Part II.
Vol. III.-3. 1.
distant views to be considered, slight like a real deer, and his suburban heart
elevations to be preferred for dryness, will swell with pride at his achieve-
clumps of trees to be used as much to ments.
advantage as possible, unexpected The true principle is to work for gen-
pieces of information as to accidents eral effect. Groupings everywhere with
of soil that may be of great value. a definite view to a general grouping.
In hilly or rocky country it is of Trees in clumps, or groves or avenues,
course all-important, this business of rarely in straight lines or equal spac-
placing the house in just the right posi- ings. Groups of groups, showing con-
tion, terracing out here, where the trasts perhaps of foliage or shape or
steepness of the slope makes walking both. Shrubs always in clumps, the
inconvenient, or where the view and smaller the grounds the more impera-
aspect tempt us to linger in the open tive this is. In general stiff and formal
air. In forming our conception of the arrangements need a very large scale
immediate surroundings of the house, to make them acceptable. A straight
there are two extremes of landscape walk half a mile long with flat walls of
architecture. On one hand, there is the clipped foliage on each side may be
polished beauty of the artificial land- magnificent, where one fifty feet long
scape of the Italian villa; on the other, would be ridiculous.
the picturesque beauty of untouched So with architectural incidents, vases,
nature. statues, pavilions, they must be good in
The possibilities of landscape gar- themselves, and properly grouped with
dening are hardly known in this surroundings this usually cannot be
most part, we are fond rather of the have ample field, let us see that our
wildness of nature, possibly because statues are of marble, stone or bronze,
we have so much wildness of nature to with background of foliage or sky not ;
be fond of. Even in the wildness of cast-iron, with the family wash for a
nature there is a choice and in the land- background.
scape of art there are differences in the Practical considerations in the site
beauty of the results. The same prin- are of as much importance as aesthetic.
ciples lie at the bottom, whether we Is the soil rocky, or clayey or sandy ;
have to choose a natural treatment or the last much the most easily managed;
to construct an artificial one. Usually, the two former needing more or less
we must adopt a middle course, partly care and usually giving more or less
adopting existing natural features, trouble. The trouble is from water
partly enhancing these by our own that in rock or clay drains into any ex-
efforts. The fundamental principle in cavation we may make and stays there.
planting or grading, or any out-of-door From sand veins or other fissure in a
operation is to treat everything as parts clay soil, from minute crevices which
of a whole and not merely as separate
always occur in rock the water perco-
objects. The suburban artist for the latesand settles around our cellar wall,
most part takes an opposite course. I gradually rising until the hydrostatic
will plant a weeping elm
here, he says, pressure is sufficient to force it through
because I think a weeping elm is very almost anything that we may put to
graceful ;here I will put a maple and keep it out.
here a liquidambar so that I may have It is indeed possible to build a cellar
red leaves in autumn, and so on. The that will stand such a test and it is
result is that his lawn is spotted often done in cities, with the aid of
with unrelated specimens, each sur- and flagstones and inverted
rounded by a neatly cultivated circle brick-arch cellar bottoms, but in a
of earth. Somewhere among these he moderate country house, such as we
will place a cast-iron vase or are likely to build, the cost puts it out
or perchance a deer, painted to look of the question Our only course is
in the form of a
drainage trench slop- away so fast through the sand that it
ing away from the house to wherever has no tendency to penetrate the walls.
we can find an outlet at a lower level. I have seen a perfectly dry cellar in a
There is little difficulty in
doing sandy soil with only eight-inch brick
this in but a cellar
rolling country, walls and no protective covering at all.
dug in heavy soil or rock in a level Even in sandy soil it is best, however,
country is sure to give trouble and is to put a coat of coal-tar roofing
better if avoided entirely. cement asphaltum it is called but it is
Sometimes in addition to the broken not taking care not to leave any un-
stone around the outside of the cellar covered spaces when it is swabbed on.
Before this, when first ground
is broken, we must see whether
the top soil is worth saving,
and whether we shall have any
use for it. If we are going to
set our house well out of the
ground, and deposit the earth
out of the cellar around it,
forming a slight artificial eleva-
tion, we shall need some soil to
cover the bank of fresh earth ;
the appearance of a rough stone wall burrow downwards until they reac i
is most pleasing. But if stone cannot be the projecting shelf when they relin-
easily got we must use brick, and we quish their attempts, their intellects
shall do well to use the hardest brick not being capable of picturing th3
we can find. Brick are classed as hard situation further.
and soft, according to their position in The cost of footings, coal-tarrinj ,
the clamp when they are burned. broken stone filling and such measun s
Those nearest the fire are often black- is increased by the necessity of digging
ened, sometimes twisted out of shape, a larger excavation than would othe -
but always much harder than those wise be necessary.
more distant from the fire. Houses So we have fairly started with 01 r
have been wholly built at times with cellar wall, standing it on the groun 1,
very much blackened and distorted a thing which seems to surprise mar y
brick with a very picturesque effect. people. Do you really stand yoi r
For cellars they are much to be pre- buildings right on the ground? I ha^ e
ferred and for all constructional work often been asked by the uninitiate
where hardness and strength are apparently under the impression th t
needed. piles or something of that sort wou
Whether of brick or stone the wall be the proper thing.
usually begun by what is called a To return to our cellar wall whi<
footing course of large, flat stone, we an unfinished condition. V
left in
somewhat wider than the wall itself; will build it, of course, with ceme i
or, in the case of brick walls, four or mortar, the advantage being that it t
five of the first courses are laid with a far less permeable to water than i
The peculiarity of these hydraulic the home of the Southern yellow pine,
limes, as they are called, is that they that is generally used for everything ;
will not slack like ordinary quicklime, in other Southern states, as far north
but have to be tediously ground to as Virginia, the so-called North Caro-
powder. Finally a limestone was dis- lina pine is used. Hereabouts white
covered which, when burned and ground pine was once frequent and is, when
and mixed into mortar with sand and available, a very admirable wood for
water, set so quickly and so hard that the heaviest truss work or the most
it was classed no
longer as lime, but was delicate carving it is becoming too
called cement the celebrated Roman expensive now for general use.
cement of former days, though little In place of it spruce is commonly
used now. So great was its success at used, a good enough material, its chief
the time that attempts were made to fault being a disposition to twist in dry-
imitate it by artificial mixtures culmin- ing. I have seen a ten by ten-inch
ating in the invention of Portland ce- post about ten feet long twisted so
ment, so-called, not from the place of much that the top stood with its sides
manufacture, but because it was used at angles of forty-five degrees with
to imitate Portland stone. The essence those of the foot, quite an eighth turn
of the invention was the mixing of a in the length. Hemlock is used in some
certain proportion of clay with ordinary places almost exclusively. It is good
limestone before it was burned, and enough for ordinary house construction,
burning clay and limestone together. although too brittle for heavy work it ;.
Simple enough in principle, but astonish- has a pinkish tinge and peculiar pleas-
ing in its results. Without cement the ant smell, by which it is easily recog-
hydraulic engineering of to-day would nized.
be impossible, nor would eight or ten- On the whole we judge it best, as is
story buildings be practicable, not to frequently done, to make the posts,
mention those of fifteen or twenty sills, plates and floor beams, and per-
stories. haps also the rafters of spruce, using
Since then various natural cement hemlock for the filling-in studs and in-
stones have been found, our Rosendale terior partition work all of which is
cement, the most familiar to us in New Chaldee to the beginner, but simple
York but in all the principal compo- enough after you know, like most
disposed of the mason-work for the braced framing, the second balloon
present, for it is a frame house that we framing. Each has its advantages.
have chosen for our example. In either the starting point of the whole
While the cellar walls have been in is the sill, a line of timbers running
progress the timber for the rest of the around the whole outline of the ground
house has been arriving upon the plan of the house, securely fastened
ground and the carpenters have been together at the angles, halved together
at work preparing it. usually and usually four by six or four
by eight inches of course in size. with the word sheathing, which the
Upon braced frame stand
this in the carpenter calls sheeting. I never quite
the posts at the corners and perhaps know what to do usually vary my
As soon as the sheathing is on, the the exterior the outside finish and
window frames are set in place. These gutters are put on.
are usually "box frames," that is, pro- As soon as the outside framing is
vided with a pocket or box for the done, and while the operations so far
weights required by the ordinary "guil- described have been in progress the
lotine "sash. There are various little framing of the floors has been done and
the rough
refinements, known to the architect but the partitions set upon
not to the owner, in these constructions: under floors.
The vertical pieces called pulley styles
may be of Georgia pine, oiled instead
of painted, because paint is sure to be
rubbed off by the sliding sash, the part-
ing bead may be of the same ;
may be introduced a "hanging parting
strip" to keep the weights from strik-
ing against each other, or all of these
things may be dispensed with and the
whole built of white pine painted, which
is the ordinary method, and quite good
X's. These also stiffen the beams But now we must have floors bare, or
very much; not that they add capable of being bared, if Comstock
to the strength really, but they will pardon the expression. So it has
prevent one beam bending independ- come about that we now lay a rough
ently compel the adjoining beams to floor first, upon which stand the parti-
receive a part of the weight that may tions, and upon which all of the
be placed upon any one beam. This plastering and rough work is done ;
cross-bridging is one of the few devices then, after all else is finished, a
that add very much to the quality of a grooved and tongued floor, of nar-
building and do not add to the cost ap- row boards, the narrower the bet-
preciably, so we need not spare, but ter and the more expensive, and be-
may put lines of cross-bridging about tween this and the rough floor, by
six feet apart everywhere. The fram-
ing of the floor beams is made
necessary where openings for any
purpose are required in the floors,
as for stairways, registers, and for
chimney stacks to pass through.
Naturally the cross beam on which
the others rest, called the "header,"
must be proportionately stronger ;
or more frequently two by four inches and carpenters are very apt to damage
upon both sides of which laths these by accident they are best put
in size, ;
are nailed and the plastering upon inside the partitions out of the way,
each side completes it. Often, even in but in case of necessity may be put
good houses, these studs stand directly into grooves in the rough plaster, or
upon the rough floor, but it is better to may be carried behind mouldings or in
let them stand upon a stud laid horizon- angles.
tally; there is a partition head of a simi- When the plastering begins the house
lar stud at the top and the vertical studs is handed over for a month or more to
are simply nailed top and bottom. a deluge of filly mud.
Some kind of filling-in for partitions The period of plastering is always a
ismuch to be desired but none is usual. tedious and uninteresting hiatus in the
The open spaces are very objection- construction of a building. Each coat
able, both in the outside walls and in there are usually three of them re-
the inside partitions; they transmit quires some days to dry before the next
sound, are the usual cause of destruc- can be put on altogether a month
tive fires, and make a delightful retreat passes during which the building is an
for rats and mice. The only available unpleasant thing to superintend.
remedy that 1 know of would be to fill Much of all this can be avoided by
in solid between the studs with mineral using Windsor cement, or other of the
wool although the weight would often
recently brought-out hard plasters ;
be an objection and the cost, used so these set quickly and shorten the job
lavishly, might forbid. Some kind of of plastering to a quarter of what it
very light porous blocks, made just to else would be.
fit between the studs and plastered These are made now at a price that
upon direct might be devised, but is brings them as low as common plaster,
not used perhaps, too, such a filling
so that many plasterers are willing to
might induce dry-rot in the studs. The put on the improved plaster without
most available alleviation is a filling-in increase of price.
of bricks and mortar between the studs, Hard plaster requires skillful hand-
three or four courses deep; probably ling. Sharing some of the qualities of
mineral wool to the depth of eight or plaster of Paris, it sets with great
ten inches would be as good. rapidity, so that, contrary to the prac-
Before the plastering begins, too, we tice with lime and sand plaster, it
must see that the iron waste pipes for must be mixed in small quantities
the plumbing are in place, unless they and put on at once. Country plasterers
are to be exposed outside the plaster, especially, being by nature "agin"
on the whole a better method; the gas new-fangled notions, are loth to do
pipes must be in and conduits for elec- anything otherwise than as they have
tric wiring, if we are to have anything been accustomed to do, and are apt to
of the kind; speaking tubes, and tubes let the Windsor cement set before it is
for mechanical bells or wires for elec- applied; then they try to "temper it
tric bells, or, better than either, pipes up with more water and of course fail
for pneumatic or air-bells must be put to make a satisfactory job. When a
in place. plasterer can be found who understands
These pneumatic bells, where me- it and is willing to use it this invention
chanics who understand them can be of hard plaster is one of the most im-
found to put them in place, are most portant of recent improvements in the
convenient. They operate by a push- building art.
button, as does an electric bell, and In Western cities, where local preju-
transmit the impulse through a small dice against new methods is not so
leaden tube to the more or less distant strong, I have seen beautiful plaster-
bell. There is no bother about renew- ing and much cheaper than usual. It
ing batteries, but they work well for was done with a single coat of brown
years without any attention whatever. mortar, troweled to a smooth surface
The delicate lead pipes are the only and with no finishing coat, nothing but
point that requires care, as plasterers a coat of distemper color, commonly
called calcimine, the walls in one tint, afforded hardly anything gives us a
the ceiling in another. I have tried better opportunity than the plastering,
more than once to have such work done although the heavily-moulded cornices
here and have uniformly failed, be- and stock pattern centerpieces of the
cause nothing would induce the plaster- past have been discarded, delicate re-
ers to regard the first coat as other than naissance friezes, or even elaborately
a rough coat, or to bring it to the sculptured figure groups, if placed well
necessary smoothness of finish. before the fracture line, may be ad-
If richness of ornament can be mirably done in plaster.
Lor4 Alfred Watcrhouse, Architect.
log cabin. Half of our most self- plaster of mud, and erected his chim-
assertive statesmen have lived in just ney, composed sometimes of stones
such structures, and a great many of if they were abundant but some-
our millionaires were cradled in log times, also, of sticks, the builder
cabins, if it can be literally said that thought himself in the possession of a
they had cradles. So nearly universal shelter fit for the habitation of any
is the knowledge of the
log cabin that first settler. Nevertheless, there were
any attempt at describing its structural more ambitious examples of log build-
features must be regarded as reminis- ing. There were houses constructed
cent rather than newly instructive. of hewn logs, and, after having
The log cabin, it will be remembered, been carried to an elevation of two
was constructed mainly of unhewn logs stories and provided with roofs, the in-
cut from the forest in suitable lengths, teriors were sub-divided by partitions
and dragged to the building site, and made suitable for the use of large
usually on the edge of a clearing, by a families. The rooms, too, lathed and
Vol. III. 3. 2.
plastered, were decorated with mantels ing a question as to which of the two
and more or less elaborate window companions can show the quickest
and door casings. As to ihe exteriors, paces and the longest endurance. But
they were clapboarded, and, when pro- this is not a peculiarity of the United
vided with cornices, porches or ver- States. The match between civiliza-
andas, they exposed as few of the tion and barbarism has been made in
features of the log cabin as any allcountries, and we are distinguished
town or suburban dwelling constructed above other nations only in having
of wood. But these examples only given the barbarian the fairest oppor-
illustrated a developing civilization. tunities for the development of his
They indicated a step in the evolution indiosyncrasies, and the best chance to
of architecture in America. But they win. In some other countries the bar-
were chiefly valuable in illustrating barian builders are strangled but in ;
psychological phenomena. They de- this country they are often promoted
monstrated the difficulty men have in along with the barbarian statesmen.
escaping from even the log cabin with- To reverse the sacred dictum, then,
out following the regular channels of which reads, " as it was in the beginning
evolution. They had little structural so it is now and ever will be," and to
significance, however, and are hardly make it read, " as it is now so it was in
to be classed among our beginnings. the beginning," we may trace the line
The proprietors of such structures backward and find that this country
would have been affronted had they has never been altogether barbarian in
been suspected of living in log houses. architecture, notwithstanding the log
The true beginning of American cabin. Men came to the American con-
architecture was the one room and one- tinent when it was first offered for
story log cabin, sometimes containing settlement from many different climes,
a garret under a peaked roof, reached and the forces of several rival nations
by a ladder, but often, also, not con- contended here for control. England,
tributing even this much to domestic France, and Holland sent the echoes
convenience. Simple curtains of some of their artillery along the wooded
coarse fabric, or home-made blankets, shores of our seas and rivers, and even
sub-divided the interiors into sleeping Germany, a nation that takes to colonial
quarters, and the walls or supporting enterprises about as naturally as it
posts, when hung with dried corn or takes to salt water, once succeeded in
dried fruit festooned on strings, were effecting a lodgment in at least one of
sufficiently well decorated for the tastes our incipient States. The people who
of the occupants. Such were the came here, too, were rarely of the
dwellings of our forefathers, and, as lowest order, men and women habitu-
hinted but now, such were the dwell- ated to the shelter of cabins. They were
ings to which much of the infancy often persons of considerable culture
of the living generation was no and refinement, and they brought with
stranger. Indeed, the much traveled them various architectural ideas which
man of even the current period cannot could not fail of soon taking form in
look upon the log cabin as an antiquity. at least the more highly-favored sec-
He will recall too many examples that tions. Hence, always omitting the log
he has seen among mountain fastnesses cabin from our catalogue of styles, some
and on the confines of civilization to of our earliest architecture, examples of
permit him to regard the apparition of which are still standing here and there
such dwellings when conjured
up as throughout the original thirteen States,
anything in the least suggestive of a displayed a great deal of artistic feel-
resurrection. Since its first settlement ing, and a pretty thorough knowledge
this country has been able to furnish an of the
principles of design. On account
example of civilization and barbarism of the different nationalities represented
marching hand in hand, of a civiliza- by the first settlers, too, there is a
tion of the highest order, and of a bar- wide There is a pronounced
barism about equally pronounced. difference between the
examples to be
Recent political events, too, are rais- found in New
England, New Jersey,
land and Virginia differed radically and, if not familiar with the old archi-
from the roundheads, or Puritans, who tecture of Maryland, they were doubt-
peopled New England. The former less surprised at the classic suggestive-
were men of aesthetic training and they ness of the pictures. But the examples
were given to social enjoyment. They furnished by Anapolis are by no means
seem to have created and maintained isolated. The writer recalls in an old
their homes with a view as well to the plantation house in Prince George's
entertainment of guests as for domes- County, Maryland, built so long ago
tic enjoyment. But the latter were that it was haunted, some examples of
men of the most severe simplicity. carved wainscoting which few archi-
They would have looked upon a pic- tects of the present day would under-
ture as vanity, and upon a house con- take to rival. Indeed, executed lov-
structed after any lavish and ornate ingly by hand with intelligence and
plan as an abomination. The abnor- work was beyond the rivalry
taste, the
mal piety of the New Englanders did of any carving machine. The differ-
not prove to be enduring. But it ence between the architecture of Mary-
land or Virginia and of Massachusetts they were displaced, supposing them
was as great as the difference in their to have been erected, give evidence of
religion. In the South country the a high degree of artistic culture. Dis-
people were all Catholic or Episco- persed through Bergen County, a ter-
palian. But at the East they would ritorial division which once extended
have been Beelzebub himself before as far southard as Constable's Point,
they would have been either the one or on the Rill von Kull, and concentrated
the other. The two sections were not, closely in that most delightful of sub-
therefore, of precisely the same per- urbs, Hackensack, are still to be found
suasion in anything; and though it is many examples of colonial building,
not meant to be said that a man's re- which suggest merit enough to be
ligion is responsible for his taste, it is the foundation of a distinct architect-
possibly true that his aesthetic sympa- ural style. This assumption will be
thies or taste is responsible to a amply demonstrated by the pictures
greater or less degree for his religion. accompanying this article. In studying
The people who planned the Colonial the different illustrations it will be
architecture of Maryland and Virginia seen that they contain suggestions
would have felt more at home in a which could be happily adopted
ritualistic cathedral than in a Quaker in either urban, suburban, or rural
meeting house. architecture, a distinction which in-
It is to New Jersey, however, rather dicates very comprehensive facul-
than to either Maryland or Massachu- ties of architectural invention on
setts that we must look when we wish the part of the designers. Not many
to find the type of Colonial architect- years ago, for example, our architects
ure that seems most original to our went to France and brought home the
Anglo-Saxon eyes, and where the dif- mansard roof. Since that time, calling
ferences between Massachusetts and it the French roof, they have set up this
Virginia have been most successfully seeming novelty on about every ele-
compromised. New Jersey, it must be vated point in suburban neighborhoods,
remembered, or at least that portion of and made' it the crown of the edifice
New Jersey which lies between the along almost entire streets in the cities.
Hudson and Delaware rivers, was set- Evidently, they did not know that just
tled by the Dutch. It also made a over the Hudson River, in Hackensack,
part of the territory 'in
dispute there is a better mansard roof, con-
when England and Holland
con- structed nearly two hundred years ago,
tended for the possession of the Hud- than anything they had succeeded in
son and its adjacent shores, and if importing, and that the so-called man-
the Dutch settlers did not prove sard roof is really as Dutch as Van
themselves strong enough to main- Blarcam. On the next occasion when
tain their independence after they our architects wish to go to Paris for
were abandoned by the mother coun- an idea they will do well to go by way of
try, and traded ignominiously for the Hackensack. They will do well also to
patch of wilderness in South America, go to Hackensack before going to
now known as Dutch Guiana; they England in search of the architectural
were yet strong enough to impress aberrations which have perpetuated the
their civilization on the territory that reign of Queen Anne on these republi-
had pre-empted, and to erect en- can shores. What must be said here
during monuments of their intelligence should be said modestly, but it should be
and taste. We have no positive proof said nevertheless. In everything except
that the Dutchman ever constructed a
literary achievement, the Dutch civili-
log cabin. He may, or he may not zation of two hundred years ago was
have found it necessary to protect superior to the English civilization ;
himself from the inclemency of the and in all departments of fine arts it
weather by some such contrivance was incomparably superior.
when he first landed, but it is certain Readers may wish to know why
that he did not long remain so domi-
Bergen County displays so many ex-
ciled and that the dwellings by which
amples of colonial architecture while
in most other parts of New Jersey we which, if not to be called quite pre-
may only the usual display of historic, is yet very remote for this
buildings erected on next to no archi- continent. It was originally constructed
tectural foundation, and structurally in the year 1696, and it therefore lacks
suggestive of something which the only two years of the end of its second
builders themselves should look to out- century. True, the original building
live had they any reasonable expecta- was destroyed by fire and the present
tions of life. The explanation may be church is a reconstruction but it was
ing for the reason that it fosters the eye has been perverted by inartistic
true spirit of architectural improve- forms. True art belongs to no century
ment, and refuses to abandon principles and the lines of this church are sym-
that are really classic in obedience to metrical, delicate, and graceful. They
the dictates of mere fashion. This is are necessarily, therefore, entirely free
the reason why Bergen County remains from those eccentric perversions of
architecturally something like an oasis proportion too commonly witnessed
in the midst of a desert, and why Hack- in much more pretentious examples of
ensack, a suburb which lies within can- later church building.
non shot of the New York Post Office, This is the kind of architecture that
but which few of our architects with will grow upon the speculator. Im-
their long-range vision seem to have pressing itself upon the aesthetic sensi-
discovered, possesses so many survivals educates and refines; and it
bilities, it
of a type of architecture which should isnot a cause for wonder when we ob-
be adopted and developed in prefer- serve that the First Dutch Reformed
ence to anything else within reach. It Church, of Hackensack, still remains
is to be feared, however, that the archi- the most fashionable church of the
tectural vandals have been led into this village. Possibly the congregation
beautiful suburb, and given a too great may feel disposed to resent the impli-
latitude to operate in forgetfumess of cation involved in this observation.
the customs of the country. To say They may not be willing to admit that
nothing of the new buildings which are their fidelity to the faith of their
often unworthy of notice, old buildings fathers is due to an idolatrous devo-
that became dilapidated have been re- tion to anything merely external to
modeled in complete oblivion of the their religion. But the inference is
type of architecture which they repre- nevertheless flattering to their aesthetic
sent. The improvements look some- instincts. After the enthusiasm which
times like crab-apple grafts on cherry distinguishes the proselyting era of a
trees. new religious society subsides a little,
The church edifice,presented with no church can afford to forego the
this article, dates back to a period, poetic charm and dignity that at-
K -5
taches to architecture. The Society of been gathered to its protecting fold.
Friends are learning this truth to their Hence it will be seen that the architect
cost, even admitting that their decay may be a factor in the cultivation of
may be in part due to organic causes religious sentiment almost as potent as
too far-reaching in their consequences the preacher. He may be even more
for discussion here. However potent potent, indeed, in the sequel; for his
for the salvation of souls religion creations, if pronounced good, will be
may be, it is not always potent immortal, and report his homilies to
enough to save a religious society, the latest generation.
composed of members strongly human Turn, now, from the church, after
in their instincts and desires, from dis- having examined the details carefully,
solution. It is even possible that the and observed that not only every line
First Dutch Reformed Society, of is good, but that every stone is of
Hackensack, might have been not only exactly the proper size and adjustment,
once but twice, or thrice, or many and look at the picture of the 'old hos-
times dismembered during the more telry known as the " Mansion] House."
than two hundred years of its existence Unfortunately, like a few other of the
had it not been for the really beautiful examples given, ""this building has not
church edifice which none but a van- come down to us with all its original
is still Colonial. It was built by Peter still remains in its exterior an admira-
Zabriskie, one of the largest proprietors ble example of Colonial architecture.
of Bergen County, at the beginning of But if we wish to estimate the build-
the Revolutionary War, for a private ing at its true value we must examine
dwelling. In the original plan and as the interior. The ceilings are low, of
first built it was only a two-story and course. The Dutch were a too sensible
attic building; but in after years, when people to climb high stairways for the
it had been decided to convert it into a
gratification of a merely ostentatious
hotel, the attic was raised to the eleva- love of displaying a large, empty space
tion of a full story. This accounts for overhead. Yet they knew how to build
the brick section of the walls between stairs,and to build them in a manner
the upper veranda and the roof. But worthy of more general imitation. In
the roof itself, with all its decorative this building they are so broken by
features, and the lower stories of the landings and turns, and so easy of
building, are unchanged. To say all, ascent that a person reaches the top
too, on account of its solidity in con- without the slightest sense of exertion.
struction, the old house looks unchange- To a person accustomed to the long
able. The walls are sometimes nearly stairways of the period the facility of
three feet in thickness, and the walk these stairs is even suggestive of the
through some of the doorways is like ludicrous. But the laugh is on the side
a walk through the hallways of more of men who knew how to plan thor-
modern dwellings. But, notwithstand- oughly artistic work without any affect-
ing this somewhat excessive regard for ation. Look at the wide hallway of
stability in construction, and the taste- this old hostelry and tell us of one
less blunder of the builder who planned thing in which it is found to be artist-
the alterations and used brick instead ically deficient. There is nothing that
of the brownstone of the lower stories true taste will seek to criticise.
in carrying up the walls, the structure As we leave the hall and enter the
large rooms to the right and left of the But come up stairs and examine one
entrance we find ourselves still more of the sleeping rooms. Here, again,
delighted with the work. The doors we find ourselves in communication
and deep window casings are elabo- with a genius at once practical and re-
rately paneled, and here are tiled chim- fined. These rooms are decorated with
ney-pieces which seem to have been all the care and taste that made such a
wrought out with all the care in details favorable impression in the rooms
which the Dutch painters bestowed on below. But utility was also considered.
their paintings. Each piece of tiling, Our guide has but to open a few aper-
delicately tinted, is traced with a design tures in the wainscoting to show that
of some scriptural scene, comprehend- we have really entered a storehouse of
ing sacred history from the fall of man domestic supplies. But externally there
to the exit of Jonah, or perhaps to a is nothing to indicate that the architect
later period. There is not an ob- thought himself anything but an artist
jectionable architectural feature to be and decorator. Decoration seems to
seen, and, as to the low ceilings, one have been the chief object everywhere,
has but to study the proportions, or and everything else is subsidiary. As
what a painter might call the keeping, the observer looks at the work he is
for a few moments to find himself forced to reflect that the Dutch came
ready to declare that a nine or ten from a small country where the ability
foot wall is high enough for any room to economize space must have been an
of less dimensions than the interior
hereditary gift. Everywhere may be
of a church or public hall. The idea seen manifestations of good taste and
of anything higher than nine feet in a judgment. There is plenty of admir-
private dwelling seems like an inspira- able work about this building in all
tion drawn from vacuity. its parts both within and without. One
cannot help but regret the disfigure- lines were sufficiently artistic for the
ment of the exterior by a builder colonists of the last half of the eight-
who could hardly claim to have eenth century, but such lines were
been an architect, or even a per- never brought from Holland. Observe
son of cultivated taste, capable the graceful sweep of the roof as the
of appreciating good architecture line descends and curves upward into
when he saw it. the projecting eaves or hanging ver-
Still another picture of the cata- anda, characteristic of the earlier
logue must be commended to the Dutch architecture. It is in the true
special attention of the reader, not spiritof thoroughly artistic design.
only because it offers a peculiarly Yet such has been the decline of truly
graceful example of an architect- artistic feeling in the architectural art,
ural feature which no true architect or at least among the great mass of
can fail of approving, but because architectural designers, that any archi-
of its historical interest. It is en- tect of to-day who felt a disposition to
titled "Washington's Headquarters," adapt the line would fear that he
and in the extension facing to the would be thought "old-fashioned" or
east, also photographed, may be seen affected.
the window from which the Com- But now for the more forcible appli-
mander-in-Chief watched the British cation of all this architectural and his-
Army on its destructive march along torical gossip. Hackensack, as it has
the valley of the Hackensack, follow- been sufficiently said already, is a
ing the opppositeside of the river. The beautiful suburb. It lies in a gently
feet of Washington seem to have been undulating country where every pros-
omnipresent in Eastern New York and pect extends over some green valley
New Jersey, and wherever the anti- or up the side of a not too precipitous
quarian fails to discover his tracks he hill, until the eye is lost along a wav-
can imagine them, and conjecture that ing line of emerald and blue that van-
they have been worn away from tradi- ishes or blends in the distance. But
tions more than a hundred years old. to all right-minded persons there is
But the presence of Washington in unquestionably a greater charm in the
Bergen County is historically authenti- old Hackensaek than in the new. It
cated; and there is no more doubt that cannot be denied that the new Hack-
the building represented was his head- ensack has been in too many instances
quarters than that the building at forgetful of its founders, and that it
Newburg, which has been monument- has failed to perceive that the true line
ally embellished, was similarly distin- of architectural evolution lies rather in
guished. History, then, has contributed the work of perfecting old forms of
to the immortality of this old house at recognized excellence than in the
Hackensack, and forbidden that it invention of new forms. However
should be passed without observation. powerful the intellect, no architect
Washington made a monument of can evolve an entirely new order of
every house in which he is known architecture exclusively out of his own
to have found shelter. The chief pur- head. Yet to some such task too many
pose of the introduction of the picture of our architects seem to have devoted
here, however, is architectural rather themselves when we study their plans
than reminiscent or historical. It and attempt to classify them in accord-
offers an admirable example of a type ance with any recognized standard of
of roof which was doubtless conceived taste.
at a time when the fine arts had re- The new Hackensack should be only
ceived their highest development in a fully developed tree growing from
Holland, but which gradually fell into the roots of the old Hackensack, and
disuse, even during Colonial times, as serving to perfect and perpetuate the
the English settlers with their cruder species. The people of the to\vn should
taste succeeded in forcing their straight not permit the soil to be incumbered
and angular conceptions into the art all over with plants not only of a
of building. Straight and unbroken foreign but of a fungus growth, and
Vol. III.-3. 3,
destined to be hardly more enduring New York. It is a pity that the best
than any other exhalations of a night known work of our really accomplished
that were born of a conjunction be- writer should have been his worst work.
tween miasma and an unhealthy soil. But this was the misfortune of Irving ;
It is not right. The early settlers of and the first settlers on the territory
New Jersey left a whole granery full of which afterwards fell under the juris-
the most perfectly developed seeds that diction of the Duke of York could
are to be found on any arborial pre- point to a very honorable ancestry,
serves. and very illustrious contemporaries
There is more of originally and taste among their own people. They were
in the colonial architecture of New Jer- surpassed by neither the roundheads of
sey than we can find in corresponding Massachusetts nor the cavaliers ot Vir-
examples in any other State of the ginia;
and it should not be thought
Union. The first settlers of the State, strange if among their architectural
it must be remembered, came from a survivals we should be forced to look
country, which, at the period of settle- for not only some of the best examples
ment, represented about the leading of solid building in the country but the
civilization of Europe. Holland, dur- most artistic examples. This is pre-
ing the seventeenth century, was not cisely what we find, although more
only the leading industrial and mercan- modern taste, not always intelligently
tile nation but it had become distin- inspired and often perverted by the
guished, if not pre-eminently distin- thirst for the merely new and eccen-
guished in arms, and it was the country tric, has been growing further and
of Rembrant, Vandyke, and the entire further away from their suggestions.
school of illustrious painters who led But if the architectural vagaries of the
the fine art of the strictly renascent period of Queen Anne, a lady who
period into its more modern develop- reigned over a people not quite so
ment. The States-General were a civilized as the Englishmen of to-day,
power in Europe both materially and can lead us back in our search for an-
morally and if the sterling qualities of tiquities to the artistic principles of
the Dutch have been but vaguely the people who furnished to British
comprehended in this country the im- royalty of the period its portrait
perfect conception of their traits has painters, and to British artists their
probably been due to the playful but tutors the fashion will not have
somewhat juvenile historical effort of been introdu;ed in this country in
Washington Irving, in his History of yain.
Wm. Nelson Black.
much doubt as to the lotiform origin ital also be a lotus Do you claim that ':
of the Ionic capital. But both the pot- the Ionic of Assyria came from Cyprus ?
tery and the stone carvings used for This exactly reverses the present as-
the argument belonged to Cypriote art, sumptions of science, for we have not
and the few additional illus-
trations for the central spike
so far adduced from other
sources might be considered
insufficient corroborative evi-
At least two considerations
would consequently forbid the
student from stopping at the
point which I had reached in
* the fourth of a series on the evolution of classic ornament from the Egyptian lotus. See October
rteing Paper
Number: " The Lotiform Origin of the Ionic Capital."
in actual architecture of an Egyptian
Ionic form, and hence, on account of
the apparent or supposed deficiency of
more examples of the Egyptian Ionic,
we are now called upon to show that
the existence of Egyptian Ionic capitals
isnotwithstanding easily demonstrated,
to explain how they have been over-
looked, and to explain the disappear-
ance of the actual originals. From this
following explanation it will also ap-
pear that we are able, if required, to
dispense with any appeal to designs on
Cypriote pottery, which being of later
date than early Egyptian art, might be
considered insufficient evidence on the
question of an Egyptian form. (I mdy,
however, add on this point that all
appearances in ancient Oriental art
possess a much higher antiquity than
that claimed for any existing monu-
ment that all our existing monuments
a conventional coml ination in one Lotus trefoil with developed Ionic volutes. Blue
Type showing
flower of trefoil below and detailed lotus above. enamel amulet in the Louvre. (Dieulafoy.)
age would otherwise have resulted.
But it is not to believe that
the curling sepal of nature was the
original suggestion of the most primi-
tive Egyptian lotus volutes now known
and here illustrated, it must be remem-
bered that all monuments of the actual
historic evolution of Egyptian art are
lacking at present. These all antedate
the IVth Dynasty, with which our pres-
ent knowledge of Egyptian art begins.
Louvre. For comparison with
In this deficiency of earlier Egyptian
Blue enamel amulet.
the trefoils and to show that the volutes develop monuments the great importance of the
from the sepals. (Dieulafoy.)
Cypriote pottery lotuses is their evi-
dence that ancient decorators in close
on one monument, relations with Egypt actually had
results of conven-
noticed and imitated in a fairly realistic
tional evolutions
which are also dis- way the curling sepals. We are, more-
over, able to show in Greek art a dec-
similar and which
orative evolution of fully developed,
also represent the
one plant. It is so,
apparently geometric, spirals from the
Cypriote pottery lotus.
N. Y. vase. for instance, with the
Cypriote pottery form (pages 273-277).
This makes it impossible to deny that
trefoil, which ap-
the Egyptians accomplished a similar
pears both with vo- evolution.
lutes and without.
The argument then stands thus, as
This fact is indi- concerned
far as the curling sepal is :
capitals of the
becomes plain that the trefoil
tomb paintings are lotuses
and consequently that the volutes of
the trefoils are volutes of the sepals a
point made especially clear by an
amulet in the Louvre and by a
tombstone from Cyprus, herewith
illustrated. In these phases of the
Egyptian Ionic volute it is evident that
the natural appearance of the curling
sepals,* which curl in nature from the
base of the flower, has been evaded,
because inconsistent with decorative
and architectural conditions. This
evasion consists in placing the curl of
the sepal at the top of the flower. In
architectural or other solid forms, break-
Cypriote pillar capital. New York Museum. Head
Isis-Hathor (the Moon) supported by lotus with
* Illustrations from nature in October Number. curling sepals.
of the form had not floated over to the Mr. Balfour has reminded us, in his
" Evolution of Decorative
mother-country, if that knowledge had Art," that we
then existed. It has been reserved for wear two buttons above our coat-tails
the nineteenth century to know more in cutaway coats, because they were
about the Ionic capital than did the once necessary to hold back the but-
Greeks themselves, who created its toned flaps of long-skirt coats in the
most renowned examples. eighteenth century. The modern pot-
It is still another and distinct ques- ters of Cyprus still place on their
tion when the Ionic capital "lost the common earthenware vases two little
sacred character which the sun and spots of clay, without knowing why,
moon symbols on Cypriote capitals (as and because their fathers did it before
well as their use as sanctuary pillars) them. These spots of clay represent
indicate that they still possessed in the breasts of Artarte, whose head
Cyprus. This question is hardly worth once consecrated the vase and at the
answering, because it proceeds from an same time adorned it. The time is com-
attitude of mind (viz., our own modern ing when our own Ionic capitals and
attitude) which separates the secular anthemions will be known as represent-
and profane from the sacred and divine. ing an exactly parallel fact that is to
But this distinction, being foreign to say, the perpetuation of forms entirely
nature foreign to all natural
itself, is destitute ofmeaning to the people who
religions. this question, though
Still, use them, and yet owing their existence
not admitting a definite answer, is to a meaning which once was insepar-
worth discussing, because it concerns able from them.
Greek anthemions from the Erechtheum.
I have thus far pointed out, in the in a circle to the Ionic form and prov-
matter of the Ionic capital, certain ing it to be the counterpart and relative
significant indications largely drawn of the anthemion in such a way that
from Cypriote examples bearing on there is no escape from the conclusions
the asserted discovery regarding its already drawn, and that new ones of
origin (October Number). I have far-reaching importance are at the same
then, in the first portion of this Paper, time added to them.
appealed to Egyptian examples in It was in the months of July and
corroboration. But there is still left August, 1887, that, having worked out
in reserve the most positive and conclu- the demonstration from the central
sepal spike, as found in rudi-
mentary survivals on Cypriote
capitals, I stumbled on a clue
which enabled me to connect
the Ionic volute with the sur-
face spirals and spiral scrolls of
Greek art in general and both
with the anthemion.
A very rare but very import-
ant type of early Greek pottery
is that known as Melian, from
the Island of Melos, to which it
appears to be native. In the
publication of these Melian
vases made by Professor Conze r
of Berlin, I had noticed a type
of ornament whose enormous-
spirals appeared to be a dec-
orative development of the
Doubled Melian lotus one flower inverted. The spirals are evo-
lutions from those of the Rhodian motives on next page. lotus as known to me on
Cypriote pottery. The form in ques-
tion is doubled lotus, one flower
erectand one inverted, of remote re-
semblance to nature and resulting from
a series of decorative conventional de-
partures starting from the Cypriote
pottery form. According to my sup-
position that these spirals had devel-
oped from the Cypriote curling sepal
it was necessary to find connecting links
Cypriote pottery lotus with curling sepals (N. Y.), showing the starting point of the Rhodian and Melian spirals.
Vol. III. 3. 4.
Syrian sarcophagus Greek period. Louvre. The rosettes show the decorative elaborations of Alexandrine
art, but the combination of lotus trefoils is distinct in the central ornaments both of the coffin and the cover.
Lotus, bud, and rosette. Detail from a Lotus bud between two rosettes sup- Lotus buds supporting rosettes vo-
tomb pattern in color. porting buds inverted. Detail from luted lotus supporting an inverted
tomb patterns in color, including bud (detailed like a feather). Com-
lotuses. Compare page 280, where pare the next design as regards the
similar patterns are seen. bud. Carved ornament on the tem-
ple columns at Esneh.
panded flower.
Rosette from an Etruscan Detail of a bronze door Type of the flabellum or Egyp-
bronze cist. Type of the from Susa. Type of the tian standard. Demi-lotus ex-
expanded flower. expanded flower. panded.
'*jj/' 'fji
Portion of a toilet tray in wood. (Cover of the tray.) Lotus flower supporting a leaf. Lotus between buds
with blunt ends. Rosettes on stalks.
The rounded bottoms of these leaves The cleft of the leaf is represented by
require an explanation. These patterns an incision over the rounded bottom.
in the Egyptian pictures herewith re- It is significant for their magic quality
produced are not direct copies from lotus and use that the pictures copy an
leaves but from enamel amulets repre- amulet or magic charm. These amu-
senting leaves, of which the museums lets are invariably found in the tombs
offer many instances. These amulets are where they were placed for religious
rounded at the bottom for convenience reasons. The fact that the rosette it-
of manufacture and to avoid breakage self is a tomb amulet (in enamel) is also
(see cut above). to be considered (cut, page 279).
Rosettes'supporting lotus leaves between lotuses. Lotus leaf supporting a bud between lotuses. Detail fron
Detail from a tomb pattern in color. a tomb pattern in color.
Type of the bud and rosette. Type of tne flower and Type of the flower and demi-rosette.
Esneh | rosette. Esneh. From a Cypriote bronze shield.
Type of the voluted flower and Type of the flower and demi- Variant of the foregoing type.
rosette. XlXth Dynasty. rosette. Detail of a tomb Detail of a tomb pattern.
Ornament on tomb picture of pattern.
a throne.
Enamel lotus palmette Enamel lotus palmette amulets. Enamel lotus palmette
amulet. Boston Gizeh Museum. From phot< - amulet. Boston
Museum. graph by Mariette. Museum.
Lotus palmettes on ivory placques from Nineveh, British Museum. Compare the Cypriote examples above, the
Egyptian preceding, and the Greek to follow. The placques from which these details are taken are of Egyp-
tian style and origin.
Syria. Greek period. Detail Greek terra-cotta antefix. Italy. Head of a tombstone. From
from a bronze pitcher. a Greek vase.
Greek anthemions to be compared with the foregoing lotus palmettes and with examples of the lotus palmette below.
Ionic capital lately found at Athens.
the result to be sought and the "'best were the very beginnings of monumen-
result that could be attained. The tal architecture. These pillared ave-
conditions of this unity were all that nues exhibit the effect of repetition as
it was necessary to stipulate for. Va- completely as it is exhibited in the ex-
riety enough had been secured by the terior colonnades of the Greeks
selection of an individual designer for Or where, from Pluto's garden Palatine
each of the great buildings, and the MulciSer's columns gleam in far piazzian line.
danger was that this variety would be This effect impressed the first Egyp-
excessive, that it would degenerate tian builders as it impressed the Greek
into a miscellany. Against this danger and Roman builders, as it impressed
it was necessary to guard if the Keats, whose impression of it we have
buildings should appear as the work just transcribed as it
; impressed
of collaborators rather than of com- Turner, whose dreams of classic archi-
petitors,and it was guarded against by tecture were made real in Jackson
two very simple but quite sufficient Park.
conditions. One was that there should As we say, this is an effect by no
be a uniform cornice-line of sixty feet, means peculiar to classic architecture.
the other that the architecture should It may be found in the flank of a
be classic. The first requirement, Gothic cathedral as well as in the flank
keeping a virtually continuous sky-line of a peripteral Greek temple. Oneof the
all around the Court of Honor, and most familiar illustrations of it is the
preventing that line from becoming an front of the cloth-hall of Ypres, and
irregular serration, was so plainly the most conspicuous illustration
necessary that it is not necessary t.o of it the World's Fair is the side
spend any words in justifying it. The of the Manufactures building. As
second may seem more disputable, but each of these examples proves, it is an
in reality it was almost as much a effect that does not depend upon classic
matter of course as the first. Uni- forms and may be attained in an ar-
formity in size is no more necessary to cade as well as in a colonnade, since
unity than uniformity in treatment, and the Manufactures building, alone of
classic architecture was more eligible all the great buildings, is astylar,
than any other for tolerably ob-
many and, indeed, is scarcely designated as
vious reasons. There are perhaps no classic except by the pillared pavil-
effects attained in the exhibition that ions at the angles and the reproduction
could not have been attained in otl/er of the arch of Constantine at the centre
architecture. The obvious effect of of each front.
the "magnitude, succession, and uni- Nevertheless, the choice of classic
formity," which the aestheticians de- architecture was almost as distinctly
scribe as the conditions of the " arti- imposed upon the associated architects
ficial infinite" has been sought and as the choice of a uniform cornice line.
attained in the treatment of the great In the first place, the study of classic
buildings. Interminable, or for aes- architecture is a usual, almost an invari-
thetic purposes, infinite series is the able part of the professional training
source of the impressivenes of the largest of the architects of our time. It is an
of the buildings, of the long colonnades indispensable part, wherever that train-
of Machinery Hall, and the still longer ing is administered academically, and
arcades of the Manufactures building. most of all at Paris, of which the in-
The unusual, in the case of the latter fluence upon our own architecture is
building the unprecedented, length at manifestly increasing and is at present
the disposal of the designer made this dominant. Most of the architects of
the most easy and obvious method of the World's Fair are of Parisian train-
making a great impression. That it is ing, and those of them who are not
the most easy and obvious is proved have felt the influence of that contem-
by the fact that it was the first, nor porary school of architecture which is
has it ever been carried further than most highly organized and possesses
in the earliest examples, in the colon- the longest and the most powerful tra-
nades of Karnac and Thebes that dition. Presumably, all of them were
Vol. III. 3. 5.
familiar with the decorative use of "the ciated with the structure that gave rise
orders" and knew what a module to them. The alternative to the use of
meant. What most of them had classic architecture was the develop-
already practiced in academic exercises ment in a few months of an architect-
and studies, they were now for the first ure of plaster, or " staff." For this
time permitted to project into actual there are no precedents completely
execution. Nobody can fail to under- available in the world, while the world
stand the comment of a distinguished is full of precedents for the employment
French painter, made, possibly, in a of the orders, and precedents which do
satirical spirit
" On me dit les not imply that the orders are real and
bailments a Chicago sont des anciens efficient constructions, as indeed they
concours des Beaux Arts." This is in have never been since the Romans be-
fact the reflection that several of the gan to use columnar architecture as the
buildings are calculated to excite, that decoration of an arched construction.
their designs are the relics of student- It is not to be supposed for a mo-
competitions, while at least one such ment that the architects of the Fair
relic is alleged to have been built in would have attained anything like the
Jackson Park. success they did attain, if instead of
That would be one good reason for working in a style with which all of them
the adoption of a given style that all were presumably familiar, they had
the persons concerned knew how to undertaken the Herculean task of
work in it. Another is that the classic creating a style out of these novel con-
forms, although originally developed ditions. In fact the architects of the
from the conditions of masonic struc- Court of Honor might " point with
ture, have long since, and perhaps ever pride to the result of such efforts as
since they became "orders," been los- were made in that direction by other
ing touch with their origin, until now architects as a sufficient justification for
they have become simply forms, which their own course, if such a justification
can be used without a suggestion of were needed.
any real structure or any particular The landscape-plan is the key to the
material. We know them in wood and pictorial success of the Fair as a whole,
metal, as well as in stone. They may and, as we say it generated the archi-
be used, as they are used in Jackson tecture of the watercourt by supply-
Park, as a decorative envelope of any ing indications which sensitive archi-
construction whatever without exciting tects had no choice but to follow. In
in most observers any sense of incon- no
point was the skill of Mr. Olmsted
gruity, much less any sense of mean- and his associate more conspicuous than
ness such as is at once aroused by the in the transition from the symmetri-
sight of carpenter's Gothic." A four- cal and stately treatment of the basin
foot column, apparently of marble, to the irregular winding of the lagoon.
may have aroused such a sentiment As the basin indicated a bordering
during the process of construction, of formal and symmetrical archi-
when it might have been seen without tecture so the lagoon indicated and
a base and supported upon little sticks, invited a
picturesque and irregular
with its apparent weight thus emphati- architecture. Of the associated archi-
cally denied. Such a sentiment may tects, those who most conspicuously
have been aroused again in the closing availed themselves of this invitation
days of the Fair, when it was no longer were the designers of the Fisheries anc
thought necessary to repair defects as of the Transportation building. .The
fast as they showed themselves, and success of the former is not
where the apparent masonry disclosed nor disputable. The plan was deter
in places the But when mined by the requirements of tht
the buildings were ready for the public building and worked out
very naturall}
no such incongruity was forced upon into the central mass, the connecting
the observer, as it would have been arcades and the terminal pavilions, o
forced upon him if the forms that were which the form suggested the treat
used had been such as are still asso- ment of Romanesque baptisteries, anc
may very possibly have determined our own continent do not carry us very
the style of the building. There was far. The Saracens, indeed, attained an
ample scope left for the inventiveness interior architecture of plaster, and
of the designer in the detail conven- this architecture comprises all the pre-
tionalized so happily and successfully cedents that were available for the
from marine motives, and the success architects of the Transportation build-
of this detail of itself vindicates the ing. The outsides of those Saracenic
author's choice of a style and passes a buildings of which the interiors are most
conclusive criticism upon the choice admired are not only of masonry, but
of classic architecture for his purpose. some of them are little more than dead
Not only would his spirited and in- walls. One cannot fail to respect the
genious detail have been sacrificed, but courage and sincerity with which the
the general composition of his build- architects of the Transportation build-
ing could not have been attained by ing tackled their task, even though he
the use of classic forms without doing find in the result a justification for the
violence both to the letter and to the architects who have forborne the at-
spirit of them. But that he was right tempt. It was here a perfectly legiti-
for his all the more
purpose proves mate attempt, since the Transportation
that thearchitects of the Court of building does not form part of an archi-
Honor were right for theirs. One can tectural group, and a separate and dis-
imagine, perhaps, that the Court of tinctive treatment was not a grievance
Honor might have been lined with to the spectator, nor to the architects
buildings in the style of the Fisheries of any other buildings, though it
building, and yet not have lost the was rather curiously resented by some
unity it now possesses provided all the of these. That it is a plaster
buildings had been done by the same building is entirely evident, as evident
designer and he had been unlimited in in a photograph as in the fact. It can-
the time required to meditate his not be called an "incoherent origin-
design. But one cannot imagine that ality," for its departures from conven-
an equal effect of unity could have been tion are evidently the result of a stu-
gained by a number of architects, dious analysis. A plaster wall is espe-
working under pressure, if they had cially in need of protection by an ample
chosen a free and romantic instead of cornice, and the ample cornice is pro-
a formal and classic style. vided. But the mouldings that are ap-
The Transportation building bears propriate to masonry are meaningless
still stronger testimony to the same in plaster, and the wall is a dead ex-
effect, since, while everybody finds it panse, that would be entirely devoid of
interesting and suggestive, nobody ven- interest if left alone. Whether it could
tures to say that it is distinctly and, on not profitably have been enlivened in
the whole, successful. It is the most the Saracenic manner by patterns
ambitious of all the great buildings, for stamped in relief a treatment espe-
it is nothing less than an attempt to cially adapted to the material is a
create a plaster architecture. Even the question that the designers might
Fisheries building, free as it is in design, perhaps profitably have entertained.
bears no reference in its design to its But at any rate they determined to
material. It is not a building of staff enliven the expanse only with color,
but a simulacrum of a building in and the color treatment is not success-
masonry. In the Transportation build- ful. The most pretentious and per-
ing alone has it been undertaken archi- haps the most successful feature of it
tecturally to treat the material of whichthe famous Golden Doorway suffers
all the buildings are composed. To from being an isolated fragment,, en-
comprehend the ambitiousness of the tirely unrelated to the general scheme,
attempt one has only to bear in mind and its admirable detail does not for
that there is no such thing as an ex- this reason excite the admiration it
terior architecture of plaster in the deserves. The moulded ornament in
world. The "half-timbered" con- this, however, is less successful than the
structions of Europe and the adobe of moulded ornament elsewhere in the
very naively made by the enthusiastic style. The bay of a cathedral may fur-
citizen whose proposition we have nish the unit as well as the order of a
already noted to occupy the Lake Front, Grecian temple. But it is an effect
which is one of the few features of the that depends very greatly upon magni-
city of Chicago and one of the most at- tude. The example of it we have already
tractive of them, with a full-sized repro- cited from Gothic architecture, the
duction of the Manufactures building. cloth-hall of Ypres, is perhaps the most
If one ask why Manufactures building, striking that mediaeval architecture sup-
the civic patriot has his answer ready: plies, seeing that the design is a repe-
" Because it is the
biggest thing on tition of the unit, in this case a pointed
earth," as indeed it is, having not much arch, from end to end of an otherwise
less than twice the area of the Great unbroken expanse of wall 440 feet
Pyramid, the type of erections that are long. But this extent, impressive
effective by sheer magnitude. The as it is, and heightened as its
Great Pyramid appeals to the imagina- impressiveness is by the skill of the de-
tion by its antiquity and its mystery as becomes insignificant when it is
well as to the senses by its magnitude, compared with the flank of the Manu-
but it would be impossible to erect any- factures building, which is nearly four
thing whatever of the size of the Manu- times as long as the front of Ypres,
factures building or even of the Great and of which the arcade in either wing
Pyramid that would not forbid apathy must be quite half as long again as the
in its presence. A pile of barrels so Belgian arcade. Either of the colon-
big as that would strike the spectator. naded wings of Machinery Hall, of
It would be a monument of human which, by the way, the treatment is
labor, even though the labor had been almost literally identical with that of
misdirected, and the evidence of crude the wings of the Capitol at Washing-
labor, if it be on a large enough scale, ton, must be nearly as long as the
is effective as well as the evidence whole front of Ypres.
of artistic handicraft, though of course The devices by which these inordi-
neither in the same kind nor nate dimensions are brought home to
in the same " These the comprehension of the spectator are
degree. huge"
structures and pyramidal immensities various, but they consist, in most cases,
would make their appeal successfully at least of a plinth and a parapet in
though they were merely huge and im- which the height of a man is recalled, as
mense brute masses quite innocent of in an architectural drawing the
art. The art that is shown in this re- draughtsman puts in a human figure "to
spect is in the development of the mag- give the scale." While the Fair was in
nitude, the carrying further of an progress the moving crowds supplied
inherent and necessary effect and the the scale, but this was given also by all
leading of the spectator to an apprecia- the architectural appurtenances, the
tion of the magnitude by devices that parapets of the bridges and the railings
magnify and intensify the impression of the wharves, so that the magnitude
it makes. That is to say, the art con- of the buildings was everywhere forced
sists in giving it scale. It is a final upon the sense. To give scale is also
censure upon the treatment of a piece the chief contribution to the effect of a
of architecture which aims at over- general
survey that is made by the
powering the spectator by its size accessory and decorative sculpture of
that it does not look its size; as is the the buildings and of the grounds. In
current and accepted criticism upon St. this respect, and without reference to
Peter's. To quote the aestheticians their merits strictly as sculpture, the
again, succession and uniformity are as statuary that surmounts the piers and
essential as magnitude to the "artificial
cupolas of the Agricultural building and
infinite," and it is necessary to it that that with which the angles of the Ad-
there should be a repetition, an inter- ministration building bristle are par-
minable repetition of the unit, the ticularly fortunate. On the other hand
incessant application of the module. the
figures of the peristyle were unfor-
It is an effect quite independent of the
tunate, being too big and insistent for
their architectural function of mere have first of all to tell us, and what
finials. they tell a casual glimpse
equally to
It would be pleasant to consider in and to a prolonged survey is that they
detail the excellencies of the buildings are examples not of work-a-day build-
that are most admirable, and the ing, but of holiday building, that the
sources of their effectiveness, and to purpose of their erection is festal and
consider, also, the causes of the short- temporary, in a word that the display
comings of the less successful build- is a display and a triumph of occasional
ings. But the success of the archi- architecture. As Mr. Burnham well
tectural group, as a whole, is a success described it, it is a " vision of beauty
not disturbed by the shortcomings and that he and his co-workers have pre-
the consequent success of the associ- sented to us, and the description im-
ated architects from their own point of plies, what our recollections confirm,
view and for their special purpose, is a that it is an illusion that has here been
matter upon which we are all agreed. provided for our delight. It was the task
It is only with the influence of what has of the architects to provide the stage-
been done in Jackson Park upon the setting for an unexampled spectacle.
architecture of the country that we are They have realized in plaster that gives
now concerned; with the suitableness us the illusion of monumental masonry
of it for general reproduction or imita- a painter's dream of Roman architect-
tion, and with the results that are likely ure. In Turner's fantasias we have its
to follow that process, if pursued in prototype much more nearly than in
the customary manner of the American any actual erection that has ever been
architect. The danger is that that seen in the world before. It is the pro-
designer, failing to analyze the sources vince and privilege of the painter to see
of the success of the Fair will miss the visions and of the poet to dream
point.-The most obvious way in which dreams. They are unhampered by ma-
he can miss it is by expecting a repro- terial considerations of structure of
duction of the success of one of the big material or of cost. They can imagine
buildings by reproducing it in a build- unrealizable centaurs and dragons,
ing of ordinary dimensions. It is gorgons, hydras and chimeras dire and
necessary, if he is to avoid this, that he in turn affect our imaginations with
should bear in mind how much of the these. The question how the centaur
effect of one of the big buildings can subsist, with two sets of respiratory
comes from its very bigness, and would and digestive organs superposed, does
disappear from a reproduction in minia- not disturb them nor us while we re-
ture. main under their spell. To quarrel
with the incredibilities they ask us to
accept is to show not only a hope-
There is another cause for the
still lessly prosaic but a hopelessly pedantic
success of the World's Fair buildings, spirit. One might as well quarrel with
a cause that contributes more to the the scene-painter because his scenery
effect of them, perhaps, than both the is not what it purports to be, and accuse
causes we have already set down put him of deceit so far as his illusion is
together. It is this which at once most successful instead of being grateful to
completely justifies the architects of him that he literally does, for the mo-
the Exposition in the course they have ment, "illude" and play upon our
adopted, and goes furthest to render credulity.
the results of that course ineligible for " Pictoribus atque poetis
reproduction or for imitation in the
Quidlibet andendi semper fuit aequa potestas;
solution of the more ordinary problems Scimus et hanc veniam petinusque damusque
of the American architect. The suc- vicissim."
cess of the architecture at the World's
Fair is not only a success of unity, and The poet's or the painter's spell or
a success of magnitude. It is also and the spell of the architect of an "unsub-
very eminently a success of illusion. stantial pageant" cannot be wrought
What the World's Fair buildings upon the spectator who refuses to
of illusion is a part of the pleasure of the Arcadian architecture is one thing and
illusion. It is not a diminution but an American architecture is another. The
increase of our delight to know that the value of unity, the value of magnitude
cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous are common to the two, but for the
palaces, and the solemn temples, the value of illusion in the one there must be
images of which scenic art summons' substituted in the other, if it is to come
before us are in sober reality " the to its fruition, the value of reality. We
baseless fabric of a vision." may applaud the skill of the stage-car-
Such a pleasure and such an illusion penter who gives us a theatric illusion
the architects of Jackson Park have without the slightest impulse to tell the
given us. The White City is the most common carpenter of every day to
integral, the most extensive, the most go and do likewise. In the world of
illusive piece of scenic architecture dreams, illusion is all that we require.
that has ever been seen. That is In the world of facts, illusion may be
praise enough for its builders, without merely sham, and it suffices to say of
demanding for them the further praise what is presented for our acceptance
of having made a useful and important that it is "not so." One can imagine
contribution to the development of the what would be the result of an indis-
architecture of the present, to the criminate admiration of the buildings
preparation of the architecture of the of the World's Fair. Nay, we do not
future. This is a praise that is not need to resort to imagination, for have
merely irrelevant to the praise they we not had our classic revival already ?
have won, but incompatible with it. It The prostylar villa in white pine re-
is essential to the illusion of a
fairy mains to testify to it not less than the
city that it should not be an American crop of domed state houses that sprang
city of the nineteenth century. It is up in reproduction or in imitation of
a seaport on the coast of Bohemia, it the Capitol at Washington. It is true
is the
capital of No Man's Land. It is that these were ill-done, even in the
what you will, so long as you will not comparison with their immediate pro-
take it for an American city of the totype, not to speak of their ultimate
nineteenth century, nor its architecture originals. As Mr. Burnharn says, it
for the actual or the
possible or even requires long and fine training to de-
the ideal architecture of such a city.
sign on classic lines, and this truth is
To fall into this confusion was to lose impressed upon us when we come to
a great part of its charm, that make comparisons among the buildings
which consisted in the illusion that the even of the Fair itself. But granted
White City was ten thousand miles and the training, would a sensitive person
a thousand years
away from the City desire to see even the best of these
of Chicago, and in oblivion of the
buildings reproduced for the adorn-
reality that the two were contiguous ment of an American town, apart from
and contemporaneous. Those of us the setting that in Jackson Park so
who believe that architecture is the enhances the merits of the best and
which its greatest value is the contri- analyze, of which the sources seem to
bution it makes to the total effect ? be unity, magnitude and illusion, and
Even if this could be in part retained the greatest of these is illusion. To
by the reproduction of a fragment of reproduce or to imitate the buildings
the group, how ineffectual it would be deprived of these irreproducible and
on the scale of our ordinary building or inimitable advantages, would be an
even on a scale considerably larger impossible task, and if it were possible
than the ordinary building. Who it would not be desirable. For the art of
that has seen the originals would care architecture is not to produce illusions
to have his recollection disturbed, or imitations, but realities, organisms
under pretense of having it revived, by like those of nature. It is in the
a miniature plaza, with a little Admin- " naked and open daylight that our
istration building at one end, flanked architects must work, and they can
by a little Manufactures building and only be diverted from their task of
a little Machinery Hall? Above all, production by reproduction. It is not
who would care to have the buildings theirs to realize the dreams of painters,,
reproduced without the atmosphere of but to do such work as future painters-
illusion that enveloped them at Jackson may delight to dream of and to draw.
Park and vulgarized by being brought If they work for their purposes as well
into the light of common day ? " This as the classic builders wrought for
same truth is a naked and open day- theirs, then when they, in their turn,
light that doth not show the masques have become remote and mythical and
and mummeries and triumphs of the classic, their work may become the ma-
world half so stately and daintily as terial of an illusion, " such stuff as
candle lights." dreams are made of." But its very fit-
It was a common remark among ness for this purpose will depend upon
visitors who saw the Fair for the first its remoteness from current needs and
time that nothing they had read or current ideas, upon its irrelevancy
seen pictured had given them an idea to what will then be contemporary
of it, or prepared them for what they life.
Montgomery Schnyler.
Vol. III. 3. 6.
First Paper.
court, stands the principal building of ings contain lecture rooms and ateliers.
the group, presenting a noble fafade, At the north, monumental steps lead
consisting of a Corinthian arcade on a to the great hall Melpomene, where
bold basement, and surmounted by an exhibitions are held. To the right of
elegant attic, in the centre of which a this hall, in a series of galleries, are
large tablet of colored marble bears preserved the pictures which have won
the inscription, " Ecole Nationale et the " Grand Prix" in former years. On
Speciale des Beaux - Arts." Above the left are ateliers. Other exhibition
waves the Tricolor. To the left of this halls and a grand vestibule are to the
building, and separated from it by a north, and face the Quai Malaquais.
grille, is another court, known as the Returning to the main court on the
Cour des Loges," flanked at the south Rue Bonaparte, one passes the grille
by a large, uninteresting building con- and enters the further court in front of
taining the loges, which will be de- the principal building. In the centre
scribed later. To the right is the stands a great stone basin, thirteen feet
charming old garden of the Hotel in diameter, supported on a single
Chimay, which has recently been ac- shaft. Heads of gods and heroes are
quired by the Government and added carved about the edge, a work of the
to the school. At the right of the main twelfth century taken from the monas-
court, a low range of buildings contains tery of St. Denis. Ranged around the
two large hemicycles preceded by a sides of the court are marble statues;
great vestibule, over which are located copies from the antique; works of the
some of the offices of Administration. pensioners at Rome; also numerous frag-
From this vestibule " d'lngres," a cor- ments from buildings destroyed at the
ridor at either side connects with the time of the Revolution. On entering
cloisters of a small court, Cour du the building, one finds himself in a very
Murrier." Along the walls of the cor- large and lofty vestibule, adorned with
ridors and cloisters are colored casts columns, and in which are casts from
of the terra cotta frieze of the Ospidale the antique. Beyond the vestibule is a
del Ceppo at Pistoja. Under the central court roofed with glass, and
arches are statues of bronze and mar- aiso containing casts and two groups
ble. To one beautiful bronze cast, of columns, size of the originals, from
from an unfinished clay model, is the Temple of Jupiter Stator at Rome,
attached a pathetic story. The sculp- and the Parthenon at Athens. Beyond
tor was a poor young man, who came this court is the celebrated hemicycle
within one of gaining the "Grand of Paul Delaroche. It is finely propor-
Prix de Rome." Undaunted by his tioned and splendidly decorated, the
failure he went to Rome on his semi-circular wall being covered with
own account to brave every privation one immense picture, representing the
for the sake of the art he loved. The principal artists of all times and nations.
winter was unusually severe. One night There are seventy-five colossal figures,
the cold was so intense that he feared each twenty-three feet high. In the
lest the clay of the statue he was centre on a throne sit Phidias, Apelles
modeling should freeze, so taking the and Ictinus.
coverings from his bed he wrapped On
the story and over the main
them about the clay. In the morning vestibule the library a long gallery
the statue was found uninjured, but the extending almost the whole length of
young man was found dead, frozen stiff the building, having at either end ves-
in his bed. The French Government tibules with stately Corinthian columns.
ordered the unfinished model cast in The ceiling is richly coffered and the
everlasting bronze and placed in this woodwork is carved oak. On the side
honorable position in the heart of the towards the court is a range of great
school. M. Charles Blanc says of this windows against the piers stand busts
seen equaled. The great wall of books, one is debarred from taking the others.
mostly richly-bound folios, produces an Perhaps the best way to give a clear
effect of surprising richness. Many of idea of this trying ordeal will be to
the documents preserved here are describe my own experience.
work of the pensioners
unique, being the Having secured a letter of introduc-
at Rome, and form a collection of tion from the United States Minister,
measured drawings and restorations which is necessary, I presented myself
from ancient buildings, probably the at the school and was enrolled on the
most complete and trustworthy that list of aspirants for the next examina-
exists. On the Quai Malaquais, adjoin- tion. Before nine o'clock on the
ing the other buildings to the west, appointed cjay I found myself,- wit-h
stands the Hotel Chimay, purchased by about two hundred others, in the
the Government in 1885 and recently "Cour des Loges," armed with draw-
fitted upas ateliers. ing board, T-squares, triangles, and
From this hurried description of the drawing instruments. Monsieur Bar-
buildings, one can form an idea of their bier, Chief Guardian, Departement
vast proportions. But large as they d'Architecture," resplendent in his uni-
are, they give but a partial idea of the form and cocked hat, mounts the steps,
size of the school, for most of the work orders one of his lieutenants to lock
is done off the premises, in the ateliers the .gate to the court, then to make
scattered about the neighborhood.
all matters perfectly fair, he takes a small
These number from fifteen to twenty, dictionary from his pocket, opens it in
while those on the premises devoted to the middle, and selects the letter which
architecture are but three. first meets his eye, from which to
I shall now endeavor to
explain the begin the roll. Naturally the roll gen
seemingly intricate, but really very erally commences at about the middle
simple and most efficient system of of the alphabet. Then follows an in-
instruction. First let us begin with the terminable list of names. Each one, as
entrance examinations, a subject of he is called, enters and signs a regis-
peculiar interest to many young Ameri- ter. I, who know no French, strain my
cans who intend to become architects. ears for something which resembles my
The school is free, supported by the name, with the result that T bring up
Government. The appliances gathered the rear amid a volley of what I take
here for a training in art are such as to be French profanity from Monsieur
only a nation like France could accu- Barbier, who has to correct his register,
mulate in centuries, and such as is not and who has no great love for " les
found elsewhere in the world. The repu- Grangers" under any circumstances.
tation of the school is such that there is I mount five flights of stairs and find
no second. Naturally admission to it is myself in a room about thirty feet wide,
eagerly sought, but alas there are bar- but of tremendous length. At the
riers to be surmounted before one can door I am handed
a programme, an
enter. The Government has no inten- imposing document lithographed on a
tion of wasting the public funds on
large sheet. Along the room on either
unpromising aspirants. The examina- side extends a row of stalls, for all the
tions take place twice in each
year, in world like those of a stable; these are
the months of March and July. Be- called loges. In the centre are long
tween two and three hundred apply, tables. Each loge has a shelf, which
and only about one-eighth of that num- for one to work on, and a small window.
ber are received. Recently the number The first to arrive
occupy the stalls,
of admissions was limited to
thirty. those who come later must content
The examinations consist of archi- themselves with the tables, where the
tectural composition, modeling in One is free to walk
clay, light is very bad.
about as he pleases and to make all the upon terraces in which can be arranged
noise he cares to, and each individual grottoes, etc. The greatest dimension
of the two hundred or more present is is given, also the scale at which the
availing himself of these privileges to plan, section and elevation are to be
the utmost. At one end of the room a drawn a detail of the order must be
crowd are having great fun celebrating made at a larger scale. The time al-
mass. One acts as a priest and sings lowed is nominally twelve hours, but as
the principal part while the others join the various preliminaries described
in the chorus. At the proper time some above occupy so much time, and as the
one rings on a glass in imitation of the guardians are in a great hurry to go
bell. The priest acts his part to per- home to their dinner, the actual time
fection and is loudly applauded. Then which one can work is only a little over
some one "Vive Boulanger," and
cries eight hours. I work as I never worked
the whole room echoes with cries of before, but, do my best, the light begins
"Vive Boulanger," "A 'bas Boulanger." to fade before I have washed in the
Many present are old hands who shadows on the elevation. I had been
have tried the examinations before, warned to take candles, and provided
without success, and feel at home. myself with six taking possession of
Some even have the hardihood to pro- one of the now deserted loges, 1 rashly
pose an initiation of the newcomers proceed to light them all, but it is not
(reception des nouveaux). It is now long before I discover my mistake.
about eleven o'clock and time for de- Some one passing gives a whoop, and
jeuner or breakfast. I notice a great in a moment half of those left are gath-
many issuing from a door half way ered in front of the loge shouting
down the room with eatables, and upon " *
quelle illumination oh yes oh yes
! ! !
the next examinations came around I the only professor with whom the can-
had accumulated a limited store of bad didate for admission is brought in con-
French, and had time to brush up, in- tact during the examinations, and the
deed to polish my acquaintance with impression he produces is most agree-
algebra, geometry, plain, solid, and able. He sits in state on the rostrum.
descriptive, and to lay in a goodly Before him on the table is his hat con-
store of history. Each of these exam- taining slips of paper, each with a num-
inations is both oral and written. ber corresponding to a question. The
Only one question in- each subject is student, when his name is called, ad-
asked, and failure means half a year's vances to the table and draws a num-
wait. The first examination was in ber from the hat. The professor opens
written history, and the question, as it and tells him the subject he is to dis-
nearly as I can remember it, was as fol- course upon. While I am waiting, a
lows: young man draws the American War of
Independence. His ideas on the sub-
proposed to erect a monument to the
It is
ject are somewhat misty. He knows
writers of the eighteenth century. Give a of only two of its heroes,
brief description of the design the monument
and Franklin. The professor does
should be adorned with statues of authors and
not like his pronunciation of " Wash-
have upon it suitable inscriptions what names
should be so honored, and which should receive ington," and says those Americans
places of the greatest distinction. Give an over there, indicating myself and
account of the principal works of the various some of my compatriots, are laugh-
authors also a short account of literature of
ing at him. He says you should try
this epoch." to get the true American pronuncia-
tion of the word, then repeats very
The examination was held in the distinctly for his edification Vash-ish-
beautiful hemicycle of Paul Delaroche, ton, with strong emphasis on the last
and from my place of vantage on one of syllable, and an almost imperceptible
the upper tiers I could see a great deal sound of the final n.
of cribbing going on below. The first My turn comes and I draw literature
care of the guardian was to make a of the time of Louis XIV. I soon get
map of the room, showing the location myself in trouble by making an odious
of each pupil. This to aid the profes- comparispn, having the hardihood to
sor in the detection of frauds. If two rank Moliere below Shakespere as a
papers are found to be suspiciously playwright. Monsieur smiles, shrugs his
alike, he looks up the location of the shoulders and asks me if I am English.
men; near each other he determines
if I answer American. He says perhaps
at the oral examination which one has it is natural for me to take that view,
cheated. Once detected in a fraud, but he evidently pities my
that young man had better choose some However, Monsieur La Monier is a gen-
other occupation in life than architect- tleman, a man of distinguished learn-
ure, for he will find it extremely diffi- ing, and my beau ideal of a Frenchman.
cult, if not impossible, to ever enter the The written examinations in descrip-
school. tive geometry and other mathematics
The oral examinations in his- are conducted on the same plan. M he
tory are held in the same place. A students are not allowed to communi-
printed list of questions are furnished cate. I hear several things which
sound strange to an American. One and I realize that I am in a foreign
young man was told to move along, the land.
inspector explaining that he might copy Finally the F's are reached. I
ination was an American newly arrived, don't believe you know any more now
who knew absolutely no French. The than you did the last time. Prcnnez
inspector remarked that he did not un point, et un plan. Trouvez la distance
write as he read the programme, and entre ce point et le plan." This Monsieur
asked him why. "Oui, oui," said the is quickly thanked. Evidently he' is
young man, this being his whole vocabu- not worth wasting much time upon, and
lary. A moment later noticing that he my turn comes. I am told that I write
still did not write, he asked if he under- very poor French, and I am asked
stood French. "Oui, oui," he replied. where I came from. I say "America."
Again he did not write, and the in- "Amerique du nord ou Amerique du sud?"
" You do not write. asks Monsieur. I reply, my dignity
spector said, Why
do you say, Oui, oui,' whenever I speak
somewhat injured, " Les Etats Unis."
" " If I
to you ?" My compatriot gravely re- Bien," he says, and adds:
" America as long as you have
plied, Oui, oui, oui," amid shouts of been in
laughter. It is slow work waiting been France I could have spoken
one's turn at the orals. Monsieur English a great deal better than you
Salisis, the official examinateur, is an speak French." But as he has no means
old sea captain, with a bald head, of knowing how long I have been in
which he wrinkles when he is not France, I mentally do not assent.
pleased, and he is seldom pleased dur- At each of these examinations a cer-
ing the examinations, but he has an tain mark is given, ranging from zero
unlimited supply of patience; it cannot to twenty. Then the mark received in
be denied, he gives the men every each subject is multiplied by a co-
chance. A student is at the board efficient supposed to represent its rela-
hopelessly perplexed; the old man gets tive importance, thus the mark in Archi-
" I
up, and says, will return in a few tectural Composition is multiplied by
minutes; meantime you will have a 12; drawing by 2; modeling by 2;
chance to reflect." Hardly is the door mathematics by 5; descriptive geom-
closed, when at least fifty of those etry by 5, and history by i.
present begin to. give advice to the be- Failure to pass in a single subject
wildered victim at the board, and tell debars the candidate. The names of
him how to do the problem. The those who are received are posted in
examinateur returns, and the poor the order of merit, ascertained as de-
fellow is more at sea than ever. scribed, and here at the threshold be-
J^e vous remerci," politely says mon- gins the system of competition which
sieur, as he writes zero opposite your pervades every branch of instruction
name. at the school, a system which puts the
It is now half-past six of a men on their mettle, and produces the
afternoon. I have been most extraordinary results, both as re-
sitting all day
on a wooden bench with no back. The gards quality and the amount of work
French Government does not pamper accomplished.
the pupils at the National school with Having successfully passed the ex-
luxuries. Monsieur Salisis shuts up amination, notwithstanding my bad
his note book and announces that the
French, I find my name posted along
examinations will be resumed at seven with twenty-nine others, all that remain
o'clock to-morrow (Sunday) morning, of the army of nearly three hundred.
Once having gained admission the student has obtained the required num-
student is allowed an extraordinary ber of honorable mentions, or values, he
degree of liberty. He may stay in the is admitted without further ceremony to
school until thirty years of age, pro- the first class. When he receives the
vided he accomplishes work each proper number there he is allowed to
year which may easily be done in one choose a final programme of his own
or two months. He may choose his making for a building, after which
own professor in architecture, and may he receives his diploma from the Gov-
work or not as he feels disposed. To ernment and becomes a full-fledged
keep his name on the rolls he is com- architect. If a young man is bright,
pelled only to visit the school twice in he may expect to reach this goal in
the year. His advancement is solely from eight to ten years after entry, but
by the honors, or values as they are a large proportion fall out before the
called, which he obtains. The school is course is ended. Thus far no American
divided into two classes, first and sec- has ever finished the course, though
ond, the latter being the lower. When a several have reached the first class.
Ernest Flagg.
A reproduction from a full-size cartoon for The Last Supper," to be executed in mosaic.
Part II.
enamel, and considered that the culmin- mosaic-workers. The Senate, bent o '
ating point of glory had been attained urging them to the fullest exercise o
when a could say of the work that
critic their powers, exerted itself to the ut
really one could not have done better most to encourage the competition. I i
dear to their hearts was praise of this entrance of the cathedral that all me i
sort, indeed, that Francesco and Valerio might judge their relative merits. J i
Coeli. Raphael had the advantage of Cristofari's colleague, and head of th<
an excellent translator in Luigi di Pace, workshop, pressed by the necessity o
a Venetian whom Chigi il Magnifico supplying an immense variety o
called expressly from Venice, then, as enamels, invented new recipes, espe
now, the headquarters of mosaic art. cially that of a remarkably fine purple
Meanwhile there was growing up at which bears his name. This making o
Rome the institution which was to do, new colors was fostered by the actioi
perhaps, even more than the work at of Pope Urban VIII. (1623 to 1644)
St. Mark's, to fix the new conception of who conceived the idea of causing th'
mosaics as a dependent art. Muziano frescoes and oil-paintings of the cathe
di Brescia, Maicello Provenzale di dral to be rendered durable by crystal
Cento, G. Calendra, FabioCristofari and lization into mosaic. The copying o
Gessi were successively directors of the such pictures, composed without an;
bands of mosaicists called from the reference whatever to mosaic, naturall
various studios of Rome and Venice to rendered imperative a large assortmen
co-operate in the work of decorating of colors, and so well has the ingenuit
St. Peter's. In 1727, under Pietro of the Roman mosaic workers know \
Showing facade in mosaic.
Vol. III. 3 7.
how to respond to the demand, that the Villa Borghese. He is said to have
the Papal factory has at the present employed 100,000 pieces of enamel in
time as many as twenty-five thousand this work of patience. Portable mosaics
shades at its disposition. The technique quickly became the fashion and con-
of the art has thus, of course, im- tributed much to the degradation of
mensely improved since the days the art. Not that such mosaics had
of the workers at Sta. Pudentiana and been altogether unknown in old times.
at Ravenna; many will think, however, The Byzantine mosaicists of the tenth
that the mosaicistsof those times under- and eleventh centuries made many
stood their art intrinsically better than little pictures of the kind, which were
the men who copied in all the glory of much admired and treasured. They
its original coloring, say, Raphael's generally represented sacred scenes and
"Transfiguration," enlarging it to four were placed in the treasuries of churches
times its original size. St. Peter's at to be shown to the devout on high days
Rome, like St. Mark's at Venice, is too and holidays or they stood by the
and other ornaments, seems recently derful old Venetian glass. This in it-
simplicity, but must, like all other arts, of 20 centimetres, and a thickness of
rely for its quality upon the individual one, and allowed to harden. When re-
feeling and ability of the artist himself. quired for use these glass biscuits are
In the accompanying illustration of cut into the familiar cubes by means of
a corner of a practical studio the pro- a hammer with a cutting edge, and
gress of the work can be seen. The placed according to their shade of color
original large size color cartoons show- in shallow cups destined for this purpose.
ing upon the wall, the work in progress They are then taken up, as required,
in place on the benches, while the in pincers and placed in the cement
mosaic frit is held in small trays beside according to the design which is being
the tables. Mosaic frit, the base of all The famous gold and silver
filled in.
mosaic pictures, is a composition of backgrounds are not, however, made in
glasseous character, and in manufac- this way. On a ground of thick glass
ture is subject to intense heat. Under is laid a leaf of gold or silver; then a
the influence of various oxidising re- film of the purest glass is spread-over
agents this glass becomes a compact it, and all is subjected to the action of
brilliant paste of every shade of color, fire. The various layers are thus fixed
durable enough to. resist, unaltered, the in one solid body (the gold or silver
most wearing atmospheric influences. being buried between the two strata of
The liquid glass is poured into round glass), and can be cut with the hammer
biscuit-like forms which have a diameter like ordinary glass enamel.
When made at once portions according to the size of the
the mosaic can be
in situ, the wall tobe covered is pre- parts to be successively taken off and ;
pared with a special cement, in which over the paper again is gummed a
the cubes are placed but it often hap- coarse cloth.
The whole is now put
pens, owing to the distance, that the aside to dry, and when it is thoroughly
whole piece has to be executed in the firm, the sides of the box are let down,
atelier, and then carried to the site to the cloth is cut, and the paper, with the
be decorated. Under these conditions cubes attached to it below, raised out
the best method employed is known as of the plaster bed. The pieces are
mosaico a rivoltatura. The workman has naturally turned over as they are raised,
before him a tray, with movable sides, hence the term mosaico a rivoltatura.
of wood or slate. This he covers with They are then placed, in due order, on
a sheet of plaster, on which he copies the wall, which has been prepared with
the design to be executed. The cubes cement to receive them. The surface
of enamel and gold are placed in the is rendered even by the strokes of some
plaster according to the drawing, and flat instrument, the coating of paste,
when the work is finished their faces paper and cloth is removed, and the
are covered with a paste made of rye- mosaic stands revealed. The cement
flour. The rye-flour paste is covered has, however, probably been pressed up
with a great sheet of paper divided into between the cubes of color by the weight
A Reproduction, showing the compaiison between the colored design and the finished mosaic.
Design by Henry Albert Johnson.
of the cubes themselves. In this case the municipal factory, or to the work
the mosaic is washed while still fresh shop of Signer Merlini in the Via de
with a colored water, which harmonizes Fossi at Florence shows the eminent!}
the cement with the colors of the cubes. artistic resources of the Florentin<
This washing is a remedy by no means mosaic in pietre dure. The pallet o
strong enough, however, when pictures the worker in this branch of the art re
are to be copied or portable mosaics sembles a geologist's cabinet, consist
made. In this case a heated mixture is ing as it does of stones of all descrip
made of white wax and earth of various tions, veined and stained in every pos
colors, and this mixture is applied by sible manner. Like the poet, theartis.
means of hot irons to the cement that must be "skillful to select materials
has to take on the exact tint of the for his plan," choosing from all the va* t
surrounding mosaic. stores of stones around him, exactl .'
One word must still be said on a com- that shade, or spot, or that streak whic i
paratively recent development of the will best serve the end he has in vie\ .
ancient art of lithostratnm. A visit to Incredible, to one who has not examine 1
the work, is the exquisite softness of Of a truth we feel inclined to echo,
the shading to be obtained with some with regard to this branch of the art as
of the translucent jaspers. The with regard to mosaic proper, the
shadowed concavities at the bases of words of Titian " It is deplorable that
flower petals, the delicate orbing of mosaic, an art as valuable for its beauty
grapes, the veins of leaves
and petals, as for the durability of its materials, be
the varied tints on grass and trees not more cultivated by artists and en-
nothing is beyond the power of artists couraged by princes." Where frescoes
who work thus from Nature's own pallet. have vanished mosaics have lasted,
As an example of the application of eloquent voices reaching us across the
this kind of mosaic to purposes of deco- centuries to give us the history of the
ration, we may cite the famous arms of tastesand aspirations of a past world.
various Tuscan cities which ornament What paintings have come to us from
the walls of the Medici Chapel in Flor- Pompeii for instance ? Whereas the
ence. In these not only are the most mosaics, seen still in situ or in the
delicately tinted stones must happily museum at Naples, are as fresh as
used, but strips of mother-of-pearl are though they had been executed yester-
introduced to give further light to the day. There are signs, however, that
whole. In work of this kind the vari- interest in mosaic is reviving and ;
ous parts of the design, cut from the that, to the original conception of the
stone by a wire covered continually aims and functions of the art, is to be
with wet emery powder, are attached added at last that technical skill which
by means of strong mastic to a piece of has been gradually acquired from the
hard slate also cut according to the sixteenth century onward. If this is
design; all the parts are then united at really the case, the end of the nine-
the back by a slab of slate and placed teenth century will, it may be hoped,
in the setting (generally of black mar- produce mosaics such as the world has
ble) destined to receive them. not yet seen, and put an emphatic seal
" La
The Florentine municipal factory is to Ghirlandaio's words that vera
unfortunately dying for want of work. pitturaper 1'Eternita e il mosaico."
Isabella Debarbieri.
Lee nor Winter fully realized how greatly altered was the
condition of their lives, how far and how irretraceably they
had departed from the old existence in Eastchester, until
quitting the steamer at the North River pier they found
themselves amid the clamant bustle of the great city. How
inhospitable the streets and buildings How preoccupied
" sad tone. " Oh,
No. No," replied Ralph, vacantly, in a
no. Ah, here's Broadway ;
so noisy, it's hard to make
oneself heard."
The busy crowd seemed to have caught the refrain of
" Like drunkards whose hands are too
Raymond's censure :
Well, Raymond, which is it to be: Moyle or Pittsburgh ?"
"Why put it that way, Ralph ? you know there is not that
choice for me."
" It's
Moyle then ? Eh?"
"Yes, Moyle," replied Raymond, annoyed.
To be continued.
Vol. III. 4. I.
Baltimore, Md. HALL AT "HOMEWOOD."