The Gadgeteer 2.1
The Gadgeteer 2.1
The Gadgeteer 2.1
You gain the ability to double your gains from the loot table when the result is ink or ink-tech
scraps. As well as that, you can use two ink-tech scraps to make a Gadget; this takes two full
actions and you must roll on the gadget table to see what you create (see below).
The Gadgets take an action for you or your fellow Inkseekers to use. If someone uses a gadget
they did not create, they use it at disadvantage unless you've instructed them on its
- You can buy one scrap for 50 ink from a merchant house that you have a good
relationship with or from the Electrum Archive.
- You can find ink-tech scraps from loot and adventuring.
- You can trade a favor from a merchant house and / or another strong faction for six
pieces of ink-tech scraps.
Roll 2d20 and add the results together in a gadget (1 adjective + 1 item), the interpretation of
its use is then agreed between you and the GM.
1 Grappling Hook
2 Battering Turret
3 Intoxicating Launcher
4 Poisonous Ram
5 Blinding Chime
6 Deafening Goggles
9 Mounted Projector
12 Thermal Armor
13 Exploding Jetpack
14 Teleporting Dagger
16 Freezing Coin
17 Anti-Gravity Boomerang
18 Healing Envelope
19 Silencing Rifle
20 Gluing Wire
Fast Hands (Level 2 Feature)
Your nimble hands give you advantage on your speed checks and you do not suffer from the
surprised condition as long as you have two gadgets equipped.
You also gain the ability to repair your item to grant it a new use. This repair takes one full
action and costs 1 ink tech scrap. You can only repair an item twice before it needs full
repair. To execute a full repair you need to spend a long rest and two ink-tech scraps to be
successful, after which, it is as good as new (1 use).
You can alternatively visit a member of the Electrum Archive in towns where they are located
to have them perform the repairs for two scraps, this takes an hour to complete.
You are able to leverage your knowledge or Elder Tech to gain advantage on rolls to acquire
favor with Houses and Factions (for example: if you give away two gadgets or 6 Scraps of
Ink-Tech to gain a favor).
Additionally, if you gain favor with the Sun Bank you are able to exchange 1 scrap of ink-tech
for 50 ink as well as being able to do the reverse.
You also gain the ability to dismantle one of your gadgets to return 1 ink-tech scrap to your
Nimble Mind (Level 5 Feature)
You are now able to roll twice on the gadget table when you make a gadget and choose the
result, you also double the effectiveness of your gadgets (bombs go from 2d6 to 4d6 for
example) and any non explosive or self destruct items now have two uses instead of one before
they break. Repairs still only grant one more use.
Your knowledge of the Elders and your favorable connections mean that you are always aware
of the nearest exit, safe or not.
You also gain the ability to create a gadget in only one turn, twice per long rest.
Finally, with your GM’s approval, you can optionally expand the Gadget Table to include these
combinations as well :
To choose which table to use for the adjective and which to use for the item, roll a d4 with 1-2
being table 1 and 3-4 being table 2.
1d10 Adjective Item
1 Shattering Rod
2 Paralysing Bracelet
3 Sleeping Dart
4 Hallucinating Gas
5 Laughing Cloak
6 Terrifying Mirror
8 Reflecting Sword
9 Noiseless Shield
10 Telekinetic Flute
11 Expanding Sand
12 Vanishing Diamond
13 Flying Gauntlet
14 Trapping Ball
15 Invincible Beetle
16 Invisible Belt
17 Disguising Rope
19 Burning Boots
20 Ghostly Mask