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Conf 26 I

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Political Factors in Monetary Policy

John T. Woolley*

Almost all observers agree that in some sense political factors matter
in the conduct of monetary policy. There is much less agreement as to which
political factors are most important, or as to exactly how those factors
influence monetary policy. In this essay, I will advance a rudimentary typol-
ogy of political factors that have been of interest to students of the conduct
of economic policy. I will then examine in some detail the consequences of
a subset of those factors for policy in three countries: Britain, France, and
Germany. I conclude with a broader discussion of the importance of politi-
cal factors and how they might be studied.
Io A Nudimentary Typology of Political Factors

The first distinction that I wish to draw is between factors that directly
involve the legally constituted process of governing and other factors, that,
while important for governing, are more accurately conceived as character-
istics of the nongovernmental organization of society. This is, of course, the
familiar distinction between "state" and "society." The second distinction is
between slowly and rapidly changing political factors. This, also familiar, is
the distinction between structural and variable factors. Where the line is
drawn between state and society is, as we shall see, extremely important,
and appears to have significant consequences for monetary policy. Politics
involves the use of authority to resolve distributional issues, and it is clear
that decisions about the range of societal affairs subjected to authoritative
(as opposed to market) decisions are fundamental political decisions. We
should not fail to recognize that monetary policy is both constrained by
those decisions and may be part of a continuing process of remaking or
refining those decisions.,
Illustrative examples of these four categories of political factors are
presented in Table 1. Each type is numbered moving clockwise from the
upper left quadrant. Most casual references to "politics" are references to
type I politics, or variable governmental politics. Because type I politics
figures prominently below, discussion here is quite brief. I distinguish three
major subcategories within type I politics. First, there is the politics in-
volved in determining the official ruling party or coalition. For Britain,
France, and Germany, this means partisan electoral competition. Second,
*Assistant Professor of Political Science, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. Research
for this paper was supported in part by a grant from the Social Science Research Council of
New York. The paper has benefited from many conversations with James Alt. The author
gratefully acknowledges the research assistance of Donald Davison and Diane Schmidt.

Table 1
A Rudimentary Typology of Political Factors of Interest to Students of
Macroeconomic Policy
Governmental Nongovernmental
Type I Type II
Election Contests Wage Bargaining
Dynamics of Public Opinion Strike Behavior
Variable Legislative Politics Business Confidence
Bureaucratic Politics
Interest Group Politics
Type IV Type III
Division of Power between Degree of Unionization
Executive and Legislature Links of Parties and Unions
Structure and Control of Organization of Business Sector
Structural Public Bureaucracy Financial Structure
Central Bank Independence National Preferences for

there is within-state conflict and bargaining over the definition of specific

policy actions. This includes legislative and bureaucratic politics. Students
of bureaucratic politics typically assume that agencies strive to establish
and defend a sphere of autonomy in policymaking and control of their
budget. A variation on this theme is Suleiman’s analysis of the strategies
used by the French Inspecteurs des Finances to protect the dominant posi-
tion of their grand corps (Suleiman, 1974, 1978).
The third subcategory of type I politics is interest group politics, includ-
ing the study of "policy networks" or "issue networks" (e.g., Heclo 1978).
The focus here is on the ways various societal interests mobilize their re-
sources to influence governmental decisions by acting directly on the deci-
sion-making process. The literature on interest groups and macroeconomic
policy is slender at best. However, in all three countries we observe that
interest rates are politically sensitive, and that groups such as homebuilders
and consumer-durables manufacturers are harmed by high interest rates--
as are their employees and consumers who are prevented from making
purchases. These groups may try to put pressure on monetary
policymakers. 1
Type Hpolitics, or variable nongovernmental politics, also involves the
behavior of interest groups, but unlike the interest group behavior in type I
politics, this behavior is not explicitly intended to influence public deci-
sions. Nonetheless, these behaviors and their consequences reveal the rela-
tive power and cohesion of different interests in society. In this sense they
are political and may have an important, though indirect, impact on eco-

1In addition to this kind of ordinary interest group effort to influence policy decisions,
type I politics can incorporate another. In the U.S. context, at least, conflicts among contend-
ing groups of economists for influence over policy can be usefully conceived of as analogous to
interest group politics (Woolley, 1982).

nomic policy. The most familiar examples are labor-management bargain-

ing and strike behavior. Such behavior has been studied by Gordon (1977;
also Sachs, 1979) for example, in his comparison of wage-push and mone-
tarist explanations of inflation. Wage push could, for instance, lead to an
increased demand for money. Aronson (1977) argues that through market
innovations banks create pressure for central bank actions that banks could
not achieve by direct pressure in type I politics. Several investigators have
been interested in strike behavior and economic performance (e.g., Hibbs,
1977b; Laidler, 1976), but few have examined the impact of this kind of
behavior on monetary policy.
Structural nongovernmental politics, type IIIpolitics, refers to the rela-
tively constant characteristics of societal interests: how they are organized
or how they relate to one another. Distinct national preferences about
macroeconomic performance, if they exist, would be included here. The
obvious example is the reputed German aversion to inflation. Other type
III political characteristics that have been of interest to students of econom-
ic policy have to do with the structure and organization of labor and capital.
What share of the labor force is unionized? Is labor internally fragmented
or is it unified in a single, dominant confederation? Is the major labor
confederation closely linked to a major political party? Similar questions of
organization might be asked about all major societal interests. Katzenstein
(1977) advanced an explanation of foreign economic policy in which the
degree of centralization of nongovernmental groups accounts both for the
choice of policy instruments and for policy actions.
For two reasons type III politics is relevant to an analysis of macro-
economic policymaking. First, the more centralized and cohesively orga-
nized a major interest is, the more capable it is of dominating at least one
potential governing coalition and, thus, of decisively, shaping macroecono-
mic policy. Second, the more centralized and cohesively organized a major
interest is, the more likely it is to be able to defend its interests successfully
in private sector bargaining (type II politics). This in turn implies that if
macroeconomic policy is to stabilize the economy significantly, costs associ-
ated with policy must fall more heavily on less well-organized groups.
While these are the most familiar ways that type III politics has been
brought into the study of macroeconomic policy, other structural features
might be considered here with equal justification and with equal or greater
significance for monetary policy. For example, one might consider the char-
acteristics of financial institutions and the financial market. The broader
the financial markets, the more monetary policy can be conducted primar-
ily through open market operations rather than with various forms of credit
allocation. A reliance on open market operations helps to depoliticize mon-
etary policy decisions (Woolley, 1977). The greater the specialization of
financial institutions (e.g., the more they are limited to particular kinds of
portfolios, such as mortgages), the more likely that some class of institu-
tions will find it difficult to adjust to rapidly changing economic circum-
stances, and the more likely that these groups will seek governmental

Type IV politics, or structural government policies, is, like type I poli-
tics, close to the commonsense notion of politics. This includes such consti-
tutional characteristics as the relative power of the head of government and
the legislative body, the rules governing electoral competition, the degree
of central bureaucratic control, and, of particular interest in the present
context, the formal relationship of central bank and government. Does
fluctuating support in parliament predictably lead to accommodation of
dissident views by the prime minister (chancellor, president)? Are members
of legislative bodies limited in their access to policymakers in central banks,
or, as in the United States, are they in the position to subject central bank-
ers to public hearings, to require frequent reports, and, potentially, to
change central bank law despite opposition of the head of government?
The linkages between these various kinds of politics and monetary
policy decisions are, of course, complicated. I suggest one possible set of
linkages in Figure 1. Whether, and how, type I politics affects monetary
Figure 1

~ac~ors Mone~a~ Poffcy

Monetary Policy Decisions

Type I Politics
(mediated by (Indirect Pressure)
governmental structure)

Type g Politics
Type ~V Politics

Type III Politics

2An additional kind of structural nongovernmental politics that has been regarded as very
important by many political scientists is the degree of corporatism. Making decisions through
corporatist bargaining, that is, through councils constituted on the basis of interests rather
than through legislatures, may make it easier to reach decisions on distributive questions.
However, at least one study has produced rather negative results with respect to macroecono-
mic performance (Schmidt, 1982). None of the countries in this study is characterized by high
levels of corporatist intermediations such as that observed in Austria or Sweden, but Germany
is frequently considered to have moderately high levels of corporatism. France is, by contrast,
a country in which corporatist intermediation has been relatively weak throughout the past 20
years, and in Britain previously moderate levels of corporatism have been weakening.

policy should be determined substantially by type IV politics--government

structure. This is discussed in detail below. All the other kinds of politics
may also have an influence on type I politics, and thus at one remove, an
impact on monetary policy decisions--examples have been suggested
above. Type II politics, itself a reflection of type III politics, may have an
indirect impact on monetary policy when it leads to changes in the behavior
of economic variables being monitored by the central bank. And there are
feedbacks. For example, structural change may be the result of type I

Type I Politics and Reaction Functions

The largest body of research on economic policy involves what I call
type I politics, and I shall emphasize type I politics in this essay. Type I
politics is of special interest to researchers since the variable nature of
POlitics facilitates quantitative time-series analysis within single countries.
Awide variety of hypotheses about politics of types I and II can be tested in
the reaction function framework (Alt and Woolley, 1982).
Given the logic of reaction function framework, to include explicit
measures of type I politics in reaction functions involves making assump-
tions that policymakers often find offensive. This is not a good reason to
reject those assumptions, of course, but it is a good reason to think dearly
before adopting them. Normally, one conceives of the right-hand variables
in the reaction function as representing some sort of policy targets which
are combined and weighted in an optimizing process by policymakers. To
include political variables is to suggest that central bankers make policy
decisions with explicit, type I political objectives in mind. Since most cen-
tral bankers prefer to think of themselves as neutral technocrats, this as-
sumption would be quickly rejected by most of them, especially with
regard to partisan competition. A less controversial assumption would be
that political variables are not necessarily targets themselves, but stand for
another objective--institutional autonomy and integrity. Failing to respond
to political conditions could threaten this underlying "true" objective. Ana-
lytically, it is reasonable to regard the actual institutional locus of monetary
authority as ambiguous. If central bankers have a relatively modest level of
independence in policy choice, then "the monetary authority" is much
more broadly comprised than just the central bank, and political targets are
quite appropriately included, as such, in a reaction function.
II, Political Structure and the Impact of Type I Politics

As indicated in Figure 1, I conceive of the impact of type I politics on

monetary policy as being mediated through the political structure. By this I
mean that the statutory position of the central bank together with other
structural features of politics determines the degree to which central banks
are exposed to the pressures of type I politics. Students of the Federal

Reserve have argued that independence from conventional budget pro-

cesses and appointments for long terms in office help to guarantee Federal
Reserve independence from the President and the Congress. In fact, major
central banks differ very little in terms of these kinds of structural differ-
ences--certainly not enough to account for any pronounced difference in
macroeconomic performance (Woolley, 1984a).
Arguably more important is the degree to which legislation clearly
defines certain policy priorities for the central bank. Clear statutory guid-
ance appears to reduce the scope for short-term political influence (Parkin
and Bade, 1978). The Bundesbank, for example, is explicitly charged with
making inflation its first priority, unlike the other two banks. Also impor-
tant are differences in the degree to which central banks control all of the
instruments relevant to monetary policy, such as financial institution regula-
tion, administered interest rates, mechanisms for credit allocation. In this
respect, the Bank of France shares authority with other institutions more
than does the Bank of England which, in turn, shares authority more than
does the Bundesbank. To reduce this kind of interdependence is, by defini-
tion, to enhance autonomy. Functional independence is not equal to an
ability to resist pressures from other actors, but it does reduce the number
of occasions requiring negotiation and possible compromise.
On a day-to-day basis, the most important structural features are those
facilitating or impeding actors who want to try to punish a central bank for
actions they oppose. The United States is relatively unusual in the degree
to which the legislature can independently initiate an attack on the .central
bank. Unlike the United States, in the countries examined here, no viable
attack on the central bank is possible without at least the acquiescence of
the head of government. Even in Germany, where Bundestag committees
and members have some legislative initiative, legislation is overwhelmingly
dominated by the leadership of the majority party (or coalition). When
public power is less fragmented than in the United States, type I political
pressures on central banks are channeled almost exclusively through the
head of government and his chief economic ministers. Thus, the central
bank has an even greater incentive to be cooperative with the head of
government in these European cases than in the United States. In the Unit-
ed States, independent congressional power greatly complicates any presi-
dential effort to punish or restrict the Federal Reserve while simultaneously
inviting interest groups to lobby for congressional action.
Finally, the less the state is involved in investment decisions and capital
allocation, the more market forces may be expected to support central
bank autonomy. This flows from the assumption that markets react strongly
against government policy actions that are viewed as being incorrect or
inadequate to deal with the current conjuncture. This also relies on the
assumption that central banks are more likely than not to be advocates of
the kinds of policies viewed as "correct" by market participants. Govern-
ment policies that are motivated by a desire to maintain high levels of
popularity may be viewed with hostility in the market. If the state’s role in

financing investment and allocating capital is relatively small, then adverse

market reactions would mean that policies designed to curry popular favor
might result in worse economic performance than would an apparently less
popular policy. Consequently, in such a situation governments would learn
that they have to choose between trying to expand the role of the state in
order better to control financial flows, and trying to follow the kinds of
policies central banks advocate. Where the government role in financial life
is relatively restricted, as is the case in the United States and Germany,
there is no realistic short-run option of expanding the role of the state. This
is a strong reinforcement for central bank autonomy. This would be less the
case in Britain; still less in France.

IlL Type I Politics and the Conduct of Monetary Policy

Given the preceding discussion, one expects to find close relations

between government and central bank in all three of these countries. How-
ever, given the differences in domestic market structures and political struc-
tures, the ability of governments effectively to sustain pressures on the
central bank would appear to be greatest in France and least in Germany,
with Britain somewhere in between.
To investigate the impact of some aspects of type I politics on mone-
tary policy, I have estimated a series of reaction functions which incorpo-
rate dummy variables reflecting changes in party, changes in head of
government, and the occurrence of elections. I have also introduced mea-
sures of government popularity and measures of group pressure. The esti-
mates show that type I political events do have an impact on monetary
policy in each of these three countries. However, there are important differ-
ences that appear to reflect the structural differences discussed above.
The models include the economic variables from the models estimated
and discussed by Hodgman and Resek (HR) for this same conference.
Some differences should be noted: the most recent observations in the data
set I worked with end four to eight quarters before those in the HR data
set. This difference occasionally leads to estimates of different coefficients.
Second, in order to maximize the opportunity for testing various hypoth-
eses, I have not examined the separate regime periods estimated by HR.
Note, however, that the dates HR identify for regime changes coincide
almost precisely with important political transitions in each of the coun-
tries. This suggests that political and economic events are thoroughly inter-
twined. Finally, I have further truncated the estimation period in the
German case by excluding the few observations prior to the beginning of
the SPD-dominated governments in 1969.3 The estimating strategy I used,
adding political variables one at a time to the basic HR models, was intend-
3The models for the Bank of England produce marginally more satisfactory results with
the contemporary rather than lagged value for PSBR, which was used in all models reported
here. Dates for estimating periods are for Britain, 65:2-80:4; Germany, 69:3-80:1; France

ed to increase the opportunity for finding significant coefficients. In order

to correct for first-order autocorrelation, all German and French models
were estimated by the two-step full transform method (essentially equiv-
alent to the Cochrane-Orcutt method).

Government Popularity and Monetary Policy

The fundamental argument in much of the writing on the politics of
macroeconomic policy is that governments are essentially popularity maxi-
mizers. For example, in many widely cited works, Frey and Schneider
(1978a, 1978b, 1979) assume that governments have some minimal level of
popularity which they strive to maintain at all times. When governments are
below their target popularity level, they take steps to increase their popular-
ity. Above that level, there is no reason to expect that any relationships
should hold.
While I know of no models explaining government popularity that
include interest rates as determinants of levels of public support, I have
estimated relatively simple models (not reported here), in which the inter-
est rate enters with the appropriate (negative) sign and usually at significant
levels. Thus, it would appear that governments have ample incentive to
manipulate interest rates for purposes of maintaining their popularity. Inter-
est rates have functional relationships to the variables that are typically
viewed as determinants of public support (e.g., economic growth, infla-
tion) and they appear to have a direct impact on popularity as well.
Popularity is measured in the British and German cases by responses
to standard voting intention survey questions for the previous quarter (with
contemporary values inserted for the first quarter of a government term).
In the French case, the measure is the response to a question asking wheth-
er or not the respondent is satisfied with the job the President (or Prime
Minister) is doing.4 In an effort to be faithful to the logic of the Frey-
Schneider approach, I arbitrarily defined the target popularity level for the
sample period as the average level for the period.
The popularity variable is called POE POP2, equal to POP-MEAN
(POP), measures the deviation of popularity from the implicit target popu-
larity level. POPDEF1, for periods of popularity deficit, is equal to
-1(POP2) if POP2 is equal to or less than 0, (else = 0). POPSUR1, for
periods of popularity surplus, is equal to POP2 if POP2 is greater than 0
(else = 0). Entering POPSUR1 and POPDEF1 simultaneously in the basic
HR interest rate model for each country tests whether governments lower
the interest rate in response to an increasing popularity deficit, and what, if
any, systematic responses there are to popularity surpluses. Of course, if

*l’he data for Germany and Britain were provided in part by Thomas Yantek, and the
data for France in part by Michael Lewis-Beck. The Yantek and Lewis-Beck sets have been
extended to early 1982. The British data are Gallup poll data on voting intentions and are
published in the Gallup Poll Index. The French data are the IFOP series on approval pub-
lished regularly in France-Soir.

central banks are politically independent, we should find no relationship at

Coefficients of POPDEF1 and POPSUR1 for each country are present-
ed in Table 2. (Full regression results for each model for each country are
reported in appendixes.) The Bank of England and Bundesbank coeffi-
cients have the same signs but only the coefficients for the Bank of England
are significant. As expected, increases in POPDEF1 result in decreases in
the interest rate. This relationship is quite strong for the Bank of England.
However, the surprise is that the same result seems to hold for popularity
surplus--i.e., the higher the surplus the lower the interest rate. For this to
be true it must be the case that governments try to push above-average
popularity rates higher. It would also mean, however, that if a government
experienced a decline in popularity that left it still above average, it would
respond by raising the interest rate. This odd result, of course, is entailed
by the linear model and need not be assumed in future efforts.
The French case is more perplexing. If the results are to be believed--
and they are relatively strong for the period of popularity deficit--the re-
sponse of the French authorities to a popularity deficit has been to drive
interest rates up. When there is a popularity surplus, we see the same
pattern as in the British and German cases--although at lower levels of
significance: a popularity surplus is reinforced by further interest rate reduc-
tions. One may reasonably suppose that this finding is simply further confir-
mation that lower rates lead to higher popularity. In the French case, both
interest rates and popularity tend to move parallel over relatively long
periods so that casual priority cannot be established merely by lagging
popularity one period.

Table 2
Government Popularity and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Coefficients on Popularity Variables Added to the Basic HR Model
Bank of England
-0.160 -0.130
(-3.091) (-2.535)
Bank of France
Presidential Popularity 0.0925 -0.0233
(1.725) (-0.487)
Prime Ministerial Popularity 0.076 (-0.056)
(1.758) (-1.311)
-0.0904 -0.194
(-0.781) (-1.726)

t-statistics in ().

On the whole, these findings must be viewed as rather weak support

for the Frey-Schneider view. Only in the British case is there a significant
reaction to POPDEF in the predicted direction. Contrary to our expecta-
tion that there would be no relationship in periods of popularity surplus,
there are relatively strong coefficients, all with similar signs.

Elections and the Political Business Cycle

The classic political business cycle hypothesis, as discussed by Nord-
haus (1975) and Tufte (1978), proposes that governments destabilize the
economy for the purpose of bolstering their reelection chances. Depending
on the assumptions one makes about the perceptions and preferences of
voters, these cycles may have the long-run result of putting the economy in
a worse position that it would be in otherwise (Alt and Chrystal, 1983). A
second kind of politically related change in economic policy is post-election
change that I shall refer to as the mandate hypothesis. Governments may or
may not try to manipulate the economy prior to elections so as to further
their reelection prospects, but after the elections government policy should
reflect whatever mandate the government believes it has received. Hibb’s
(1977a) findings that unemployment rates are significantly reduced by left-
oriented governments in the United States and Britain is one example of
research showing the apparent importance of the change in mandate for the
conduct of economic policy. There is another possibilty, of course. I.~ central
banks are truly independent, there should be no variation in monetary
policy associated with elections.
In order to investigate the link between elections and monetary policy
in the reaction function framework, I have defined dummy variables repre-
senting the four quarters prior to and the four quarters immediately follow-
ing each national election. (The electoral quarter is included in one or the
other of these depending on whether the election occurred nearer the begin-
ning or the end of the quarter.) If elections occur in rapid succession, the
variable extends only up to the next election. These variables were run
separately and in various combinations as additions to the basic HR
In none of these countries are election dates absolutely fixed, so elec-
tions may occur either as responses to crises or at times governments view
as most advantageous. Since it is implausible to suppose that political busi-
ness cycle behavior will occur prior to crisis elections, those cases are
omitted from the analysis of preelection behavior. In Britain, both 1974
elections were crisis elections, but L~abor governments chose the dates for
other elections--quite badly for them as it turned out in 1970 and 1979. In
France, the National Assembly election of 1968 was a crisis election as were
the presidential elections of 1969 and 1974; one was forced by DeGaulle’s
resignation, the other by Pompidou’s death. In Germany, the election of
1969 should be classified as a crisis election; the FDP switched coalition
partners to join the SPD. The SPD selected the time for the 1972 election;

the 1976 election was held as scheduled.

The coefficients presented in Table 3 fail, with one exception, to con-
firm the central proposition of the political business cycle hypothesis. Ex-

Table 3
Preelection Conduct of Monetary Policy, Noncrisis Elections
(Sign of Coefficient on Preelection Dummy Variable Added to HR Model)
Bank of England Bank of France Bundesbank
Year Year Year
Parliament National Assembly Bundestag
66 - 0.273 67 - 0.085 72 - 1.542
( - 0.452) (- 0.130) ( - 2,235)
70 - 0.820 73 - 0.064 76 0.324
(- 1.291) (- 0.097) (0,385)
79 0.591 78 0.560
(0.825) (0.863)
65 -0.111
81 - 0.045
t-statistics in ( ).

cept for the German election of 1972, there is no indication that interest
rates in any of these countries were moved prior to elections in a fashion
significantly different than would have been expected given the responses
of officials throughout the entire estimating period. Only one of the two
SPD-called elections fits the political business cycle hypothesis, but given
the expectations outlined above and the extensive anecdotal evidence to
that effect that the Bundesbank is very independent, it is surprising that the
only significant preelection coefficient is found in the German case.
While most governments do not try, or are unable, to drive interest
rates down for political reasons prior to elections, there is much stronger
indication that decisive policy moves do follow elections as suggested by
the mandate hypothesis (see Table 4). The dummy variable used here takes
the value 1 in the four quarters after the election, else 0. The idea underly-
ing this definition is that the attempt to pursue a mandate is a brief one,
and that after four quarters more usual forces dominate monetary policy. In
Britain, the Labor governments of the mid-1970s reduced interest rates
significantly following both elections. In France each National Assembly
election since 1968 was ,followed by a substantial move in interest rates. In
the elections of 1968 and 1973, when the center-right coalition won comfort-
able victories, there immediately followed a more restrictive monetary poli-
cy. In 1978, however, the center-right barely won--mostly because of deep
divisions on the left--and that election was followed by a significant de-
crease in interest rates.

Table 4
Post-election Conduct of Monetary Policy All Elections
(Coefficient of Post-election Dummy Variable Added to HR Model)
Bank of England Bank of France Bundesbank
Year Year Year
Labor Victories National Assembly Bundestag
66 - 0.242 67 - 0.180 69 1.0335
( - 0.409) ( - 0.274) (1.055)
741 - 1.578 68 1.195 72 2.633
( - 2.537) (1.957) (3.557)
742 - 1.114 73 1.505 76 0.612
(- 1.693) (2.385) (0.778)
78 - 1.333
Conservative Victories
70 - 0.440
Presidential Elections
79 2.065
(3.133) 65 - 0.027
69 - 0.3216
74 0.9812
Conservative Incumbents Giscard Schmidt
0.389 - 3.325 - 0.781
(1.237) (3.454) ( - 0.929)
- 1.277

t-test in ().

French presidential elections as separate events have no significant

monetary policy repercussions. While it is clear that the President is the
dominant policymaker in economic policy, Suleiman (1980) observes that
the President’s freedom of action is more constrained by the need for sup-
port in the National Assembly than is often supposed. Thus, it is not surpris-
ing that Presidents elected in 1969 and 1974, in years following National
Assembly victories that had been triumphs for the predecessors, did not
make innovations in monetary policy.
In the German case, there is only one significant "mandate" coeffi-
cient, and this is again for the 1972 election. This sharp and significant
increase in the interest rate is exactly the pattern we would expect in a
political business cycle. However, the fact that German monetary policy
reveals less "mandate behavior" than seen in the other two cases is consis-
tent with our expectations about Bundesbank independence and suggests

that further close examination of the 1972 period would be valuable.

Executive Politics. Despite the fact that French presidential elections
have not provoked separate decisive moves in monetary policy, we do find
that presidential terms have been characterized by distinctive impacts on
monetary policy. This again was tested with a dummy variable, in this case
an intercept shift taking the value of 1 for Pompidou’s presidency (else 0)
and another taking the value of 1 for Giscard’s presidency (else 0). Since
there is no dummy variable for DeGaulle, the Pompidou and Giscard varia-
bles may be interpreted as deviations from the implicit DeGaulle constant.
The results show surprisingly strong negative coefficients for both the Pom-
pidou and Giscard terms (Table 4). The results indicate that the interbank
rate was on average some 1.3 percentage points lower during Pompidou’s
presidency than would have been suggested by economic targets alone, and
was some 3.3 percentage points lower during Giscard’s presidency. The
popularity of French presidents has steadily trended downward during the
period under examination, and it is generally recognized that Giscard
hoped for some time that he could alter French political alignments by
establishing a moderate centrist coalition independent of extreme left and
right. The negative coefficients on the Pompidou and Giscard variables
suggest a general strategy of trying to preserve overall popularity levels.
The Giscard result is consistent with his strategy of trying to construct a
centrist electoral coalition, perhaps by appealing for support with moder-
ate interest rates.
There are no similar distinctive periods in the other two countries. In
Britain, it is true as one would expect that the Conservatives have tended
to keep interest rates higher than has Labor, although this difference is
significant only at about a .2 level. In Germany, despite the fact that
Schmidt also experienced a steady decline in popularity, there is no signifi-
cant difference between the conduct of monetary policy during his chancel-
lorship and that of Willy Brandt.

Group Interests and Monetary Policy: Politics Types I and H

With minor exceptions in recent years, the history of monetary politics
in the United States since WWII has been different from most U.S. policy
arenas in that most of the affected interest groups have had relatively low
access to the individuals most directly concerned with monetary policy.
Federal Reserve officials have had close and continuing interactions only
with representatives from the financial sector. This same kind of insulation
from interest group pressures appears to be the case in Britain, France, and
Germany as well.
However, this relative insulation does not foreclose the possibility that
specific groups achieve an indirect impact by pressuring other government
officials or that the importance of the group for economic performance
means that its views are still taken into account in policymaking even with-
out their exerting any pressure. In the United States, groups harmed by
interest rate fluctuations typically seek redress through Congress, which,

albeit ineffectually, predictably tries to find a whip for flogging the Fed
whenever interest rates are high (Woolley, 1984b).

British Mortgage Rate: Type I Politics

I have examined the question of sensitivity about interest rates only in
the case of Britain. In interviews in 1982, various British officials referred
to the political sensitivity of mortgage rates, which are adjustable. In-
creases in mortgage rates are believed to be intensely disliked, and thus, to
result in pressure on the central bank to reduce (or not to raise) the bank
rate (or MLR) as pressure builds for an increase in mortgage rates. In order
to test for the independent effect of this phenomenon on monetary policy, I
constructed a variable, MTGPRESS which is equal to the difference be-
tween the current quarterly rate on long-term gilt-edge securities and the
mortgage rate. As this difference increases, I assume that pressure to raise
the mortgage rate increases as well. If this results in pressure to reduce the
MLR, we should find a negative coefficient on MTGPRESS. In fact, the
coefficient is positive and significantly so (b = 0.244 (2.271)). This occurs,
of course, in the presence of the conventional economic reasons for increas-
ing interest rates. One hesitates to infer that rather than exhibiting special
sensitivity for mortgagors, the Bank of England tries to make them worse
off. More likely, the anecdotal evidence should be examined more closely.
Several different kinds of policy actions can delay an increase in the mort-
gage rate (for example, increasing subsidies to lenders), so that Bank rate
would not necessarily reflect this pressure. Not all increases are resisted,
and not all resistance is of the same type. These reaction functions are not
sufficiently sensitive to pick up those differences.

Business Confidence: Type H Politics.

It is a staple of much contemporary political-economic analysis that
governments are obliged to grant special standing to the desires of business.
In Politics and Markets, Lindblom (1976) made his now-familiar claim that
business has a "privileged position" in private-e.nterprise market-oriented
economies. Given the rather mediocre results for measures of general gov-
ernment popularity (only in Britain did monetary policy respond as expect-
ed to a popularity deficit), it is interesting to inquire whether monetary
policy is more responsive, as Lindblom might suggest, to the condition of
business confidence. Our expectations would be essentially identical to
those discussed above for the case of popularity. When there is a confidence
deficit (when business confidence is below average), governments would
take action to boost confidence by lowering interest rates. In periods of
surplus, our expectations are again not so clear, but one might anticipate a
negative association. This could indicate that governments take advantage
of periods of relative optimism to stabilize the economy by raising interest
rates, or that governments try to stabilize business optimism itself. The
latter explanation might be called the Martin hypothesis in recog’nition of
former Federal Reserve Chairman William McChesney Martin’s oft~quoted

characterization of the role of the Federal Reserve as being "to take away
the punch bowl just when the party really gets going."
Following Lindblom again, we should expect that between countries
the degree of attention to business confidence will vary with the degree of
public sector involvement in capital allocation and credit markets. The
greater the dependence on private markets, the greater the sensitivity to
business confidence. Thus, sensitivity should be greatest in Germany and
least in France, with Britain somewhere in between.
The data on business confidence in all three countries are drawn from
relatively lengthy time series of surveys of the outlook of entrepreneurs for
the next few months (often a calendar quarter). The survey results are
usually interpreted as revealing the degree of optimism of entrepreneurs.
By convention, the results are reported as the difference between the per-
cent responding positively and the percent responding negatively to ques-
tions about the future. Thus, these series cycle between some positive
number of around 40 when optimism is high and an equivalent negative
figure when pessimism is predominant.5 This is the measure of business
confidence used here, introduced with a one-quarter lag.
The basic confidence measure is labeled CONE The target confidence
level is defined as the mean of CONE and periods of surplus and deficit are
defined by CONF2, equal to CONF-MEAN(CONF). BUSDEF1, for per-
iods of confidence deficit, is equal to - I(CONF2) if CONF2 is less than or
equal to 0 (else = 0). BUSSUR1, for period of confidence surplus, is equal
to CONF2 if CONF2 is greater than 0.
The signs on the coefficients when both BUSSUR1 and BUSDEF1 are
entered in the basic HR model are, unlike the case of popularity, exactly as
expected in all three countries (see Table 5). Furthermore, the relative
sensitivity of policy to business confidence in the three.cases is also exactly
as expected. The most significant coefficient on BUSDEF1 occurs in the
German case--where POPDEF1 had no statistically significant coefficient.
The next most significant coefficient occurs in the British case but this
coefficient is less significant than the British coefficient on POPDEF1. In
France, the results are weak but have the correct sign, which was not the
case with POPDEF1. The Martin hypothesis fits in Britain and France, but
not in Germany, where confidence surplus produces no systematic

5For Britain the data are the "optimism" series from the CBI Industrial Trends Survey
Data series. The series was provided directly by the CBI. Missing values are replaced with the
mean of adjacent observations. For France, data are quarterly averages of the monthly surveys.
in the "production prdvue" series from the INSEE enqu~te mensuelle aupr~s des chefs d’entre-
prises industrielles, "ensemble des branches." For the period since 1969, this series is pub-
lished in Tendences de la Conjoncture; earlier data are found in Etudes" et Conjoncture:
Suppldment. The German data are quarterly averages of monthly observations from the IFO
series "Geschaeftserwartungen fuer die naechsten 6 Monate: Investions.guter" and were pro-
vided by the Bundesbank.

Table 5
Business Confidence and the Conduct of Monetary Policy (Confidence Measures
Added to Basic HR Model)
(Confidence surplus) (Confidence deficit)
0.0212 -0.0636
(0.729) ( - 2.305)
Bank of England
0.0228 - 0.0147
(2.518) (- 1.746)
Bank of France
0.0313 - 0,0209
(1.253) (-1.127)
t-statistics in ().

This brief excursion into the implications of "group politics" for mone-
tary policy provides support for the notion that monetary politics is not
interest-group politics. Monetary policy does attend to the needs of busi-
ness, but the degree to which this is true depends on the role of the state in

The Complete Models

Given the many aspects of politics that we have not been able to
examine, it is clearly premature to speak of having a fully specified political
model of monetary policy decisions. However, it is possible at this point to
advance a model for each country that includes the most promising varia-
bles identified in the previous sections. These models are quite good in
terms of accounting for variation in the interest rate instrument used by
each central bank (see Table 6). When compared to models for the same
periods consisting only of economic variables, (see Appendices A, B, C)
the addition of political variables results in substantial increases in variance
explained (measured by adjusted R2) especially in Germany and France. In
terms of the political variables involved, each model is distinct. Each model
consistently reflects structural differences between the countries that are
familiar and that have usually been judged to be important. In this regard,
the specification of political variables appears to be correct.6

6It is certainly true that the popularity and business confidence variables are not strictly
speaking exogenous. It is not my contention that these quantities are unrelated to the econom-
ic variables included. It is clearly the case, however, that the included economic variables do
not do a particularly good job of accounting for variation in either popularity or business
confidence. It is possible then that both variables convey additional valuable information
about the condition of the political economy to policymakers, and the models estimated here
suggest that this is the case.

Table 6
Full Models Incorporating All Relevant Political Variables
Bank of England (65Q2 - 80Q4)
BRQ = 0.482 + 0.00031 DOBA - 0.0034 DOFRES + 0.775 BRQ1
(0.877) (2.469) ( - 3.937) (10.371 )
+0.197 REDQ1 - 0.758 DCPI + 0.00032 PSBRQ
(3.080) ( - 0.234) (2.924)
-0.128 POPDEF1 - 0.0335 POPSUR1 - 0.0162 BUSDEF1
(-2.636) ( - 0,675) (-2,118)
+0.0222 BUSSUR1 + 1.421 POST79
(2.574) (2.368)
~~ = .91 DW = 2.053
Bank of France* (64Q2 - 80Q4)
IBRQ = 1.388 = 12.789 DFRDMXRQ + 60.185 DCPI
(3.227) (6.246) (4.308)
+0.289 REDQ1 + 0.012 GDEF1 + 1.184 DIPIC70
(4.603) (1.533) (1.515)
+1.039 POST68 + 1.395 POST73 - 1.156 POST78
(1.813) (2.483) ( - 2.055)
-0.889 POMPIDOU - 1.338 GISCARD
( - 1.684) ( - 1.261 )
~2 = .86

Bundesbank* (64Q2 - 80Q4)

LR3MOSQ = -36.805 + 117.882 DCPI76 - 6.976 MDLSPRQ5
(- 13.777) (7.203) ( - 2.520)
-9.003 MDLSPRQ6 + 0.432 CAPUTB1 + 0.266 REDQ1
(-1.816) (14.154) (4.152
-1,923 PRE72 + 0.603 POST72 + 0.0001 BUSSUR1
(-3.629) (0.571) (0.004)
-0.0720 BUSDEF1

t-statistics in ().
*Models corrected for first-order autocorrelation by two-step full transform method,

The model for Germany includes the political cycle dummy variables
for the 1972 elections and the measures of business confidence. In the full
model, the "mandate" variable, POST72, proves to be insignificant, leav-
ing only two significant political variables, one for the PRE72 election
period, and one for the response to business confidence deficits. These
results are, overall, a strong confirmation of Bundesbank independence
from type I politics. It is also a striking confirmation of the importance of
business confidence in the conduct of monetary policy in market-dominat-
ed systems, exactly as Lindblom’s hypothesis would lead us to expect. This
type II political effect is, of course, fundamental to stability and growth in
this kind of political economy.
The British model differs from the German principally by including
popularity variables. With the exception of the POST79 variable (marking
the onset of the Thatcher regime) no "mandate" variables are significant
when the popularity measures are included. The coefficient on the popular-

ity surplus (POPSUR1) is insignificant in the full model--as we had origin-

ally anticipated under the Frey-Schneider hypothesis. When there is a
business confidence surplus, the Bank of England raises interest rates,
either in order to take advantage of permissive political conditions or in an
effort to stabilize the animal spirits of entrepreneurs, as suggested by the
Martin hypothesis. In sharp contrast to models showing significant inter-
party differences in British economic policy, this model suggests that prior
to Thatcher, monetary policy varied little between Labor and Conservative
governments. The implicit partisan competition model that is consistent
with these findings is, of course, the Downsian model of highly similar
parties competing only at the margin for popular and business support.
The political components of the French model are all "political man-
date" variables. Three periods immediately following legislatix)e elections
were characterized by distinctive and dissimilar moves in the monetary
policy instrument. The presidential terms of Pompidou and Giscard also
have had distinctive moderating effects on monetary policy, although the
Giscard coefficient is not significant in the full model. These findings are
consistent with the conventional image of the French political system as one
which is not obliged to be particularly sensitive to ongoing expressions
either of popular or of business sentiment. The Constitution of the Fifth
Republic was intended to enhance governmental stability by reducing vul-
nerability to swings in public opinion. A very large public sector together
with a strong, centralized state bureaucracy would be expected to reduce
the need for altering public sector actions in the face of private sector
views. This is not an image of an independent central bank so much as an
insulated public sector.

IV. Conclusion: Pol~t~cs Reflected in I~eact~on Functions

There is much to be said for resisting the temptation to turn an investi-

gation such as this into a contest between politics and economics. While
electoral politics plays an identifiable role in. monetary policy in Britain and
France, it is a role that is merely an addition to many other factors--most
of which we conventionally think of as economic. However, in this respect,
monetary policy is no different from other kinds of public policy. It is a very
rare occasion when the outcome of electoral politics is a drastic transforma-
tion of policy. Such changes are usually limited to one or two selected
policy areas that newly elected officials decide to treat as worthy of major
investments of time and energy. More typically, after some years of struggle
accompanying the initial policy action, a kind of political equilibrium tends
to persist, altered in only minor ways as a result of subsequent partisan
changes. Interests and ideologies grow up around these policy equilibria
making for a rigid formula that can be changed substantially only when
crises are perceived.
For a full understanding of the political meaning of the reaction func-
tions that I have presented, we would need additional information that is

much less easily obtained. We would need to know much more, in some
detail, about the consequences for various sectors and groups of changes in
both the policy instrument and the policy targets. We would need an elabo-
rate and politically sensitive structural model of the political economy. The
forecasting models in use today are for the most part inappropriate for this
kind of task. The objective of such an ideal model would be to reveal in
detail the various implications of the policy actions that policymakers take.
We could than know the consequences for particular groups or economic
sectors if the central bank moved its interest rate a certain amount. We
would also know exactly how far that action went toward stabilizing the
many targets included in the reaction function. One could objectively ana-
lyze the political meaning of the entire reaction function because one could
say clearly exactly what kinds of consequences were being avoided by
Such a model does not exist and would probably prove impossible to
construct. However, it is still possible that portions of such a model could
be developed, at least qualitatively. It is also possible that central bankers
and others involved with monetary policy might be persuaded to reveal
more about their own judgments as to the possible consequences of follow-
ing a very different policy from the ones they have selected. If we are to
move further toward understanding the political and social antecedents of
monetary policy, we cannot avoid the need to advance explicit interpreta-
tions of the ways policy routines of the sort modeled in reaction functions
reflect and reinforce an existing political solution for society.
In such research, one should be prepared for the possibility that mone-
tary authorities may not try to anticipate in any detail the consequences of
their actions that are more than a step or two removed from the actions
themselves. One should also be prepared for the possibility that monetary
authorities, rather like "satisficing" actors described by Herbert Simon,
ordinarily consider a range of possible policy actions that is relatively nar-
row and bounded by rough rules of thumb (e.g., "if we let interest rates
move up that much we’d have chaos in the markets"). Given the nature of
things, such rules are largely nonfalsifiable. Such rules make it unnecessary
to attempt to project consequences in very much detail; such projections
would in any case be of dubious value since the alternatives of interest are,
more likely than not, well outside the range of previous experience.
In short, there is no reason a priori why we should expect policy-
makers themselves to be able to articulate, even in conditions congenial to
frank reflection, the political formulae that underly their behaviors. What
we can predict, I suspect with very high levels of certainty, is that central
bankers rarely propose dramatic changes in monetary policy; the reasons
for this are as much political as economic: uncharted economic ground is
strewn with political hazards. The fact that this conservativism is usually
not recognized as reinforcing a political formula should not obscure its
political nature for outside analysts.


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Appendix A.
All British Models
Dependent Variable = BRQ (65Q2 - 80Q4)

1. 1.043 0,785 0.00033 - 0.00025 0,223 - 5.337 0.00032 - 0.130 - 0,160 .88 1.832
(2.088) (9.976) (2.355) (-2.781) (3,108) (-1,518) (2.529) (-2.535) (-3.091)
2. 0,556 0.746 0.00024 - 0.00027 0.217 - 2.430 0.00037 - 0.273 .86 1.790
(1.063) (8.988) (1.611 ) ( - 2,838) (2.741) ( - 0.654) (2.783) ( - 0.453)
3. 0,457 0.730 0.00021 - 0.00027 0.257 - 2.383 0.00034 - 0.820 .88 1.812
(0.934) (8.879) (1.413) ( - 2,886) (3,200) ( - 0.657) (2,529) ( - 1.291)
4. 0.463 0,745 0.00024 - 0.00024 0.218 - 1.695 0.00034 0.591 .86 1.806
(0.937) (9.048) (1.657) ( - 2.488) (2,815) ( - 0.459) (2,482) (0,825)
5. 0.534 0.742 0.00024 - 0.00027 0.233 - 2.436 0.00038 - 0.242 .86 1.786
(1.042) (8.975) (1.614) (-2.856) (2,886) (- 0.653) (2,799) (- 0.409)
6. 0,108 0,714 0,00036 - 0,00032 0,298 - 0,459 0.00036 - 1.578 .89 1.985
(0.219) (9.020) (2.432) ( - 3.473) (3.783) ( - 0.129) (2,841) ( - 2,537)
7, 0,385 0.703 0.00030 - 0.00031 0,255 0,581 0.00039 - 1,114 ,88 1,904 ©
(0.789) (8.382) (2.000) (-3.276) (3.287) (0.148) (2.979) (- 1.693)
8. 0.473 0,747 0.00028 - 0.00026 0.205 - 2.414 0.00038 0,389 .88 1,186
(0.965) (9,140) (1,869) (-2.931) (2.632) (-0.665) (2.857) (1.237)
9. 0.542 0.736 0.00022 - 0.00027 0.228 - 2.003 0.000364 - 0.440 .86 1.798
(1,081) (8.885) (1.463) ( - 2.852) (2.952) ( - 0.547) (2.708) ( - 0.746)
0.667 0.00032 - 0.00039 0.172 0.485 0.00034 2.065 .89 2.070
10. 1.240
(2.395) (8.332) (2.294) (-4.099) (2.350) (0.139) (2.722) (3.133)
0.00020 - 0.00029 0.241 - 0.9334 0.00041 0.0228 - 0.0147 .90 1.793
11. - 0.194 0.779 (- 1.746)
( - 0.396) (10.330) (1.474) ( - 3,339) (3.419) ( - 0.274) (3.341) (2.518)
0.00011 -0.00016 0.195 -6.087 0.00032 0.244 .88 1.766
12. 0.398 0.788 (2.271)
(0.836) (9.648) (0.752) ( - 1.577) (2.599) ( - 1.554) (2.488)
0.742 0.00024 - 0.00027 0.225 - 2.161 0.00037 .87 1.782
13. 0,481
(0.977) (9.047) (1.611 ) ( - 2.873) (2.926) ( - 0.593) (2.814)

t-statistics in ( )

Variable L~st, Economic Variables

Bank of England
BRQ = Bank Rate
BRQ1 = Bank Rate lagged one quarter
DOBA = Change over prior quarter in official borrowing abroad, lagged one quarter
DOFRES = Change over prior quarter in official reserves lagged one quarter
DCPI = Percentage change over four quarters in consumer price index, lagged one quarter
PSBR = Public sector borrowing~ requirement, current quarter

LR3MOSQ = Three month money-market loan rate
DCPI76 = Percentage change ow;r four quarters in consumer price index, lagged one quarter
(base 1976) (ln(CPIt_I/CPIt.5))
MDLSPRQ5 = Percentage change over four quarters in DM/$ exchange rate when seasonally
adjusted current account balance of payments is greater than 0.
MDLSPRQ6 = Same as MDLSPRQ5 when current account balance of payments is less than
or equal to 0.
CAPUTB1 = Rate of capacity utilization lagged one quarter.
REDQ1 = Eurodollar rate lagged one quarter.

Bank of France
IBRQ = Quarterly average for overnight money market rate
DFRDMXRQ = Percentage change over four quarters in the spot exchange rate, French
DCPI = Percentage change over four quarters in the consumer price index, lagged one quarter
REDQ1 = Eurodollar rate lagged one quarter
GDEF1 = Government budget deficit lagged one quarter
DIPIC70 = Percentage change over four quarters in industrial production index (base 1970),
lagged one quarte~:
Appendix B: All German Models*
Dependent Variable = LR3MOSQ (69Q3 - 80Q1)

Inter- ~2
1. - 36.814 93.646 - 5.850 - 6.051 0.442 0.288 - 0.090 - 0.194 .75
( - 6.144) (5.825) ( - 2.077) ( - 1.041 ) (5,877) (2.815) ( - 0.781 ) ( - 1.726)
PRE 72
2. - 36.065 99.549 - 6.155 - 6.593 0.424 0.305 - 1.547 .82
( - 8.931 ) (7.243) - 2.397) ( - 1.115) (8.687) (3.547) ( - 2.235)
PRE 76
3, -34,112 91.512 - 6.080 - 5.403 0.396 0.379 0.324 .73
(-6.761) (5.626) ( - 1.970) ( - 0.890) (6.623) (4.119) (0.385)
4. -30.509 99.146 - 5.534 - 4.286 0.350 0,362 1.033 .71
(5,640) (5.260) ( - 1,960) ( - 0.748) (5.271) (3.819) (1.055)
5. -31.545 72.157 - 1.375 - 3.005 0.375 0.403 2.633 .87
( - 8.637) (5.407) ( - 0.521 ) ( - 0.529) (8.725) (5.726) (3.557)
6. - 33.472 92.860 - 5.274 - 3.950 0.387 0.393 0.612 .71
( - 6.438). (5.350) - 1.848) ( - 0.675) (6.292) (4,036) (0.778)
7. - 33.924 109.581 - 6.640 - 4.494 0.391 0.358 0,021 - 0.064 .83
(-8,577) (7.717) - 2,681 ) ( - 0.805) (8.159) (4.689) (0.729) ( - 2.305)
8. - 26.084 93.443 - 6.630 - 6.347 0.299 0.430 - 0.781 .73
(-3.259) (5.255) - 2.486) ( - 1,253) (3.230) (4.124) ( - 0.929)
9. -31.558 89.412 - 5.368 - 4.612 0.368 0.374 .68
( - 5,921 ) (4.946) ( - 1.881 ) ( - 0.820) (5.771) (3.842)

t-statistics in ( ).
*All models corrected for first-order autocorrelation by two-step full transform method, to
Appendix C: Al! French Models1 Po
Dependent Variable = IBRQ (69Q2 - 80Q4)

1. 1.980 9.104 41.628 0.315 0.012 1.071 .66
(3,422) (3.903) (5.378) (4.018) (1.610) (1.472)
2. 2.333 8.448 34.480 0.315 0.011 1.018 0.093 - 0.023 .67
(3.749) (3.616) (4.080) (4.107) (1.468) (1.396) (1.725) ( - 0.487)
3. 2.632 9.450 33.361 0.310 0.014 0.801 0.076 - 0.056 .65
(3.680) (3.914) (3.888) (3.786) (1.727) (0.940) (1.758) (- 1.311)
4. 2.005 9.080 41.413 0.314 0.012 1.071 - 0.111 .65
(3.355) (3.854) (5,235) (3.981) (1.595) (1.460) ( - 0.170)
5. 1.992 9.O9O 41,404 0.316 0.012 1.070 - 0.085 .65
(3.390) (3.386) (5.180) (3.975) (1.595) (1.458) ( - 0.130)
6. 1,982 9.140 41.693 0.314 0.012 1.080 - 0.064 .65
(3.374) (3.862) (5.368) (3.916) (1.595) (1.461) (-0.097)
7. 1.935 8.910 40.584 0.326 0.011 1.052 0.560 .65
(3.364) (3.791) (5.194) (4.111 ) (1.538) (1.438) (0.863)
8. 1.954 9.186 41.690 0.317 0.012 1.069 -0.045 .66 ~
(3.205) (3.872) (5.346) (3.847) (1.496) (1.426) ( - 0.051 )
POST67 ~1
9. 2.01 9.066 41.281 0.314 0.012 1.079 - 0.180 .65 ~
(3.387) (3.846) (5.231) (3.987) (1.600) (1.469) (-0.274)
POST68 ~
10. 1.716 10.418 43.006 0.321 0.012 1.105 1.195 .73 ~
(3.369) (4.690) (6.269) (4.359) (1.603) (1.464) (1.957) ~O
11. 1.980 8.890 45.282 0.271 0.012 1.120 1.505 .68
(3.577) (3.955) (5.956) (3.495) (1.712) (1.596) (2.385)
12. 1.825 9.572 41.933 0.340 0.012 1.071 - 1.333 .73
(3.655) (4.359) (6.207) (4.644) (1.569) (1.428) ( - 2.208)
13. 1.985 9.099 41.562 0.315 0.012 1.071 - 0.027 .65
(3.351) (3.860) (5.214) (3,980) (1.595) (1.459) ( - 0.041 )
14. 1.958 9.593 41.093 0.322 0.0t 2 1.078 - 0.322 .65
(3.407) (3.808) (&258) (4.030) (1.587) (1.466) ( - 0.458)
15. 2.213 10,071 37.968 0.305 0.011 1.038 0.981 .65
(3.687) (4.115) (4.618) (3.904) (1.504) (1.443) (1.354)
16. 1.664 8.346 48.460 0.288 0.012 1.246 0.031 - 0.021 .67
(2.794) (3.552) (5.668) (3.636) (1.670) (1.695) (1.253) (-1.127)
17. 1.058 12~890 83.990 0.257 0.012 1.175 - 1.277 - 3.375 .77
(2.075) (5.745) (6.087) (3.548) (1.628) (1.581) ( - 2.365) (-3.451)

t-statistics in ( ).
I-All models corrected for first-order autocorreiation by two-step full transform method.
*Presidential Popularity
*Prime Ministerial Popularity

Marcello de Cecco

Economists seem to elicit from political scientists the same deference

they themselves accord physicists--at least this is what can be inferred
from the present fashion in political science of "reaction functions" em-
ployed to analyze the relevance of political variables. Reaction functions
have enjoyed a varying degree of popularity in economics, beginning in the
late fifties and early sixties. They then came under heavy fire and they were
not used for a while. Now they seem to be in fashion again.
I will, in my comment on Mr. Woolley’s paper, abstain from remarks
on the econometric techniques he used. They apply to all analyses based on
reaction functions, and they can be more adequately made by econometri-
cian specialists, who are present at this Conference, and will no doubt
explain them much better than I could. However, as Albert Hirschman
wrote more than a decade ago, "There are serious pitfalls in any transfer of
analytical tools and modes of reasoning developed within one discipline to
another." (Bias for Hope, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1971, p. 3-
4). This is particularly true when the transfer involves tools whose adequa-
cy and precision have been heavily criticized.
I wilt thus limit myself to comments on the models of political and
economic behavior on which Mr. Woolley bases his analysis. But most
users of reaction functions fail to recontruct complete models from their
reduced form equations. Still, it is the exact knowledge of this process
which may be crucial.
My main point relates to the apparent "closedness" of Woolley’s mod-
els of monetary policy determination. This policy variable is the interest
rate throughout. And, among the determinants of interest rate dynamics,
he seems to have elected not to include the interest rates prevailing on
world financial markets. If he restricted his modeling to American mone-
tary policy, his choice of determinants, of independent variables, could be
justified somewhat. But the core of his analysis is the study of European
countries like France, Germany, and Great Britain. And, in their cases,
autarchic independent variables cannot possibly explain the whole of mone-
tary policy changes. This prima facie conclusion rests on the whole body of
international economic doctrine. Mr. Woolley should prove that what hap-
pens in the rest of the world does not matter, and that only varying combina-
tions of domestic political determinants influence monetary policy in these

* Professor of Economics, European University Institute, Florence, Italy.


To be perfectly honest, one could say that Mr. Woolley introduces an

international determinant by choosing what he calls "’business confidence"
as a determinant of monetary policy. If business confidence in the actions of
a government declines, there will be capital exports and a consequent im-
pact on the spot and forward exchange rates of the currency in question.
Reequiliberating monetary policy changes will follow, as a result. Ever
since the time Montesquieu first noticed it, business has been able to influ-
ence government policies by exporting capital and thus exerting pressure
on interest rates. But I do not think this is the model Mr. Woolley has in
mind when he chooses "business confidence" as an independent variable in
the monetary authorities’ reaction function. The monetary authorities of
his models thus remain altogether impervious to what happens in the rest of
the world.
I do not want to blow this illustration out of proportion. But I think it
is an extremely important one, especially if we pay attention to the time
period Woolley’s analysis embraces. This is the period when the trade inte-
gration of Europe takes place, and, at the same time, world financial inte-
gration is proceeding apace. I presume one could have extracted quite
good mileage from comparing the dynamics of the relative openness of
those countries and its effect of their monetary policies in the period under
review. One could then measure the relative importance of this variable
with that of the various political variables, to find the three countries’
degree of independence from exogenous variables. To put my criticism
more vividly, it could very well be that German monetary authorities are
better able than their British colleagues to resist policy changes dictated by
politicians whose eyes are fixed on opinion polls. Nevertheless, both mone-
tary authorities may be equally unable to resist the influence of policy
changes dictated by politicians whose eyes are fixed on opinion polls. Nev-
ertheless, both monetary authorities may be equally unable to resist the
influence of policy changes dictated by American politicians whose eyes are
fixed on opinion polls, changes whose effects are transmitted to the rest of
the world through the international financial market.
Are such "exogenous shocks" to be considered really exogenous? Or
should American political influence be included as an independent variable
in the reaction functions of other countries’ monetary authorities?
We could, of course, assume all this away by assuming that it has the
same impact on all countries. But is this really justifiable? Or are American
policy changes more important to German monetary policy than they are to
French monetary policy? If this were true, it might very well be that Wool-
ley’s results could be falsified to a notable extent by the undetected pres-
ence of the "exogenous" variable which exerts its influence differently on
different countries. Woolley’s aim in this paper seems to have been to discov-
er the relative influence of politicians and pressure groups on monetary
policymaking in different countries. Relative autonomy from "exogenous"
policy changes, I believe, is at least as important as relative autonomy from
domestic political and pressure group influence.

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