National-Anarchist Movement FAQ
National-Anarchist Movement FAQ
National-Anarchist Movement FAQ
National Anarchists come from many different backgrounds and work in many different
occupations. Many are from regular working class backgrounds, some are professionals,
others artists and musicians. Many National Anarchists come from Left or Right political
backgrounds who are fed up with the dogmas and political movement they were involved
with in the past. Usually National-Anarchists recognise that something isn’t “right,” the
lack of traction in creating a true social alternative in our community or country. Others are
tired of worn out dogmas, infantile pandering to certain groups, and to the globalist
agenda of the political status quo, or all truth be told, know that groups they were
associated with in the past are hopelessly unable to do the things that can make a
difference in today’s world. They want to create a true social alternative to the globalist
agenda of communist-hijacked political movements.
We advocate that society should be run with as little or no government as possible and on
an ethnic and cultural basis. Communities can also be organized by religion or sexual
orientation: the only limit is the imagination and will of the participants. We stress the
importance of autonomous local communities and oppose globalization in all its forms.
We are upfront and honest about our beliefs in a way that is unsettling for our critics. We
don’t bullshit people by telling them how they should live their lives or claim to have all the
answers for today’s problems. National-Anarchy is essentially a method of operation,
strategy, and tactics, to outflank global capitalism on the periphery and neutralise those
who would destroy our culture and identity to be replaced with a globalised consumer
Certainly not. It’s very convenient for people to say that National-Anarchism is just
‘fascism’ under another name, but we are defiantly opposed to centralisation and
bureaucratic fascism in all forms. In fact the primary characteristic of National Anarchism
is its anarchism and not its racial perspective. It is only at the next level down that one
finds the racial separatist position, although that, too, lies side by side with our anti-
capitalist, anti-democratic, anti-liberal and pro-green strategy. Therefore National-
Anarchism is a form of anarchism sui generis, an anarchism of it’s own.
See also
* 'Is National-Anarchism An Oxymoron? - National-Anarchism In A Nutshell'.
* National-Anarchist Communities: Will I Be Accepted?
I don’t like the term “National” Anarchism, explain why you use it.
We use the term because that was the term given by Troy Southgate who was key in
developing these ideas in their contemporary form. Getting caught up in labels is
unimportant, call it whatever you want for all we care. Alternative names some people like
are “Tribal Anarchists” or “Folkish Anarchists.” What matters is that we are National-
Anarchists against the State and liberal-Democracy.
See also
* 'Is National-Anarchism An Oxymoron? - National-Anarchism In A Nutshell'.
* National-Anarchist Communities: Will I Be Accepted?
Then how are the National Anarchists going to organize the economy?
As a general rule National Anarchists are opposed to capitalism and communism. They
seek instead a Third Way of meeting community interests and putting people before
profits. Liberal democratic consumerism is the antithesis of the kind of life we wish to
have. Liberal democracy, and capitalism, is hegemony over local community interests.
Contrary to the hyper scarcity and abundance that characterize capitalist and socialist
economies, we advocate an economy of scale that promotes self sufficiency, community
needs (such as health care), and a progressive social system that puts people
first. Mutualism and Syndicalism are promoted by some members.
See also
* 'Is National-Anarchism An Oxymoron? - National-Anarchism In A Nutshell'.
No. We believe in political, social and economic decentralisation. In other words, we wish
to see a positive downward trend whereby all bureaucratic concepts such as the UN,
NATO, the EU, the World Bank and even nation-states like England and Germany are
eradicated and consequently replaced by autonomous village-communities. However,
given that National-Anarchist communities will always be regarded by the Establishment
as some kind of fifth column - and, in all likelihood, infiltrated and crushed - it may be
necessary to migrate to areas which currently lie completely outside of Western
Fine. We have no problem with that. As long as they do not prevent us from occupying
our own space and land in which to live according to our own principles and beliefs.
Attempting to interfere with our way of life or seeking to prevent us from living in our own
anarchistic communities is fascist and authoritarian. We do not wish to persecute others
or bend them to our will. But if our opponents are not prepared to respect our freedom
and establish their own communities elsewhere, we will not hesitate to defend ourselves
The Capitalist System is dependent upon the constant acquisition of resources for its own
survival. In years to come, however, International Capitalism will slowly disintegrate in the
same way that the Roman Empire - which also specialised in expansionism and the
control of the periphery - finally collapsed under the weight of its own greed and ambition.
Therefore we must hasten its demise by encouraging revolution on the periphery and,
thus, depriving the urban centres of their valuable resources. Once we empower the
exploited peoples in the so-called Third World, we can finally slice off the tentacles of
Capitalism one by one until the very core of political and economic power is completely
eradicated. Destroy from within and create from without, that is the very essence of
But the centres of power are mainly in Europe and North America, so what will
become of the West?
Who cares! The whole concept of Western civilisation has been built upon exploitation
and greed. Moreover, it is an historical progression which has taken mankind away from
its primordial condition and led to the enrichment of the few at the expense of the many.
We will continue to forge links with other opponents of globalisation in the hope that,
eventually, we will become one of the makers and shapers of the developing anti-
Capitalist movement. So in this regard we extend the hand of friendship and co-operation
to all like-minded peoples both in Europe and around the world. For more information on
National-Anarchism, please contact us here.
You talk about race and someone said you’re Nazis, are you?
“Nazi” is a ubiquitous term to call a political opponent with usually no basis in fact. As a
matter of fact, National-Anarchists do not under any circumstances advocate the form of
government as represented by the National Socialist German Workers Party, the Third
Reich, Adolf Hitler, or Mussolini.
Certainly not. Our vision comes from a love of our own kind and a genuine respect for
others. This stance is totally at odds with racial hatred and is fundamentally based upon
the realities of self-determination for all peoples. Furthermore, we do not subscribe to a
white supremacist agenda or wish to enforce our worldview on others. National-
Anarchists are racial separatists and wish to build links with like-minded individuals and
organisations regardless of their racial or ethnic background. Racial miscegenation
endangers mankind in the same way that hunting and pollution threaten both the
environment and the animal kingdom. Together with our comrades around the world, we
are seeking to preserve the natural condition of humankind.
Not at all. These are issues which must be decided by those concerned, although we do
remain adamant that such practices remain outside of our own communities.
Certainly not. It's very convenient for people to say that National-Anarchism is just
'fascism' under another name; but we are definitely opposed to centralisation and
bureaucratic fascism in all forms. In fact the primary characteristic of National Anarchism
is its anarchism, not race. Our racial separatist position takes second place to our
anarchism, and is part of our anti-capitalist, anti-democratic, anti-liberal and pro-green
strategy. Therefore National-Anarchism is a unique form of anarchism: it is not racialism
dressed in anarchistic clothing.
Race is less important to National Anarchists than cultural and ethnic identity. All
communities have that identity. It is the basis of this identity that community, any
community, represents itself, whether consciously, openly, or unconsciously. Heritage is
something that people of all races should take pride in: it is the legacy we leave to future
So that means that to National Anarchism some races are better then others? It
means you advocate that some races are better others, don’t you?
No! National Anarchists recognize that races are different from each other and will always
be different from each other much like languages and culture. But no race is better, or
worse, than any other. For us, races have no inherent better or worse value in
We don’t think there is anything wrong with using criticism of liberalism regardless of the
source. Some of what Marx said about Capitalism was accurate but that doesn't mean we
have to become Communists, let alone Marxists (much like Marx himself!). In short
however, National-Anarchism and Fascist statism are completely incompatible. Although
some of the organisational and aesthetic components are appealing, they are strictly 20th
century developments and should stay in the 20th century.
Currently our networks are all over the world, some groups and some lone wolves,
although National-Anarchist supporters and activists in Britain can be found throughout
the entire country also.
A good place to start would be contacting us from our central website here, and one of
our activists will get back to you as soon as possible.
There are also social networks and forums that National-Anarchists participate in on the
web. See website for more information, also linked down the right hand panel of the
National Anarchism aims to change this; through community building with like-minded
people, through grassroots efforts, folkish socialism or distributism, and by turning our
backs on the system and its corrupt ways. Only after we stop looking to ‘The System’ for
support and protection, and start looking to our Community, can we then build a world far
National Anarchism aims to create intentional communities which are not only self-
governing, but selfreliant and are no longer dependent upon "government help," a term
we believe to be an oxymoron.
National Anarchism aims to build a homogenous society where our peoples' cultural
identity and the future of our children will grow unmolested.
National Anarchism is neither "Fascists" nor "Communists" but are instead the advocates
of a brave new Third Way being neither left nor right-wing. Fiercely opposed to Capitalism
and its bureaucratic and omnipresent State, we are advocates of a folk-centered agrarian
National Anarchism strives to build a new future and society wherein the fruits of our
labour will not be negated by the burdens of international Marxism and Capitalism; a
society or community wherein our people’s future will flourish and be secure.
* Facebook: National-Anarchist Movement (N-AM)
* Facebook: National-Anarchist Permaculture Information Network