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EEL LATIN a EDR ELE AT ea Masoneilan Design I ee inieg tos siaseroiona, Constrinction) eseg eevee ee ee oe Flanged Design For ease of maintenance and superior tight- hess in line, integral flanges are standard Available 2" through 12" in ANSI Class 150 and 300, Choice of Face-to-Face Dimension For maximum flexibility, valves may be supplied to ISA 75.04 or ANSI 818.10 (150 Class only) face-to-face. Field conversion is simple—only the retainer need be changed Parabolic Leading Edge Ball Segment This unique ball design provides tight shutoff and oxcellent flow characteristics Tho sharp leading edgo and unobstructed lino-of-sight flow passage is ideal for control of fibrous materials, slurry, and viscous fluids. The hard chromo-platad ball assures smooth mating surface for the seal ring, fenhansing seal lito Soft or Hard Seats - Your Choice For tight ANSI/FCI 70.2 Class VI shutoff up to 425°F, the proven MN-7 polymer seal ring is the choice. For higher temperature, strain hardened 316 stainless steel seats are used. Class IV shutoff is obtained with metal seats. Unlike competing designs Masoneilan metal seats require no shims. Installation in the field is fast and foolproof. Splined Ball to Shaft Connection Blowout-Proof Shaft A durable and accurate involute spline The shatt is designed so that it cannot blow connects the ball to the drive shaft. Unlike out, even with actuator and packing followar pins or keys, concentrated stresses are removed. NOTE: Never attompt maintenanco evoided fo ensure long trouble-free service. with presaure in the line 2 Paramax*is trademark ot Drssar Indusiies, Ine Standard E.F.” Stem Seal Eliminates fugitive omissions. Proven Diaphragm Actuator Positive failsafo action, with all moving parts fully enclosed for safety and increased resistance to environmental corrosion. Easily field reversible. Full Enclosure The fully enclosed actuator linkage pro- vides safety to plant personne) as well as protecting te moving parts trom the elements and process spills Position Indication Anighly visible yellow marker affixed to the actuator clevis can be seen through @ protective lens. This allows quick visua| inspection of plug position Direct Mounted Positioner All linkages are avoided by mounting the positioner directly to the end of the plug shaft. This, coupled with the clamped spline connection at the lever, totally eliminates backlash. The result is extremely accurate and repeatable plug positioning Compliance with the EnTech control specification is available. Six possible control characteristics are available by repositioning the standard multi-lobe cam, Optional Handwheel Asimple but effective manual override is available Masoneilan Parabolic ball design cuts through trouble... Blowout-Proof Splined Shaft Precision splines connect the ball to the shalt. Stato-of-tho-art manulacturing allows tight tolerances to oliminate backlash while permitting the ball to “float” laterally into tho seat for the best possible shutof! performance. There ato no pins 10 break or fall out, no transverse holes in the plug trunnion to weaken it and cause it to fractur. This means more cocu for your process and fewer headaches for your maintenance crow. A Masonelian exclusivel The shaft is designed eo that it cannot blow out of the valvo, even with actuator and packing follower removed. Ball The Masoneilan parabolic design ball has delighted customers for over 25 years. The parabolic teaaing eage slices through fibxous material, woos pulp and sluries. Thanks to the parabolic contour on the leading edge of the bell, 2 rangeablity of better than 300:' is achevea, Hara chrome plaling is Standard, Other high performance coatings are available for erosiva applications ...Seats and seals to suit your application. MN-7 Seal Ring Seats Masoneilan’s tough and durable MN-7 exclusive polymer formulation provides bubble-tight seating and exceptional life. Service range from -50°F to +425'F. Metal seats of 316 stainless steel provide Class IV shutoff up to 600'F. Hard chrome plated ball assures long trouble-free seat life Stem Sealing Standard aramid filled PTFE packing provides the ultimate in sealing performance with low friction. This assures control accuracy with low hysieresis. To reduce emissions to @ fraction of the 500 PPM EPA threshold, the exclusive environmental Masoneilan EF. Seal is standard on every Pararrax! This seal also eifectively eliminaies chronic process leaks which can bean expensive nuisance: & Metal Seal Ring a E.F. Seal Face-to-Face to Match Existing Piping Your choice of standard face-to-face dimension: retrofit. By simoly changing the seat retainer, the M. Flanged Ball Valve converts from the standard ISA laying length fo the ANSI B 16,10 Shert Pattern longth® This allows you to replace older style ball and plug the now Paramax Valve without having to make piping changes. The retainer fold oF instrument shop in minut Valve valves wi costly and time coneumi change can be made in tho fi without special tools, ®ANS! B16.10 face-to-face available for ANSI 160 Cla valves only. ANSI B16.10 Face-to-Face Replacement Retainer Valve 1s "ANSI Size(in.) 75.04 B16.10 - 2 4.80 650 4 2 i jane! 9.00 8 056 10 11.69 aari2 13.31 ISA 75.04 Face-to-Face Masoneilan The proven Model 39 diaphragm actuator is the perfect complemontio the new Parames Valve Wit il uly enclosed < Proven itakage andl Rlahly ep pstier indicator the Mo eso Diaphragm Actuator Simple and effective manual override can also function as a travel stop. Other Features 1§ Fully field-reversivie action with no adattional perts required . standard Masoneilan accessories © Optional adjustable travel stops Full Line of Accessories a Pneumatic Positioners Masoneilan 4700P Positioners provide fast response, procise positioning, and customized control char: is for the Paramax Valve. Features inclide Direct connestion to valve shaft ‘One multi-lobe cam with six functions Easy zero and span adjustment lly enclosed components Corrosion resistant housing Compliance with EnTech ap% ication (4700P) PMV Positioners When requested, Masonellan is pleased to mount PMV positioners on the Paramax Valve. These positioners have gained wide acceptance in the Pulp and Paper Industry The full range of pneumatic and electropneumatic models and options from PMV are available through Masonellar Consult your local sales office or the factory. Electropneumatic Positioners Masoneilan 4700E and 8012/8013 positioners accept a 4-20 mA electric control signal and provide the same low hysteresis and positioning accuracy as the pneumatic positioners. The 4700E utilizes a manifold mounted |/P verter, while the 8012/8013 design compares stem position with the controller D.C. output signal to provide the ultimate in dynamic response and positioning accuracy. Model 7000 Electropneumatic Transducer The Masoneilan Model 7000 electropneumatic transducer converts a direct currant signal into a pneumatic analog ignal. The digital prassure control principle uses proven Reedex™ micro-miniature valve technology, eliminating vibration sensitive nozzle and flapper arrangements Its most common application is to convert an electronic ignal from a controller into a pneumatic to operate a control valve actuetor or positioner. nal necessary Model 496 Rotary Electric Switches The Model 496 rotary switches are available for use with the Paramax Valve. These switches may be set for one oF two pre-determined positions in the stroke. They are normally Connected to audible alarms or signal lights. They can also be used to actuate solenoids, relays and other electrical devices Electric Actuation RICS or other electric actuators may be used to power the Paramax Valve, Avaliable as onjott or modulating units, they feature fully enclosed gear trans, manual override, adjustable slops and state of the art electronic positioners. Weatherproot and explosionproof enclosures are available Westlock Limit Switches ‘Westlock or ather limit switches and position transmitters with 4-20 mA feedback can be mounted on the Paramax Valve. The Beacon’ position indicator can be supplied with any Westlock switch, ‘Beacon 8 a registered trademark of Westlock Corporation. Masoneilan [eat Recommended ' Specification for Paramax Control Ball Valves e 40. Valve shail have integral flanges conforming to ANSI B16.5. The design shall permit changing between ISA 75.04 face-to-face and ANSI B18.10 Short Pattern face-to- face without adding any additional parts or gasketed joints. Use of spool pieces or spacers is prohibited. Flexible metal seats shall not require shimming to ‘seal. Soft seats shall be fabricated from reinforced Fluorpolymer. Balll to shaft connector shall be splined. Pins, keys, or other means requiring separate fasteners are pro- hibited. Shaft packing shall be aramid reinforced PTFE. Fugitive emissions requirements of the Clean Air Act shall be met with the standard shaft seal design. The actuator shall be of the spring opposed rolling diaphragm type capable of operating the valve without a positioner. The actuator lever shall be attached to the valve shaft directly, using a zero backlash clamped spline connection. Positioner feedback shall be taken directly from tho valve shaft. Feedback from the actuator torque plug or stub shatt is not acceptable. The actuator shall be capablo of operating in any orientation. The valve stem shall be designed to be inherently blowout-proof with the actuator and packing nute removed. 10

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