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Money Worksheets

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Moneu: Vocabulary @uiz!!

A machine used in shops that

A small flat folding case made of The money that an organizafion
shows and records the amount
eg. leather, used for keeping such as a bank lends and
of money you have to pay:
paper money and credit cards: somebody borrows is a
a. ocashier
a. moneybags load
b. cash register a.
b. wally b.
C. cashmere c. loaf
c. wallet

A room with thick walls and a A person who buys and sells A small flat piece of metal used
strong door in a bank, used for things for other people: as money:

keeping valuable things safe:

a. monetoarist
a. a beggar
. voucher b. coin
b. a burglar
b. vault . copper
C.a broker
c. veal

A legal agreement by which a To receive money, property, etc. A strong metal box used for
bank lends you money to buy a from somebody when they die: storing valuable things in, eg.
house: money or Jjewellery:

a. mortgage . inhibit
b. borrowing b. inherit
a. safe
b. shell
c. housing benefit inhabit
C . boxer

A person whose job is dealing Money that you have to pay to Any of the units of equal value
with people arriving at the bank: the governiment so that if can info which a company is divided
pay for public services: and sold to raise
. clerk a. debts a. shape
b. banquef b. accounts b. share
. banister taxes C. shade

A piece of paper that shows how A person who has a lot of money. A piece of paper that you can
much money you have spent on possessions, efc. is: use for paying instead of using
something: money
a. recipe a. wealthy a. cheek
b. receipt b.
healthy b. cheque
. recite c. filthy c. chess

To have enough money to be able A sum of money you pay regularly A piece of paper money:
to buy something: to eg. a bank, until you have
returned all the money you owe:
a. note
. affirm a. repayment . notice
b afford b. rent
. nought
C. affair C.income

cti e.com
What's the verb What's the name
How do you call the small
which means "use closed box with a narrow
of the place where
more money than opening info which people buy or sell
coins a
is necessary or chilaren pur as
Way of saving money?
shares in

useful"? companies?

Whaf's the expression How do you call the What's the

which means an money that employeesS expression which
arrangement hat you receive for doing their means t o pay with
make with e.g. a shop to
job, usually paid everY money in the form
pay later for something
you buy ?
month? of coins or notes"?

Whaf's the verb that Whaf's the name of fhe What's the verb
means To give money To
small plastic card that that means to
somebody which they you can use to buy
have to return To you
fake money out of
goods and pay for them
a bank account"?

1. A machine used in shops that shows and records the amount of money you have to pay: CASH REGISTER
2. A small flat folding case made of eg. leather, used for keeping paper money and credit cards: WALLET
3. The money that an organization such as a bank lends and somebody borrows is a: LOAN
4. A room with thick walls and a strong door in a bank, used for keeping valuable things safe: VAULT
5. A person who buys and sells things for other people: BROKER
6. A small flat piece of metal used as money: COTN
7. A legal agreement by which a bank lends you money to buy a house: MORTGAGE
8. To receive money, property, etc. from somebody when they die: INHERIT

9A strong mefal box used for storing valuable things in, eg. money or jewellery: SAFE
10. A person whose job is dealing with people arriving at the bank: CLERK
11 Money that you have fo pay fo the government so that if can pay for public services: TAXES 94

12. Any of the units of equal value into whicha company is divided and sold to raise money: SHARE
13. A piece of paper that shows how much money you have spent on something: RECEIPT
14. A person who has a lot of money, possessions, etc. is: WEALTHY
15. A piece of paper that you can use for paying instead of using money CHEQUE
16. To have enough money to be able to buy something: AFFORD
17. A sum of money you pay regularly to e.g. a bank, until you have returned all the money you owe: REPAYMENT
18. A
of paperwhich
piece the money: (BANK)NOTE
What's verb means 'use more money than is cessary useful'?: WASTE
ne or

20. How do you call the small closed box with a narrow opening into which children put coins as a way of saving money?:
21. What's the name of the place where people buy or sell shares in companies?: STOKE MARKET
22. Whatf's the expression which means an arrangement that you make with e.g. a shop to pay later for something you
buy"?: ON CREDIT
23. How do you call the money that employees receive for doing their job, usually paid every month?: SALARY
24. Whaf's the expression which means fo pay with money in the form of coins or notes ?: PAY CASH
25. What's the verb that meansto give money to somebody which they have to return to you later"?: LEND
26. What's the name of the small plastic card that you can use to buy goods and pay for them later?: CREDIT CARD
27. Whatf's the verb that mears to take money out of a bank account ?: WITHDRAW

* SCollective.com
SAt the baM Teller: Good morning.
Client2: Good morning. Td like to cash some
travelers' checks.
Teller: We cash travelers' checks up to two
hundred dollars. Can you sign here on the back?
Teller: Good afternoon, ma'am.
Client2: OK. Can you give me some change for the
Client1: Good afternoon. I want to use the 24 bus?
hour teller but I don't know how.
Teller: Here you are: ten pennies, four nickels,
Teller: Insert your card in the slot, punch in your
two dimes, two quarters, four ones, a five, a
code and choose what you want from the menu.
twenty, two tens and three fifties.
Clienti: Thanks.
Client2: Thanks!

Answer the questions about the texts:

1. What did the client 1 want?

2. What's that she doesn't know how to do?

3. Did you understand the teller's explanation? Could you explain using
your own words?

4. What did the client 2 want to know?

5. What's the limit to cash travelers' checks at this bank?

6. What did the teller ask the client to do?

7. What else did the client request?

8. How much did the teller give the client?

Mark how many of the following bills the teller gave the second client:

BL d0R2010


Do as in the model:

A one-cent coin or a


Mark true (T) or false (F) and explain when itf's false:
A. The first client wanted some information.()

B. She didn't know how to use the pay phone.

C. The second client wanted to cash a check. ()

D. The maximum amount they cash travelers' checks at the bank is a hundred dollars.()

E. The teller gave the client two hundred dollars. ( )

F. The teller also gave the client some coins to use when riding the bus. (

We use can verb in the infinitive without "to" to ask permission or to make offers or requests:
Can we go outside? (permission) Can I help you? (offer) Can you close the door (request)

Mark (P) for permission, (O) for offer and (R) for request:
1. Can I wear your blouse tonight? (
2. Can you bring me those books over there? ( )
3. Can Sally go out and play with me, Mrs. Smith? ( )
4. Can we do something for you? ( )
S 5. Can I give you a lift home? (
6. Can you wait for me outside while I get dressed? ( )
7. Can Marian stay out until 12 tonight?)
8. Can you close the window? ( )
9. Can your kids go with me to the park this afternoon, Amanda? ( )
10. Can you walk the dog for me, please? ( )
11. Can I help you out in the kitchen? (
12. Can you take the garbage out. please? ( )
13. Can I help you with your homework? ( )
14. Can you turn the lights off when you leave the room? (
15. Can you stop making this terrible noise while Tm studying? ( )
ntemalional Cuneny Qula
Can you match the currencies to the banknote images?

baht d i n a r dollar - kroner - peso - poundround ringgit ruble - rupee - yen -yuan



********************************************** **************************************************** ***********************************************




T. ****************************** * ***************************************************






. ************************************************* *************************************************** .

500 £5

500 T4322288



L0. . .*************************** *********************************************** L2.

E ************************************************

Match the currencies from task1 to the names ofthe countries:

China ********* ************

India *************

Japan ********************

Malaysia ******************

Mexico *********************

Norway *******************

Russia ********************

South Africa s*************

Thailand ss#a*****

The UK

The USA s***************|

Tunisia *********************

What currency do the following countries use?

Austria-Belgium - Cyprus-Estonia - Finland- France- Germany-Greece-Ireland- Italy- Luxemburg

- Malta-Portugal-Slovakia Slovenia Spain - The Netherlands

They use. *****************************************************


Baht ***** Thailand

Dinar **********
..6 Tunisia
Dollar ********4

Kroner .. .5 Norway
Peso ******** 12 Mexico

Pound The UK

Rand 10 South Africa

Ringgit Malaysia
Ruble **** Russia

Rupee *****.1 India

Yen ********* .4
Yuan ******** ö China


Money and Prices

The currency of the United Kingdom is the pound sterling (£)

1. The bank notes.

£5R2 £I0
ER There are bank notes for
£5, £10, £20 and £50.

The£-sign is written in
front of the price.
£20as c30Sk a l a r

2. The coins

There are one hundred

pence (p) in one pound.

1p 2P There are coins for 1p

2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1
and £ 2.

The "p" is written after

the price, but only if the
price is under £1.

10p 20p 50p


3. Saying prices.

We write We say Prices in English

£10.00 ten pounds
from 1-1,000 are
20p twenty pee written with a
decimal point ()
8.99 eight pounds ninety-nine or eight ninety-nine
not a comma (,)
£27.50 twenty-seven pounds fifty or twenty-seven fifty

4. Asking for and giving prices.

How much is it ? It's £12.

How much are these? They're £1 (each).

5. Now it's up to you.

How much are these items? Practise saying the prices out loud.


A newspaper is 90p an ice cream: £1.55 pizza: £3.90

Fuee EngeisA

L 7.96

tennis shoes: £29.99 Breakfast: £7.95 postcards: 30p each

You will each get a table with some of the prices filled in. Ask questions to
find out the missing prices. Answer your partner's questions to help
him/her find their prices.
e.g. How much is the shaw? t's fiteen ninety-nine (£15.99)
How much are these model cars? They're one twenty each (£1.20)

Pupil A

Coldplay CD: £12.99 A tin of tomatoes:

Stamps: 30p each A bag of crisps:

Aloaf ofbread: A board game: £24.50

A pair of shoes: A lottery ticket: £3.75


Pupil B

Coldplay CD: tomatoes: 40p each

Stamps: A bag of crisps: £1.10

A loaf of bread: £1.45 A board game:

|A pair of shoes: £35.99 A lottery ticket:

Pupil A

Coldplay CD: £12.99 A tin of tomatoes:

Stamps: 30p each A bag of crisps:

A loaf of bread: A board game: £24.50

A pair of shoes: A lottery ticket: £3.75

Pupil B

Coldplay CD: tomatoes: 40p each

Stamps: A bag of crisps: £1.10

A loaf of bread: £1.45 A board game:

A pair of shoes: £35.99 A lottery ticket:


1. Is it possible to do without money?

2. Do you get pocket money? How often? How much?
3. Do you spend it the same day or save up for later?
4. What do you usually spend your pocket money on?
5. How much cash have you got in your wallet/pocket today? How much in notes and how
much in coins?

6. Are you good at saving money?

7. What do you save up for?
8. What is the most expensive thing you've ever bought?
9. What is something you look forward to buy?
10. Have you ever bet on money with your friends?
11. Do you sometimes borrow money?
12. Do you sometimes lend money?
13. Have you got a bank account? How much money have you got in it?
14. Have you ever won money in a lottery? How much?
15. What would you do if you won a jackpot?
16. Have you ever found money in the street?
17. Do you always count a change?
18. Do you always check a receipt?
19. When buying things what do you look at first of all: price, brand, color, looks?
20. Have you got a credit card?
21. How do you pay for goods in a shop: in cash or by credit card?
22. Do you ever use ATMs?
23. Do you get a grant? How much?
24. Do you put by any amount of it?
25. Are there any people who live in poverty in our country?
26. What is the percentage of wealthy people?
27. What is the average salary in our country?
28. Do you know anybody who's recently made a fortune?
29. Do you ever give money to beggars?
30. What is the best way to keep money?

1. If you were given 100 euros tomorrow, what would you
do, save it or spend it? How much money do you spend a
month? What kinds of things do you spend your money
on? Do you save money? Are you saving your money for
something in particular? What?

2. What do you think the best way to save money is? Can you give me some tips?

3. Do you have a bank account? Do you regularly deposit money into your account, or
do you prefer saving your money in a safe place in your home? What are the benefits
and disadvantages to each style of saving money?

4. Do you have a credit card? How often do you use it? How often do you make big
purchases with your credit card? Do you have a balance to pay off on your card? Is
credit card debt a problem in your country?

5. In what ways do you notice the economic erisis? Do you notice it in your daily life?
How? Do you think the measures taken by the government (freezing salaries, cutting
public employees, the labor reform) will improve or worsen the current situation? Do
you think there's something the government should do that they haven't done so far?

6. How long do you think the crisis will last? What were the main causes of the crisis in
your opinion?

7. Do you know what these expressions related to money mean?

T o be in the green.
T o be a cheapskate
To be a dime a dozen
To feel like a million bucks/dollars
To have sticky fingers
Money doesn't grow on trees

8. When you were a child did your parents give you an allowance? What did you do
with the money? (save it, spend it)

9. What was the last big purchase you made? What would be the first thing you'd give
up ifyou had to cut costs?

10. Are you generous or stingy? Can you give some examples? What would you do with
the money if you won the lottery?


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