Wre-Ii U1 Notes
Wre-Ii U1 Notes
Wre-Ii U1 Notes
¿ ×0.08=0. 122m
(c) Depth of water available in root zone
γd 15
¿ ( f c −w p ) d= ( 0.3−0.08 ) × 0.8=0.269 m
γw 9.81
2. Find the field capacity of soil for the following date: Root zone depth = 2m,,
Existing water content: 5%, Density of soil ¿ 15 KN /m3; water applied to soil =
Raghu Institute of Technology Dept. of CIVIL WRE-II Unit - 1
500m ; water loses due to evaporation and deep percolation: 10%, Area of
Q3. How do you find the time required to irrigate a growth area?
Let Q – Discharge in the field channel (m3 / s )
A – Area to be irrigated (m2)
d w - depth of water to be applied to bring the soil moisture content from wp
to f c
Ad w
Then time required ( t )= Q
( seconds )
¿ 100 1−[ ]
where y = Avg. numerical deviation of depth of water stored from avg.
depth (d) during irrigation.
It indicates about the depth of water at various places in the field, the
depth of water at any point in the field influences crop grouth.
vi) Consumptive use efficiency (ηcu )
wcu −Normal consumptive use of water
¿ ×100= root zone ¿× 100
wd Net amount of water depleted ¿
It represents loss of water by deep percolation and excess surface
evaporation following irrigation.
1. Water is to be supplied to a field having field capacity of 27% and
permanent wilting point of 13%. Find the storage capacity in 80cm depth
of soil, if dry density of soil has a sp. gravity of 1.5. If the irrigation water
is to be supplied when the avg. soil moisture is 18%, find the depth
required to be supplied to the field at an application efficiency of
80%.How much depth of water is to be maintained at the canal outlet if
the water lost in the water course is 15% of outlet discharge. (Punmia
a) Max. storage depth corresponds to available moisture
¿ . d . ( f c −w p )=1.5 × 80 ( 0.27−0.13 )=16.8 cm
b) When moisture level falls to 18%
¿ ×d ( f c −Moisture level )=1.5 ×80 ( 0.27−0.18 ) =10.8 cm
c) Taking application efficiency of 80% and field channel losses of 15%
Depth of water required for irrigation at field ¿ 0.8 =13.5
&Depth of water required at outlet ¿ 0.85 =15.9 cm
2. Given f c =30 % ; w p=11 % ; Relative density of soil = 1.3; Depth root zone
70cm. Daily consumptive use for crop = 12mm. Find the watering
interval, if for healthy growth of plant, the moisture content should not
fall below 25% of water holding capacity between the field capacity and
the wilting point. (Punmiam P.93)
Water holding capacity above wilting point ¿ f c −w p=30−11=19 %
Raghu Institute of Technology Dept. of CIVIL WRE-II Unit - 1
Optimum moisture content ¿ 30−
× 19=15.75 %
∴ Depth of water, d w = γ .d . ( f c −mo )=1.3 ×700 ( 0.3−0.1575 )
¿ 129.68 mm
Since daily consumptive use = 12mm,
Watering interval ¿ 12 ≃10.8 days ( ¿ be done every 10 days )
3. The consumptive use requirements of a crop are:
0.2 cm/day - for days 1-15
0.3 cm/ day - for days 16-40
0.5 cm/ day - for days 41-50
0.1 cm/day - for days 51-55
Expected rainfall over 10 days during the above crop period is 3.5 cm;
Presowing requirement: 5cm of water. Find the volume of water required
per hectare. (Punmia. P.92-93)
0.2 0.2 ×15 4 3
Days 1-15, water required ¿ 100 ×15 ×1 ha= 100 ×10 =300 m
0.3 4 3
Days 16-40 (i.e. 25 days) ¿ 100 ×25 ×10 =750 m
0.5 4 3
Days 41-50 (i.e. 10 days) ¿ 100 ×10 ×10 =500 m
0.1 4 3
Days 51-55 (i.e. 15 days) ¿ 100 ×5 ×10 =50 m
5 4 3
Presowing requirement ¿ 100 ×10 =500 m
Total 2100 m3
3.5 4 3
Rainfall during the above period ¿ 100 ×10 =350 m
∴ Net requirement of water ¿ 1750 m3
1) What are the principal crops in India?
2) Define duty and delta
3) Find out the ratio between duty and delta
Previous JNTUK Questions:
1) What are the factors affecting duty of water? (R13 MARCH 2017)
2) Define duty and delta and derive the relation between them(R13
3) A crop requires a total depth of water of 120 cm. Find the duty of water if
thebase period for the crop is 110 days. (R13 NOVEMBER 2016)
1. The base period, intensity of irrigation and duty of water for various crops
under the canal system are given below. Find the reservoir capacity if the
cultural commanded area is 40,000ha, canal losses are 25% and reservoir
losses are 15%.
Crop Base period(days) Duty at field Intensity of irrigation
ha/cumec (%)
Wheat 120 1800 20
Sugar cane 360 1700 20
Cotton 180 1400 10
Raghu Institute of Technology Dept. of CIVIL WRE-II Unit - 1
Rice 120 800 15
Vegetable 120 700 15
( )
γs 18−10.67
d w = . d [ f c −m o ] =1.3× 1.2×
γd 100
¿ 0.1187 m∨11.87 cm
Hence irrigation is needed whenever the depth of water consumed by
evapo-transpiration exceeds 11.87cm
a) Period 1 Nov-Jan3
Depth of water consumed by evapotranspiration
¿ 1.1× 30+1 .7 ×31+2.4 ×3=92.9 mm∨9.29 cm
Since 9.29 cm is < 11.87 cm, no irrigation water is required in this
b) Period after Jan 3
Rainfall between Jan 4 & 19th¿ 16 =1.5 mm/day
∴ Amount of water consumed in 16 days = (2.4 - 1.5) x 16 = 14.4 mm or
1.44 cm
Total water withdrawn from soil from 1/11 – 3/1 = 9.29+1.44=10.73cm
Balance left in soil of soil moisture = moisture level req – 10.73
= 11.87 – 10.73 = 1.14 cm or 11.4 mm
Time required by evapotranspiration ¿ 2.4 →rate∈ Jan =4 days
∴ Irrigation water is req. 4 days after rainfall i.e., 24 th Jan
Irrigation water supply dates: 24th& 25th Jan (2 days)
Raghu Institute of Technology Dept. of CIVIL WRE-II Unit - 1
Depth of water from first irrigation
= Total water withdrawn for 1st Nov till 25thJan
= 10.73 cm−¿ 1 Nov−17 th Jan+6 × 0.24=1.44
from 20th Jan – 25th Jan
Total = 12.17 cm
c) Irrigation requirement for 26/1 to 25/3
Water consumed between Jan 26 to Mar 25
¿ 2.4 × 6 ( ¿ Jan ) +1.5 ×28 ( ¿ Feb ) +3.5 ×25 ( ¿ Mar )=143.9 mm
Since this is > 118.7mm, irrigation water is required
Taking period from 26/1 to 28/2,
Water consumed = 2.4 x 6 + 1.5 x 28 = 14.4 + 42 = 56.4mm
Difference above dw = 118.7 – 56.4 = 62.3 mm
No. of days in which 62.3 mm of water is consumed by evapo-
transpiration (in March)
¿ =17.8 days ≃17 days
∴ 2nd irrigation is required
on 18th March
Required water depth = 143.9 - 118.7 = 25.2mm