, two structured fields are required. The Data
Chain indicator and the Select IPDS mode structured fields precede the IPDS data
stream as shown below:
Structured fields:
Related Reading
– IBM Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage (CICS/VS):
Resource Definition Guide (Macro), Version 1 Release 7, SC33-0237
– IBM Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage (CICS/VS):
Resource Definition Guide (Online), Version 1 Release 7, SC33-0186
– IBM Advanced Communications Function for Network Control Program and
System Support Programs for 3705: Installation and Resource Definition
Guide, Version 2, SC30-3167
– IBM Advanced Communications Function for Network Control Program and
System Support Programs for 3725: Installation and Resource Definition
Guide, Version 2, SC30-3178
– IBM Advanced Communications Function for Network Control Program and
System Support Programs for 3705: Installation and Resource Definition
Guide, Version 3, SC30-3224
– IBM Advanced Communications Function for Network Control Program and
System Support Programs for 3725: Installation and Resource Definition
Guide, Version 3, SC30-3226
– IBM Advanced Communications Function for VTAM: Installation and
Resource Definition Guide, SC23-0111
– IBM Advanced Communications Function for VTAM: Installation and
Resource Definition Guide, Version 2 Release 2, SC27-0610
– IBM Advanced Communications Function for VTAM Customization, Version
2 Release 2: MVS/VSE/OS/VSI, SC27-0613.
ANSI. See American National Standards Institute. bi. See initial baseline print coordinate.
attribute. A property or characteristic of one or more bar code density. The number of characters per inch
constructs. See also character attribute, color attribute, (cpi) in a bar code symbology. In most cases, the
current drawing attributes, default drawing attributes, range is three to ten cpi. See also character density,
line attributes, marker attributes, and pattern attributes. density, and information density.
bar code symbol. A combination of characters BITS. A data type for architecture syntax, indicating
including start and stop characters, quiet zones, data one or more bytes to be interpreted as bit string
characters, and check characters required by a information.
particular symbology, that form a complete, scannable
entity. See also bar code. block or data block. Deprecated terms for object
bar height. In bar codes, the bar dimension
perpendicular to the bar width. Synonymous with bar body. (1) On a printed page, the area between the top
length and height. and bottom margins that can contain data. (2) In a
book, the portion between the front matter and the back
bar length. In bar codes, the bar dimension matter.
perpendicular to the bar width. Synonymous with bar
height and height. B-space. The distance between the character
coordinate system X-axis values of the two extremities
baseline. A conceptual line with respect to which of a character shape. See also A-space and C-space.
successive characters are aligned. See also character
baseline. Synonymous with printing baseline and
sequential baseline. C
baseline coordinate. One of a pair of values that Canadian Grocery Product Code (CGPC). The bar
identify the position of an addressable position with code symbology used to code grocery items in Canada.
respect to the origin of a specified I,B coordinate
system. This value is specified as a distance in CGPC. See Canadian Grocery Product Code.
addressable positions from the I axis of an I,B
character. (1) A member of a set of elements used for
coordinate system. Synonymous with B-coordinate.
the organization, control, or representation of data. A
baseline direction (B). The direction in which character can be either a graphic character or a control
successive lines of text appear on a logical page. character. See also graphic character and control
Synonymous with baseline progression and B-direction. character. (2) In bar codes, a single group of bars and
spaces that represent an individual number, letter,
baseline increment. The distance between punctuation mark, or other symbol.
successive baselines.
character angle. The angle that is between the
baseline progression (B). The direction in which baseline of a character string and the horizontal axis of
successive lines of text appear on a logical page. a presentation space or physical medium.
Synonymous with baseline direction and B-direction.
character attribute. A characteristic that controls the
B axis. The axis of the I,B coordinate system that appearance of a character or character string.
extends in the baseline or B-direction. The B axis does
not have to be parallel to the Yp axis of its bounding character baseline. A conceptual reference line that is
Xp,Yp coordinate space. coincident with the X axis of the character coordinate
BCOCA. See Bar Code Object Content Architecture.
character box. A conceptual rectangular box with two
B-coordinate. One of a pair of values that identify the sides parallel to the character baseline. A character’s
position of an addressable position with respect to the shape is formed within a character box by a
origin of a specified I,B coordinate system. This value presentation process, and the character box is then
is specified as a distance in addressable positions from positioned in a presentation space or on a physical
the I axis of an I,B coordinate system. Synonymous medium. The character box can be rotated before it is
with baseline coordinate. positioned.
B-direction (B). The direction in which successive character cell size. The size of a rectangle in a
lines of text appear on a logical page. Synonymous drawing space used to scale font symbols into the
with baseline direction and baseline progression. drawing space.
Begin Segment Introducer (BSI). An IPDS graphics character code. An element of a code page or a cell
self-defining field that precedes all of the drawing orders in a code table to which a character can be assigned.
in a graphics segment. The element is associated with a binary value. The
assignment of a character to an element of a code page
determines the binary value that will be used to
represent each occurrence of the character in a 7-bit Coded Character Set for Information Processing
character string. Interchange.
character coordinate system. An orthogonal character set attribute. An attribute used to specify a
coordinate system that defines font and character coded font.
measurement distances. The origin is the character
reference point. The X axis coincides with the character set metrics. The measurements used in a
character baseline. font. Examples are height, width, and character
increment for each character of the font. See also
character density. The number of characters per inch character metrics and font metrics.
(cpi) in a bar code symbology. In most cases, the
range is three to ten cpi. See also bar code density, character shear. The angle of slant of a character cell
density, and information density. that is not perpendicular to a baseline. Synonymous
with shear.
character direction. In GOCA, an attribute controlling
the direction in which a character string grows relative character string. A sequence of characters.
to the inline direction. Values are: left-to-right,
right-to-left, top-to-bottom, and bottom-to-top. check character. In bar codes, a character included
Synonymous with direction. within a bar code message whose value is used to
perform a mathematical check to ensure the accuracy
character increment. The distance from a character of that message. Synonymous with check digit.
reference point to a character escapement point. For
each character, the increment is the sum of a check digit. In bar codes, a character included within
character’s A-space, B-space, and C-space. A a bar code message whose value is used to perform a
character’s character increment is the distance the mathematical check to ensure the accuracy of that
inline coordinate is incremented when that character is message. Synonymous with check character.
placed in a presentation space or on a physical
medium. Character increment is a property of each clear area. A clear space that contains no
graphic character in a font and of the font’s character machine-readable marks preceding the start character
rotation. of a bar code symbol or following the stop character.
Synonymous with quiet zone. Contrast with
character metrics. Measurement information that intercharacter gap and space.
defines individual character values such as height,
width, and space. Character metrics can be expressed clipping. Eliminating those parts of a picture that are
in specific fixed units, such as pels, or in relative units outside of a clipping boundary such as a viewing
that are independent of both the resolution and the size window or presentation space. See also viewing
of the font. Often included as part of the more general window. Synonymous with trimming.
term “font metrics”. See also character set metrics and
Codabar. A bar code symbology characterized by a
font metrics.
discrete, self-checking, numeric code with each
character precision. The acceptable amount of character represented by a stand-alone group of four
variation in the appearance of a character on a physical bars and the three spaces between them.
medium from a specified ideal appearance, including no
CODE. A data type for architecture syntax that
acceptable variation. Examples of appearance
indicates an architected constant to be interpreted as
characteristics that can vary for a character are shape
defined by the architecture.
and position.
Code 128. A bar code symbology characterized by a
character reference point. The origin of a character
variable-length, alphanumeric code with 128 characters.
coordinate system. The X axis is the character
coded font. (1) A resource containing elements of a
code page and a font character set, used for presenting
character rotation. The alignment of a character with
text, graphics character strings, and bar code HRI. See
respect to its character baseline, measured in degrees
also code page and font character set. (2) In FOCA, a
in a clockwise direction. Examples are 0°, 90°, 180°,
resource containing the resource names of a valid pair
and 270°. Zero-degree character rotation exists when a
of font character set and code page resources. The
character is in its customary alignment with the
graphic character set of the font character set must
baseline. Contrast with rotation.
match the graphic character set of the code page for
character set. A finite set of different graphic or the coded font resource pair to be valid. (3) In the
control characters that is complete for a given purpose. IPDS architecture, a raster font resource containing
For example, the character set in ISO Standard 646, code points that are directly paired to font metrics and
the raster representation of character shapes, for a column. In FD:OCA, a subarray consisting of all
specific graphic character set. (4) In the IPDS elements that have an identical position within the low
architecture, a font resource containing descriptive dimension of a regular two-dimensional array.
information, a code page, font metrics, and a
digital-technology representation of character shapes for command. (1) In the IPDS architecture, a structured
a specific graphic character set. field sent from a host to a printer. (2) In GOCA, a
data-stream construct used to communicate from the
coded graphic character set. A set of graphic controlling environment to the drawing process. The
characters with their assigned code points. command introducer is environment dependent. (3) A
request for system action.
code page. (1) A resource object containing
descriptive information, graphic character identifiers, command set. A collection of IPDS commands.
and code points corresponding to a coded graphic
character set. Graphic characters have been added command-set vector. Information that identifies an
over time; therefore, to specifically identify a code page, IPDS command set and data level supported by a
both a GCSGID and a CPGID should be used. See printer. Command-set vectors are returned with an
also coded graphic character set. (2) A set of Acknowledge Reply to an IPDS Sense Type and Model
assignments, each of which assigns a code point to a command.
character. Each code page has a unique name or
identifier. Within a given code page, a code point is compression algorithm. An algorithm used to
assigned to one character. More than one character compress image data. Compression of image data can
set can be assigned code points from the same code decrease the volume of data required to represent an
page. See also code point and section. image.
Code Page Global Identifier (CPGID). A unique code construct. An architected set of data such as a
page identifier that can be expressed as either a structured field or a triplet.
two-byte binary or a five-digit decimal value.
continuous-form media. Connected sheets. An
code point. A unique bit pattern that can serve as an example of connected sheets is sheets of paper
element of a code page or a site in a code table, to connected by a perforated tear strip. Contrast with
which a character can be assigned. The element is cut-sheet media.
associated with a binary value. The assignment of a
character to an element of a code page determines the control character. (1) A character that denotes the
binary value that will be used to represent each start, modification, or end of a control function. A
occurrence of the character in a character string. Code control character can be recorded for use in a
points are one or more bytes long. See also code table subsequent action, and it can have a graphic
and section. representation. See also character. (2) A control
function the coded representation of which consists of a
code table. A table showing the character allocated to single code point.
each code point in a code. See also code page and
code point. controlled white space. White space caused by
execution of a control sequence. See also white space.
color attribute. An attribute that affects the color
values provided in a graphics primitive, a text control control sequence. A sequence of bytes that specifies
sequence, or an IPDS command. Examples of color a control function. A control sequence consists of a
attributes are foreground color and background color. control sequence introducer and zero or more
color image. Images whose image data elements are
represented by multiple bits or whose image data control sequence chaining. A method used to
element values are mapped to color values. Constructs identify a sequential string of control sequences so they
that map image-data-element values to color values are can be processed efficiently.
look-up tables and image-data-element structure
control sequence introducer. The information at the
parameters. Examples of color values are screen color
beginning of a control sequence. An unchained control
values for displays and color toner values for printers.
sequence introducer consists of a control sequence
color of medium. The color of a presentation space prefix, a class, a length, and a function type. A chained
before any data is added to it. Synonymous with reset control sequence introducer consists of a length and a
color. function type.
the fourth quadrant with positive values for the Y axis. current baseline coordinate. The baseline
The origin is the upper left-hand corner of the fourth presentation position at the present time. The baseline
quadrant. A pair of (x,y) values corresponds to one presentation position is the summation of the
image point. Each image point is described by an increments of all baseline controls since the baseline
image data element. See also character coordinate was established in the presentation space. The
system. baseline presentation position is established in a
presentation space either as part of the initialization
coordinates. A pair of values that specify a position in procedures for processing an object or by an Absolute
a coordinate space. See also absolute coordinate and Move Baseline control sequence. Synonymous with
relative coordinate. current baseline presentation coordinate.
copy control. A method used to specify the number of current baseline presentation coordinate (Bc). The
copies for a presentation space and the modifications to baseline presentation position at the present time. The
be made to each copy. baseline presentation position is the summation of the
increments of all baseline controls since the baseline
copy counter. Bytes in an Acknowledge Reply that was established in the presentation space. The
identify the number of copies of a page that have baseline presentation position is established in a
passed a particular point in the logical paper path. presentation space either as part of the initialization
procedures for processing an object or by an Absolute
copy group. A set of copy subgroups that specify all Move Baseline control sequence. Synonymous with
copies of a sheet. In the IPDS architecture, a copy current baseline coordinate.
group is specified by a Load Copy Control command. current baseline print coordinate (bc). In the IPDS
In the MO:DCA architecture, a copy group is specified architecture, the baseline coordinate corresponding to
within a Medium Map. See also copy subgroup. the current print position on a logical page. The current
baseline print coordinate is a coordinate in an I,B
copy modification. The process of adding, deleting,
coordinate system. See also I,B coordinate system.
or replacing data on selected copies of a presentation
space. current drawing attributes. The set of attributes used
at the present time to direct a drawing process.
copy subgroup. A part of a copy group that specifies
Contrast with default drawing attributes.
a number of identical copies of a sheet and all
modifications to those copies. Modifications include the current drawing controls. The set of drawing controls
media source, medium overlays to be presented on the used at the present time to direct a drawing process.
sheet, text suppressions, the number of pages on the Contrast with default drawing controls.
sheet, and either simplex or duplex presentation. In the
IPDS architecture, copy subgroups are specified by current logical page. The logical page presentation
Load Copy Control command entries. In the MO:DCA space that is currently being used to process the data
architecture, copy subgroups are specified by repeating within a page object or an overlay object.
groups in the Medium Copy Count structured field in a
Medium Map. See also copy group. current position. The position identified by the current
presentation space coordinates. For example, the
correlation. (1) A method used in GOCA to determine coordinate position reached after the execution of a
if a picture defines any parts of a drawing that lie within drawing order. See also current baseline presentation
a pick window. See also pick window. (2) A method coordinate and current inline presentation coordinate.
used in the IPDS architecture to match exceptions with Contrast with given position.
cut-sheet media. Unconnected sheets. Contrast with
correlation ID. A two-byte value that specifies an continuous-form media.
identifier of an IPDS command. The correlation ID is
optional and is present only if bit one of the command’s
flag byte is B'1'. D
CPGID. See Code Page Global Identifier. data stream. A continuous stream of data that has a
defined format. An example of a defined format is a
C-space. The distance from the most positive structured field.
character coordinate system X-axis value of a character
shape to the character’s escapement point. C-space data-stream exception. In the IPDS architecture, a
can be positive, zero, or negative. See also A-space condition that exists when the printer detects an invalid
and B-space. or unsupported command, order, control, or parameter
value from the host. Data-stream exceptions are those
whose action code is X'01', X'19', or X'1F'. See
also asynchronous exception and synchronous the document component. See also document
exception. component and structured field.
decoder. In bar codes, the component of a bar code document element. A self-identifying, variable-length,
reading system that receives the signals from the bounded record, which can have a content portion that
scanner, performs the algorithm to interpret the signals provides control information, data, or both. An
into meaningful data, and provides the interface to other application or device does not have to understand
devices. See also reader and scanner. control information or data to parse a data stream when
all the records in the data stream are document
default. A value, attribute, or option that is assumed elements. See also structured field.
when none has been specified and one is needed to
continue processing. See also default drawing downloaded resource. In the IPDS architecture, a
attributes and default drawing controls. resource in a printer that is installed and removed under
control of a host presentation services program. A
default drawing attributes. The set of drawing downloaded resource is referenced by a host-assigned
attributes adopted at the beginning of a drawing name that is valid for the duration of the session
process and usually at the beginning of each root between the presentation services program and the
segment that is processed. See also root segment. printer. Contrast with resident resource.
Contrast with current drawing attributes.
drawing order. In GOCA, a graphics construct that
default drawing controls. The set of drawing controls the controlling environment builds to instruct a drawing
adopted at the start of a drawing process and usually at processor about what to draw and how to draw it. The
the start of each root segment that is processed. See order can specify, for example, that a graphics primitive
also root segment. Contrast with current drawing be drawn, a change to drawing attributes or drawing
controls. controls be effected, or a segment be called. One or
more graphics primitives can be used to draw a picture.
density. The number of characters per inch (cpi) in a Drawing orders can be included in a structured field.
bar code symbology. In most cases, the range is three See also order.
to ten cpi. See also bar code density, character
density, and information density. drawing order coordinate space (DOCS). A
two-dimensional conceptual space in which graphics
device-control command set. In the IPDS primitives are drawn, using drawing orders, to create
architecture, a collection of commands used to set up a pictures.
page, communicate device controls, and manage printer
acknowledgment protocol. drawing processor. A graphics processor component
that executes segments to draw a picture in a
dimension. In FD:OCA, each successive level of presentation space. See also segment, graphics
partitioning. Dimensions allow the addressing of presentation space, and image presentation space.
specific parts of an array. See also partitioning and
array. drawing units. Units of measurement used within a
graphics presentation space to specify absolute and
direction. In GOCA, an attribute that controls the relative positions.
direction in which a character string grows relative to
the inline direction. Values are: left-to-right, right-to-left, duplex. A method used to print data on both sides of
top-to-bottom, and bottom-to-top. Synonymous with a sheet. Normal-duplex printing occurs when the sheet
character direction. is turned over the Ym axis. Tumble-duplex printing
occurs when the sheet is turned over the Xm axis.
document. (1) A machine-readable collection of one
or more objects that represents a composition, a work, duplex printing. A method used to print data on both
or a collection of data. (2) A publication or other written sides of a sheet. Contrast with simplex printing.
external leading. The amount of white space, in font index. (1) The mapping of a descriptive font
addition to the internal leading, that can be added to name to a font member name in a font library. An
interline spacing without degrading the aesthetic example of a font member in a font library is a font
appearance of a font. This value is usually specified by resource object. Examples of attributes used to form a
a font designer. Contrast with internal leading. descriptive font name are typeface, family name, point
size, style, weight, and width. (2) In the IPDS
architecture, an LF1-type raster-font resource containing
character metrics for each code point of a raster font or
raster-font section for a particular font inline sequence.
There can be a font index for 0 degree, 90 degree, 180 foreground color. A color attribute used to specify the
degree, and 270 degree font inline sequences. A font color of the foreground of a primitive. Contrast with
index can be downloaded to a printer using the Load background color.
Font Index command. An LF1-type coded font or
coded-font section is the combination of one fully foreground mix. An attribute used to determine how
described font and one font index. See also fully the foreground color of data is combined with the
described font. existing color of a graphics presentation space. An
example of data is a graphics primitive. Contrast with
font inline sequence. The clockwise rotation of the background mix.
inline direction relative to a character pattern.
form. A division of the physical medium; multiple forms
font metrics. Measurement information that defines can exist on a physical medium. For example, a roll of
individual character values such as height, width, and paper might be divided by a printer into rectangular
space, as well as overall font values such as averages pieces of paper, each representing a form. Envelopes
and maximums. Font metrics can be expressed in are an example of a physical medium that comprises
specific fixed units, such as pels, or in relative units that only one form. The IPDS architecture defines four
are independent of both the resolution and the size of types of forms: cut-sheets, continuous forms,
the font. See also character metrics and character set envelopes, and computer output on microfilm. Each
metrics. type of form has a top edge. A form has two sides, a
front side and a back side. Synonymous with sheet.
font object. A resource object that contains some or
all of the description of a font. format. The arrangement or layout of data on a
physical medium or in a presentation space.
Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA). An
architected collection of constructs used to describe full arc. A complete circle or ellipse. See also arc.
fonts and to interchange those font descriptions.
fully described font. In the IPDS architecture, an
font width (FW). (1) A characteristic value, parallel to LF1-type raster-font resource containing font metrics,
the character baseline, that represents the size of all descriptive information, and the raster representation of
graphic characters in a font. Synonymous with character shapes, for a specific graphic character set.
horizontal font size. (2) In a font character set, nominal A fully described font can be downloaded to a printer
font width is a font-designer defined value using the Load Font Control and Load Font commands.
corresponding to the nominal character increment for a An LF1-type coded font or coded-font section is the
font character set. The value is generally the width of combination of one fully described font and one font
the space character and is defined differently for fonts index. See also font index.
with different spacing characteristics.
For fixed-pitch, uniform character increment fonts:
the fixed character increment, which is also the
space character increment GCSGID. See Graphic Character Set Global Identifier.
For PSM fonts: the width of the space character
given position. The coordinate position at which
For typographic, proportionally spaced fonts: drawing is to begin. A given position is specified in a
one-third of the vertical font size, which is also the drawing order. Contrast with current position.
default size of the space character.
The font designer can also define a minimum and a Global Identifier (GID). Any of the following:
maximum horizontal font size to represent the limits of Code Page Global ID (CPGID)
scaling. (3) In font referencing, the specified font width
Graphic Character Global Identifier (GCGID)
is the desired size of the font when the characters are
presented. If this size is different from the nominal Font Typeface Global Identifier (FGID)
horizontal font size specified in a font character set, the
Graphic Character Set Global Identifier (GCSGID)
character shapes and character metrics might need to
be scaled prior to presentation. Coded Graphic Character Set Global Identifier
foreground. (1) The part of a presentation space that
In the MO:DCA architecture, an encoded graphic
is occupied by object data. (2) In GOCA, the portion of
character string that provides a reference name for
a drawing primitive that is mixed into the presentation
a document element.
space under the control of the current value of the mix
and color attributes. See also pel. Contrast with Global Resource Identifier (GRID)
background. Object identifier (OID)
Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID). All viewing transforms are completed before the picture
is generated for presentation on an output medium. An
global resource identifier (GRID). An eight-byte example of a graphics presentation space is the
identifier that identifies a coded font resource. A GRID abstract space containing graphics pictures defined in
contains the following fields in the order shown: an IPDS Write Graphics Control command. Contrast
1. GCSGID of a minimum set of graphic characters with graphics model space.
required for presentation. It can be a character set
graphics presentation space window. The portion of
that is associated with the code page, or with the
a graphics presentation space that can be mapped to a
font character set, or with both.
graphics object area on a logical page.
2. CPGID of the associated code page
graphics segment. A set of graphics drawing orders
3. FGID of the associated font character set
contained within a Begin Segment command. See also
4. Font width in 1440ths of an inch. segment.
glyph. A member of a set of symbols that represent GRID. See global resource identifier.
data. Glyphs can be letters, digits, punctuation marks,
or other symbols. Synonymous with graphic character.
See also character. H
GOCA. See Graphics Object Content Architecture. HAID. See Host-Assigned ID.
graphic character. A member of a set of symbols that height. In bar codes, the bar dimension perpendicular
represent data. Graphic characters can be letters, to the bar width. Synonymous with bar height and bar
digits, punctuation marks, or other symbols. length.
Synonymous with glyph. See also character.
hexadecimal. A number system with a base of
Graphic Character Set Global Identifier (GCSGID). sixteen. The decimal digits 0 through 9 and characters
A unique graphic character set identifier that can be A through F are used to represent hexadecimal digits.
expressed as either a two-byte binary or a five-digit The hexadecimal digits A through F correspond to the
decimal value. decimal numbers 10 through 15, respectively. An
example of a hexadecimal number is X'1B', which is
graphics command set. In the IPDS architecture, a equal to the decimal number 27.
collection of commands used to present GOCA data in
a page, page segment, or overlay. highlighting. The emphasis of displayed or printed
information. Examples are increased intensity of
graphics data. Data containing lines, arcs, markers, selected characters on a display screen and exception
and other constructs that describe a picture. highlighting on an IPDS printer.
graphics model space. A two-dimensional conceptual home state. An initial IPDS operating state. A printer
space in which a picture is constructed. All model returns to home state at the end of each page, and
transforms are completed before a picture is after downloading a font, overlay, or page segment.
constructed in a graphics model space. Contrast with
graphics presentation space. Synonymous with model horizontal font size. (1) A characteristic value,
space. parallel to the character baseline, that represents the
size of all graphic characters in a font. Synonymous
graphics object. An object that contains graphics with font width. (2) In a font character set, nominal
data. See also object. horizontal font size is a font-designer defined value
corresponding to the nominal character increment for a
graphics object area. A rectangular area on a logical font character set. The value is generally the width of
page into which a graphics presentation space window the space character and is defined differently for fonts
is mapped. with different spacing characteristics.
Graphics Object Content Architecture (GOCA). An For fixed-pitch, uniform character increment fonts:
architected collection of constructs used to interchange the fixed character increment, which is also the
and present graphics data. space character increment
For PSM fonts: the width of the space character
graphics presentation space. A two-dimensional
conceptual space in which a picture is constructed. In For typographic, proportionally spaced fonts:
this space graphics drawing orders are defined. The one-third of the vertical font size, which is also the
picture can then be mapped onto an output medium. default size of the space character.
The font designer can also define a minimum and a image. An electronic representation of a picture
maximum horizontal font size to represent the limits of produced by means of sensing light, sound, electron
scaling. (3) In font referencing, the specified horizontal radiation, or other emanations coming from the picture
font size is the desired size of the font when the or reflected by the picture. An image can also be
characters are presented. If this size is different from generated directly by software without reference to an
the nominal horizontal font size specified in a font existing picture.
character set, the character shapes and character
metrics might need to be scaled prior to presentation. image data. Rectangular arrays of raster information
that define an image.
host. (1) In the IPDS architecture, a computer that
drives a printer. (2) In IOCA, the host is the controlling image object. An object that contains image data.
environment. See also object.
IOCA. See Image Object Content Architecture. local identifier (LID). An identifier that is mapped by
the environment to a named resource.
IO image. An image object containing IOCA
constructs. Contrast with IM image. location. A site within a data stream. A location is
specified in terms of an offset in the number of
IO-image command set. In the IPDS architecture, a structured fields from the beginning of a data stream, or
collection of commands used to present IOCA data in a in the number of bytes from another location within the
page, page segment, or overlay. data stream.
IPDS. See Intelligent Printer Data Stream. logical page. A presentation space. One or more
object areas can be mapped to a logical page. A
logical page has specifiable characteristics, such as
size, shape, orientation, and offset. The shape of a
logical page is the shape of a rectangle. Orientation meaning. A table heading for architecture syntax. The
and offset are specified relative to a medium coordinate entries under this heading convey the meaning or
system. purpose of a construct. A meaning entry can be a long
name, a description, or a brief statement of function.
logical unit. A unit of linear measurement expressed
with a unit base and units per unit-base value. For media. Plural of medium. See also medium.
example, in MO:DCA and IPDS architectures, the
following logical units are used: media destination. The destination to which sheets
are sent as the last step in the print process. Contrast
1 logical unit = 1/1440 inch
with media source.
(unit base = 10 inches,
units per unit base = 14400) media source. The source from which sheets are
1 logical unit = 1/240 inch obtained for printing. Some printers support several
(unit base = 10 inches, media sources so that media with different
units per unit base = 2400) characteristics (such as size, color, and type) can be
selected when desired. Contrast with media
Synonymous with L-unit.
lowercase. Pertaining to small letters as distinguished
medium. A two-dimensional conceptual space with a
from capital letters. Examples of small letters are a, b,
base coordinate system from which all other coordinate
and g. Contrast with uppercase.
systems are either directly or indirectly derived. A
medium is mapped onto a physical medium in a
L-unit. A unit of linear measurement expressed with a
device-dependent manner. Synonymous with medium
unit base and units per unit-base value. For example,
presentation space. See also logical page, physical
in MO:DCA and IPDS architectures, the following
medium, and presentation space.
L-units are used:
1 L-unit = l/1440 inch medium presentation space. A two-dimensional
(unit base = 10 inches, conceptual space with a base coordinate system from
units per unit base = 14400) which all other coordinate systems are either directly or
indirectly derived. A medium presentation space is
1 L-unit = 1/240 inch
mapped onto a physical medium in a device-dependent
(unit base = 10 inches,
manner. Synonymous with medium. See also logical
units per unit base = 2400)
page, physical medium, and presentation space.
Synonymous with logical unit.
mixing rule. A method for specifying the color
attributes of the resulting foreground and background in
M areas where two presentation spaces intersect.
marker. A symbol with a recognizable appearance that Mixed Object Document Content Architecture
is used to identify a particular location. An example of (MO:DCA). An architected, device-independent data
a marker is a symbol that is positioned by the center stream for interchanging documents.
point of its cell.
MO:DCA. See Mixed Object Document Content
marker attributes. The characteristics that control the Architecture.
appearance of a marker. Examples of marker attributes
are size and color. model space. A two-dimensional conceptual space in
which a picture is constructed. All model transforms are
marker cell. A conceptual rectangular box that can completed before a picture is constructed in a graphics
include a marker symbol and the space surrounding model space. Contrast with graphics presentation
that symbol. space. Synonymous with graphics model space.
marker precision. A method used to specify the model transform. A transform that is applied to
degree of influence that marker attributes have on the drawing-order coordinates. Contrast with viewing
appearance of a marker. transform.
marker set. In GOCA, an attribute used to access a module. In a bar code symbology, the nominal width
coded font. of the smallest element of a bar or space. Actual bar
code symbology bars and spaces can be a single
marker symbol. A symbol that is used for a marker. module wide or some multiple of the module width. The
multiple need not be an integer.
modulo-N check. A check in which an operand is online. A device state in which the device is under the
divided by a modulus to generate a remainder that is direct control of a host. Contrast with offline.
retained and later used for checking. An example of an
operand is the sum of a set of digits. See also Optical Character Recognition-A (OCR-A). A font
modulus. containing the character set in ANSI standard
X3.17-1981, that contains characters that are both
modulus. In a modulo check, the number by which an human-readable and machine-readable.
operand is divided. An example of an operand is the
sum of a set of digits. See also modulo-N check. Optical Character Recognition-B (OCR-B). A font
containing the character set in ANSI standard
X3.49-1975, that contains characters that are both
N human-readable and machine-readable.
NACK. See Negative Acknowledge Reply. order. (1) In GOCA, a graphics construct that the
controlling environment builds to instruct a drawing
name. A table heading for architecture syntax. The processor about what to draw and how to draw it. The
entries under this heading are short names that give a order can specify, for example, that a graphics primitive
general indication of the contents of the construct. be drawn, a change to drawing attributes or drawing
controls be effected, or a segment be called. One or
Negative Acknowledge Reply (NACK). In the IPDS more graphics primitives can be used to draw a picture.
architecture, a reply from a printer to a host, indicating Orders can be included in a structured field.
that an exception has occurred. Contrast with Positive Synonymous with drawing order. (2) In the IPDS
Acknowledge Reply. architecture, a construct within an execute-order
command. (3) In IOCA, a functional operation that is
no operation (NOP). A construct whose execution
performed on the image content.
causes a product to proceed to the next instruction to
be processed without taking any other action. ordered page. In the IPDS architecture, a logical page
that does not contain any page segments or overlays,
and in which all text data and all image, graphics, and
O bar code objects are ordered. The order of the data
object. (1) A collection of structured fields. The first objects is such that physical pel locations on the
structured field provides a begin-object function, and the physical medium are accessed by the printer in a
last structured field provides an end-object function. sequential left-to-right and top-to-bottom manner, where
The object can contain one or more other structured these directions are relative to the top edge of the
fields whose content consists of one or more data physical medium. Once a physical pel location has
elements of a particular data type. An object can be been accessed by the printer, the page data does not
assigned a name, which can be used to reference the require the printer to access that same physical pel
object. Examples of objects are text, font, graphics, location again.
image, and formatted data objects. (2) Something that
orientation. The angular distance a presentation
a user works with to perform a task.
space or object area is rotated in a specified coordinate
object area. A rectangular area in a presentation system, expressed in degrees and minutes. For
space into which a data object is mapped. The example, the orientation of printing on a physical
presentation space can be for a page or an overlay. medium, relative to the Xm axis of the Xm,Ym coordinate
Examples are a graphics object area, an image object system. See also presentation space orientation and
area, and a bar code object area. Formerly called text orientation.
origin. The point in a coordinate system where the
OCR-A. See Optical Character Recognition-A. axes intersect. Examples of origins are the addressable
position in an Xm,Ym coordinate system where both
OCR-B. See Optical Character Recognition-B. coordinate values are zero and the character reference
point in a character coordinate system.
offline. A device state in which the device is not under
the direct control of a host. Contrast with online. overlay. (1) A resource object that can contain text,
image, graphics, and bar code data. Overlays define
offset. A table heading for architecture syntax. The their own environment and are often used as electronic
entries under this heading indicate the numeric forms. (2) The final representation of such an object on
displacement into a construct. The offset is measured a physical medium. Contrast with page segment.
in bytes and starts with byte zero. Individual bits can
be expressed as displacements within bytes.
overlay command set. In the IPDS architecture, a parameter. (1) A variable that is given a constant
collection of commands used to load, deactivate, and value for a specified application. (2) A variable used in
include overlays. conjunction with a command to affect its result.
overlay ID. A one-byte ID assigned by a host to an partition. (1) Dividing the medium presentation space
overlay. Overlay IDs are used in IPDS Begin Overlay, into a specified number of equal-sized areas in a
Deactivate Overlay, Include Overlay, and Load Copy manner determined by the current physical media.
Control commands. (2) In FD:OCA, a conceptual subdivision of a string of
data fields. A partition can be further divided into
overlay state. An operating state that allows overlay subpartitions. See also dimension.
data to be downloaded to a product. For example, a
printer enters overlay state from home state when the partitioning. (1) A method used to place parts of a
printer receives an IPDS Begin Overlay command. control into two or more segments or structured fields.
Partitioning can cause difficulties for a receiver if one of
overpaint. A mixing rule in which the intersection of the segments or structured fields is not received or is
part of a new presentation space Pnew with an existing received out of order. (2) In FD:OCA, a conceptual
presentation space Pexisting keeps the color attribute of division of a string of data fields into substrings. Each
Pnew. This is also referred to as “opaque” mixing. See substring is called a partition. See also partition.
also mixing rule. Contrast with underpaint.
pattern. An array of symbols used to fill an area.
overstrike. In PTOCA, the presentation of a
designated character as a string of characters in a pattern attributes. The characteristics that specify the
specified text field. The intended effect is to make the appearance of a pattern.
resulting presentation appear as though the text field,
whether filled with characters or blanks, has been pattern set. An attribute in GOCA used to access a
marked out with the overstriking character. symbol set or coded font.
picture element. The smallest printable or displayable presentation text object. An object that contains
unit on a physical medium. In computer graphics, the presentation text data. See also object.
smallest element of a physical medium that can be
independently assigned color and intensity. Picture Presentation Text Object Content Architecture
elements per inch is often used as a measurement of (PTOCA). An architected collection of constructs used
presentation granularity. Synonymous with pel and to interchange and present presentation text data.
print quality. In bar codes, the measure of compliance
pixel. The smallest printable or displayable unit on a of a bar code symbol to the requirements of
physical medium. In computer graphics, the smallest dimensional tolerance, edge roughness, spots, voids,
element of a physical medium that can be reflectivity, PCS, and quiet zones defined within a bar
independently assigned color and intensity. Picture code symbology.
elements per inch is often used as a measurement of
presentation granularity. Synonymous with pel and printing baseline. A conceptual line with respect to
picture element. which successive characters are aligned. See also
character baseline. Synonymous with baseline and
point. (1) A unit of measure used mainly for sequential baseline.
measuring typographical material. There are
seventy-two points to an inch. (2) In GOCA, a prolog. The first portion of a segment’s data. Prologs
parameter that specifies the position within the drawing are optional. They contain attribute settings and
order coordinate space. See also drawing order drawing controls. Synonymous with segment prolog.
coordinate space.
PTOCA. See Presentation Text Object Content
portrait. A presentation orientation in which the Xm Architecture.
axis is parallel to the short sides of a rectangular
physical medium. Contrast with landscape.
position. A position in a presentation space or on a
quiet zone. A clear space that contains no
physical medium that can be identified by a coordinate
machine-readable marks preceding the start character
from the coordinate system of the presentation space or
of a bar code symbol or following the stop character.
physical medium. See also picture element.
Synonymous with clear area. Contrast with
Synonymous with addressable position.
intercharacter gap and space.
Positive Acknowledge Reply (ACK). In the IPDS
architecture, a reply to an IPDS command that has its
ARQ flag on and in which no exception is reported.
Contrast with Negative Acknowledge Reply. range. A table heading for architecture syntax. The
entries under this heading give numeric ranges
pragmatics. Information related to the usage of a
applicable to a construct. The ranges can be
construct. See also semantics and syntax.
expressed in binary, decimal, or hexadecimal. The
range can consist of a single value.
presentation position. An addressable position that is
coincident with a character reference point. See also
raster pattern. A rectangular array of pels arranged in
addressable position and character reference point.
rows called scan lines.
presentation space. A conceptual address space with
reader. In bar code systems, the scanner or
a specified coordinate system and a set of addressable
combination of scanner and decoder. See also decoder
positions. The coordinate system and addressable
and scanner.
positions can coincide with those of a physical medium.
Examples of presentation spaces are medium, logical relative coordinate. One of the coordinates that
page, and object area. See also graphics presentation identify the location of an addressable point by means
space, image presentation space, logical page, medium of a displacement from some other addressable point.
presentation space, and text presentation space. Contrast with absolute coordinate.
presentation space orientation. The number of relative line. A straight line developed from a specified
degrees and minutes a presentation space is rotated in point by a given displacement.
a specified coordinate system. For example, the
orientation of printing on a physical medium, relative to relative metrics. Graphic character measurements
the Xm axis of the Xm,Ym coordinate system. See also expressed as fractions of a square, called the
orientation and text orientation. Em-square, whose sides correspond to the vertical size
of the font. Because the measurements are relative to retired. Set aside for a particular purpose, and not
the size of the Em square, the same metrics can be available for any other purpose. Retired fields and
used for different point sizes and different raster pattern values are specified for compatibility with existing
resolutions. Relative metrics require defining the unit of products and identify one of the following:
measure for the Em square, the point size of the font,
Fields or values that have been used by a product
and, if applicable, the resolution of the raster pattern.
in a manner not compliant with the architected
relative move. A method used to establish a new
current position. Distance and direction from the Fields or values that have been removed from an
current position are used to establish the new current architecture.
position. The direction of displacement is inline along
the I axis in the I-direction, or baseline along the B axis RM4SCC. See Royal Mail 4 State Customer Code.
in the B-direction, or both.
root segment. A segment in the picture chain that is
repeat string. A method used to repeat the character not called by any other segment. If a single segment
content of text data until a given number of characters that is not in a chain is drawn, it is treated as a root
has been processed. Any control sequences in the text segment for the duration of the drawing process.
data are ignored. This method provides the functional
equivalence of a Transparent Data control sequence rotation. The orientation of a presentation space with
when the given number of repeated characters is equal respect to the coordinate system of a containing
to the number of characters in the text data. presentation space. Rotation is measured in degrees in
a clockwise direction. Zero-degree rotation exists when
repeating group. A group of parameter specifications the angle between a presentation space’s positive X
that can be repeated. axis and the containing presentation space’s positive X
axis is zero degrees. Contrast with character rotation.
reserved. Having no assigned meaning and put aside
for future use. The content of reserved fields is not Royal Mail 4 State Customer Code (RM4SCC). A 2
used by receivers, and should be set by generators to a dimensional bar code symbology developed by the
specified value, if given, or to binary zeros. A reserved United Kingdom's Royal Mail postal service for use in
field or value can be assigned a meaning by an automated mail-sorting processes.
architecture at any time.
rule. A solid line of any line width.
reset color. The color of a presentation space before
any data is added to it. Synonymous with color of
medium. S
resident resource. In the IPDS architecture, a sans serif. A type style characterized by strokes that
resource in a printer or in a resource-caching end with no flaring or crossing of lines at the
intermediate device. A resident resource can be stroke-ends. Contrast with serif.
installed manually or can be captured by the device if it
scaling. Making all or part of a picture smaller or
is intended for public use. A resident resource can not
larger by multiplying the coordinate values of the picture
be removed by a presentation services program. A
by a constant amount. If the same multiplier is applied
resident resource is referenced by a global ID that is
along both dimensions, the scaling is uniform, and the
valid for the duration of the resource’s presence in the
proportions of the picture are unaffected. Otherwise,
device. Contrast with downloaded resource.
the scaling is anamorphic, and the proportions of the
resolution. (1) A measure of the sharpness of an picture are changed. See also anamorphic scaling.
input or output device capability, as given by some
scan line. A series of picture elements. Scan lines in
measure relative to the distance between two points or
raster patterns form images. See also picture element
lines that can just be distinguished. (2) The number of
and raster pattern.
addressable pels per unit of length.
scanner. In bar codes, an electronic device that
resource. An object that is referenced by a data
converts optical information into electrical signals. See
stream or by another object to provide data or
also reader.
information. Resource objects can be stored in
libraries. In the MO:DCA architecture, resource objects
section. A portion of a double-byte code page that
can be contained within a resource group. Examples of
consists of 256 consecutive entries. The first byte of a
resources are fonts, overlays, and page segments. See
two-byte code point is the section identifier. A
also downloaded resource and resident resource.
code-page section is also called a code-page ward in
some environments. See also code page and code forms, envelopes, and computer output on microfilm.
point. Each type of sheet has a top edge. A sheet has two
sides, a front side and a back side. Synonymous with
section identifier. A value that identifies a section. form.
Synonymous with section number.
side. A physical surface of a sheet. A sheet has a
section number. A value that identifies a section. front side and a back side. See also sheet.
Synonymous with section identifier.
simplex printing. A method used to print data on one
secure overlay. An overlay that can be printed side of a sheet; the other side is left blank. Contrast
anywhere within the physical printable area. A secure with duplex printing.
overlay is not affected by an IPDS Define User Area
command. single-byte coded font. A coded font in which the
code points are one byte long.
segment. (1) In GOCA, a set of graphics drawing
orders contained within a Begin Segment command. slice. In FD:OCA, a subarray that consists of all
See also graphics segment. (2) In IOCA, image elements that have an identical position within any
content bracketed by Begin Segment and End Segment given dimension of a regular n-dimensional array.
self-defining fields. See also image segment.
space. In bar codes, the lighter element of a printed
segment prolog. The first portion of a segment’s data. bar code symbol, usually formed by the background
Prologs are optional. They contain attribute settings between bars. See also element. Contrast with bar,
and drawing controls. Synonymous with prolog. clear area, intercharacter gap, and quiet zone.
segment transform. A model transform that is applied spanning. In the IPDS architecture, a method in which
to a whole segment. one command is used to start a sequence of constructs.
Subsequent commands continue and terminate that
semantics. The meaning of the parameters of a sequence. See also control sequence chaining.
construct. See also pragmatics and syntax.
special data area (SDA). The data area in an IPDS
sequential baseline. A conceptual line with respect to Acknowledge Reply that contains data requested by the
which successive characters are aligned. See also host or generated by a printer as a result of an
character baseline. Synonymous with baseline and exception.
printing baseline.
store mode. A mode in which segments are stored for
serif. A short line angling from or crossing the free end later execution. Contrast with immediate mode.
of a stroke. Examples are horizontal lines at the tops
and bottoms of vertical strokes on capital letters, for stroke. A straight or curved line used to create the
example, I and H, and the decorative strokes at the shape of a letter.
ends of the horizontal members of a capital E. Contrast
with sans serif. structured field. A self-identifying, variable-length,
bounded record, which can have a content portion that
session. In the IPDS architecture, the period of time provides control information, data, or both. See also
during which a presentation services program has sole document element.
control of a printer and has established two-way
communication with the printer. subset. Within the base-and-towers concept, a portion
of architecture represented by a particular level in a
shade. Variation of a color produced by mixing it with tower or by a base. See also subsetting tower.
subsetting tower. Within the base-and-towers
shear. The angle of slant of a character cell that is not concept, a tower representing an aspect of function
perpendicular to a baseline. Synonymous with achieved by an architecture. A tower is independent of
character shear. any other towers. A tower can be subdivided into
subsets. A subset contains all the function of any
sheet. A division of the physical medium; multiple subsets below it in the tower. See also subset.
sheets can exist on a physical medium. For example, a
roll of paper might be divided by a printer into suppression. A method used to prevent presentation
rectangular pieces of paper, each representing a sheet. of specified data. Examples of suppression are the
Envelopes are an example of a physical medium that processing of text data without placing characters on a
comprises only one sheet. The IPDS architecture physical medium and the electronic equivalent of the
defines four types of sheets: cut-sheets, continuous “spot carbon,” that prevents selected data from being
presented on certain copies of a presentation space or text orientation. A description of the appearance of
a physical medium. text as a combination of inline direction and baseline
direction. See also baseline direction, inline direction,
symbol. (1) A visual representation of something by orientation, and presentation space orientation.
reason of relationship, association, or convention.
(2) In GOCA, the subpicture referenced as a character text presentation. The transformation of document
definition within a font character set and used as a graphic character content and its associated font
character, marker, or fill pattern. A bitmap can also be information into a visible form. An example of a visible
referenced as a symbol for use as a fill pattern. See form of text is character shapes on a physical medium.
also bar code symbol.
text presentation space. A two-dimensional
symbol set. A coded font that is usually simpler in conceptual space in which text is generated for
structure than a fully described font. Symbol sets are presentation on an output medium.
used where typographic quality is not required.
Examples of devices that might not provide typographic transform. A modification of one or more
quality are dot-matrix printers and displays. See also characteristics of a picture. Examples of picture
character set, marker set, and pattern set. characteristics that can be transformed are position,
orientation, and size. See also model transform,
synchronous exception. In the IPDS architecture, a segment transform, and viewing transform.
data-stream or resource-storage exception that must be
reported to the host before a printer can return a transparent data. A method used to indicate that any
Positive Acknowledge Reply or can increment the control sequences occurring in a specified portion of
received-page counter for a page containing the data can be ignored.
exception. Synchronous exceptions are those with
action code X'01', X'0C', or X'1F'. See also trimming. Eliminating those parts of a picture that are
data-stream exception. Contrast with asynchronous outside of a clipping boundary such as a viewing
exception. window or presentation space. See also viewing
window. Synonymous with clipping.
syntax. The rules governing the structure of a
construct. See also pragmatics and semantics. triplet. A three-part self-defining variable-length
parameter consisting of a length byte, an identifier byte,
Systems Application Architecture (SAA). A set of and one or more parameter-value bytes.
IBM software interfaces, conventions, and protocols that
provide a framework for designing and developing truncation. Planned or unplanned end of a
applications that are consistent across systems. presentation space or data presentation. This can
occur when the presentation space extends beyond one
or more boundaries of its containing presentation space
T or when there is more data than can be contained in
the presentation space.
temporary baseline. The shifted baseline used for
subscript and superscript. type. A table heading for architecture syntax. The
entries under this heading indicate the types of data
temporary baseline increment. A positive or negative present in a construct. Examples include: BITS,
value that is added to the current baseline presentation CHAR, CODE, SBIN, UBIN, UNDF.
coordinate to specify the position of a temporary
baseline in a presentation space or on a physical type family. All characters of a single design,
medium. Several increments might have been used to regardless of attributes such as width, weight, posture,
place a temporary baseline at the current baseline and size. Examples are Courier and Gothic.
presentation coordinate.
type style. The form of characters within the same
text. A graphic representation of information. Text can font, for example, Courier or Gothic.
consist of alphanumeric characters and symbols
arranged in paragraphs, tables, columns, and other
shapes. An example of text is the data sent in an IPDS U
Write Text command.
underpaint. A mixing rule in which the intersection of
text command set. In the IPDS architecture, a part of a new presentation space Pnew with part of an
collection of commands used to present PTOCA text existing presentation space Pexisting keeps the color
data in a page, page segment, or overlay. attribute of Pexisting. This is also referred to as
“transparent” or “leave alone” mixing. See also mixing
rule. Contrast with overpaint.
underscore. A method used to create an underline vertical font size. (1) A characteristic value,
beneath the characters in a specified text field. An perpendicular to the character baseline, that represents
example of underscore is the line presented under one the size of all graphic characters in a font.
or more characters. Also a special graphic character Synonymous with font height. (2) In a font character
used to implement the underscoring function. set, nominal vertical font size is a font-designer defined
value corresponding to the nominal distance between
unit base. A one-byte code that represents the length adjacent baselines when character rotation is zero
of the measurement base. For example, X'00' might degrees and no external leading is used. This distance
specify that the measurement base is ten inches. represents the baseline-to-baseline increment that
includes the font’s maximum baseline extent and the
uppercase. Pertaining to capital letters. Examples of designer’s recommendation for internal leading. The
capital letters are A, B, and C. Contrast with lowercase. font designer can also define a minimum and a
maximum vertical font size to represent the limits of
user printable area (UPA). The portion of the physical scaling. (3) In font referencing, the specified vertical
printable area to which user-generated data is font size is the desired size of the font when the
restricted. See also logical page, physical printable characters are presented. If this size is different from
area, and valid printable area. the nominal vertical font size specified in a font
character set, the character shapes and character
metrics might need to be scaled prior to presentation.
viewing transform. A transform that is applied to
valid printable area (VPA). The intersection of a
model-space coordinates. Contrast with model
logical page with the area of the medium presentation
space in which printing is allowed. If the logical page is
a secure overlay, the area in which printing is allowed is
viewing window. That part of a model space that is
the physical printable area. If the logical page is not a
transformed, clipped, and moved into a graphics
secure overlay and if a user printable area is defined,
presentation space.
the area in which printing is allowed is the intersection
of the physical printable area with the user printable
area. If a user printable area is not defined, the area in W
which printing is allowed is the physical printable area.
See also logical page, physical printable area, secure white space. The portion of a line that is not occupied
overlay, and user printable area. by characters when the characters of all the words that
can be placed on a line and the spaces between those
variable space. A method used to assign a character words are assembled or formatted on a line. When a
increment dimension of varying size to space line is justified, the white space is distributed among the
characters. The space characters are used to distribute words, characters, or both on the line in some specified
white space within a text line. The white space is manner. See also controlled white space.
distributed by expanding or contracting the dimension of
the variable space character’s increment dependent window. A predefined part of a graphics presentation
upon the amount of white space to be distributed. See space. See also graphics presentation space window
also variable space character and variable space and pick window.
character increment.
variable space character increment. The variable X-dimension. In bar codes, the nominal dimension of
value associated with a variable space character. The the narrow bars and spaces in a bar code symbol.
variable space character increment is used to calculate Xg,Yg coordinate system. In the IPDS architecture,
the dimension from the current presentation position to the graphics presentation space coordinate system.
a new presentation position when a variable space
character is found. See also variable space character.
Bar Code (continued)
Numerics types 128
6408 native mode support 136 Bar Code Area Position (BCAP) 121
64XX IPDS commands 136 Bar Code Data Descriptor (BCDD) 124
Bar Code Output Control (BCOC) 123
bar codes
A using 7
abnormal termination of printer operation 183
Absolute Move Baseline (AMB) 66
Absolute Move Inline (AMI) 66
AMB (Absolute Move Baseline) 66
ACK (Acknowledge Reply) 29
BLN (Begin Line) 67
RMB (Relative Move Baseline) 71
ACK/NACK sequence
STO (Set Text Orientation) 75
DSC 183
TBM (Temporary Baseline Move) 76
LU-1 175
increment 72
ACK/NACK sequence, DSC mode
move 76
not recommended 188
DBR (Draw B-Axis Rule) 68
recommended (persist) 189
DIR (Draw I-Axis Rule) 69
BCAP (Bar Code Area Position) 121
not recommended 183
BCDD (Bar Code Data Descriptor) 124
recommended (persist) 184
BCOC (Bar Code Output Control) 123
Acknowledge Reply (ACK) 29
begin area 101
begin image 102
begin image at current position 102
acknowledge reply for request resource list 48
Begin Line (BLN) 67
AEA (Alternate Exception Action) 49
Begin Overlay (BO) 134
Alternate Exception Action (AEA) 49
Begin Page (BP) 31
AMB (Absolute Move Baseline) 66
Begin Page Segment (BPS) 135
AMI (Absolute Move Inline) 66
Begin Segment Introducer (BSI) 98
angle, graphic character 112
Begin Suppression (BSU) 67
arc parameters 111
BLN (Begin Line) 67
arc parameters set 96
BO (Begin Overlay) 134
bold text (set bit) 35
begin 101
BP (Begin Page) 31
end 104
BPS (Begin Page Segment) 135
area mapping control options 91
BSI (Begin Segment Introducer) 98
attribute sets
BSU (Begin Suppression) 67
arc 96
bypass identifier
character 96
OVS (Overstrike) 70
drawing 96
USC (Underscore) 77
line 96
marker 96
pattern 96 C
cell size, graphics characters 113
center and trim mapping 92
B chain bit 64
background mix 112
Bar Code
angle 112
function set commands 119
direction 113
function set vector 45
precision 114
specification check 144
Index 221
Index 223
bar code function set 45
device control function set 44
graphics function set 45
image function set 44
loaded font command set 46
overlay function set 45
page segment function set 46
text function set 44
VTAM programming dependencies 195
WBC (Write Bar Code) 129
WBCC (Write Bar Code Control) 120
WG (Write Graphics) 97
WGC (Write Graphics Control) 86
WI (Write Image) 80
WIC (Write Image Control) 78
BCOC (Bar Code Output Control) 123
GOC (Graphic Output Control) 88
LPD (Logical Page Descriptor) 39
window, graphic 84
Write Bar Code (WBC) 129
Write Bar Code Control (WBCC) 120
Write Graphics (WG) 97
Write Graphics Control (WGC) 86
Write Image (WI) 80
Write Image Control (WIC) 78
Write Text (WT) 63
Write Text controls 64
WT (Write Text) 63
X and Y coordinates, graphics 82
XOA (Execute Order Any State)
command overview 46
DBD (Discard Buffered Data) 47
EHC (Exception Handling Control) 49
PQC (Print Quality Control) 50
RRL (Request Resource List) 47
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