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Redesign of a Single Screw Extruder

Project Number: SYS 0088

A Major Qualifying Project Report

Submitted to the Faculty

of the


in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science

In Mechanical Engineering


John Kreso

Stephen Jenkinson

Date: April 25, 2012


1. extruder redesign Professor Satya Shivkumar, Major Advisor

2. plastic
3. single screw

This report represents work of WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of a
degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its web site without editorial or peer review.
For more information about the projects program at WPI, see http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/Project

This project involved the redesign of a two decade old single screw plastic extruder. Diagnostics
and troubleshooting revealed a malfunction in the motor controller resulting in motor failure. The
specifications for a new motor controller were developed that can make the machine fully
operational. Design and construction of a cooling system was also needed to maintain the
structure of the extruded molten plastic as it exits the die.

Table of Contents
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................... i
Table of Figures ........................................................................................................................................... iv
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Background ................................................................................................................................................... 3
History ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Types of Extrusion .................................................................................................................................... 3
Types of Extruders .................................................................................................................................... 4
Types of screws......................................................................................................................................... 5
Basic screw design: ............................................................................................................................... 5
Barrier Screws:...................................................................................................................................... 6
Mixing Screws: ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Objectives ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Overall Methodology .................................................................................................................................... 8
Methodology ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Power ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Motor Not Turning.................................................................................................................................. 11
Screw Removal ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Cleaning the Screw ................................................................................................................................. 14
High Torque Levels/Blown Fuse ............................................................................................................ 15
Missing Parts........................................................................................................................................... 16
Problems with Screw Key ....................................................................................................................... 18
Necessity for Water Bath ........................................................................................................................ 19
Technical Appointments ............................................................................................................................. 20
New England Plastics ............................................................................................................................. 20
University of Massachusetts Lowell ....................................................................................................... 21
Design of Cooling System .......................................................................................................................... 28
Background ............................................................................................................................................. 28
Initial Design........................................................................................................................................... 29
Prototype ................................................................................................................................................. 29
Future and Complete Design .................................................................................................................. 31
Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
References ................................................................................................................................................... 34

Appendices.................................................................................................................................................. 35
Appendix A ............................................................................................................................................. 35
Appendix B ............................................................................................................................................. 41

Table of Figures
Figure 1 Single Screw Figure 2 Twin Screw........................................................................................... 4
Figure 3 Typical Screw ................................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 4 Conventional Barrier Screw ........................................................................................................... 6
Figure 5 Gear Box......................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 6 New Outlet...................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 7 220 Volt 30 Amp Power Plug....................................................................................................... 11
Figure 8 Unattached Motor ......................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 9 Screw Removed ............................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 10 Dirty Screw ................................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 11 Clean Screw ................................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 12 Motor Controller ......................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 14 Bung Attached to Barrel ............................................................................................................. 17
Figure 13 Thermocouple Bung ................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 15 Nonfunctional Speed Gage Figure 16 Missing Gasket for Speed Gage ................................. 18
Figure 17 Screw Key .................................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 18 Sagging Molten Plastic From Die .............................................................................................. 19
Figure 19 Close-up of Die........................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 20 Removed Die from Die Plate...................................................................................................... 23
Figure 21 Pressure Transducer.................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 22 Our Manual Adjustable Temperature Figure 23 Umass Digital Adjustable Temperature .... 25
Figure 24 Resin Close up Figure 25 Bag of Polypropylene Received .................................................. 26
Figure 26 Brass Tools Received from Umass ............................................................................................. 26
Figure 27 Schematic Outline of Polymer Dynamics in Die Swell .............................................................. 28
Figure 28 CAD Drawing Top View............................................................................................................ 29
Figure 29 CAD Drawing Front View Figure 30 CAD Drawing Side View ...................................... 30
Figure 31 Cooling System Prototype .......................................................................................................... 30
Figure 32 Close-up of Prototype ................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 33 Power Switch Figure 34 Digital Temperature Gage ............................................................ 37
Figure 35 Die Bolted on .............................................................................................................................. 37
Figure 36 Threaded End Cap Figure 37 Close Up of End Cap............................................................. 38
Figure 38 Threaded Rob in End Cap .......................................................................................................... 38
Figure 39 End Cap Removed ...................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 40 Hammer Hitting Threaded Rod .................................................................................................. 39
Figure 41 Screw Removed .......................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 42 Screw Key .................................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 43 Brass Tool Against Screw .......................................................................................................... 40


The extrusion process began in the 1800s by means of preheating the metal and forcing it

through a die via a hand driven plunger known as squirting. Extrusion is now possible for metals,

polymers, ceramics and concrete. Plastic extrusion began in the 1930s and the continuous

process has been applied to manufacturing at high volume. Plastics have been very popular in

the modern world and learning about the process interested us from the start. Learning about how

pellets can be heated and formed into the desired shape through a die is important for the process

to be improved upon. Learning the process and troubleshooting using our skills of engineering

to reverse engineer the extruder has been a true challenge. Upon the completion of this project

future students who are interested in extruded plastics will be given the opportunity to test

material properties and learn the ins and outs of how an extruder works.

Fixing this single screw extruder isn’t our only task as we implemented design also.

When given the extruder the motor wouldn’t run and there wasn’t a cooling system for the

extruded product. Design of a water bath seemed to be the simplest and most effective way to

cool the extruded plastic. When the material originally comes out hot and gravity pulls the

material down which makes it stretch and lose its shape. With a roller system and water bath the

material will strengthen and keep the desired shape. A place to store and organize the extruded

material is also necessary since the extrusion process is continuous and lasts up to an hour,

depending on the amount of material put into the hopper.

Another reason for this project is for future students to be able to run material properties

testing on different resins and comparing the results. Fixing the extruder benefits others by

giving them our troubleshooting process, videos of taking the extruder apart, CAD drawings and

model, pamphlet of how extruders work and a water bath cooling system. Completion of this

project will give us a great deal of knowledge of experience in the engineering field, knowledge

of the extrusion process and troubleshooting skills for the future.



To properly troubleshoot and repair an extruder we must first understand what a plastic

extruder is. Plastic extrusion is used to create a multitude of different products ranging from

garbage bags to plastic tubing. Extrusion has been around as early as the 1800s known at that

time as squirting. Extrusion comes in three different forms; direct, indirect and hydrostatic which

all have their pros and cons. The type of extrusion we are studying is direct extrusion, also

known as forward extrusion, and is the most popular of the three forms of extrusion. It is the

process of moving material through a die of the desired shape of the cross-section. An extruder

works by melting down plastic pellets, called resin, that are then forced down a barrel by a screw

where they continue to melt and are finally pushed out through a die that gives them their final

shape. The extrusion process can be continuous, potentially producing any desired length of

material, or semi continuous to produce many pieces of material. The process may be hot or


Types of Extrusion

The other two types of extrusion mentioned earlier are indirect and hydrostatic. Indirect

extrusion, also known as backward extrusion, keeps the die stationary while the billet, heated

material which profiles are extruded, and the container move together. The length of the stem,

place where the die is held, is the potential maximum length the extrusion can be. With indirect

extrusion friction is much less which increases the speed of the process and ability to extrude

more small and challenging profiles. Impurities or defects in surface of billet will affect the

extrusion therefore billets are very important and need to be taken care of. The last type of

extrusion is hydrostatic extrusion which utilizes pressurized liquid around the billet and can be

done as hot, warm or cold. Process must be concealed to contain the hydrostatic medium. The

two ways to pressurize the fluid are constant-rate and constant-pressure. Constant-rate extrusion

uses a ram or plunger to pressurize the fluid in the container while constant-pressure uses a pump

to pressurize the fluid and then pump it into the container.

Types of Extruders

There are many types of plastics extruders of all different sizes and with all different

purposes. They can be grouped into two basic types; single screw and twin screw. We are,

obviously, using single screw extruders which are useful machines when production of a pure

polymer is necessary. Single screw machines do not require pre pelletizing as twin screw

machines do and are also equipped with many accessories that might not be found on twin

screws such as heat/pressure controllers, wider range of screw geometries and automatic feeders

for continuous production. Twin screw extruders are machines used for compound production

when two or more resigns are required to be mixed and extruded. The two screws are placed on

top of one another for the material to mix fully so the compound can be extruded uniformly.

Figure 1 Single Screw Figure 2 Twin Screw

Types of screws
Basic screw design:

The screw is usually contained inside a tight fitting barrel on the extruder. It is normally

driven by a variable speed motor and is a decidedly efficient device capable of processing

several tons of plastic per hour. The screw is divided into three zones: the feed zone, the

compression zone, and the metering zone.

The feed zone delivers plastic resin pellets from a gravity fed hopper into the barrel to

begin the longitudinal movement of the plastic. Using axial rotation the screw threads move the

plastic down the barrel. Within the barrel, heaters help the plastic develop a tack to increase its

friction against the barrel wall. Without this friction the plastic could not be conveyed forward

and would merely rotate inside the screw.

In the compression zone, also known as the transition or melt stage, the root diameter

of the screw increases while the height of the flight decreases. The resin is melted here because

of compression, shearing and heating produced in the barrel. Next the melted plastic moves

through the metering zone. In this zone the screw diameter remains constant and the melted

plastic which is under high pressure is pumped into the extruder die.

Figure 3 Typical Screw

Barrier Screws:

Sometimes the basic extrusion screw does not completely melt the resin. In this case

another type of extrusion screw may be necessary for the desired melt. The barrier screw, which

is designed to counter this problem, implements the use of addition flights attached to the

transition zone so as to separate molten and solid plastic to different channels. As the solid pellet

moves forward it melts due to shear against the wall and flows into the liquid channel. The liquid

channel gradually grows wider as the solid channel narrows.

Figure 4 Conventional Barrier Screw

Mixing Screws:

When mixing two different additives, a more efficient way is to mix extrusion materials

with twin screw extruder. Some single screw systems can, however, be used for mixing.

Though general-purpose screws are available, different plastics require differently calibrated

extrusion screws. The length-to-diameter ratio, pitch, length of each zone and helix angles of a

screw must all be matched to the plastic type being used. The screw must also be designed to suit

a specific type of die.


 Understand the extrusion process works and gain knowledge about extruders

 Disassemble and clean the extruder parts and troubleshoot it to ensure its proper operation

 Design and construction of a cooling system as the plastic exits out of the die

 Try to extrude various commercial resins

Overall Methodology

The extruder required much work when it first came into our possession. With need for a power

source great enough to handle the machine before proper diagnostics could begin, we removed the heating

clamps and cleaned away any residue that had built up over the years of neglect. We then proceeded to

open and check the gear system for any pitting or scarring that may have occurred. After the gears were

deemed to be in working condition, they were re-oiled to ensure smooth movement. A trip was made to

New England Plastics in Woburn, MA to see extruders in work and to learn the basics of the extrusion

process from a commercial viewpoint.

Figure 5 Gear Box

Once the new outlet was installed in Washburn 250, the extruder was successfully turned on. At

this time the heating clamps were operational and capable of heating the barrel to appropriate


Figure 6 New Outlet

The motor and screw however, still would not turn. A visit to the UMASS Lowell plastics department

provided us with necessary information to get the screw turning. We implemented these techniques as

described in later sections and were able to successfully turn the motor and drive the screw. (Link to

YouTube video of extruder successfully running can be found in Appendix B)

The extruder was run multiple times and eventually the screw jammed up and causing the motor

controller to fail resulting in the motor not turning once again. We attempted many different approaches

to fix the controller, including ordering electrical components to replace the failed ones, to no avail. We

also attempted to research replacement controllers, but without the name plates on the motor it was nearly

impossible to determine a proper controller. Under the guidance of faculty members on campus,

specifically Doug White of the Goddard shops, we were directed to Bigelow Electrical in Worcester, MA

for assistance in developing a new motor controller. A new controller was designed by the people at

Bigelow but the price of such a new system was staggeringly high and could not be implemented into the


While the extruder was operational and we were extruding polypropylene we noticed that the

plastic could not support itself as it exited the die. Again from our trips to New England Plastics and

UMASS Lowell, we were exposed to the use of water cooling systems for the molten plastic immediately

as they flow out of the die. We were able to design and build a much less sophisticated prototype water

cooling system to prevent the plastic from collapsing under its own weight. This system unfortunately

was not able to be tested due to the failure of the motor prior to its completion.



The power for this device required a special outlet to be installed in the Washburn 250

lab: 220 Volts 30 Amps. The single screw extruder is three phases and each phase draws 120

volts. The motor however, only draws two phases totaling 220 volts. The plug has four prongs

and a lock feature on one of the prongs to ensure the plug has contant flow of power. This also

protects the extruder from a sudden loss of power during a heating/extruding phase which

could cause catastrophic damage.

Figure 7 220 Volt 30 Amp Power Plug

Motor Not Turning

When originally received, the extruder was in rough shape and the motor would not turn

when the power was applied. This could have been the result of many different things. A visit

was made to UMASS Lowell, one of the leading plastics/polymer departments in the Northeast,

in order to gain insight on potential problems. There we were educated to potential causes of the

motor not turning with the most likely cause due to a buildup of hardened plastic on the screw

and in the barrel. The following steps were suggested to us to get the motor and screw turning:

heating the extruder up to temp (approximately 150 degrees Fahrenheit or to the melting

temperature of previous plastic used) and letting the barrel heat soak for 30-45 minutes,

removing and cleaning the die once heated to unplug the outlet channel, removing the threaded

end cap, and finally removing and cleaning the screw. Applying these steps and with the help of

some WD-40 in stick points (not on the actual screw) we were able to successfully get the motor

to turn and capable of turning the screw with enough force to extrude plastic.

Figure 8 Unattached Motor

Screw Removal

Screw removal is a vital step in the cleaning process of a plastic extruder. There are also a

wide variety of screws available for different applications of the extruder that can be changed out

accordingly. A YouTube video link can be found in Appendix B. The following steps need to be

followed when removing the screw (more detailed guide can be found in Appendix A):

 Turn on the machine and let the barrel heat up for 30-45 minutes at a temperature of

approximately 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

 Unfasten the bolts holding the die onto the screw and remove the die.

 Remove threaded end cap from the drive end of the screw.

 Feed a threaded rod into the opening created by removing the threaded end cap in the

previous step.

 Tap the end of the rod with a hammer or mallet to free the screw key from the key way.

 The screw then can be slid out from the barrel by hand.

Figure 9 Screw Removed

Cleaning the Screw

To properly clean the screw once it has been removed, brass tools should be utilized.

Brass tools are utilized because brass is a softer material and will not scratch or damage the

screw. A good tip for cleaning the screw is to let the molten plastic harden a little bit so that it

can be peeled off in chunks. If he plastic hardens too much, simply reinsert the screw into the

barrel for a few minutes until the plastic softens once more and continue the cleaning. A proper

cleaning should also involve cleaning the barrel. This is simply using some brass wool on a stick

or rod to remove any plastic that may be stuck to the barrel wall.

Figure 10 Dirty Screw

Figure 11 Clean Screw

High Torque Levels/Blown Fuse

Once we were able to get the motor and the screw to turn, we then had the capability to

extrude plastic. Multiple successful runs of the extruder followed and we began to notice a

different problem. The torque levels required from the motor to turn the screw had increased

significantly from the point when we first ran the extruder. The high torque levels drew more

power from motor with less screw turning. This problem can severely damage the gears and

motor if unattended to. As a result, the motor failed and would not turn once again. In an attempt

to remedy this issue, we checked the motor’s brushes and their connections. We had to tighten

the connections on all brushes which were loose and potentially the cause of energy and power

loss. When this solution did not revive the motor, it was suggested to us by Doug White in the

Goddard Hall shops that we replace multiple parts that made up the motor controller. After

gathering the part numbers we proceeded to attempt to purchase these new parts to little success.

Since this machine is over 20 years of age, many of the part numbers for the components we

needed had changed or no longer existed. Contact with faculty in Atwater Kent provided us with

some resources for the parts we believed would fix the problem we were currently facing. We

used McMaster-Carr and Mouser companies to look for replacement parts but most of the parts

were outdated or discontinued. We were able to match the part numbers for a few of the parts

and have them ordered. When we attempted to have these parts installed however, we came to

the stark realization that they were not compatible with the controller system in place. Again we

sought the guidance of Doug White of the Goddard shops and he directed us to Bigelow

Electrical in Worcester, MA for assistance in acquiring a new motor control. The motor was

removed from the extruder and brought in to George Hilditch, the shop foreman at Bigelow, for

evaluation. With no name plates on the motor to provide its specifications, we acquired the

armature and field voltages that helped lead to discovering the revolutions per minute (3450),

and the horsepower (5). The motor was tested and found to be in good working condition

solidifying the theory that the motor controller was indeed the source of the problem. The

workers at Bigelow were able to spec out the correct motor controller but for a price far beyond

our budget.

Figure 12 Motor Controller

Missing Parts

A few minor parts were missing from the extruder upon arrival in our hands. A

thermocouple bung, which holds attaches a thermocouple to the barrel, was one of these parts.

Without this piece, the thermocouple sometimes few out of contact with the barrel and did not

read a consistently accurate temperature. While the absence of this piece may seem like a minor

issue that could be solved simply by placing the thermocouple back into the hole in the barrel, it

can actually be quite damaging to the machine. When the barrel reaches approximately165

degrees Fahrenheit cooling fans kick on and blow air across the barrel to prevent overheating. If

the thermocouple was not reading the correct temperature of the barrel because it had fallen out,

the fans will not kick on to prevent the overheating. A new bung was purchased to remedy this


Figure 14 Bung Attached to Barrel Figure 13 Thermocouple Bung

The extruder contains a gauge that shows the revolutions per minute at which the screw is

turning. The source for this number is a disc that spins along with the threaded end cap and

transmits the revolutions per minute to the gauge. The disc and the threaded end cap are usually

joined together by a belt or gasket that allows the disc to move at the same rate as the spinning

screw and threaded end cap. Without this part, it is very difficult to regulate the speed of the

motor as the speed dial is not very practical.

Figure 15 Nonfunctional Speed Gage Figure 16 Missing Gasket for Speed Gage

Problems with Screw Key

A key is used to connect a rotating machine element to a shaft or in our case the screw.

The key allows for torque to be efficiently transmitted and prevents relative rotation between the

two parts. In order for a key to be effective, a keyway or keyseat, a slot for the key to fit into,

must be present on the rotating section. This whole joint is called a keyed joint and still allows

relative axial movement between the parts. When the motor controller failed, the key on the

screw also popped out of the keyway and actually detached from the screw itself. Luckily there

was no damage to the screw itself and the key was magnetic and reattached easily without the

need for any machining.

Figure 17 Screw Key

Necessity for Water Bath

When the extruder was still operational, the plastic that we extruded immediately fell

limp as it left the die. Failure to support its own weight as it exits the die is due to the plastic still

being mostly melted. One resolution to this problem is to lower the temperature at the die so that

the plastic is not as hot when it exits. As an add on to that solution, lengthening the die would

allow for the plastic to be in the cooler die section for longer where it can be supported by the die

as it hardens. The drawback to this solution is that the plastic can harden too much and get stuck

in the die. This would cause a build up in the barrel and not allow the screw to turn freely

potentially damaging the motor. A remedy for cooling the plastic that we came up with was the

design of a water bath system to cool the molten plastic directly as it is ejected from the die.

Figure 18 Sagging Molten Plastic From Die

Technical Appointments

New England Plastics

Our first extruding facility we paid a visit to was New England Plastics in Woburn,

Massachusetts. After planning an appointment with Tony we decided to make a binder of

pictures to present to each facility so whomever we spoke to could have a gist of what type of

extruder we are working with. After putting the pictures we desired on a USB drive, Rita was

generous and printed everything for us so that we could have a binder presentation of our project.

When we arrived at New England Plastics on December 13th we were given a quick tour of their

facility. We were curious to see an extruder in use, receive simple troubleshooting tips, check

out different dies and possibly get an old one, see different screws and also possibly get an old

one, and also see if they have any referrals to other places willing to help.

Figure 19 Close-up of Die

We were able to learn about the different parts of the extruder, see different dies and

learn how the die created the profile of the final product. Tony allowed us to take videos of

running extruders, although the extruders in their facility were all twin screws. This is where we

able to see the extruder create a final product of the compound made of different resins. All of

New England Plastics’ extruders were mixing or compound extruders while our extruder is used

for pure polymer extrusion. Tony was not able to help us too much on our extruder but helped us

understand the process a little better and see it for ourselves. We saw different types of dies used

in manufacturing and also different screws and how both of these parts play a big role in how the

extruder functions and what the final product looks like. He recommended getting a pamphlet,

or diagram, on single screw extruders to help us in the troubleshooting process.

The visit was short but the tour helped us understand the differences in extruders as well

as see them in use. Tony gave us a contact that could help fix our extruder, Davis Standard,

since he felt he couldn’t help us further.

University of Massachusetts Lowell

Our reverse engineering research led us to discover possible troubleshooting techniques

to solve our dilemma of the nonfunctional motor. Without being able to successfully remove the

motor or screw our troubleshooting became limited so we contacted the Plastics Department of

the University of Massachusetts Lowell for their guidance. Professor David Rondeau of Umass

Lowell, our primary contact, advised us to try to remove the screw which could be removed by

unlocking the key lock attached to the gear box. The screw could not be removed from the gear

box so he invited us for a visit of their plastics department as we provided further information

about our extruder and its problems. On December 16th, 2011 we made a trip up to their Plastics

Department to met Professor Rondeau, Charles Currie who was a technician for Umass Lowell,

and Professor Orroth. The visit lasting several hours provided us with great details of exactly

how an extruder functions, pictures and a video (link can be found in Appendix B), and also

some materials to take back to WPI.

Professor Rondeau explained how extruders have a safety interlock and require a certain

temperature that must remain on for a period of time before the extruder can function properly.

Generally, an extruder needs a period of 45 minutes to warm up which allows the thermocouples

to set up and read correct and steady temperatures. This time allows the barrel and screw to soak

up in heat to melt plastic which could cause jamming or damaging results. Waiting another

twenty to thirty minutes will guarantee all material in the barrel is liquid and the screw can safely

be removed for cleaning. For the extruder machines in their department, the screw is removed by

pushing the screw inward and turning the screw clockwise which frees the screw from the gear

box. The screw can then be pushed out from the back as long as the die and die plate is removed

first. Proper cleaning of the screw is done so by fully removing the screw and using brass tools,

due to them being softer than steel, which will not scratch or damage the screw or barrel. After

the screw and barrel are fully cleaned the screw is placed back into the barrel and ready for use.

Professor Rondeau said this maintenance process must be preformed after every use of the

extruder for optimal performance.

Our next contact was with Professor Orroth who had been with the Umass Plastics

Department for many years. He used his wisdom and technical knowledge to explain how to

remove necessary parts to be able to remove the screw and motor. After we explained our

machine in some detail he recommended that it is necessary to take out all bolts and screws from

the die, so the screw can be accessible. The die is attached by the die plate which is held by six

bolts and screws all of which need to be removed.

Figure 20 Removed Die from Die Plate

After the extruder is properly heated and ready then the screw can be fully removed. Professor

Orroth mentioned to avoid tempering with the pressure transducer because their extruders use the

readings of the pressure to detect any malfunctions and could automatically shut down the

extruder, if necessary. Because our pressure transducer is not attached to a computer hook up

this is not as important for our extruder since our table top extruder doesn’t read the pressures.

Figure 21 Pressure Transducer

Lastly Professor Orroth recommended us to study the control panel of the extruder to get a better

understanding of each components function and to talk with Charles Currie, who could be of

help in the matter.

The last contact we had on our visit to Umass Lowell was with Charles Currie who was

an Electrical technician. Charles explained most of the control panel and some of the electrical

components in the extruder. The thermocouples of the extruders at their Plastics Department

used similar thermocouples to the ones our extruder used which Charles said had to be J or K

thermocouples. Each of these thermocouples had protective casings around the wires to ensure

they did not get too hot or damaged. After we showed Charles our binder of pictures of our

extruder he was concerned that we would struggle to control the temperature. He installed all of

the digital temperature output readings on their extruding machines and told us controlling

temperature by voltage directly instead of a digital control would be quite difficult.

Figure 22 Our Manual Adjustable Temperature Figure 23 Umass Digital Adjustable Temperature

Charles mentioned that the pressure transducers also detect if pressure is building in the barrel

and for newer machines is standard practice to use them.

At the end of our visit the three instructors met as a group with us to give a summary of

our visit as well as let us take photos and videos of running extruders. Professor Orroth showed

us their resin storage and gave us some Polypropylene resin take back to school and use.

Figure 24 Resin Close up Figure 25 Bag of Polypropylene Received

Since Professor Rondeau recommended brass tools for cleaning and we did not have any brass in

our MQP lab he gave us two pairs of brass tools to use to properly clean the screw and barrel.

Figure 26 Brass Tools Received from Umass

He also mentioned that copper gauze can be used to help clean the barrel if the tools he gave us

couldn’t fully remove the plastic. All three instructors gave us their contact information and

Charles made sure that we would email him with updates on our extruder and that he would

answer any questions that we had. On our way out of the building Professor Rondeau gave us

two books on extruders and the troubleshooting process on extruding machines. This was our

first reading material we received about single screw extruders and we knew it would come in

handy later in our project. Overall the visit was a huge help to our success with the extruder and

it was a great experience to see the University of Massachusetts Lowell’s impressive Plastics


Design of Cooling System


Extruded plastic is still molten when it leaves the die after being extruded and can sag or

lose its shape. Without proper cooling, die swell (figure below) can also occur leading to

inconsistent dimensions of the extruded product and degraded material properties. Commercial

extruding companies have sophisticated cooling methods which utilize the use of vacuums to

help plastic from collapsing from its own weight while it is being cooled. While the water bath

and roller system we designed is not as sophisticated as these machines that rapidly cool plastic

for commercial use, it is crucial in the extrusion process for our applications.

Figure 27 Schematic Outline of Polymer Dynamics in Die Swell

Initial Design

The initial design for a cooling system was to utilize a pumpless design that would not

recycle the water used. This system would contain a shower head like structure hooked up to a

water source by a hose. Once the water had showered over the molten plastic and collected in the

basin, it would flow through a drain and out of the system. We originally hoped to buy a roller

table and have the extruded plastic roll across it while being showered with water, but budget

and size constraints did not allow for a store bought table. As a result a homemade roller table

needed to be built.


Two slabs of aluminum were pocketed in the machine shop and the aluminum rollers

were cut down from round stock. The ends of the rollers had to be lathed down to the diameter

roughly the size of purchased bearings. The bearings allow the aluminum rollers to freely rotate.

This roller table sits on top of a basin that catches the water being showered over the plastic and

is located directly as the plastic exits the die. In the bottom of the basin is a drain where the water

is removed from the system.

Figure 28 CAD Drawing Top View

Figure 29 CAD Drawing Front View Figure 30 CAD Drawing Side View

A prototype was built to test the feasibility of the design. Unfortunately due the failing of the
motor controller before the prototype was built, successful testing of the cooling system could
not be implemented.

Figure 31 Cooling System Prototype

Figure 32 Close-up of Prototype

Future and Complete Design

If budget and resources were not an issue, a much more intricate design could have been

set in place. First we had wanted to test the feasibility of our prototype to determine if move

forward and improving the design was worthwhile. As stated earlier in the above sections, the

motor controller failed before the prototype was built and tested. Under the assumption that the

water would sufficiently cool the plastic as it rolled along the rollers to maintain its structure, we

made some improvements to the prototype design.

The future design would feature a system that recycled the water in a cycle and would not

require access to a sink or other water source. In order for the device to be an independent cycle,

a water pump would need to be implemented to push the water back through the system and

showered over the molten plastic again. An issue with recycling water that is used to cool hot

plastic is that the water will begin to warm with every pass and not cool the plastic as efficiently.

To remedy this, a small refrigerant cycle would need to be built equipped with a heat exchanger,

a compressor, a condenser and a pump or expansion valve.

Another improvement to the prototype design would be the implementation of proper

materials. Ideally the roller table and basin would be made of stainless steel to decrease the

chance of rust and also to improve the rigidity of the structure. Sturdy metallic legs would also

be implemented to ensure stability.


The major accomplishments of this project include the retrieval of the proper

specifications for a new motor controller, the design of a water cooling system, the replacement

of missing parts, the creation of a detailed screw removal and cleaning guide complete with

pictures of each step and a video of the process, and becoming educated with the extrusion

process. With no information available for this machine, learning how to properly use and run

the machine was a very tedious process.

As stated earlier, a cooling system is an integral part of the extrusion process. A

prototype water cooled system was designed and developed for placement immediately after the


Also a very detailed screw removal and cleaning guide was also completed. This guide

contains a step by procedure for this process equipped with pictures (Appendix A). A video of

the process is also available through a YouTube link provided in Appendix B.

Finally a design of a new motor controller was also developed with the help of Bigelow

Electric in Worcester, MA. The new controller contains a digital control opposed to the arbitrary

knobs currently on the front of the extruder. Unfortunately, the high cost of the controller did not

allow for us to implement it into our project. However, Bigelow has supplied us with the

specifications for the new controller and a future project, most likely ECE, can use this

knowledge to finish the resurrection of the machine.


Bolur, P. c. (n.d.). A Guide to Injection Molding of Plastics. Retrieved January 15, 2012, from


Colby, P. N. (1978). Screw and Barrel Technology. Youngstown, Ohio: Spirex Corporation.

Industiralextrusionmachinery.com. (n.d.). Types of Plastic Extruders. Retrieved December 10,

2011, from http://industrialextrusionmachinery.com/types_of_plastic_extruders.html

McKinley, G. H. and MacMinn,(2004) C. W. Tubeless Siphon and Die Swell Demonstration.

Cambridge, Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Nakajima, N. (Sep/Oct 1997) Plastics Extrusion Technology. Retrieved February 29, 2012.


Screws, H. P. (2012).Patent#. http://www.sparproducts.com/Performance/high_performance.htm

Solutions, B. N. (n.d.). Comparing Twin Screw Extruders and Single Screw Extruders. Retrieved

December 21, 2011, from


Whelan, T. and Goff, D.(1988) The Dynisco Extrusion Processors Handbook 2nd Edition.

Dynisco Incorporated


Appendix A

Screw Removal and Cleaning


Stephen Jenkinson and John Kreso

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

What you will need:

 Adjustable Wrench

 Brass tools

 Oven Glove

 Hammer/Mallet

 Threaded Rod

The following steps need to be followed when removing the screw:

 Turn on the machine and let the barrel heat up for 30-45 minutes at a temperature of

approximately 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

Figure 33 Power Switch Figure 34 Digital Temperature Gage

 Unfasten the bolts holding the die onto the screw and remove the die (use an oven glove

as the die is very hot).

Figure 35 Die Bolted on

 Remove threaded end cap from the drive end of the screw.

Figure 36 Threaded End Cap Figure 37 Close Up of End Cap

 Feed a threaded rod into the opening created by removing the threaded end cap in the

previous step.

Figure 38 Threaded Rob in End Cap

Figure 39 End Cap Removed

 Tap the end of the rod with a hammer or mallet to free the screw key from the key way

Figure 40 Hammer Hitting Threaded Rod

 The screw then can be slid out from the barrel by hand. (Video available in Appendix B)

Figure 41 Screw Removed

 Use brass tools to scrape the built up molten plastic away (as plastic solidifies it becomes

easier to peel away in chunks).

 If Plastic becomes too hard to remove, stick back into heated barrel until softened once


 Once thoroughly cleaned, reinsert screw into barrel being sure that the screw key aligns

with the keyway of the drive.

Figure 42 Screw Key

Note: You may have to tap the end of the screw with a mallet to fully reinsert. Use a

piece of brass in between the mallet and the screw so as not to damage the screw.

Figure 43 Brass Tool Against Screw

Appendix B

Screw Removal YouTube Video


Extruder Running YouTube Video


Umass Lowell Extruder Running YouTube Video



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