Abstract— On-board Computers (OBC) and Attitude and performance, reduced power consumption and more efficient
Orbit Control Electronics (AOCE) developed by CEG, simultaneous processing of multiple tasks. A processing
ISAC/ISRO is processor based subsystems of the spacecraft system is composed of two or more independent cores. An
which perform a wide range of critical functions like individual Processor is called as Core. The cores are integrated
telecommanding, telemetry and attitude and orbit control. onto a single integrated circuit die or multiple dies in a single
After the usage of 16 bit Mil Std 1750 processors which had chip package. A multi-core system implements
a performance of up to 1MIPS, the single core LEON3 FT multiprocessing in a single physical package.
processor is being considered for immediate future projects to
gain performance advantages up to 10MIPS. LEON is a 32-bit CPU microprocessor core, based on the
Dual-core technology combines two independent processors SPARC-V8 RISC architecture and instruction set. It was
and their respective caches onto a single processor chip. This originally designed by the European Space Research and
helps increase system performance so the processor can Technology Centre, part of the European Space Agency, and
simultaneously handle multiple threads at a faster rate, helping after that by Gaisler Research. LEON has a dual license
to reduce lag time when running more than one application. A model: A LGPL/GPL FLOSS license that can be used without
thread is a single stream of data through the processor. Each licensing fee, or a proprietary license that can be purchased for
application generates its own or multiple threads. A dual-core integration in a proprietary product. The core is configurable
processor boosts multitasking computing power and improves through VHDL generics, and is used in system-on-a-chip
the throughput of multithreaded applications for our increasing
(SO designs both in research and commercial settings. The
demand. The dual core processor sor also includes some on chip
peripherals devices like Mil-std-1553
GR712RC device has been designed to provide high
Space wire, Ethernet, PCI, Memory controller, Debug support processing power by including two LEON3FT 32-bit 32 SPARC
Unit, 192KiB SRAM, CCSDS Encoder & Decoder, presently V8 processors. GR712RC is based on LEON3FT and IP cores
rocessor for
which are using as discrete devices along with the processor from the GRLIB IP library, implemented with the Ramon
operation of the CPU card. RadSafeTM 180 nm cell library on Tower Semiconductors
Using this on chip peripherals in the dual core processor we 180nm CMOS process. The fault tolerant design of the
are reducing the space in the board as well as performance processor in combination with the radiation tolerant
enhancement of the systems. To be able to handle the ever technology provides total immunity to radiation effects. The
increasing requirements of the future as well as to target cycle power optimized GR712RC is fully software compatible with
times of less than 10ms, it is essential to adopt the dual core previous LEON processors, with a performance increase of up
architecture to achieve performances of up to 50 MIPS or to 100 percent at the same clock frequency. Section II gives a
better. brief overview of the processor being used presently in few of
In this paper we will present the design and development of the spacecraft applications.
next generation CPU card for advance state of the art Satellite
control applications for ISRO’s space program. II. EXISTING PROCESSORS
The very first generation of microprocessors developed by
Keywords— LEON 3FT, GR712RC SPARC V8 Processor. ESA had been designed by MEDL in UK, named later GPS,
today Dynex Semiconductor. The MA 31750 is a MIL-STD-
I. INTRODUCTION 1750 based processor (an open standard) which had a
It is evident that the developments in the field of performance of up to 1MIPS. AT697F is a highly integrated,
processors and technology are enormous. To meet the growing high-performance 32-bit RISC embedded processor based on
needs of computing power, communication speed and the SPARC V8 architecture. Its implementation is based on
performance requirements demanded by today’s applications, the European Space Agency LEON2 fault tolerant model. By
processor clock speed has to be increased. However, executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle, this
increasing clock speed is not viable anymore due to heat processor achieves throughputs approaching 1MIPS per MHz.
dissipation and power consumption constraints. Hence instead The Intel 80386 also known as i386 or just 386 is a 32-bit
of trying to increase the clock speed, multi-core processor microprocessor. The successor to the Intel 80286
architectures with the lower frequency can be used. A multi- microprocessor. It was the first Intel processor with 32-bit data
core processor is a single integrated circuit in which two or and address busses called IA-32. With a 33 MHz clock, it can
more processors have been attached for enhanced operate at about 11.4 MIPS. 211
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The RAD750 is a radiation-hardened single board processor enumeration and interrupt steering. A block diagram
computer manufactured by BAE Systems Electronics, of GR712RC architecture is shown in Fig.1. The GR712RC
Intelligence & Support. The successor of the RAD6000, the processor has a dual-core SPARC V8 integer unit, each with
RAD750 is for use in high radiation environments 7-stage pipeline, 8 register windows, 4x4 KiB multi way
experienced on board satellites and spacecraft. It has a core instruction cache, 4x4 KiB multi-way data cache, branch
clock of 110 to 200 MHz and can process at 266 MIPS or prediction, hardware multiplier and divider, power-down
more. mode, hardware watch points, single vector trapping, SPARC
reference memory management unit, etc. It consists of EDAC
The single core LEON 3FT processor is being considered for protected (8-bit BCH and 16-bit Reed- Solomon) interface to
immediate future projects to gain performance advantages up multiple 8/32-bits PROM/SRAM/SDRAM memory banks,
to 10MIPS. The GR-CPCI-UT699 development board has advanced on-chip debug support unit, 192 KiB EDAC
been designed to support development and fast prototyping of protected on-chip memory, Multiple Space Wire links with
systems based on the Aeroflex UT699 32-bit Fault-Tolerant RMAP target, Redundant 1553 BC/RT/MT interfaces,
LEON3-FT SPARC V8 Processor which has a core redundant CAN 2.0 interfaces, 10/100 Ethernet MAC with
frequencyup to 75MHZ. RMII interface, SPI, I2C, ASCS16 (STR), SLINK interfaces,
III. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION CCSDS/ECSS Telemetry and telecommand, UARTs, Timers
& Watchdog, GPIO ports, Interrupt controllers, status
The LEON family of processors was originally designed registers, JTAG, etc. and configurable I/O switch matrix. It
by the European Space Research and Technology Centre incorporates a dual-core LEON3-FT SPARC V8 processor
(ESTEC), under the European Space Agency (ESA), in the and is implemented using Ramon Chips’ RadSafeTM library
year 1997, but was later handed out to Gaisler Research. The on Tower Semiconductors’ standard 180 nm CMOS
LEON, high-performance processors were specifically meant technology.
for implementation in the European space projects. Gaisler
Research is otherwise called Aeroflex Gaisler and is The variation in interfaces allows different systems to be
responsible for the design and development of the LEON3 implemented using the same device type, which simplifies
category, which is suitable for system-on-a-chip (SoC) parts qualification and procurement. It also brings cost
designs. However, the fault tolerant version of LEON, the reductions to software development since the core
LEON 3FT aims at providing supports to work in harsh, functionality can be reused from application to application,
highly variant space environments. The LEON 3FT is a only changing the drivers for the interfaces. Due to the high
monolithic, SPARC V8 processor which follows the RISC amount of peripherals and a limited number of pins, there is
based Harvard architecture and projects a 7-stage instruction an I/O switch matrix that controls which w peripheral is
pipeline with a predominant fault-tolerant feature. connected to each pin.
The GR712RC device has been designed to provide high The core block diagram of a LEON processor is shown in
processing power by including two LEON3FT 32-bit bit SPARC Fig.2. The GR712RC implements two LEON3FT processor
V8 processors, each with its own highh performance IEEE-754
IEEE 754 cores in SMP configuration. LEON3FT is a 32-bit processor
unit and SPARC reference memory
compliant floating-point-unit core conforming to the IEEE-1754 (SPARC V8) architecture.
management unit. This high processing power is combined It is designed for embedded applications, combining high
with a large number of serial interfaces, ranging from high- performance with low complexity and low power
speed links for data transfers to low-speed control buses for consumption. The LEON3FT core has the following main
commanding and status acquisition. The GR712RC can be features: 7-stage pipeline with Harvard architecture, separate
utilized in symmetric or asymmetric multiprocessing mode. instruction and data caches, hardware multiplier and divider,
The processors provide hardware support for cache coherency, on-chip debug support and multiprocessor extensions. 212
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The Integer unit implements the full SPARC V8 standard Frame Synchronization and Coding Sub-layer and part of the
including hardware multiply and divide instructions. The Physical Layer of the packet telemetry encoder protocol. The
number of register windows is 8. The pipeline consists of 7 GR712RC contains six UART interfaces for asynchronous
stages with a separate instruction and data cache interface serial communications.
(Harvard architecture). In the cache sub system each
processor is configured with a 16 KiB instruction cache and a
16 KiB data cache. Each LEON3 processor is connected to a
unique GRFPU floating-point unit. The GRFPU implements
the IEEE-754 floating-point format and supports both single
and double-precision operands.
A SPARC V8 Reference Memory Management
Unit (SRMMU) is provided per processor. The SRMMU
implements the full SPARC V8 MMU specification, and
provides mapping between multiple 32-bit virtual address
spaces and 32-bit physical memory. The LEON3 pipeline
includes functionality to allow non-intrusive debugging on
target hardware. Through the JTAG debug support interface,
full access to all processor registers and caches is provided.
The debug interfaces also allows single stepping, instruction
tracing and hardware breakpoint/ watchpoint control.
The GR712RC contains an interrupt controller that
support 31 system interrupts, mapped on the 15 processor
interrupts. The cache system implements an AMBA AHB
master to load and store data to/from the caches. The
interface is compliant with the AMBA-2.0 standard. The
LEON3 processor core implements a power-down mode,
which halts the pipeline and caches until the next interrupt
using clock gating. This is an efficient way to minimize
power-consumption when the application is idle or when one
of the processor cores is not used. LEON3 is designed to be
processor systems and the GR712RC contains
use in multi-processor Fig.2, LEON3 processor core block diagram
two cores. Each processor has a unique index to allow
processor enumeration. The write-throughthrough caches and
chanism guarantees memory coherency in
snooping mechanism The UARTs supports data frames with 8 data bits, one
memory systems. It contains logic to correct up to 4
shared-memory optional parity bit and one stop bit. To generate the bit-rate,
bit cache word and associated tag. The
bit errors per 32-bit each UART has a programmable 12-bit clock divider. Two 8-
processor registers are protected by a SEC/DED BCH EDAC. byte FIFOs are used for data transfer between the APB bus
and UART. Both odd and even parity is supported. The
The GR712RC is housed in a 240-pin ceramic quad-flat General Purpose Timer Unit provides a common 16-bit
pack package (CQFP-240). To fit in this package, some of the prescaler and four 32-bit decrementing timers. Each timer can
on-chip peripheral functions have to share I/O pins. A generate a unique interrupt on underflow. The I2C-master core
programmable I/O switch matrix provides access to several is compatible with Philips I2C standard and supports 7- and
I/O units. When an interface is not activated, its pins 10-bit addressing. Standard-mode (100 kb/s) and Fast-mode
automatically become general purpose I/O. After reset, all I/O (400 kb/s) operation are supported directly. External pull-up
switch matrix pins are defined as I/O until programmed resistors must be supplied for both bus lines. The SPI
otherwise. The programmable I/O switch matrix consists of controller provides a link between the AMBA APB bus and
67 pins. The combined 8/32-bit memory controller provides a the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus. The SPI core is
bridge between external memory and the AHB bus. The controlled through the APB address space, and can only work
memory controller can handle four types of devices: PROM, as master. The SPI bus parameters are highly configurable via
asynchronous static RAM (SRAM), synchronous dynamic registers, and the controller has configurable word length, bit
RAM (SDRAM) and memory mapped I/O devices (IO). The ordering and clock gap insertion.
PROM, SRAM and SDRAM areas can be EDAC-protected
using a (39, 7) BCH code. The BCH code provides single- The B1553BRM core needs a 24, 20 or 16 MHz clock.
error correction and double-error detection for each 32-bit The frequency used can be configured through a register in
memory word. The GR712RC is provided with 192 KiB on- the core. This clock can either be supplied directly to the
chip RAM, based on the FTAHBRAM core from GRLIB. B1553BRM core through the 1553CK pin, the system clock,
The RAM is protected with an error detection and correction or it can be generated through a clock divider that divides the
unit (EDAC), capable of correcting one error per word, and system clock and is programmable through the GPREG. The
detecting two errors per word. SDRAM clock (SDCLK) output is driven from the internal
system clock. A programmable delay line allows tuning the
The on-chip memory is not cacheable. The SDCLK phase relative to the internal clock. The output is
CCSDS/ECSS/PSS Telemetry Encoder implements part of tuned to be in phase with the internal clock tree when the
the Data Link Layer, covering the Protocol Sub-layer and the 213
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D. Power on Reset Generation & Power Sequencing - The regulated voltage to be as low as the saturation voltage across
first start-up is the I/O (requiring 3.3V) and next is the Core the transistor. If a bipolar transistor is used, as opposed to a
(requiring 1.8V). Proper power sequencing of the processor is field-effect transistor or JFET, significant additional power
achieved by bringing up VDD to its recommended minimum may be lost to control it, whereas non-LDO regulators take
operating voltage of 3.0V, and then delaying tVCD clock that power from voltage drop itself.
cycles before bringing up the VDDC supply. If power is
applied to the VDDC supply pins while VDD is less than CONCLUSION
3.0V, excessive current or damage to the device could occur. In this paper, the design and implementation of CPU for
Power sequencing is needed when various types of electronic spacecraft applications using a 32-bit dual core processor is
equipment must be powered up or down in groups, rather than presented. It is basically an enhancement over the existing
all simultaneously. The design was proposed to implement design which implements a single core 32-bit processor for
suitable delays using RC based circuits. The delay values for operation. The superseding processor indeed advertises an
I/O, core signals and the RESET signals in this design are enhancement in terms of execution speed, operation in HiRel
10ms, 15ms and 25ms. environments, fault tolerance, multiple options for external
E. Clock – The 16-bit processor competed with a communication, power and timing constraints, size and hence
weight and many more. The GR712RC device brings multi-
frequency of 12 MHz, the current 32-bit processor promising
a theoretical capability of nearly 90 MHz But, at higher processing to avionics and payload applications, increasing
frequencies, power consumption increases and also, board the processing performance compared to existing solutions,
design is complex. So, a maximum frequency of operation of without consuming board real estate or demanding complex
48MHz is chosen. memory implementations. The GR712RC development board
has been designed to support initially stand-alone operation,
F. Low Dropout Regulators - Low dropout regulators are but also to fit into future architectures where inter-board
used to provide regulated voltages to I/O and the core of the communication is realized through active or passive
processor. LDOs improve transient response. The advantages SpaceWire backplanes.
of a low dropout voltage include a lower minimum operating
voltage, higher efficiency operation and lower heat REFERENCES
dissipation. LDO regulator is a DC linear voltage regulator [1]
which can operate with a very small input–output differential [2]
voltage and provides output voltages of 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V & [3]
3.3V with 1.21V reference voltage. The only disadvantage of system
LDOs is their weight. Normal regulators cannot be used. [5]
LDOs work in the same way as all linear voltage regulators. of-leon-processor
The main difference between LDO and non-LDO LDO regulators is [6]
their schematic topology. Instead of an emitter follower [7]
cessor, %20The%20Past%20Present%20and%20Future.pdf
dropout regulators utilize open collector or
topology, low-dropout
istor saturation, which
open drain topology. This enables transistor
allows the voltage drop from the unregulated voltage to the 215