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Captain Harun - MASTER ORALS Answers - Docx-1 - PDF - Marine Salvage - Ships

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Captain Harun - MASTER ORALS Answers - Docx-1

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1) What is Solas equivalent to Singapore ships?

SOLAS Equivalent to Singapore fag ships is the MERCHANT SHIPPING ACT
hapter !"# regulation !!$

2) What is legislation does Singapore ships should

Singapore fag ships shoul% &ollo' Mariti(e legislation o& Singapore 'hih
inlu%es ats o& parlia(ent in Singapore that a)et the port o& Singapore
an% ship*s register un%er the Singapore fag$
Currentl+, the Mariti(e an% Port Authorit+ o& Singapore a%(inister &our
Ats, na(el+-
!$ Mariti(e an% Port Authorit+ o& Singapore .Chapter !"/A01
2$ Merhant Shipping At .Chapter !"#01
3$ Prevention o& Pollution o& the Sea At .Chapter 24301 an%
4.  Merhant Shipping .Civil Lia5ilit+ an% Co(pensation &or Oil Pollution0
At .Chapter !6/0$

3)  What is subsidiary legislation?

Su5si%iar+ Legislation is the 'ritten la' (a%e 5+ (inisters, a%(inistrative
agenies an% statuar+ 5oar%s un%er the authorit+ o& the STAT7TE .parent
at0 or other la'&ul agen+ an% not %iretl+ 5+ Parlia(ent$

 Although there is no general require(ent .as there is in the 7nite%

8ing%o(0 &or su5si%iar+ legislation to 5e lai% 5e&ore Parlia(ent &or its
in&or(ation, this is usuall+ %one in Singapore$
 Regulations (a%e 5+ MPA given authorit+ 5+ (inister o& Singapore
are alle% su5si%iar+ legislation$

 MPA o& Singapore a%(inistrate 4 ACTS OR STAT7TES-

I$ Mariti(e an% port authorit+ o& Singapore .Chpter !"/A0
IV. MERCHANT SHIPPING .Civil lia5ilit+ an% o(pensation &or oil
pollution0 at .CHAPTER !6/0

 4) What are circulars and how are they related to

Cirulars provi%e the shipping o((unit+ 'ith up%ates on %evelop(ents
;ithin the Singapore port as 'ell as international gui%elines<regulations
ship, re' an% port operations, a(ong other areas$
 T+pe o& irulars an% noties-
a) Port Marine Circulars .Issue% 5+ Port Master0 regar%ing hanges o& 
rules< regulations 'hih a)et onl+ 'ithin har5our li(its
) Port Marine !otices .issue% 5+ Port Master0 regar%ing an+
or (aintenane<repair 'or=s arrie% out 'hih te(poraril+ ha(pere% the
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navigation 'ithin the har5or

>oth the a5ove usuall+ issue% to shipping o((unit+, har5or ra&ts ?
pleasure ra&ts
C0 Shipping Cirulars .issue% 5+ @iretor o& Marine0 regar%ing national an%
international Regulations up%ates, hanges or reo((en%ation, usuall+
onern Ship o'ner, (anager, operator, Master, :lag ship an% shipping

0  What is Merchant shipping circular?

Merhant Shipping Cirulars  .issue% 5+ @iretor o& Marine0 regar%ing
national an%
International Regulations up%ates, hanges or reo((en%ation, usuall+
onern Ship o'ner, (anager, operator, Master, :lag ship an% shipping

") Second o#cer called 2a$ rcvd distress $sg% $ain

concern&'ction to rescue(* not then how to +usti*, authorit,)
7) Actions when distress msg rcvd - do not mention tanker on

Answer: (See IMSAR VOL 3 OR GMDSS Vol 5 flow diagrams on correct procedres to react to t!e
distress alert"
# In no case s!old a s!ip transmit a DS$ distress rela% call on receipt of a DS$ distress alert on eit!er 
V&' DS$ or M' DS$ c!annels
# Distress rela% calls on &' c!annels s!old )e initiated manall%
My actions will be:
# $!ec* distress position and own s!ip position
# If a)le to pro+ide assistance wit!ot endangering own s!ip and crew,s
- $onslt $OMSAR $irc .5 flow diagram on receipt of distress alert:
o Listen on V&' c!/0 or ./1.*!2 for 5 mins

o If $S or R$$ does not ac*nowledge t!e call ac*nowledge t!e alert )% radiotelep!on% (c!/04 ./1.

o Inform $S or R$$

o nter details into t!e log

o Reset t!e s%stem

- $onslt IAMSAR +olme III for SAR operation

- sta)lis! commnication as soon as possi)le and o)tain details of distressed +essel6 sc! as:
o 7!e S!ip identit% s!ip name call sign and etc

o 8osition

o $orse

o Speed

o  9atre of distress

o 7%pe of assistance reired

- 8ro+ide +essel in distress m% own s!ip info sc! as:

o Own s!ip identit%

o S!ip crrent position

o S!ip corse and speed

o 7A to t!e scenes

o Distress +essel )earing and distance

- I will tr% contact t!e R$$4 SM$ +ia coast radio station tr% to o)tain as mc! information from t!e
SM$ sc! as t!e SAR action plan t!e identit% and t!e contact of t!e OS$
- I will carr% ot t!e on )oard preparation for SAR
- If I cannot find an% sr+i+or after going to t!e scene I will report to R$$ and $ondct t!e
e;panding sare searc!

  On board preparations for proceeding for search and rescue: 
o 8ost e;tra loo* ot ( if good +isi)ilit% pt t!em !ig! p from t!e !ori2on6 if +isi)ilit% is )ad pt
t!em near to t!e sea srface at fwd station"
o S!ip proceed at fll speed )t inform $4 to stand)% t!e engine for mane+ering

o Inform owner 4 c!arterer a)ot t!e de+iation

o  9ote down t!e point of de+iation and RO<

o Assign duties to Officers. 

  Instrct $4O to prepare:
= 8repared t!e !ospital for recei+e an% casalties stretc!ers )lan*ets food medicines
= 8repare resce )oat for immediate lanc!ing
= 8repared resce crew s and c!ec* commnication
= Get all t!e LSA read% for immediate se: life)o% L7A )o%ant life lines and etc
= Rig gest wrap accommodation ladder scram)ling nets and lifelines rnning from )ow to astern at
t!e water edge at )ot! side
= 8repare cranes and derric*s wit! cargo nets for reco+er% of sr+i+ors
= 7est searc! lig!t signaling lamp torc!es

  Instrct .nd officer to:

= 8lot )ot! +essels, positions and esta)lis! corse to rende2+os at ma;imm speed and pdate 7A
= 8lot ot!er +essels wit!in t!e searc! +icinit% toget!er wit! t!eir respecti+e mo+ements
= $!ange o+er to manal steering
= 8lot searc! pattern
= >eep continos radar watc!
= 7rac* all +essels in t!e +icinit%

  Instrct 3rd officer to:

= $ontact R$$ +ia $RS
= Maintain commnication radio watc! and pdate distress information
= Monitor weat!er report

8) Suppose you not proceed for rescue, in what circumstances you can do
that? hat is your actions?

S-'S regulation /(00.1 provi%es that i& the ship reeiving the %istress
alert is una5le or, in the speial iru(stanes o& the ase, onsi%ers it
unreasona5le or unneessar+ to proee% to their assistane, the (aster
(ust enter in the log 5oo= the reason &or &ailing to proee% to the
assistane o& the persons in %istress, ta=ing into aount the IMO
reo((en%ation!6 to in&or( the appropriate SAR servie aor%ingl+$

Masters o& ships 'ill 5e release% &ro( the o5ligation i(pose% 5+ on 9<33$!
on learning that-
!$ Their ships have not 5een requisitione%1 an%
2$ One or (ore other ships have 5een requisitione% an% are o(pl+ing 'ith
the requisition$
 The regulation &urther provi%es that this %eision (ust, i& possi5le, 5e
o((uniate% to the other requisitione%
ships an% to the SAR servie$ SOLAS regulation 9<33$4 provi%es that the
(aster o& a ship 'ill 5e release% &ro( the o5ligation i(pose% 5+

regulation 9<33$! an%, i& his ship has 5een requisitione%, &ro( the
o5ligation i(pose% 5+ regulation 9<33$2 on 5eing in&or(e% 5+-
? the persons in %istress1 or 5+
? the SAR servie .OSC<SMC01 or 5+
? the (aster o& another ship 'hih has reahe% the persons in %istress,
 that assistane is no longer neessar+$
 I& the ship reeiving the %istress alert is una5le to %o so .e$g$ 5eause it s
%isa5le% 'ith an engine 5rea=%o'n0
 In the speial iru(stanes o& the ase, onsi%ers it unreasona5le or
unneessar+  to %o so$ .The (aster o& a loa%e% gas arrier (ight onsi%er
the o5ligation to assist a tan=er on Dre unreasona5le0
 The (aster o& a ship in a 5us+ shipping area (ight onsi%er the o5ligation to
assist a ship !// (iles a'a+ unneessar+, 'here he =ne' that (an+ other
ships 'oul% 5e loser to the %istress position$

) oading dg on general cargo?

 The arriage o& %angerous goo%s in pa=age% &or( shoul% 5e in
o(pliane 'ith the provision o& IM@G CO@E an% as per SOLAS Chapter
9II.Carriage on %angerous goo%s0
 Ship should have Document of compliance (SOLAS CH-2/II,
reulation-!", #araraph-$%&  
 D' ote/ Shipper)s declaration of D' oods *hich *ill include+
(SOLAS CH-II, eulation-$%&
 8roper s!ipping name
 @9 no
 $lass and di+ision
 8ac*aging grop
  9o and *ind of pac*ages
 antit%
 Date of preparation of declaration
  9ame ran* compan% and address of signator%
 D' manifests (SOLAS CH-II, eulation-$%&  
 Detailed sto*ae plan&(SOLAS CH-II, eulation-$%&
 To provi%e a%%itional sa&et+ (easures in or%er to a%%ress the Dre sa&et+
o5etives o& this hapter &or ships arr+ing %angerous goo%s$ The &ollo'ing
&untional require(ents

• :ire protetion s+ste(s shall 5e provi%e% to protet the ship &ro(

the a%%e% Dre haFar%s assoiate% 'ith arriage o& %angerous
• %angerous goo%s shall 5e a%equatel+ separate% &ro( ignition
soures1 an%
Appropriate personnel protetive equip(ent shall 5e provi%e% &or
the haFar%s assoiate% 'ith the arriage o& %angerous goo%s $


 Che= @G note, @G (ani&ests are provi%e%$
 9essel to 5e given propose% sto'age plan$

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 Che= i& segregation require(ents are (et$

 Che= (ar=ing, la5eling an% plaar%ing o& the ontainers are in
goo% on%ition$
 @a(age% or lea=e% ontainers 'ill not 5e aepte%$
 8eep o(5usti5le (aterials a'a+ &ro( soures o& ignition$
 Sto' in plaes not lia5le to %a(age or heating$
 Sto' in a position so that the ontents (a+ 5e (ove%<ettisone% in
ase o& an+ e(ergen+$
 Na=e% lights an% s(o=ing is prohi5ite% in or near @G areas$
 :ire Dghting applianes are =ept rea%+ to %eal 'ith possi5le Dre$
 Protetive lothing an% SC>A sets to 5e availa5le$
 >un=ering, hot 'or=, use o& ra%ar or ra%io trans(itters to 5e
stoppe%, espeiall+ i& the argoes are eplosive t+pe$
 I& possi5le, the operation to 5e in %a+light hours$ At night, a%equate
lightings to 5e provi%e%$
 A(5ient te(perature in relation to the fash point to 5e ta=en into
 An+ spillage to 5e are&ull+ %ealt 'ith, ta=ing into onsi%eration the
nature o& the su5stane$
 Consult EMS an% M:AG in ase o& an+ ai%ent involving @G$
 One ontainers are loa%e%, loation o& @G ontainers to 5e
ounterhe=e% 'ith the 5a+ plan$

Chapter II2- Constrution  Dre protetion, %etetion, etintion

 Re&er to the Interi( gui%elines &or opentop ontainerships

1) 3eav, li*t loading generator?

I 'ill tr+ to ollet in&or(ation a5out the heav+ li&t, suh as-
;hat t+pe o& argoK
 The 'eight o& argo$
@i(ensions an% siFe o& the argo$
Cargo 'ill 5e loa%e% 5+ ship<shores li&ting gear$
;hen the argo is arriving$
@estination o& argo$
;here the argo 'ill 5e loa%e% as per shippers instrution$
Inlu%e the heav+ li&t in argo plan, onsi%ering all the aspets o& 
argo planning$
Rigging of heavy lift

All gears assoiate% 'ith li&ting suh as runners, gu+ pen%ants,

ta=les, 5lo=s et, to 5e ea(ine% are&ull+$
Li&ting gears an% assoiate% equip(ents to 5e grease% an% rene'e%
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as neessar+$
All other riggings leare%$
Rig 'ires, 5lo=s et as per rigging plan$
Rig Preventers an% 5a=sta+s as per the plan$
 Topping li&t in goo% on%ition an% seurel+ sha=le% .(ouse%0$
;inhes shoul% 5e in %ou5le gear$
@erri= unla(pe% &ro( (ast$
Set tight preventer gu+s$
Rig etra sta+s i& require%
One la(p re(ove%, ta=e 'eight on (essenger an% slo'l+ lo'er
the %erri=$
Prior lifting
Che= vessel*s sta5ilit+$
Mai(u( possi5le loss o& GM in the operation to 5e alulate%$
Mai(u( possi5le list an% tri( %uring operation to 5e alulate%$
:ree sur&ae e)ets to 5e onsi%ere%$
All tan=s shoul% 5e presse% up or e(pt+ to avoi% &ree sur&ae e)et$
9essel to 5e even =eel an% upright as &ar as pratia5le$
Rig &en%ers$
Cast o) an+ 5arge$
 Test the S;L o& the li&ting gear an% assoiate% equip(ents, it (ust
5e 5elo' the 'eight to 5e li&te%$
Che= loa% %ensit+ o& the hath<%e= area the loa% 5eing loa%e%$
Loa% %ensit+ (ust not eee% the value given in sta5ilit+ 5oo=let$
@istri5ute loa% on %e= using %unnage$
Rails re(ove%$
>arges ast o)$
7nneessar+ personnel re(ove%$
Lashing arrange(ent is suient$ Etra lashing points (a+ 5e
When lifting
In&or( E<Roo( an% galle+$
In&or( all relevant personnel$
Ensure &ore an% a&t (oorings are taut an% ten%e%$
7se stea%+ing lines .s'ing preventers0$
Co(petent 'inh(an$
Co((uniation signals un%erstoo%$ Stan%ar% signals as per COS;P
to 5e use%$
Onl+ one o(petent person to signal the 'hole operation$
;hole operation to 5e supervise% 5+ a responsi5le oer$
Raise gang'a+$
 The %erri= to 5e plu(5e% over the 'eight$
 Ta=e 'eight slo'l+$
Li&t the loa% slo'l+, s'ing in the orret position an% loa% on the
appropriate position$
Control s'ing 5+ stea%+ing sta+s$
Consi%er e(ergen+ ation i& vessel %evelops heav+ list .(ore than
alulate%0 %uring the operation$
 Ta=e proper lashing, onsi%ering heav+ 'eather on the vo+age$

Best place to load

>est plae is 'here etra strengthening is provi%e% 5+-
Longitu%inals, plate foors$
Soli% foors or transeverses$
Ea(ples- along longitu%inal enter gir%er, lo'er hol% a5a&t
(ahiner+ spae$
Loa% %ensit+ not to 5e eee%e%$
In the hath, in pre&erene to on %e= 5eause o& larger GM$

11) 5igging plan% load densit,% etc

Rigging plan  a ship*s arrange(ent plan 'hih illustrates the operational

aspets o& the ship*s li&ting applianes$ Sa&e 'or=ing loa%s an% (ai(u(
per(issi5le outreah li(its 'oul% epet to 5e %ispla+e% alongsi%e the
relate% positions o& argo sto'age o(part(ents$

12) What is SM. Wh, it is i$portant(What is written in

SM Code.

ISM- International Manage(ent Co%e &or the Sa&e Operation o& Ships an%
Pollution Prevention as a%opte% 5+ the Asse(5l+, as (a+ 5e a(en%e% 5+
the OrganiFation$
:untional require(ents &or a sa&et+(anage(ent s+ste(
Ever+ Co(pan+ shoul% %evelop, i(ple(ent an% (aintain a sa&et+
Manage(ent s+ste(

.SMS0 'hih inlu%es the &ollo'ing &untional require(ents-

 a sa&et+ an% environ(entalprotetion poli+1
instrutions ? proe%ures to ensure sa&e operation o& ships an%
protetion o& the environ(ent in o(pliane 'ith relevant international
an% fag State legislation1
 %eDne% levels o& authorit+ an% lines o& o((uniation 5et'een, an%
a(ongst, shore an% ship5oar% personnel1
 proe%ures &or reporting ai%ents an% non on&or(ities 'ith the
provisions o& this Co%e
 proe%ures to prepare &or an% respon% to e(ergen+ situations
 proe%ures &or internal au%its an% (anage(ent revie's$

Master6s responsiilities7
a0 I(ple(enting the Sa&et+ an% Environ(ent Protetion poli+ o& the
50 (otivating the re'*s (e(5er to o(pl+ poli+
0 issue% appropriate instrution or or%er in si(ple an% lear (anner
%0 veri&+ing the speial require(ent has 5een o(plie%

e0revie' the sa&et+ (anage(ent s+ste( an% report its %eDien+ to Shore
5ase (anage(ent

's per SM section 17 Maintenance o* Ship and 8quip$ents7

ship is (aintaine% in on&or(it+ 'ith the provisions o& the relevant
rules an% regulations an% 'ith an+ a%%itional require(ents 'hih (a+
5e esta5lishe% 5+ the Co(pan+$
an+ nonon&or(it+ (ust 5e reporte%, 'ith possi5le ause i& =no'n

10) 9rills according to S-'S and reg no.? Merchant

shipping circular no??

') As per SOLAS Chapter III, Part >  Regulation No$ !#,
 Ever+ re' (e(5er shall partiipate in at least ! a5an%on ship %rill
an% ! Dre %rill ever+ (onth$
  The %rills shall ta=e plae 'ithin 24 h o& the ship leaving a port i& 
(ore than 2 o& the re' have not partiipate% in a5an%on ship
an% Dre %rills on 5oar% that partiular ship in the previous (onth$
 ;hen a ship enters servie &or the Drst ti(e, a&ter (o%iDation o& a
(aor harater or 'hen a ne' re' is engage%, these %rills shall
5e hel% 5e&ore sailing$
 Eah li&e5oat shall 5e launhe% an% (anoeuvre% in 'ater at least
one ever+ 3 (onths$
 Eah resue 5oat shall 5e launhe% one a (onth$

:) As per SOLAS Chapter 9, Regulation No$ 2J, e(ergen+ steering gear

%rills shall ta=e plae at least one ever+ 3 (onths$

C)  ISPS %rill-

shall 5e on%ute% at least one ever+ three (onth$
 ;hen (ore than 2 o& the re' has 5een hange% ? have not
previousl+ partiipate% in an+ %ril on that ship, 'ithin the last 3
(onths, a %rill shoul% 5e on%ute% 'ithin one 'ee= o& the re'
Seurit+ eerises 'hih (a+ inlu%e partiipation o& CSO, P:SO
an% SSO shoul% 5e arrie% out at least one eah alen%ar +ear
'ith no (ore than !6 (onths 5et'een the eerises$

9) E(ergen+ steering %rills shall ta=e plae at least once ever, three
$onths in or%er to pratise e(ergen+ steering proe%ures$ These
%rills shall inlu%e %iret ontrol 'ithin the steering gear
o(part(ent, the o((uniations proe%ure 'ith the navigation
5ri%ge an%, 'here applia5le, the operation o& alternative po'er

14) What is PSC ; FSC?

Port state control-  Esta5lishe% to ensure o(pliane o& various

international regulations 5+ (erhant vessels engage% in international
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Esta5lishe% 5+ the (ariti(e a%(inistration o& a ountr+ in 'hose port the

vessel is in$

•  The+ are e(po'ere% to inspet the &oreign ships in their ports$

•  The+ an %etain su5stan%ar% ships$

•  The+ an he= operational proe%ures$

•  The+ an veri&+ o(peten+ o& oers or re's$

•  The+ are to veri&+ that the on%ition o& the ship ? its equip(ents o(pl+
'ith the require(ents$

o  The+ 5a= fag state$

Flag state control-

Mariti(e a%(inistration o& a ountr+ un%er 'hose fag the vessel is

• Esta5lishe% to ensure o(pliane 'ith various loal an% national

regulations 5+ (erhant vessels$

•  The+ are e(po'ere% to inspet the ship$

•  The+ an he= operational proe%ures$

 The+ an veri&+ o(peten+ o& oers or re's

1<) Wh, vessel to e chec=ed in *oreign port , PSC
even +ust cleared FSC('nnual surve,.
AS PER APPLICATION 7N@ER M- 5es '. >>&1) a$ended to 2&21)
 The right to inspet ships 5+ port states is lai% %o'n in &ollo'ing
'hih is usuall+ inorporate% into a ountr+*s national la' an% there&ore
ships registere% are un%er these provisions .an% are su5ete% to PSC
 SOLAS Convention "4<"6Chapt I, Reg!#$
 MARPOL Convention "3<"6
 Loa%line Convention !#JJ
 STC; Convention !##
 Collision Prevention Regulations !#"2
 International Tonnage Convention !#J#
 Anti&ouling S+ste( Convention .A:S 2//!0
ILO Convention Nr$ !4" .re' ao((o%ation0
1") 's a Master% how will u =eep ,our vessel read, at
all ti$e *or FSC.
-11% -14%

Galaxy Watch6 | Watch6


1>) /essel aground% what is $ain concern

Ations 'ill speiDall+ %epen% on the t+pe o& ai%ent or %a(age$ :ollo'ing
are the (ain steps in o((on-
I((e%iate Ations-
 Ta=e the on
:ollo' e(ergen+ proe%ures as per o(pan+ e(ergen+ proe%ures
(anual, 'hih shoul% inlu%e-
o Soun% the e(ergen+ alar(
o Stop engine
o Announe 5+ PA
o Hea% ount, loo= &or asualt+ an% esta5lish o((uniation
o Close 'ater tight %oors$

 Ativate SOPEP an% ta=e preventive ations in ase o& an+ oil pollution
 Or%er hie& oer ? Chie& engineer &or %a(age assess(ent on %e= an%
engine roo(, 'hih shall inlu%e -
o ;ater tight integrit+ o& hull an% su5sequent 5reahes o& sa(e$
o Aess rate o& foo%ing i& an+$
o Con%ition o& (ahiner+ spae ? status o& engine an% au$ (ahiner+$
o Che= hull &or %a(age
o 9isuall+ inspetion o(part(ents 'here possi5le$
o Soun%ing the 5otto( tan=s Drst, then &urther 5+ the 'hole sets o& tan=s on
o Che= the 'ater %epth aroun% the ship, tr+ to Dgure 'hih si%e got (ore
'ater an% 'hat is the rate o& groun%ing an% ho' she ta=e the groun%$
o ;ith han% lea% line, %eter(ine the natural o& sea 5e%$
 O5taining &ollo'ing in&o*s &ro( e(ergen+ tea(s-
o @etails asualties i& an+
o An+ Dre ris=
o An+ in&or(ation regar%ing assoiates pro5le($
 On the 5ri%ge, the o((an% tea( 'ill %o the &ollo'ings-
 Maintain 9H: 'ath .Ch!J ? !30
 Ehi5it lights< shapes an% appropriate soun% signals$
 S'ith on %e= light at night$
 @eter(ine the vessel position
 >roa%ast %istress (essage i& in grave an% i((inent %anger an% i((e%iate
assistane is require%, else 5roa%ast urgen+ (essage as require%$
 Report the ini%ent 'ith position an% ti(e to the &ollo'ing parties-
B Loal authorities
B O'ner an% harterer .i& an+0
B P?I lu5 orrespon%ents
B Ma=e ai%ent report to MPA 'ithin 24 hours
 Tr+ to (ini(iFe the i((e%iate %anger an% the ris= o& Dre, pollution an% et$
 @eter(ine possi5ilit+ o& refoating the ship an% ta=e appropriate ations-
 Calulate height o& ti%e, range an% ti(ing &or high an% lo' 'ater, %iretion
o& the urrents$
 Re%ue the ship %ra&t 5+-
B @e 5allasting
B Qettison argoes
B Tri( the ship 5+ 5allast or %e5allast i& ship is onl+ partiall+ groun%$
 7se on po'er to (aneuver the ship
 O5tain assistane &ro( port authorities, oast guar%, salvage tugs$
-11% -14%


Galaxy Watch6 | Watch6 Classic


Su5sequent legal an% o((erial ations-

 Tr+ to o((uniate 'ith the O'ners as soon as pratia5le a&ter vessel
running agroun%$
o the &ollo'ing shoul% reporte% to o'ner-
B eat position ship run agroun%
B Part o& the vessel run agroun%
B Con%itions o& 'eather, 'in%, 'ave height, s'ell an% 'eather &oreast$
B Eten% the vessel agroun% .3/0, the %egree o& stress on hull an%
B @etails o& visi5le %a(age, inlu%ing lea=age &ro( tan=
B Ship engines status
B State the ti%e 'hen vessel running groun%$
B uantit+ an% %isposition o& argo on 5oar%
B Master assess(ent o& possi5ilities o& refoating prior net high 'ater
B @etails o& an+ salvage tugs in the viinit+
 I& iru(stanes per(it, the (aster shoul% al'a+s onsult the o'ner, or the
lea%ing un%er'riter 5e&ore agreeing 'ith an+ salvage ontrat$
 I& it is i(possi5le to ontat the o'ner or the lea% un%er'riter, (aster
shoul% onsi%er .Contractual salvage)   Tug*s tari) rate plus /to !//$ I& the
signing o& ontrat is %e(an%e% 5+ the salvage vessel, al'a+s as= &or LO:
2///, no ure no pa+$

 Contractual salvage is charged as per lump sum rate or daily rate. It is normally taken
when the vessel is not in imminent danger and immediate assistance is not required
(e.g. vessel is soft ground in a sheltered and nontidal harbor). It turns out to be much
cheaper for the owners.

 The LOF   is based on ‘o cure ! o pay" basis and salvage award is based on
remuneration that will be settled later# either by agreement# court $udgment or 
arbitration. It is generally taken by vessels which are in grave and imminent danger 
and immediate assistance is required.

 %uring refoating operation, the &ollo'ing shoul% 5e reor% in the %e= log
5oo=, use anne page i& neessar+-
o The ti(es o& all events %uring salvage operation
o The progress o& the operations$
o State o& the ti%e, 'in% an% 'eather$
o The nature o& an+ speial ris= &ae 5+ the salvors1
o An+ %a(age or har( su)er 5+ salvors1
o Nature an% eten% the assistane provi%e% 5+ the ship*s re' an% the
o @etails o& an+ %a(age sustaine% 5+ the ship %uring the salvage operation$
 A %etaile% report o& the operation together 'ith relevant log a5strat shall
5e sen% to the o'ner .shall onsult the Mariner role in olletive evi%ene0$
 Shall note a protest at Drst opportunit+, state% the &at onl+, reserves right
'ill eten% in ti(e an% plae o& onveniene$U
 A state(ent shall 5een %ra'n up 5+ (aster an% sent to o'ner, sho'ing
vessel epen%itures an% onsu(ption in eess o& the %ail+ nor( %uring the
refoating operation, inlu%ing-
B Cre'*s overti(e .ite(iFe% on the separate sheets0
B &uel oil
B %iesel oil
B lu5riating oil
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B various engine spare parts, stores, 'ires, sha=les an% et$$ .shall ite(iFe%
in separate% sheet0
 Epen%iture in refoating &ollo'ing the ai%ental groun%ing (a+ quali&+ as
general average$
 Master shoul% %isuss 'ith o'ner regar%ing the port o& re&uge, port o& 
%isharging, port o& repairs an% %elaration o& G$A$
 I& the situation allo's, the o'ner nor(all+ 'ill (a=e reo((en% . in
onsultation 'ith their lea%ing un%er'riters0 (a=ing &or an e)etive port o& 
re&uge$ i$e$- one 'ith several repair +ar% apa5le o& (a=ing te(porar+ or
per(anent repairs$ .the proe%ure (a=ing &or an% arrival at P$O$R shoul% 5e
 M$S A Ch !"# setion !/", require% the report to MPA 'ithin 24 hours .Dnes
up to V!/,/// i& &aile% to %o so0
 Cause an entr+ to OL>$
 Sta5ilit+ onern 'hen groun%ing-
o 9irtue loss o& GM .MM!0W P  8M < ; or GG!WP  8G< ;  P
B PW MCTC  t.(0 < Length o& CO: &ro( AP.(0
B PW Ol% %isplae(ent  Ne' %isplae(ent
B PW TPC  re%uing o& (ean %ra&t .(0
o Ship (a+ tipping o) or apsiFe i& spot groun%ing, ust li=e the %r+ %o=
ritial perio%$
o Shall onsi%er to inrease or i(prove% the sta5ilit+ 5u+ 5allast or %e5allast
an% re(ove an+ &ree sur&ae e)et$

1)  Assuming that no ris! to life is present the Master"s priority would be to
direct his attentions to reducing the pollution effects to the en#ironment. $his
could be carried out in many ways and the following methods are suggested

Assu(ing that no ris= to li&e is present the Masters priorit+ 'oul% 5e to %iret
his attentions to re%uing the pollution e)ets to the environ(ent$ This oul%
5e arrie% out in (an+ 'a+s an% the &ollo'ing (etho%s are suggeste%-
 Or%er the upper dec= scuppers to 5e seale% an% prevent aess
oversi%e &or an+ oil &ro( %a(age% tan=s 5eing pressured upwards
through air pipes or soun%ing pipes$
  Trans&er oil &ro( %a(age% tan=s internall,% into =no'n struturall+
soun% tan=s$
 Request shuttle tan=ers or oil 5arges to atten%, to trans&er oil
 Ma=e use o& antipollution che$icals an% or%er (ore supplies to 5e
fo'n in to the area to o(5at on 5oar% pollution, onl+ 'ith the
approval &ro( the oastal state a%(inistration$
 Or%er arrier(oo$ apparatus to 5e %eplo+e% i& availa5le
.alternative i(provisation  use (ooring ropes to eno(pass the
spillage area0, 5+ resue 5oat i& 'eather per(it$
 Co((ene lean up operations soonest, to inlu%e oil recover,
vessels% s=i$$ers% an% the li=e$
 nstigate repairs .or te(porar+ repairs0 to %a(age% areas as soon
as pratial, 'ithout ausing an+ a%%itional Dre ris=$ Proper
proe%ures to &ollo' suh as gas &reeing, enlose% spae entr+, hot
'or= per(its an% ris= o& assess(ent shall 5e &ollo'$

 Contat the Marine Pollution Control Anit &MPCA) an% see= 

advice as to i$proving antipollution $ethods $
 Cause an entr, to e $ade into the -il 5ecord :oo= to refet
the ini%ent an% 'hat ations have 5een ta=en$
 Esta5lish a Bre patrol in the area , &ro( the onset o& the ini%ent$
Prepare% the ::A &or an+ e(ergen+$
 Co(plete an incident report to the MAI>$

 It (ust 5e assu(e% that o((uniations &ollo'ing the groun%ing ini%ent
have inlu%e% ontat 'ith o'ners<un%er'riters<harter part+, et$
 Loal Coastguar%s via the Coast Ra%io Station shoul% have reeive% an
urgen+ all$ A position report 5eing (a%e an% a 'eather &oreast o5taine%$
 Reests for tgs s*immers )arges and specialist +essels ma% )e appropriate toget!er wit! oil
 polltion effecti+e c!emicals and )arrier eipment

1) What all certiBcate required to carr, and where

,ou can re*er?
 As per SOLASpart 2 anne !  CertiDates an%
%ou(ents to 5e arrie% on 5oar% Ships$

2) atest change in MC% Circular no?

21) SC no (214 content

22) 5est hour

3ours o* Wor= and 5est
All persons assigne% %ut+ as an oer in harge o& a navigational or
engine roo( 'ath, or a rating &or(ing part o& a navigational or engine
roo( 'ath, or an+ sea&arer 'hose %uties involve %esignate% sa&et+,
prevention o& pollution an% seurit+ %uties have to 5e provi%e% 'ith rest
perio%s as &ollo's-

a$ A (ini(u( o& !/ hours rest in an+ 24 hour perio%1

5$ "" hours rest in an+ " %a+ perio%1 an%
$ The hours o& rest (a+ 5e %ivi%e% into no (ore than t'o perio%s, one
o& 'hih shall 5e
at least J hours in length an% the intervals 5et'een onseutive
perio%s o& rest shall
not eee% !4 hours$
%$ Re%ution o& rest hours to "/ hours in an+ "%a+ perio% is allo'e% &or
not (ore than t'o onseutive 'ee=s$

Masters shall post a ta5le o& ship5oar% 'or=ing arrange(ents .i$e$

in&or(ation on she%ule% %ail+ hours o& 'or=<rest at sea an% in port0 in
an easil+ aessi5le loation in the 'or=ing language.s0 o& the ship an%
in English, &or the 5eneDt o& all re' (e(5ers$ Reor%s o& sea&arers*
%ail+ rest hours shall 5e properl+ reor%e% an% 5e %ul+ authentiate% 5+
-11% -14%


Galaxy Watch6 | Watch6 Classic


the (aster or an oer %esignate% 5+ the (aster$ A op+ o& the reor%s
o& rest hours an% she%ules pertaining to sea&arers, %ul+ en%orse% 5+ the
(aster or a person authorise% 5+ the (aster, shall 5e (a%e availa5le to
the sea&arer$ Co(panies are reo((en%e% to use a stan%ar% &or(at &or
preparing ta5les o& sea&arers* ship5oar% 'or=ing arrange(ents an%
'ath she%ules an% reor% o& rest hours to sho' o(pliane 'ith STC;
require(ents$ Co(panies are a%vise% to use the IMO<ILO Gui%elines! in
preparing the %ut+ she%ules an% rest hours reor%s an% these reor%s
.'hih (a+ 5e o(puterise%0 shall 5e retaine% on 5oar% &or at least 2
+ears to ena5le (onitoring an% veriDation o& o(pliane in aor%ane
'ith the provisions o& Setion A9III<!$ Co(panies shoul% inorporate the
proe%ures &or preparing the 'ath she%ules an% reor%ing o& %ail+
hours o& rest in the ship*s sa&et+ (anage(ent s+ste($

20) -#cial log oo=.


24) i*e oat lowering in heav, weather??

Re&er to MSC$!<Cir$!2/J

So(e stea%+ing (etho% to 5e use% so that the li&e 5oat %oes not lan%
har% against the ship si%e$

Prevent the &all 5lo=s to hit ship re' or li&e5oat$

>oat re's (ust 'ear li&e a=et, hel(et, i((ersion suit in ol% li(ate
&or resuing operation$

Sea quelling oil (a+ 5e use% to re%ue the seas$

9essel to reate a goo% lee$ ;in% to 5e on the opposite 5o'$

Ship plugs$

Lo'er li&e5oat into the trough o& a 'ave$

On the net rising rest, release the hoo=s i((e%iatel+ an%


Cast o) the painter one lear$

>ear o) the ships si%e 'ith tiller, oars or 5oat hoo=$

Engine is starte% 5e&ore the release o& 5lo=s an% =ept neutral$

One li&e5oat is un%er'a+, tiller put against ships si%e an% 'ith &ull
throttle lear o) the ship$

Rig &en%ers, (attresses or (ooring ropes to prevent the 5oat &ro( 5eing
stave% %uring an a%verse roll$

A argo net, slung 5et'een %avits an% trailing in the 'ater &or re' to hang on
in ase the 5oat apsiFe alongsi%e$ It shoul% not ha(per the operation o& the

 The painter is rigge% an% =ept tight throughout so as to =eep the 5oat in
position 5et'een the &alls$

 The &alls are loosel+ tie% 'ith a line, le% to the %e= an% (anne%$ ;hen the
5oat is unhoo=e%, the line line 'ill stea%+ the &alls an% prevent ai%ental
ontat 'ith the 5oat re's$

One unhoo=e%, the 5lo=s shoul% 5e ta=en up to avoi% inuring the re's in

2<) loal weather pattern(draw the pattern

2") Facing heav, weather(/essel cannot

o MSC$!226, to onDr( 'ave perio%s n 'ave length, &ollo'ing or 5o'
o S'ell %iretion, 5aro(etri pressure ten%en+
o Note o& Protest .Sea Protest0



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!$ Sur& ri%ing an% >roahing to-

 ;hen a ship is situate% on the steep &ore&ront o& a high 'ave in &ollo'ing
or quartering
sea on%itions, the ship an 5e aelerate% to ri%e on the 'ave$ This is
=no'n as sur&ri%ing$ In this situation the soalle% 5roahingto
pheno(enon (a+ our, 'hih en%angers the ship
to apsiFing as a result o& a su%%en hange o& the ship*s hea%ing an%
unepete% large heeling$
 Our 'hen angle o& enounter !3YZ%Z22Y$

2$ S+nhronous rolling- Large rolling (otions (a+ our 'hen natural

rolling perio% o& a ship oini%es 'ith the enounter 'ave perio%$ In
&ollo'ing an% quartering seas, it (a+ happen 'hen the transverse sta5ilit+
o& the ship is (arginal an% there&ore the natural roll perio% 5eo(es longer$

3$ Para(etri rolling- It ours 'hen the enounter perio% is approi(atel+

hal& o& the natural roll perio% o& the ship$ The sta5ilit+ attains a (ini(u(
value t'ie %uring eah roll perio%$ It ours 'hen the ship has ver+
(arginal intat sta5ilit+ %ue to 'hih its rolling perio% 5eo(es ver+ large$
Ma+ our in hea% an% 5o' seas$

4$ Co(5ination o& various %angerous pheno(enons- The %+na(i

5ehaviour o& ship in &ollo'ing an% quartering seas is ver+ o(ple$ Ship
(otion is three %i(ensional an% various %angerous pheno(ena (a+ our
si(ultaneousl+, suh as-
a$ a%%itional heeling (o(ents %ue to %e=e%ge i((ersion, 'ater
shipping an% trapping on %e=
5$ Cargo shi&t %ue to large heeling (otions$ This (a+ reate
etre(el+ %angerous o(5inations, 'hih (a+ ause ship

$ Suessive high 'ave atta=- ;hen average 'ave length is larger than
/$6 L an% signiDant 'ave height is larger than /$/4 L, a ship (a+
eperiene suessive atta= o& high 'aves$

5$ Ho' to avoi%K
!$ Sur& ri%ing an% >roahing to- Alter the spee%<ourse or 5oth to ta=e the
ship outsi%e the %angerous region

2$ S+nhronous rolling- Alter the spee%<ourse or 5oth to prevent a

s+nhronous rolling (otion 'hih 'ill our 'hen the enounter 'ave
perio% is nearl+ equal to the natural rolling perio% o& ship$

3$ Para(etri rolling- Change apparent perio% o& 'aves 5+ alteration o&

ourse an% spee% or hange vessels rolling perio% 5+ hanging the GM 5+
5allasting, %e5allasting or shi&ting fui%s$

4$ Suessive high 'ave atta=- Ship*s spee% shoul% 5e re%ue% an% ourse
shoul% 5e hange% to =eep the

2>) What is S-'S(Chapter.


 The International Convention  &or the Sa&et+ o& Li&e at Sea . S-'S0 is an
international (ariti(e sa&et+ treat+$ It ensures that ships fagge% 5+
signator+ States o(pl+ 'ith (ini(u( sa&et+ stan%ar%s in onstrution,
equip(ent an% operation$

art !
 Artiles o& the International Convention &or the Sa&et+ o& Li&e at Sea,

 Protool o& !#66 relating to the International Convention &or the Sa&et+
o& Li&e at Sea, !#"4

 Consoli%ate% tet o& the anne to the International Convention &or the
Sa&et+ o& Li&e at Sea, !#"4,an% the !#66 Protool relating thereto

Chapter I General provisions

Chapter II! Constrution [ Struture, su5%ivision an% sta5ilit+,
(ahiner+ an%
eletrial installations
Chapter II2 Constrution [ :ire protetion, Dre %etetion an% Dre
Chapter III Li&esaving applianes an% arrange(ents
Chapter I9 Ra%ioo((uniations
Chapter 9 Sa&et+ o& navigation
Chapter 9I Carriage o& argoes
Chapter 9II Carriage o& %angerous goo%s
Chapter 9III Nulear ships
Chapter I\ Manage(ent &or the sa&e operation o& ships
Chapter \ Sa&et+ (easures &or highspee% ra&t
Chapter \I! Speial (easures to enhane (ariti(e sa&et+
Chapter \ I  2 Speial (easures to enhane (ariti(e seurit+
Chapter \ I I A%%itional sa&et+ (easures &or 5ul= arriers
Appen%i CertiDates
art "
Anne ! CertiDates an% %ou(ents require% to 5e arrie% on
5oar% ships
Anne 2 List o& resolutions a%opte% 5+ the SOLAS Con&erenes

2) Passage plan(Main concern.

Prior to eah vo+age i shall insure that the inten%e% route is &ro( 5erth to
5erth using a%equate an% appropriate harts an% other pu5liation &or
inten%e% vo+age 'hih shoul% ontain aurate, o(plete an% up to %ate
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Passage plan should be made keeping in mind the following:

o &'& Chapter *# +egulation ,- ! &afe navigation and avoidance of dangerous
o I' +esolution ./0, (12) ! 3uidelines 4or *oyage 5lanning
o I' &C.26Circ.211/ ! +evised guidance to the aster for voiding 7angerous
&ituations in dverse 8eather and &ea Conditions
o 5 &hipping Circular 29 of 1:2: ! Importance of *oyage 5lanning and voiding
7angerous &ituations in dverse 8eather ; &ea Conditions
o +outeing Charts
o &ailing 7irections
o ariner<s =andbook (5 2::)
o IC& >ridge 5rocedures 3uide
o 'cean 5assages for the 8orld
o Company<s && 5assage 5lan Checklist

;ith the re&erene o& SOLAS Chapter 9, Regulation 34, the passage plan
shall i%enti&+ a route 'hih-
 ta=es into aount an+ relevant ships routeing s+ste(s
 ensures suient sea roo( &or the sa&e passage o& the ship
throughout the vo+age
antiipates all =no'n navigational haFar%s an% a%verse 'eather
on%itions .
 Ta=es into aount the (arine environ(ental protetion (easures
that appl+, an% avoi%s, as &ar as possi5le, ations an% ativities 'hih
oul% ause %a(age to the environ(ent$ .e$g$ (ar= out the MARPOL
Speial Areas un%er Anne I, 9 ? 9I (e.g. changeover of content fuel
oil ....m/m prior entering theEC) an% an+ No Go AreasU 5+ the loal

  #$% &'(S %&#&% *$ --- MA + S,. '%'/0A% *$ S,

$W&%S $1 2 $# "3!!


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2) Stowaway found onboard prior arrival port, state your actions?

 s per I' &C ,21 and 5 5ort arine Circular o. 2- of 1::9# the following actions to be
a) to make every effort to determine immediately the port of embarkation# the identity# including
the nationality6citi@enship and the right of residence of the stowaway

b) to prepare a statement containing all available information relevant to the stowaway for 
presentation to theappropriate authorities# including taking photo of the stowaway.

c) inform the 'wners# 5 ; I club# ocal uthorities# 5ort &tate# 5 and gent the eAistence of a
stowawayand any relevant details

d) Bhe area in which the stowaway was found shall be searched thoroughly

e) ot to depart from the planned voyage to seek the disembarkation of the stowaway unless
permission to disembark the stowaway has been granted by the public authorities of the &tate
to whose port the ship deviates# or repatriation has been arranged elsewhere with sufficient
documentation and permission given for disembarkation# or unless there are eAtenuating
safety# security# health or compassionate reasons

f) to ensure that the stowaway is presented to the appropriate authorities at the neAt port of call
in accordance with their requirements

g) to take appropriate measures to ensure the security# general health# welfare and safety of the
&towaway until disembarkation# including providing him6her with adequate provisioning#
 ccommodation# proper medical attention and sanitary facilities

h) to ensure that stowaways are not made to work on board the ship# eAcept in emergency
situations or in relation to the stowaway<s accommodation on board
i) to ensure that stowaways are treated humanely# consistent with the basic principles

 $) the stowaways shall not sign in the ' and enter in any crew list. Instead a &towaway istD
shall be prepared and kept ready for appropriate authorities

k) Evidences of all the cost incurred in the stowaway case must be gathered to support the
owner"s claim against the 5 ; I policy

l) 4ull details of all events relating to the stowaway incident shall be recorded in the '>

0) Wh, =eeping all event log i$portant *or u as a Master.




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Ships* (asters have an i(portant role  the collection o* evidence  'hih

'ill help the P? I Clu5 to evaluate the incident or da$age   an% to
estalish liailit,   ? to de*end clai$s which are received *ro$
in+ured persons% the owners o* da$aged cargo or propert,% or *ro$
a ter$inal operator.
Me(ories &a%e$ It is there&ore i(perative to 'rite notes on ho' the ini%ent
ourre% as soon as possi5le a&ter the event$
;henever there is a %eath, inur+ or even an allegation o& inur+ on 5oar%,
or in the viinit+ o& the ship, al'a+s in&or( the loal Clu5 orrespon%ent,
regar%less o& 'hether the inure% person is a re' (e(5er$

eneral Procedures
 al'a+s investigate an% o(plete +our o(pan+*s ai%ent report &or(
.&or all ai%ents not
 ust &or re' inuries01

 report the ini%ent to +our o'ner or (anager1

other than o(pletion o& +our o(pan+*s ai%ent report &or(, never
(a=e a &or(al State(ent or epress an opinion as to 'hat ourre%$
Co(plete +our ai%ent report &or(
5ut %o not give an+ other state(ent eept to the la'+er appointe% 5+
the Clu5$ This 'ill 5e
Privilege% an% annot 5e use% against +our e(plo+er in ourt1

 in the event o& inur+ &ollo'ing an ai%ent-

o in port, noti&+ +our o'ner or (anager an% the P?I orrespon%ent1
o at sea, noti&+ +our o'ner or (anager, o5tain ra%io (e%ial a%vie1
 as 'ell as o(pleting the ai%ent report, 'rite a %etaile%
%esription o& 'hat ourre% .these notes 'ill help to re&resh +our
(e(or+ %uring the su5sequent intervie' 'ith a la'+er01
 as= 'itnesses to 'rite a %etaile% %esription o& 'hat the+ sa' or
hear% .+ou 'ill nee% a speial &or( &or this 'hih is supplie% 5+ +our
o'ner or (anager01
 i& ship*s equip(ent or the ship*s struture 'as involve% in the inur+,
ea(ine the equip(ent, ta=e photographs o& the plae 'here the
ai%ent is sai% to have ourre% .an% reor% the ti(e an% the %ate
o& photographs0, retain an% properl+ la5el 5ro=en piees$
A&ter'ar%s, o5tain a op+ o& the (aintenane reor% o& the
equip(ent an% an+ applia5le tests1
 on%ut an inspetion o& the loation 'here the ai%ent ourre%
'ith the Clu5*s appointe% surve+or or loal orrespon%ent1
 al'a+s =eep %etaile% reor%s o& all (e%ial treat(ent given on
5oar% an% an+ in%epen%ent

01) 5ecent change *or gas equip$ent(SC.




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02) oading o* ul= cargo D SF &Ee, wor= MS9S and

where to Ble or displa,)

a. s per &'& ! Chapter *I (+eg 1)# the shipper shall provide the ship with the following
cargo information?
2. &towage factor# type and quantity
1. Brimming 5rocedures
,. ikelihood of shifting including angle of repose# if applicable
-. oisture content and its Bransportable oisture imit (B)
F. ny other relevant safety information such as chemical ha@ards
9. *oyage details such as destination# draught restriction# port restriction etc
c. Bhe vessel should have approved &tability >ooklet and approved oading anual

c. Bhere must be close co!operation between the vessel and terminal

d. *essel and the terminal representative must prepare and agreed on oading67ischarging

e. If there is any amendment or deviation from the plan# the terminal representative must be

f. Cargo spaces shall be inspected and prepared for the particular cargo which is to be loaded

g. >ilge wells and strainer plates shall be so arranged to facilitate drainage and to prevent
entry of the cargoes into the bilge system.

h. >ilge lines# sounding pipes and other service lines within the cargo space shall be in good

i. =igh free flow drop of heavy concentrated cargo should be avoided

 $. Ensure that there is no damage to the ship structure during loading

k.*entilation systems should be shut down and air conditioning systems placed on recirculation
during loading to minimi@e dust ingress into the accommodation

l. Ensure that the cargo is trimmed reasonably level

m. Ensure that the cargo and ballast operations are closely monitored

n. fter completion of loading# the cargo hold and its fittings must be inspected thoroughly for 

+efer to ppendiA - for alphabetical indeA of the cargo. Bhen refer to the ppendiA 2 for 
individual schedule of cargo to obtain cargo details like description# characteristics# angle of 
repose# ha@ard# stowage and segregation requirements and ventilation and carriage
requirements. Bhe cargo plan will be prepared based on all these information.

00)  Marpol  'nne@ 2 and 0

04) S'5 situation% Wor=ing procedure?

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