CH 15-1
CH 15-1
CH 15-1
Chapter 24: Electric Potential 24-2: Electric Potential Energy
When an electrostatic force acts between two or more charged
Electric potential Energy and Electric potential particles within a system of particles, we can assign an electric
Calculating the E-potential from E-field for different potential energy U to the system.
charge distributions If the system changes its configuration from an initial state i to a
different final state f Æ does work W on the particles
Calculating the E-field from E-potential But is a conservative force Î work (W) depends on the end
points (i and f) and not on the path.
Potential of a charged isolated conductor As for other conservative forces, the work W done by electrostatic
force results in change of potential energy (∆U) of the system
or we can write
Between any two points i and f in an E-field, the potential Work done by applied force
difference ∆V is:
and Work done by E-field or E-force
E-field always
directed from
higher potential
to lower potential
Î Vi > Vf
24-5: Calculating the potential from the field: 24-5: Calculating the potential from the field:
Example Example – continued from previous
Ex: Two conducting parallel plates separated by 0.3 cm, connected to Ex: Motion of a Proton in a Uniform Electric Field.
a 12V battery. Calculate the E-field magnitude between the plates
b) the speed of the proton at point B
but E = r inside a charged solid sphere of with
R3 continuous charge distribution
∆V = VD − VC = − ∫ Edr =
kQ 2 2
2 R 3
( )
R − r ⇒ VD =
kQ 2 2
2 R3
R − r + VC ) Æ
kQ ⎛ r2 ⎞
VD = ⎜⎜ 3 − 2 ⎟⎟ or
2R ⎝ R ⎠
24-9: Potential Due to a Continuous Charge 24-9: Potential Due to a Continuous Charge
Distribution Distribution: charged disc
Consider a charge distributed continuously on an extended object For the uniformly charged disk of radius R and surface charge density σ.
Find the electric potential at a point P located at a distance z along the
The potential at some point P perpendicular central z-axis of the disk
due to element charge dq is. For the element charge dq = σdA= σ 2πR’dR’ we have
dV = k
Total potential for the disc at P is From integral
Î The total potential due to tables
the charged object is
V = k∫
charge densities
dV = − Er dr ⇒ Er = −
From integral tables
For E-field in radial-direction
24-9: Calculating the Field From the Potential:
24-9: Calculating the Field From the Potential Example – Continued from previous slide
In general, For E-field in three dimensions (Cartesian coordinates) c) Calculate V and Ex if point P is located anywhere between the two
r r charges
E = E xiˆ + E y ˆj + E z kˆ and ds = dxiˆ + dyˆj + dzkˆ
⇒ dV = −( E x dx + E y dy + E z dz )
∂V ∂V ∂V
Ex = − Ey = − Ez = −
∂x ∂y ∂z
Ex: find Ex, Ey, and Ez
∂V ∂V
Ex = − = −6 xy Ey = − = −(3x 2 + 2 y + z )
∂x ∂y
∂V Note that at x = 0 Æ V = 0 and
Ez = − = −y
24-9: Calculating the Field From the Potential: 24-9: Calculating the field From the Potential:
Example Example
Ex: An electric dipole, along x-axis, centered at the origin and separated by a Calculate the E-field at a point P located at a distance z along the
distance 2a. Calculate a) electric potential at point P, b) Calculate V and Ex at perpendicular central z-axis of a disk of radius R and has charge
a point far (x >> a) from the dipole, and c) Calculate V and Ex if point P is density σ.
located anywhere between the two charges
The electric potential at any point on the central axis of a
a) Assume P is located at distance x from the origin Î uniformly charged disk was found before
The E-potential at z is
b) for x >> a ⇒ x 2 − a 2 ≈ x 2
(Note that V and
and E are zero at x =
24-10 : Electric Potential Energy of a System 24-10 : Electric Potential Energy of a System
of point charges of point charges: Example
The electric potential energy of a system of fixed point charges is Ex: for the charges shown, a) find the total potential at P, b) if
equal to the work that must be done by an external agent to assemble charge q3 is bring to point P (from infinity), find the change in it’s
the system, bringing each charge in from an infinite distance. potential energy, c) the total potential energy of the system
If we have a charge q2Æ qi
potential at P located at r12 is VP = ∑ Vi = k ∑ q2
i ri
If we bring (from infinity by external r2 = 4 2 + 32 = 5
q q
agent) an other charge q1 and place it at ⇒ VP = k ( 1 + 2 )
point P Æ work needed is W = q1V2 r1 r2 q1
Î the potential energy of the
system can be expressed as
24-10 : Electric Potential Energy of a System 24-10 : Electric Potential Energy of a System
of point charges of point charges: Example – continued
for system of more than two charged particles Æwe obtain the Ex: for the charges shown, a) find the total potential at P, b) if
total potential energy of the system by calculating U for every pair charge q3 is bring to point P (from infinity), find the change in it’s
of charges and summing the terms algebraically potential energy, c) the total potential energy of the system
(Ui = 0 at ∞) q2
r2 = 4 2 + 32 = 5
24-11 : Potential of a Charged Isolated 24-11 : Potential of a Charged Isolated
Conductor Conductor
For conductor in electrostatic equilibrium, if we Î For charge conducting sphere of charge
consider two points A and B on the surface Q (the figure)
Î E-field ┴ to the path connecting the two points on
a) E-potential at the surface is and is
the surface (since E is ┴ to surface) Î
equal to potential inside the sphere
b) Outside the sphere, the E-potential is
decreasing with r
c) On the other hand, the E-field inside the
conductor = 0, But out side the conductor it
Î VA= VB is
Î The surface of the conductor is an
equipotential surface (all the surface has
the same E-potential)