[1] In the Bible, it is recorded that 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel from the northern kingdom were exiled to Assyria after being conquered. [2] Archaeological evidence and biblical promises to Abraham suggest that millions of these exiled tribes migrated westward through the Caucasus region and eventually settled in places like Great Britain and Western Europe. [3] The document argues that the Celtic people descended from these lost tribes based on similarities between Celtic and Israelite culture, names, and biblical promises about the future of those tribes.
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[1] In the Bible, it is recorded that 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel from the northern kingdom were exiled to Assyria after being conquered. [2] Archaeological evidence and biblical promises to Abraham suggest that millions of these exiled tribes migrated westward through the Caucasus region and eventually settled in places like Great Britain and Western Europe. [3] The document argues that the Celtic people descended from these lost tribes based on similarities between Celtic and Israelite culture, names, and biblical promises about the future of those tribes.
[1] In the Bible, it is recorded that 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel from the northern kingdom were exiled to Assyria after being conquered. [2] Archaeological evidence and biblical promises to Abraham suggest that millions of these exiled tribes migrated westward through the Caucasus region and eventually settled in places like Great Britain and Western Europe. [3] The document argues that the Celtic people descended from these lost tribes based on similarities between Celtic and Israelite culture, names, and biblical promises about the future of those tribes.
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[1] In the Bible, it is recorded that 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel from the northern kingdom were exiled to Assyria after being conquered. [2] Archaeological evidence and biblical promises to Abraham suggest that millions of these exiled tribes migrated westward through the Caucasus region and eventually settled in places like Great Britain and Western Europe. [3] The document argues that the Celtic people descended from these lost tribes based on similarities between Celtic and Israelite culture, names, and biblical promises about the future of those tribes.
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Lost Tribes
In Hosea, it is clear that God divorced the northern
tribes. This northern Kingdom went into captivity by the Assyrians around 600bc. They were placed in the area between the Assyrians and the medes as a buffer zone. The time came when these people which were called "Sakasunis"{sons of Isaac} by the assyrians, joined with the assyrians to defeat the medes. As a reward for their help they were granted their freedom to go and live where they wanted. About 50,000 of these sons of Isaac chose to go back to palestine. But the book of Jubilees states that another 200,000 or so decided to head northward through the headwaters of the Eurphrates river. The book speaks of God dividing the waters just as he done at the red sea to facilitate their migration. These people were last recorded settling in the lands at the base of the Caucasus Mtns. This is where they are seemingly lost to history. Coincidentally, about 100 years later, hordes of people from this very area called "Keltoy" began migrating westward and settling all through europe. The vast amount settled in what is today called Great Briton and the northwestern countries of Europe{Netherlands,Dutch,Scotts. Today they are called "celts". Where do you think the white race got the name "caucasion"? The bible says that King David was "fair and ruddy" in appearance. Remember there were twelve tribes. The so-called lost tribes was ten of those. Now if that were not enough to suggest who these people are I give you some more. You must go back to the promises of God to Abraham about his decendants. number 1, They would be as the sand of the sea and the stars of heaven in number. There are only a few groups of people in the world that can qualify for that. Chinese,[yelllow} Indian,Celts. These archeologists that have searched for the lost tribes have failed to take into consideration these qualifications. They have continued to search for small bands of people in remote places when the search should have been for a group of people that fills the earth with millions. The promises to Abraham's decendant also stated that they would "push the peoples to the four corners of the earth", and that they would own and secure the "gates of their enemies". There is only one group of people and two nations who have done this. USA and Great Briton. The promises also given to Manassas and Ephraim are to be taken into account here. Manasses was told that his decendants in the latter days would be a "Great nation" {USA} and Ephraims decendants would be a "company of nations"[Great briton and northwestern Europe} In light of these facts, I don't think there is any doubt as to who the "lost tribes" are. Either there was a great collision of two peoples in the area at the base of the caucasus mtns during the 100 year period or the'Keltoy" and the Sakasunis" are the same people. You will also find in Archeological diggs through out Europe that relics have been found to support this. These "sakasunis" carried things with them that speak of their foundations in the land of Isreal. One more thing points to this. The story of Jeremiah when King Zedekiah and his sons were taken to Babylon. His sons were all killed there and his eyes were put out and he died there. King Nebucanezzer, thinking he had killed off the kingly bloodline. But God appointed Jeremiah as a guardian unto King Zedekiah's daughters. There is an ordinance in the law that said when there is no sons to inhereit then the daughters can inhereit. Jeremiah took the two daughters of King Zedekiah and the "stone"{stone of Scone} to Egypt and from there they boarded a boat and stopped off in Spain and gave one daughter to the Militia King. and then he went to Ireland and gave the other daughter to that King. Even today there is a marker in Ireland that claims the burial spot of Prophet Jeremiah known as "Olemfallem"{prophet or seer of God} This is where we get our names like Jerry and David. Our two cultures are full of biblical names and our towns are called by biblical names. There is no doubt that the celts are indeed the so-called Lost tribes.
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