Impact of Maize Seed Moisture Content Reduction On Germination Parameters As Influenced by Sun Drying
Impact of Maize Seed Moisture Content Reduction On Germination Parameters As Influenced by Sun Drying
Impact of Maize Seed Moisture Content Reduction On Germination Parameters As Influenced by Sun Drying
Received: 17 Jun 2023; Received in revised form: 13 Jul 2023; Accepted: 19 Jul 2023; Available online: 27 Jul 2023
©2023 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Abstract— When growing seedlings for commercial purposes, excellent seed quality is crucial. Seed
quality influences germination rate because seeds that sprout slower typically produce lower-quality
seedlings. In numerous plants, seed moisture content has a significant impact on seed germinating speed.
This study investigates the impact of various moisture content (MC) reductions on maize germination
parameters and determines the moisture content level essential for maize germination. A comprehensive
laboratory experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of five treatments
and three replicates. The treatment levels were maize seeds not sun-dried after collection (control), maize
seed sun-dried for 3 days, maize seed sun-dried for 6 days, maize seed sun-dried for 9 days, and maize seed
sun-dried for 12 days. Data were obtained on shoot length, root length, seedling length, germination
percentage (GP), germination energy (GE), mean germination time (MGT), and seedling vigour index
(SVI). All germination parameters were taken and calculated and the experiment was terminated two
weeks after planting (WAP). Results indicated that the control significantly (p<0.05) performed better than
other treatments for all the germination parameters. It was determined that maize with moisture content of
9.4% and below had low germination ability. This study concludes that the impacts of reduced moisture
content on maize's physical properties (quality, texture, shape), chemical composition (fat and starch
content), and biological characteristics (seed viability) resulted in the low germination ability of maize
Keywords— Germination parameters, maize seed, moisture content reduction, sun drying.
percentage was significantly reduced, this moisture was overlapping extrinsic and abiotic stimuli impacts
called critical moisture content. When there was no propagation success (Norgrove, 2021).
germination, it was called fatal moisture content (Patil and Maize is traditionally dried outside in the sun. To dry
Krishna, 2016). maize, lay the grains out on a mat and expose them to the
Maize deformation results from high moisture content in sun (Ntwali et al., 2021). Sun drying is an alternative and
storage. Maize is dried for planting in a variety of affordable method for smallholder farmers of reducing
traditional ways, including sun, hot air, and other methods. maize moisture content (Kaminski and Christiaensen,
In addition, maize seeds are damaged when dried at high 2014). Uneven moisture removal, exposure to insects,
temperatures (Nair et al., 2011). Drying seeds artificially rodents, birds, and dust, and failure to obtain an acceptable
requires removing extra moisture. Seed drying lowers moisture level due to a significant dependence on weather
respiration while also preventing seed quality from conditions are the method's drawbacks for sun-drying
deteriorating in storage due to microbial development and (Fudholi et al., 2010). However, this study investigates the
insect and mite activity (El-Abady, 2014). Maize seeds impact of various moisture content (MC) reductions on
lose moisture during drying, causing physical changes. maize germination parameters and determines the level of
Changes in mass, volume, density, colour, and porosity are moisture content essential for maize germination.
typically used to characterize physical changes in
cereal grains during growth or a decrease in moisture
content (Cârlescu et al., 2023). However, moisture-rich
maize should not be stored. Experimental Site
Germination is the process through which a seed or spore A comprehensive laboratory experiment was conducted in
grows into a plant following a period of inactivity (Wade the Agricultural Technology Department of Ekiti State
et al., 2016). Seed germination is a protrusion of the Polytechnic, Isan Ekiti. It is located in the rainforest
radicle from the tissue(s) enclosing it (Soltani et al., 2015). agroecological zone in southwest Nigeria. The laboratory
A seedling grows and develops during germination, a has a constant 220C temperature. The experiment was
physiological process that sets off a chain reaction of carried out between January 12th and February 7th, 2023.
biological and biochemical events (Khaeim et al., 2022; Source of Material
Poudel et al., 2019). Rapid water absorption by seeds
Improved maize variety (Mastrop 143) was collected from
during the imbibition phase of germination causes the seed
Sunbeth Global Concepts, Ondo State, Nigeria.
coat to stretch and soften at the right temperature (Fu et
al., 2021). The seed's internal physiological processes are Experimental Design
then triggered, and respiration begins (Itroutwar et al., This study consists of five (5) treatments. Ten (10) seeds
2020; Koornneef et al., 2002). Last but not least, the were planted per replicate which makes it thirty (30) seeds
cracked seed coatings enable the development of radicles per treatment as each treatment was replicated three times.
and plumules. This means that, as a result, it begins with In this study, the experimental design was completely
the dry, dormant seed absorbing water and ends with the randomized (CRD). The treatment levels were:
radicle emerging as a result of the lengthening of the
T1 = Maize seed not sun-dried after collection (Control)
embryo axis (Fu et al., 2021). Several coordinated
physiological and morphogenetic processes, such as seed T2 = Maize seed sun-dried for 3 days
energy transfer, endospermic nutrition absorption, and T3 = Maize seed sun-dried for 6 days
physiological and metabolic changes are all involved in T4 = Maize seed sun-dried for 9 days
this process (Nciizah et al., 2020).
T5 = Maize seed sun-dried for 12 days
Germination impacts maize yield and quality (Xue et al.,
2021). Plants develop fundamentally from a single seed For all the sun-dried maize, it was sun-dried for 7 hours
into a plant (Lara-Núñez et al., 2021). The interaction of between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm daily.
environmental variables and seed physiological conditions Planting and Cultural Practices
regulates germination (McCormick et al., 2016). Desiccators were used to store maize seeds not to absorb
Germination is influenced by temperature, light, and water moisture after sun drying. Maize seed was uniformly
availability (McCormick et al., 2016). Seed germination planted at 3 cm depth. Maize seeds were planted directly
reflects population size, distribution, and abundance in moisture containers containing sterilized loam soil and
(Khaeim et al., 2022). Seed physiological response to arranged on the slab in the Agricultural Technology
Laboratory. A maize seed was planted inside each
moisture container and water was applied every day. All the longer the sun-drying duration, the lower the moisture
germination parameters were taken and calculated and the content of maize seeds.
experiment was terminated two weeks after planting Table 1: Moisture Content of Maize Influenced by Sun
(WAP). Drying
Data Collections Treatments Moisture
Immediately after the collection of maize seeds, the Content (%)
moisture content was determined with a moisture meter
T1= Control (Maize not sun-dried after 14.6
before planting. The moisture content at every stage of
planting was also determined with a moisture meter.
Germination parameters were taken every 24 hours up to T2= Maize sun-dried
two weeks after planting. Data were obtained on plant for 3 days 12.0
shoot length (plumule), plant root length (radicle), seedling T3= Maize sun-dried for 6 days 9.4
length, germination percentage (GP), germination energy T4= Maize sun-dried for 9 days 6.9
(GE), mean germination time (MGT), and seedling vigour
T5= Maize sun-dried for 12 days 5.2
index (SVI).
• Plant shoot length was determined using measuring
tape in centimetres. Plant root length was determined Table 2 shows the impact of moisture content reduction on
with a measuring tape after uprooting the plant. The maize shoot and seedling length as influenced by sun
seedling length was obtained by combining plant drying. There were significant differences among the
shoot length and plant root length. treatments in root length. T1 had the longest root length
while T5 had the least. Significant differences in shoot and
seedling length occurred among the treatments. T1 had the
longest shoot and seedling length and the shortest was T5.
Table 2: Impact of Moisture Content Reduction on Maize
Shoot and Seedling Length as Influenced by Sun Drying
where n = Number of seeds germinated on each day, d = Treatments Root length Shoot length Seedling
Number of days from the beginning of the test, and (cm) (cm) length (cm)
N = Total number of seeds germinated at the termination T1 8.28a 7.22a 15.50a
of the experiment.
T2 7.70b 6.70b 14.40b
• SVI = Seedling Length × Germination Percentage
(Anupama et al., 2014) (4) T3 7.25c 6.16c 13.41c
Data Analysis T4 7.00cd 5.50d 12.50d
The data obtained on the germination parameters were T5 6.00e 4.45e 10.45e
analyzed statistically using Analysis of Variance. Data * Means followed by the same letter in the same column
were examined with SPSS version 21 and Duncan's are not significantly (p> 0.05) different as indicated by
Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was used to compare Duncan Multiple Range Test.
treatment means.
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