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Year 36 No.

51 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion (A) — Red April 2, 2023

For KORO Filipino Alay-Kapwa Sunday / World Youth Day

his Son, could Jesus have felt
abandoned? Before Jesus arrived PART I: THE COMMEMORATION
at those words of great trust, he OF THE LORD’S ENTRANCE INTO
did acknowledge great anguish. JERUSALEM
For us, is this not one of the most
powerful ways to develop trust
Solemn Procession (First Form)
(The people, with their palm branches,
– to go through uncertainty and gather in a suitable place outside the
lost-ness? And perhaps the greater church. Wearing a red cope, the priest joins
the anguish, the greater the trust the assembly and begins the celebration.
can be. The following antiphon or another
appropriate song is sung.)
Many times, I have been
by Fr. Francis D. Alvarez, SJ
approached by people dealing with Antiphon (Mt 21:9)
difficulties and facing challenges I Hosanna to the Son of David;

“A nd about three o’clock,

Jesus cried out in a loud
voice, ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?’
also cannot make sense of. Many
times, I have no answers and can
only say, “God is with you still;
blessed is he who comes in the
name of the Lord, the King of
Israel. Hosanna in the highest.
which means, ‘My God, my God, God has not abandoned you.” But Greeting
why have you forsaken me?’” I cannot deny what these people (The sign of the cross is made here.)
Did God the Father abandon feel and what I would also feel if
P—The Lord be with you.
Jesus on the cross? I ever find myself in their shoes: All—And with your spirit.
Everything I have been taught Abandoned.
about God cries out, “No!” Just Perhaps this is part of the (The priest may use this introduction or
four months ago, we were singing Good News in our Gospel today: similar words.)
about the birth of the Emmanuel, When we feel abandoned, we
P—Dear brethren (brothers and
the God-with-us. How can God can allow ourselves to cry out, “I sisters), since the beginning of Lent
forsake the Son who embodies his feel abandoned! Where are you, until now we have prepared our
presence for us? This Son preached God?” We do not have to hide our hearts by penance and charitable
about the Shepherd who looks for anguish from God. We can wail. works. Today we gather together
the one lost sheep and the Father But in our darkness, can we to herald with the whole Church
who never stops waiting for the also let in a sliver of light and the beginning of the celebration
prodigal children to come to their whisper, “I know at least one time of our Lord’s Paschal Mystery,
senses and return home. No, God when Jesus could have felt the that is to say, of his Passion
is not a God who abandons. same way”? Then we can say he and Resurrection. For it was to
So why did Jesus utter those is truly Emmanuel, God-with-us. accomplish this mystery that he
entered his own city of Jerusalem.
words? Diving deeper into Betsie ten Boom, the Dutch
Therefore, with all faith and
Scripture, one discovers that those Christian who was imprisoned by devotion, let us commemorate
words are actually the first verse the Nazis for helping Jews, died the Lord’s entry into the city for
of Psalm 22 – our Psalm today. in a concentration camp uttering, our salvation, following in his
This tells us that on the cross, “There is no pit so deep that He footsteps, so that, being made by
Jesus was praying a Psalm which is not deeper still.” Palm Sunday his grace partakers of the Cross,
near the end proclaims, “For he is when people waving fronds we may have a share also in his
has not spurned or disdained the welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem. Resurrection and in his life.
misery of this poor wretch, did not Maybe this Palm Sunday can be Blessing of Palms
turn away from me, but heard me an invitation for us to welcome
P—Let us pray. (Pause)
when I cried out.” No, God is not Jesus into our anguish. Sometime
Almighty ever-living God,
a God who abandons. this Holy Week, approach Jesus on sanctify (†) these branches
But while Psalm 22 ends with the cross. As you see his anguish, with your blessing, that we,
great trust in God, it begins with remember all your anguish, too. who follow Christ the King in
great anguish. While God the Know you are not alone. Maybe exultation, may reach the eternal
Father may not have abandoned tell him he is not alone either. Jerusalem through him.
Who lives and reigns for ever Collect my hands and my feet;/ I can
and ever. count all my bones. (R)
P—Let us pray. (Pause)
All—Amen. 3. They divide my garments
(In silence, the priest sprinkles the palm Almighty, ever-living God,
who as an example of humility for among them,/ and for my vesture
branches with holy water.) they cast lots./ But you, O Lord,
the human race to follow caused
Gospel of the Lord’s Entrance into be not far from me;/ O my help,
our Savior to take flesh and
Jerusalem (Mt 21:1–11) hasten to aid me. (R)
submit to the Cross, graciously
grant that we may heed his lesson 4. I will proclaim your name to
P—A reading from the holy my brethren;/ in the midst of the
Gospel according to Matthew. of patient suffering and so merit
a share in his Resurrection. assembly I will praise you:/ “You
All—Glory to you, O Lord. who fear the Lord, praise him;/
Who lives and reigns with you
WHEN JESUS and the disciples all you descendants of Jacob,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
drew near Jerusalem and came give glory to him;/ revere him, all
God, for ever and ever. you descendants of Israel!” (R)
to Bethphage on the Mount of All—Amen.
Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, Second Reading (Phil 2:6–11)
saying to them, “Go into the village
opposite you, and immediately LITURGY OF THE WORD The glory of Jesus comes from the total
emptying of self. His passion and death
you will find an ass tethered, and First Reading (Is 50:4–7) (Sit) are his exaltation.
a colt with her. Untie them and
bring them here to me. And if This mysterious Servant prefigures Jesus A reading from the Letter of Saint
who identifies himself as the Servant who Paul to the Philippians
anyone should say anything to frees all people.
you, reply, ‘The master has need CHRIST JESUS, though he was in
of them.’ Then he will send them A reading from the Book of the
the form of God, did not regard
at once.” This happened so that Prophet Isaiah
equality with God something to
what had been spoken through THE Lord God has given me a be grasped. Rather, he emptied
the prophet might be fulfilled: well-trained tongue, that I might himself, taking the form of a
“Say to daughter Zion, ‘Behold, know how to speak to the weary slave, coming in human likeness;
your king comes to you, meek and a word that will rouse them. and found human in appearance,
riding on an ass, and on a colt, the Morning after morning he opens he humbled himself, becoming
foal of a beast of burden.’” The my ear that I may hear; and I have obedient to the point of death,
disciples went and did as Jesus not rebelled, have not turned even death on a cross. Because
had ordered them. They brought back. I gave my back to those of this, God greatly exalted him
the ass and the colt and laid their who beat me, my cheeks to those and bestowed on him the name
cloaks over them, and he sat upon who plucked my beard; my face which is above every name, that
them. The very large crowd spread I did not shield from buffets and at the name of Jesus every knee
their cloaks on the road, while spitting. should bend, of those in heaven
others cut branches from the The Lord God is my help, and on earth and under the earth,
trees and strewed them on the therefore I am not disgraced; I and every tongue confess that
road. The crowds preceding him have set my face like flint, knowing Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory
and those following kept crying that I shall not be put to shame. of God the Father.
out and saying: “Hosanna to the —The word of the Lord. —The word of the Lord.
Son of David; blessed is he who All—Thanks be to God. All—Thanks be to God.
comes in the name of the Lord;
hosanna in the highest.” And when Responsorial Psalm (Ps 22)
Amante Verse before the Gospel
(Phil 2:8–9) (Stand)
he entered Jerusalem the whole
 
R—My God,Fmmy God,  why
 Amante
C7 Fmhave
city was shaken and asked, “Who   abandoned
  Fm   
     Fm C7
you me?
C7 Fm
Amante All—Christ became obedient to
is this?” And the crowds replied, 
  My    God,
 the point of death, even death
  God,
     My
my Fm
“This is Jesus the prophet, from
 
God, 
my  
on a cross. Because of this, God
Nazareth in Galilee.” greatly exalted him and bestowed
 My
   
  
God, my God, on him the name which is above
—The Gospel of the Lord.

   
B♭m every name.
  
All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus

why have you

   
  
Christ. why have you
Gospel (Mt 27:11–54) (Short Form)
(A brief homily may be given.)
     you
Fmwhy C7
have Fm
  
(The Proclamation of the Gospel is read

Procession to the Church    Fm

    Fm
Fm C7 without candles and incense; the greeting
 Fm 

P—Dear brethren (brothers and     me?

 and the sign of the cross are omitted.)
    
a ban C7
 

sisters), like the crowds who ac-  All who

1. see me  scoff
 me?
 me;/
at (J—Jesus, N—Narrator, P—Pilate and

a ban doned
claimed Jesus in Jerusalem, let they mock a me with
ban donedparted
me? lips, Individual Speaker, C—Crowd)
us go forth in peace. they wag their heads:/ “He relied
on the L ord ; let him deliver The Passion of our Lord Jesus
All—In the name of Christ. Amen.
him,/ let him rescue him, if he Christ according to Matthew
PART II: MASS loves him.” (R) N —Jesus stood before the
(When the priest reaches the altar, he venerates
it. He removes his cope and puts on a red 2. Indeed, many dogs surround governor, Pontius Pilate, and
chasuble. Then he begins the Mass with the me,/ a pack of evildoers closes he questioned him,
Collect.) in upon me;/ They have pierced P—Are you the king of the Jews?
N—Jesus said, whole cohort around him. They who heard it said,
J—You say so. stripped off his clothes and threw C — THIS ONE IS CALLING
N—And when he was accused a scarlet military cloak about FOR ELIJAH.
by the chief priests and elders, him. Weaving a crown out of N — Immediately one of them
he made no answer. Then Pilate thorns, they placed it on his ran to get a sponge; he soaked
said to him, head, and a reed in his right it in wine, and putting it on a
P—Do you not hear how many hand. And kneeling before him, reed, gave it to him to drink. But
things they are testifying against they mocked him, saying, the rest said,
N—But he did not answer him N—They spat upon him and took COMES TO SAVE HIM.
one word, so that the governor the reed and kept striking him N — But Jesus cried out again
was greatly amazed. on the head. And when they had in a loud voice, and gave up
Now on the occasion of mocked him, they stripped him his spirit.
the feast the governor was of the cloak, dressed him in his (Here all kneel and pause for a short
accustomed to release to the own clothes, and led him off to while.)
crowd one prisoner whom they crucify him. And behold, the veil of
wished. And at that time they As they were going out, they the sanctuary was torn in two
had a notorious prisoner called met a Cyrenian named Simon; from top to bottom. The earth
Barabbas. So when they had this man they pressed into service quaked, rocks were split, tombs
assembled, Pilate said to them, to carry his cross. And when were opened, and the bodies
P—Which one do you want me they came to a place called of many saints who had fallen
to release to you, Barabbas, or Golgotha—which means Place of asleep were raised. And coming
Jesus called Christ? the Skull—they gave Jesus wine forth from their tombs after his
N—For he knew that it was out to drink mixed with gall. But resurrection, they entered the
of envy that they had handed when he had tasted it, he refused holy city and appeared to many.
him over. While he was still to drink. After they had crucified The centurion and the men with
seated on the bench, his wife him, they divided his garments him who were keeping watch
sent him a message, “Have by casting lots; then they sat over Jesus feared greatly when
nothing to do with that righteous down and kept watch over him they saw the earthquake and
man. I suffered much in a dream there. And they placed over his all that was happening, and
today because of him.” head the written charge against they said,
The chief priests and the him: This is Jesus, the King of the C — TRULY, THIS WAS THE
elders persuaded the crowds to Jews. Two revolutionaries were SON OF GOD!
ask for Barabbas but to destroy crucified with him, one on his
Jesus. The governor said to them right and the other on his left. — The Gospel of the Lord.
in reply, Those passing by reviled him,
P—Which of the two do you shaking their heads and saying, All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus
want me to release to you? C — YO U W H O W O U L D Christ.
N—Pilate said to them, SAVE YOURSELF, IF YOU ARE Profession of Faith (Stand)
P—Then what shall I do with THE SON OF GOD, AND COME
Jesus called Christ? DOWN FROM THE CROSS! All—I believe in God, the Father
N—They all said, N—Likewise the chief priests almighty, Creator of heaven and
C — LET HIM BE CRUCIFIED! with the scribes and elders earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only
N — But he said, mocked him and said, Son, our Lord, (At the words that
P — Why? What evil has he done? C —HE SAVED OTHERS; HE follow, up to and including the
N — They only shouted the CANNOT SAVE HIMSELF. SO Virgin Mar y, all bow) who was
louder, HE IS THE KING OF ISRAEL! LET conceived by the Holy Spirit, born
C — LET HIM BE CRUCIFIED! HIM COME DOWN FROM THE of the Virgin Mary, suffered under
N — When Pilate saw that he was CROSS NOW, AND WE WILL Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died
not succeeding at all, but that a BELIEVE IN HIM. HE TRUSTED and was buried; he descended
IN GOD; LET HIM DELIVER into hell; on the third day he rose
riot was breaking out instead, he again from the dead; he ascended
took water and washed his hands HIM NOW IF HE WANTS HIM. into heaven, and is seated at the
in the sight of the crowd, saying, FOR HE SAID, “I AM THE SON right hand of God the Father
P — I am innocent of this man’s OF GOD.” almighty; from there he will come
blood. Look to it yourselves. N —The revolutionaries who to judge the living and the dead. I
N — And the whole people said were crucified with him also kept believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy
in reply, abusing him in the same way. catholic Church, the communion
C — HIS BLOOD BE UPON US From noon onward, darkness of saints, the forgiveness of sins,
AND UPON OUR CHILDREN. came over the whole land until the resurrection of the body, and
N — Then he released Barabbas three in the afternoon. And about life everlasting. Amen.
to them, but after he had Jesus three o’clock Jesus cried out in
a loud voice, Prayer of the Faithful
scourged, he handed him over
to be crucified. J—Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? P—Dear brethren, let us offer
Then the soldiers of the N—Which means, My God, my our prayers to the Father. As we
governor took Jesus inside the God, why have you forsaken share in the passion of Jesus, may
praetorium and gathered the me? Some of the bystanders we also share in his consolation:
R—Faithful God, hear us.
C—For the Pope, bishops, priests,
and deacons: may they be true
witnesses of the crucified Christ
through their generous service
and self-sacrifice. We pray: (R)
C—For the World Youth Day:
may young people follow the
example of Christ who came not
to be served but to serve and to
give his life for the good of the
people. We pray: (R)
C—For the Alay Kapwa program:
may this be our way of responding
to the challenges of restoring
social justice and helping the
weak and the needy. We pray: (R)
C—For Catechumens: may they
be led to the road of obedience
and knowledge of God whom
they are to follow. We pray: (R)
C — Let us pray for the urgent
concerns of our community and
our personal intentions (Pause).
We pray: (R) almighty and eternal God, but only say the word and my
through Christ our Lord. soul shall be healed.
P—Father, receive our humble For, though innocent, he Communion Antiphon (Mt 26:42)
pleas and answer them according suffered willingly for sinners and
to your great mercy. Grant this accepted unjust condemnation Father, if this chalice cannot pass
through Christ our Lord. to save the guilty. His Death has without my drinking it, your will
washed away our sins, and his be done.
Resurrection has purchased our Prayer after Communion (Stand)
Liturgy of justification.
the eucharist P—Let us pray. (Pause)
And so, with all the Angels, Nourished with these sacred
Presentation of the Gifts (Stand) we praise you, as in joyful gifts, we humbly beseech you,
P—Pray, brethren… celebration we, too, acclaim: O Lord, that, just as through
All—May the Lord accept the All —Holy, Holy, Holy Lord the death of your Son you have
sacrifice at your hands for the God of hosts, heaven and earth brought us to hope for what we
praise and glory of his name, are full of your glory. Hosanna believe, so by his Resurrection
for our good and the good of in the highest. Blessed is he who you may lead us to where you call.
all his holy Church. comes in the name of the Lord. Through Christ our Lord.
Prayer over the Offerings Hosanna in the highest.(Kneel) All—Amen.
P—Through the Passion of your Acclamation (Stand) THE CONCLUDING RITES
Only Begotten Son, O Lord, may All—Save us, Savior of the world,
our reconciliation with you be for by your Cross and Resur- P—The Lord be with you.
near at hand, so that, though we rection you have set us free. All—And with your spirit.
do not merit it by our own deeds, Solemn Blessing
yet by this sacrifice made once THE COMMUNION RITE
P—Bow down for the blessing.
for all, we may feel already the The Lord’s Prayer Look, we pray, O Lord, on this
effects of your mercy.
All—Our Father… your family, for whom our Lord
Through Christ our Lord. P—Deliver us, Lord… Jesus Christ did not hesitate to
All—Amen. All—For the kingdom, the be delivered into the hands of
Preface: The Passion of the Lord power, and the glory are yours the wicked and submit to the
now and forever. agony of the Cross. Who lives
P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit. Invitation to Peace and reigns for ever and ever.
P—Lift up your hearts. All—Amen.
All—We lift them up to the Lord. Invitation to Communion (Kneel) P—And may almighty God bless
P—Let us give thanks to the Lord P—Behold the Lamb of God, you, the Father, the Son, (+) and
our God. behold him who takes away the Holy Spirit.
All—It is right and just. the sins of the world. Blessed All—Amen.
P—It is truly right and just, are those called to the supper Dismissal
our duty and our salvation, of the Lamb.
always and everywhere to give All—Lord, I am not worthy that P—Go in the peace of Christ.
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, you should enter under my roof All—Thanks be to God.

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