Tenses B2
Tenses B2
Tenses B2
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11/8/22, 7:56 AM Test English - Prepare for your English exam
We use the present perfect continuous with dynamic verbs for situations that started in the past and still continue when we want to
emphasise how long the situation has lasted.
I have been waiting for hours! (=I want to emphasise that I’ve been waiting for a long time).
I couldn’t do the dishes. I’ve been working all day.
We use the present perfect simple for finished actions in the past, and the present perfect continuous for situations (happening from the
past till now) that may or may not have finished.
Who has eaten my cookies? (=We would say this if there are no cookies left)
Who has been eating my cookies? (=We would say this if there are some cookies left)
I’ve been watching the series you recommended. I’ll tell you about it when I finish watching it.
I’ve watched the series you recommended. I watched the last episode yesterday.
We can use both present perfect simple or continuous for recent actions with a present result, but we use the present perfect simple
when the present results come from having finished the action, and we use the present perfect continuous when the present results come
from the process of performing the action (which may or may not have finished).
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