Extended Abstract
Extended Abstract
Extended Abstract
ABSTRACT- The main purpose of this work is to develop a numeric model to estimate the main electric loads of a ship associated
with the superstructure, engine room, and deck in different ship operating conditions. This model is developed according to the
parameters available in the ship conceptual stage. Therefore, the first advantage is its application in preliminary phases providing
support for auxiliary generators' total power estimation. The second approach complements the first in which this model was
prepared for the analysis of the electrical load on board in different operating conditions of the ship, providing advantages such as
the evaluation of emissions during a typical ship voyage, as well as the reduction of ship operating costs.
This model was entirely developed with alternative options such as for conventional propulsion systems, i.e 2-stroke engines low
speed and 4-stroke engines medium speed, and for fuel type, i.e diesel oil and intermediate fuel oil. It has also been adapted to study
four ship types, which represent the majority of the world fleet: tankers, bulk carriers, container ships, and RoPax.
The resulting equations of the power consumption were implemented in the Excel VBA tool. The evaluation of the electrical loads
was performed for the operating conditions: in navigation, maneuvering, loading and unloading, and in port. Finally, it is evaluated
the level of accuracy of the model with its application to different ship types and engine configurations. Afterward, the respective
results are presented and discussed.
Keywords: Electric Load Balance, Electric Power Table, Ship Design, Ship Auxiliary Systems
1. Introduction
The concept design stage of the ship design process represents conditions is a routine task in naval architecture and there are
the phase where it is performed the first approach into technical many semi-empirical methods available with a known level of
ship characteristics. Preliminary studies and estimations of accuracy. However, the estimation of the electric load is
basic ship dimensions and powering arrangements are made. restricted to further phases of the ship design process or to a few
Being these decisions the most relevant in the ship's design, it empirical methods as a rough guide with a low degree of
will be therefore factual that this phase will have the largest precision. Beyond the low accuracy, these few empirical
impact in terms of ship costs. On the other hand, all the methods are based on statistical data of the total power installed
alternative design solutions for the identification of the most on board of ships and do not reflect the actual electric loads in
cost-effective ship that fulfill the owner’s requirements should operational conditions such as seagoing, maneuvering, and at
be explored at this stage, since during this stage the costs the port.
associated with the change of options will be lower than a later The main objective of this work is to develop a numeric model
design stage where much more work is already developed. The to predict, at an early stage of the ship design, not only the
task of estimating an electrical load balance aims to determine electrical power generators to be installed on board, as well as
the number and power of the generators sets required for the the electrical loads of a ship when it is at sea, maneuvering,
ship. According to (Taggart, 1980) the electric load balance is a loading and unloading and in port. This model is to be
process to be developed in the Contract Design phase when all parametric, and the parameters to be adopted shall be sufficient
list of the main equipment and components is sufficiently to describe and quantify alternative solutions for aspects such
complete and comprehensive to enable an accurate estimation as the propulsion system, fuel type used, and maneuvering
of the consumers onboard. However, in an economical view, it equipment. The development of numerical expressions shall be
is more reliable to estimate these characteristics associated with based on input data with a low level of knowledge about the
the power generation on board as soon as possible. In the characteristics of ships in which are available at this stage.
context of the global concern with the decarbonization and Nevertheless, it is also intended that these expressions be
reduction of GHG emissions from ships and the request for the equally flexible and generic to be applied to more conventional
design of energy-efficient ships, it is also quite relevant to be types of ships (bulk carriers, oil tankers, container ships, and
able, at an earlier stage, to assess the electric power RoPax ships). In this manner, the methodology adopted in order
consumption of ships at different operating conditions. Being to obtain improved forecasts and to circumvent the lack of detail
the source of the emissions strongly related to the fuel, the in the provided information will be to use, whenever possible,
assessment of the total fuel consumption during the ship's physical principles. When it is impracticable to apply these
typical voyage is very important to the knowledge of the ship's principles, it will be performed a compilation of data provided
environmental impact and energy efficiency. However, this fuel by the main manufacturers of the respective equipment and
consumption assessment will contribute also for the economical extrapolated numerical functions based on curve-fitting
evaluation of the ship operation. The fuel consumption onboard methods.
is associated with propulsion and electric power generation. The
estimate of the propulsive power during different operational
2. Model Development
The process of electrical load analysis begins with the of the electrical groups was based on the Brazilian standard
information collected related to the electric consumption of NBR 7567:1982. However, it was also adopted a division by
each equipment installed and necessary onboard for the proper areas according to the location on the ship: Engine room, deck,
functioning of the vessel as her operation. In order to facilitate and superstructure. The adopted division enable the omission of
the delineation of the ship’s loads, it was decided to divide the any group in case of the user’s desire. Table 1 represents the
load consumers into distinct groups. In this work, the division electrical load groups division adopted.
In case of the vessel main engine uses only diesel oil or when 𝑃73#/50!"#! = 9.2414 × 𝑉8 + 20.656 (11)
changed the fuel to enter in port, the same equations are
considered since there are the same pumps working. It was verified a big variance in the flow rate capacity parameter
The fuel supply system has also two circulating pumps that in 4-Stroke engines with cylinder number lower than 12 and the
receive the fuel from the supply pumps and after passing remaining. Then it was opted to use two different equations for
through a heater and a viscosity regulator, the fuel is discharged 4-Stroke engines with cylinders number lower than 12.
in a common high-pressure collector and it is directed for
engine-driven fuel pumps. The same principle applied for 𝑃73#/50!"#! = 59.318 × 𝑉8 + 45.823 (12)
supply pumps was applied for circulating pumps, resulting in
two equations for 2-Stroke and 4-Stroke engines. For 2-Stroke
engines: And for cylinders number higher than 12.
For 4-Stroke engines: The main engine oil in its passage can be contaminated by small
particles, combustion products, or water. For purifiers the result
𝑃23&5)&"%/'5(0!"#! = 3𝐸 − 06 × 𝐻𝐹𝑂𝐶 − 0.184 (7) for 2-Stroke engines is shown in (14).
The same equations were considered for DO operation as well. 𝑃736")5.5$) = 0.4315 × 𝑉8 + 3.4796 (14)
The main function of the purifier is to separate the water and
particles majority from the fuel that passes through it. The
engine manufacturers provide the purifier capacity. With this For 4-Stroke engines is shown in (15).
parameter, another study was conducted. The purifiers are
driven by an auxiliary electric motor, for this reason, it was 𝑃736")5.5$) = 2.2101 × 𝑉8 + 3.4383 (15)
collected data from the typical electrical consumptions for
(Mitsubishi, 2020) purifiers according to the capacity required. 2.1.3.Cooling System
The corresponded equation to be applied in each engine sample The cylinder jacket and cylinder head water circulation are
basing on the engine purifier capacity given in engine project performed by freshwater. The thermal load of the engine is
guides is equation (8). transmitted later and externally through an exchange for
seawater. It is denominated as high-temperature (HT) since is
𝑃6")5.5$)#('() = 0.0011 × 𝑄̇35% + 3.0257 (8) an internal circuit of the engine and as expected the outlet water
temperature is elevated (around 80ºC). The parameter selected
Then, it was possible to proceed with the obtaining process of was the total heat rejected through water, which relates to the
the prediction equation to be used in the final model. With all lower heating value of the fuel (constant value from the used
purifier motor consumption data calculated, and placing in fuel) and its specific fuel oil consumption, which is a parameter
function of the variable HFOC, the resulting equations for 2- from the basic design.
Stroke engines is shown in (9).
𝐻𝐶𝑀 = 𝐿𝐻𝑉 × (𝑆𝐹𝑂𝐶 − 3600)[1 − 𝑓𝑓] (16)
𝑃236")5.5$) = 2𝐸 − 06 × 𝐻𝐹𝑂𝐶 + 2.9358 (9)
Then, with the same principle adopted for the others pumps, it
In turn of 4-Stroke engines, the equation is (10). was obtained for 2-Stroke engines HT pump the next equation.
pumps it was followed the referring standard. It can be noted the related to the daily fuel oil consumption on board, and the
requirements and a guide about how to determine the water duration of the voyage as it is possible to see in equation (29).
consumption on a ship based on the POB, ship type, and days
𝑉=%"8?$'/0F = 𝑘G23 × 𝐷𝐹𝑂𝐶 × 𝑡1(4/?$ (29)
on board. The potable water consumption is the parameter that
will determine the pump delivery flow required. The minimum All residues stored in a sludge tank should be directly
values guide for potable water consumption are presented below discharged ashore via a pump. Assuming 4 hours to drain the
in liters per second. full tank, the capacity of the pump is easily obtained. The
Table 3 - Standard flow of potable service points (ISO 15748-2:2002) pressure was considered constant equals 4 bar. It is then possible
to know the power consumption of these pumps, using the
Potable Water Service Point equation (1). Also, the Oily Water Separator (OWS) is a piece
𝑉-̇ Cold [l/s] 𝑉-̇ Warm [l/s] 𝑉-̇ Mixed [l/s] of shipboard equipment that requires attention since, on the one
Cabin WC hand, it is mandatory for almost all ships to have, and on the
other hand, its design must be followed under the rules, mainly
Washbasin 0.07 0.07 the MARPOL convention. In turn the maximum capacity of the
Toilet Valve 1 OWS equipment is regulated by the classification societies in
for flushing function of the ship gross tonnage. It was collected the power
Shower 0.15 0.15 consumption for OWS according to the maximum capacity
established by classification societies from a manufacturer.
2.3.4.Sewage System
Kitchen sink 0.07 0.07 This wastewater can be divided into two categories: Blackwater
Dish Wash 0.15 and Greywater. Blackwater is considered all the waste produced
Machine by drainage from toilets, washbasins, or wash tubs; Greywater
Extra Valve 0.3 is produced by a dishwasher, washing machines, cabin showers,
Laundry or from the air conditioner condensates. As it is possible to note
the sewage is directly associated with the people onboard. It is
0.25 expected that if the POB increases the sewage capacity should
Extra Valve 0.3 be increased as well. In order to estimate the wastewater, it was
verified the international standard ISO 15749-1:2004. From this
Extra WC standard it is established that for passenger ships it is wasted
Washbasin 0.07 0.07 185 l/person/day and for cargo ships 135 l/person/day. In
Toilet Valve 1 addition to these values, it was added 10% for possible losses of
for flushing the system. Then, the sewage tank volume estimation follows
For cold water it is considered 15ºC and for hot water 60ºC as the equation (30).
described on the original standard table. It is considered that
each cabin onboard has its own W.C. The total flow is the result 𝑉=$H/?$:/0F = 0.001 × 𝑛=$H/?$ × 𝑁I)$H × 𝑡J(4/?$ (30)
of all the unit’s sum considered the cold, warm, and mixed
water. The pump should have the capacity to support the peak For passenger ships, the number of crew onboard (Ncrew), was
flow, and the ISO 15748-2:2002 has a logarithm graphical considered a 50% margin added in consideration to the
representation of two curves in which the peak flow is set as a passenger toilets. It is then assumed that to drain the full tank it
function of the total flow rate. One curve corresponds for is necessary 3 hours. With this assumption, it is achievable the
passenger ships and the other for cargo ships. From these curves sewage pump capacity, dividing the volume of the sewage tank
result two regression equations that is presented following. For by the estimated hours to drain the tank. The assumed pressure
passenger ships, the equation to be used is (27). was 5 bar.
C D For the Sewage treatment plant (STP) it is considered the
𝑉=̇ = 4𝐸 − 08 × Y 𝑉Ḃ − 1𝐸 − 05 × Y 𝑉Ḃ numbers previously referred and performed a linear regression
+ 0.0973 × Y 𝑉Ḃ + 0.7962
with power values provided by HiSeaMarine manufacturer.
Resulting then in equation (31).
It is represented for cargo ships in equation (28).
𝑃=:6 = 0.0003 × 𝑄̇K1$)/?$;/*'$H/'$) + 1.9975 (31)
𝑉=̇ = −3𝐸 − 11 × Y 𝑉̇B + 7𝐸 − 08 × Y 𝑉̇B + 5𝐸
(28) 2.3.5.Bilge System
− 05 × Y 𝑉̇B + 0.0343 × Y 𝑉̇B
The bilge system is available to clear oil/water leakage from
+ 0.593
machinery space or in another space for example from some
For heater power determination connected with the hydrophore, wash in the holds of a merchant's vessel. For this to succeed,
it was following the table present in the same standard which pumps are needed. These pumps should be provided with the
relates the heater power with number of people on board. capability to pump in emergence. For the purpose of calculating
2.3.3.Sludge system the power of these pumps, it had into consideration the
Sludge is the denomination for residual waste oil products regulations about the bilge system. Following (DNV GL, 2017),
generated from the equipment operation onboard, as for it is detailed the arrangement of the bilge system. To estimate
example from the fuel or lubricating purifiers, waste lubricating the capacity of each pump, it was firstly calculated the pipe
oils or hydraulic or leakages. (IMO, 1978) establish that every diameter. For cargo ships and passenger ships, it was considered
ship with 400 of GT and above should be provided with tanks the equation corresponding to all ship space bilge (32).
with adequate capacity to store sludge. In turn the sludge tank
capacity was estimated based on following (GL, 2016), is
(GL, 2016) is presented data about the required ventilation, and
𝑑A5%?$!5!$ = 1.68 × _𝐿 × (𝐵 + 𝐷) + 25 (32) due to the simplicity of the method, it was opted to use these
values. In the case of RoPax ships, the classification society
For tanker ships, it was considered the equation (33), since the requires that in the case of the operating condition in which
bilge pumps are used to drain only machinery space, or in this vehicles are being loaded or unloaded (roll-on, roll-off) the
case considered only the engine room. ventilation must have the capacity for at least 20 renovations per
hour, and during navigation, this value decreases to 10
renovations. For the other cargo ships, it was assumed 10
𝑑A5%?$!5!$ = 2.15 × _𝐿LB × (𝐵 + 𝐷) + 25 (33) renovations per hour in any ship operating condition.
2.4.2.Inert Gas System
The pump minimum capacity of deliver is calculated using the
According to (IMO, 1974), all ships over 8,000 DWT carrying
next equation provided in (DNV GL, 2017) as well.
hydrocarbon cargo must supply inert gas to create a non-
5.75 × 𝑑A5%?$!5!$ D explosive atmosphere. The inert gas system (IGS) consists of
𝑄̇A5%?$ = (34) fans that, through pipelines, supply the gas to each cargo tank.
The IGS operates during the discharge time of the cargo and is
The pressure recommended, present in the same rule is 4 bar. directly connected to the quantity of cargo discharged.
With these parameters it is possible to use the equation (1) to According to the classification societies, it is defined that this
obtain the respective associated electrical consumption. system must have sufficient capacity to supply a volume of gas
2.3.6.Ballast System equivalent to 125% of the capacity of the cargo discharge pumps
The ballast pump capacity is calculated based on a volume of when they are operating simultaneously (36).
water that has to be discharged in a given time. As the ballast
tanks volume is an already known value of the conceptual ̇
𝑉./0 ̇
= 1.25 × 𝑉I/)?(!"#!* × 𝑛𝑟I/)?(!"#!* (36)
project, it is easily assumed a time to discharge and then
calculated the pump capacity. The pressure for this system was The calculation of the electrical consumption of these two fans
assumed as 4 bar. required by (IMO, 1974) was performed using the equation (3),
To estimate the power required for the Ballast Water Treatment considering a pressure of 0.2 bar as referred to in this same
System (BWTS), it was verified various models from a variety source as well. Inert gas in this system derives from two sources:
of manufacturers. All the different treatments, processes and the boiler exhaust gases or an autonomous inert gas generator. If it
lowest energy consumptions were then considered and collected comes from a boiler, this gas must be cleaned and cooled by a
all corresponded data. Below it is possible to see the resulting scrubber. In the case of an inert gas generator, an electrical
equation from the scatter plot with all collected data. consumption is added.
M.OPOQ ̇ − 0.0203
𝑃A;:= = 0.0717 × 𝑄̇A/%%/*' (35) 𝑃G<=?$0$)/'() = 0.015 × 𝑉G<= (37)
Where ℎ𝑠 is the exit enthalpy of the compressor in kJ/kg and ℎ𝑒 allowed us to estimate a power required in the function of each
is the entrance enthalpy. However due to the gas coolant which person on board, resulting in the following coefficients that can
circulates inside of a refrigeration cycle, there is an associated be applied to the POB and obtained the total power of the
coefficient of performance (COP) which in this work was respective machine type. For dry machines it was implemented
considered 2.5. The coefficients to be implemented in the model equation (44) in the model.
are defined by the relationship presented in (43).
𝑃R)4$)#/&>50$ = 0.3816 × 𝑃𝑂𝐵 (44)
𝐶6(H$)!$)1(%"#$ = (43)
For washing machines, it was followed equation (45).
Thus, for each accommodation space, it is possible to estimate
the corresponded power required in function of the 𝑃;/*>50?#/&>50$ = 0.3032 × 𝑃𝑂𝐵 (45)
superstructure volume parameter. This input value can be easily
obtained on ship conceptual design.
2.5.4.Bridge equipment
Table 6 - AC power coefficients in function of the superstructure After collecting the minimum electrical consumers' equipment
volume list, it was searched for the respective electrical power
consumption from manufacturers catalogs. Also, it was
Space 𝑪𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 [kW/m3] analyzed two electrical balances of real ships. It was then
Cabins 0.004660 performed an average between the constant values, resulting in
Mess, dining-rooms or offices 0.005133 a total constant of 5.9 kW of power consumption.
Hospitals 0.000522 2.5.5.Illumination
The lighting power was calculated following equation (46).
Pantry 0.000673
Dry provision room 0.000633 ∅𝑉
𝑃5%%"#50/'5(0 = (46)
Laundry 0.000550 𝜂%/#!
Bridge 0.002705
Where ∅𝑉 is the luminous flux in lm. The luminous flux is defined
In addition to the AC system, there is a necessity for the
as the total amount of light emitted from a luminaire in all
accommodations ventilation. As the method used already has in
directions, for this reason, it cannot be measured directly. Then,
consideration the supply air, the only supply fan to be
there is a necessity to apply two main concepts: illuminance and
dimensioned is the galley fan. However, it is necessary to model
the luminance. With these two concepts it is possible to know
the exhaust fans for all accommodation spaces. In this way, in
the luminous flux in a determined zone or area. The luminous
(GL, 2016) it is presented the minimum values for exhaust air
flux is then given by the following equation.
which are presented in next table.
Table 7 - Air renovations rates for exhaust air 𝐹8
∅𝑉 = 𝐸 × 𝑆 × (47)
Space Exhaust air [ren/h]
Cabins 0 The parameters of the equation presented above are 𝐸 as the
Mess, dining-rooms or offices 12 illuminance in lux, 𝑆 the surface area in m2, 𝐹8 the depreciation
factor, and 𝐹+ the utilization Factor. The illuminance is provided
Hospitals 12
by levels of general lighting or task lighting. It is possible to find
Galley 40 an illuminance level criterion in (ABS, 2016), which is based
Pantry 15 on ISO 8895-1:2002 and focuses on lighting specifically on
Dry provision room 5 vessels. At this ship design phase, it is relatively challenging to
provide an estimation of the specific areas for each
Laundries 15
compartment inside a superstructure. For this reason, it was
Bridge 18 elaborated a model that enable the areas estimation for each
Extra WC 15 illuminated onboard space according to ship type and
HVAC Room 30 conceptual ship design parameters. The first step of this areas
model was to select ships’ general arrangements covering
Deck Stores, workshops or spare rooms 10
several ship types such as tanker, bulk carrier ship, container
Applying the same principle that applied for supply air, it is ship, and also two RoPax. From these ships types it were
obtained the volumetric flowrates of the fans. To estimate the grouped in cargo ships and RoPax, however, a same principle
power, it is then applied equation (3) for each space flowrate. was applied for all ships analyzed. The second step consisted in
Then it is possible to calculate the coefficients associated to to measure all the accommodation areas. The last step was to
these fans using equation (43). correlate these areas with conceptual design parameters such as
2.5.2.Workshop superstructure total area, number of crew members, number of
A workshop on board is an essential space. To estimate the passengers and POB. From this point, it was conducted on an
power consumption, it was opted to collect some data from average for the cargo ships group and for the RoPax ships group,
manufacturers, performing then an average between the values since it was verified the same magnitude order. After the areas’
collected. It was then considered a constant value of 22 kW in definition and the illuminance level established, it is lacking the
total of these consumers. factors to be applied in equation (47). The depreciation factor is
2.5.3.Laundry defined by the dirt that accumulates inside and outside of
To provide a method to estimate the power associated with the refractors, reflectors, and lamps, resulting in reduction of lumen
ship laundry, it was analyzed some catalogs from common output. This model considers an average of 1.75 which is the
manufacturers, and ship electrical balances. This last analysis middle of the range present before. In turn, the utilization factor
is defined by the incidence of lighting, i.e., whether the light is standard values to be used in electrical load balance estimation,
direct or indirect, in this work was considered 0.55 as direct according with the electrical consumers group: Engine Room,
light in all spaces. Thus, based on experience onboard it was Deck and Superstructure.
opted to use fluorescent tube lamps, since they are the most
common lamps onboard in all locales. With 60 lm/W.
3. Model Validation
Two types of validation were applied on the model. One of them
2.5.6.Electrical Load Balance Development consists of a global validation. This validation is based on the
Afterward the electrical consumers list concluded as well as the ships database, where all the vessels parameters necessary for
nominal power for each consumer modeled, the electrical load the functioning of the model were collected. Afterward, the
balance is analyzed. For this purpose, the ship operating different operating conditions of the ship were compared with
conditions were defined, carrying out an electrical analysis for
the total installed power value on board, also reported in these
each operational condition of the vessel. It was considered the technical journals. The second method consists in a detailed
following operating conditions: validation. The detailed validation was achieved by comparing
1- Navigation: condition in which the ship navigates full
each vessel operating condition values acquired by the model
ahead at its service speed. In this condition, it is and the known ships’ electric load balance values. In this
included all auxiliary services necessary to the normal manner, all parametric input values for the model were collected
navigation operation of the ship, and superstructure through the general arrangements and ship specifications.
crew facilities.
2- Maneuvering: condition since a ship reduces the rated 3.1. 2-Stroke Engines
speed to enter in port until the mooring is complete and For the global validation in which the parametric model was
the main engine stop. It is included all the consumers applied, two reference ships were selected. The ships choice
necessary for the normal navigation condition (at consists in differing the ship type for a better consolidation of
different regime), superstructure crew facilities, the obtained model result. For 2-Stroke engines, it was selected
maneuvering auxiliary equipment, and deck a product carrier tanker ship and a bulk carrier. The observed
equipment such as winches. errors are -8% for tanker ship and -10% for bulk carrier. The
3- Loading and Unloading: condition in which are two detailed validations performed for 2-Stroke engine was
considered all consumers necessary to the normal conducted with two oil tanker ships. The first is aframax tanker
operation of the ship at port and deck auxiliary ship powered by 10760 kW and the second ship is a handysize
equipment for cargo movement (load and unload). tanker with 9600 kW. Table 8 reveals the total values
4- Port: condition in which all machinery solely required corresponding to the ship's operating conditions for the two
for propulsion stopped with exception of fuel tanker ships previously presented.
recirculation systems. It is only considered the Table 8 - Ship operating conditions analysis for 2-Stroke engines
essentials consumers to the ship moored at the port, as
superstructure crew facilities.
These 4 operating conditions chosen are the basic conditions
that any electrical load balance shall cover and enable the
derivation of any other desired. The electrical load balance
model was then constructed following the next organization. It
was first described the groups and consumers, after it was
defined the number of units installed on board and the number
of units in service and finally the power of the consumer
according with each operating condition. *These numbers correspond to the real electrical load balance
To estimate the equipment power consumption in each with exception of all associated thermal oil boiler equipment,
operating condition it was used the equation (48). electrical heating, incinerator, fans of the specific ship type such
as inert gas room fan and cargo pump room fan. The first tanker
𝑃I(085'5(0 = 𝑃S(#50/% × 𝑛𝑟=$)15&$ × 𝑘7 × 𝑘* (48) is equipped with an auxiliary boiler for the respective heating
system of the cargo. This system consumption is more evident
The equipment in service is a dependent variable of the number in the loading and unloading condition and for this reason it was
of installed equipment and the operating condition. In this work decided to not compare. The fourth condition is not present in
it was considered redundancy system for all engine auxiliary the known ship electrical balance and thus it is not possible to
machinery as pumps and compressors, this means that there are compare values.
2 installed but only one operates, with exception for fuel pumps. 3.2. 4-Stroke Engines
For these pumps are considered installed 2 per engine. In The global validation for 4-Stroke engines was performed with
relation to the deck equipment, the installed equipment is an oil tanker, a multipurpose heavy-lift ship and a RoPax. From
defined by the model user and the same equipment is considered these validations, it was observed that the worst case is the
in service. The remaining equipment installed is considered as tanker ship with -20% of error. The second and third ship have
1 and the same in operation. Following (Pater, 2012), the utility errors of -6 and -4 %. The oil tanker presents worst number
factor is defined as the average power during the operation since is a ship that requires a large heating installation to unload
period of time dividing by the peak power of the equipment. the cargo. This heating installation was not modelled in this
%𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 × 𝑡(!$)/'5(0 model. For ships with 4-Stroke engines, the detailed validation
𝑘7 = (49) was performed for one feeder container ship, and two RoPax
100 × 24
ships. The results are shown in Table 9 for the container ship.
The simultaneity factor is defined by the percentage of
consumers that are drive at same time. For this factor definition,
it was followed the standard NBR 7567:1982 that provides
Table 9 - Ship operating conditions analysis for 4-Stroke engines
Container Ship ABS (2016). Crew Habitability on ships. New York. American
Ship Real Estimated Error Bureau of Shipping.
Condition [kW] [kW] [%] ABS (2018). Advisory on exhaust gas scrubber systems.
American Bureau of Shipping.
1 905 920 +2 DNV GL (2017). Rules for Classification and Construction of
2 1,471 1,413 +4 Ships. Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd.
3 467 474 +2 Farad (2020). Fresh water generator. Available from:
4 176 181 +2 https://farad.gr/products/fresh-water-generator/
[Accessed 10 June 2020]
The resulting values for the two RoPax are shown in Table 10 IMO (1974). SOLAS. International Convention for the Safety
Table 10 - Ship operating conditions analysis for 4-Stroke engines of Life at Sea. International Maritime Organization.
IMO (1978). MARPOL. International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships. Available from:
OL/Annex_I/r12.htm [Accessed 22 July 2020]
GL (2016). Rules for Classification and Construction.
ISO 7547:2002 Ships and marine technology- Air- conditioning
and ventilation of accommodation spaces- Design
conditions and basis of calculations. International
*This specific ship electrical load balance presents values for Standards Organization
stern ramps and pilot ramps, hydraulic system, stabilizers, ISO 8864:2001 Air-conditioning and ventilation of wheelhouse
passenger elevators. Thus, the total resulted in 167 kW for on board ships- Design conditions and basis of
maneuvering condition and 84kW for loading/unloading calculations. International Standards Organization.
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