Energy Eficciency From Vale 2017
Energy Eficciency From Vale 2017
Energy Eficciency From Vale 2017
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3 authors:
M. S. Kizil
The University of Queensland
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ali Soofastaei on 05 January 2019.
12.1 Introduction............................................................................................... 163
12.2 Context: Reducing Energy Consumption via Data Analytics............ 164
12.3 Modeling Haul Trucks’ Fuel Consumption.......................................... 166
12.3.1 Artificial Neural Network......................................................... 167
12.3.2 Optimization of Effective Parameters on Haul Truck
Fuel Consumption...................................................................... 168
12.3.3 The Developed Model................................................................ 170
12.4 Results........................................................................................................ 172
12.5 Conclusions................................................................................................ 177
References.............................................................................................................. 178
12.1 Introduction
Truck haulage is responsible for a majority of cost in a surface mining
operation. Diesel fuel, which is costly and has a significant environmental
footprint, is used as a source of energy for haul trucks in surface mines.
Accordingly, improving truck energy efficiency would lead to a reduction in
fuel consumption and therefore greenhouse gas emissions.
The determination of haul trucks fuel consumption is complex and
requires multiple parameters including the mine, fleet, truck, speed, pay-
load, operator inputs, fuel, climate, tire, and road conditions as inputs. Data
analytics can be used to simulate the complex relationships between the
input parameters affecting haul trucks fuel consumption. The aim of this
chapter is to introduce an advanced data analytics model to improve the
energy efficiency of haul trucks in surface mines.
The most important controllable parameters affecting fuel consump-
tion are payload, truck speed, and total rolling resistance. From these
164 Extracting Innovations
Reactive enterprise
What will happen?
Business optimization
Predictive analytics
What happened?
Advanced analytics
Proactive enterprise
Generic analytics
Standard data
Cleaned data
Raw data
Analytics maturity
Competitive advantages of data analytics in organizations. (From Davenport, T. H. et al.,
Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results, Harvard Business Press, New York, 2010.)
Output Xj Wij Ek
⋅ ⋅ ⋅
Xq Wiq
Fm Wom
E2 f
⋅ ⋅ ⋅
Artificial neural network structure. (From Soofastaei, A., Development of an Advanced Data
Analytics Model to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Haul Trucks in Surface Mines, PhD thesis,
The University of Queensland, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Brisbane,
Australia, 2016.)
168 Extracting Innovations
Ek = ∑ (w
j =1
i , j ,k x j + bi , k ) k = 1, 2,..., m (12.1)
x is the normalized input variable
w is the weight of that variable
i is the input
b is the bias
q is the number of input variables
k and m are the counter and number of NN nodes, respectively, in the
hidden layer
Fk = f (Ek ) (12.2)
The output layer computes the weighted sum of the signals provided by
the hidden layer, and the associated coefficients are grouped into matrices
Wo,k and bo. Using the matrix notation, the network output can be given by
Equation 12.3.
Out =
k =1
F + bo (12.3)
o ,k k
associates each point in the search area to a real value, applicable to evaluate
all the members of the search area.
Traditional optimization methods are characterized by the stiffness of
their mathematical models, making their application limited in represent-
ing “real-life” dynamic and complex situations (Selvakumar et al. 2013).
Introducing optimization techniques based on artificial intelligence, under-
pinned by heuristic rulings, have reduced the problem of stiffness. Heuristic
rules can be defined as reasonable rules derived from experience and obser-
vations of behavior tendencies within a system of analysis.
Using analogies with nature, some heuristic algorithms were proposed
during the 1950s by trying to simulate biological phenomena in engineering.
Accordingly, these algorithms were termed natural optimization methods. One
of the best advantages of using the mentioned algorithms is their random char-
acteristic. Due to their innate flexibility, they have been found to be appropriate
to solve all types of problems in engineering (Singh and Rossi 2013; Soleimani
et al. 2013; Soofastaei et al. 2016). Rapid advances in computing during the
1980s made the use of these complex algorithms for optimization of functions
and processes more practicable when traditional methods were not success-
ful in this area. During the 1990s some new heuristic methods were created
by the previously completed algorithms, such as swarm algorithms, simulated
annealing, ant colony optimization, and the method used in this study, GAs.
GAs were proposed by Holland (1975) as an abstraction of biological evolu-
tion, drawing on ideas from natural evolution and genetics for the design and
implementation of robust adaptive systems (Sivanandam and Deepa 2008). Use
of the new generation of GAs is comparatively novel in optimization methods.
They do not use any derivative information and, therefore, have good chances of
escape from local minimums. As a result, their application in practical engineer-
ing problems can bring more optimal, or at least more satisfactory, solutions than
those obtained by other traditional mathematical methods (Whitley et al. 1990).
GAs are analogous with the evolutionary aspects of natural genetics. From
randomly selected “individuals” in any search area, the fitness of the solu-
tions, which is the result of the variable that is to be optimized, is determined
subsequently from the “fitness function.” The individual that generates the
best fitness within the population has the highest chance to return in the
next generation with the opportunity to reproduce by crossover with another
individual, thus producing decedents with both characteristics. If a GA is
developed correctly, the population (a group of possible solutions) will con-
verge to an optimal solution for the proposed problem (Xing and Qu 2013).
The processes that have more contribution to the evolution are the crossover,
based on the selection and reproduction and the mutation.
GAs have been applied to a diverse range of scientific, engineering, and eco-
nomic problems due to their potential as optimization techniques for c omplex
functions (Singh and Rossi 2013; Stanković et al. 2013; Tian et al. 2013). There
are four significant advantages when using GAs to optimize problems (Yousefi
et al. 2013). First GAs do not have many mathematical requirements regarding
170 Extracting Innovations
optimization problems. Second, they can handle many types of objective func-
tions and constraints (i.e., linear or nonlinear) defined in discrete, continuous,
or mixed search spaces. Third, the periodicity of evolution operators makes
them very efficient at performing global searches (in probability). And finally,
they provide us with great flexibility to hybridize with domain-dependent heu-
ristics to allow an efficient implementation for a problem.
It is also important to analyze the influence of certain parameters on the
behavior and the performance of the GA, to establish their relationship with
the problem necessities and the available resources. The influence of each
parameter on algorithm performance depends on the context of the chal-
lenge being treated. Thus, determining an optimized group of values to
these parameters will depend on a good deal of experimentation and testing.
There are a few main parameters in the GA method. Details of these five core
parameters are illustrated in Figure 12.3 and tabulated in Table 12.1.
The primary genetic parameters are the size of the population that affects
the global performance and the efficiency of the GA, the mutation rate that
avoids that a given position remains stationary in value, or that the search
becomes essentially random.
Genetic operations
Control Crossover
End stopping Replacement
Evaluation Decoding
New generation
A simple structure of the genetic algorithm. (From Soofastaei, A., Development of an Advanced Data
Analytics Model to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Haul Trucks in Surface Mines, PhD thesis, The
University of Queensland, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, 2016.)
Application of Advanced Data Analytics 171
TABLE 12.1
Genetic Algorithm Parameters
GA Parameter Details
the GA approach, in this model P, S, and TR are the individuals and the main
function for optimization of the fitness function is fuel c onsumption. The fit-
ness function was created by an ANN model. This function is a c orrelation
between the fuel consumption of the haul truck, P, S, and TR. After the first
step, the completed function goes to the GA phase of the computer code as
an input. The developed code starts all GA processes under stopping criteria
defined by the model (MSE and R2). Finally, the improved P, S, and TR will be
presented by the model. These optimized parameters can be used to minimize
the fuel consumption of haul trucks (Figures 12.4 and 12.5).
Data analytics
Artificial neural network (ANN)
Data cleaning
A schematic of the developed idea to create a combined artificial intelligence model. (From
Soofastaei, A., Development of an Advanced Data Analytics Model to Improve the Energy Efficiency of
Haul Trucks in Surface Mines, PhD thesis, The University of Queensland, School of Mechanical
and Mining Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, 2016.)
172 Extracting Innovations
Truck speed (km/h)
FCIndex: Fuel consumption index
Total resistance (%)
Bias Bias
Evaluation Selection
Mutation Crossover
Genetic algorithm (optimization) model
Optimized total resistance (%)
Details of developed model. (From Soofastaei, A., Development of an Advanced Data Analytics
Model to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Haul Trucks in Surface Mines, PhD thesis, The University
of Queensland, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, 2016.)
12.4 Results
The indicated artificial intelligence model that was developed was then
tested against real data taken from some types of popular trucks in four big
surface mines in the United States, Canada, and Australia. Some informa-
tion about these mines and trucks is presented in Table 12.2 (Figures 12.6
through 12.9).
To test the developed networks and validate the developed model,
1,000,000 independent samples collected from four mines were used. As our
figures illustrate, the results show good agreement between the actual and
estimated values of fuel consumption. Figure 12.10 presents sample values
Application of Advanced Data Analytics 173
TABLE 12.2
Case Studies
Case Study Location Mine Type Mine Details Truck
Mine 1 Queensland, Surface coal The mine has coal CAT 793D
Australia mine reserves amounting to
877 million tons of
coking coal, one of the
largest coal reserves in
Asia and the world. It
has an annual
production capacity of
13 million tons of coal.
Mine 2 Arizona, Surface The mine represents one CAT 777D
United States copper of the largest copper
mine reserves in the United
States and the world,
having estimated
reserves of 3.2 billion
tons of ore grading
0.16% copper.
Mine 3 Arizona, Surface The deposit had CAT 775G
United States copper estimated reserves (in
mine 2017) of 907 million
tons of ore grading
0.26% copper and 0.03%
Mine 4 Ontario, Surface gold This mine produced CAT 785D
Canada mine 235,000 ounces of gold in
2016, at the cost of sales
of $795 per ounce, and
all-in sustaining costs of
$839 per ounce. The
mine’s proven mineral
reserves as of December
2016, were 1.6 million
ounces of gold.
for the estimated (using the ANN) and the independent (tested) fuel con-
sumption to highlight the insignificance of the values of the absolute errors
in the analysis for the four mines that were studied.
All processes in the developed model, then, certainly work based on the
present dataset collected from four large surface mines. The results of using
developed model for the selected real-life mines are given in Tables 12.3
through 12.6. They, therefore, could presumably be replicated using the same
method for other surface mines.
174 Extracting Innovations
S = 20 km/h
TR = 12%
S = 15 km/h
FCIndex L/(ton.h)
S = 10 km/h
TR = 8% S = 20 km/h
S = 15 km/h
2.04 S = 10 km/h
320 340 360 380 400 420 440
Gross vehicle weight (ton)
Correlation between Gross Vehicle Weight, S, TR, and FCIndex based on the developed ANN
model for CAT 793D. All data were collected from a surface coal mine located in Central
Queensland, Australia (Mine 1).
TR = 15%
TR = 10%
FCIndex L/(ton.h)
S = 20 km/h
S = 15 km/h
S = 10 km/h
S = 20 km/h
S = 15 km/h
0.95 S = 10 km/h
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Gross vehicle weight (ton)
Correlation between GVW, S, TR, and FCIndex based on the developed ANN model for CAT
777D. All data were collected from a surface copper mine located in Arizona, United States
(Mine 2).
Application of Advanced Data Analytics 175
TR = 16%
S = 15 km/h
FCIndex L/(ton.h)
S = 10 km/h
TR = 13%
S = 15 km/h
S = 10 km/h
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Gross vehicle weight (ton)
Correlation between GVW, S, TR, and FCIndex based on the developed ANN model for CAT
775G. All data were collected from a surface copper mine located in Arizona, United States
(Mine 3).
TR = 13%
TR = 10%
TR = 8%
FCIndex L/(ton.h)
1.5 S = 15 km/h
S = 10 km/h
S = 15 km/h
S = 10 km/h
S = 15 km/h
S = 10 km/h
125 175 225 275
Gross vehicle weight (ton)
Correlation between GVW, S, TR, and FCIndex based on the developed ANN model for CAT
785D. All data were collected from a surface coal mine located in Ontario, Canada (Mine 4).
176 Extracting Innovations
Estimated value of FCIndex (ANN) (L/(ton.h))
CAT 793D, Surface coal mine, Central Queensland, Australia (Mine 1)
1 CAT 777D, Surface copper mine, Arizona, United States (Mine 2)
CAT 775G, Surface copper mine, Arizona, United States (Mine 3)
0.5 CAT 785D, Surface gold mine, Ontario, Canada (Mine 4)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Independent value of FCIndex (tests) (L/(ton.h))
FIGURE 12.10
Sample values for the estimated (using the ANN) and the independent (tested) fuel
consumption index.
TABLE 12.3
The Range of Normal Values and Optimized Range of Variables by GA Model to
Minimize Fuel Consumption by Haul Trucks (Caterpillar 793D in Mine 1)
Normal Values Optimized Values
Variables Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
TABLE 12.4
The Range of Normal Values and Optimized Range of Variables by GA Model to
Minimize Fuel Consumption by Haul Trucks (Caterpillar 777D in Mine 2)
Normal Values Optimized Values
Variables Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
TABLE 12.5
The Range of Normal Values and Optimized Range of Variables by GA Model to
Minimize Fuel Consumption by Haul Trucks (Caterpillar 775G in Mine 3)
Normal Values Optimized Values
Variables Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
TABLE 12.6
The Range of Normal Values and Optimized Range of Variables by GA Model to
Minimize Fuel Consumption by Haul Trucks (Caterpillar 785D in Mine 4)
Normal Values Optimized Values
Variables Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
12.5 Conclusions
The aim of this chapter was to formulate an advanced data analytics model
capable of improving haul truck fuel consumption based on the relationship
between P, S, and TR. From the available “real-life” datasets obtained from
surface mining operations, this relationship is extremely complex to disect
using traditional analysis. Therefore, an artificial intelligence method was
adopted to create a reliable model to analyze the problem.
The first element of this method was to utilize an ANN model to establish
a correlation between P, S, and TR with fuel consumption. The results of
this correlation showed that fuel consumption has a nonlinear relationship
with the investigated parameters. The ANN was then trained and tested
using the collected real mine site dataset, with there being good agreement
between the actual and estimated values of fuel consumption. Building upon
this material, a GA model was developed for considering the optimization of
effective parameters on fuel consumption in haulage trucks, which in turn
could maximize the energy efficiency in haulage operations.
From these amalgamated models, the range of all studied effective
parameters on fuel consumption of haul trucks were optimized, and the
178 Extracting Innovations
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