Psychiatry Cases
Psychiatry Cases
Psychiatry Cases
1. History taking in psychiatry 02
6. The patient with anxiety – GAD, agoraphobia, social phobia and panic attacks 33
History taking in psychiatry
Presenting complaint
Family history
o Family history of psychiatric illness, DSH, suicide
o Details of the family members
o Significant events in the family
o Relationship of patient with family members-if relevant
Past psychiatric history – details of previous psychiatric illness and treatment given
Past medical history – specially neurological and endocrine disease and other systemic disease
which could be relevant to drug therapy
Personal history
o Birth and anti natal history-if relevant
o Early development- significant events, illness
o Educational history
o Occupational history
o Relationships, sexual, marital history
o Children
o Social circumstance – living conditions
o Forensic history
o Gyn. History, menstrual history
Drug history
Mental state examination
The mental state examination should be done as early as possible. Try to do this after the history of
presenting complaint. Most of the information required should be gathered in the history itself. The
mental state examination can reflect the patient’s condition within the last 24 hours.
o Rate
o Spontaneous/ not
o Amount
o Volume
o Coherence
o Difficulty in speaking which could reflect a neurological problem- dysphasia,
o Continuity/flow of speech
o Neologisms – New words invented by the patient
o Describe prevailing mood - Subjective and objective assessment
o Fluctuation of mood – labile, blunted/ flattened
o Appropriateness of mood
o Suicidal ideas, homicidal ideas
o Abnormalities of the content of thought
Preoccupations – thoughts that recur frequently but can be controlled
Poverty of thought
Thought block
Loosening of associations
o Illusions – misperception of an external stimulus
o Hallucination – perception experienced on the absence of an external stimulus to a
corresponding sense organ
Cognitive function
o Orientation (time, place, person)
o Attention and concentration ( SERIAL 7S TEST, days of the week forwards and
o Short term memory
o Memory for recent events
o Remote memory
o Intelligence
o Awareness that others think these symptoms are abnormal
o These symptoms are not caused by others
o Acceptance that it is due to a physical/ mental illness
o Awareness that treatment is needed
The patient with psychotic symptoms – Schizophrenia
A 20 year old woman is brought by her family members as she is increasingly getting isolated and is
locking herself up in her room. She admits that she also hears voices telling discussing her actions and
also telling her that she is a very bad person. She does not eat any food prepared at home as she
believes that her family members are poisoning her food.
Keep in mind the age of onset of schizophrenia for males is about 23 years and that for females is about
26 years.
Presenting complaint
1. Describe the presenting complaint in detail and go on to describe the key features of psychotic
illness. For these key symptoms encountered in the history describe the,
Outline of the history Progression
Chronological order of development of symptoms
Describe the Impact on day to day life
presenting complaint
Establish features of
psychotic disease
2. Ask for the key features of psychotic illness. These are,
Exclude D/D
Identify the Disorders of perception
precipitating, Disorders of thought
predisposing and Negative symptoms
perpetuating factors Psychomotor
Poor insight
of the disease
Describe the social
support and living
conditions of the
patient Remember not to use technical terms when describing the
following symptoms. Always describe using the patient’s
own words
Disorders of perception – Ask in detail about the following.
Auditory hallucinations
1st person - The patient admits to hear thoughts spoken out loud as he thinks them or repeats them
immediately after he has thought them. The latter is known as thought echo.
2nd person -The patient hears voices talking to them or commanding them
3rd person- Voices speaking about the patient, commenting about his/her actions, discussing the
Visual hallucinations
Not a typical feature of psychotic disease. However autoscopic hallucinations where the patient sees
himself or herself in external space may occur in psychotic illness.
Disorders of thought – Asking about these is a very important aspect of the history
Persecutory delusions – People or organizations trying to inflict harm on the patient. Family
members poisoning food is an example.
Delusions of reference – objects, events, or actions of other people have special significance for
the patient. For example the patient may believe that items on the television are directly
referring to him.
Delusions of control – Here the patient believes that his thoughts and actions are being
controlled by an outside person or organization
Grandiose delusions – Here the patient believes that he has special powers
Negative symptoms
Under activity
Lack of drive
Social withdrawal
Emotional apathy
Thought disorder
Psychomotor symptoms
Poor insight
3. At the end of this consider the possible D/D. And ask relevant direct questions. Also try to perform a
quick mental state examination at this point. These are,
Schizoaffective disorder – Ask about symptoms of depression and mania
Depression/mania with psychotic symptoms
Delusional disorder – Usually has systematized delusions
Substance abuse – especially about cocaine
Organic brain pathology – TLE, SLE, endocrine disease- Cushing, thyroid, metabolic disease,
Go through the next part of the history and assess the risk both to themselves and others. Ask about
suicidal thoughts. Complete the history with the other components. These are important in
estimating the prognosis.
Past psychiatric history – Ask for past episodes and describe the basic presentation of each. Then the
management, drug side effects, compliance to therapy, ECT and inter episode functional status.
Past medical history – Important to decide the management. Ask about DM, IHD, HT
Personal history and social support for the patient – Give a detailed description. Look for predisposing,
precipitating and persisting factors for the disease. For schizophrenia the following have been identified
as predisposing factors
Describe the social support and living conditions of the patient in detail
Pre morbid personality – Ask for odd beliefs and thinking, belief in supernatural forces
Mental state examination
Appearance and behavior
May be normal
Look for signs of self neglect which may indicate social withdrawal
Look for abnormal movements – Extrapyrimidal side effects of drug therapy
May have variable patterns of behavior
Pressure of speech
Poverty of speech
Describe prevailing mood
Fluctuation of mood – labile, blunted/ flattened
Appropriateness of mood
Suicidal ideas
Abnormalities of thought content
Persecutory, control, thought insertion, withdrawal and thought broadcasting
Abnormality in amount and speed of thought
Pressure of thought – unusually rapid, abundant and varied
Poverty of thought
Thought block
Abnormalities in the flow of thought
Flight of ideas
Loosening of associations
Perseveration – persistent and inappropriate rep. of the same sequence of thought.
Hallucination – auditory, especially 3rd person
Cognitive function – This is important as cognitive function is usually impaired in these patients
o Orientation (time, place, person)
o Attention and concentration ( SERIAL 7S TEST)
o Short term memory
o Memory for recent events
o Remote memory
o Intelligence
Insight – Impaired
Making a diagnosis
Decide prognosis
Emergency management of a restless patient (if necessary)
Early management – Setting, observation and pharmacological
Long term management
Diagnostic criteria
1 or more
o Other persistent hallucinations that occur every day for weeks and associated with
fleeting delusions, persistent overvalued ideas
o thought disorganization
o catatonic
o negative symptoms
o change in personal behavior
If possible classify according to the subtypes. (Not essential. Given below are some salient
features of subtypes of schizophrenia)
Make the decision to admit the patient or not. Admission should be considered especially if there is
Emergency management
Restrain the patient
Pharmacological management
Monitor pulse, respiratory rate, blood pressure and side effects of drug therapy.
Early management
Risperidone – Start with 2mg and increase up to 4mg/d – 6mg/d. Maximum dose is 16mg/d
Olanzapine – 10mg/d and maximum is 20mg
Haloperidol 3-5mg, 2-3 a day. Maximum is 30mg
Before commencing medication basic investigations should be performed such as FBS, FBC,
LFT, lipid profile, urea and electrolytes.
CT scan may be done if a neurological disease is suspected
Antipsychotic drugs
Antiadrenergic effects
Postural hypotension
Inhibition of ejaculation
Other effects
Cardiac arrhythmias
Weight gain and diabetes
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Atypical antipsychotics Risperidone Less extra pyramidal side effects
Olanzapine But can have more metabolic side
Quetiapine effects
Remember that the extra pyramidal symptoms are more with typical antipsychotics. Although
the atypical antipsychotics were thought to have minimal side effects they have endocrine and
metabolic side effects.
Observe for response to medication. If there is no response after 3-4 weeks consider changing
the drug or adding another antipsychotic.
For patients with low compliance depot preparations can be considered in the management.
Some of the available drug preparations are listed below.
o Flupenthixol decanoate
o Fluphenazine decanoate
o Haloperidol decanoate
o Zuclopenthixol decanoate
o Risperidone
Continuing management
Education of the family members and if possible the patient about the disease, drug, side effects
of medication and importance of compliance.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Commence a rehabilitation plan. This should include
Self care skills, social skills training, communication skills, cognitive function improvement,
leisure and recreation, work skills and vocational training and creative skills
Optimize the antipsychotic medication
Plan discharge and follow up.
Follow up
The patient should be followed up at an outpatient clinic initially weekly then once in 2 weeks
and later once a month. The following aspects should be looked into at follow up.
o Side effects, compliance of drug therapy
o Assess response to drug therapy
o Conduct relevant investigations
o Recent life events or current stressors, suicidal or homicidal ideas
o Relevant investigations
o Education
o Supportive treatment
o Social skills
o Rehabilitation progress
o Support
An assessment of the patient can be made with a scale such as the PANSS (Positive And Negative
Symptoms Scale)
Duration of treatment – 1st episode for 2 years, 2nd episode for 5 years and 3rd episode lifetime
Clarify diagnosis
Address co morbidities such as substance abuse
Compliance with medication
Start clozapine. When starting this drug it is extremely important to monitor with FBC as it can
cause fatal agranulocytosis, ECG and Echo for myocarditis, cardiomyopathy.
When starting the patient on clozapine 12.5mg and gradually increase the dose. Maximum dose
900mg. If dose is omitted for 48h the dosing should be started from 12.5 mg.
Monitor WBC weekly for 18 weeks from commencement of therapy. Then once in 2 weeks for
the next year. After this the WBC is monitored once a month. Stop drug if WBC less than 3000
or neutrophill count less than 1500.
Patients on Clozapine are followed up in the Clozapine clinic.
When a patient attends the clozapine clinic the following is carried out
o Measurement of height, weight and BMI
o Measurement of blood pressure
o Assessment of the symptomatology
o Drug compliance and side effects
o Look at the investigations – FBC as necessary, LFT every 6 months, FBS every 6 months,
lipid profile every 6 months to 1 year
o Make modifications of the dose as necessary
o Follow up on the rehabilitation
The patient with low mood - Depression
A 42 year old man presents with difficulty in sleeping over the last 3 months. He also admits that he is
always tired and does not feel like engaging in his day to day activities and has refrained from going to
work during the last few weeks.
Presenting complaint
Then it is important to ask questions related to D/D. Especially when asking the symptoms of depression
relate to day to day life. Also always try to associate these with the effect on day to day life.
Ask for the typical symptoms of depression based on the diagnostic criteria (ICD 10). These are,
o Low mood and diurnal variation of the mood
o Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all or almost all activities most of the
day, nearly every day (anhedonia)
o Reduced energy leading to increased fatiguability and diminished activity, marked
tiredness after slight effort
o Reduced concentration and attention
o Reduced self esteem and self confidence
o Ideas of guilt and unworthiness
o Bleak and pessimistic view of the future
o Ideas or acts of suicide or self harm
o Difficulty in sleeping and waking early morning before the usual time and have
depressive thoughts
o Loss of appetite and associated weight loss (patients may have the opposite)
Other associated symptoms (somatic). Some somatic symptoms overlap with the symptoms given
o Loss of libido
o Lack of emotional reactivity to normally pleasurable surroundings and events
o Agitation and irritability
o Unexplained physical symptoms – headache, abdominal pain, menstrual
Apart from these typical symptoms the patient may also have psychotic symptoms when depression is
severe. Therefore try to ask these in the history.
Note that these are mood congruent psychotic features unlike those in other psychotic disorders
Reaction to stress
Adjustment disorder
Pathological grief
In these disorders there will be a specific triggering stressful event
Depression in BAD
Ask for features of a manic episode previously
Recurrent depressive disorder
Ask for past history of similar episodes. Recurrent depressive disorder is characterized by 2 or
more episodes lasting a minimum of 2 weeks separated by several months.
If this is the diagnosis ask in detail on diagnosis and severity, investigations, management
response to management and drug compliance related to the following
1st episode
Last episode
Number of episodes and duration
This is characterized by chronic depressed mood without fluctuations
Negative symptoms of schizophrenia
Look for features of schizophrenia
Schizoaffective disorder
Should have the diagnostic features of schizophrenia and depression in the same episode
Substance abuse and drug history
Organic pathology
Ask for features of neurological disease, endocrine disease such as hypothyroidism, history of
malignancy and other systemic complaints.
After this describe in detail any risks to the patient or others (suicide and homicide).
Family history
Ask for past episodes of similar symptoms, the treatment given, compliance with the treatment and
inter episode functioning.
Personal history
Use this to identify predisposing, precipitating and maintaining factors of the disease. Also identify the
social support available for the patient.
Parental separation
Relationships with the parents
Abuse as a child
Stressful life events
Life difficulties
May have been a dependent person with poor coping and problem solving skills
Non spontaneous
Poverty of thought
Depressive cognition – This means that the patient has gloomy thoughts about the past, present
and future
Thoughts concerned about the present – The patient sees the unhappy side of every event and
thinks he is a failure at everything he does
Thoughts concerned about the future – He sees a very bad future for himself
Thoughts concerned about the past – Unreasonable guilt and self blame about minor matters
Auditory hallucinations
Olfactory hallucinations – Bad smells
Cognitive decline
The first step in the management is to make a diagnosis based on the ICD 10 criteria. These have
been covered in the history.
o Depressed mood
o Anhedonia
o Lack of energy leading to increased fatigability
Somatic symptoms
Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all or almost all activities most of the day,
nearly every day.
Lack of emotional reactivity to normally pleasurable surroundings and events
Waking 2 hours or more before usual time in the morning
Depression worse in the morning
Objective evidence of psychomotor retardation or agitation
Marked loss of appetite
Loss of 5% or more of body weight in past month
Marked loss of libido
Psychotic symptoms
The next step is to classify depression. This based on severity and presence or absence of
somatic symptoms.
Mild With somatic syndrome 2 of A+ at least 2 of B + at least 4
of somatic symptoms
Without somatic syndrome 2 of A + at least 2 of B
Moderate With somatic syndrome 2 of A + at least 3 of B + at least 4
of somatic symptoms
Without somatic syndrome 2 of A + at least 3 of B
Severe With psychotic symptoms All of A + at least 4 of B +
psychotic symptoms
Without psychotic symptoms All of A + at least 4 of B
Do relevant investigations
Decide on hospital admission. Consider the following
Serious risk of suicide
Serious risk of harm to others
Significant self neglect
Severe depressive symptoms
Psychotic symptoms
Poor social support
Once the patient is admitted monitor behavior, interactions with others, suicidal attempts,
appetite, sleep, symptoms of depression and side effects of drug therapy
Initiate treatment
There are 2 categories of treatment. These are psychotherapy and pharmacological
Mild depression is treated with psychotherapy alone whereas moderate and severe depression
is treated with a combination of psychotherapy and pharmacological therapy.
ECT is also an option for management
Severe episode
Depressive stupor
Side effects of drug therapy
Pharmacological therapy
Choosing an antidepressant
Choice is made based on the following characteristics
o Symptoms
o Safety and side effect profile
o Risk in overdose
o Comorbidities
o Drug interactions
o Availability and cost
Once a drug is started the therapeutic effect begins after about 1-2 weeks. Full effect is reached
after about 6 weeks. From this time drugs are continued up to 6 months after the symptoms
have subsided
The drug of choice in moderate depression is an SSRI. The most commonly used drug is
fluoxetine 20mg mane. This can be increased after 3-4 weeks. Maximum dose is 60mg.
However in severe depression a TCA should be considered in the management
Imipramine is the drug of choice dose – 75mg/d up to 150-200mg/d
Venlaflaxine can also be considered. The dose 75mg/d with the maximum being 375mg/d
When starting an antidepressant start at a low dose and gradually increase.
If there is failure to respond to initial treatment there are several options which can be
o Reconsider the diagnosis
o Increase antidepressant to maximum tolerated dose
o Try different class of antidepressant
o Combination of antidepressants is best avoided due to the risk of serotonin syndrome
o Augmentation therapy with lithium
Initially start the patient on an antipsychotic and then start an antidepressant a few days later
Monitor carefully for side effects
ECT is also an option
Cardio toxicity
Conduction defects Disadvantages
Arrhythmias Anti cholinergic side
Other Cardio toxic- dangerous
Weight gain in overdose
Drowsiness Cognitive impairment
Cognitive dysfunction Weight gain during long
Seizures term use
SSRI Selective inhibition of the Gastrointestinal Advantages
Fluoxetine uptake of serotonin Nausea Less disabling side
Fluvoxamine Loss of appetite effects
Sertraline Dyspepsia Not toxic in overdose
Citalopram Diarrhea
CNS Disadvantages
Headache May not be useful in
Insomnia severe depression
Delayed orgasm
Other Inhibition of the reuptake of Similar to SSRI Advantages
SNRI serotonin and noradrenaline No anti cholinergic side
Venlaflaxine effects
No cognitive
GI and sexual problems
Psychological management
The patient with an elevated mood – Bipolar affective disorder
A 28 year old man is brought by his wife to the ward. She says that he has not slept more than 2 hours a
day for about 3 weeks duration. He has also become extremely irritable and talkative and is spending a
large amount of money on clothes and other personal items.
Presenting complaint
o Onset
o Duration
o Progression
o Impact on day to day life
o Chronological order of development of symptoms
Elevated mood
Increased energy which is usually reflected in symptoms such as over activity, reduced need for
sleep, increased appetite, increased libido and rapid varied thoughts
Increased self esteem which is reflected in excessive optimism, grandiosity, reduced social
Reduced attention/increased distractibility
Tendency to engage in behavior that could have serious consequences, for example spending
recklessly, inappropriate sexual encounters
Irritability, aggression
Marked disruption of work, usual social activities and family life
Ask for psychotic symptoms – Delusions of grandiosity, persecutory delusions
Ask for suicidal/homicidal ideas
Once the symptoms have been described in detail think of the differential diagnosis and ask direct
questions based on them.
Has similar symptoms to mania but these are less prominent. Also do not significantly disrupt
work or lead to social rejection
Bipolar affective disorder
Requires at least 2 episodes with one being hypomanic, manic, mixed or depressive
Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective disorder
Ask for auditory hallucinations and other typical features of schizophrenia
Substance abuse
Hallucinogens, stimulants, opiates
Side effects of drugs
Medical conditions
Thyroid disease, Cushing’s syndrome, SLE, brain tumors
Describe the past episodes of mania/ depression based on the following points.
Family history
Personal history – Take a routine personal history and identify the predisposing, precipitating and
maintaining factors of the disease. Also identify the social supports for the patient
Grandiose ideas, grandiose delusions, persecutory delusions
Flight of ideas
Loosening of associations
Cognitive functions
Usually impaired
Bipolar affective disorder
Manage if restless
Manage presenting episode – Mania/depression
Consider prophylaxis
Long term managment
Proper assessment – Make a proper diagnosis, assess the severity, identify the predisposing,
precipitating and maintaining factors of the disease and the social supports available to the
ICD – 10 criteria for diagnosis
Treat the current episode
Continuation treatment
Continue antipsychotics for about 2-3 months and tail off over 2 weeks
Continue lithium for about 6 months and tail off once the patient has been asymptomatic for
about 8 weeks
This can be challenging as there is a risk of precipitating a manic episode or inducing a rapidly cycling
mood disorder.
Immediate management
Any patient who has had at least 2 episodes in the last 5 years
Lithium overdose
Early signs and symptoms
Marked tremor, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea with associated dehydration and
Late symptoms
Severe neurological manifestations – Restlessness, myoclonic jerks, choreoathetoid movements,
hypertonicity and progression up to coma
Cardiovascular manifestations – Hypotension and cardiac arrhythmias
Identify precipitating events
Stop the drug and immediately come to hospital
Patient education
Follow up
The patient with anxiety
Presenting complaint
Ask for associated psychological symptoms such as fear, irritability, restlessness, worrying
thoughts and poor concentration
Ask for physical symptoms such as palpitations, chest discomfort, and difficulty in breathing,
tremor, and muscle tension.
The key feature is that these symptoms will be out of proportion to the stimulus and also the
patient will be extremely concerned about them.
Also ask about secondary fears of dying, losing control or going mad
Agoraphobia Social phobia
Anxiety is restricted to Anxiety is restricted to social situations
crowds, public places, travelling away from such as speaking in public, attending public
home and travelling alone events, speaking with the opposite sex
Anxiety is reduced when accompanied by a Associated with low self esteem, a fear that
trusted companion he/she will be criticized by others and that
they are being continuously observed by
Avoidance of the phobic situation others
Anticipatory anxiety They may also have a fear that they will
Panic attacks
Avoidance of the situation
Isolated phobias
If the anxiety is not situational consider GAD or panic disorder
In GAD the patient has symptoms of anxiety most days for at least several weeks at a time, and
usually for several months
In panic disorder there are recurrent attacks of severe anxiety with the patient being relatively
symptom free between attacks
Exclude other D/D
o Reaction to stress – Acute stress reaction
o Anxiety occurring secondary to major psychotic illness – Ask a few symptoms of mood
disorders and schizophrenia
o OCD – Ask for a few features of OCD
o Substance misuse – This may trigger anxiety or an anxious person may consume alcohol
for relief from his symptoms
o Medical illness
o Drugs for medical illness
Describe the severity of these symptoms and how it affects the patient’s day to day life
Family history
Personal history
Childhood experiences
Relationships – These should be well described if social phobia is suspected
Look for predisposing, precipitating and maintaining factors
Pre morbid personality
Coping skills
Social interactions
Self confidence
Anxious-avoidant personality
Apart from this if social phobia is suspected look for the following
Excessively high standards for social performance
Negative belief about the self
Excessive monitoring of his/her performance in social situations
Do a routine MSE.
Panic disorder
Pharmacological management
SSRI is the drug of choice at a dose of 20-60mg/day. However TCA such as imipramine or
clomipramine can be used for the management
BDZ (alprozolam, clonazepam) can be used as a short course for 1-2 weeks until the
antidepressant takes effect
Continue medication for about 1 year
Cognitive techniques
These are used to alter the cognitions of
Fear of fear
Fear of symptoms
Fear of negative evaluation in patients with social phobia
The patient with obsessions and compulsions - OCD
A 2o year old girl presents with recurrent thoughts of being dirty or unclean. Due to these thoughts she
spends about 5 hours in the shower. She has a particular order of showering which must be followed.
She knows that these thoughts are abnormal and feels anxious and distressed about it.
Given the above presenting complaint it is likely that this patient has obsessions and compulsions. The
1st priority in the history is to establish the basic features of an obsession.
The next step would be to establish the type of obsessional symptoms the patient has
Obsessional thoughts – These can be based on various themes such as dirt and contamination,
orderliness, sexual practices. (This patient has obsessional thoughts based on dirt and
Obsessional rumination – Internal debates in which arguments for and against even the
simplest actions are reviewed endlessly
Obsessional doubts – Repeated worrying themes where the patient is uncertain about previous
actions. For example whether he has closed the tap or turned off the lights.
Obsessional impulses – Repeated urges to carry out actions, usually actions which are
aggressive, dangerous or socially embarrassing. For example the urge to harm his child, jump in
front of the train, to stab another person). The person has no wish to carry out the impulses and
does not act on them.
These impulses may lead to obsessional phobia. An example of this is a patient with an
obsessional impulse to stab a person with a knife may cause a person to be afraid of going to the
Performed in a stereotyped way
In response to an obsession and can be connected or not connected, the person may get a
temporary relief of the obsession
The patient recognizes this behavior to be irrational and tries to resist
Checking rituals – For example checking again and again if the tap is closed
Cleaning rituals
Counting rituals
Dressing rituals – The patient lays out clothes or puts them on in a particular way or order
(In the case given above the patient’s compulsion is a cleaning ritual in response to her obsessional
thought of dirt and contamination)
After the obsessions and compulsions in the patient are well described it is important to describe the
progression of the symptoms over time. Also ask about any triggering factors
The next step is to explain in detail using the history the effect of these symptoms on the day to day
activities of the person. Especially features of anxiety and depression due to these symptoms.
The next step in the history is to exclude certain differential diagnosis in patients with obsessions and
Diagnosis Features
OCD At least 2 weeks of genuine obsessions and
Depressive disorder Obsessive-compulsive symptoms occur
simultaneously with, or after the onset of
depressive features.
Also these obsessions and compulsions are mood
Schizophrenia Presence of other features of schizophrenia
Other D/D
Anxiety disorders
Personality disorder
Hypochondriacal disorders
Family history
Personal history
Obsessional personality
Patient education
Behavioral therapy – Exposure with response prevention using a hierarchy of events
Cognitive therapy – Seeks to reduce the attempts to suppress and avoid the obsessional
Clomipramine – 25mg/d increased over 2 weeks to 100-150mg/d
SSRI – Fluoxetine 20mg mane
Benzodiazepines to relieve anxiety
The patient with a reaction to a stressful event
Identify and describe the stressful event in detail. Describe what the patient says and put them in a
chronological order
Think of the D/D and ask for the relevant symptoms
Management of grief and bereavement
Stage Features
Stage 1 Denial, disbelief
Hours to days Numbness
Stage 2 Waves of grief, guilt
Weeks to months Blame on others
Anxiety symptoms
Disturbed sleep, diminished appetite
Somatic complaints
Social withdrawal
Stage 3 Readjustment, acceptance
Can take about 6 months
The person in stage 3 can switch into stage 3 on anniversaries and other important events of the
deceased person’s life. This is known as an anniversary reaction
Abnormal grief
It is prolonged
If it is abnormally intense and meet the criteria of a depressive episode or the patient has
suicidal ideas
Prolonged grief more than 6 months
Delayed grief – When the 1st stage does not appear until more than 2 weeks after the death
Inhibited or distorted grief – Marked hostility, over activity and extreme social withdrawal
The patient with unexplained weakness – Dissociative disorder
Presenting complaint
The patient will be usually referred from a medical ward for weakness of the limbs.
Neurological disease
Dissociative disorder – Ask for a recent stressful event, problems or disturbed relationships
Factitious disorder
Mental State Examination
Look for la belle indifference – Here the patient will not seemed troubled by his/her weakness or
Hold your hand under the weak limb and ask the patient to extend the other leg off the bed against
resistance. If you feel pressure from the weak heel, the weakness is likely organic. If no pressure is felt,
the patient is likely suffering from non-organic limb weakness.
The patient with decline of cognitive function - Dementia
A 69 year old man presents with problems of memory and disorganized behavior for the last few
Ask the details of this memory impairment. What exactly does the patient forget?
o Ask about retention of new information such as newly learned names addresses and
telephone numbers.
o Forgetting names, places, appointments, daily household activities, self care, taking
medicines etc.
o Ask about long term memory – Can he remember important events in his life?
Loss of orientation
Personality and behavioral change
Ask for restlessness, waking at night, aggression, wandering, decline of self care
Ask if the patient has difficulty in recognizing familiar objects such as clothing, faces, and familiar
places. The patient may admit that he has trouble finding his way home
Ask if the patient has difficulty in carrying out skilled motor activities such as dressing himself.
Also ask for impairment of calculation and writing skills
Also ask for associated psychiatric symptoms. Ask about the mood as depression can be
associated. Ask for delusions especially on a persecutory theme and hallucinations.
Exclude D/D and establish a diagnosis of dementia. Do a quick mental state examination at this point
especially an assessment of the cognitive function.
Amnesic syndromes
Depression with pseudo dementia
Delirium Dementia
Acute onset Insidious onset
Fluctuating Chronic progressive course
Impaired consciousness Consciousness intact
Thinking disorganized Thinking impoverished
Disorders of perception common Rare
Alertness impaired Alert
Amnesic syndromes may be excluded as they do not have alteration of other cognitive functions
apart from memory.
Depression with pseudo dementia is difficult to exclude.
Once a diagnosis of dementia is likely the next step in the history is to determine the cause. Given
below are possible causes. Most points have been covered in the history earlier.
Following stroke
Inflammatory and autoimmune –SLE and other vasculitis with CNS involvement
Traumatic – Ask for history of repeated head injury
Infections -HIV, Neurosyphillis. Therefore ask for history of sexually transmitted disease
Neoplastic – Brain tumors- Ask for early morning headache, vomiting and visual disturbances
Metabolic and endocrine -Organ failure, Hypothyroidism, Vitamin B12 deficiency, chronic
alcohol abuse
Other - Normal pressure hydrocephalus – Ask for incontinence and difficulty in walking.
Appearance and behavior – Look for signs such as self neglect, restlessness, abnormal behavior
and disinhibition
Speech – Look for decreased language skills which are a typical feature of dementia
Mood – Look for associated depression
Thought – Look for persecutory delusions
Perception – Hallucinations
Extended cognitive functions
Frontal lobe
Speech and verbal fluency
Digit span test
Abstract reasoning
Parietal lobe
Dominant hemisphere
Non dominant hemisphere
Temporal lobe
Blood investigations – FBC, ESR, Urea and electrolytes, serum creatinine, liver function tests, thyroid
function tests, VDRL, HIV screening
Outline of management
Care giver education and support
Non pharmacological management
Pharmacological management
o Keep pictures which remind the person of friends and family and important events at
various places in the house
Behavioral management
Pharmacological management should be started by a specialist. There are several options. These
drugs are only used if a clear diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is made
AChEI – Donepezil, Rivastigmine (Can only be used if the MMSE is greater than or equal to 12.
NMDA receptor partial antagonist memantine can be given at MMSE 3-14
Dose of Rivastigmine – 1.5mg/bd increased in steps of 1.5mg up to 3-6mg/bd. Can cause GI side
The patient with alcohol use problems
Presenting complaint and history of presenting complaint – The patient may present with a
medical or surgical condition related to abuse of alcohol or with an alcohol induced psychiatric
disorder. Therefore describe this event in detail.
History of drinking
o When did the patient start? Also state the duration that the patient has been consuming
o Type of alcohol
o Why did he start to drink?
o Amount and frequency over time
o Any change in the type of alcohol consumed?
o Why did the patient continue to take alcohol?
Do an extensive systemic review and past medical history to identify co morbidities
Social problems
Violence at home, emotional and conduct disorders in children, effects on relationships, work
place, legal and financial problems
Willingness to change and goals
Past history of interventions done and the outcome of these interventions
Other substance use
Personal history and social support
History of childhood problems
Forensic history – i.e. driving under the influence of alcohol
Pre morbid personality
Look for an anxious personality, low self esteem and self confidence, poor coping skills in day to
day life, antisocial personality, impulsive.
Also leisure activities, religious and moral values
Mental state examination
Slurring of speech
Subjective and objective assessment. Look for associated depression
Suicidal ideas
Attitudes on taking alcohol
Persecutory delusions
Delusions of jealousy
Hallucinations – Alcoholic hallucinosis
Cognitive functions
Orientation may be impaired due to withdrawal and Wernicke- Korsakoff syndrome
Short term memory may be impaired due to Wernicke – Korsakoff syndrome
Multiple losses of cognitive function may indicate alcohol induced dementia.
Make a proper assessment based on the history and examination and identify
o Is there a problem?
o How severe is the problem? – features of alcohol dependence
o Identify associated physical and psychological co morbidities
o State of change of the patient. (Pre contemplation, contemplation etc.)
o Resources for change
Consider use of the brief intervention. This is not useful in severe cases of alcohol misuse i.e. in
alcohol dependence. The main components are
Motivational interviewing
In more severe cases the technique of motivational interviewing is used. The principles are as follows.
o Develop a change in the patient based on the advantages and disadvantages of his
o Support self efficacy
o Move the client through the cycle of change
Usually the patient will be in the state of pre contemplation or contemplation. Given below are the
specific points which should be stressed during the interview
Advantages Disadvantages
o Reinforce and strengthen the commitment to change and improve self efficacy
o Help the patient devise a plan to change
Identify what has and what has not worked previously
Identify the internal and external triggers for the behavior such as mood,
special occasions and celebrations
Seek the patients idea about strategies for avoiding or dealing with triggers and
replacing the benefits brought on by the undesired behavior
Suggest social support, self reward, environmental change as possible helpful
Advise the patient to use available social support
Go through the plan with the patient and understand strengths and
weaknesses of the plan
o Arrange follow up
o Decide setting
Outpatient: Uncomplicated alcohol withdrawal
Patient living close to the hospital
Good family and social support
o Observation and monitor pulse rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure
o Also observe sleep, appetite, behavior, suicidal attempts
o Ensure proper hydration
o Proper nutrition and vitamin supplementation-Thiamine 100mg IM for 4 days then 10mg/ day
orally for 3 months
o Look for clinical features of withdrawal – prodromal features and features of delirium tremens
o Chlordiazepoxide fixed dose regimen – dose depends on the patient, tail off over 7 days
otherwise the patient can develop dependence.
o The dose can also be calculated based on a formal scale such as the CIWA scale. But this is not
usually done
o Manage other complications as necessary
Seizures – benzodiazepines
Psychosis – haloperidol 5-10mg oral
Maintenance with counseling, problem solving skills, relaxation training, anger management,
group therapy. This is done at institutions such as Mal Medura.
Pharmacological treatment to maintain alcohol abstinence
Acamprosate – Dose 666mg 3 times daily. Can cause GI side effects.
Follow up
o Review the effectiveness of the plan and critically review the strengths and
o Modify the plan as necessary
The patient with use of illicit drugs
o When did the patient start? Also state the duration that the patient has been using the
o Type of substance and route of administration
o Method of administration
o Why did he start to use the substance
o Amount and frequency over time
o Describe the use in terms of money spent
o Periods of abstinence in the past and why?
o Any change in the type of substance or any other substances consumed?
o Why did the patient continue to use the substance
Complications due to use of the substance
o History of overdose
o Hepatitis B and C
o Infective endocarditis
o Local infection
Family history
Family history of drug use/ alcohol problems, psychiatric illness
Personal history
Was anyone in the family a drug addict?
Childhood experiences with substance abuse
Education level
Relationships with the family members
Sexual relationships
Problems in the family
Forensic history
Was he in prison for use and possession of illicit drugs?
Do a routine MSE especially with the aim of identifying substance induced psychiatric symptoms and
also coexisting problems such as depression.
Motivational interviewing based on the state of change model by Prochaska and Diclemente
Treatment setting
Look for physical complications of drug therapy
Psychological therapy
Heroin Cocaine Cannabis
Active substance and Opioid. Blocks reuptake of 9-delta-
mechanism of action Acts through stimulation dopamine into pre tetrahydrocannibinol
of the opioid receptors synaptic terminal
Methods of use Oral, inhalational, Inhalational, parenteral Inhalational
Effects Euphoria, analgesia Increased energy, Mild euphoria, sense of
Nausea, vomiting, euphoria, grandiosity, enhanced well being,
constipation disinhibition, paranoid relaxation
Constipation psychosis with violent
Dependence behavior Anxiety, depressive illness
Feeling as if bugs are Can precipitate an episode
crawling under the skin of schizophrenia
Can cause arrhythmias,
myocarditis and
cerebrovascular disease
Withdrawal features Intense craving for the After acute use
substance, sweating, Anhedonia, fatigue,
dilated pupils, anxiety, hypersomnolence
hypertension, After prolonged use
piloerection, rhinorrhea, Intense craving for the
abdominal cramps, and drug, depression, suicidal
nausea and vomiting. ideation
Disturbance of
temperature control
Management Follow general principles Follow general principles Follow general principles
Management of
Deliberate self harm
This will usually be a referral from a medical ward after ingestion of organophosphates, kaneru seeds or
pharmacological substances such as paracetamol
Describe the precipitating event for the act in detail – i.e. After a broken love affair
How did the patient react to this event? Describe the details up to the point of the actual
suicidal act
Look for features of psychiatric illness during this period – depression, stress reaction
Evaluate the actual suicidal intent. The points are given below
Ask about circumstances related to the event
o Degree of planning
o Suicide note
o Any final acts carried out by the person in response to death
o Precautions against discovery and/or intervention
o Communication of intent before act
o Acting to gain help before or during the intervention
o Isolation
o Timing of event
o Purpose of the event
Also ask on
o Expectations regarding the fatality of the act
o Conception on the lethality of the method
o Seriousness of the attempt
o Ambivalence towards living
o Conception of reversibility
o Degree of premeditation
Evaluate the further risk of suicide
o Ask if the patient still believes he should end his life
o Look for the presence of psychiatric illness – Depression, psychotic illness
o Ask for further stressors
Past history of psychiatric illness
Substance use
Personal history
The main objective of this is to highlight any predisposing, precipitating and maintaining factors
Childhood stressors
Relationships with parents
Education level
Marriage and other relationships
Work place
Financial status
It is very important to evaluate and describe the social support available to the patient
Coping skills
Social interactions
Self confidence
Religious beliefs
Do a detailed assessment using the history and mental state examination. This assessment
should give the following details
Suicidal intent of the act – Use a suicidal intent scale such as Beck’s suicidal intent scale
Present state of suicidal ideation
Current problems
Is there a psychiatric disorder?
The resources of the patient – both personal and social support