Reflection 1
Reflection 1
Reflection 1
here at Florida State University. I had such a good time and believe I truly learned so
much. This class exposed me to so much material and different styles that I have never
seen before. Over the course of completing these four projects I most defiantly became
more knowledgeable and a better writer. All the projects evolved from the first project,
which was my Investigative Field essay. This project helped me grow more as a writer
because I learned how to access sources and do the proper research, that needs to be done
this style of project. It helped me understand how to work the FSU library, as well as
understand different types of sources and where to go to access them. I used and read
over so many scholarly articles, which had been a challenge for me in high school to find
the energy to pay attention to these sources and actually spend time reading them. I also
think I did a good job with structuring my essay and correlating it back to the conclusion.
I had fun writing this paper and I was so happy with it when I finished. I was happy with
the whole writing, but I was most happy with my use of sources and backing up their
evidence. My project was focused on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and its effects. All
the information I gathered was surprising to me because of the fact that I didn’t know
much about FAS, although now it is very clear why many people with Fetal Alcohol
Syndrome are subject in adulthood to crime, Psychiatic illness, unemployment, substance
abuse and suicide. The second project was a rhetorical analysis. I feel as if I advanced my
skills as a writer through this project, as I did not even know what a rhetorical analysis
was prior to this class. I enjoyed working on this project because it was a chance to look
at a piece of media and really break it down to understand it on many levels, instead of
just researching and finding sources. Before this I didn’t know what, the rhetorical
appeals were, but I think I grew as a writer and am confident with my use of logos, ethos,
and pathos in my writing. I can correctly understand each appeal in a writing or piece of
media as well as learned how to use them myself. I was happy with my writing about first
and second audiences that my pieces were aimed at. I really enjoyed this part and thought
I did my best to fully explain why this is the audience and who it is specifically. I really
liked that for this project we spent time researching the actual author and their
have never done a rhetorical rationale or have ever seen one before. I liked learning what
it is and making my own. I also liked making three different genre pieces. I had a lot of
fun coming up with what to say in my TikTok and putting together my infographic. I
think it’s nice that in this project you're not so much explaining what is being done, but
you are describing why you did what you did. I learned that colors have meaning, and
they are always used for a specific reason, not just used randomly. I liked playing with
the colors to get my message across in my infographic. I thought explaining why you did
something and how that specific thing affects the audience is very important and should
always be known. I learned how to compare my different genres to each other and how
they use different rhetorical appeals to get the same message across, as well as how that
affects the audience. I came up with two different audiences for my project, which all
three genres should reach in different ways. I made an infographic, a TikTok video, and a
letter all in this project and thought it was really fun to see all the different media sources
I could use to convey my message. I am very happy with my project and glad I now
know how to successfully complete a rhetorical rationale for the future. I can’t believe
this course has officially come to an end. I am truly grateful for all the new information I
learned and tried my best to master. I now understand a new variety of concepts that I can
use for the rest of my college experience and my life in the future.