Scale 3107
Scale 3107
Scale 3107
Scale 3107
Analysis Modes
Cardinality 5 (pentatonic) Scale 3107: TICian
Pitch Class Set
Interval Structure
Forte Number 5-5
Generator none Scale 3601: WILian
Rotational Symmetry
Reflection Axes
Ridge Tones none
Palindromicity no Scale 481: DABian
Chirality yes 3.
Hemitonia 3 (trihemitonic)
Cohemitonia 2 (dicohemitonic)
Imperfections 3 Scale 143: BACian
Prime Form no 4.
Deep Scale no
Interval Vector <3,2,1,1,2,1>
Distribution Spectra <1> = {1,4,5} Scale 2119: MUBian
<2> = {2,5,6,9} 5.
<3> = {3,6,7,10}
<4> = {7,8,11}
Spectra Variation 4.4
Tonnetz Diagram
Saturation Vector <0.75,0.5,0.25,0,0.5,0.5>
Maximal Evenness no
Interior Area 1.433
Polygon Perimeter 5.217
Myhill Property no
Centrifuge Balance no
Propriety Improper
Coherence Quotient 0.2
Sameness Quotient 0.2
Heteromorphic Profile (17,3,32)
Hierarchizability (k = 2) 1
Hierarchizability (k = 4) 3
Maximal Area no
Ian Ring: An Exhausting Yet Necessarily Incomplete Study Of The Properties Of Musical Scales, Volume 2 © 2022
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