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Cross-Sectional Survey on Physiotherapy Students' Attitudes towards Research

Article  in  Journal of Riphah College of Rehabilitation Sciences · May 2022

DOI: 10.53389/JRCRS.2

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3 authors, including:

Yamna Mazher
Lahore Medical & Dental College


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Cross-Sectional Survey on Physiotherapy Students’ Attitudes towards

Yamna Mazher1, Sarah Ehsan2, Hafiz Sheraz Arshad3
Senior Lecturer, Lahore Medical and Dental College, Lahore
Senior Lecturer, Superior University, Lahore
Associate Professor, Avicenna Medical College, Lahore
Author`s Contribution A B S T R A C T
1-2Conception and design, Collection
Background: Research plays an essential part in academic advancement of medical
and assembly of data, 2Analysis and students. At student level research experience is highly associated with future career
interpretation of the data, 3Critical achievements.
revision of the article for important Objective: The study was aimed at determining physiotherapy students’ attitude towards
intellectual content, 2-3Statistical
expertise. 3 Final approval and
Methodology: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from August 2019 to November
guarantor of the article
2019. A sample of 308 undergraduate and postgraduate physical therapy students was
Article Info. recruited. The responses of participants were taken on self-administered questionnaires
Received: March 3, 2021
consisting of Attitude towards Research scale.
Acceptance: April 07, 2022
Results: Most of the students reported a positive attitude towards research (n=56.2%). The
Conflict of Interest: None
Funding Sources: None participants reported overall higher mean scores for Attitude towards research i.e.
4.18±0.94. There was no significant association between Overall attitude towards research
Address of Correspondence
and undergraduate/Postgraduate Programs (p-value>0.05). Positive Attitude towards
Yamna Mazher:
Email: yamnamazher@gmail.com research was reported by 59.7% postgraduate students and 53.6% undergraduate
ORIC Id: 0000-0001-5152-5163 students.
Cite this article as: Mazhar Y, Ehsan Conclusion: Majority of the students had positive attitude towards research.
S, Arshad HS. A Cross-Sectional Keywords: Attitudes, Physical therapy, Research, Students.
Survey on Physiotherapy Students’
Attitudes towards Research. JRCRS.
2022; 10(1):27-30.
Nowadays scientific communities of a country take training of students in research.6 This has now become a
research situations as a measure of progress in science.1 In requirement for each student who wants to get a bachelor’s
today’s changing world research is an important intellectual degree. It is a challenge as well as a priority of medical
possession for everyone to alter their life according to the academics and educators to promote research activities among
demands and needs of society. 2 One of the most important medical students at undergraduate level.7 Students of post-
part of medical education is educating in health research as the graduation may view research courses with greater enthusiasm
biomedical research expansion as well as progression is and seriousness since they believe it will benefit them in their
leading to transform medical care. 3 professional lives. 8
Professional research is known as the base for When compared to graduates who were not active in
promoting and upgrading technology and medicine.4 Medical this subject throughout their undergraduate degree,
institutes are educating students, for reaching accreditation undergraduate students who are involved in research have a
standards as well as supporting prospective of students about considerable impact on doing research projects after
their career and for generating a pool of researchers.5 Curricula graduation. 6
of research have been reformed by medical institutes for

p- I S SN :22 26 - 9 215 e- I S S N: 241 0 - 88 8 X JR CR S 2 02 2 Vo l 1 0 No 1 27

“Either positive or negative effects toward a subject is elected for a course instead of research project and PhD
called an attitude” and this attitude toward research entails a students.
thorough examination of a person's thoughts, feelings, and
Before distributing the questionnaire nature and
actions in relation to research.9 In this era where efforts are
purpose of the study was explained to the students. Students
directed towards promotion of research culture among all
were asked to complete the questionnaire after signing the
professions, this is a very discouraging situation. 10 Problems
consent form. A Self-administered questionnaire comprises of
such as research difficulty, number of workloads on students as
demographic portion and Attitudes towards research scale
well as anxiety regarding the research subject are associated
(ATR) was distributed.
with negative attitude of students.2 Faculty at teaching-intensive
universities can improve student learning while also profiting Attitude towards research scale consists of thirty-two
from a fruitful research programme.11 Presentations and items with 5 sub dimensions which are usefulness of research,
publications, in turn, assist the university by increasing its anxiety of research, positive attitude towards research,
prominence in the scientific community. Furthermore, relevance to life and research difficulty. Each Item was scored
incorporating scientific research into the medical curriculum will on a seven-point rating scale. "Strongly disagree" is scored
foster a competitive climate in which supervisor will be one, while "strongly agree" is scored seven. The reliability of the
challenged to improve and expand their research capacities whole scale is very high and equaled 0.939.13 Difference of
and output. During research projects, supervisory aid helps each factor was compared to the median 4. Means >4 was
students minimize academic challenges. 12 considered Positive and Means <4 was considered negative.
Reverse coding was done for negative items. Reliability is good
There are many factors that effects attitude of
(Cronbach’s α=0.82). 13, 15 The ATR consists of both negative
students regarding research which needs to be identified to
worded and positive worded items and a higher score
promote the culture of research in medical institutes.7 For
represents higher level of positive attitude. 16 SPSS version 20
intrinsic motivation regarding engaging in research, a positive
was used to analyze the data. Independent t test was used for
attitude is required.13 To increase basic as well as clinical
between group comparison of research attitudes between
healthcare related research, number of researchers and to
undergraduate and postgraduate students. A P value of less
develop a proper center for research in our country, a positive
than 0.05 was considered significant.
attitude as well as students’ motivation is needed to be
enhanced and established. 14 Results
The goal of this study was to assess physical therapy
The mean age of the students was 25.26 ± 2.59 and
students' attitudes toward research. There is limited information
the mean cGPA was 3.22 ± 0.49. Majority of the respondents
on physical therapy students’ attitudes towards research. Some
reported a Positive Attitude towards research (n=173, 56.2%).
research studies have focused on undergraduate medical,
The lowest scores were reported for the subscales, “Research
nursing, and social work students' attitudes toward research,
anxiety” and “Research difficulty” with a mean value 3.17 ± 1.06
but no similar studies exist for undergraduate and postgraduate
and 3.63 ± 1.51 respectively which show a negative attitude.
physical therapy students. Findings of this study will assist in
The highest mean score was reported for the subscale,
identifying their attitude and provide an insight into necessary
“Research usefulness” i.e., 5.30 ± 1.05. Comparison of
measures for enhancing research activities by students.
research attitudes between undergraduate and postgraduate
Methodology students showed significant difference in research usefulness
subscale (p-value<0.05) with a higher mean score for
This cross-sectional study was conducted after the postgraduate students. Research anxiety, positive attitude,
approval from the Institutional review board of Azra Naheed
Table I: Descriptive statistics for Attitudes towards
Medical college (690/DPT/ANMC/SU). Sample size was
research among undergraduate and postgraduate physical
calculated using 61% prevalence of positive research attitudes therapy students.
in medical students. However, the response rate was 85.5% Mean ± SD
and 308 students responded. Participants were selected using Research usefulness 5.30 ± 1.05
a convenience sampling technique from different private and Research anxiety 3.17 ± 1.06
government physical therapy institutes of Lahore, Pakistan. Positive Attitude 4.61 ± 1.31
Final year undergraduate and final semester post graduate Relevance to life 4.29 ± 1.40
physical therapy students were selected for the study. Students Research Difficulty 3.63 ± 1.51
were excluded if they were unwilling to participate, or they had Overall Attitude 4.17 ± 0.94

p- I S SN :22 26 - 9 215 e- I S S N: 241 0 - 88 8 X JR CR S 2 02 2 Vo l 1 0 No 1 28

relevance to life also had significant differences between Many students have positive response, that in medical institutes
undergraduate and postgraduate students (p-value>0.05). The teaching research subject would be helpful in their
research difficulty subscale had non-significant difference education.2,16
between undergraduate and postgraduate students (p-value
As reported previously regarding the anxiety and
>0.05). The total score of Attitudes towards research scale also
difficulty our research also showed that student count research
showed non-significant differences between Undergraduate and
more stressful and complex, and for them the concepts were
postgraduate Physical therapy students (p-value > 0.05)
hard to understand and that they would make mistakes (10).
Table II: Comparison of Attitude towards research According to a previous study, students' knowledge and
between undergraduate and postgraduate physical attitudes towards research improve as they progress through
therapy Students. their schooling. According to the findings of a recent study,
Subscales Under Post P postgraduate students find research more challenging than
graduate graduate Value
undergraduate students. The reason could be the type of study
(n =154) (n =154)
mean ± SD mean ± SD done in postgraduate is different than undergraduate research
Research 5.13±1.15 5.47±0.91 .006 project. 20
usefulness for The data was only gathered once for this study, which
constituted a drawback. To determine the process of change in
Research anxiety 3.32±1.13 3.02±1.01 .014
Positive attitude 4.34±1.24 4.88±1.34 .000 student attitudes over time, a longitudinal research would be
towards research more effective. It would be more helpful to use a pre- and post-
Relevance to life 4.07±1.28 4.51±1.49 .007 test research strategy to determine students' attitudes when
Research difficulty 3.55±1.53 3.65±1.51 .540 they are exposed to the study issue and after they have
Overall Attitude 4.08±0.91 4.27±0.97 .084 completed it. It is suggested that this study be replicated using
towards research other demographic descriptions to find the components that
Discussion contribute to student anxiety and attitude. The baseline
attitudes ratings are not mentioned in the research. Future
This study was focused on determining the attitudes research on pre-test and post-test research design will be more
towards research among physical therapy students. We also beneficial in determining the attitudes of students toward
determined the differences of research attitudes between research when they begin the research subject and when they
undergraduate and postgraduate physical therapy students. finish it
Our findings showed that most of the participants had
positive attitudes towards research. These findings are
comparable with pervious study. 9, 14 A previous study showed There exists an overall positive Attitude towards
that undergraduate students have a negative attitude toward research among both undergraduate and postgraduate physical
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