EST Assignment 2, 1812055
EST Assignment 2, 1812055
EST Assignment 2, 1812055
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a management tool to minimize
adverse impacts of developmental projects on the environment and to achieve
sustainable development through timely, adequate, corrective and protective
mitigation measures.Environment Impact Assessment or EIA can be defined as the
study to predict the effect of a proposed activity/project on the environment. A
decision making tool, EIA compares various alternatives for a project and seeks to
identify the one which represents the best combination of economic and
environmental costs and benefits.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is the formal process used to predict the
environmental consequences (positive or negative) of a plan, policy, program, or project
prior to the decision to move forward with the proposed action. Formal impact assessments
may be governed by rules of administrative procedure regarding public participation and
documentation of decision making,and may be subject to judicial review. An impact
assessment may propose measures to adjust impacts to acceptable levels or to investigate
new technological solutions (Encyclopedia, 2015). Itis anticipatory, participatory, and
systematic in nature and relies on multidisciplinary input(Glasson, Therival, & Chadwick,
1994).U.K. Department of Environment defined EIA as ‘‘The term environmental assessment
describes the technique and process by which the information about the environmental
effects of the project is collected both by the developer and other sources and taken into
account by the planning authority informing their judgement whether the development should
go ahead.’’The International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) defines an EIA as
‘‘The process of identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the biophysical, social, and
other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major decisions being taken and
commitments made.’’EIAs commenced in the 1960s, as part of increasing environmental
awareness. The USA was the first country to enact legislation on EIA. In the United States,
EIAs obtained formal status in1969, with enactment of the National Environmental Policy
Act. This was the first time that EIA became the official tool to be used to protect the
environment. The United Nations Conference on the Environment in Stockholm in 1972 and
subsequent conventions formalized EIA (Ogola, 2007).EIAs have been used increasingly
around the world. They have also been recognised in various international instruments.
Screening: Project screening is the 1st stage of EIA. In this stage list of all projects are
made and tried to identify those projects which have considerable environmental impacts
and hence required EIA. Guidelines for whether or not an EIA is required are country specific
depending on the laws or norms in operation. Legislation often specifies the criteria for
screening and full EIA.In many countries there is a readymade list of different projects and
investment proposal which comes under preview of EIA.
Scoping: Consideration of issues and impacts for EIA can be defined as a scoping stage.
This stage is very wide and extensive because consultations, discussions, experts’ opinions
etc. are very important, useful and essential at this stage. It should involve all interested
groups such as the proponents and planning or environmental agencies and members of the
public. The results of scoping will determine the scope, depth and terms and reference to be
addressed within the environmental statement.
Selection of Alternatives: In the scoping stage also selection of alternatives are
considered. This include alternative sites or location, technology, commodity and process
which are determine on the basis of collecting data and information from various possible
sources. The developer considers both environment and economic criteria while choosing
the alternatives. So far as environmental consideration is concern there are two types of
alternative- No Action Alternative and In Action Alternative. No action alternative refers to
environmental considerations if the project did not go ahead. It takes more careful discussion
and thinking while in action alternatives are positive indicators for the project.
Mitigating measures: Mitigation can be defined as a process of removing or reducing
the adverse hazardous environmental impact of the project. This reveals the action taken to
prevent, avoid or minimize the actual or potential adverse effect of project. These measures
include the abandoning or modifying of a proposal, substitution of technique etc. this should
include the various pollution abatement techniques that would be require to reduce pollution
to the legal limit. A package programme may be needed for this. It includes tax, fees,
tradable pollution permits etc.
The MoEF has set up five multidisciplinary expert committees in the areas of industry,
thermal power, river valley, mining and infrastructure and miscellaneous project to evaluate
the environmental impact of proposed project.The committee evaluate the environmental
impacts of the proposed project and wherever necessary, site visits and independent
assessment of environmental aspects are also undertaken. Based on such examination the
committee make recommendation for the approval or rejection of the proposal which are
then processed in the ministry for approval or rejection. In case of site specific project, such
as mining, river valley, ports and harbours etc the project proponent has to obtain sit
clearance before applying for environmental clearance of the project. In India, public
consultation have been made compulsory component of EIA by an amendment dated April
10, 1997 to the EIA notification 1994. The State Pollution Control Board and concern
district collectors are responsible for the public consultation process through duly constituted
public hearing panel.
The members of a public hearing panel are: (i) Representative of State Pollution Control
Board (ii)District Collector or his nominee (iii) Representative of State Government dealing
with the subject of Power (iv) Representative of Department of State Government dealing
with Environment (v)Not more than three representatives of the local bodies such as
Municipalities or Panchayat (vi) Not more than three senior citizens of the area nominated by
the District Collector.
The EIA process is an interdisciplinary and multi-step procedure to ensure that
environmental considerations are included in decisions regarding projects that may impact
the environment. Simply defined, it is a formal process use to predict the environmental
consequences of any developmental project. From the above study it is clear that before
implementation of a particular project, which has potential threat to environment as well as to
human life, a proper scrutiny has been made. Thus, it ensures that the potential problems
are foreseeing and addressed at an early stage at/ in the project planning and designing.
India’s battle to reduce dangerous levels of air pollution is at a turning point. In a major step
at the national level, the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC)
recently launched the National Clean Air Program (NCAP).At the local level, cities across
India are fed up with air pollution and are starting to fight back.Both national and city level
actions are a major topic at the World Sustainable Development Summit. India’s battle to
reduce dangerous levels of air pollution is at a turning point. In a major step at the national
level, the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) recently
launched the National Clean Air Program (NCAP). At the local level, cities across India
are fed up with air pollution and are starting to fight back. Both national and city level actions
are a major topic at the World Sustainable Development Summit.