Education and Awareness Creation On Sustainability Practices, The Role of Teachers in Business Schools
Education and Awareness Creation On Sustainability Practices, The Role of Teachers in Business Schools
Education and Awareness Creation On Sustainability Practices, The Role of Teachers in Business Schools
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The aim of the research paper is to will help in achieving proper shared value for both
understand the role of teachers in business schools in shareholders and stakeholders who have direct or indirect
enforcing sustainability practices in their respective interest in the operations of a specific business unit.
schools with concentration on curriculum design, (Friedman,2007)
teaching in the classrooms and providing support and
encouragement to their students to actively make Practicing sustainability has become very challenging
sustainability a part in their day-to-day activities since in the world today, of which Business schools are no
they will graduate from schools to join societies. There exception. It is therefore relevant for teachers in business
are a lot of campaigns and advocacy by the international schools to set clear examples in teaching and encouraging
community and governments like the USA, UK, and the students to be well equipped in embracing practical
EU with respect to sustainability and its practices, the sustainable principles whiles in school, to serve as a
problem is whether, these advocacies could translate into motivation to all stakeholders in their effort to protect the
equal levels of acceptance by the faculty members and planet, since sustainability is practice driven. Neglecting
reflect in student’s enrollment, addressing this dilemma sustainability and its practices in our daily lives would mean
could help solve sustainability challenges in societies and putting the lives of many including biodiversity at risk
industries as well. The researcher seeks to make clarity meaning waste, emissions, irresponsible usage of energy,
on the need for proper collaboration on curriculum carbon, and environmental footprints would be on the rise.
designs, and full commitment by faculty members in (Foo and Tan 2016; Denedo et al 2019). In lieu of this
business schools on sustainability. In lieu of this, clear background, the research question will be:
suggestions and recommendations are presented at the
conclusion part based on a case study analysis of What role(s) do teachers play in helping to design a
Australian universities. The stakes of sustainability in practice-based curriculum, that could encourage and
UK universities were also taken into consideration in a train business students on sustainability practices in
report by the People and Planet Universities League. It is saving the planet for the benefit of societies?
therefore recommended that; all stakeholders should
accept, collaborate, and encourage students to enroll in II. DEFINITION OF SUSTAINABILITY
studying programs relating to sustainability and its
practices in building a better society for the benefit of According to the Brundtland Commission
the majority and save our planet. (WCED)1987” sustainability is defined as meeting the needs
of present generations without compromising the ability of
Keywords:- Sustainability Practices, Sustainable future generations to meet their needs”. Emphasis on
Development Goals, Curriculum Design, Student sustainability is normally laid on individuals, societies,
Enrolment. businesses, and corporate bodies to be careful with their
actions and practices in protecting the planet for the benefits
I. INTRODUCTION of the majority. (Pearce and Atkinson 1998; Gray and
In recent times, pandemics and economic crisis has
taught corporations around the world lessons with respect to Concepts of Sustainability
sustainability practices and thus to remain relevant in Sustainability considers the social, environmental and
business, corporate organizations need to prioritize, governance paradigms of corporate bodies and how these
incorporate sustainable practices and actions into their measures create value for the benefits of the majority. These
corporate strategy to remain competitive and survive. dimensions of sustainability clearly tread on the triple
(Fowler and Hope,2007) bottom line theory which is about the people, planet, and
profit (3P, s) in connecting the environment and social
This implies that, the onus of responsibility lies with wellbeing of the people, a responsibility for the benefits of
teachers in business schools in encouraging their students to the majority. It can be argued from the point of view that,
practice sustainability, focusing on the relevance of despite the growing campaign about sustainability practices,
curriculum design, creating awareness and advocacy in their there is the need for teachers in business schools to be on
respective schools as they prepare their students for the deck in finding absolute solutions through proper teaching
world of work.(Springett, 2010;A.Barber et al 2014) This and learning procedures. (Elkington,2004). This is possible
The report above clearly identifies a dilemma on the footprints, achieving sustainability targets and strategies.
number of students enrolled in sustainable related programs (Latter and Capstick,2021).
in Australian universities and the number of students
completing sustainability units from 2008 to 2010.The study Three universities that had higher scores in
indicated a decline in enrolment of specific business-related sustainability related issues are Manchester university,
subjects at the universities. An example of this is the Kings College, and Nottingham Trent University.
decrease in undergraduate subjects in Ethics and
Sustainability from 511 to 467 between 2008 to 2010 and Manchester University is ranked with a high score of
even worse on the part of graduate subjects taken into 86.3% and according to the Vice Chancellor of the
consideration the figures listed in the table above. This is University, Professor Malcolm Press, the University’s
likely to have a replicated effect on the planet and the people efforts are on research, designing carbon literacy program
as well, when it comes to sustainability and its practices like and incorporating climate education into the school’s
waste, environmental carbon footprints, emission, and curriculum including a construction of £4.1million hydrogen
pollution control which is supposed to be keen in students’ fuel cell innovation Centre to produce sustainable fuels for
life. The situation is even worse when there are no records the larger community in helping to achieve zero carbon
of student pursuing sustainability related courses or as part emissions.
of school’s curriculum at both the undergraduate and
graduate levels, a clear indication of lack or low motivation With respect to Kings College, Professor Shitij Kapur
from stakeholders like teachers and faculty members in the president of the College laid emphasis on the
dealing with the problem. (Budihardjo, 2021, Von Der Heidt university’s effort on sustainability through research
and Lamberton,2011, Bar et al, 2008). education, community engagement, in establishing a
Climate Action Network teams and coordinators. The
A challenge which needs to be dealt with is how college believes these initiatives will bring together students
students can engage or campaign in their various and staff of the college to actively engage in sustainability
communities on sustainable practices if they are not enrolled related practices. It is of no doubt that since 2005 there has
in the subject or offered a program relating to sustainability been a reduction of emissions in the college by 53% which
in helping them gain interest in the subject matter. (Fisher has contributed to sustainability score of 79.5% when the
and Bonn, 2011)This situation identifies a gap in college was ranked in recent times by the People and Planet
enrollment, at the colleges and business schools in Australia, University league. The college also initiated over
a threat to sustainable development, students on their part 100 climate change and sustainability related subjects for all
may be motivated or interested in reading sustainability students in understanding climate related issues in addition
related courses at the schools.(Eagle et al,2015).However, to their area of studies, in helping students to practice
given the low enrolment levels in Australian colleges and sustainability both in their communities and at the
universities, there is a strong indication that, most business workplace after graduation (People and Planet university
schools are lagging on sustainability focus, which is likely league table,2021; Redfern and Zhong,2017).)
to have a negative impact on societies and corporations
where students may find themselves after graduation (Fisher In relation to the above, the head of sustainability,
and Bonn,2011) Charmaine Morrell of Nottingham Trent University,
elaborated on how they have invested time and resources
VI. EFFORTS BY THREE UK UNIVERSITIES into research and inclusion of sustainable development in
TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY AND ITS the school’s curriculum, and the establishment of committed
PRACTICES teams whose work is to help in the reduction of emissions
on school’s buildings. This initiative has resulted in 99% of
In the UK, one of the students campaigning networks, their waste being managed well without been sent to the
People and Planet, an organization that encourages landfills. The University has also launched an initiative of
sustainable practices in societies and schools ranked 154 UK rewarding both students and staff who are noticed to engage
universities on sustainability in 2021.This is based on in sustainable practices to serve as motivation for others to
programs offered at the various universities, enrollment, and emulate. There are also 14 student societies at the University
community engagements in reducing environmental carbon serving as Ambassadors in practicing sustainability in the
external environment where students would be recognized