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Alternative Remote Learning Habits of Junior High School Students of ARMM Regional Science High School Brought by Covid-19

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Volume: 10
Pages: 465-469
Document ID: 2023PEMJ872
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8120054
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-5-7
Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 465-469, Document ID:2023 PEMJ872, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8120054, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Alternative Remote Learning Habits of Junior High School Students of

ARMM Regional Science High School Brought by Covid-19
Faiza L. Escudero*, Alnoury M. Cauring
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
Emergency remote learning is the unplanned and sudden shift from the traditional form of education
into a remote one following the state of emergency in different countries due to COVID-19. This
study aimed to assess the alternative remote learning habits of Junior High School students brought
on by COVID-19. The forty selected participants of the study were Junior High School students from
Grade 8 to Grade 10, S.Y. 2022-2023, ARMM Regional Science High School. They were requested
to answer the modified survey questionnaire from Sakiirudeen (2017) through google forms. Based
on the data gathered, 82.5% of the Junior High School students utilized the blended learning
modality, 97.5% of them acquired a smartphone, and 80% of them did online research via online
platforms to effectively attain learning during the pandemic. Also, students perceived that they have
good learning habits in terms of note-taking, use of educational software applications, and time
allocation to study which has a grand mean of 3 denotes Agree. This study concluded that students
practiced note-taking skills, used effective education software applications, and managed well their
time schedules during the pandemic to attain learning.

Keywords: junior high school students, alternative remote learning habits, note- taking skills,
educational software applications

Introduction Literature Review

COVID-19 affects the Philippine educational system Due to COVID-19 surge all educational institutions
that the face to face learning has been stopped so the were closed to promote the need for social-distancing,
students cannot be infected. So, to avoid the virus aggravating the impact on education. Schools and
infection, the Department of Education (DepEd) educational institutes have remained closed even after
decided to innovate their teaching method through the unlock phases to ensure the safety of students,
modular, online, and blended learning. Remote teachers and their families. The United Nations
learning is where the student and the educator, or Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
information source, are not physically present in a (UNESCO) responded to the school closures by
traditional classroom environment. Information is issuing several recommendations. It called for the use
relayed through technology, such as discussion boards, of distance-learning programs, open educational
video conferencing, and online assessments. Remote applications and platforms that schools and teachers
can use to reach learners remotely and limit the
learning can occur synchronously with real-time peer-
disruption of education. The idea of using digital
to-peer interactio n and co llabor atio n, or
technologies to teach studentsfrom homes was
asynchronously, with self-paced learning activities that
introduced to continue with education and overcome
take place independently of the instructor (Tophat,
mental stress and anxiety during the lockdown. The
2021). The remote learning gives hope to the students
COVID-19 pandemic resulted ina digital revolution in
so the learning would not stop. Yet, this new remote
thehigher education system through online lectures,
learning needs access to gadgets or educational
teleconferencing, digital open books, online
devices in order for students to attain well the learning
examination and interaction in virtual environments.
goals and well communication between students and
teacher virtually. Even it is hard for the some of the In the sphere of education, many of the measures that
students who cannot afford gadgets and fast internet the region’s countries have adopted in response to the
connection to sustain their learning, they are still eager crisis are related to the suspension of face-to-face
to learn and get connected virtually. By that, this study classes at all levels, which has given rise to three main
assessed the alternative remote learning habits of areas of action: the deployment of distance learning
Junior High School during COVID-19 pandemic. modalities through a variety of formats and platforms
(with or without the use of technology); the support
and mobilization of education personnel and

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 465-469, Document ID:2023 PEMJ872, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8120054, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

communities; and concern for the health and overall

well-being of students (Education in the time of
COVID-19, 2020). The speed of the reactions of
educational institutions and their members is an Results and Discussion
admirable reminder of the flexibility and
responsiveness of teachers and students in ensuring
that the provision of a high-quality learning Figure 1. Percentage of utilized remote learning
environment is maintained despite the adversity faced. modality.
Universities closed their campuses and whilst some
international students remained in accommodation, the
reality of continuing to provide higher priority, for
teaching, administrative, and technical staff alike
virtually overnight (Pokhrel & Chhetri, 2021). This
phenomenon is causing a lot of difficulties especially
as voiced out by students in the context of developing
countries. In the study of Pokhrel et al. (2021), it
reveals that the following categories of difficulties in
remote learning: unstable contents; overloaded lesson
activities; limited teacher scaffolds; poor peer
communication; conflict with home responsibilities;
poor learning environment; financial related problems; Figure 2. Percentage of device acquired by the Junior
physical health compromises; and mental health High School students during COVID-19 pandemic.
struggles. Meanwhile, BARMM exec hopes educators,
learners’ hurdle Covid-19 crunch. An education
official in the Bangsamoro Region in Muslim
Mindanao (BARMM) is optimistic that the
government's Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) could
help educators and students in the region overcome the
challenges posed by the global pandemic. The
distribution of LCP equipment and educational
materials to recipient schools division in the region is
implemented. The ministry can effectively protect its
educators’ and learners’ well-being and ensure that the
education system will produce the next generation of
leaders and innovators in the BARMM amidst
pandemic (Fernandez, 2021).
Figure 3. Percentage of most learning habits by the
Methodology Junior High School students that help to effectively
attain learning amidst pandemic.
The descriptive survey research design was utilized in
this study which focused on the assessment of
alternative remote learning habits of 40 selected Junior
High School students of ARMM Regional Science
High School brought by COVID-19. This study used
random sampling to identify the responses of the 40
Junior High School Students from Grade 8 to Grade 10
S.Y. 2022-2023 on the alternative remote learning
habits during the pandemic. The 15-item modified
survey questionnaire from Sakiirudeen (2017) was
utilized as an instrument for gathering the necessary
data through Google Forms. It comprised 3 parts
which were note taking, use of educational software
applications, and time allocation to study. Data were
gathered through descriptive analyses.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 465-469, Document ID:2023 PEMJ872, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8120054, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

instruction teaching and promote more rational use of

the technological and economic resources of schools
Table 1. Students’ perspective on the alternative
without jeopardizing academic work, it can improve
remote learning habits.
student learning outcomes and experiences in novel
educational settings. It also stipulated as the first
option to enrich the experience and effectiveness of
student learning in a new educational environment
(Batista-Toledo & Gavilan, 2022). Whereas, modular
learning modality is the cheapest learning modality for
students due to no need for an internet allowance.
Online learning modality, on the other hand, is the
least among the three modalities because some
students can't afford data packages and they mostly
encountered internet connectivity problems. This
caused a lot of difficulties especially as voiced out by
the students that the following categories of difficulties
in remote learning are unstable content, limited teacher
scaffolds, poor peer communication, and financial-
related problems (Pokhrel et al., 2021). Thus, the
blended learning modality is the most preferred
learning modality by students during the COVID-19

The majority of student-participants (97.5%) acquired

smartphones as learning devices during the pandemic.
Aside from smartphones, they also acquired internet
connection packages (85%) and even laptop computers
(52.5%). Therefore, the most acquired device by the
JHS students is the smartphone and it is the most used
as their source and serves as a guide of their learning,
and brings easier to use them. The use of smartphones
is gradually becoming a compelling learning tool used
to enhance teaching and learning in distance education.
Its usage ensures flexible course delivery, and makes it
possible for learners to access online learning
platforms, access course resources, and interact
digitally (Darko-Adjei, 2019). Internet connection is
associated with the smartphone which is less
functional when no internet connection is vital to
acquire online learning. Consequently, it is also
important for students to access online classes and
modules via online platforms with the help of
smartphones, and laptops with internet connection.
Thus, the smartphone is the most acquired device
This study limits the alternative remote learning habits during the new normal education time of the
of Junior High School students (n=40) of ARMM pandemic.
Regional Science High School brought by COVID-19.
Based on the data gathered, 82.5% of the Junior High Moreover, most students (80%) do online research via
School students utilized blended learning, 22.5% in online platforms, 72.5% of them do the self-
modular learning, and 2.5% in online learning understanding and answers, 57.5% of students seek
modality. The blended learning modality is the most assistance from family/elder relatives, whereas 37.5%
utilized. Blended learning can enhance the quality of of them are browsing books, and 22.5% of seek
assistance to the teacher via the online platform.
Therefore, most learning habits by the JHS students
are online researching via online platforms which is

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 465-469, Document ID:2023 PEMJ872, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8120054, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

commonly useful to them and usher them to pandemic. Also, it recommends comparing the
understand their lesson and is easier for them to use. learning habits of Bangsamoro learners during and
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a digital after the pandemic.
revolution in the higher education system through
online lectures, teleconferencing, digital open books,
online examination, and interaction in virtual Conclusion
environments which online research is the most
alternative way of attaining learning (UNESCO, In conclusion, most students utilized the blended
2020). Whereas, students who seek assistance from learning modality and they acquired smartphones as
teachers via the online platform have the least learning learning devices for online research to attain learning
habits. According to student-participants, the teachers effectively amidst the pandemic. Also, students
sometimes cannot reach out because they are perceived that they have good learning habits of note-
sometimes busy which leads the students to hesitation taking skills, use effective educational software
to ask for assistance from their teachers. Also, the applications, and manage their time to study
pandemic caused a lot of difficulties especially as efficiently.
voiced out by the students that one of the difficulties in
remote learning is the limited teacher scaffolds
(Pokhrel et al., 2021). Furthermore, online researching References
via online platforms is the most effective habit to
attain learning amidst the pandemic as perceived by BATISTA-TOLEDO,S. and D. GAVILAN. 2022. Implementation
the student-participants. of Blended Learning during COVID-19. Retrieved on May 17,2023.
from https://www.mdpi.com/2673-8392/2/4/121.

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Research Article

Retrieved on March 24, 2023. from Affiliations and Corresponding Information

h t t p s : / / t o p h a t . c o m / g l o s s a r y / r / r e m o t e -l e a r n i n g / .
Faiza L. Escudero
UNESCO. 2020. Education: from school closure to recovery.
ARMM Regional Science High School Deparment of
R e t r i e v e d o n May 1 5 , 2 0 2 3 . from
https://www.unesco.org/en/covid-19/education-response. Edlucation Philippines-MBHTE BARMM
Alnoury M. Cauring, LPT, Mscied
ARMM Regional Science High School Department of
Education Philippines-MBHTE BARMM

Escudero & Cauring 469/469

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