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17424658, 2020, 3, Downloaded from https://febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/febs.15182 by Cochrane Portugal, Wiley Online Library on [12/02/2023].

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Understanding muscle regenerative decline with aging:

new approaches to bring back youthfulness to aged
stem cells
~ oz-Ca
Pura Mun noves1,2 , Joana Neves3 and Pedro Sousa-Victor3
1 Department of Experimental and Health Sciences, CIBERNED, ICREA, University Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain
2 Spanish National Cardiovascular Research Center, Madrid, Spain
3 Instituto de Medicina Molecular (iMM), Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Keywords Aging is characterized by the progressive dysfunction of most tissues and

aging; regeneration; rejuvenation; organs, which has been linked to the regenerative decline of their resident
sarcopenia; satellite cell; skeletal muscle;
stem cells over time. Skeletal muscle provides a stark example of this
stem cell; tissue repair
decline. Its stem cells, also called satellite cells, sustain muscle regeneration
Correspondence throughout life, but at advanced age they fail for largely undefined reasons.
P. Mun~oz-Canoves, Department of Here, we discuss current understanding of the molecular processes regulat-
Experimental and Health Sciences, ing satellite cell maintenance throughout life and how age-related failure of
University Pompeu Fabra (UPF), CIBERNED, these processes contributes to muscle aging. We also highlight the emerging
ICREA, 08003 Barcelona, Spain field of rejuvenating biology to restore features of youthfulness in satellite
Tel: +34 933160891
cells, with the ultimate goal of slowing down or reversing the age-related
E-mail: pura.munoz@upf.edu
decline in muscle regeneration.
P. Sousa-Victor, Instituto de Medicina
Molecular (iMM), Faculdade de Medicina,
Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, 1649-028,
Tel: +351 933310984
E-mail: psvictor@medicina.ulisboa.pt

(Received 19 September 2019, revised 21

November 2019, accepted 17 December


Stem cells are rare and specialized cells within a fully stem cell properties and behavior are determined by
differentiated tissue that are essential for host-organ the regenerative requirements of the host tissue: High-
repair and renewal. In an adult organism, stem cell turnover tissues like the intestine or the hematopoietic
populations have the unique capacity both to self-re- system maintain active populations of stem- or progen-
new and to generate progeny that differentiates to itor-cell populations, whereas tissues like the skeletal
replace lost or damaged cells [1,2]. In most instances, muscle maintain most of their stem cell pool in a

AMPK, 5’ AMP-activated protein kinase; DMD, Duchene muscle dystrophy; ECM, Extracellular matrix; FAP, Fibro-adipogenic progenitors;
FGF, Fibroblast growth factor; GDF11, Growth differentiation factor 11; IL-33, Interleukin 33; JAK, Janus kinases; MAPK, Mitogen-activated
protein kinase; NAD, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; NFjB, Nuclear factor kappa-light-chain enhancer of activated B cells; ROS, Reactive
oxygen species; STAT, Signal transducer and activator of transcription proteins; TGF, Transforming growth factor; TNF, Tumor necrosis
factor; Treg, Regulatory T cell; WISP1, Wnt1-inducible signaling pathway protein 1.

406 The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 406–416 ª 2019 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
17424658, 2020, 3, Downloaded from https://febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/febs.15182 by Cochrane Portugal, Wiley Online Library on [12/02/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
P. Mun anoves et al. Satellite cell rejuvenation

quiescent state, activating it only upon injury [3]. The decline in satellite cell numbers occurs in the early
central role played by stem cells in tissue replacement stages of muscle aging and is likely due to changes
throughout the human lifespan means that their func- affecting the niche and to cell-autonomous alterations
tional decline often results in compromised organ that together disturb the proper balance between cell
maintenance and regeneration. At the same time, stem quiescence, proliferation, and apoptosis. Increased
cell-based therapies hold immense potential for regen- expression of myofiber-derived Fibroblast growth fac-
erative medicine to restore or rejuvenate tissues. tor (FGF)2 in old muscles has been shown to bring
Aging is accompanied by a progressive decline in tis- satellite cells out of quiescence, causing spontaneous
sue function and increased vulnerability to disease. mitogenic activity that can contribute to the exhaus-
Current understanding of the aging process centers on tion of the satellite cell pool [9]. Additionally, FGF2
the interplay of cell-intrinsic, intercellular communica- inhibits the expression of sprouty1, an intracellular
tion and systemic dysregulations. In this context, the inhibitor of the Extracellular signal-regulated kinase
adult stem cell is simultaneously an important integra- (ERK)/Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) sig-
tor of multiple age-related alterations and a key con- naling pathway, and mouse models with satellite cell-
tributor to the progression of age-related tissue specific deletion of Sprouty1 have defects in the muscle
dysfunction [4,5]. stem cell pool. Sprouty1-null cycling satellite cells are
Skeletal muscle harbors a population of quiescent impaired in their capacity to return to quiescence, suc-
stem cells, called satellite cells, that are essential for its cumbing instead to apoptosis [10]. Depletion of resi-
extraordinary regenerative capacity. Upon injury, dent satellite cells after regenerative events in aged
satellite cells exit quiescence and proliferate, giving rise muscles also involves deficiencies in the aged niche
to a population of committed progenitors capable of microenvironment. A recent study revealed that an
engaging the myogenic program to generate new myo- age-related decline in Notch activators in the niche
fibers and replace damaged tissue [6,7]. This remark- provokes satellite cell death by mitotic catastrophe,
able regenerative capacity is greatly affected by the impairing proliferative expansion of muscle stem cell
aging process and is associated with an age-related in aged mice [11]. The idea that stem cell survival is an
decline in satellite cell numbers and functionality. important factor in the maintenance of the satellite cell
Moreover, skeletal muscle aging is characterized by a pool is further supported by the observations that old
loss of mass and decline in muscle strength, a pheno- human satellite cells are susceptible to nuclear apopto-
type that broadly defines sarcopenia. Although the sis [12] and that the promotion of anti-apoptotic path-
involvement of stem cells in the etiology of sarcopenia ways in aged satellite cells improves muscle
is debated [8], the maintenance of a healthy population regenerative capacity [13].
of satellite cells or the exogenous delivery of a rejuve- Although the satellite cell pool diminishes with age,
nated progenitor population to the aging muscle has a fraction of the satellite cells survives within the skele-
the potential to correct acquired defects that give rise tal muscle until very old age. However, even when they
to age-related muscle wasting. Skeletal muscle is thus are present, these satellite cells have functional defects
an attractive model for the study of stem cell and tis- that undermine their ability to sustain muscle regener-
sue aging, as well as a potential future target tissue for ative capacity. The defects in satellite cell proliferative
stem cell-based rejuvenating interventions. activity in response to regenerative pressure seen in the
In this review, we examine and discuss our current early stages of the aging process are exacerbated in
understanding of the determinants of satellite cell very old (geriatric) mice. Whereas the early defects are
aging and their contribution to age-related loss of driven by alterations in the environment, at advanced
regenerative capacity in skeletal muscle. We also high- ages quiescent satellite cells are intrinsically changed
light recent advances in the field pointing to promising and become pre-senescent, a state that leads to full
rejuvenating interventions that could help restore senescence in response to regenerative pressure. As a
skeletal muscle regenerative capacity in the elderly. consequence of these defects, old satellite cells show a
Finally, we discuss the potential of stem cell-based reduced capacity for activation and expansion after
interventions as rejuvenating strategies to prevent or injury and produce insufficient progeny to sustain
delay age-related loss of muscle mass and force. muscle regeneration. Moreover, the progeny of muscle
stem cells that overcome these limitations have a lim-
ited differentiation capacity, with poor myogenic
How muscle stem cells age
potential and a tendency to commit to alternative lin-
Skeletal muscle aging is accompanied by a consider- eages. The consequence of these defects in old skeletal
able reduction in the size of the satellite cell pool. The muscle is an enhanced fibrotic response to injury.

The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 406–416 ª 2019 Federation of European Biochemical Societies 407
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Satellite cell rejuvenation ~oz-C
P. Mun anoves et al.

These functional alterations have multiple underlying idea that circulatory factors directly affect satellite cell
molecular causes, including altered signaling cues from aging [23].
the aging environment and intrinsic alterations in Since these early discoveries, several signaling mole-
genomic integrity and metabolic regulation within the cules, including niche-derived signaling cues and sys-
satellite cell (Fig. 1 [14–16]). temic factors, have been identified as mediators of the
extrinsic effects of the aging environment on satellite
cell function [17]. Changes in the myofiber, the most
The aging environment
abundant source of niche signaling, have a significant
In a young organism, satellite cell function is tightly reg- impact on satellite cell activity: an age-related increase
ulated by signals originating from the niche and the sys- in Transforming growth factor (TGF)b and FGF sig-
temic environment. Alterations to the surrounding naling from the myofiber synergize with a decline in
milieu have profound effects on satellite cell quiescence, Dl-driven Notch signaling and a decreased deposition
differentiation, and self-renewal, and deterioration of of the Extracellular matrix (ECM) protein fibronectin
the extracellular environment is one of the main factors to disrupt satellite cell activity, contributing to
determining age-related stem cell dysfunction [17]. impaired regenerative capacity at old age [9,24–28].
The contribution of the aging environment to the Changes in TGFb and Notch activity contribute to an
decline in satellite cell function was clearly demon- imbalance in satellite cell activation and differentiation
strated by heterochronic tissue transplant studies, cues [11,24,25], while increased FGF singling breaks
which revealed that the age of the host animal was a satellite cell quiescence leading to stem cell loss [9].
key determinant factor of the regenerative success of The remaining satellite cells become unresponsive to
the transplant [18–20]. Subsequent studies employed FGF under regenerative pressure and fail to expand or
heterochronic parabiosis, an experimental model self-renew [26], a defect that is exacerbated by defec-
involving the surgically pairing and fusion of the circu- tive fibronectin deposition in old muscles undergoing
latory systems of two mice; this approach demon- regeneration, and the consequent impairment in inte-
strated that the regenerative capacity of the muscle is grin signaling [27,28]. Aging also impairs the support-
modulated by exposure to blood from an animal of a ive function of fibro-adipogenic progenitors (FAPs),
different age [21,22]. A recent study obtained similar which fail to induce the matricellular protein Wnt1-in-
results through direct blood exchange between a young ducible signaling pathway protein 1 (WISP1), required
mouse and an aged mouse, supporting the established for satellite cell expansion and commitment [29].

Fig. 1. Extrinsic and intrinsic drivers of

satellite cell aging. Changes in niche-derived
and systemic signaling molecules, along
with intrinsic changes in the satellite cell,
contribute to the functional impairments of
aged muscle stem cells and the consequent
defects in regenerative capacity of the aged
skeletal muscle. Changes in the niche and
systemic environment include alterations in
the inflammatory signaling and changes in
secreted and local growth factors that
synergize with alterations in ECM signaling
to impair satellite cell function. Intrinsic
changes to the satellite cell include
epigenetic changes and defects in
autophagy, leading to increased senescence
and apoptosis. These changes manifest in
impaired satellite cell function characterized
by loss of lineage commitment and low
myogenic potential, defects in activation/
proliferation that impair self-renewal

408 The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 406–416 ª 2019 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
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P. Mun anoves et al. Satellite cell rejuvenation

Heterochronic parabiosis has identified systemic fac- promoting direct myogenic commitment and limits
tors as key regulators of muscle stem cell function. regenerative capacity [47]; however, the source of
These include the unconventional Wnt-activating STAT-activating factors in the old muscles is still
ligand complement component 1q, the TGFb family unknown. The age-related impairment of satellite cell
member growth differentiation factor 11 (GDF11), function is thus likely to be the result of the over-acti-
and the hormone oxytocin [21,30–32]. Increased Wnt vation of multiple inflammatory pathways acting syn-
signaling driven by systemic factors promotes aberrant ergistically. Muscle regenerative capacity is also
fibrogenic commitment in aged satellite cells, leading thought to be limited by age-related impairments to
to a fibrotic response upon regenerative pressure [21]. Regulatory T cell (Treg) signaling: Interleukin 33 (IL-
Conversely, oxytocin and GDF11 have been identified 33)-dependent recruitment of Tregs during muscle
as rejuvenating factors, decreased in the circulation of regeneration is decreased in old mice, due to ineffective
old animals, and offer a possible route to improving production of IL-33 by FAP-like cells, and these
satellite cell function and muscle regenerative capacity. defects compromise muscle regenerative capacity [48].
However, the effects of GDF11 on the muscle and its Since one of the functions of Tregs during muscle
age-related changes are still debated, with contradic- regeneration is to coordinate the transition between
tory reports highlighting the need for further investiga- pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory macrophage
tion [33–37]. Another important circulatory factor states, this age-related impairment may be an addi-
affecting satellite cell function in sarcopenic muscles is tional way in which chronic activation of inflammatory
the exercise-induced myokine apelin [38]. Apelin levels signaling compromises muscle regeneration in old ani-
decrease with age, and studies in mice show that this mals.
has important consequences for healthspan [39]. A
recent study revealed an association between apelin
Epigenetic changes and genomic stability
signaling and the beneficial effects of exercise, and also
identified a positive effect on the regenerative capacity Satellite cell aging is accompanied by genome-wide epi-
of aged muscle stem cells [38]. genetic changes that translate abnormal signaling from
Age-related alterations in the immune environment the aged environment and a lifelong accumulation of
have also emerged in recent years as important con- molecular damage into altered gene expression pro-
tributors to satellite cell impairments in old muscles. grams. Comparative epigenomic analysis of young and
Regenerative success depends on a regulated immune old satellite cells has revealed complex changes with
response to muscle injury, involving multiple immune distinct consequences for quiescent and activated stem
cell types and the coordination of pro-inflammatory cells: While in quiescent satellite cells, an age-related
and anti-inflammatory signaling [40,41]. Muscle regen- increase in repressive chromatin marks can contribute
eration is critically regulated by macrophages [42,43] to changes in the expression of genes involved in stem
and bone marrow transplant from old donors is suffi- cell self-renewal and lineage commitment [49], in old
cient to impair satellite cell function in young mice, activated satellite cells permissive chromatin states
reducing the number of Pax7+ cells and promoting cause the aberrant induction of developmental path-
fibrogenic conversion [44]. A potential mediator of ways that impair stem cell function [50]. Understand-
these effects is an age-related increase in myeloid- ing of the impact of these global changes at the level
derived TNFa signaling: TNFa-expressing macro- of individual gene expression is still limited; however,
phages are present in aged skeletal muscle, and old epigenetic changes are known to play an important
TNFa-null mice show improved satellite cell activation role in the conversion of quiescent satellite cells to a
and myogenic commitment in response to injury [45]. pre-senescent state in geriatric mice [51]. Specific analy-
Consistently with these observations, there is evidence sis of the p16INK4a locus in satellite cells isolated
that over-activation of the Nuclear factor kappa-light- from geriatric muscles revealed the loss of ubiquiti-
chain enhancer of activated B cells (NFjB) pathway nated H2A, a chromatin repressive mark associated
(an important TNFa target) in muscle of old mice is with the polycomb repressor complex 1 [51]. More
sufficient to disrupt satellite cell function and limit recently, the transcriptional repressor Slug was also
regenerative success [46]. In addition to TNFa-NFjB found to be downregulated in aged satellite cells, con-
signaling, age-related impairments of satellite cell func- tributing to the derepression of the p16INK4a gene
tion are also linked to Janus kinases (JAK)/Signal and the conversion of aged muscle stem cells to a pre-
transducer and activator of transcription proteins senescent state [52]. Future studies of global chromatin
(STAT) signaling. Increased STAT3 activation in old accessibility will likely reveal other changes to specific
satellite cells compromises symmetric expansion by genomic loci that trigger age-related perturbations in

The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 406–416 ª 2019 Federation of European Biochemical Societies 409
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Satellite cell rejuvenation ~oz-C
P. Mun anoves et al.

satellite cell function. It should also be remembered clearance in aged quiescent satellite cells may be
that epigenetic alterations can impact the health of related to an oscillatory rewiring that affects the
neighboring cells in the satellite cell niche, indirectly expression of autophagy genes [61].
contributing to muscle stem cell loss of function. Anal- Autophagy is also required for rapid energy mobi-
ysis of histone modifications in whole human skeletal lization to meet the metabolic demands of satellite cell
muscle tissues found an age-associated increase in the activation [62]. The 5’ AMP-activated protein kinase
active enhancer marker H3K27ac. In mouse models, (AMPK) signaling pathway seems to play an impor-
this enhancer activation is associated with the upregu- tant role in satellite cell fate decisions when autophagy
lation of ECM genes during aging, contributing to a is unable to meet the energy needs of activated cells.
decline in myogenic capacity and increased fibrogenic Ectopic activation of the AMPK/p27Kip1 pathway
conversion of aged satellite cells [53]. enhances autophagy and reduces markers of cell senes-
The accumulation of DNA damage is a potential cence in aged satellite cells, improving their transplan-
source of genomic instability and an important con- tation potential [13]. The close interconnection
tributor to global changes in the epigenome with aging between proteostatic and metabolic pathways is well
[54,55]. The quiescent satellite cell combines a low risk illustrated by a recent study, showing that mitochon-
of replication-induced DNA damage with highly effi- drial oxidative respiration is fundamental for the func-
cient mechanisms of DNA repair [56]. However, satel- tional maintenance of satellite cells. A reduction in the
lite cells isolated from aged mice still have an elevated cellular levels of the oxidized form of cellular nicoti-
number of foci containing the DNA damage marker namide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) affects the nor-
cH2AX [31]. Furthermore, whole-genome sequencing mal mitochondrial protein response, ultimately leading
of human satellite cells isolated from individuals of dif- to satellite cell senescence [63]. Mitochondrial DNA
ferent ages revealed an age-related increase in the damage can also affect mitochondrial ultrastructure
somatic mutation burden [57], reinforcing the notion and cell bioenergetics. Levels of a-Klotho, a mem-
that loss of genomic integrity is an important factor in brane-bound and circulating hormonal protein, are
satellite cell aging. Knowledge remains limited about decreased in satellite cells derived from aged mice, and
how age-related environmental changes converge to genetic knockdown of a-Klotho in young muscle stem
drive alterations in the satellite cell epigenetic land- cells provokes an aged phenotype, consisting of
scape. A better understanding of these processes in decreased mitochondrial bioenergetics activity, mito-
aged satellite cells could provide important insights chondrial DNA damage, and increased senescence
into how to expand the muscle stem cell healthspan. [64]. Replicative senescence of human satellite cells is
also associated with the oxidation of glycolytic
enzymes, resulting in impaired glucose metabolism and
Autophagic and metabolic defects
a metabolic shift of energy substrates in senescent
The lifelong accumulation of altered or damaged pro- muscle stem cells [65].
teins is an important factor in age-related stem cell
dysfunction, affecting multiple intracellular signaling
Interventions for satellite cell
pathways and ultimately driving genomic instability,
senescence, and apoptosis [58]. Satellite cells, mostly
quiescent throughout life, cannot eliminate toxic orga- Considering the combined role of extrinsic and intrin-
nelles and protein aggregates through cell division and sic determinants on satellite cell aging, interventions
are therefore particularly susceptible to proteostatic that aim to restore the functionality of an aged muscle
stress [59]. As a consequence, mechanisms of intracel- stem cell are likely to require combinatorial strategies
lular macromolecular clearance, such as autophagy, that target age-dependent deregulations in niche signal-
play a fundamental role in the maintenance of satellite ing and cell-intrinsic alterations simultaneously [66,67].
cell quiescence [58]. Impairment of autophagy causes The studies described in the previous chapter have
the accumulation of damaged mitochondria and the contributed promising new approaches to the restora-
generation of high reactive oxygen species (ROS) tion of regenerative capacity in sarcopenic muscles
levels, further propagating protein and DNA damage. (Fig. 2).
During aging, a decline in autophagic flux and the Ex vivo manipulations of aged satellite cells have
consequent increase in ROS levels are directly linked proven to be effective strategies to reverse some of the
to the epigenetic derepression of the p16INK4a locus intrinsic alterations limiting their regenerative potential
in old satellite cells and their entry into senescence (Fig. 2). These manipulations include genetic interven-
[60]. The observed decline in defective organelle tions to silence p16INK4a expression, thereby

410 The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 406–416 ª 2019 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
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P. Mun anoves et al. Satellite cell rejuvenation

restoring quiescence and regenerative capacity to the also restores satellite cell responsiveness in old mice,
aged satellite cell [51,52]. Similarly, ex vivo pharmaco- enhancing regenerative capacity [27,28], while intra-
logical inhibition of p38 MAPK signaling decreases muscular injection of Wnt inhibitors restore the myo-
the expression of cell-cycle inhibitors, such as genic potential of old muscle stem cells [21].
p16INK4a, and restores asymmetric division in satel- Rejuvenating interventions able to target the whole
lite cells, contributing to enhanced regenerative poten- organism have also a positive impact on satellite cell
tial of aged satellite cells in muscle transplantation function during aging. Successful interventions include
experiments [26,68]. In vivo, local and systemic inter- caloric restriction [69], rapamycin treatment [60], sup-
ventions have also shown promise in reversing age-re- plementation with the NAD+ precursor nicotinamide
lated satellite cell defects (Fig. 2). For example, riboside [63], senescent cell ablation [70], and in vivo
systemic pharmacological treatments to restore basal reprogramming [71]. These studies anticipate the exis-
autophagy flux preserved quiescence and muscle stem tence of common hallmarks of aging associated with
cell regenerative capacity in old muscles [60]. Similarly, satellite cell loss of function in old animals, which can
systemic delivery of oxytocin restores age-related be considered common targets for intervention. Con-
regenerative capacity in old muscles [32], promoting sistently, targeting chronic inflammation (a shared fea-
satellite cell activation and proliferation, while systemic ture of several age-related pathologies) through
delivery of WISP1 during a regenerative event systemic treatment with an inhibitor of NFjB activa-
improves myogenic commitment and regenerative suc- tion improves myogenic function in aged satellite cells
cess [29]. Moreover, systemic delivery of exogenous a- [46]. The regenerative capacity of old skeletal muscle is
Klotho improves muscle stem cell bioenergetics and also improved by intramuscular or systemic supple-
improves regenerative capacity in aged animals [64]. mentation with IL-33, which reestablishes the recruit-
Local delivery of fibronectin or b1-integrin activators ment of Tregs into injured muscles [48]. Another

Fig. 2. Interventions for satellite cell rejuvenation. Rejuvenation of the regenerative capacity of aged skeletal muscle can be achieved
through multiple interventions, including ex vivo rejuvenation of the satellite cell pool prior to transplantation, intramuscular delivery of
agents that regulate niche signaling to improve satellite cell function, and systemic treatments that target satellite cell and niche-specific
age-related alterations. Ex vivo interventions include inhibition of STAT and p38 or genetic repression of the p16INK4a locus. Niche-specific
interventions, delivered through intramuscular injections, include inhibition of STAT and Wnt signaling, or supplementation of fibronectin,
integrin signaling activators, or Il-33. Systemic interventions include modulators of inflammation, hormones, growth factors, and metabolic
regulators targeting specific pathways affected in the aged skeletal muscle and/or the aged satellite cell.

The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 406–416 ª 2019 Federation of European Biochemical Societies 411
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Satellite cell rejuvenation ~oz-C
P. Mun anoves et al.

related approach is the inhibition of JAK/STAT path- to restore sarcopenic muscle [81]. The use of healthy
way: Isolated satellite cells treated ex vivo with JAK- muscle stem cells to generate new muscle fibers, and/or
STAT inhibitors show improved engraftment in trans- to contribute new myonuclei to existing fibers, can be
plantation experiments [47], and intramuscular delivery envisioned as a viable strategy to correct the defects
of STAT inhibitors during regeneration in old mice, that drive age-related muscle wasting, restoring muscle
also significantly improved muscle regenerative capac- mass and force, and rejuvenating the sarcopenic mus-
ity [47]. However, inflammatory pathways are essential cle. In a proof-of-principle study supporting this idea,
regulators of the muscle regenerative response, and Hall et al. [82] showed that satellite cells transplanted
pro-inflammatory signaling is essential for the activa- into injured muscle of young mice (along with the
tion phase of satellite cell function; therefore, caution associated muscle fiber) contribute to an increase in
is advised when using these interventions. For exam- muscle mass and force that persists as the mice age. In
ple, inhibition of pro-inflammatory mediators impairs this model, the lifelong persistence of the enhanced
the regenerative response in young animals [72], and muscle mass results from an increase in myofiber num-
Interleukin 6-driven STAT activation may be essential bers and a progressive myofiber hypertrophy, attribu-
for myogenic commitment during regenerative events ted to myonuclear accretion [82].
[73] and satellite cell-dependent muscle growth during Satellite cells and other myogenic progenitor-cell
hypertrophy [74]. types have been successfully used in young animals to
ameliorate the effects of degenerative muscle diseases
caused by genetic conditions [83]. However, there are
Stem cell-based interventions in
no published reports of direct delivery of muscle pro-
muscle aging
genitors into the muscles of old sarcopenic mice.
The use of stem cells as sources for tissue repair and Moreover, while these studies are promising, they have
renewal introduces their potential as rejuvenating inter- also brought to light several limitations with important
ventions [66]. In addition to their primary role as implications for the use of cell therapy applied in aged
agents of tissue regeneration after injury, satellite cells skeletal muscle [66,81]. Successful engraftment with the
also contribute to the homeostatic maintenance of mus- current methodology used in preclinical settings to
cle fibers [75,76]. However, debate continues about the deliver progenitor cells to the muscle requires a con-
contribution of satellite cells to the pathogenesis of sar- current injury, which is not a viable strategy for the
copenia. Experiments involving lifelong ablation of treatment of sarcopenic muscles. Moreover, the sys-
satellite cells did not produce precocious or exacerbated temic and local environment of chronic inflammation
signs of sarcopenia in sedentary mice [77], leading the in old organisms presents a further obstacle to the suc-
authors to conclude that the loss of satellite cells that cess of these interventions [66] and would likely wor-
happens during aging does not contribute the develop- sen survival, engraftment, and the myogenic potential
ment of sarcopenia. However, in young animals, exer- of transplanted progenitors. The age-related inflamma-
cise increases muscle mass through the combined effect tion and dysregulated immune environment have been
on new fiber production in response to exercise-induced consistently demonstrated to have a negative impact
fiber damage and the hypertrophy of existing fibers, on satellite cell function, limiting their myogenic
with both processes depending, at least in part, on potential and regenerative capacity, contributing signif-
satellite cell function [78,79]. It is thus possible that the icantly to the development of sarcopenia [44–46]. In a
wear and tear associated with daily activity in humans model of Duchene muscular dystrophy (DMD),
provides a signal for satellite cell dependent mainte- macrophages have been used to deliver pro-activating
nance of muscle mass that was not captured in the signals that enable expansion of myoblasts in situ
ablation study in mice. Moreover, given the functional before differentiation is initiated [84]. These experi-
impairment of satellite cells that persist in the old skele- ments, together with the use of pharmacological inter-
tal muscle, these may be unable to contribute to fiber ventions that promote myoblast migration [85],
maintenance in old age. Supporting this view, a recent showed that it is possible to modulate muscle progeni-
study showed that preserving functional satellite cells tor activity in situ to promote muscle repair. Successful
in the old skeletal muscle (through the overexpression cell therapies for sarcopenia will likely require the
of spry1) preserves muscle mass and force and attenu- development of concurrent interventions to provide
ates sarcopenia development [80]. the pro-repair signals elicited by the injury and to pro-
Nevertheless, the possible causal relationship of mote myogenesis and the subsequent steps of muscle
satellite cell loss of function to sarcopenia does not regeneration that are inhibited by the pro-inflamma-
negate the potential of satellite cells as an intervention tory environment.

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Acknowledgements 11 Liu L, Charville GW, Cheung TH, Yoo B, Santos PJ,
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Work in the authors’ laboratories has been supported signaling leads to a decrease in p53 activity and mitotic
by the following funding sources: The Spanish Min- catastrophe in aged muscle stem cells. Cell Stem Cell
istry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spain 23, 544–556.e4.
[grants RTI2018-096068-B-I00 and SAF 2015-70270- 12 Fulle S, Sancilio S, Mancinelli R, Gatta V & Di Pietro
REDT, a Marıa de Maeztu Unit of Excellence award R (2013) Dual role of the caspase enzymes in satellite
to UPF (MDM-2014-0370), and a Severo Ochoa Cen- cells from aged and young subjects. Cell Death Dis 4,
ter of Excellence award to the CNIC (SEV-2015- e955.
0505)], ERC-2016-AdG-741966, La Caixa-HEALTH 13 White JP, Billin AN, Campbell ME, Russell AJ, Huffman
(HR17-00040), MDA, UPGRADE-H2020-825825, KM & Kraus WE (2018) The AMPK/p27(Kip1) axis
AFM and DPP-E to PMC; JN and PSV acknowledge regulates autophagy/apoptosis decisions in aged skeletal
support from iMM start-up funding and ‘la Caixa’ muscle stem cells. Stem Cell Rep 11, 425–439.
Foundation for the Junior Leader Fellowship for PSV 14 Sousa-Victor P & Munoz-Canoves P (2016)
(LCF/BQ/PI19/11690006). Regenerative decline of stem cells in sarcopenia.
Mol Aspects Med 50, 109–117.
15 Sousa-Victor P, Garcia-Prat L & Munoz-Canoves P
Conflict of interest (2018) New mechanisms driving muscle stem cell
The authors declare no conflict of interest. regenerative decline with aging. Int J Dev Biol 62,
16 Brack AS & Munoz-Canoves P (2016) The ins and outs
Author contributions
of muscle stem cell aging. Skelet Muscle 6.
PMC, JN, and PSV conceived and wrote the manu- 17 Sousa-Victor P, Garcia-Prat L, Serrano AL, Perdiguero
script and prepared the figures. E & Munoz-Canoves P (2015) Muscle stem cell aging:
regulation and rejuvenation. Trends Endocrinol 26,
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