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Trouble Shouting

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I



This chapter provides general troubleshooting proce- WHEN TROUBLESHOOTING ENGINE, DO

dures for the LM2500+ DLE gas generator/turbine. NOT EXCEED MIN. AND MAX., OPERAT-
This chapter includes three major segments: Engine
Troubleshooting, a Troubleshooting Reference Table NOTE
and a set of numbered Troubleshooting Procedures.
For ease of use, the Troubleshooting Reference Table If troubleshooting procedures do not isolate and
and Troubleshooting Procedures follow these intro- eliminate the fault, contact the Customer Service
ductory and explanatory sections. Figures and tables Department of General Electric Marine and
are presented at the end of the section. Industrial Engines for assistance.

Figure 9-1 (Sheets 1 through 12) and Tables 9-1 9-2.1.1 Introduction
through 9-9 provide supplementary information for
some of the numbered Troubleshooting Procedures. Troubleshooting is a systematic analysis of symptoms
that could indicate equipment malfunction. These
9-2.1 Engine Troubleshooting symptoms usually appear as deviations from normal
values of observed equipment parameters.
Effective troubleshooting requires an intimate knowl-
IF A QUESTIONABLE CONDITION edge of the engine, its systems, and its interrelated
EXISTS DO NOT OPERATE THE GAS effects. As a guide to intelligent troubleshooting, the
GENERATOR/TURBINE UNTIL A THOR- most probable troubles and their possible symptoms
OUGH INVESTIGATION HAS BEEN are presented in this section. To assist in troubleshoot-
MADE. DO NOT REPEAT HOT STARTS, ing, operation of the packager’s controls should be
COMPRESSOR STALLS, OR OTHER understood. For this information, refer to packager’s
FAILURE TO DO SO CAN RESULT IN Begin troubleshooting at the control panel for sus-
UNDUE STRESS BEING IMPOSED ON pected engine faults. Trouble-shooter should be
GAS GENERATOR/COMPONENTS, knowledgeable of the suspected troubled area. Trou-
WITH POTENTIAL IMMEDIATE OR bleshooter should ensure the instruments used are cal-
SUBSEQUENT DESTRUCTIVE FAILURE ibrated and working properly, and have been
OF THE GAS GENERATOR AND INJURY accurately read and interpreted.

Change 6 9-1

GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

9-2.1.2 Gas Generator Speed 9-2.3 Numbered Troubleshooting

Instrumentation Functional Procedures
The Numbered Troubleshooting Procedures (TS-1
a. Check pin to pin resistance and pin to case of each through TS-27) are referred to in the Troubleshooting
sensor and each cable. See Table 9-9. Reference column of the Troubleshooting Reference
Table. These procedures show symptoms for each
b. If sensor and cable resistance’s are within limits, engine or facility condition, possible causes for each,
check for proper gap setting on speed pickup. the troubleshooting procedure to isolate the cause of
Refer to WP 105 00. If gap is out of limits, adjust the problem, and the recommended corrective action.
and recheck voltage. If gap is within limits, Events or conditions in the Troubleshooting Reference
replace pickup. Table that have only a SPAM reference are not dis-
cussed in the numbered troubleshooting procedures.
c. Motor gas generator. At maximum motoring
speed, voltage should be 30 - 40 volts peak-to- Table 9-11 shows maximum allowable instrumentation
peak, sinewave. and accessory temperatures.

9-2.4 Using This Chapter

d. If cables and connectors are good, and installation
gap is correct, check gas generator speed instru-
The steps shown below illustrate how to use this chap-
mentation at control system.
ter for troubleshooting.
9-2.2 Troubleshooting Reference Table Example - Alarm received for compressor discharge
pressure (CDP) bleed valve linear-variable differential
The Troubleshooting Reference Table shows various transformer (LVDT) failure:
problem events and system conditions, alarms, control
actions, and the setpoints that trigger these alarms or a. Find the CDP bleed valve LVDT failure entry on
control actions. These are grouped by major engine/ the first page of the Troubleshooting Reference
facility systems. Each event also lists a numbered trou- Table.
bleshooting procedure (TS-) or a SPAM (See Pack-
ager's Appropriate Manual) reference. b. Refer to troubleshooting procedure TS-7, as listed
in the Troubleshooting Reference column.
At the end of The Troubleshooting Reference Table,
items in the Miscellaneous category either do not trig-
c. Follow the appropriate procedure for each possi-
ger an alarm or control action, or are a combination of
ble cause listed in TS-7.
conditions, some of which may or may not trigger an
alarm or control action on their own, that must also be
looked at in combination with others. NOTE
Symptoms, possible causes, troubleshooting pro-
cedures, and corrective actions are grouped hori-
zontally across each page, allowing each
symptom or set of symptoms to have more than
one possible cause. Each possible cause may also
have more than one troubleshooting procedure,
and each troubleshooting procedure may have
more than one corrective action.

9-2 Change 6

GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Reference Table Contents


Bleed System ........................................................................................................................ 9-4

Combustion System .............................................................................................................. 9-5

Compressor System............................................................................................................... 9-14

Facility System...................................................................................................................... 9-6

Fuel System ........................................................................................................................... 9-6

Low Pressure Turbine Air Inlet Temperature System........................................................... 9-18

Lube System.......................................................................................................................... 9-16

Miscellaneous Systems ......................................................................................................... 9-21

Power Turbine Air Inlet Temperature System ...................................................................... 9-19

Starting System ..................................................................................................................... 9-20

Troubleshooting Reference Table Notes ............................................................................... 9-22

Variable Stator Vane Bleed Valve System............................................................................. 9-13

Variable Stator Vane System ................................................................................................. 9-13

Vibration Monitoring System................................................................................................ 9-21

Change 6 9-3

GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Troubleshooting Reference Table

Volume I
GEK 105048

In order to avoid engine damage or more severe protective action, the operator must immediately address the causes of all alarms and determine positive corrective actions
necessary to clear abnormal conditions before continuing engine operation.Except where otherwise indicated, each event shown in this Table is accompanied by an alarm,
regardless of whether it is accompanied by a control action. Limits are shown in the alarm column for events resulting in an alarm only. Events that have both an alarm and
an accompanying control action will show the limits in the appropriate action column and an X in the alarm column. In cases where one limit triggers an alarm only and a
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

higher limit triggers both an alarm and control action, the limits for each will be shown in the appropriate columns. In any case that has no particular limits and is simply
an either/or condition, the alarm and/or control action will be indicated by X in the appropriate columns.
Change 6

Bleed System

Shutdown or
Emergency Step Decel to Idle Slow Decel to Min- Step Decel to Idle/ Troubleshooting
System/Event Alarm Shutdown imum Load Shutdown Notes Reference
CDP Bleed Valve One Sensor: Both Sensors 4, 7, TS-7
LVDT Failure < -2%, > 102% < -2%, > 102% 21
CDP Bleed Valve X > 6% for > 1.0 sec 37 TS-7
LVDT Difference and NGG > 4,950
CDP Bleed Valve X Demanded/Actual 7, 21, TS-7
Position Error Diff > 10% for >1.0 40
sec and NGG >
4,950 rpm
CDP Bleed Valve X Open or Short > 7 TS-7

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Torquemotor Fail- 500 msec
CDP Bleed Valve > Null +/- 10 mA > Null +/- 15 mA 2 TS-7
Null Current Shift for > 5.0 sec and for
dNGG/dt < +/- 150 > 5.0 sec and
rpm and NGG > dNGG/dt < +/- 150
4,950 rpm rpm and NGGR >
4,950 rpm

LM2500+ DLE
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

LM2500+ DLE
Combustion System

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Min- Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle imum Load Abort Start Notes Reference
Flame Loss, One One Sensor Both Sensors 9 TS-3
or Both Sensors X SPAM
Flame Max Schedule 21 SPAM
Temperature, High for > 2.0 sec
Flame < Min Schedule 21 SPAM
Temperature, Low for > 2.0 sec
Combustor One Sensor Both Sensors < 0 32 TS-17
Dynamic Pressure psi (peak-to-peak)
Failed Sensor
Combustor > 4.0 psi (peak-to- > 6.0 psi (peak-to- > 6.0 psi (peak-to- 2, 9, TS-17
Dynamic Pressure peak) for 10 sec peak) for > 15 sec peak) for > 15 sec 32
Over Limit and NGGSEL or > 9.0 psi (peak-
within 100 rpm of to- peak) for > 5.0
NGG idle sec
Combustor > 5.0 psi (peak-to- 32 TS-17
Dynamic Pressure peak)
Combustor Dynamic One Sensor Both Sensors < 0.1 1 TS-17
Pressure System X psi (peak-to-peak)
Check for > 10 sec and
NGG > 4,950 rpm
Change 6

GEK 105048
Volume I
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

Volume I
GEK 105048

Facility System

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Min- Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle imum Load Abort Start Notes Reference
Change 6

Power Supply X Lose power for > X 9 TS-4

Failure (ECU or 100 msec SPAM
staging valve)

Fuel System

Shutdown or
Emergency Slow Decel to Min- Troubleshooting
System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle imum Load Abort Start Notes Reference
Gas Fuel Shutoff X X X 5, 9 TS-20
Valve Cycling SPAM
Fuel Supply Tem- One Sensor: Both Sensors: Both Sensors: 9, 29 TS-5
perature, < - 40qF, > 380qF < - 40qF, > 380qF < - 40qF, > 380qF SPAM
Sensor Failure (<-40qC, > 193qC) (< -40qC, > 193qC) (< -40qC, > 193qC)
Fuel Supply Tem- X > 350qF (177qC) > 350qF (177qC) 9 TS-5
perature, High

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Fuel Supply Tem- > 10qF (-12qC) 18, 32 SPAM
perature Differ-
Fuel Supply Pres- < 10 psia, > 740 29 SPAM
sure, Sensor Fail- psia
ure (Upstream of (< 69 kPa,
Both Fuel Shutoff > 5,102 kPa)
Fuel Supply Pres- < 210 psia (1,448 < 200 psia TS-20
sure (Upstream of kPa) or < 400 psia (1,379 kPa) SPAM
Both Fuel Shutoff (2,758 kPa) for
Valves), Low and NGG > 7,000 rpm

LM2500+ DLE
High > 700 psia
(4,826 kPa)
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

LM2500+ DLE
Fuel System - (Cont.)
Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference

Fuel Metering
Loss of 1 Signal X SPAM
(Input: xxxA-
FAIL or xxxB-
Difference Fault X SPAM
(Input: xxx
Difference Fault X E 17 SPAM
(Input: xxx
Loss of Both Sen- X E 17 SPAM
sors (Input: xxxA-
FAIL and
Position Error X E 17 SPAM
(Input: (Steady State for
xxxDMD-xxxSEL) > 0.5 sec)
SS Position Error X SPAM
(Input: (Steady State for
xxxDMD-xxxSEL) > 0.5 sec)
Servo Failure X E 17 SPAM
Open or Closed
(Input: Servo
Servo Null Shift X SPAM
(Input: Servo
Change 6

GEK 105048
Volume I
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

Volume I
GEK 105048

Fuel System - (Cont.)

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference
Change 6

Staging Valve 1 Valve 2 or More Valves TS-6

Gas Pressure One Sensor: Both Sensors: 9, 35 SPAM
(Upstream of < 10 psia, > 740 < 10 psia, > 740
Metering Valve) psia psia
(< 69 kPa, (< 69, kPa,
> 5,102 kPa) > 5,102 kPa)
Gas Pressure Sen- One Sensor: Both Sensors: 9, 35 SPAM
sor Failure < 10 psia, > 740 < 10 psia, > 740
(Upstream of psia psia
Trim Valves) (< 69 kPa, (< 69 kPa,
> 5,102 kPa) > 5,102 kPa)
Gas Pressure Sen- One Sensor: Both Sensors: 9, 35 SPAM
sor Failure < 40 psia, > 740 < 10 psia, > 740
(Downstream of psia psia
Trim Valves) (< 276 kPa, (< 69 kPa, >
> 5,102 kPa) 5,102 kPa)
Low Trim Valve < 2 psid SPAM

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Demand Delta-P
Gas Pressure Sen- One Sensor: Both Sensors: 9, 35 SPAM
sor Failure < 10 psia, > 740 < 10 psia, > 740
(Downstream of psia psia
Metering Valve [3 (< 69 kPa, (< 69 kPa, >
MV System]) > 5,102 kPa) 5,102 kPa)
DP Tracking >3 psid (21 kPa) SPAM
(Inner, Outer) >10 sec

LM2500+ DLE
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

LM2500+ DLE
Fuel System - (Cont.)

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference

Gas Pressure
(GP1, GP2, GP3 -
Inner, Outer, and
Difference Fault X SPAM
Difference Fault X SPAM
Shutoff Valve X SPAM
Leak or Failed > PS3SEL + 20 psia
open prior to start (138 kPa)
(Input: GP3ISEL,
Low Supply Pres- X SPAM
sure (Input: < 210 psia
GP1SEL) (1,448 kPa)
Low Supply Pres- X X SPAM
sure (Input: < 200 psia
GP1SEL) (1,379 kPa)
High Supply Pres- X SPAM
sure (Input: > 700 psia
GP1SEL) (4,826 kPa)
Change 6

GEK 105048
Volume I
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

Volume I
GEK 105048

Fuel System - (Cont.)

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference

Gas Pressure
Change 6

(GP1 Inner, Outer,

and Pilot, GP2 -
Inner, Outer, and
Loss of Both Sig- X E 17 SPAM
nals (GP1I) < 10 psia (69 kPa)
(Input: or > 740 psia
GP1IAFAIL and (5,102 kPa)
Loss of Both Sig- X E 17 SPAM
nals (GP1O) < 10 psia (69 kPa)
(Input: or > 740 psia
GP1OAFAIL and (5,102 kPa)
Loss of Both Sig- X E 17 SPAM
nals (GP1P) < 10 psia (69 kPa)
(Input: or > 740 psia

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

GP1PAFAIL and (5,102 kPa)
Loss of Both Sig- X E 17 SPAM
nals (GP2I) < 10 psia (69 kPa)
(Input: or > 740 psia
GP2IAFAIL and (5,102 kPa)
Loss of Both Sig- X E 17 SPAM
nals (GP2O) < 10 psia (69 kPa)
(Input: or > 740 psia
GP2OAFAIL and (5,102 kPa)

LM2500+ DLE
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

LM2500+ DLE
Fuel System - (Cont.)

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference

Gas Pressure (GP1

Inner, Outer, and
Pilot, GP2 - Inner,
Outer, and Pilot) -
Loss of Both X E 17 SPAM
Signals (GP2P) < 10 psia (69 kPa)
GP2PAFAIL or > 740 psia
and (5,102 kPa)
Difference Fault X SPAM
Difference Fault X SPAM
Loss of 1 Signal X SPAM
(Input: < 10 psia (69 kPa)
GP1IAFAIL, or > 740 psia
GP1OAFAIL, (5,102 kPa)
Change 6

GEK 105048
Volume I
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

Volume I
GEK 105048

Fuel System - (Cont.)

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference

Gas Pressure
Change 6

(GP1 Inner, Outer,

and Pilot, GP2 -
Inner, Outer, and
Pilot) - (Contin-
Loss of 1 Sig- X SPAM
nal (Input: < 10 psia (69 kPa)
GP2IAFAIL, or > 740 psia
GP2OAFAIL, (5,102 kPa)
Shutoff Valve X SPAM
Leak or Failed > PS3SEL + 20 psia
Open Prior to (138 kPa)
Start (Input:

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Low Supply X SPAM
Pressure < 210 psia
(Input: (1,448 kPa)
Low Supply X X SPAM
Pressure < 200 psia
(Input: (1,379 kPa)

LM2500+ DLE
High Supply X SPAM
Pressure > 700 psia
(Input: (4,826 kPa)
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

LM2500+ DLE
Variable Stator Vane System

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Step Decel to Idle/ Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Shutdown Notes Reference

Loss of 1 signal X 3 TS-21

(Input: VSVA- < -2.0% or > 102%
Difference Fault X X 8 TS-21
(Input: VSVDF- ' > 6.0 %
Loss of Both Sen- X N X 10, 17 TS-21
sors (Input: < -2.0% or >
VSVAFAIL and 102%
Position Error X N X 13, 17 TS-21
(Input IVS- ' > 10%
SS Position Error X 14 TS-21
(Input: IVS- ' > 6.0%

Variable Stator Vane Servo System

Shutdown or
Emergency Slow Decel to Step Decel to Idle/ Troubleshooting
System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Shutdown Notes Reference

T/M Failure X N X 15, 17 TS-21

(Input: T/M Feed- (Open or Short)
Change 6

T/M Null Shift X 12, 14 TS-21

(Input: T/M Feed-

GEK 105048
I Null Shift I > 10
back) mA

Volume I
T/M Null Shift X X 12, 14 TS-21
Failure (Input: T/ I Null Shift I > 15

M Feedback) mA
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

Volume I
GEK 105048

Compressor System

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference

PS3 A/B Differ- > 10 psia (69 kPa) > 15 psia X 9, 32 SPAM
Change 6

ence Over Limit (> 103 kPa)

for > 100 msec
PS3 Sensor Fail- One Sensor: Both Sensors: Both 4, 9, SPAM
ure, One or Both < 10 psia, > 480 < 10 psia, > 480 35
Sensors psia psia (< 69 kPa,
(< 69 kPa, > 3,310 kPa)
> 3,310 kPa)
PS3 Over Pressure X > 375 psia X 9 SPAM
Limit (2,586 kpa)
Stall X -dPS3/dt > Thresh- 9, 20, TS-8
old 21
for > 20 msec
T2 A/B Differ- > 18°F (10°C) 32 TS-24
ence Over Limit
T2 Sensor Fail- One Element: Both Elements: 4, 11, TS-24
ure, One or Both < -70°F, > 140°F < -70°F, > 140°F 17
Elements (< -57°C, > 60°C) (< - 57°C), > 60°C)

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

P2 Sensor Failure < 8 psia, > 16 psia 6 SPAM
(< 35 psia,
> 110 kPa)
T3 Sensor Failure < -40°F, > 1,200°F Both Pairs: 33 TS-24
(< -40°C, > 649°C < -40°F, > 1,200°F
< 3 Elements (< -40°C, > 649°C)
T3 Difference 2 Sensor Elements: 32 TS-24
Over Limit > 20°F (11°C)
1 Sensor Element:
> 40°F (22°C)

LM2500+ DLE
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines
LM2500+ DLE
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)
Compressor System - (Cont.)

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference

Gas Generator One Sensor: Both Sensors: X 4, 9, TS-25

Speed (NGG) < 0 rpm, < 1,700 < 0 rpm, < 1,700 34
Sensor Failure, rpm with > T5.4 > rpm with > T5.4 >
One or Both Sen- 400°F (204°C) and 400°F (204°C) and
sors fuel on fuel on
(Add > 11,500 rpm
separately to each)
NGG A/B Sensor I A-B I > 37.5 rpm 12, 32 TS-25
No NGG Indica- X 31 TS-25
Idle Speed Too 21, 31 TS-18
High or Low
Idle Speed Insta- 31 TS-18
Accel to Maxi- 31 TS-18
mum Power Not
Slow Accel to 31 TS-18
Maximum Power
with High or Low
NGG Overspeed > 10,100 rpm > 10,200 rpm X 9 TS-19
Change 6

GEK 105048
Volume I
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

Volume I
GEK 105048

Lube System

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference

Oil Contamination 31 TS-16

Change 6

High Oil Consump- 31 TS-16

Lube Scavenge, > 20 psid (138 kPa) 18 TS-11
Lube Supply, or
VG Filter Diff
Pressure High
Lube Scavenge > 300°F (149°C) > 340°F (171°C) X 9 TS-12
Overtemp (Any
Sump, TGB Assy)
Fluctuating Lube 31 TS-12
Scavenge Temp
Lube Scavenge or One Element: Both Elements: 4, 35 TS-24
Supply Temp Sen- < -35°F, > 390°F < -35°F, > 390°F
sor Failure, Any (< -37°C, > 199°C) (< -37°C, > 199°C)
Sensor (Any Sump,

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

TGB Assy)
Lube Scavenge, < 0 psid, > 50 psid 18, 29 SPAM
Lube Supply, or (< 0 kPa, > 345
VG Filter Diff kPa)
Pressure Sensor
Lube Scavenge > 110 psig (758 TS-13
Pressure High kPa)at NGG >
4,950 rpm
Lube Scavenge TS-13
Pressure Low

LM2500+ DLE
Lube Scavenge < 0 psig, > 140 29 SPAM
Pressure Sensor psig(< 0 kPa, > 965
Failure kPa)
Lube Supply Over- > 200 F (93°C) TS-14
temperature SPAM
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

LM2500+ DLE
Lube System - (Cont.)

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference

Lube Supply Pres- < 15 psig (103 kPa) < 6.0 psig (41 kPa) 9, 29 TS-15 SPAM
sure Low (With/ NGG > 8,000 rpm at NGG > 4,500
Without Fluctua- < 8 psig (55 kPa) rpm
tion) at4,500 < NGG
< 8,000 rpm
Normal Lube Oil 31 TS-15
Pressure With
Fluctuations > 5
No Oil Pressure 30, 31 TS-15
Lube Supply Pres- X < 0 psig, > 140 9, 29 SPAM
sure Sensor Fail- psig(< 0 kPa, > 965
ure kPa)
Lube Supply One Sensor: Both Sensors: 4 TS-24
Temp Sensor Fail- < -35°F, 390°F < -35qF, 390qF
ure (< -37°C, 199°C) (< -37°C 199°C)
Lube Supply < 90°F (< 32°C) 38 TS-14
Temp Below Min at NGG > 6,050 SPAM
B-Sump Chip X N 17 TS-16
Detected (Input: < 100 ohms SPAM
C-Sump Chip X N 17 TS-16
Detected (Input: < 100 ohms SPAM
D-Sump Chip X N 17 TS-16
Detected (Input: < 100 ohms SPAM
Change 6

TGB Chip X N 17 TS-16

GEK 105048
Detected (Input: < 100 ohms SPAM

Volume I
AGB Chip X N 17 TS-16
Detected (Input: < 100 ohms SPAM

Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

Volume I
GEK 105048

Low Pressure Turbine Air Inlet Temperature System

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference
Change 6

Post-Shutdown 31 TS-2
P5.4 Sensor < 10 psia, > 90 psia 29, 41 SPAM
Failure (< 69 kPa,
> 621 kPa)
T5.4 Temperature > 1,150qF (621qC) > 1,600qF (871qC) > 1,600qF (871qC) 2, 9, TS-10
Average (T5.4 (3,600 rpm Power for > 1.0 sec for > 1.0 sec 22,
Avg) Over Limit Turbine)
Hot Start: T5.4 X > 1,500qF (816qC) 22 TS-1
Start Temperature NGG < 5,000 rpm
Over Limit
T5.4 Temperature X X < 400qF (204qC) 9, 22, TS-10
Average (T5.4 < 400qF (< 204qC) for > 10 sec with TS-22
Avg) Under Limit fuel on
Loss of Any < -40qF ( -40qC) 23, 24 TS-10
Individual T5.4 < 350qF, > 1,900qF
Probe (< 177qC, >

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

T5.4 Difference I T max -T average 12, TS-10
I > 350qF (177qC) 22.
I T max -T min I 24,
> 200qF (111qC) 25, 26

LM2500+ DLE
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

LM2500+ DLE
Low Pressure Turbine Air Inlet Temperature System - (Cont.)

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference

Loss of Any Four X < -40qF (-40qC) 22, TS-10

T5.4 Probes or < 350qF, > 1,900qF 23,
Loss of Three (< 177qC, > 24, 25
Adjacent T5.4 1,038qC) or T5.4
Probes (Loss of Difference > 350qF,
T5.4 Avg) (177qC)
PT5.4 Pipe Fail- < 0.5 + P2SEL psia 29, 41 SPAM
ure NGGSEL > 6,050
T5.4 Overshoot or 31 TS-10
Fluctuation at

Power Turbine Air Inlet Temperature System

Shutdown or
Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting
System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference

NPT Sensor One Sensor: Both Sensors: X 4, 9, TS-25

Failure < 0, < 1,000, > < 0, <1,000, > Both Sensors 16,
4,500 rpm 4,500 rpm 19, 35
NPT Overspeed X > 3,960 rpm X 9, 33 TS-19
Change 6

GEK 105048
Volume I
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

Volume I
GEK 105048

Starting System

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference

Starting Stall 31 TS-1

Change 6

NGG Failure to X NGG < 6,000 rpm TS-22
Reach Idle Speed at t > 120 sec
(Hung Start)
NGG Failure to X NGG < 1,700 rpm TS-22
Reach Fuel and at
Ignition Speed t > 20 sec
NGG Failure to X NGG < 4,600 rpm TS-22
Reach Starter Cut- at
off Speed t > 90 sec
Lube Supply Pres- Operator Monitored 30, 31 TS-15
sure High SPAM
Engine Fails to NGG < 1,200 rpm TS-22
Motor/ No Indica- at t > 20 sec
tion of Motoring

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Gas Generator T5.4 < 400qF TS-22
Fails to Light Off (204qC) or No
Flame Sensed

LM2500+ DLE
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

LM2500+ DLE
Vibration Monitoring System

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference

High Vibes, Gas > 1.5 in/sec (3.8 > 2.5 in/sec (6.9 TS-23
Generator Fre- cm/sec) below 125 cm/sec) below 125
quency Hz for > 1.0 sec > Hz for > 0.1 sec>
1.75 in/sec (4.4 cm/ 3.0 in/sec (7.6 cm/
sec) above 125 Hz sec) above 125 Hz
for > 1.0 sec for > 0.1 sec
High Vibes, > 0.75 in/sec (1.9 > 1.5 in/sec (3.81 TS-23
Power Turbine cm/sec) below 45 cm/sec) below 45
Frequency Hz for > 1.0 sec Hz for > 0.1 sec
> 1.25 in/sec (3.2 > 1.75 in/sec (4.4
cm/sec) above 45 cm/sec) above 45
Hz for > 1.0 sec Hz for > 0.1 sec

Miscellaneous Systems

Shutdown or
Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting
System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference

Events listed in this section are conditions that are not specifically handled by the engine control system or which are not part of any of the specific engine or package
systems shown previously in this table. These events are either a single symptom or a combination of symptoms with no specific set of setpoints that can be monitored by
the control. These events and conditions must be monitored by the operator and corrected as they occur.
The combinations of conditions shown in this section do not cause any sort of alarm or control action to be initiated; however, individual symptoms that are part of any
of the combinations shown here may cause an alarm or control action, just as they normally would when occurring alone (such as low pressure).
Loss of Perfor- TS-27
High HP Rotor TS-27
Speed, Low
Power, and High
or Low T5.4
Change 6

Post-Shutdown 34 TS-2

GEK 105048

Volume I
Troubleshooting Reference Table - (Cont.)

Volume I
GEK 105048

Miscellaneous Systems - (Cont.)

Shutdown or
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

Emergency Slow Decel to Troubleshooting

System/Event Alarm Shutdown Step Decel to Idle Minimum Load Abort Start Notes Reference

Low PT Thrust Cavity Pressure

Change 6

Balance Cavity < 50 psia

Pressure (345 kPa) at P5.4
> 60 psia
(414 kPa)

Troubleshooting Reference Table Notes

1. Limit and timer is adjustable.
2. Engine is not staging (BRNDMD - BRNREG).
3. Remove from average.
4. Control system defaults to remaining sensor/element.
5. Defaults to fully closed, zero fuel flow position.
6. Defaults to 14.69 psia (101.3 kPa).
7. Torquemotor current is set to zero.
8. > 1.0 second and NGGSEL > 4,950 rpm. Select lower sensor.
9. Emergency shutdown: Close fuel shutoff valves and CDP bleed valve.

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

10. Step to idle then shutdown. Set VSVMA to 0.0 mA.
11. Control system defaults to T2 = 115qF (46qC), if both sensors fail.
12. I Means Absolute Value I, the value of a number, regardless of a prefix plus or minus sign e.g. I -100I= 100.
13. > 1.0 second and NGGSEL > 4,950 rpm. Step to idle then shutdown. Set VSVMA to 0.0 mA.
14. > 5.0 seconds and NGGSEL > 4,950 rpm and I NGGDOT I < 150 rpm/sec and BRNDMD=BRNREQ for 5.0 seconds.
15. > 0.5 second, set VSVMA to 0.0 mA. Step to idle then shutdown.
16. NGG > 7,000 rpm for < 1,000 rpm/unit.
17. Shutdown: E: Emergency shutdown, N: Normal shutdown.

LM2500+ DLE
Troubleshooting Reference Table Notes - (Cont.)

GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

LM2500+ DLE
18. Alarm limits are based on component capability and may be reduced, consistent with the characteristics of each installation.
For application and site specific conditions refer to package’s manual.
GE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION - Subject to the restrictions on the cover or first page.

19. This alarm/shutdown is enabled 60 seconds after reaching gas generator idle during the starting sequence.
20. Shutdowns caused by stall detection or variable-geometry system faults require borescope inspection of the gas generator. Refer to Volume II of this manual for
inspection procedures.
21. Refer to the appropriate packager's manual for control schedules, logic, and limits.
22. T5.4 is the average of individual T5.4 probe outputs, subject to rejection criteria of Note 24.
23. If < -40qF (-40qC), remove from average. Gas generator speed (NGG) > 5,000 rpm for < 350qF (177qC) limit.
24. Any T5.4 thermocouple probe reading is rejected from the T5.4 average calculation if it is:
(1) Out of range; T5.4i < 350°F (177°C) for NGG > 7,500 rpm or > 1,900°F (1,038°C)
(2) 350°F (177°C) from T5.4 average
25. Reject from spread calculations any thermocouple probe reading that is out of range.
26. A 200qF (93qC) limit applies with all three fuel manifolds operating and CDP bleed valve closed.
27. Not used.
28. Not used.
29. Defaults to last good value.
30. Reference Chapters 7 and 11 for normal/abnormal lube oil pressure determination.
31. This condition or combination of conditions requires operator intervention, but does not, by itself, cause the control system to initiate any sort of action.
32. Defaults to higher signal.
33. Failed element removed from average.
34. Defaults to 2,000 rpm, if both sensors fail.
35. Defaults to last good value, if both sensors fail.
36. NGG > 4,600 rpm for 0.5 second. NGGSEL > 4,950 rpm.
37. Defaults to minimum select.
38. Load addition inhibited by control at lube supply temperature less than 90qF (32qC).
39. Normal shutdown following decel to minimum load.
40. I Demand rate I < 50 percent per second.
41. Disable blowout detection logic.
Change 6

GEK 105048
Volume I
GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedure Contents

TS-1: Hot Start ........................................................................................................ 9-26
TS-2: Post-Shutdown Fire ....................................................................................... 9-27
TS-3: Flameout ........................................................................................................ 9-27
TS-4: Electrical Power Supply Failure.................................................................... 9-28
TS-5: Fuel Supply Temperature ............................................................................. 9-28
TS-6: Staging Valve ................................................................................................ 9-28
TS-7: CDP Bleed Valve ........................................................................................... 9-29
TS-8: Stall ............................................................................................................... 9-30
TS-9: T3 (High Pressure Compressor Discharge Temperature) ............................ 9-31
TS-10: T5.4 (LPT Inlet Temperature) ...................................................................... 9-32
TS-11: Lube Supply/Scavenge Filter Differential Pressure .................................... 9-33
TS-12: Lube Scavenge Temperature ....................................................................... 9-34
TS-13 Lube Scavenge Pressure .............................................................................. 9-35
TS-14: Lube Supply Temperature ........................................................................... 9-35
TS-15: Lube Supply Pressure .................................................................................. 9-36
TS-16: Lube System – Miscellaneous ...................................................................... 9-39
TS-17: Acoustic Signal Conditioner Checkout ......................................................... 9-40
TS-18: Gas Generator (NGG) Speed ........................................................................ 9-41
TS-19: Gas Generator and Power Turbine Overspeed ............................................ 9-42
TS-20: Gas Fuel System Problems ........................................................................... 9-42
TS-21: Variable-Geometry Systems ......................................................................... 9-43

9-24 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedure Contents - (Cont.)

TS-22: Miscellaneous Starting Problems ................................................................. 9-43
TS-23: Engine Vibration ........................................................................................... 9-48
TS-24: Temperature Sensors .................................................................................... 9-49
TS-25: Speed Sensors ............................................................................................... 9-51
TS-26: Flame Sensor ................................................................................................ 9-52
TS-27: Miscellaneous Problems ............................................................................... 9-52
TS-28: Emissions ...................................................................................................... 9-70
TS-29: High/Low Combustor Acoustics ................................................................. 9-77
TS-30: Acoustic Sensing Problems ......................................................................... 9-78
TS-31: Shift in Fuel System Flow Parameters ........................................................ 9-79

Change 6 9-25

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures
TS-1:Hot Start

Do not repeat hot starts without prior thorough investigation.

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Starting stall; T5.4 Excess starting fuel flow SPAM: Check calibration
increase plus NGG of fuel flow
hang up or dropoff
T5.4 high after lightoff Acceleration fuel flows too SPAM: Check PS3 sen-
and during first por- high or low sor system
tion of start cycle
T5.4 start temperature VSV’s off-schedule TS-21
over limit
T5.4 start temperature Severe HPT degradation Borescope engine per Repair HPT, if out of spec-
over backup start WP 406 00 ified borescope limits
schedule limit
NOTE Compressor dirty Borescope engine per Water-wash engine per
Also see TS-8 for start- WP 406 00 WP 405 00
ing stalls
Severe compressor degra- Borescope engine per Repair HPT, if out of spec-
dation WP 406 00 ified borescope limits
Fuel metering valve supply SPAM
pressure exceeds upper/
lower limits
Starter cutout speed too low SPAM Reset cutout setting or
replace starter
Starter air/gas/hydraulic TS-22
supply pressure too low SPAM: Check starter
(Starter should drive gas supply system regulation
generator @ > 2,000 rpm)
Premixer failure Inspect premixers Repair or replace as
required per
WP 101 00
Any of the above Perform engine over tem- Replace engine, if out of
perature inspection per specified overtemp limits
WP 412 00

9-26 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-2: Post-Shutdown Fire

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

T5.4 rise during normal Leaking fuel shutoff SPAM: Close valves, one Turn fuel off at isolation
shutdown valve(s) at a time, to isolate faulty valve
T5.4 > 1,000°F valve Motor gas generator
( > 538°C) after with starter and ignition off
until T5.4 indicates 400°F
(204°C) or less. Do not
exceed starter duty cycle
Replace valves as required
Borescope gas generator
per WP 406 00, if T5.4
exceeds 1,000°F (538°C)
Sensor system failure TS-24

TS-3: Flameout

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Flame loss, Sensor system failure TS-26
NGG > 9,500 RPM
Flame loss, NGG SPAM
T5.4 < 400°F (204°C) Low or no fuel flow or fuel SPAM: Check fuel sys- Clean/replace as required
pressure tem
SPAM: Check PS3 sen-
sor system
Fuel metering valve failed SPAM
to close
Staging valves failed to TS-6
Bleed valves failed to TS-7
Fuel shutoff valves closed SPAM: Check power to
inadvertently and latched shutoff valve
Loss of T5.4 average sig- SPAM
nal in control
VG System off schedule Check all VG system link-
ages TS-21
Check T2 sensor

Change 6 9-27

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-4: Electrical Power Supply Failure

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

No control indications Electrical power supply SPAM SPAM: Repair/replace
loss to control power supply as required
Component failure in SPAM
power supply

TS-5: Fuel Supply Temperature

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Gas fuel below Tsv limit Sensor system failure SPAM SPAM: Inspect fuel meter-
ing valve for hydrates
Fuel supply temperature Sensor system failure If temperature exceeds SPAM
high Fuel cooler system failure 300°F (149°C), fuel sys- Replace hoses and other
tem hose life may be temperature-sensitive fuel
affected system components per
SPAM appropriate work package

TS-6: Staging Valve

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Staging valve failure Position switch failure Check resistance between Replace per
pins WP 101 00
Internal mechanisms Replace per
WP 101 00
Signal conditioning or SPAM SPAM
display failure
Cable open/short circuit Check continuity and Replace cable
internal resistance
Coil failure Check resistance Replace per WP 101 00

9-28 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-7: CDP Bleed Valve

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Bleed valve LVDT fail- LVDT sensor system fail- Check LVDT coils for Replace valve per
ure or LVDT difference ure resistance SPAM
(See Figure 9-1)
Control system failure SPAM
Torque motor failure or LVDT sensor system fail- Check LVDT coils for Replace valve per
null current shift ure resistance SPAM
(See Figure 9-1)
Torque motor failure Check coil resistance Replace valve per
Control system failure SPAM
Bleed valve position LVDT sensor system fail- Check primary and sec- Replace valve per
error ure ondary coils SPAM
(See Figure 9-1)
Low or no hydraulic pres- Check hydraulic pump Clean or replace filters/
sure and system filters and screens as required
Check pump pressure Change pump
Hydraulic system failure Check for air and oil in Bleed system
hydraulic system Fill lube system

Change 6 9-29

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-8: Stall
A starting stall is characterized by a hung start, slow acceleration to idle, lower than normal fuel manifold
pressure (or fuel flow) and higher than normal power turbine inlet temperature (T5.4). Occasionally, the stall
will continue at idle power. A stall at idle can be recognized by one or a combination of any of the following
symptoms: higher than normal T5.4, higher than normal fuel manifold pressure, or NGG does not increase or
is sluggish when power is advanced from idle.

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Audible stall in opera- All causes Borescope engine per Repair as required, if out of
tion WP 406 00 borescope inspection limits
Starting stall
Shutdown with stall VSV system off- schedule Inspect VSV per
indication as first fault VSV system worn/dam- WP 414 00
aged TS-21
SPAM (Control System)
Control system failure SPAM
Starting system failure TS-22
FOD Borescope engine per Repair engine if out of
WP 406 00 borescope limits
Determine source of FOD
Inspect inlet system per CAUTION
Ice on inlet screen Inspect inlet screen and Repair anti-icing system
High inlet flow distortion Melt ice with portable
Flooded plenum Borescope engine for ice heater
damage per Repair compressor if dam-
WP 406 00 age is not within accept-
SPAM: Inspect anti-icing able limits

9-30 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-8: Stall - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

(Cont.) Inlet restricted by foreign Remove obstructions; if Repair compressor if FOD
Audible stall objects other than ice screen integrity has been exceeds limits
Starting stall damaged or if there is a Clean inlet and collector
Shutdown with stall possibility that objects
indication as first fault have passed through the
screen into the compres-
sor. Borescope the engine
for FOD per WP 406 00
High or low fuel mani- TS-20
fold pressure
Compressor dirty Inspect inlet per Water-wash engine per
WP 401 00 WP 405 00
Borescope HPC per
WP 406 00
Internal distress not visi- All of the above If all procedures above fail
ble by borescope TS-1 to show cause of problem,
engine shall be replaced

TS-9: T3 (High Pressure Compressor Discharge Temperature)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

High T3 for power and Compressor dirty Inspect inlet per Water-wash engine per
T2 levels (all elements) WP 401 00 WP 405 00
Borescope HPC per
WP 406 00
Damaged compressor Borescope engine per Repair as required
WP 406 00
Control system failure SPAM: Check to see if SPAM
engine is operating on
PS3 on a hot day
A/B difference over Sensor system failure TS-24 Replace T3 sensor as
limit required
Sensor failure

Change 6 9-31

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-10: T5.4 (LPT Inlet Temperature)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

T5.4 avg over limit T5.4 system failure TS-24
Single probe temperature Premixer condition TS-24 Repair or replace, as
over limit required, per WP101 00.
If hot T5.4, borescope HPT
T5.4 max - T5.4 min per WP 406 00
spread exceeds 200°F
HPC and HPT degradation Borescope HPC and HPT Repair as required
per WP 406 00
Fuel supply pressure low SPAM
(starting only)
Excess fuel flow (starting
T5.4 avg under limit Flameout TS-3
T5.4 system failure TS-24
Loss of average reading T5.4 system failure TS-24
Loss of any individual Sensor failure(s) TS-24 Replace probe/cable as
probe(s) SPAM required per WP 108 00
Control system failure
Higher T5.4 reading than VSV system off schedule Check VSV system per
previous reading at same TS-21
power under same oper- Check T2 and TS-24
ating conditions; all SPAM
other parameters
changed with T5.4
T5.4 sensor failure TS-24
Compressor dirty Inspect inlet per Water-wash engine per
WP 401 00 WP 406 00
Borescope HPC per Repair/replace as required
WP 406 00
FOD Borescope HPC and HPT Repair/replace as required
Hot section deterioration per WP 406 00

9-32 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-10: T5.4 (LPT Inlet Temperature) - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

T5.4 overshoot or fluctu- Sensor system or indica- TS-24
ation at high power tor failure SPAM
Fuel supply system failure Check fuel pressure SPAM
Worn or unstable fuel SPAM
metering valve/control

TS-11: Lube Supply/Scavenge Filter Differential Pressure

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

High differential pres- Contaminated filter Inspect filter per Clean/replace filter ele-
sure alarm element WP 400 00 ment as required (for
pump) per WP 400 00
High differential pres- Locate source of contami- Correct source of contami-
sure shutdown nation nation
Increasing pressure drop Bearing or gearbox Check pump screens and, Clean/replace pump
with time failure if installed, check chip screens and chip detectors
detectors per as required (for pump) per
WP 400 00 WP 400 00
Sensor failure: pressure Sensor system failure SPAM
less than zero or over TS-24
sensor limits
Increased oil viscosity or Check oil sample for vis- Replace oil, if necessary
oil temp below normal cosity per
WP 407 00
SPAM: Check oil temp Repair as necessary
control valve

Change 6 9-33

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-12: Lube Scavenge Temperature

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Shift in scavenge temper- High lube supply temper- SPAM: Check lube oil Reduce lube oil tempera-
ature - all sumps ature cooler and control valve ture
Shift in individual scav- Bearing failure Check lube and scavenge Repair/replace engine as
enge temperature > 30°F pump screens for bearing required
(17°C) at constant power material per WP 400 00
Sensor system failure TS-24
Oil supply leak, internal Check for high oil con- Repair leaks; repair or
or external sumption; check for exter- replace engine as required
Low oil supply pressure nal leak
Sump air/oil seal failure Repair or replace engine as
Loss of pressurization required
Over temperature: dark Low oil level in lube tank Check oil level Drain, flush clean, and ser-
oil in tank samples; vice lube/hydraulic system
burned odor; sludge and and all filters
varnish on oil filter;
sludge on chip detector
Degraded oil Check oil sample Clean chip detector as
required per WP 400 00
Refill tanks to correct
level; monitor scavenge
temperature when opera-
tion resumes
Low oil flow in sumps Flow test supply jets per Replace engine as required
Degraded lube/pump out- Check lube/scavenge Replace pump per
put pump discharge pressure WP 102 00 (5 element) or
SWP 102 01
(6 element) as required
Check supply side filter Clean/replace oil filter as
Lube and scavenge pump Clean lube and scavenge
inlet screens clogged with pump inlet screens per
carbon WP 400 00
Determine and eliminate
cause of contamination
High oil supply tempera- TS-14 SPAM
Sump air/oil seal failure Check individual sump Repair or replace engine as
temperatures to isolate required
area of failure

9-34 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-12: Lube Scavenge Temperature - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Fluctuating lube scav- Sensor system failure TS-24
enge temperature
Scavenge temp control SPAM
valve cycling

TS-13: Lube Scavenge Pressure

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Alarm on scavenge pres- Scavenge filter contami- SPAM Replace filter as required
sure nated Check lube and scavenge per SPAM
Increasing scavenge pump screens per Determine and correct
pressure at constant WP 400 00 cause of contamination
Piping or heat exchanger SPAM
Scavenge interface not SPAM
attached or obstructed
Stuck check valve Inspect check valve
Improperly vented lube SPAM Replace as required
Cold oil SPAM Warm oil with tank heater
or by operating engine at
low pressure
Sensor Failure Sensor system failure SPAM

TS-14: Lube Supply Temperature

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Over temperature Oil cooler fouled SPAM
Improper oil cooler tem-
perature control
High lube scavenge oil TS-12
Below minimum Lube heater failure SPAM
Improper oil cooler tem-
perature control valve
Sensor failure Sensor system failure TS-24

Change 6 9-35

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-15: Lube Supply Pressure

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

High pressure Low oil temperature Run engine long enough SPAM
to warm oil at low power
NOTE SPAM: Check operation
Reference Chapter 7 for of lube oil cooler control
normal pressure which is valve and/or lube tank
a function of lube supply heater
temperature gas, genera-
tor speed, lube oil type
and engine configuration
Sensor system failure SPAM
Oil line blockage or kink Check for crimped or Replace or clean oil lines
blocked oil supply tubes as required
downstream of pressure
Clogged oil lines and jets, Monitor scavenge oil tem- Clean oil lines
often indicated by ten- perature and record any Replace engine
dency of pressure to creep abnormal temperature to
upward isolate problem area.
Check lube and scavenge
pump screens and chip
detectors per
WP 400 00
Low pressure with fluc- Low oil tank level SPAM Replenish
Oil leak Check external compo- Replace leaking compo-
nents for leakage nents
Check torque on all oil Retighten all loose fittings
Sensor failure SPAM
Oil/water contamination Check oil sample for SPAM
milky appearance and for Repair source of water
water content entry into tank. Drain,
flush, and refill oil system
and clean or replace oil fil-
Lube/scavenge pump Check pump discharge Replace lube/scavenge
relief valve failure pressure pump per WP 102 00 or
SWP 102 01
High supply filter pres- SPAM: Check filter for
sure drop contamination

9-36 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-15: Lube Supply Pressure - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Low pressure - (Cont.) Obstructed or collapsed Disconnect supply line at Replace supply line
oil supply line to pump pump and check flow
Check oil-in flex hose for Replace oil-in flex hose
Check for obstruction in Remove obstruction from
pump inlet pump
Replace lube/scavenge
pump per WP 102 00 or
SWP 102 01 as required
Internal oil leak (possible Check for high oil con- Repair or replace engine as
damage to oil seals) sumption, drains, and required
frame vents
Check for abnormal scav-
enge temperatures
Lube/scavenge pump fail- Check lube discharge for Replace lube/scavenge
ure oil flow pump per WP 102 00 or
Pump drive spline SWP 102 01
Sensor system failure SPAM
Normal lube oil pres- Low oil tank level SPAM
sure with fluctuations > Oil/water contamination Check oil sample for
±5 psi Repair source of water milky appearance and
NOTE entry into oil tank. Drain, water content
Oil pressure fluctuation flush, and refill oil system
during transients is con- with fresh oil. Clean or
sidered normal; how- replace oil filters
ever, the fluctuations
should stop within 1
minute after a steady- Clogged filter Check oil filter 'P SPAM
state condition is estab-
lished. Sensor system failure SPAM
Blocked or defective Disconnect supply line at Replace supply line
pump inlet line pump and check flow
Check oil-in flex hose for Replace oil-in flex hose
Check for obstruction in Remove obstruction from
pump inlet pump
Replace lube/scavenge
pump per WP 102 00 or
SWP 102 01 as required

Change 6 9-37

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-15: Lube Supply Pressure - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

(Cont.) Defective lube/scavenge Replace lube/scavenge
Normal lube oil pres- pump relief valve pump per WP 102 00 or
sure with fluctuations > SWP 102 01 as required
±5 psi
Defective oil tank vent SPAM
Air-in system lines Run engine to purge air
No oil pressure Lube/scavenge pump fail- Verify lube supply to Replace lube/scavenge
ure pump. pump per WP 102 00 or
Sheared pump shaft Check lube or scavenge SWP 102 01
discharge for oil flow Replace pump if NGG
Check for NGG indication indication is present with
while motoring engine no oil pressure and normal
oil supply to pump
Low oil tank level SPAM
Faulty oil pressure indica- SPAM
tion; faulty transmitter or
pressure line
Obstructed oil supply line Disconnect supply line Continue troubleshooting
to pump and check for presence of Replace hose
oil Remove obstruction and
Check oil supply flex hose clean tank
for deterioration (col- Correct problem
lapsed or kinked)
Check for obstruction in
pump inlet
Check for improperly
connected lines or
reversed check valve
Obstructed tank strainer Remove inlet strainer and Remove obstruction and
inspect for obstructions clean oil strainer and tank
Loss of pump prime Check pump inlet line for Fill oil line with oil as
presence of oil required

9-38 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-16: Lube System - Miscellaneous

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Oil contamination Maintenance error; lube Contact GE M&I Customer Flush all lube and hydraulic
tank serviced with contami- Service before continuing systems until samples are
nated oil operation clear of contaminants
CAUTION Completely drain oil tank
IF ENGINE IS OPERATED and as many service lines as
FOR MORE THAN 200 possible. Service with fresh
HOURS WITH LUBRI- lubricating oil and circulate
CATING OIL CONTAIN- system until clear of contam-
ING MORE THAN 5% inants. Drain oil tank and
MINERAL OIL, SIGNIFI- lines and refill with fresh oil
CANT INTERNAL SUMP Motor engine and operate for
COKING MAY OCCUR. 24 hours and re-sample oil to
confirm cleanliness
Lube/scavenge pump Check lube and hydraulic Flush lube and hydraulic sys-
failure screens and system filters tems
Hydraulic pump failure for debris per WP 400 00 Replace defective hydraulic
and WP 408 00 pump per WP 120 00 or lube/
scavenge pump per
WP 102 00 or SWP 102 01
as required
Engine bearing failure Check all scavenge screens, Flush lube and hydraulic sys-
Starter failure chip detectors, and system tems
filters for debris (bearing Replace engine as required
debris plus increased engine Replace starter as required
vibration) per WP 400 00
and WP 408 00
Defective oil cooler/heat SPAM Water-wash engine per
exchanger WP 405 00
Tighten coupling nuts or
replace defective parts as
Oil tank not clean SPAM
External piping degradation/ SPAM

Change 6 9-39

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines
Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)
TS-16: Lube System - Miscellaneous - (Cont.)
Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action
High oil consumption Records in error Verify records Correct records
Oil leak from combined Isolate source Isolate each individual
actuator drain, lube pump, Maximum B/C sump drain from the gang drain
accessory drive pad drainage is 7.0 cm3/hr to find source of leakage.
drains, combined drain B- Maximum AGB pad, Repair as required.
and C-sumps, starter starter, actuator, and lube
drain, or external lines drainage is
7.0 cm3/hr
Air/oil separator failure Inspect lines, drains, and Clean or replace as
air discharge (no oil dis- required per WP 116 00
charge expected)
Sump pressurization tube Inspect all pressurization Clean or replace as
or vent line blockage or tubes and vents required
Lube pump failure Inspect pump and check Replace lube/scavenge
(flooded sump) discharge pressure per pump per WP 102 00 or
WP 400 00 SWP 102 01
Internal leakage Inspect (borescope Repair or replace
inspect) flowpath per
WP 406 00
Inspect bellmouth per
WP 401 00
Inspect exhaust per
WP 404 00
External leakage in off- SPAM
engine system

TS-17: Acoustic Signal Conditioner Checkout

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

High or low combustor Incorrect calibration of Verify calibration of sig- Replace sensor if required
acoustic acoustic sensor signal nal conditioning system
conditioning system per SPAM
Failed sensor Replace sensor per
WP 124 00
Failed combustor Borescope inspect com- Replace combustor
bustor per WP 406 00
Improper fuel system Remap combustor
mapping Contact GE Customer

9-40 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-18: Gas Generator (NGG) Speed

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Sensor mismatch Sensor system failure TS-25 Replace sensor
No speed indication Sensor gap too large SPAM Reset to correct gap
Idle speed too high/low Stall TS-8
T2 sensor failure TS-24 Replace sensor
Control failure SPAM
Speed sensor system fail- TS-25
Fuel metering valve fail- SPAM
Fuel system failure TS-22
Idle speed instability VG system off schedule TS-21
Gas fuel properties not SPAM
Fuel metering valve/ECU SPAM
Fuel supply pressure fluc- SPAM
Intermittent T2, NGG, or TS-24
PS3 sensor output TS-25
Accel to maximum Low or no fuel flow and SPAM: Check SPAM
power not possible or fuel pressure - PS3 line to sensor
accel slow - PS3 sensor circuit
- Fuel flow vs PS3 schedule
VG system off-schedule TS-21
Control system failure SPAM

Change 6 9-41

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-19: Gas Generator and Power Turbine Overspeed

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

NGG overspeed Control failure (without Perform overspeed Replace gas generator, if
shutdown) inspection per damage exceeds limits
WP 411 00 SPAM
Sensor system failure TS-25
Worn or unstable fuel SPAM
metering valve
Radial drive shaft failure Attempt manual engine Isolate and replace defec-
rotation from mainte- tive drive component per
nance crank pad on aft WP 207 00
end of TGB Assembly.
View HPC rotor through
borescope port per
WP 406 00 to see if HPC
NPT overspeed High-speed coupling shaft SPAM SPAM
Control failure Perform overspeed Replace power turbine, if
inspection per damage exceeds limits
WP 411 00
Sensor system failure TS-25

TS-20: Gas Fuel System Problems

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Shutoff valve cycling Control failure SPAM
Valve failure
Valve power failure
Fuel manifold pressure Fuel shutoff valve SPAM
too low at start failure
Fuel manifold pressure Premixer failure Check fuel flow; if within Replace fuel nozzle (pre-
too high or low at power limits, check fuel nozzle mixer) per WP 101 00 as
Speed/power instability (premixer) per required
WP 432 00
Fuel supply system SPAM

9-42 Change 6

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GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-21: Variable-Geometry Systems

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Position error Low or no hydraulic Replace VSV control per Clean or replace filters/
Schedule limits pressure WP 100 00, 120 00, screens as required
exceeded 121 00, and SPAM
Replace VG pump per
WP 120 00
LVDT or actuator failure Check for open circuit Replace actuator per
WP 100 00
Binding in VSV system Check per WP 418 00 Replace torque shaft per
WP 114 00 as required

TS-22: Miscellaneous Starting Problems

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

No start Reset control to get start SPAM
permissive NOTE
Deenergize ignition system
and motor engine per pack-
ager's instructions to purge
any gas in ducting. Do not
exceed starter duty cycle if
No start: NGG and fuel Faulty ignition circuit(s) Perform ignition system Repair or replace as
pressure OK functional check per required
WP 409 00 SPAM
Incorrect fuel quality SPAM
No start: NGG and igni- Fuel supply pressure Check vent valve posi- SPAM: Correct as
tion OK, but low or no failure tions required
fuel manifold pressure Fuel metering valve to far Check fuel system pres-
closed sures
Fuel shutoff valves closed Check fuel shutoff valve Open fuel valves

Change 6 9-43

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-22: Miscellaneous Starting Problems - (Cont.)
Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action
No start: NGG and igni- Fuel system contamina- Disconnect supply lines Flush contaminants from
tion OK, but low or no tion and check for clogged fuel supply lines
fuel manifold pressure - upstream filters and/or Clean upstream filters
(Cont.) contamination in supply
No start: NGG rises rap- Sheared radial drive shaft, Crank engine from main- Isolate and replace defec-
idly to starter cutout or IGB spline sheared tenance pad on aft end of tive drive component per
speed TGB assembly. View WP 207 00
rotor through borescope
port per WP 406 00 to see
if HPC rotates
Failure to light off Same as above Same as above
Ignition system failure Perform ignition system Replace igniters per
functional check per WP 103 00
WP 409 00 SPAM
Failure to reach idle Low starter air, gas or SPAM
speed on start (hung hydraulic pressure output
Failure to reach starter
cutout speed
Failure to reach fuel and
ignition speed on start

The above symptoms
may be accompanied by
low fuel flow and low
Speed sensor system fail- TS-25
ure SPAM
Radial drive shaft or Check drive shaft and Service, repair, or replace
starter failure starter starter (GE only) per
SPAM WP 117 00
Repair or replace radial
drive per WP 207 00
Low or no fuel flow and SPAM: Check
fuel pressure -PS3 line to sensor(s)
-PS3 sensor circuit
-Fuel flow vs PS3 sched-
Fuel contamination Disconnect supply lines Flush contaminants from
and check for clogged fuel supply lines
upstream filters or air and/ Clean upstream filters
or contamination in sup-
ply lines
VG position off-schedule TS-21

9-44 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-22: Miscellaneous Starting Problems - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Failure to reach idle HP compressor damage Borescope per Repair or replace engine as
speed on start (hung WP 406 00 required
start) - (Cont.)
Start stall/hot start TS-1
No start, no NGG indica- Starter air, gas, or hydrau- SPAM: Check starter air, Increase pressure to proper
tion, no oil pressure lic pressure below limits gas, or hydraulic supply limit, or replace starter if
Starter inoperative pressure pressure is OK
Check starter spline drive
Faulty starter gas, air, or SPAM: Check starter gas, Restore power supply or
hydraulic shutoff valve air, or hydraulic valve replace faulty component
control voltage and valve
Faulty start selector SPAM: Check start selec- Replace switch and/or reset
switch or open circuit tor switch and circuit circuit breaker
breaker breaker
Seized gas generator rotor Check rotor rotation with Attempt another start after
starter or with ratchet cool-down period and/or
wrench on TGB assembly rotation check
maintenance crank pad
Borescope for evidence of Repair or replace engine as
damage to HPC/HPT per required
WP 406 00
Check for binding, rubs,
Check chip detectors and
scavenge screens per
WP 400 00

Change 6 9-45

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-22: Miscellaneous Starting Problems - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

No start, no NGG indica- Seized gas generator rotor Check VSV system for If vane has become disen-
tion, no oil pressure - mechanical integrity; ver- gaged or rotated and has
(Cont.) ify that there is no vane grooved HPC rotor, vane
rotation and that no vane shall be removed and
tip is digging into HPC replaced per WP 212 00.
rotor Depth of the HPC rotor
groove shall also be
inspected. If groove is
through the alumina coat-
ing, gas generator shall be
No start, no NGG indica- NGG sensor system fail- TS-25
tion ure
Engine fails to motor, Radial drive shaft failure Attempt manual rotation Isolate and replace
but control indicates through maintenance defective drive component
motoring; rapid increase crank pad on aft end of per WP 207 00
in indicated motoring TGB assembly. Bores-
speed cope per WP 406 00 to see
if HPC rotates
Engine fails to Seized engine For cold engine, check Attempt another start and/
motor/no indication rotation with starter or or rotation check after 30
of motoring or fails to with ratchet wrench on minute cool down period
reach maximum motor- TGB assembly mainte- Repair or replace engine
ing speed nance crank pad
Borescope engine per
WP 406 00
If installed, check chip
detectors per
WP 400 00
Speed sensor system fail- TS-25 Repair or replace as
ure required

9-46 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-22: Miscellaneous Starting Problems - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Engine fails to Low starter supply pres- SPAM
motor/no indication sure
of motoring or fails to Starter exhaust blockage
reach maximum motor- (pneumatic starter)
ing speed - (cont.)
Starter failure Attempt manual engine Service, repair, or replace
rotation through gearbox; starter per WP 117 00 or
if engine rotates, problem SWP 117 01 (GE starter
is in starter system only); otherwise SPAM
Accessory failure Remove gearbox-driven If engine will rotate after
accessories one at a time removal of an accessory,
and attempt manual replace the failed accessory
engine rotation, after each
accessory is removed
GG Speed Sensor engage- Check sensor gas per Repair of replace as neces-
ment incorrect WP 105 00 sary per WP 105 00
Accessory gearbox failure If engine will not turn Replace accessory gear-
after removal of all acces- box per WP 206 00
sories, remove radial drive
shaft per WP 207 00.
Rotate accessory gearbox
FOD If starter and drive drain Repair or replace engine as
operate properly, but required
engine will not rotate,
borescope engine per
WP 406 00
Bearing or seal failure Check chip detectors for Repair or replace engine as
debris; check sump scav- required
enge screen in lube and
scavenge pump for evi-
dence of bearing or seal

Change 6 9-47

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-23: Engine Vibration

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

High vibes, gas genera- Sensor system failure Perform functional check Repair or replace acceler-
tor (alarm) per WP 409 00 ometers as required per
High vibes, power tur- SPAM WP 111 00
bine (alarm) SPAM
High vibes, gas genera- Rotor imbalance Using vibration measur- Replace gas generator
tor (shutdown) ing instrumentation with (power turbine) if vibes >
High vibes, power tur- frequency-scanning type alarm levels and no other
bine (shutdown) filter, determine predomi- cause is found
nant frequency. If fre-
quency is same as gas
generator (power tur-
bine), problem is probably
gas generator (power tur-
bine) caused
Engine not mounted SPAM: Check all engine SPAM: Realign and
securely mount systems tighten mounts
Bearing failure Check chip detectors for Repair or replace engine as
metal particles per required
WP 400 00 Repair or replace engine as
Check oil scavenge inlet required
screens for metal parti-
cles per WP 400 00
FOD Borescope engine per Repair or replace engine as
WP 406 00 required
Compressor or turbine Inspect compressor inlet Repair or replace engine as
damage area per WP 401 00 required
Borescope engine per
WP 406 00
Loose sensor Inspect sensor mounting Repair sensor mount
High speed coupling shaft SPAM
or driven load unbalance

9-48 Change 6

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GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-24: Temperature Sensors

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

T5.4 - Loss of average Sensor or cabling failure, Table 9-5 Repair or replace as
reading Type K thermocouple Table 9-6 required per WP 108 00
T5.4 - Cold sensor SPAM SPAM
T5.4 - Loss of three Signal-conditioning or SPAM
adjacent probes display failure
T5.4 - Loss of four System ground loop Table 9-5 Repair or replace as
probes Table 9-6 required per WP 108 00
T5.4 - Loss of any probe SPAM SPAM
T5.4 - High or over limit
T5.4 max - T5.4 min Sensor or cabling Table 9-5 Repair or replace as
spread exceeds 200°F failure, Type K Table 9-6 required per WP 108 00
(93°C) thermocouple SPAM SPAM
Signal-conditioning or SPAM
display failure
System ground loop Table 9-5 Repair or replace as
Table 9-6 required per WP 108 00
Water, oil, or corrosion on Inspect for contaminants Clean/replace as required
electrical connector pins on electrical pins or sock-
or sockets ets
If no contaminants are
found, proceed to pre-
mixer condition trouble-
Premixer condition Identify highest and low-
est reading T5.4 probes
Identify premixers affect-
ing the temperature of
highest and lowest read-
ing T5.4 probes (See
Figure 9-1A)
Mark locations of these
fuel nozzles and remove
for inspection per
WP 101 00

Change 6 9-49

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-24: Temperature Sensors - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

(Cont.) (Cont.) Inspect for clogging or Clean/replace as required
T5.4 max - T5.4 min Premixer condition
spread exceeds 200°F If no clogging or burning
(93°C) is noted, swap positions of
removed premixers by
installing premixers from
lowest reading probe
upstream of highest read-
ing probe and vice versa
per WP 101 00
Operate engine and check
effect of this change.
Repeat previous steps as

9-50 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-24: Temperature Sensors - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

T3 sensor failure Sensor or cabling failure, Table 9-5 Repair or replace as
T3 A/B difference over type K thermocouple Table 9-6 required per WP 123 00
limit SPAM
Signal-conditioning or SPAM
display failure
T2 sensor failure Sensor or cabling failure, Table 9-5 Repair or replace as
T2 A/B difference over RTD, see Table 9-7 Table 9-6 required per WP 109 00
limit SPAM
Signal-conditioning or SPAM
display failure
Lube supply or scavenge Sensor or cabling failure, Table 9-5 Repair or replace as
temperature sensor fail- RTD, see Table 9-8 Table 9-6 required per WP 110 00
RTD A/B difference Signal-conditioning or SPAM
excessive display failure

TS-25: Speed Sensors

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

NGG sensor failure Sensor system failure Check sensor resistance Repair or replace as
NGG sensor mismatch per Table 9-10 required per
Check sensor gap per WP 105 00
WP 105 00
Check sensor voltage per
paragraph 9-2.1.2
Signal-conditioning or SPAM
display failure
NPT sensor failure Same as above Same as above Same as above
NPT sensor mismatch

Change 6 9-51

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-26: Flame Sensor

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Flame loss, one sensor Sight glass lens dirty Inspect lenses Clean or replace as
(alarm) (no flameout) Sensor lens dirty required per WP 118 00
Flame loss, two sensor Sensor failure Verify operation with UV Replace sensor as required
(shutdown) light source per WP 118 00
Wiring SPAM: Check package Repair or replace as
connections from sensor required
to package signal condi-
Signal conditioner failure SPAM: check system SPAM
Switch sensor inputs at
amplifier to determine
whether problem follows

TS-27: Miscellaneous Problems

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Loss of performance Compressor dirty Inspect inlet per Water-wash engine per
WP 401 00 WP 405 00
High inlet filter pressure Borescope compressor per
drop WP 406 00
VSV system off- schedule TS-21
CDP bleed off-schedule
FOD Borescope engine per Repair or replace engine as
WP 406 00 required
Normal deterioration due to Borescope engine per Refurbish as required
normal operation, consistent WP 406 00
with total operating time
High NGG rotor VSV system off- schedule TS-21
speeds at low power closed
low T5.4 Compressor dirty Borescope inspect com-
pressor per WP 406 00
FOD Borescope engine per Repair or replace engine as
WP 406 00 required
High NGG, low power, Compressor dirty Inspect inlet per Water-wash engine per
high T5.4 WP 401 00 WP 405 00
VSV system off schedule Borescope compressor
CDP bleed off schedule
Low PT thrust balance Air supply leaks SPAM: Check for air If no leaks or indication
cavity pressure (alarm) leaks and verify accuracy error, replace orifice plate
Worn PT balance of indication system per, Volume II,
piston seal WP 431 00

9-52 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Table 9-1. LVDT/Torque Motor Resistance Values for TS-7

Component Reference Interface Component Resistance* Corrective Action

Figure Pins (Ohmsr10%)
CDP Bleed 9-1 E38-2 3-4 90 Primary Replace bleed valve
(Sheet 3) 5-6 70 Sec 1 per WP 115 00
6-7 70 Sec 2
CDP Bleed 9-1 E38-2 10-11 90 Primary Replace bleed valve
Valve LVDT (Sheet 3) 12-13 70 Sec 1 per WP 115 00
13-14 70 Sec 2
VSV 9-1 E40 2-3 Primary Replace VSV Actua-
Actuator Valve (Sheet 9) Connectors 4-5 Sec Y tor per WP 100 00
LVDT 2 and 3 6-7 Sec Y
VSV 9-1 E46 A-B Replace VSV
Servovalve (Sheet 10) E47 Servovalve per
WP 121 00

Table 9-2. Flame Detector Resistance Values

Component Reference Interface Component Resistance* Corrective Action

Figure Pins (Ohmsr10%)
Flame Detectors — — 1-2 511 Replace flame detectors
per WP 118 00
* At room temperature or as specified in tables.

Table 9-3. Accelerometer Resistance Values

Component Reference Interface Component Resistance* Corrective Action

Figure Pins (Ohmsr10%)
CRF/TRF Accel- 9-1 E13/E1 1-2 N/A Perform functional
erometer with (Sheet 11) 1-case 1.0 M: min check per TBP
Integral Leads 2-case 1.0 M: min

Change 6 9-53

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Table 9-4. Staging Valves Resistance Values

Component Reference Interface Component Pins Resistance* Corrective Action

Figure (Ohmsr10%)
Staging Valve 9-1(Sheet 1) ES44 2-3 100-200 at 70°F Replace staging valve
(Sheet 2) ES45 (21°C) per WP 101 00

Table 9-5. Temperature Sensor Resistance Values for TS-24

Sensor Component Reference Interface Component Resistance* Comments

Figure Pins (Ohms)
T5.4 Sensors 9-1 T/C #1 Al-Cr 0.44 to 0.83 —
Type K (Sheet 4) T/C #2
Thermo- T/C #3
couple T/C #4 Terminal to 1.0 M: min Measure both
(T/C) T/C #5 case terminals
T/C #6 to case
T/C #7
T/C #8
On-engine 9-1 E21A/E21B 1-1 Continuity May be mea-
harness (Sheet 4) 2-2 sured at either
3-3 end of the on-
4-4 engine harness
5-5 (at connector)
Pin to shield 1.0 M: min
Off-engine N/A SPAM 1-1 Continuity
cabling 2-2
3-3 Table 9-6
5-5 1.0 M: min

9-54 Change 6

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GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Table 9-5. Temperature Sensor Resistance Values for TS-24 - (Continued)

Sensor Component Reference Interface Component Resistance* Comments

Figure Pins (Ohms)
T3 Sensor/ 9-1 E30A/E30B A-B 4.3-6.0
Type K harness (Sheet 6) C-D 4.3-6.0
T/C Terminal to 1.0 M: min
Off-engine N/A SPAM A-A Table 9-6 May be mea-
cabling B-B Table 9-6 sured at either
C-C Table 9-6 end of the on-
D-D Table 9-6 engine har-
ness (at con-
T2 Sensor 9-1 E40 1-2 Table 9-7 Sensor has
RTD (Sheet 9) 3-4 Table 9-7 two 100-ohm
@ 32°F (0°C)
RTD’s in
probe. Probe
has an integral
On-engine 9-1 E40 Any lead Continuity May be mea-
cabling (Sheet 9) 1-18 sured at either
2-19 end of the on-
3-20 engine har-
ness (at con-
Lube Sensor 9-1 E3C/E3D 1-2 Table 9-8 Sensors each
RTDs (Sheet 7) E4C/E4D 3-4 Table 9-8 have two 100-
E5C/E5D ohm @ 32°F
E18C/E18D (0°C) RTD’s
E6C/E6D in each probe.
Off-engine N/A SPAM Any lead Continuity May be mea-
cabling sured at either
end of the on-
engine har-
ness (at con-
* At room temperature or as specified in tables.

Change 6 9-55

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Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Table 9-6. Cable Circuit Resistance Table 9-8. Lube RTD Resistance Values
Values At Room Temperature
(or as specified in Tables) Temperature Resistance

Cable Length Resistance (Ohms) (°F) (°C) (Ohms r10%)

(ft) KP KN -40.0 -40.0 84

10 1.3 - 2.1 0.5 - 0.9 0.0 -17.8 92

20 2.6 - 4.3 1.1 - 1.8 32.0 0.0 100

30 4.0 - 6.4 1.7 - 2.7 50.0 10.0 104

40 5.3 - 8.6 2.2 - 3.6 100.0 37.8 115

50 6.7 - 10.7 2.8 - 4.4 150.0 35.6 126

60 8.0 - 12.9 3.4 - 5.3 200.0 93.3 137

250.0 121.1 150
Table 9-7. T2 Resistance Values 300.0 148.9 159
350.0 176.7 170
Temperature Resistance
400.0 204.4 181
(°F) (°C) (Ohms r10%)
-40 -40 84
0 -18 92
32 0 100
50 10 104
100 38 115
200 93 137

Table 9-9. Lube System Chip Detector

Reference Component Pins Resistance Corrective

Component Figure Interface (Ohms) Action
Chip Detector 9-1 E41 1-2 1.0 M: Low resistance
(Sheet 8) E42 indicates chip
E43 Pin to case > 1.0 M: or short.
E44 Replace detec-
E45 tor

9-56 Change 6

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GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Table 9-10. Speed Sensor Resistance Values

Component Reference Figure Interface Pins Resistance (Ohms r10%)
NGG 9-1 E7/E12 1-2 200
(Sheet 9) 1-2
Pin to case 1.0 M:
NPT 9-1 E14/E15 A-B 80 (L21656P04)
(Sheet 5) A-B 950 (L44630P01 & L44780P01)
1.0 M:
Pin to case

Table 9-11. Maximum Allowable Instrumentation and Accessory Temperatures

Components Temperature
Lube Oil RTD’s 220°F (104°C)
NGG Speed Sensor 225°F (107°C)
Variable Stator Vane Actuators 350°F (177°C)
Accelerometers 500°F (260°C)
T5.4 Sensor (At Lugs) 600°F (316°C)
T3 Sensor (At Connector) 600°F (316°C)
Lube Pump 300°F (149°C)
Starter 250°F (121°C)
UV Flame Detectors 200°F (93°C)
CDP Bleed Valve 250°F (121°C)
Staging Valve 300°F (149°C)
NPT Speed Sensor 600°F (316°C)

Table 9-12. Combustor Dynamic Pressure Resistance Values

Reference Figure Component Pins

Component Interface Resistance (Ohms)
Dynamic 9-1 E39A 1-2 N/A
Pressure (Sheet 12) E39B Pin to case 1.0 M: min
Sensors and Inte-
gral Leads

Change 6 9-57

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Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Figure 9-1. Electrical System Schematic

Interface ES44 (Sheet 1 of 12)

9-58 Change 6

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GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Figure 9-1. Electrical System Schematic

Interface ES45 (Sheet 2 of 12)
Change 6 9-59

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Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Figure 9-1. Electrical System Schematic

Interface E38-2 (Sheet 3 of 12)

9-60 Change 6

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GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Figure 9-1. Electrical System Schematic

Interface E21A and E21B (Sheet 4 of 12)

Change 6 9-61

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Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Figure 9-1. Electrical System Schematic

Interface E7, E12, E14, and E15 (Sheet 5 of 12)

9-62 Change 6

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GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Figure 9-1. Electrical System Schematic

Interface E30A and E30B (Sheet 6 of 12)

Change 6 9-63

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Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Figure 9-1. Electrical System Schematic

Interface E3C, E4C, E5C, E6C, E11C, and E18C (Sheet 7 of 12)

9-64 Change 6

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GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Figure 9-1. Electrical System Schematic

Interface E41, E42, E43, E44, and E45 (Sheet 8 of 12)

Change 6 9-65

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Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Figure 9-1. Electrical System Schematic

Interface E40 (Sheet 9 of 12)

9-66 Change 6

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GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Figure 9-1. Electrical System Schematic

Interface E46 and E47 (Sheet 10 of 12)

Figure 9-1. Electrical System Schematic

Interface E1 and E13 (Sheet 11 of 12)

Change 6 9-67

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Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Figure 9-1. Electrical System Schematic

Interface E39A and 39B (Sheet 12 of 12)

9-68 Change 6

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GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Figure 9-1A. Premixer/T5.4 Probes Relationship

Change 6 9-69

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-28: Emissions
Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

High CO2 or unburned Natural gas ingested into Using appropriate

hydrocarbons inlet hydrocarbon detection
equipment, sniff for gas
around inlet

Incorrect emissions Use independent

measurement measurement. Check CO
versus NOx

Duct burner Measure downstream of

gas turbine or turn off
duct burner

Combustor damage Borescope combustor per Replace engine per

WP 406 00, WP 301 00 or combustor
Table 6 per WP 203 00

Partial blowout of A/B/C Adjust flame temperature Remap combustor

ring Contact GE Customer

High flame temperatures Adjust flame temperature Remap combustor contact

GE customer service

Corrected NOx > 25 Oxygen concentration Oxygen concentration in Recalibrate oxygen sensing
PPM at baseload measurement problem exhaust should be at 15% system
power ± 0.25% at baseload

Emissions equipment out Check sensing system Calibrate system per

of calibration with calibration gas manufacturer specs

Emissions sensing Traverse stack per EPA Relocate sensing probe as

location is improper 40 CFR part 60 required

Leak in emissions sensing Check for leaks. Calibrate Repair/replace as

lines system by introducing necessary
calibrated gas at probe

Fuel properties incorrect Check LHVSEL and If difference is >2%

SGSEL, compare to gas recalibrate system

9-70 Change 6

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GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-28: Emissions - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Corrected NOx > 25 PPM at Flame temperatures too Check mapping per manual Input new schedule. If
baseload power (cont.) high system has been operating
satisfactory, and large
adjustments (>100 F) are
needed, further efforts
should be made to
determine root cause. On
new installations large
adjustments from typical
schedules may also
indicate need for further
root cause determination

Incorrect PS3 reading Check for broken lines, Replace broken sense line,
loose fitting, transducer tighten fitting, SPAM
calibration calibrate transducers to
absolute scale

Plugged fuel nozzle (large Check fuel filters for Replace contaminated
T48 spread) contamination. Flow-check premixers, determine
premixers per WP 432 00 source of contamination
and eliminate

Missing or broken leaf Borescope stage 1 nozzle Replace nozzle assembly

seals outer leaf seals (Table 7,
WP 406 00)

Air leakage Check PS3, and check for Repair/replace as

leaks around bleed piping necessary
and other possible sources of
air flow leakage (enclosure
temperature increase may
indicate developing leak)

Fuel metering valve or SPAM Repair/replace as

trim valve problem necessary

Fuel metering valve tables Check for software and Input new schedule
incorrect (shift after FMV FMV match then check
or software change) mapping manual

Change 6 9-71

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-28: Emissions - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

Corrected NOx > 25 PPM at Engine deterioration Water-wash engine per Repair/replace as
baseload power (cont.) WP 405 00. Collect necessary
performance data per
Section 8 of O&M Manual.
Borescope combustor per
WP 406 00

ELBO Valve Check ELBO valve (staging Troubleshoot and replace

valve 6 PD and staging valve as necessary
valve 18 PB)

CO > 25 PPM at baseload Oxygen concentration Oxygen concentration in Recalibrate oxygen

power measurement problem exhaust should be at 15% ± sensing system
0.25% at baseload

Emissions equipment out Check sensing system with Calibrate system per
of calibration calibration gas manufacturer specs

Emissions sensing Traverse stack per EPA 40 Relocate sensing probe as

location is improper CFR part 60 required

Leak in emissions sensing Check for leaks Repair/replace as

lines necessary

Plugged premixers (large Check for fuel Replace contaminated fuel

T48 spread) contamination. Flow-check nozzles, determine source
fuel nozzles per WP 432 00 of contamination, and

Low PS3 Check instrumentation Repair/replace as


Fuel properties incorrect Check LHVSEL and If difference is >2%

SGSEL, compare to gas recalibrate system

Leaking fuel nozzles Flow-check fuel nozzles per Replace fuel nozzles as
(internal or external leaks) WP 432 00 necessary

Flame temperatures too Check mapping per manual Input new schedule

9-72 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-28: Emissions - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

CO > 25 PPM at baseload Gas ingested into inlet Using appropriate Repair/replace as
power (cont.) hydrocarbon detection necessary
equipment, sniff for gas
around inlet

Gas leak down stream of Review operating data for Replace leaking hoses and
FMV increase in any of following torque joints as
parameters (while unit was appropriate
operating at BRNDMD=40
and DWB36PCT=0):
WFNOZPILFF. If decrease
is noted, check applicable
WFNOZxxxFF parameter in
Table TS-31

Staging valve failed Check T48 spread and check Repair/replace as

closed or fails to open staging valve feedback necessary

FMV contamination Review operating data for Remove contamination

increases in any of the from fuel system
following parameters:
WFNOZPILFF. If changes
are seen refer to
Table TS-31

Inspect inlets to fuel Remove debris upstream

metering valves for debris of FMV

Inspect FMV metering Heat fuel to proper

section for contamination temperature
(like sulfur)

Cracked heat shield or Borescope combustor per Repair/replace as

holes burnt in hot section WP 406 00 necessary
(combustor damage)

Missing fuel nozzle Borescope combustor per Repair/replace as

ferrule or igniter/flame WP 406 00 to ensure seal is necessary
detector seal in place

Change 6 9-73

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-28: Emissions - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

CO > 25 PPM at baseload Dome air leakage too high Replace combustor Replace combustor
power (cont.)

Fuel metering valve or SPAM Repair/replace as

trim valve problem necessary

Fuel metering valve tables Check for software and Input new schedule
incorrect (shift after FMV FMV match then check
or software change) mapping manual

NOx and CO > 25 PPM at Oxygen concentration Oxygen concentration in Recalibrate oxygen
baseload power measurement problem exhaust should be at 15% ± sensing system
0.25% at baseload

Emissions equipment out Check sensing system with Calibrate system per
of calibration calibration gas manufacturer specs

Emissions sensing Traverse stack per EPA 40 Relocate sensing probe as

location is improper CFR part 60 required

Leak in emissions sensing Check for leaks Repair/replace as

lines necessary

Fuel properties incorrect Check LHVSEL and If difference is >2%

SGSEL, compare to gas recalibrate system

LHV or SG input error Check values Correct values if


Flame temperatures too Check mapping per manual Input new schedule
low or too high

Leaking fuel nozzle Flow-check fuel nozzles per Replace fuel nozzles as
(internal or external leaks) WP 432 00 necessary

Staging valve failed Check T48 spread and check Repair/replace as

closed or fails to open staging valve feedback necessary

9-74 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-28: Emissions - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

NOx and CO > 25 PPM at Gas leak down stream of Review operating data for Replace leaking hoses and
baseload power (cont.) FMV increase in any of following torque joints as
parameters (while unit was appropriate
operating at BRNDMD=40
and DWB36PCT=0):
WFNOZPILFF. If decrease
is noted, check applicable
WFNOZxxxFF parameter in
Table TS-31

LHV sensing lag Check LHVSEL and Repair/replace as

compare to gas analysis necessary

Fuel skid pressure taps Repair/replace as

plumbed incorrectly necessary

Blocked fuel passages in Review operating data for Replace fuel nozzles as
fuel nozzles decrease in any of following necessary. Remove fuel
parameters (while unit was system blockage and
operating at BRNDMD=40 contamination
and DWB36PCT=0):
WFNOZPILFF. If increase
is noted, check applicable
WFNOZxxxFF parameter in
Table TS-31

Failed PX36 (causing TS-30 Per TS-30

inappropriate flame
temperature adjustments
ABAL action)

Fuel metering valve or SPAM Repair/replace as

trim valve problem necessary

Fuel metering valve tables Check for software and Input new schedule
incorrect (shift after FMV FMV match then check
or software change) mapping manual

Change 6 9-75

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-28: Emissions - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

NOx and CO > 25 PPM at Dome air leakage too high Change combustor Change combustor
baseload power (cont.)

Non-uniform air flows Borescope compressor, Repair/replace as

diffuser and forward face of necessary
fuel nozzles for possible

Plug/tape on fuel nozzles Visually inspect fuel nozzles Remove blockage

and fuel hoses for blockage

High CO (>50) AB mode and Leak in one or more Blank pilot manifold at Repair/replace as
normal CO in other modes C-ring valve(s) (valve engine interface. Ensure that necessary
stuck open or dirty seat) primary and secondary
SOV's remain closed.
Pressurize with inert gas
(Nitrogen) gas system up to
500 PSIF (3,447 kPa) then
isolate supply. Monitor gas
pressures on GP1 & GP2
sensors. If leak exists,
pressure rapidly drops. Note
that external fuel gas system
leaks will have similar
results on GP1 & GP2 so
snoopy leak tester is
required at this time to
verify integrity of FG
components. Leak check per
SWP 101 01

Mapping incorrect for Check mapping per manual Input new schedule

9-76 Change 6

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LM2500+ DLE GEK 105048
GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-28: Emissions - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

High CO (>100) BC mode Leak in one or more Blank pilot manifold at Repair/replace as
and normal CO in other A-ring valve(s) (valve engine interface. Ensure that necessary
modes stuck open or dirty seat) primary and secondary
SOV's remain closed.
Pressurize with inert gas
(Nitrogen) gas system up to
500 PSIG (3,447 kPa) then
isolate supply. Monitor gas
pressures on GP1 & GP2
sensors. If leak exists,
pressure rapidly drops. Note
that external fuel gas system
leaks will have similar
results on GP1 & GP2 so
snoopy leak tester is
required at this time to
verify integrity of FG
components. Leak check per
SWP 101 01

Mapping incorrect for BC- Check mapping per manual Input new schedule

TS-29: High/Low Combustor Acoustics

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

High or low combustor Incorrect calibration of Verify calibration per SPAM

acoustics acoustic sensor signal WP 433 00
conditioning system

Failed sensor Replace sensor per

WP 124 00 or
SWP 124 01

Failed combustor Borescope per WP 406 00 Replace combustor per

WP 203 00

Improper fuel system Remap combustor Contact

mapping GE Customer Service

Change 6 9-77

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-30: Acoustic Sensing Problems

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

PX36A differs from PX36B: Miscalibrated signal Check calibration and See WP 433 00
One sensor suspected, reading conditioning correct per WP 433 00
high or erratically
Loose sensor Check torque on sensor Retorque if loose

Failed or failing sensor Swap sensors from side to If high or erratic reading
side follows sensor replace
suspect sensor

Electromagnetic With sensors in original If high or erratic reading

interference or shielding position, swap lead wires persists on same channel,
problem from side to side so "A" reading is likely caused by
sensor will read out through EMI or shielding problem.
"B" channel signal Contact OEM for further
conditioning and vice versa. technical assistance
(May require short jumper
wires depending on wiring

PX36 SEL reads low (less Miscalibrated signal Check calibration and See WP 433 00. If
than 1.2 psi at full power ABC conditioning correct per WP 433 00 problem persists, contact
mode) GE

9-78 Change 6

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GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines Volume I

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-31: Shift in Fuel System Flow Parameters

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

WFNOZINRFF shift high* Leak between inner ring Leak-check Replace leaking hoses and
FMV and fuel line torque joints as

Plugged inner ring FMV Check FMV for blockage Remove contamination

Sulfur contamination At constant power Increase gas temperature

(should affect all rings but F_TFLCYC will rise then
may not be equal effect) engine will run on fuel flow
regulator and when fuel flow
reaches maximum power
will drop

WFNOZINRFF shift low* Plugged fuel nozzle (inner Flow-check nozzles per Clean out contamination
ring) WP 432 00 and replace necessary fuel

WFNOZOTRFF shift high* Leak between outer ring Leak-check Replace leaking hoses and
FMV and fuel line torque joints as

Plugged outer ring FMV Check FMV for blockage Remove contamination/

Sulfur contamination At constant power Increase gas temperature

(should affect all rings but F_TFLCYC will rise then
may not be equal effect) engine will run on fuel flow
regulator and when fuel flow
reaches maximum power
will drop

WFNOZOTRFF shift low* Plugged fuel nozzle (outer Flow-check nozzles per Clean out contamination
ring) WP 432 00 and replace necessary fuel

WFNOZPILFF shift high* Leak between middle ring Leak-check Replace leaking hoses and
FMV and fuel line torque joints as

Plugged FMV (middle Check FMV for blockage Remove contamination/

ring) blockage

Change 6 9-79

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GEK 105048 LM2500+ DLE
Volume I GE Industrial AeroDerivative Gas Turbines

Troubleshooting Procedures - (Cont.)

TS-31: Shift in Fuel System Flow Parameters - (Cont.)

Symptoms Possible Causes Troubleshooting Corrective Action

WFNOZPILFF shift high* Sulfur contamination At constant power Increase gas temperature
(cont) (should affect all rings but F_TFLCYC will rise then
may not be equal effect) engine will run on fuel flow
regulator (regulator 10) and
when fuel flow reaches
maximum power will drop

WFNOZPILFF shift low* Plugged fuel nozzle Flow-check nozzles per Clean out contamination
(middle ring) WP 432 00 and replace necessary fuel

* Based on trending, if the parameter WFNOZXXXFF changes by more than 0.05, this shift may be significant
and may be indicative of a fuel system problem. The values for each WFNOZXXXFF parameter may vary with
combustor operating mode; hence trending should be done for each operating mode separately.

9-80 Change 6

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