Unae Dpine 2023 0075 M
Unae Dpine 2023 0075 M
Unae Dpine 2023 0075 M
ASUNTO: Giving the exam to the student Joseline Azucena Intriago Chacón
De mi consideración:
Dear Omid, taking into consideration the student´s history and her request to take
lessons and the final exam of the subject “Principles and Theories of Language
Adquisition”, I guide you to take into account the following elements:
a. The student can take the knowledge validation exam since she officially
requested it.
b. She has been in contact with you as the subject teacher.
c. It is process regulated in the institutional (according to the national and the
institutional regulations).
d. You, as the subject teacher, must take the decison of what kind of exam the
student will take. I mean, she can take the same final exam of the current
students or you can create a new version of the exam.
d. You must let Joseline Azucena Intriago Chacón about the date and place of
the xam with anticipation.
e. Once Joseline Azucena Intriago Chacón takes the exam, you must send the
information (grading, scores, and final results) based on 10 points as the highest
score and 7.0 the minimum grade to pass). The information must be officially sent
by this way (memorandum). Besides the grade, you must specify very clearly if
the student passes or fails.
f. The final procedure lies on me, requesting the General Secretary to input the
grade into the system (SGA). We cannot do it since Joseline A. Intriago Cahcón
is not a regular student enrolled in the subject. As a result, they have to do it
manually but they must have all the pieces of evidence to support it.
Memorando Nro. UNAE-DPINE-2023-0075-M
- Oficio solicitud de la estudiante.pdf
- UNAE-CGAGP-2023-1805-M.pdf
- Correo PINE approval to take the subject as a student listener.pdf
- UNAE-DPINE-2023-0071-M Respuesta.pdf