SR Coat CT - TDS-1
SR Coat CT - TDS-1
SR Coat CT - TDS-1
Epoxy Modified Protective Coating
Product Description
SR Coat CT is a two component, tar free, epoxy
Minimum 2 coat application is generally
modified protective coating with high abrasion
recommended. SR Coat CT can be applied by brush,
resistance designed to protect concrete and metal
short hair roller or airless spray. Apply the mixed
structures. SR Coat CT is a premium high solids
material to a properly prepared substrate to achieve
formula offering better abrasion resistance with
a uniform coating with dry film thickness of 200
toughness and increased flexibility.
microns. Subsequent coats shall be applied after the
Characteristics: previous coat achieves its initial cure.
• Excellent resistance to chloride and sulphate.
• High abrasion resistance Theoretical Coverage
• High solid content 400 gm/Sq.M/ coat will give a Dry Film Thickness of
• Economical 200 microns
• Excellent long term corrosion protection
• Excellent adhesion to metal and concrete. Cleaning & Disposal
Clean all tools with water immediately after use.
Fields of Application Hardened materials can be removed mechanically
To provide protection to concrete and metal only. Allow the waste to cure. Seal it into a suitable
structures such as: container and bury in landfill. Use licensed waster
disposal contractor and consult the local authorities
• Concrete foundation when disposing.
• Steel pipes and ferrous metals
Storage & Shelf life
The pails must be stored in a covered area, away
Application Instruction from direct sunlight, UV and other sources of heat.
The application temperature should be between The shelf life of the product is up to 12 months in un-
5°C to 45°C. Application procedure may be vary opened conditions and if stored as per
slightly depending upon site conditions. The general recommendations. Excessive exposure to sunlight
recommended guidelines for the application of the and UV will result in deterioration of the quality of the
coating system is as follows: product and reduce its shelf life.
Mixing SR Coat CT available in 20 kg kit
Manufactured by,
Smart Insulation Finishing Systems LLC | PO Box 3350 | UAQ | UAE |Tel: +971 6 7064333 | Toll Free 800 LEAK |
Version 2 January 2022
Manufactured by,
Smart Insulation Finishing Systems LLC | PO Box 3350 | UAQ | UAE |Tel: +971 6 7064333 | Toll Free 800 LEAK |