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Kalimah Dua & Salah: Name of Student . Start Date . Teacher

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Dua & Salah

Book 3

Name of Student .

Start date .

Teacher .


When My servants ask you about Me, I am
always near. I answer their prayers when they
pray to Me. [2:186]


001. Kalima Twayyibah ................................................ 5
002. Kalima Shahadah ................................................. 5
003. Iman e Mujmal ..................................................... 6
004. Iman e Mufassal ................................................... 7
005. Kalima Tawhid ..................................................... 8
006. Thana ................................................................... 9
007. Ruku .................................................................. 10
008. Tasmee ............................................................. 10
009. Tahmeed ............................................................ 10
010. Sajdah ................................................................ 11
011. Dua between the two sajda ................................ 11
012. Tashahud ........................................................... 12
013. Durood E Ibrahim ............................................... 13
014. Durood E Ibrahim ............................................... 14
015. Dua after Durood ............................................... 15
016. Salam ................................................................. 16
017. General Dua 1 .................................................... 16
018. General Dua 2 .................................................... 17
019. General dua 3 .................................................... 18
020. Dua in lailatul Qadr ............................................ 19
021. Dua Qunut ......................................................... 20
022. The Call to prayer (Adhan) ................................. 22
023. After we hear the adhan we say ......................... 23
024. Dua in Janazah .................................................. 24
025. Before we eat we say ......................................... 25
026. In the middle of the meal we say ........................ 25
027. After we finish our food we say .......................... 25
028. When we wear new clothes we say ................... 26
029. When leaving Home ........................................... 26


030. When we go to bed we say ................................ 27
031. When we wake up we say .................................. 27
032. When we go to the toilet we say ......................... 27
033. When we come out of the toilet we say .............. 28
034. When we have finished making wadu we say .... 28
035. As we get in to our car we say ........................... 29
036. When we are travelling in a car we say .............. 29
037. When we enter the masjid we say ...................... 30
038. When we leave the masjid we say ..................... 30
039. Dua Children should make for their parents ....... 30
040. If you are worried or have debt say .................... 31
041. Everyday tasbih ................................................. 31
042. Morning and Evening Dua .................................. 32
043. Dua to break fast ................................................ 32
044. 99 Names of Allah .............................................. 32

001. Kalima Twayyibah

There is no god but Allah

Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah

002. Kalima Shahadah

I testify that there is no god except Allah

He is unique. He has no partner

And I also testify that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is indeed his
servant and Messenger

003. Iman e Mujmal

I believe in Allah

As he is known by his names and attributes.

I will do whatever he tells me to do

004. Iman e Mufassal

I believe in Allah

And his angels

And his books

And his messengers

And the Day of Judgement

And in the Qadr - All good and bad comes from Allah

And Life after death

005. Kalima Tawhid

There is no god but Allah

He is unique. He has no partner.

To him belongs all dominion

And to him belongs all praise

He gives life and causes death

In his hand is all good

And only he has power over everything

006. Thana

Glory be to you Oh Allah

Praise be to you

And blessed is your name

Very lofty is your greatness

And there is no god besides you

007. Ruku

Glory be to my Lord, The Great
008. Tasmee

Those who praise Allah, He hears them.

009. Tahmeed

Our Lord. Unto you belongs all praise

An abundant beautiful blessed praise

010. Sajdah

Glory be to my Lord, the most High

011. Dua between the two sajda

Oh Allah! Forgive me. Have mercy on me

Grant me ease. Guide me

Grant me provision

012. Tashahud

All acts of worship are due only to Allah.

Peace be upon you O Prophet (Peace be upon him) and the mercy
and the blessings of Allah.

Peace be upon us and the pious servants of Allah

I bear witness that there is nobody worthy of worship except Allah
and I bear witness that Muhammad peace be upon him is the servant
and messenger of Allah.

013. Durood E Ibrahim

Oh Allah shower your mercy on Muhammad peace be upon him and
his family

As you showered your mercy on Ibrahim peace be upon him

And his family

Surely you are praiseworthy and most High

014. Durood E Ibrahim

Oh Allah shower your blessings on Muhammad (pbuh) and his family

As you showered your blessings on Ibrahim (pbuh)

And his family

Surely you are praiseworthy and most High

015. Dua after Durood

Oh Allah I have wronged myself greatly

And nobody forgives sins except you

Grant me forgiveness

And have mercy on me

Surely you are the Forgiver and the Merciful

016. Salam

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you

017. General Dua 1

Oh our Lord grant us

Good in the world

And good in the hereafter

And save us from the torment of the fire

018. General Dua 2

I seek refuge of Allah

from the punishment of the grave

And I seek refuge of Allah

from the punishment of the fire

And I seek refuge of Allah

And from the trials of life and death

And I seek refuge of Allah

from the evil of the trial of Dajjal

019. General dua 3

O Allah. You are giver of peace

And only from you is peace is obtained

Verily blessed are you

O owner of greatness and Majesty, Bestower of honour and

020. Dua in lailatul Qadr

O Allah: You are the forgiver

And you love forgiveness

So please forgive me

021. Dua Qunut

Oh Allah We seek help only from you

We ask your forgiveness

And we believe in you

And we put our trust in you

And we worship you in the best manner

And we thank you

And we are not ungrateful to you

And we stay away from bad people

Oh Allah You alone we worship

We pray to you

and make sajda

And only towards you do we hurry

And we hope for your mercy

And we fear your punishment

Indeed your punishment will definitely reach the Kuffar.

022. The Call to prayer (Adhan)

Allah is most Great
4 times

2 times
I witness there is no god but Allah

2 times
I witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is the messenger of Allah

2 times
Rush to prayer
2 times
Rush to success

Allah is most Great
2 times
There is no god but Allah

023. After we hear the adhan we say

Oh Allah: Lord of this perfect call

And Lord of the prayers we are about to pray

Grant to Muhammad (Peace be upon him) Waseelah (intercession)
and virtue

And raise him to the praised position which you have promised him

Verily you do not go against your promise

024. Dua in Janazah

Oh Allah Forgive our living and our dead

Those who are present and those who are absent

Our youngsters and our elders. Our males and our females.

Oh Allah Those you gave life from amongst us give him life in Islam


And those whom you give death from amongst us give him death
upon Iman


025. Before we eat we say

In the name of Allah and on the given blessings of Allah

026. In the middle of the meal we say

In the name of Allah, at the beginning and at the end

027. After we finish our food we say

All praise is for Allah who has fed us
Given us drink (satisfied our thirst)

And made us amongst the Muslims.

028. When we wear new clothes we say

All praise belongs to Allah who adorned me with

clothing by which I cover (hide) my private areas

and by which I obtain beauty in my life.

029. When leaving Home

I depart in Allahs name relying on him

It is Allah who saves us from sins with his guidance

030. When we go to bed we say

Oh Allah in your name I live and die

031. When we wake up we say

All praise is for Allah who revived us to life after giving us death and
to him we shall have to return

032. When we go to the toilet we say

Oh Allah I seek refuge in you from the foul male and female devils

033. When we come out of the toilet we say

Oh Allah I ask your pardon. Praise be to Allah who relieves me from
suffering and give me health

034. When we have finished making wadu we say

I testify that there is no god except Allah

He is alone. He has no partner

And I also testify that Muhammad is indeed his servant and

Oh Allah Make me of those who are repentant and make me of those
who are purified

035. As we get in to our car we say


In the name of Allah Most Kind most Merciful

036. When we are travelling in a car we say

Glory be to Allah, who has subjugated this means of travel for us
though we were unable to subdue it.

Behold we are assuredly to return unto our lord.

037. When we enter the masjid we say

Oh Allah! Open for me the doors of your mercy

038. When we leave the masjid we say

Oh Allah! I seek from you your bounty

039. Dua Children should make for their parents

Oh Allah. Forgive me and my parents

And all the Mumins on the day of judgement

040. If you are worried or have debt say

Oh Allah I seek only your refuge from all worry and grief.

And I seek refuge from being helpless and lazy, cowardly and stingy.

And I seek refuge from being overpowered by debt and the
oppression of people

041. Everyday tasbih

Glory be to Allah and His is the praise, (and) Allah, the Greatest is
free from imperfection

042. Morning and Evening Dua

We have made (started) the morning (and night) in whose Name

nothing in the skies and the earth can harm and He is the All-hearing,
the All-knowing.

043. Dua to break fast

= = _'= --- =' +''

"O Allah, I have fasted for You and from the sustenance given by You,
I break the fast".

044. 99 Names of Allah

"Allah! There is no god but He! To Him belongs the Most Beautiful
Names." (Qur'an 20:8)

Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said:

'There are ninety-nine names of Allah; he who commits them to
memory will get into Paradise.


Allah '' Allah

The Merciful -= ' Ar Rahman

The Compassionate ,= ' Ar Raheem

The King ='-' Al Malik

The Holy --' Al Quddus

The Giver of Peace `-' As Salaam

The Giver of
-,-' Al Mu'min

The protector -,+-' Al Muhaymin

The Mighty , ' Al 'Aziz

The Compeller '-=' Al Jabbar

The Majestic ---' Al Mutakabbir

The Creator ''=' Al Khaliq

The Maker '-' Al Baari'

The Fashioner ,--' Al Musawwir

The Great Forgiver '-' Al Ghaffar

The Dominant '+-' Al Qahhar

The Bestower ' ,' Al Wahhab


The Provider ' Ar Razzaq

The Opener '--' Al Fattah

The All-Knowing , '' Al 'Alim

The Withholder -'-' Al Qabidh

The Plentiful Giver =-'-' Al Baasit

The Abaser '=' Al Khafidh

The Elevator _ ' Ar Rafi'

The Honourer -' Al Mu'izz

The Humiliator --' Al Mudhill

The All-Hearing _,--' Al Sami'

The All-Seeing ,--' Al Baseer

The Judge =' Al Hakam

The Just -' Al Adl

The Subtle -,='' Al Lateef

The All-Aware ,-=' Al Kabeer

The Clement ,'=' Al Haleem

The Most Great ,=' Al 'Adheem

The Forgiver ,-' Al Ghaffur

The Most
,-' Ash Shakoor

The Most High '' Al 'Ali

The Great ,-' Al Kabir

The Preserver =,-=' Al Hafidh

The Helper -,-' Al Mugheeth

The Reckoner -,-=' Al Hasseeb

The Exhalted .,'=' Al Jaleel

The Bountiful , ' Al Kareem

The Watcher -, ' Ar Rakeeb

The Responsive -,=-' Al Mujeeb

The All-
_- ,' Al Waasi'

The Wise ,=' Al Hakeem

The Loving ,' Al Wadood

The Glorious -,=-' Al Mujeed

The Raiser -='-' Al Ba'ith

The Witness -,+-' Ash Shaheed


The Truth =' Al Haqq

The Trustee ., ,' Al Wakeel

The Strong ,-' Al Qawi'

The Firm ,--' Al Mateen

The Protecting
' ,' Al Wali'

The Praiseworthy -,-=' Al Hameed

The Counter -=-' Al Muhsi'

The Giver of Life ,=-' Al Muhyi'

The Originator ---' Al Mubdi'

The Reproducer -,-' Al Mu'eed

The Giver of Death -,- -' Al Mumeet

The Living =' Al Hayy

The Self-Subsisting ,,-' Al Qayyum

The One -=,' Al Wahid

The Glorious -='-' Al Majid

The Perceiver -= ,' Al Wajid

The Independent ---' As Samad


The Powerful '-' Al Qaadir

The Dominant ----' Al Muqtadir

The Promoter ---' Al Muqaddim

The Retarder = ,-' Al Mu'akhkhir

The First ` Al Awwal

The Last =` Al Akhir

The Manifest '=' Adh Dhahir

The Hidden ='-' Al Baatin

The Governor ' ,' Al Waali

The Highly Exalted ''--' Al Muta'ali

The Beneficent -' Al Barr

The Relenting '-' At Tawwab

The Avenger ----' Al Muntaqim

The Pardoner ,-' Al 'Afu

The Compassionate ' Ar Ra'uf

The Owner of
='-' =''- Malik al-Mulk

The Lord of Majesty ` `=' Dhu'l Jalal wa'l-

and Bounty Ikram

The Equitable =---' Al Muqsit

The Gatherer _-'=' Al Jaami

The Self-Sufficient -' Al Ghani

The Enricher --' Al Mughni

The Witholder _-'-' Al Mani

The Distresser '-' Ad Darr

The Benefactor _'-' An Naafi

The Light ,-' An Nur

The Guide '+' Al Haadi

The Originator _, --' Al Badi'

The EverLasting '-' Al Baqi

The Heir ,' Al Waarith

The Guide to the
Right Path
-,- ' Ar Rasheed

The Enduring ,--' As Sabur


Name of
Name of
1 Twayyibah 27 Finish food
2 Shahadah 28 New clothes
3 Mujmal 29 Leaving Home
4 Mufassal 30 Going to Bed
5 Tawhid 31 Waking up
6 Thana 32 Entering toilet
7 Ruku 33 Leaving toilet
8 Tasmee 34 After Wadhu
9 Tahmeed 35 Getting In car
10 Sajdah 36 Travelling
11 Dua between
37 Dua when
entering the

12 Tashahud 38 Leaving masjid
13 Durood 1 39 Parents
14 Durood 2 40 Worries
15 Dua after
41 Every day
16 Salam 42 Morning &

17 Dua 1 43 Dua - break fast
18 Dua 2 44 Asma ul Husna
19 Dua 3
20 Lailatul Qadr

21 Dua Qunut
22 Ad-han
23 Dua after ad-

24 Dua in

25 Dua before

26 Dua while


Tanzeel Weekend School

Room 2
Unit 114 Cavell Exchange
100/136 Cavell Street
London E1 2JA

T: 0207 092 9818
M: 07532 035 551
E: weekendschool@hotmail.com
W: www.lhaonline.co.uk


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