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WFB6 - Supplement - Warhammer Skirmish (OCR)

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� ------ --- --

Introduction, o.'l'n'ieu':and Temain ljp�


Bmonniam and Riva' Trolls


All \'\'arhamrmr ,\flnie'
PLUS Hobb), 'iT' on Painting Stan.wds

Ghoul5 ChL-wing on An)' Wathammer Arm)'
PWS Hobb)' Tip. on Building Casu..olt y Piles


AD W:arhammer Armies
PLUS Hobby Tips on Buildmg Log Bridges


,\11 Wamammcr ,\rmiL'$
Any Single \'\"'rhammcr ,\rm)'


AD \'l;'arlurnrna" Armies
Orcs prepcm" to "'lIke il difficlIlIfor their U:."rdmell
jOtS IQ cross 'he ril'er ill "Cllt the Bridges" OI/IX/gt 16. AD WarMmlI1a' Armies
PLUS �Iobby Tqn on I>bkillg Your Ou'fl Barric;odes

Gublin Wollboyz and !he Empire or Any Warh.mmcr '\rm)'


AU \\7uhammc:r Armies

Dilrk Eh'e:s f>f Chaos Ih-uf) and Any W2rtwnrner /\nTIJI


Ch30ll Warhammcr Armie�
PLUS Building a Ch.o� Monoliths

Dv.':lrfs and SkavI'f\ Or Night Goblins


Anr Wamammcr Arm)' and Wood Ekes
Ska,= Or Dark Eh'C1 and An)' W:uhamrne-r Army
l'LUS Hobb)' Tips on Cmuing an Encampment Full of Tents


Any M.gic-willg Warh�mmer ,\rmy
I thirsty
Rights" ,fCtllario 011 page 40. Ogres and An)' Warhammer Army
Dueling NecrumallCU'S
p ws ,·Iobby Tip. on Paiuring GrO\"C$tones
USA CaD1d� UK Austnlj� lipID
'- 1l<
u"'s_u u-. 'orulw>r tJI-rooISt G.....\I�
l.... 911 .�� <-� 7.on,bies and any Warhammcr army
loIto s...-.�ID
��n� '....... I.cnoon,�
11�" ��,,�, 1',\\ Z5(.) 39·LOST TOMB OF HAMON RA
1ST lKI M;'N"); "G'l2\l'S
Khemri lnd allY Wftrhamm.:r arm)'
www_gilmcs-workshop,com 40·WATER RIGHTS
Gi;UllScorpions lnd An)' W:l.ln2flunc r Army
I'WS Hobb)' Tips on Making Your o",'fl Oasis alld PalmTrtts
Thloks lod Crltitudts:
h'" "fr. dunk mu'" .h< m"'. \\ • h.un"",. • .m b.... nf""<'>ll}- G
, .. · lho.pe!
... Ih;u-f Sl:lrc:n and All)' \l"'rhlllUllCf" Monster(s)
1'1,."1, ..,, :oh.., In ",Jr. rur ...�_ .. G>me> WorLhop ",hornch<d on '" bn"l; ,h ..
l'�'fC'C' ,,, In"bo". 1'1", ,,,ouIJ "'" ",," h.pf'<acJ .."1>....,, .he h<�' or nuny UI .blt
Dw.>rf Slayer Hero lnd Empire: Poet AgainS! Goblins
l��h . '" num. In I.e., ,h.,,, ",....Ju h< Imp"",bk to �j' .h<m 111 he'" ..,tha", k>""'�
"�"",,ne ""'. •nu "-1" 11..·< no ""enUo" uf ,lo1n� !I,". S" tI,.,,�. Io, >lI of I'.... I"" 44·EGG HUNT
�'''''' .. h" , .,,, ..,, ('M '''''' Wo'} Cl" b" found un 'ht "",k! ,,'!<le ...-dJ). Monstet"S and all)' Warhammer army
An.! ... e>.....>f"'<oo ''''n� .'>" '" RIck Pnc;'k1; "-00 ka. b.m .he 1n'....,,"'. c.rct>.ln.
'''"<'1'>«', "....J f........ ><10.1 J:.-.nd 1'""Iw. of the WuIurnrmr ...'O<kl f.... ..,Ion):, t/u. "
Imperial Steam Tank and Orcs
nuL..-. "ur hC2J. "f'''' I"" ,h,nl."I: .bouc Id llun!; 1- for 1"''''1< US >ll .., much
m�"mc:n' .n-.-. ,h< '''' .... anJ.u< rh< OJIf"""""'" '''..,.,.� """"'sh....J � "."",', 47·PART OF A LARGER BATTLE
bolunJ ,., >no.he, .hnl .,kl ,un"..,,,,... doot m'" .h< W..lwnfn<••vr\d. \nul" h. ""T Hml' AD of this lies in Wi!h Warhamm.:r
"ni,' ph,.".>lh-I..- r-:.)::hl ("obh""h In "....,.. (heel., h.'.l""ky t"'O!' 5 r=t) ..-.:::oIl kno.,. "NOTE _ See the kenari....he",.d,," for f,,"her Ntn)· ..... pb)u �rion.,,,.
R'O" can he ".cd ",-;.h 'my W••bamm", ar-r aDd d;ffcr�m
,)a, Cun" ",1.1 ,,'111 .he E,,,,h
combination. �nd ""mb.". of plalc""
An Introduction to

Warhammer Skirmish is a jumpstart into a world of fast, fun,
and furious gaming possibilities. That's right, this very booklet
that you hold in your hands is a key to another door into the
dark (and quite often dangerous) \Varhammer world. Be
warned, once you pass through that portal your battles may
never be the same ...


Warhammcr is THE game of I'ant:l�y Battles and most of the
The Rules for Skirmish c:J.n be
time lhosc conflicts conjure up im:tgcs of \':lS\ forces
found in the Warhammcr
arrayed against each other across the I;lblelop. \Vc're
Rulebook Appendix on
talking about columns of (tool'S, thunderous cavalry
pages 2-12-246,
charges. arcs of lightning leaping from Wizard's
Army lists and points \,;dues
upsttClchcd hands, looming monstrous creatures, and
for c\'cl')' trooper. monstcr,
heroic Ch:Ir:lCICrs brandishing magic swords!
war machine or hero can be
ThaI'S the \Varhammcr we all know and lo\'e, but the oftcn found in the range of
Tire I\hrllllll/II/cr RII/tbook! All
over-looked Skirmish :J.ppendix in (he b:tck of the Rulebook W:"rhammer Annics books, or
tSStll/itl/ g/lidt Iv Iht "'Qrld of
can add a whole new dimenSion of great gaming thc MgCt_rou_brM R;l.\'ening
Fmt/(lS}, 8/1/11es, big or SlIIall!
possibilities into your W:J.rhammer world, Hordes list (which is also
a\':tilablc al the official G:lnles Workshop website),
IS SIZE IMPORTANT? While not essential to pia)', the 2002 Warhammer Annual
Don't get us wrong! Nothing m;llches the splendor of ;t and White Dwarf #269 ha ve lots of useful Skirmish
massive Warhammer army lined up on the field of battle - information, Thc Annual contains rules clarifications, a m::",
but likewise, don't discount the fun and tactical challenges scenario, 1'lIlIIpire HIIIII, :lnd f;llltaSlic advicc from Ga\'
Thorpe on dcsigning your own :ld\'cnturcs, White
that can bc had by fighting out sccnario-driven small-scale
#269 has ;1 ncw sccnario. Si/cm'/,' lire 11(IIc1t/QlI'('r, and IWO
skirmishes, The \'(larhammer world and rules suppon a \':ISt
ba ttle n::porls. More sccnarios. tCrr:lin tips. bailie reportS
range of gaming - from garg;mtuan banlcs 10 lone
and idcas Oil be found on our wcb silC,
Assassins, might)' hosts t o local r.tids,

For /tw, filii, mul fllriVlIs gaming Ir)' (I sm(ll/}!,vlI l' of Slayers alii/ms/ling (I Gi(llll.l

. , .
Gclting C\'cf"yonc 10 undcrsland large baulcs of
Warhammcr iSIl" 100 hard· in fact. many players seem to
lake it for granted lhal games arc 2.000 points a side affairs.
So wh:II's 10 be gained frolll adding small Skirmish gaming
10 your W:trhammcr rcpCf"coirc?

Sometimes JUSt lining troops up across from each other
:md b3shing it OUl is great fun, but Iht: depth of the
W':uhammcr world on allow for so much morc. Scenarios
allow you [0 explain wh:l.I lhe battle is :J.bout and why it is
happening. Really c1c\'cr scenarios �put the aClionM
squarely IOID Ihe Ih'ing and breathing Warhammer world -
wid} Dwarfs steadfastly trying to gel a shipment of
Ilugman's )..'X'X)..'XX past raiders. or an Ore wanna·be­
Warlord trying 10 wrest control of the tribe from a rival! The
small scale allows you 10 build the slOry not just leading up
to b:mlcs, but also all the scouting, rilbging. burning. and
back-stabbing that goes on in between the massil'e
connicts. Scenarios can m:tke :t game :tn evelll!


Some of the fantastic \'(I'Jrhammer background lends itself
more 10 small-scale skifmishes. 1'01" instance. imagine II'irlwIII5/1pporrillg rtm/i;5 1111<1 .,amlanl, a IrtH'pt'r Iril's/acillg a Ri.'er
gaming in the tUnnels riddled bene:nh the l'35l DW;lrf Troll ill a Skirmislr game. nIt, ""I/Is (/Tt' predicwhlf'. "'il/' all/Y lire
Realms under the ""orld's Edge Mountains. It is well s()/tJia:r Irg," /'1' ufier beillg CfIlmmed I"", ,It.. b,'"s':� mowlt! I"
known that thc borders of thc forcsts of Loren afe ...,IlII1.., gll"'.... Y"" '/Il(mm '0 truly/e ar "i" m,,,,s'er.'.
constantly protecled. but ha\'c you ever played out a deep
will be controlling will be much smaller than an a\'er.lge
woods encounter� J\ GClleral may send an army inlO such
Warh:unmer game, This has its adv:lI1lages!
terr:lin. but the fighting in .�ueh dense surroundings will
quickly bre;tk down in!O intense skirmishcs. Often in large games you'll find YOII don', have much
choice. as you've got 10 take all your models 10 make up
JUSI lh'ing and travding in the Warhammer world is a
the points tOlal. Smaller games will gil'e you a vast freedom
d:mgerous business, and skirmishes can give another V.�I)'
of selection, 1'01" new player.> just st:lf1ing t.heir collections.
to add this clemem 10 �'our g:lming. Transport your battles
or l'etemns that arc starting a new army, use skirmishes 10
to the desperate dark :1.5 Skal'en im'ade an Empire city
try out new tactics, learn about your troops, and get really
through the sewer.>. Go!O the sddom-traveled highways as
excited 10 paint more,
:1 band of Be;tStmen r:lid C;lr:t\,:II1S, or el'en far off in the
deserts of Khemri where hideous denizens guard the only AnOther adl':tntage of small games is how quickly you can
o:lSis for miles, switch your aml)' around, \'('1lh smaller points sizes you can
go from an all mounted force to all elite troops from your
SMALL FORCES Special or [{are section or even try a completely new army,
'Iypical Skirmish games uf W:trhammer r:mge from 1 to 25 Few things ;tre more Satisfying than hearing your best foe
models per side (about SO - 250 poims), While there may say. "I didn't know you had those" or, "\X'ell I wasn't
be p:lrticular scenario rules or limitations, the forces you expecting that!"

I" lilt' Twilight of the Dead ,fCClllIrio 11 growiu}! lombill horde (l1If!lIIpIS W pill dO\\'lI (Ill/(/ el/I) YOllr Imo/!erJ'.'

- ,-
Sure, skirmish scale is fast, fun, adds a
whole new set of tactical challenges,
:md can be pla)'ed in and around reall),
cool :U1d imric;\te terrain, but the
coolcst thing :tbout skimlish games is
that i(s :111 :ti)()ut \V;trhammer! Using a
combin:llion of both large and small
scaled scenarios, it is quite possible to
string an e\'ening's wonh of gaming
into an awesome series of e\'CnLS in the
Warhammer world,
Want :tn ex:unplc? A large Chaos force
is mustering on the Chaos Plains.
Another murderous invasion is
planned on the human Empire to the
south, but nrst a strong leader must
emerge (0\'1" 1\'",: page 17). After the
strongest rises to the top, the united
Tileforces ofChaos march /'!I'l"orrl w 1(I�'c 011 <Ill Empire arm)'.
force must begin the long march
tow;trds the poorly defended outlying Empire IOwns. First Chaos force is OPlloscd by a large Empire army. Only now
the army must nnd safe passage across a small river being the climactic l:trge g:tme has e\'en more meaning. with
held by ;\ border p:urol (Bridgillg rlre Gop, page 14). Upon grudges, known heroes and villains, and perhaps some
crossing, the Chaos horde discovers it is in need of food adv;mtages or dis;tth'antages for winning or lOSing the
(TolI'n Raitl. page 22). earlier b:lllles!


The purpose o f this booklet i s 1 0 encour.tge )'Ou to WHO GOES FIRST?
experiment with new scenarios, different sized forces, and Sdf-expl:lIlatory but
linking g:tmes of Warhammer, This section will explain vit:l.lly important!
how the scenarios arc put together, which will help clarify
thing... for newcomers, or give you ideas for making your
own scenarios for vetcrans.
Any addition;l! rules
TITLE & OVERVIEW particular to the scen:!rio
The heart of any good skinnish is a scenario! This is nm will be found in this
aClUally labeled, but can be found at the beginning of section. W:trning: When
each scemtrio. This area also gh'es some evocati\'c designing your own
background on the situation. scenarios. a few sped:t!
rules add an interesting
MODELS NEEDED focus. tOO many m:tke
This section tells you what models you will need 10 play the g:\me tedious!
this particul:tr game. Some scenarios arc army speCific.
but with :1 bit of tweaking you can twist them for USING
whatever models you have ;lVailable (more advice on this E{lch scell{lrio ;$ ),ollr !;lIitle /{} IICII'
ALTERNATE "',,] e,(cil;rrg dwl/"rrx"s!
under the Usin!; AlII:male F o rces section). There arc also
scenarios that allow players to select a certain amount of FORCES
points. For full statistics and abilities )'ou'l1 need a copy of If the scenario uses specific annies or troops. this section
your \�':Irh:unmer Armies book (if a\�.tilable) or the offers ahem:ue armies and/or poinLS sizes players m:ty
U:wening Hordes supplcment (a\'ailable online). use. If the scenario is generic (that is, playable b�' any
anny) Ihis section will list some C\'QCath'e match ups.
This St!ction will let you know the size ohhe pbying PART OF A LARGER BATTLE
surface you will need, as well as any spccial terr.Iin Ihal a
While the skirnllsh g:1Il1eS can be fun to p1ay in their own
scen:trio may require.
right, we've found they :tre e\'en beller when linking il1lo
a larger game. E\'el)' skirmish scenario ends with a section
listing some cool ways this particul:lr battle can aITect the
The overview at Ihe top of the page sets the story, but the
next game. Supplies arc shoned, armies arc out-scouted.
Objectives section will explain in game terms c,'I(actiy what barricades arc built, and monsters or mercenaries arc
each side must do to win. Under the Objectives title will
recruited to swell your r.tnks!
also be a game length (if applicable),


Diren!y :Ifter finding Out how to win the scenario you will \'('here there was room. we\'e tricd 10 follow up the
find OUI how to set up each side, as well as any third scenarios with tips on how to build, con\'en, or model
p:tr1y monsters or speci:\! features. some of the elements t.hat make each scenario so fun.
Skimlisht:S arc shon.
Three· Warhammcr Skinnish.
2-12·246 of the W'arhammcr Rulebook.
about understanding the Skirmish rules,
wc'vc learned in our small games.
I{ulcs check OUI theGamesWorkshop websile,
crew have collected the rules as well as the fantastic 2002
W:arh:l.mmcrAnnual additions.


first ofT.
an)' special Skirmish rules al :111.
wrinen 10 allow for Warhammcr b:alllcs between small
for scaled down actions like Running.
and causing Critical Hits.
units wheeling and manell\,ering
Due 10 Ihe indh'idual n:llure of Skirmish,
W"Jrhammer rules like changing unit fonnation, being
charged in the rear orflank.
tests are not in Ust'.
its own unit and you arc nOI :llIowed 10 join together in
can add levels of detail.
you must next roll on the Injuy
r as theTroll\\�JS alone does it get half its attacks? This onc
P UIOut ofI\ction. is officially covered in the rulebook under Srl/pidit)'. on a
4+ It gets all its attacks,
SELECTING FORCES around vacantly.
Somc scenarios will tellrou ex;Lt:tly which models can be and double.checking thc existing rules wc managedquite
used. well.
200 pain! force. scenario is part of thefUll.
so wc've come up with these gencml guidelines.
• Most troops have unit sizequalilk.llions, SOME HOUSE RULES
do nOl apply when chOOSing:1 forcc for;1 Skinnish. The detailed nature of Skirmish gaming can put rou
sccnario doesn't limit selection, into new situations. While
may be choscn. answers to all the questions you may come up with,
specialized individuals orperh:tps rag-tag elemetn s
showing how wc triumphed o\'cr some similar areas
off of[he main army.
ma)' help you sort out your own house rules.
• Flying Troops - \'('c're talking about l-tarpies. MoumedModels· Wc '\'e adopted the pmcticc of having
Riders. the first wound a calvary fails to save kill the
otherwise. mount and not the rider.
more than 15% of your total pOin!s on flying cre:llures. mount,
• Elhereal Cre;1tureS or models thal may only be hit by of the model (Ore boy for Boar rider.
�I:lgicWeapons may only be t:tken if the scenario states so. wound on a cavalry modd is a critical.
W'ithout means to counter them, armor save bm doesn't affect the rider. This keeps
much fun to fight against. ca\':!l!)' at goodvalue for high points and avoids pl:lcing
limiled, a horse face up on aKnockedDown situation!
Swarms -The myriad tiny cre:llurcs
a Sw:trm do not get an Injury !toll,
If you delve very far into W:lrhammer rou arc going to wound.
come :ICroSS situ:uions that h:\ve never been c..xpl:tined in
strength of individuals(hence the5 wounds).
the Hulebook.
MissileFire· By agreement between both players,
Olore so!
I for firing
prepared to makl� your own"on the spOl� rulings.
applied only to targets o\'er half mnge.
For c..xamplc, fail 00 reach , pre-game agreement, simply use thc
//Iu/er fht.' Bridge. wc came across ;1 n:ritabJc horde of standard-I. W'e'\'c found that using the-\ to hit every
unusual situations. target causedmissilefircto pia)'tOO small a role.
that is half in Ihe water be affected? \\"'e decided ilW-JS h:df
I)Qi�o!l��1 Atla�ks - On a to hit roll of 6, ;1 Poisoned
Attack will aUlOm;1tically wound:10 opponent.
will also negate an annor save and cause IWO wounds.
what h:lppens? Normally h:tlf the models don't :utack.
G;mles Designer Alcssio Cav:ltore h;l� wrinen a small but
excellent section in the 2002 Warhammer Annual on
Skirmish. and here is pan of what he had to say:
"Keep in mind that these arc not hard and fast rules. hut juS! a
set of suggestions. Nler all, you mUSI leave somc of your
compeli!ive spirit Out of Ihis ant! hc prcpared to play
somclhing th:u will probably not he as well balanced as a battle
gamc. 111e only way I can imagine the self·designed small
skni nishes 10 he competit;"c is
th e cnd of the firsl game and sce who can play hencr with bOlh

This is phrased marc eloquent ly than our version. which

revolves around the words "balance schmalance". Perhaps
more importantly, it's true. Lots of t he Skirmish scenarios
that follow in this booklet arc evocative, illleresting, and
particularly hard to win. This isn't a mistake in the cre:uion
or of the playtesl sessions. Some battles arc simply harder
10 win than others, and even more so for certain army types
or troop combin;ltions. If you run :tcross a scenario that
you can't scem to win, try Switching sides and seeing if that
makes a difference.

So how accomplished a \�'arhammer General arc you?

fie,,' Ty Fi""cchillW ami 101111 SlllIfJer get{I quick I\{Ir/wrIlmer Skinnish
Think you can win every scenario in this booklet wilh bOlh
game i.1 m1l1 become /ege'1I/s in their 01\'/1 /lmch times!
sides? Call us as soon as rou flnish!


Warhammer Skirmish is, as we say, all abOuI
\X1arhammer! It's about playing sm:lllcr sCenario-drh'cn
games with rour cxisting Warh3mmer army.

But if small·action skirmish gaming is your passion,

you'll definitely want to check out Mordhcim: City of
the Damned, Th i s ganlC is exclusively ;tbout
skirm ishing and de\'elop ing your panicular warband as
you explorc the dark ruins of an Empire city. The game,
rulebook. and models arc all still :I\':lilable and the
Games Workshop Spe cialist Games division is
producing gre:1I new material for Mordheim.

SpeCialist Games products arc available at Games

Workshop Hobby Centers. participating Rogue Trader
sh op s (if not. ask thcm!), and through GameS
Workshop Mail Order and our online SlOre.


Anyone just getting involved with the Warhammer hobby
will find there is a lot of slufT (that's a technical term). The
amount of models, affilY books. paillling techniques, and
hobby projects can be overwhelming, But remember,
armies are not built in a day. Armed with the \V:lrhammer
Rulebook and some models of your choice, you can Start

} playing some great small games of Warhammer right away.


Which leads us to say, you can never have enough good
As is n:l1uT<11 with g:tming veterans. we often try to show
opponcnts! As wc lra\'cI across North America chccking out
friends how 10 play Warhammer by pullin g out :tll the bells
all the competitive gaming (Gr.md 'Iburnamcnts and nogue
and whistles. Lining rour new.lO.tabJclOp.gaming buddy
Tradcr evcnts) what al\\FJ.ys strikes us is how many of the
up with a full-scale army loaded with special troops and
top players and paintcrs g;tmc i n "a bO\'e-avcrage" groups.
rules is probably not lhe besl way to add anOlher gamer to
It scems as if cunning t;tctics, gre:lt armies, and fa1ll3Slic
your group. Instead lry a straight for.vard small game, and sportsm3nship can all be honed with pr.lctice. ;md in good
skirmisheS can be perfect for this. \'('e recommend the Chi! groups. the bar is cOlllinually being raised. Many groups or
War scenario, or perhaps e\'en something fast and furious clubs play regularly and often recruit new members to join.
like Slayer. For most players it is easier to build up to the Find out more about groups and clubs (starting them or
larger g:tmes. joining) at our wcbsite. www.games>workshop.com.

- 5-
Notbiug brings (f t/!(Irgame 10 life like jlllltflSUC terrai,,! Over Ibe years, the level of palulillg we',-e seeillg III
stores, (It GlImes Dflj', Grlt/ul TOllnl(I1IfClIIS, find more has beel! pbcllomellal, a1/,[ It's getting better fill tbe
time. let "mll)' of tl}cse careftlllJ' paillted Citadel Millillttlres are doomed to battle eternally across
Ibrc(ulb,'rc (fud ill/erior SCCIICIJ'! DOli" be afraid a/making ten'al,,! Here some tips (lIu/ tidbits 011 bllildillg
tip ),0111- (or ),ollr club's) gamillg terrain.

Firsl ofT, there really is no special tcrr.lin for Skirmish. In
11 nlay well be that many veteran garners already have all
fae!. lhe nice pan ;lbOUl these n3\'orful scen;lrios is they
the wargaming terrain basics on hand, and so may set up
beckon for just the kind of "essential and multi-purpose"
terrain you'll wan! [0 have on hand anyway. all the skirmish scenarios in this booklet without
building an)'t hing
THE BASICS YOU'LL NEED For the rest of us, who are not so fortunate as 10 have a
'10 do anything but the most straightforward of battles stockpile of existing terrain sil1ing around, step.by-step
)"ou'lI quickly find that you need some of the following
instructions, lOol lists, and supply guides for making the
scenery picces:
ENTIRE list of terrain basics can be found on the Games
\Voods· from a lone tree to a small stand \Vorkshop websitc.
• Hills· gentle sloped or cliff-like. or both
This site is an awesome resource if you are lust getting
• Obstacles· fences. rocks, hedges, walls. ctc.
started OH if you have put 01T terrain making forever
Once you've added the basics. rou can mo,'e along 10 a few
(and you know who you are OUl there). Don't seule for
advanced pieces like:
Knights cresting over books, or Wood Eh·cs slinking
Water - from a pond to a small river through coffee cup forests!
• lJuildings - "illages. towers, strongholds
• Special�' pieces' gr.we)

The biggest differences betwl'en terrain for a proper Combillillg .fel"ual elemellls jrolll Iile
Warhammer game and a skirmish is scale and level of bllsic:.· Iisl. Iilis hill is {'(IS)" 10 build.
(IIullooksjllll/I'.<Iic Oil 11(1)" /mllleJield.
model accessibili�.' By sca
of terrain to cover rour tabletop for a full game, blll the
needs for smaller skirmishes :Ire easier to manage. t\ large
banle in the Forest of Loren is going to call for a lot more
foliage. while an equally intense skirmish in the deepest
woods can be handled with only a few handfuls of tfees!

By Icvel of accessibility we are talking about how models

interact wilh thc terrain. When you arc m:mcuI'ering large
blocks of troops, the [errain tends [0 be obstacles - such as
hedges, walls. bUildings. or cliffs. These arc useful in
skinnishes as well. but by moving individual
modds )'Oll can take advantage of marc
1..<:/1: A gre,,/
Intricate terrain.
"'11)" /0 mid ("(Nil
Ri):",: Slorl' /"'''Slit
Iras <Ire rl'lIl/y 10
go riglil 011/ ojllie
BI'lolI": Our quid: mul er,sy XlllllillX box /IIu/ aII/o
sl"jllce ismlldejrom 11 2'x 3· piece oj Ihe table 10
In,mlll/iem 8,xlT(l. Trem 'he .",r/ace
pro,.i"e Ifuid:
like "gi"," millimure /mse (som/.
111111 ellsy
paim. ",ul s/mic ):rtlss) ,,,,J yo" /",,·e Iffmill.
1111' jmmJlIIioll 0/<1 ;;relll bllllll'Jielil.

Here is 11 special 2' x 2' whit' l\"t' buill
jor 1111' dlld;IIS Nl!crol1l'IIIcersjrom Iht'
Bring QuI Your De3u se"""";,,, This
I;IIIIII! pits rh'lIl N..cromlll1Ct'f
a/,prt'/IIit:.-s ll;lllitlS/l'llCh oIlier in a
gf(ll'eYllnllxmlt' for domi/lUllet'.

AI t/ie right is 11 dewile,/ slrot of

11 Zombie .. mains (he "'III/ed
c..",e/er)' (IIu/ shall/M;IIg ils "'/1.1'
through the IIII1�e "f grlll"c.mm"".


On tne previous page wc were talking about skimlish terrain and model accessibility and the
graveyard above is a perfect example. The skirmish game allows models [0 weave around the
tombstones to avoid enemy charges, gel behind the all-important Defended Obstacles. or 10
set up good moves for nexl turn. Troops simply could not form into a unit and march across
mm;h of this tcrr.Jin.

We've found the best Skirmish scenarios are the ones that use termin not just to set the
atmosphere and add a few obst:lcles, bUl also 10 provide some serious stmlegic options.

Th, border j»lro[ h�d Dev,r beell Ihis fu 1I0rlh ICTOSS Ihe ONTO THE GAMING
river. �nd the Iroops were 1[[ a bit jumpy. It prob.b[y didll'l The rest of this booklet is pretty much all about gaming.
help that � few of the old YeteTIIIS were Irying to »>Ss the building stuff to help you game, and more gaming after
time by sp�oking the new recruits. that. \'<;'e recommend a quick flip through to get the gist of
the scenarios. then coming back to the ones th:11 rou want
"Ayd" duwkd Old fellster. these here woods used 10 be
10 try right away.
right dangerous if h.[f the tl[es be truo;."
' Don't be surprised if rou become tempted 10 paint up
T�kjng the YclcTill S sigll'[ CUllthcr. the 10llg-time Ullil
some new models. as we'\'e caught ourselves sa}'ing things
sundard buret. r.1I his fiDget I[Ollg the surs 011 his chill .lId
like: "Well, I always w:mted 10 paint :I Bretannian
added. too far north, thll's what they uy. Thillgs creep dowlI
Knight/hand of Sbyers!monster . .

from Troll Coulltry inlO Ihese very woods is whll I hur."

\'(le\'e also found quite a few of our competitive players
The clmpfire cuckled alld sent up sparks IS the lIew Jog burSI
doing a bit of haggling with their games. After agreeing to
into flames. Several of the recruits jumped reflexiYely. much a points t01al and a few pre-game skirmishes it sounds
to the delight of the IOllger-servillg mell 1Tound Ihem. SOmething like: "Well, if rou get a chance 10 take out my
UIII;lIg oyer to • former boot camp m.le, onc of the new gunpowder in a Baggage Train ambush. I want a chance to

recruilS whispered. "PlY 110 mind 10 the old mell. Ihey'rc just play the Assassin scenario and take Out your Gcneml!"

Iryillg 10 spook us. NOlhing UII happen here. were slill inside Well, we've warned rou, the Warhammer world is a
Ihe Empirc!" dangerous pbce. Flip that p;Lgt: and YOU're underway.
Good luck to all those who dart: 10 enter.
(Or "Doo't cross the bridge, if you can't pay the Toll")
Oltce tbe ro(ulwlI),s were stife, bill /aIel), parties DJ hl'iglllltlS {II111 /IIorse bave been waylayillg IlYlllelers. nJis
belllg the Cllse, tI small/oree ofarms lJas been c1JOSCIl to escort tbe/air malt/ell Gel/cv/eve to t1Je Ilearby tOWI!
ofBrisgoille wbere slJe s
i to be wed to a powerful Duke.
Ullbekltolll/lsl 10 Ibe bt'ltle-Io-be (lilt! IJer bodyguards, il dllo of /otttiJsome River Trolls bas take" liP resilience
,mrlel'tlel/I/) 'be toll bridge. Fed by a cOl/slim! stream of visitors, tlJe vile creatlll'es attack (IIU/ attempt to
devour all those who dal'e to cross.

MODELS NEEDED: The Brctonnians mu�t set up first, deploye,cI on the ro:ld on
the southern border, up to 6" from the mble edge.
Bretonn,ian Forces: Onc Troll sc� up on (he bridge, exactly 6" from the dosest
• I Paladin .. Sir DuClaw (60 pts) Brctonnian. The other Troll mUSt Sfan anywhere in the
sword, lance (4 pIS). heary arrnor (4 pIS). shield (2 piS). rh'er more than 6" a\�
.. y from the Brctonni:l.ns.
mountlld on a barded warhOfSe (14 pts). wi th
the Questing Virtue (10 pis - imnlune to panic). WHO GOES FIRST?
• J Men·M·Arms with halbenls and shields (1 pt$'each) The Bretonnian player goes first in lhis scenario.
• J Bowmen (8 pIS each)
• I Damsel of the udy - Genevleve (60 pIS)
level One Wiz.anl. mounted on " warhorse (10 piS) This scenario uses the special rules detailed below:
fQg - Due to the swirling fog and limited visibility, all
The Trolls: Movement values should be counted as half (including
charging, running. shooting. etc.).
Dumb CreaHlre:; of Habh - The Trolls under the bridge
have become so practiced and cunning at wking out
wayfarers that when a Troll is within 6" of the bridge it is
allowed to take SlIIpidiry tests at double their normal
Leadership (all the way up to 8!). Familiarity and practice
m;lkes them smarter!
All Alone - Trolls are used to being all alone, and so may
ignore this rule. Who would be friends with a Troll?
nOllt 'Ibls - Again. Trolls will ignore all routing and fleeing
- such is their hunger. they will fight and claw to the cnd.
Sir DuClaw and the L1dy Genevievc arc both Immune to
Hauling. As long as onc of the characters remains alive, the
men-:tt·anns arc immune to routing. Note they still suffer
from Fl'ar and All A/ouc rules.
BATTLEFIELD Enchantress Spell - Lady Genevieve must randomly select
Set up a batlld'icld of about 24" x 24" or mark off such an nOI just her spell. but also her Lore. Holl a 06 to determine
area on a larger surface. The important terrain features are which lore: I Beasts. 2·3 Life. 4·5 Heavens or 6 Light.
a road, a river cutting across the playing area, and a bridge
within 6" of the southern bO;lrd edge. See the map at
bottom right for layout.

The goal of the Uretonnians is to get off the northern board
edge. They will claim victory if both Sir DuClaw and
Gene"ieve escape off the northern edge. the men'at-amls
arc expendable (a sad. but true story) .
The Trolls' objecth'e is easy: they arc particularly hungry
and want to put OUl of action as many of the humans as
possible, in order to later drag them down to their w;ltery
caves and feast on them. Trolls may claim victory if they
ha"e eaten at least o,'er half of the Bretonnian party'S tolal.
If both sides or neither meet viclOry conditions, the game
is a draw.
. be Ihe worst pul of the journey. thought Sir
Trolls Under the Bridge is a classic high (:lnt;lsy f:liry talc,
but it's pretty easy to imagine any number of passers-by
T OuCllw IS he led his horse through the cloyillg fog. If
thtre '11'15 going to be troubk it would be .he.d on tht Toll
tJ":IV(,:ling on the rO:ld. Keeping Brctonni:ms in mind,
Bridg� Obviously thinking the umc thing, the mell-.t-nms
imagine :l p:my of Squires, mounted Knights or perhaps :I
pulled closcr together - the dinking sounds of Iheir nmor
Duke himself? But Others use [ile road too, from an Empire
.nd tht slurp dippily-dop of Iht horses seemed m.gnificd by
Tr:idc Cara\'an (complete with cans and bodyguards) to a
the surrounding miSI'-
Dogs of War warb:md marching 10 their next
paying mission. -Curs<: Ihis fogr S1id Ihe Knighl .Ioud. ADd CUfs(. this

Replacing the Trolls isn'l quite as classic, but imagine Stone

mission 100. thoughl OuChw ....ho
. ....15
. sure th.t being .
Trolls guarding a high mountain pass (perhaps ambushing knighted p.bdin of the Ru.lm PUI him .boye such .
Dwarf Miners) or an angry monster like a HippogrifT, simplelon', mission is 10 escorl • udy from one pel5lnt
\Xlyvcrn or Hydra waylaying tr.l.\'clcrs in the woods. 10'11'0 10 .nolher!

llhill for .11 hour .nd

Ihe pith hiS been goillg slCldily dO.....
the fog', lhicker th.1I eyer. We mU51 be lIC1r the riyer: Slid
This scenario is easy 10 fit into pan of a larger Warhammer
the ScrgClIII. "look. Ihere it isr
banle or as part of :1O ongoing camp:lign. Simply pby the
small Skirmish g.1.me, the results of which will affect the The fog ...... s so Ihick they !ud come to Ihe edge of Ihe
future brger battles. stone bridge before rCllizing it. The bridge to....er
. glistened
with cOlldellutioll .lId solid . 115
..... of mist rose up 011 either
TheGood Sisle: If successful on his mission (guarding the
side of the SlruCluft;.
t dy Enchantress :md killing at least onc Troll) then Sir
OuCbw is well rew-arded by the gr:ucful bride-to-be b)' "Come .lolIg. quickly 110....,. .. DuCJ...... ufged the puty. Ihis is
gelling ;\ Potion of Strength (made of Troll's blood, this nol the pJ.te to lifry."
potion must be consumed at the stan of the BrclOnnian
Bul ,,"ell is Ihe group reithed the h.tlfw.y poillt .(toss Ihe
turn and adds + 3 Strengt.h to Sir DuClaw for that
bridge. • s!upe loomed oul of the mists .hnd. Perh.ps I;\'en
round ONLY).
more omillous. i slufPY' mucky sound "me from behilld .nd
The llvil Side: Either the Good side is shorted the exact below, .tS if some musive fu.tufe
( WiS shuffling up Ihe
number of points t.h:11 the Trolls h:we eatcn (to represcnt riverb.nk 10 cut off Iheir csc.p� The fOItCD fish smell of
those warriors nC\'cr making il ia battle) or any surviving Trolls Wis ullmisuklble u this di5Unc�
Trolls Illay be added to the E\·j] side's forces for free!

Th is scentlrio rep,'esellts (l common sitllatiOlI where tbe slIrviflors of (I recent battle try 10 reform (1I1d make
it back 10jrlclllily terl'itory. As yOll well know, afllll scale bflttie ill II)e U'(Irhammcr lIIorld is "" lIwesome a,"1
ICI-rible sight 10 beboltl. Units crash together, war II1llcbines mul "rebel's ,."1,, a deadly hail offire, magical
tbltlulerbofts streak across tbe skies, the air isjUfcfi with se/'elmlS of tbe dying, mu/ new orders are s/Jotllct/
by tfesperate champions. III this tll1llJl/tIlOllS affair DJ c/}argil1g alld relrCfllillg, it is eas), to see how eve" the
aftermatb of bailie alii still be a cOl/fitsillg mul dangero/ls ph/cc. Wbetbcr tlJe troops are jllsl rallying,
recoverillg /rOIll he;IIg kllockcfi lInconscious, or lire re/ur"illg cifter chasing (t jleeillg foe _ Ibey IIIlIsl now
regrotlp llmldst the canUlge all(/ still sllrvilling ellem[es, l1Je,'c is "0 bellc,' bcacoII tb,-ougb IIJis lJ(tz)" corpse­
ridden bailie field Iball thc siglJl of Ihe m"1Il)' bailie stmulm'd beillg waved byfrlctullyforccs!

the plarer that chose table sides going first. Each model

MODELS NEEDED: must be placed in the player's deployment zone

apan from ANY other model (friend or foe),
;1\ least 3"

Both Sides:
The last three models a player puts on the tablelOp (note:
Euch .siile may select up to 225 points, but Ihe
the last three may NOT include the Banle Standard Bearer)
following �uictions are in place:
are pbced singly and may be placed anywhere on the table
• Each side must select a Battle Standard �arer
(with no mort than \0 points of additlmml (including the enemy deploymenl zone) but not within 3"
equipment), This is lhe only Character or of any other models, This represents sU-,lgglers and the
Standard Bearer aJlow�d, overall confusion of the banle,
• No Ayers are allowed and no more than 50 points
may be spem on " non-infantry" models, WHO GOES FIRST?
• No W:l( Machines, Chariots, or 1<\onsters may be Each player rolls a D6. The highest roll moves first.
sclo::t�d (th(y wOllldn't be ov�rloo�ed On the
battlefield would they?), SPECIAL RULES
This scenario uses the special rules detailed below:

Rout Tesls - The situation is despe[,;lte. and the piles of

BATTLEFIELD dead (both enemy and friend alike) are incredibly
This scenario requires ;t sp;lce at least 48" x 48" , demoralizing. '10 represent this atmosphere. this scenario
Each player takes (Urns setting out a piece of terrain, These has the following special Rout Test rules:
can be small stands of trees, sections of slOne walls, ruins The normal routing rules for Skirmish games state that
or stacked piles of debris (counted as difficult ground or when a player has lost 25% of their staning forces, that
impassable . JUSt agree with your opponent ;lhead of time). player must make a Rout lest, which is a Leadership check,
for their entire force at the start of every turn, If they fail.
OBJECTIVES their forces rout and lhe game is over, but f
i the Rout lest
Each side must try 10 g:lther or r,lUy their troops and then is passed, they continue 10 fight on as nomla!.
exit from the opposite board edge, ;tll the while trying 10
In lhis scenario howe\'er, after25% of a player's force has
SlOp their opponent from doing the same tHing, The most
been lost, EACH friendly model must take a separ.lle Rout
imponant model \0 get to safety is the Battlc Standard
'[est at the start of that player's IUrn. Even worse, due to the
Bearer, but don't move him ofT board too quickly as he is
horrors of the battlefIeld, all models suffer a -2 Leadership
also the most useful model to use to rally your [f(>Ops.
penalty to their Rout 'Iests, Models which fail the test arc
For each member of your force that has successfully made
it off the far table edge (the Rallying Point), you score
\'ictory points equal \0 the points value of the model. To
detennine who has won at the cnd of the game, each side
mUSt add up the total number of victory points induding
an c-xtra 50 points if Ihey ha\'e managed to get their Bailie
Slandard Be;trer off safely, If the difference between players
is 0-10 pOints, the game is considered a draw, A difference
of 11·50 points is a minor victory, and anything o,'er 50
points is a complele victory.

There is a lime limil, as both annies are slill rushing to

rcfonn somewhere ofT Ihe table, and at any time a massive
banle could bre:lk out. This being the C:L�e, the game is
halted ;1\ Ihe end of the JOlh turn, If onc side is destroyed
or routs entirely than the opposition must still try to exit
ofT (he table by turn 10,

E:lch side has a deployment zone which is exactly half of
the playing area (24M x 48''), "0 detennine who gets which
:Irea, each player may roll a 06, with the highest roll being
able to choose his deployment zone first. \'I;l1iche\'er side a
player deploys on, his Rallying Point is ofT the opposite
board edge. 6ft Up
Each side takes :1 turn placing three models ,1\ a time, with

- 10 -
moved 206" towards the player's starting board edge. If
the routing model was in combat, treat it exactly as per the This panicubr Skirmish scenario is unusual. as it fits in
Bre(lkilJgfrom Combw situation in the \Varhammer Rulebook perfectly either before a larger battle or after it! Here is how
(p;Lge 246). Routing models may attempt to rally at the start
it can work:
of each turn (also at a -2 Leadership penalty) . Should the
model P;LSS this test, they arc considered rallied and can be Before the Bailie - Many battles bst longer than one day,
used as normal in that same turn. If they fail the test. they and this scenario will represent the dose of the first da(s
will continue to rout and move a funher 2d6". fighting. During the course of the battle, the front line
ExceptiQn� to Psychology - The Battle Standard Bearer is ebbed and nowed, and now elements of thc two opposing
immune to Routing and all I'sychology Tests. futhermore, forces must get back to their own camps!
all friendly models within 12" of the standard: do not suffer Any models that escape off their correct board edge may be
the -2 Leadership penalt)' on Rout 'Iests, do not suffer from used " for free" in the upcoming batlle_ For example, if it is
the All Alone rule, and may rc-roll failed Rout (or Rally)
a 2,000 point game, a plarer may still take all 2.000 points
lcsts once per turn. They may also use the leader's (in this
plus each of the models that escapes (added to units
case the Battle Standard Bearer) LC;Ldership value to take
as appropri:lle).
these tests!
After the Battle - The main fight is o\'er. and now the
USING ALTERNATE FORCES remnants must straggle back 10 find friendly unilS.
This scenario is a largc onc but could be scaled down for a
The scenario is played the same way. but rather than JUSt
smaller game depending on the points available. If you go
choosing their poinlS. the players mllst select troops from
below 150 points, you may want to make some changes to
models Ihat either were slain in battle on routed ofT the
the scenario. Some of the things you could do include
lable. Note: this is for the additional troops, nOI [he Battle
things like changing the Battle Standard Bearer to an
ordinary Standard Bearer, not using the special Rout 'lest Standard Bearer who automatically joins the rrJ),. even f
rules, or limiting the range from the standard to 6". All you there was nonc or he was slain in battle. This represents
have to do is make sure you and your opponent agree soldiers straggling back after routing or recovering from
ahead of time! minor wounds or unconsciousness.



I ) Sketch the banner out in pencil. drawing it in

scale so it fits ontO the banner pole.

2) Trace the image in Black India Ink to create ;1

strong contrast. Than erase your pencil lines.

3) Use a light box or window to [race the image to

the other side of your piece of paper if rou·re
making a double-sided banner.

There are aIm a mrict), of

plaItic wul metal bllllllers
.1) Finally, use design markers or Citadel Colour lIl'ailllble for IIse (IS YOllr
Paints to bring the banner to life. Battle SWI1(/ar(/.

- LI -
Of/ell limes '" battlcs there m'e 1/1(111), troops wbo lie "1)0/1 tbelle/cI i"jll/'cII or kllockc(( 0111, or relll'-" 10 IIJC
site (lfter fleeing or PllrsJlillg the enemy. A/te,- the bailie these IIIltrriors stllmble hflCk III 0I1C.'i: IIIUI I/(/OS, or
slltgger 0111from mu[crl/efltb piles oftbejallell, Blit s"rvivlng tbe battle lIIay 1I0t be el/Dugb . the U'(,,.bammer
world isfllll DJ IIItllly lI11pleasml( crC(lillres wbo t,re ,/,.tlllm 10 tbe miser)' '"1(1 carrion DJIt battlefield (IS if it
were (I beacon' Packs of Ghouls I/lrk III slJ(It/oll!s wfliti/l8 10 feed! M{,klng it back 10 friendly lilies "Ul)' be
/}Ilrtler tbtlll ),011 thollgbt . . .

if:l Ghoul is within !':Inge, and Ihen roll :1 D6. If the number

MODELS NEEDED: of Ghouls within the pack (that is, wilhin 2" of each other)
is equal to or greater than the die roll they will ;\Uack the
Survivor Forces: Survivors. If the GhDUls number less than the die roll. then
• SO poillts wonh of Core troops on foot. the GhDuls tentatively move half the distance IOwards the
• "10 Heroes. but a single Champion is allowed. foe . watching for a weakness!

Ghoul" !tout lbts - Neither side will take Roul 'iCSts or Psychology
• 4 Ghouls al 1he SIAn or!he g�. On each Ghool Player's turn ·Iests. The Survh'ors realize it's gel :1\\�ly from the battlefield
roll a 06, OIl n I nothing haPl!Cns, 2-3 you get I Gboul. a roll or be pulled down and ealen by the growing swarms, :lnd
of.l, or 5 KCts D3 Ghouls. and n roll of 6 adds D6 Ghouls. Roll Ihe Ghouls may be cowards. bUI they won't leave the fe:L�tl
randomly 10 sce wbicll pile of dead each Ghoul slans al.
BATTLEFlELD This panicular scenario can be played with or without :tn
Set up a b:mlcficld Df :lboul 2·r :c z.jM. or mark Dffsuch an opponent. A Second player can control the GhDuls but JUSt
:15 easily. the Ghouls can be moved !':Indomly using a scaner
:'Irea Dn a I:!rger surface. In addition to a mutually agreed
upon scattering of [rees and the like, arrange si:c piles of die. If the Ghouls have a choice of where 10 move or who
battlefield dl.'bris. Each pile should be :Ibout 3" :c r :md 10 attack. use a D6 to delemlinc !':Indornly where Ihey go.
can be made up of broken equipmeOl, dam:lged w:lr You could even try a third player that starts on Ihe opposite
machines and bodies. Se[ up the piles at leasl r from each side and is attempting 10 flee off the southern edge.
OIher and 6M from the southern edge.
OBJECTIVES Ghouls work brilli:lntly as the. battlefield SC3\'engen; - Ihal is
The Sur,\,i\'Ors arc II')'ing 10 make it ofT the nonhern table precisely the way these carrion-eaters work! If ),OU don't
edge and back [0 friendly lines. If more models make it ofT have any Ghouls you might want [0 Switch them with olher
the nonhern edge th:m arc e:llen, [he Survi\'ors may models from your collection, Cenainly Minotaurs, Trolls or
claim viClOry, Giant Spiders could wander out of the woods or Chaos
Wastes attracted by the sounds ofb:utlc :tnd the circling of
The Ghouls arc [I')'ing 10 e:n Ihe Survivors. If more models
clITion birds! Remember. the bigger the Sc:u'cngers Ihe
arc eaten by [he Ghouls than escape offlhe nonhern edge.
less of them there should be!
the Undead may claim \'ictol')'.
The scenario continues until the last Survi\'or esc:lpes or PART OF A LARGER BATTLE
is pulled down and eau:n. '10fil Ihis scen:lrio inlO a larger banle If}' having the
oUlcome affecting Ihe pointS used in the next game.
If the Sca\"t:ngers win they may take a free unit of the
The Sun'ivors must set up within 6'" of the sDuthern t:tble
SC:l\'engcr creatures (up 10 100 points) in their ne:ct ban.le.
edge :md NOT within 3M Df each mher.
If lIle Survivors win Ihey may add a unit of Core troopS to
The GhDuls lh:u arc visible al Ihe beginning of the game their baule force for free (up 10 100 points).
stan in a single pack. Randomly determine which pile of
battlefield debris Iher stan on by numbering lhe piles 1-6
and rolling a D6.


This scenario uses the special rules detailed below:
.!n..lli.!l:!1 - The Sun�\"Drs are injured, worn out and cannOI
March or Run. They may still muster the enerb'Y 10 Charge!
.!&.ru.:..b: . Ghouls :Ire cr-..Iven creatures and will feel safer in
1:lrge numbers. The Ghouls \\�IJ al1empt to '"Pack Up" :md
remain within 2" Df :n least onc mher Ghoul whene\'er
possible. If al Ihe Slan of itS turn. a Ghoul is more than 2M
away from any other GhDul, it must spend itS mO\'ement
phase moving towards one.
Cowards - The Ghouls arc cowardl)'! They always "....101 10
charge a Survh·or. but musl first leSt 10 sec if Ihey can
muster Ihe cou!':Ige. Announce the charge. measure 10 sce

- 11-
r Urgep wInced in piin 1.5 he removed h,s Sltd helmet. The (001 evening liT fch rdrC5hiog. lOci JurgeD np his fingers through
hiS m.lled hm. SWe.1 lPd dmd blood nido:.. the he.d wound fch ominously lugt lod .s he probed. The Ihrabbing p.io
1D1cnslficd.. TurDlPg Ihe helm., over n
i his hinds. lulgell looked for the denl ,h.1 he koew he would find. He \lViS Dol
diuppointcd - 'hlnk Sigmu for his slcci helm. or c1sc 'he gi."1 cbvcr ,h., the grccnskin h.d swung would hive split his hud
iD IWO! Slil!, thought JUTgeD u he struggled 10 suod up. lud Ihe blow Jlruck home it might Dol throb so much.

St.ndioB 011 wobbly legs ,od peering through the glowing dusk. JUTgcn $c'"Dcd the bmldidd for other survivors. The 11.51 f'YS
of the sun were di�ppcuinB behind the hills .od .!ready the edgC5 of Ih� neuby forest were tot.lly enveloped in dnkness. Whit
linle he could pick out in the growing gloom WlS I grim sight. The deld by strewn n
i piles or singly. with broken shields .nd
splintered spurs scmered everywhere. His fellow soldielS. the cur$<d Orcs. horses. bOlls - 111 quiet ,nd still. After the din of
i his
blttle ,nd the screlms of the dying The quiet WlS discollcerlillg. The only sound to keep Jurgen comJ»ny WlS the ringing n
eus. lBd the evening crolks of the nveos. Cur$< Iho$< sClvengers. fmenin8 themselves on the bodies of his comndcs!

There WlS nothing else for il bUT to mIke it Inck '0 clmp. Any survivors would cOlIgteg,te There. As he hobbled through Ihe
utn.ge using The broken hlft of his hilbetd IS supporT. Jurgen Thought the gteellskills suffered the worst of it Any fresh
Troops were probably off pursuing the enemy. The ground WlS churned up in divots ,nd dumps of mud. 8rell p'Tchc:! of ground
were bbckeoed with drying blood. It W.5 no cur fisk fO nlvig,le - eveo with 111'0 good legs .nd hud th.1t didn·' throb!

Ocusion,Uy it $<emed is if dnk shlpes slunk !od di�ppeucd behiod the strewn bodic:! 10d wreck.ge. but is he closed there
WlS nOlhing .live. It mUST be some trick. Jurgell hid ohen he"d of soldiers Steing visions .fter 1 good blow to the held.
Somewhere behind. I wolf howled mournfully. More d.mned sClvclIgers! Where weTC the clt;1n-up crews? Where were survivors
looking for blkn frieods?

�urgclI ot1fcd Iht heut of Ihe b.ltlcfidd.. Grt;1t cllimity hid h.ppened here. •nd the de.d were piled high. A grinding lod
snipping sound behind onc of The piles uused Jurgen to p.use. Whit he hid .t first miSl1ken iD the d"k for , few soldiers
bent over helping thdr comudes. WIS something else lhogclher. His stom1ch �nk. every h.i, DD his body brisTled. '0d he
i voluol1Tily took two STeps b1ckwuds in Itrror of wh.t ht �w. In shock !nd horror �urgcn let go of Ihe brokeD hllberd shl£C
!nd il mlde .n omioous tbump .5 il hil Ihe ground. The crouchiDS figures looked up from their ftUliog. There were more of
them in the sh.dows Ihlo �urgen hid " firsl re.liled. Their gie.miog eyts D1TTowed . .


1) Cut shapes Out of masoni[t:
and then bevel Ihe edges.

2) Cut out similar shapes using

polystyrene insulation foam
(found at most do-it­
yourself stores) and attach it
by using while glue.

3) Cm·er [he sh;lpe with while

glue and begin att:\ching

your converted miniatures.

.. ...
4) Be sure 10 paint
undercoat directly onto [he

Casualty Pile T;lther th:m

using an aerosol primer or
it will melt the polystyrene.

5) Base paint. highlight and shade the

models as nomlal. Flock the base using
sand and stalic gmss.

- 13 -
Sprillg rllllls '/Id tbe melting o/moll"tai" SIZQIIIS have cflllsef/ tbe '-;lIe,- to rise. l'cnll' arlll)' bus bee" ds
i pel'sed
to make it easier to CI'OSS tlJe ,.fve,· before regrollp;lIg to attack. 17)(: ri/Jer ;s lightly fiejelldef/ at tbe cI·ossillgS.
Call ),011 make it across ill time/or tbe big b(lttle wilIJollt los;II8 too 111(111), ofYOllr troops?

help make bridges (no marching or charging). Log bridges

MODELS NEEDED: arc complclCd in the last phase (after Close Combat). For
example, on Turn Onc the Anackcr moves a model next to
Attacking Forces: the woods 10 begin. After the Close Combat phase a die is
• 200 points of infantry (no Oyelli)
put next to the models making the bridge to denote Turn
• I Hero may be scleclec.I

• I Champion may be seleclec.I Onc. Simply move it to the number two next rum (if the)'
arc nOl diSTUrbed by missile fire or counlcr attacks). Once
Defending Forces: a bridge is under cOnstruction nonc of the workers may
• Up 10 150 points of War Maehines (upgrades may be laken) move and still count as Jabor for that turn.
Any points nol used for War Machines may be hah·cd and
used for tlOOps. Single Log Bridge - lakes I model three turns. Helper
• Up 10 50 points ":onh of troops models reduce the number of turns by I (although it
• Up to one ehampion is allowed always takes at least onc lurn). For example, three models
together may make a single log bridge in onc [Urn.
BATTLEFIELD Multi.Log Bridges - Takes one model six turns. Helper
Using a spacc of about 36·· x 30·'. arr:mge a river across the models reduce the number of IUrns by 1 (although it
width of the sp:tce. In the center of the river is a ford aboul always takes at least onc mm). So four models working
6'· wide. On the nonhern t:Lble edgc, Ihere arc four evenly together may make a multi-log bridge in three mrns. NOte:
spaced forests. On Ihe southern labk edge. there are the turn you start working on the bridge counts, so six
models (none mo\'ing over their base movement ratc) that
two hills. Sce the map at lowcr right for details.
stan making a multi·log bridge in Turn One will finish thc
OBJECTIVES construction at the cnd of the first rum!
The side with the most victory poims at the end of the Caming Bridges - If you think trees aren't he:l\1', wc dare
game wins. you to go carry a mid-sized onc right now! '111e rules for
The An:lckers are trying 10 get across the table. They may lugging these log... arc as follows:
do this by risking the dangerous ford or by building crude Single I.og - Requires a minimum of two models to carry.
wpoden bridges or a combination of both. They gain the \'('hile carrying the log, the models move at half ratc.
victory points cost of each model which makes it off the Models carrying t.he log gain I" of movement for every
southern edge. helper beyond the minimum. up to the maximum march
The Defenders are trying 10 prevent the Attackers from r;Lte of the slowest model.
crossing the river. They get 10 points for surviving each Multi-I.ogBridges - Requires a minimum of four models to
turn as they deby the Attackers. These points continue to carry. While carrying the log, the models move at half ratc.
Slack up as long as there is a surviving Defender on Models carrying the log gain I·· of movement for every two
the table. helpers beyond the minimum (a single extra helper just
The game ends when all of the Att;}ckers have left the board. won·t help enough). up to the maximum march rate of the
or the laSt Defender is slain. slowest model.
NOTE: When carrying a bridge, a monStrous cre;Hure
DEPLOYMENT (Minotaur, Troll. Ogre, etc.) CountS as twO models.
The Attackers Star! on the nonhern table edge.
ThrowingIhe Bridge Across the (jap - This expends no
The Defenders stan anywhere on the southern side of the extr:L movement but the player must roll a D6 once the
river. No troops may be set up within 12'· of the riveT. models carrying a bridge has reached the river's edge. On
a roll of 2-6 the pbyer may place the log across both banks
;LI1d move models across. On a roll of I , however, the
The Att:tckers get the flrst turn.
bridge is heaved awkwardly and smashes end-flrst into the
SPECIAL RULES opposite bank of the river. The result is that it m;LY not be
This scenario uses the special rules detailed below: crossed, having been reduced 10 splinters or even worse ·
Cro�singthe Ford - 'ialf move going across the river and for sitting entirely on the wrong side!
every model crossing at the ford roll a D6. On a roll of a
4 + . the model has successfully negOtiated the ford. On a
roll of 1-3, the model has slipped and fallen and is either
drowned or washed far downstream and is considered lost
for this game.
Making Bridgc� - ·10 cross lhe ri\'er the Attacker can choose
to make some haslily impro\'ised bridges. These basically
in,·oh·e hack
ing down a tree to bridge the river or to hack •

down m:Lny trees and lash them together with vines.

Whichever type of bridge is selectcd. onc model must be in I
base-ta-base with :1 wooded area. and any other models
grouped together helping muSt be within I · · of each other.
This representS ;Lll the hacking. hauling and lashing!
A model may mo\·e up to haLf its nomlal move rate and still

- [4 -
Crossins Ilridge� - Once the gap has been successfully or up tWO bolt throwers (75 pes e3ch). Full rules for these
bridged, any remaining movement may be spent crossing \\FJ.r machines C3n hc found in thc W'arhammer Hulcbook
the bridge, While Multi-Log Bridges arc no challenge co on pagcs 120-125. Each machine is crewed by thrcc
cro�s, the Single Log variety is a bit more difficult to regularly equipped troops of that particular army (for
tr;L\'crse. Each model that moves OntO, all the way across or e.xamplc, Skeletons for Unde;td. Glade Guard for Wood
completes movement off of a Single Log bridge must roll a Elves, CIC.).
die. On a roll of onc, the model has lost its footing and
fallen to the \\�l1er below and is lost for the game. PART OF A LARGER BATTLE
Monstrous creatures, GI\'alry, or anything with a base I;Lrger The nature of this scenario fits pl�rfectlr imo a larger

than 25mm squ3re may only cross using a Multi· campaign, Either slipping across a river to launch lightning

Log Bridge. raids or 10 start a full-scale invasion. Here afe some ways
the skirmish can affect a larger battle:
• If the Defenders win by less than 30 poinL'>. the only
\'¥hile Ihis sccn3rio is acceptable for any Warhammer amlY,
result is that in the brger battle the Attackers must set up
here arc some great match-ups:
first and go second. If the Defenders win by morc than 30
• Beastmen anempting to invade further into the island points the same 3pplies, but 3lso every unit in the Attackers
home of the High Elves.
army must rolL On a 1 or 2, the Att::tcker C3nnOllurn up on
• A sm311 incursion of Chaos \\"�lI"riors and l'vlarauders the battlefield until Turn Two.
heading southwards to pillage the Empire!
• If the Attackers win by less than 30 points, the only result
• Dwarfs defending their u:rritory against encroaching is that in the larger battle the Defender must set up first
Undead hordes of a nearby Vampire Count. and the Anackers get the first turn. If the Attackers win by
Special note on war machines: Some annics arc not more than 30 points the same applies. bUI also lhe
regularly allowed \\�lr m3chines in their army lists. For this Attackers may choose two units that may be brought into
scenario any amly NOT regularly allowed devices of m;I.SS the battle on Turn '1\\'0 on either nank. or on Turn Four in
destruction m3y either choose a single catapult (100 pts). the rear of the Defender. ]t is the r\ttacker's oplion!


.. The easiest way co give your bridges the look and
feel of real wood is co use real wood! Whittle the
ends of each stick using small CutS 10 keep it in sC"J.le.
Keep in mind the size of the axcs that would be used
on the trees these bridges are made of.

... Use some thin wire to bind the sticks together.

Wrap the wire around each stick as well as around
the complete bundle for stability. When you've
finished. tuck in the cnd and apply a drop of super
glue to secure the whole thing in place.

.. Once assembled, undercoat the completed

bridge with Citadel Colour Black Primer spray, then
drybrush the wood with progrcssively lighter coats
of Beslial Brown mi-xcd wilh Bleached Bone. Then
pick out the wire with Bleached Bone to make
look like rope. Voila! You've got a bridge!

Cbaos flcas/mcl/ bmrl Ibeir rollgb�I' crafted bridges (0 tbe banks. reat(l' 10 storm across Ibe ri/'er and wreak bm'oc!
Rivers jorm 'ltltllr,,1 bOlllu/(,,-ies betwce1l sUites (111(1 Il(lliOllS. TI)cy (Ire tbe first Ulle of de/cl/se aga;nsl (Ut
opposing arm)'. fit Ibis scenariQ tlJe '"utl(fers must captllre tbe bridges illttlct to allowfor quick passage of
Ibelr ollcoming (It'III)'. if the Defe1lders C(lll tlest/·v)' tbe;'- OWII bridge, it w/II allow f!(l/llable time to organ ze
tiejcIIses u'/Jile the l,wlu[ers {t,-cfOl'cetl to sctlrchjol" (ll/other 1lI(1)' across.

wooden frame and won't be easy to destroy. Models are

MODELS allowed to attack the bridge in hand·to-hand combat so
long as their bases arc touching the bridge and but the
Defending Forces: models themselves arc still on the riverbank (who would
• 100 Points incJudlng,up chop a bridge they were still standing on?). Hits are
10 1 Champion
;1U(om;uic and players simply need to roll to wound. The
• No Heroes
bridge h,L� a 'Ioughness of 5 with 4 Wounds. The bridge is
• No War Machines
immune to critical hits :md a maximum of three models
Attacking Forces: may altack the bridge at a time. Note: the bridge may only
• 200 Points including up be attacked by a combatant nOt already engaged with a foe.
10 I Champion and/or Hero
Dangerous Ford - Although small, the stream is swollen
• No more than 20 points of Magic I
and dangerous even at the ford. Any model attempting to
cross :Lt Ihe ford mUSt make a die roll. On :L roll of onc or
tWO, the model has lost its footing and is swept away by the
BATTLEFIELD strong current (taking no further part in this battle).
U�C a special table about 36" long and 30" wide. Arrange a
rivcr across the board as shown on the map with the bridge
set in the center of the rivcr. Thl� bridge should be wide
enough for three 20mm x 20mm based models to stand
side by side. Also create a small fordable area in the rh'er
12" either east or west of the bridge - this is the onlr other
area that can be crossed. Additional trees. walls and hedges
are scanered aboU( the table, but none within 12" of the

southern bank of the rh·er.

Attackers - The main objective is to Stop the Defenders
from destroying the bridge! Failing that, the Attackers can
still C;lUse disruption by crossing the ford in strength.
The Attackers win a major victory if they cnd the game with
the bridge imact :md more models on the nonhern bank
than the Defenders. A minor victory is won if the bridge is
destroyed but the Attackers still cnd the game with more USING ALTERNATE FORCES
models on the nonhern bank lhan the Defenders.
Cut the I3ridge� is a classic wargame �cenario and can be
Defenders - The Attackers must be denied passage to the played in any combin:uion with any variet}' of armie�, For
nonhern side of the rh·er. Destroying the bridge is most insance,
t imagine:
essential. but keeping the enemy from crossing the ford • An Empire Militia attempts 10 slow the progress of the
will also buy your defenses more time. Orc \l?aaaagh!.
The Defenders win a major victory if they cnd the game • A BrclOnnian Peasant force holds up the invading
with the bridge destroyed and no Attackers on the Vampire Count and his shambling followers.
nonhern bank. A minor victory is declared if the Attackers
• A Dwarf Ranger pany harasses the scouting force of a
rout but the bridge is still intact.
brgc Chaos Army.
The game lasts until either the Attackers rout. or all the
Defenders are slain. At any time (especially imponant as PART OF A LARGER BATTLE
pan of a campaign) a player can voluntarily cnd the game This is an easy scenario to fit into a larger campaign or
by announcing a retreat. series of Skirmish battles,
Defender Victory - The Defenders have slowt:d the enemy
DEPLOYMENT army. [n [he follow-up Warhammer battle the Att,lckers
The Attackers stan on the southern table edge. must sel up first. and go second. As pan of :t continued
The Defenders Slan on the nonhern table edge. campaign or series of games try the Bridging the Gap
scenario next to get across the river.
Attacker Victory · The Attackers have come upon the army
The Attackers always get the Hrst turn.
unaware. The Defenders must set up for the battle first. but
SPECIAL RULES the Anackcrs get the first mOlle. As part of a continued
campaign or series of Skimlish games try playing some
This scenario uses the special rules detailed below:
games to represent what the Attacking amlY would do after
St:.lwan Defender - The Defenders will guard the bridge finding easy passage across the river, '1'1}' the 'lawn I{aid or
with their lives and arc immune to any Rout Tests. Silence the \'('atch 'Iower (found in White Dwarf #269)
DeHrO\'ing the Bridge - The bridge has a sturdily built scenario next.

. 16 -
TreaciJelJ' {nul betrfl)'u/ are (111 100 common jll tlJe Old U1orld. The IIJ(lY to adval/cement CllII be as subtle {IS {I
polsolled drink 0/" as brllttli as a bebcfulb,g. A wse i leader is always watchfill over his StlbOl"(lilllltes wlJe"
times are good or wbell tbejOl"lltlleS of war turll against him. TOf/(ly, (/ Rebel /elu/er bus decided 10 gat/Jer
b sfot'ces
l agaillst 'be Loyalists III/Jife tlJey are gOlle. When tbe LO),(lUsts '"clllrll to tbe camp, tbe Rebels 111;11
attack alld fl)' 10 take cOl/trol. HOlllcvel; the Rebels mllst hurry. before ally atlJer troops nearby overbear 'be
commotio" allfi come 10 the LO)'fl/ist's rescllc!

• 200 poinls total
• ! Hero (00 Wiz.'mls-) with up 10 25 points n
i Magic Items
• Special and Core troops

• 200 points IOlal
• I Hero (no WizardS) wilh ul.! 10 25 points in Magic Items
• Core troops Only

Use a special table of 24� x 24" or mark off a similar space
on a larger surface. Set up a ciusu;r of tents and/or huts in
the center of the board to represent the Loyalist
encampment. For scenic and tactical effect, additional trees
or hedges should be scallcred about the table.

The objective is to kill the opposing leader while protecting
your own leader. Once an amlY has successfully sbin the
opposing army'S leader, the opposing troops arc assumed USING ALTERNATE FORCES
to either surrender or retreat and the game b over. Strife and unrest arc all too r.lmpant in the \Varhammer
world and this scenario can fit any army. Just imaginl�:
DEPLOYMENT • Two rival Orc wanna·be Warlords striving for brutal
The Loy;:tlist Leader is returning from a scouting mission supremacy o\'er the growing horde!
with some of his best troops. He slans at the southern cnd
• The fmgiie politics of competing Empire Elc.clor Counts
of the table with his troops within 12" of him.
boil o\'er, and different factions vie for power.
The Rebel Leader has planned an ambush at the • Different Sk.wen Cl:tns backstab and usurp their way to
encampment. The Rebel forces arc scaltered on the the top!
outskirts of the camp, placed anywhere within 6" of it.
WHO GOES FIRST? This scenario is a GREAT way to introduce someone into
The LoyaliSt Leader gets the first turn. the \'(farhammer world of tablelop miniature gaming! The
set up is fast, the rules arc minimal, and the action gets
SPECIAL RULES everyone infused with the joy of tabletop \\�Hl;aming! This
This scenario uses the special rules detailed below: scenario is set up so that it can be played if you ha\'e only
No Routing - Neither side is subject to routing. As long as onc army and wish to divide it between twO players.
the leader is still alive, the troops will stay and fight umi! It can also be used as a part of a larger bailie. A new leader
the bitter end. emerges from the losing side and returns with another
He's In Trouhle - There arc even more loyalist troops near anny 10 avenge his defeat! The lOSing sides leader now has
the encampment. Starting on turn 4, roll a D6 at the Start hatred IOwards his opponents!
of eaeh Loy.tliSt turn. On a 4 + , D3 of any core troops come The viclOr will attract more troops who n:uurally flock 10
on the northern board edge to help their leader. These the winning side! In the next game the winner may add an
models are additional 10 the starting forces. additional 10% or 100 points · whichever is larger!

. [7 -
C"'''''''s Warlords kllolll llull tbe best IIItl)' to (le/cII,1 vtlrllable ((Hul is to built/ " miglJlyfortress mill garrlsoll
il wltb sltlrdy warrior's. IIw{ltUn8 gellerais know better flulII to leave a ft/fly IIttH",(!t/ castle be/Jilltl as tin:),
"(Wtlge tbe co'It,trysitle. Siege /l!{":ftu'e s
i ge"erally tbe 0111)' option ope" 10 illV{ullllg armies, and Ibis scenarlQ
Is a great lead i" 10 a {ru'gel> Wm'!Jmllmer Siege bailie.

MODELS NEEDED: The Attackers deploy first anywhere along the southern
edge of the table, at least 16� from the wall or gatehouse.
Dc(ending Foeces:
Once t.he Attackers are deplored the Defender sets up t.heir
• Up 10 lOO poinrs- ofCore troopS. including
models on the wall, ready to repel the :lUack.
u{I 10 onc Ommpion
' 1l1C' Defenders may either have 11. clluldron of
boiling oil. oral]
be equipped with rods The Defenders go first.

Attacking Forces: SPECIAL RULES

· 200 points ofCem: troops. This scenario uses the Siege rules detailed in the
including up 10 onc Cbampion or Hero Warhammer Rulebook on pages 2<17·260. There you will
• 'IlK: Anackcl'!; are equipped with
find rules for carrying and using all siege equipment.
a log rum and fOllr laddel'.'l

This scenario requires a Space of :dx>ut 2·r x 24", The main
feature for Ihis battlefleld is either a gatehouse or a section
of fortress wall. This is placed across the northern edge of
the table as shown in the map. As almost all castles ha\·e :1
cleared area around the "�Ills (known as a killing ground)
we recommend Ihal you (ton·1 use any olher terr.J.in.

The Atlacker·s objeClil'e is 10 conqucr the fortress and slay
all Ihc Defendcrs.
The Defender·s objective is 10 hold the fortress and repel
the aSS:lUlt. They mUSt survive long enough to recei"e
reinforcementS or drive the 1\113ckers away.
·nle game is won f i one side completely destroys or routs
the other side, but if this does nOt happen the Defender
will win if they ha,·e more models on the walls at the cnd
of the game than the Attacker.
This scenario will l:l�1 se'·en turns, :tfler which it is assumed
th:n reinforcementS arrive to help Ihe Defenders.

Bloodgor� lookc:d OUI o'·er the wuteblld Ih..t Slood before

the gues of his Lord·, cU1lt. Joy filled his hart os the USING ALTERNATE FORCES
bcutIDCII of some rint wub.tlld IpprGlehed. the: willd urrying There are a wealth or ide:t5 for this scenario as most r.J.ces
their foul nits to the defClldel"S. build fonresses and strongholds of some son or other. Any
SillU joining Lord Clhlumor"s horde BJ()(ldsor� IlId his kin arnl)' would be applicable, imagine :t Slanm:·shi Chaos amlY
h..d kllO"nI IIOlhing but b.id luck. SevenJ dtys before assaulting the gates of a Khornate Chaos Champion,
Cllthlmor I!.id woiglled the duty of dc£elldillg his forlrCS5 to Dwarfs defending a mounlain pass against an Ore horde.
the tribe of Mmlldel"S. thus robbillg them of I tl!.illte of or a border dispute between the Empire and Bretonnia.
glory ill Ih� Blood Cod's llim� But 1I0W it looked like Iheir Alternating '.",ays of playing could include incre:t5ing the
luck had ch..ngeL points value of the game or including Special or Rare
choices. Remember. keeping the Attackers poinls twice the
"MIll the "ll'Jlls yOIl bly scumr he cried. "Bloodshed IDd
"alue of the Defenders is usually a good idea.
skulls aWlitr

The Jurdy 1I0rlhmen stumbled to their feCI, gubbing vitioU.!l PART OF A LARGER B ATTLE
fbils IDd rnor-keen bbdG, iDd need to obey their thief. We recommend you try this smaller '·crsion of a Siege game
Bloody uuldrons were hlulcd 10 the bmlcmcDt$. their before rou launch into a full·scale action! This is a great
$'laming (O/llelll5 rc.ady 10 be dumped 011 Ihe hacis of the way to get familiar with Siege rules and equipment.
ldnncing wub.iDd. Perhaps this could be an arnlY breaking through the outer
ring or a town's dcfenses. with a larger and more elaborate
I hope. tJuI C.hJumor dOdn't returll 100 SOOD IDd $tul III
siege to follow. Anackers will want to gel through as
Ihe glory. thought Bloodgor� This IkUlmen blood is ours to
quickly as possible, ;lnd Defenders will want 10 inniCI as
give 10 KhorD�
many casualties :t5 Ihey c;m!

<0lIl S(ll'age I3C(l511111'1I 0/

S/(/(/lIl'sh pr{'IWf{' /0
besil'ge a KhoflUlfe
olll/mst deep ill Ihe
CIUIO$ \\'(lsles. These
jmUllicol "'«friors aflire
Blood G()(I hol'l: chosell
10 lleter fheir mlllck,.r:;
by showering them ill /1
IOrremiu/ dm..,rpoar of
haiti/IN b{()()(/!

T Rock llroppers are a l1Iore

COI/I'('rrtiol1af way /0 thwart
(/t/(ld;uslrom tile r(lmparts,

<0lIl The de/cmler:;

ofa ruilled LJ<lm/IIICII
temple-city hold
01/1 ogainst High

T Orc Bourboy:. surgefOrlh ill CIIl

(It/empl to slow 'he on:n.-lrelmillg
Ill/mbe,s ofa Li:.artllllf'1I (lSS(wlI.

T The 11'(11/ sec/iolls 0/ /he

Orcform·ss IUlI'c beel!
cOIrslrllcted /rolll balsa 1I'00d
(lml (u/omed with (1/1
(lS.l'OrtIllCnI 0/plastic hils.
1Vsl seelll/rio represents ,1'1)(11 /akCJi plllce hetwcc" 11/10 armies the cfle before II lII(ljor huttle. As Ibe s",/ sets,
clImpfires sprlug liP multbe (willies dig '" jar the nlgbl, POStJII8 l'cI/tries to ward Itgllillst (lilY trellcher), or
IIight jorll),s. Blit II quick report by the SCOllts revenls that cl/cm)' troops were settillg spikes, stake
emplacemellls mul earlhworks to lfelay wlIl/mlllel troops into (I killing gmlmd. The bailie tlIOIdd 1101 begin
(It datl'II, bll' by the /igbl of the SUU·S.

cah':lr)' attempting to :lItack across the barricades must take

MODELS NEEDED: onc test to avoid being impaled on the Slakes. On a .-1 + the
model will take a Strength 4 hit (but don l count Critica[s) .

Attacking Forces: This happens before combat can take pl ace and will
• 125 points ofcalvary may be chosen. Ahemnlively. you C:1Il happen when the cavalry charges a model behind a
choose models with the SCoul or Skirmuh ubility. Deft:nded Obsl:lcle or e,'en when a cavalry model allempts
• Up \0 one Hero or one OIampion INy be chosen.. 10 cross the barricades. A ca\'alry model who sun1\'es the
test. and the following round of combat does NOT ha\'e 10
Defending Forces:
take another tCSt unless they later Iry 10 cross the obstacle
• 150 noint$ orCore infantry may be chosen.
or win the combat and charge another defended model.
• No l-/crues bill onc Champion may be choSen.
Building Barricades - [t takes te:101S of three onc turn to
make a 2'" line of effl."clive barric:.de. The teams must be in
BATTLEFIELD base-to-base contact. Teams of twO may JUSt about cope -
but will only com pl ete ['. a turn. Troops build ing
Using a space of about 36� x 36�. scatter trees and low hills
barricades may nOl move more than 2"' or shoot while
about thl." table as shown on the map to the bonom right.
cOnstructing. No cOnstruction can take place if any of the
TIle Defenders can place up to tWO finished 6- scClions of
builders are in hand-to-hand.
eanhworks (representing sharpened Slakes, barricades and
even pit traps). The Defenders will set up the eanhworks The new barricades mUSI be built at le:l�t 6" away from the
during deployment. northern table edge.


The Attackers need to stop the building of the eanhworks This scenario can be played with a large variety of armies:
by drhing off or sl:!.ying the workers. The Allackers can • B retonnian Mounted Squires attempting to clear the field
claim "iclOr), only if all the opposition are sl:!.in or are ag.1.inst a strong pat rol of Dwarf Rangers.
drh'en off br routing before the 8th turn. • Empire ['islOliers attempting 10 drive off Goblin
The Defenders ha"e a two-fold Objective. First the)' need 10 work crews.
complete at le:lst 10" of defensive barricades. and secondly • Ellyrian Ika\"ers trying a night r'J.id :Igainst Uzardmen.
they need to hold off the Attackers for 8 turns. Defenders
claim victory if they still have models on the table at the PART OF A LARGER BATTLE
end of the game, :md there arc :u least 10- of new Here s
i how this game can affect a much larger battle.
barricades (don't count the Slaning barricades). The g'-lme
Defenders Victory - The Defenders have managed 10
will end in :t draw f
i the Defender survives but could nOl
complete their earthworks. The Defenders may place up 10
complete the full 10" of new obst:lcles.
four 6- sections of earthworks prior 10 the battle.
The game lasts 8 full turns.
Attackers Victory - The Attackers have managed to sweep

DEPLOYMENT a\\'"J.Y the earthwork.�. The Art:lcker aUlOmatically wins

table side. and may set up second and go first.
The Auackers enter the bo:trd on the southern table edge.

Before placing troops the Defender places their [WO 6-

sections of eanhworks. Half of the Defenders may sl:ln
anywhere on the nonhern table half, while the rest must
enter from the nonhern board edge.


The Attackers get the first rum.

This scenario uses the special rules detailed below:

Night Auack - Shooting range is down to half distance.

BarriCildcs - The hastily constructed Slakes, walls and o\,er­

turned carts will count as a Defended Obstacle for any
lroops that take up position behind them. In addition, any

- 1.0 -

.,. Making a line of barricadcs from scr:nch 10 defend the borders of your cilY, encampment. \'iIlagc or what have you is
easier lh:m you might think. It's so easy in faCl, that wc've broken h down 10 three general steps: assembly. painting
prcpar:uion, and painting. Take a look :md then have a go at it yourself. In no lime you'l] be repelling invaders with case!


STEP 1 A couple of pieces of siege

- STEP 2 Once all of thc glue was dry,
- STEI' 3 The wood bits were

defense equipment (many bitz arc an e\'cn coat of white glue was bascco:l1cd Bcslial Brown dl")'brushcd
available in the spccial Skirmish applied to the entire base and the with a mix of Bestial and Bleached
blisters) along with a bit from the base was dipped in sand. Aftcr that Bonc. The ropes around the barrel
Warhammer Siege Tower were hacked was dry, the modd was undercoated were painted Ulcachcd Bonc, the
up and glucd in a srurdy-looking with Citadel Colour Black I'rimer fence \\�dS bascco:ucd Codcx Grey and
manner on a cavalry slottabasc. lapc spray. That was allowed to dry and il all were highlighted with a dl)'brush
was placcd O\'cr the slots of the basc \V"as time to paint! of Skull \'('hil<:. The sand was
to m;lke iI easier to glue the bits. drybrushcd Scorched Brown and
highligtllcd with Bleached Bone. The
Afell' oflIre pieces (Ibm'e, (lilt/ )'01/ '\"1;' got (I formidable {iI,e of
edges wen: painted Bestial Brown
defel/se reud)' /0 repel (lfl(lckers.t
and Sialic gr.tSS W'olS glued in p:l1chcs
ID complete the basc.

Dark Sf(lte Fired Brick Sall(/Slolle

... .... Now, if
rou don't have
the gumption
to create your
own blrricades
from sct:nch
(c'mon, give it
a try!). )"ou can
always grab the Citadel
S1:encry ready-mad1:
\'ersions (shown above)
at the samc location
you buy othcr Games
workshop products. Of
thc walls shown above.
the onc shown at actual
size is an example of
the wall right OUI of the
package, while the
other thrce ha\'c been
rc·paintcd to gh'e them
a marc realistic look
:md fit in wilh
different terrain.

A II/akes!rijr barricade !relps /0 defelld all Empire village again.I·1 Sa\"{Jse arc Boarl)(1)":.

• 2.[ •
1be Old World ;s a dallgerous place, (IlIlt evell ill tIJe highly civilized Empire tlJere is still more wild cOl/lltr)'
tban cllftlv(llcI/. It s
i ;1/ tbese hnuls wlJcre brave jrolltierslllell lIIust struggle ""ily to make a filling. Ever
seard)illg out/er/Jle hl/lt/jO!° crops (lilt! grazing, settlers IJ(wejolfowcl/ a small river 0111 ojlbe dark/ores! to
the r;cbe'- plains beyond. "foll"taills and dark 1lI00lis lie Ilear - IIllti wbo knows wbat (Iwells aliI there? Call
the small garrison DJ border gll(lrtis mul tbe IOCII' militill protect the citzens?


MODELS NEEDED: The Attacker always gets the first turn.

Empire Forces (Defender): SPECIAL RULES

• 100 points ofCO� troops This scenario uses the special rules detailed below;
• May include up to one Ghampion J.ivestock . \'('hat good is a raid if you can't do a little
• JO Livestock crillers (inodels or tokens) burning and pillaging? After all, what do you think sustains

Goblin Forces (Attacker): Evil creatures on those long marches? For our games wc
used some models from various historical gaming and even
• i Wolf Riders (up to 200 pIS, but only half
18 Gobln
some plastic models from closely scaled railroad sets. But
may have bows)
there is no reason you could not use differently marked
• I WolfRider Boss (up 10 25 pIS)
tokens (coins, colored paper scraps, etc.) so long as both
Big Boss on a Wolf (up to 70 pts witb equipment)
players can agree. The animals have the following statistics.

LivcstUl:k 0 2 3 I 2 0 0
The movement of livestock is handled differently to renect
the sheer terror that a sudden wolf raid can inspire. At the
start of each Defender turn, each li\'estock animal must
move. If there is an enemy within 6" then the livestock
must roll 2D6 and move that many inches away from the
nearest enemy model in sight in a controlled panic, If there
BATTLEFIELD are no enemy models within 6", then [he livestock simply
Using a space of about 36" x 36" lay out a small cluster of rolls the scatter die and moves 206" in a '.lndom direction.
buildings. fences and debris as p er the map at the bottom Note, this blind animal panic can move the livestock into
right. The buildings were not built with defense in mind, more trouble than they were originalty - this is JUSt a
. Hher they are the simple dwellings of fanners. There
r panic move.
should be. however. plenty of walls, fences. hedges and
Livestock that run off the table in any direction but south
hastily thrown up barricades th;U can be used by the militia
arc considered saved for the Defender. Those that run off
as defended obst;tc1es.
the southern edge are counted as slain and victory points
OBJECTIVES for the Altackers.

The Anackers want 10 destroy the Defenders. disrupt their NOte: Livestock have no attacks. l.cadership and 13altistic
village and grab any foodstuffs (livestock or perhaps even Skill arc not applicable and so arc not given! If an animal
the Defenders, depend ing on who is doing the Attacking!). scatters into or through a foe, Stop their movement I"

The game ends after 6 turns, and points are aW;lrded before they touch an enemy.

as follows:
Each soldier kille d· I point
Each hcstock animal killed · I point
Each building to!ally dcstro),cd - 5 points
Each building paniall)' damaged at the end of the game · I point
All the special rules for Ih'estock and burning can be found
- ­
,,�' �
on the next page! "

Simply put. the Defenders want to protect their village and

its people. Points arc awarded after 6 turns as follows:

Each cnem), model destroyed. I point

Each building still standing . 5 points
Each livestock model or token that li\'es or eSQpcd · I point


All Defender soldiers/militia must start on the northern half
of the gaming area and at least 6" apart from each other.
livestock are placed alternath'ely (Defender first) an)'Where
on the board at le:L'it 6" from the table edge and not \\�thin
6" of another livestock model.
The \'('alf Riders must come on board from the southern
table edge.

- ll -
Buildings and �t;ting them on fire - Thc Goblins arc Elvcs :md more. The "Iown Raid Scenario W;lS intended to
assumed to have torches to light the Defender's buildings be fought by small numbers of infamry :Igainst :k much
on fire, Any enemy model that is touching a building and faster artacking cavalr)' force.
NOT already in combat may try to set it on fire (on a roll of
4+). Each turn a building is on fire (and for each separ:lte PART O F A LARGER BATILE
flame) the building will lose a structure poim. Each This particul:lr Skirmish Scenario fits perfectly into a larger
building has 5 structure poinLS. A friendly model NOT in campaign. Here arc some W'I)'S you can continue this small
combat may attempt to put out :1 single fire (on a roll of game and have it affect a much larger banle!
4+) - this will Stop the building from burning, but it will
The AII:lckers: '10 sustain an amlY on the march into enem)'
not add struclUre poims b:lck (those arc lost for the game).
territory is quite a challenge! It takes fast raids to disrupt
Rout 'ICst;'; . There are some special rules in this scenario.
the foe as well as collect food and prisoners (which arc the
Attacker - Bec;luse of their speed and dispersement, the saml· to Goblins). The success of the mission (by the
Goblin Wolf Riders will not have to make any Rout Tests number ofvictory points scored) will help determine what
until they have lost 50% of their number. happens to the bulk of the amI}'.
Defender - The Soldiers and Militia know their peril. as 0·10 poims - not enough! Funher panics arc sent out (or
they are so far out in the wilderness that running is certain eaten in the case of Goblins) and the An;lcker player must
death. They will fight to the last and do not suffer from All lose 106 x 100 poims of troops for Ihe upcoming battle.
Alollc or Rout 'Iests.
1 1-20 poims . the amlY is sustained and neither gains nor
USING ALTERNATE FORCES loses an}' of its troops for the battle.
Even with our current example of Orcs and Empire there 21-30+ . news of the successful raids into enemy territory
are a myriad of combinations, from Boar versus ;lre spread far and wide. 106 x 100 points of additional
Handgunners to Te\'ersing the Auacking roles 10 Empire lroOpS rally to the ,\l1ackers banner for the next batlle!
Knights setting upon an Orc Village protected by a few Orc
The Defenders: E..xtra supplies or manpower that arc saved
Boy..! and Arrer Bap:! Use Squigs and Snotlings in the role
on the frontier can remain a thorn in the Anackcl"S' side!
of livestock!
Use the same \'ictory point chan as above for the
Other amlies that can fit into the Attackers' role could be: Defenders! Survivors may either trickle in 10 help the larger
Dark Eh'es, SIGl\'en, Bretonnians, Chaos and more . . . ban le, or bad news causes more to desen from
For Defenders you could try Bretonnians, Dwarfs, High the borders!

<01( Members of the Empire Militia rush

to //Il/I! tire barriclIdes ill all aI/e//lpt 10

slow the lerrible POCt' of lilt'

Wolf Hiller:� aSSllllfl.

Litlle pieces ofdetail like these

really help 10 //lake yOllr t01t'1I
see//l like ilS lrul), illhabiled.

... A "el/lOwer is (I jiltillg pieet' of set'lIer),

for this scel1(1fio (l1/(1 will r(,(llIy help IV
lIdd dU/mCler 10 yOllr l"ilIl1ge,

- l3 -
iftbe age-old Sfl),'''!; tlu/l an t""")' IIwrcbes OIl its stomacb belli'S allY trllll} the" iJitti"g the enemy ill bs
i supply
Irllill is a Ptl/'tfclllt"'ly Cl/lining tbing to do! 71J;s scenario represents all Attackillg Force way/aY/lIg 11 B(lggage
Tr(ll" - eifl}er 10 loot its cOlltentsfol- riches, or PCI'IUlPS 10 den)' its delivery getting [1ItO el/em)' hallt/s!

Skill 2, 'Ibughness 3 with I Wound and no armor save. Even

MODELS NEEDED: though this is skirmish, do not use the Injury chart for the
be:l�L It is removed from battle as soon as it's wounded.
Defenders Forces:
Baggage Train in Hand-ta-Hand - In combat, treat baggage
· 3 Larg,e Carts or other ser.t[ch built wagons. plus up [0 125 poin15
of camV3n guards (no War Machines. Acmes or Champions].. tr.Iins as two separate targets. The cart itself or the beast
Only half of the: fon:e's \ouI.I number of ITlCKkls m8Y be mounteu. th:1I pulls it. Any model in contact with both cart and beast
ma.y decide which to attack. The carts are automatically hit
Attack�rs Forees:
and have a Toughness 5 with 3 \Xbunds. The cart has no
models. iocludingup 10 oneWar Machine m:
• Up 10 150 pbintsof
nt.9T Magic Items iQ13ling Up, tO 25 points).
Hero (with equipme offensive capabilities and causes NO impact hits.
The Baggage Train is not pinned by hand-to·hand and ma.y
mOI'e out of combat. This represents the panicking beast
BATTLEFIELD surging forward!
The playing area should be about 24" x 36", The road
Moving the Baggage Train Wilhout Be:1SIS - If the beast is
should be about 4" wide and should tr.Ivc! the length of the
killed. the Defenders may use models on foOl to move the
table. A few tree smnds. rocky outcroppings, and hills are
cart. At least three models are needed to allain half the
scattered about. Some of the hills have rocl"'l'limpassable
nomlal speed for the models carrying it, with no marching.
sides that will slow or outright impede mOI·ement.
Two models may lug the cart half speed ·1". One model
OBJECTIVES m:ty not move a cart at all. He's just not strong enough.

The Defenders, who have the Bagg.1.ge Train, must deliver

it no matter what the cost! They must make it ofT the far
side of the board with as many carts as possible. The
Attackers want to stop the Baggage Train.
All carts ex
it the table: Defender Solid Victory
Two cans exit the table: Defender Minor Victory
One cart c.xits the table: Mtacker Minor Victory
No cans exit the table: Mtacker Solid Victory
The game lasts until onc side Routs or the entire Baggage
Train makes it off the table.

The Defenders start on onc end of the road. The Baggage
train must start on the absolute edge of the road. :1Od all
other models must be within 6"' of the road.
After the Defenders h;l\"e set up, it's time to set up the
Anackers. The Allackers may set up anywhere on the table,
but nOt within 6" of any Defenders. unless it's behind an
Any amlies can play this scenario, and it gives you a GREAT
impassable obstacle.
opportunity to make a themed baggagc train! Imagine Dark
WHO GOES FIRST? Elves tr.Iveling with three carts of caged slaves or a Sk.wen
caravan of huge chunks of warpstone! For some
The Attackers go first. but they may nOt charge during the
conl'ersions you may want to come up with some special
first turn. This represents the hidden AtI:lckers springing
rules. Here's an c.xample of what we came up for the
out of concealment and ambushing the caravan.
warpstone-carrying Skal·en:
SPECIAL RULES MQn;men! - 5 " . but can move full rate across either road or
This scenario uses the special mles detailed below: grassy areas (no wheels!).
Rout Tests - The Defenders arc fully aware of the vast Stat� - as per Ska\"en slave, but only onc attack in hand·to­
importance of their mission. They have resolved hand per base! Although slower, they have a bit of a chance
themselves to a do-or·die situation. Therefore. they do not in combat!
suffer from All Alolle. and will not take a Rout Test until they Hall [0 hit (shooting) 1-4 cart (Ibughness 5, 3 wounds)
hal'e sustained 50% casualties. The Attackers will take Rout
5·6 Skal'en Slavc (as per Sk.1.ven Army book)
TestS as normal :It 25%.
3 Slaves = 5" mOI·ement with no marching
o\Iovmg The Bae.e.al!e Tram - Regardless of the caravan's
2 Slave = 4 .. mQl'ement
mode of transport (sJaI'es pulling carts. pony.driven.
I Slave "" can't move it!
pushed by Ra[ Ogres). they will mQl'e up to 6" per turn on
the road. They cannot run or m:lrch. Off·road the caravan PART OF A LARGER BATTLE
mOI'es at h:llf r:lle (up to 3"" per turn). When playing this scenario before a full \Varhammer game,
Shootingat the Baggage Train - Roll to hit, then, for each you can modify the points and make-up of the armies
hit. roll a D6: 1·4 hits lhe can. 5·6 hitS lhe beasl. Each beast, based on the outcome! For example:
regardless ofwha[ it is, has the following statistics: Weapon Attackers win - The supplics in the caravan didn't get 10 Ihe
battle quickly enough, and some of Ihe Defender's troops
he .heds 01 Ibe ovtTl<»dcd ben "I8Oa sqllukcd terribly.
arc 100 weak 10 fight. 1nc Defender's army loses 100 points
of troops from his ann)' list per missing cJ.rt!
T burtipg Kurnk's c.>.r$. He wished the o..uf Ellgillct" had
lud I milld 10 "' IuS! brillg Iloog SOme oil fOI Ihem. Suddeoly.
DcfcndcN win - The supplies in the car:lVan get through Kumk jumped iD shock IS lD UfOW ...hizzed by his bc.c .lId
and this results in an extra 100 points of lroops that may be jusl lIicked Ihe elld of his bulbollS D05C..
used in the b:mlc as the plarer wishes! �AMBUSHr he cried IlId iDsriPClivdy ...bipped his llI:e out of
Alternately, you could be specific b:tscd on your armies! Say his bdt loop. The cun.1I kept going. detelmined 001 10 be hte
the baggage trolin is the daylight tr.lvclllng method of an ...i,h 'he .le! As he scr.mbled .CIOSS Ihe 100d to filld the
ancient [error of the Undead - a Vampire Noble! Or an .ss.aibols. Kun.k .od some of bis 0....,(.0 brethren w.re plllllcd

r Empire annics' entire gunpowder suppl)'! The outcome of

the mid becomes much more specific (the Vampire Lord
to fifld 110 ODe OYer 'he crest of .h. hill. Suddellly. the lit We/ll
duk IS dozelll of .no," bCgl1l tlifliflg I luil of doom .11 uoua.d
I won', make it to battJe, or no gunpowder weapons may be Ih. UII"'II .a.d its (rewmeD.
�EIYtlr (lied Kumk. �Bloody 'ruchelOIU Elvc£ With tlut.
used morc than once!).
KUIZlk"s fury doubled. •
lId be fll5bed 10"'''ds .hele he thought
Ihe UfOW fi,e orig;oJl.d. hoping 10 COIl his lXe iD 'he blood of
his loceslori eoemit!.

... . 1011 elm w'e II wide tlSSUrlme/ll of odds lIIul

ends to scn"c lIS curgofor YOllr baggage Imill. fI
simpl)' warm",s II trip tllrollgll tile old bits box
lll1d a bit oJ thollgllt.

... Thi.l" piece represem.l" 1I clIpwred "lImpire ilr trill/sit

IOIt'1IIr/ 1l1l illel'illlble f(l/e (1/ tile IWlIlls of Sigmllr s
filitlrflll. Allemlllil'eiy. il cOllld sene (I.I· lI (ltry/ighl
trmuportfor )"Ollr Vumpire Lonl (Ihollgh ll Black
Coach wo/l1d bc ml/ch morc regal).

• This illgClliolls DWl/n'ell S/{!l(1I/ Tmill W(IS

1I1(I(Ie IIsing partsfrom Ihe El/wire SICl/m Tallk
lIlollS will! lll1 llSSOrlme/ll ofOIhcr Dwarfbiu la
finislI afftlre COlIl"crsiall.

... Thcse sklllkillg Sklll'ell sllll'cs car')';,rg lomls

of 11'{/rp.ftOIlC wcre made lI.I"illg parts from tire
111l/SIir; regimcnt box mul piece.ffrom tire
1\'0rlUlllllllcr Siege /ille.
It is commoll for tbe m'm/cs of tlJe U'flrh"mmer /IIor((1 10 wke pri sallers ill the (ifterlllllliJ DJ battle. 11)c
battered (llId dcmo,."fi zef/ troops flrc gathered, bOl/lld (Hid trallspor"tetl toward {Ill IIIlkllOWIl jllle 011 a
somber CflraVflII ofe
t ll rejerrcfl to as a s((we IraI". VI/der ,/ire cirClIlIIstallces, these traillS "re besieged by
outrage(i bands ofthe cuplive's kinsmen mho deSper(lfe1yfight jar their cam rude'sfreedom.

r:amshackle contraption consisling of between onc and

MODELS NEEDED: Ihn�e cages pulled along by beasts of burden. Each slave
train has a Movement of 6". and a 'Ibughness of 4 with 3
Defending Forces: \X'ounds. Since the train is nOl a vehicle made for combat it
• Up 10 ISO points ofuoops. includi ng up to one Champion may not charge and the beasts pulling it will not fight back
• One Slave Train containing six Slaves (sdttled from the if the train is attackcd. If the slave train is reduced 10 0
AUtK:kcr's CoR: unit choices). they are. slrlppcd of all equipment
Wounds the beasts arc slain and it may nOl move for the
Attacking Forces: resl of the battle. Due 10 the rough ground in the area. if
• Up [0 ISO points of IrOOps. includingup ({J o� Champion the slave train leaves the road its movement is reduced to 3".
FreeinG and CapturinG :;[ave� - In order to liberate slaves
the Attacking plarer must break open the CageS that hold
BATTLEFIELD them captive. The cages have a 'Ibughness of 3 with 1
Tht: pbying ;lrt:a should be :Ibou[ 24" x 36". The road Wound. rf a cage is broken, place any captives that were
should be about ·r wide and should travel the length of the inside may escape. Place the models directly outside. The
t;lble. A few sl;lnds of trees. rocky oUlcroppings, and hills slaves arc weakened and exhausted after the rough
:Ire sc.mered 3boUl the table. Each player should take turns treatment they have received and will be at half \'(IS
placing terrain features until bOlh players arc satisfied with (rounded up) and may not march, As they arc weaponless
the sct up. remember they strike at - I Strength. Slaves that make it off
the western table edge have managed 10 escape.
The Ensbving force must protect the slave train and get as

many sl:L\'es :15 possible oil of the eastern table edge and
into friendly terrilOry. The AHacker is trying 10 free as many
slavcs as possible and deliver them safely off of the western
table edge and into lhe CO\'er of the woods.
Each sbve taken off a friendly board edge COUntS as three I
poinl., and each enemy model taken out of action counts as
one point.
\X'hen all sla\'es have mO\'ed off of a table edge, the game

ends and the player with the most points wins. If there are
an equal number of points held by each side the game is
considered a dr..lw.

The Defending player sets up his force around the rO'ld up
10 6M in from the western table edge. The slave train must USING ALTERNATE FORCES
be set up on the ro3d. The Att3cking player sel� up around
Many (".lCeS take slavt:s. in fau some societies are b;l.,ed on
the road up to 6" in from the eastern table edge.
a slave trade. Dark Elvcs. Skavcn. Chaos Dwarfs, and Orcs
WHO GOES FIRST? & Goblins arc all characterful forces to run as the
The Attackers go first. Defenders. Empire. Brctonnians. High Elves, \':rood Elves.
Dwarfs and Dogs of War would make appropriate Attackers
SPECIAL RULES as they value the li\'cs of their comrades (or the gold
This scenario uses the special rules detailed below: they're being paid for the job).
Slave Train - The captured slaves are being transported
bolck to the Defenders encampment on a slave train. a PART OF A LARGER BATTLE
This scenario is particularly appropriate between battles in

The whip cucked overnud. too dose to their b�tks for the a longer campaign.

prisoners 10 fed comforhblc. The sh,cklcs �nd scvne b"lin8s The winner of the previous battle should be the Defender
,Iso helped 10 hei8hten Ihe level of discomfor1. in this scenario. the loser should play the Attacker in an
attempt to recapture tileir comrades.
Pierre du ue. Kni8hl [mnt of Ihe udy. rem�ined 1S 1111
�nd proud 15 he could. Slripped 10 Ihe wlis!. his body If the Attackers win the game then in the next battle onc
covered in bruises, he found il dif(icuh 10 rem,in confident In Core unit of the player's choice will contain the rescued
ironl of his squire and meD-It ums. slaves. This unit will suffer Halred against the enemy.

-Shod proud, meo of BrclonDi,r implored PiCffe, looking If Ihe Defenders win the game then in the next battle onc
1011l'lrds Ihe forest's ed8e. -Our momeDI of rescue is ,t hInd" Core unit (not numbering more than 30 Unit Strength) will
cause Fear against the enemy. In addition the brute labor
The whips tucked Ig�iD �nd Ihe t.lTlS lurched forwud 1S
provided by the captives will free up an addilion31 06 x 10
their Duk Elf up!ors ,Iso sponed the (Jasn of Bmonnun sleel.
points for use by the Sla\'er's army!

- l6-
EIIII)ire soldiefJ' ambush w/ Orc a/Jd Goblin slm'e lrain in (/// lIt/empl 10 rescue Iheir caplllred comrades.
Of course, not only Dark Elves and Chaos [)..v;uves take sbve� ;lway from battle. Ores and Goblins an:: more than happy 10
.l ptivcs back 10 work n
take C' i the miserable conditions. Here arc some Grccnskin slave train bilS to provide �ollle inspiration.

... While Ihere may /Jot be

(/JIV rOOIll 10 aClI/ally
Cllrry captil"es 011 this
/hing. Ihe crows nest
IJrol,ides a perfect
lookoJ/l 10 help the reM
of/he train.

wilhoJ/l some cruel

/m/JIliJlg of/he cuptil'es,
would il?

woll'es that are (II/ached,

the faster Ihe Goblins
The�'e Goblills /1(11'1'
call get their " cargo" 10
forgo/Je Ihe ellrl ami
the slal"e pits.
are simply lugging
their caplil'es back by
wha/el'er lIIellllS
are m'(Ii/able,

.... A�1or /he Dark Efl'es, it only seems

IUllllral thm their carts would be /wlIlt'd by Ihe
//Jig"')' Caid O/Jes thm rhey also ride il1lo baltle. Here's
{I shot ofsom/! Dark Elf Warriors "cOJlI'iltcing " tlteir he/plt'ss
cllpril'es 10 get 011 board.

- 17 -
Chaos Warriors lutlle joo/cll a '-;lIal Cbaos warblllu! ;lIto a decoy hi/tile, (cauing Ibelr 111011011113 IIgbtl)'
guarded by Cultists/or a briefperiot! DJ lime. A small/m'cc oJ Cbaos War'riors I)(IS been se"t to surprise tbe
Cllltlst grUlrtis. To tiesecr(lfe the 1II00lOlitl} ojtbeJr rival gods, the Chaos Warriors ll11lSt get close ellOllgh strike
a pOllle'fili blolll agaillst it.

chart below 10 generate the '�Io Hit" roll of 1he bolt:

MODELS NEEDED: """""" roll neede

d If you successfully summon a bolt,
direct it at any Chaos Warrior on the
Attacking Forces: 2 Cultists 6
34 Cultists 5+ board, even if they arc in close
• 4 Chaos Warriors with heavy :trlll01, shield & hand weapon (60 piS)
'; CuhislS 4+ combat. This Chaos Warrior
Defender's For:;ces: 6 Cuhis!.li ,+ sustains an automatic Strengt.h 6 hit
• 16 Cultists each armed with D hand weapon (80 pts) 7 Cultists H
with no saving Ihrow. If there are
Cultists in base·lO·base eont;Kt with
the Chaos \Varrior that was slruck, then they toO are
affected by the bolt!
A 36" x 36" area is nceded 10 play. Place the monolith n
i the
vcry cemer of the table. As for the rest of the board, place a As you can sce, the more Cultists you devote 10 summon

SC:l.llcring of rod;y areas and twisted trees 10 represent the (he bolt, the higher the chance of it appearing. However,

Chaos \,(Iastes.
such power has a cost..jf a bolt is summoned, roll a 06
against each Cultist in contact with the monolith, applying
OBJECTIVES the \"el)' same "To Hit" roll used to blast the Chaos Warrior.
The invading Chaos \(
' farriors' objeCtive is to make it For each roll that succeeds, remove a Cultist touching the
through the mass of dernnged Cultists and desecrate the monolith from play. They have been completely drJ.ined by
monolith. Once it is sullied. the Chaos Warriors may claim Ihe hungering power of the monolith!

victol)' and the remaining Cultists nee. DesecratingThe Monolith - The powers of Chaos are fickle,
The Cultists' objective is 10 protect the monolith and slay but proud. Allowing a rival to deface an icon is enough to
the Chaos Warriors before they can destroy the monolith. cause a power to abandon its followers. A Chaos Warrior

The Cultists win when all the Chaos Warriors arc killed. must be in base· lo·base contact with the monolith in order
to attack it. He will desecrate the monolith ifhe can roll a 3
This must be done quickly. before the end of Turn 8. when
or higher against it on a Dd6 (onc roll per model in
the monolith grows too powerful 10 destroy!
combal). This represents a powerful enough blow to

DEPLOYMENT permanently mar the monolith, and offend il's

patron power.
The Chaos Warriors have arrived and split up 10 surround
the monolith during the height of a ritual. '[0 represent
the scattered nature of the Cultists during their depraved
ceremony 3t the monolith, roll a D6 for each model. On a
roll of 1·4. set him up within 6'· of the monolith on t.he
correlating side. On a roll of a 5 or 6, place the Cultist
anywhere you wish within lr of the monolith.

Next. place each Chaos Warrior anywhere along each of the

four table edges so they arc surrounding the monolith.

The Chaos Warriors always gel the firsl mo\"e.

This scenario uses the special rules detailed below: ., e
No Routin!!! - Both sides invol\'ed in this battle are
fanatical[ydevoted 10 the completion of their goals and will I i�
fight 10 the absolute death before giving up and running 8
aw·ay. Neither side is subject 10 Rout Tests in this scenario.

C\I[li�ts arc Frail - Since these individuals sUlyive on what

they can scrounge up in the wastes, they arc not the fittest
or strongest of foes · they rcly upon strength in numbers!
So when you roll to damage a Cultist, add + 1 10 the USING ALTERNATE FORCES
damage roll. Use the slats below to represent the Cultists, TI)' this scenario using rival powers, Daemons, Marauder
and whate\"er appropriate models you have on hand (we tribes, Beastmen or any other Chaos combin;ilion.
used our Marauders)
M WS BS S T W A l.d
Genernte twO army lists for a Chaos vs. Chaos game of
Cultisls ·1 3 3 3 3 3 6 Warhammer and play this scenario twice so that each player
Arcane Bo[t - The Cultists can lap into the power of the gets a chance to destroy the other's monolith. Before the
monolith once during each of their shooting phases. Coum larger battle takes place, any player who had his monolith
how many Cultists are in base·to·base conta(:l with the defiled must substitute onc random hero from his army lisl
monolith (and not engaged in combat) and consult the wi1h a Chaos Spawn. Such is the anger of their patron god!

<Ill Spewillg forth I) Draw your

f01l1 corrllption this monolith shape
monolith is using :t pen on the
dedicated to the surf:lce of a piece
power ofNurgle. of polystyrene
insulation foam
(found at most do­
it·rour.;elf stores).
USing a malic or
kitchen knife cut
OUt the shapt: of
your monolith. Bt:
sure to cut 3W3y
from yourself.

2) Arrange the pieces

.,. 711is lIIol/olitl! is
Unlit rOll nnd them
dedicated to the
seductire (//1(1 /ellder
pleaSing. You may
embmce ofthe
wish to sand the
power ofS/(I(lIIesh.
surfa.ce or ca!"n:
symbols into the
monoliths bce.
Allach 3ny metal
Chaos symbols you
may h:l\·e with glue.
C311 M:lil Order for
the huge selection
<Ill lJIessed with superior of metal Chaos
I/l(Igictll powers this bits available.
//IOI101i11l is dedicated to
Ille power ofT:.eemch.
3) Glue the pieces
together with either
white glue (such as
Elmer·s) or wood
glue. While Ihe
glue drys, CUI a
piece of masoniu.:
ancl be\·el the edges
to serve as the base
of your monolilh.
Attach your nnal
StruCture to the
.,. The //IollOlirh of m:lSOnile base
Chaos Undil'ided using while or
se,,·es as a wood glue.
betlCOII 10
clWOIic beillgs
I/O //Iutter . Bc sure 10 paim
wllich Dark
rour underc03t
Gods Ihey
directly onto the
//lily /0/1011'.
monolith rather
than using an
aerosol primer as it
will melt the
polystyrene. Flock
the base using S3nd
... The mOl/olil" with
the Mark ofKlwrne is
and stones. Base
drenched ill Ihe blood
coal. highlight
and shade
your monolith
any calor you wish.
After :dl it is Chaos!
AlallY Dwarf Ho((/s cOl/la;" tlllllWls, played Olll millcsiJajls, or eve" entire ablllulo.1'eti Halls frolll a morc
prosperolls age. It is bere, ill tbe dark beneatiJ tbe 1II0l-ld, Ibal CId' begb,s to ;;"(1/0 (I' tbe lIIulerbclly of tbe
DWllljCIl Realms. Skavell tzlllllcfs i"lersccl, NiglJt Goblillsjind secret clltrallces, allll elJell worse I",-ks "PI/'olll
the Ilameless deptbs. To glll,,.d agtli1lsllbese lI"tie'-groltlul 'nvadel's, 'be DWllrjs rely Oil rll1lC-CIIcrllsleti Steel
bulkheads, mechallicni traps, IIIII( most of all, (be stCIUljllSI vigilance oJ the Jro"brellkcrs. 11)5
1 scenario
represellts (I bm'de trying to overcome tlJe guard befOl'e tbe magicnify pro/cc/cII door ClllI be sealed.

you cannot just run by an enemy without being attacked.

MODELS NEEDED: The only e:'(ception occurs when the enemy model is
Dwarfs engaged in combat and outnumbered by at least three
altacks 10 one! For ex.1.mplc, a lone lronbreaker (who has 1
· 6 lronbreakers (18 pIS) AND a Irorlbeard Champion (25 pIS)
Att;\ck) can block any enemy Skaven models from passing
Skaven within loo, until the lronbreaker is engaged in combat by
• Up to 100 points of Core troops to start with either 3 Skaven Clanrats (their onc altack each adding up
• EndJ�s reinforcements of Core troops (recycled each round)!
10 three) or some enemy combination that equals three
• Special Round 3 reinforcements'
attacks (a Rat Ogre for instance). With that amount of
outnumbering attacks. the defending model has far too
BATTLEFIELD much to do to worry about who is passing nearby!
The playing area should be a long corridor about 4S" long Closingthe Iron Door - The deepest runnel is protected by
by about 6" wide. At regularly spaced intemlls the hallway a massive Iron Door. This mechanical marvel is so large and
is supported with bUllresses which narrow the passageway heavy it takes a full 5 turns to close - each turn moving 20%
by an inch on each side. The door should be 6·' in from the of the distance to the closed position.
western tunnel cnd. To s(an (he process Ihe switch can be thrown during cllher
side·s movement phase. The door will stan to swing shut in
the same movement phase as it was pulled.
The Dwarfs must shut the door and ensure the Skaven arc
nOl allowed to reopen it. No force is powerful enough to Stop the rune-encrusted
doors from shutting, but if the lever is pulled back it will
The Ska\'en must cnd the game with an open door, thus
reverse the process. [n either case, whether opening or
allowing their superior numbers free entry to swarm into
closing, the lever may be pulled only by models nOt
the halls above!
engaged in combat or within 1" of an enemy (unless of
The game lasts until the door is shut with no Ska\"en on the course, that enemy model is engaged by at least 3 to 1
western side of it, or until all the Dwarfs arc slain. anacking odds).
Reinforcements - The Attackers gain reinforcements cvery
round to represent the full weight of their amlY rushing up
The Dwarfs must St:Irt with all their models within I r of
from (he tunnels. Any models already taken out of action
the eastern exit. They have heard some disturbing sounds
may rc-enter from the eastern board edge. Also, in turn 3 a
:mcl have advanced to iO\'estigatc!
force of 150 pts may entcr as well. This may be Rat Ogres,
The Skaven pour up from the depths from the eastern edge \\;rarpfire Throwers, or an)'thing from Ihe amly book.
of the tunneL
WHO GOES FIRST? Ska\"en and Night Goblins have historically plagued the
The Skaven get the first turn. D\\�Jrfen Realm but a raiding force of Hobgoblins. Ch;IOS
Dwarfs. or gold-crazed Dogs of War could be used.
This scenario uses Ihe special rules detailed below: PART OF A LARGER BATTLE
Narrow confines - Due to the tight spaces that models must Attackers - gaining access from below will cause all kinds of
negotiate in the narrow confines of the tunnels. it seems havoc, so in a larger battle this is represented by the
reason:lble to define some blocking rules. Attacker bringing up to four units from the flanks.

It is nOt possible to maneuver or pass by within 1 of an ,.

Defenders - If the Dwarfs can hold the tunnel then the
enemy model. In other words there is a "zone of control" clement of surprise will have been lost! '[0 represent Ihis
within an inch of each model that an enemy may not pass the Dwarfs arc better prepared and may have an additional
200 points for their force in the larger battle.
through. This represents ho\" in the tightly packed spaces.

- 30 -
Jftbe Wood Elves bad tbe;,' Wily tbey ItIOllhl lJ(lVe little or lIolbing to (/0 wltlJ (be olbe,' races o/the \i'arbammer
lVorltl, so they zC(liOtulj' guard the invisible borders to theirforest bailie ofLorel/. DJ;S scell(lrio represents
OIlC oftbe countless border skirmsbes
i Ibal Ulke pfuce Oil Ibe/II" edges DJ Lore" ClS small bill well concealed
forces o/WooII Elves attempt to tii
scollrllge "olttslders"jrom advancing ;1110 tbei/' iJome[{lIui.

subject to penalties. The Attackers may only target objects

MODELS NEEDED: up to 12" away and suffer a -I penalty (thick cover) in

addition to nomlal minuses. The Waywatchcrs' range is
Wood Elves: limited to 18", but they ne\'er suffer penaltieS to shoot for
• 6 Wood Elf Wnywa[clte� (120 pIS) At
'Y reason (yep, they're JUSt that good).

Da Boyz: It·s a Trap! - The Wood Elves of the Loren Forest do not
• 19 Ore Boyz, each with 2 hand weapons nod light amlor and take kindly to intruders. If t.here arc any Anackers on the
one Ore Big Boss with up to 25 pIS of equipment road at the end of their mO\'ement phase, roll :I 06 for each
onc. On ;1 roll of a I or 2, the u nwitting invader has sprung

a trap. Roll a 06 and consult the chart below:

1-2 - Spikes: The W:lywatchers have scattered pieces of
The playng arc should be 36" x 36" in si
i ze. The entire area
long thom on the forest floor with half-buried spikes in
is considered to be covered with dense woods, so stands of
the ground around them. These inflict 06 Strength 3 hits
trees should be placed liber.tlly throughout the board for ;1 on a single Attacker.
deep forest ft:d. 3-4 - Snares: The Auacker is caught in a snare,
There should be a rough pathway marked off through the preventing them from doing :lOything until the end of
middle of the field to represent a seldom-tra\'c!ed path, their nexl turn. Treat the model as StilI/lied.
5 . Camouflaged Pit: The ground gives way and the
OBJECTIVES Attacker is greeled by a deep pit lined with sharp stakes,
For total victory thc Waywatchers must eliminate or rout The model takes 206 Strength 3 hits.
the Attackers before any of their foul numbers get off the 6 · The Impalcr: A huge concealed spike springs from
northern table edge and deeper into the sacred Wood. the ground and shootS into the Attacker. inflicting a
single Strength 7 hit that causes D6 wounds.
To daim viclOry for the Attackers at least 25% of their
starting number must make it off the northern table by the
8th turn.

The game la.sts 8 turn�. The game ends in ;1 draw if some

Attackers make it ofT the northern edge but not enough to
claim an Attacker victory,

At the beginning of the game, each \X'ood ElfW;rywatcher is
considered to be hidden. Mark on a separate piece of paper
where each onc is. but do NOT set up the models. Because
of their speci;11 silken cloaks with foli:lge woven into them,
you may place the Waywatchers ANY\VHERE. even out in
the relatively open areas.
The Orcs start anywhere within 6" of the southern table
edge ;1nd within 6" of the not·so·beaten path.


Tht: Att;1ckers go first in this scenario.


This scenario uses the special rules detailed below: The rumors of wealth deep in the Forest arc enough to
attract all kinds of outsiders, from I3retonnian parties to
nOut tests - The Wood Elves arc immune to routing.
Owarfen r.liners. But all must face the nearly invisible
Did You Sec That Tree Movd - The Wood Elves begin the guardians of the Wood! Anackers may choose up 10 225
game hidden from sight. They may shoot from these points of any troops including no more than onc Hero.
hidden locations but m;IY not move. They will only be
spotted if an Attacker is within 6" of them at the cnd of the PART OF A LARGER BATTLE
Attacker movement phase. After being spotted, the Wood Follow up this skinnish with a full·scale battle .
Elves cannot hide ;lgain.
Attackers Win · The least guarded path into the forest has
Movement - The trees and foliage is so thick that unless been found. The Attackers go first and may bring up 10 twO
they arc on the road, all A ttacker movement suffers a -I" units in on the flanks of the Wood Elves.
penalty (so naturally a -2" for running or charging).
Wood Elves \\"'in . The \\"'ood Elves may set up a hea\'ilr
Shooting - Due to the density of the forest. all shooting is wooded battlefield :lOd mar set up second and go flrsl!

- JI -
WI)CII two armies IIIcct ill htltt/e, both sitles struggle to secure (111)' fulllaulage tbey CllI'. 71JC 11I01'C /le/fll'jolls
,'(Ices !Jouc /JcrJec/ed tbe flrt of sellf/illg 0111 II'(I;IIc(1 Assassins ;"/0 tbe night to ellSlII'C ",C foe's mightiest
Heroes (111ft \vj
:::;(tr(ls ncver make il ;lIto IIJe battle!

ex:mlple, a roll of I gives a move of ·2'", so the allacker

MODELS NEEDED: moves the sentry 2'" in any direction.

After moving each sentry, roll the Scatter dice and turn the
Defending forces: model to face the direction indicated.
• I Geneml with a hand wcnpon and shield (up IQ 200 pis) If the sentry is moved by the ,\([acker and happens to
• Up to 150 pt.> of Core troops sleepily amble off the table, the model is dispatched by a
Attac1cing Forces: waiting Attacker and does not rerum!
• I Skill/en or Dark ElfAssassin Spot!jng " "[0 detemline the distance a sentry can sce in the
(op 19 125pl$) dark roll 206 for each model at the cnd of the Defender's
• Up to 50 pis of either GUller turn. This is the number of inches a Sentry can sce, so if
Runners (Ska\'cn) or Shades there is an Assassin in that distance and in line of site (a 90"
(Dark Ehu) arc) you may roll a funher 06 and consult the spotting
chart below:
• An Assassin in the open (not within 2"' of any obstacle)
will be spotted on a 06 roll of2 or more.
BATTLEFIELD • An Assassin in panial cm·er (within 2"' oran obstacle) will
Mark ofT an an�a aboU! 24� x 24" , The outlying edges of the be spotted on a 06 roll of 4 or more.
square table will be overgrown with dense stands of trees, • An Assassin in cover or hiding will be spoued on a
bushes and boulders. The exact ccnlcr of the table should 06 roll of a 6 (curses 10 shadows & intuition!)
contain the Gencr:lrs tent. Other smaller tents (up to 12)
Soundingthe Alarm · The alarm is sounded when:
should be arranged around the General's tent, creating
paths and wall,.-ways. These tents may not be placed closer • A sentry SpotS an Assassin
than '"" of the forest edge. • The General is Attacked

OBJECTIVES ·The Assassin :tuacks and fails 10 immediately kill

a trooper
The Assassin"s goal is to � ...
viftly kill the General and make it
back off any table edge. Once the Assassin has done his \Vhat happens when the Aiaml sounds -
deed. a small distracting party of Assassins-in-training will The addilional Attacking Forces may come into the playing
rush Out to cause a diversion :md allow their leader to area from any table edge. They may charge if available
escape. The Assassin player scores a Minor victory if the targets arc in range.
General is slain and a Major victory if the General is slain Next, the sentries may movc and all<Lck fredy.
A.I�D the Assassin escapes.
Finally. aU the slecping troops will awake.
The Defending pbyer mUSt safeguard their leader and
,,"faking Up - Once the shouting begins, the other troops
destroy the deadly intruder. A Minor victory is declared if
wakc up. As the soldiers and their General were sleeping,
the General survives and a Major victory if the General
they will be without their armor but may use a shield. They
sun'ives AND the Assassin is pulled down and slain.
arc dazed as well. All characteristics, except Toughness and
The game lasts until the Assassin"s forces arc slain or escape \�'ounds, arc halvcd for onc turn.
off board.
Knife in the D:lrk! - Assuming that he has nOt yel been
DEPLOYMENT spOiled, an Assa..;; sin may sneak into any tent to slay his
foes. There arc two types of tents:
The Defending player places any twO troop models as
sentries anywhere on the board. They will be facing a
random direction (sec SentI)' rules below). The rest of
theremaining Defending troops arc resting in their tenlS
(up to three per lem) umil the camp has Sounded
the Alarm!
The Assassin deploys next at any table edge they choose,
most likely behind some son of obstacle. The additional
tfOOpS may nOt come on board umil the alarm is sounded.


The Assassin goes first in this scenariO.

This scenario uses the special Sentries rules which arc
detailed below:
Sentries · Until tht: Alaml is sounded semries mOl'e 06-3"
per turn. Roll separately for each semI)' to determine how
far he moves. [fthe distance is a negatin: number then the
Artacking player is allowed to mo\"e the sentry model. For
Troop 'Iem - These are Ihe tents (or the soldiers. Each tent
he soldiers stood uouDd the tm:kliD8 fite �pd tried
has as even :1 number of troops inside where possible. If
the Assassin wants to attempt 10 slay the occupants roll a
fight off the cxn.uSfioD �Dd told th�t pbgued them.. The
DG. On a 4,6 the Assassin can successfully slit e\'eryone's fbmes; wumed their bruised �lId lu.mred bodies; but did
thro:1l without drawing attention. On a roll of 1-3 the linle 10 improve Iheir spirits or mepd their
soldiers all wake up and the alarm is sounded. The number fr,yed lIerves;.
rolled also represents the number of survi\'ors in Ih:11 tent!
Thete hId beeD DO eDd tD Ihe tODshnt lmuh
General's Ten t - No onc gets to he a Warlord without being from the foul utmell ll1d every dly there
a bit cautious! The General alwa)'s \\�.lkes up the instant the seemed 10 be lPother vile trick
Assassin charges. Count the Gener.t1 as \I�lkillg U" for the
up their sleeves. [veil
first round of combat.
1I0W. ill the dctd chill


beep mlDy foiled
\'I;lhile D:lrk Eh'es and Ska\'cn are Ihe twO :lmlics that ha\'e
Assassins it is poSsible 10 imagine :t Dogs of \\:'ar desperado uids. Now Ihe
with :t Stilello, a Wood 1:lf \Xlard:tncer sne:lking into an e\'iI­ Duke himseJ[
doers camp or any other combinations you can dream up. h,d come to join
As no other race h:15 such tr.lined Assassins as Dark Eh'es frly - surely Ihll
and Sk;wen, the Knife in rile Oar/.; special rules should not be would lurD the lides
usecl by other races. They will fight normally. of blllle!


This scenario makes for a perfect lead in to a larger game pODdeted Iheir
of W:lrhammer! Here is how the I:lrger game is affected: flIes they
General Sl:tin - If Ihe Assassin makes a dean kill and missed , sm,lI
manages 10 make it 10 safety, the opposing army will nm be c1D.1.kcd form
:tble to field :I full complement of Characters! slip inlo ump.

Gener.11 I.ivcs ' On the other hand, if the General makes it Sm,lI bctdy
through the night the troops will be inspired and any unit eyes peered
within IS" mar use his Le:ldership during the ncxt b:l\1Ie. OUI of the
Assassin Escapes - The Altacker gets :1 free Assassin in t.heir shldows_
larger battle.

Assassin Dies - The Defenders have the satisfaction of

knowing there arc no Assassins in their opponent's army.



I) Draw up a template for your 2) Fold the lent along the dOtted 3) When the ten I is dry. p3int the
tents. The template wc used can lines and glue the tabs to Ihe entire lent Bleached Bone. Apply
be downloaded from our website interior of the tent using white a wash of thinned down Snakebile
at www.games-workshop.com. glue. Lea\'e the tent 10 dry (or Leather and highlight with Skull
This should be taped 10 thin card about 20-30 minutes. White. Paint an opening using
:lOcI cut out using a hobby knife. Scorched Brown.

1) Create a fr.lmework for the lent by 2) Drape a piece of caO\':!s (cut 10 fit 3) After the glue dries, cut the looth
gluing together strips of balsa and soaked in watered down picks lea\'ing a Slake. B3se the
wood and attaching it to a small wood glue) o\'er the fr.unework foam. and paint the tem as
hill C:11''Vecl from foam. and stretch it using toothpiek.o; desired. Feel free to add any bits
pushed into the fo:un. for character.

• 33 -
No OIIC will (/clI), that Wizards al'e (Ill /I'Il/Sltar /ot. 71JC banle ;s going well, but ),011 sUI/ need every' (ulvolltage
)'011 C(Hl muster. 11/ response 10 )'0111' reqllest.�for potell l m aglc, tile army's WiZlll'd ciaims tlJallJC is sever",
elements short ojbeillg able to complete a powerfill ritJw( that cOllftl lllrll tbe tides ojtolllorrow's baltle! Wit/)
a small halui a/band-picked W(l'TiOl'S 10 aid him, the Wi
zan/ hc(uis offto beg'" tbe sctlllellger iJlIllt, bllt tbey
quickly discover that tbere are otlle,. WiZIIlY/S III tbe ClrCll with needs oj tbe;r OIVI/, ..

remains o n the table when a model is taken out of action.

MODELS NEEDED: You may carry as many spell components per model as you
wish. Note: spell components may be h:lnded off 10 non­
Both Sides: wizard models, so long as neither model is in comb;tt. This
• I 10 3 Wizards tOlating 200 points is a free action but will require the models be in base-IO­
(no Lord level Wizards) base contact. If a model panics and routs off the board, the
with no Magic Items valuables :lre considered lost. Any Wizard who has a spell
AND component gains + I 10 all dice rolls involving power dice
• 50 points of Core-troops and dispel dice. Components may be reco\'ered from dead
models on a 4+ (Otherwise they arc destroyed).

Panic '[eMS - All Wizard models may ignore Rout Tests, but
BATTLEFIELD the reSt of the troops must follow the same special rules.
As the main focus of the game is a field, terrain should be When a force loses 25% of its starting numbers, make a
sparse. Spread a few clumps of trees, rocks ;md bushes Rout Test for each model separately. DD {his at the start of
over a 36" x 36" area. Sparse, but nOt barren. each turn. Models th:lt turn lail and run will move directly
towards their home board edge, skirting around enemy
OBJECTIVES models as they need.
Each Wizard and his force must gather the three different
spell components and get them off their table edge first.
This scenario is useful for any army that can have Wizards
The game lasts until one side has been destroyed or until
and even DwarfHunepriests h;tve the occasionally need for
one wins the game by leaving the appropriate table edge
special substances.
with the correct components.
Think of twO Bcastmen Shamans supported by a small
DEPLOYMENT force ofGors lining up ;tgainst three Brctonnian Damsels of
Players e:lch roll a die. !-ligh roll chooses whether 10 set up the Lady prOtected by two Knights of the Realm!
his emire force along any board edge either first or second.
VIlen you play th is game before a full-scale \'<?arhammer
Each player roll a 06. !-ligh roll moves first. banlc, apply the following results:

The Winner: Gets plus one power die each turn, as well as
SPECIAL RULES an Enchanted Item. Arcane Item or lalisman of up to 50
This scen:lrio uses the special rules detailed below: points for free to use in the upcoming banle!
Searching for Spell Components _ Only Wizards are The Loser: Gets one less power die per turn, due to the
allowed 10 se:lrch for components (they all look like lack of\'I:'inds of Magic they may tap into.
normal rOOL� and weeds to the rest of us). A "'lizard may
begin searching for components once they are 12" away
from rour starting table edge. Se:lrching happens in the
Shooting phase. and a model m:ly not shoot and search in
the same turn.

'10 search simply roll :l 06. If rou score a 4+ you've found

something... Roll a funher 06 on the Search Results Chart:
I - Find a Oragonroot branch. Excellent!
2 - Find a duster of Flaming Sword weeds. Take 'em!
3 - Find a Shimmery Firebeetle shell. Good job!
4 - Find a pretty flower. Smells nice, but useless for your
needs! This is not what rou C:lme here for!
5 - Ugh! Better leave that where it lies . . .
6 - Find a VERY large and :lnnoyed badger! Suffer an
immediate Strength 2 hit!

Models may not stand in place and search the exact same
location. "Ib search in the next runt. the model must mo\"e
at least 2" from it's previous location during the
movement phase.

CarrYing Spell Componen(.� - Once you find something.

write the name of what rou'vc found down on a small
scmp of paper and place it nCo...:t to the model 10 represent
the component. This stays with a model :l� it moves and
Hm arc l}rcpar;IIgjor ),ollr tbinl bailie w;lb ),om- enemy III as 111(111), liu)'s. Sojar tbcre tHIS bee" 110 cleflr
wllllwrfrom tbe cff/slJes. JOIl receillc a scoul's report Ibat (I ba/ut afOgres 1](lS bee" sigbtcul III the "'-ClI, l1Jcse
brllles1or.1Ji,-c COIlIt/ bejllst WlJllt ),011 "cell to 111,.11 Ibe tide of b(utfe ;11 )'o"rjtwor. Hm scnd ),0"1" most trllstCfi
lIeu/e,/(/II! 10 IIwke (I dCf,l. f/opcfttll), yOllr o/J/1ommf 111111 1Iot le("'" of this or bCfl1 you 10 it.

understand and be undc:rsuxxi by the Ogres.

MODELS NEEDED: Mercenaries · A Hero in base-to-base contact with an Ogre
can attempt 10 purchase his scn'iccs. AI the start of hand­
Defending Forces: to-hand combat. roll a D6. On a -I + . the Ogre agrees and
· 200 points of infantry or ca\vary fill)' be chosen. C'JO be used from Ih:1I poim on as pan of your forct:s (at
One Hero must be- inc\uded. leasl until he Switches Sides! • scc rule below). On a 3. lhe
Attacking Forces: Ogre has become confused and he takes a momem 10
figure out what you have said (No auacks :md 11')' ag.1.in ne.xl
· 200 poinlS ofinfantry or calvary may be chosen.
round). On a 1 or a 2. he has misinterpreted what you ha"e
One Hero 1111.151 be included.
s:lid 10 be a commem about his mOther (immediately fight
Mercenary Forces: a round of hand-m-hand combat).
· 4 Ogres (180 piS) Unemployed - For any Ogre that is unemployed. roll off 10
sce who moves him afler each pbyer has completed Iheir
turn. The Ogre will move 6". but not necessarily anack. Lr
BATTLEFIELD the Ogre comes \\1thin 3" of a model roll a 06 10 determine
Using a space at least 24" x 24�, arrange trees, waUs and his reaction. On a \·2 he atlacks. on a 3·6 he ignores him.
hedges scaltered about the table. Swilche:; �jdes - A
ime an Ogre attacks a Hero. make an
immedi:ue Mercena!)' roll again. The Ogres' allegiance can
change like Ihe wind!
lloth sides arc seeking 10 destroy Ihe other, either by
slaying them all, or causing them to rout. If you can do it
without the Ogres' help - go for it! There is no turn limit.

The Defenders stan on the nonhern table edge up 10 6" in
from the edge.
The Auackers stan on the southern table edge up to 6" in
from the edge.
Ogres arc set up by both players. who t3ke turns placing
Ogres on the b03rd at least 8" 3way from any other model.


E:tch pl:l}'er rolls a 06, with the highest roll going first.

This scenario uses the special rules detailed below;
Tilem Speech - The only bngu:\ge in common bcrween the
armies ;md the Ogrc Mercenaries is :\ debased form 01
Tile:m. Unfonunately, only the Heroes are fluent enough to


Wh;tt :lrmy couldn't use :\ linle more muscle? Try these:
• It beleaguered Dwarf army l!)'ing to hold out against a
Night Goblin attack.
• An Empire army fends off a Dogs of War horde that has
banded together looking for casy loot.
• It Dark Elf army looks for any advantage against their
High Elf brethren.


The winner of the scenario has gained the trust of a band
of Ogres :Ind may hire out a unit at halfthcir regular points
COSt for the next bank only. JUSt wait until vou see your
opponcOl'S f:lcc as a unit of ten Ogres crashes forward!
NecrollltUlC)' Is oue oflbe most borrifylltg practicesjOlllul ill tbe 01(/ \'e'o/·lfl. Mall)' citizells o/tlJe Empire "wile
it 'belr Cflreer to seek 011' these itlsane sorcerers ""fi ((estroy tbem. ElIiI is, however, often its own worst
enemy liS rivlllries, fll-f!gbUtI& fmd pettyjealousies pit these b"mftIJ abom'"atiolls agalllst each other. This
sccllarlojeft/I/res the struggles of two )'01111& Necro",fu,ce,-s wlJO (Ire sIll/ lean/lug 'belr crlift {nul lheir I/IICI
for supremacy of (I IOCfl1 grfwe),arfl.
e:tch Undead model undcr that Necromancer'S control

MODELS NEEDED: must take a teSI as there is a chance that it will crumble.
Roll a 06 :lIlcl consult the chan below:
· 2 l;ccronUII1ct'fS
• 12. Zombies Models within 6� . crumble on a roll of 6+ .
• 12 Suletons Models 1".12" . crumble on a roll of 5 + .
,- LL Models ovef 12" · crumble on a roll of 4+.
If:1I1 Undead model crumbles, immediately remove i t from
the bO:lrd.
Use a spccial ublc about 2-i" ); 24", Set up a gr:l.vcyard in Note: 'Ib keep things nowing smoothly on the board we

the middle of Ihe table :md scancr a few mher graves suggest one pl:lrer exclusively use Zombie models while

about Ihe bo;trd. The more gr;wcs the beller. as this is the other uses Skeleton models. However, all mised dead

where [he Undcad will appear when the Necromancers will use the Skeleton stats found in the Vampire COUnlS

cast their diabolic SI}ClIs of raising. rulebook. If all the Undead models arc being used. then no
more C:1Il be summoned.
Feci free to add in OIher pieces of gr.l\·ey:trd scenery, de:td
tfees Of m:tusolcums to set the gloomy scene.

E:lch pbrer is :mempting ID add the Olher Necromancer
ID their Undead forces. This can be accomplished by
killing the opposing Necromancer (easier said than
done though). �
The g.
1. n1e ends when one Necromancer dies. The winner
is obviously the bst Necromancer left standing.

Each pbyer sets up their Necromancer along a table edge,
opposite onc another. They can be pbced up ID 4� away
from the middle of their 1:lble edge.


Both pbyers roll a 06. The highest roll goes first.
This scenario uses the spedal rules detailed below:
Rajse Ihe peild . As it is a battle for the mastery of the
dead. there is only onc spell that the Necromancers will
cast. Because the Necromancers are still learning their
cr:lft and not at full power. use the following roles: Givcn the specific nature, it is tough to run this scenario
with diff
erent forces. We recommend you try this scenario
In the Magic phase the Necromancers will get three
out in a muhi.pl:l)'er situation with threc or c,'cn four
Casting dice or twO Dispel dice (depending on who's turn
competing Necromancers and :1 larger numbcr of
it is). Use the standard magic rules for casting and
Skeletons and ZombIes.
dispelling found on pages 13-t·139. If the Necromancer is
in combat he can only cast the Raise the De(ld spell. PART OF A LARGER BATTLE
R(lise the Deml · Casting Power 3+. This spell raises D3 This is ideal as the introduction 10 a battle between tWO
Undead models. Vampire CounLS amlies. The rcsulLS could affect the b:tulcs

5JUllllblillg Horror · Casting Power 7+. This spell raises in :1 number of w:lyS:

1)6+ I Undead models. • The winning side adds + I Skeleton or Zombie to e"ery
511111111011 Um/em/ Hort/e • Casting Power 12+. This spell successful casting of the spell /lu'oc(ltiOIl ofNehek.
miscs D6+3 Unde:ld models. � po"",full version of

Once you successfully cast the spell and determine how

m:tny Unde:ld you ha\'e summoncd. place each onc at a

Scp:lr:lle gr:I\'estone. You cannot mise more than onc

Undead model :11 a gr:l\'estone in the same turn.

CmmbJc In pust . As nO\'ices. the Necromancers are still

mastcring their powers and ha"e trouble controlling the
Undc:ld from afar. /\t the beginning of the pbycr's turn
J-h::n: arc some quick and easy color variations for painting gravestones. All of Ihe examples arc done using the
drybrushing method with the exception of the (WO in the lower right which were done with \\�ucrcd down
washes oiler a white basccoat. Try a few variations to make your grJI'cYJ.rd seem ccclcctic and dil"crsc.

Basccoat Shadow Grcr Baseco:lI D:lrk Flesh

Midtonc Space wolr Grey MidlOne Dwarr Flesh

Highlight Skull White H.ighUshl Bleached Bone

Basccoal Bestial Brown l3asccoal Skull \X'hitc

Midlonc Vomit Brown "'idtone Shadow Grey wash

Highlight Blc:lched Bone Highlight Skull White

Bascco:u Camo Green Basecoal Skull While

Midtonc Itolling Flesh MidlOne Codex Grc)' wash

Highlight OIeachcd Bone Highlight Skull ,X'hitc

he mISter fool h�vc uughl his two lpptcnlic.cs suth powerful 5ummollibg spells. thoughl Wilhdm he trudged
WIS � 10 u

up (cmdcry hill 011 the edge of Iowa. Soon hill e[{ort .ould be h1ckcd up by 1 borde of unquatiollillg U!ldc.ld. The mOOD
momenwily aClped lhe dOllds IlId illllminlled lhe ""y Ihc.ld. Alrc,dy gU"CSloIICS jlllled 0111 or.longsidc Ihe p,nh. bUl il \FU Ihe
dense pitking' on lhe lap of lhe hill lhll Wilhdm .15 hc.ldillg 10\Fuds. A5 Wilhdm crCSled lhe risc: Ihe hlirs on Ihe hick of
his scuwny neck slood ,.uight up. jusl III They did iD Ihe prCSClltt of Necromlnlic mlgic. Someone \FU Ilrc.ldy summoning.

�You·re U big I fool 15 the Muter� uckled Ihe unmistlklblc high�pif(hed voice of Albrcc.hl. Ihe Muter·s olher pupil �Bul rm
here fits1. Ind you sh.1I be Ihe first vittim of my 8rowillg umy. then wc shill sec .bOIlI our MUlcr:

Wilhelm 'iFIS shocked! ApJ»-relllly his dilboliCiI pial 10 summon . horde Ind dispose of the M.s'er \FlSn·' is orig;nll IS he hid
il first supposed. A bony fist punched out of the neuby turf. shocking Wilhdm oUI of his doldrums,
0" the way back 10 the/ram lines tQ deliver villi/ news oflbe ollcomi"g tbl-efl! of the Uut/cad, (I smull group
DJsoldiers is stopped t" tbeJr' tracks by sbambfillg hordes a/Zombies. 71Jc[,' ollly ,-ejuge si ti,e remaills of wlwt
used 10 be (/ bome ill the middle of the COllllt'J'slde. As tbey make tbeir SI(I111I, tbe Zombies close (11 to satiate
!belr IlIIfIY;II!; IJ,mgerfor bl/mall jlcslJ. TI)e soldiers' '"jormaUoll could mea" the f/Jjfere1lce between victory
m,,1 defeatfor tlJe!r cO""Yldes, hI/t will tbe)' make it tbrollgh the IIlgbt 10 deliver tbelr repor'l?

Zombie Reinforcements - In the 51h turn and every turn

MODELS NEEDED: thereafter, deploy 4 Zombies individuaJlr.
NOTE: There can onlr be 24 Zombies in play at any lime.
Empire Forces: Ifyou wish to deploy 4 more Zombies and there arc already
• I Count's Champion with Great :��.���:�.:!")j;'!'''i': � 24 in plar, simplr remove any 4 from play and re-deploy
• � Marum.1" with Repeater Ha ndgun them as fresh Zombies (as if there IS such a thing!).
• 3 Empire Handgunners (24 piS) Undead Senses - Zombies can charge a model they can't
• 3 Empire Swordsmen (21 pIS)
see, but are within 4" of, on the roll of a 4+ (instead of
The Zombies: taking an initiarh'e test). They can smell human brains
• 24 Brnill-crnzcd Zombies
through the wall!
Brain.fcas! . Whenever an Empire soldier is killed, EVERY
Zombie within 2" of him mUSt test to see if they resist their
BATTLEFIELD hunger for brains! Roll a 06 for each Zombie. On a 5+ they
A 24" " 24" area with a ruined house in the approximate arc unaffected. On a 1-4, that Zombie must remain where
center, Make sure the house has a few doors, a second it is until it spends an entire Zombie turn in place feasting
floor, and maybe a ruined wall or rwo, Remember, it's not on the remains of the vic{im! Eccugh! Any Zombie ;l11acked
a defensive bastion, merelr a burned out shell of a house while il feasts will fight nommlly - don't mess with Zombies
that provides a bit of refuge against the Ih'ing dead! when t11e)�re eating!
Within the house, deSignate an area ;IS Ihe door to the
cellar, This only needs to be a I" square (use a pla�tic door,
paper, whatever), Also, place _a small well about 6" away
from the house, This can be represented by a small I"
square if you don't have a proper terrain piece. Fill the resl
of the table with a few trees. rocks. a hill or whatever you
have. Be careful. however. nOl to overcrowd the table.

The Empire player musl survive until dawn (the cnd of the
10th turn) when the Zombies will seek shelter elsewhere.
The Zombie player must cat e\'ef)' Empire model on the
board before dawn (what else?) ! The game lasts JO turns.

Any [",.\'0 Empire models may set up within the house.
The rest of the models may set up any"vhere on Ihe board
lhal is at least 4" away from the house.
Zombies deploy in 4 groups o f ,", with the remainder used
for reinforcments. Roll ;1 D6 and use the chan below to
detemline where the groups of·j show up:
14 Place the Zombies anywhere along the specified
tab[e edge. (see chan to Ihe right)
5 The well has gone bad!
Place the Zombies within I" of the well.
6 Someone's in my cellar! USING ALTERNATE FORCES
Place the Zombies within I " of the cellar door. You can substitute suitable replacements for the Empire
soldiers in this scenario by tak ing forces of equal point
WHO GOES FIRST? values (about 85 points tOtal) from anr Warhammer armr.
Zombies are quite slow, so the Empire player goes first.
SPECIAL RULES This could tic into a Warhammer game as a precur:;or to a
This scenario uses the special rules delailed below:
battlc. If the Empire player manages to hold out for the
Zombie� arc Dc;td - These Zombies can take a serious entire night. then the Empire armr will undoubledlr be
beating because the}' really don't feel it. but they are a bit ready for the evil magics of the Undead thanks to their news.
squishy and roning. I'olodify the injury chan as follows: To represent thiS, {he Empire plarer mar have up to two
1·3 Knocked down Dispel Scrolls at no points cost.
4-6 Out of Action
If the Empire pla)'cr loses, then the massed ranks of the Undead
Running - The Empire soldiers know their survival depends will continue to swell as the Empire army awaits news from their
upon running! Ther can make a run move at any time. even scouts! The Undead player may add a free unit of 20 Zombies
i there are Zombies \\�thin 8"'. wilh Musician and Standard Bearer 10 their army.
All cX/JCtlitio/1 ;/1 sell/'ch of {Ill (wc/em l,r,Jjact IUlS sliffered throllg/) Pllllisbiu8 heat, tleb/liw/illg IbJrst (/Iul
albe,. hazllrtis DJ tYllllclillg throllg/) tl)e desert at the IlIIreiclIUIIg behest of tbelr COlllllultuler. When aI/ looks
blcuk, fllld the hope for :mccess ;s at lis lomcst, tbe /)llggtlYll lrOOp ft/llIff)' ,-ellch their destilUltiolf. However,
(be)' lIIay be '"101- more tban tbey bargained/or, liS tile horrors of/be (IIICICIlI Tomb Kings DJ Kbemri relJ(!{l1
themselves to {le/cl/ll lhelr sacred grolUul.

Khcmri Forces:
• I Uche Priest (45 pIS)
• I Tomb Lord (95 piS)
• 2 Scorpion Swanns (100 pis) - Ignore injury rol" for swanns!
• 2 Tomb Guards (22 piS)

• 15 Skeletons with hlmd wcapons (summoned by scroll!)

Explorers' Forces:
• 200 points (flO Wiz;lf\ls allowed)
• Must include I Hero
• No Monstrous Cre:tIUI'\:'S, Cavnlry. War r.'1ac
hines or Flyers

Use a special table about 2·jH x 24H. The entire table is the
m:lin chamber of an ancient tomb. On onc side of the
chamber there should be an open doorw;IY through which
the Explorers emered. Opposite the door lies a m'o-tiered
dais on which stands a statue of a jackal-headed god. The
st:ltue holds a crown. The floor is of sand or sandstone and
a set of pillars line either side of the chamber,
approximately 4H out from both walls.

The E'l:plorers arc here 10 capture the Crown of Hamon
I{a. These \Y:lrriors must leave the room with the Crown Any armr can be used as the Explorer's forces.
br the only exit from the tomb.
The Undead ha"e but onc goal; destroy the tomb raiders
If the KheOlri player wins this scenario. Ihe opposing
lx:fore they escape with the blessed Crown of Hamon Ra!
player loses either 10% or 200 points of his :trmy in your
There is no turn limit (time matters not to Ihe Undead). next game (whichever is lower).

DEPLOYMENT If the Explorers win. !he Khemri player may not t:tke the
10mb King's Crown and loses either 10% or 200 points of
The Undead set up 1ir.;1. The 10m b Lord and Uche !'riest
his army in your next game (whiche"cr is lower).
Start on the 10mb edge directly opposite the doorway.
'Iomb Guards start at the exit door. Scorpions will enter
from the e.'l:.il door at the start of Turn 2.
The F..xplorers set up anywhere in the ch:!nlber but the The SUII killed mOSI of us. T.-o bUlldred of our fill(Sl ealered Ibi!!
Hero must stan in front of the dais wilh the crown. cursed dcsc:rt lDd seudcd for weeks. AIId for ...tul? A slupid
blubld Wby did m'lord Klld so mll1y of us? Wby is il 50
The Khemri force gets the lirst turn.
Budy Ihirty of Ul survivc;d 10 find Ih, 10mb · ....dl hidden 011 Ib,
SPECIAL RULES side of , sluk red SIOlle cliff. Our -furicss iuder- demlnd,d Ibe
This scenario uses the special rules detailed below: hOllor of ,nlerillg Ihe 10mb firsl. He S1cppc:d five p.itcS berole Ihe
PiC[dm's SU01m Q nin�of the Vengeful pead - The liche pi! op:ncd. We tIC,'cr hUld him bil lbe bollOm. bul w, could tlick
!'riest has three special scrolls of DjcrdrJ's Summoning of his progras by his hdillg Krcuns. His youllSO' brolher. s«olld ill
the Vengeful Dead. A scroll may be rc:ld at the stan of the commilld, iasisled we oolllill= This Irinkel mUll be somClhillg!
Khemri player's turn :and may not be dispelled (limit onc By tbe lime wc fOUlld Ihe mlin chlmbc.r IJI1ny more hid died in
scroll per turn). The 5 summoned Skeletons emer as a
devious IUPS or 11 Ihe hllgs or ,11'-5 of lhe mllly cobru Ind
group from the board edge of the Khemri p layer's choice -
KorpioC15 ill£eslillg Ibe eurscd pbct. We erepl uUliously 1crOSS Ihe
they basically just emerge from the sandstone. They arc
floor. our eyes slninillg;!5 our lorebes spuucred in Ibe gloom. III
NOT allowed to charge the rurn they appear.
Ibe blads of 1 ftclu.l·l=ded sutut. by 1.lI Olll.m heldpiccc. Wu
Rout lb!.'> . Both sides arc desperate. and neither will
Ibis OUI objecli\'e? Wu il worth ilf price lil 1i\'CS?
rout. Explorers will not rout from fe3f, but they still may
fail fear tests and require 6s to hit, or fail to charge
Our ladcr moullled the Sleps llld gelllly lifted lhe " o.-n from il5
(as appropriate). Ttlling pbcc. Suddenly. Ihe sound of griadillg SIOIIC filled Ibe
echoillg hlIJ, ll1d horrors bc.yolld imlgilUlioll stepped 0111 of Ibe
l,cj!yingthe 'IOmb - I\ny Explorers may leave the board via
Dewly opened nicbts-
the doorway :u ;lIly time. If they do, they may nOl return.
The lombs of KiJemr; lJ(we 111(111)' treaSllres to I"re all ,-aces to Ibat /}al/Ilted IlIlld. Gold, precious SIOlICS (1//'/
IIwgic items CUll be/ol/lld t!Jere by tbe bold. /11 KiJeml-i, limIer C(11I be more valuable Iba" all a/these, as tbe
bakillg Stili C(Hl cook (l bUi/)' ill little time. Thejcw scattered 1f.'fIlerJlIg holes are seldom Ill/guarded.

the baking heal of the desert and you necd to rcmo\'c the

MODELS NEEDED: model as a casualty.

Once a model moves in contact with Ihe o:1:;;is the effects of
Defending Forces: the Dyillg o/ Thirst special rule afC ignored.
• 4 Giant Scorpions
ROll! Tests - The Altackcrs arc desperate for the cool \'T.ucr
Attacking Forces: of the oasis and will automatically pass any I�OUl 'ICsI they
• Up 10 200 points of troops.
arc forced ID take. The Scorpions will not fOUl either.
i cluding up 10 one ,Hero :md up 10 one Cbampion

This scen:lrio requires a space of about 24" x 24M. The main
feature for this battlefield is an oasis which is placed in Ihe
center of the tabk. The oasis should be no larger than
BM x S'·. Small groups of p;tlm trees ;md rock dusters can
then be placed about the board.

The Allackers are traveling at night and need to reach the
oasis before the sun comes up or they die of thirst. The
Scorpions arc well-used 10 stalking prey lured in by the life·
sustaining oasis. '�.
If at the cnd of the game there arc 25% or more of the
st:lning number of Attackers' 'models rcm;lining, then the
Anacker wins. If there arc fewer than 25% of the Attacker's 'll ,-

remaining. the Defender wins and the feasting can begin.
The Attackers need to get to the oasis and drink, and they , ".
need 10 do it before the scorching sun rises. Therefore, the
game ends after eight turns, at sunrise.

The Alt:lckers stan on the northern table edge, up 10 G" in.
The Giant Scorpions are then placed around the southern
edge of the oasis, touching it where possible.
WHO GOES FIRST? The Giant Scorpions arc the most characterful choice of
The Attackers go first. guardians for the oasis, but you could also use a number of
other desen alternatives. Try the bailIe by replacing the 4
SPECIAL RULES Giant Scorpions with equal points worth of Scorpion
This scenario uses the special rules detaikd below: Swarms or SkclelOns. You could even use a monster like
Gl:lm ScorPIons - These enormous monsters are usually Cockatrice, Manticore or small Dr.J.gon - JUSt remember to
found lurking in the cool sand below the surface, often adjust the points of the Attacking forces accordingly.
near an isolated desert oasis.
If the Attackers win, they can send a signal 10 their larger
Giant Scorpion 6 ,I 0 "' "' 3 5 3 7
;lrnly who can resupply and continue on. This can be
Giant Scorpions ha\'e the following special rules: Cause represented on the tabletop by allowing the entire army to
Fear; Poisoned Attacks; Chitinous Hide (4+ armor save). move DG" forward after deployment, showing their
DYingof Thirst - The Attacking forces ha\'e been Slumbling renewed vigor.
through the desert for many days now and are all on the If the Defenders win then the larger attacking :U"ffiy is
\'erge of dying of thirst. The Attacker's force may not march forced 10 slow down, as thirst and heat arc terribly
mO\'e, and at the start of each of the Attacker'S turns draining. This can be represented on the [abletop by
(staning with the first) rou must roll a DG for each model restricting the march movementS of the army, each unit
in the force. On a roll of a I the model has succumbed to must roll a 3+ before they can march move.

- 40-

1) Aquarium plants (available at pet

stores) were affixed to the top of a
push pin with hot glue.

2) The tOp of the push pin W:LS cut

off and attached to the cnd of a
brass rod with super glue.

3) The push pin and joint was

covered with modcJing putty. Then BUILDING AN OASIS

using a strip of masking tape about STEP-BY-STEP
1/4" wide, the brass rod was
wrapped in a downward spiral 10 I) A piece of shaped and be\'cJed
simulate the bark. Afterwards the m:L�onite board is used for the base. The
tree W;LS painted and brown static ridge of the o;LSis was made with a ring of
grJ.ss W;LS applied 10 the modeling liquid nails and the edges were smoothed
pUlly u.�ing white glue. out by hand. Outcropping� were made
from foam and were glued in place.
2) The entire surface of the piece was
coated in w:uered down white glue and
sand was sprinkled evenly oyer the base.
\X'hen this \\FJ.S dry, the sand was painted
Vomit Brown and drybrushed with
Bleached Bone. The o:L�is was painted
using Shadow Grey and highlighted br
adding Skull White more and more to the

mix OUl tOward the edges.

3) When the paint was dry, two pari, clear

resin (available at hobbr
slores) was applied until
an eyen coat rested
just under the rim
around the pool.
This was left to
dry o\·ernighl.

... The cOIIII,/eled oasis wilh SIalic

gran alld f}{l/m frees glued ill pface.
Witb their QlltlnmlisiJ hair fllld ((lUOOS, DwarfSlayers are some oft/Je most cbaracterylli warriors ;1/ tbe em/re
Wal-lulmmcI- world. EflerYOIIe kllOIllS Ibal tillring major battles of the Dwarfs these augst-rid,fell killillg
machilles search 0111 IIJe enemy's IIIosl fearsome mOlls/el'S for combat, bill IlIbat do Slayers do ill the
meantime? Wbell 1I0t (/rO/lIll;"g tbeir sorrollJs ill pints DJBlIglII(lll'S xxxxxx, Slayers '''-C Oil' seeking blllklllg
joesfor" either brlltal destrllctiOll or (I bero's (/oom! l1Jis sce1lario reprCSClltsjllsl sI/cb fill opporlllllUy (IS a
Sll1(I(( baud of Slayer-s conllerges Oil (I large mOl/ster 0111 (" the wilds.

model that is thrown lands 6·· :lway from the Giant and
MODELS NEEDED: suffers the injury as st:tted before.
6 Stuff in pants: I random model within 4" is
Monster Forces: automatically grabbed and sruffed into the Giant"s
• I Giant (205 pIS)
pams. The model countS as Our 0/Actiol/. Eeeyow.
Dwarf Foeces: Yelling Help!>! - This game is marc fun if the players
· 6 Dwarf Slayers (66 pIS) controlling the Dwarf Slayers yell suitable oaths and slurs
against the monster, while the players controlling the
monSter make the suitable monster reactions 10 the Slayers!

Use a special table at least 24" x 24�. As monSters tend to
St:ty out of civilized areas. most banles will lake place in the
mountains or in dark forests. You can suilably modify the
board 10 represent these areas of the Old World.

The D\\�lrfSlarers must defeat the monSter or find death in
battle. Anything less will not do! Any Dwarf Slayers killed in
bailie can rest knowing their Slayer Oath h:l� been fulfilled!
If ALl.. of the Dwarf Slayers still on the board are knocked
unconscious and arc that way at the stan of the Giant"s .r
turn. thl:1l the Giant wins!
If thl: monSter is killed. then the surviving Dwarf Slayers
lament their good luck and battle prowess by drowning
their sorrows in mugs of Bugman's ale.

The Giant begins in the center of the board.
The Dwarfs arc placed randomly. HolI 2D6 and the scatter
die. ·':tke the result and place the Starer model that many
inches away from the monster.


The Giant gets the chance to move and strike a blow!
If you'd like to take on other mOnsters, use the following
SPECIAL RULES fonnula to figure OUI how many SI;lyers )'ou will need:
This scenario uses the special rules detailed below: ·I:tke I Dwarf Slayer for every 40 points spent on the
monSters of ),our choice (multiple opponents
Giant Allacks - ',l;'hen encountering scattered foes, the
dynamically affect the g."1.ll1e!)
Giant will auack a linle bit differently then he would
against an organi
zed unit. 10 represent this. roll the Giam's Hound up in favor of the Slayers (so 219 points of
attack on the chan below: monsters would equal 6 DwarfSbyers).
1-2 Swing with club: D3 models within 4" arc The Slayer scenario c;m be used as a pre.balllc before a full­
automatically hit :\1 Strength 5. The Giant player can nedged \'X'arhammer game. For example, you could use it to
pick who is hit. have the Dwarf Slayers track down a group of Rat Ogres.
3-4 Thump with club: I model in base·to·base contact of Whatever models survive the bartle can show up in the
the Giam·s choice is automat.ically hit at Strength 7. following ball.le. This can be used in JUSt about any game
Add +3 to the injury roll. versus monstrous mounlS (Dragons, Manticores. Griffons).
5 Pick up and throw: 1 model within 4" (Giant's choice) Giants, Trolls, MinOlaurs or other suitably 1:trge creature
is picked up and thrown :1.1 a random model within 6" that would attracl the attention of a Dwarf Slayer. Also you
of the Giant. Roll to hit using the Gi:lIlt's ballistic skill could decide that if the Sla)'ers successfully kill the Giant in
(8S). If the em,my model is struck, bOth receive a S4 this scenario, any survivors arc automatically upgraded to
hit and count as knocked down in addition to any ··Giant S1:tyers·' in the next battle without having to spend
other Injury Chan Hall. If the throw misses, then the the points COSt for the upgr.tde.
Golrek GII1"lllssoll alld FelixJtwgel' al'e 11110 o/Ibe 1II0sl/alllolls tulvel/lurers o/Ibe U'arballllller wOI·ld. 71Je)" ve
Irtweled ft,,· ami wide (lIul/aced (IIIIIOsl every bOl'l'or Ibe world bas to offel; from blood.drillkillg Vampires
alld illSidiolls Sktlvell to II1lgbty ClulOs Daemolls. Today "Jell' advelltt/res are cbl'OlIic/ed ill Fell
:.:·s memoirs
pt/b/isbed by Ibe Alldor/press ami (Ire retu/ by sclJolw's 0/ tlJe Empire. Olle 0/Ibefirst epic battles/olllul Fel:.:i
(IIu/ GOII'ek ill Ibe lalld o/Ibe Bonier Princes (ie/eluting a sma/lfortfrom a tribe 0//oul Goblills.

models killed in combat back onto the board in t.heir next

MODELS NEEDED: turn. Wolf Riders reintroduced this way arc placed on the
northern table edge and may charge in the turn they were
Defending Forces: pl;lced. Goblins replaced in this way stan off inside the
• Gotrek and FeJill walls of the fort in the southeast corner.
• 10 Empire Free COlllp:lny 10 represcnt th<: Settlers (5 pts each)
The Fort Walls - Though run·down. the walls of Fort Dlehl
Attacking Eorces: are unable to be scaled br any of the models. The only
• 6 Goblin WolflRiders with hand weapon and shield ( I I pIS eacb)
way in or out is through the gate. and through
• 8 Goblins with sp<:ar allt! shield (3 pts each)
Gotrek Gurnisson.

L1St Stand - The Se111ers will not charge or move OUt of

BATTLEFIELD their position unless attacked and will move 10 assist other
Sertlers. Otherwise, they will stay in their corner.
This scenario uses an area of 24" x 24". The table is
dominated br Fort Diehl, a rundown set of walls and
sh;lcks with a 4" wide gate on the nonhern side. The Fort
is 16" x 12'" ;me! is placed in the middle of the southern
t,lble edge. There is no other scenery in this bleak land.

As a Dwarf Slarer, Gotrek continually seeks his death in
combat. Few can stand against his mighty axe backed by his
formidable frame and flghting skills. Gotrek, ,L�sisted by
Felix, seeks 10 clear the board of any and all enemies.

Gotrck must hold the gates, preventing ,my Wolf Riders

frum escaping past him and threatening the citizens within.
Inside Felix must dispatch as many Goblins on foot as he
can, protecting Gotrek's back as well as any of the Citizens
taking refuge inside Fort Diebl. 1Il
The Goblin \Volf Riders must break past Gotrek and
slaughter as mallr of the human settlers as possible with
the assistance of the Goblins on foOt that have ;tlready
infiltr;lted the fort!

If either Felix and Gouek arc killed or more than 50% of

the Settlers are slain then he
t Goblins win,

This scenario laSts for ten turns, after that you can tallr up
the dead.
Gotrek and Fclix are classic icons oflhe Warhammer world.
DEPLOYMENT so it seems strange 10 recomnlend using two other
GOtrck stands in front of the gate. Fclix stands inside the characters worth fust under 500 points. You could.
fort and the Settlers cower in the southwest corner inside however. replace Ihe Goblins with Dark Elves. Chaos
the fort. Marauders, or e\'en Skeletons and Black Knights. Just
remember to try to keep the tOlal points value for the
The 8 Goblins start in Ihe southeast corner inside the fort.
Attacking force close to that in this battle.
The Goblin Wolf Riders start in three different locations. I
in the middle of the southern board edge, I in the Keep an eye on the Warhammer Skimlish section of our
southeast corner of the bal1lefield, and Ihe remaining 4 on website for more GOlrek :tnd Fclix scenarios,
the northern table edge,
WHO GOES FIRST? Gotrek and Fclix call be included as a Rare choice in
The Attackers go firs\. Empire, Brctonnian, Dwarf and Dogs of War amlies. so it is
best 10 use this scenario 10 lead into ;t banlc using onc of
SPECIAL RULES these amlies.
This scenario uses the special rules detailed below:

GOtrek and Fclix . The stat lines. special rules, and magic
items for Gotrek and Felix can be found in the Warhammer
With I swcep of his mighty Ut Inother (reature fdl
Annual 2002 and at www.games·workshop.com (follow the headless to thc ground. Smuhing on, in the face with his
links through the \Xrarhammer p;tges 10 the Dwarfs page). muty fist Ind discmboweling two more with quick swings
from his rune Ut. Gotrek moved through the woods. � onc
Wave after Wave - '10 represent the waves of Goblins that
Dwarf engine of death �lId destruction..
arc allacking the I'on the Goblin player may bring any
GriJlOIlS, UyvertlS 1111(/ MnlllicOI'cs blWC (I few "Jillgs ill COII/IIIOII, they (Ire all ferociolls bells's and "Jcy (tU
mak.e great 1IIomlls jar WllI'hammer charllclers. 1nc problem is rhtlf these mall IllS hlIVe to be renrc(ifrOIll
balcblitlgsif tbere ;S (111)' real chalice tbat tbe)' will slljfer 11 "/der. T/Js
i SCCIlIII';O is tYPical of tbe small ballds
ojwtlrriors that seek 0111 the IIcstS oftbese horrific beasts to rctl"ieve the almost priceless eggs. NIlIllrul/)', tbe
IIIO/bCI' mOllsters arell" too keen about aflY of "Jese at/tics.


MODELS NEEDED: This scenario does nOl have to be limited to twO players

The Monsters: (onc pbying the Raiders and onc playing the Monsters) .
Any number of players can compete for the few egg.<;, each
• Anyfer6C:ious moJ15ler from the. Wartmmmcr world(Q Griffon. allempting to get eggs off the table. Also, a single player
a Wyvcm or tbe like) and twO more of the same monSler 10 can play with the Mother and Hatchlings being controlled
represent its young halchlings. 03 eggs per !lest! by the rules below. For an all-out free-far-all, you can
Nest Raiders Forces: combine the rules for controlling the monsters with a
• Up to 200 points of troops !cd by' a Hero multi-player game.
• t-lay in<:ludc a single lc,'d I Wi7.ard Single Player . To play this game by yourself, have the
• Up to 25"poinls may be spent in equipment or Magic [terns monsters move and fight a..� described below:
Once the Mother comes onto the board. it will stan in the
center of onc of the table edges. Oetemline which table
BATTLEFIELD edge it ;lppe;lrs on by rolling a 06, re·rolling on a 5·6.
A 48" x 48" area is ideal for this type of game. The nest
i not engaged in combat, will move D6 inches
The Mother, f
should be in the dead center of the table on tOp of a two·
towards the nearest model. If it comes in base-to·base
layer hill. At the foot of one end of the hill, there should be
contact. it is considered to have charged and will strike
impassible rocks. at the Other cnd, bllen logs. There
first. If someone is in possession of the egg, the Mother,
should be two groups of trees. one set in either corner as
unless in combat. will move 206 tow;lrds that model, with
shown on the map.
the same stipulation about charging as st;lted above.
OBJECTIVES Multi.Player - If there are more than two players you may
The objective for the monsters is to stop the Nest Raiders wish to add another nest with another D3 eggs.
from escaping off the board with any eggs. Also. you have the option of stealing the egg from someone
Each Nest l{aiding gang is vying to get an egg from the nest who has already retrieved it. Simply wound them in
and take it off the table via any table edge. In multi-player combat (any result), and the model who caused the wound
steals the egg.
games the winner must get the .!!!..Q8 eggs off any edge!

The " Mother" mOnster does not stan the game on the
board. She emers play sometime after the nest has been
violated! Roll as soon as a Raider has touched the nesl. On
a 4+ the Mother may enter from any table edge. If the
mOther doesn't enter that turn, roll at the end of each
player's turn. The Hatchlings stan in the nesl.
The Nest Raiders must stan the game on any table edge.


The Nest [{aiders go first. as they're the ones doing the
rliding. and the Mother mOnster isn't on the table yel.

This scenario uses the special rules detailed below:
Young MonslCO! . The statistics of the H:llchlings are all
equal to half the corresponding statistic ofthcir r-.lother. In
the case offrnclions. round down. The Halchlings will NOT
move from the nest :1I any poim in the game,
Raiding the Nest · '10 gr..lb an egg. all that is needed is to
have onc model get inside the nest. Once the model has
cf:lwled into the nest, it is a..<;sumed to ha\'e grnbbed an egg.
Each model may only carry onc egg at a time.
Hungr"\' Hatchling.
<; . The Hatchlings arc absolutely starved
(why else would their MOther lea\'e them alone?), and will
cat JUSt about an)1hing that looks tasty. Any Raider trying to This scenario is really useful for just about ;my W;lrhammer
get an egg must first contend with the Hatchling.<;! Raiders arllly and a wide variery of monsters. On the following page
arc NOT pinned in combat and may still mO\'e and snatch you will find a few suggestions to try:
an egg - but if they choose to do this they may not strike at • An Empire Warband trying to steal Griffon Eggs
the H:uchlings (roll one attack on the Raider as he runs by) . • An Ore Warband trying to steal \'(tyvern Eggs
• A Goblin mob hunting Gi:lnt Spider Eggs
Hechmier no ulllil he thought his IUDgs 1I'0uld bunt. No
• High Elves or Wood Elvcs looking for Great Eagle Egg.
mIller holl' fnl he moved he could fed Ihe lI'ind from Ihe
• A Necrom:lncer & Undead looking for I\lanticore Eggs
bell of the Griffoo's lI'ings IglinSl hi, blck. He II'IS tryiDg
• A I3retonnian nobk: p:my seeking Hippogriff Eggs
lI'ith terror.
• Dark Eh'cs looking for Hrora Eggs (thiS onc is on the web)
They II'CfC III dud.
This scenario can be used :IS Ihe pn..-cursor 10 a full-scale JU51 ;tS he h.d relthed OUI for onc of Ihe prttious eggs. lhe
Warhammer bank:. Should the Raiders be successful in busl h.d swepl OUl of Ihe sun. The hlDdguoDen' volley oever
their :lIIel11pt to retrieve the egg, the price for it would be touthed it. In onc long glide its mighty cbll's hId ruehed
well enough co cover a Dogs of\'(laror Regiment of Renown oul .nd loro Zebreek's hud from his shoulders. The rCS! of
unit joining their arlllY in the next game, regardless of the Ihe men wert doomed .fter Ih.t.
normal 3.lly rules and without having to spend the points. Suddenly Heenmier feh I ;oh ;tS the Griffoo's t!lll'S sUDk
(In a multi-plarer g:lme. the player that wins would receive iolO his blck. brukiDg his spint IS ht wu lifted from lhe
this bonus. and everyone else would be out of luck.) ground. Ht WlS still constious IS the Griffon dropped him
If thc monsters defe nd their nest by eliminating all of the ioto Ihe 1ItS!. Tht hllehliogs only looked II him curiously for
I momelll before they Sllfled 10 s.lIe Iheir hUlIger.
Nest HaidefS, the army the H:tklcrs arc from would lose the
points used in this sccn:lrio.

Thiel'illg egg Ir/lll/ers gel more Ilulll /lrey b(rrg(lilledjor wlrell (f IlrOleClire GriffOll l"elllrtrS to Irer roost.
Sometimes the harshest conflicts ill tIJe \{hrball/mcr world ,1011" take plllee all (Ill opelljieltl o/baltle. 71Jis s
olle slid) lime. 71JC city streets lie III rlllll, {"u/ (IS the IllSI oftbe rCllrglUlrti prepared to ICtlve Ibe smolder;ng
tOWI! to the bllllds o/ Ibe invaders, SOli/COliC remembered the Amm,mi/ioll Depot! Sbotlltl lhe pil/agillgjorce
discoller the gilt/powder eve" more tOllllS
l tIll;;b!fall. Somethlllg mllst be done! No troops ill their rlgbt m/lids
would Ilead back IOlfl£lrtis the Orc-b!lestctl tOlll", Ill/less of course, they rode ill witb might)' Steam Tallk!

Tank's next runt, roll a D6: on the first [urn outside the

MODELS NEEDED: 'l:l.Ilk, the crew will clear the vent on a roll of 4 +. On the
second turn they'll clear it on a 3 + , and so on. As soon as
Steam Tank and Crew .
lhe vent is clear, the crew can rush back inside the T1.nk.
• Onc Conqueror ,Style Steam Tank (300 pts) Movement is at half r.lIe (half the nomlal distance per
• 3 Rearguard Troops (up to 25 pis . Core troops. no c:tvalry) Steam Point) that rurn (firing as nomlal).
Ores Raze The D!.�pot . In order \0 destroy the Ammunition
• 100 points of Core troops - no cavalry. champions, or archers, Depot the 'i:mk must hit it and cause tWO wounds. The
Depot has a 'Ioughness of 6 and 2 Wounds. Keep in mind
that the Steam Tank has only 3 cannonball shots. The
BATTLEFIELD Steam Cannon gener.lIes its own ammo, but its lesser
The playing area should be 4S" x is''
- or larger, There strength will make destroying the DepOl tougher!
should be only one dear \\�J.y for the Tank to get to the
Piles of Ruhble . If there is a pile of rubble blocking onc of
Depot. The OIher \\�Iys should be too narrow or filled with
the roads, the lank (being the behemOlh that it is) can try
rubble and debris, etc. (Sce the map for suggested layout.)
and plow right through il. Roll a 06. On a 1, the Steam
OBJECTIVES Tank is stuck! At the beginning of each subsequent Empire
turn, roll a 4+ to free the Tank from the rubble. If freed,
The Steam lank must destroy the Ammunition Depot.
the Tank moves at half rate for that turn as the pressure
The Orcs must destroy the Steam Tank OR slay the
builds back up, it lhen returns to normal speed next turn.
rC:lrguards and the Steam 'lank Engineer.

The Tank and its guards deploy at one end ofthe city, at the
opposite corner from the Ammunition Depol.

The Ores may deploy anywhl..,re at least 12'" away from the
Tank or :my of its guards. No more than 6 can be in a single
location within 2'" of each other.
At least 6 Ores must b� designated " hidden" :md not within
I T of :mother model, and deployed in hea\1' cover.
Hidden models arc not deployed as normal at the
beginning of the game. Mark on a sheet of paper where
each of your hidden models Start. When the Tank comes
within 6" of one. that model ambushes the Steam Tank!


The Steam Tank rolls into town and gets the first turn.

This scenario uses the special rules detailed below:

Burnaboms - The Ores all ha\'e "Burnaboms" - crude

cxplosh'es made of old jars, volatile liquids and a burning
r.lg. They can be thrown 6" in an atlenlpt 10 hit the nigh
impenetrable hulk. Once the Orc is 6� from the T.1.nk he
must pass a Leadership test to overcome the fear of being
run over. If the test is failed, the On: may do nothing but
cower in f�ar. If passed. " boms" away! Roll to hit as normal.
If you hit. then roll for location: Ransackers can be any amlY, though the bomb description
may change. Ska\'en might use some sort ofwarpfire liquid,
6: Hit the Air Intake. This causes a single point of
and I.izardmen may use some rare jungle foliage pods that
damage to the Tank. but more importantly the oily
release �pores upon contact. Use )'our imagination!
fumes :lIld thick smoke arc chok
ing the Engineer!
The Engineer and all four of the crew are forced to PART OF A LARGER BATTLE
exit lhe 'lank and arc placed within 2'" of the right Should the Steam lank accomplish iL� mission, then the
side of the "lank (to H
x the problem with the n:nt!),
Empire arm)' may take the mechanical marvel in their next
The Steam l:mk docsn't mO\'e while crew are outside. game for no points cost. The nnk simply stays to fight!
1-5: The "born" shaners harmlessly upon the metal hull of Should the Ores succeed, they will fix the 'lank up (as best
the Steam 'lank. they can) and actually use it in a subsequent battle. As they
If the crew is forced Out of the 'lank they may rc-enter after will not have the Empire's experience, it will break down
clearing out the Intake Vent. At the beginning of the Steam on a D6 roll of 1 every turn.
Linking Warhammer Skirmish games with large,. Warhalllmer battles!

As wc" ,!; mcmioncd cOIrlicr. the most exciting \\�J.)' to Mark Iknre and Jcn:my Vctock would field their Ore
ptay \'t'arhammer is to command massive :tnnics across annics. a marauding W:l:mghl hell-belli on plundering
sweeping balllcficlds. We'vc also explained that the Empire. Joc Krone would command the Imperial
Warh:ulHllcr Skimlish is a great way 10 gel started in the forces, supported b)' :llly Ber! Smith ;md his Dwarfs.
!-Iobby, play quick games during your lunch time, and Over the course of a few lunch times the guys played out
use the results of your games to affect your ncxt g:lmc of the le:.d-up SC('narios: Cllf lhe Brit/ges. Bugguge Trt/;// and
Warhammcr. Four of our hobbyiStS dcddcd 10 put this 510rlll Ihe Barricades. Gh'en the experience of the Ore
Ih(:ory inlQ action and threw IOsethcr a series of gener.lls the results were \'ery surprising. leading 10 an
skirmishes that would h:l\'c influences on the larger i",eres.ing se( of I:onditions for their final b:lIIlc.
b:lltic they would bIer p1:l)'.
Re:.d 011 ...

In the Cl/I the Bridge�' scenario it is
vital for the Defenders (Empire) 10
pre\'em the Auackers (Orl:s) from
crossing .he river.

Gh'en Joc's Wide-spread deploymenl

and Jeremy's fast-moving arnly things
looked grim for the Empire from the
outset. The militiamen fought hard
;.gainsl the brute force of Orcs, boars,
Goblins and woh'es :LS they tried
despcr.lIe1y 10 cross Ihe bridge.

Further down (he rh'er Jercmy'S

Goblins r.ln IOw-.J.rds the ford (the
only other crossing point) :lIld did a
gre:tt job of diverting .Ioc's :lllention.

Although many humans fell

defending the bridge crossing, the
Ores f;liled Iheir second [{OUt test m<l

fled (he battlefield.

Result: Vil:tory for the Empire! The

Orl:5 would be deploying first and
going sel:ond in their big g:Lme.

\Vc played around a little bit with
somc of (he spcdal rules in (his
scenario, p:mkularly adapling the
rules for the baggage t r.lin to
accommodate Bett's cool steam
engine. BOth players :!gteed :lIld the
ambush of the B(lgg(jge Traill was onl

Bett's choice of defenders was solid.

heavily amlOred lronbrcakers :1Od
powerful Thunderers. The ability 10
move t\J'ID shool wilh I)warf
handguns was definitely a good
choice. Mark had a gre:U mix of
:trnbLlshcrs. induding a Big Hoss with
a great weapon - perfect for cleaving
lhe Ste;ml enginc. Unfortunately Mark
[et t.he b;.ggage lr.lin slip by while he
I:an'ed up the defenders.

Rcsult: Victory 10 the Dwarfs! The

Dwarfs would now be able to rc-roll
onc Misfire per (urn during the
approaching battle.
On a roll going imo the third g:lme.
Joc was pretty confident he could win
t11e S/Orl/l Ihe Borric(ules scenario.
Joc's Militia wcn� h:lrd :1.I il again. with
[cams of men working quickly 10
build makeshift barricades. I�\'cn
though Ihey were fighting:1I n ight, the
Empirc Crossbowmen picked ofT IWO
of lhe WolfboFl before they could
close in. The fight didn't get much
bcucr for Mark as the S3v;agC Ore Boar
Hop.: struggled 10 hit the enemy
o\'er lhe hastily conslruClcd
defended obstacles.
Result: Victory 10 the Empire! The
Ores would be al an evcn gn:::nt:r
disa(h�lntagc in the upcoming game as
the Empire would ha\'c 21"
· of
additional dcfcnscs!

Mork Rellyt, Jue"'J l't.>lock. Ben SlI1illl. Joe KrOlre mul lo/m CCIl/ice pose before their mighty '/fillies (1/ play.

THE BIG BATTLE The Orcs had been forced 10 deploy their troops first and
spread their army ;lcross the board with a solid center
As the fateful day drew nC:lfcr Joe and Bert realized they
and fast-mO\�ng flanks. The allied arnlY was able to
would have a bit of trouble matching the massl"e armies
deploy their forces 10 counler mosl of the threats (Giants.
that Jercmy and Mark wanted to field against them.
Trolls, Fanatics, elc).
Solution: Draft in another Empire player! John Cadice
jumped at the chance of a mighty game of Warhammer
The barricades prOVided great co\'er for the arti llery and
and brought along his impressh'e Knights I'anther and Dwarf Thundercrs while Ben's cannon cenainly benefited
supporting troops. The Empire and DW;lrfS now could from the additional rc-roll each turn.
take ad\�.lmage of their victories in Ihe earlier games. We won'l lcll you who won the game here, you'll ha\'e to
check it OUI on our website soon.
Once deployed the sight of so many miniatures on the
b:utleficld (over 6000 pointS per side) was so impressive In the meantime, try linking some skirmish games and
that onlookers were also keen 10 join in the carnage that create your own mini-campaign.
was about ensue.
Okay, so you've torn through the book and you're hungry for more - now what?
\,"'ell, this book is merely the tip
of the iceberg! The official Games Workshop wcbsitc has a plethor.l. of material specifk-.llly geared towards
Skimlish battles in the Warhammcr world. rrhere you'll find all sort.o; of information, from the latest rules 10
inSlrUctive scenery articles and beyond. Oh, and did we mention [he scenarios? That's right, you'll fmd dozens
of new scenarios (along with accompanying hobby articles) to keep the Skirmish experience fresh.
So if you already feel like you can't get enough of Warhammer Skirmish, surf on by and get your fill!


, ,_ ..l,"" ,. 11 ,� , Games Workshop
you clued In on wcbsitc will be THE place.: to
what's happening find new scenarios to
with Warhammcr I expand your Skimlish
Skimlish. You"1I find horizons. As you·rc reading
the full rules for this, there are dozens of
skirmishing, as well unique scenarios for all
as any updates. armies waiting 10 be
downloaded and put into
action. More on the way all
the time and you can cven
submit your own home­
grown scenarios 10 be
on the web.

easy conversions,
in-depth, step-by-step terrain
inslructions and more are always working to
available to help you give an put up new material.
added visual dimension to your There's always
t;lbletop 5kimlish banles. something new
to check out!


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